17 September, 2024


LGBT+ Rights: Acceptance Is The Way Forward

By Inoka Shankini

Inoka Shankini

Rami Malek was granted the award for the best male actor at the recently-held 2019 Oscar Awards. He was starring in the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” based on the biography of well-known singer Freddie Mercury.

Apart from his profile as a talented artist, Freddy was known in the public domain as being a bisexual person. Rami’s award, in this sense, could be considered as an example of the jury being conscious of recognising the portrayals of non-heterosexual people in mainstream cinema. If this is the case, this award can serve as an inspiration to many LGBT+ people across the world, especially to youth.

Let’s start with a basic question. Is there something ‘special about being a homosexual person? Is being gay a threat to society? Is ‘gayness’ an addiction? What can we say about heterosexual peoples’ attitudes towards gay people?

It has been discovered that a person’s sexual orientation is mostly defined by the section of one’s brain that contains hypothalamus. Some researchers show that the sexual orientation is determined by biological factors that even precede birth. People do not decide who they are attracted to. Therefore, therapy ,correctional/conversion treatment, or persuasion are totally useless. They do not sere to change someone’s sexual orientation. Parents and families in Sri Lanka take note, forced marriages have zero impact on ‘changing’ someone’s sexual orientation. It only leads to a life of sadness and despair, and in the case of most cis women, non-consensual sex which amounts to blatant abuse by a male husband. In fact you also cannot turn a person gay or straight. To give but one example, exposing a cis boy to toys traditionally made for cis girls such as dolls, simply do not lead a cis boy to become gay [it might help him become, later in life, an affectionate and considerate human being, especially if and when he decides to be a father]. Almost all of you probably started to develop an awareness of who you are attracted to, at a very young age. This does not necessarily mean that you had sexual feelings, just that you could identify the people you found to be attractive or likeable. Many people say that they knew they were lesbian, gay or bisexual at a young age, in some cases even before they hit puberty. Taking these living realities into consideration, why do people interpret sexual orientation as an abnormal behaviour or worse, a mental illness?

The majority of people, especially in countries like ours, live lives that are divided on many counts, on the basis of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs and so on. What many people forget or ignore is that in the large majority of cases, these are attitudes that were ‘imposed’ on people at birth, by their own parents and families. Very few people ever bother to critically evaluate these inherited beliefs and viewpoints that they take for granted. But be that as it may, why should people harbour futile phobias on other people and their private lives?

In most developed, multicultural and cosmopolitan countries around the world, homosexuality is perfectly legal. This includes, in most cases, full rights to marriage, civil partnerships, having children, an and laws that protect people from discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. In the South Asian region, our own big neighbour India took such a forward step last year, when the Indian Supreme Court repeated Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, a British law that was violating the fundamental rights of Indian citizens. The decision of the wise judges of the Indian Supreme Court made headlines across the world.

Let’s be honest. It is a known fact that sex between persons of the same sex/gender has long existed in certain ‘religious’ structures and institutions [including in Sri Lanka].  There is a large number of celebrities who are known to be gay. Many politicians are known to be gay. In Sri Lanka, it is also a known that a ‘Brahmachari’ person who made invaluable contributions to raise awareness on Sinhala nationhood and Buddhism during British colonialism happened to be a gay man.

Just like in many countries across the world, Sri Lanka is also home to very negative views towards the LGBT+ community. The main harm was done in British Ceylon. Homosexuality is illegal under article 365A of our Penal Code. This means that same-sex/gender couples have no access to any form of legal recognition. Many sexual minorities have to face high levels of social harassment and violence. This does not come as a surprise, when the First Citizen and the Head of State of our ‘Democratic Socialist Republic’ personally takes on the role of a homophobe, and insults members of the LGBT+ community and elected gay male politicians with words such as “butterfly”. If the worldview of the Head of State is  that much pathetic, how on earth can we expect more positive perceptions from the general public?

What exactly is sexuality or sexual orientation? In Sri Lanka, the general understanding among most people is that people attracted to the opposite sex are heterosexual and that people attracted to those of the same sex are homosexual. However, are these the only sexual orientations that exist? Certainly not, and there’s a lot more to sexual orientation. Let me highlight a few types of sexual orientation below:


In general, bisexual people are attracted to both men and women.


Pansexuality, by definition, is somewhat broader in perspective and inclusivity than bisexuality. Pansexual people are romantically interested in and sexually attracted to a range of people, including cis and trans women, cis and trans men, intersex people, to non-binary people, and to people of Indigenous gender identities. To pansexual people, someone’s gender identity, gender assigned at birth, sex and sex characteristics are not impediments to be romantically interested and involved with them.


An asexual person is someone who does not experience sexual attraction to anyone. They could be of any sex or gender or age, or for that matter from any social or cultural background. Asexuality, however, does not mean that asexual people are not interested in sex. It is more about an absence of a willingness to engage in sexual interactions with another person.


People who are demisexual only experience sexual attraction towards people to whom they  feel a strong emotional connection.

What appears above is pretty much the tip of the iceberg, and there are many more sexual orientations and sexualities around the world. It is a highly diverse sphere, just like humanity itself.  

When you go through these factors, do not be surprised if you yourself begin to have doubts about your own sexual orientation, or end up asking yourself questions as to whether you have been having an accurate understanding of your sexual orientation.

Based on these facts, do we are have any right to discriminate against people who are NOT  heterosexual?

To take up another issue, our society includes people who regularly make fun of transgender people. This is extremely shameless and futile. Trans identities just as valid as cis identities. Why is it that cisgender and heterosexual people are having such a high level of phobias towards non-heterosexual and non-cisgender people?

Why is it that, in some cases, even people who call themselves  ‘allies’ and are often publicly supportive of the LGBTQ + community get somewhat uncomfortable when someone close to their personal circles comes out as homosexual, or for that matter, transgender or intersex?

Many homosexual people stay in the closet because of the fear of discrimination and harassment from heteronormative society. Furthermore, a lesbian who I once interviewed told  me “Certain people question me ,how do I have sex with my girlfriend. But does anyone ever ask the same question regarding you and your boyfriend? This left me utterly ashamed because I myself have asked that same question at several occasions.

Are we all not supposed to treat all human beings equally? 

Irrespective of whether someone is homosexual , heterosexual , transgender, cisgender or intersex, they deserve full equal treatment and respect. They should only face the same restrictions that cisgender and heterosexual people face, as in, being obliged to live our lives in a decent and law-abiding way. As human beings, we have an obligation to respect and make space for everyone to live their lives with dignity. Today, you might find yourself  discriminating against the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. But what will you do if and when someone very close to you, such as a child, a nephew, a sibling a grandchild, comes out as LGBT+?

In many countries, homosexuality has been legalized after plenty of studies and research.In Sri Lanka, to legalize or to accept homosexuality, we have to help raise awareness about these issues, based on fact. If this could  done satisfactorily, our LGBTQ+ community may get a chance to live freely, even in a few decades of time.

You may be a lesbian/gay, pansexual, heterosexual person, AND/OR  a cisgender, transgender or intersex person. Or you may belong to another sexual orientation and/or gender identity. But still, you are human, we are all human,  so please do not be ashamed of who you are, and be proud, and be as proud as you can be, of who you are.

“We gotta learn to stick together

Love your colour gender or whatever

Cause your happiness don’t need a censor

Mind your own and we’ll keep owning it..!!!S. L. U. T – by Bra Miller

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  • 7

    Shami Rankini

    Sorry for the keyboard troubles. Read this one pls.

    The following para in your article shows the power of brain washing in the Brave New World. You write:” It has been discovered that a person’s sexual orientation is mostly defined by the section of one’s brain that contains hypothalamus. Some researchers show that the sexual orientation is determined by biological factors that even precede birth. People do not decide who they are attracted to. Therefore, therapy ,correctional/conversion treatment, or persuasion are totally useless. They do not sere to change someone’s sexual orientation.”

    With respect, this is all bloody nonsense, fabricated nonsense.

    If you take time to study, most of the so-called ‘gay’ boys are fairly good lokingones. The inference is they have been subjected to sexual abuse during their younger ages by predators close to family, friendsor relatives. Then they get hooked onto homosexuality vicious circle. Reforming them may be difficult, but can be done.

    As to hermaphrodites, LGBTs and other situations, they are medical conditions and need to be treated compassionately on that basis.

    This movement to make a minority out of them and to change society should be condemned as the ‘social engineering project’ it is.

    • 3

      “In Sri Lanka, it is also a known that a ‘Brahmachari’ person who made invaluable contributions to raise awareness on Sinhala nationhood and Buddhism during British colonialism happened to be a gay man.”
      So the great Anagarika has another feather in his cap! Maybe he wasn’t sooo boring after all.
      Come on, Shami, give us some more dirt on our “heroes”.

    • 4

      Are all monks homosexual? Obviously that is the only environment they live in. (They are ordained at age 5, not because they renounce worldly pleasures). Same is in our prisons, where only one gender is kept together.

  • 13

    A good attempt to start a conversation about this profound issue in simple language. I’m glad to note that more and more people, especially women are taking a stance.
    Well done and keep up the good work!

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 4

      ” profound issue in simple language” – LGBT is all about sex. At least that is what the first impression gave me with that thumbnail picture with just 2 bare sexy legs without a full picture of the girl.

      • 7

        If those male legs look sexy to you, you need a re-appraisal.

        • 1

          Old codger, yes exactly. Don’t they look sexier than originals? ;-)

  • 7

    Lengthy article but worth a read!

  • 7

    This culture is outdated now, Western people are running from that now, we Asians want to mimic them all step by step, I think all major religions are originated from East, that is why we have more traditional life style than western world. why not we keep what we have? this is indeed, against nature,, May be China need it as they have over population now.

  • 8

    Thanks, a very informative article. Sections 365 and 365A of the penal code were enacted in 1886 and very ambiguous. They can in fact also apply to a heterosexual and nowhere is the word “homosexual” mentioned here. I doubt if anybody has ever been convicted under these sections.The LGBT community must be freed from these absurd laws and the stigma attached to their sexual orientations.

    365: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman, or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be punished with fine and where the offence is committed by a person over eighteen years of age in respect of any person under sixteen years of age shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term not less than ten years and not exceeding twenty years and with fine and shall also be ordered to pay compensation of an amount – determined by court to the person in respect of whom the offence was committed for injuries caused to such person.

    365A: Any person who, in public or private, commits, or is a party to the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any person of, any act of gross indecency with another person, shall be guilty of an offence, and shall be punished with imprisonment of either description, for a term which may extend to two years or with fine or with both and where the offence is committed by a person over eighteen years of age in respect of any person under sixteen years of age shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term not less than ten years and not exceeding twenty years and with fine and shall also be ordered to pay compensation of an amount determined by court to the person in respect of whom the offence was committed for the injuries caused to such person.

  • 14

    I observe that several comments on this thread are quite ignorant about the realities and facts so lucidly outlined by the author, based on exhaustive research over many decades by the medical, sociological, anthropological and psychological fields of study. While the findings of rigorous and tenacious research by mostly developed and mature countries stand strong and undisputed, there is always a very bigoted and myopic class of local individuals who mount arguments almost purely on hearsay and beliefs and very limited exposure rather than with evidence-based facts. They also seem heavily influenced by traditional cultures and religious dogmas, much to the detriment of the collective benefit the author seeks to engender herein.

  • 4

    Dear Prof Lassnath, it is not know about the reality of this issue, this culture does not fit to eastern culture, Eastern way of life, eastern ethic, eastern belief system, and above all, to our communities. social & cultural stigma will haunt people for a long time .so, why do we want fellow them, If it is a medical problem let health professional deal with it,,

    • 14

      East? So no gay and lesbian folk in the East? Check out the goings on in Buddhist temples etc. and look at the work of people who have studies queer histories of your so-called ‘East’. These things are as old as humanity, as the author rightly says. So just get used to it.

      • 0

        Did you hear about the sentencing of a religious dignitary in Australia last week ? He wasn’t Buddhist.

  • 6

    Inoka, you appear to give few definitions on different forms of sexuality, still not covering sexual behaviour such as incest, masochist, voyeur, pedophile (sex with children), Zoophilia (sex with animal), paraphile (sex with non-living things) and the list can go on. Could all these sexual behaviours be socialized just because they got a definition or a desire? How would one define it’s morality? Where, does the richness of a loving family stand in all these different sexual cravings? One may try to justify LGBT+ due to the individuals freedom, choice and desire, but how does it suit the Sri Lankan culture, where it is rich with family ties and values. Can we follow the west just because they grab any crap, or is it our “suddek Keuwe” mentality which provokes us acceptance? I think as a nation we must understand what is nature and it’s behaviour and use sex as a tool for the unity of the family and source of producing offsprings. After all, let’s realize that Man is not for Sex, but Sex is for Man!

    • 4

      Very good points

    • 2

      Very good points and well done

  • 14

    “Surely Not Gay” – do you know the saying “the one that doth protest too much?”

    And to other commentators, who say it’s unacceptable to be LGBT because it goes against “our” superior “eastern” values:

    Can you elaborate what these values are, and how they are unique to the “east”, and why the “western” values are inferior and unacceptable?

    Many Thanks

    • 7

      Sinhalese Buddhist, well said… In fact, if you look at Victorian England, they had dichotomous views on so called sexual morality. One for the masses and one for the elites. It was Christian homophobic views that came into the penal code. There is no evidence of anyone in pre Colonial Ceylon/Serendib or India being anti gay. Aiyo Aiyo this “sri lankan or eastern values are better” crock is used to even engage in Honor killings in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And in Sri Lanka those are still Victorian double standards. Look at the number of teen pregnancies and STDs and abortions even in rural Sri Lanka because of a lack of sex education. Why are so many people adopting babies in Sri Lanka now? because of young women getting impregnated out of wedlock by their boyfriends or by rape. Look at incest and rape issues in India and Ceylon/Sri Lanka. What are in fact, these superior eastern values?

  • 4

    There is no gene for being gay. On the other hand, there are genes which significantly increase a person’s risk of being overweight (obesity) or getting diabetes or some form of cancer. This means that being gay is a LIFESTYLE choice, as opposed to a biological one. Society has no obligation to protect the “rights” of any gay person on the sole basis of their sexual preference.

  • 3

    Consider the case of Islam:
    “Indeed, you approach men lustfully instead of women. Nay, you are a people transgressing beyond bounds” Quran 7:81, or
    “Why do you approach men with lust instead of women? Nay you are a people ignorant!” Quran 27:55
    Firstly we observe that homosexuality is recognized by an ancient religion. What is forbidden though is ACTING upon such inclinations. That is a great immorality and a violation of the soul!
    It is not the case that our laws are somehow made oppressive by the British. Rather the laws are based off human tradition and culture that have long existed, and in this context forbiddings are established.
    If the aim is to alter these traditions and cultures by looking up towards the West and India then I would caution such thinking.
    In the West there is great unhappiness, with the institution of marriage in tatters and millions of children victimized as a result. India and its Supreme Court are no bastions of wisdom either, and the country is a den of great immorality.
    There is no good research on if gay parents can raise children effectively but what research DOES SHOW is that a male and female parent together are essential to balanced upbringing. This male-female cooperation provides a super-fine biological input towards a child, and the consequences of alternative inputs are likely to be severely detrimental to the mental well-being of children.
    Western thinking also somehow makes it alright for mothers to live their lives single, but statistics show that single mothers are most terrible parents, with children under their care having a great tendency towards crime.
    The soul (or subconscious or whatever you would like to call it) is a great moral compass. When you do something that ‘feels good but its so wrong’, that’s a red flag right there. The soul is darkened as a result.

    • 0


  • 2

    Inoka Shankini – baby, please don’t try to challenge the nature. Please use things for their intended purposes by the factory.

  • 3

    There are untold number of sexual orientations, why limit to LGBTQ+ or whatever? If a pedophile bust your young sons anus, how about that? Since it is now agreed that Paedophilia is a “fate, not a choice”, it needs to be addressed by giving it a place in society by adding it on to the initialized term LGBTQ+ say, LGBTQP+

    Let them keep it all in the West. In the East it all happens under ground and let that be so as well. I certainly want my son’s butt intact and not subjected to these homosexuals, pedophiles and the like.

  • 6

    Are the people so deranged to say its ok for a man to put his privates in another man’s ‘A…se’? This is the sex they engage in and we ‘straits’ are supposed to ‘accept’ this as normal. Will you? I certainly cannot ‘bend down’ to their request?
    People are today pressured via media to accept abnormal things as normal else you are castigated for being old fashioned or not showing tolerance. But what about you being you, having your own belief of what is right and wrong, good and bad, normal and abnormal? Who is driving this change to say everyone must accept Gay/Lesbian relationships in society? Which parent can honestly say they would want their son or daughter to be a gay or lesbian? Why the bullshit? Why does the society have to fear to say you can do what you like but I AM NOT ACCEPTING THIS ABNORMAL BEHAVIOUR??

    • 3

      Spot on, Richard. Thanks for saying it as is.

      The problem is that a new movement that began in America is sweeping the world, pushing for gay ‘marriage’, bludgeoning anyone including the churches who object to this campaign for distorted rights . Anyone who object to this ‘browning the meat or ‘muff diving’ cults are branded as regressive and not keeping up with the times.

      In our country, the UNP has been captured by this weird mob and they are working with neocon plotters like Samantha Power to force our government and our society to accept’their’ norms.

      It must be recognised that homosexuals are weirdos who are unable to grow up, ( including some who are victims of older homosexuals) and they should be rehabilitated to exit this stinking life style in favour of decency.

    • 12


      The people should have no business to say anyone else where to put their privates as long as the other party (another adult) is ok with it.

      People should only have to worry where they put their own Privates and not worry so much about other people’s Privates. If you worry so much about my Privates, you would sound so Gay, because you’d be having a vested interest in my Privates.

  • 1

    Generally, making love/sex is done indoors so without making big fuss do it indoors as rarely we have peeping Toms in our country.

    It’s the HR protectors that are peeping Toms here.

    Why can’t anybody do it without wedlock if no off springs are produced as the result?

    In the meantime medical profession has to find a treatment for curing their problem probably caused by hormone imbalance.

    Future will be more challenging as rights protectors (not human rights pls) will have to struggle for legalizing something like be….lity.

  • 3


    I never knew anyone would belong to the category of Asexual where one has no sexual desire. Perhaps, someone who has given up worldly pleasures would be Asexual. But I doubt such a person exists.

    As you know, I am retired Lt. of the Army. And Army soldiers have a voracious sexual appetite. We can never get enough of it. So, someone being Asexual is totally weird and unreal to me.

  • 2

    The author of the Article doe snot know what is called Sexual freedom and her knowledge and experience seems very limited.. I tried to teach her little bit. CT did not allow that. Oh, I forgot, one need to think about the Mentality when you change like that, I mean the mentality when you go out of it. I mean you are very well free, no one check inside your bed room, Oh, Mccarthysm did that too, I heard, but, mentally you become a Wreck. So, need drugs and booze to make you happy and more of every thing. Shingles is one condition that goes with it because you have tested every one in this world their likes and dislikes.

  • 5

    If you are a sexual deviant, accept so. Don’t lump up with normal sexual behaviours and shout from the top of the roof that you’ll are discriminated against.

  • 1

    Too much sex around and all kinds of fatigue and disease ensue. Monogamous Hetro marriage usually curbs instincts to the confines of married life and the rigores of child bearing and rearing – Alternates usually do not have those sorts of confines. To keep up, more food is consumed (and hence the global food problem where all kind of artificial and inorganic food production techniques are used, together will the slaughter of innocent animals).

    Best is the traditional viewpoint where married hetro was acknowledged as decent society. Those who had alternate feelings thought they were mad and prayed for the removal of the oddity of their thoughts. Others joined religious orders where non-carnal beings(and those who actually overcame sexuality), reached up to the divine….thus releasing a huge potential of spiritual powers. Those who truly had alternative sexuality were understood and forgiven by the demi-divine beings, and maybe also given accomodation within the confines.

    But now, thoughts are odd no more.All is up for experimentation. The world is governed by hypersexuality. The state of divinity unreachable.

    With all and sundry out, people are also entering the realms of the innocence of children. Some are into the kingdom of animals.

    An uneasy culture emerges. Indeed, those who been at the mercy of hypersexuality (adulterous, alternate, pedophilia, bestial) can see the world only from the point of their experiences. And they will point blame on others to hide their own tendencies and shame. Accusations will be pronounced at times, on the most innocent persons of society.

  • 6

    The people who advocate for gay rights wouldn’t want their children to be gays and lesbians. They will pretend they are for.

    Second, remember not very long ago these groups were touting that they were not a choice but they were born as such. They never explained why their parents were not gays and lesbians. Now, they call it a life choice.

    There is a new buzz word is town – gender fluid. You can choose any gender you want. Your dong-dong does not make you a man or a women.

    The author is foolishly fighting for the rights of the insane!

  • 8


    Please do more (and better) research in to the topic’s scientific evidence before spouting unverified claims such as that gay parents are not raising healthy children. Longitudinal research work done by reputed scientists have shown that there is no difference the health (mental and physical) of children raised by gay vs. straight parents.

    The Qur’an is not a basis for leading our lives – for those who are not Muslim – and perhaps even for those muslims who do not think it should be.

    Live and let live brother. Historically buddhists have allowed the muslims to immigrate to the island and practice their religion. We have even helped those muslims who were persecuted in southern India by giving them asylum. That is because we have believed in live and let live mentality, despite the sinhalese nationalism of the latter part of the 20th century.

    Homosexuality is not pedophilia, nor does it lead to physical or mental illness. Modern scientific research has shown as much.

    If may be a genetic disposition, or it may be a choice. But even if it were a choice, it is not a “wrong” choice. One human being does not have the right to prevent another practicing their sexuality in a manner that does not harm an individual. As such consensual homosexual activity between 2 adults is their business, not anyone else’s. Making such activity illegal is a violation of their right to liberty.

    If you do not like homosexual sex, DON’T DO IT!!! And leave those who want to do it alone, to live out their lives the way THEY see fit.

    • 2

      @sinhalese buddhist
      You have not read my comment carefully and therefore you have replied in ignorance.

      You say: “Please do more (and better) research in to the topic’s scientific evidence before spouting unverified claims such as that gay parents are not raising healthy children.”

      I have NOT made any such claim. My claim is that research shows that well balanced children require male and female input. There is no real good data from ‘reputed’ scientists as you say because such alternate family units have not existed for long and their children have not grown up yet for proper evaluation.

      You say: “The Qur’an is not a basis for leading our lives – for those who are not Muslim – and perhaps even for those muslims who do not think it should be”

      I was using the text of an ancient religious book to ILLUSTRATE how legislation could have come into play against homosexual relationships. This author in ignorance blames the British, but it is not just the British, there are many many examples of homosexuality being frowned upon.

      As for your comment on individual liberties I am very much FOR individual liberties. But that does not mean I cannot frown upon something. Just because legally immorality is allowed does not mean we must support it.

      For example I recognize prostitution as a method some women make a living. An arrangement between consenting adults. However I am not FOR prostitution, and similarly I am also not FOR what the author is trying to say.

      Lastly from a general spiritual point of view I talk about the effect of immorality on the soul. To become desensitized to immoralities is a devastating thing. I warn all against such and I bid them take care.

    • 4

      Finally one intelligent comment in this discussion.

      Exactly, sexual orientation is an individual decision and everybody’s personal freedom to do what he/she prefers.

      To the men who cannot understand how men can position their privates in the arse of another man: it cannot be the arse as such, which causes this strong aversion. If they get the opportunity to put the same private in a woman‘s arse they generally have no objections. And if the same men would get the opportunity to watch two women having sex, they would only be too overfond of taking part in the actions and have their fun with both ladies. What hypocrisy!

      We are in an open world and nobody will ever change the existence of different sexual orientations. They always existed and are part of nature. Choose your own one, have your own opinion but live and let live. What are you so afraid of to make such a fuss??

  • 6

    Freddie Mercury who was born into a Parsi family and was named Farrokh Bulsara isn’t the best example to talk about this very complex issue. I have former students who are gay and happily married in Dallas Texas. But one such kid was abused by his christian white Scoutmaster who was a US Airforce Warrant Officer. As usual that abuse was hidden and kept a secret. Another was a grader to me and extremely bright coder who lives in Tulsa and is very accomplished too. Their gay-ness had nothing to do with their intelligence.
    We do not have to bash gays or even sexual preferences or try to understand whether it is genetic/or as this writer claims from the hypothalamus. We all know some kids are born very effeminate or some girls very masculine. How can we know if it is not genetic or some gene abberation? Why would we be insulting and abusive. LIVE AND LET LIVE. Some maybe sexual preferences or active choices and not biological; but XXY and XYY chromosomal abberations make some others not conform to a gender identity. Some are born leaning towards homosexuality and can be bright Veterans, Doctors or scientists. Gosh who the fuck cares? Did they steal from you? or did they attack you? or are they corrupt crooked politicians?
    Back to Farrokh Bulsara, he was not an advocate for Gay rights or HIV patients. His promiscuous lifestyle having temporary partners without using condoms is most likely the cause of his HIV. He NEVER openly talked about his homosexuality unlike a lot more brave celebrities. In Sri Lanka, most homosexuals hide in fake marriages or most likely bi-sexual. Same with India and Pakistan. But then we must see if their risky sexual behavior puts their unsuspecting wives at risk for HIV.

  • 2

    A lot of people in arranged marriages or hapless marriages will bash non-heterosexual love. For example, most marriages in Pakistan are still arranged; so are the marriages in India and still in Sri Lanka a lot of Sinhala and almost all Muslim marriages and Tamil marriages are arranged. So they do not even know if their sons are gay or if their daughters are lesbians. Leads to even more unhappy miserable angry marriages in denial. Even some Lankan and Indian VVIPs are in denial of their sons being happy being gay with partners living in the West. Why? Because it is not good for their image if their son; no matter that their brothers are gay alcholic bachelors who drank themselves to death; but in total denial of their sons.

    • 0

      I know who this Sri lankan VVIP and the son is.

  • 0

    Is Inoka asking us to do what ever we are attracted to?

    This could be a bit tricky

  • 1

    Most of the comments tell us that much of Sri Lankan society is obsessed with sex. That it is their main focus. The terms gay, lesbian, homosexual, whatever makes them concentrate their comments on the sex organs and sex act. But being gay, lesbian, homosexual or whatever is only to be human. It is about two people getting together in love, to love each other. And that word “love”, seems to be the element missing in most Sri Lankans when they get together and call their unions marriage. Consequently we have high rates of suicides, alcoholism, spouse abuse, murder and mayhem. Just accept life as it is given to you and to those around you. Be happy and try to make others happy. Concentrate on you own life and the faults you have. Try to rectify your own faults. What others do with their lives should not be your concern.

  • 0

    What a load of BULLSH1T!!!!!
    You know absolutely nothing of the Brahmachari person all alfamale. So you people must stop spreading bullsh1t lies to tarnish his great character. He and his associates were spied around the clock by British for his anti-imperialism campaign and they were waiting for ‘ got you’ moment. So why didn’t British arrest him with their so called draconian law? The very fact is he wasn’t a homo as you imagined and he was all alfa-male as well. He was a genuine Brahmachari.
    Homo behavior is unnatural, unscientific, unhygienic, etc and it is the origins of STDs and lots of other diseases. Why would anyone in right mind want to romance waste product outlet or get the waste product pumpped in again which makes waste product mix with blood stream?
    Even in the West this behavior is TOLERATED , NOT ACCEPTED.

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