By Ameer Ali –
For some time since the September 11 infamy and US’s declaration of the so called War on Terror, alarming statistics about Muslim population explosion and their imminent takeover of the world have been circulating in the social media globally. This demographic paranoia about Muslims is part of a growing international Islamophobia industry. That industry appears to have opened its branch in Sri Lanka also under the auspices of BBS. Statistics and graphics have been plucked from thin air to spread the canard that Muslims are growing at a phenomenal rate and that they will soon become the majority in this Buddhist country. In spite of denials from the census department, a group of ultra-nationalist Buddhist activists and their supporting institutions are in the forefront of spreading the scary fiction that Muslims are multiplying like flies in Sri Lanka. To them, an Islamic state in this country is just around the corner. Let us look at the facts.
The Muslims are supposed to have increased by 10% in number between 1981 and 2017 and at this rate, according to these alarmists, they would soon become the majority and take over the state. Leaving aside the political and ideological bankruptcy of these fear mongers for a moment, let us look at the veracity of the statistics itself. The last population census was carried out in 2011 and demographic figures quoted for periods thereafter are at best guestimates and therefore not accurate. They are the outcome of studies, which use sampling technics and other hypotheticals with a wide margin of error. One has to wait till the 2021 census to know the actual changes taken place over the last decade. However, in 1981, out of a total population of 14,846,750 the number of Sinhalese counted for 10,979,561 which increased to 15, 250,081 out of 20,359,439 in 2011, an increase of about 39%. The corresponding figures for Sri Lankan Tamils were 1,886,872 and 2,269,266, which gives an increase of 20%. The total number of Sri Lankan Moors and Malays together were 1,093,889 in 1981 and 1,936,768 in 2011 giving an increase of only 7.7%. So, where did the 10% of these Cassandras come from?
Among the Muslims, the Malay component has actually decreased from a total of 46,963 to 44,130 between 1981 and 2011.
There is another missing link in the census figures, and that is the number of outward migrants who left the country for good. The civil war that killed tens of thousands of Tamils and Sinhalese between the two censuses and the economic disaster that ensued forced hundreds of thousands to leave the country permanently. Of these emigrants, the majority were understandably Tamils, followed by Sinhalese. Muslims, because they were latecomers to education and therefore did not have the necessary skill and educational credentials the world labour market demanded, could not match the outflow from other communities. The best they could do was to migrate temporarily to the oil producing countries to occupy low skilled jobs. Thus, permanent outward migration disproportionately affected the total population of the three communities, of which the Muslim community was the least affected. This is why their percentage increased to 9.3% in the 2011 from 7.05% in 1981. It is this 9.3%, which rounded to 10% that became a weapon in the arsenal of anti-Muslim propaganda of alarmists. From that figure, more startling extrapolations being made to manufacture the fear that the country is under Muslim threat. Lies, damn lies and fantasies.
Of the three major communities in Sri Lanka, the Muslim community is the least developed. A few glittering shopping centres owned by Muslims in the cities, ostentatious wedding celebrations proudly staged by the Muslim nouveau riche and the historical appendage, ‘business community’, bestowed by the colonialists and popularly used by journalists and essayists, give a false impression that Muslims must be rich and wealthy. In fact, the worst slums in Colombo and the most isolated and poverty-stricken villages, particularly in the interior of the country belong to this community. One only has to go to any mosque in any town on a Friday and witness the crowd of Muslim beggars standing outside the gates for handouts. It is a pathetic site. Poverty breeds children. The Muslim crude birth rate, which is slightly higher than the national rate of 17.5 per thousand in 2012, corresponds to that of the Third World countries in the fifties and sixties. Imbalanced development among different communities would naturally lead to heterogeneous demographic features amongst them.
It is a proven economic hypothesis that when affluence percolates to the bottom layers of society, when literacy rate increases, and when women enter workforce, birth rate tends to respond negatively owing to the corresponding rise in opportunity cost of having more children. Muslim women are the least educated and the most reluctant to enter the workforce. Religious and cultural prejudices still place obstacles for them to compete in the development race in which other women have forged ahead. This is a developmental challenge that Muslim community faces, but Muslim leadership is clueless as to how to tackle this issue. Rather than trying to ameliorate the consequent adversities of poverty, economic and social projects need planning and execution to eradicate poverty. Without understanding this sad plight of the community, it is preposterous to claim that Muslims are deliberately increasing their fecundity to take over Sri Lanka. Even statistically, this is not possible given the increasing rate of the Sinhalese population.
On top of these misrepresentations of facts comes the ridiculous claim that Muslim merchants are deliberately mixing some mysterious contraceptive in food, drinks, clothes and other consumer items that they sell to the Sinhalese. How low can one descend to create panic and fear among ordinary people by concocting outrageous fantasies? Just as Hitler put all ills of Germany on Jews so are our super racists in Sri Lanka blaming Muslims for all problems in the country. What is there to stop these malevolent heroes from advocating Hitler’s final solution to a so-called Muslim problem, if given a chance? Why are saner minds remaining silent amidst this vicious propaganda?
In a country where even the Central Bank, the supreme guardian of the country’s economy, shamelessly distorts statistics to safeguard the ailing reputation of its paymasters how can one prevent mischievous fantasy vendors from doing the same to please their hirers? The real tragedy is that, in the midst of all this manufactured falsehood about Muslim population, their representatives in the parliament do not seem to have the guts and knowledge to counter this sophism and present the facts to convince their colleagues, some of whom are falling prey to thus malicious propaganda.
*Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business and Governance, Murdoch University, Western Australia
Amarasiri / March 29, 2018
Dr. Ameer Ali,
RE: Muslim Demographics: Facts & Fiction
Thanks for the article giving factual data and information.
“The total number of Sri Lankan Moors and Malays together were 1,093,889 in 1981 and 1,936,768 in 2011 giving an increase of only 7.7%. So, where did the 10% of these Cassandras come from?”
There is a typo, it is not 7.7% , but 77%. However, this typo does not negate your argument of the impact of uneven emigration .
The underlying problem is Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” Racism, and Sinhala-Buddhism is a Marta-Cult, that has nothing to do with Buddhism.
The fact that the Sinhala, or rather Para-Sinhala IQ is 79, does not . This is also true for the Muslim, or Para-Muslim IQ of 79. Actually, as you say, the backwardness of the Muslims in education has a lot of historical reasons including a certain discrimination, as well as the general lethargy for secular education, and the emphasis on religious education, promoted by the Ulama, Imams and Moulsavis, whose focus seem to be to prepare the Muslims for an eternal afterlife based on the interpretation of the religion by the UIama, neglecting the fact that they are still living on Earth.
This problem is global.
Now what was the argument put forward by the Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” racists against the Tamils?
Racists will always will find some excuse, like “Wanda Pethi” etc.
Lex Luthor / March 29, 2018
I understand that you are a Buddhist, so you are trying to defend your religion.
But truth is not all Buddhist are the same. Some are violent(Try to attack anyone who disagrees with them), Some are selfish(Use loud speakers 24/7 to try to spread their faith, which is against the law and is an annoyance to people who actually work in this country), Some have IQ 79(Try to argue how tripitaka is the supreme truth of the world). All these Buddhist too fail to understand that we are not in Nirvana but living on Earth.
And the same way all Muslims aren’t the same most of them, like most of us Buddhist just want to live their life, enjoy time with friends and try to school their children so that they can achieve their dreams. Some of them care about religion, most just use it as an opportunity to socialize just like when we do going to a Bana gedara where the priest comes and preachers absolute bullshit.
This problem will persist till religion is given priority over laws that protect peoples basic rights. It doesn’t matter Bhuddist, Muslim, Christian, Hindu… Religious markets can only survive in to the future when they are right and everyone else is wrong and unless humans are given priority over myths and superstitions they will do what ever it costs to try to survive.
kettikaran / March 29, 2018
I have good reason to believe Amarasiri is a learned Muslim hiding behind an obviously Sinhala Buddhist name. Why??? There is still space, admittedly shrinking fast, for the views of the “other” The Sinhala Buddhist Kingdom that the BBS and other extreme outfits are feverishly working to impose on all of us will take a little more time.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
“I have good reason to believe Amarasiri is a learned “
Are you still stuck on the late Izzeth Hussein, or is his soul still bothering you, those who promote Tamil castism and racism? Ass Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” racism and cast ism on top of that, and we indeed have an explosive mix, Aethho-Desh.
What about learned Philosopher, Zoroastrian, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Jew, Christian, Muslim, Theist, Agnostic, or Atheist, or no-denomination?
What happens to the soul, put away to eternity, recycled or there is no soul?
See, Philosophers are on top.
Hitchens’ 10 Best Jokes and Funny Rebuttals
Amarasiri is:
1. A Thinking Person
2. A Philosopher, lover of wisdom
3. An Egalitarian Person
4. A Person who seeks justice
5. A Person who likes to bust Myths
6. A Person who likes to expose Racism
7. A Person like to Expose Unsupported Beliefs, etc.
So, the Para-Sinhala “Buddhist’ Cultists and the Para-Wahhabi-Salafi “Islamic “ Cultists are in his cross-wires during these days, as they represent the Bad, Evil, Devil, Mara, here on the Earth.
kettikaran / March 30, 2018
I have no problem with 1-7 but with the addendum “also a Muslim…..” You don’t have to feel bad being one.
As to 6, there is ample evidence you are an Islamic bigot.
I also have no appetite to discuss those no more.
I didn’t realise – for all the high certificates you give yourself – you are capable of abuse. I notice the Editor has cut you off.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
1. “I also have no appetite to discuss those no more.”
“As to 6, there is ample evidence you are an Islamic bigot.” (6. A Person who likes to expose Racism.)
(Do Islamic bigots like to expose racism? That is news to Amarasiri, because many of the Arabs are Islamic and are quite racist.)
There, your Para-Tamil racism, castism and bigotry is exposed. The late Izet Hussein’s exposed these shortcomings. H L D Mahindapala, even though Amarasiri disagreed with a lot of his thoughts, did expose the Para-Tamil castism and racism. Is the soul or Avtar of Izet Hussein bothering you again?
2. “I notice the Editor has cut you off.”
When Amarasiri wrote “Edited”, he meant he edited your comment. CT did NOT edit a single word or letter.
This again, shows your mindset and brainwashing.This is what happens to people when they are brainwashed from birth in racism, castism, religion, theologies, cultures and tradition. They simply can’t get out of the grove. You are a very good example, but there are millions of Para-Tamils, Para-Sinhala, ( who attacked the Tamils and Muslims over the years) Para-Muslims and others who fall into category, globally.
Were you born as a Para-Tamil baby, a Para-Sinhala-Buddhist baby, a Para-Muslim baby, a Para-Malay baby, or just a baby, and later brainwashed as a Para-Tamil castist and racist baby?
They used to steal babies or mixed up babies. Were you born as a Para-Sinhala Buddhist baby, grew up and brainwashed as a Para-Tamil baby, finally to be abused and discriminated by the Para-Sinhala Buddhists? You can figure this out by doing a DNA genetics, but the Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho have the same Para-genetics,
Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people:
kettikaran / March 31, 2018
Why the fetish and fascination with “para” You overuse it – often quite unnecessarily, if you will forgive me.
As to the video clip on the great Greek philosophers – Thank you. I have great respect for them. I would have thought
“Virtue is sufficient for happiness” is more believed to be from the deep philosophy of Zeno of Citium.
With the benefit of your intellectual depth there is much you can do to wean our young Muslims from the clutches of fanatic fundamentalism. There is no reason for conflict between the main religionists here. After all, we lived in peace and harmony in the pre-1956 period. The learned in civil society should work harder to form links. Racial and religious harmony is too serious a subject to be handed over to the lecherous hands of the politicians.
Jim softy / March 30, 2018
Some say Amarasiri is a IRanina Muslims= who is mixed with respect to treligion – he is both christian and Muslim. Anyway, HE can speak good sinhala.He knows islam very well but he is against islamiztion. Is there a group called ahathulaa or Vahathulla ?
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Jim softy .
“he is both christian and Muslim.”
Quick Rebuttals to Common Christian Claims: Enjoy
Richard Carrier concisely rebuts six common claims apologists make.
00:28 “Spacetime had a beginning”
1:38 “The Universe is fine tuned for life”
3:43 “Life requires a creator”
5:20 “Consciousness requires a spirit/soul”
7:34 “God is needed for objective moral values”
9:07 “Jesus was resurrected”
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
You are still stuck on the Para-Tamil brainwashing and culture that include a good part castism.
Knowledge, says Socrates, is a cure for such sufferers.
Evil is the result of ignorance. This is true for the Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” cultists as well as the Para-Wahhabi Salafi “Islamic” cultists.
The Ideas of Socrates.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Indian lowest-caste Dalit man killed ‘for owning horse’
31 March 2018
Q. Can a lower caste Tamil own a horse and ride and own a horse? What does Hinduism say about this?
A young farmer from the lowest rung of India’s caste hierarchy – the Dalit community – has been beaten to death, apparently for owning and riding a horse.
Police in Gujarat state said three upper-caste men had been detained for questioning.
The victim’s father said his son had been warned not to ride the horse as this was an upper-caste privilege.
Owning a horse is seen as a symbol of power and wealth in parts of India.
A senior police officer said other possible motives had not been ruled out.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
Lex Luthor,
“I understand that you are a Buddhist, so you are trying to defend your religion.”
You can understand whatever way you understand, but Amaraisi is trying to understand religion, all religions based on their theology, which got ahead of philosophy, and rational thinking , to explain natural and other phenomena.
The Speech that made Christopher Hitchens Famous
See how much elegant Darwin and Einstein were.
James Chance / March 29, 2018
Yes, indeed. I was just crunching the numbers myself and caught the big mistake – it’s a 77%, not 7.7% increase for Muslims. And their percentage of the overall population HAS increased significantly. This is the kernel of truth in the Buddhist nationalist fear-mongering. But there is also much truth in the rest of Prof. Ali’s article – the major out-migration of Tamils, not the mention the huge loss of life among Tamils, and significant if lesser loss of life among Sinhalese, needs to be factored in.
Ameer Ali / March 29, 2018
Thanks for pointing out the typo. It was silly of me for not picking it before posting the piece. My rest of the arguments speak for themselves.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
Dr. Ameer Ali,
In addition to emigration , you did not take into account sufficiently and quantitatively, the following factors.
1. The average age of the Muslim women marrying is well below the other non-Muslim women., thanks to the MMDA.
2. The education level of the Muslim bride as well as the groom is lower, and therefore the bride becomes a mother with a year of marriage.
3. This also results in a higher number of children per Muslim family compared to the others.
4. Therefore there is more frequent “turnover” of children for the Muslim family compared to the others.
5. Lower the education level, higher the number of children per family, and since the Muslim women are the least educated, they have relatively more children.
6. Conversion to Islam. I assume this is very marginal, and therefore not contributory, even though this is factor with the Christian fundamentalists, the born-again Christians.
An approximate quantification of the above 6 factors, can account for the RELATIVE INCREASE ( Muslims 77%) compared to the Sinhala, (39%.).
Well, when the average IQ of thew Para-populace is 79, it becomes harder to explain these things. After all, perhaps, more than 50% still believes that the Sun goes around the Earth, as the Sun rises from the East and sets in the West.
Ralli Ameen / April 1, 2018
You say it is harder to explain these things when the average IQ of para-populace is 79. So you being a Sri Lankan your average IQ must be 79 or lesser than that and this explains the bull shit you write above.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Rali Ameen,
Your Z score is minus 2.0 or lower. That is why you cannot understand. Don’t worry, you have plenty of company, especially among the Para-Wahhabi-Salafis and Para-Sinhala Buddhists.
Quick Rebuttals to Common Christian
Richard Carrier concisely rebuts six common claims apologists make.
00:28 “Spacetime had a beginning”
1:38 “The Universe is fine tuned for life”
3:43 “Life requires a creator”
5:20 “Consciousness requires a spirit/soul”
7:34 “God is needed for objective moral values”
9:07 “Jesus was resurrected”
Amarasiri / April 3, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
The IQ mean for Sri Lanka is 79. Your Z score is -2.0 or greater negatively, and with a SD of 15, your IQ must be 49 or lower, and there is support given below in general. The low Saudi Wahhabi-Salafi GMAT scores give additional support.
Religion vs. IQ – Are Religious People Stupid?
It is commonly assumed that religious people are less intelligent than those who who aren’t religious. Many skeptics think that Christianity and other religions are for people who do not want to think – but will blindly follow what they are told by their church
A few years ago, some bored researchers decided to plot the importance of religion in people’s lives vs. IQ from several countries throughout the world.1 The results are quite impressive (See figure to right), with a correlation coefficient of nearly 0.9 (1.0 is perfect). So, this proves that dumb people are attracted to religions, right?
Amarasiri / March 31, 2018
Dr. Ameer Ali,
The Good Folks who do not follow Mara
‘We’re Humans’ goes to Digana seeking ‘National Unity’
Another stage of the forum begun by the ‘Inception of Change’ organization to apprise the masses regarding crises that could spread throughout the country due to the communal tendency that began in Digana area in Kandy District was held at Digana yesterday (29th).
The forum was also attended by National Bhikkhu Front, Sri Lanka Muslim Council, JVP, Manavadhi Kalakruwo, Aluth Parapura, State employees for People’s Service, University Teachers for Social Equality and several other organizations.
Prof. Ven. Aththangane Rathanapala Thero, JVP Leader Anura Dissanayaka, Prof. Liyanage Amarakeerthi, Mr. M.N. Ameen from Sri Lanka Muslim Council, Former Ministry Secretary Ashoka Peiris, Dr. Swamynathan Wimal and Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Devasiri addressed the gathering.
A ‘peace’ musical show’ was also held with the participation of artistes Sunil Perera, Mithra Kapuge, Samanali Fonseka, Sulakshan Ashokan, Madhawa Sudantha and several other artists.
‘Inception of Change’ organization will hold ‘We’re Humans’, the National Forum for Unity at Matara on 3rd April and at Ampara on 8th April.
Amarasiri / March 29, 2018
Dr. Ameer Ali,
” Muslim women are the least educated and the most reluctant to enter the workforce. Religious and cultural prejudices still place obstacles for them to compete in the development race in which other women have forged ahead. This is a developmental challenge that Muslim community faces, but Muslim leadership is clueless as to how to tackle this issue. “
GCE O/L 2017 exam results released Most top students are girls and Sinhala Students.
Why hardly any Muslim girls?
Are they busy memorizing the Quran, to become Hafiz, and this takes time away from their other studies? Why not put the Quran on a chip or mobile phone, in this day and age?
Hafiz (Quran) Hafiz (Arabic: حافظ, translit. … ḥuffāẓ, حافظة f. ḥāfiẓa), literally meaning “guardian” or “memorizer”, depending on the context, is a term used by Muslims for someone who has completely memorized the Qur’an.
Ali / March 29, 2018
forget about Muslims, what is happening to boys? are all boys trying to become hafiz?
Amarasiri / March 29, 2018
“forget about Muslims, what is happening to boys? are all boys trying to become hafiz?”
I was told by a Muslim from the Western Province during a discussion of the education system in Sri Lanka and the backwardness of the Muslims relative to the other communities has multiple reasons, including access to education. general malaise of the parents and the community to education, lack of role models of educated Muslims, language barriers, finances, and for the children, religion and religious studies taking quite a bit of priority, effort and time. As an example, he said that that town now has over 500 Hafiz, ( boys and girls) who have completely memorized the Qur’an.
Q. Where do they live? On a rotating Earth that orbits the Sun, that is somewhere in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy, spiraling at a speed around the center of the Galaxy? The Ulama, Imams and Moulavis can’t guide them.
Q. What gives? The rest of the Education.
Wondered why the Saudi Graduates who took the GMAT Test scored the lowest in the World? Too much religion and lack of thinking abilities.
Quick Post: L&V’s National IQs predict GMAT scores across 173 nations
The GMAT is a graduate entrance test used by more than 5,900 business programs offered by more than 2,100 universities worldwide. While the test is given in English, it is designed to be as minimally English dependent as necessary to predict successful completion of Business programs taught in English. Further, the test is carefully scrutinized for item bias.
Regression Plot: The regression plot for GMAT scores and L&V’s (2012) Estimated National IQs is shown below.
oldcodger / March 30, 2018
“Q. Where do they live? On a rotating Earth that orbits the Sun, that is somewhere in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy, “
Actually, you give us too much importance. The Sun is more towards the edge of the Galaxy.
Amarasiri / March 31, 2018
” the Sun, that is somewhere in the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy, “
Milky Way and Our Location. The Ulama, Imams, Moulavis, Monks and Priests have no clue. They still believe that the Sun goes around a stationary Earth.
Graphic view of our Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy is organized into spiral arms of giant stars that illuminate interstellar gas and dust. The Sun is in a finger called the Orion Spur. Overlaid is a graphic of galactic longitude in relation to our Sun. Credit: NASA/Adler/U. Chicago/Wesleyan/JPL-Caltech
Radical Ideas / March 31, 2018
Ha, ha, ha… all explanation about Galaxies and universe are hypothesis. Nobody went to the moon and the earth is flat you dumbo…. what you saw the pictures of those so called galaxies and milky is CGI manufactured and produced by the Zionist system using NASA and Hollywood…. Its your imagination that draws the picture of the universe by years of indictrination imposed by the Jewish schemers….
Ralli Ameen / April 1, 2018
The problem with you is you are crunching and swallowing too much web pages and it doesn’t get properly digested in your guts because of the vast differences the pages have on different subjects, so you muddle up everything. What all Moulavis, priests, monks etc. got o do with galaxies. They were not astronomical researchers but scholars on religions. You are welcomed to give your intelligent views any topic but stick to it. Long ago when I was a student during the science class the teacher was explaining about Mars and according to science there can be life in it. The student next to me had real puzzled face. He looked at me and asked in a whisper, “Ralli, where is this Mars? Is it before or after London?”. This is how the readers must be thinking after reading your galaxies, Ulamas, priets, Wahabis, Najd, paras, DNAs etc etc… Why don’t you stick to the comments relevant to the subject? Galaxies etc were based on hypothesis, that is explanations without proof.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
The problem with you is you are to slow, have low IQ and therefore cannot digest information fast enough,unless it was information that was previously brainwashed into you.
“Long ago when I was a student during the science class the teacher was explaining about Mars and according to science there can be life in it.”
We live here on the Earth, the third rock from the Sun, not Mars, the fourth rock from the Sun.
Anyway, I am curious as to what you know and think of how life began on Earth and ended up like it is now humans, animals, plants and bacteria etc.
Q1. How did life get started on the Earth?
Q2. When did life get started on the Earth?
Q3. How did this life which got started here on the Earth resulted in the current life forms, humans, animals, plants and bacteria etc?
Ralli Ameen / April 2, 2018
I gave my school days example to show you why some are least bothered about a subject if it doesn’t interest them. My classmate did not know anything about universe, that is why he asked whether the Mars is before or beyond London. Here you are talking about brainwashed, lecturing on galaxies, DNA, Najd, Socrates and other philosophers, giving web links. Don’t you think 99% of people who reads your comments wouldn’t know what you are driving at. Now you are asking about origin of life on earth. Since I studied science I know how science explains this and how religions explain this but is pointless raising such questions here. If you want to comment on the article here, do it wisely. When I ask you a question give a direct answer without evading it with your bullshit and web links.
Ralli Ameen / April 1, 2018
Amarasiri can you give the percentage of Hafiz compared to Muslim students pursuing other studies? If you can give that correctly you will become a donkey here.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Ralli Ameen
“Amarasiri can you give the percentage of Hafiz compared to Muslim students pursuing other studies? “
Donkey Ameen, ask your Ulama, Imams and Moulavis and School Principals. for those statistics. It is their job.
By the way do you know when and how life started on Earth and we are here?
Quick Rebuttals to Common Christian Claims
Richard Carrier concisely rebuts six common claims apologists make.
00:28 “Spacetime had a beginning”
1:38 “The Universe is fine tuned for life”
3:43 “Life requires a creator”
5:20 “Consciousness requires a spirit/soul”
7:34 “God is needed for objective moral values”
9:07 “Jesus was resurrected”
Ralli Ameen / April 2, 2018
See, here you had become a donkey since you could not give the percentage of Hafiz compared to others pursuing normal studies in other fields. If you had got your information from Ulama and others you can give it here. What is the point of asking when and how life started on earth, rebuttal to common Christian claims or others claim. Stick to my question, don’t jump to other platforms.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
Amarasiri quoted : “As an example, he said that that town now has over 500 Hafiz, ( boys and girls) who have completely memorized the Qur’an.”
If you want more information and statistics, Donkey Ameen, ask your Ulama, Imams and Moulavis and School Principals for those statistics. It is their job.Ask them to take the GMAT test as well.
Why is that the GMAT scores of the Wahhabi-Salafi graduates lowest in the world? Is it because the foll Iblis, Satan, per Hadith of Najd, and therefore Allah swt does not like Wahhabi-Salafies?
Wondered why the Saudi Graduates who took the GMAT Test scored the lowest in the World? Too much religion and lack of thinking abilities.
Quick Post: L&V’s National IQs predict GMAT scores across 173 nations
The GMAT is a graduate entrance test used by more than 5,900 business programs offered by more than 2,100 universities worldwide. While the test is given in English, it is designed to be as minimally English dependent as necessary to predict successful completion of Business programs taught in English. Further, the test is carefully scrutinized for item bias.
Regression Plot: The regression plot for GMAT scores and L&V’s (2012) Estimated National IQs is shown below.
Ralli Ameen / April 5, 2018
You had become only donkey here because you cannot give a straight answer for question put forward to you. You wrote above giving the impression more go to become Hafiz than going for other studies. Give the town which has 500 Hafiz and also number of those who have at least G.C.E.(Ord level). As a Muslim I am proud if there is 500 Hafiz in the said town because of the efforts they had made to achieve this like others try to achieve on other studies. It is the freedom of their choice. Then you make another idiotic comment like GMAT as if everything in the world revolve around these scores. Actually average score depend on number of persons taking that test and their English. According to you since Saudi considered Wahabi there are no intellectual people like doctors, engineers, teachers, architects, graduates and others in Saudi. Graduate Management Advance Test (GMAT) is conducted by Graduate Management Advance Association and to take this you have to spend money. There are many types of test conducted by west for you to follow a stipulated course. Just imagine the trillion they are makings. Like a fool you are challenging the intellect of other nations by these score. USA and UK coming below 45 in their average scores. There are hundreds of other countries including some Muslim countries in low average scores. You see only Wahabi Saudi, why? May be you are a Shia or Shias paid servant to show so much hatred to Wahabis. Correct yourself first you donkey.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
“the percentage of Hafiz compared to Muslim students pursuing other studies?”
Can you measure their IQs? Ask your Ulama, Imsms, Moulavis and Principals.
Are the students who wants to be Hafiz less intelligent than the other, overall?
Religion vs. IQ – Are Religious People Stupid?
by Rich Deem
Importance of religion vs. IQ
Religious importance vs IQA few years ago, some bored researchers decided to plot the importance of religion in people’s lives vs. IQ from several countries throughout the world.1 The results are quite impressive (See figure to right), with a correlation coefficient of nearly 0.9 (1.0 is perfect). So, this proves that dumb people are attracted to religions, right?
Amarasiri / April 3, 2018
“So, this proves that dumb people are attracted to religions, right?”
Yes, see the data and observation , generally, supports this assertion.
Just look at the dumb Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” racists and cultists, and Para-Wahhabi-Salafi cultists.
Ralli Ameen / April 7, 2018
Still you did not give a correct answers to questions.
Ralli Ameen / April 7, 2018
Still you did not answer correctly.
Amarasiri / April 7, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
Ask your Ulama, Imams, Moulavis and School Principals. and perhaps the education dept. as well.
Nevertheless, the mean IQ of the Para in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, is 79, and they may have a hard time with simple,e math and statistics.
There is an MP called Wimal Buruwansa, and he says 2/2 =0. Why not ask him foe a change?
Navin / March 29, 2018
This campaign of hate initiated thousands of miles away, and now in our shores, and a threat to the peace and security of this country:
“Funding Islamophobia: $206m went to promoting ‘hatred’ of American Muslims
Inciting hate toward American Muslims and Islam has become a multimillion-dollar business, according to a report released on Monday.
Released by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (Cair) and University of California Berkeley’s Center for Race and Gender, the report names 74 groups it says contribute in some way to Islamophobia in the US. Of those groups, it says, the primary purpose of 33 “is to promote prejudice against, or hatred of, Islam and Muslims”.
The core group, which includes the Abstraction Fund, Clarion Project, David Horowitz Freedom Center, Middle East Forum, American Freedom Law Center, Center for Security Policy, Investigative Project on Terrorism, Jihad Watch and Act! for America, had access to almost $206m of funding between 2008 and 2013, the report said.
Corey Saylor, author of the report and director of Cair’s department to monitor and combat Islamophobia, said: “The hate that these groups are funding and inciting is having real consequences like attacks on mosques all over the country and new laws discriminating against Muslims in America.”
Saylor added that the Washington-based Center for Security Policy and Act! for America have the most impact, because they are trying to push their anti-Muslim rhetoric beyond their formerly fringe following.
Two groups on the list, the Center for Security Policy and the David Horowitz Freedom Center, have given awards of recognition to Jeff Sessions, a US senator from Alabama who chairs Trump’s national security advisory committee and is a possible vice-presidential pick.”
Excerpts from a Guardian UK article.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
“This campaign of hate initiated thousands of miles away, and now in our shores, and a threat to the peace and security of this country:”
The low average IQ of 79 of the Paras does not help either. After all still mote than 50% believe almost 5 centuries after the astronomers figured it out, they believe that the Sun goes around the Earth. So, the job of the Para-Monks, Para-Ulama and Paras-Priests and Para-Politicians is much easier, to fool them.
The Speech that made Christopher Hitchens Famous
20 Times Christopher Hitchens Blew Our Minds
Bisthan Batcha / March 29, 2018
Dr Ameer Ali
If one examines the ‘gap’ between the Buddhist and Muslim Populations for the 13 Censuses conducted between 1881 and 2012 (not 2011), the one fact that emerges sharply is that this ‘gap’ has increased steadily and exponentially during this period of over 130 years.
If the gap between two variables is increasing steadily, then there is no reason whatsoever to conclude that the two variables will intersect in the near future. Therefore the past census data in no way offers any valid reason for the Buddhists to fear being replaced by the Muslims as the majority community in our Motherland.
Another favorite ploy of such ‘doomsday’ Buddhists is to blindly extrapolate the different religious group populations based on growth rates for the period 1981 and 2012, ignoring the essential ‘ceteris paribus’ condition. This computational exercise does show that in 250 years time (Year 2262), the Muslim population will exceed the Buddhist population. But in their haste and determined bid to depict the Muslims as a serious existential threat, what these experts have failed to do is apply such extrapolations to the other religious groups. If they did so, they would have realized that in Year 2202 – sixty years before the Muslim ‘takeover’ – the total (RC & non-RC) Christian population would have exceeded the Buddhist population, which in effect means that if the premise on which these computations are made is deemed to be true, then Sri Lanka will become a Christian nation 60 years before the Muslim population exceeds that of the the Buddhists.
I am unable to offer more details due to word restrictions imposed by CT. If interested please try to locate my blog article titled : ‘Sri Lankan Muslim Population : Debunking Myths & Phobias’.
jmmysm / March 29, 2018
Bisthan Batcha
Went to your blog and it was interesting reading. Not only in Sri Lanka but in various western countries Supremacist,Racist, Ultra nationalist, Bigots are making the same claim against Muslims.
Many researchers and academics have debunked these theories. But these people still perpetuate these lies, and myths.
In Sri Lankan context the Sinhalese had a reason to target the Tamils and similarly now they have reasons to target the Muslims.Every thing is minorities fault.
For them their actions are justifiable. Basically their theory is akin to American theory of preemptive strikes without any credible evidence.
Yes we have to endeavor to educate them but they have their preconceived notions and that cannot be changed.
SJ / March 29, 2018
Year….Sinhala…….Tamil………….Muslim……HC Tamil
1971….9,131,241…… 1,423,981……..855,724…….1,174,606
Year Sinhala Tamil Muslim HC Tamil
1963 71.00% 11.01% 5.92% 10.61%
1971 71.96% 11.22% 6.74% 9.26%
1981 73.95% 12.71% 7.05% 5.51%
2011 74.90% 11.15% 9.30% 4.12%
There is a disproportionate increase in percentage wise Muslim population and a percentage wise decline in Tamil and (more significantly) Hill Country Tamil populations.
Sinhala chauvinist annoyance is perhaps because the percentage of Sinhalese did not rise to match that of the Muslims. But then there was significant emigration of Sinhalese, especially since 1988 I guess.
I think that the statement “The total number of Sri Lankan Moors and Malays together were 1,093,889 in 1981 and 1,936,768 in 2011 giving an increase of only 7.7%. ” is based on bad arithmetic.
“…only 7.7%” cannot be a typo.
(That is why I am not keen on pocket calculators.)
While there is no disputing that emigration has been the main factor, war deaths deserve counting.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
SJ ,
Thanks for the census numbers of the Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, illegally occupied by the Paras who came by Illegal boats, Hora-Oru, Kalla-Thionos from their homeland, India, Bharat, Damba-Diva.
The numbers for up country Para-Tamils were lower because a part of them were sent back to their homeland India by the Srima-Shastri pact.
SJ / April 2, 2018
The Hill Country Tamils were forced to go under the Indira-Sirima agreement.
None of them knew India and had no affection foe India.
The miserable conditions in the plantations from 1973 until 1975 played a big role.
But the drop since 1981 is surprising.
Fathima / March 29, 2018
Why would someone legitimize the concern that ‘gap’ between the Buddhist and Muslim Populations are shrinking even if it is true, if we think all as Sri Lankans?
When politicians put their party over country benefits, and we, the racists put our religions over country’s benefits, when are we going to move forward as Sri Lanka? Individually we might win over other temporarily, but as Sri Lankans, we are citizens of a failed nation and have become laughable lot in front of outsiders.
Sinhala_Man / March 29, 2018
Dear Bisthan Batcha & Dr Ameer Ali,
It is almost accidentally that I chanced on this article, having seen some link among “Latest Comments. I have interacted with both of you, and know both to be intelligent and honest people who can be trusted.
The things happening around us in Sri Lanka scare me. I feel that we must all do whatever we can to find solutions, to make changes where necessary. When Mahinda Deshapriya warned his words were distorted.
I feel that the two of you are doing what you can. If MMDA were reformed; if Muslims looked Sri Lankans as your ancestors did, it would help.
No, this is NOT an attempt to blame you for what Gnanasara’s hordes are doing.
This is to say “more strength to your arms.
Thank you!
Fathima / March 30, 2018
Sorry to jump in:
“I feel that the two of you are doing what you can. If MMDA were reformed; if Muslims looked Sri Lankans as your ancestors did, it would help.”
If a moderate Sinhala man thinks so, imagine the opposite. If you think Muslims have the same rights as fellow citizens, what we wear and how we look should not bother you. MMDA should be reformed, but for betterment of the Muslim women, not to satisfy or demands of others who are not even remotely affected by it.
Dear Sinhala Man, please tell me, is it even a civilized approach to ask the minority to dress like what the majority want them to dress, if not the certain elements in majority will continue attacks on them? Is that because we are minority and powerless against your numbers you expect us to give it to such demands?
At one point, we say it is linked to politics and politician, and in the next day we say it is Halal, Muslim dress and MMDA create the issue. Why don’t we achieve peace and coexistence through more civilized and matured approaches? Say, you and your religious leaders educate those creating issues, Muslims and their religious leaders do the same while the country’s Law & Order gives equal protection to all its citizens?
Sinhala_Man / March 30, 2018
Thanks for your response, Fathima. I’m afraid that my response has appeared way below your comment.
It is important to exchange views. That is provided we speak sincerely.
Amarasiri / March 31, 2018
1. “The things happening around us in Sri Lanka scare me. I feel that we must all do whatever we can to find solutions, to make changes where necessary. When Mahinda Deshapriya warned his words were distorted.”
Yes, it is scary when a bunch idiots, called Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” and their Para-Monks , mean IQ 79, run amok and destroy things and commit crimes including murder.
The world can certainty do without Sri Lanka and Para-Sinhala and other Paras currently occupied by illegal Paras, say by an earthquake that sinks the whole land. Unfortunately, this is the Native Land of the Veddah Aethho. The Paras can get back to their homeland, India, Bharat, Damba-Diva, and have Para-Sinhala ghettos , and other Para-ghettos in Bihar, Orissa or South India and , it will no longer be Para, as it is their homeland. Same for the Other Paras as well.
The core-problem the Para Sinhala are afraid of is the existential threat, as they believe, based on Mahawamsa, all others are Paras, foreigners. They also believe that the Sun goes around the Earth, probably what Monk Mahananma of Mahawamsa believed, and the land is Dhamma Deepaya, Faith Island.
2. “I feel that the two of you are doing what you can. If MMDA were reformed; if Muslims looked Sri Lankans as your ancestors did, it would help.”
The MMDA was there since 1952. Para-Sinhala “Buddhists” had problem only with the Para-Tamils due to Mahawamsa and history, before the arrival of the Muslims. So, the core problem is not Muslims, but the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”.
The influence of the Devil, Satan following Para-Wahhabi Salafis, and following the Arab Tribal culture for the Sri Lankan Muslims, mean IQ 79, since the 1970’s certainly alienated them from the rest of the population, by clearly identifying them as Paras in the Land, and was a catalyst to further agitate the low IQ , 79, Para Sinhala “Buddhists”.
DR SULAIMAN from UK / March 29, 2018
Thank you very for both Dr Ameer Ali and Mr Amarasiri, Both of you have been enlightening us with thought provoking ideas.
Dr Ameer Ali. this is one of you best articles on Muslim issues. You have done a great service by writing this small and yet, lucid article with rational and logical reasoning. Sri lanka is a country with 95% literacy rate, and Sri Lanka has got some of the world class economists and social scientists among Sinhalese community. Why those Sinhalese academics do not come forward to deny all these false accusations of BBS and their cohort. Why they keep silence? do they support them? are they scared of them? do they secretly approve BBS actions on minorities?
I have been reading a lot about all these false accusations of BBS and yet, I have seen only handful of Sinhalese academics, intellectuals, politicians, journalists and monks come forward to speak out about all this unfounded accusations of BBS and its cohort. Why do not they speak out? look after Digana and Aluthgama incidents a few sinhalese intellectuals/academics/journalists/ politicians/ monks challenged BBS and its cohorts. We know well that some political elements behind this and yet, public should speak out about this injustice ..
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
“Sri lanka is a country with 95% literacy rate, and Sri Lanka has got some of the world class economists and social scientists among Sinhalese community. Why those Sinhalese academics do not come forward to deny all these false accusations of BBS and their cohort. Why they keep silence? do they support them? are they scared of them? do they secretly approve BBS actions on minorities?”
“Religion is the opium of the masses” – Karl Marx.
1.) 95% literacy rate, but the average IQ is 79.
2..) The Para-Sinhala Buddhists and other Paras do not want to admit that they are Para in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, called Aethho-Desh. They call the Tamils Para-Demala, Para-Tamils. To them everybody else is Para, except the Para-Sinhala. Buddhism is also Para just like the other Para-beliefs.
3.) They believe in all the lies and imaginations in the Mahawamsa.
4. They as born as babies, just like the other babies, and then brainwashed as Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” cultists and racists, much different from the philosophy or teachings of Buddha.
“some of the world class economists and social scientists among Sinhalese community”
Even though the mean IQ is 79, based on the standard deviation of 15, you will always find a small number whose IQ’s are 3 standard deviations or more ( IQ 124) .
At the same time, the vast majority of Para-Sinhala have IQ’s below 94 ( 1 standard deviation above the mean) , and there are plenty of Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” cultist and racists to recruit and select from.
Have you heard about “Wanda Pethi” from Anmparai?
LANAKN / March 29, 2018
There are some socio-economic and religious factors that contribute the growth and decline of populations in SL and I would like to share some of them here.
Sinhala and Tamils ladies postpone the marriage for many social and economic reasons. Some of them marry in late ages: Most of them in late 20s or 30s . This may contribute the population increase in these communities. whereas Muslim community in Sri Lanka and internationally encourage early marriage : In Islam the institution of marriage is sacred and its a religious duty to marry as soon as possible: Quran deals with issue extensively more than 100 verses of the Quran speak about marriage and divorce : so, its part of their religion to marry as soon as possible: Both girls and boys should do it as soon as possible .. As this article pointed out Sinhalese and Tamil communities are sending their young girls for work as today financial needs demand that.. yet, less Muslim girls go to work.. consider for instance , Sri Lankan forces. More than 500.000 people work in all four Sri lankan forces. 98% of working force in army, police, navy, and air forces. so naturally this will affect the productivity of their populations. Moreover, migration rate among Tamil and Sinhalese are more .. that will decrease population rate Moreover, some people in Sinhalese population are not allowed to marry as monks. This could slightly decreased population growth rate .. some people fear poverty so that they do birth control for fear of poverty.. Today, the population growth is a blessing not a burden. if we could enhance our human resource skills and talent .. Today wealth is in the quality of population. Japan,and many western countries suffer from lack of manpower. we have manpower but we do not know how to enhance it..
Sinhala_Man / March 29, 2018
I DISAGREE! WORLD population growth must be controlled.
I do agree that given whatever population we have it is best if skills are enhanced.
LANKAN, you’re probably a Muslim, but to me that matters not a jot. Fatima, above must also be from the Muslim community. My views are synoptic with hers.
If competition of this sort is what results from the practice of religions, a pox upon them all. Please note that the sentence begins with “if”.
Humans alone are said to be sentient. It might equally well be said that humans alone are irrational,
Jim softy / March 30, 2018
Lankan, Ceylonee, rbh, Whywhy are all muslims. Afe w are Wahabis. We also like if Wahabis, ask their home guards to come out wth their swords and weapons. Remember Nanthikadaal. Some how muslims have to understand to be emphathatic about others needs. IT is not always one sided. I heard, muslims had killed a person even in a Tea estate. Wahabis are active. It says, wahabis had punished a muslim for not helping them.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
Why are you reminding us Nanthikadal? That you all are capable of killing civilians too. I heard Sinhalese had raped and killed few tea estate girls. It says Buddhist terrorist had punished a informant for not being one of them. Don’t get angry, I am just following you.
soma / March 29, 2018
Mr Ali
According to Islam when will the entire world end up accepting the message of the last prophet (PBUH) of Allah?
ADJP / March 29, 2018
Thank you Soma for this useful and credible account from the Pew Center. Poor Dr. Ameer Ali came under much venom and flak from Muslim commentators on his last piece on Wahabism and Islam. One cannot be blamed if one were to suspect Dr. Ali now tries to soothe aggressive Islamic nerves by this article assuring the world there is no such thing as a global conspiracy to Islamise the world. Who enjoys a Fatwa anyway? The Indian Harvard teacher Dr. Subramaniam Swamy tells us the Muslim practise is when the conspiracies of global Islam is discovered to immediately deny it and place the blame on the author. Momentarily insisting the author is a fool, a mischief maker and so on. The immediate goal is what Samuel Huntington was the dream of global Islam. And that is to ensure 3 out of 5 humans walking on the face of the earth are Muslim in the world – as soon as possible. This false dream “Tomorrow the world belongs to Islam” has captured the imagination of multiple millions of uneducated, ignorant youth all over the world – mostly in Islamic countries like Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Nigeria and Indonesia.
While doctrinaire Islam may be peaceful in a way, there is no denying the fact political Islam of the fundamentalist nature is a menace threatening the free world. Islam, by its inherent nature, is intolerant of other faiths. It is a religion of the Sword and is kept
alive by blood. Mohamed, after all, was a warrior horseman in the desert converting others by sheer violence. Global Islam is looking for its next Salladin.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
ADJP, what Buddhism you follow. Isn’t it political Buddhism now, the riots by political Buddhist thugs will confirm this. If you are a Christian you know the political massacre done by Christian west in Middle-east. So you are also worried about growth of believers in Islam? Hundreds of thousands converting to Islam all over the world. Among them there are philosophers , scientist and educated peoples unlike you nuts. So why don’t you go, preach them and stop if you can instead of pouring your hates here.
ADJP / March 31, 2018
Ralli Ameen
You are welcome to fool yourself the world is going Islamic. It is not. Remember the late 1960s when there was a highly financed Wahabi effort to convert Black Americans. Due to the huge money spent in the beginning, it showed some upward trend and then collapsed dramatically to an extent more non-practising Christians in the American South joined mainstream and evangelical Christianity – where it is now.
From what you see in Western Europe and the Americas Islam is highly disliked there. But the Muslims from Arab countries – thrown out by mostly religiously connected internal conflict – are forcing themselves in. It is only the calculated population explosion among Muslims globally that shows the figures high.
The more educated in Islamic societies in Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India accept Islam can only survive by force and intimidation. The change within is occurring.
As to Buddhist thugs in robes here, I agree with you. But they are a microscopic minority. The wider non-activist Buddhist population is not with them. They are as embarrassed as everyone else – including “nuts” like me.
Ralli Ameen / April 1, 2018
I am not fooling myself or statistic were put by me. I am getting all these from international media like CNN. Black American converts did not collapse. i/3 rd of Black Americans are Muslims, increasing daily. Converts of white Americans, Hispanic and others increasing. It is the same in Europe and all these without counting Arabs or others. There is no calculated population explosion which is your master’s Islamophobic view. Yes change within occurring the other way about. Those Muslims who were lethargic once jumping back to the wagon which is Islam.
jmmysm / March 29, 2018
Not until Isah son of Mariyam comes to earth. ( Jesus ) . But before that there will be a lot of misery, war, disasters. By that time I think most of the world population and nation’s would have disappeared.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
Including you jimmysm the nutty. Live in mythical dream.
Dr sulaiman / March 29, 2018
Soma..read Latest theory of late hawking about the end of the world.
You do not believe in Qur’an and he justified what Quran said 1400 years among.
Jim softy / March 30, 2018
No HAwkings wrote a book saying that there is no need of Big bang and it can happen everyday. I think in his last says of life he started to remember his previous lives and he understood it wrong. So, otherwise, mark it for another few thousand years. Aliens are here. What christians call Angles can be met here on earth if you reACH PROPERLY, NOT BY EATING MEAT OR BREAKING FIVE PRECEPTS. Similary Allah will talk to you if you behave the same way. world will always have wars and destruction of human civilizations humans. Other than that, there won’t be an end to the world. HAwkings used Hindu/buddhist expkanations to write his books. that is where the nimiththa or the first signs came. Are you an agriculturalist ?
Lester / March 29, 2018
From 1981 to 2011, the Muslim population increased from 1,046,900 (7.05%) to 1,869,820 (9.23%), an over-all increase of 822,920 (78.60%).During the same period the over-all increase of the island’s population was from 14,846,800 to 20,263,723, that is an increase by 5,416,923(36.48%). Therefore the population increase of the Muslims by 78.60% was double that of the increase in the national average by 36.48%.
So, there can be no denying that Muslims are the fastest growing population on the island. But this trend is not unique to Sri Lanka. It is a global phenomenon. According to Pew Research, ‘While the world’s population is projected to grow 32% in the coming decades, the number of Muslims is expected to increase by 70% – from 1.8 billion in 2015 to nearly 3 billion in 2060.”
As a population grows, it starts to demand more concessions, for example political power. It is also more likely to form some kind of armed resistance. It is highly likely that Sri Lankan Muslims will eventually outnumber Tamils on the island, should present demographic trends continue. It is not unlikely that they will also imitate the Tamil demands for political power, first through non-violent means and then perhaps using armed struggle.
Thangamma / March 29, 2018
Concern fears about RADICAL WAHABI islam and exclusion more than numbers. Moderate muslims are welcome and are the majority. But when you have the Black Burqa scary people and long bearded aggressive and rude and crude Muslim men who pass sexual remarks at our Sinhala and Tamil women even in Colombo about what they wear, you see we have a problem. Just like Danes had a problem with the Sharia Arab camel jockey refugees who wanted them to close Bars or give Kappang. NO Islamic radicalism from Saudi Arabia please. Shut down unauthorized mosques and madrassas. They are there to brainwash people to hate everyone else but their Wahabists. That is why they go around attacking Sufi Mosques too. What is next ?Attack Buddhist temples that are over 2,000 years old in areas Muslims have settled in?
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
Thangamma, hundreds thousand of your clan washing Saudis back. Don’t you have mercy on them?
Al-faqurlah / March 31, 2018
Ralli bin Balli, hundreds of thousands of your Arab clan are washing Europeans back. Don’t you have mercy on them.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
Why should we worry about Arab clan washing European back? I am talking about Sri Lankans, you Al-fukka’s clan and Thangamma’s clan.
Niro / March 29, 2018
Ali ignores the fact that Muslims conquered most of the Known world between the 7th and 14 Century. All important ports and capitals on the Silk and Spice trade fell in to their hands..Them being an materialistic culture like the Jews. Except in Lanka – where Sinhalese were able to defend their land , comprehensively defeating the Moors – time after time. Just like they did to Portugal and Netherlands.
ADJP / March 29, 2018
“Muslims conquered most of the known world between the 7th-14th centuries” This is factually incorrect. The world scene at that time was dominated by China and India. Most of what is now Western Europe remained outside their grip. The Muslims then were also divided – into Turks, Persians and a conglomeration of Arab powers acting separately.
Chandra / March 30, 2018
Another attempt to spread the “Muslims taking over Sri Lanka” narrative.
If you had read some of the comments, you would have learnt that it is impossible for Muslims to take over this country, and that whether or not Muslim “conquered” the world centuries, has no bearing in what is happening right now. Haters must stop harming this country by spreading disproved theories.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
Niro, when did you dream Moor invaders attacked Sri Lanka like the colonialist? In your dream? May be you were dreaming of Mogul Kings invading Sri Lanka and your mighty forces defeating them. Proof of your mightiness the rule of colonialist over 500 years.
Jim softy / March 29, 2018
Ameer Ali is misinterprettig every thing for your advantage. I know Zani Marikkar who changed Allah to a different Allah. Your statsitics are wrng. One guy reported here in CT, that the muslims population increase from 1910 – 2010 is 33%. Sri lankan Tamils also has increased. but, Sinhala increase is only 9%. So, calculate those population increased how many decades it takes to pass the Sinhala population. On top this Sri lankan govt began sebding people to Middle east and they came back as Wahabis and now Wahabism is exploding in Sri lanka, in comparison to muslm growth. That has crearted problems to the country. Some of those muslims are attached to saudi arabian and Qatarian muslim smoney donors. That money is changing Srilanka. Srri lanka politicins are getting money from those countries. So, the Muslim politicians’ behaviour is related to this. Politicians are politicians. IF you ask some thing good from them that does not work. On the other hand Wahabi muslims are showing teir power by brining new MAulavis in 100s, Bringing new Muslim Settlers , by bulding mosuqes important towns – KAtaragama, Mahiyangana,Dambula, anuradhapura, Kandy, Kaluthara and many other places. So, if Sinhala buddhists react to those how do you find that wrong. I heard Europe, particularly France has severe restrictions for muslims.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
Yes, thousand are coming as Wahabis. What about millions of rupees coming from Wahabi tilt which keeps many of the Buddhist homes happy. Those Buddhist who are earning well there holding religious ceremonies home and spending for monks with Wahabi money. What you earn by giving your services anywhere in the world is your money. But since all these donkeys making everything Wahabi, the monies coming from there too should be Wahabi too.
Fahim Knight / March 29, 2018
What really is necessary here is not waiting on others to do our job.
We Sri Lankan Muslims today than yesteryears can proudly state we have enough intellectuals to do the job.
No offence to the Rev.Members of the Muslim Clergy ,but they now need to step a little aside & call in the intellects from all fields among the community ,even if it is required to sponsor those who live overseas .
We need to do our own numbers, we need to have a real time record so as to be able to prove black on white to the common mass how they have been lied upon and eliminate this fake fear psychosis once and for all.
Cont ..
Jim softy / March 29, 2018
Ameer Ali: when it comes to buddhism, both Christians and Muslims say the religion and politics do not go together. Here, you and other muslims such as LAtheef Farook are asking muslim politicians to involve. See how sarcastic it is. I hear even just after independance you muslims were singing the same song. I heard you are used to AMURTHAYA. do you understand it. I knew some muslims in Sri lanka who were eating Pork. HE was from Colombo.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
I know some Buddhist, Christians eating human flesh. They were cannibals and they were from Colombo. The neighbour who encouraged this was one Jim Softy.
Fahim Knight / March 29, 2018
Cont. 2.
While the Religious Body is doing all they can to polish the spiritual side of The Muslim Community ,there is a lot of education that is urgently needed by the community in many aspects , from ,marriage ,to family planning so they do not fall into poverty , the encouragement to educate girls as much as the boys .
Find ways to encourage to live a more cosmopolitan life without alienating the who community .
Try to not to be in the eyes of the already frightened mass in attires that conforms such lies ,even the very Nation Saudi which championed it have openly and bluntly rejected such female attires and the color as not religiously a requirement.
.The Religious men and the Intellectual of Muslim community urgently need to encourage the community to engage in dialogues with Sinhalese as well as Tamils and do all they can to end this cheap politics used by politicians at the cost of the lives of innocent civilians & encourage to be the first to apologize &rectify our faults if proved ,rather than side stepping and win the trust.
Weather anyone Like it or not there is a huge funding pouring in to destabilize. The country by pitting Sinhalese against Muslims today.
.The entire cabinet has gone into full snooze mode & are clueless of the dangerous groups working freely , spreading lies to incite hate in the very name of God and religion.
Such mischiefs are always to their benefit, they won’t bother to stop people who need to come together demand the intelligence locally &international to probe into it.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
Fahim Knight
“Weather anyone Like it or not there is a huge funding pouring in to destabilize. The country by pitting Sinhalese against Muslims today”
The question to ask is who benefits? There are many.
Funding sources: Global Fundamentalist Christian organizations, and other anti- Islam and Muslim organizations, others who wants to destabilize Sri Lanka, and are exploiting the low IQ 79,of the Para-Sinhala Buddhists. Follow the money. You will get the answers. However, the Para-Wahhabi Salafies ,IQ 79 or below, are stupider, courtesy of their Ulama, Imams and Moulavis.
Can anyone succinctly explain to Amarasiri why, when the Haj Pilgrimage or the Umra, lesser, Pilgrimage is carried out, going around the Kabba ( Cube), 7 times, why 7 times? Did the non-believers, Kuffar, also go around 7 times? Why? When did this 7 times tradition originate and from where was it picked up?
“Anti-theist” writer Christopher Hitchens debates with Conservative Jewish leader Rabbi David J. Wolpe, moderated by WBUR’s “On Point” Host Tom Ashbrook.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / March 30, 2018
Amir Ali Muslims have grown faster than the other two communities and their percentage has indeed doubled from a few decades ago. This is due to two things. Higher birth rate and the large scale emigration of Tamils from the island. The Sinhalese percentage has also increased from 66% at the time of independence to the present day 75% but it is not as high as the Muslims. This largely due again, to the decline in the percentage of native Tamils due to large scale emigration and the forced repatriation of Indian origin Tamils, whose percentages have drastically reduced from 12% at the time of independence to a mere 4.5% at present. The forced assimilation of many Tamils along the north western coast to the Sinhalese identity in the 40s and 50s also helped to boost the Sinhalese numbers. It is the Tamil percentage that has really declined from around 28% at the time of independence to 16% at present, due to forced repatriation of Indian origin Tamils and the large scale migration of almost a million native Tamils to the west and also many due to the fact many Tamils have now taken a Sinhalese identity, especially along the western coast. Muslims how ever are very aggressively and opportunistically , trying to take over and steal lands and create homelands for their recently migrated immigrant community from South India, with funds and support from certain Gulf Arab nations and Pakistan. Especially in the Tamil east and in the Mannar region. After the demise of the LTTE they feel that the Tamils are weak and defenceless and are very aggressively using politics and other underhand tactics to openly steal lands from Tamils, destroy Hindu temples and create a homeland for them in the east and parts of the north. They think they can get away with this. In the Sinhalese areas it is subtle and this is a fact. This with the aggressive Wahhabi Arabisation is creating discomfort.
Eagle Eye / March 30, 2018
The figure 7.7% is not a typo but a deliberate attempt to mislead the readers.
“The Muslims are supposed to have increased by 10% in number between 1981 and 2017 and at this rate, according to these alarmists, they would soon become the majority and take over the state. Leaving aside the political and ideological bankruptcy of these fear mongers for a moment, let us look at the veracity of the statistics itself.”
“The total number of Sri Lankan Moors and Malays together were 1,093,889 in 1981 and 1,936,768 in 2011 giving an increase of only 7.7%. So, where did the 10% of these Cassandras come from?”
Dr. Ali got figures for Sinhalayo and Demalu right but made a typo for Moor and Malay figures? Is the figure 10% also a typo? If the real figure is 77%, the figure used by fear mongers cannot be 10%. If they use 10% they are doing a favor to Moor and Malays by underestimating population increase among Moors and Malays. Will they do that?
Amarasiri / March 30, 2018
Eagle Eye,
“The Muslims are supposed to have increased by 10% in number between 1981 and 2017 and at this rate, according to these alarmists, they would soon become the majority and take over the state.”
Rounding up 9.3% to 10% is the Para-Sinhala math, and many Para-Sinhala with a mean IQ of 79, can’t tell one from the other. The Muslim are not much different.
After all they all believe in “Wanda Pethi” and they all drank “Wada Kaha”, Sulphur, (sulfur) during the total solar eclipse eclipse in the 1950’s.
Eagle Eye / March 30, 2018
The population growth figure for Demalu also distorted to a certain extent. It is estimated that about one million Demalu emigrated during the war. If that one million remained in the country, the growth figure between 1981 and 2012 goes up to 73% instead of 20%. Sinhalayo also emigrated during this period but not in large numbers as Demalu. Demalu used 1983 incident and got political asylum in western countries. Sinhalayo could not seek political asylum. Majority of Sinhalayo who emigrated were professionals went through the legal process.
Real Siva Sankarn Sharma / March 30, 2018
Racist Blind Eagle thousands of Sinhalese , claimed political asylum in the west, falesely claiming that they were Tamils or part Tamils facing discrimination at the hands of the Sinhalese , or Sinhalese fleeing from fellow Sinhalese as they were facing discrimination for helping their Tamil friends and relatives., Many Muslims also claimed asylum stating that they were ethnic Tamils facing discrimination at the hands of Sinhalese. At the beginning , western governments naively accepted these explanations but not anymore. This is the reason many boat people to Australia were deported, as most of these people were found to be Sinhalese pretending to be Tamils. Or not Tamils from the north and east. Now most of the western countries use language experts to distinguish even dialects of various languages , to find a persons real origin. Most of the Sinhalese living in Australia are not professionals but from the lower classes, especially in Melbourne , All from German Tech who found a loophole in Australian immigration skilled migration category in the late 80s and early 90s and migrated in their thousands, until the Australian government closed this loophole, They are nasty racist and anti Tamil to the core. Many others are sent here by their parents , as pretend students and just like the many Indians, do good for nothing courses like hairdressing , cooking and other courses not of high value at dodgy institutions and then use these qualifications to get residency. It is the same in other western countries. ,Especially in the European continent . The Sinhalese living in Italy and other parts of Europe are not professionals but work as menials or factory workers, Just like in the middle east. There area many educated Sinhalese but they are a minority. Get your facts correct
Amarasiri / March 31, 2018
Real Siva Sankarn Sharma,
“Most of the Sinhalese living in Australia are not professionals but from the lower classes, especially in Melbourne , All from German Tech who found a loophole in Australian immigration skilled migration category in the late 80s and early 90s and migrated in their thousands, until the Australian government closed this loophole, They are nasty racist and anti Tamil to the core. Many others are sent here by their parents , as pretend students and just like the many Indians, do good for nothing courses like hairdressing , cooking and other courses not of high value at dodgy institutions and then use these qualifications to get residency. “
Thanks for the summary.
Question: Are the lower class Sinhala more racist than the upper class and educated Sinhala, in your experience and opinion?
Just curious about the class level and racism of the Sinhala vs. the Tamils and the impact of Mahawamsa, that was well before the Muslim presence in Sri Lanka,.
kettikaran / April 2, 2018
“Are the lower class Sinhala more racist than the upper class and
educated Sinhala..” Very interesting and topical question. I hope
as many serious readers will participate.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
//“Are the lower class Sinhala more racist than the upper class and
educated Sinhala..” Very interesting and topical question. I hope
as many serious readers will participate.//
What does the evidence point to from the Para-Sinhala Buddhist riots of 1915 1938, 1956, 1977, 1983, 2014, 2018?
It appears that the participants are mostly from the lower classes. Perhaps they newer went to Dhamma School, Sunday School, hardly went to the Temple to listen to Bana and Pirith, and never got imbibed in the teachings of Buddha.
The unfortunate part is that others, the so-called Buddhists are generally silent? Do they condone, and are they really Buddhists?
Ex-Soldier, three others arrested for Kandy unrest.
Four more suspects including an ex-soldier had been taken into custody by the Terrorist Investigation Division (TID) yesterday in connection with the recent violence that occurred in Kandy, police said.
According to police, suspect Prasanna Abeywardhane (40), a resident of Gonawala, Rajawella was arrested on March 30 for damaging shops and religious places in the Digana area. The suspect was identified as a labourer and was remanded until today (2) after being produced at theTeldeniya Magistrate’s Court.
The second suspect Sudilinaragedara Shantha Priyantha (30) who was a resident of Kahaulla, Katugastota was arrested by the TID officers on March 31. The suspect has been identified as a mechanic and was arrested for damaging religious places and shops in Madawala, Katugastota and remanded till April 10 after being produced at the Kandy Magistrate’s Court.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Real Siva Sankarn Sharma and kettikaran,
//“Are the lower class Sinhala more racist than the upper class and
educated Sinhala..” Very interesting and topical question//
What does the data say from 2018? From 1915, 1938, 1958, 1977, 1983, 2014 and now 2018?
CCTV shows Sri Lankan police aid anti-Muslim riots
The “deficiencies of the police” are being investigated.
Police and politicians joined anti-Muslim riots that rocked Sri Lanka’s Kandy district this month, according to witnesses, officials and CCTV footage reviewed by Reuters.
Muslim mosques, homes and businesses have been destroyed as mobs ran amok for three days in Kandy, the central highlands district previously known for its diversity and tolerance.
Sri Lanka’s law and order minister accused the Podujana Peramuna right-wing party for the “well organized” violence.
Victims and witnesses, whose accounts were partly backed by CCTV footage seen by Reuters, described members of an elite paramilitary police unit, the Special Task Force (STF), assaulting a Muslim imam and leaders. Local STF commanders declined to comment.
Dravidian / April 1, 2018
Eagle Eye
Have you bothered – or are you educationally capable – of finding out
how many Demalu now claim to be Sinhalayo. If you seriously do, you will see that many from the “lower” castes (Karawe, Durawe, Salagama and the rest) from the South of the Kalu Ganga came here in recent centuries from the Dravidian States of South India. As to the higher caste “KGB”s have you forgotten until recently the Custodian of the much venerated Temple Tooth in Kandy was Tamil. The Lordly Dissawes in the Hills were talking and signing in the Demala language. Those Sinhala thugs in the Negombo-Chilaw-Puttalam coasts who beat up Tamils and stole their goods in July ’83 were in fact Tamils from the North – East who came in as migrant fishermen and settled in the South in recent centuries.
The A-political Sinhalese have done a good cover-up job since then but gaping holes will show up now and then. Harvard’s Prof. Stanley Tambiah (late) has written about this. Dr. Jehan Perera has mentioned this in many of his peace-centric articles.
Time you looked up your own Family Tree, Sinhala weeraya.
Sinhala_Man / March 30, 2018
Dear F athima,
Thanks for your riposte.
Firstly, I’m an old man who has almost stopped associating myself with ANY religion. That may shock orthodox Muslims.
Secondly, I’m not really telling you what I feel. I’m only passing on to you what I hear around me. It’s not ME you have to educate – WE have to start with Gnanasara’s hordes.
MMDA as it now stands is a HUMAN disgrace. I would welcome its reform. I don’t care what motivates activists. Get it done.
That strange Muslim garbs mildly irritates me is a subjective fact. I don’t claim a right to protest. But I tell you it gets some people mad.
Lastly, please don’t lump me with others. In a sense my handle is deceptive. I think of myself as being primarily a human being, but that’s being too general. My English is good, but it’s spoken by too many. Sinhalese is the LANGUAGE that defines much of my outlook, but I consider humanness more important.
It’d be wonderful if “the Muslim Problem” could be solved by addressing guys like me. No, neither Mahinda Deshapriya nor I is the PROBLEM.
Ralli Ameen / March 31, 2018
“MMDA as it now stands is a HUMAN disgrace”, for whom? We know those western Christians trying their best to impose their rules on our religious thinking and customs whatever way possible. They find fault with MMDA but they made their family laws after following Islam’s MMD laws, that is giving women their rights. Now they have gone beyond that giving their women rights to be naked as much as possible. We know Sri Lankan Christians, Buddhist and Hindus following their master’s law come out with attacks whether right or wrong in keeping with their master’s wish. What is modern for their masters is modern for them, what is barbaric for their masters is barbaric for them.
Sinhala_Man / March 31, 2018
Dear Ralli Ameen,
I’m not a lawyer, nor a scholar of religions, nor a sociologist, nor a politician.
What I find distasteful about MMDA is that as it stands there is no minimum age for a person to be married. The application of this is mainly to girls. Why can’t you have 18 as the minimum age?
Please stick to answering that.
Ralli Ameen / April 1, 2018
Sinhala _Man
According to UNICEF 2017 figure 2% married by 15 years that is 15-17 years and 12% married by 18 that is 18 and over. This 2% is a small figure but MMDA cannot be blamed for that but the Mufti who is running MMDA.
Amarasiri / April 2, 2018
Sinhala_Man ,
“MMDA as it now stands is a HUMAN disgrace. I would welcome its reform. I don’t care what motivates activists. Get it done.”
Yes. MMDA as it stands is a human disgrace and teats women as chattel, owned by men.
Isn’t Para-Sinhala “Buddhist” Racism is a disgrace to Buddhism, the cause and curse of the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?
What is Buddhism? An alternative view on Tibetan Buddhism. Is Para-Sinhala Buddhism different?
Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 1
Buddhism The Great Evil — Part 2
Fathima / April 2, 2018
Hello Sinhala Man,
Definitely I don’t lump you as well as majority of Sinhalese with extremists, and I do always respect you and your views. Just how I respect Sinhalese in general for being one of best people on the land.
I am not here to educate anyone. Those are my views and I am sure many Muslims who say proudly “I am a Sri Lankan” have the same views, questions and confusions.
Does a Sri Lankan have the right to discourage another Sri Lankan’s feeling of being a Sri Lankan just because one belongs to the majority group and other belongs to a minority? Is that how a regular Sri Lankan Tamil transformed into a Tamil Terrorist?
Then the government spends all its resources putting an halt to all its developments to eradicate those terrorists? Then those with extreme irritation on Muslim garbs will start the next routine of destruction, while the ones with mild irritation look helplessly?
MMDA is disgrace. If it is part of the country’s law system, it is an equally disgrace to the nation. Why doesn’t the Govt do anything to abolish this and bring laws equal for all? Are the so called ACJU and its RizviMufthi above the local Government to hold on to MMDA?
Our HUMAN disgrace starts with the laws with too many loop-holes that are used on a daily basis to bail out rapists, murders and other corrupts. Isn’t disgrace to see a poor petty bread thief serving jail terms for years, while public murders get out of their crimes just because he is influential and can afford a good lawyer?
Real issue not being able to reform MMDA is, government’s inaction, entertainment on Rizvi Mufthi like people, plus, the worst affected do not come forward for their rights.
Fahim Knight / March 30, 2018
Amarasiri – you deserve the benefit of the doubt
Hush -Hush and we will all soon fall down !