By Raashid Riza –
There was a protest that took place yesterday by a group of Sri Lankan Muslims in Britain outside the Sri Lankan High Commission in London mostly regarding the spate of anti Muslim activities that have been occurring in Sri Lanka. But in this instance what the group responsible for yesterday’s protest sought to achieve is unclear, what is pointedly obvious is the blatant incongruence between what they did and what they thought its influence would be. The very premise of having any such protest is not just questionable, but can create a cycle of many political unknowns. There are significant issues that the Muslim community in Sri Lanka currently faces, their plight is most depressing and worrying, as I have highlighted here. But knee jerk reactions to or exploitation of a genuine plight to gain isolated political mileage is not the prudent way to operate.
As any other Lankan Muslim Londoner, I am as familiar with the Sri Lankan Muslim Diaspora, the numerical minority and the politically weakest of the three Sri Lankan ethnic Diaspora groups in London. And it beggars belief as to what would have led to the said group deciding to protest outside the Sri Lankan High Commission in London. I argued here a few years back that there is a significant structural disconnect between some parts of the strategies of the British Tamil Diaspora and the genuine needs of the Sri Lankan Tamil people whose plight we must all sympathise with. If this trend isn’t stymied and nipped in the bud, there is a very fair chance that the Lankan Muslim Diaspora in Britain would suffer the same fate and alienation that sections of the Tamil Diaspora have suffered. This would not just result in loss of authority and negotiating power (which for the Muslims in London is currently hardly existent anyway) but would indeed cause damage to the Lankan Muslims in Sri Lanka, the very Muslims that they claim to represent.
Protest is certainly a beacon of democracy that needs to be put into good use, I am not doctrinally against the principle of protesting outside embassies, indeed I was amongst those who marched to the Israeli embassy in London off Kensington High Street on a cold spring morning in 2010 when the Marvi Marmara and the Gaza flotilla were attacked.
The role of the Diaspora is extremely important, the monetary and intellectual power they hold, not to mention the electoral influence they have upon their elected representatives in British electorates can be used to good effect. But the fundamental matter that has to be understood, which sections of the global Tamil Diaspora failed miserably in understanding, is that the whims, strategies and the dictates of the Diaspora must never supersede the needs and political intonations of the local peoples they claim to represent, in this instance the Sri Lankan Muslim community living in Sri Lanka, which to the overwhelming vast majority is still very much the parent community. If there was a coordinated effort by the Sri Lankan Muslims on the ground and the Lankan British Muslim Diaspora and the protest was a reconciled act by both parties, then that could have been lauded. But on this occasion, such is not the case and this was indeed repudiated very wisely by the National Shura Council, the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka in this statement and this video statement by NM Ameen.
In the case of the Tamils there were flagrant issues of racism and ethnic violence with the connivance of the then Sri Lankan Government that resulted in the deaths, humiliation and damages to property in the riots of 1983, not to mention the serious known and unknown figures of Tamil civilian casualties towards the end of the war in 2009. But Muslims in Sri Lanka have not faced such a situation and such a situation can be avoided only by political and social prudency. Of course it is without a shadow of doubt that the Bodu Bala Sena and Buddhist extremists in general running amok against Muslims and other minority groups, in their coordinated attacks, have powerful figures sympathetic to their actions, this is evident in how law enforcement authorities watch impotently as the monks behave in such brazen vulgarity, but unlike in 1983 where large swathes of Sinhalese got involved in the violence, the actions of the BBS are not widely appreciated by the Sinhalese community at large and it must be stated that the actions are indeed carried out by a group of rebel monks and not necessarily Sinhalese lay embittered by the Muslims they around them. It also needs to be mentioned that the reactions of the Sinhalese towards other minorities, particularly the Tamils was in the context of an ongoing ethnic conflict. Not that the former is excusable, but the actions of the BBS and others of similar ilk are executed when the country is not in a state of emergency, at least based on ground realities. Again, it must be stressed that this is not a condemnation of protest, nor am I a flag bearer for this government that has allowed lawlessness to reach such giddy heights, but it is the timing and astuteness of this exercise that has to be reflected upon.
Strategically it laughable to expect that this is going to make the Sri Lankan Government look towards the local Muslims with renewed respect and concern, indeed the danger is that the opposite of that could be true. What is also amusing is to look in bewilderment as to the extent of the power parts of the Sri Lankan British Muslim community perceives it wields. Furthermore, with due appreciation of the fact that Lankan Muslims settling in London took place in smaller numbers and very much after Tamils and Sinhalese established themselves there, the Lankan Muslim Diaspora in Britain is quite backward compared to the other two groups in many social standard indices. Not to in any way sound elitist, but a look at our educational standards, the percentage of us who are above the British average household income, and the percentage of us whose social movements aren’t influenced by the insularity of our own community in reference to the Sinhalese and Tamils are indices that should be taken seriously if an honest discussion and measure on political influence and power is to be gauged. It must be noted that, to borrow a computing phrase, this is a zoomed out view of the three communities, when you zoom in there are indeed Lankan British Muslim families and thereby pockets of social circles who can and should exert influence on the political centre in Colombo.
Politically, the problem with trying to fly so high too young is that you expose yourself to predators who can significantly curtail your growth and development. If the actions of the Diaspora results in further damage to the political standing of Muslims in Sri Lanka, not only should they shoulder the blame but as we Muslims say in private amongst ourselves, they are answerable to Allah if in case their motives weren’t purified.
It is not my place to question the integrity or sincerity of the intentions of those behind this exercise and I certainly will not, on the contrary I am sure they acted in the way they best saw fit. But as someone who relates to the British Lankan Muslim community as much as one who does to the Sri Lankan Muslim community in Sri Lanka, and with the conscious understanding that the social threats to Muslims in Sri Lankan far outweigh those of the former, the political maturity of this act has to be interrogated.
Rather, the Lankan British Muslim community should have built coalitions with their Sinhalese and Tamil counterparts, and acted towards a holistic national cause questioning the damages caused by lawlessness, the cancer that is corruption, nepotism, cronyism and political suppression of minorities in general. This may come across as political first principles, but for a Diaspora community only just establishing itself politically, these matters need to be borne in mind. Working with Sinhalese and Tamil Diaspora groups in London, I can say with a certain degree of authority that Muslim representation in the upper echelons of collective Lankan British Diaspora has room for improvement, of course this is from the interactions I have had and another may have a different tale. I am conscious that there are frictions in building coalitions and that this is easier said than done. But in the same way that the local Muslims will best further their political agenda when they work in tandem with the Sinhalese and Tamil communities, to bring to account probably what is the most corrupt and unpatriotic government in post Independence history, the Lankan British Muslims will best achieve even a scintilla of success only when they work together with the others. They risk being politically burned out far too early if they do not, and that will be to the detriment of the collective Muslim political cause as a whole, Lankan Muslim Diaspora groups have a lot of potential to power Muslims in Colombo and that potential has to be used with responsibility, or as elders in the Muslim community would say, consider it an amaanah.
The localised context has to be understood first before ramifications of protests are to be made in London. The connection between the parent community and the diaspora has to give birth to an understanding as to how this matter should have been approached. The actions of the Tamil Diaspora vis a vis local Tamils would prove to be a good case study, the mileage they gained, the sound calls they made and the errors they committed. Having already had a precedent of another Diaspora of an oppressed community and how they negotiated political upheavals makes it easier for the Muslim community in that they can avoid much of the trial and error that the Tamils inevitably had to engage in, and therefore mistakes once done by another community can be averted. There is a risk that actions of the Muslim Diaspora can adversely impact the local Muslims and that must absolutely be understood.
This is a significant error of judgement on the part of sections of the Lankan British Muslim community in London and I am both thankful and relieved by the political astuteness of the Sri Lankan Muslim civil society groups based in Sri Lanka who have swiftly distanced themselves from this sad manifestation of political myopia.
*Raashid Riza is the Politics & Society Editor of The Platform. He blogs here and tweets on @aufidius.
Thiru / May 6, 2014
Raashid Riza
is a guy who tries to appease the Sri Lankan racist rulers as if he can regain the Muslims’ rights this way: Foolish thinking; Muslims back home have realized this now, especially the young educated and politically conscious ones, while the old corrupt ones stick to the government like leeches for personal benefits.
Muslims have been appeasing the Sinhala rulers for decades and helped immensely with the war against Tamils, and what have they got for their loyalty to the authoritarians? Sinhala rulers have used the Muslims like curry leaves and thrown them out when the Tamils are cooked.
Tamil diaspora is not desperate as he thinks; they are being heard by international powers.
Muslims; as usual don’t wait till the last moment when Tamils get a political solution, and then jump in saying we too need a solution?
If you don’t struggle you don’t get anything: Nobody will give your rights on a platter; Stop appeasing!
Native Vedda / May 6, 2014
“If you don’t struggle you don’t get anything: Nobody will give your rights on a platter; Stop appeasing!”
How would you want them to struggle, with arms and end up in a Muslim Mullivaaikkal?
Why don’t you throw some specific ideas rather than inviting the globalised Jihadists to deal with Gota’s state.
Thiru / May 6, 2014
Native Vedda,
Freedom comes with a price, and Tamils have paid immensely for 66 years and still paying but we want freedom just like the Sinhalese.
Mullivaaikkaal is not the end – it is the beginning of the third stage of struggle for freedom for Tamils: Struggle is in the international stage where Tamil diaspora is a stake holder. Is Sri Lanka going to be allowed to commit more genocide of Tamils like what Nazis did to the Jews?
Give us freedom or give us death – kill us all if that’s what the Sinhala rulers want. Maharajapakse, Gota-paiya and all the sobs will one day end up like Saddam Husein and Gaddafi.
If Muslims want to play hide and seek, let them do it – good luck to them.
Native Vedda / May 6, 2014
You haven’t answered my question which is:
Why don’t you throw some specific ideas rather than inviting the globalised Jihadists to deal with Gota’s state.
Thiru / May 6, 2014
It’s not for me to say how the Muslims must struggle for their rights and freedom to live their lives. The onus is on Muslims to decide how they should fight: Sri Lankan Muslim diaspora in the UK has taken the first step in their struggle via a demonstration; I support their democratic peaceful struggles.
We should not belittle their effort like what the author does.
I didn’t invite any jihardists: It’s your own words, which I reject.
If you have any ideas please direct to the Muslim community yourself.
Lasantha / May 6, 2014
Native Vedda,
I think Thiru is quite right here.
The bottom line is both MR and Gota are mere uneducated, uncultured and uncivilised self centered magalomainac lunatics.
Infact of listening to the messangers, advisers and wisemen, they either replace them with their goons or simply murder them.
They repeat the same what VP did and the only language they understand is Rule by Supression, intimidation and through Violance.
Starting from Jailing Gen.SF to impeaching and replacing CJ S.B.
to media supression, to even challenging UNHRC showes their mindset.
Rajapakses don’t understand what is Democracy, Compromise, negotiations and rule by law.The only language they understand is “Medamoolana Docrine” “Game Chandiya” and for that tey risk the whole country. BBS their latest introduction.
This is what happens when a Monkey is given a crown and a Hand Grenade.
When there’s no justice, ther will be no peace.
Hope you understand.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
“The bottom line is both MR and Gota are mere uneducated, uncultured and uncivilised self centered magalomainac lunatics.”
Education in the conventional sense has nothing to do with human decency nor wisdom.
Democracy does not mean tyranny of the majority.
SWRD Banda was educated at Oxford yet that stupid man unleashed all those Sinhala/Buddhist nationalist repressive forces against the minorities and punished them with Sinhala only language policy.
Colvin, Dr NM, Pieter Keneman, Felix Dias Bandaranayake and other highly educated politicians not only drafted the 1972 constitution, changed the name of the this island without seeking consent of the people at a nationwide referendum. That was wrong, weren’t they all educated.
JR, Athulath Mudali, Gamini and other highly educated men did what they could do to dismantle democratic institutions replacing them with institutions suitable for a semi dictatorship. Under their leadership Jaffna library was burnt down and no one took responsibility for the uncivilised act of arson.
Those state institutions were built and are being build around the idea of majoritarian rule. The nation building process went on for the past 66 years.
MR clan uses it to its advantage whereas those state institutions were already in place by the time MR was elected president.
Unless Thiru, You, Ben and others look at the ways in which to replace the current state structure with modern, liberal, democratic, accountable institutions things on a slippery slope.
Sinhala/Buddhists believe since they are the majority they could do anything they wish, including abuse of power, abuse of minority rights, corruption, …………..
Dayan too is highly educated and comes from a civilised and cultured family. Do you want me to believe, he is a decent chap?
whywhy / May 7, 2014
Good one.You have blasted both the major stake holders,
the SLFP and the UNP,I am in full agreement.Yet again,
what’s the solution?Sinhala leaderships are successful
in misleading their own people by dividing communities
apart from each other in the name of historic,ethnic,
cultural and religious rivalry and diffarences,taking
democratic rights and number play into their advantage.
Only a genuine Sinhala patriot leader who can publicly
declare that,he’s neither a Sinhala nor a Muslim or
Tamil where democratic rights of any one is challenged.
The problem I find is,democracy is what all these stupid
leaders and their stooges are targeting almost every day.
Burning_Issue / May 7, 2014
I think that time is ripe for those Sinhala who aspire for a just nation to get organised. The Tamils cannot do this on their own. The Muslims protest because they are being affected. The Tamils have been protesting (LTTE link or otherwise) because their kith and kin are under direct onslaught. The Sinhala are bewildered; they wanted the LTTE defeated at any cost but they have ended up with bunch of cut-throats who are in it for themselves.
Unless there is a unified opposition, there is no way that this dreaded regime can be defeated. The big question is how to unify various communities in opposition? The Sinhala must take the lead; I see no indication that they have the capacity to organise. They are affected by a spurious propaganda that the world is conspiring against the Sinhala Buddhists; this is not limited to the Sinhala village folks; the urban educated Sinhala Buddhists too fell victim to such canard. MR knows this very well; it is in his interest to prolong such a status quo! Can anyone suggest a way forward?
Spring Koha / May 8, 2014
Oh I say Native Vedda, you have let fly with both barrels. I (and I dare say many others) will agree with all you have said. There is indeed no proven correlation between learning and decency. Apropos the matter in hand, I would suggest the best advice we can give our Muslim brethren is that their community leaders UNITE in the face of this relentless and shameful campaign against their rights and their basic dignities. Indeed all people of goodwill must act loud and clear to defeat these evil people before the packed car bombs go off and our garden city resembles Damascus.
Amarasiri / May 7, 2014
“The bottom line is both MR and Gota are mere uneducated, uncultured and uncivilised self centered magalomainac lunatics.”
Listen to Anura Dissanayake’s Speech – He concurs.
JVP May Day Rally 2014 – Anura Dissanayake’s Speech
Published on May 2, 2014 JVP May Day Rally 2014 – Anura Dissanayake’s Speech
Javi / May 6, 2014
From the time of the Henry V111 the Muslims are known never to keep a truce. Thiru is right- lesson of experience put to practice.
The partition is one such truce.All India’s wars and backwardness is due to the Muslim problem it was born with.
The Jihadist or Saudi Arabia doesn’t give refuge to the Palestinians but the very Europeans they fight with.
Nana thoppi peratu is their one speciality and the other is conversions and excessive breeding.
If the Tamils stop negotiating with the Muslims in Tamil language then BBS would do wonders for the Tamil cause easing.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
“Nana thoppi peratu is their one speciality and the other is conversions and excessive breeding.”
You too have a very short memory.
Tamils and Sinhalese have had a fair share of their thoppi Piraties. Half of the current parliamentarians and ministers are pretty good thoppi preties. The list would be endless.
From CWC Thonda, GL, Douglas, Weerawansa, …………… VP,Karuna, Pillayan, Suresh Premachandran, Dayan,………….. to many thousands ordinary people have elevated Thoppi peratu to an art form.
If you are caught between devil and the deep blue sea you are compelled to marry the former as survival demands. Does it mean the very act of survival is Thoppi Peratu?
“If the Tamils stop negotiating with the Muslims in Tamil language then BBS would do wonders for the Tamil cause easing.”
Those who suffer under the state or the victims of it must sit together and talk irrespective of their race, religious affiliations, regional differences.
Javi / May 8, 2014
I dont believe for one moment anyone is going to sit and talk – only bana katha.
All need a kick up their backside because they like being ruled than rule.
Rationalist / May 7, 2014
“Nana thoppi peratu is their one speciality and the other is conversions and ‘excessive breeding’.”
What occupation/pastime do Muslim women have except “excessive breeding”?
Amarasiri / May 6, 2014
Dear Raashid Riza –
RE: Lankan Muslims In London And Political Myopia
“This is a significant error of judgement on the part of sections of the Lankan British Muslim community in London and I am both thankful and relieved by the political astuteness of the Sri Lankan Muslim civil society groups based in Sri Lanka who have swiftly distanced themselves from this sad manifestation of political myopia.”
Good article. They need to be educated in Islam and Politics. Ask them to Join the JVP.
JVP May Day Rally 2014 – Anura Dissanayake’s Speech
Looks like some UK Muslims were Myopic and effected or influenced by the Crazy Muslims running around UK claiming to be Muslims, when in facts they follow the Devil, Sahaitan. Ask them to protest against Darwin and the theory of Evolution, that claim that they came from Monkeys.
They are influenced by the Wahhabi, who follow the Devil Shaitan.
The Wahhabi attack primarily other Muslims, who do not follow their Wahhabi Creed . Their Victims are Shia, Ahamadedi and Sufi Muslims.
Ask then to protest Against the Wahhabi who do not Follow the Prophet”s Islam.
Saudi Prince Alwaleed and his wife Interview – the Charlie Rose
ela kolla / May 6, 2014
all of a sudden every [Edited out] muslim tom, dick n harry have started puttting up stories to get sympathy. all these donkeys scream and say that they get harrased to get sympathy. you jokers, go get a life.
Navin / May 6, 2014
The creature that gave birth to this excrement the Kolla should never have strayed into the path of Gnanasara to be raped. Kolla, you can see in the mirror the product of the rape.
Leelawathie / May 6, 2014
Yes Ela kolla is one of [Edited out] that Ghanasara may have added to the society… else, I cant know any reason why him to defend BBS again and again.
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
i can’t see a reason why leelawatie defends muslim unless there is a blood relation to these stinky muslims
Leelawathie / May 7, 2014
This alone shows how racial you and your ilk have been.
I dont need to check my DNA to see my ethnic purities.
But I simply hate anyone that feel above the other. We are human beings, regardless of the race, religion or skin colour.
At the time, the poor girl Rizana was beheaded – I also equally fought my own way to pass the message across the globe, had the lanken govt adequately provided the parties with the due – hers could have been saved.
So, Elaa kolla, you should have the blood of Jarapakshes to leave this kind of comments, learn you and your ilk first before making any efforts to criticise others. Get well- I have been fighting for anyone^s rights violations – that is my life motto.
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
leelawathie, get you pedigree checked and you will die after crying
Afzal / May 6, 2014
Ding Dong Ela! that must must be hurtful, link you to that ugly man gandasara. By the way it’s not harry it’s Hari (like singhala word hari)
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
afzal, i know it”s hurtful for you to see muslims being hated all around the world. it’s not your fault but the people who [Edited out]
whywhy / May 7, 2014
In the UK,one sandwich chain has decided to rid their
185 outlets of ham and bacon and add halal sandwich.
Muslims being hated all around the world?The world
needs Muslims more than ever before but you can not
see it from your world from which,there’s no exit!
Why was Gaddafi out of this world?Because the world
is in need of Libyans.Why was Saddam hanged?The world
needed Iraq.Why is the battle still on in Afghanistan?
The same answer!Why not the same thing in the paradise
yet?You better find the answer from your own tiny
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
mavin [Edited out], i know truth hurts when it’s said that stupid muslims trying seek sysmpathy of the world…are your parents still living to see your miserable face?
roy / May 7, 2014
Ela koluwa, go and kiss Gnanasra’s armpit!
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
Roy [Edited out]
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
roy, i thought you were disabled
Amarasiri / May 7, 2014
ela kolla and avatars,
Did you return to Habaraduwa?
A Monk in Habaraduwa gives proper education.
Amarasiri / May 7, 2014
ela kolla and avatars,
Did you return to Habaraduwa? A Monk in Habaraduwa gives proper education.
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
amASSiri the [Edited out]
ela kolla / May 7, 2014
amASSirir, pope will make u happy in the bed
Leelawathie / May 8, 2014
you are the born pervert and so are Rajapakshes.
Go and have check on your birth accuracies. Surely, if your parents were decent enough, your behaviours would not have ended up in this way. You are simply a curse for CT readership, perhaps to entire beings.
ela kolla / May 9, 2014
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Amarasiri / May 8, 2014
ela kolla and avatars,
“amASSirir, pope will make u happy in the bed”
It is not in the Cannon Law.
Did you return to Habaraduwa? can take Bus 134 from Colombo. A Monk in Habaraduwa gives proper education.
ela kolla / May 9, 2014
amASSiri, have your wild dreams fulfilled with pope [Edited out]
Riyaz Ahmed / May 6, 2014
What I see from your biased writing is that you had no idea what was going on except the fact that you got in to the demo with a fake name.
Hence, your failure to interact with the organisers prior to the event despite claiming you are part of the society and taking an opportunist stand to show off your so called professionalism is highly condemnable.
Were you on sleeping mode prior to the event as this was the talk of the community for the past 2-3 weeks?
Patriotic Lankan / May 9, 2014
Dear Riyaz Ahmad
You can not forced any one into your so called one side and marginalised demo of some Muslim Bala Sena: what is the difference between BBS and these radicals: they are same like BBS in tunes and language and emotion: BBS is racist and yet, why MBS also same way and path of BBS and do demonstration: what these radicals have achieved by this demo.
Safa / May 6, 2014
It is unlikely that such street demonstrations will have a positive effect. Under the teachings of Islam there is no need for such demonstrations. Rather be united with the rest of the community and communicate with others in a responsible and reasonable manner.
“Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: For thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance. (The Noble Quran, 16:125)”
Sri Lanka is still a country where the great majority of people are peaceful and law abiding. BBS and other racist phenomenon are limited to a certain class of disgruntal religonist who do not find solace in their own religon other than to attack others.
I am no muslim / May 6, 2014
I searched for a verse that has ‘street demonstrations’ in the Koran and Hadith but found none. Instead I found one Sheik Mostafa Elazabawy advising Muslims to pretend that Islam is a peaceful religion as a way to make Muslims peaceful.
I am no muslim / May 6, 2014
Since Koran 8:55 says; ‘disbelieve (Christians, Hindus, Buddhists etc.) are the vilest of animals ….’ what’s wrong if BBS says “Muslims are the vilest of animals….”
And since Koran 48:29 says ‘Muslims are merciful among themselves but ruthless and hard against non-believers….’ what’s wrong if BBS says ‘be merciful to one another, but be ruthless to Muslims….’
Do you now understand how your Koran hurt we non believer.
Spring Koha / May 6, 2014
……And since Koran 48:29 says ‘Muslims are merciful among themselves……You’re having laugh, aren’t you? The Islamic factions are bombing the balls of each other in Baghdad, Damascus, Kabul, Cairo and nearly every where else. The warring Muslim factions are blood thirsty bastards who will not stop at murdering each other at the slightest excuse. So, remind us, who invaded Kuwait…….
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
Spring Koha
“The Islamic factions are bombing the balls of each other in Baghdad, Damascus, Kabul, Cairo and nearly every where else. The warring Muslim factions are blood thirsty bastards who will not stop at murdering each other at the slightest excuse.”
There is no difference between them lot and the Tamils whose internecine war affairs were legendary. A Tamil Professor described those heinous crimes as brotherly massacres.
Saman / May 6, 2014
If you could show in history if anything achieved without Protests. No not at all. Even Jesus Christ fought against and criticised the Jewish hi-priests, lawmakers and the rich who discriminated minority Palestines and others.
There won’t be a May day if not Four protesters died asking for their rights in late Eightees.
A seperate police would not have formed if not for the protests by the Muslims and Rev.Watareka sadu.
Therefore non violent, Peaceful protests against the rulers and Law Makers are the ideal way to make your voice herd, while maintaining harmony among all communities.
Communication and compromise is the key to solve any problem.
Safa / May 7, 2014
True Muslims are peacefully following the Quran and teachings of the Prophet PBUH. They are living lives of peace and contentment. In Sri Lanka neccesary action is being taken by legal means to counter such activities. So ther is no need to be unduly worried or get agitated about the actions of these extreme groups such ass BBS.
“And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah ]”(2:45)
“Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,” (2:155)
Some so called muslims are running amok and attacking innocent people in some parts of the world, just as there are other groups of non-muslims, govts and vested interests killing and exploiting people in various parts of the world.
Human beings have been shown the path of righteousness and have the power the choose. What people do in this this life they will be reap the results here as well as in the hereafter. So be assured that truth and justice will prevail.
Thrishantha / May 6, 2014
As I have mentioned here before, SL Muslims, first reconcile with Tamils. Then together seek a solution in devolution of power. I think protesting openly is much better than keeping it inert and exploding in radicalism. Anyhow, no matter what Sinhalese radicals like BBS do, you guys stay determined to choose peaceful means to express and seek solutions.
I am no muslim / May 7, 2014
What do you know about Muslims. Tamils are mostly Hindus and Hindus are polytheists and worship idols. Muslims hate polytheism and polytheists. So how can Muslims reconcile with Tamils. There is no deity except Allah,(11:14). Those who worship idols destined to fire, (14:30).
Thrishantha / May 7, 2014
Reconciliation doesn’t mean agreeing with everything. It is to come to a consensus on what can be agreed upon, like the importance of justice, notion of citizenship, etc. There is no need to have perfect agreement between their religious believes. Agree to disagree on religion. That is good enough reconciliation.
SayNOtoHatred / May 6, 2014
the conceptual myth which drives this author to misinterpret the entire May Fifth Protest in London with the same prejudice of mainstream religious groups who attempted to stop the protest for their several personal and organizational interest rather the initiation of essential ideological discourse in Stagnant conceptual pathway of Srilankan Muslim politics instead, since the late Leader Ashraff.
It is a political farce that the comparison of the Tamil Diaspora and its interference into Srilankan Politics with Muslims Diaspora in the UK.
The word ‘Muslim Diaspora’ never means the force to capture the political power in a crook manner which exactly how the mainstream Islamic movements name their conceptual stupidity.
I’m talking about people like Jamathe Islami and other religious forces who are working with the agenda to gain a commanding force of Muslim community.
Please understand the ‘muslim diaspora’ was not been carried as an ethnic identity to represent. it is only another state of existence we believe.
By the way protest is a right to every individual in general.
Also it is exactly equal with no difference of the right of Brother Raashid Riza to write such a biased article with such an obscurantist point of view without thinking out of walls.
Abhaya / May 6, 2014
The Writer is correct . BBS does not represent anything close to a majority and has no real support . Using the bogey of the BBS is only helpful to [Edited out] like TG , Pinto , and the Genocite diaspora .
While there have been tension with muslims and sinhalese it has always been under control and no more than the tensions between the Sinhalese themselves . very much unlike what the Tamils did to muslims in their so called fake homeland .
Sinchoappu / May 6, 2014
But bottom line is whatever BBS does is being paid not adequate attention by MR regime.
This was the case in terms of the injustice that the muslims fellow citizens and Watareka thero faced on the 11th of last month. Impact of whatever BBS’s activities are very high, even if you the apologists would make every effort to pain an another picture. This is the reason why I repeatedly say, ballige puthas of your kinds make it worst for the people, not looking at the matter unbiasedly.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
“BBS does not represent anything close to a majority and has no real support .”
You should know, Mafia in the USA or Italy didn’t represent anything but have had effective control over many state institutions and delivered Chicago for Kennedy in 1960.
” While there have been tension with muslims and sinhalese it has always been under control and no more than the tensions between the Sinhalese themselves”
Can you guarantee the safety and security of Muslims in the future?
Have you forgotten those riots in 1915 and massacre inside Puttalam Mosque in the 1970s?
Abhaya / May 7, 2014
vedda is using his limited primitive logic again . BBS are a bunch of fools they are not the mafia .
Can you garuntee that there never will be a race riot in the US ? or UK . if you can put your monbey where your mouth is .
Native Vedda / May 8, 2014
“Can you garuntee that there never will be a race riot in the US ? or UK . if you can put your monbey where your mouth is .”
No I can’t simply because I don’t rule UK or USA. However strong man Gota who was the Tiger slayer and modern day Sapumal Perumal of the Vanni can. Will he?
“BBS are a bunch of fools they are not the mafia.”
If they are not the Mafia who is then? Why have you defended them in your earlier comments?
Is there a slim chance the saffron clad thug Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara a “fool” becoming the next modern day Rasputin at Temple Trees?
Lasantha / May 8, 2014
I think you are wrong here. Remember it was the burning of Jaffna library that triggered the 30 year LTTE war.
A small spark could trigger another communal war in Sri Lanka. Muslims were patient enough to not to retaliate for 284 odd violent attacks against them by BBS.
Finally there’s a Police and Ministry of Justice and court of law to complain if there’s any issue. Nobody could take law into their own hands.There are many more important issues that BBS should fight for. BBS drive their super luxury SUVs with Saudi Haram Petrol. Don’t they know it. Who cares if Mislim women cover their whole bodies or half bodies. BBS should focus on how Sinhala women dress. That should be what BBS should be doing. Not other peoples business. MYOB is the key.
BBS is Gota’s Buddhist Sinhala Racist thug army. Nothing else.
Hope he remember what happened to SWRD Banda.
kali / May 6, 2014
Speak for yourself and not for the Tamils as you need us more than we do. Even your mentor Raful has finally come to his senses that only by joining forces with fellow Tamils you can keep the Majority on check and that is why he handed the dossier to Mrs. Pillai.
So who are these civil societies who have distanced themselves from the protestors. Frankly they don’t exist.
park / May 6, 2014
It is time for all the Sri Lankan Muslims to realize what the politicians are trying to do. Islam is a religion and Sinhala and Tamil are languages. The politicians want to reduce the power of the minorities so they are mixing language based groups with a religious based group. By doing so they are showing the minorities are a small number. We should not allow this to happen. Muslims speak Tamil, they are part of the Tamil community. We have power in the numbers not in divisions.
karthikrockstar / May 6, 2014
tamils always backed and help muslims a lot we have strong friendship with muslims world wide specialy in kerala t.n and shri lanka
park / May 6, 2014
Muslims are Tamils.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
“tamils always backed and help muslims a lot we have strong friendship with muslims world wide specialy in kerala t.n and shri lanka”
Not in this island.
Tamils and Sinhalese believe Muslims to be their first and permanent enemy. On the other hand wars between Tamils and Sinhalese were merely sibling rivalry or brotherly war.
Common factors seen among Sinhalese and Tamils includes their
Shared genetics
Shared hatred for Muslims,
Shared stupidity
Rajash / May 6, 2014
Muslims speak Tamil. However they want to identify themselves with the Sinhalease. In Tamil they are call the Muslims as Thoppi Changers. If they have united with the Tamils the story would be different.
Sri Lanka Muslim Diaspora? How may of you 10? 100?
you are making the same mistake again by not joining the Sri Lanka Tamil Diaspora.
rohanana / May 6, 2014
It is sad for people like you to write articles taking only one side of the story to condemn BBS and other groups who is trying to protect Sinhalese Buddhists/Christians, Tamil Hindus from the extreme Muslims in Sri Lanka. If you look around the world every where it is the Muslims who are creating problems. Take what is happening in England. I lived there for 15 years and I know why there were Posters “Paki Go Home” and meant only for Pakistan Muslims in the 70’s and 80’s. Not for Indians, Sri Lankans or any others. Muslims were a problem even those days. I can explain why if you want. You are racist to call “monks behave in such brazen vulgarity” as you know what Muslim Mullahs or priests done in Babile road Gampola? If you have the guts go and have a look. Then those are idiots who is trying to create disharmony by ruthless selfishness. Tamils and Muslims have 2 or more political parties to protect and protest in Sri Lanka. How many political parties are there for Sinhalese Buddhists/Christians? ZERO. That is why we need BBS and more to protect the majority. Otherwise Muslims will do what they have done in India, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iran to name a few. First ask Muslims in Sri Lanka to respect other religions and specially the Sinhalese who has always supported and protected the Muslims even from British. Then this will stop and we will not need BBS. Until then we will support BBS who is trying to protect our rights against these extreme Muslims who are trying to destroy the Sinhalese and specially Buddhism in Sri Lanka. I got plenty of evidence.
Saroja / May 6, 2014
Marvellous news to hear that the Muslims have started to break away from the rank and file of the boot lickers’ corporate finally. The Muslim politicians who are hell bent on amassing wealth and gourmandizing on poor people will reject this movement without any consideration. This new generation seems to condemn and reject any compromises with oppressor’s agenda. It is evident from their website call for unity of the nation not division. Their call is for justice and action. They did not condone injustice and inaction. They even upheld especially a placard respecting Buddhism. To the astonishment of old guards, there was call for rights of all religions and minorities to exist and co-exist. It is a fool-proof strong ideological foundation that will put the old guards to shame. A new dawn in London to represent the challenges of suffering Muslims and other minorities. First time we have the opportunity to reject Shaitan of oppression and uphold equality. Salute you brothers.
truth / May 6, 2014
dear lankan muslims tamils are not your enemy “!”!! they trying to divide us and conquere by religiouse based
Native Vedda / May 6, 2014
“dear lankan muslims tamils are not your enemy “!”!! they trying to divide us and conquere by religiouse based”
Sinhalese are also saying “we are not your enemy” they are trying to divide and rule us on linguistic/racial basis.
What do you have to say to them?
Lasantha / May 6, 2014
There’s somebody manipulating communities against each other. Even the history has shown this. We saw ourselves in 1983.
Unless we educate each other and also prepare ourselves mentally, things could go out of control pretty soon.
The pot starting to boil again, and the roosters are coming home.
It could be anybody. Only escape is to find who the real culprits are.
Excessive Power centered around few, excessive Authority, too much Pride and Greed for power are the real culprits.
Kings lives are always short.
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
“It could be anybody. Only escape is to find who the real culprits are.”
Could it be Gota who may want to raise tension between Muslims and Sinhala/Buddhits thereby lure the Globalised Jihadist to a suitable Muslim Mullivaaikkal where under the pretext of fighting terrorism he could wipe out a substantial section of the Muslim population, after cleaning up justify a future presence of armed forces who can have tight control over the area as well as the people, their everyday life can be monitored and dictated, or relocate them to an area or disperse them where they can be managed, reclaiming Sinhala/Buddhist land from infidel Muslims,whose dignity would be irrelevant ………
I am sure the West including USA and the medieval kingdoms would wholeheartedly welcome and support Gota’s such a strategy. Gota and his clan would be seen favourably by those supporters.
Conspiracy theory gone mad.
Lasantha / May 8, 2014
Native Vedda,
Good comment. Also I would like to know who is behind Mohammad Zakir Hussain. The guy who was arrested in Tamil Nadu and planning terror attacks in Chennai India.
There’s something fishy here. The whole thing looks weired. Sri Lanka should not be allowed to be a battle ground for others. These should be stopped immediately.
Native Vedda / May 8, 2014
Hindians are building a case against Gota and the satate for quite sometime. They accused
1. SL Navy supplying diesel and other commodities to Somalian pirates
2. Hindian Navy chief questioned Gota’s floating warehouse off Southern coast.
3. Hindians earlier tried to established a link between the illegal ship manned mostly with American dogs of war and Gota.
4. Hindian media has in the past few months consistently been reporting a Jihadi, SL Muslim, Gota axis of evil.
5. There are other Hindian subtle campaign one cannot remember.
6. These reports coincide with visits of top defence officials from Pakistan.
7. ISI is not innocent in these games.
8. Once again Sri Lankan Military and Civil establishment are trying very hard to get themselves in big Southern twist.
9. Ask yourself a question would you like to get between Mike Tyson and M Ali when they are throwing their left or right hook at their opponents?
“Also I would like to know who is behind Mohammad Zakir Hussain.”
He could be most inapt spy in the whole world to have been caught by the Hindians. Hindian spy establishments need scapegoats to please the changing political scenario. Mohammad Zakir Hussain and some others could fit the bill.
In Rajiv’s murder case a young school boy was arrested just after the assassination. The only crime was he happened to know the masterminds and bought batteries for the operation. He is in prison for no reason, one stupid person in the Hindian security establishment has decided someone has to pay a price for the lapse of security surrounding Rajiv at the time. This boy Perarivalan has been paying for someone else’s mistakes.
Hindian made various decisions about this island in the past 35 years most of them were fatal which led all kind of destructions. Did any of them who made those fatal and stupid decisions say sorry to people of this island. Is Hindian state willing to hold those stupid bureaucrats responsible for the mass murders in this island?
The same stupid Hindian establishment is onto something that no one knows about but will soon feel the impact.
I am no muslim / May 7, 2014
For Muslims, believers in Allah are a single brotherhood Koran 49:10. And unbelievers of Allah are panting dogs Koran 7:176. So how can Tamils and Muslims form a one community?
DIGNITY FOR ALL / May 6, 2014
It is well known that the organizers SLMDI have been boot licking the government for a long time and even led a walk to geneva to defend it. The main two office beaers fell out and one of them organized this proptest. It is still not clear the real intentions behind this governmernt supporting organization to organize this protest along with the support of a Uk based Muslim radio station . Muslims in Uk should not fall into these traps without knowing the possible adverse effects on Muslims back in SL.
I agree with this writer that these are myopic efforts to gain publicity for the organizers without taking the interests of the commuity inot consideration . Further these are protests which are politically motivated as well if you look at the supporters of this events .
whywhy / May 9, 2014
Dignity for all
I hope you agree with me that,it’s the dignity of Muslim
identity that’s being challenged by a small number of
yellow robes which is also worn by all other monks as a
recognized sign of Buddhist priesthood.Do they represent
the Sanga,part of the Sanga or the ordinary laity?They
have expressed enough of themselves of their motives and
displayed and still displaying their resolve against
Muslims.Muslims are being forced into reaction.Their
restrain is highly commendable in the face of abusive and
inflammatory language pattern chosen to Attack Islam and
its creator.Who are the spectators here?What’s the
country’s criminal law doing?A quite interesting thing
happened during the Nurses strike couple of day’s back.
President made a speech at an event stating about the
responsibility and patient care of nurses before anything
else.What I wonder is,just a one or two days old strike
attracted our Head of the state but he failed to notice a
two years old hate campaign of his monks against Muslims!
What a watchful eyes!In this backdrop one should not
underestimate any effort of any size, national or
international.The safety of Muslims are not in the
restrain of Muslims.It is in the hands of spectators who
are capable of taking sides any time decided by the
conspirators in the name of Buddhism.
tuan / May 6, 2014
The guy who wrote this article must be Bumpsucking Azwers Nephew.You get these type of Jokers in Plenty if you happen to sight the Parliament
sinhala buddhist / May 6, 2014
One thing I agree in the article:coalitions of diaspora to work for the wellbeing of Sri Lankans, not vice versa. Let not the needs/desires/dreams of the diaspora supersede the needs on the ground for the people living in Sri Lanka.Let the activities of the Diaspora become an economic engine for the enhancement of diaspora coffers and power in the the countries they reside.If you truly want to help a particular group of people living in Lanka, then work in a manner that does not alienate that community from the rest of the people living in Sri Lanka.
Coalition building is the best strategy – despite being a difficult task. There seems to be many disgruntled constituencies both in and out side of Sri Lanka currently. Why don’t they coalese? There are Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslim who want to live in peace amongst each other, without carving out the island into separate countries. THese people (in Sri LAnka and within the various diasporas) whould unite to effect a change on the ground in Sri Lanka, where all human beings are treated failry and equally and where fanaticism (buddhist,Muslim,Tamil or otherwise) is not tolerated and is neutralized.
My adivse for the various diaspoars: talk to each other respectfully and with an open mind and open heart. Such an exercise will yield more results than all the money collected and the weapons amassed in the name of people living in the Isalnd.
Nass. / May 7, 2014
Dear Riza. Your appraisal is very good and I agree with you. This demonstration is done by some Muslim Bala Sena. Look the way speaks of other groups and there are 18 mosques and centres of Lankan Muslims community of those 18 none went to this radical’s demonstration and it is a marginal group of youth did this and it does not have any affect at all : rather wasting time and energy and these are publicity monsters.
Citizen / May 7, 2014
Raashid Riza,
How are you going to account for the death of an innocent English soldier by two stupid Muslims who had cut him into pieces. Have you ever condemned such cowardly acts? Is London not home for hundreds of communities?
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
“How are you going to account for the death of an innocent English soldier by two stupid Muslims who had cut him into pieces.?”
Is Raashid Riza one of them?
Tamodaya / May 7, 2014
Islamic terrorism is rising in UK.
PM Cameron made it very clear he will take tough action against Muslim extremists and will not allow them to Islamize UK.
Over to you PM.
Fathima Fukushima / May 7, 2014
Tamils are misled Muslims.
All Tamils in SL were previously Muslims. They were misled by Indian propaganda in the past 300 years.
Tamils must get back to their original Islam faith or become dodos.
Lasantha / May 8, 2014
Fathima Fukushima,
Why don’t you talk to Jackson Anthony and re-write Sri Lanka’s history.
Also check your DNA with a Bengali Lion.
Ahmed Nadvi / May 7, 2014
The writer RR seems to be a “frog in the well”. He is not sure whether the protest in London was right or wrong. His statement about Parent community in Sri Lanka and diaspora community is another joke. What has parent community done so far? Writing letters to MR and GR and even to NR. is the prudent thing Mr. Joker?
The joker RR says that he participated in Anti Israel protest, why did you do that? Why did not you realize that might have reaction by Israelis towards the Israel Arab who live inside Israel, East Jerusalem?
The joker RR’s theory is that any protest by small number (by the way London protest attracted 1300- 1500 I heard) will not have any impact and a huge number would definitely have. What an appalling finding? You brainless! the number is not important, but the message. Today it’s 1500 if the issue remain unattended by the government then it may be 15000 (if that amount of SL Muslims live in England)
The protesters chanted simple messages in three languages 1. Sri Lankan is Our as it is Yours. 2. We need peace, but not unofficial police. 3. Terror Monk Gnanasara must be stopped. 4. BBS dictates, Government submits, Why? 4. Sri Lanka is not private property of BBS or its sponsors. 5. BBS is a curse to unity. 5. Muslim MPs wake Up.etc.
They also hoist SL and Uk flags very high, whereas SL high commission had removed the SL flag from the HC on the day I heard, what a shameful act?
Now you joker RR read the messages carefully and evaluate their proper plan. Of course the Tamils and Sinhalese had approached the Muslims to offer help, but those organizers have cleverly avoided due to the fact that it was the first political protest despite the pressures given to them by the small So-called super Muslims and two Mosques, who maintain tight parent- diaspora relationship. These stupid self proclaimed super Muslims have damaged three cars’ and a coach’s tires I heard. See your educated diaspora Muslims. Protest is a democratic right of people who believe that it has something. On that believe you idiot went to protest against Israel, didn’t you. After all what is you big message here? Ok to protest for Palestine, Syria, Egypt or against America, British PM when he was in SL or Chanel 4 when they brought the plight of the Tamils to the world attention.
The London Protest started in front of 10 Downing Street, has gone through Buckingham Palace and ended at SL High Commission by handing over a petition, all these events were recorded by the British authority. That means it can be reflected next Geneva Human Right session in 2015. I gathered all the above by visiting facebooks and websites come from UK.
Mr. Joker do you understand at least the following ” prevention is better than cure”. If you do then act before it is too late. Gnanasara will burn Sri Lanka again. If it happens, though no one want it, not only the Muslims but also the Buddhists will suffer and that may be the unforgettable lesson for all Sri Lankan including yourself Mr. RR.
It does not matter if you are Safa against the London Protest, but I and many many others like me like it, we encourage those organizers to do the same again and again until the government move forwardly.
Ibrahim / May 7, 2014
You say there are 18 mosques and Sri Lankan Muslim centres and none from these groups took part in the group.
How do you know that. Did you take head count or statistics of those who attended.
Along with the writer are you asking the diaspora to suffer the pain in silence.
You are the kind of Muslims who remain powerless and socially backward. The writer has displayed his ignorance and you have agreed.
You need to learn lesson from the Tamils.
Ibrahim / May 7, 2014
Sinhala Budhist
Good advice
Do you think such coalitions can change or help those uncivilised barbs. To develop their humanness.
Ibrahim / May 7, 2014
I agree with you that if you do not struggle you will not get anything. You can remain a powerless entity.
The writer is passing judgements based on his speculations. He seems to have a pathological need to stand above other diaspora members who took part in the protest.
The writer himself has not offered any practical solutions to change the ground realities and he has projected his needs on others. His article should go to the toilet.kk
rosh / May 7, 2014
Fix a price for the Head of sri lankan bin laden , bodu balu sena chief
thalapathi / May 7, 2014
lankan muslims are have no backbones or brains to raise and speak/fight for there rights… you people are being puppets, I feel sorry for your people near soon lankan muslims will suffer the way innocent tamils did
donrohith / May 7, 2014
its realy funny about sri lankan muslims. when tamils dying the tamils muslims stood silent and suppprted the government and its ruling monks but now they also face same situation. sri lankn muslims are realy mad and the government playing them like a chessboard for there cause
Native Vedda / May 7, 2014
“its realy funny about sri lankan muslims. when tamils dying the tamils muslims stood silent and suppprted the government and its ruling monks”
Could we have a detailed account of how Muslims supported the government and monks while Tamils were dying. When I checked last time Douglas Dvanda, Pillyan, Karuna, Thonda …. were still Tamils.
Also when Muslims were ethnically cleansed and massacred in Mosques Tamils were not only kept silent but rejoiced LTTE’s brutal act.
I din’t find it funny at that time nor did I find war crimes against Tamils funny.
Why do you find this sad situation funny?
Safa / May 7, 2014
It is more important for muslims worlwide to take some action to end the killings, abductions, internecine warfare througout the Islamic world. The situation in Sri Lanka is not that serious and under control and is being handled by the Muslim community in peaceful dialogue with the authorities. Fortunately there is a semblance of law and order in this country. There are peaceful ways of solving these problems.
Meantime it is better if Muslims in Middle East and the West act decisively to put an end to funding of terrorist groups which are targetting innocent people. These groups are acting in contrary to the Quran and hadith. They are being funded by various misguided factions in the middle east and west. This type of terrorism and killings are bringing disrepute to our religon. When the financing and flow of arms stops, the killings will stop.