12 February, 2025


Mr President! Veer Away From The Previous ‘Rajapaksa Racist-Corrupt’ Legacy! 

By Lakmal Harischandra

Lakmal Harischandra

When President Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) delivered his inaugural speech in Anuradhapura, he acknowledged that it was the Sinhala Buddhist people who brought him to power while making a reference to the Tamils and Muslims who did not respond before the elections, to his appeal to join in his victory march. However, he stressed that he will be President of all and not just the Sinhalese. If past is anything to go by, and judging by the people around him ,how sincere GR is about this statement, is both doubtful and  even hilarious. During the rule of the his brother President Rajapakse upto 2014 , both of them chose the easiest and safest path of communal politics trusting and expecting it to harvest the Sinhala Buddhist votes in the next presidential and/or general elections. This strategy appear to have worked at least for now, with the Sri Lankan electorate voting in, a majoritarian Head of State, thanks to the well-orchestrated Sinhala Buddhist campaign launched through grass root level networks and temples. Everyone who voted against GR are today branded as unpatriotic and even as traitors serving a foreign agenda. In that respect, DEM-Ocracy is having its’ last rites with State patronage.

GR’s remarks raised fears among the minority Tamils and Muslims who are already weighed down by apprehension of a return to anti-minority attacks by Buddhist extremists, which were rampant during the Rajapaksa regime. He said at the inauguration; ‘We knew right from the beginning that the Sinhala Buddhists of this country will be behind my victory. Although I knew I would be voted in by the Sinhala Buddhists, I expected the Tamils and Muslims to also be part of my victory. But my expectations were not met. Yet, as your new president I request you again to join hands with me for the future development of this country’. Besides, every single racist leader in the country are with him, so the minorities fear that the racists will have complete control over the next government.  The Tamils specifically fear the new president’s nationalistic policies could mean renewed abuse of minorities, as the Tamil votes around the country went almost exclusively to his opponent Sajith. People who have not voted for GR are continuing to be apprehensive because a rather racist line is being pursued by the media and others who supported him. The celebrations too had a racist element to them. Even social media was flooded with posts accusing the Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese of casting “racist votes” by voting to his opponents. Abusive posts on social media were also directed against the Negombo Sinhalese Christians too who voted against GR in numbers. 

However, GR, Sajith and Anura are all Sinhala-Buddhists. It is thus unfair to attribute a “racist” dimension to the minority votes. On economic matters, both GR and Sajith were probably on the same page, but in regard to minority issues, many felt that Sajith was more forthcoming in this campaign, while Anura referred to his program being devoid of racial connotations. People are entitled to make their democratic choice and as long as their vote has been validly cast, it must be accepted. Also, even Sinhala people voted for GR not purely on his racist agenda; rather many people who voted for him have done so because of their disappointment with the performance of Yahapalana government.

To the Rajapakse dynasty, power through any source was the ultimate dream. It was then Mahinda as the President, Basil as the Minister in charge of the economic powerhouse, Chamal as the Speaker and GR as the powerful Secretary of Defence. Now it is GR as President, Mahinda as PM and Chamal as a Minister for a start. Their past brand of nepotism and sycophantism, authoritarianism and racism bled the country of the much needed peace (not absence of war) and harmony, justice, economic independence and rule of law in Post war Sri Lanka. GR took the lead in the defeat of the Tigers along with his brother and Sarath Fonseka. However, his post-war campaign made the Tamils to feel as a defeated race, who deserved only to be treated as such and marginalized them ,leaving the weak TNA to exploit their agony to remain in power. Then GR, as the sponsor of Bodu Bala Sena, a rabid communal Buddhist outfit bent on degrading Lord Buddha’s preachings of peace and non-violence , he proceeded to marginalize the Muslims, who were living in harmony in the southern parts of Sri Lanka with the Sinhalese. He cultivated the whole gamit of anti-Muslim hate through a set of monks like BBS Gnanasaras, Sihala Ravaya Dayaratnes and Ravana Balaya Saddhatissas , who indulged in acts of violence and rowdyism which even the hardened criminals will envy and think twice to commit. E.g. Damaging and destroying mosques and defiling their sanctity, destroying business businesses, butchering a Buddhist monk preaching peace and cutting of his genital part etc. These are the acts meant to protect Buddhism and its principles ,which myself and millions of others follow in this blessed Island. The deplorable part of these acts is the active and passive support lent by the law enforcement authorities and security forces then, who were supposed to protect the citizens and their property who obviously were following the instructions of GR to assist, encourage and participate in the violent acts. Even the Sinhala Buddhist population who opposed him was not spared of his high handed actions. Rajapaksas thus made Sri Lanka, as a state of lawlessness and racism. Unfortunately, this anti-Muslim tirade continued during the Yahapalana times too, as the Sirisena and Ranil duo were both weak, impotent  and imbecile.

The country has now voted in the SLPP to power and GR is the President of all. It is foolhardy on his part to divide the votes cast for him as Sinhala, Muslim and Tamil votes. When Barak Obama was voted to power in US, no one did an analysis of how many Whites and how many Blacks voted for him. In Sri Lanka, this stupidity happens.  Therefore this election polarized the entire nation and divide the integrity as never before and GR confirmed it in his Presidential speech.  The cats are getting out of the bag, when we hear hate groups sponsored  by GR are making public statements that their mission is accomplished and will be disbanded. In their view, Dutugemunu is re-born in the person of GR who will install a Sinhala Buddhist State in Sri Lanka as envisioned by Anagarika. This is the brand of Sinhala Buddhist supremacy which brought disaster to Sri Lanka even after seven decades of Independence, making both Tamils and Muslims second class citizens. GR appears to rekindle that philosophy, looking at the starting phase of his rule. 

Looking at the caretaker cabinet of Ministers formed by GR, it is disconcerting to say the least. Die hard racists, thugs  and corrupts like Wimal, Gammampila, Johnston and incompetents like Siripala De Silva, Rambukwella and Bandula G are in, contrary to GR’s oft quoted statement that his team will be at least  corrupt free (not racist free); Not mentioning Mahinda’s corrupt record. Also GR used his Presidential immunity to cover his own misdeeds and even extricate himself. GR also faces several war crimes accusations from the international community too, including the United Nations Human Rights Council, for actions during the last phases of the war. Even civil servants like Gamini Senerath and Lalith Weeratunga who were charged with corrupt charges earlier have come back and/or exonerated.  I wonder how GR is going to carry out his plans to rid  the corruption and strengthen the rule of law when his start of the journey is itself tainted and polluted and goes against the hallowed principles of law?

As ICJ reported once, ‘Sri Lanka is facing a crisis of impunity. It is increasingly difficult, in fact nearly impossible, for people who have suffered serious violations of their human rights to receive justice and accountability. Victims and survivors do not receive redress, and perpetrators are not brought to justice. The absence of justice removes an important deterrent to future perpetrators’. This impunity crisis is expected to continue in worst forms, judging by the developments in the first week itself. 

Globally too, the past decade has seen a worrying resurgence of racist ideologies. Earlier this year, the UN Special Rapporteur on racism, E. Tendayi Achiume, warned that “globally, racial equality is under attack”. Secretary-General António Guterres has urged member states to protect human rights, saying: “We are increasingly seeing the perverse phenomenon of populism and extremism feeding off each other in a frenzy of growing racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred and other forms of intolerance.”Fear of the other increasingly dominates the political discourse in countries from Austria to Australia, India to Israel, South Africa to Sweden, India to Sri Lanka, as ultra-nationalist parties have encouraged leaders from across the political spectrum to adopt insular and exclusionary policies. Sri Lanka too is no exception. 

Whether  GR will become another Trump or another Arden (of NZ) is a choice?  This GR regime can make a difference without following their previous legacy, if only there is political will on his part. He should rid his circle of racist advisors and proponents and restore confidence on the political opponents as well as minorities. Democracy demands that all are heard and allowed to speak and express their views without government’s iron hand closing their mouths. Rule of law and process of justice should be allowed to function without any restrictions and government interference.  All corrupts too should be kept out of the administration.

While the vast majority of Sinhala Buddhists embrace rationalistic values and are amenable to sharing power with the minorities, nationalistic forces within the community continue to subsume moderate voices. Unfortunately Sri Lanka suffers from the ‘Saffron robe ailment’ which keeps those in power to subscribe to Sinhala Buddhist supremacism. In this context, minorities having an equitable stake in governance will be extremely challenging in view of this reality. This is not insulting to the significant number of Bikkhus who preach the peaceful religion of Buddhism. The involvement of Buddhist monks in politics following independence in 1948, in effect, has already transformed Buddhism into a highly politicised religion. Since independence, Buddhist interest lobbies have been active in politics and politicians seek the support of organised Buddhist groups as well as the clergy at elections and their presence at ceremonies. Similarly, Buddhist institutions too depend on the state, thus making the relationship a deeply symbiotic one. In Buddhism Betrayed, Stanley J. Tambiah draws attention to the paradox between Buddhism’s non-violent philosophy and the high degree of political violence in Sri Lanka. He argues that the political activities of the bhikkus did not advance democracy and universalism but promoted a narrow and exclusive ethno-religious, nationalist ideology. Therefore, even if the phenomenon of political Buddhism existed in some form prior to arrival of the colonial powers, it gained traction as an ideology emphasising Buddhist supremacy and minority subordination in the post-independence period with entry of monks into electoral politics.

There is little doubt that the biggest challenge to Sri Lanka’s reconciliation agenda and equal treatment  of minorities comes from the nationalists’ lobby. Ethno-nationalistic rhetoric was strongly invoked during both major elections of 2015, but it was unable to harness adequate support to ensure electoral victory for the nationalist camp because other pressing issues impelled a significant proportion of the Sinhala-Buddhist population to vote for a change in the country’s political leadership. However in this Nov, 2019 elections, GR’s mandate has been interpreted as a success of that nationalist, majoritarian and Sinhala Buddhist supremacist campaign.

There is a reality though, which should not be ignored. The success of the process to create a racism –free and a corrupt free Sri Lanka, will be contingent upon the government’s ability to retain the confidence and support of the Sinhala community as much as all other communities. It is important to respect national consciousness, and to take concerns of the Sinhala-Buddhist population seriously about threats to Buddhism and Sinhala race. Sri Lanka is after all the only country where Sinhala people are in the majority . Therefore, the strategy should be to expand and involve all related parties in a spirit of transparency and consultation, and to foster a conception of Sri Lanka as a State where majority are Sinhala-Buddhist, but at the same time, it is not a theocratic state either. – the concept of a multi-religious, multi-ethnic, pluralistic society where Buddhism is given a prominent place and all others enjoy equal rights to practice their religion and culture. Allowing Buddhist monks to rule the country and allowing only Sinhala Buddhists to be seen or feel as sons of the soil will be suicidal. 

Late Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thera showed how a Buddhist religious leader espousing core Buddhist values such as compassion and universalism can take Buddhist concerns seriously and yet act as a unifying force for all communities. The opening created in January 2015 for civic nationalism to supersede the confines of ethnic nationalism should be fully utilised by the current political leadership and civil society groups too, to broaden the middle ground to push forward the reconciliation and development agenda. 

Latest comments

  • 11

    Everyone who voted against GR are today branded as unpatriotic and even as traitors serving a foreign agenda/////

    Minorities did not vote for a muslim leader tamil leader christian leader , both parties are Buddhist.
    That is President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, or Sajith Premadasa. Somebody having a US is it not serving foreign agenda. To be a good citizen, it’s important to be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes.

    • 7

      Countries such as Israel, elect their leaders 49% to 51% or with the very narrow margins.
      And we know that their security or any other issues stay unturn over 40 or more years. No solutions are seen in any forseeble times either. :
      Likewise, if our people s mindset would remain rotten the way it has been sofar, even if JVP or moderate UNPs would make whole hearted efforts, making a change in SRILANKA would be a miracle.

      Only those who fight for cadavas, would become the leaders, as got to see today in SL.
      Blue flies being found on the Cadava are real corrupted abusive men and women, as also seen in current day scenes.

      • 9

        Gota cannot behave the same way as he did during Mahinda government. He would have realized it by now when he received the tweet from UA secretary of state and letter from Modi. US has clearly stated that human rights, accountability and reconciliation has to go forward. Modi has told that Tamil aspirations have to be met to ensure equality, justice, peace and dignity. How can Gota fulfill these demands while hanging on to Sinhala racism. This is why Gota who was vociferous to please Sinhala gallery during election, has gone silent, because he knows what will happen if he goes against. This cardboard weeraya has to decide whether he is to comply or antagonize USA and make people to search for food in dustbins like 1970-77 period, and antagonize India and face a parippu drop as in 1987. Can he rein in loud barking rabid dogs whom has let loose, or face the ignominy.

        • 1

          Don’t trust Modi and the Indians to push for Tamil aspirations, they didn’t do that under Ranil and Sirisena and they won’t do that under the return of the Rajapaksas. However, I suspect the Rajapaksas will be less pro-China second time around and that should keep Modi and the US reasonably satisfied. Ethnic and religious nationalists usually get along very well with each unless their nationalism is in direct conflict with each other (e.g. Israel vs Hamas). Modi’s Hindu nationalism does not directly conflict with GR’s Sinhala Buddhist nationalism, they will co-exist at the expense of the minorities in their respective countries.

    • 8

      Lakmal Harischandra,

      It is about the Rajapaksa Mafia and the Family. The Godfather is now Mahinda Rajapaksa, and Gotabaya is his deputy.

      The Family;y comes first.

      Those who cross will be sent to Heaven/Nirvana/Nibbana early, irrespective of whether there is Heaven/Nirvana/Nibbana.

      The gift of the duo Ranil W and Sirisena.

    • 1

      Lakmal Harischandra,

      RE: Mr President! Veer Away From The Previous ‘Rajapaksa Racist-Corrupt’ Legacy!

      Why should Mr President! Veer Away From The Previous ‘Rajapaksa Racist-Corrupt’ Legacy!?

      It was very profitable for the Rajapaksa Mafiia Family. Besides they got re-elected, by the Para-Sinhala Para-:”Buddhist” Racist policy,. Why should he change course? As long as the imbeciles , mean IQ 79, are happy, there is no reason for the arsonist to change.

      Of course he was aided and abetted by the incompetence of the Yhahapalanaya duo Ranil W. and Sirisena, and the only threat is if Sajit Premadasa becomes the UNP leader, However, Ranil W is like a leach, and won’t let go of the UNP and will suck it dry.

      The only hope is that the years he spent in the US have imbibed in him democracy, the rule of law, accountability and American Management and Efficiency. Here he has an uphill battle dealing with a populace, mean IQ 79. Wimal Buruwansa, of 2/2 =0, is member of his cabinet.

      The mean IQ of USA is 99, and that of Singapore 108.

  • 5

    If Lakmal’s Argument is correct, by every way, and it is proven, that Sajith Pemadasa is anti-buddhist and pro-Minority and for the destruction of Sinhala everything. Even very recently, Mr. TRUMP has confirmed what General Fonseka had said. That is Trump had said that there are no Minorities In the USA, and all are Americans. Sajith Pemadasa gave lot of false promises and Agreed to 13 demands of TNA. I heard Rishad Bathiuddin was on the stage while Rishad’S hand was over Sajith’s Shoulder Muslims are very happy with Sajith because R. Pemadasa’s 15th amendment made Muslims and other minority parties stronger than the President or the Majority.

  • 5

    Mano Ganeshan, an Indian Tamil Tribalist whose web page advertises for Tamil domination in Sri Lanka was the Ministry representing govt administration and was advertising for reconciliation ans SRILANKANNESS over the Sinhalaness. Mano Ganeshan should pay back his Salary and perks as he did not do his job. All the developed countries force minorities to integrate with the majority. Only Sri Lanka talks about different nations, Minority both linguistic and Religious rights and dominance over every of Majority. A stupid country because of politicians.

  • 7

    UNP dependence on en bloc minority voting and their vicious propaganda that Rajapaksas are anti minority in order to secure that end coupled with the herd mentality of minorities cultivated by their political masters over decades is the biggest obstacle to national amity.


    • 6

      Soma, can you please explain to me what is meant by, “Meet the aspirations of Tamils to ensure equality, justice, peace and dignity”.

      • 5

        Dr G S
        The confusion arises whether equality, justice; peace and dignity can be ensured when the aspirations include formation of ethnicity and religion based envlaves. What has happened is the majority resistance to these enclaves within this small island is seen as violation of their equality, justice; peace and dignity.


        • 6

          Soma, you do not understand those words at all. Equality means Tamils should have the same rights as Sinhalese, nothing more and nothing less. You cannot have laws which are discriminatory and practices which are discriminatory and say that everyone is equal. Justice means that whatever that is rightly belonging to Tamils must be delivered to them. This includes land and power which Sinhalese are holding on to. Peace means right to live without fear of being killed or dispossessed of their property. Absence of war is not peace and the mere presence of war criminals among their midst cannot give peace to Tamils. Dignity means to live as first class citizens in their lands of their forefathers. For an ethnic group to be first class citizens, they must rule themselves without any interference from others.
          Please remember that Tamils are demanding their lost sovereignty which was taken from them by Portuguese and not returned by British. Tamils are demanding their lands which they could prove as inhabited by Tamils for over 10,000 years by archaeology and geology. Road map to solution to ethnic problem has been drawn, and it will be implemented whatever the Sinhalese racists shout about. Time has come to liberate Tamils from the clutches of Sinhala terrorists.

          • 4

            Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
            “Tamils are demanding their lands which they could prove as inhabited by Tamils for over 10,000 years by archaeology and geology.”
            This is according to the history of Sinhale distorted by racist Chelvanayakam.

            About 98% of so called ‘Tamils’ are the descendants of slaves brought by Portuguese and Dutch from Malabar to work in their plantations. The land in Yapanaya belonged to the Sinhala King of Kandy. At the time Portuguese occupied Yapanaya the land was used by Sinhalayo. Portuguese grabbed that land using their “Gun Power’ and used for tobacco and indigo cultivation. After Portuguese were kicked out, Dutch people controlled the land. Both Portuguese and Dutch were occupying land illegally because Sinhala King did not give land to ‘Para’ people. After Dutch were kicked out by British, ‘Para’ Malabar Wellala coolies grabbed the land and introduced Malabar customary law called ‘Thesawalamei’. British had no objection to that because Malabar Wellala guys were licking the a** of British and helped them to oppress Native Sinhalayo. As such, there is no such thing as ‘Tamil Land’ in Sinhale.
            History of Malabar Demalu in Sinhale is less than 500 years.

            • 0

              Eagle Eye

              Foreign invaders brought cheap labour from neighbouring countries. The slave trade in the west brought Africans by force to the US & UK. The decedents of these forced labour are citizens of the country of their birth. Despite their ethnicity, these people have no roots in their original country their forefathers were forcibly removed from. Anybody born in a country is a citizen of that country, therefore, entitled to all the rights the citizens enjoy in that country.

              We cannot choose our ethnicity or country of birth. We can choose our faith but most of us stick to the religion we were born into. Some people in democratic & developed countries may become disillusioned with the religion they were born into & have the opportunity to choose a faith they find acceptable.

          • 0

            Dr G S
            I am the only Sinhalese in this forum who supports a SEPARATE Homeland for ALL Tamils (all Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religion, caste or the date of arrival) scattered across the island.


    • 1


      The CAUSE, is that the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist “, identified the Sri Lankan Paras as Para-Sinhala, Para-“Buddhists “( who prostrated to imbecile saffron clad imbecile monks, who are insults to the Buddha), as opposed to being Sri Lankan Paras, and set the stage for infighting and conflict, that still continues.

      Kings Vijay’s, Pandukabaya etc. did not prostrate to imbecile monks, because there were none.

      Key: Flush out the monks. Also the Ulama and the priests. Export them, to the last one.

  • 8

    Srilankens regardless of the race, religion or whatever other parameters that make their communities, should repeatedly question, as to why not even 5% of nothern srilankens voted for Gotler ? Why over 95% stood against him returning to power ?
    These minorities are tamils and muslims.
    And the racist representative Gotler held his sworn in ceremony in a place where only buddhist would be happy, if this bugger had the brains to see, that he is the president of all srilankens, why him to go to ruwanwalisaya or any other buddhist location why not not traditional way of doing it in a presidential office ?:
    And my wonder is abusive chief representive for SRILANKENS catholics, did not even take that to hearts but just went to Gotler and begged himself again… how abusive Malcom Ranjthi should be.
    Would not all these hurt the wounded minded set of the vitimized families of easter sunday attacks ?

    • 4

      Gota will tell you why the Tamils and Muslims (Minorities in general) did not vote for him and voted for another Sinhalese. Please ask him.

    • 4

      Ruwanveli Seya is not only a religious symbol but also a symbol of the great victory of the resistance movement led by king Gamini Abaya against an invader king Elara in the 2nd century BC.
      Elara was a good king from Chola dynasty in south India, but he was an invader like the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the British. Invader prince Vijeya was also vehemently resisted by the then royalty but he succeeded in conquering northern Sri Lanka in the 5th century BC.
      Though the Buddha was born, lived, and preached in Sri Lanka, his territory was limited to north central, central, eastern, Sabaragamuwa (Kuru Rata) and the Southern parts of Sri Lanka which was called Jambudeepa at the time. Arahat Mahinda who escaped king Ahoka’s onslaught on his brothers in India arrived in Jambudeepa with his sisters, became a monk, attained enlightenment, went to Anuradhapura and preached Dhamma to king Tissa. That’s how Anuradhapura kings became Buddhists. Due to its non-violent nature, Buddhism was embraced by many throughout the island and any foreign invasion was resisted accordingly. Nevertheless, the inner purpose was to safeguard Buddhism. However, in order to safeguard Buddhism, the Buddhists needed a country.
      In Sri Lanka presidents use different places for their inaugurations depending on the circumstances. Today Sri Lankans are facing some type of politico-cultural invasion that needs a course correction before it goes beyond control. The strategically important geopolitical location of this island requires to send a strong message to everyone who try to take undue advantages of this situation. We need to take care of this island like the parents who take care of a beautiful teenage girl. I don’t blame the wealthy young boys like the US and China with their supporting gangs that attempt to lure her to their respective sides. It is however, better to stay neutral until she is economically old enough to make her own decisions. Thank you.

      • 3

        She is not teenage girl, she is a 2500 years old woman who is now in very critical position on her death bed ?

        • 1

          You seem to have misread my comment. I never said she is a teenage girl. What I said was:
          “We need to take care of this island like the parents who take care of a beautiful teenage girl”.
          We always say this island is beautiful. Don’t we?
          If we go by your rude and crude comparison, just imagine if her life expectancy is 25,000 years, isn’t she a teenager now?

    • 2

      Simon de Silva,
      “Srilankens regardless of the race, religion or whatever other parameters that make their communities, should repeatedly question, as to why not even 5% of nothern srilankens voted for Gotler ?”
      One does not have to be a Rocket Scientist to understand the reason.

      In his manifesto Sajith had mentioned that he will go for ‘Maximum Devolution of Power’ and create nine mini-Kingdoms with a Senate represented by ‘Uwa Rajawaru’ from those Mini-Kingdoms. That was the proposal of TNA.

      Wellala Demala politicians came out with a set of racist demands and said they will support any candidate who will accept their demands. Gotabhaya Rajapakse straightaway rejected those demands. But Ranil Wickramasingham, instead of rejecting those ultra-racist demands accepted them.

      Another factor was the notion held by minorities that they are the ‘King Makers’ in this country. Based on the experience in 2015, both Demalu and Muslims thought that if they vote to Sajith he will win. But, Sinhalayo who learnt a lesson from 2015 election shattered that hope.

  • 7

    It is too late. The Rajapaksas have already started their usual tactics, and after the General elections, they will be worse. They have made sure charges against them have been dropped, and they have started their vindictive policies of sabotaging cases against their golayas, and themselves. Last time they threw Sarath Fonseka in jail, for no credible reasons. The tyrants are already showing their old filthy colors.
    Good luck to all our journalists, reporters, and members of the media. They are going
    to need it.

    Hope GR’s supporters enjoy having an American decide what is best for this country.

  • 5

    If anyone expect governance from Rajapakshe’s, they are sadly mistaken. Their religion is deception. They will lie all the way to live like parasites of the SL Treasury. Advising them or expecting magic from them is Waste of time

  • 6

    Minority Problem! Minority Problem! Minority Problem!

    Don’t we have more burning problems in this country that require urgent attention than the so called ‘Minority Problem’ of the descendants of people brought by colonial parasites from Malabar illegally and abandoned in this country?

    President Gotabhaya Rajapakse should follow Mr. Lee Kuan Yew who told Indians and Malays that Chinese are the majority in this country; either you get along with the majority Chinese and develop the country or get lost.
    In this country, even during British rule ‘Para’ Malabar Demala racists were preparing the ground work to carve out a part of the country instead of working with Native Sinhalayo to develop the country. As soon as the new President was elected, Sambandan started talking about ‘Tamil Rights’ instead of extending their support to develop the economy which is in a dire situation due to mismanagement by the ‘Royal Gang’ which will be beneficial to all communities.

    • 9

      Eekel Guy, do not spread lies about that great man Lee Kwan Yew. None of your Sinhala leaders are a patch to him, First thing he did was to control Chinese nationalism. He told Chinese that they must respect others and live in amity. He got the national anthem written in Malay and not Chinese. He made Tamil language to be in par with Chinese though Chinese speakers were ten times more than Tamils. He practiced meritocracy in every field. His deputy prime Minister was Rajaratnam a Tamil immigrant from Jaffna. By the way ask Gota to take incontinence pads when he goes to meet Modi.

      • 7

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, the dynamics have changed. This is not Indira Ghandhi’s India that bullied Sri Lanka in the 1980s. There are many global players jostling for dominance with China at the forefront. Modi will be very careful not to antagonize Gota. The Rajapakses are well known to be pro Chinese. They play that card well in dealing with India and India too knows that. But moving forward, the Tamils and the Muslims have a lot to gain if they only abandon their ethno-centric ideologies and try to work with the Sinhalese. The Eelam dream is never going to materialize and it is in the interest of the Tamils and Muslims to join mainstream Sri Lanka. The more the minorities agitate the more disadvantageous it is to them. This is the plain truth that minority politicians have never understood since 1948.

        • 3

          I happened read from you few valid comments and thought of adding my comment on them.
          You said, you lived in Singapore and Malaysia for both places I have been to many a times but i have been living in Europe for the last 3 decades.
          So you said, your children supported Gota but not others. And they are well travelled and have seen a better world.
          But tell me, would any of the leaders you praise in Singagapore and Malaysia are accused of the allegations, similar to that of Gotabaya and Mahinda Jarapaksha.
          – not just for low level crimes but real high crimes that took the life of the innocient people and above all, youth also after the war is no longer there.
          – if your children naively said, that they would vote for Gota, may be connected with their lack of informaton- you could correct them if you think you are a good father to them.
          – Likewise, dozens known to me in SL, voted for barbarians just being fallen naive and gullible. As JVP leader loudly articulated it, if asked why you would vote for Gota – none of those circles had no arguments, but just nodded, because he did some colombo beautification projects.
          – do we really want to betray good values that our former leaders (Bandaranayaka, Senanayaka hardearned for the benefit of lanken citizen )
          -Besides, we in Europe see that Rajaapkshes should first be charged for all their high crimes before being brought back to power.

          There had been a relics saga at Kelaniya temple shortly before the election day. That was just hoax to abuse the easy target and say, even aliens would be happy to welcome Gotabaya as the future leader, all the kind of tactics were instrumental to fool the nation, People are now caught, and we have to suffer another 5 years.

        • 2

          Sinhalese like you are living abroad in developed nations benefitting from pro minority and immigrant policies. Yet want racist dictatorships back in SL. Hypocrites like you should be deported.
          And the muslim community in Sri Lanka are proof that racism in Sri Lanka is caused by sinhalese. Muslims since 1948 have done nothing but suck up to sinhalese. And the only reward they got for that loyalty was hate campaign and systematic attacks on them since 2009.
          We have already seen china take the south of sri lanka. A few monks went to protest in hambantota. They were water cannoned, beaten and chased out by their own sinhala police officers. Sri Lanka is billions in debt to several foreign nations right now.
          India has already taken the jaffna airport. And both they and the USA will take ownership of the north.
          The island is being sliced up like a cake and taken piece by piece by foreign powers.

      • 2

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
        These changes that you are talking were introduced after Mr. Lee Kuan Yew developed the economy using ‘Iron Rule’. He did not care for Democracy in the beginning.

        In this country, what Sir John Kotalawala rightly said ‘Wal Booru Nidahasa’ gave the freedom to Malabar Wellala racists to play hell claiming a separate State on the basis of a bogus ‘Traditional Homeland’ that never existed in Sinhale. Instead of saying ‘Get the hell out’, our dumb Sinhala ‘Kalu Sudda’ politicians tried to please these racists in the name of democracy.

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        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
        Alot of the racist modayas just dont get it into their low iq brains. Every successful and peaceful developed nation on earth today treats its minorities very well. In western nations if a white english man racially abuses a minority member, he will get in serious trouble with the law. In the UK you will see many local and foreign minority members in many top jobs and influential political positions also. Quotas are often created to make sure minorities are well represented in all fields.
        Totally different from the Sri Lankan failed state.
        In Sri Lanka almost any crime can be committed in the name of sinhala buddhism and the culprit walks. Infact he gains fame and support from many sinhalese if he acts in such a way. A classic example of this is the sumanarathna thero of batticaloa. Who was caught running illegal land theft schemes in the east. He is on video saying sinhalese can do whatever they want in sri lanka. He has threatened tamil and muslim land owners in the east (who have legal documents proving ownership) to get out so he can set up sinhala colonies on their land. He threatened to murder a tamil goverment official. He also said minorities will be wiped out. And he gets public endorsements from sinhala celebrities like lasith malinga and iraj weeraratne.
        The island has alot of bad karma to pay for. It really amazes me how these racists think the island has any chance of prospering with this kind of prevalent attitude and behaviour.

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    Lakmal: 13th amendment should be let alone in order to cage the Tamil politicians. Delimitation process should be brought and their number of seats in the North should be limited only four seats. for Tamil civilians, should be helped to integrate and assimilate into sinhala community to which they will assimilate very happily in order to avoid Caste discrimination.
    That will solve the Tamil politicians’ NATIONAL QUESTION and the Tamil problem.

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    Dr G S
    The confusion arises whether equality, justice; peace and dignity can be ensured when the aspirations include formation of ethnicity and religion based envlaves. What has happened is the majority resistance to these enclaves within this small island is seen as violation of their equality, justice; peace and dignity.


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      “What has happened is the majority resistance to these enclaves within this small island is seen as violation of their equality, justice; peace and dignity.”

      Therefore the noisy minority fascists now believes it has 52.25% of the popular support (majority of the majority) to build their own Sinhala/Buddhist fascist Ghetto.

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    Mr President! Veer Away From The Previous ‘Rajapaksa Racist-Corrupt’ Legacy!

    *** How can he . It is in his Gene. He is emboldened by the Mandate given by the 52 % Hardcore Racists. But dont worry November 29th is another watershed in Sinhala Lankas History. Have you noticed what Gothas Presidency means for Free Speech by the absence of Articles from regular contributors. Some through fear and other pretenders lying low not to be found out that loved Gotha all along and I know who they are but I leave it to your Imagination.

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    Ranil Aiiya used Tax Payers money for over 4 years to find the Stash which , Rajapaksas hid . But couldn’t find anything.

    Ranil Aiiyya’s best Buddy , Dentist Rajitha even produced the LTTE Courier who brought part of that 7000 Ton Gold Stock to Medumulana from Mr Pirahaparan’s Treasury in Mulivaikal..
    But Ranil Aiiyya didn’t do anything .

    Now both Ranil Aiiyya’s Investigators who collected most of that Investigative Over Time are trying to run away on Overseas holidays .
    Wonder what happened?..

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      KASmaalam the Stupid Man K.A. Sumanasekera

      You are indeed a stupid man.
      Just before and after the 2015 elections I wrote on these pages the clan has a close relation with Ranil, on the kind of understanding that “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.

      Ranil not only protected the entire clan but Windbag Wimal, …. Champika, …. as well. Who is authorised to appoint Ambassador? How did Ranil tolerate when Dayan was being appointed Ambassador of Russia? I am seriously worried about your safety and security while you are being employed by Gota as his head of b***s carrier.

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