By Gamini Dullewe –
There could not have been a better recipe, than mixing Religion with Politics, to bring up on us the havoc we experienced after Independence, for the breakdown of Law and Order, cultivating hatred, jealousy and the slow development of the country’s economy, was solely due to the Political visionary of our half-baked Politicians who climbed the social ladder with their catchers after entering the field of Politics, once the flood gates were opened for them in ’56, by their erstwhile Leader SWRD Bandaranaike, who preached a brand of Socialism that was supposed to be the panacea for all social inequality, to wipe out class differences and make all equal in society. The Western Educated Middle classes were ridiculed as ‘Pukka Sahibs’ who were looked down up on, by these Pseudo Patriots who shunned using the English Language, their dress code, or their life styles, only to imitate them better than the Pukka Sahibs, after sixty years with their progeny, all receiving Degrees from Foreign Universities, certainly not in Swabhasha.
Swabhasha was meant for the Hoi-Polloi only. Although some of these Vernacular critics, have had a very good English Education, they were the most vociferous, to denounce English, even shunning Western attire and starting to wear the newly found National Dress to pose off as the Saviours of Sinhala and Buddhism. English was hated by them, so much so that they cultivated a culture in Schools and Universities, to resent any who spoke in English.
The situation was so bad, that the new administration in all govt departments who succeeded the English trained, were very offhandish to the English speaking in society, when they went to transact business with the State. The English speaking in society were totally at the mercy of the vernacular counterparts who handled all State work, strictly in Sinhala. This Policy of the State, led many of the educated to leave the shores of this country with their families to foreign climes.
Prior to ’56, be they Buddhists, Christians, Islamists or Hindus all practiced their beliefs in harmony without interference from the State or another and Religion was a private affair. There was no state sponsoring of any Religion, not even for Buddhism. People too were very religious and were genuine in their belief. Then the change after ’56 where the Buddhist Priests after supporting SWRD Bandaranaike to form the SLFP govt, started to demand a due place for Buddhists in the country, claiming provision is enshrined in the Constitution that led to a plethora of problems that divided the society. It should be noted here, that the founder of the Philosophy, Lord Buddha had not made such claim, when he preached his doctrine in India at that time, when there had been over 63 beliefs in practice.
It is not that Buddhism was poorly practiced by the majority who were Buddhists before Independence, but the new custodians who took the reins of managing Buddhism under a separate Ministry, began to unfold a brand of new Buddhism with Political patronage, that all govts were at the mercy of these forces. All govts from ’56 have willingly connived with the Buddhist Sangha and Buddhist Organizations to appease their demands for the Sinhala Buddhist vote in return to win elections.
Today there are many Buddhist Organizations heavily involved in spreading not only the Dhamma but intolerance and are grouping the Sinhala Buddhists, collectively herding them to Nirvana. They instill fear and insecurity that Buddhism is at risk of being overrun by other faiths. Therefore the Buddhists are up in arms trying to defend Buddhism with all their might and support to keep the flag flying. If all these Buddhists who feel they are threatened, only try to find out whether the number of Buddhists in the country had declined at the time of Independence or on the contrary have been increased with their input since 1956, other than natural increase due to population expansion, will enable them to understand, whether their effort of making Religion Compulsory in the Educational Curriculum and the impact of trying to regiment the children in a Religious order has improved the stock of Buddhists in the country?
Sadly Buddhism has degenerated from what it was before Independence by Religion being made compulsory, infringing one’s fundamental rights of what to believe or not to believe. Ironically all the villainy, corruption and violence committed in society today had stemmed after the introduction of this new Buddhist order after ‘56. Therefore it cannot be said, it is due to the lack of Religious observances in society that had led to the break down in the system. The breakdown certainly is due to an overdose of Religion, poured down the throats of society.
A Religion should be left for an individual or the family to practice and the State should not get involved in promoting one Religion or another, for political expedience. It would be a blessing for all Sri Lankans, the day the grip of these parasitic priests who act as the intermediaries are made to release their hold on society. After all why have an intermediary, to act on your behalf, if you have faith in your own belief?
Therefore the parasitic priests should not be promoted by the State for the benefit of the Politicians, at the expense of the masses. It is no secret that mixing Religion with politics after Independence had helped Nobodies in society to become Somebodies today. Politicians, who did not have the means to build monuments for their dead parents, are so wealthy today as they are the biggest Capitalists in society, that they yet use public funds for the purpose. This gimmickry of selling Religion by the State should stop and allow the public to practice their faith, as it was done before Independence. Lord Buddha never sought State sponsorship to propagate Buddhism, then why is the Buddhist Sangha allowed to do so today?
Nimal / February 12, 2019
Very good article and spot on with the tragic facts of the country. These political scumbags and some Buddhist priests are making a living at our expense.
R. Varathan / February 12, 2019
A bold article on a topical subject in which, by now, many hundreds of voices of reason across the racial-religious line should have expressed their outrage. Religion and charlatans related thereto are the real causes of our disunity and obstacle to economic progress. In these pages, we read of a responsible Doctor in the suburbs of Colombo leading a rowdy group of criminals and thugs to threaten the Management team of medical doctors. It was not long ago a garrulous Buddhist priest, of known criminal behaviour, who broke into a judicial Court, also in a Colombo suburb. This modern day Rasputin threatened a witness with death and insulted the sitting Judge and Counsel in attendance. He was later, doubtless with reluctance, taken into custody more due to a public outcry. He is now is in the process of being released to great popular dismay. That is the integrity of the law today in this country under siege from many quarters. The lesson here is those with political influence can get away with even murder. Impunity is the order of the day.
The liberal Mr. Gamini Dullewe might as well take precautions for his safety. We are a lawless land. Anything is possible.
R. Varathan
Don Stanley / February 12, 2019
Mr. Dullewe,
Thanks, while the brown pukka sahibs and sinhala nationalists fought political battles, Religion in Sri Lanka was weaponized by external parties in the seventies onward during the Cold War in South and Southeast Asia. Please see:
The US weaponized Islam in the Middle east and Buddhism in Asia to fight Communism, USSR and China.
Please read the book ” Cold War Monks: Buddhism and America’s Secret Strategy in South East Asia” published by Yale University by Yale Historian Eugene Ford on how the CIA set up the Asia FOundation to weaponize Buddhism and culture.
SWRD was killed with a gunshot as he was seen to be socialist. Today Trumpland is once again weaponizing Buddhism and Islam in order to distract Lankan from its agenda to set up military bases in Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean COld War against China. Peace Corp and various social media are being used for this..
Amarasiri / February 12, 2019
Gamini Dullewe ,
“Prior to ’56, be they Buddhists, Christians, Islamists or Hindus all practiced their beliefs in harmony without interference from the State or another and Religion was a private affair. There was no state sponsoring of any Religion, not even for Buddhism. People too were very religious and were genuine in their belief.”
Yes. Succinctly and concisely described.
Individual believers , based on their own efforts, tried to get to Heaven or Nirvanna.
Then the state intervened, and the monks, wanted everybody to get to Nirvanna with state aid. The result, everybody ended up in Apaya, Hell, aided and abetted by the politicians,
Amarasiri / February 12, 2019
Gamini Dulawe,
Thanks. You have identified the problem.
This was the reason why Thomas Jefferson, got the separation of Church (religion) and strategy to the American Constitution.
In Sri Lanka we introduced religion, Buddhism
, and state in 1972 and 1978. Ever since then, many saffron clad monks were running amok.
A Land like no other!
Kapila / February 12, 2019
US citizen Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been at the forefront of militarising and weaponizing Buddhism in Sri Lanka during and after the war. BBS saffron thug Galaboda Gniyanasara went to Norway and USA and came back and started attacking Muslims in Sri Lanka.
Is there some connection to the US setting up military bases in Trincomalee, at this time while the Fake New Constitution draft is being used to distract everyone with religious and ethnic tensions being re-started?
Divide, Distract and Rule is part of an old colonial strategy made easy with face book and social media now.
Frank Stained / February 14, 2019
Well, Jefferson and other Jews who became presidents of the US made the US the backer of the 4th temple project and started underwriting Israeli murders and land grab.
And Bumarasiri is saying they do not mix politics and religion! Typical bullshit coming from the Bum.
Amarasiri / February 12, 2019
Gamini Duluwe,
Thanks for the succinct write-up on the role played by the Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” priests, misusing pristine Buddhism to their advantage, in promoting Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”.
That is how the Wahhabi-Salafism is promoted in Saudi Arabia. Wahhabi-Salafism is a Satanic faith per Hadith of Najd.
Isn’t Para-Sinhala “Buddhism” also a Satanic, i.e. a Mara faith, and not a philosophy?
Frank Stained / February 14, 2019
THis is typical Lansi achcharu campaign against all other religions than murderous Judaism.
Amarasiri / February 15, 2019
Jamal S,
Religion is the opium of the masses said the Philosopher “Prophet” Karl Marx, who was a Jew, God’s Choosen People.
K.Anaga / February 12, 2019
The irony of it is that lord Buddha gave up his kingdom- that means the Government and became almost a hermit. He differentiated the Good the Bad and the Ugly. But he never forced his thinking on others and said if you wish to, you may follow. But our governments are trying to Drag Lord Buddha back into the Government (THEIR KINGDOM), so that they can commit all sins in the name of Buddha and cover their sins under Saffron Robes. Oh! lord forgive them- they know not what they do.
If possible please come back to the world, identify your self by means of an NIC (otherwise they will not listen to you) computerize your preaching with necessary Amendments Additions and get it passed by 2/3 majority in our beloved parliament. Get it incorporated in page 5 chapter ii, Caption ‘Buddhism’ of our Constitution. Delete the present contents and ensure that no Politicians and Hamudrwas meddle with it in the future. I am sure all people belonging to Different religion too will accept it like the Tamil THIRUK KURAL as there will be no controversy.’.. But don’t mention the word ‘Tamil’ any where in the preaching. ‘Sathu-Sathu-Sa’
Critical thinking / February 12, 2019
Politician use race; language; religion; rationalism and regionalism to win over votes ..
This is what exactly takes place in SL too.
R. Varathan / February 12, 2019
We must not yield to cynicism in meekly accepting “politicians use race, language, religion and regionalism to win over votes” This is a defeatist attitude that can only come from a meek, pliable people. The ideal response is to demonstrate we are different and will not take dishonesty and treachery lying down. The resistance must be lead by the now powerful clergy who often claim they have saved the country “for over 2,500 years” The clerical hierarchy now have a rare opportunity to cleanse the country of much of the evil that has plagued our political landscape in the past seven decades or so. If they can accomplish this they will not only earn the gratitude of the majority of the Buddhist population but of all other minorities as well.
R. Varathan
soma / February 12, 2019
Using race; language; religion; rationalism and regionalism to win over votes is the DECLARED, EXPLICIT policy of TAMIL National Alliance. and MUSLIM Congress. The other side is trying to counter that. TNA is the root cause.
M. Sajjad / February 12, 2019
soma, He..he…he…he….he…he….he….he….he…he…he……he…..he….he….he… enough?
Native Vedda / February 12, 2019
M. Sajjad
I know what you are thinking.
He has progressed in his thinking and his career, from a card carrying active member of Pancha Maha Balavegaya, a professional arsonist, an active participant of every riot since 1956, ………… now he is a qualified Sinhala/Buddhist mutant fascist.
He never converted to Sinhala/Buddhism, however he was born as one as his grandfather was the first kallathonie to convert himself to Sinhala/Buddhism. somass fit in very well with like minded crowd.
He is a zealous defender of Sinhala/Buddhist fascism which shows his ancestry and why he hides his ancestral kallathonie connections to South India.
Uthungan / February 13, 2019
Add skin colour to the pot and cancel out rationalism.
Then you have a lethal preparation called ”Fascism”, for corrupt politicians to justify the PTA,curfews and media control for a dictatorship complete with killings,bombings and wars.
Socrates / February 12, 2019
A great article. Yes Buddhism or any religion is an individual choice. Keep
It to yourself- because apart from
the morals all metaphysical concepts such as karma, rebirth, nirvana, heaven hell , only are bribes and will corrupt your mind and make you a selfish man – Socrates
Suranga Gunasekera / February 12, 2019
All rivers in the world flow into the sea. Fresh water gets preserved as salty water.
Similarly all religions will eventually meet in one place and become one. Not in their original form but a different form.
Without both sea and the rivers, humanity won’t survive. Accept this and find your peace within.
The issue is the leaders are no more but only career politicians replace them.
Since they’re not natural leaders, in order to get the community support they use religion, bribery and words, instead of years of hard work and dedication to the community.
What you blame is the cultural change due to corrupt politics.
Saman / February 12, 2019
So called monks have completely destroyed Buddha Sasana in this country.
Not everyone but few who have involved in party politics.
It should be completely banned and prohibited.
If someone wants to involve in politics he must disrobe himself and go ahead with it.
Suranga Gunasekera / February 12, 2019
If someone is exercising their religion correctly, most often you will find them humble, kind, loving and righteous.
If you see them as arrogant, rude, hateful, power hungry and greedy then they are pretending.
Unfortunately, due to the standard of current politicians, It’s better for religious leaders, not getting involved actively.
Providing some guidance, to get them in the correct path, would definitely be of some value.
Eagle Eye / February 12, 2019
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
“The Christian Democratic Union of Germany or Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (CDU) is one of the two main right of centre political parties in Germany. It describes itself as
a Christian democratic, liberal and conservative party of the centre.
In November 2005 the Federal leader of the CDU Dr. Angela Merkel became the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany.”
When Whites do it, there is nothing wrong. Google search ‘vatican and world politics’.
Nathan / February 12, 2019
The poor author may be in trouble. It nothing for the guys to just bump him off. Ever since Banda founded Sinhala Only Racist policy along with Appe Anduwa and let the mad dogs on the street and then started the rot for SL. All decent, honest, sincere citizens were being hunted down on a periodic basis and soon followed by Sirima, and the most ruthless JR who stoned the judges and created total chaos. Then MR looted and killed and the rest is history. No one is punished so far and now the country is in the hands of murders. Banda started politicising Buddhism and soon evolved a new entity called “Sinhala Buddhism”. That is the beginning of the end. Banda himself was murdered by gun by two Buddhist clergy for business rivalry and they showed how Buddha is going to lose his mission in SL even though he chose this land as a Buddhist land that will uphold the teachings of Buddha. After only 70 years what have we achieved? Total hatred among races, severe poverty, alcoholism and drug menace, crimes of all shades from rapes to robbery and murders and now become a world Centre for Drug transit. Also a well sought after destination for sex starved cheap tourists including child sex.
This is what we achieved by the political crooks and sevalayas who made Great Buddhism a big joke, and murders at every nook and corner on a regular basis. Buddhist clergy are responsible for several crimes and they are above the law. Low grade politicians are even appointed as Minster of Buddha Sasana, oh what a shame?
But the guys are only contended with blaming the minority for all their failures and losses and ever ready to attack them, kill them and destroy them for all their failures. The patriotic veerayas ruined the nation led by politicians, armed forces and clergy and now reached the rock bottom without any chance of redemption
Paul / February 12, 2019
It is easy to blame SWRD and Sinhala Only as the cause of all ills. That is a simplistic and foolish approach. Besides, Sinhala Only was also a UNP policy at the time!
Native Vedda / February 12, 2019
“It is easy to blame SWRD and Sinhala Only as the cause of all ills. That is a simplistic and foolish approach. “
Of course it may not be the cause of all ills however it was the beginning of a new kind of competition, competitive racism. The public racist Banda confessed to an Elder that he did not expect to win with such a majority. He could not prevent others who were in the party pushing forward their racist agenda.
You better work it out for yourself.
What do they say, genie out of the bottle?
Paul / February 12, 2019
I don’t accept that it was the beginning, but it was the continuation of an existing racism. Discrimination on the grounds of race and religion existed under the British and continued after independence. At that time the victims were Sinhala and Tamil speaking, Hindus, Buddhists, Up-Country Tamils etc. As I have said, the pendulum swung the other way after 1956. It will take a long time to swing back again.
Native Vedda / February 13, 2019
Don’t worry about the pendulum which can be swayed front or back by force, what about your moral compass, have you misplaced it or you never had it in the first place?
Talking about Up Country Tamils, when did you really care about them?
Perhaps you are waiting for another pendulum swing for them.
Please stop being a bull s*****r.
Paul / February 13, 2019
Native you are the bull shitter with your constant attacks on anyone who doesn’t agree with you.
What is your problem with Anagarika Dharmapala? Don’t you know that you cannot judge a man who was born over a century ago by today’s standards?
You might as well call Churchill a monster because of the Bengal famine while ignoring his leadership during WW2. You might as well call Mahatma Gandhi a racist because of his comments on Africans during his South Africa days.
About time you learned some real history instead of spouting pseudo-intellectual claptrap. You impress nobody.
Native Vedda / February 13, 2019
“What is your problem with Anagarika Dharmapala?”
He was a public racist and known to have expressed his views including admiration for Nazis and Fascists in Japan and hatred for Muslims. The problem is that now many leading supposed scholars and writers have unquestionable respect for him as if he had single handedly saved the Sinhalese and Buddhist from catastrophe.
The emergence of totalizing ideologies
by Gananath Obeyesekere
“The Sinhala-Buddhist reform under the leadership of Anagarika Dharmapala created a new Sinhala-Buddhist identity and an ideology of nationhood that treated Tamils, Muslims and Christians as somehow alien and not quite a part of the imagined nation.” –
He had problem with his own sexuality which came across in his behaviour, utterances, and his writings.
Please read the article by
Personal Identity and Cultural Crisis The Case of Anagarika Dharmapala of Sri Lanka
by last of the great scholars
Prof Gananath Obeysekere
Religion and Reason 11, Method and Theory in the Study of Interpretation of Religion,
Edited by Frank E Reynolds and Donald Capps
Who said Churchill was a great humanitarian saint?
Give me one difference between Hitler and Churchill.
Do you liken Dr Mahinda to Churchill?
Hareesz Rasheed / February 12, 2019
Well presented Gamini, appreciate you bold and frank analysis. I feel all religions are now mixed up with Politics, not only Buddhism. Most politicians want to survive in the name of Religion.
Amarasiri / February 13, 2019
Hareesz Rasheed,
“Religion is the Opium of the Masses” Karl Marx.
So, the politicians have weaponized it.
Dias / February 12, 2019
Writing here is akin to preaching to the choir!
You need to write on a forum that reaches out to the “great unwashed”, the backbone of this 1956 Buddhist revival…..being led by their noses like chattel……or is it cattle??
Aelajo / February 12, 2019
Spot on Sir, well said. This ‘enforcement’ of religion since 1956 has been the cause of most of our ills.
It’s time we realized this.
nalmen / February 12, 2019
why is it that so called thravada buddhist leaders like ranil for example in fact practice mahayana and pray to hindu gods for favours
sri lanka kovils are not enough they have to go to india
chiv / February 12, 2019
Salute to The Author. What you have written is the true fact.Proxies will come out in loads to distort these facts but it will not change the end game.(another Venezuela) What we have now is not leaders. They are born criminals who enter politics and use religion and race to exploit the ignorant masses. This crooked system has been primed since early independence so that the voters have been gradually turned into conditioned Pavlov,s models. True we had a civil disturbance which is the one of the end product of this scheme. The current criminals went on to exploit further to keep it going. Now with the active social media proxies are paid to continue this propaganda. This being the their life line and source of income the politicians will see to that, there is no light at the end of this tunnel.The poor are taken for a ride and the rich are further rewarded for their support.See the BS right in front of you. Wine sipping , Cigar smoking SWRD was apparently against the elites/sahibs and now you see our politicians amassing wealth, living in luxury and helping the rich to become filthy rich. The religious heads too are in the scheme for propaganda and to make a living. The honest law abiding working class will continue to pay in taxes for these devious plans. These criminals come out during elections wearing their “PSEUDO MASK” – Patriots, Nationalist,Buddhist.
chiv / February 12, 2019
See now a days how easy to become rich and famous in Lanka .Just become a politician. One dosent need any education, No need to even have schooling. When eligible turn into politics and join the worst crook in the trade. Take out your different “PSEUDO MASKS” to play the role of Nationalist/Patriot/Buddhist—–etc. If you play it right you hit the jack pot. Do favors to the rich and they will take care of the financial support. Visit the religious sites and keep palms oiled so that propaganda machines dont go idle. Hire the proxies to spread the racial/religious hatred so that the fire is constantly kindled. Buy the media to spread your fake news. And trust me it works in Lanka.( has been in use since independence)
Goviya / February 12, 2019
I know Gamini Dullewe. He is a Trinitian. Why can’t more people be like him and call a spade a spade?
Sinhala_Man / February 13, 2019
Dear Goviya,
Yes, I’ve been reading some of Gamini Dullewe’s articles. Many good things in them, and I’m glad you’ve praised him. Urged on by Native Vedda, I’ve looked at the report of the speech by Gananath Obeysekera.
Obeysekera places a lot of blame on the D.S. Senanayake colonisation schemes in the Eastern Province. I also saw somewhere the phrase “competitive racism”. In 71 years since independence feudalism has got dismantled and people are socially, geographically and economically mobile. We can’t combine that with population growth as well – true of the World as an entity. We probably have to ensure zero population growth – for the sake of our progeny who must be allowed to inherit some of nature’s bounties – and not only our divisions.
Goviya, given those concerns – and the topic of the article – don’t you see the incongruity of your suddenly saying that “He’s a Trinitian”. How can you admit every male Sri Lankan child to one school? Just see the comments below yours – at least sub-consciously sparked off by yours!
On the one hand, we have Ranil W. and his Royalists (worse because it’s with State Funds – oh, I know the counter, that it’s with parent or OBA contributions bridging the gap) and you, out of nowhere coming up with this Trinity College thing. Treasure your memories by all means, but think of the context.
Nathan’s comment above this, and “Cupboard Peiris’s” below, are other aspects that we cannot ignore. If we are to save our country, I’m afraid that we’ll have to do some serious self-evaluations.
MirakRajbanda / February 12, 2019
That’s the worst thing one can do (mixing Buddhism with politics in sri Lnakan context).
kulan / February 12, 2019
Good article. Parallel to Sinhala Buddhist domination in the North too we need to be cautious of the activities of the Siva Sevana. One Maravanpula Satchiananthan is leading in this way. Many local councils are following his idea. Christian and Muslim minorities there are persecuted.
Paul / February 12, 2019
‘Prior to ’56, be they Buddhists, Christians, Islamists or Hindus all practiced their beliefs in harmony without interference from the State or another and Religion was a private affair.’
Is that so? Then how come the majority of schools in a mainly Buddhist and Hindu country were being run by the churches? How come the Catholic Action movement was allowed to promote Catholic interests? How come the majority of officers in the military were Christian?
When the British left the Westernised minority simply continued their policies. It is these vested interests of the Westernised minority that caused the 1956 backlash.
Rationalist / February 12, 2019
I went to a Christian School, although I was a Buddhist!
It only made Me a Better Buddhist in the True sense, because I had Christian Bigotry to compare with the True Teaching of the Buddha!
Unfortunately now, we are left with a Form of Buddhist Bigotry, which leads True Buddhists to turn against Sinhala/Buddhism!
Paul / February 12, 2019
Rationalist, I don’t disagree with you. The pendulum has swung the other way.
Native Vedda / February 12, 2019
“Unfortunately now, we are left with a Form of Buddhist Bigotry, which leads True Buddhists to turn against Sinhala/Buddhism!”
Good news.
Please let me have their contact details as I want to work with Buddhists to liberate Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhism, which is a concocted political identity. The father of Sinhala/Buddhism was the public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala.
Buddhism should be liberated from all forms of national, racial, regional, ……. religious ………… and constitutional boundaries.
The inclusion of chapter II (Buddhism) was a humongous mistake, as it has given more room for crooks and criminals to hide. Every time politicians and functionaries were caught red handed they usually tend to invoke or take the Chapter II to protect their bum, including Sil Redda case.
What a miracle of Asia?
Raj-UK / February 12, 2019
Like you, I was born into a Buddhist family but attended a Christian school because my parents wanted me to have a good education but none of the ‘good’ Colombo schools were possible as we lived outside the stipulated area. Therefore, a fee levying private school which my parents could barely afford was the only option, & that too, was possible because of my father’s friendship with some senior staff at the school. Just as Mr Dullawa has stated, I have experienced the resentment & possibly, even discrimination towards English speaking middle class in my early years. Years later, living in UK now, I still notice the ‘Sinhalese Buddhist’ sentiment instilled in the ‘Swabasha’ culture among many in the SL community & their general intolerance & bigotry, despite themselves living as a minority in a foreign country.
SWRD was the biggest hypocrite who exploited nationalistic & religious sentiments to the full, & as a direct result, we have thugs & uneducated yobs in Parliament, elected by gullible voters on the socialist agenda, supported by the ‘patriotic’ sentiment but due to the deterioration of the education system, even the so called educated & the Professionals are no better because the ‘swabasha’ ideology that has left a chip on their shoulder.
whywhy / February 16, 2019
Throughout the world people have pets . The West have dogs and cats
for pets and some children have mouse pets and play with them . Now
what has it got to do with the subject we are discussing here ? Well I
don’t leave anything I see without learning something from it and I
believe the whole world is a University at different levels . If we
believe that each and every man is unique then we have something
to learn from him . Now about the pets , pets in the West are never
found astray on the roads or in other public areas in this part of the
world . Why ? Not only because of the rules ! THEY CARE FOR THEIR
PETS and so they do many things for them including picking up the
dropping with covered hands and putting into a bag (not in France).
The point I’m trying to raise here is that RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER
K.Pillai / February 12, 2019
As to whether religion was part of politics or politics was part of religion, is debateable till the cows come home. It can be concluded that the two are intertwined.
The clergy, the nobility and the commoners were always the three estate of a realm or reign. Then came the press which wielded significant social influence. This was called the fourth estate of realms.
With passage of time, the fourth estate had to include radio and TV. The Media is today’s fourth estate. Unfortunately the fourth estate has caved into manipulations by politicians.
The founding of religions was to end exploitation of the commoners. The clergy has abandoned this mission. Vigilantes hell bent on ‘defending’ the religions sprouted. Starting with the ‘inquisition’ we now have for example VHP in India, Sunni-sect clergy in Pakistan, the Wirathu followers in Myanmar and BBS in SL.
To cut a long story short: Gamini Dullewe has written about Lankan Buddhism but others have the same bane, for example ACJU’s need to keep MMDA1950 ‘As is Where is’.
We hear you Gamini. The number hearing you is on the increase.
Thangamma / February 12, 2019
Caste and Buddhism. Caste and marriage, those are serious issues still in Buddhist people in Sri Lanka like how it is a massive problem in Hindu Tamils. People get rejected by parents for marrying outside the caste/family/religion etc and that is totally against the teachings of the Buddha. Sadly, many people suffer from that still specially in the so called Kandyan elitist family circles. That sort if ingrained, inherent issue is what permeates society at large. Monks should not be given too much importance nor should imams, priests, sadhus, kattandiyas, astrologers in a progressive society. Start from home.
Cupboard Peiris / February 12, 2019
He supports the UNP so conveniently ignores JR pappa and the Sinhala Only march. SWRD was a weak nationalist who was too chicken to see throught the Banda-Chelva pack. But he had to face formidable UNP JR led marches in Kelaniya and violence. This bloke is a well known UNPer so he is like Vishwamithra only sees what he wants to see. JR pappa and his para constitution ruined SL. He chased out the TULF from Parliament with a stupid loyalty oath.
Douglas / February 12, 2019
I don’t think this “Supremacy” of the ” Represented Religious Custodianship” of the “Faith”/ “Teaching” has been identified and understood correctly by us. No doubt, this “Custodianship” of any religion that we speak of has been very surreptitiously made use of to capture “POWER” in “Connivance” with that “Entity” (Custodianship) . We know it, speak of it, write about it (as in this presentation) and lament, blame for what has been “Inherited” (the real KARUME) down the ages. Having agreed what we, know, speak and write, the big QUESTION : What have we done to ERADICATE this MENACE to the “Faith/Teaching” (termed Religion) in particular and the “People” in general? This “Question” too must be answered with another question to find an ANSWER i.e. Who MUST take action? A simple “Answer” would emerge: The “FOLLOWERS” (the People) of the “Faith/Teachings”. What is the best “WAY” and the “TOOL” available to the followers? NOTHING ELSE other than to be FREE from this “Custodianship” (Clergy) and be on your OWN SELF CHOICE to be the “Custodian” of what ever you CHOSE to follow to BETTER yourself. LEARN the “Faith/Teaching” well and EXPERIMENT it in all your daily routine and be a MASTER at it of yourself. Discard all these “AGENTS” who make a living off your “IGNORANCE” and “INNOCENCE”. Then only you can very courageously be successful to get rid of this “MENACE”.
whywhy / February 14, 2019
Politics mixes with anything and politicise everything in the paradise . Their
main target is religions because this is where the general public take a wash
and bath regularly . And for some religion is laundry and that fits well our
politics . Priests , Monks , Moulavis all enjoy laundering for politics because
none of them are of any serious about their preaching . So it goes according
to plans ” you scratch mine and I do yours .”
whywhy / February 14, 2019
Failing to put religions in their right place is number one reason for mushrooming
political parties in the country in the name of communities that believe in
religions blindly . Founders of religions all faced the same destiny that all their
followers face but the world has moved on to a complete new order for better or
worse since their departure . We can debate about better and worse conditions that
prevail today , day in day out but one thing is clear and that is , the advance of
religions were halted centuries ago and Democracy took over from them . There’s
no choice for us now other than fully changing to modern conditions than living
like Amphibians . All developed and advanced people of many countries in different
ways speak only one language and follow one rule to avoid jamming the brain with
unwanted elements and so they can release their full potential for a better life .
But on the contrary , what are we doing ? We try everything to pressurize people to
breaking their heads with loads of rubbish instead of helping them take off the
existing ones ! We don’t produce quality professionals today ! Just look at the rate
professionals are caught pants down with their acts ! Look at how politicians
behave in public places , Clergy’s behaviour , academics , lawyers ! The country
is running thanks to the credit of handfuls who does have a quality upbringing .
But the quantity is running low day by day and if nobody wants to correct the
situation immediately , we start to sink , religions would be the top contributors
to that end , have no doubts ..
whywhy / February 16, 2019
Throughout the world people have pets . The West have dogs and cats
for pets and some children have mouse pets and play with them . Now
what has it got to do with the subject we are discussing here ? Well I
don’t leave anything I see without learning something from it and I
believe the whole world is a University at different levels . If we
believe that each and every man is unique then we have something
to learn from him . Now about the pets , pets in the West are never
found astray on the roads or in other public areas in this part of the
world . Why ? Not only because of the rules ! THEY CARE FOR THEIR
PETS and so they do many things for them including picking up the
dropping with covered hands and putting into a bag (not in France).
The point I’m trying to raise here is that RESPECT FOR EACH OTHER