20 September, 2024


On System Change

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has” ~ Margaret Mead.

It was only after the 2022 Aragalaya that the need for system change was felt among different quarters of Sri Lanka’s intelligentsia and opinion makers. In his Independence Day address to the nation even President Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW) casually referred to system change without any elaboration. One or two outspoken members from the opposition parties also, without much details, described the shortcomings of current administration as systemic. But it was NPP that adopted system change as its central pillar of reforms if it were to come to power. Its leader’s public commitment to change the “political culture” of this country through a “social revolution” would inform at least the politically discernible that NPP is embarking on a historic mission to throw out a moribund and fossilized ethnonational socio-economic and political paradigm, which, over a period of more than seven decades had constantly produced teams after teams of parliamentary representatives whose intellectual calibre and moral integrity had left little to be valued. When MPs don’t have discipline and respect the decorum of the House of Parliament what model are they setting to their electors? And when RW remarked once that quite many in the legislature would not have a clue about the difference between a commercial bond and James Bond, he exposed the poor quality of our parliamentary representatives. It was for that reason the aragalaya youth shouted “No 225” and agitated for system change. But what is new system going to be?  No one has so far put out a blueprint or even a skeletal description of what the new system should be. NPP too is yet to publish or explain to the nation at least the crucial elements of the changes it is proposing to implement. That unfortunate lacunae in NPP’s electioneering campaign, though understandable in the context of its voter sensitivity, has led some to spread fear and terror about NPP leadership. Without putting words into NPP’s mouth what follows is a brief note on two particular issues that demand attention from system changers.

To start with, if one could understand what exactly are the fundamental pitfalls of the current system then it becomes easier to make recommendations for a new system. In that sense, the most basic drawback of the current system is the endless possibilities it creates in the name of democracy for individuals of mediocre calibre and moral depravity to capture power in order to enhance their private interests at the expense of the nation.  For instance, this author once happened to meet a politician from the Eastern Province who was campaigning to win a parliamentary seat in one of its electorates. He confessed to the author that he had mortgaged or sold all his properties except the house he lived in Hulftsdorp, Colombo and that he feared going bankrupt were he to lose that contest. Fortune smiled on him, he won the contest, became a minister, redeemed all what he mortgaged, bought more properties and ended up as a multi-millionaire. To him therefore, parliamentary politics was an opportunity for bounty hunting. There would be dozens and scores like him known to others. If this is what the system produces as leaders what hope is there for Sri Lanka to prosper as a democratic polity? As the saying goes the fish starts rotting from its head. If the country’s rulers are morally depraved, intellectually inept and thuggish in behaviour what could one expect from the administrators working under them? Isn’t there something fundamentally wrong with the system that permits this kleptocratic democracy? That was why aragalaya demanded system change and “No 225”. The challenge for the future is to device a democratic system that could produce governments represented by meritocrats with moral integrity.   

Sri Lanka is a plural society with at least two major ethnic groups and two languages, four world religions with several cultural traditions. The country is supposed to be a democracy where every citizen has equal rights and obligations. The constitution demarcates the boundaries of legislative, executive and judicial powers to protect the spirit of democracy not just in form but in action. Why then did the system allow the constitution to elevate one religion, Buddhism to foremost place which by implication downgrades the rest? This is not to criticize Buddhism, which is an unmixed blessing to this country and a growing religion in the world, but to question the relevance of political Buddhism, a new variety created after independence, which made this gradation possible.  RW talks about reconciliation, but he dares not point out the root cause that makes reconciliation impossible under the ruing system.

One of the healthiest outcomes of European Enlightenment was the separation of religion from politics. That did not cause the end of religion in Europe. Secularization of politics did not lead to secularization of society. In fact, religions of all type are flourishing in the Western world. It was only Christendom that died and not Christianity.   

But any system that allows any religion to dictate politics cannot expect democracy to function in its true spirit.  This is particularly relevant to plural societies like Sri Lanka. The deposed president Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) wanted to create a virtuous society by inviting only the Buddhist priests to advise him on virtuosity.  Is virtuosity the monopoly of only one religion? It was his zeal to champion the cause of only Buddhism that encouraged a prisoner like Gnanasara Thera to go on a rampage and desecrate a Hindu temple in Mullaitivu. The task force GR appointed to excavate Buddhist ruins ended up as a sinister exercise in land grab for Sinhala settlements in Tamil and Muslim areas. It was GR’s encouragement that provoked zealous Buddhist priests to encroach into the precincts of a Muslim Sufi shrine in Kuragala that belonged to the medieval era. How could reconciliation be possible when religious zealotry keeps dividing the nation?      

More dangerously and ruinously the intervention of religion into politics provided a systemic license to systematic corruption in this country. It appears that as long as the rulers and administrators uphold their commitment to political Buddhism and Sinhala Buddhist supremacy, they could do anything they wish in the name of development without any accountability. It was this unconditional licensing of the system that eventually produced a bunch of public wealth looters and thieves who drove this country’s economy to bankruptcy. They are still in power under the protection of RW. That is why the IMF magic is not going to remove the systemic cancer simply by healing the economic wound. That cancerous system requires a constitutional operation. RW is trying every trick in Machiavellian directory to protect the old system so that he could remain in power, and so are his opponents except NPP. However, NPP’s commitment to system change cannot succeed without a new constitution, and that constitution should be based on principles of secular democracy. There are enough public intellectuals, political scientists and legal experts outside the parliament who are apolitical and patriotic and who would desire a new system. They could provide valuable inputs in drafting such a constitution. Once that hurdle is crossed other reforms could be introduced without much difficulty.

True, there is always a risk and the fear of unknown. But having witnessed over decades how systematically a once economically thriving, enviously developed and peaceful country in Asia, had descended into a textbook case of a nation that is vertically and horizontally divided and functioning to the benefit of a few at the expense of many, is it not worth taking that risk? Constant fear mongering about the unknown discourages inventiveness and experiments and promotes stagnation and degeneration. The country is facing a historic moment and the forthcoming election would be less of a confrontation not between or among individuals than between two generations, the ageing and growing. History is on the side of the latter. NPP represents that generation.

*Dr. Amer Ali, Business School, Murdoch University

Latest comments

  • 7

    … it was NPP that adopted system change as its central pillar of reforms if it were to come to power.
    _ Laudable, on paper. Meaningless until they spell it out.
    They haven’t; They will not. They cannot kill the goose that lays eggs of gold!
    … parliamentary representatives whose intellectual calibre …
    No chance of seeing people with intellectual credentials entering politics. They dread the prevalent political culture.
    … RW talks about reconciliation, but he dares not point out the root cause that makes reconciliation impossible.
    _ RW is one of the major impediments to reconciliation. He talks about reconciliation to fool the outside world.
    I haven’t heard JVP touching the topic, either.

    • 0

      Dear Nathan,
      I’m being quite serious now.

      I consider you to be a guy of high intellectual calibre; shall we put you into Parliament? I will start making the effort here (6.844544, 80.975173) and now (16:41 Lankan time) on planet Earth, in our solar system, Milky Way Galaxy.
      However, I’m not sure how old you are; I’m now 75 years old – to get it accurate to years, months, etc (right down to seconds, please calculate – although absolute accuracy became impossible many years ago when I burnt my horoscope, my irritated mother refused to give me the time again, and now she’s dead).
      The main problem is that I don’t know you even as well as I know Dr Ameer Ali, who also will acknowledge that he’s too old. I have seen Ameer, talked to him, etc, but have not shaken hands with him. We actually discussed this difficulty one day – never mind to what somewhat embarrassing detail we went – (you will not understand what we said, but he will).

      • 1

        Dear Sinhala_Man,
        You say that you are being serious.
        It is not supported by your comment.
        Here is why.
        You consider me to be of intellectual calibre,
        I had already stated, “No chance of seeing people with intellectual credentials entering politics”,
        How do you propose to put me into Parliament?

        • 0

          Nathan, to put it to you with blunt cruelty, you are too old. Age is a vital factor.
          What we need is your younger clone. I feel that when God made you, he put all the most desirable attributes into you. However, you are now old,
          “The old order must change, yielding place to new.
          Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.”
          Let’s be patient. We wait for the October 2024 Election.
          Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka

      • 5

        Churchill was 65 when he became PM.
        Franklin Roosevelt died at 63
        Stalin died at 74
        Hitler died at 56
        Lee Kuan Yew worked well into his 80’s
        Mahathir retired at 92.
        What do the above facts tell you?
        There is no substitute for experience, which comes only with age and maturity. The least effective leader (Hitler) was also the youngest. Stop being such an ageist.

        • 1

          Dear oc,
          Hitler was more effective than any other
          in ruining this world!
          This comment to you can be dashed off within a minute!
          I think that you would have worked it out that I have to spend many hours getting ready some of my comments.
          for instance, these two:
          As soon as they appear, “somebody” (I think that I know “who”) gives them a Red Thumbs Down.
          How can we possibly rescue this country, when people who retain their citizenship of Lanka, but live in more favourable climes, act like this?
          I know that you will never plumb such depths.
          Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka

          • 5

            I know some commenters (also claiming to live abroad) who wait till comments close, then spend hours adding green thumbs to their own comments. I suppose it helps their weak egos.

            • 0

              Are you sure?
              I thought that you cant add thumbs to your own comment.
              Further, you can’t do multiple thumbing, can you?

              • 0

                “Further, you can’t do multiple thumbing, can you?”
                Actually you can. It has to do with things called proxy servers. I am a part-time IT person, so I know when someone is doing it. I won’t say more in case I get accused of doing it myself 😉

                • 0

                  Stands in line at the alms giving for extra food, then claims to be an IT expert. You can’t make this up. A proxy is rather expensive, at least the good one. You must be walking around the Internet cafe with tuk-tuk rupees, abusing the dynamic IP.

                  • 1

                    Was I talking about you? Thanks for putting on the hat. So you stay up after midnight, adding green tn thumbs to your comments and red ones to others….
                    Nathan, now you know.
                    Anyone who is interested can look at Lester’s comments in this article:
                    Check out how his comments have got dozens of green thumbs overnight. What a childish “mathematician”.
                    I am sure the devious guy will give ME a lot of green thumbs when this article closes. What self- confidence!

        • 1

          Thank you, old codger.
          With my age, I thought that I stood no chance. Now, you give me hope.
          Age. I have. I am as old as Ameer Ali, if not more.
          Experience. Where do I go?

          • 2

            If you’re old, you have experience. Whether it is useful is another story. Look at SM…

        • 7

          Unfortunately, some don’t care about the facts.
          They want to mislead CT commenters.
          If he cares about facts, would he ever dare to say that it’s okay to kill or torture a few of LM’s friends and family?

          I read somewhere MM of Malaysia is now turning to 98 years. Nevertheless, we never heard him saying that ” he is old”.

    • 0

      So you are out.
      Your younger clone? But cloning is uncommon, not just among Lankans, but among homo sapiens. The closest we got was this:
      And I’m not suggesting that we put Dolly into Parliament, even if alive.
      However, you have probably fathered a child.
      But then we run into the “Telemachus problem”.

      But supposing the child really is yours, and that your wife also has good genes; let’s place one of your children, and may be even two, in Parliament.
      I hope that you begin to appreciate the problems that arise when we look for absolute certainty in identifying candidates who are intellectuals.
      Ameer has children; but they are citizens of Australia, so then we run into the Diana Gamage problem.
      I can’t go on with this, Nathan. You take over!

      I’m voting NPP!

      Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka

      • 1

        Dear S-M: You addressed Nathan and said: “So you are out. Your younger clone?” Recently I read a book and found an interesting question:

        “So how did all our initial progenitor cells know how to organize into us – forming our eyeballs, legs, fingers, and all that in the right place and the right order? Who gave them the blueprint to check that all those or fins or beaks weren’t too giant, too tiny, or wildly different lengths? Most important – how did they know when to stop?

        “Well, you might be thinking that’s what DNA is for. Not true. You can search all the As, Ts, Cs, and G’s in your genome, turn you upside down, and shake the spare change out of their pockets – you won’t find the instructions for anatomy”. You’ll find plenty of specs – code that tells you about the color of hair a baby will have its skin, its eyes. You’ll find nothing about how many eyes. There is no gene for two eyeballs and where the eyeballs go – right, left, and in front of the head”.

        If not GENES, what does control your shape and who you are? The answer: We Are Electric.

        • 5

          Dear Readers,
          I really don’t know why this person took the term “cloning” into this context. As far as I understand, the second generation of intellectuals should do that job properly.

          “Clones are genetically identical individuals,” says Harry Griffin, PhD. “Twins are clones.” Griffin is assistant director of the Roslin Institute — the lab in Edinburgh, Scotland, where Dolly the cloned sheep was created in 1997.

          How do progenitor cells differentiate?

          Progenitor cells are descendants of stem cells that then further differentiate to create specialized cell types.
          There are many types of progenitor cells throughout the human body. Each progenitor cell is only capable of differentiating into cells that belong to the same tissue or organ.


          • 4

            Twin studies of personal traits are consistent in attributing approximately half of the variance in personality to genetic effects, with the remaining variance attributed to environments that make people within the same families different.
            And human psycologists believe, what you think what you become.

            Entire srilanka is obviously filled more with biased people is well conjuctions with their limited knowledge and their child growth based on religious influences.
            Were religions away from their adolesence and child growth (from 3-16 years), things would have turned similar to that of the Chinese and some Europeans of the day, that their liberaties guide them properly. New generation chinese are agnostic than being bound to religions.
            So if anyone is forced to feel that people s attitudes and behaviours are only affected by genetics is fully wrong.

            Japanese people who live in places like Hawaii or other islands behave in a far more unique way than the average Japanese people who live on their main islands in Japan.


            • 5

              Best example is that the second generations of Tamils ​​and Sinhalese born and raised in Europe behave quite differently from their counterparts living in South Asia (India and Sri Lanka).
              Last time my travel heading to home country (October, 2023), I shared my thoughts with a second generation tamil norwegian, who sat few seats away from me in flight. Their parents were from srilanka (Jaffna). He was with his family of 2 little children (2 and 4) along with wife (from colombo) but the young man did not know much about ethnic hatreds between tamils and sinhalayas because he was born in Norway but he loves their parents country because he wanted to enjoy tropical weathers during his well deserved vacation (4 weeks).
              Not only genetic fingerprints, but also guidance and various other factors shape people’s cognitive abilities.
              If people can restrain their superstitions and exaggerate their attachments to “karmic and birth stories”, they are free to think freely without following the path of DTG or similar religious fantasists that hand on with biblical passages. Period.


              • 0

                Dear LM: Thanks for your input. Your reference to “Cloning”. My reading about the “First” cloning of “Dolly” – the sheep was done in an earlier research process that proved a test result that zaps a calcium current into an egg without sperm present, the egg gets excited and starts turning into an embryo. In other words, artificially mimicking the (normally) sperm-induced calcium wave, a jump starts an egg into dividing without the sperm or genome. One could think…Isn’t it “Virgin Birth”?

                The fact proved in “Cloning”…..through all the stages of conception, from egg to fertilization, ion channels and the CURRENT they generate play a fundamental role in the spark of life. So we are all ELECTRIC.

                • 0

                  I think that dtg will like this explanation.
                  It can be nicely fitted into the Bible’s creation theory.

        • 2

          Hello Douglas ,
          Have a look at the Hox Genes ” The Hox gene network has multiple roles in vertebrate limb development. One of its main functions is to encode positional information thus providing a “Hox” code for the pattern of structures along the long axis of the limb
          . I asked back in the late 80s in a lecture “How does a gene know when to express itself? The Professor answered “It’s Magic” and then went on to explain that there was still much Research to be done and that Genetics was a young Science and much was to be learned. Nowadays most of my question has been answered, but you have to dig deeply into the research Papers to find specific answers.
          Here is a good place to start – https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/hoxgenes
          Best regards

          • 1

            Hi LankaScott: Thank you very much for your input and the link you provided me to further my understanding.

            I got attracted to this study – to find information on the Biological structure of human beings, on listening to our President Ranil W, when he said on May 10th..”It is important to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to update the Dhamma preached by the Buddha some 2500 years ago.

            Then I learned that EMG (electromyography – for muscles) and ECG (electrocardiography for the heart) are already in wide use. Also, I have read about Functional Magnetic Resonance Scans (fMRI) and some research done on thousands of meditating monks – both Buddhist and Nuns. That’s how I got interested in finding more information on (1) GENES and (2) ENVIRONMENT -that provide STIMULATION – “Electricity”

            In addition to DNA, I find there is one more most amazing and complex enzymes in all biology – a molecule called RNA (ribonucleic acid) – a “messenger RNA” which READS the working copy of the DNA. In computer language, it is a “Memory Bank” for active use .

            Thanks again for the link. I learned a lot. Cheers!

    • 2

      Nathan: I appreciate your concerns regarding the proposed system changes that NPP would undertake if they came to Govern the country.

      For instance, the system change in “Political Culture”. The NPP has spelled it out very clearly – e.g. (1) Their nominations would strictly be assessed on the capabilities, and dedication to the country’s welfare (2) Strict discipline will be maintained once elected (3) The MPs would be equally treated before the Law like the rest of the people of the country (4) No salaries, pensions, and other perks to MPs (5) All expenditure – Pension, Housing, Secretarial Assistance, Utility Bill Payments, Security; Transport, etc. on maintaining the ex-Presidents and spouses will be withdrawn (6) No Political Appointment to State Institutions but will be made from among the most suitable and qualified persons (7) The Independence of the Law Enforcement (Police, AG and Judges) will be established and maintained. (8) the power to Re-Call MPs through a legal process will be introduced.

      You might now say: What assurance do we have? Bring them to power and watch.

      • 1

        cont. I forgot to mention the “9”th and that is the most important……

        (9) It will be made compulsory for all MPs, Members of Local Government institutions, and Public Servants to declare their Assets and Liabilities annually. Such declarations will be thoroughly investigated by an “Independent Audit Body”.

    • 1


      “I haven’t heard JVP touching the topic, either.”

      Was Indra Ganthi right when she expressed her opinion at that time:

  • 14

    For the first time in my life ….. I’ll vote in a Lankan election. ……… Finally, there’s a real choice …… since the demise of ol’ Prabakaran

    Why the JVP is bringing fresh hope ………… 3:00 ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNY7qUnj6GA ……… 2:20 …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t0gM6cAdNo

    They, at least, promise to reduce the gap/distance between pols and ordinary citizens: not to create a false importance.

    All this crap/nonsense started with JR, posting a symbolic guard, in a red coat, similar to the Queen’s guards in Buckingham Palace, the day he became president.

    Monkey see monkey do.

    Oh Boy! what would’ve gone through in his mind! Buddha’s teachings of modesty and simplicity?

    Since then, every two-bit pol and Pharisee with pretensions to superior sanctity …….. from Colombo to Bandarewela, have been dreaming of Red-coated guards.

    Native, have ye got an unemotional response? Hope you can come to the rescue ……… I get emotional about emotional responses ……..

    • 4

      “Why then did the system allow the constitution to elevate one religion, Buddhism to foremost place which by implication downgrades the rest?”
      I have to agree with Dr. Ali. Any system change must remove all religions from any sacrosanct position. Buddhism itself is not the problem, but the pernicious ideology called Sinhala Buddhism.
      But I don’t see anything different in the way that the JVP keeps pandering to the monks by seating them in the front at their meetings.

    • 3

      NF: Thanks for the two links provided.

      I hope Nathan and many others who are skeptical of what the NPP promises will get from the horses’ moths what they mean and what they will do, in case they get the “BATTON” to Govern.

      Not only their words but another provision that would be established under the Constitution will be the power to RE-CALL the MPs. This will apply to the entire Government because NPP intends to include the “Manifesto” implementation as a Human Right that can be brought before the SC if not implemented or violated.

  • 3

    “ It was only after the 2022 Aragalaya that the need for system change was felt among different quarters of Sri Lanka’s intelligentsia and opinion makers.”
    What happened the ‘CHANGE Makers’ after RW appeared on the scene and took over the Presidency. He used the Defence Forces to SILENCE them and suppress any protests and safe guarded those who brought the Economic Meltdown. Since GR’s set up of the Defence Department is still intact and functional, it will be truly DIFFICULT to bring about the Change that people are desiring.First and foremost, the NPP should promise to bring in the LAW & ORDER so that the JUSTICE is served to VICTIMS at the hands of the corrupt rulers of the past.
    Asking anything more will work against the SUCCESS of the NPP in the presidential election

    • 2

      “What happened the ‘CHANGE Makers’ after RW appeared on the scene and took over the Presidency. “

      RW was part of the “Aragalaya”. Aragalya may be initiated by JVP/NPP but it was well used by USA and RW. US Ambassador Julie Sung brought to SL because she is an expert on Govt. Changes. RW was the choice of USA. We have to ask why Sinhala Military was silent until Aragalya was active and how the Sinhala Military become active with RW. Is it not a surprise? Can you imagine the man who used Sinhala military to eliminate LTTE and massacre over many thousands of Tamils have to run away from the Country? Can you imagine the military who helped to get 6.9 billion votes did not protect their God? The master piece of Political plot.
      It is true that it is difficult to make such changes in Sri Lanka. The constitutional change need the support of Sinhala people. Even within NPP, there are number of members are in favour of Buddhism in the constitution. You need a parliament with two third members in favour of removal of Buddhism from the Constitution. Can the NPP get that number in their parliament and can they convince all for that change?

  • 4

    The system that existed under the first post-independence constitution was based on equality, meritocracy and secularism. The working of the system was dismantled from the beginning by the disenfranchisement of the estate workers, the introduction of Sinhala Only and the making of Buddhism, the precepts of the World Renouncer, the state religion. If Ali identifies system change as the restoration of such principles, to call it system change and use a lot of verbiage in supporting it, is not necessary. The issue for the JVP is to identify system change by showing a new economic course, a new political way and an acceptable means of restoring economic equality. Elimination of corruption, secularism and restoring meritocracy can be achieved within the existing system. Less verbiage and rhetoric and more substance to regime change is what the JVP and its supporters should aim for.

  • 4

    Election propaganda for Presidential election is now accelerated by Political parties or political groups inside and outside of Sri Lanka. In this regard, recent camping of Ranil, and current camping of Sajith and AKD in the North of Sri Lanka highlights the importance of Tamil votes in this election. Dr. Ammer Ali, a propaganda expert of AKD group’s this article highlights two important changes that need for the country but No one has put a blue print or skeletal description of the what the new system should be, Dr. Ammer Ali also highlight that the NPP are unable to reveal it now because it might affect their vote bank. However, Dr. AmmerAli indirectly points out two fundamental changes.
    1. Changes in the parliamentary system
    2. No religion in politics.

  • 1

    Author makes a strong case for the NPP suggesting that the current generation will uphold NPP. Others before having suggested that if Ranil and Sajith get together as UNP, they will invite all the votes as a safe bet against unpredictable moves in parliament. Others invite Sajith to join up with NPP, but they are trying to debate instead. There are other matches suggested almost like finding a marriage partner. Most people not involved are yet very busy thinking about the outcome as many fingers have been burnt in these earlier processes. Altogether there is a concern in most minds. Major Sarath Fonseka has promised to submit the robbers of the national wealth to the judicial courts for judgment to recover the financial assets hidden in foreign accounts for their future spending as jobless lives without income but trying to imagine they are royalty like the kings who work. If this robbing can be stopped only can SL expect some hope for citizens.

    • 4

      What does your bible say about this?
      Will this be the last election before Rapture?
      By the way when did you demote Field Marshal SF to a Major, are you on drugs?

      • 3

        “are you on drugs?”
        No, you’re mistaken. He takes a lot of Holy Spirit.

      • 0

        Human Touch, I don’t know much about army positions, my idea was that he be identified as one who promised. Why did you conclude that anyone who makes a mistake has to be on drugs. In that case the whole world must be on drugs. Many things need to happen before the rapture. Though terrorists think of winning, they are sadly unaware of their future when Jesus comes back to Jerusalem. Such a bright future is promised, but they are ignorant.

  • 3

    Saying they are not complicit in the 75 year bankruptcy, but they displaya a political culture that it is similar to what MARA and others have done with vulnerable people.
    AKD platform presentations are similar to the presentations of Sinhala Buddhist monks by MARA et al. what’s the difference? They are used to call them ” ape hamuduruwane” to the same manner MAFIA boss did.

    The truth is that the Janata Vimukti Peramuna has been active in politics in this country for 50 years or more. That is half a century. Today, the SJB leader continues to raise the level of poverty in rural areas amid high criticism from various quarters. But what did JVP do?
    1) Living at the expense of his friends and family which is not a role model for the youth at all
    (Sunil Handunetti, K. D. Lal Kantha, Nalin Hevage, Nalin Jayatissa, Saman Vidyaratne, Karunaratne and many others are not regular employees even though they waste taxpayers’ money on university education)

    2) Oppose any treaty or agreement if a successor government is brought in for the common good
    3) Start brutally harassing and brainwashing new students entering government universities like sardists and violent forces do.

  • 2

    ” System change , ” another way to go round the same circle with a different face .
    It will not make us spend more by earning more without creating more . One must
    tell us where else on this earth this change has happened by eliminating an old
    system . If one can dig deep into what is going on in Palestine , he will see this is one
    place where foundation stone was laid long ago for system change . Can anyone see
    how hard the road to system change ? JRJ , SWRD , SIRIMAVO , DUDLY all were
    young when they started off . Wasn’t Premadasa ascension to the top at that time , a
    system change about 30 yeas ago ? If it was not then One Must Explain In Clean
    language How Else The System Needs To Change . Meritocracy has not proved a
    success in counties where it was tested . Unless you have the means to support your
    cause , you definitely risk the lives of ordinary . Again and again , it is them who
    suffer at the end .

  • 1

    All the people like RW , SP , Rajapaksas, MS or SF should not be given either the first or second choice for the Presidential Election.
    After the Presidential Election the winner should commit himself to uphold meritocracy Honesty Egalitarianism
    Tamil Speaking SL citizens are given their due respect and not treated as SECOND class citizens of SL.
    Sinhala Buddhist majority should realise THIS.

  • 14

    The very ‘system change’ people want is to get rid of people like Chrstian RW, MR, CBK and their backers from politics and reinstate historical Sinhala Buddhist state as in Anuradhapura-Polonnaruwa period. Even to this day it’s Sinhala-Buddhist culture which keeps the Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lanka in one piece and sane. Otherwise ruling cultural Chr1stian politicians would have made the country a hell hole.

    • 0

      Tony are you joking. Sinhala Buddhist SL kept in one piece and sane trying to create an upper class of robbers with the rest having no rights except to beg, borrow or steal. All humans have equal rights and equal protection of the law. What pride and arrogance from Anuradhapura to the current branded hell hole and worse still more to come.

  • 3

    “But having witnessed over decades how systematically a once economically thriving, enviously developed and peaceful country in Asia.”

    Thanks for the good laugh. I’m sure it was peaceful (and profitable) for the Europeans with their big bungalows in the hill country and clubs in Colombo that catered only to the master race.

    • 1

      Hello Lester,
      I am sure that for many Europeans life in Sri Lanka was peaceful and profitable, however after visiting the Regimental Cemetery in Kandy I saw that for many it was cut short prematurely. Many of the soldiers and their wives were from my area in North East Scotland as were Tea Planters like James Taylor. You could transplant Nuwara Eliya to Aboyne and not notice any difference apart from lack of snow in Winter.
      Just up the road from my house towards the Elpitiya Tea Factory there is an old Planter’s Bungalow (still inhabited), but nowhere near luxurious. There is an old photograph of one of the Planters on Horseback in Gampola. I noticed how far up his legs were covered by his boots. If you have ever walked through a tea plantation you will understand the boots -leeches.
      Best regards

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    What system has Ranil changed? None!

    Ranil has re-stablished the old system back again with total protection. All the old crooks are now ruling and in addition, those crooks of UNP who were kicked out by the people are back in as advisors managing the old crooks in the parliament.

    Ranil has introduced the Economic bill in the parliament which gives legal power to the ministers and local government members to make more money by not calling in tenders. What a crook!

    He has also got bills passed by parliament where the bill was judged by the Supreme Court as a violation of the constitution without their proposed amendments.

    Can such a person bring about a system change?

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      Needless to repeat, by July 2022, current leader RW took the risks and restored normalcy after ousting his predecessor from his presidency.

      Even if the facts are before our eyes, our people’s psyche is controlled by malice and spitefulness. If they are asked to eat “grass”, without questioniong they would do, no matter what your educational background is (best examples: GLP, Dayan Jayathilaka, Ranjith Bandara and our commenters to CT – Deepthi Silva and Lester).
      That has much to do with their abberated conginitive evolution in the south asian region where crimes, corruptions and any other evil human traits are dominant.

      In December 2004, the coastal areas of the island resembled the debris left after the tsunami disaster. Thanks to CBK’s international relations, the country was restored in a short time, however MaRa’s misappropriation of tsunami funds was the case.
      That proved us the level of so called independence of judiciary in post independence srilanka.


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        Like any other successful leaders, RW is not a wonder maker but his political pragmatism and ability to handle both vicious cycles (SLPP, SLFP etc) and good politicians (small cabinet) prevented us from fruther fall.
        Is AKD a miracle leader?
        (Never climbed the ladder upto the leader of the opposition. nor is he an exceptional entrepenur…. ????????.. the biggest position he held was ministership under the CBK government, speculations there, not at all proved his excellence).

        AKD’s most notable talent is obviously being able to point the finger at others in a country almost everyone is somehow tending to corrupt and abusive mindset.

        If everyone unquestionably agrees that management skills are the most needed to be a leader of a country and Gotabhaya Rajapakse is lacking in it, the next leader to be elected by people should have excellent “management skills”.
        Does he have great management skills as a political leader? I beg AKD-APOLOTEGISTs to come with proper arguments and prove us the exceptional abilities of AKD as a leader. We dont want this nation be fallen deeper by another “wasteful years” as GOTABAYA robbed.


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          What kind of practical political experience does AKD have? is he an iconic entrepeneuer ? I think AKD-apologists should enlighten us with the facts about his capacities and capabilities of special nature.
          I may perhaps be wrong, In my eyes, Sajith is better than the next captain, but he also lacks proper experience.

          Gota proved he has some talent with his Colombo city beautification project . Remember ? Ms CBK was loudly cirticising about GOTA#s credentials… there lanken media was attacking former president saying that ” GOTABAYA CAN DELIVER”
          That’s why 6.9 million human beasts thought he could do the job.
          However, he could not easily escape his life, but was driven away by aragalayits out of the country. No any other nations were ready to welcome him either. . Gota would have been torn to pieces if he had been caught by the thugs.


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            Anyone with some knowledge would act “once bitten twice shy එක පාරක් රෑ වැටුනොත් අපි එකම වලකට වැටෙන්නේ නැහැ.இரவு ஒருமுறை விழுந்தால் அதே பள்ளத்தில் விழ மாட்டோம்.”, but our people.?.. it will turn out to be another joke only…. that is why I anything can cheat us…… aiyyooooooooooooo….
            It was entirely based on management incompetence because former defense secretary, Gotabaya, had no experience even in managing minor issues (eg cooking gas issue, fuel issue, fertilizer issue of farmers across the island), but higly biased MEDIA inflated him like a balloon. The same is being now made with AKD by srilanken cyber tricksters.

            Should the nation fall back on easy tricks knowing that AKD’s oratorical skills are only skills apart from always pointing the finger at others?
            Unfortunately, today’s Sri Lankan media does not seem to analyze it. They are very biased. People are now driven by visual media rather than print media. The problem is that TV prostitutes still don’t do the job properly.

            May god bless you srilankens !

            • 1

              Dear LM: You have taken all the trouble to tell us and question (1) People are grass eaters (2) Is AKD a miracle leader (3) AKD point fingers at others (4) What kind of political experience does AKD have (5) 6.9 million thought Gota would do the job (6) Media do not do the job and the TV is a prostitute.

              Very fine ……. impressive criticism… going by the number of thumbs up.

              All of what you said was the criticism leveled at People, AKD, Media, and TV.

              Now tell me your SOLUTION. If you fail to give a SOLUTION you too are a part of the problem and an Arm Chair Critic – an empty bullet.

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    This author, Dr. Ali, has been writing about SYSTEM CHANGE for last last 2 years, but he never stated explicitly what does that means, at least in few points for a laymen to understand, and how to bring about it with the current political knowledge of the majority of voters. Particularly the majority community, which has consumed lots of anti-minority poison fed by 99% of the current political parties, MPs, president, and the prime minister. I emphasis the majority community community because they decide/vote what kind of SYSTEM CHANGE they want and what the author is talking about. I believe the author is not emphasizing about constitutional changes which the country has had enough of it since the day of the birth of the current one.

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