By Kumar David –
“Objectivity and caution” watchwords in dealing with the Gota regime: Authoritarianism will remodel state structures
The UNP is catatonic, its leaders Ranil, Sajith, Mangala, Rajitha, Malik and others are comatose, the JVP is licking its wounds and the TNA is contemplating its options. Yes it’s a shipwreck on our side. I use the adjective “our” to identify with the left-democratic and civil society organisations that opposed Gotabaya Rajapaksa. An alliance with the UNP was thrust upon us by necessity not philosophy. It is now imperative to recover and stand on our feet and to set-out our priorities for the short and long term.
The argument that freshly-minted Gota has the right to be given an opportunity to deliver on his obligations to the nation is unflawed; it would be churlish to deny him this space. At the same time it is imprudent to let one’s guard down before Gota proves his human and democratic rights credentials, or to overlook that he comes with disturbing reputational baggage and in tow with bad eggs in his entourage.
The important facts about the election outcome were that a) the Sajith UNP alliance was routed, b) Sinhala Buddhists (SB) voted for Gota in a 72% landslide while Tamils and Muslims shunned him c) my candidate Anura of the NPP/JVP came third, as expected, but with a disappointing 400,000 instead of 700,000 votes, and d) one can project that a Mahinda led party will do well in the 2020 parliamentary elections. Such are the facts; only fools bury their heads in the sand. To recall Lenin, it’s ‘Two-Steps Back One-Step Forward’. The two back are actually three: stark polarisation of the country on communal lines, Sajith’s flop and third Anura’s unimpressive showing. What on earth is the one forward step? Permit me a one paragraph digression first.
Superficial analysts opine that the April bombing was crucial in driving panicky Sinhala-Buddhist voters into Gota’s arms. This is ahistorical and a-empirical balderdash! There was an SB avalanche to Gota for deeper reasons (not discussed here) from much earlier; the bombing only added a few points to reach 72%. True it made it easier for the anti-Christ to stampede Catholics in Gota’s direction, but this cardinal intervention will sound a tocsin for the Church in years to come; it spells doubt and rebellion in the community. My point in this one para digression is that the effect of the bomb was peripheral; SB psychology had been hardening anyway. If we ignore fundamentals we do so at our peril; there is a national mood swing into a nativist-statist-rightist trajectory. The drift to anti-liberalism and to ethnic or religious zealotry, or a combination (Hungary, Poland, Syria-Iraq and more) is globally persistent.
The one-step-forward is that through the fog the opposition sees the need to work together for survival – though I am not sure yet. The JVP is notorious for sectarian mood swings; the UNP can sing in parliament and petition courts but it is no longer competent at grassroots mobilisation – unlike on R. Preme’s watch. Tamils and the TNA are caught between a rock and a hard place; betrayed effortlessly and repeatedly by UNP and SLFP (present SLPP leaders) the community distrusts Gota (Mahinda too, but less); so it will need time to work out its stance in any defensive compact. Muslims, well you know. The one group that comprehends the dangers immanent in the current conjuncture and understands the need for a protective compact, is civil society. It will have to exert itself, again, and get the heavyweights on board. The first step needed is a report explaining the prevailing conjuncture in ideology, statecraft and politics and spelling out the shapes in which immanent dangers are likely to materialise.
I fear people too often expect the past to repeat itself and look for danger up the wrong street. Eyes are alert for the return of white vans, abductions, assassinations, intimidation of journalists, baiting the Muslims and targeting Tamil youth. Some of this may recur – unless Gota, Mahinda and the SLPP have experienced an epiphany and are much reformed (hooray in that case) – but history may not repeat itself in quite so parallel a way. My contention is that if Sri Lanka slides to autocracy it will be less in these ways but more by insidious institutional changes. Such as what? “Reform” of the legal system and the Courts, putting the press on a tight leash (JR, Mahinda and Gota have graduated with honours in this department) and through nasty legislation. I wrote on these themes a fortnight ago and maybe some of you read it; I will not return to these today. I add a key additional dimension next.
Stable authoritarianism needs adjustment and reorganisation of the state; in our case it will be both state institutions and the influential corporate sector – electricity, petroleum, banks, and ports. In an insidious process starting at the top and filtering down to the work force, loyalists will need to be posted and ‘report’ back. It will not resemble the exhaustive assimilation of institutions as by the Nazis, nor mimic the powerful party committees functioning side by side with formal management in Soviet-day or the present Chinese systems. In Lanka it is likely to be personalised in consonance with the cherished ethos of our Fair Isle and start as nepotism, favouritism (personal or political) and cronyism. It is when this evolves to the next stage of subversive redesign of institutional structures to blend into a greater purpose and conform to a controlling of strategy that it becomes deadly. It is the potential longevity of a Rajapaksa-clan-regime that puts this option on the table.
Understandably, any new government needs to get persons who understand its strategies into decision making and implementing positions; that’s acceptable. Hence I go along with the edict that all chairmen and members of state corporations must quit to make way for new appointees. In any case most were incompetent or crooked, especially those appointed by the departing presidential nincompoop. (I can’t use a more fitting noun as this newspaper may fall into the hands of children). It’s when matters get beyond this stage that one has to be watchful. That is, when it seeps down, the numbers become large, and the sinecures are strategically situated. It is to distinguish between reasonable change of corporate boards and ministry secretaries and systematic institutional subversion to consolidate autocracy that I chose the double-barrelled watchwords “objectivity and caution” in my title lines. Ideally it should be enhancing the functionality of state structures while ensuring that they grow in democracy not autocracy.
Concerns and international experiences regarding this topic are worth a full length book, but alas I have to make do with three paragraphs. In strong long-established democracies, institutions are robust and not easily undermined by overreaching executive power. Case in point, Trump’s attempt to bring the Departments (Ministries) of State, Defence and Justice to their knees has, on the whole, boomeranged. There was rebellion in the impeachment hearings by senior officers. Sri Lanka’s institutions are not firmly anchored, liable to manipulation and checks and balances pathetic. Were Gota to go down this road and at the same time, if as is likely, corrupt apparatchiks were to grab the keys, he would have created on his watch not a Singapore style public administration but a venal Marcos like kleptocratic monster in control of the machinery of state. Lee Kwan Yue’s ruthless hostility to communalism was Singapore’s saving grace; if the Gota version blends with SB chauvinism – I don’t see how he can prevent it – the product will be the devil incarnate.
The conundrum is that Lanka’s state and corporate institutional structures are unproductive, wasteful, inefficient and corrupt. A strong case exists for sending them to the cleaners. An authoritarian initiative will kill two birds with one stone; reorganise for greater efficiency, which will be popular, and in the same exercise making structures compliant with the regimes imperatives. It is not going to be easy for a watchful public to separate changes for the public good from remodelling institutional structures in line with the prerequisites of authoritarianism. I have no general guidelines to offer and suggest a case by case approach. I am aware that my thoughts on this point are incomplete and inadequate. Others will no doubt take up the thread. State and corporate employees and the trade unions need to be watchful about changes that enhance political hegemony. The best thing of course will be if at the general elections next year the people redress the excess of power that they have bestowed on the Rajapaksas. It is vital to ensure that no constitutional changes can be made without bipartisan support.
The recipe for despotism is an all-powerful presidential mandate, a regimented bureaucracy in its tow, a fragile parliament and the repeal of 19A (Gota has said he wants to do this). The first piece in this game is already in place; we must stop the other three.
rohan anthony johnpillai / December 8, 2019
What a bad dream has the poor hapless citizens of Sorry Lanka have immersed themselves into.
They forgot the autocratic corrupt rule that they had to live with during the years 2005 to 2015 were and these families of unsavory bandicoots were ruling.
As the stupid Sinhalese sitting/shitting on their brainless heads along with the biased Cardinal of the local gyrating, I mean dancing to the baila tunes with the former repulsive ugly committed a murder or two, ex-beauty queen who unfortunately for the hapless citizens was the first lady during the said period.
Not even a full moon has passed by the military has been given powers to bully and bring the minorities who wisely chose not to cast their precious ballot to the many a murder under his belt war criminal who I am reliably told is still an American citizen who now bogs on the royal commode is passing many an unsavory hint as to how he’s going to rule the roost.
The corrupt merrily money-making parliamentarians have been made cabinet ministers with the primary sole aims of making hay whilst the sun shines on their ample rotund backsides.
The current illicit kallathoni president while sitting on the right royal bog loudly proclaimed even for the deaf to hear that he was drastically thinning his security detail and he will commute in a manner similar to what you and I have to endure on a daily basis.
Then a few days ago loud publicity was given that a 21-year-old Muslim along with 4 Tamil has been apprehending whilst in the process of planning an attempt to take the life of the foreigner president or one of his many kith and kin who is polluting the bog.
Is this fairy tale created to enable him and his criminal goons to ceremoniously go back to their old ways where the general public has to undergo many a misery to go about their daily schedules?
anticorruptedculture / December 8, 2019
Teenager politician, former Defence Secretary, alleged Multi crime doer, with much higher allegations, but to have got elected by fooling the Nation:
1. Today, dont care About the natural disasters such as earth Slips across the Island, but set free all the laws against sand and soil Transport – just not thinking it broadly and having no sense to the natural conservation but pleasing the stupid men, corrupted politicians and their support for him to become president.
-Already … the Buddhist cleargy is supprised by the move,
-Ranajana Ramanayaka former Minister revealed the world, how ABUSIVE that POHOTTUWA mp, sand and soil Business man, how those corrupted families continued the soil Business and became untouchable to the area. ‘-
nO MATTER; any land slides are the case, but to please RAJAKASHES were their Motivation,
this si the Country we live today, I think These men should be beheaded openly as is the case in Saudi or other countries, where the highly corrupted buggers are stoned to death.
2: All These we hear not even passing 4 weeks, since the alleged high criminal became Nation s president.
Swiss embassy in SL has issued a Twitter message the way how their local employee was harrased and hurt, but Wimal Buruwanse the most abusive man of the POHOTTUWA has the audcity to share the world that Nothing like that incident occured, it was all a lie ?
We are again under the watch of the world communities, with much pressure would be exercised on us, due to be in next UNHRC session
3: Consequences would be TRADE EMBARGO or sanctions to our Island.
I wish this should be this time, since we should be able to grasp the Nation, that have been caught by blant lies in this Country and bring them back to Ground realities About the rajapakshe rascals.
desperate sinhalaya / December 8, 2019
Soil conservation and Island conservation authorties:
over to you, please come Forward and protest against the ban lift of soil and sand Transport.
Media men and human Rights activists over to you:
-Please come Forward and protest against the harrssments made on that SWISS EMBASSAY employee.
If SRILANKEN embassy in UK., would protect that SOLDIER Priyanka Fernando under the diplomatic impunity, why not SWISS employee should not be protected by Swiss embassy in Srilanka.
We re real srilankens but anti Rajakashes (REAL SINHALA BLOOD) request SWISS authortieis to reveal the world how brutal the Rajapakshe Ultra criminals have been.
Entire world should protest against the THUGS, who came to power to Escape from their much higher allegations Levels at them. All cant be wrong.
S. C. Pasqual / December 9, 2019
desperate sinhalaya…
Now it’s time for your big shot ambassador and Swiss government to come out and apologies to our new president and all honest Sri Lankans for the shameful drama they created.
Mr. Amarasiri,
Mr. Sinhala Man,
Mr, desperate sinhalaya,
You all are shameful liars who wants to discredit my country for few political crumbs.
Shame on you.
Chandi / December 9, 2019
All the above speculations are because you do not want the people’s mandate to bear fruits. We let Yahapalanya you brought in to deliver its promise they failed so people chose what they want resoundingly. Trust me your negativity will not work this time because My President. Our President will deliver. If like case of Ranil who has lost all Elections under his leadership or out sourced it and failed complete ONE term. In a case like that your negativity will work. You will see you are wrong this time.
Desperate Sinhalaya / December 10, 2019
If we are shameful, we have no words to name you the kind of low lives here.
We are perfectly clear that the Swiss would not support any kind of illegal activities. I lived once in Switzerland and I also worked with the Swiss people.
Wait and see, how you will end up …. after being revealed the truth.
Truths will show you the way, Pasqual… Jaya Niyathayi.
Sam Fernando / December 8, 2019
My dear Friends, please pass this Video to all those who have some Knowledge. That will Show you …
we have been beaten by BLATANT LIES and the power gained for their own Escape.
Sam Fernando / December 8, 2019
Please listen to Mr Lanarol.. he has been articulating almost everything that we the CT Readers would at once agree with.
Mr Lanarol,
I have been Living in Europe, and Have also lived in Switzerland. You are dead Right that the Swiss would not be second to anyone.
I have worked with Swiss Clinics for such a Long time.
S. C. Pasqual / December 9, 2019
Now it’s time for your big shot ambassador and Swiss government to come out and apologies to our new president and all honest Sri Lankans for the shameful drama they created.
Amarasiri / December 8, 2019
Prof. Kumar David,
Thanks for your article.
Sri Lanka’s ( the Land of Native Aethho’s), official name is Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
“The recipe for despotism is an all-powerful presidential mandate, a regimented bureaucracy in its tow, a fragile parliament and the repeal of 19A (Gota has said he wants to do this). The first piece in this game is already in place; we must stop the other three.“
This is precisely what JR wanted. He was almost like a king. Gota wants to do the same. JR got the Sinhala-Tamil Separatist war accelerated.
Does Gota want the Sinhala-Buddhist – Tamil and Muslim war accelerated?
The election platform for 2020 should be the abolition of the executive presidency altogether, which the comatose, catatonic and imbecilic UNP and the SLFP and others did not do despite the 2OA was in parliament.
JVP should go to the election joining all the opposition forces on a platform of abolishing the executive presidency and denying Gota 2/3 rd majority. Got that he needs 90 percent of the Sinhala Buddhists voting for SLPP, which is unlikely , even with a mean IQ of 79.
Wish you went deeper into as to why 72 percent of the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” , mean IQ 79, voted for Gotabaya, while 28 percent did not vote for him, as well as the majority of other Paras, mean IQ 79, Muslims, Tamils and Catholics, who did not vote for him.
Does it mean that 72 percent of the Sinhala Buddhists are imbeciles, imbecility imposed on them, by getting them to prostrate to imbecile saffron clad Para-Monks, who are distorting Buddhism and insulting the Buddha, over 2,300 years of Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist “ civilization?
Or is it, the
S. C. Pasqual / December 8, 2019
Mr. Amarasiri aka mean IQ 12.
I quote.
Amarasiri on January 9, 2015
Dear Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe , YThe New Prime Minister,
Thank you, Mr. Matriplal Sirisena and all in the Common Opposition and the people who saved the Land from the destruction of the Medamulana Rajapaksa Dictatorship and Family Dynasty, and providing the opportunity for the people to express their views despite all the hardships and risks you allfaced.
Thank you, sir and all in the Common Opposition
Amarasiri / December 9, 2019
S. C. Pasqual,
On, January 8, 2015, Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe
and Mr. Matriplal Sirisena, got elected with the promises to all in the Common Opposition and the people to save the Land from the destruction of the Medamulana Rajapaksa Dictatorship and Family Dynasty.
Unfortunately, both Sirisena and Ranil, became Traitors, Sevalayas (sleazes), and protected the Medamulana Rajapaksa Crooks and Family Dynasty over the past 4 years. Wonder why none of them ran to be a presidential candidate?
The populace, mean IQ 79, especially Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” could not tell one from the other, and unfortunately, there was a shift towards the Rajapaksa crooks. How do you select between crooks? Select the most racists crooks and insult the Buddha, aided and abetted by the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist” imbecile saffron clad monks, to whom you prostrate?
Did the mean IQ of the Paras drop from 79 to a lower number during 2019? Need a new set of measurements.
desperate sinhalaya / December 8, 2019
Brother Amarasiri,
Even if you have been educating the Readers all along About the Level of General Knowledge of our People – not many seem to have even noticed it. I think today s Ethiopians in General have better – IQ, I mean the average, than that of our People.
Today, not having much to say, very same People are trying pass ODD jokes stressing that how Wonderful is the president elect, withhin few days he has been showing to be very environmental friendly… and doing his best.
iN THE same time, many are speachless About the SWISS EMBASSY and SOIL and SAND ban lift issues.
Wimal RODIWANSE instead makes every effort to save the bums of Rajakashes for his own Survival.
All in all, I feel, WE SHOULD NOT SPEAK much About anything, since PEOPLE themselves cut their neck, irrespetive of our repeated warnings.
Now, me being in SWITZERLAND, there are rumours, that our Country will be taught by imposing TRADE sanctions, if HUMAN Rights records would be worsened in the days to come.
jay / December 10, 2019
Then, all western men and women will have something that they can’t swallow. I know what their “human rights records mean.” Bloody colonialists murderers who murdered millions of our families and robbed our country for last 4 hundred years started rob India at the expense of Sri lanka.
Tamil gang hordes is the beginning of their end.
Eagle Eye / December 8, 2019
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Amarasiri / December 8, 2019
Prof Kumar David.
Changing the pillows and recruiting new Vichy and Quislings, in order to get 2/3 majority and have dictatorship.
What is in it for the Tamils?
The presidential system should be abolished, and 2/3 majority prevented.
From the grape vines,
The SLPP will invite new Muslim representatives to join the party before the general elections and have assured of equal minority representation in the new cabinet if it wins the general elections next year, Cabinet Spokesperson, Ramesh Pathirana told the Daily Mirror yesterday.
Noting that the interim cabinet did not have any minority representation, Minister Pathirana said this was due to the existing Muslim political parties pledging their support to Sajith Premadasa at the November 16 presidential polls.
However he said under the instructions of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the SLPP will invite leading Muslim representatives who supported the President’s campaign to contest at the general elections so that there can be a strong minority representation when the new cabinet is appointed, if they win the polls.
babalathappu / December 8, 2019
This is the views from Indian Point of view
Rarityminds / December 9, 2019
anonymous / December 9, 2019
“Then a few days ago loud publicity was given that a 21-year-old Muslim along with 4 Tamil has been apprehending “
“Is this fairy tale created to enable him and his criminal goons to ceremoniously go back to their old ways where the general public has to undergo many a misery to go about their daily schedules?”
No, the foreigner and his brother is preparing his ‘Hit Squads’ for the 2020 elections along with BJP racist Nari,nda Modaya, our new found friend next door did, with ‘Kashmir & Auyodhaya’ just before the Indian electios.
[:.India to table controversial citizenship bill in parliament
Giving Indian citizenship to “Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs escaping persecution” was part of the manifesto of the BJP ahead of a general election in May 2019 that the nationalist party swept.:}
[:In the past, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader had dubbed undocumented immigrants, particularly from Bangladesh, as “termites” and intruders who threaten the security of the South Asian nation.:]
jay / December 10, 2019
Then, let them and their colonial masters take care by Israeils. I did a great mistake talking against Israelis. I was failed to separate colonialists and Jews even though I knew Jews are a seperate group. Jews just use Western countries for their survival in the same way, western countries use Jews for their interest. We would do same thing if we were Jews. In fact, We should have used some part of Jews techniques a long time ago.
Sinhalese should have come to realised that they are alone except divine. It is time to make Sri lanka only Sinhalese before it is too late. Colonialists did not give us time even to take one free breath. Within ten years of time period after the left, they put foundation to oppress Sinhalese back again after 400 years. They already had created “fake Sinhalese” and installed them before they leave to keep the door open for a come back.
jay / December 10, 2019
I knew colonialists are going to created Tamil and Muslim Unite against Sri lanka. There are good Muslim who have been with Sri lanka all time, but I discovered some small group of Muslim always had connection to Tamil Tigers and British all time. However, Tamil tigers or colonialists won’t be succeeding attracting majority of Muslim against Sri lanka.
They won’t forget what Tigers did to Muslim.
Richmond Peiris / December 8, 2019
Prof. David,
You and your colleagues tried your best to stop Gotabaya Rajapaksa from becoming the President of SL. Your negative concerns were not heeded by the people and Gotabaya won the presidency with flying colors. Now what are you upto?
Are you conspiring to give a run around to the disgruntled diaspora and the UNP! Unfortunately the new plan will also end up in failure like the last one. According to many analysts President Gotabaya is much more peoples friendly than ex- Defence secretary GR. His decisions have been applauded by many progressive minded UNPers too.
Let’s take an example:
He banned his photo, PM’s, ministers’ and deputy ministers’ photos in all government offices; only the State emblem is now displayed. You know how much the Treasury has saved just with this single decision; it is said to be over 200 million Rupees! One UNP minister has said to another: “Why the hell our idiotic leaders had not realized this kind of simple things”. Look how the young generation has reacted on social media! They welcome the move and say that’s the kind of president they had been looking for?
Dear Prof! instead of conspiring with anti-Sri Lankan forces why don’t you join with Gotabaya and make his Presidency more meaningful to you and the general public!
Leonard / December 8, 2019
Richmond Peiris
Unfortunately intellectual idiots looking down from their ivory towers and try to convince the ordinary hard working people that they should listen to the so called experts because the general public is too dumb to understand. Then they realize in the real world general public don’t give to hoots about their intellect and opinions. Add to this Gotabaya Deranged Syndrome has made these intellectual getting up in the morning a very unpleasant event.
anonymous / December 9, 2019
“He banned his photo, PM’s, ministers’ and deputy ministers’ photos in all government offices; only the State emblem is now displayed. You know how much the Treasury has saved just with this single decision; it is said to be over 200 million Rupees! “
What sort of a saving is that compared to the US $ 7.5 million from the MIG deal and 1.7 Billion Rs. from Avon Guard alone?. There is comparison to the ignorance of the ‘Jarapassa’ a** lickers. get a life man!’ I am pretty sure this man is evading the US revenue department’s prosecution for tax evading and money laundering. Let’s see how his immunity works in the future when he has to the west.
anonymous / December 10, 2019
Correction with apologies:
There is comparison to the ignorance of the ‘Jarapassa’ a** lickers. get a life man!’
Should be read as:
There is no comparison to the ignorance of the ‘Jarapassa’ a** lickers. get a life man!’
I am pretty sure this man (Gota) is evading the US revenue department’s (IRS) prosecution for tax evading and money laundering. Let’s see how his immunity works in the future when he has to visit the west.
Ranjan Fernando / December 8, 2019
I agree with you. “The first is in place but we have to prevent the other three”. But do you think that’s possible with our below par administrative setup, already fragmenting opposition and the strong possibility of a 2/3rd majority in the Parliament backed up by a cash rich family who are well versed in buying MPs in the past!
Rarityminds / December 8, 2019
My dear Ranjan F, –
True there is nosuch media ethics, and even any low Level JOURNALIMS was allowed to mislead the Nation, in the Name of Free media during last few years, If this would have been case in Europe, Terrorists would breed in europe like termites would do. No Media Institutions are allowed to spread lies topling the govts in Europe. People are made very clear About the Facts regarding anything.
In civilized societies would Focus on civilized Leaders be bred for the future of their youth and Country s future but our People to go backward and bring the criminals or low educated men to represent them in Parliament should be PUNIShed if not by any means by GODs.. invisible Forces or not ?
K.A. Sumanasekera / December 8, 2019
I am not sure about Keselwatta Kid who got done like a Dog’s Breakfast..
But I can guarantee that Dr Ranil is not Catatonic..
Dr N M Perera, my Elders tell me was a true to Life Leftist Socialist who also had a PhD.
But he never betrayed his Ideology or his poor working class supporter base.
Dr David in contrast mortgaged his Ideology and his supporters to Dr Ranil , the biggest anti Buddhist pro Capitalist of the UNP ever, for sure.
Dr Kumar’s political tool ,the JVP boss Anura Kuara sold his Ideoogy and his poor Village Cheguvera supporter base , lock , stock and barrel to Dr Ranil for LKR 25 Lakhs..
Dr Kumars supporters although Socialists are not the same as who supported Dr N. M.
So obviously Dr Kumar has no interest in low Growth, Buddhist bashing and numerous corrupt deals in the last 5 years.,
They only want to keep the Rajapaksas out.
What I can’t understand is why the JVP Boss is so desperate to finish off Rajapaksas, when Rajapaksas are the only Leaders who at lest brought the Economic Growth to 6.5 percentage point , every after year for Six years .
Native Vedda / December 8, 2019
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera
“Dr N M Perera, my Elders tell me was a true to Life Leftist Socialist who also had a PhD.
But he never betrayed his Ideology or his poor working class supporter base.”
My Elders tell me N M Perera was another inward looking Sinhala/Buddhist who believed self sufficiency could be achieved by import substitution. He introduced FEECS system of foreign exchange regime which benefited only the big Mudalalis at the time. …….
When rice prices were rising in the 1970s there was a ban on rice being transported to Jaffna. When complained in the parliamentary debate this socialist told the Tamil MPs, since Tamil women wear hefty Chains, they could afford it by selling the gold and buy rice. This is the kind of Lefty he was.
Under his watch the constitution was cannibalized by Chapter II.
He never bothered to reverse the Sinhala only language policy.
He was with the weeping widow when tens of thousands innocent civilians were killed in 1971.
He failed as lefty many times over.
Finally he and his gang were unceremoniously kicked out of the government by Felix Dias Bandaranaike, another South Indian Nayakkar of the SLFP.
“Rajapaksas are the only Leaders who at lest brought the Economic Growth to 6.5 percentage point , every after year for Six years .”
It had a wealth effect, which increased total wealth of the clan and cronies.
You ought to dig deep into the statistics, which sector benefited from this supposed growth, most of it was grabbed by the Chinese contractors after paying commissions (10-30)%, supply of materials, labour, consultancy, interest ….. surpluses.
Is it true this lifelong bachelor had a girlfriend in your mother country UK?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / December 8, 2019
Absolutely true. Objectivity and caution in dealing with Gota regime were exercised by Colombo Chetty (Tamil from Nagapattinam) police officer and Baratha (Tamil from Tuticorin) embassy officer to expose the criminals. Many more to follow, thanks to fair minded countries.
Kabalgooratna / December 8, 2019
Suddenly terrorist issues (said to be very powerful) died down after November 17. So they were fooling Sinhala voters all along with sham Tamil and Muslim terrorism. Now it is only State Terrorism.
Eagle Eye / December 8, 2019
Kabalgooratna ,
Demala and Muslim terror issue has not died down. People do not talk about it because they are confident that the Sri Lankan Army and Intelligence Service will take care of that.
These two ‘Para’ groups have become a real pain in the neck of Native Sinhalayo.
Amarasiri / December 11, 2019
Eagle Confused Eye ,
“These two ‘Para’ groups have become a real pain in the neck of Native Sinhalayo.”
They all are Paras, in the land of Native Veddah Aethho. Mitochondrial DNA genetics and the historical chronicles also say that.
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.
The Cultural Affairs Ministry has decided to translate the ‘Mahawansa’, which relates the history of Sri Lanka from 600 BC, into English and Tamil.
The Ministry’s Director General Anusha Gokula said the Mahawansa Secretariat was set up on the fourth floor of the second phase of the Sethsiripaya, Battaramulla on December 9.
She said Volumes one to six will be translated into Tamil while volumes three to six into English.
‘Volume one was written by Mahanama Maha Thera by describing the country’s history from 600 BC to AD 301 while volume three was written by three Theras between AD 301 and 1815,’ Ms. Gokula said. “The third volume was written by Yagirala Pannananda Thera between AD 1815 and 1936 and Volumes 4, 5 and six were completed by the editorial team appointed by the Ministry.
No hope Lanka / December 8, 2019
David , sad to admit , I doubt it would happen.
Either he was never sincere or someone powerful is not letting him.deliver .
The recent abolishing of sand permits is more damaging than the UNP bond scam.
This government has once again proved their thuggery by openly letting their supporters destroy the Enviorment all for money and most people do not care and more will board the pirate wagon .
Mint money while they can.
I believe next year people will vote in for a past Gadaffi, Saddam and Assad self styled nepotism goverence.
It’s very evident and may be The President will be forced to step down and he might return to usa.
If People do not care , why should the mafias care
Bodin / December 8, 2019
This writer, who supported the presidential candidacy of Fonseka who was simpy a Fascit Pinochet like person sponsored by the US, cannot talk of being against authoritarianism. In fact, in his young days he was preaching capturing of powers by workers revolutons which may be “by the Bullet if not by the Ballot”. Today he still wears his Marxist facade, but he is another “Rath-Aliya”. He was one of the poltical pundits that expected the JVP to exceed 6% and even go towards 10%. He and his ilk even predicted “that the 2nd preference vote given to the JVP candidate will tip the presidency into the hands of Sajith who was running almost neck and neck with Gota”. During the LTTE wars all his postings were based on the axiom that the war against Prabhakaran should be stopped and an agreement must be made with Prabhakaran – so clearly Kumar David’s opposition to authoritarianism is simply that he supports certain types of authoritarianism in cluding that of the LTTE, but not others, esp if it comes from a Sinhala Buddhist leader. I for one, as a Muslim prefer the Sinhala-Buddhist leader to those aligned with the TNA-LTTE outfit or utterly dishonest RauthAli.
Political Pundits like Kumar David are too brainwashed to see reality, and will only understand what can be fitted into the now thoroughly discredited “LSSP theory” framework.
Good Sense / December 8, 2019
Instead of dragging race religion and other social classifications Prof. Kum, just go through what Indian analysts have to say. In one short sentence they maintain that the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government was inept. Prof. Kum! the sensible who wanted that government to continue its work, warned many times to mend its ways judging from the local government elections held a few years back. No notice was taken and it was drunk with power. Why do you think that even the security establishment did all the pen-pushing instead of real action to prevent the 4/21 catastrophe? Simply because that as the best thing that could be done under the given circumstances. The loud mouths within that government who would have loved to say everything was peaceful had to safety pin the mouth when the bombs exploded. Because of the utter callousness of that government it lost its vote in spite of the early warnings given. So Kum! Keep to your level of learning by not dragging race or religion here.
Mallaiyuran / December 8, 2019
Prof Kumar has no way to stop whatever he is going to do. Very high possibility is that Tamils may face another 2009.
It is almost guaranteed King will get 2/3 in the parliamentary election. King has closed the parliament until election, to protect unwanted issued raised in parliament using parliamentary privilege. In Fact if the parliament is there, many (Mangala, Rajitha, Harsha….) would have talked about Swiss Embassy kidnapping. Professor Kumar and few others said that the courts had returned to normal after coup verdict. Now the parliament is prorogued disobeying Court Order.
Vaalaiththodam Jr got, basically, only Tamils and Muslims votes. In general election their parties would stand alone. About 20% of the Sinhalese are only having the chance of voting for UNP. Translating that into seats, UNP cannot come even as opposition party. Let say TNA is doing badly in next election. In that case they may get about 10 seats. But 20% (UNP) competing with 75 %(Slap Party) , with in Sinhalese will not give 10 seats for UNP.
So after general election, whether anybody watching or not, they all are waiting for their turn in White Van, sooner or later.
Unless Tamils go alone, Tamils will never get out of these bullying genocide threats or pogroms.
Mallaiyuran / December 8, 2019
Media is already on voluntary centureship. They remember what Ali Sabre told to Muslims. Those who read Tamil Media, daily, will get the point.
S. C. Pasqual / December 8, 2019
Mr. Mallaiyuran
“””Unless Tamils go alone……”””
Mallaiyuran / December 8, 2019
Leaving behind Sinhala Buddhist in Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE Lankawe moving towards their own land Tamil Eelam.
Yesterday two ex-rebels were white vanned. Tha Families were searching entire night. They complained to police about their missing. Police didn’t know what was going on. Long after their missing and families desperation, they were told the Ex-Rebels were white vanned. There is no arrest warrant from a court was given to family, even after they came to know that their relatives were kidnapped by state terrorist, the Rapist Army.
S. C. Pasqual / December 8, 2019
Mr. Mallaiyuran,
Of course you are free to go anywhere you like.
And stop telling fairy tales. No one believes you.
May be Swiss ambassador does. But no one else.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2019
S. C. Pasqual,
Do you think I cannot tell that to Swiss Federal Supreme Court? Will they too believe me? How about British High Court?
Listen, whether believe your Rapist Army white vanning the rebels or not, but UN believes that your President, Prime Minister, Defense Secretary, State Minister, CDS, Chief of Armed forces they all war criminals (All together 42 Criminals).
The Damn is going break down by the pressure of the water. Then that will be a serious damage. Don’t waste your time. Open the flood gate and let out the culprits to face the justice, one after another, in and orderly manner. Don’t keep standing naked and boost that you are wearing your new dress.
K.A. Sumanasekera / December 9, 2019
Now your are getting serious Mally..
Will Doughie go along with you and your buddies or even buddies in the TNA?.
Eagle Eye / December 8, 2019
“Unless Tamils go alone, Tamils will never get out of these bullying genocide threats or pogroms.”
Instead of making so much fuss about “bullying genocide threats or pogroms.” why don’t you guys go back to the place from where your ancestors came without ‘Going Alone’. You guys can ‘Go Alone’ but will ‘Go Nowhere’.
Mallaiyuran / December 9, 2019
Champike’s florida Carbon Dating Lab has no idea about from where my ancestors came from. 125,000 years ago Homosapiens were still jumping with their tails on the trees. You appears to be clayed, molded and baked in a monastery by Bald Heads. Leave that problems to be sorted by learneds, which is too hard for you to grasp.
Listen man, how many of the Malay grandmas slept with the wild lion to become native Sinhalayo? Did they go first to Bengal or came direct to Lanka
Thappu / December 8, 2019
Lee Kwan Yue is Lee Kwan Yew.
Sinhala_Man / December 8, 2019
Now what does that mean, good Thappu?
No, on second thoughts I think that I do understand.
Lee was a one off. We can’t keep hoping for a repeat of him.
✍FAHIM KNIGHT / December 8, 2019
Well he can not be anyone else And never on earth can there ever be another LKY ..
Not even.if anyone try hard to imitate..
sarath / December 8, 2019
“The first piece in this game is already in place; we must stop the other three.”……..you and who’s army? bloody looser!!
S. C. Pasqual / December 8, 2019
Can understand the frustration you all are facing.
You people wanted to educate (mislead) general public to elect uneducated/un-matured Sujith and save undemocratic foolish yahapalanaya government by voting AKD.
It didn’t work. General public was far ahead than you.
After almost 5 years we have a democratic president.
And that “president” will have power to ”govern”
If you don’t know….
Whole idea of “”government”” is the acceptance of “”power to govern”” by general public.
Your AKD don’t have that.
Mr. KD, you can cry all you want but these are the events to be followed.
Parliament is prorogued. There will be no effective opposition leader functioning before general election.
At whatever coast minority parties will side with GR for survival before general election.
Getting 2/3 majority will be walk in the park.
19th amendment will be rolled back soon. At least the necessary portions.
Native Vedda / December 8, 2019
S. C. Pasqual
“After almost 5 years we have a democratic president.”
Please clarify/explain.
After nearly 72 years of independence people are still waiting for democracy.
52.25 % of the voters have voted for Gota, when will they vote for a person who believes in Democracy?
Even the Mahasangha Assgiriya does not believe in Democracy.
Don’t forget the October 2018 coup.
K.A. Sumanasekera / December 9, 2019
Dear Native,
What is your definition of Democracy …
S. C. Pasqual / December 9, 2019
Democracy = Electing Sajith by voting AKD.
Native Vedda / December 10, 2019
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera
“What is your definition of Democracy …”
To begin with ………………………
Democracy is an inclusive political system in which all groups can participate and all voices are heard. It is where transparent and accountable politicians work together in the interests of their citizens.
Democracy gives people a real say; it means they are included in the important decisions in their country or communities, and can make their voices heard.
Yet, all around the world, democracy is under attack. It’s up to us to take action and defend the freedoms that democracy provides.
babalathappu / December 9, 2019
How can you understand it with IQ far lower to that of PUNNAKKU eaters ? Paskal s staple Food should be COW DUNG. or heaps of Asuchi left by Rapajapkshes.
Today PM appointed just lagged not being able to face the world.
That Hamuduruwo, who went on supporting MASWADDHOs, today, turned out to be confused not being able to realize as to Why ballige putha led groups allowed SAND and SOIL Transporters to face free not respecting the geological Facts in this Island. ‘
Pygmalion / December 8, 2019
Prof: David.
Let me help you.
The term that you are looking out for our departing President is Fcuking Nincompoop!
FAHIM KNIGHT / December 8, 2019
There is a great possibility for a very strong autocracy goverence going to come into force through an institutionalised nepotism.
This is inevitable reality we must face and the only people who have to bear responsibility if that happens is none other than every single MP of the past Yahapalana ( good riddens) government, they abused power and the Curoption was beyond anything that can be explained and it has now pushed the people to an extend that they have come to terms with their tired and defeated souls , saying let the rulers do what they want, as long as we have a roof above our head and 3 meals a day that is enough .( at least 3 out of 5 people believe in this) .
Democracy and socialism both have not worked with Sri Lankan culture.
We have in past been under monarchy and then been under Colonial masters , Though we cry loud about Nationalism, we have to much of this need in us to be told what to do and also mentally we are programmed to be controlled, it’s very unfortunate , We can not come together as one people to work together , no matter what our race and religion is , you will notice this everywhere , in government and private work places , in villages , towns , neighbourhoods, even those living in foreign Countries.
And Racism and bigotry is only making sure we stay that way.
So Autocrasy may be the Answer,as it may be the only way to decipline the people to not sabotage the goverenence, I doubt it will succeed in getting the people to contribute , but whatever work need to be done , even if it means bringing Martians from Mars to get the job done it will happen and we seen that with the highway and the robot like Chinese workers doing it in the past and the failed highway project by Yahapalana using locals .
D. P. / December 8, 2019
To me, two major points stood out. First is the fourth apologetic sentence explaining the uneasy alliance KD camp (JVP) had with UNP during 2015 election & in the 100 day Gvt. The second is his “pathetic” effort to resurrect JVP as the only political option to face potentially dangerous GoRa regime. I’m not going to spend too much time & space to respond to non-stop various meaningless claims by KD. Therefore, I will not talk about JVP who couldn’t even protect the deposit.
About first point, I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the sentence! That is b’cos all philosophers know in their bones that all human actions, whether out of necessity or out of stupidity, have a deeper philosophical meaning of some sort. My guess is that when he uses the term “philosophical” he meant “theoretical” b’cos JVP’s Marxism is incongruous UNP’s socio-economic policy of social democracy. But, Marx himself established the philosophical necessity when he declared that “we are willing to work with even Devil’s grandma, not just with the Devil, to destroy our common enemy! After all, Dialectic cannot offer no other option but “one enemy” at a time!
Citizen Silva / December 8, 2019
Authority and accountability is good
give 2/3 majority to SLPP and give more authority to Mr G to deal with the
security lapses and mismanagement entertained by the UNP and SLFP Yaha_ NO _ palanaya.
LANKA NITIZEN / December 8, 2019
A very long and hard period not less than 40 years to be be beared by The people.
They will not be able to complain because they wanted such a rule , so please do not blame the politicians , they are just enacting the voters pledge .
Fahim Knight / December 8, 2019
I think The President is not responsible with the Sand and Quarry open license it’s cabinet decision and comes under the PM so The President can not interfere under 19 A.
Unless he takes the ministry under him.
So no point blaming him.
He can not do much .
Do what else to do let the nature answer .
PARAGON / December 8, 2019
THERE ARE so many former cabinet ministers who are seniors like S.B.PISSUNAJAKE who were all made to junior positions as state ministers.they may not openly show their dissent right now as this is morally like a care taker government with out parliamentary majority.these guys are fuming and awaiting for the results of next general elections.there will be an internal war for nomination between original SLPP AND SLFP(two groups MY 3 suckers and MAHINDAsuckres)and the foul mouth group of WEERAYA AND GONPULLE in addition there are ELIYA-WIYTHAGAMA former army officers will be fighting for nominations.if UNP can set aside their in fighting and face the election as one group with out fighting for MANAPAY then it will be not that easy for SLPP to get 2/3 MAJORITY.this can be done only with horse trading with current untouchable people like WILPATHU BADURDEEN AND ON THE FENCE HAKEMM KAKA.the future of TNA and other tamil parties like EPRLF(remember one SURESH MANDAYN worked under MAHINDA in the CHANDIRIKAS cabinet) PLOTE SIDARTHAN was under payroll during 2000-2015 so horse trading in very easy.
Champa / December 8, 2019
The decision of the President, who is still an American citizen, to review, not reject, the MCC is a betrayal to Sinhalese.
Also, the government’s decision to revive the Port City project is detrimental to Sri Lanka in many ways.
1.) From an environmental point of view, it will cause colossal shoreline erosion in coastal cities below and above the Port City. The decision of this/slave/previous Sri Lankan governments to allow China to dredge marine sand from our seabed (free of charge!!) in close proximity to our shoreline, not even 2kms away, will have a negative impact on our beautiful beaches as China will need approximately 65,000 million cubic metres of sand to build the Port City, which will eventually cause sinkholes in our beaches.
Moreover, the Port City buildings will cover Colombo’s wind-corridor and its panoramic view.
High rise buildings in the Port City covering Galle Face will further pollute Colombo’s air.
2). Chinese Port City will be a direct threat to Sri Lanka’s tourism. Once the Port City is built, Sri Lanka will no longer be the attraction of tourists as a country of ancient history, sacred cities, ancient ruins, rock temples, unique national festivals, pristine beaches, wildlife, rain forests, landscapes/seascapes/sceneries, marine habitats, hospitality, food, memorable train rides and tuk-tuks. All of the above will be stolen by the grandeur of the Chinese Port City.
3). Chinese Port City will undermine Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and independence. Granting autonomy to a foreign country to control a specific area belonging to Sri Lanka is not wise. There is no guarantee that China will not seek more sea area in the future to expand its own territory. Allowing China to build a Chinese Peninsula in Colombo at the expense of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty is ill-advised.
Sinhala_Man / December 8, 2019
Dear Champa,
It’s good to see you maintaining consistency.
Now, where do I stand in all this? I’ve never been a politician. I’m an old man, and I didn’t see much good in Gota. Now that he has been elected in a virtual landslide, let me hope that Gota becomes a good President, and not a bad one.
However, I’m not going in search of 17 Sri Cars!
Champa, it’s good to see you maintaining your independence.
Thappu / December 9, 2019
Dear Sinhala_Man, I am sorry that your hope brings to memory the disappointment you had with Maithri. You are so sincere, you readily fall for pretences. What the majority has chosen lacks deliberation. They decided to vote in power the best antagonists against the minorities. National security was never their concern.
Just recall the interviews Gota gave when he was the Defence Secretary. Has a leopard ever changed its spots.
Sinhala_Man / December 10, 2019
Dear Thappu,
As you say, “What the majority has chosen lacks deliberation.” All the minorities voted sensibly. Most Sinhalese were also fed up with the corruption, but we didn’t get our act together. Nagananda exposed corruption very effectively, then got enmeshed in plans for his Autochthonous Constitution. He was honest. I was just an individual who associated myself with his movement, but I could see that we were ineffective – and we said it.
All those Alternative Candidates merely confused the Sinhalese voters. I really believe that had we been able to educate the Sinhalese voters to understand the system, we wouldn’t have been routed the way we were. It is amazing that the UNP was unable to shake off Ranil for so long. Sajith didn’t have time to organise himself, and so it was that we failed. People like us who wrote sincerely in English, failed to get our message across to the average voter. I see the vulgar delight of S.C. Pasqual and the like; all I can say is that were honest enough not to project ourselves as being more formidable than we were.
Yes, it seems a forlorn hope that the SLPP will be any different from what they showed themselves. So we have to live in hope that Gota will realise that he could leave behind a better legacy than Maithripala. And that little man is trying to creep back in to Parliament.
I didn’t feel like writing at all, but I must say this much in response to your commending me, and many others like me: we never compromised our integrity. We recognise that those votes were really cast against us. Let us accept that with dignity, but continue to succour whatever is decent, wherever we find it.
S. C. Pasqual / December 10, 2019
Mr. Mrs. Sinhala sandwich,
Mr. Thakku Mukku,
Get inside your cave men. We know how to run a country.
Your big shot Nagananda lost even before nominations.
Where were you when Swiss ambassador tried to take us to town with a bogus drama???
We love our country.
Country comes first….
We don’t prostitute our principals for few bread crumbs like you.
Shame on you.
Sinhala_Man / December 10, 2019
Dear Thappu,
Don’t you think that Pasqual’s response beginning, “Mr. Mrs. Sinhala sandwich,” amounts almost to a definition of the word “impunity” that we use far too often in Sri Lanka?
I feel that you are intelligent enough to understand what I mean.
This Pasqual guy is incapable of even understanding what we’re saying to each other, don’t you think? Intelligent people will ultimately be able to understand what I mean, but by then it may be too late for us to benefit from that realisation.
What I am saying is very different from defiantly proclaiming that : “Good will always triumph” or that “Justice will finally prevail.” Such beliefs are naive.
All that we can be happy about is that we know that we exist at a higher plane than they do. We have to learn to take joy in that. Others will not understand. In every other sense we may quite simply be failures, and nobody will know better.
I know it’s a pretty austere philosophy that I embrace.
This is wahta I mean by the phrase, “the categorical imperatve”. We do good, and act upto certain moral standards only because we know that to be the correct thing to do.
jay / December 10, 2019
not only that a Chinese race will be created and will come to claimed land from Sri lanka. Western countries exploit this to best of their interest and it is an automatic right that western colonialist seeking to invade with help of South Indian Tamil gang
Apart from that, Rajapaksa families are already mixture of Tamil and Chinese. That is the whole reason I said they are not qualified to run present-day Sri lanka. Just ask one common sense question, how the hell they get rid Tamil and other foreigners brought by British in case it needed. Rajapakses themselves brought to Sri lanka by Portuguese. This the whole reason Western colonialists are laughing at Sinhalese.
Also, regardless where they come from, I do not question their loyalty to Sri lanka. And In every other aspect Gota is qualified to be president and his military service to Sri lanka no question at all. all I am saying he will not be able to remove permeant threat to Sri lanka from Tamil.
On the other hand, He can do well Economy and some other jobs. But he might not be able to erase MCC and Chinese lease, I am doubt they will be able to do it. No foreign military should be allowed.
Lastly, They are willing to stand for Sri lanka that some thing RW and CBK did not do instead of collaborating with foreign elemnets
Buddhist / December 8, 2019
How can the Judiciary considered independent in Sri Lanka when an employee of the AG’s department is appointed as part time Additional Legal Secretary of the President?
Raj / December 8, 2019
Swiss drama on abduction appears to be over; the lady has come to the Police station and given a statement.
Swiss ambassador has finally knelt down before the law of the land! Apparently the entire case has backfired in front of GPS technology and CCTV cameras! The alleged victim (Embassy employee of Tamil origin) has apparently spent the rest of the day after work at a friend’s house!
Sri Lankan authorities have done their homework well and handled the entire case with care!
However, the million dollar question is whether the Swiss authorities apologize to Sri Lanka for this disgraceful coup that was concocted to tarnish Sri Lanka?
S. C. Pasqual / December 9, 2019
Mr. Amarasiri,
Mr. Sinhala Man,
Mr. Desperate sinhalaya…..
Where are you now….. ???
jay / December 10, 2019
These horrendous Tamil must be removed from Sri lanka once for all. if they stay colonialists will eradicate Sinhalese for ever because colonialists job not finish yet.
JD / December 8, 2019
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Hussain Fahmy / December 8, 2019
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Jayantha Pathberiya / December 9, 2019
Kumar David, One does not have to wonder. The UNP is catatonic, its leaders Ranil, Sajith, Mangala, Rajitha, Malik and others are comatose and that is a known fact.
Colombo Telegraph is taking the leadership in the Band Wagon and in promoting disharmony among the Tamil, Muslim and the Sinhalese communities. It is an obvious and a well known fact.
Sinhala_Man / December 10, 2019
Dear Jayantha Pathberiya,
What is Colombo Telegraph? There is an editor in London. There are people who write articles. Professor Kumar David has written a very decent and balanced article. Your comment is negative.
Those who comment regularly have done nothing to sow discord.
We also matter little in the country. However, let me tell you that we who meet and read continue to act with dignity.
I suggest that you pick up a mirror and look at yourself.
Lak DeSilva / December 9, 2019
Yahapalana bros working overtime slinging mud at President G, new government and decent people of SL. According to them GPS data of alleged Swiss embassy staff person is all fake. May be President G now has white satellites?
Dionysus / December 9, 2019
One reads a well written and clear article, with the writer declaring his hand early on. Then you read the comments and wonder what everybody has been reading. They bear little relevance to what’s in the article. Do the commentators know what they are writing about? Are they housed in a certain institution at Angoda?
Sinhala_Man / December 10, 2019
Yours is a clear and true statement. Thank you.
Lester / December 10, 2019
Tamils are in a bad position politically, but luckily for them, Sinhala-Buddhism does not take revenge, unlike the monotheistic religions. Look at the Palestinians who lost the Six Day war. They are living in a tiny cage. Or Germany, which lost a lot of land (permanently) after WW2 (all Germans in these places were expelled or massacred) and was partially occupied by Communists for 41 years. Or China, which had to give Hong Kong to the British for 99 years after the Second Opium War. After 2009, Tamils were not expelled or punished in any way. They did not have to give up land. They are very lucky!
kali / December 10, 2019
Lester the Bitter
Yes you are day dreamng. Sinhala Buddhism has come to a dead end uder “Modi”. If in doubt ask MR, Sir Basil and the Colonel Rambukawella. You lot have been locked up. No escape to Beiging.. Reality of Sri Lankas Sovereignty( Lack of it) has sunk in after the Delhi Vist. All the remnants of Cheenavedi has been removed. witjout trace. Grow up man . It is Indias way or no way.
Lester / December 10, 2019
Kali, you are out of touch with current events. India just passed a law permitting the building of a Ram Temple in Ayodha. And an immigration law which excludes Muslims. Right-wing Hindu parties are ganging up on Muslims. You think Modi will bend over to help some Saivites in Lanka? Good Luck.
kali / December 11, 2019
Lester you Swine
You might be right you know. You have much closer ties with Modi than us. So Machan Modi invited Machan Gotha for talks and they discussed World affais and events much Closer to home. Machan Modi told Machan Gotha dont get too close to Cheenavdi because he is trouble so Machan Gotha agreed to keep the distance but consult Sir Basil the thief and Cololonel Rambuka theChimp . Then they discussed the Tamil issue and agreed to keep the Tamils guessing by floating the issue ( non issue) of 13th Amendment. How did you guess man we are dumb. You have enlightened me like Lord Buddhia. ( sorry Buddha )
Lester / December 11, 2019
Gota will never implement 13A or provincial councils or federalism. He will not even give Tamils/Muslims policing powers. Your friend Modi will not change Gota’s mind. You can speculate on the reasons “why”, I am telling you the situation as it will happen for the next 4-5 years. And India will not try the invasion nonsense again, they have too many security issues.
kali / December 10, 2019
Objectivity & Caution” Watchwords In Dealing With The Gota Regime:
*** Only if you can find a partner. to dealwith. Gotha has been Jolted by every possible partner who is of good looking. The only partner who has shown any interest is India and that was to say dont ” Mess Around” and I am spoken for. Gotha is Isolated , Lonley and Untouchable. I have just read a piece saying people are ready to invest . Yesony the ” Loan Sharks”