14 September, 2024


Moors Of Sri Lanka Are Not Perfectly Peaceful

By Imtiyaz Razak –

Dr.Imtiyaz Razak

Well, much has been said and written about the Bodu Bala Sena with regard their attack and violence on Moors of Sri lanka [also known as Muslims] and their symbols such as mosques. What the BBS did should not be encouraged, but need to be condemned to build more inclusive society in the island of Sri Lanka.

Having that said I would not think Moors of Sri Lanka are perfectly peaceful nor all of their actions contribute to peace and harmony. The recent trend and development among Moors of Sri Lanka are not very conducive to build peace and trust with non-Muslims.

The growth of Wahabists and Wahabist movements generously backed by the Middle Eastern countries and local agents, rise of Madrasas in the major corners of areas where Muslims pose predominancy, the growth of Muslim mosques on major roads and localities, steady rise of hijabis [muslim women wearing حجاب-a veil that covers the head and chest] are a few that contribute to the BBS actions and politics.

Muslims display the victory symbol as they hold a picture of Osama bin Laden during an anti-Israel and anti-U.S. protest demonstration after Friday prayers in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Friday, July 21, 2006.

Note that I am NOT justifying what the BBS has been doing against the Moors, but Moors, for that matter Tamils also need to understand the concerns of majority, and thus should not contribute to the growth of extremists.

Tensions and conflicts are very likely to occur in a society where there is a politicization of relations/symbols to win votes. Hence, there need be actions from all sides to ease tensions and breed peace. Any failure would not only trigger further tensions in Sri Lanka at popular level, but also would provide perfect opportunities to external forces to exploit sri Lanka’s local tensions for their own interests.

*Dr.  A. R. M. Imtiyaz’ research and teaching are mainly focused on ethnic politics. He has published widely in peer-reviewed international journals. He currently teaches at the Asian Studies/Department of Political Science, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.

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    Guys don’t worry about this person. he doesn’t know the basic teaching of anything! Why should comment against for this poor guy.

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    Mr Razik, You are a doctor,b”cos u have studied for it and muslim because of your parents are muslim, to write about islam and hijab you need to know about Islam, Hope you got my message.

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    Judging by the rubbish you have written I don’t think you are fit to be addressed as Doctor … academic or otherwise.

    You are in the USA where there are so many medical specialists. PLEASE get your head examined after you pull it out of your ars……

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    Dear Imtiyaz,

    I don’t know what you’re smoking over there in the US (definitely not the good stuff) because I see some serious flaws in your arguments.

    Some of my closest friends are Sinhalese and I know for a fact that the “majority” is not bothered what the Muslims are up to let alone what they are wearing, they are working hard to make ends meet, educate their children and bring some meaning to their lives.

    All this BBS crap is a weapon of mass distraction. I only wish the Middle East was throwing money at us Muslims, might be able to sort out the massive electricity bill I keep getting after the recent rate hike.

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    Dear Dr. Imtiyas

    Short and sweet narratives or accusation without valid or authentic arguments, for the sake of argument we assume that you’re heading is truthful same as what BBS claims, but your examples are irritating and baseless and it fails to prove your argument as well, just we go through one by one…..

    “The growth of Wahabists and Wahabist movements generously backed by the Middle Eastern countries and local agents”

    You know more than me what does it meant by “Wahabi/Salafi” what they are calling for and the influence what they have in muslim community in Srilanka, they are negligible minority and they are calling towards the spiritual facts only, if I am not wrong even they are refusing about Islamic system of politics as well…if you mean the so called wahabi in form of Taliban; then your example is excellent but unfortunately we don’t have such kind of wahabis in Srilanka..Even US embassy leaked cables says the same…

    “Madras as in the major corners of areas where Muslims pose predominance”
    It seems you may visit Afghanistan recently instead of Srilanka, can you tell us a single madrasa in Srilanka where they are teaching hatred about other religion/community/people/culture..Actually we have to promote the madrasas in srilankan in order to produce tolerable, inclusive, understanding community with high moral values….these are the Nobel values which anyone who attend madrasa could learn..

    “The growth of Muslim mosques on major roads and localities”

    Take your car from Clombo to Anuradhapura (Sorry you may haven’t visit Sri Lanka recently) there are 28 muslim mosques on main road all of them are more than 50years old….but yes muslims make new mosques not to show or confiscate the land but to perform their prayer as they do every day close to their village….by the way the consumed land to built for muslim mosque is much lesser when compare to Pansala or Kovils in Srilanaka (The recent Grandpass mosque also built only on 3 Purchases)

    “Steady rise of hijabis [muslim women wearing حجاب-a veil that covers the head and chest”

    This is non sense at all; do your grandmother/sisters walk on the street without covering her head and chest??? I never see muslim ladies in srilnka wearing such like that, hence our Sinhala ladies were also wearing same like that during the past decade, we change our dress code to mostly western style. The fact is muslim ladies are now more interact with the community they are doing higher studies, doing jobs….so do we want let the m to go back to kitchen….you may know in recent passed few muslims ladies were not allowed to study beyond GCE O/L, but now its improved they are studying interacting with community….

    In a nut shell I have not seen any matured minority like Srilankan muslims , even though they face several incitement for last two years their patience, diplomacy and the guidance of their leaders are amicable..

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    i think this Fathima Fukushima ( never heard of that sir name) is an imposter…..and why is she asking everybody to checkout religion of peace website to see facts and figures when all we as muslims need to know is there in the Holy Quran and authentic hadith …if any non muslim wants to clear doubts about islam please refer to original and authentic sources and be wary when searching information in the web as there are many fake websites designed with the sole objective of demonizing Islam …. probably the web site recommended by her is run by zionist or islamaphobics….. and Rue Seneviratne as you pointed out this article is indeed outrageous because it tries to blame and condemn the muslims in Sri Lanka for merely being Muslims and practicing their faith for which they have a constitutional right… the absurdity of it astounds me…the message it sends out is its a crime to be a Muslim and practice the religion by going to mosque and wearing hijab etc etc…..

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    dear imitiyaz, you nailed it well, best regards

    • 0

      What did Imithiyaz nailed well?
      I was under the impression that he forgot to continue after the first para.
      Actually what does he trying to say? Dont we know BBS is wrong and at the same time we have some bad Muslims too. After all there are good and bad people among every community. So this article doesnt say anything here at all.
      The problem here in Sri Lanka is the STATE SPONSERED TERRORISM.
      Is this writer trying to cover up what BBS/JHU/Mahinda doing by saying that some Muslims too are wrong. I have a hunch that he justifies the BBS attacks on Mosques and Churches.
      Dr in what? Oh poor students!!!

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        He is another ‘Dr’ Mervin Silva :)

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      This is another paper by Imtiyaz Razak – Politicization of Buddhism and Electoral Politics in Sri Lanka.

      I am sure all the Sinhala-Buddhists in this forum will agree with him whole heatedly ;


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    I know Mr Razack when he was a lecturer at South Eastern University in the nineties and he completed his PhD at China, I believe. I met him a few times with friends. Although I am not a conspiracy theorist, his rise to become a lecturer at one of the best American uni within a very short time should ring alarm bells. He has been writing along the same lines since he became a doctor and always been an apologetic to the anti muslim elements.

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      That explains the nonsense he has babbled

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    Dr. Razak,

    Shame on you for complaining about the “rise of hijabis [muslim women wearing حجاب-a veil that covers the head and chest]”.

    Any sane person following his/ her religous guidelines (even moderately) would welcome a righteous initiative by the hand that rocks the cradle, how ever you (I believe a name-sake muslim) have the audacity to make a ludicrous claim of a growing hijab that consitutes the moors of Sri Lanka as not peaceful.

    I hope I am not the only one who sees the ridiculousness in your absurd statements.

    It is best you turn to your creator than trying to please the petty Dollars you make, none of that will follow you to Aakhira.

    May you be granted with sanity soon.

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    I thought I was one of the few to comment of this lame article by a so-called academic. I could not find any credentialed work of his except a multitude of papers he has entered himself.
    When one presents a point of view, it must be backed up by personal experiences, verified third party experiences and/or factually backed research done by others.
    Dr. Razaaks article did not contain anything other than his own conclusions based on nothing! Of course there appears to be many who are happy to now quote him as a factual source of nothing!
    Its about time the editors of CT put some effort into reading what they allow on-board and also verify the authors. Anyone can have an on-line profile and given some of the explosive subjects that get discussed here, it might be useful for all of us to self-police our tendencies to insult and criticize. At the end of the day, we must be more educated not less. To allow the ignorant to mislead, is on us, not on them.

  • 0

    This article is bieng against racial harmony..

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    this guy is a hypocrite. Must be paid by the bbs to talk crap.
    What we need in SL Is law & order. be it muslim/tamil/singaleese if they commit a criminal act punish them.The Rajapaksa regime has got what u call the above the law for some and the full might of the law for others.
    this will lead to civil or religious wars. this is nothing to do with islam or buddhism but by politicians fooling the avg dumb Sri Lanken. I have not seen a SL Politician i can say i will listen to his speech.as they are all hoodwinking the masses who vote for the same drug lords

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    Following the Battle of Badr, several defenseless Meccans were slaughtered by Muhammad’s companions. These included a man named Umayya and his young son, who were taken prisoner by a Muslim (a former friend who tried to protect them), but were then set upon by a mob before they could be escorted to safety:

    “I said (would you attack) my prisoners? But… The people formed a ring around us as I was protecting him. Then a man drew his sword and cut off his son’s foot so that he fell down and Umayya [the boy’s father] let out a cry such as I have never heard… They hewed them to pieces with their swords until they were dead.” (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 449)

    Another heartwarming account of Islamic chivalry during the same battle concerns Abu Jahl, one of Muhammad’s arch-enemies at Mecca. He met his death as he lay defenseless. In this case, two Muslims took the opportunity to administer the death blow:

    Mu’awwidh passed Abu Jahl as he lay there helpless and smote him until he left him at his last gasp. (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 451)
    Another Muslim named Abdullah then came by and put his foot on Abu Jahl’s neck and taunted him before decapitating him:

    Then I cut off his head and brought it to the apostle saying, “This is the head of the enemy of Allah, Abu Jahl.”… I threw his head before the apostle and he gave thanks to Allah. (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 451).

    Apparently these companions of Muhammad were unaware that “Islam is against” killing captives. But who could really blame them? Not only did the prophet of Islam praise them for the slaughter, he also ordered the death of another captive brought before him.

    Uqba bin Abu Mu’ayt pled for his life:

    “When the apostle ordered him to be killed, Uqba said, “But who will look after my children, O Muhammad?” [Muhammad’s reply] “Hell.” The man was put to death. (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 458)

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    Check this out this is what Fathima eludes to, whatever the motive was we do not know. I think the moderate believers are not taught these verses rightly so. The hatred can be seen in Bible too, There is fair amount feeling of revenge and justification in Hinduism and now lately BBS who has their own interpretation in favour of violence. The list goes on.

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      This Suramaya is Fathima Fukashima alias Lester/ I am no Muslim etc. This sicko is commenting on his own post.

      How sick is that? :) :) :O :)

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    What Mr. Imtiaz wants is for Muslims to practise some self-criticism since, it is clear, some Muslims provoked the Sinhalese over a long period of time enabling the birth of ultra-Sinhala Buddhist outfits like BBS, SR etc., It is a good thing at least a few Muslims in this blog have the courage to ask the extremists among them to behave. But it is not surprising this minority of peaceful Muslims have been severely attacked by the regular fanatical Muslim bloggers. When the Buddhist priest in Thotalanga (Swarna Chaitya Rd) invited the Mosque in the adjoining premises to use the Temple’s Hall that was a welcome sign of peace of which not much is said on the Muslim side. Muslims must learn to accept the fact there are many faults at their side that annoy the other communities living with them. They must reduce the tensions – and not increase them.


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      Sinhala Buddhists are thin skinned aren’t they? They are easily provoked. First the Burghers provoked them, then the Tamils, and now it is the turn of the Muslims.

      :p Looks like your own shadow will provoke you sooner than later and then you wont know what hit you :)

  • 0

    This is another paper by Imtiyaz Razak – Politicization of Buddhism and Electoral Politics in Sri Lanka.

    I am sure all the Sinhala-Buddhists in this forum will agree with him whole heatedly ;


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    The learned doctor implies that Muslims somehow by virtue of being Muslim happen to provoke Non-Muslims. He also implies that Muslims must be self-deprecating in order to avoid confrontation with the non-Muslim majority.
    He therefore wishes that Muslims change their ways to accommodate the wishes of the majority. In essence, his approach to Islam is revisionist. He must have concluded that there are many aspects of Islam that are not right and that they need to be changed in order to be less “provocative”. So the way Islam is presented today is demeaning to this good doctor. In advocating this new interpretation of the religion of Islam to accommodate the wishes of the majority, he is also advocating the revision of the moral compass of the Muslim way of life.
    He would like to tone down many of the “not so peaceful actions of Muslims” such as building mosques, madrasas, and adoption of the Muslim dress code etc., because these are the ways that Muslims unleash violence. While I do not intend to examine the validity of his claim that Muslims are not peaceful, I would like to delve into the outcomes he does not address if we were to follow his line of thought; that of pacifist accommodation.
    Islam is supplication to the will of one god. We are told how best to do that and are guided by the Qur’an and the Hadiths of our prophet sal (PBUH). How each individual chooses to live as a good Muslim is up to the individual because he alone will have to answer on the Day of Judgment. Drs. with or without Phds. would not be able to stand in for the individual to explain away the extenuating circumstances; avoiding confrontation with the non-Muslim majority.
    Dr. Imtiaz seems to have adopted this approach to Islam, where he believes that he would pick and choose those aspects of Islam that are amenable to the sensitivities of the non-Muslim majority. Having made this concession to the majority, perhaps he is of the view that god would view his actions with benevolence.
    Be that as it may be, we would have to crowd more and more Muslims into available mosques, ask our women to expose themselves despite their loathing to do so, and not educate our young on the Muslim way of life.
    All the while it would be OK as far as Imtiaz is concerned for Buddhists to practice their religion (philosophy) without hindrance so that they can achieve Nirvana/Nibana.
    Just so that we are very clear, Muslims must live as second class citizens, who must check with non-Muslims if it is ok before we get on with our lives. Well this may be his personal point of view, but do we need such idiocy from someone who claims to have a doctorate?

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