Former Minister and MP Vasudeva Nanayakkara’s partner Dr. Nimalka Fernando, prominent human rights activist and lawyer has today condemned her partner’s verbal outburst at Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in parliament on the 21st of May 2015, where he openly went on to call the premier a ‘Pakayā’.
At a press conference held two days ago MP Nanayakkara openly stated that he would not apologize to Prime Minister Wickremesinghe for abusing him using an uncouth word.
The direct translation of the Sinhala term ‘pakayā’ means penis.
When asked for a comment Dr. Nimalka Fernando said “I am not responsible for his political behaviours and decisions. This has been the basis of any relationship we have shared. I was shocked to hear such un-parliamentary language being used. This is very strange behaviour. I will not provide any justification like ice and fire.”
“He is a very senior politician as well as a person people respect. There is the need to apologize to the children who were present in Parliament viewing gallery and also to the Parliament and in doing so demonstrate the strength of his character. This incident also shows why we wanted regime change as this is exactly what the Mahinda regime has done to politics in Sri Lanka” she further said.
Analyst / May 30, 2015
It’s not a laughing matter for the disgusting behaviour and the low class vocabulary in front of school children.
The speaker had no control of the session allowing this disgraceful man to shout like a rabid dog.
This culture was created by the educated and uneducated thugs during the last regime.
Despicable to speak in a noble place called the State Parliament where the law and order should have been maintained instead it resembled a fish market .
What do you expect when you elect thugs murderers and criminals in a country of low IQ.
Supun Jayawardhane / May 30, 2015
This is not at all a laughing matter, but during the last term of MR adminsitration, he fertilized all mechanisms to breed this culture. REMEMBER at the time, Ms Pillay had been touring to lanka – the words that most brutal man of their set – Mervin’s vulgar remarks whether or not to marry that great world figure ? If this kind of actions were punished by MR and thugs adequately, ntohing would have developed agianst him to this day.
But having discussed all the bits repeatedly with my wife and several others yestreday, I have the feeling there still exisst PROXY criminal vote eligible – 5.8 millions in the country to feel -no matter the hell would catch the lankens by all abusive manners, they would and should stay as if they are deaf and dumb – THIS KIND of indifference- not taking serious.. no matter even lovely ones would have been attacked by thugs or MR supporters…. lawlessness etc.. so today, even if an Old man would loudly attack the ruling PM by all filthy words, people seem to be not taking or criticising it.. we have been moved to times that half of the nation are almost like those of Swaziland than in Switzerland. Meaning, civilized way of life have turned to all worst.:
This we noticed every time back in Home country, looking at the manner the early teenagers or youth of the nation behave without any respect.. but all these are consequences of not having law and order systems under the lead of MR adminsitration. I am very unhappy.. having seen all these but we were speechless every time is the same.
I could not bear the new kind of phrases that have been adapted to sinhalese language last time.
A) Babahukun – I thought this was a bad word/slang.. but even female use the terms today ?
B)Mala paninawa – I thought mala paninawa means – going to the bathroom/toilet but later only I got to know that it is like – being annoyed by something
C) Elakiri – I di dnot know the meaning at all.. later only i knew that to praise
All in all, those words that added to Sinhalese language shows the levels of the erosion. In our days 3-4 decades ago, almost everyone respected the other… to the manner.. I see it now – well civilized. But today.. nobody would respect elderly people as had been before.
Leelagemalli / May 30, 2015
Any honest souls can ever imagine to sit with idiots of this kind further ? I wonder Dayan Jayathilaka, GLP, Prof. WItharana et al to further cough for the sake of these idiots ?
Wimal Buruwanse and Gommanpila are not senior politicians-they are just opportunists by all means to animate the nation respecting the agendas passed to them by their high men. It is like to go on fishing in stormy weathers, only those who are talented at that should be focused to get the work done. Mahinda Rajapakshe has been doing the job properly by abusing his supporters this way – – if he is a true soul, nothing like this would have been part of his politics.
I had some respect towards the education obtained by GLP, but now the bugger to stay further on the wrong side, coughing further for their agendas is no tolerable anymore.
He has become the laughing stock for the educated community of th enation. How can the current men of the society keep the faith on higher academics such as GLP today ? He should be either sick or be suffering from any neuro dieseaesses not being able to see it right at least today.
Native Vedda / May 30, 2015
Being the partner if Nimalka catches him by his b***s his heart, word and mind might change.
Peace Lover / May 30, 2015
A great lady with courage who is straightforward and calls a spade as a spade something that was badly lacking in Mahindas Government and his supporters
Now over to our resident comedian K A Sumanasekera to come up and write gibberish with liberal use of words such as “Galleon,Mate,Turf,Diasporians,Anglicans,Wellalas,Dalits and try to earn his pay packet from his masters (ouch ouch)
YUS / May 30, 2015
It is a disgusting remark made by a senior Parliamentarian and demonstrates the true state of the “August Assembly” and the character of “Honourable Members” For the sake of the future of the country lets hope the voters will return educated,cultured and men of principles to Parliament and get rid of the rif raff who were elected after the war euphoria.
Samuel Jayaweera / May 30, 2015
You should better resign your partnership with a man who in his mid or late 70ties to have behaved this way? You are a great feminist – fearless human right activist – please isolate this man who behaves as if a man lab rat who is hallozinated for the experiments. Gone were the days, Rajapakshe perks distribution kept silent anyone of his cabinet – even Vasidewa was silent in that way… but let alone today, the man who shamellessly behaved in that way should make a public statement to have used streed thugs words – more of Wimal Buruwanse and former Kelaniya Mervin. WHo thought ever that Vasi woudl have been tamed by the very same ways that Rajapakshe did it with low level MPs.
bo / May 30, 2015
It is said that a lotus could arise from the depths of mud in a lake. Similarly, President Sirisena could be a lotus arising from the netherworld of foul mouthed politicians like Vasu,and the bevy of gutter politicians that surrounded and hoisted up Rajapaksha. No wonder his partner is making her remark.It is said in popular Buddhist literature that those who utter abuse at others would inherit a fishy smelling mouth!
mike / May 30, 2015
If direct translation of ‘Pakaya’ in English is penis, then the Prime Minister should have called Vasideva a dried….. !
EW Golding / May 30, 2015
Pakaya does not refer only to the pens. Paka covers the genitals in general (both sexes). It’s effective impact is more like the Tamil term of abuse ‘pund…di”.
sama / May 30, 2015
I have never seen PM of the day would ever use bad /filthy, sinhalese words or phrases to attack anyone. I salute him in that regard. But MR or any high men of SLPF have been abusive as no other. RW himself knows this and he behaves solid and respectful. I am not an UNPers.. dont have lanken citizen rights, but I respect RW for his gentleman like behaviour in todays politics. I respect more MY3 in terms of the wordiing he is used to add whatever being discussed today – this combination can save the nation turning the most abusive levels into civlized cultures.
First the leaders themselves should be exemplary… these duo have got all that levels to be respected by the nation.
Remember – the days MR got on to the stage and made it publicly that he has proved to have done 3 times (what he meant is- nothing else – he has produced 3 sons) at the times discussions were air that a president can be elected for the 3 time…. what his aim was to attack Ranil in a very uncivlized words.. can you guys imagine… but there even, Ranil did not even utter a single word to that kind of vulgar remarks.
In Europe, people speak about civil courage.. but in our home country too, even if some folks would behave all abusive levels… the others stay mum as if they are similar to crocodiles fed with clay. Ape jathiya baluwela.. If this was the case in Germany or other EUropean states, those states would already compelled VASIDEWA to make a public apology – but where have the law gone ? This kind of men should be warned not to repeat this kind of actions in the days to come.
Pacs / May 30, 2015
This word has been being used fluently in the university ragging times. I have come across this word many time in Uni and out side luckily I did not bother to understand the meaning of the word. A teaching and precept by non teachers but supposed to be future teachers , leaders and administrators. No one wanted to stop it. It has become part and partial of student culture and srilankan culture. They apply what was learnt at the universities. So student hearing that word in the Parliament is not a shock for them. I think Vasu simply used that word because he is used to that word since his uni Time and the usage of that word may be common among his people and a part of their culture and with the time the gravity has faded with its abundant use.
Ben Dover / May 30, 2015
Dear Dr Nimalka Fernando
If I were you, I’d have a few strong words with the man who people once respected and get him to make an unconditional apology to the country, to parliament and to the students who had to listen to this totally unnecessary and unparliamentary diatribe.
If he doesn’t just divorce the bugger – he doesn’t deserve someone as decent as you.
mel / May 30, 2015
Both him and PM should apologise for their stupid behaviour. The Speaker should have admonished them both and asked Vasu to withdraw his foul word (ha,ha,ha)
Amarasiri / May 30, 2015
Dr. Nimalka Fernando
“Former Minister and MP Vasudeva Nanayakkara’s partner Dr. Nimalka Fernando, prominent human rights activist and lawyer has today condemned her partner’s verbal outburst at Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in parliament on the 21st of May 2015, where he openly went on to call the premier a ‘Pakayā’.”
Baludeva Balukara, has been a pakaya of Medamulana Rajapaksa for quite a long time. Baludeva is really upset. Every time he looks at the mirror he sees a pakaya. Looks like he does not want to be the only pakaya in Parliament, and wants to expand his pakaya group consisting of Wimal Modawansa and a handful of others.
Amarasiri / June 1, 2015
Dr. Nimalka Fernando
Now Vasu says Sirisena is ” Banbu Gahanawa”
Looks like Sirisena is putting “Bambu: to Vasu, Mahinda and the Medamulana Clan and their Shills and Cronies..
AVB / May 30, 2015
In lot of cultures, people get wiser when they get older. In SL, there are so many examples among elite people leaders.. Lot of them were well respected when they were young and become infectious “pakayas” when they get old.. I used to blame Sinhalese Buddhist culture for lot of common problems, but I am clueless on for this phenomena…
jay / May 31, 2015
Native Vedda / May 31, 2015
jay boy
What does PxxxxA!!! mean to you?
Aren’t you one?
sach / June 1, 2015
The reason you blame sinhala buddhist culture for everything is because you are clueless.
Nothing surprising in it. A tamil hindu can hardly point at sinhala buddhists which is way way better and progressives
Douglas / May 30, 2015
DR. Nimalka Fernando: You seem to have got, I would say unduly disturbed about the use of this word “Pakaya” by your associate. I too had the same opinion until the Ex Minister of Education Mr. Bandula Gunawardane, at a TV discussion (Derana 36o)explained the meaning of the word “Pakaya”. He,producing various scripts of Sinhala Literature said the real meaning of the word “pakaya” is a “GEDIYA” meaning a “NUT”. Also he said, this word is explained in various ways according to the region it is used. He also said that it is not a bad word to use. Mind you he is not just an “ordinary” person; but he was our then Minister of Education. Connecting with his status, we also must know of the person who used it in Parliament. He, Mr. Vasudeva Nanayakkara was the Minister of National Languages, a Cabinet colleague of Mr. Bandula Gunawardane. In another instance a friend (via a web comment) stated in reply to a comment I made, that he checked it with a Sinhala Scholar the meaning of this word and that teacher had told him “Pakaya” is referred to the “Testicle”.
So this word “Pakaya” as explained by the two then Ministers viz. the Minister of Education and National Languages is not at all obscene or vulgar.
However for some luck these two are not any more Ministers and I wish both of them will never ever be elected to our Legislature. To both of them and many such others in the present Parliament, let us say “GOOD BYE PAKAYA-NENI”.
Ben Dover / May 30, 2015
I rather think the word for ‘gediya’ is “paiyya”. It is used in ordinary language to describe (a) a sheaf of betel , and (b) a packed meal / lunch
Check it out with your historians, or just an ordinary villager.
Dailymirror.elkea / May 30, 2015
Vasu is Pakaya.
Roger / May 30, 2015
Dear Nimalka, Thank you Thank you Thank you for the statement of condemnation of the behavior of vasu whos lost all respect by decent peoples of Sri Lankas around the globe for speaking out in front of Children whos the most precious future of Sri lanka.Your also well and truly correct of MR regimes creation of Thuggery and brutality In Sri Lankan politics.
Citizen / May 30, 2015
This is very disturbing and disgusting. How these idiots going to solve problems in our country if they cannot sit down and carryout a decent discussion. This guy doesn’t seems to care presence of school children. Well, this may be how this guy talk at home to his children? Unfortunately our country is stuck in the hell until people realize not to appoint idiots to the parliament.
dcn / May 30, 2015
Vasu is a disgraceful politician and for him to use fowl words in the August assembly with the school children in the public gallery is nothing bad. He is now fit enough to be sent to a home for the aged permanently.
Jim softy / May 30, 2015
I am pretty sure, Nimalka is just another one like the FAKE-Socialist Vasu, or the Transparency international guy Weera manthri. they all are lawyers, they cheat people in order to earn money.
Spring Koha / May 30, 2015
Well done Nimalka, and I salute your condemnation.
‘Pakaya’ is a derivation of the very fruity Anglo-Saxon ‘fucker’, much used is olden days, in times of stress, by many of our British Colonial masters. As we natives tried to imitate our masters, we had to, in the absence of an ‘f’ in Sinhala, substitute ‘p’ and take it to ‘paka’ and then ‘pakaya’ followed, with the shorter ‘pako’ much favoured too. There is also an alternative meaning of ‘dick’.
This is a word that comes easily to our fruity Vasudeva, and this is not the first time he has used it. Perhaps he has now without intention brought the word into popular usage.
Double standards / May 30, 2015
that makes sense– all this time I thought it meant homosexual or something…. have heard the word– not the meaning… not too bad– vasu only has to say “pls excuse my French”
Native Vedda / May 31, 2015
Spring Koha
“and this is not the first time he has used it.”
Has he given up on Bonapartism, his favourite political missile to vilify all and sundry. I suppose he must have stopped using it since he joined Mahinapartism.
Ajith / May 30, 2015
It is true that people had respect for Vasu in the past before he became part of a Mahinda regime. He has lost everything when he became a part of power hungry racist, and corrupted regime. For me, he is not a worthy politician and if I see him I will spit on his face and not allow to meet children.
MOHAMED MARZOOK / May 30, 2015
Vasu is now a frustrated individual. Like many others of the Old Left Vasu too is a fake ‘fire-brand’ or ‘revolutionary’. He could be even the worst of the lot which is clearly demonstrated by his contradictory utterances and positions he takes on different issues and his association with the likes of Wimal Weerawansa, another confused and a communal and racist individual, to bring the dictatorial and ever-corrupt individual MR back to power. Vasa has deteriorated from his so-called ‘fire-brand politics’ to ‘aappa and lunu miris poltics’ and no wonder he now lives on ‘penis politics’.
backlash / May 30, 2015
Just wondering. Harak hora, kukul hora, kudu karaya, kassippu karaya, gaenu hora and, the word under discussion, are common features in our main legislature since the 1960s. How come we rarely, or ever, heard any in recent Parliaments, including this and previous ones, reference to that great expert on Parliamentary procedure Dr. Erskine
May – then often quoted by men like Dr. N.M. Perera and such political stalwarts from both sides of the then legislature. Are these, the present lot of “Honourable” MPs, a different set of men and women from a different culture since we decided to throw the baby with the bathwater. Clearly the new dispensation has bred such stalwarts as Kudu Mervin, Raththaran from Galle and similar degenerate resulting in Principals from schools advising their children to avoid these visits to our Parliament to protect the little ones from hearing utter filth.
Lanka Watch / May 30, 2015
It could have been a slip of the tongue . Mr. Vasu is aging and lost his luster but he should apologise to the school children who were present in the parliament, for the use of the dirty language on the day of the incident. It was an educational tour, the children made to parliament and sad that this is what they learnt from the veteran
It was really the leftists, like Dr. NM, Colvin ,Peter, Vivienne who behaved well in parliament in the good old days and Dr. NM was a
shinning example of decency.
whywhy / May 30, 2015
lanka watch
Do our parents, teachers or elders have the habit of
thanking or apologizing to the children or the
younger generation ? No ! Why ? Because Buddhist
parents are Gods to their children, so the children
don’t deserve it. Muslims, regardless of their age,
offer their gratitude and apology to Allah but Arabs
do exchange “Shukran” and offer apology among them.
Back to the point, I think Ranil enjoyed provoking
Vasu. I remember Ranil saying the same thing to
Dinesh or Wimal not long ago. Plus point goes to
Ranil for getting the best out of a Veteran leftist
and a front liner in the campaign to bring back
another foul mouthed former lost Hero !
Nimal / May 30, 2015
Doesn’t Vasu also say here at the beginning “Ane bambu gahanne nethuwa innawa Oi”?
What does that mean in English?
garawi / May 30, 2015
It means,’wait without hitting Bamboo’ ;-))
garawi / May 30, 2015
Yes,I too agree with the majority here that Vasu is a spent force! He spent his energy shouting for nothing! Despite being in the parliament for donkeys years he did nothing productive! He will enter the history as a leech who survived on the people’s vote. Yes,his partner is totally correct in saying that MR ruined the parliament decency and people like Vasu were blind to it and went with him for personal gains. He is not more a socialist. He enjoyed all perks that MR gave. The real socialists are dead and gone. Somaweera Chandrasiri, the Horana MP under SLFP was one, who lived a simple citizens life despite being an MP. There were few others too.
One thing I see that with Sirisena standing tough with the MR supporters ,not giving into their demands to get MR back and get nominations to ALL previous crooks, some good can come out at the next election. That is if the 20A is passed in the parliament. All these stupid and anti-social elements will be left out!
Sunil Mohan / May 30, 2015
Mr Finance minister v, please arrange special allocation to health sector, especially to the Mulleriyawa hospital so that these MAD guys could be accommodated immediately after the GEN Elections
Notpakaya / May 30, 2015
I was also full orroppu after hearing all the varchas talk in Parliament. I hear Vasu Kutty in Tamil means toilet cleaner. What is his heritage? Until this public discourse on’pakaya’ I thought it was a derogatory word to refer to female genitals and insult a male saying that.
Plato. / May 30, 2015
Dr.Nimalka Fernando.
Fine.I admire your stand on this issue.However, I am unable to figure out how you could have had a relationship with an uncouth fellow like Vasu. E.W.Golding has gone one step further to find out the origins of the word PAKAYA. Rendered in Tamil it means Pun…andi. Perhaps,after taking the last gulp from the Goblet [Provided by MaRa] he has also turned sexist. Not bad for a so-called Leftist.
I have commented earlier. Vasu ceased to be a Leftist many moons ago.
He is the left ball of Wimal!
Su siri / May 31, 2015
As much as most of us detest the use of profanity and obscene language in public, no matter how angry one may be, it continues to happen in almost any society. While an ordinary individual cussing at someone is deemed unrefined, an elected public servant ranting profanities at another while on government duty, in front of children (as the story goes), is beyond reprehensible. SL politicians do not have a great track record of refinement considering the comments that have been directed at various international and national personnel. Only because they know they can, and get away without any reprimanding or punishment. I imagine that Mr. Nanayakkakra will have a host of colleagues as company if they were ever to be charged.
K.A Sumanasekera / May 31, 2015
Dr Nimalka is[Edited out]
Native Vedda / May 31, 2015
K.A Sumanasekera
“Dr Nimalka is[Edited out]”
Did you mean to say that she “was great human rights campaigner, strong lady, not a racist, brave, ………….. and should be awarded the Nobel Peace prize, ………. ?
I wonder as to why CT had to censor your typing.
K.A Sumanasekera / June 1, 2015
Dear Native,
I am glad you seem to have got the gist of it.
But I didn’t recommend a Noble…
I was just trying to say Pakaya is not all that bad if it means what is mentioned in the article.
And poor Vasu who has been fighting for the Dalits all his life,shoiuld’t suffer for using a term which our peasants use often…
Native Vedda / June 1, 2015
K.A Sumanasekera
“And poor Vasu who has been fighting for the Dalits all his life,shoiuld’t suffer for using a term which our peasants use often… “
I hate to agree with you, however he should suffer for his past support to LTTE and for the separation of this island in his previous puritanical Marxist life.
Had he been a bigoted Sinhala/Buddhist racist (like you) I don’t think he would not have tough time.
Have you ever visited him at his rehab? Poor guy, going gaga, please take care of him.
Jim softy / May 31, 2015
white collar thieves are screaming and another group of white collar thieves are cheering.
those who robbed millions from the public are silent and writes no more.