18 February, 2025


No Need For Repeater Weapons If Free & Fair Elections Take Place

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

The government’s decision to provide every MP with two repeated weapons is an indication of concern about an escalation of violence that might target parliamentarians as the election approaches. A defence ministry letter to the parliamentary secretariat states that in view of the violence of the Aragalaya period, a decision has been made to provide every MP with two repeater weapons for which they need to make payment. This is in addition to the semi-automatic pistol which MPs are entitled to obtain for personal protection. The shotguns obtained through this facility can be retained even in the event the MP exits Parliament, on the basis that the licence is maintained and renewed annually.

The government’s concerns about a repeat of Aragalaya conditions needs to be questioned. The situation today is different from that which existed two years ago. The Aragalaya protests of 2022 arose in a context in which the government in power had won a mandate from the people at the presidential elections of 2019 and the general elections of 2020, and had a legal right to continue in power. Unfortunately, that government showed no signs of wanting to step down and give up power despite their abject failure to deliver the basic essentials to the people. Therefore, the only way to pressurize such a government to leave office was to publicly protest against it. Today, by way of contrast, the term of the president is coming to its legal end, and the people have the right to vote for a new president and, by extension, for a new government.

What is also noteworthy to bear in mind is that the Aragalaya protests of 2022 began peacefully. The initial protests took place in the rural areas against the agricultural policies followed by that government which led to the ban on chemical fertilisers. The farmers were the first to see the economic disaster that was coming and so they blocked the rural roads but with little impact. But when the economic crisis began to hit the rest of the country in the form of shortages of foreign currency to purchase petrol, gas, food and medicines and when electricity cuts extended to half the day, the protests also spread to the urban centres, though again peacefully. Both the protestors and security forces behaved, by and large, in exemplary fashion. That was until the government politicians dominant at that time intervened.

Violence Provoked

The escalation of the Aragalaya protests was more or less spontaneous due to the economic pain that the people were facing. There were groups of ordinary citizens who came from far away, and from all parts of the country, at their own expense, to tell the government it had to go. The problem was that the government had been elected just two years earlier and had three more years left in terms of the law. In other democratic countries governments have resigned and called for fresh elections for less significant crises. But in Sri Lanka they refused to go. This created a situation of deadlock between a failed government with the law on its side and the masses of people who wanted it to go.

There was also, no doubt, a significant component of the protests that became funded by the political opposition who saw the opportunity for themselves to come to power soon. But the important point to note is that the protests remained peaceful until the government chose to employ violence. It was when government thugs led by government members took to the streets to commit acts of violence against the protestors that the violence commenced. The general violence that took place thereafter, and became difficult to control, was a reaction to the violence of the government to which the security forces had to turn a blind eye. The strength of the Sri Lankan security forces is that they have always operated under the command of the elected political leaders. The problem they face is when their political masters issue illegal and immoral orders. In the case of the Aragalaya protests it was the politicians who led the illegal attacks against the peaceful protestors.

With this as the background, the defense ministry’s linking of the grant of weapons to the MPs to the Aragalaya period is mistaken. Unlike during the Aragalaya period, there is no need for the peace loving people of Sri Lanka to use violence against parliamentarians when they can use the vote instead. If the government feels that MPs might come under threat of violence for whatever reason during the election period, it could offer them more protection by the security forces, such as increasing the numbers in their security detail. But giving repeater weapons to the MPs is unacceptable as it will make the MPs, who are untrained in the use of such weapons, and who are not trained to be military commanders themselves, a security threat to ordinary citizens.

Lawful Right

The government’s fear of violence also appears to be misplaced and to be akin to putting the cart before the horse. The present time is akin to a festival of democracy as indeed it should be. Elections are a celebration of democracy. Every citizen becomes equal, whether rich or poor, rural or urban, ethnic majority or minority. They each have a single vote. They get the power to choose their leaders, hold them accountable and vote them out of power depending on their performance and on their promise for the future. In this context, the timing of the decision to arm the parliamentarians with repeater weapons is worrisome.

During the Aragalaya, the government had a democratic mandate to stay in power, having been elected just two years earlier. Despite its economic failures, it had three more years to go before its term ended. The people, lacking any other legal recourse, had to take to the streets to demand change. Today, however, the term of the president is coming to an end, and the people can change the government peacefully by going to the polls. This change can come within a month. There is, therefore, no need for violence or street protests when the democratic process provides a clear and lawful path to change. This highlights the importance of constitutional safeguards in maintaining the stability of a democratic system.

Today, with the presidential election scheduled for September 21, the people have the legal right to decide the fate of the government. The constitution has set the date for the election, ensuring that the people’s will is respected. Depending on the outcome, the government may change or the incumbent may win and the government can remain the same. In either case, the process will be conducted within the framework of the law, with no need for Aragalaya-style protests. The situation today bears no resemblance to the conditions that led to the Aragalaya protests. Instead of preparing for violence, and arming MPs with repeater weapons, the government needs to ensure that the upcoming presidential election is free, fair, and takes place in a manner that upholds the principles of democracy.

Latest comments

  • 9

    Wimal Weerawansa, a Sri Lankan politician, and his group played a significant role in amplifying these accusations. false accusations as tactics in elections, rather than winning through fair and democratic means. The mention of military-style treatment and targeting of individuals, like doctors, implies that these tactics are used to intimidate or discredit opponents, rather than engaging in honest and transparent campaigning.
    This kind of environment undermines the democratic process and the trust of the people. When leaders rely on such tactics, it suggests a lack of confidence in their own qualifications or ability to win based on merit and popular support. Free and fair elections are essential to ensure that those who come to power truly represent the will of the people, rather than gaining power through coercion or manipulation.

    • 10

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

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      • 16

        “the violence of the Aragalaya period”


        For once in your frigging sorry stupid life ……. why can’t you ever bring yourself to tell the truth?

        The Aragalaya was very peaceful, that was its salient hallmark. The Aragalaya was peaceful until Mahinda and his goons – in their inherent classic violent mentality – thought the peaceful Aragalaya could be dispersed with violence: that’s the hallmark of the thuggish political mentality Mahinda, Ranil, Gota, Premadasa Sr. has/had. ……. But when their violence was returned in kind they ran away and hid.

        Your stupid writing makes it ….. as if the Aragalaya was violent.

        You writers have to make it clear the Aragalaya was peaceful: the people of the Aragalaya deserves full credit.

        What you sorry sods who call themselves opinion-setters should always highlight is, that it was the politicians who used violence on the Aragalaya. ……. That’s the truth that should be instilled in people’s minds.

        The Aragalaya was a beautiful thing …… don’t denigrate it.

  • 3

    All these elections are

  • 13

    All these elections are only to serve the SB only,for the minorities it doesn’t makes any difference who that leader would be.we all left out and ignored
    The law and the treatment are not equal.good solution would be one county two nations.we culturally/language different.we could govern our selves than thugs and thieves all these criminals.

  • 21

    Bring it on, once exit, like our security forces, parliamentarians can use it for underworld activities. Right now, after drugs it’s illegal weapons, which are a serious menace to country. There are weapons dumped by LTTE, security forces, para military , underworld, …………. . Take the example of club Wasantha,…. he, his wife , private security, hired killers all of them , had guns. ” Chicago of yore ” ………
    drugs, women, weapons, boot legging, mafia, prostitution, hired killers ……………. a true SB country.

  • 11

    It is an indication that the present Ranil-Rajapaksa regime is planning to continue in power under some pretext even if they lose the presidential election. This sinister attempt to deprive the people of their sovereign right to change the government can be thwarted only if they give a clear majority to the candidate who can meet this challenge on the street level. We all know who it is.

  • 10

    “Instead of preparing for violence, and arming MPs with repeater weapons, the government needs to ensure that the upcoming presidential election is free, fair, and takes place in a manner that upholds the principles of democracy.”
    It is now very clear that the existing Government and President promoted violence to highjack the people power that was very peaceful. There were lots of unknown mysteries behind the background of the political coup that took place in placing the current President. The total bill is now put on the heads of people which should lawfully fall in the heads of those who robbed this country. They all become billionaire’s now and they are protected by the military machinery and international super powers. President used public finance to all the claims the ministers and MPs made including his own claim to buy them. Sri Lanka becomes the first nation paid compensation for those who brought bankrupt to this country.
    People should wake up.

  • 8

    JP is right in saying that the MPs need not be provided with additional weapons as there is no threat to their lives unless they have been collecting enormous wealth inappropriately. They need to fear if they have done things illegally.
    The last Presidential election was won because of the orchestrated event on the Easter Sunday 2019.
    If not, there is no way GR could have won the Presidency. We still don’t know why the Chairman of the Election Commission allowed a dual citizen to contest in the Presidential election 2019. A ‘THREAT’ to Sinhala Buddhism was created in order for the saviour to be elected. Hence 2019 Election was not a fair one.
    Hoping for violence free, fair election on 21/09/2024

  • 4

    The best president for Sri Lanka would have been Jayantha Gunasekera, who was a team leader at Practical Action and director of evidence effectiveness at World Vision. Many believe that Jayantha is a reincarnation of Gamini Dissanayake, who spearheaded the Mahaweli Development Project.

    The Mahaweli was a huge project that was expected to take 30 years to finish. But due to Dissanayake’s skills he managed to finish the project within 6 years!

    In similar vein, Jayantha Gunasekera took over a development project in the Mahaweli delta of Trincomalee in 2021 that was funded by the Asia Foundation. The objective was to build a 100 foot drain. Although it was expected to take 20 years to finish, he completed it in a record time of 2 months!

    So Jayantha Gunasekera must definitely be made the next president of Sri Lanka.

    • 11

      They brought in Gotabhaya Rajapaksa with a similar argument.

    • 10

      Hi Keynes
      A minor amendment to a sentence from your above comment:
      The Jaffna Library was a huge project that was expected to last for posterity. But due to Dissanayake’s “skills” he managed to finish the project in one night within minutes!

      • 2

        Ha ha Sri Lankan Boy! That was funneh…! So it was Gamini? I always thought it was Cyril Mathews or someone….!

        • 3

          In my effort to dig some information about Cyril Mathew I came across this interesting piece titled “Looking Back: An Item in Cyril Mathew’s Dossier” written by someone called Sachi Sri Kantha, and published in the website sangam.org on January 29, 2024.
          Here’s a link to the article: https://sangam.org/looking-back-an-item-in-cyril-mathews-dossier/
          Notwithstanding the validity of Minister Mathew’s or the author of the piece, on the matter addressed in it, marking of University Entrance Exam papers, the conckuding section deserves some special attention.
          Here’s an excerpt:
          “How Sinhalese politicians of low castes whose ancestors imigrated from India in the 19th century (selected examples include Cyril Mathew, Charles Percival de Silva, K.M.P. Rajaratne and Ranasinghe Premadasa) spewed venom of anti-Tamil sentiments since 1950s, to rise in their own ranks. Among these, only Premadasa was able to reach the ‘crown’ of being the President of Sri Lanka in 1988. Charles Percival de Silva’s ambitions were toppled by the widow Srima of his leader Solomon Bandaranaike in July 1960. K.M.P. Rajaratne could only raise to the ranks of an MP from 1956 to 1965. At least Cyril Mathew was anointed as a Cabinet minister in 1977, only to be sacked by J.R. Jayewardene in 1984.”

          • 1

            Edit: Notwithstanding the validity of Minister Mathew’s claims or the criticisms of author of the piece, on the matter addressed in it, marking of University Entrance Exam papers, the conckuding section deserves some special attention.

          • 2

            From what I have heard and know Cyril Mathew’s and Ranasinghe Premadasa’s conducts have been far from exemplary. I do not know about K. M. P Rajaratne.
            But what I have read about Charles Percival De Silva so far from multiple authors and sources, including the likes of D B S Jeyaraj, if I can recall right, are starkly at odds with the sentiments this author has expressed. He in my understanding was a man, for whose dedication to uplift the lives and livelihoods of the agricultural communities in the North Central province, honoured by referring to him as “Minneriya Deviyo” or the God of Minneriya, while he was still alive; and was known to be an exemplary individual who deserved to be the Prime Minister of the country, but was deprived of the opportunity because of the caste mindedness of the Govigamas that dominated the country’s political landscape. He I believe belonged to the Salagama caste associated with Cinnamon peeling, a caste that had produced many other prominent leaders too, including his much famed cousin Colvin R De Silva.
            The views expressed by this author in this 21st century are quite disturbing and reveals the casteist mindset that some still harbour despite the relevance of caste has long been lost, especially in a piece that he addresses a matter concering education – the great equalizer and the ultimate tool for building a more meritorious society.

            • 2

              I do not know about the others that the author mentions in his essay but Charles Percival De Silva of course was a well educated man in his own right.
              Here’s an excerpt from his Wikipedia entry:
              “”Born in the southern town of Balapitiya, he was educated at St Thomas’ College, Mt. Lavinia and studied mathematics at the Ceylon University College and the University of London. Joining the prestigious Ceylon Civil Service, he served as an Assistant Government Agent in the North Central Province, …”

        • 7


          “So it was Gamini? “

          It was Dutta Gamini.

          “Cyril Mathews or someone….!”

          There could be as many as partners in crimes.
          JR, the entire parliament, police, the entire membership of UNP, all people of this island, ……. who had either aided and abetted in the crimes against humanity or kept themselves voting for the criminals, ……. except a few rest of them were very happy for teaching the demelas a lesson they would never forget, or didn’t bother to question the state and its functionaries.

          Those criminals would have had a contented life, dying with the belief that they had done their part to protect and promote Sinhala/Buddhists’ long term interest.

          It was not just Cyril nor Dutta Nayake who were responsible for the destruction of the Library, you too ……

          • 0

            FYI i was less than 12 years old when this happened and have no recollection of it. But I noticed that you take great pleasure in blaming various things on random people, dragging Mahawamsa, Dutugamunu, and Dharmapala for everything and anything. Well if it makes you happy go ahead, it doesn’t make me responsible for any crimes that I have personally not committed. The scum like you are the biggest bane of this country. But you are yet to see what I’m capable of and am going to do to Para Demalas and the scum like you. Fortunately you won’t live that long to see the full fate they are going to endure at the hands of those to whom they have wronged. So enjoy while you can.
            Rx – RWT x ALL

  • 3

    Only once the election is over , results accepted by all parties can the public go
    to sleep that everything ended peacefully . Until then , anything is everything .
    There’s every sign that this election is not a whole heart embrace by those in
    power . They know only well that they are no more people’s guests and een
    further , they , they themselves feel they are unwelcome and hated but guests
    of the public . So , uncertainty prevails , no wonder .

    • 1

      ‘ een further ‘ Please , even further .

  • 11

    It is up to the Police to maintain law & order. Giving guns to politicians legalises gun culture. SL is becoming a mob controlled Chicago with army deserters available as guns for hire, so what’s the next step? Legalising guns for protection as allowed by the US constitution for citizens the ‘right to bear arms’?

    • 0

      So good no…? Everyone can defend themselves that way. In any case law enforcement authorities are defunct. Politicians are unruly. Country is banckrupt. All what we lack are some guns to protect us.

  • 5

    Jehan , you have raised a valid point but who has the power to. Stop this double barrel issue
    It’s the same old fear psychosis
    Fear mongering to cling on to power at all cost. The West is in complicit on this matter
    With this kind of atmosphere AKD’s chances are some what limited in my view

  • 6

    USA to remain as a super power needs the world to be not in equilibrium ie
    Wars between countries and wars within a country. The arms manufacturers are controlling the political system in USA. West do not want to talk about Democracy in Saudi Arabia/ Egypt/ Algeria. Imran Khan was removed as he got close to Russia & China. I heard that the Lady President of Bangladesh was unseated because she did not want Americans to use their island as a US base.
    AKD needs to keep all the external powers at bay by not displeasing our big brother and other countries like US/ China/Russia. AKD needs to take the minorities on board in order to achieve Economic Social and political success. AKD should take actions to prevent defence staff dealing in business of any kind in Northern and Eastern provinces and let the civilians to do

  • 6

    Under no condition, the Members of Parliament (MPs) should be armed. Most of them are violent rogues. Among many incidents, we clearly remember the shoot-out between Duminda Silva and Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra during Local Government Elections in 2011. Four persons got killed including Bharatha Lakshman. If there are security issues for MPs, their defensive security (police or army) could be increased/strengthened. Giving them two Repeater Weapons is a heinous crime. Who is responsible for this heinous crime? Ranil Wickremesinghe? The Election Commission should intervene and stop this crime. The elections should be (not only) Free and Fair. But also, Non-Violent. Let us look forward to a ‘Free and Fair, and Non-Violent’ election.

  • 6

    The issuance of weapons is going to result in the following:

    1. The weapons will end up in the arms of the underworld members.
    2. During and after the elections these weapons are going to be used by politicians and their supporters
    to kill their opponents.
    3. Politicians who sell these weapons to the underworld are going to record a complaint with the police saying they were stolen.
    4. These weapons will be used by those politicians who lose the election to create trouble in the country.
    5. Most of the sales proceeds will be pocketed by the Secretary of Defense.

    Overall Ranil is arming his supporters to create an insurrection when he loses to either Sajith or Anura.

    • 3

      //1. The weapons will end up in the arms of the underworld members.//
      I thought politicians are underworld members or even worse than that as they have the law enforcement and the state machinery at their disposal.

  • 2

    Normally, it was always after the UNP’s victory in the elections, ignite the pogroms against minorities, by the UNP rotten. If UNP arming the 225 rowdies of Diyawanna Lake Palace, then one has to contend that “UNO knows better”. Further, the “Jaffna Libraries” cannot be protected from UNP targeting them for election victory celebration because it’s done with the Rapist Army cover. We show when Evil ascended to the throne, the peaceful Protesters had to withdraw because Evil is many times more dictator-tyrant than all the Rowdy Royal members are combined. If Evil wins, then Anura’s Protection is a big question. It was not new, after the Old Royals started to win elections. Ponny, White Flag Murderer all were hiding on the election days fearing the incumbent. So, it doesn’t make sense that this time they are arming the MPs with pistols while the Rapist Army is a wielder of A47 like massive rifles. America, IMF…& many others predicted communal riots in Langkang in the recent past. Jehan PhD, who has been a reliable friend of the UNP-SLFP Union’s government, is now predicting it. So, people should be watching out for their environment and neighborhood, taking this seriously. Jehan PhD could go wrong, because it doesn’t even affect his compensation rate. But if the masses make a mistake in their precautions & protections, a massive 71-72, 87-89 or even 2008-2009 can be unleashed by the Evil’s Rapist Army Hooligans.

  • 0

    It is now buzzing in local media that a last attempt would be made to disrupt the smooth functioning of the election on 21st Sept. 2024.

    The news is to stage a civil disturbance followed by the involvement and intervention of the Armed Forces (Police, STF, and similar armed gangs) in and around the polling booths, selected on a random basis where majority votes would be for the NPP and SJB.

    The election law specifies, that if a civil disturbance of a large scale occurs in and around a Polling Both, the votes cast in the station would be canceled.

    Is the issuing of these “Arms” to politicos a move in that direction? I guess so.

  • 0

    Today, Langkang’s Supreme Court issued a verdict that the Janathipathi Mahata of Appe Aanduwa has violated the fundamental rights of the citizens by refusing to fund the Election Commission to conduct the Local Governments elections, which was another earlier ruling of supreme court against the Langkang presidential Finance Minister. He just brushed off the double order. Security force is full of corrupt and criminal appointees. SC ordered a well-known corrupted, tyrant IGP be removed and replaced with one appropriate one. Because a handy henchman is important for the Evil Emperor to conduct the election in his manner, over and above the Election commission, Evil refused to obey the court order explaining that if he followed the court order later the court would punish him that he had appointed a high official during election time. But he continues to fish for the MPs from opposition parties. He is continuously appointing court rejected candidates as his assistant. He is meddling with the exchange rate. He is meddling with the control price. Furthermore, he is trying to influence the availability of consumables by freely allowing imports against farmers’ complaints. He is using the government properties for the election. He is doing everything to flex the election result to his side.

  • 0

    Now he has issued 225 Donkeys in the parliament with repeater guns. When the Evil UNP organizes its next pogrom after the election, people’s security (especially the minorities against UNP organizing the pogroms) will be up in the air.
    Many foreign countries have already issued travel warnings. But none of them are ready to insist the UN send the peacekeeping force to protect the minorities. Yet, UNHRC has its own worries about the Langkang election.
    This is from OHCHR, has both Sinhala and Tamil PDFs. This is appearing in all three languages in local media, too.

  • 0

    Beyond this report, it is the obligation of the educated Ceylonese and Middle case to elaborate the implication of this and the events responsible for this report. UN is also manned by human beings. Associated with it has their vested interests. As we see locally, the UN would deviate from this and argue against this. But when an opportunity like this comes out, those who are willing to walk the country to follow the international standards, and guide the country to reverse its past atrocities and grow its economy, human right, education, health, culture to surpass South Korea’s one trillion-dollar GDP. Evil is saying he will not any other religion gain parity with Sinhala Buddhism breaking the S9 of the constitution while, Playboy Minister is saying that he will not allow Tamils to seek parity with the Sinhalese by having Land rights and justice rights. That means, if one of these hooligans wins the election, the country bleeding economically for another five years cannot be stopped. Loan repaying & development is another subject. These bogus party leaders are downplaying the loan repayment issue, though it should have been the core issue this election campaign should be rallying round because they want to find out fake matters to keep the masses in the dark and help to defeat the NPP.

  • 0

    Because one single currency is used within a country or society, that is the one that decides the prosperity of that country. If one is caught in your house with a cold, everybody sneezes because the rupee carries the virus with it. There is no viable economic theory that treats the members of the community as Elites, Middle class, lower income class or Goviya Sinhala Buddhists and Pariah Demoloos or Hambantota patriots and Vanni terrorists. This is not going to get into the dead heads of Sinhala Buddhist Viyathmaha Modayas. The main reason is the leaders of political parties like Evil, Playboy Minister will not allow the people to think about the reality of these maxims which are accepted by international experts. If JVP is not winning and upends the UNP-SLFP’s 75 years destructive culture, the above OHCHR report cannot introduce any difference in the Sinhala Buddhists’ politics. In that case, by the next election there would have been many poop imports sagas, many COVID-19 infections, many Meethotamulla dirt dump slide, many 4/21 jihadi wars, many new …….By that time South Korea would have reached two trillion dollars economy, but Langkang would be in $50B GDP and $2T loans.

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