13 December, 2024


Motion to suspend Sri Lanka from Commonwealth defeated

By Colombo Telegraph

The Australian Government and the Opposition voted together today to defeat a motion moved in the Senate by Australian Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon (Senator for New South Wales) to suspend Sri Lanka from the Commonwealth,  the Ministry of External Affairs website reported.

Australian Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon

In a statement issued by the Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra it said  representative for the Government of Australia said that they did not believe that complex foreign policy issues can be resolved through motions such as the one mooted by Senator Rhiannon.

Senator Rhiannon also convened a closed door round table discussion to further the call for a war crimes tribunal for Sri Lanka earlier in the week.

Senator Rhiannon recently requested the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship of Australia to provide details of those that had applied for visas to Australia to attend the forthcoming CHOGM meeting as a part of the Sri Lanka delegation. The Minister declined to provide that information.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Well done go head. Teach nice lesion to this animals. Sucarawansa will come your country

  • 0

    no rough wants to shake the boat of another

  • 0

    lets tell them to investigate war crimes done by Ltte from 1973 against unarmed civilians.

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