2 May, 2024


Legalizing Prostitution – A Response

By P. Soma Palan

P. Soma Palan

I refer to the Front Page news report in the Daily News of 18th January 2024 under the heading “NPP Will Legalise Prostitution – Says Party Executive Member Samanmalee Gunasinghe” and express my views in response:

1. It appears the Political Party called NPP (National Peoples Power) has no constructive development Plan to offer to build the nation. Instead, Legalising of Prostitution in the country seems a top priority urgency of the Political Party aspiring to form a Government in the next election. The Party Executive Member Samanmalee Gunasinghe (SG) states, ”Prostitutes are created within the current system “.  That is, by the present Government. This is a false view. No outside entity can create prostitutes. Women take to prostitution by their own volition. Economic hardships and lack of employment avenues due to failure of economic development of the country creates prostitution is not a cogent reason. Prostitution is mainly due to moral and social decay of the country. Women take to Prostitution for the lure of easy money and for sensory bodily pleasure. SG states “prostitution exists in the culture whether one likes it or not.” This is another wrong view. Prostitution is a social and not a cultural aspect of a community. It is a degradation of human being. Culture is a plane higher than the individual being. Culture is dignifying and reverential. Doling out one’s body for a commodity price is not an expression of a culture of a community at large.

2. The majority culture of Sri Lanka is based on Buddhism. For instance liquor outlets are kept opened for a restricted time. Likewise, liquor shops are closed on Poya Full moon days. However, these restrictions are meaningless, because if consumption of alcohol is contrary to teachings of Buddhism, how can it become a virtue during non-restricted time and on non-poya day.  It is only a symbolic reverence to the Buddha’s teaching. Ironically, the NPP member SG pledges to legalise, a most degrading evil Prostitution, in the country. Furthermore, the Constitution of the country solemnly declares that “Buddhism will be given foremost Place and fostered and promoted”. Isn’t the pledge to legalise Prostitution run counter to above referred provision of the Constitution?

3. When a responsible member of a Political Party declares that Prostitution will be legalized when it comes to power, the religious heads of all Nikayas are slumbering in silence without voicing their disapproval. This amounts to their condoning it. On the other hand, they are vehement in requesting the President to bring in laws to prosecute those who distort Buddha Dhamma and its teachings. This is in the wake of an individual claiming supernatural powers of a Avalokeswara. The Buddhist Prelates of all Nikayas wants penal laws to prosecute those critical of Buddhism and the Sasana. Why fear criticism? If Buddhist teachings are distorted by some, the answer is not repression and prosecution, but countering and invalidating the distortions with superior force of truth, logic and reason. This is like bringing in Law of Blasphemy as in some other religion and issuing a “Fatwa”, passing the sentence of death to those who differ.

4. All religions founded by an individual human being and established in a rigid organized form, fear another religion. It is not only fear of another religion, but also deems it an enemy. Such organized religions are petrified by dogma and bigotry. The organized priestly Authorities want to protect themselves and religious teachings of the founder by repressive laws and prosecute them, claiming they distort their religion.

5. Giving lawful license to practice Prostitution will lead to proliferation of Brothels countrywide. It will become a thriving business to make money. To set up Brothels, investment is required, if it is to be run to modern standards, particularly to attract the Dollar owning tourists to the country. It cannot be done in the customary way as now in houses of ill-fame. It will require medical testing to prevent infectious and sexually transmissible diseases- Syphilis, Gonnorrhea and Aids. It should have regulatory Preventive mechanism against disease. Any economic activity requiring investment, Registration and issuance of License to conduct the Trade will open-up avenues for bribery and corruption for politicians and Officials. The Politicians will be benefitted as we can see in the case of Registration and issuance of Licenses for Liquor outlets and Petrel Sheds, which are directly owned or by proxies of politicians.

6. In my view making Prostitution lawful and bringing it under the Regulatory control of the State is better than allowing it to function in a clandestine manner harmful to society. But it will only be a palliative. But it will not elevate it to honorable status. In the West and other modern developed countries the words Prostitution and Prostitute are out of the nomenclature. These words are superseded by the words “Sex Work and Sex Workers”. In other words, it is another form of work or more correctly a service as much as physical or mental work. It becomes a moral and cultural issue if and when the sex worker is in wed-lock with family.

7. In the final analysis, Prostitution and Prostitutes even if called by different names as Sex Work and Sex Workers,  will not have a honorable place in Society, whether Western or Eastern societies. It will always be looked down by the larger part of humanity as degrading and demeaning by the cultural values of any society. Prostitution cannot be eradicated completely from society. It is deemed world’s oldest profession since beginning of time. In prehistoric time when one Tribe conquered other Tribes, took the captured females as sex slaves. The only way one can eliminate the evil of Prostitution is by education and awareness. The Family centered life and bringing up children with cultural and spiritual values and disciplined life-style can arrest the evil of prostitution.

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Latest comments

  • 11

    No one opts to be a prostitute. Prostitution arises out of misery. Hence, it is a societal problem. Social decay, follows.
    Moral decay doesn’t doesn’t directly lead to prostitution; Only removes the guilt out of it.
    Lack of opportunity for suitable employment does.

    • 8

      Prostitution is legal in both Singapore and Netherlands, but tightly regulated in both places. In Amsterdam, there are even day-care centres to look after the “accidents”.
      In some Islamic countries, there is a system known as “temporary marriage” where one can marry the sex worker for a few hours.
      There is no sign of ” moral decay” (whatever that is) in any of these places.
      Sex is a human urge. There is no point pretending it doesn’t exist.
      Prostitution was legal in Ceylon long ago, until the prudes took over. In those days, children weren’t raped by the dozen every week.
      This is one issue on which I agree with the NPP.

      • 4

        “Giving lawful license to practice Prostitution will lead to proliferation of Brothels countrywide. It will become a thriving business to make money.”
        Mr. Somapalan, it is already a thriving business. Just go have a look at the “massage parlours” and “spas” or “health resorts” sprouting up in every town. But they don’t pay taxes.
        So, legalising them will give the state more revenue.

        • 6

          “The majority culture of Sri Lanka is based on Buddhism. For instance liquor outlets are kept opened for a restricted time. Likewise, liquor shops are closed on Poya Full moon days. ….”
          Mr. Palan, what has Buddhism got to do with it? Go to Thailand, which is even more Buddhist, and you will find plenty of women ( and men) for sale.
          What you are advocating is not Buddhist values, but Victorian Christian hypocrisy.

        • 2

          Dear oc,
          I thoroughly approved of your first comment, but in the second your reasoning is too similar to that of Diana Gamage. I’m sure that the NPP stand has nothing to do with getting a few buck into the State Coffers.
          I wish we could put an end to gambling. That can quite easily be put in the school curriculum. I’m now 75 years old, as you know. The last “Hospital Sweep” that I bought was when I was 16 years old. Yes, all that is gambling, and is a quite unnecessary, government-sponsored vice.

          • 3

            The “Hospital Sweep” was used to maintain hospitals. Wasn’t that a good thing? You can’t separate people from their money without offering something in return.
            Taxes may not be the NPP’S aim, but any legal business pays taxes. It’s not going to be any different with an NPP government.

            • 1

              Dear old codger,
              Maintaining hospitals is a very good thing, and you are right in saying that money has to be found for that purpose.
              Dr Wickrema Weerasooria wrote an article seven years ago (Yapalanaya days) citing his work in lotteries as a great achievement.
              I don’t think that he bargained for the reception that he got from some of us; but it looks as though you hadn’t seen it. The harm that this particular way of raising funds has been hammered in effectively. Dr Weerasooria did not respond there although requested to, and didn’t refer to the subject thereafter.
              Gambling does little good to anybody except to the people who organise it; aren’t all these the ways in which Dhammika Perera has made so much money? And let me admit that he’s organised some programmes for teaching English which seem to have yielded results.
              Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

              • 1

                So, he’s achieved something, whilst I appear to sow disaster.
                I’ve just turned everything below this comment into bold. If I’m now successful, it will now go away. That is what this comment is all about. If successful you will not notice the blunder.
                So here am I, for once praying to the great God who decides all things!

                • 3

                  Dear Sinhala_Man,
                  God is not a judge to sit on judgement. Even He cannot alter the decisions that have been already made by He himself!
                  (I am not telling this casually.)

                  • 3

                    Dear Nathan,
                    I really dont believe in god or any supernatural powers behind human beings and their day today life.

                    It is a myth generated by human beings themselves for their survivial.

                    I believe hypnotism, which is a method among the mental healing therapies, but I really dont believe in myths based on existance of a god.

                    If God is existing, do RAJAPAKSHEs, Trumps or the like “real political crooks” be allowed to mislead the most ” vulnerable” in the society again and again ? Shamelss Mahendra Rajapakshe prevaricated a media man yesterday ” we still question, LUNU LABADA, ALA LAABADA etc” , is he not playing with human souls ?

                    Regrettebly enoguh, Poor former minister MANGALA SAMARAWEERA (he was one of the rare type of politicians of srilanka) was punished by immature death in COVID crisis, but all other high criminals with unestimated numbers of high crimes (incl. murder, money laundering) are allowed to human shield the very same naive people further. How come ? If we know that the wound needs healing, how on earth can anyone with hearts hurt them further ?

                    • 2

                      Dear leelagemalli,
                      Existence / absence of God cannot be resolved by reasoning; Only, intuitively.
                      Think deeper, on my assertions,
                      1) Even He cannot alter the decisions that have been already made by He himself!
                      2) God is not a judge.

                    • 1

                      Thank you very much, for your comment, dear Nathan.
                      Yes, you’re right, but now I’m going to attend to Ruchira’s comment at the bottom of the page.
                      We just don’t understand “everything”. I have given you a “Green Thumb”, and I think that even “leelagemalli'” s comment makes sense.. So, a “Green Thumb” for him as well. Given, and that becomes the second for him.
                      I shall submit this, and then go to the bottom of this page, to respond to Ruchira’s comment.

              • 1

                State lotteries are an effective way of getting people to fund services without calling it a tax.

                • 3

                  old codger,
                  It is a cheeky way of making a few to fund services for all!

                  • 0

                    I believe it much more than a few. From what I have observed, over half buy lottery tickets.

            • 1

              Actually Hospital Sweep was a hit with the people, as they thought that they were helping a good cause while trying their luck with a sweep ticket.
              It also wiped out some of the earlier sweep ticket schemes.

              • 1

                Psychology works!

      • 2

        Who else but the ideal man! …………. Experience of the ol’ “human urge” ……… is speaking ……… we better listen! ……. Native, unplug ye ears; listen good! :)))

      • 3

        old codger,
        I have lived in Singapore for almost 5 months.
        It maintains a ‘Red Light’ area, somewhat better looking than slums.
        ‘moral decay’ is by author.
        Moral decadence is the collapse in upholding societal values, beliefs, and ethical standards.

        • 3

          It is human urge that makes you and me debate. I control my urge to debate you on this!

        • 5

          I think that by legalizing male and female prostitution, the poor women of Sri Lanka will be saved from being forcibly exported to Middle East countries.
          If that were the case, all the “head shaved uncles” would hire them the most and temples in SL would be the centers of the sex industry.

          That way we can separate the real Buddhists and the so-called “pseudo-Buddhists in Sinhala-Buddhist clothes”:
          Most of them ; THAT are exported like cattle to ME, work as housemaids only housemaids in inverted commas. But the truth is that Arabs use them as their sex objects.

          Prostitution is not prohibited in most western countries. It is the oldest profession. If we legalise it, Mahinda Rajapaksa or the like pimps can give good opportunities to his slaves along with boosting the foreign exchange of this country.

      • 0

        ” In those days, children weren’t raped by the dozen every week. “
        Tamil Women and Children affairs minister Vijayakala Maheswaran was dismissed from the government and prosecuted for exasperating that she couldn’t protect the children being hurt by paramilitary and the Yahapalanaya operatives called Ava Kuzu. She said if the LTTE were there those rapists wouldn’t wag their tails in that land. Any right or wrong can LTTE be, but because they opposed the Evil emperor, they were bad.
        Two days ago, there was an incident in the Kattankudy area. There was a married woman, a modern Draupadi, while living with her husband, inviting many young men to live with her. A particular 21-year-old Family man (as per media) too her living in partner. His body was seen hanging in the neighborhood tree. His mother was blaming her son was a victim by these woman’s inappropriate male partners. The mother apparently one of the cases who life was destroyed by the Chitanta, Yahapalanaya, Pseudo Nazi administrations Why I am bring this here the case is neighborhood tried to bring actions against the sick behavior woman, but police resisted any actions against her. They refuse even to take an entry on the death of the boy. Apparently, she had means manage the police. Are these rapists, pimp rascals who are expected to do moral policing on the ignorant poor souls?

      • 2

        The only issue that I have its gender orientation, placing the onus on the female.

        • 1

          Do you also have an issue with society being patriarchial?

      • 2


        • 2

          Agreed with OC, i.e.

  • 7

    “Culture is dignifying and reverential.”
    – My foot.
    Why just prostitution and liquor? Isn’t gambling also degrading and detrimental to the society and the individual? Why not condemn gambling too?

  • 7

    there is no need to leglise prostituution and give licences etc like netherlands and bangkok.we don’t want to go that way with excesses.What we have to do is to decriminalese prostitution.In otherwords remove the laws prohibiting it.we have to respect women.What they want to do with ther bodies is their business only.They own their body and can sell it for a fee or have an abortion because the baby is in their body not in some lawmakers .We should not interfere with their rights to their bodies.

    • 4

      Yes, there are all too many illegal abortions is what I understand. A few MBBS fellows are very happy to have turned it into a thriving business.
      There wouldn’t be a need for that many abortions if only there was rational “Sex Education” in schools. So, the first need is to reduce unwanted pregnancies, but thereafter, I agree that we don’t want the persecutions that the hypocrites of the American Right wing advocate.
      Yes, a woman ought to have the right to abort, but it is the least acceptable method of family planning. And now that we seem to live for ever and ever, human beings must realise that the World is Over-populated, and we have no moral right to procreate beyond replacement levels.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

      • 1

        Dear Panini,
        On the question of abortion:
        “…there are all too many illegal abortions… A few MBBS fellows are very happy to have turned it into a thriving business.”
        Have you also heard of the Marie Stopes Clinics?
        There are interesting historical links between the origin of the Family Planning/Reproductive Health movement that also champions female empowerment, the organisations like Planned Parenthood , and the Eugenics movement in the US.
        Dr. Harini Amarasooriya of NPP I believe is an undeclared representative of the alliances of these various broad movements, by means of standing up for and promoting the same values. Hence I tend to believe to have a pro-American disposition that may be out of character with the rest of the JVP/NPP members.
        Despite her academic background, eloquence of speech, and integrity of character, I’d be cautious of her. This other lady, to whose views, the author is responding, probabbly is part of the same pro-US agendum.
        That is not to say I oppose laws to legalise abortions. On the matter I am unequivocally pro-choice yet it’d be good to be aware of the history of the pro-Choice movement.

      • 1

        Dear Panini,
        On the matter of population:
        “…human beings must realise that the World is Over-populated, and we have no moral right to procreate beyond replacement levels.”
        You may want to familiarise with the concept of Carrying Capacity when it comes to population size.
        I read that you gave up being interested in science with your father’s demise to become a literature scholar, but didn’t really learnt why?
        Carrying capacity refers to a hypothetical optimal number of organisms of an individual species that a given environment could hold (or carry) without disrupting its overall ecosystems’ balance.
        Some ecologists believe this number for humans on planet earth is somewhere around one to two billion people, indicating that our current population is way beyond this limit. Therefore make rather contraversial suggestion of conscious decrease of human population. Some suggests a world wide volutary birth strike to this end.
        If you are interested and have the time you may find the views of Wiiliam Rees on this topic that could be found on Youtube interesting.
        Hope everything’s well in Bandarawela.

    • 2

      The need for legalization exists because there is its criminalization in society.

      • 3


        is there a law that says that locals cannot walk on the public beaches but tourist can?There isn’t,but if there was a law like that and we get rid of it is that legalizing locals walking on the galle road just because it was criminalized earlier.Got the point?

        ps.sometimes the points are subtle but the impact is 2 or 3 times more.If we say we are legalizing prostitution the hamuduruwos will have epileptic fits while sodomising young monks.Also when you mention legalizing you will have to go further steps forward to provide various facilities for the sex workers.My idea is to keep it low key.

        • 1

          Dear shankar,
          You have said, “My idea is to keep it low key.
          Exactly, I think that I must now hunt for the” Daily News” that Mr Soma Palan refers to and see if this “Ms Samanmalee Gunasinghe” actually said that this is a “a top priority urgency of the Political Party …”. If I find the report, I will comment on it at the bottom of the page, whilst also giving a link to the page so that readers could make up their minds about all this.
          I support the National People’s Power, and I must see what all this is about. All policies implemented by a government are important, but the tone of Mr Soma Palan’s article is moralistic, and all this sensationalising publicity is hardly in keeping with dealing with it in a low key way. It’s now attracted 62 comments, and counting. It seems to be felt that something to do with women is different from what a man does. I see nothing in this entire page about “punishing the men who go to these poor women.Deplorable Double Standards!
          Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

      • 1

        SJ – You can decriminalize without legalising. Even now I don’t think law prohibits prostitution. Which means its not criminalized. Unless you used the term criminalization in a different meaning. Infact legalisation could be problematic.

  • 5

    There couldn’t be a man in Sri Lanka who hasn’t bought male-or-female sexual services at some time.

    If there are, it will be the small number forced by religious or moral misgivings, or by physical or psychological flaws. They need corrective treatment.

    Then there are hypocrites who pretend innocence. That goes for religious clergy of all faiths who have been convicted worldwide for molesting children under their care, or shamed for having sex with mistresses or prostitutes, though claiming celibacy.

    There have always been sex workers in Sri Lanka. Schoolboys get their first sex lessons experimenting with other class-boys, then in brothels, or from the “pro” down nearby streets.
    Schoolgirls may follow a similar classroom pattern, but a more cautious approach when out in the world.

    I’m sure many will scream, “No, No. Our woman are all virgins at marriage.” To them I say, “Why should they be! Your grandmother’s era is long past.”

    Being asexual may be the case for a those forced by religious or moral misgivings, or by physical or psychological faults that need corrective treatment.

  • 5

    Continued Sex Trade 2

    Legalizing the sex trade gives social workers access to those employed within who can then be counselled about diseases and perhaps even influenced into study or finding suitable alternative trades, if that is what they wish.

    It’s the only way to pre-empt the spread of sexual diseases, including syphilis and AIDS. Our media has recently been revealing that sexually transmitted diseases in Lanka are on a dramatic rise, something the media is usually diffident or shy in doing. “Lagghai”.

    Legalizing will eliminate the criminal elements which derives most financial benefits from the sex trade.

    Media highlighting police raids of brothels at the poorer end of town with pics of “gallant” cops showing off humiliated young women is mere harassment. Raid are scarce at the top end of town, on star-class hotels and other exclusive venues, where city-savvy male and female prostitutes transact encounters.

    If we are to stop the sex trade we must also stop tourism. As is normal, young male and female tourist worldwide dislike returning to a lonely bed after an exhausting day of beaches, landscapes and antiquity. If we do not recognise that, we are wearing blinkers.

  • 6

    Tamil Sangam literature refers to prostitution rather casually.
    of the five landscapes it deals with, the wealthiest has prostitution which is not celebrated but not criminalized.
    Poverty could be the driving force for some, avarice for some, and sheer adventure for yet others.

  • 3

    As far as I am concerned, prostitution should be legalized and declared an “Essential Service.”

    • 1

      “Essential Service.”
      Yes if it is for all genders.

  • 5

    “Women take to Prostitution for the lure of easy money and for sensory bodily pleasure”.
    I doubt if any woman take to prostitution solely seeking sensory bodily pleasure.
    If a woman engages in indiscriminate sexual activity purely for the sensory bodily pleasure, it is promiscuity and not prostitution.
    Some may seek monetary, material or other benefits through such engagements but that too is different from prostitution.
    Because a woman would still have autonomy in such contexts unless coerced, black-mailed or unduly influenced.
    Prostitution is when a woman give up that autonomy, by chosing to sell her body, and services that are sexual in nature, in exchange for money, as a professional service.
    It’s a labour contract in which her autonomy to decide for herself is compromised by default. It is irrelevant whether the woman enjoys the act or not. Those who are good at their work I believe do.
    This however is mostly a result of, and is driven by, financial and economic circumstances.
    Where as in the former instance the contract is personal and relational in nature with greater degrees of autonomy.

    • 5

      There may be some highend sex workers who have the privilidege of exercising greater autonomy but still the difference lies in the psychological contract between the parties involved – one is of relational in nature and the other is of servitude.
      Regardless of the position on whether prostitution should be legalised or not, the author’s aproach to a rather sensitive subject is highly insensitive and demeaning to women.
      He is ignorant of the societal and economic dynamics as well as power dynamics that exist across genders in the society that are part and parcel of the subject of prostitution.

  • 2

    Prostitution is legal in some countries & ‘red light’ areas provide a safe environments for sex workers. The strictly monitored health regulations ensure spreading of diseases is controlled but in SL, I fear the opportunities will only lure, particularly, immature village maidens into the profession, coerced or duped by pimps, leading even to ‘human trafficking’. In ancient Rome, prostitution was socially acceptable profession & among the ruins of Pompeii, in the middle of the town, there are the remains of a brothel with erotic images still on the walls which are very much pornographic but in most cultures, it is a moral issue.
    In my opinion, particularly, in 3rd world countries, women are forced into prostitution due to poverty. Broadminded the NPP maybe to come out with such a bold proposition but shouldn’t they study the causes of prostitution before they decide to legalise? Would the outcome be a safe & better life for sex workers & punters or open doors for large scale abuse by pimps? (we all know the efficiency of our Police) If a study indicates the main reason being poverty & destitution, shouldn’t the NPP look at the bigger picture, not find simple solutions? Anyway, if I am not mistaken, a Bhikku Front is also in the coalition. Wouldn’t this conflict with Buddhist principals as Mr Somapalan states?

    • 2

      Dear Raj,
      It looks as though our comments have been approved at the same time, so we’ve decided to comment on this almost simultaneously. See the contrast in tone.
      This is why I’ve been saying that sincere as you are, you under-rate the NPP. They are handling this subject sensitively.
      Yes, they have a Bhikku Front as well; just because we disapprove of Gnansara and his type, don’t try to ridicule all monks. AKD is an amazing guy; himself from a Buddhist background, as you are, he treats the Mahanayake’s with respect, but doesn’t allow them into politics. On the other hand the old alma mater has much that is wrong with it, and I’m working quietly, even in old age, because not many are aware of certain things that go on there. Right now, I’m working out how to get things done without having to write again about “Thomian Pharisees”.
      I respect your honesty, but not your being in certain respects more dumb than me!

      • 2

        Maybe you know more about the NPP for your steadfast support but I have always been skeptic about a coalition of more than 20 parties coming to a consensus. If AKD treats ”Mahanayake’s with respect but doesn’t allow them into politics”, he is allowing a Bhikku front in his party. Is it because they have not risen up to the dizzy heights of Mahanayake? Are these ‘modern’ or younger generation of monks trying to bring Buddhism into the 21st century with a broadened attitude about prostitution? Just wondering if the brothels will closed on poya days like the liquor shops.
        I may be dumb because I ask questions but those more intelligent than me have not responded to my questions yet, dumb as they seem to be to you.

        • 2

          I dont think he knows NPP better than us.
          I know it better than him because I had good old friends who broke away from JVP after becoming doctors and engineers thanks to University free education.

          I am at the same level of ambiguity regarding the issues you repeatedly raise with him.
          He has repeatedly missed many questions directed at him.

          And I know he knows a few of them personally. It would be pointless to question him again based on his response. He is loyal to anyone if he or she keeps him above. It is a mental weakness. That’s what I got from catching up with him via a few personal emails.

          • 2

            Raj and all other rational thinkers,
            My perplexing question is, if the JVP-NPP clearly holds more radical political views than others, how can they ever form an alliance to rule this nation? It will remain a dream forever. Their political views are good in theory, but can they speak in their government?
            I was very happy with the way Mr. Harin Fernando acted as a sports minister and a tourism minister. He has proved to all that he is dynamic as promised to the nation. Now with the ICC lifting the ban against Sri Lanka, it is indeed a big win for the current caretaker government. .. isn’t it?
            Besides, like youngsters, their dreams of bringing in dollars can never come true so easily. I saw yesterday that Mr. Sarath Fonseka was completely against Sajith’s decision to take a former Rajapaksa military leader into his party. Now SJBians are in a big crisis.
            Immatured leader Sajith Premadasa needs to do lot more his homework and learn to be a leader. I’m speechless after seeing all of them coming from SJB lately.
            . So, despite saying that, if there is no internal consensus, the party will get stuck somewhere. Dr. Harini A can tolerate her thoughts, but she too will be disappointed in the coming months. wait and see

            • 2


              The issue of JVP LED NPPs is even more difficult because they are intolerant of any social issue. Now many are criticizing RV heavy policing against SJB demos, however, how will JVP do in such demos as rulers in future? They would kill the demo participants as Duterte did it with drug consumers in Manila…. what do you make of this ?

              • 1

                Dear “leelagemalli”,

                NPP intolerant?
                On the contrary, on this “social issue”, it is they who seem to be “tolerant“. Please work out the corollary.
                If it’s anything to do with Rajapaksa looting, and with Ranil Wickremasinghe cheating, I agree that they are “intolerant” – and rightly so!
                Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

                • 0

                  Good news of the day, our SINHALA_Man has set examples.

                  He is getting better now. His ideas are becoming our attractions. I’ve loved them all for what he’s put together over the past few days.

                  What magical power was exerted on him that brought about a real change?

                  Is it witchcraft or an illusion? Not only him, but I also gave him a “green thumb” each cheering him on.

            • 1

              Dear LN
              Scrolling down, it may be that Raj-UK and you are both right. So, I’ve given you both GREEN Thumbs.

        • 1

          “Just wondering if the brothels will closed on poya days like the liquor shops.”

  • 4

    Dear Mr Soma Palan,
    The NPP must focus on winning an election, and they are continuing an effective campaign on various fronts.
    I live in a village, and a few people who had heard about this particular statement asked me if this could just be someone trying to discredit the Party. I said that however foolish this may seem, the NPP has to be admired for making it clear where they stand on issues of this sort. This stand on legalising prostitution is very different from Diana Gamage’s loose talk. These women are some of the most vulnerable in our society; please appreciate that this is one political party that will keep saying this sort of thing, even if it astonishes some unthinking and hypocritical people.
    I, myself, don’t try to publicise this policy because it could boomerang, but I’m glad that they are working quietly to enlighten the public.
    Panini Edirisinhe

    • 3

      Sinhala_Man, You are looking at a sure tourists influx! NPP ought to put you in charge of The Tourist Board!!

      • 3

        You figure this is the NPP’S secret economic plan, also known as the Bangkok Plan? Now I understand why the JVP doesn’t talk about its economic strategy in detail.
        Certainly, salivating tourists will rush here . Hotels will be sold out. Dhammika Perera will buy all the massage parlours.
        I will not participate, but I will vote NPP.

        • 2

          Thanks, old codger. I’ll get my reward from Sinhala_Man.

          • 2

            Dear Nathan,
            What reward have I the means to confer on you except my sincere thanks, which I have expressed many times?
            Those warm thanks and good wishes I give you again!

        • 2

          To be honest, in the mid-90s, Sri Lanka was already known to the Germans (as tourism champions) and other wealthy Europeans as the number one destination for homosexual activity. Many of them called it “the gay paradise of the beautiful Indian Ocean”. They compared it to “Pattaya sex tourism” in Thailand: I was embarrassed, however, Sri Lankans don’t even know this information.

          Again, I noticed to see some gay clubs/oil massage clinics run by SRILANKEN sinhalaya in Basel/Switzerland. Some Europeans were working with me at Norvatis at the time, they were regular customers of one Roshan Perera or someone. Switzerland is full of Sri Lankan beach boys hooking up with rich Swiss men. Also some women married wealthy Germans and Swiss. Among them was a Sri Lankan actress named Geeta Kumarasinghe who later became a low-level politician on the Medamulana-Ballo ticket.

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            Back in the late 70s, my friends & I used to go to the Galle Face Green on a Friday evening to have a drink before dinner at a cheap restaurant. The entertainment was provided by groups of young men who used to wonder around the parked cars after about 9 pm. We watched them being picked up in cars & by 10pm, only a few remained & we used to take the mickey by trying to chat them up. It was insensitive & a cruel joke to play on them which I now regret. This was a time when ‘gay’ had a different meaning in SL. In the early 80’s, whilst a student in UK, I had a summer job as a barman at a hotel in Bayswater, London, where a Scandinavian tour company brought European tourists regularly. The tour guide used to come to the bar in the evening & we became good friends. She had been to SL & told me about their ‘Blue book’, a directory with contact details of high end call girls (which included film actresses) & certain coastal hotels which catered for gays. There were exclusive packages, such as, ‘a week with a dusky damsel on the southern coast’, etc. Apparently, SL at the time was ‘naive’ about peodphelia & gay sex, although, the conservative SL society practiced behind close doors. Maybe the NPP is laying the groundwork for the revival of ‘sex tourism’ for the much needed Forex.

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              Raj UK – There’s nothing to revive most hotels even in Colombo have their girls just not out in the open. I can remember a few years back I went to this bar in one of the hotels in Colombo. I’ve had a bad day and needed a drink, a beer. It was during the day time. I was alone, by myself. Bar was inside one of their famous restaurants. Both the bar and the restaurant itself were empty. Both usually gets packed in the evening and for dinner. Bartender was a young chap and friendly. He was there attending to various minor things while I was sipping my beer. Funnily when I was about to finish, I wanted to tell him that I am done and for him to finalise the bill. He wasn’t around.


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                Then suddenly I noticed that in the restaurant that was empty all this time, at a table close to the bar where I was seated, were two girls. Well dressed but somewhat provocatively, like tight and short skirts, high heels, with full make up, etc very upmarket. And one of them was a leading model. If I mention the name everyone would know. Second one I didn’t know. They seemed to have appeared from no where – a little over dressed for the empty restaurant. Having noticed them I didn’t pay much attention but turned back to the bar to see where the bartender had disappeared to! After a while the fellow appeared from somewhere with a cheeky smile and a guilty face. He couldn’t look me in the eye. I told him I’m done. He produced the bill. I paid and left. It was only later it occurred to me what may have happened there. When it did I was disappointed and lost all respect I had for the place, which I thought was a decent one. That’s why I went there in the first place. I was alone and didn’t want to go to a dodgy place all by myself especially after having a bad day (at work) to get a drink.

                • 1

                  Dear Ruchira,

                  I’m now looking at all the comments, whilst scrolling down, and giving “Green Thumbs” to many, including these comments of yours, because they all make sense.
                  So now, at 11:23, you have two “Greens” for each of your comments.

        • 1

          Have not ‘spas’ taken much of the skin trade business from massage clinics?

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        Uncle Nathan,
        I refrain from suggesting him as a promoter of anything. Teaching “English Literature” to the youth of Uva Province would be the perfect job for him and in the line of something like promotion of gossips about someone and heroworshiping.
        And even the Sri Lankans do not accept him and if he or someone like him becomes the highest authority of the tourism board, that number will undoubtedly disappear day by day. It will definitely be a regressive result for the booming tourism industry.
        We are forced to read his bold and elegant harangues on CT, most of which lack targeted responses. See how he avoids our crucial questions that are repeatedly put to him on NPP. He leaves no stone unturned to get answers to them.

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      Sinhala Man,
      sinhala man
      I know that even though you live all along in Sri Lanka, you are not very aware of Sri Lankan society. It is also common to some of my paternal relatives.
      You can educate yourself by listening to the video below. Good teachers are rare. It gives their students some food for thought.


      Normally I am against tuition businessmen (incl. Bandula Gunawardhana) in Sri Lanka but this young man is telling the truth about Sri Lankan society.

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    Soma Palan is an educated activist, who was in high positions in Langkang, must not be indulged with the thought of devastating the NPP’s expected victory by attacking the NPP, only on their position on the petty issue of legalizing prostitution. He should get back to his revolutionary activism occasions and come to senses that the Sinhala Buddhist politicians were winning elections and running the country from the Mahavamsa doctrine of infidel Demoulas. Whether it is right legalizing the prostitution not Soma Palan should not try to sensationalize an utterly an unimportant, any in modern opinion, a pure hypocrite issue, to make Langkang failing in getting out of the hands and shackles of the UNP- SLFP union. Soma Palan has every right to oppose the NPP. I did that too for the same reason for which Soma Palan rushed to do, i.e.: NPPyers were hard core socialists in the past.

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    A child would only exchange its gold chain for a napper’s piece of chocolate. Before Soma Palan comes to the thought of opposing NPP picking on legalizing prostitution, he should think about the 75 years history of UNP-SLFP on all other issues. Is he thinking that the UNP-SLFP Union is perfect on all major issues, and the NPP is competing with them on all of them, so at least the prostitution issue should be magnified, be blown out of proportion, and used as the weapon to annihilate NPP? There is nothing we can say with excessive certainty in politics, but only one outcome is certain in this election: that if NPP wins, the UNP-SLFP union can be permanently wiped of Langkang.

    Soma Palan should show gentleman-ship to accept the modern society to evolve in the latest ideologies of Individual rights and freedom. He should join the activists who are advocating systemic change in the political landscape of Langkang.

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    There are many elements that can go there right and wrong when one attempts to organize the social contract of a society through an unforeseeable future. My contention on any possible errors in my stipulation is that these petty matters for the Ceylon societies for centuries to come is: No nobody is going to be right 100% on what these societies need 100 and 100 years after we all are dead and our actions on this earth at this time is completely forgotten. If we can agree up to that, then we should accept that when deciding what is the important subject to engage in to debate is, what is currently hurting us at this time is the main element. Beyond the issue of it is women’s right to decide what to do with their body, or if there is a right exist like that whether it should be only women’s authority to separate them out of the society and make decisions on those and implement them, I do not accept giving a professional status to prostitution to legally recognize it.

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    I do not accept that it is a serious job that women can do and depend on it to make money during the normal course of employment, in a stable society. Further in backward societies like Sinhala Buddhists or Tamils Hindus, without being exploited, doing prostitution as a job is impossible. But there is no debate on that, at this time of Ceylon’s history, many hungry mouths are on this Island is depending on that job for their food, so no objection on NPP going ahead and giving a legal status and give a physical, legal and a future pension plan protection for those women and thus leaving that issue on backburner for a latter day review and returning back to the other most burning problems that have been left on the backburner for too long. It is ridiculous to debate whether legalizing prostitution is an unacceptable notion to Buddhism or not, after all it is the Sinhala Buddhism which destroyed Ceylon’s superior status in economic, educational, cultural, civilizational norms to the neighbors. It is absolutely laughable and hypocritical for Soma Palan to call the Sinhala Buddhist Authority to give him a hand to defeat the NPP, only just because JVP were hardcore socialists in the past.

  • 2

    Culture is an issue relevant completely to contemporary life. Culture is something continuously changing in all societies though so much blood was spilled throughout Human History by ignorant, irrational, obstinate societies to preserve it. Sinhala Buddhist- Tamil Hindu societies cruelly imposed on certain women live bare breasted, in the hot Sun or in the cold winters, only to ensure that their status is recognized by those helpless women, and other weaker, mouthless elements in the society. But upper classes claimed that their culture was in sanctimonious status, and they severely punished the women who tried to hide their body parts only because of the undeniable human feeling of shyness and discomfort in front of others.

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      “Sinhala Buddhist- Tamil Hindu societies cruelly imposed on certain women live bare breasted, in the hot Sun or in the cold winters,”
      You have got it backwards. A few thousand years ago, everyone was nude except for cold places, where they needed clothes to stay warm. Unfortunately, the people in cold places came here and taught us that nudity is immoral. Even Buddhist ladies (who can be seen topless in Sigiriya) now follow 19th century Christian morality.
      But the white guys come here and relax nude on the beach.

  • 1

    So, calling the religions to back up the effort on defeating NPP by politically misinterpreting the act of recognizing prostitution is nothing but a destructive, foul, and cunning, hypocrite deed. All and all, both Hinduism and Sinhala Buddhism accepted the Vasi system for the upper echelon men’s pleasure and satisfaction. They could not see that the women, other caste & classes are all unnatural – artificial separation, just like Sinhala Buddhism – a religion. Why is that prostitution could not be looked at in the same manners across all religions, but Soma Palan is thinking that the Sinhala Buddhism should take special positions on that. Why is he pushing the Sinhala Buddhists to act on this against the NPP?

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    My thinking is that those women secretly risking their lives and doing prostitution hiding from public’s awareness for their and their children’s next meals are not the one hurting the society by imposing cultural decay as much and the drug peddling, gun wielding, corrupted criminal, part-time pimp politicians and priestly pervades. The urgency is that NPP has to go ahead and introduce the long begged for Systemic Change to correct the political atmosphere in the Island and provide three-time meals, including for the prostitutes and their children, equally with others. NPP should encourage the masses to get involved in critical, essential larger issues instead of picking on petty issues and engaging in road brawling. This is an important change NPP should expect to incept and dawn in the masses in order to guide them through systemic change. Better get the help of Sadampi to illuminate them on this issue.

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      Here we go. Twenty or so segments of mistakes and muddle. Such disorder must fulfil the day for those wanting a good laugh.

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        Hi Sonali,

        Thanks for passing by my hut. I know you are always excited to browse on my mrtakes huddle with, and would never miss them by haughtiness.
        Please keep reading them and commenting because many address-less anonymous like Sadampi always ridicule them as “None read those”.

  • 1

    I am absolutely all for legalizing prostitution . There is no Buddhist thing that says not to. It’s all a matter of control that women want over men . And vice versa. As far as I can feigh Buddha advocated for behavior things that did not creatr unrest. All the rest can be attributed to ones that came down the line to keep control

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    i do not mind becoming a male prostitute.however i will just lie down on the bed because i am too old and the woman will be responsible to get me a hard on i don’t care how she does it and if she can’t she gets her money back and if she can she will have to straddle me and finish herself off and fuck off.

    ps forgot to mention after i wash and come and lie down i ring a bell and next one in queue can come.

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      btw there will be board outside saying the services are for females only.I don’t want frustrated buggers coming to whack my arse.Females have teir needs too don’t they?

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      Hilarious, shankar!
      Hmmm! Would I be able to set up business myself, on the same conditions?
      I can’t be teaching English Language any more, and there are no takers for Literature, dear “leelagemalli”.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 0

        My late mother said to me, ” never say no to any good thing”. opposite attitude is unfortunately common in Sri Lankan culture, consequenctly we are backward in every way. People are in general negative in my home country.
        Please try to do so per online platform. Choose english teachers. Ask your IT men to help with an “App” so that they can create you one for your own sake (apps are just smaller software applications specifically created for you).
        This can become a good hobby for you for sure.
        I would talk to a young chap who can help you as a sponsor. That will be a win-win project for you. Teaching can make you feel stronger.
        Knowing English literature can guide them a competent carrier life.


        • 1

          There are few english literiture teachers in web, but none from srilanka yet.
          So it’s a niche market….you can earn some money if the work is supported by many subscribers. with that money u can help the poor that struggle today for their suppers. That is how I do sometimes, by helping with my expertise to some youth in Germany, whilst working 24/7 job.
          If you don’t, it’s just a waste of your knowledge. I think even retired teachers should share their part. The more we educate the youth, the better the society will be. Not all at once but over time.
          And further to this, It can earn you more respect and dignity. My 87-year-old neighbor, whom I consider like my father, continues to teach German (basic) to underprivileged immigrants. He explains me every other weekend about the progress being made by him his beloved wife (Monika).

      • 1

        There is a great demand for English teachers in Jaffna. You belong to the senior coaching category. You will also gain more respect and honor.


        It’s a great opportunity to help people realize that you can do something for “real change”.
        So why don’t you lend your humble support whenever the demands increase? You can also ask who can contact you. This will help you have some fun in your life. As far as I can see, being alone in Bandarwella is boring. Psychology is an important thing, and if I were you, I’d volunteer it.
        Today there are good train services from Colombo to Jaffna. At least two weeks, you can try to go there.

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      What’s wrong with you dear? Did some medicine not work for you? I used to think that sexual fantasies disappear when one gets older. That is what I heard from the geriatrics patient reports that we are involved in our research projects.

      You are amazingly misusing your comments and putting some below the belt here. I think Sri Lankans are becoming more and more rude these days. The last time I was walking on or near the Kalutara beach (November 2023), I was followed by guys rubbing their genital areas and asked me if I was looking for a blow job because they thought I might be gay. My friend, a german, was sitting next to me, he is medical expert (with his wife standing some 50 yards away at the sea) from Germany, and unfortunately I had to translate it for him. Additionally, I remembered that some Germans told me in the mid-90s that Sri Lanka was already a gay paradise for European tourists.

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    Dear Mr Soma Palan,
    I have found the article that you found so offensive. Here it is:
    It is very important that all readers should see what it is that Mr Soma Palan excoriates.
    shankar, I see nothing about it being “top priority”; I had never heard of this “Samanmalee”, but there is a photograph of her in the newspaper. I have checked the npp.lk website and find that she is indeed a “National Executive Committee Member”, with her photograph (a different one) there as well.
    So all this fuss is about nothing!
    Mr Soma Palan, I’m sure that you’re a good man, and I don’t think that you have been mischievous in writing this article. However, you are far too moralistic in outlook. I’m grateful to you for having written this article. There now are 65 comments, and not one of them is as shocked as you have been.
    Indeed, I’m hopeful that the responses made here by “old codger” and “leelagemalli” indicate that they have supported the NPP on this issue. That does not mean that they are yet supportive of the NPP, but I’m getting hopeful!
    So, thanks, Mr Soma Palan.
    Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

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