11 September, 2024


National Reconciliation, Criminal Accommodation & Election Juggling

By Rajan Philips

Rajan Philips

Everyone is familiar with national reconciliation, some even to the point of being bored. I am using the term reconciliation in two other situations: one, in accommodating criminal activities, past and present; and two, in juggling between different elections (local, provincial, parliamentary) for presidential advantage. The prime mover and chief puppeteer in all three is, of course, President Wickremesinghe. National reconciliation has been a longtime pastime for the President. To be fair, the man actually believes in it and is quite sincere about it. But his pure intentions and the positive benefits of national reconciliation are invariably contaminated by what goes on in the sphere of criminal activity and on the terrain of electoral politics. In both areas, the President has notorious precedents to follow, and he keeps following them rather dispiritingly in spite of his lofty assurances to the contrary. 

Let us take criminal reconciliation first, as it is the oldest of the three. The political accommodation of crime and corruption became a phenomenon after the 1977 parliamentary election, and more comprehensively after the presidential election of 2010. We don’t need to name any names here. It was the allegation and experience of corruption that led to the first defeat of a sitting President in 2015. The white knight who promised the eradication of corruption in January 2015 was then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. But within days of his promises and the celebrations at Independence Square, the Central Bank bond scam hit the political fans. 

Thajudeen and Schaffter

For all intents and purposes, the promises of yahapalanaya were dead on arrival. But the pretension of action was not given up. Special mechanisms for investigating corruption were set up for public showing, but their progress was stymied from the top. President Sirisena did it clumsily. Prime Minister Wickremesinghe did it artfully. The so called emblematic crimes were reopened from cold storage and nothing actually came out for any of them. Police covered up the death of Wasim Thajudeen as accident in 2012, but concluded it was murder in 2015. But nothing came out of it. The family of Wasim Thajudeen had to go through the ordeal of seeing his body exhumed and re-examined, ultimately for nothing. 

Another family, the Schaffter family, is now going through the same ordeal after the shocking daylight murder of their son, Dinesh, in the national cemetery. Police investigation of it has been inept and wayward. In the case of Thajudeen, the Police ruled accident first and murder after three years. In the case of Schaffter, the police have become wiser and are suggesting murder and suicide at the same time. Incompetent JMOs have been known to make technical mistakes and have been humiliated in cross-examination during trials by competent lawyers. But never have JMOs been known for tampering with and falsifying medical evidence as it would seem to have happened in the Thajudden and Schaffter cases. And whoever committed the crimes and whoever tried to cover them up are getting away as if nothing ever happened. 

The point about reconciliation involving crimes is a point about credibility. How can you trust a government that promises an economic turnaround for the country, when the same government makes no effort to pull the country out of the cul-de-sac of crimes where it is stuck now? Last Wednesday, the President waxed eloquent in parliament as he canvassed the MPs for their support of the IMF Agreement. He called for “a national policy framework targeting the Year 2048 (the centenary of Sri Lanka’ Independence) through which the country can achieve prosperity.” He called for creating “a green economy, a digital economy,” and said, “that’s the way forward in the global economy.” 

Missing in this litany are references to crime or corruption. Shouldn’t we create a crime free society? A corruption free government and economy? Where are they in the policy framework targeting 2048? What will prosperity be if it is not free of corruption and of crime? It will be pyrrhic prosperity. The President who is becoming quite garrulous as he ages, never mentions crime or corruption and the need to eliminate them in a serious and committed way. Both are continuing unabated even through the economically difficult times that the country is going through. If debt-restructuring is the buzzword in economic discussions, the key words in law and order discussions are coverup and inaction.

The X-Press Affair

Take the case of the MV X-Press Pearl disaster that occurred on Sri Lankan waters off Colombo, on May 20, 2021, causing significant ecological and livelihood harm. Compensation claims must be filed within two years, but with hardly 30 days left before the clock runs out, the government is in a scramble not only to prepare the legal claim but also to decide where to file them – in Colombo or in Singapore. Already, the to-be respondents are reported to have set up a ‘limitation of liability fund’ in London up to a maximum of 19.5 million pounds, a paltry starting point. But the Sri Lankan government is yet to send a letter of demand to the respondents even though local experts working on the matter have produced a Damage Assessment Report, which preliminarily estimates the damages to be USD 6.2 billion. Some expect that it could be as high as USD 10 billion. It would be like getting two to three times the current IMF loan without getting into debt. But no urgency to send a letter of demand to counter the ridiculously low limitation amount of GBP 19.5 million. 

The Damage Assessment Report and the estimate were completed in September 2021, but nothing has gone from the Sri Lankan government by way of a letter of demand to X-Press respondents. As if all this is not enough the Minister of Justice casually drops a grenade that he has received information that a certain Chamara Gunasekera was paid USD 250 million as bribe to stop the government’s lawsuit for damages. The Minister would seem to have informed parliament even before he alerted the police to find out what on earth is going on. That really is the question as the media is now questioning who Chamara Gunasekera is, and others speculating who he really could be.  

To get back to reconciliation, how can the President or the government make credible assertions that they are all set to liberate the economy based on the IMF Agreement, when they cannot even send a letter of demand to X-Press Pearl and put them on notice? How can they reconcile their economic assertions with their inactions on any and all corruption files? Oh yes, there were coverup attempts and inaction when X-Press Pearl caught fire, but the inferno was too much to hide and extent of the damages to marine ecology and maritime livelihood was too vast to paper over. 

Elections as Pawns

The dilemma for the President is that he cannot withdraw his protection of the Rajapaksas from the allegations that are swirling around them, without risking his majority in parliament. All that he has been able to do so far is to keep the Rajapaksas out of the cabinet and away from the levers of power. But there are ministers in the cabinet who are as corrupt as the Rajapaksas, but they are all supporters of the President now. The President with his usual cleverness is not only poaching erstwhile UNPers from under the wings of Sajith Premadasa, but he is also peeling off SLPPers who want to break away from the fallen Rajapaksa family enterprise. 

The question if he were to establish a majority in Parliament independent of the Rajapaksas, what will he do with it? Will he use it to declare a National Government and use that ruse to cavalierly expand the cabinet? Will he use it to crack down on corruption sparing no one, not even the Rajapaksas? Or will any fight against corruption have to wait until Ranil Wickremesinghe becomes an elected president? Even as he calls on the parliament and the country to “target 2048” as the year of our prosperity, the President is targeting the next presidential election, the last hurdle to clear to achieve the ultimate goal in his political life.  

It is here I think we could be seeing the President resorting to what I call electoral reconciliation. That is to reconcile the opposition demands for elections by giving them not the elections they are expecting but the elections that are of advantage to him. In other words, use elections as pawns. The local government elections are now dead, not only for now, but potentially until the next presidential election is over. That is because the local elections will give significant advantage to the NPP/JVP, and a sound electoral platform to prepare for parliamentary and presidential elections. 

None of the other (southern) parties want the JVP to steal a march over them. That includes the SJB. The mainstream media is unable to shake off its JVP phobia even if the people have started warming up to it. And the President did all of them and himself a favour by scuttling the local elections. He did so with his usual artfulness by starving the Election Commission of funds for the local elections. There was no need for any other fuss, or emergency. 

Now there is talk of conducting provincial elections, one or two at a time, until the next presidential election. Whether this is a trial balloon that is being floated, or not, we know not. But it is a time tested method for staggering provincial elections to the advantage of the governing party. The Rajapaksas made the most of it, and now Ranil Wickremesinghe seems ready to make enough of it to buy electoral time till the next presidential election. 

The calculation is simple. Unlike the local elections, the provincial elections can be called one at a time so any negative effect (to the President) will be limited and not nationally significant. Also, no party is in a position to win in multiple provinces. The President’s Party, the UNP, is not in a position win anywhere (unless there is a re-merging of the UNP and the SJB), but the President can pretend that he is not losing anywhere. His main advantage would be to divide the opposition and make sure that no single party emerges as a dominant force and provides the base for a viable presidential candidate to run against him. Right now, there is none. 

And the President can compound national and electoral reconciliations by calling the Northern Provincial Council election to go first. The Tamil Parties will not object. India will be pleased. The President cannot lose no matter who wins in the north. And Wimal Weerawansa can write another book that the whole scheme was cooked up in a Washington kitchen. Weerawansa will get good press but no one will notice, while Wickremesinghe will move on to the next province. The East, perhaps, to please the Muslims. Then the Central to accommodate the Plantation Tamils. And gradually to the cosmopolitan Western Province before targeting the Ranil-wary heartland provinces. A perfect scheme if that indeed is the plan and nothing goes wrong. 

Chandrika Kumaratunga started in the South and marched on Colombo in 1994. Ranil Wickremesinghe is likely to start in the North, but the difference now is that Mr. Wickremesinghe does not have to march on Colombo. He is already President, he is already in Colombo, and you can see why he has been busy fortifying it. He is the executive establishment, not an outside usurper. The hugely bigger difference between 1994 and today is the economy. That is the elephant in the room which everyone misses as they keep playing the same old political games, even if in different costumes.      

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Latest comments

  • 10

    We are well and truly buggered! ………. To hell with politics: Ranil is wearing a nice suit. Hameedias? Savile Row?

    The man has good taste in suits.

    I don’t like the National Dress: too national.

    I believe …… Ranil will do good for the country ……… because he is wearing a suit. End of story.

    See ye in 2048.

    • 7

      nimal fernando

      “I don’t like the National Dress: too national.”

      Aryan Sinhala (Buddhist) Amude (suit) is a best cover to hide racist, crooks, bigots, rapists, murderers, ……………… worst kind of nationalists, ……………

      So please don’t insult national dress, which serves a purpose.
      A compensation of $250 million was paid to a political crony for environmental disaster caused by MV X-Press Pearl instead of the state.

      I bet he wears National Dress.

  • 12

    RP is a logical, analytical and a gifted journalist.
    Unfortunately, politics in SL is manipulated and dominated by race by a few families since independence with a culture of impunity which is bound to continue unless and until constitutional changes are brought in to impose age and term limits to elected office so that new bright younger candidates are given the opportunity.

  • 13

    With the caliber of political leaders from the majority community, Sri Lanka is doomed to be poor, violent and struggling well past 2048.

    They have no vision, mission or ability for building a united, peaceful and a prosperous country.

    Let’s keep muddling through!

  • 6

    Rajan’s given us the opportunity to laugh. It’s like when you have got them caught in a bench vice and can do nothing else. All three I mean.

  • 10

    “The President’s Party, the UNP, is not in a position win anywhere (unless there is a re-merging of the UNP and the SJB), but the President can pretend that he is not losing anywhere”
    Machiavelli must be turning in his grave.

  • 12

    With all these commentators speculating, sitting on their bums and waiting for things to become better in their country, the circus show will go on while the country is raped in the dark recesses of the backstage. The muffled screams of agony will be drowned by the rolling of drums and trumpets blowing front of stage. The audience must invade the backstage and rescue the raped, and deliver summary justice to the perpetrators, NOW.

  • 8

    In order for criminal reconciliation to be legitimate, Police and Judiciary should work in an honest manner. We have repeatedly seen that this is not the case in Sri Lanka. We always hear about documents and evidence missing from courts and in police custody or video recordings getting wiped out. This shows illegal manipulation to protect the crooks. I always wonder why the courts do not take to task and send those who are responsible for collecting and safeguarding the evidence to prison for a long period of time for failing in their duties and tampering with evidence. It is the fault of the Judiciary and the Police in Sri Lanka. If the Police and Judiciary do not take action against those who are responsible for safeguarding the evidence then the Senior Police Officers and the Judges who do not take action should also be sent to jail.

  • 7

    Ranil dosnt have any crebility to be the President of SL.
    His days are numbered.

    The Rajapakshas will kick him out
    at the correct time.

  • 4

    “National reconciliation has been a longtime pastime for the President. To be fair, the man actually believes in it and is quite sincere about it.”
    I strongly believe that this man (RW) in not sincere aboutwhether it is national reconcilliation or political reconcilliation or religious reconcilliation. He indirectly work against reconcilliation. The whole Sri Lanka was preparing for a reconcilliation during “Aragalya” period after economic bankgruptcy, he and USA interfered and now people are going back to the same old corrupted politics and the Rajapaksa gang Crmininals are now wants to punish civilians and racism has reached to its maximum. Even the land grabbing in the North East continues and I am sure it will not happen without his knowledge or his guidance.
    Ranil played a key role in the division of SJB from UNP. He couldn’t hand over the power to Sajith Premadasa because of his caste. He campagined against Sajith and SJB in all the elections. The talk of National Government is only for his benefit, not for the country’s or People’s benefit. He is nothing different to Rajapaksas.

    • 4

      “The talk of National Government is only for his benefit, not for the country’s or People’s benefit.”

      You get it!

      Put ye hand up ………… those who think this bill is for the benefit of the country/people/citizens.

      Put ye hand up ………… those who think this bill is for the benefit of Ranil and his layabout parasites.

      Native, why do you write reams and reams ……. when things are so easy?

      • 1

        Nimal, what is all this ‘ye this’ and ‘ye that’? Are you some kind of prophet or have you come again?!

  • 2

    “As if all this is not enough the Minister of Justice casually drops a grenade that he has received information that a certain Chamara Gunasekera was paid USD 250 million as bribe to stop the government’s lawsuit for damages.”
    So, What is our Parliamentarians elected President doing here? Is he going to say that I have not informed about this as he said about Easter Bombing. Nominated Minister Ali-Sabry publicly said that all the people elected parliamentarians are racist “bastards” including his masters Rajapaksa family. What a shame that all these MPs are hanging their posts in this government lead by nominated ……………….?

  • 16

    Ranil Wickramasinghe is the lowest form of life known to humans. Everything about him is devious, cunning and low, including his hands in the trouser pocket walk and that bent shoulder posture.

    Now in order to justify his attending King Charles coronation the rascal is saying he suggested that the King meets with commonwealth heads before it ! An organisation of no meaning today. As if it matters when the meeting happens ! A ceremonial King meeting an unelected President !

    What will this conman do in London ?

    The same thing he used to do attending Davos meetings every year ! Making his followers to believe that he is a mighty man with an infinite capacity ! A confidence trickster, just like his father !

    • 18

      Utterly shameful comment Deepthi, your writing says more about you than about Ranil.

      • 7

        Same with you Paul, a foolish follower of a scarecrow , a product of a failed culture and economy.
        In order to finish this comedy completely, we must hate every aspect of it, these self satisfied old boys of old schools who call themselves elite. Ranil in his May Day speech says he lost evert seat because of false promises of the other side ! True ? Was he not completely rejected because of his utter failure
        Ranil says under DS ,Sri Lanka gave loans to UK ! True ? How much? How much did UK spend in WW2 ? A Soveregn Pound readjustment misinterpreted !

        • 5

          ‘Same with you Paul, a foolish follower of a scarecrow , a product of a failed culture and economy.’
          Hmm interesting. Obviously you require a good thrashing, trousers down six of the best. I shall ask OC whether he will administer it.

          • 6

            I would normally oblige, but I believe some backsides are too wrinkled for consideration.
            Anyway, who the devil is “Ranil Wickramasingha”? Is he related to Shiranthi Teacher of Carlton pre-school? What would you think about one who pontificates about culture, economics and whatnot, besides claiming that all Sri Lankans are of low intelligence, but can’t get the name of the President right? Jeez.

      • 7

        Yes, some female formerly formerly employed by Gota’s defence ministry (real name Shenali) hasn’t yet realised that coward Gota has run away for ever. He didn’t even turn up for May Day!!

      • 2

        Could you please tell me what you have learnt about “deepthi” so far? Not even the gender.
        Guys like us have serious concerns. You prevent us from discussing anything properly.

    • 12

      What about the Rajapaksa who looted it completely?

      if pebels would be thrown at RW, it should be day-light BOMBs at Rajapakshes considering the levels of crimes deliberately committed by them.

      They produced number one murderers, king robbers in their brothers and sisters and their children. Ironically, the slave nation still offer their little ones “human sacrifices” for their survival. why ?

      Why on earth, even today, Mahinda is able to wear his scarf for the purpose of perverting the delusional set of minds of Deepti Silva or similar foolish men and women?

      It is now becoming clear that none other than the yellow pets, the media whores and the Rajapaksas have destroyed this nation.
      With this being true, why is Professor Deepti Silva or others pointing fingers at the current president only?

      • 9

        Malli , who made Rajapaksa inevitable ?

        If the UNP had any other leader, do you think after the disastrous Chandrika rule of two terms, yet another person from that party (Mahinda) could have won ?

        Ranil being the fraudulent leader he is, completely misread the LTTE power.Even Prabakaran had contempt for him ( yes Chandrika, Sirisena, so many ex-UNPs also had contempt for him and sacked him or left him)

        Now we see that the 80 something Paskaralingam has come back as adviser on Tourism. Before he got this public position not a word about how he as a public servant accumulated millions of dollars in a Swiss Bank !

        This is ranil , he wants us to believe that only he, Paski,Mahendran, old royalists who make asses of themselves during the big match can rule !
        The Rajapaksa curse happened because Ranil was the other side !

    • 5

      Dear “deepthi silva”,
      There are five comments by you on this page, and I’m now responding to the first of them which currently has 28 Red DISLIKES, and just 9 Green LIKES, one of them being from me.
      Yes, I agree with all that you say. I wasn’t sure what “Davos” meant, but got this (there were other blogs listed):
      “What is the meaning of Davos?
      (ˈdævɒs ) noun. a mountain resort in Switzerland: winter sports, site of the Parsenn ski run; host of the annual World Economic Forum.”
      I begin to understand! Unfortunately, my village neighbours will know nothing about the “World Economic Forum” – or about skiing!
      Does our relative ignorance mean that we, the humble denizens of Uva, must give our assent to having an “unelected President”? Yes, I consider him to be “unelected”.
      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

      • 8

        “Yes, I agree with everything you say. I’m not sure what “Davos” means, but figured this (listed other blogs):”

        How stupid is it for this estranged man named Panini Edirisingha to agree with a gender questioning person (Deepthi Silva)? That is why I believe some of our senior citizens are stupdier than appeared to be.

        That aside, I really don’t know if at least PE read this Free Willie’s comment?. Even a child who has just studied DS’s views for the past few weeks would not think twice to disagree with him/her. It is always the same, he or she has not commented on anything meaningful on this platform.
        I don’t think CBK’s two terms (1994-2005) ruined this nation and country. There was a vacuum of leaders and leading authorities in this country during the period when the murderers of JVP killed and destroyed everything in this country.

        Due to youth unrest, there was a shortage of 50,000 young men in this country. In those days, brutal JVPrs killed my sandkasten friends, they were like my own brothers. The provinces including the south were wet with the blood that came out of those wanton killings. Remember guys ?

        • 7


          At that time, JVPs were tamed and entered into democratic politics. There CBK intervention was essential. Generally, our people are suffering from forgetfulness as no other folks.They are permanent memory destroyers.
          Although there were rumors that JVP did the killing of CBK’s beloved husband, CBK paved the way for those killers to join hands with popular democratic parties. Remember?

          Even though SM was in Oman at that time, I wonder what he would say about those cruel days. He should have read about the barbaric period. However, a totally brain dead man doesn’t behave normally…that’s what I feel whenever his comments are forced upon us on this page.

        • 3

          Sorry. I don’t know German!
          I didn’t know the word “sandkasten”. I assure you that I’m not trying to be funny. I didn’t know it was a word at all, so I looked it up. You see one result.
          [edited out]

          • 0

            This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

            For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

          • 3

            You don’t need to know German, but you do need to have a brain.
            It will be enough to see things correctly.
            Even if you were not in the country then, JVP barbarians killed our brothers, you should be able to read about the truths all these years. But a heartless man, how can he or she see beyond that?

          • 1

            Dear CT Moderators,
            You’ve edited out something. Something that I wrote.
            Never mind. It’s high time that you banned the likes of “leelagemalli”. It’s he who prevents people like me from serious discussion.
            There are so many serious things that we want to say, but how can we, when we have boors like “leelagemalli” insisting on saying things here.
            Panini Edirisinhe

  • 8

    Ha Ha, looks like all those who went to Sugathadasa Stadium today have given the thumbs down ! ha ha,

    So you think RW should go for the coronation , after all he went for the queens funeral too !? Are there any other unelected leaders in the commonwealth ?

  • 7

    Leela, by the way are you aware that in 1964 Ranil’s father Esmond bribed SLFP MPS to vote against the then government ? In 1964 the government was panning to take over the Lake House which was owned by his father in law ! Lake House was then infamous for playing politics in favour of UNP and especially JR .

    In any other country a person who bribes a MP will go to jail. In this country he becomes elite !

    This Esmond fellow apparently considered himself some kind of a know all ( easy in a country of fools) ,a behind the scene adviser. The fact is that under all our leaders from DS time this country has been very mediocre and extremely corrupt. A few families ruling a big mess of a country

    • 3

      Dear “deepthi silva”,
      My first comment on this page has been approved, appears to all readers (I should think), and has already attracted three Red DISLIKES.
      My identity is known, and that I reside in Bandarawela is also known. Whilst typing this, I hear some music from another Tab on my computer:
      I will try to analyse that 5 hour video later . More than half of it hasn’t yet been heard by me.
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

      • 6

        with all respect, who cares about your identity Mr. Edirisinha? Are you a model citizen?
        Not at all.
        You’re a proven funny character who cares little about a coherent comment.

        Your very promotion of JVPrs is a betrayal of those who respect a dignified life.

        We know exactly how they consciously participated in the killing of our youth in the years 89-92.

        OC, NV, MF, HT and all other true souls,@
        Please add your thoughts on this man’s repeated identity crisis. We should finally bring this man back to normalcy. Your arguments would surely help further. He should understand as to why many on CT remain ” annonymous”: Unfortunately, our ” so called buddhist dominated country is a pariah state ruined by Rajapakshes”: Who did that- own people (totally uneducated and indifferent, criminals) consists of artists, yellow pets and media prostitutes.

        He should finally understand that we are not here to search for anyone’s identity, but for comments. We should discuss the crucial issues in a country where everything is looted and destroyed by a bunch of donkeys, with the support of Punnakku who got 6.9 million voters drunk.
        SM, Why on earth can’t you read a comment before adding your counterarguments? Is that asking a lot?

        • 1

          So now, according to you, ours is a country “where everything is looted and destroyed by a bunch of donkeys”.
          Donkeys come in bunches, do they? I thought that donkeys would be found “in herds”.
          Get this very clear: I don’t want to have any interaction with you! You HATE this country! STAY OUT!
          Panini Edirisinhe

        • 1

          Yes, it is only now that I have listened to these 43 seconds that you have fished out from archives that date from 1989.
          So you want us to stay focussed on that for ever and ever, do you? No, I won’t confine myself to that alone.
          We have to get the Local Government Elections held. The nominations were made about two months ago, and they still stand. If, and when they are held, it is for some of these candidates that I will vote for.
          Panini Edirisinhe

    • 6

      deepthi ^ silva

      “… by the way are you aware that in 1964 Ranil’s father Esmond bribed SLFP MPS to vote against the then government ?”

      Did you know in 2005 Rajapaksa brothers bribed Prabaharan Rs 165 Million and got him to enforce a election boycott in North and East. Tiran Alles was the witness to that deal Mahinda won the elections by about 100,000 votes. Forget how horse trading takes place immediately after election day.

      In any other country if anyone who bribes or funds a terrorist organisation would go to prison.

  • 5

    SM you are slipping, information about your computer but no NIC number! How are we expected to respond?

    • 4

      The real dangerous nature of JVPs will be understood by even roadside KIOSK man, but the joker Sinhala_man (self proclaimed sinhala_man who cant speak sinhala lanagauge good enough to understand AKD and his crying babies). why is that ? His genetics. I am planning to travel back home, however when I see, how stupid some senior citizens are, I am so fed up of our nation. However, I can not be without seeing my mother’s grave and without helping some elderly people who are really in need.

  • 3

    Leelagemalli, I hope you have a pleasant time in SL despite the many idiots you will certainly encounter. Avoid Bandarawela at all costs and return safely.

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