By Manuka Wijesinghe –
What Is Gender Identity
Wikipedia states that ‘gender identity’ is an individual self-conception of perceiving oneself as man or woman, as fluctuating between man and woman or being something outside of man and woman. Gender identity, despite political, social and lexical prominence, given to it, especially it in the last years; is an imagined state of selfhood. It is not science. It is an ideology.
Empirically, there exists ONLY two biological sexes. Yet, gender ideology’s Denial of Reality is not only being pressed upon children, but been taught and proselytized through western institutions in our country. Since our economic crisis, this ideology has begun to inundate our vocabulary, the corporate climate and even our political leadership.
If an affluent parent wishes to send its child to study in an American or Canadian university, its chances of entry are higher if he or she has a gender identity differing from its biology. Prestigious foreign universities no longer enroll Asian students for their aptitude, rather for a concept of self that is not based on empirical reality.
Governmental and non-governmental western organization and embassies, ranging from the USAID; the GTZ, EU, west European, American and Canadian embassies are spreading the gospel of gender ideology and fund a multitude of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) that proliferate this ideology with the zeal of missionaries. Gender confusion is being introduced to estate pre- schools and to elite Colombo schools, making children into confused mental patients, being made uncertain about the only certainty of human existence; its biological sex.
Instead of deifying this absurdity, which has been craftily packed into the rhetoric of human rights, have we ever tried to understand why this religion is being spread? Why are children are being encouraged to deny reality? And damned for not doing so?
Perhaps we are confused by the new vocabularies that have been cleverly created to confuse and desist those who try to make sense and rectify the madness inundating human existence whose language and ideas had, until recently, been based on empirical reality. Non-binary, diverse, Woke, trans, gender fluidity, gender dystopia, LGBT, LGBTQ. LGBTQplus, and many more.
Non Binary – Binary is a word taken from arithmetic (now called number theory) describing a numbering scheme with two possibilities. Male and Female. Hence, non-binary in gender ideology is the denial of the two biological sexes.
Gender dystopia – An imagined state of suffering caused by assigned gender
Diverse – Used to describe gender identities (the fluctuating idea of self) beyond male and female. A synonym for non-binary
Woke – A sense of having awakened to the variabilities of gender identities. (Denying biology)
Trans – One whose gender identity is different to the one to which he/she was born
Transgender – One who does not conform to the sex he/she was assigned at birth
Gender Fluidity – A non-fixed gender identity that shifts over time, depending on situation. (If a man feels like a woman, he can use a woman’s toilet if he considers himself gender fluid)
Gender Dystopia – An imagined state of suffering caused by assigned gender
LGBT – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
LGBTQ – Queer added to the above (queer theory first began delinking gender to biology)
LGBTQIA- The addition of intersex and Asexual to the above
LGBTQIA+ – The ‘plus’ sign denotes the idea of further questioning into identity
The above is just a few. Hence, while parents and others chew this salad of words, another more dangerous agenda is being pushed. And that is the deliberate NUDGING* of our kids into taking puberty blockers and other dangerous hormones that cause a myriad debilitating new diseases, while leading them to the abattoir of breasts and reproductive organ amputation (castration), rendering them sterile.
From there, there is no turning back. No Reversal. Gender ideology is medical opportunism and the instruction manual for the castration and sterility of our children; the nation’s future parents.
What is The Origin Of Gender Theory?
Gender theory began with a man called Dr John William Money. Dr Money was a professor of Sexology at the Johns Hopkins research university in Baltimore and the first to use the word ‘gender’ as a substitute for biological sex. He manifested a theory (with no empirical evidence) that gender was a social construct determined by upbringing. He proclaimed that ‘Nurture’, and not ‘Nature’ established male or female behaviour in humans.
This was soon after the World War 2. The United States had emerged victorious and its post war omnipotence gave its scientists the liberties to proclaim any fallacy as truth. Dr Money was one such God like scientist who taught a generation of medical students that his hypothetical gender theory was absolute truth. That Nurture, and not Nature was the foundation sexual behaviour.
A young graduate student, Milton Diamond dared to contradict John Money. But the young man was no match for the mighty John Money and was lost to immediate history. Meanwhile John Money’s theory filled medical textbooks and thousands of male babies, whose internal sexual organs were intact, but the external organs were ambiguous (which would not have prevented them from becoming fathers) were castrated.
It was also the heyday of feminism. Thus, based on Dr Money’s theory and in the spirit of fervent feminism, male babies were castrated, even though Dr Money had not presented a single case study proving his theory.
In the mid-sixties Dr Money hit the jack pot. For, in 1965, a young woman from Winnipeg, Canada, gave birth to two healthy male twins; Bruce and Brian Reimer. The babies had difficulty urinating and at the age of 8 months circumcision was advised. The electrical cauterizing machine malfunctioned and baby Bruce’s penis was burned. The young mother was now with a male baby who had no penis. The woman got no help from the medical establishment and was pretty desperate when one day, she saw Dr Money on TV, confidently claiming his ‘nurture’ and not ‘nature’ theory. She called Johns Hopkins in Baltimore and made and appointment with Dr Money.
It was Dr Money’s chance in a life time to prove his theory and he intended to use it. He told Mrs. Reimer he would take on the babies only if she would satisfy two conditions. First; the baby must NEVER know the truth of his biological sex and secondly, he should be dressed, ONLY in girls’ clothes and given only girls toys to play.
She agreed. So, baby Bruce’s testicles were surgically removed and he was castrated. Then, he was given the name Brenda. Thereafter the mother and the boys were returned to Winnipeg with the promise that the twins visited Dr Money annually.
The annual visits confirmed that Bruce was a misfit as Brenda. He was tremendously unhappy. But that was of no interest to Dr Money. He published scientific articles claiming his success in the ‘John and Joan’ case (the names he used for Brenda and Brian). ‘So normal that of an active little girl and so clearly different by contrast from her twin brother’.
But it was not so. Brenda was not different from her twin brother. She wanted to do the same things he did, wear the same clothes he did and even urinate the way he did. Brenda felt like a boy, acted like a boy, hit like a boy and even preferred to urinate standing, like a boy. In their community she was known as the cave girl.
Mrs. Reimer mentioned all this to Dr Money. Also, that Brenda was becoming depressed and suicidal, but he disregarded her and continued to lie in scientific literature about his success. Thus, through his proliferate scientific publications, ‘Nurture and not Nature’ became the Doctrine of Faith for the medical community. And still is.
Finally, when he was about 14 years of age, Brenda Reimer refused to visit John Money. And the parents, after consulting the boy’s psychiatrist in Winnipeg, suggested that Brenda be told the truth about her birth.
The truth made Brenda feel relieved and she immediately returned to being a boy and called himself David (David against the medical Goliath; John Money). His missing penis and the castration through which he would never be a father distressed him, but he managed to get into a relationship with a woman who had her own children and lived, despite physical and psychiatric problems caused by medical malpractice, an almost ordinary life.
Meanwhile, when the boys stopped coming, Dr Money’s articles stopped. The medical world may not have bothered any further, but that erstwhile medical student, Milton Diamond, who was now a doctor in Hawaii, curious as to why John Money no longer wrote of his successful ‘Joan and John’ case, set about finding the twins. He found them in Winnipeg, Canada and was witness to the fallacy surrounding John Money’s theory and the destruction it caused, not just to one child, but to the whole Reimer family. The parents were devastated and guilt ridden, the brother was neglected and jealous and David was still traumatized from the medical experimentation of 14 years. The family was one gaping phycological wound. Dr Milton exposed it in a famous US magazine which was seen by a Canadian journalist; John Colapinto, who, after consultation with Milton Diamond, wrote the book, ‘As Nature Made Him’. It was the sad fate, not only of a child, but an entire family, damaged by a western medical establishment trying to act God. And it still continues.
Gender Theory Is Fake
Gender affirmation is an experiment on our children. Psychiatric associations, even in Sri Lanka; like ‘Navodya’ in Angoda, under the leadership of the president of the Psychiatrist Association of Sri Lanka, instead of making the effort to identify the difference between true gender dystopia, the social platform influenced dystopia or familial stress caused gender dystopia, are pushing all, with nearly no long-term evaluation towards the gender affirmation agenda of sterilization drugs.
In Sri Lanka, the gender dystopic services at ‘Navodya’ in Angoda, despite claims of assessment, but in verity with bare or no evaluation or understanding the triggering of gender dysphoria, recommends dangerous treatment protocols forced upon them by the psychiatric association whose president has obviously been won by pharmaceutical interest groups.
In too short a time, dangerous hormone therapy is begun, followed by referrals for surgery, further followed by new identification through the gender recognition certificate (H1257) – a general circular certificate, 01-34/2016 DGHS from our Ministry of Health.
Gender Dystopia Is A Psychological Condition
It should be treated with counselling, not the misnomer called ‘gender affirmation’. This misnomer ‘affirmation’ is an act of criminal intent. For, the protocol concealed under Gender affirmation destroys the normal development of the young body. It recommends the castration of lactating, gestating and reproductive organs, followed by lifelong hormone intake that retard bone density, causes cardiac issues, cancers, depression, diabetes, blood clots, early menopause, strokes, infertility, aggression and suicidal depression; just to name a few. Gender affirmation does not make a man a woman or a woman a man. It causes chronic disease and untimely death.
In recent years, many countries have discontinued gender affirmation We are just beginning. After our economic collapse, we have been plagued by United Nation (UN) missions sending women to teach our women empowerment. We have had the world’s first woman prime minister, let us consider who should teach whom empowerment! But, beneath all this women’s rhetoric is also the dogma of gender ideology. The UN is using women to confuse our children for in our societies, women are still trusted, they are mothers first. Britain just shut its clinic for child transition. Sweden has done a complete reversal on gender affirmation and recently produced an insightful film called ‘Sweden’s U-Turn on trans kids’, where a gender affirmation victim says, ‘I was a guinea pig. The health care system hasn’t got a clue, there is no science backing it. They are experimenting on young people, whose lives are ahead of them. It makes me angry and it is incredibly irresponsible’.
How Could It Go So Far?
Gender affirmative invasions are validated by a single study known as The Dutch Protocol. Done about 20 years ago, it was a study conducted on a cohort of 1766 children suffering gender dysphoria (unease with biological sex) in the Amsterdam region.
Until the Dutch protocol, sex changing medical therapies were initiated only after puberty and despite therapy, dysphoria prevailed. The Dutch Protocol emerged out of an idea that, if transition was begun before puberty, it could be of greater success. 1766 children with gender dysphoria from the Amsterdam region were chosen. After intensive assessment it was concluded that a substantial number did NOT have gender dysphoria as a primary cause and were removed from the cohort. Only those with severe dysphoria, which had begun with early childhood, were used from the study.
Unfortunately, that is not what happens today. Today, children referred for gender affirmation do not have a lifetime of gender dysphoria. They are influenced through peer pressure, Woke activism, social media influencers and US billionaire philanthropists working through international organizations, packaging their criminal intent under social justice slogans such as decriminalization; appealing to us emotionally, and not rationally. That is how propaganda media works.
The psychiatrist Dr Miriam Grossman, the author of ‘Transnation’ says, ‘once parents used to come to me with the fear that their children, who having left home contracted vaginal herpes or gonorrhea, they are now fearful that they now will cut off their breasts or grow beards’.
Data indicates that girls are more susceptible to transitioning than boys. Instead of claiming that girls are weaker, should we not instead ponder as to why girls are targeted? Perhaps we should draw parallels to the mRNA Covid vaccines which have caused the cessation of menstruation in young women, which makes them menopausal and infertile. Which, according to the Pfizer documents, the company knew. Yet we were inducted into vaccinating, with mRNA technology, all our school going children. These jabs have already caused a decreased birth rate. Do we want to cause a further drop caused by gender ideology campaigns? Instead of swallowing the western paradigm, would it not be wiser to consider if these euphemisms are actually sinister plans to lessen our human population? And if, what better way to do so than destroy the reproductive organs of future mothers? And, while we are at it, let us not forget that it was not too that long ago that the same people pushed sterilization under the euphemism of family planning? Today, we like to make allegations that Muslim doctors give Sinhala women pills to reduce fertility (a readily believed lie during the Rajapakse era). The Muslims are not our enemies, they are our brethren and fellow citizens. But, we do indeed have a habit of blaming the innocent and worshipping the guilty; those who have been reducing our nation’s childbirths since the dawn of Independence. They were certainly not Muslims.
Gender Ideology perpetrators use prominent women and women’s groups to promote their agenda. One such organization is the Parliamentary Women’s Corpus. Its head, Sudarshini Fenandopulle was the totalitarian power behind the draconian policies of Covid-19. Furthermore, our current Prime Minister, Harini Amarasuriya, a gender theory graduate, a LGBTQ advocate and a toxic Male champion, was jetted to parliament upon the wings of the Parliamentary Women’s Corpus. These corpuses are funded by the western institutions and represent their interests. As the Health Minister, the mutilation or the preservation of our children is in her hands. Will she preserve them or encourage their mutilation, with her LGBTQ advocacy?
Upon election, her first promise was to support the LGBTQ rights bill. In our country, we have had a near 30 year war and government brutality that has made many women bereft of sons, brothers and husbands. They are still expecting the state to inform about the life and death of their loved ones, whom the state took for questioning and never returned. All they ask for is justice, from a state in which they are all citizens. Are they not entitled to it?
Are they of lesser importance to the Prime Minister? And what about those suffering from the Covid policies, lock downs and vaccinations. Should she perhaps not pledge to hold an inquiry, especially since the head of their Parliamentary Women’s Corpus, Sudharshini Fernandopulle was the administrator of Sri Lankan’s Covid policy? What about the costs incurred, causing the economic plunder through the purchase of high cost patented mRNA vaccines, when cheaper Chinese and Russian vaccines were readily available? And, was the Women’s Corpus not responsible for the unnecessary closure of schools, the masking of children and their forced injection by mRNA gene manipulating technologies? Instead of investigating into such matters, does the prime Minister intend to cause greater burden to our already highly corrupt national health care system through the purchase of puberty blockers and hormones intended to sterilize our children? When studies do indicate, when ignored and influencing factor removed, most children’s gender dysphoria vanishes.
Why Do Parents Succumb?
Parents fall into the trap laid to them by psychiatrists. A psychiatrist lies to the parent with the words, ‘it is either a trans child or a dead child’. Not wanting to have a dead child, they opt for the trans child. But, data shows that the rate of suicide is higher amongst transitioned children than the non-transitioned.
The generation of kids who buy into this agenda are silver spoon kids. They have done nothing, achieved nothing and lived off the wealth of parents. They feel they are doing something greater than themselves by supporting gender affirmation. It is transcendental hype in a life that has no meaning. They are confusing criminal intent with decriminalization. In our country, no one is stoned for sexual preference. We need no laws to decriminalize, custom has done so. Laws are not a creation of petri glass culture, but born from custom. These gender ideologists are incapable of making a distinction between real life and the digital realism of social media. They should be taught dialectic; the art of investigating, or thinking through; instead, they are being taught dogma packaged as social justice. And they swallow it, with the credulity of a generations whose God is consumerism; a generation of children whose parents have failed them.
Live Not By Lies
I know a person, to whom a client came with two teenage children for haircuts. Before the kids sat for the haircuts the mother whispered to my friend, my children are non-binary, don’t address the as ‘he’ and ‘she’ call them ‘they’ and ‘it’.
Without blinking an eyelid, my friend told the mother, ‘I know only two biological sexes. They are male and female. The pronouns for rendering biology into language is ‘he’ had ‘she’. I will address your children with what I see, not what they imagine’.
Parents, LIVE NOT BY LIES. The title for this essay was borrowed from Rod Dreher’s book, ‘Live not by Lies’ which was borrowed from Solzhenitsyn who survived the Gulag. Dreher says, ‘The dictatorship of thoughts and words is a regime based on lies and propaganda. Political correctness corrupts one’s ability to think clearly about reality. With the advance of consumerism and individualism, we have built a social ecosystem in which the function of the family has been reduced to producing autonomous consumers with no sense of connection or obligation to anything greater than fulfilling his own desires. Conservative parents do spot threats to family from progressive ideologues, but are uncritically accepting of the free market’s logic and say nothing to the mindless surrendering of their child’s minds to smartphones and the internet.’
These children are living in a digital Gulag. And they don’t know it. They don’t need jailors to torment them, they do it themselves with the collaboration of a murderous medical establishment. Dreher gives guidance to parents. ‘If you perceive a system runs on lies, stand firmly upon the foundation of what you KNOW to be true and real. (like the hairdresser). Refuse to let media and institution propagandize your children. Teach them to identify truth from fiction. Try not to be party to the lie. Show civil courage, for that is what children emulate. ESPECIALLY MOTHERS must ensure that families do not succumb to patriarchal tyranny or crazy feminism and above all, reject the worshipping of children and catering to their every desire. Your consent to the system may buy you safety, but at an unbearable cost for you are a complicit to the evil attempt of destroying the last surviving community in a globalized world; the family. As Orwell says, ‘it is not by winning an argument but keeping yourself grounded in reality that you carry on the human heritage’.
The human heritage is not bearded women, it is not breasted men, it is not sexual rights. Human heritage is a composition of rituals, duties, civic, moral and ethical conduct that have passed from one generation to the next. It is a spiritual journey from birth until death. Do it justice and teach those who do not.
David Reimer put a gun to his head and killed himself. The malpractices done to his body was too much or his mind to bear. Let it not happen to our children. For that, we must Live Not live by Lies.
*Nudge theory was developed in 2008 by economist David Thaler, where small or personal stimulation (nudges) are done by media, social media, politicians, corporations, NGO’s and public institutions that guide individuals towards making decisions that may be detrimental to them but of advantage to interest groups and production companies. Nudge theory won the Nobel prize in 2017, two years before it was used in the Covid agenda.
davidthegood / November 2, 2024
Manuka Wijesinghe, Live not by lies should explain itself without much jargon. Whatever happened to normal family life and the guiding of children before they go to school and get corrupted through peer pressure. The reality of the birth of a baby is through a female born with a womb. Those who impregnate the female are called males. What else is their to fuss about regarding sex of humans, which the bible says in Gen.1,27 that “God created man in his own image, and male and female He created them” God blessed them and asked them to be fruitful and fill the earth. Nothing more than that. Animals don’t have this problem.
D. Hettiarachchi / November 5, 2024
Live Not By Lies – History Of The Gender Ideology is a great article that serves the cultured societies in the East and the whole world. Please write why the Western countries support it tremendously as a tool to mislead the public so widely.