19 February, 2025


Justice For Kamer! “Audi Alteram Partem” – It’s Unfair Too To Prejudge Him!

By Mohamed Harees –

Lukman Harees

“Do not judge and you will never be mistaken” ~Jean Jacques Rousseau

Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done, if the legal system is to retain the trust of society. One of the key principles of natural justice in law is “Audi alteram partem”- i.e. nobody should be condemned unheard. The logical extension of this principle is that everybody should be provided with legal aid to defend himself or herself in the court of law so as to prove his/her innocence. The presumption of innocence on the other hand, is a right that is intended to apply across all countries and cultures in the world, as a basic human right. Derived from the nature of things and natural state of affairs, the presumption of innocence, in connection with human behaviour, permeates and directs the principle of legality of all criminal legislation, substantive or procedural. Closely linked with and based upon the “presumption of innocence” is the “burden of proof“. The burden of proof is on the State to prove its case, not on the accused to prove his innocence and certainly not for the accused to prove his guilt. The notion that a person accused of a crime must be found guilty ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ is what is known as the ‘burden of proof’. 

It is rather unfortunate to note  to what extent these sacrosanct legal maxims were being widely violated and ignored in public space, very often even in the so-called advanced West. Clear example was seen few days ago, when Kamer Nizamdeen, a young lad hailing from Sri Lanka, who till then, had a bright future ahead of him, saw all his future hopes dissipating without any trace, when he was taken in by the NSW Australia Police allegedly on terror charges for having in his possession, a so-called notebook with details of terror targets involving both prominent political personalities and locations down under. (Earlier I thought it was a Computer Notebook given his IT background; but it was said to be a paper notebook). Both his family and his friends, began reeling in rude shock, when the news about this arrest reached them, with misleading headlines being splashed across most  dailies both local and international, feeling a sense of powerlessness against Media sensationalism at its’ worst. The unfair Press, with no concern to all these sensitivities, called Kamer various names and invented non-existent links, introducing incorrect and distorting headlines to add spice to the new-item, as they were hell-bent on selling their papers.  

Kamer Nizamdeen

Social media warriors too, joined the bandwagon and started carelessly making innuendos in the public domain about Kamer’s ‘terror’ connections and began copying and pasting biased Western Media news items, unfairly prejudging  Kamer Nizamdeen in the process, even before a fair and reasonable investigation is completed.  It was also not surprising that few Sinhala online websites in Sri Lanka too, well known for its’ anti-Muslim hate started its’ usual hate mongering process and harped on ‘unsubstantiated ISIS connections’ to sling mud not only on Kamer but also on his uncle Minister Faizer Mustapha too. The hate posts in the social media began making both unfairly and incorrectly, sweeping statements suggesting that Minister has been using his official clout  to bring pressure on the Aussie Govt. and sending lawyers from Sri Lanka, despite his clear interview to the Press recently that he will not be prejudging and will leave it to the Australian judicial system to take its’ course, although his family clearly believed that Kamer is innocent. Prejudice, they say, is a great time saver, where opinions are formed without having to get the facts. Some even suggested that Minister should be investigated too. Kamer has thus become guilty until proven innocent, a reversal of the above said classic American legal maxim, in the wider background of Islamophobia hate campaign working in full throttle both in the West and beyond where Islam is always the adjudged culprit.   

It is not the intention of this article to prejudge Kamer and clear him in the opposite sense at this stage until the investigations are completed, as it is unfair too. It is best left to the judicial process to judge him. However, as a part of human rights, every accused person has protected rights under international law and also under Australian laws. The rights of the accused rest on the wider concept of human rights which is recognized by the different religions throughout history and developed through protracted struggle and strife culminating in their contemporary manifestation in universal declarations and international instruments of human rights as well as in national constitutions of states. From what is known up to now, Kamer is being condemned without being given the benefit of ‘audi alteram partem’ and also without any access to legal aid or family visits. In this light, it is unfair for the general public to make him guilty based on what the Police said the possible reason for the arrest (notebook) and the sensational journalism which was woven around it, until investigations are completed and Kamer given an opportunity to be fairly heard. In fact, Police has revealed that Kamer does not have any criminal or terror track records and does not appear to be a person who is capable of committing heinous crimes.  

Kamer is known by the community for being an affectionate, open-minded, jovial person who enjoys the simple things in life, and values family and friends above all. As of now, both his family and friends  both in Sri Lanka and Australia, as well as his professional contacts have vouched for his exemplary academic/ professional and personal conduct and character which puts much doubt in the minds of unbiased public about these charges of terrorism levelled against him. Based on his track records, many feel that young Kamer has been framed while many others think that the charges are trumped up. Prominent educationist and his former school Principal Goolbhai Goonesekera also gave Kamer a good character certificate questioning the very rationale behind branding Kamer a ‘radicalised youth’- a charge which the NSW Police say they are inquiring into. There is also a public petition,  signed by few thousands going around in the social media, asking for speedy Justice for Kamer. Of course, it is prudent to leave the process of Justice to take its’ course, expecting fairness from those who inquire into these charges  or sit in judgement over him. But he should be given all legal avenues to prove his innocence. 

Besides, it is the height of injustice to this flamboyant youth that both the Media and many sections of the public has already made him a terrorist accomplice with connections to ISIS, referring to him as a lone wolf while also making innuendos of suspicious travel to terrorist prone destinations, when they refer to his travel to Sri Lanka and ‘many other places’, drawing war-torn areas in the ME in the minds of its’ readers. He has actually travelled only to the US apart from his motherland, to visit his extended family. Interestingly, ISIS has not come forward to ‘own him’ too either as they usually do, nor he has had any suspicious or terror past track records according to revelations from investigations to-date. In fact, many studies in the West, challenged the notions that terrorists are radicalised mainly online or that the process happens in one fell swoop. Many of the convicts confessed to having real-life terror-supporting networks, with whom they grew more radical over a period of years. So, it is very likely that a person with a credible personal profile of Kamer fits into the type of a person-profile, the investigators are charging him with. Thus, there is more to it than it meets the eye. 

True! Australia, like most other western democracies, did commit itself to an apparently endless ‘war against terrorism’. However unfortunate development has been that this ‘war’ has taken the shape of a pseudo-religious crusade, not just in Australia, but even in Europe and US too.  Ironically, Islamophobia has been playing a major part in their war against terror, making the whole exercise ‘a war of terror’ instead. Since September 11, 2001, great concerns for human rights have been voiced as the balance of normal criminal law application has been appallingly twisted. Interestingly, the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) of 1978 in Sri Lanka also provided the police with broad powers to search, arrest, and detain suspects. It was first enacted as a temporary law in 1979 under J. R. Jayewardene presidency, then made permanent in 1982. The government has detained people under the PTA with a range of backgrounds and histories. Although the law was specifically intended to prevent terrorism, many people with no connection to terrorism or to groups such as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have been arrested under its provisions. But most of those held without charge under the PTA were unknown to the outside world, generated no international outcry, and languished in prison for years. Therefore, those arrested under terror charges even with flimsy evidence, do suffer much injustice in the hands of the judicial process.  

It is a fact of life that the allegations have to be taken seriously and must be investigated. But, as law allows, it is imperative that Kamer will be provided with all avenues to prove his innocence and get the justice he deserves without much delay; thus at the end of the correct procedures and investigations, to be cleared of any wrongdoing. For those of us –the public, we should at least be fair to Kamer and his family by not prejudging him and branding him with various names and allude terror links based on hearsay and Media sensationalism spreading anti-Muslim prejudice, as the matter is still under investigation. As the public petition demands, let Kamer be given a fair hearing without delay and also access to legal aid and family visits as he is entitled to. Social media should be used responsibly and carefully without adding fire of prejudice to a sensitive matter which has already destroyed peace within families, and which has the dangerous spark of creating more mistrust between communities. Besides, this is the least we could do to a promising young man who has achieved much in his field , whose promising life has already been prematurely ruined in many ways. 

Whenever a law is laid down publicly, no matter by whom and for what because, it always comes with a sense of fairness. The notion of law is inherently fair in the sense that it could provide a basis for social fairness, but real life legal systems would always entail some unfair practices. Then the question left is how to make a real life legal system fairer? Unfortunately, there seems no simple universal solution for this question. However, people around the world have never stopped demanding the fairness of law in the past and they would certainly not do so in the future. This demand of fairness of law by the general public is one of the most meaningful forces for the improvement of fairness of legal systems around the world. As long as the general public would keep the fairness of law as a demand, efforts would be made through academic studies and education, resource allocation, and legislative actions to make the legal system around the world fairer and fairer. Hence the need to keep public pressure on, to demand Justice for Kamer. It may be Kamer today; it may also be our own son or daughter tomorrow who may feel similarly aggrieved due to unfairness of the law and the social environment around them; including an unfair Media whose brutal reach permeates into our families too. It is also apt to remember that judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who we are.

Latest comments

  • 21

    Do not worry he will get justice that he deserves. . Even if the Australian Federal Police had made a mistake and acted on prejudice, like in the case of Dr. Haneef. The Australian court system and judiciary are not and are very fair and act without prejudice. They have reversed many decisions , the federal/state governments or federal/state and other Australian Commonwealth departments and authorities have made and are not afraid to scathingly reprimand and chastise them. The system here is very robust and acts without prejudice. You will get some police officers who act with prejudice but they are generally found out and punished. Generally the Australian Police are very polite and nice to deal with.

    • 15

      Religion (Buddhism and Islam) has been weaponized through social media to Divide, Distract and push foreign agendas in Sri Lanka today and distract from the UNP-SLFP corruption racket or Jaraplanaya .
      Kamer story is also a Fake news story — as the Peace Corps. which is better called War Corp. sets up its intelligence operation in Sri Lanka.
      Latest Humanitarian Mission of Pacific Angel Marines and War corps is the American Corner in Matara to monitor China in Hambantota and spook elections!
      Attacks on Muslims in Kandy happened to protect US Puppet Ranil from being impeached for the Central Bank Bondscam, just as the PCOI report was released to distract us all. Those anti-Muslim riots and fake news was organized on Facebook.
      Check out book ” Cold War Monks” Buddhism and US Secret Strategy and role of Asia Foundation on how Buddhism was weaponized in South east Asian against communism and now Islam including Burma and Sri Lanka. Also the book “Cold War Mandarin” on Vietnam.

      • 4

        Right on! as Seth Jacobs wrote in. “Cold War Mandarin: Ngo Dinh Diem and the Origins of America’s War in Vietnam, 1950-1963”. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield )
        US citizen Gota is the Cold War Mandarin in Lanka today – in case MR wins again and Ranil loses.
        “Cold War Mandarin considers the US commitment to Ngo Dinh Diem from his first US tour to gain US support in 1950 through his presidency and death in 1963. Seth Jacobs believes this relationship holds the key to understanding the origins of the Vietnam War and the subsequent development of the conflict. He reasons Diem’s failure to establish a strong, inclusive democratic South Vietnamese government required an increased American military presence to bolster the regime. As this presence increased, the Vietnamese people started to perceive America as a new “colonial” power who had come to replace the French. This anti-American sentiment was stoked throughout the conflict with the US- driven delay of the Vietnamese unification elections promised by the Geneva Accords in 1954. It was an election their man, Ngo Dinh Diem, could not win. Taken together, these factors provided a strong impetus for continued indigenous support of the Viet Minh in the protracted conflict. For these reasons, Jacobs argues American commitment to Diem was the “most fundamental” decision of US involvement and the “most ruinous” US foreign policy decision (pp. 8-10).

    • 9

      You are correct. We have to admire Australian Police, unlike back in Sri Lanka where they tend to become puppets of politicians. None of us can judge him as we do not have evidence. Leave it to the professionals and stop the assumptions.

    • 7

      Mohamed Harees,

      RE: Justice For Kamer! “Audi Alteram Partem” – It’s Unfair Too To Prejudge Him!

      “Do not judge and you will never be mistaken” ~Jean Jacques Rousseau.

      Thanks for the balanced write-up. There are two outcomes.

      1. Kamer Found Not Guilty: EVEN in this case Kamer, has already paid a price, the relatives and friends has to put up with an unsubstantiated agony, inclusing St. Thomases College and Asian International School, the Sri Lankan Muslims in particular, Sri Lankans in general and Muslims in general. Who is going to correct and pay for this error and the damages?

      We all know about the Weapons of Mass Destruction farce of George Bush , and the excuse to invade Iraq. If you are not familiar with such allegations and whit-flag operation, the link is given below.

      Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, and lies.


      Despite this, Bush asserted peaceful measures could not disarm Iraq of the weapons he alleged it to have and launched a second Gulf War instead. Later U.S.-led inspections found that Iraq had earlier ceased active WMD production and stockpiling.

      2. Kamer Found Guilty: Were the charges planted? False-flag operation?


      A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

      • 5

        Mohamed Harees,

        RE: Justice For Kamer! “Audi Alteram Partem” – It’s Unfair Too To Prejudge Him!


        The brother of Nizamdeen, explaining the statements of the Police reported in the media, said that there was an attempt to mystify the public with vague statements.

        The NSW Police earlier allegedly found documents ‘containing plans to facilitate terrorist attacks’ and a notebook that named a number of locations and individuals as ‘potential targets’.

        Australian Federal Police detective superintendent Michael McTiernan said the charges laid against Nizamdeen were ‘serious and significant’.
        “At this stage there is a number of locations and individuals named in that document who are potential targets,” he told reporters on Friday.

        ‘From the documentation, we believe he would affiliate with ISIS,’ Detective Superintendent Mick Sheehy told the media hours after the arrest.

        If George Bush, the President of the UA and tony Blair, the Prime Minister of UK can lie on the WMD and Iraq, the Australian Federal Police detective superintendent Michael McTiernan, can certainly lie as well.


        On May 20, 2013, Snowden flew to Hong Kong after leaving his job at an NSA facility in Hawaii, and in early June he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, and Ewen MacAskill. Snowden came to international attention after stories based on the material appeared in The Guardian and The Washington Post. Further disclosures were made by other publications including Der Spiegel and The New York Times.

        • 1

          Mohamed Harees,

          RE: Justice For Kamer! “Audi Alteram Partem” – It’s Unfair Too To Prejudge Him

          This is Travesty of justice, but on a selective and a greater scale.

          Call for release of Sri Lankan student arrested in Australia on terrorism charges


          Nizamdeen’s friends and well-wishers the world over are circulating a petition for signatures seeking justice for him on the grounds that the suspicion against him is baseless.

          The petition, which got thousands of signatures on the very first day, pointed out that “the only evidence taken into account in Kamer’s circumstances was a notebook that was found at his old workstation (not found in his possession) which he had misplaced months ago. In it were notes related to terrorism that are not even in his handwriting”.

          The petition pointed out that “since then, he has been denied access to a lawyer as well as to his family and this continues to be the unfortunate status quo. Even as a mere suspect of an alleged crime, he has been stripped of his basic rights”.

          The media, both international and local have been extremely irresponsible in their coverage of this story, the petition pointed out regretfully.

          “Additionally, the media have purposely been vague as to his travel history. For instance, certain newspapers have falsely stated that he travelled to Tunisia which never took place, whilst some newspapers state he travelled to a range of areas whereas he only visited family in the US recently.”

        • 1

          Mohamed Harees,

          RE: Justice For Kamer! “Audi Alteram Partem” – It’s Unfair Too To Prejudge Him!

          ” It was also not surprising that few Sinhala online websites in Sri Lanka too, well known for its’ anti-Muslim hate started its’ usual hate mongering process and harped on ‘unsubstantiated ISIS connections’ to sling mud not only on Kamer but also on his uncle Minister Faizer Mustapha too. “

          ISIS are not Good Muslims


          For several years now, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria AKA ISIS AKA Daesh have established a brutal violent regime between Iraq and Syria. They claim to be building a new Islamic Caliphate, but many Sunni Scholars have pointed out that they really do not follow some key rules of Islamic law.

    • 2

      Real Siva Sankaran Rama the Dalit: No one cares about Tamils. they are where evcer they are act like coolies. Other than there sinister plots in the world against specific groups, Muslims and buddhists are those two groups. You protestants do not understand that.

      • 7

        Aruound 50% of the present day Sinhalese population are purely descended from Tamil Dalit coolies , who were imported into the island from South India by the Portuguese and the Dutch. This may be the reason that Sinhalese are very obsessed with Tamil Dalits and coolies, as they want to remember their ancestors and not forget them and want to associate every Tamil with their South Indian Dalit Tamil ancestors. You must be one them.

        • 0

          JD and Real Siva Sankaran Sharma,

          Want to know the historical facts?

          100% of the Sinhalese and Tamil population are purely descended from the Paras from India, mostly South India, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

          Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and with the Indian subcontinental populations


          Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.

  • 13

    Majority of Island political -Muslim or Islamist are connected to ISIS or other type of Islam political world . An even many Minister are affiliated to Islam extremist politics . That is there . That is how Islam penartered into preach of political line of religion in current world . Muslim of that Sri Lankan are toeing line of politics of Islam by funding from Saudi Arabian resources. That fact is true . Muslim are demanding and claim for Easter part of Province separate region of independence region .
    If he has no evidence against Deen he will be exonerated by law of justice.
    Justice cannot search of that politics truth of Islam in their mindset at all?
    That is impossible! We have see the clue of Islam connection by authorities

    • 9


      In even many Minister are affiliated to Islam extremist politics . That is there . That is how Islam penartered.

      Muhammad Ali He was forced to surrender his title and ban from boxing, then also jailed.

      He refuse to go to Vietnam. He went to jail for refusing to keep his military figure compulsion. During the Vietnam war Ali was required by law to serve, now Ali would not have to go to the front lines and shoot bullets or for killing.

      What did they do japan dropping Nuclear Bomb and silent the buddhist World.

      • 4

        Get your “facts right”.Nuclear Bond was not dropped to silence the Buddhist World..

        • 1

          Japan was rising if nuclear bomb was not dropped will other Buddhist countries join with japan

  • 12

    Set this innocent boy free now.

  • 9

    I am sure the Australian police wouldn’t have arrested him without any concrete evidence.

    • 7

      Upali ,

      “I am sure the Australian police wouldn’t have arrested him without any concrete evidence.”

      Use common sense.

      Would you say:

      I am sure that USA/UK wouldn’t have invaded Iraq without any concrete evidence. of WMD?

      Iraq and weapons of mass destruction lies.


      Despite this, Bush asserted peaceful measures could not disarm Iraq of the weapons he alleged it to have and launched a second Gulf War instead. Later U.S.-led inspections found that Iraq had earlier ceased active WMD production and stockpiling.[1

  • 5

    Comment by Sandar Aponso
    The innocent will not justified by but that how he look at democracy without political Islamism mindset and his outlook ..
    Key Issue is not confine to Sri Lankan, it is international related matter of fact .Understated that is borderless issue of Global Democracy. Our Island is heaven for many numbers of Terrorism that including Muslims ,Tamils and JVP terrorist

    • 10


      What about Rajafucksa state terrorism.
      Who was the god father for white vans
      Who killed innocent wasim thajudeen
      Who killed lasantha
      Who killed Ekneligoda
      Who killed Roshen and three innocent school boys of Ratyhupaswela.

      want more …..

      • 3

        …………………………….and a hundred schoolchildren of Kamburupitiya Maha Vidylaya and scores of unjustly imprisoned Tamils of Bindunuwewa camp.

  • 2

    Its’ ??
    Its = possessive form of it
    It’s = it is
    Sorry, I should be looking at the bigger picture but I couldn’t resist.

    • 2

      Spot on Tania! No such thing as Its’, just as much as no such thing as his’/hers’. Happy to see someone taking an interest in grammar.

    • 3


      You don’t have to be apologetic.
      It’s fine and indeed it’s useful for people like me those who are considered to be bit thick and fumbling with language.

      Please feel free to spell check, grammar check, fact check …………… in this forum everyday without fail.

  • 10

    Interesting to notice the miserable happiness of the majority community in Sri Lanks, forgetting that it was a Sri Lankan who was arrested, just because he was a Muslim.

  • 5

    The young man will be investigated and if found to be innocent – released . He should then sue the government of Australia for irrevocable damage to his good name , reputation., and career . Sadly, his all powerful uncle appears to be distancing himself from the lad , with a proxy announcing that he is his ” wife’s nephew ” .

    • 1

      that is not distancing.He is merely correcting the news item which said it was his nephew.I it was his sisters son then he is related to mustapha.In this case he is connected only to him.That is what he is pointing out.No harm done.

  • 1

    ‘……………………………..a so called notebook of terror targets……………………………………………………”
    Who, in his right mind, will compile such a list, for what purpose, is the question to be pondered by the Australian judiciary.

    The author has drawn attention to the PTA and rightly so……………………………..even now, the state is reluctant to annul it in its entirety.
    Hundreds detained by Gotabaya the Enforcer of PTA have disappeared without trace.
    Some still are alive as “political prisoners”.
    Gotabaya is now a possible presidential candidate !!

  • 5

    Staements like “when Kamer Nizamdeen, a young lad hailing from Sri Lanka, who till then, had a bright future ahead of him, saw all his future hopes dissipating without any trace, when he was taken in by the NSW Australia Police allegedly on terror charges for having in his possession, a so-called notebook with details of terror targets involving both prominent political personalities and locations down unde.” are ridiculous.
    They go to show the ‘persecution complex’ Sri Lankan Muslims are suffering from. For them (for writers like Harees) they are always the victims. They are ‘whiter than white’.
    The reality is that the man has been caught with some suspicious material and the law will take its course. The evidence will be examined to see whether they are incriminatory.
    This ridiculous campaign based on what a nice boy he has been, whose grandson he is and whose nephew he is or, character certificate from his school principal are not relevant at this stage of legal proceedings. It is the evidence that matters.
    It must also be noted that most ISIS activists have background similar to these and they don’t publicise their intentions openly.
    So the Sri Lankan Muslim brotherhood needs to shut up and allow the legal process to take place.

  • 3

    Statements like “when Kamer Nizamdeen, a young lad hailing from Sri Lanka, who till then, had a bright future ahead of him, saw all his future hopes dissipating without any trace, when he was taken in by the NSW Australia Police allegedly on terror charges for having in his possession, a so-called notebook with details of terror targets involving both prominent political personalities and locations down under.” are ridiculous and useless.
    They just go to show the ‘persecution complex’ Sri Lankan Muslims are suffering from. For them (for writers like Harees) they are always the victims. They are ‘whiter than white’. They should ask the question, “Why should the Australian police just arrest and innocent boy like him”?
    The reality is that the man has been caught with some suspicious material and the law will have to take its course. The evidence will be examined to see whether they are incriminatory or not.
    This ridiculous campaign based on what a nice boy he has been, whose grandson he is and whose nephew he is or, character certificate from his school principal are not relevant at this stage of legal proceedings. It is the evidence that matters.
    It must also be noted that most ISIS activists have background similar to these and they don’t always publicise their intentions to their family and friends, or openly.
    So the Sri Lankan Muslim brotherhood needs to shut up and allow the legal process to take place.

    • 4

      The writer is not saying Kamer is innocent. He also says the law should take its course. The problem is the media has made him guilty until he is proved innocent with their sensational headlines and links.

      As regards the legal process, the law is not fair as it has not given proper heading to Kamer, no legal access and kept in confinement without family visits. This is denial of natural justice.

      If can be your child next time..
      Please read his article properly without jumping like a monkey.

    • 2

      It looks that there is some hatred against Sri lankan muslims from the west. Is it for Wahabis, I do not think so, or is it for Shiites ?

  • 5

    The writer is not saying Kamer is innocent. He also says the law should take its course. The problem is the media has made him guilty until he is proved innocent with their sensational headlines and links.

    As regards the legal process, the law is not fair as it has not given proper heading to Kamer, no legal access and kept in confinement without family visits. This is denial of natural justice.

    If can be your child next time..
    Please read his article properly without jumping like a monkey.

  • 6

    Lukman is trying subtly justify Kamer terrorism. This creepy terrorist is only one of thousands who’s got caught red handed, and right now, there are thousands of Muslim terrorists roaming the the streets of Sri Lanka. Some so called Muslim terrorists in Sri Lanka have got killed in the Middle East.
    Recently, ex-LTTE members who have been rehabilitated claimed that Muslim politicians have weapons. So it’s time Sri Lankan government adapt a tough “Prevention of Terrorism Act” to combat growing Muslim problem in Sri Lanka. The rumour is Muslim politicians tell cabinet secrets to ambassadors and high commissioners of Muslim countries.

    • 6

      Are you serious?. This writer is not saying Kamer is innocent. It is clear that he says the law should take its course from the article .Please refer the heading of this article. No one should be condemned until he is given an opportunity to be heard. no legal access and access to family visits?. This is denial of natural justice.

      Remove your coloured glasses and read this article properly

  • 4

    It’s time to strip Muslim extremists’ Sri Lankan citizenship and deported them to their native South India along with Badudeen and Hakim.

  • 5

    Was he too smart ?????????????????????????
    There is no smoke without a fire………………..

    No speculation. Just leave it here for the Australian police to handle.
    Time will tell.

  • 7

    This is unfortunate but he is presumed innocent until he is found guilty in a court of law. I do feel for the family.
    The silver lining in this is that he is not charged in Sri Lanka where the whole system is corrupt where the medical officer certifies a murder as an accident and the courts decide based on wishes of politicians and not the rule of law.
    He is also lucky as the family has enough resources to get him proper representation. So lets wait and see.
    He is a young kid with a bright future so do say a prayer for him and his family.

  • 4

    I have my doubts about the Australian Police from what I hear, not from my brown friends but from my white friends, according to them there are clear cases of abuse of power, so it is the best that this young man’s parents hire the best HR lawyer they can afford or cannot afford on his behalf..

    • 7

      As a true son on the Sinhala Bauda State I don’t think you have the luxury of criticizing the Australian police or the Judiciary when you have suspected persons arrested for terrorism and have been in jail for over 20 years and still not been charged.

      I feel for this boy and his family and hope he will walk out a free man.

      • 3


        wannihami suffers from many things.
        However amnesia is not one of them.
        Selective amnesia is only a good cover, so he thinks.

      • 1

        I Agree with the BUTT HEAD Cartoon character. All the surviving suicide bombers and Black tigers thanks to the Army finishing the war are innocent political prisoners now Tamils are signing a different tune.

        • 0

          You sure you understood what you read before you agreed. I doubt it.

  • 3

    Ameer Ali: I think Wahabis are prosecuted if they are trying to be violent and other muslims are prosecuted, if they are smart and are good in climbing the social ladder.

  • 4

    Please don’t condemn anyone. Have you heard anything call “Jealousy”. There is a possibility that someone framed him because of Jealousy. Very soon Australian Police will find out whether he is a terrorist or someone framed him because of “Jealousy”.

    • 0

      Notes on a paper notebook, heard of handwriting experts for openers

  • 0

    Every country has its share of bigots. Bigots are not clever and are easily identified from their stupid comments. We have our share as can be seen in the comments.
    The Australian arrest was off the name. The offence comes later. This is clumsy.

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