By Rajan Philips –
Amidst a spate of summits last week underscoring the global economic and geopolitical headwinds that governments and countries are having to cope with, President Ranil Wickremesinghe attended the Paris summit convened by President Emmanuel Macron to achieve a New Global Financing Pact for the world. The Paris summit has created both optimism and skepticism. On the one hand, it has been touted as the new Bretton Woods that would reform the global financial architecture to narrow the gap between the global north and the global south by addressing the growing challenges of debt, poverty and climate change. On the other hand, there is skepticism given President Macron’s penchant for launching international initiatives while producing little or no results. Not unlike President Wickremesinghe’s penchant for launching national reconciliation initiatives with no deliverables to show in the end.
Since becoming caretaker President, Ranil Wickremesinghe has made four overseas trips last year and another four so far this year. There will be more of them before the year is over. The frequency of the President’s overseas travels may show the significance of the external factors that have a bearing on Sri Lanka’s economic crisis. At least that would be the travel justification that you can expect from the President’s Media Division. The visits also show that the President might be finding a comfort zone in his visits abroad, as well as an escape from domestic nuisances. He could also be more at home overseas than in the country. And more so when he has to engage in silly battles over archaeology in the course of his efforts to achieve the ever elusive national reconciliation.
Economy and Reconciliation
The President is obviously determined to achieve both economic prosperity and national reconciliation. What is ironical is that while the President has set a generous time frame of 25 years (from now to 2048) to achieve economic prosperity, he seems stubborn about achieving national reconciliation almost overnight. In fact, he is already behind his own target date of achieving national reconciliation by 4 February 2023. It is not clear whether the President’s keenness to show early results on national reconciliation is for overseas benefits or for domestic purposes. It could be argued that without at least the appearance of efforts to achieve national reconciliation, it would be difficult to mobilize international support for overcoming the current economic difficulties, let alone achieve economic prosperity.
But every time the President initiates something on the reconciliation front, he is faced with backlashes from nationalist circles. Last Sunday, I mockingly called the President as King Ranil. I must now add that if there is one area where the near monarchical powers of the President are checkmated and his executive initiatives could even be reversed, it is the area of national reconciliation. The latest in the reconciliation saga is the spat over archaeology, which seems to have become one of the new state weapons for mischief making in ethno-territorial politics. The Tamil Political Parties have in unison been complaining about the Archaeological Department, Mahaweli Authority, Forest Department, Wildlife Department, Tourist Board and the Defence/Internal Security Ministry dabbling in ethno-territorial politics and impacting the livelihood of Tamil and Muslim people in the northern and eastern provinces.
The upshot of political mischief by state functionaries in the above-noted departments is either the eviction of people from their small and life-supporting settlements, or the refusal of permission to conduct essentially subsistence farming or other economic activities on lands where people live. On the other hand, according to Prageeth Karunathileka’s exposé in the Daily Mirror, the Department of Archaeology would seem to have had no qualms in allowing the Urban Development Authority to demolish the old buildings of the Bogambara Prison in Kandy, in spite of their palpably architectural and cultural value, to build a new commercial hotel in its place.
The current fracas is over the Archaeological Department declaring vast extents of land surrounding Buddhist Temples in Mullaitivu and Trincomalee as heritage sites and prohibiting even subsistence economic activities on these lands. This has long become a bone of contention for the Tamil and Muslim political parties who are constantly exposed to the difficulties experienced by their people. So, it was not surprising to see President Wickremesinghe himself weigh in on the matter at a meeting attended by Department officials and Tamil political leaders. He famously or otherwise took to task the Director General of Archaeology, asking him whether the vihara in Mullaitivu could or should have more lands than the historic Maha Vihara in Anuradhapura. The Director, who is also an academic of sorts, has since resigned from his position as Director General.
Udaya Gammanpila has now picked up the baton and has announced a pilgrimage of sorts with 50 others to Mullaitivu. Four former SLPP parliamentarians including Channa Jayasumana, the well-known pharmacological expert in gynecology, have asked the Speaker to appoint a Parliamentary Select Committee to investigate the alleged “large scale destruction of archaeological monuments in the North and East.” To cap it all the President has reportedly decided “to appoint an Expert Committee to conduct a formal inquiry and report on the claim of land area in extent of 5,000 acres for the Kurundi temple in the Mullaitivu District and Thiriyaya temple in the Trincomalee District for archaeological purposes.” How sillier can politics get? And nowhere else, but only in Sri Lanka.
Task Force Tamasha
The source of the whole archaeological tamasha is the Presidential Task Force on Archaeology that Gotabaya Rajapaksa set in motion to appease his nationalist bidders and as his singular contribution to nation making in Sri Lanka. The irony is that Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been chased out of office for his economic blunders, but his legacy in archaeology is being reactivated by the same bidders who insist on digging for ancient glory that will do nothing to pay the country’s debt or bring relief to its suffering people. Rather than being neutral and objective, the Department of Archaeology has itself become a party to the dispute and an advocate of divisive ethnic causes. In the Mullaitivu case, the Department has been acting not merely despite of, but in clear defiance of a handful of court rulings against rushing to action.
The President cannot put the archaeological genie back in the bottle by creating another ‘Expert Committee’. There will always be those who will not agree with what the new Expert Committee will say, especially when the experts are identified as ‘Ranil’s experts.’ Nor can anything be achieved conclusively by rediscovering the lost legacy of Tamil Buddhism. It is not a search for historical truths that is required for facilitating better political relationships among Sri Lanka’s ethnic groups. The search will prove to be futile because contestation over history is the source and sustenance of divisive ethnic politics.
What is required is a shift in focus to the present and the future through principled political leadership and persistent commitment to take one doable initiative at a time, and one after the other as a constant work in progress. The President must first acknowledge that reconciliation is slow burning cooking. There is no fast tracking of reconciliation and setting short timetables is not realistic but counterproductive. Second, what the President needs is not a task force or expert committee on archaeology, but an action committee of likeminded political leaders in parliament.
The President’s problem is that he has multiple minds internal to himself and he finds different likeminded people for different purposes. Such an approach is not conducive to creating lasting or permanent alliances, and it runs the risk of alienating the MPs who are more principled and attracting only the opportunists who will give their support for some personal benefit and/or extend the life of the current parliament. The President’s SLPP support belongs to the latter category, and he can never count on them to support his reconciliation initiatives. On the other hand, the opposition MPs (SJB and JVP) who might be inclined to support him on reconciliation have been put off by his machinations on elections and his highhanded actions against protests. That is his dilemma, and no Expert Committee will help him deal with it.
Amrit Muttukumaru / June 25, 2023
Absence of corruption and ethnic/religious amity which are twin pillars to salvage this country is a distant dream.
Even the famed ‘Aragalaya’ at best merely scratched the surface particularly in regard to ‘Reconciliation’.
Even some conglomerates dominated by minority interests pander to majority whims for profit motives.
These are some RANDOM thoughts.
Amrit Muttukumaru
Mahila / June 25, 2023
Truth cannot be denied, although very many Deflect or ‘Mask’ Truth for personal gain (self-Preservation or political advantage for instance)!!!???
Especially, when it comes to Ethnic reconciliation, which is the case with many such countries in turmoil!!!??? Sri Lanka is Extra Special Category – ESC if in Motoring Parlance – it may be construed as applying as ESCAPIST!!!???
Although Buddhism places paramount importance on Compassion and Tanha (aggrandisement don’t believe that SL Buddhists follow, practice that part???
If in fact they do, wouldn’t have gone Bankrupt or Suffered Starvation!!!???
Whither Sri Lanka??????
nimal fernando / June 26, 2023
The Aragalaya was a small step in the right direction: against the old-order brought on by unbearable hardships …….. The French and Russian Revolutions were against the old-order of the aristocracies – clerical-power would’ve fitted in there somewhere but both the Revolutions were mainly against the monarchs.
In a YouTube clip …… a young boy first worshipping a Buddhist priest and then chasing him away. The Aragalya was a haphazard thing that just sprung up spontaneously ……. perhaps an “ideology” would’ve later developed/evolved ………. if given time.
Then there’s natural attrition …… like what happened with the Pagan Gods. ……. In Scandinavia people do not attended church; they have progressed past that point. Can’t find people to take up the priesthood: the archbishop of some country (Denmark?) is a Lankan or an Indian. It just happened naturally …… not with revolutions with distinctly spelled-out goals ……
nimal fernando / June 26, 2023
That’s the message pre-pubescent like Native should be sending out to his fellow kiddies …… if we are to get there …….. someday.
Instead of unthinking early childhood religious indoctrination of one form or the other when a child’s mind is not developed enough to make informed decisions.
All religions try to get them young: how many of you were able to protect your young? ………. This will not go down well ……. but most of you should be shot for dereliction of parental-duty: child-abuse.
If you had performed your parental duties as intelligent responsible adults ……. instead of blindly following established norms/traditions …… we wouldn’t have this problem today.
Don’t get mad …….. but think about it.
Better late than never ……. there’s still time.
nimal fernando / June 26, 2023
From some earlier discussions ……….
“The belief in religions, philosophies etc is practiced at a very primitive stage of social-evolution ……..i.e. man is at a very primitive stage of social evolution (although, as usual, our egos and foolish-pride would like to convince us otherwise :)) ) ……. eventually man will arrive at a point where religions and “philosophy-systems” (they say only Nietzsche was a non-system philosopher) will be discarded ……… like – with “enlightenment” – how man came to discard Pagan Gods ………. we saw the discarding of one philosophy-system – Marxism – during our time with our own eyes ………….”future-man” will see many more ………… It’s a loooooooooong process ………
As for “physical-evolution” ……… should we believe that this is the end-point? ………If at the beginning, we started off as a single-cell life-form? …… Shouldn’t we believe that – at this point in time – we are nothing but just a single-cell Amoeba for an advanced life-form in the future?”
Well, if Ranil doesn’t steal our future …… with the help Native Vedda?
nimal fernando / June 26, 2023
I’m working on Native …… he’s malleable ……. mentally, he’s still just a babe in arms.
old codger / June 26, 2023
Nimal ,
“Instead of unthinking early childhood religious indoctrination of one form or the other when a child’s mind is not developed enough to make informed decisions.”
In our system, there is no alternative to religious education. Back in the day, there was something called “Civics”. I don’t know if that’s available now, never mind the ostracism by sanctimonious brainwashed teachers. This is where system reset should begin.
As it is, you have to declare your race and religion even when making a complaint at a police station!
“If you had performed your parental duties as intelligent responsible adults ……. instead of blindly following established norms/traditions …… we wouldn’t have this problem today.”
Without giving away too much, I can say I did it my way, and it worked….
Native Vedda / June 26, 2023
old codger
Is it true Sri Lanka wants to be a nuclear power?
I heard Sri Lanka is going to start negotiations with Russia to build nuclear plant within the next few months.
Did Mahanayakes of the Saffronistas tell Ranil to make this island a nuclear power so that Hindians would suffer from sleepless nights. This island could challenge western domination like North Korea.
Who do you think the most suitable/likely candidate to head the project, Wimal Weeravansa or Kamala Gunaratne?
old codger / June 26, 2023
“Is it true Sri Lanka wants to be a nuclear power?”
There are wheels within wheels. Do you think the proposed Ravana Commission is a coincidence? Do you remember the CAA looking for details of the Dandumonara? If nothing, all this will provide employment for some fake experts like Deepthi.
nimal fernando / June 27, 2023
“Is it true Sri Lanka wants to be a nuclear power?”
At one time, Nuclear Engineering was in vogue and the graduates in high demand – U of MD had its own reactor – then Three Mile Island happened and the demand fizzled out and many graduates were left without jobs.
In some parts of the world the mere mention of the word “Nuclear” induces terror …….. Chernobyl, Fukushima
Do Lankan fools want to rush in ……. where ………
nimal fernando / June 27, 2023
Like that discarded coal-powered rust-bucket the Rajapakses bought with high commissions and fixed in Norochcholai or some place ……… a Ranil’s baker has a discarded Nuclear power plant from Ukraine or somewhere lined up …….
So what else is new, uh?
When does the 22 million citizens come into the equation? ……. If ever ………
Rajapakses have their supporters …….. and Ranil has his supporters ……. to wash their clothes …….. Sinhala_Man is training in Bandarwela for AKD.
The more things change ….. the more Native stay the same!
Native Vedda / June 27, 2023
nimal fernando
“In some parts of the world the mere mention of the word “Nuclear” induces terror …….. Chernobyl, Fukushima”
I understand (am told) Nuclear energy is much cleaner, cheaper, …… than other forms of energy (coal, fossil fuel, ..). Even the much hated eco wo(a)rriers are coming around to accept nuclear power generation. If that is the case why do you worry?
Don’t you think all those super patriots including Dinesh, Wimal, Udaya, Weerasekera, Sarath Fonseka, Saffronista’s …… would prefer Sri Lanka to produce nuclear bombs than nuclear power for people so that it would prevent world powers especially the Hindians groping this island and islanders?
Do you think if Velupillai Prabaharan and Mahinda were able to access nuclear weapons at the same time the mere fact that both owned weapons of mass destruction (deterrent because it is Mutually Assured Destruction – MAD) would have prevented the war, destruction, death, ………….. suffering in Sri Lanka? It is altogether a different matter both are capable of blowing up bombs under their own bum.
nimal fernando / June 28, 2023
“If that is the case why do you worry?”
It’s faith and belief, Native. ……. There are many ways to attain Nirvana …….. if you believe Ranil is your redeemer to take you there, so be it. ………. Who am I to oppose, eh? :))
– …….. …….
For ……. with some interesting comments ……
chiv / June 28, 2023
Nimal / Native, given our history of political corruption, kickbacks, BS, low / no maintenance, natural disasters, poor quality, lack of knowledge, dysfunctional systems, . . . . . . anything nuclear may put an end to our miserable history.
nimal fernando / June 29, 2023
About the Easter bombings …….. there were more than 9 warnings, well ahead of time with the exact names, places and times! ……. Will nuclear disaster warnings will be handled any better? :))
Native believes Ranil will and Mahinda wont. ……. Lankan politics in a nutshell. :))
nimal fernando / June 25, 2023
The irony is ……. Buddha was one of the greatest thinkers in human-history ……. but what that has spawned in Lanka, is the most acute form of non-thinking: “Sinhala-Buddhism!”
nimal fernando / June 25, 2023
When all the nonsense is stripped away …….. all what remains ………”Sinhala-Buddhism” is a free meal ticket.
It’s a free meal ticket to the Mahanayakes ……… and all pretending to be “Buddhist” priests.
It’s free meal ticket to Ranil …. to Rajapakses ……. to Bandaranaykes ……… to most politicians ……. some who are not even Buddhist or Sinhala …….. and at times, even to the Cardinal ………
nimal fernando / June 25, 2023
Native, Try to be 2500 years ahead of ……. 2500 years behind …….. that’s just about now. ……. You’ll go places! :))
old codger / June 25, 2023
“The President’s problem is that he has multiple minds internal to himself and he finds different likeminded people for different purposes.”
About as accurate a description of the man as is possible. A bookish intellectual, impatient towards stupid bureaucracy, with zero tolerance to the far left, sympathetic to minority concerns, while being privately very religious (more Hindu than Buddhist!), and given to making grand political pronouncements without thinking out the logistics.
The fact that creatures like Weerasekara,Jayasumana, Gunawansa etc can still exert pressure shows that the Aragalaya was mostly about LPG and petrol, not system change. Nothing much has changed.
old codger / June 25, 2023
What is more interesting is the stand of the JVP on these matters. It is either still a majoritarian SB outfit, or it doesn’t have the courage to state its true intentions. In either case then, how can anyone trust its public speeches?
Journalist Himal Kotalawala on Twitter:
Himal Kotelawala
“Problem with inheriting the millions-strong bai vote is that you’re constantly walking on eggshells. Probably why you don’t hear a peep from the NPP about “sensitive” issues that might trigger their new er… patriotic fans.
Like, I can’t picture AKD preaching to the Sinhala Buddhists in Melbourne about minority grievances or transitional justice or devolution of power or even about standup comedians’ right to free expression. “We must fight corruption” is a much easier sell. Minimum risk.”
Mahila / June 25, 2023
They are playing ‘BALL’, to win next elections!!! Not about resolution of any issues!!! That will fester and simmer and may BOIL after next elections!!!???
chiv / June 26, 2023
OC, pardon my ignorance, artefact shown doesn’t look that ancient to me. But who am I to question ???? Answer is simple. Send specimen to get checked outside by real experts (Archaeology), like we did with that worthless big blue rock found in our backyard. Initial estimations hundreds of Million, actual ???
chiv / June 26, 2023
OC, can Land Registry , BASL help solving newly found archaeological BS and ownership conflicts ????? just a random thought. You know what I mean.
old codger / June 26, 2023
“can Land Registry , BASL help solving newly found archaeological BS…”
I don’t know, but I definitely am not going to pay for it.🤣🤣
Native Vedda / June 27, 2023
old codger
“……………. minority grievances or transitional justice or devolution of power or even about standup comedians’ right to free expression.”
Rock the Boat
So I’d like to know where, you got the notion
Said I’d like to know where, you got the notion
(To rock the boat), don’t rock the boat old codger
, don’t tip the boat over
(Rock the boat), don’t rock the boat baby
(Rock the boat)
nimal fernando / June 28, 2023
“The President’s problem is that he has multiple minds internal to himself and he finds different likeminded people for different purposes.”
Ranil is a juggler …… who wants to keep so many balls in the air. ……. As usual, like in the past, he drops one ……… and then all.
He’s just enthralled with momentary juggling …….. he has onlookers/supporters spellbound ……….. but like his uncle’s bygone antics …… the country/citizens will be poorer for it ……….
A man has to have principles …….. A man has to have genuine interest of the people/country at heart.
You don’t have to be Einstein or Native …….. to know where this is heading. :))
SJ / June 25, 2023
“…the Aragalaya was mostly about LPG and petrol, not system change.”
The seaside party organizers had no agenda but ‘Gota Go Home’, which at best they could extended to Mahinda and even the 225. But there was political goal or agenda let alone a programme.
I fairness to the ‘far left’ they were talking on broader terms, and thinking of wider mobilization. They had more than some way to go before it was screwed up by occupiers of state buildings and arsonists and the few thoughtless killings.
Ranil knows who he can and cannot buy in part or wholesale.
It is the stupidity of the opposition (and its sponsors) than the cleverness of Ranil that keeps him going and the parliamentary opposition running in circles.
SJ / June 25, 2023
“But there was NO political goal or agenda let alone a programme.”
Native Vedda / June 27, 2023
“Ranil knows who he can and cannot buy in part or wholesale.”
Ranil knows it would be the Maoists, Communists, Samasamajists, …… Smart Patriots, ……. armchair critics, the crooks, ……. who can be enticed ….. with a wave of his right arm.
Native Vedda / June 27, 2023
nimal fernando
” …. but what that has spawned in Lanka, is the most acute form of non-thinking: “Sinhala-Buddhism!”.
It was Annagarika Homeless Dharmapala who first coined the words/phrases
Sinhala/Buddhism and Sinhala/Buddhists as he foolishly believed by re-branding Sinhalese and Buddhist would regain their past, their past glory, land, power, imagined status, …….. Some of us now know nationalism wrecks country, pits people against people, …. …
Don’t you think its time Buddhism is wrested from Sinhala/Buddhists and Sinhala people from Sinhala/Buddhism?
nimal fernando / June 28, 2023
For Lanka …….. it would’ve been better if Buddha was never born. …….. Don’t you think?
There were other thinkers/philosophers who did their thinking and put out …… but no cult was formed around them. …….. There are no Nietzscheists.
Jeeves / June 25, 2023
What about going by the same brilliant logic of the Srilankan (archaic) archeologists?
Find any ANCIENT buddhist structures in the land and make that district belong to the Sinhalese because there are no Tamil Buddhists.
Find any ANCIENT Hindu structures in the land and make that district belong to the Tamils because there are no Sinhala Hindus?
(By the way, there are four ancient Hindu temples on the four sides of Srilanka to start with)
Mahila / June 25, 2023
“By the way, there are four ancient Hindu temples on the four sides of Sri Lanka to start with”
If the LOGIC is workably accurate, then it’s SIMPLE!!!???
They all should be Buddhist Origin!!!??? Assumption!!??
Does the conclusion meet the NEED??? Yes, we have it all!!??? Solves in one stroke Minority reconciliation, equality and Devolution!!!???
Sadly one is conveniently forgetting the ‘DEMALA BAUDDAYO’ of yore – Middle Ages – historical evidence APLENTY, that it was so!!!???
They were Buddhists, but originally Tamil of Hindu faith – after sometime, they embraced Sinhalese and a part of them DIDN’T!!?? Remained Tamil and over time re-embraced Saivism, Sect of Hinduism practiced by Pallava/Chola Dynasty!?
EXPLAINS THE Four ancient Hindu temples!!!??? Resolved!!!???
SJ / June 25, 2023
You forget that the vast majority of the population comprises descendants of immigrants who arrived in the last millennium, many in the last 500 years or less.
Mahila / June 27, 2023
No, not at all!!! Otherwise How Does any genius explain a few (if not less than 1) million population “all of a sudden SWELL up to 8 Million soon after independence!!!??? Last 500 years!!!???
unless, there was intervention by Athana, Methana, Hithana, Natana Clairvoyants!!!??? Unfortunately not because that expertise is confined to Unwarranted Sterilisation
Otherwise, it beats all logic and reason, defeats the 9 month established average Pregnancy Gestation period of Humans and also absence of C-section DELIVERIES, so very common to meet the aspirations of “to be” Parents for their convenience, such as “Travel & Employment” purposes, Or to meet the common ASTROLOGICAL ASPIRATIONS, to be parents of Prodigal Sons and Daughters!!!???
I haven’t done the mathematics on that prospect of achieving the BIRTHRATE!!!
Mahila / June 27, 2023
(Continued as the system decided to send that part before completion!!)
However, am positive – haven’t done Mathematical reconciliation – Prospect, achieving “BIRTHRATE” based, population Growth!!!
Couldn’t have been achieved without the augmentation, or INFLUX of almost, Million additional influx – South Indian continent, to the southern and western parts of SL – indentured Labour who embraced local heritage of chosen hinterland!!? There is ample evidence to justify that claim!!!
Karawe, Kurundu, Salagama CASTES predominant – SL South Western Provinces!
To understand, reading “HISTORY OF KARAWE” is helpful!!!???
Rohan25 / June 26, 2023
Yes as you stated they were all originally from Tamil Hindu or Saivite faith. They predominantly belonged to various Yakka tribes, down south and in the interiors but predominantly to various Naga tribes like Oliyar, Parathavar, Maravar, and Paraiyar ETC n the north and east of the island and along the northwestern coastal belt. Whilst the predominantly Yakka areas in the interior, south, western and southwestern parts embraced the newly evolving Sinhalese identity, that arrived after the arrival of Buddhism, the predominantly Naga northern, eastern and northwestern parts of the island the ancient Tamil Naga( Chera) identity remained even after a significant number of them converted to Buddhism. Maybe because these areas were close to South India or that they largely belonged to the rich elite and trading classes and did not see the need to embrace a new identity or a new evolving language, like down south, or a mixture of both.
Rohan25 / June 26, 2023
Most of the big trading centres and towns were in the north and eastern coastal areas and they traded extensively with the rest of the world, so it would have been more advantageous to retain their ancient Tamil identity, or it could have been a mixture of all these reasons, who knows but they remained Tamil and later reconverted back to their ancestral Hindu religion and the ancient Tamil( Naga) Buddhism started to die out in these areas from 10AD onwards, starting with the invasion of Raja Raja Cholan. These ancient Buddhist temples belong to these ancient Tamil Buddhists and have nothing to do with the Sinhalese as now falsely claimed to grab Tamil lands.
Senarath Paranavithana’s findings are now disputed by many historians and they find it a problem as he was a well-known Sinhalese hardliner who was even trying to state ancient Prakrit inscriptions were old Sinhalese and they were not
Rohan25 / June 26, 2023
This is the reason many of these ancient Buddhist temples in the north especially were known as Naga Viharai just like the Naga Vihara in Nainatheevu or Nagadeepa and the ancient Hindu temple there is the NagaPooshani Amman Kovil, where cobra symbolism and people start dancing like a cobra in a trance during the temple festival. You can see all the ancient Naga had Tamil names. The Naga King of Kalyani or Kelaniya was the uncle of the Naga king of Jaffna. The ancient Tamil name Theesan or Prakritised or Pali form Tissa is only found here or in South India not anywhere else or in other Buddhist countries or in North India. Proving that the name Theesan( Tissa) was an ancient Tamil name as per Keeladi excavations. This is the reason many of the ancient Buddhist Naga kings who ruled the island were called Tissa( the Pali version of Theesan).
SJ / June 25, 2023
“(By the way, there are four ancient Hindu temples on the four sides of Srilanka to start with)”
Only four?
Jeeves / June 26, 2023
Just to start with.
I know there is Kathirkamam
( Kataragama) in the middle and many such. But you need to leave some space for your brother communities as well ;)
If Sinhalese came from Bengal or Orissa then why didn’t they keep that relationship alive?
Most of the Sinhalese’s political relationships were with the Srilankan Tamil kingdoms or Tamilakam kings of south India which includes the Chera ( Kerala) kingdom. The Sinhala-Tamil issue is like sibling rivalry gone extreme.
SJ / June 26, 2023
I am not sure where our indigenous ancestors came from, but most of our ancestors came from South India (not all from what is Tamilnadu) the rest from other parts of India, the Middle East, Java, Southern Africa and Portugal, Holland and Britain plus a few other places around there. I am sure that I have missed a good part of our ancestors, but hope not a large portion of them.
As South Asians we love to quarrel and closer the kinship the louder the acrimony. There are religion, caste and region to quarrel about. So sit back and watch for as long as we can afford it.
Buddhist1 / June 25, 2023
In Sri Lanka, religious conflicts, especially temple/dagaba-related conflicts are argued based on so-called historic facts. For me when I read the word “history” I read it as “his-story” and not as “true-story”. I say this because historians who have written old manuscripts, especially most of those who recorded historic events did not live during the period when the historic event occurred. Yes, there are more recent events (compared to 2500-year-old history) that have been recorded by those who lived during the same period. For example, the authors of Mahawamsa did not live during the period when those events took place. So fighting or arguing based on his-story will never resolve the issue.
Another point I would like to raise is, what should we consider as a period from which we have to base our argument. Should we consider the period when the Balangoda Man was alive, should we consider the time when Buddha was supposed to have visited, should we consider the time Dutugamunu and Ellala lived (Ellala is mentioned only in the Mahawamsa and no other chronicle in India mentions this) or should we consider the Portuguese, Dutch or British time or should it be the time we got the independence?
srikrish / June 26, 2023
The national question is a long festering problem facing Sri Lanka since independence with periodic flare-ups.
Now a sort of standstill prevails with major mainstream parties like to be non-committal and want to maintain good relations with both sides of the ethnic divide and while the fringe elements among the majority community periodically beat the communal drums.
Yet these major parties if they are really keen to solve the national question, should call their bluff by going ahead with their reconciliation programmes in a planned step by step approach.
Ranil Wicramasinghe has now a golden opportunity to solve the problem once and for all. He had already commenced his reconciliation talks with the minority political party leaders and seems to have a viable plan.
Yet he is faced with opposition from fringe elements from the majority community and seems to be move forward. Ranil should know that the majority is always for peace and by acting decisively he could call their bluff of the minority and have his way.
Does he has the courage to do so. If he wavers the racist will take an upper hand and the matter will be dropped as happened many times before.
Ranil had shown much courage and determination in his attempts to resolve the economic crisis which no other leader was willing to do.
Nathan / June 26, 2023
Whatever happens, the matter will be dropped, in the pretext that someone has the upper hand or by playing underhand!
srikrish / June 26, 2023
I am a born optimist and never give up, If not now, tomorrow may be the new dawn!
Nathan / June 26, 2023
When eyes and ears are shut the mind loses perception.
Mahila / June 27, 2023
None WANTS TO TOUCH IT, HOW MUCH IT MAKES POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO SRI LANKA!!!?? No other reason, they would lose the Majority Sinhala Buddhists (SB) vote base!!!???
Therefore Majoritarianism Thrives!!!???
‘ALL FOR US ONLY’ in resplendent DHARMADEEPA, devoid of most important ingredient of in Sri Lanka, DEMOCRACY, Nay, D E M O ‘Crazy – Lord Buddha’s, Compassion, Equality and right to life and free thought and speech!!!???
The specific reason Sri Lankans are very BACKWARD!!?? You have few emancipated Overseas!!!?
Within Sri Lanka such thought is Poison – Cyanide – one could never get out of that DEVILRY PIT!?
Have no issues with Supremacy of Buddhism as a religious order!! When the interpretation is NOT Buddhism but SB!!!??? Then it’s an ORIGIN of different ISSUE!!!??
Nothing changes silly Mindset!!! FOOLISH NESS AT IT’S BEST!!
Because, Sinhalese as Language at best founded/originated around 1200 CE is SUPREME – devoid of classical and/or cultural initiatives!!??
If not day dreaming could someone emancipated explain WHY THE “MAHAVAMSA CHRONICLE” WAS ORIGINALLY IN Prakrit, TRANSLATED into Sinhala, only couple of centuries later – Circa 14th century!!!???
Champa / June 26, 2023
Buddhist1 (?)
You know nothing about the history of Sri Lanka (formerly SinhalaDvipa).
For your information, our Sinhalese Buddhist histrocity is based on seven (7) types of indisputable factual evidence as mentioned below:-
1. Archaeological evidence (පුරාවිද්යාත්මක සාක්ෂි)
2. Epigraphical evidence (ශිලා ලේඛනමය සාක්ෂි)
3. Architectural evidence (ගෘහ නිර්මාණාත්මක සාක්ෂි)
4. Sculptural evidence (මූර්ති, ප්රතිමා සහ කැටයම් සාක්ෂි)
5. Documentary evidence (ලේඛනගත සාක්ෂි)
6. Speleological evidence (ගල්ගුහා ආශ්රිත සාක්ෂි)
7. Numismatic evidence (ඉපැරණි කාසි පාදක වූ සාක්ෂි)
Mallaiyuran / June 27, 2023
Speleological evidence: Where is the Speleological evidence that your Great Great small Grandma was sleeping with your Great Great lion Grandpa. Sinhala Buddhism is from the sex denied, brutal, lonely men’s bestiality fantasy. Buddha the Chieftain was married to (at least) a woman and had a child. Asoka the great had many wives and concubines in his palace and had legitimate and outside of wedlock children. So, there were no pups or cubs born for them. They both were Hindus and there was nothing they did that excluded them from Hinduism. We know it was the Florida Lab that established the proof for the hundreds of Sinhalese were killed and were buried in shallow burial sites in Mannar by Portuguese about 600 years ago. There is no epigraphy for Sinhala letters. Sinhala never evolved from any unique scripts. It is only two or three centuries of evolution from Tamil. Sinhala scripts are not related to any language but to clean South Indian Dravidian-Tamil family. The best evidence available of the Sinhala Buddhist international trade relation with China is selling monkeys and buying poop. There is no true evidence of any money used by Sinhala Buddhist in ancient times. If Greeks or Egypt traders had dropped a coin in the harbor they came, that doesn’t mean that a civilized Sinhala Buddhist currency was in trade in ancient time.
LankaScot / June 27, 2023
Hello Mallaiyuran
What Florida lab proved they were Sinhalese? Where do you get 600 years from? The only massacre I can find in Mannar was of Christians “The massacre of about 600 to 700 Christians in Mannar in 1544 by Cankili I enraged Catholic priests, who complained to the Portuguese authorities in Goa” Cankili I was the Tamil king of Jaffna. This massacre led to the Portuguese Invasion of the Jaffna Kingdom in 1560.
On the subject of the article – Archaeology is being used by the politicians in a totally unscrupulous and unscientific way against the Tamils, just as Modi is doing in India against the Muslims. I don’t know if Ranil is giving Modi lessons or maybe the other way round.
Best Regards to be continued
LankaScot / June 27, 2023
I am not a linguist or a historian, but I can use logic and examine the evidence presented in a fairly objective manner, As far as I can determine Sinhala is an Indo-Aryan language developed from North Indian Prakrits with some Pali and Tamil loan words. As I have said before the words used for numbers tend to persist for a very long time in cultures. I cannot see how you can get from Tamil numbers Olru, Irantu, Munru, Nanku, Aintu to the Sinhalese Eka, Deka, Tuna, Hatara, Paha in 200 years given that Sinhalese numbers are pretty close to Hindi, Italian, French, Sanskrit and even English.
Best Regards
Mallaiyuran / June 29, 2023
Can you bring back the Lab report as printed by Media?
Christians killed by Chankilian were Tamils, including his son, and about 450 years ago. Not 600 years ago. Read my comment please! So when lab reported the sample bone was 600 years old Sinhalese, you agree it was not the murder of Chankilian’s. No when government argued it Sinhalese killed by Chankilian were in the graveyard how did the lab come out with a matching finding to make the government true?
Ajith / June 26, 2023
Sri Lanka politics is Buddhist Politics. There is not a single Sinhala politics is in Sri Lanka without Buddhist politics. Archeology, Easter Bomb , Corona all linked with Buddhist politics and purely Buddhist politics. Even IMF is part of Buddhist politics. Until they eradicate Hindu, Christian and Islam from this land they will continue with the same politics.
Svenson / June 26, 2023
Not only IMF, also UNESCO, Colombo Port Development, British High Commission, Lionel Wendt Art Gallery, Annual Madhu Feast….all part of Buddhist politics. How ridiculous can you get?
Mallaiyuran / June 27, 2023
IMF, also UNESCO, Colombo Port Development
1) Can you explain the IMF’s special relationship with Sinhala Buddhists for “while so many poor African countries are begging for, why Kristalina Georgieva” convulsing to save the Langkang for 17th time when Deal, Aliya Saber, Evils….. are 24/7/365 for loan begging outside of America?
2). Why UNESCO Radhika was making special deal with Karuna and avoided naming him in war crimes when he was operating a large Child Army, after killing surrendered 600 policemen?
3) How much is owned by Sinhala Buddhists in Colombo Port these days? Are Chinese now allowing to raise the Rapist Sinha Flag inside port complex?
(For others thing, change the English names to some funny words like samurti, negumba…. Then I will tell you what they are. Now it is only pure English & British pride, not Sinhala Buddhists’
Buddhist1 / June 26, 2023
Are you saying Buddhist Politics is good and you support it?
Svenson / June 26, 2023
No it is abhorrent but to blame every single thing on it is absurd.
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / June 27, 2023
No person in his right senses will ever believe ranil when he pronounces one thing or another. He is and has always been a political game player. He is neither a statesman nor a leader. He is a cheap human being with no morals or sincerity. All those who assign various attributes to him now, have either not followed his political life or are hallucinating about things becoming better with a set of parasitic vermin. Decent citizens must think of a way to reclaim their country in whatever way that they deem fit, and must work together towards that goal.
davidthegood / June 27, 2023
Financing pacts are useless for Sri Lanka till our national wealth is recovered from robbers for the benefit of all citizens. International justice through UNHRC needs to act to bring back Sri Lankan assets robbed and hidden as well as to imprison the robbers to stop their further activities.