14 February, 2025


MR’s BIL, Former SriLankan Chief Missing According To Wife, PRECIFAC In A Dilemma

The Presidential Commission of Inquiry to Investigate and Inquire into Serious Acts of Fraud, Corruption and Abuse of Power, State Resources and Privileges (PRECIFAC) is in a dilemma on how to deliver summons on former SriLankan Airlines Chairman Nishantha Wickramasinghe after his wife had told a group of officers that she had not seen nor heard from her husband for the past 3 years.



A group of officers from the commission had gone to Wickramasinghe’s Mount Lavinia residence today to deliver summons requesting him to appear before the commission on the 30th of this month to record a statement on allegations of financial irregularities at Sri Lankan Catering Ltd.

However, they were in a for a rude shock as the wife of Wickramasinghe had told the officers that she had not seen nor heard from her husband for the past 3 years.

“Now we are in a dilemma on how to deliver summons on the former Sri Lankan airlines chief to appear before the commission” one of the commission members said.

The former first lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa‘s brother, Nishantha Wickramasinghe is facing a barrage of accusations on issues ranging from mistresses, corruption, racketeering, Fraud to deception and gross abuse of power.

Recently a Board of Inquiry (BOI) appointed by the government found shocking details of corruption running into billions of dollars, manipulations of service contracting, recruitment of unqualified staff and major security breaches at Sri Lankan Airlines under Wickramasinghe’s tenure.

A panel headed by anti-corruption advocate and senior lawyer J. C. Weliamuna and Chandra Jayaratne found instances of gross abuse of power by former chairman Nishantha Wickramasinghe whose penchant for young air hostesses cost the debt-ridden airline even more problems.

The BOI said they had found malpractices, related to re-fleeting of the aircraft as well.

The BOI report, had recommended criminal investigations into the entire re-fleeting process and have noted instances where former chairmen Wickramasinghe, a brother-in-law of Mahinda Rajapaksa, should be prosecuted.

Latest comments

  • 16

    Take his wife into custody!!.

    • 19

      Which wife?

    • 13


      “Take his wife into custody!!”

      You mean take his wife and all his mistresses and “flying angels” into lawful custody?

    • 9

      which one `?

      Why cant interpol work on him ? What was the case with 50% to stay mum by today ?
      Why Avangarde issue stays mum again ?

      Why cant Derana be silent on issues related to Mahinda ?
      Why does Derana behave as if they make good to nation while promoting MR et al further ?

      Why some Sinhalaya-significant masses seem to have no brain at all ?

      Answer – genetically they are born fools – they only value things looking at the surface – Premadasa did so – not survivved, but Maharaja did it multiple times, got survived ? how and why ?
      At the time, Gamudawa media projects ate out the lanken state funds, Premadasa enjoyed himself as a baby was put in a bath- Mafia KING has been the worst among all – neverthelss him to have gotten more votes from the very same folks – is beyond all questions. Either folks have no balanced views – or had no access to that.. or they are irrapably sicky men and women

  • 19

    Now we understand looter Nishantha has gone abroad……Must be in AUSI as I predicted. I remember Bribery Commission claimed that they have impounded His and Kapila Chandrasena’s(FORMER CEO) passports when the weliamuna report was released claiming fraud charges should be filed against these looters. Now we must hold Ranil to account as he has not done anything with the weliamuna recommendations since the report was presented to Ranil with a big show?

    • 1

      Story I heard was he was taken in a black van after the Presidential elections and no one has seen or heard of him since then …

  • 5

    She should have told that to Paranagama MPCS commission. He would have put one more person’s name on the LTTE’s forced disappearance or forces recruitment list.

    She may want to check whose passport Shashi, Wimal, Karuna using these days.

    These are the liars doing internal investigation. Ramil Mahata and New King who promised in the election campaign to shut off the Airport on the morning of the Jan 8th must answer to this.

    Come on comedians! Cats cannot be the guards for the milk! Don’t start to show off your real color before Sec.Kerry leave.

  • 8

    Probably the wife put him out of his misery, she must be glad that he is no more, we are happy to read this news.

  • 8

    We only heard that the bugger was abusing SRILANKEN as if it was his family taxi – once while waiting in Spore, he had ordered lanken flight to get there for their travels. To that time, no fury of the nation was seen – so this is why i THINK as no other folks, majority of the people are fools and proven idiots in this war torn island.
    Everytime, back in the country, I thought I was on a wrong place be it in a bus or market, it was like thugs were empowered to do anything. While asking about my thoughts, I always beleived, if stupid folks are notthat stupid, they would have gone day long protests during the end of last regime. But none of them had guts to doso. Today mati mola Mahinda still dares to say that his days, there were no control on Press. Even today, there should be some control over that – Germany, UK and France too I perfectly know they have some limitations on some articles that could spread for example hatreds or supergaw from Japan was not put in public press in Europe even if my japanese friedns explainmed me high risks about radiation exposure and the related medical issue. All in all today, we have more freedom than had been before

  • 13

    Puff daddy charactor this man was reported to have durin his days in Srilanken. Poor beautiful girls may have been abused by her in the name of the country/perks offered to him by his Donkey brother in law. Mahinda Rajpakshe should be executed for all the high abuses he deliberately have managed during the last two terms.

  • 15

    Nishantha W’s wife is obviously lying when she says that he is ‘missing’ for past three years.
    No wife will wait for three years without reporting about her missing spouse to the police – was she asked why she did not report his absence?
    Has his passport been located, or has he passed through the airport – there will be records.
    He maybe hiding in a secret location in Sri Lanka or even in India with funds stashed abroad.

    • 15

      She the silent wife was waiting for this fine day for the authority to come looking for him. She planned and well rehearsed her reply advised by her husband. ( ex )to give until then put shut and live in luxury as planned and provided . Certainly life of luxury from the state wealth stolen by her husband and in collaborating in the plundering.
      She knew exactly where he was. PM gave him free passage to escape the crimes.

      The govt and the crooks are the same. They’re certainly Crooks and Modayas of Srilanka.

      They need to be thrown to sharks.

      • 1


    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 11

    If the govt really wants, this polygamous thief can be deported back to Sri lanka.

    He was sleeping with young air hostesses at the expense of air Lanka money.

  • 3

    As a former employee of the National Carrier let me tell you that it’s former Chairman’s alive ( Gen Attygalle has passed away ) are pissed that they didn’t have all the fun Nishantha W had in office.

    Oh! the times.

  • 10

    Don’t worry folks. Ranil is also a Travel agent, who arranges travel
    for not so happy Sri Lankans with forged passports who go abroad to
    lecture university students on undemocratic practices applied in our country, like trying to put behind bars, who plundered the country’s treasury but sure Ranil will bring them back, once the offence dies down.
    Law enforcement officers & immigration/emigration officers are help
    less and stamp an exit stamp on an invalid passport under orders. So there is no body who is going to count bars for corruption as they
    will not be in the country to face the charges and the same clan are on the increase among the current law makers too on both sides of the

  • 7

    This PRECIFAC commission members should be all Tamils. They will hunt down and find all these crooks because they have a vested interest in punishing MR and his honchos than a Sinhalese commision.

    • 0

      here it is the proof that you guys have no healthy brains to see it right LET ALONE yet.

      At the time, we always accused you of defending bugger et al already prior to Jan 8th, you yourself added that you are not MR supporter. May be that some counts could be mistakenly done, that means not that all other other highly abusive handlings within ITN must be acceptable or taking for granted by the tax payers.
      And the bills that he has to cover in terms of transport by CTB bus, the arreares of Housing authorities should not be mitigated by the kind of argument. High profile loses had definitely been made by the direct mediation of Mahinda Jarapakshe – Basta

    • 3

      Nuisance the stupid, this is why I call you a racist fu&%. This article has nothing to do with Tamils, but you have posted a racist vile comment based on assumption cooked up in your pea brain.

  • 8

    This guy says: “I was abroad”. I hope the Commission will check this claim from his passport and the airport. Who knows, he was “hiding” somewhere to meet the Minister Jayaratne who went to give a statement on the same subject and check what he was asked and what the replies were. We know how even his “Bill” MR tried to do that with Sajin Vass, when he was declared a “State Witness”. Remember, we dealing with “Royal Crooks”.

  • 1


    Everything moves because of vested interests. Same with Tamils and you are right here. But nothing wrong in that. MR is a damn racist who have caused immense suffering to the Tamils. We shall catch the crooks and hang them.

    But Tamils will do it cleanly without resorting to dirty tricks by planting evidence and incarceration without being charged for years and years just to punish someone who is otherwise innocent. We will not like to hang an innocent man even if he is MR’s relative.

    • 3

      Don’t consider every Sinhalese who are anti-Tamil terrorism as racist. You need to be smarter than that. MR had to and people of SL wanted to wipe out LTTE terrorism. He took great effort to do so going even against powerful countries. I admire him for what he did in this respect. Do you?
      or are you disappointed that the terror reign did not continue?

      • 13


        Have you fogotten how MaRa bribed the LTTE to stop Tamils voting in the Presidential election where Sarath Fonseka contested?

        Selective amnesia is the cause for your uttering nonsense.

        • 2

          I don’t care how or what he did. All what I care is he wiped out terrorism from this country and made this country peaceful.

          • 4

            from the first insurrection of JVP to the last …..
            therefore even the journo fraternity think it is genocide by bestiality breed buddhist

      • 5


        “Don’t consider every Sinhalese who are anti-Tamil terrorism as racist.”

        Sinhalese are not racists however all Sinhala/Buddhists are and you are one of the public racist who blissfully adhere to it.

        • 2


          “Sinhalese are not racists however all Sinhala/Buddhists are”

          Oh My goodness..! a Sweeping Seneralization if I ever heard one !!..

          May we then also assume that all Hindu Tamils are racists as well ??

          Quite uncharacteristic of you (or are you the Impostor NV ??)

          • 4


            “May we then also assume that all Hindu Tamils are racists as well ??”

            I am not sure about whether Hindu Tamils are racists or not what I am sure about is that Tamil/Saivaites are as racist as their Sinhala/Buddhist brethren.

            You are missing an important point here when you mix language and religion you are manufacturing a lethal cocktail.

            There is no such people as Sinhala/Buddhists nor Tamil/Saivaites, both are nasty little parochial political force with a bend towards fascistic ideology.

            However I am sure you are familiar with Hindi/Hindus, just another growing fascistic political force which could inspire and be a role model for both of you, Sinhala/Buddhists and Tamil/Saivaites.

            MR and VP were the leaders if you care to recollect the past.

            • 0

              In what context do you believe that mixing language are religion is bad ?
              It seems to work well enough for our new friends in the West.
              Does the religion/language restriction only apply to .. well, us savages ?

              • 2


                “Does the religion/language restriction only apply to .. well, us savages ?”

                Not really, they turn themselves into savages only after manufacturing the nasty little linguistic/religious political force.

                Earlier Tamils, Sinhalese, Buddhists, Saivaites, Muslims, …. were so naive, the nasty little people took them for a ride in the name of a newly improvised brand, which unfortunately continues until now.

      • 3

        Nuisance the dumb clown from the south, we are not talking about every Sinhalese, we are actually talking about racist low lives like you.

  • 4

    Anyone who sees this reptile looking bugger should tie a rope to his stringy neck and throw him from a 15th floor building

  • 6

    It is safe to assume he lived in this house in Mount Lavinia until at least June of 2012. He lost his rolex watch from this house. Please refer to the link below:


    So, his wife could be charged for lying as well now.

  • 4

    You can run all you want, let’s see how you enjoy your ill-gotten gains without constantly having to look above your shoulder. Isn’t that a b:+=$??

  • 1

    minister mrs fernandopulle is getting ready to chemically castrate this bugger.

    he is going to be the first in srilanka and on this solemn occasion she is going to administer the injection herself with all the publicity and fanfare.

  • 7

    Ignorant people.Get the story from me. Nishantha ( NW) was thrown out by his wife 3 years ago when she found out that he was sleeping with young girls ( Thanks to Viagra) . The wife is a lovely lady ( sister of a UL pilot) BUT our man N Wicks played his balls with young SRILANKAN airline hostesses. Not only did he have few girl friends he even increased the salaries of the girls. With that other people also got salary increases. Nobody complained. That’s why SRILANKAN cannot make profit. Also once NW kept Rs.10 million with the former wife . When he asked for it , she asked him to go ‘fly a kite’. So he lost his money. With regards to the ROLEX & Foreign currency robbery: the Mt Lavinia Police caught the man who robbed. Our ‘joker’ friend Mervyn Silva to please his Master at that time MR , asked the robber to ‘say’ guilty . He also paid the fine for him. That’s how Mervyn got into good books with MR. Unfortunately all connections went sour when siblings Gota & Basil punished Mervyn and his son on many occasions. the most famous being the ODEL store incident (at Ward Place junction.)Once Nishantha called Bangkok airport SL Airline manager to hand over his phone to Nishantha’s girl friend who was on a UL flight because she had no phone to call NW in Colombo. She was asked to keep the phone. Poor UL employee. He had to go and buy another phone. So many genuine stories. Nishantha should be sent to jail for life for the damage he has done to SRILANKAN & the country. (Insider reporting).

  • 5

    Well said Bala. I agree with you. At the same time don’t you think his pimps should be sent to jail as well. Head of hr the biggest pimp was in bad books at the latter part of nishanthas tenure as Hhr also wanted to sleep with nishanthas cabin crew choices. He was asked to leave the cabin crew intwrviews by nishantha. Somehow Hhr found his heart stolen at the hr planning and analytics manager dulari and are happily carrying on. She has been given a special cubicle when the other same grade manager ( only advanced level pass) Danushka is just sitting at a table!

    When these are happening at hr, you will never ever be able to save SriLankan from corruption even though nishantha is sentenced for life. Hr should be a unbiased sensitive department where as the Hhr himself is dancing with girl friend dulari ( she is married to a respectable man who is a e-commerce manager in a reputed private bank). Just check and see how many of his friends daughters working in the department. And also the favourism. He is crazy about awards and well manipulate the win for the media when the actual scenario is bribes ( free tickets from the airline) or very few applied ( top 100 hr professionals award in the world was received where 99% were Indian applicants- he said to the media as if hr professionals from USA, U.K. And other developed countries have applied and he is one of them!!
    What a fraud. Get him out too, as a SriLankan employee I love this airline and I want this place to prosper.

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