13 February, 2025


On Withdrawal From Resolution 30/1 & Subsequent Resolutions Extending Its Mandate In The UNHRC

By Mangala Samaraweera

Mangala Samaraweera MP

On 23 May 2009, the then President of Sri Lanka and the Secretary-General of the United Nations adopted a Joint Statement in which Sri Lanka reiterated its strongest commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights, in keeping with international human rights standards and Sri Lanka’s international obligations. Further, in the Joint Statement, the Secretary-General underlined the importance of an accountability process for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law and the Government stated that measures will be taken to address those grievances. 

The Government of Sri Lanka also tabled a resolution in the Human Rights Council in 2009 at a special session and had it adopted by a vote on 27 May 2009. No Cabinet approval was sought for the Joint Statement or for the Resolution at the time. In this 2009 resolution which was Sri Lanka’s own, where Sri Lanka was the main sponsor, the assurance given by the President of Sri Lanka that he does not regard a military solution as a final solution, as well as his commitment to a political solution with implementation of the 13th amendment to bring about lasting peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka was welcomed. The resolution also contained elements including Sri Lanka’s continued commitment to the promotion and protection of all human rights and upholding human rights obligations and norms of international human rights law; commitment to strengthening its activities to ensure that there is no discrimination against ethnic minorities in the enjoyment of the full range of human rights; welcoming the visit to Sri Lanka of the UN Secretary-General at the invitation of the President of Sri Lanka, endorsing the joint communique issued at the conclusion of the visit and the understandings contained therein; and urging the international community to cooperate with the Government of Sri Lanka in the reconstruction efforts, including by increasing the provision of financial assistance, and to continue to ensure the promotion and protection of all human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights. 

However, the years that followed saw Sri Lanka fall short of these commitments that it undertook voluntarily as a means of discharging its own sovereign responsibility towards her own citizens including the implementation of the recommendations of the Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC). This led to a series of resolutions in the Human Rights Council moved by the United States of America, co-sponsored by other members, in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Adopting an aggressive stance, Sri Lanka refused to work with other members of the Council to find consensus solutions. What should have been done as a responsible government, if it was seriously committed to protecting its sovereignty, should have been to take charge of processes and not have allowed matters to escalate up to the point of an international investigation on Sri Lanka being appointed. However, the Government failed to do so. As a result, in 2014, resolution 25/1 eventually set up a human rights investigation on Sri Lanka which was called the OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL). This was the first-ever investigation of this nature on Sri Lanka by an international entity. 

Sri Lanka was in economic doldrums by then and isolated internationally. Sanctions were imposed on IMF and World Bank lending, GSP+ was lost. Our security forces lost opportunities for training with the best in the world and participating in UN peacekeeping operations. The respect, trust, dignity, and confidence that Sri Lanka enjoyed in the international community were in tatters. We were on the verge of facing further international action such as travel bans being imposed on our security forces and our leaders; a special rapporteur or a commission of inquiry being appointed; facing further action against Sri Lanka in other UN bodies to name and shame our country; losing credibility and facing further isolation both regionally and internationally at all levels, and cases being lodged in foreign courts against leaders and officials under universal jurisdiction. The Government of the day was very well aware that the resolutions in 2012, 2013 and 2014 would be adopted even if Sri Lanka did not cooperate. Yet, the Government, with full knowledge, dragged the country and the security forces into an international investigation in 2014. The political leaders decided to portray themselves locally as victims of an international process for local political gain while in fact placing the security forces personnel at the peril of international action when the option of asserting sovereignty and initiating a local process for investigations was in Sri Lanka’s hands.  

No responsible country fights battles in the Human Rights Council. The Human Rights Council is not a battlefield and it is certainly not a court of law. But the government spent enormous sums of money sending large delegations to Geneva to stage protests, sending special envoys to countries all over the world – all for local political purposes while knowingly dragging the country to an international investigation; when all that was required was to uphold the rule of law and the human rights of all our citizens, investigate into allegations of human rights and humanitarian law violations in the country by all sides, and provide reparations to victims on all sides including families of missing police and security forces personnel. 

At a time when Sri Lanka was in dire straits, the government changed in January 2015, and the Government of the day, under the leadership of President Sirisena decided, based on the 100 Day Programme, to bring all these issues back home from the international arena, by taking local ownership and taking charge of all processes through resolution 30/1. This was a reassertion of Sri Lanka’s sovereignty and regaining Sri Lanka’s lost respect and dignity among the international community once again. It was also an opportunity for Sri Lanka to prove that Sri Lankan justice is fully capable of ensuring credible accountability. Resolution 30/1 gives Sri Lanka and NOT the international community or an international court that responsibility. 

The consensus resolution was intended to achieve three main aims. First and most importantly, it provided the means for Sri Lanka to take charge of its own reconciliation agenda and provided a broad-framework and vision for Sri Lanka to strengthen reconciliation, end impunity, fortify democracy and strengthen, uphold and entrench institutionally the human rights of all citizens irrespective of their ethnicity, race, religion, faith or gender. The legislation to criminalize enforced disappearances, the work of the Office on Missing Persons and the Office of Reparations, releases of private land, and the strengthening of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka including the Commission regaining “A” grade status stand as testaments to the partial fulfillment of these aspirations. 

Second, the process undertaken allowed Sri Lanka the means to restore the dignity of the institutions of the army, air force, navy, and police, by investigating locally, through locally designed processes, all allegations of violations of the law including by the LTTE and any others. 

Third, it enabled Sri Lanka to regain its due place and dignity on the international stage, normalizing its relations with the international community to chart its path to economic progress and prosperity as a hub in the Indian Ocean. In addition to many other benefits, normalizing ties with the EU which is the largest market for Sri Lankan exports enabled the restoration of GSP+ which has helped create many jobs. The resumption of military-to-military ties and intelligence sharing arrangements with the world’s most powerful country, the United States of America enabled the establishment of the Sri Lankan Marine Corps and opened up opportunities for our security forces to participate in joint training and exercises including on humanitarian and disaster relief operations. Other than training and equipment transfers such as blue-water ships, the value of this partnership could not be clearer than in the days and weeks after the tragic Easter Bombings, when US experts played an immediate and critical role in helping to identify the remaining terrorist operatives in Sri Lanka. 

The final text of the resolution was largely negotiated over the telephone, with the President and I at the same hotel in New York, and the Prime Minister in Colombo accompanied by the Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the time and the Ambassador of the US and High Commissioner of the UK. Once consensus was reached, the Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the time who was in Colombo had coordinated with Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva and conveyed the decision of the Government of Sri Lanka to the Human Rights Council. 

Once the resolution was adopted by the Council, it was tabled in Parliament on 23 October 2015. There was broad consensus in the House. Members from the major political parties represented in Parliament – including the UNP, SLFP, TNA, and JHU – spoke in favor of the resolution. We all agreed that Sri Lanka had to come to terms with its past and reflect and introspect in order to move forward and achieve reconciliation, peace, stability, and prosperity that had eluded our nation since Independence. 

President Sirisena also convened two sessions of an All Party Conference at which the views of all political parties were consulted and sought for implementation of the provisions of the resolution, including the design of mechanisms. However, if I recall correctly, the parties representing what was then called the Joint Opposition in Parliament did not submit any views at the time. 

When the resolution was discussed and debated in Parliament and the Paranagama Commission report was tabled in Parliament as well, our current Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was then an MP, was too anxious to even make an appearance in the House. After all, it was his promises on accountability in the Joint Statement with the then UN Secretary-General that started this whole process, and this would have been a wonderful opportunity for all sides to work together to formulate a local process for healing our beloved nation. There was nothing in the resolution that was not contained in the recommendations of the commissions that had been appointed by Mahinda Rajapaksa when he was President, including the LLRC, Paranagama, and Udalagama commissions and the National Human Rights Action Plan approved by his Cabinet. Indeed, he too, as I well know, is no stranger to Geneva, having taken documents regarding missing persons to the then UN Commission on Human Rights. It was Mahinda Rajapaksa who first called for Amnesty International to visit Sri Lanka, and even called on foreign countries to cut off aid to Sri Lanka if the human rights situation does not improve. However, when the opportunity arose, following the adoption of resolution 30/1 to work together to establish mechanisms to ensure non-recurrence of enforced disappearances and non-recurrence of conflict for sustainable peace and progress in Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa was absent in Parliament and his supporters were so bereft of argument that they became an unruly mob to disrupt Parliamentary proceedings. 

Backtracking on the resolution sends a very clear signal to the people of our country and our partners in the world. The message is that Sri Lanka cares not for reconciliation, accountability or even democracy. It heralds the dismantling of the institutions that form the bedrock of our nation’s progress, the reversal of trust among communities and countries that was earned through much toil, and the embrace of our basest instincts of hate, insecurity, fear, and envy. It is important to be mindful of the fact that although Sri Lanka withdraws from co-sponsorship of resolution 30/1 and subsequent resolutions that extended 30/1 (i.e. 34/1 and 40/1), the mandate of the resolutions passed by the Human Rights Council does not go away. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights will remain bound by the provisions of resolution 40/1 and will have to continue to report to the Council even though Sri Lanka may not cooperate, and just as the Council did in pre-2015, it can continue to act without Sri Lanka’s cooperation. 

Over the last five years, the country was slowly healing. Relations between the communities were beginning to normalize. A Sri Lanka where everyone felt truly at home and at peace, as equal brothers and sisters, was beginning to emerge. Space had opened up to discuss and resolve problems without fear. We were beginning to work together to fulfill our dream of a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka. Our relations with the world were restored. We maintained close ties and amity with all the major powers of the world – India, China, the US, and EU – while strengthening our ties with all states including the states in East Asia. 

If the government backtracks on this resolution, it must be prepared to take responsibility for the resumption of resentment, frustration, and fear among the vulnerable in our country. From the many insurgencies we have experienced over the last few decades, we know where such feelings lead. It will have to take responsibility for the erosion of democracy. And, for our isolation in the world. We know the costs. Individual sanctions have already begun with a travel ban being placed by the USA on the Commander of the Army. It would be no surprise if such targeted sanctions increase and, in a few years, our economy would be in tatters once again. And most of all, we know that feeling of unease and anxiety, the feeling of simmering conflict and fear, rather than tranquility, amity, and progress.   

Ultimately, the peace and prosperity of our country depend on ourselves and the choices we make. They depend not on our stars or on other countries. We must decide the future we want: to move forward together to peace and prosperity or backward alone into the darkness, fear, and violence of the past. Similarly, on a personal note, Mahinda Rajapaksa was once a dear friend. Mahinda, you know that in your heart of hearts, you are not one of them. And demons, once unleashed, are not exorcised. I pray that your alliance with dark forces does not lead to you and Sri Lanka befalling the same fate as SWRD Bandaranaike did after he made his pact with extremists.   

Latest comments

  • 14

    when we have reminded the darkest era of srilankan economy done by pathola unp fellows and government led by people like jr,premadsa laith or gamini during 2015- 2019 with no food for people , starvation, business bankcrupcy, economic conflict, gas polim, petral polim when govenment does not have money to buy gas or petrol the srilankan public will never vote for a stupid party like unp led by jr ,premadasa lalith or gamini again atlest for 3 decades. when mahindas slfp took the power again in 2019 as usual they have reduce the taxes and business is picking up again and the last month the traveling allowance rs 30000 which was cut of on 2016 due to business bancrupcy was given only on last month to us. now only we are coming back to our normal life style and now only we arehaving our day today meals even. this is only happened after mahindas slfp came to power. may be mahindas slfp are tough governments not like unp pathola governments ,mahindas slfp may dictators and hitlers but they are master brains in economy and architects of this huge 80 billion business economy during 2005-2015, so what ever they have done they are excellent in run the srilankan economy so we do not need the unp and the people like jr,premadasa ,lalith or gamini who are normaly considered and proven people as super economic management idiots.

    • 41


      “now only we arehaving our day today meals even. this is only happened after mahindas slfp came to power.”

      Do you know why Sri Lanka doesn’t develop? It is because of wastrels like you, who are not capable of making your own food regardless of whichever the govt is in power. UNP, SLPP or SLFP; how can they develop the country with full of goof-offs like you?

      • 12

        Abdul Kader,
        During Rajapakse regime there was a surplus of rice and more or less self-sufficient with many other food items but ‘Jadapalana’ Government ruined agricultural sector in the country deliberately by allowing your man in CWE to import every damn thing. Several traders ruined the agricultural sector by importing low quality cheap stuff, putting the label ‘Produced in Sri Lanka’ and re-exporting to India. I am sure you know who did such dirty things.

        • 7

          Mangala: SWRD Banda who was nationalizing the plantations and economy of Sri Lanka from the British was killed by a Saffron clad assassin when CIA had set up The Asia Foundation (TAF) to weaponize Buddhism in South and east Asia against Socialism and Communism in the Cold War against Russia and China.
          Iran’s democratically elected, Mossadegh was removed in a CIA coup earlier for nationalizing Iranian oil and Patrice Lumumba in Congo was assassinated in an EUropean CIA plot. SWRD ‘s killers were part of a CIA sponsored plot using Buddhism to fight socialism. Mangy get your history right, and stop being a US-CIA puppet working for the US-Saudi alliance which caused the Easter Sunday Carnage last year so you could happily sign MCC and SOFA under the pretext that US troops and military bases in Sri Lanka would be fighting ISIL “terror” which the CIA and Saudi agencies own an operate in the first instance.
          IS terror is a diplomatic asset for USA as many experts have noted!

          • 5

            Also, Mangy shouldn’t Sri Lanka ask UK and Boris Johnson for a road map to exit the Indian Ocean Chagos Islands and hand it over to the Chagossian people who were forcibly evicted by US and UK marines to build Diego Garcia military base and CIA black site?!
            After all we do not like double standards and the UN’s highest court ICJ has ruled against UK and the massive CIA black site called DIego Garcia Military base.
            The UNGA voted in support of the ICJ ruling that the UK must de-colonize the Chagos Islands. UK and US are EU’s NATO which uses the Chagos islands are violating International Law by occupying neightbouring Chagos Islands and when will this case be heard at UNHRC?!

        • 8

          Double blind Eagle !!!!!

          —–You say “”During Rajapakse regime there was a surplus of rice and more or less self-sufficient with many other food items”””

          ———Is it because MaRa and his tribe ere wearing “RED Amuda Lensuwa” around their neck as a sign of respect Farmers in hinterland????

          —–In fact, the entire agriculture sector was ruined by Mara and his regime ..long before Yahapalayna crooks …..

          ———-Get lost man….. You must be in hallucinations of some sort…..

          • 3

            ‘Para’ Demalu who hate Rajapakses for sending their Sun God megalomaniac Piripakaran to hell do not want to face the truth. Agricultural sector was completely ruined by the ‘Royal Gang’ led by Dr. Bond by allowing a tip less man to import every damn thing because the survival of the Government depended on the votes of that tribe.
            People of the same tribe imported low quality cheap Pepper from Vietnam, put the label ‘Produced in Sri Lanka’ and re-exported to India and ruined pepper farmers in Sri Lanka while the don keys of the Unpatriotic National Party turned a blind eye.

          • 2

            Those rice came into being through Mahaweli areas and the project brought more water… UNP government was the once brought that kind of physical developments to the country, Bp Rajakshe never did such projects but CBKs R AND D projects were promoted, but he abused the local media in favour of them. Bp gave DOCTORAL positions to that low grade MALINI FONSEKA or the like lower personalities. Even if actors and actresses may have contributed that much to country s arts, but no any european countries would ever award anyone with PhDs. I am ashamed to see all these but Rajakashes fans would even go on eating of Rajakshe garbage.

        • 1

          Eagle Eye, we had imported onions & potatoes less than half the price of locally produced though it should be other way around. Even so called ultra nationalists, the fake ones like you and the real ones equally preferred the imported onions & potatoes for the prices despite some vendors recommending the local produces.
          So, importing is not bad and gives choices to the consumers. When it comes to money, nationalism takes back seat in SL, just silly keyboard warriors

        • 4

          I have no doubt this Eagle Bp would scavenge the excreta loads of Rajaakshes in a non-stoppable manner. He does not care about any high crimes bp Mahinda Rajakashe has deliberately made to notherners and southerners he only sees few good things BP Rajakshes may have deliberately made.
          I am currently in srilanka. I have talked to various peoples and personalities. Many behave as if they are made brainwashed. Be it on the sea shore, tuk tuk, taxi, shopping complex whereever you are I spoke to people. Even if they have achieved nothing wihtin 100 days of the current regime, but media mafia has been set to paint the picture other way around. Unlike earlier, what ever heaps of excreta loads of things remain to be settled, Media supports them not revealing anything.
          I now think, if ELECITON COMMISSION would not have been set by previous govt, this xx would have made this country a slaughtering turmoil by now.
          All these even if repeats thanakola eaters dominted srilanka would never change since they behave as if they dont take things seriously. PEOPLE ARE BORN idiots… Now people seem to be not respecting Kelaniya Viharaya much, since Rajaakshe made it a laughter stock for their political gains. If that Prof. Pundit et al would have been removed from the placed, things would work for the benefit of the masses of this country.
          The feelinng I experienced, this people would take another few decades to see it right. Thent he country is destroyed by itself. No traffic rules and regulations, even if senior police officers would be standing next to him. It is a struggle to cross the roads. in srILANKA since people are not alert to rules and regulations.

      • 3

        Who is this goofer analyst while I stay the Analyst.

      • 0

        Abdul Kader,

        Under MR dispensation, Sri Lanka achieved excess production in rice cultivation. SO SL is capable of producing it’s food requirements with proper national policies.

    • 24

      Analyst, let me be clear as to why BP Mahinda Rajakashe held PE two years earlier in 2015. They knew the huge loans taken by the BP led groups would never allow the country s economy be noramlized. Power greedy ballige putha would never do any kind of play ups if he had other options.
      But punnakku dominated srilanka would never allow srilankens to lead to prosperous paths. They got caught by the tricks being played by Rajapakshe criminals. Today, I happened to speak to various people coming from various walks of life. Most of them told me, that Bps would never allow decent politicians to lead this country since Rajakashes and their thieves are caught by the investigations carried out on their high crimes.
      Today even Geneva is on the way to bring back UN resolutions, not being able to digest Bp Rajakashehs actions being taken on the people by misleading them. ‘
      Mahinda Rajakashe should be removed from lanken politics…. then the all idiots and goons would be marginalized.

      • 2

        Please don’t quote me I’m not the bogus one.
        CT remove this buffoon off your list or call him “goofier”

    • 6

      It may be legal to defame dead persons.but that does not make it ethical!!!

    • 22

      Mr. Mangala Samaraeera,

      Mahinda Rajapaksa reports to the monks and prostrates to the monks, just like the other imbeciles hoping to get to the elusive Nibbana and extinction, while keeping the Monk hegemony. The first 6 kings and their subjects were free from this Monk interrupts.

      Will pulling out of the UNHRC co-sponsored resolution lead to Nibbana or extinction? No.

      This is interruption. Start over again.

      Coitus interrupts

      I digress, I’ve tried again
      All this love sick repetition
      I confess, I lied again
      Coitus interrupts

      Emission impossible
      Catch this blood clot in a vacuum
      Get your cheap thrills
      I’ll do it my way

      The boys sleep with girl
      The monks sleep with boy
      Never find that high
      Never acting coy
      Never acting coy
      Coitus interrupts

      I digress, I’ve tried again
      All this love sick repetition
      I confess, I lied again

      Coitus interrupts
      Emission impossible
      Catch this blood clot in a vacuum
      Get your cheap thrills
      I’ll do it my way
      The boys sleep with girl
      The monks sleep with boy
      Never find that high
      Never acting coy
      Never acting coy

      • 4

        If Mahinda Rajapakse reports to the monks and prostrates to the monks, ‘Thamuseta thiyena rudawa mokakda? Thamuse thamusege wedak balagena innawa oi’.

        • 10

          Eagle Confused Eye,

          “What is the pain you have? You look after your work.”

          Monk interrupts.

          Amarasiri’s work is trying to liberate the imbeciles, mean measured IQ 79, from crooks, criminals, rapists, wayward monks who get the imbeciles to prostrate to them on the Illusion of Nibbana, Nirvana, Extinction .

          This is altruism, to help out the imbeciles who have no clue.

          The first 6 Para-kings did not have to prostrate to the Para-Monks , who hi jacked Buddhism and installed themselves as the 3rd Gem of the Triple Gem, to be prostrated by the imbecile suckers.

          Monk interrupts.

          • 5

            Amarasiri’s work is to write what his pay master ask him to write. When the pay master says write about DNA, he writes about that misusing data from research conducted by Ranaweera et. al. Now the topic given to him is Monks, Samaneras and Triple Gem. He is now using what that Kallathoni Christian Demala wrote about Buddhism to sling mud at Sinhala Buddhists.

            • 4

              Eagle Confused Eye, Eagle Amana Eye,

              Amarasiri is his OWN MASTER, unlike you. Nobody pays Amarasiri. This is Altruism.

              This is free public service to the imbeciles, mean IQ 79., who have been explored by saffron clad monks who hijacked Buddhism, and installed themselves as the 3rd Gem of the Triple Gem, for their own hegemony, exploited by the politicians like Mahinda Rajapaksa to advance their own Tribal hegemony, by the Ulama who appointed themselves as the spokesmen for Muslims, and the by the priests for their own hegemony, which the imbeciles, mean IQ 79, seem to have trouble sorting out.

              Go ahead and prostrate to the saffron clad monks, and piss in the wind. See if makes any difference, other than making the monk happy.

    • 29

      This shameful situation in which Sri Lanka is in today was created by Mahinda and no one else. It was the same chorus sung by successive Sri Lanka governments that they are unable to find a negotiated settlement because of LTTE intransigence, and if LTTE is eliminated then they will be able to achieve it. USA, west and India swallowed this lie and helped Sri Lanka to eliminate LTTE. Soon after war ended MR made a joint statement with UN SG Ban Ki Moon that he will embark on a process of reconciliation with Tamils and settle the problem. He told India that he will implement the 13th amendment in full to give Tamils autonomy. He promised the world that he will find a solution to allow Tamils to have equality and justice. This is why at the UN assembly Sri Lanka was congratulated for ending the war hoping that MR will keep his promise. But MR had other ideas as he found that if he gives anything to Tamils that will the end of his political career. So he started the game refusing to go ahead as promised., even bringing China into the country in order to thwart India from pressing him to toe the line. Statement made in UN that Sri Lanka held elections to Northern provincial on its own is a blatant lie. It was held due to Indian pressure of boycotting commonwealth summit in Colombo if it is not held. Due to this USA, west and India became harsh on him for his ingratitude and got him removed from office. Unfortunately succeeding government played a cheating game of delaying the issue while pretending to obey UN mandate. There was no honesty in co-sponsoring the motion, done purely to postpone the problem. US, west and India did not want to rock the boat and last government escaped.

      • 4

        Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
        “This shameful situation in which Sri Lanka is in today was created by Mahinda and no one else.”
        If a robber enters a house with a gun and kill his family members, the owner of the house has the right to kill the robber in self-defense. What happened in Sri Lanka is similar to that incident. When a gang of gun yielding robbers who entered the house called Sinhale started to kill the family members, the owner of the house killed those robbers in self-defense. Usually when someone kills another person in self-defense, the owner is not charged for man slaughter. But a set of judges in a place called UNHRC court who do not know the law very well charge the owner of the house for man slaughter.

        • 9

          Mahindapala the idiot, owner has the right to use only reasonable method as self defence. If a robber enters the house, owner cannot throw grenade on him or set fire to him. After killing the robber, owner cannot start killing the neighbours around on whom he had been harbouring hatred. Use of illegal weapons or killing people indiscriminately is an offence. Similarly Tamils have the right of self defence when robbers enter their house called Eelam (Heladiva) and start killing their family members. What has happened in Sri Lanka is that gun yielding robbers have killed Tamil inmates and are still remaining there. That is why UNHRC courts want these robbers to be arrested and Tamil inhabitants freed.

          • 4

            Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
            Compared to the weapons possessed by Demala terrorists, Sri Lankan Armed Forces used reasonable methods because our ‘Ranaviruwao’ were professionals unlike LTTE barbarians. Except the stories fabricated by Demalu, there are no credible evidences that Sri Lankan Armed Forces used excessive methods.

            Elam (Heladiva), Balls! Your house is Dravida Nadu across Palk Strait.

        • 5

          It the robber who came into the.houses and killed the.familles when they tried to defend.saying that.they.have no right to defend. Ignorant neighbors supported initially now only they are regretting

      • 3


        “But MR had other ideas as he found that if he gives anything to Tamils that will the end of his political career.”

        The question is what Tamils need. Look at Colombo Tamils – you yourself. Free education, successful career, even freedom to support terrorism in the old age. In the US, medical students are taking out hundreds of thousands in student loans to pay for their education. Colombo Tamils are doing okay, it is the Jaffna Tamils (mainly Vellalar) who are asking for more. The racist Vellalars were given privileges by the British, now they think these privileges are a basic human right. All rubbish. If they want more, they should join the mainstream political process and negotiate verbally, not with suicide jackets while TNA makes outrageous demands.

    • 2

      Mangala Samaraweera MP,

      “And demons, once unleashed, are not exorcised. I pray that your alliance with dark forces does not lead to you and Sri Lanka befalling the same fate as SWRD Bandaranaike did after he made his pact with extremists. “

      Mahinda Rajapaksa is already in bed with the demons, and he prostrates to the saffron clad demons, who hijacked Buddhism, along with the dark forces and extremists.

      Mahinda Rajapaksa said that he will listen to the wishes of saffron clad demons, and prostrate to them, as the imbeciles do.

      The imbeciles, mean IQ 79, have no clue, as to the games played by Mahinda Rajapaksa Tribe.

  • 7

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  • 5

    As a mature man, a well experienced, at least got old inside the parliament, since 1980 ?, politician you say people need their rights. If so, why did you fool Tamils and now blame others. Evidence is how the Tamils blame you in this web blog. Where in the world, rights and privileges are important than the stomach or food, lodging and a future to look for the family and one self.
    You, and other samaraweeras too I suppose, have wealth, you know how you got it. You are interested in rights and privileges. so, politicians and geo-political needs of the international community needs certain things to happen. do the people ask for those too ?

  • 8

    Britain (one of the top class human right upholders) which invaded Libya and Afghanisthan, turkey and Spain too I suppose, they said they would not allow their soldiers ro forces to be touched. what did you and your parliamentary colleagues gang up and do. in order to you to have FAME inside the UN you sacrificed soldiers who fought for their country, who brought peace from the most ruthless terrorist organization. they did not invade any country destroy peace and lives in those countries.
    Why don’t you as a parliamentarian every time you kept your mouth shut and you kept your mouth shut. You also allowed anything and everything to happen did not you do that ?

    • 11


      Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE Lankawe, by talken unlimited loans from Communist China, have imported uncontrollable Coronavirus communism. International Community have to isolate he SinhaLE, suck out the Chinese Coronavirus infected communist animal blood by economic sanctions re-fuse with Human blood by building sanity and democracy.

      • 4

        The terrorism virus introduced to Sri Lanka by the descendants of slaves brought from Hindusthan and descendants of Muslim refugees from Hindusthan who were saved by Sinhala Buddhists when they faced slaughtering by Portuguese is deadlier than any other virus.
        Native Sinhalayo were the victims of Demala terrorism virus for three decades. The Government of Sri Lanka managed to control that virus but unfortunately ten years later Native Sinhalayo became victims of Muslim terrorism virus. Will Native Sinhalayo be able to live without becoming the victims of these two viruses introduced by ‘Para’ people again?

      • 3

        Mallai – YU -Ran:

        Because LTTE Tamils are rich, but they do not pay compensation to Tamils in Sri Lanka (probably living Tamils and Sri Lankan Tamils all died during the onslaught (mostly taking the Cyanide capsule, they were scared to the Sinhala Army) all LTTE caders. kallathonisfor gold taken forcibly from Dalits. Instead Sinhala people have to pay the govt loans. Tamils can not pay taxes by selling vegetables and Tobacco.

  • 27

    I don’t know whether the withdrawal from UNHRC resolution have any impact on economy and international relationship, but the purpose of this drama is definitely to get more Buddhist Sinhala votes to Mahinda Family in the general election. This family planned everything including the 2005 election win, winning the war with LTTE, loosing the election in Jan 2015, and winning the Gota’s election and forth coming general election. The truth is that ordinary Sinhala buddhists did not get any benefit but lost everything. Over 100,000 poor Sinhala youths lost their lives and livelihood during the war with LTTE. At last LTTE big heads Karuna, Pillaiyan, KP and Family became richest in this country and take control everything. Easter bombing was planned well, USA visa, USA MCC agreement, and recent agreement with India are all go with their plan to sell this beautiful nation. It is not isolation, it is sharing the independence with international partners.

  • 25

    modaya is always a modaya. we will see the drama unfold. wait and see.

    • 3

      Ha ha ha 11 years and still waiting. Like Eelam 71 years and still waiting. Like that song Thambi coming complaining, tip cut is still paining.

  • 22

    This reminds me of Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream speech. Similarly, Dinesh also had a dream to go to Swiss to read a pre-scripted speech at the Geneva UN & he went, he spoke, he impressed a few Lankans & then he returned to a heroic welcome at BIA, they garlanded him – what more the war victims need?

    • 14

      What more the war victims need… , leaving that aside, we want Rajaakshes be beheaded in an open ceremony. That would start reconciliation in this country.

    • 6

      Government of Sri Lanka and its Armed Forces are not responsible for war victims because they did not start a war. The Government of Sri Lanka had to deal with a terrorist campaign launched by descendants of Dravida slaves brought by colonial parasites to carve out a piece of Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo to create a separate State. It was the duty of the Government to take whatever measures needed to eradicate terrorism. So the leader of the terrorist campaign and his LTTE slaughterers are responsible for the victims of that conflict.

      In fact, UNHRC has no mandate to interfere in the Sri Lankan conflict because it was between two domestic parties although they do that due to pressure from their pay masters. They have a mandate to interfere to whatever happened during the period IPKF got involved because IPKF is foreign. Instead of doing their job properly, UNHRC is barking at the wrong tree.

      • 15

        Hey Eagle,

        ” because they did not start a war. ”

        But you lighted the Jaffna Public Library Manuscripts only for a Diwali fun?

        ” UNHRC has no mandate to interfere in the Sri Lankan conflict “

        UN is authorised to interfere when an Army is on a war with another faction. International War protocol are recommended by UN. If a member country breaks it they are liable to answer to UN. You have an option; you can leave UN. But that gives right to any country, whether which is member of UN or not, to invade in. Thus you pick up your selection.


        • 6

          UNHRC cannot interfere to investigate when the two parties involved in the conflict are from the same country. But they do intervene due to pressure from their pay masters which is unethical. In case of Sri Lanka, UNHRC can investigate war crimes committed by IPKF because that is an intervention of a foreign party.
          ‘Para’ Demalu are tight lipped on war crimes committed by IPKF, because they do not have guts to challenge Hindia.

  • 12

    During Mangala’s time, NGOs and Tamils had to fight a long war in UNHRC to get rid of the Paranagama commission which has been making people missing by sending Rapist Army and Rapist CIDs to missing to people’s relatives’ homes. Now, something worse than that is happening. Army, falsely & forcefully, collecting information from the job seekers to go to their homes and investigate about them. (This job offers are election gimmicks). That time, Paranagama lied that the Rapist Army and Rapist CIDs were going to help the Missing relating. Now the Rapist army is very plain on its talks. It has openly said it wants to investigate job seekers incomes. Then the same night these job seekers addresses will be out in Ava Kuzhu list and if their homes are not yet cleared, they will go with swords and finish off them. Extreme numbers of robberies rapes are reported, entering Tamil families’ homes, by sword wielding Ava Kuzhu. Tamils’ areas are under rule by rape, not by law!

    Last two months there are unbelievable numbers Ava Kuzhu visiting to homes in the nights are reported. Further the Micro Loan Lenders are political thugs. Even two days ago, when the husband had gone to work, these political thugs went to the wife and forced three children’s mother to commit suicide (Was murder or suicide?). In Kilinochchi when Old Royals’ Rapist Army forcefully added young Tamil girls to Army, many of they were admitted to Mental Hospitals because of the torture they suffered. At the end of all those tortures, they all dismissed as whole team without job. Tamils don’t need Rapist Army jobs. This rapist Army’s employment game has to reported in UNHRC and UNHRC need to make the Rapist Army get out of job interviewing young Tamil women. This rapist Army’s employment game has not been reported in parliament by Tamils MPs until it was closed. UNHRC needs to make the Rapist Army get out of interviewing in seek of young Tamil women.

  • 15

    there’s a famous saying in English which goes as follows –
    one can fool some of the people for some time but one cannot just continue fooling all the people all the time.?
    the rajapuka gangsters are the past masters at these games taking the poor peasants of this once upon a wonderful time ever since the blue-shirted yokels won power in 1956 using the race card and ever since 2005 after bribing Velupillai Prabhakaran whey they soiled the royal bog till the 8th of January 2015.
    at this poll this cocky bugger called much before the due date, he got the thrashing of his life.?
    his, the family’s and the criminal doings of his undesirable cohorts were deliberately ignored by the yahapalayana government.?
    at the November 16th poll his brother once again fed cow dung to the racist nincompoop masses strode handsomely into power.
    ever since that fateful day, he has been going back on his many an election promise and now he has had the audacity to backtrack on the commitments the yahapalanaya government assured the world in many a written script.
    at least now the world along with the UNHCR should have the balls to call this crooked brainless shit oozing
    nincompoops and place the maximum punishment that can be thrown at them.
    cheers, R. J.

  • 16

    Old argument that the US and UK violate human rights doesn’t wash. In the UK, Blair is a ragbag not a celebrated person like the Rajapakses. So is George Bush in the US. They are both afraid to travel outside for fear of being caught and tried. Now we know it will happen to the Rajapakses if they lose power.

    Why hide from justice. We have Buddhism as the state religion. We must not lie. Gota says 20,000 missing are dead. Their mothers say they surrendered their missing children to the army. So, who killed them? That is the question that has remained unanswered. There are inferences to be drawn.

    • 5


      “There are inferences to be drawn.”

      Those 20,000 did commit en masse suicide and then jumped into barrels and had acid bath, they did all these by themselves .

  • 7

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    • 4

      JD (Jimmy Softy)

      Brilliant X 2
      Thanks X 2
      Keep up your good work X 2

  • 8

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  • 9

    Communists want to be the Hanuman so set fire to Lankawe. This why Siri Mao with, her the best efforts, milked them to blood drip from nipples and threw them away in the drainage. After creating Joint Comedy club with Chinese bribes and with the blessing of Kandy Ayatollah, these demons are again on the driver seat, in Lankawe politics. A new Siri Mao need to come back to disinfect these communist coronaviruses. Without American or NATO or UN or Indian forces walk in, Coronavirus Infected the Indian Ocean Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE Lankawe cannot be cured. As Animal Blood & Coronavirus filled Lankawe will not recognize any humanitarian and human rights laws or ethics, it is the obligation of the International Community to free Tamils from these monsters.

  • 8

    What authority did you have to surrender our proud nation under Samantha Power’s hind end at the UN? Did you have cabinet or parliamentary approval to subject our soldier heroes to international courts (the American Jewish murderers don’t allow it!)?
    [edited out]

    • 17

      DA Gunadasa, you want an independent Lanka? Stop sending your skirt wearing gamarala Banda politicians abroad with a beggar’s bowl asking for foreign aid. Then you have the moral ground to talk. Until then shut up!!

    • 5

      D. A. Gunadasa

      “What authority did you have to surrender our proud nation under Samantha Power’s hind end at the UN?”

      Why is this nation proud, and proud about what?

      “Did you have cabinet or parliamentary approval to subject our soldier heroes to international courts “

      Most of them are murderers, looters, rapists war criminals and pheadophiles.
      Those psychopaths are Zeros not heroes. You will do well to remember it was USA, Hindia and VP brought the war to an end not the cowards.

    • 1

      Gune, Mangala Samare told his UNP Buddies in Matara yesterday that he did it to save the Raja brothers from the Gallows.
      Srry it was High Voltage Electricity while siting on a Chair-

      Mangala Samare went even further to say that he had to call his buddy Dr Ranil to draft it over the Phone.

      Poor Mangala Samare .. He is not a bd Bloke Don’t you think Gune ?..

      BTW Do they hang them in Switzerland or do they just Electrocute them like Uncle Sam does ?…

      Which ever way thank God Rajas are safe..

      Otherwise we would have had to have another 5 years with Dr Rani , Mangala Samare, Ranjan Ramanayaka , Bathudeen , Rauf Hakeem , Mujibur Rahuman , Champaka Ranawaka , Kiriella, Dr Rajtha , Hirunickers and even Dr Rajitha Son doing Yahapalana on us..

      What do you reckon Gune, about Dr Rajitha’s Son as the PM and Hirunickers Premachandra as the President in an all UNP Government after the end of Nandasena?..

  • 6

    “Our security forces lost opportunities for training with the best in the world and participating in UN peacekeeping operations.”

    Are they the best in the world? The US and its NATO ally are leaving Afghanistan in about 14 months after making a “deal” with the Taliban. After 17 years, the US could not defeat the Taliban. Maybe if the US military was allowed to do what needs to be done, without interference from the human rights champions, the situation would be different. Who knows.

    “Second, the process undertaken allowed Sri Lanka the means to restore the dignity of the institutions of the army, air force, navy, and police, by investigating locally, through locally designed processes, all allegations of violations of the law including by the LTTE and any others.”

    How can the process restore dignity if the process is conducted under pressure from foreigners, with the judge, jury, and prosecutors are foreigners as well? At the very least, the UN should have let Sri Lanka do its own investigations. In fact, Sri Lanka did its own investigations and found no credible investigations of war crimes. So this case is closed. Mangala -onnaya does not understand that, that is why his party lost the election.

  • 4

    With all this hard work of poor Mangala Samare , our Nation experienced the most horrific death of 300 poor innocent moms . dads brothers , sisters and even children of both local and foreign citizens.
    As well as terrible maiming of another 500. last Easter Sunday.
    All ,while praying in the Sanctum of Kutiyapitiya, Madakalapuwa and Kochikade..

    Wonder whether the HR Champions in the United Nations at least observed a Minute of Silence in memory of those lost lives and the injured who are still suffering , before they opened the debate on this Mangala’s marvelous UN Resolution 30/1 on Lankawe…

    • 10

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “With all this hard work of poor Mangala Samare , our Nation experienced the most horrific death of 300 poor innocent moms . dads brothers , sisters and even children of both local and foreign citizens.”

      Though the Hindians supplied specific intel in good time those who were recruited, trained and employed by Gota under Mahinda’s government were caught napping.

      Hindians won the war against VPs LTTE because Hindian military experts were on the ground (Omanthai) and up in the sky directing the Sri Lankan dumasses in uniform to select targets and obliterate … over 3 years period. The Hindians knew if they were not on their back the Dumasses would have had a jolly good time “Kaala Beela” looting from local farmers, raping the local girls, murdering men and women, …………

      Now it is incumbent upon Gota to import Hindian intelligent agents to replace the dumbasses attached to State Intelligence Service, Directorate of Military Intelligence, ….

      • 2

        Dear Native,

        I think you got it all wrong , Mate.

        Mr Pirahaparan killed your Hindian Javans in shit loads Apparently Pira Boys took care of 1700 plus according to my Elders.

        Hindians in retaliation raped even under age Tamil Girls from Dalit families, while your Vellala mates were living the good life in Cinnamon Gardens .

        If you don’t believe me just ask Mr Wigneswaran .

        • 5

          KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

          “Mr Pirahaparan killed your Hindian Javans in shit loads Apparently Pira Boys took care of 1700 plus according to my Elders.”

          True, all this happened while Sri Lankan armed forces were hiding behind their women folks and mainly VP’s fat bum. The total number of IPKF death was around 1200. Haven’t you visited the IPKF war memorial? The address is as follows: 110 New Parliament Rd, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte 10120.

          “Hindians in retaliation raped even under age Tamil Girls from Dalit families, while your Vellala mates were living the good life in Cinnamon Gardens .”

          Of course they did, just like anyone in the Sri Lankan armed forces did.
          This was when Mahinda was scared s**t of the IPKF. He was really scared that he would as ask many what he should do in case if IPKF decided to walk into the deep south. Did you know he was a human rights champion at that time.

          Watch this clip:
          Mahinda Rajapaksa Attempts To Attack Supporter
          Athettama Chandiya Thamay.

      • 3

        “Hindians won the war against VPs LTTE because Hindian military experts were on the ground (Omanthai) and up in the sky directing the Sri Lankan dumasses in uniform to select targets and obliterate … over 3 years period.”

        Hindians could not win the war against ‘Para’ Demala terrorists even after losing more than 1000 soldiers. They packed their bags and ran away putting their tails in between their hind legs. Our ‘Ranaviruwo’ could have eliminated megalomaniac Sun God at Wadamarachi if that dumbo did not drop Parippu and forced Thambi Mudiyanselage to withdraw. That Dumbo is rotting in hell with his mother along with tiger cub that she breast fed for crimes committed against ‘Native Sinhalayo’

        • 5

          Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

          ” Our ‘Ranaviruwo’ could have eliminated megalomaniac Sun God at Wadamarachi if that dumbo did not drop Parippu and forced Thambi Mudiyanselage to withdraw. “

          Oh please, Rana-virus tried and failed for 30 years until VP worked closely with Hindians to destroy LTTE and won two elections for Mahinda.

          The other thing is that when Rana-virus heard roaring Hindian planes the first thing that they did was to hide behind their woman folks.

          • 1

            Dear Native,

            EE seems to have a valid point there..Mate.

            I did my Maths.
            Just imagine if the Javans had to do what our Ranaveerans did .

            .Even If I take your Hindian take of just 1200 Jvans in just two years, it would have been a bloody terrible loss of 36,000 Javans over 30 years. .

            And Mahaveeran Mr Velupulle Pirahaparn would have been the first Executive President of a real Thamil Eelaam for the first time since King Elaran..

            And Vaiko clan would have been running the second Eelaam in Thamil Nad.
            But it would not have been as Independent as the the Thamil Eelaam in the North.

            Wonder what Gigs the current ardent followers like CV Wigneswaran , Sampathar , Abrham ,Ponnambalam Sivajilingam, Annathi, and a whole host of other high profile Yahapalana supporters would have got from Velupulle in his Independent Eelaam?.

            Native, Where is Mr Paikiosothy now a days?.
            And who was this Thambi Mudiyanselage?..

            • 3

              KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

              “And Vaiko clan would have been running the second Eelaam in Thamil Nad.
              But it would not have been as Independent as the the Thamil Eelaam in the North.”

              Your Thambi/Annan/Thalaivar Thiruvengadam Vellupillai Prabaharan thought Vaiko was his man in New Delhi however it later transpired he was Delhi’s man in LTTE.

              “Wonder what Gigs the current ardent followers like CV Wigneswaran , Sampathar , Abrham ,Ponnambalam Sivajilingam, Annathi, and a whole host of other high profile Yahapalana supporters would have got from Velupulle in his Independent Eelaam?.”

              If ever Mahinda’s poodle wins more than two seats in the North it is not because he is popular on his own right, but it is because those whom you mentioned above cannot stand each other.

              “And who was this Thambi Mudiyanselage?”

              JR was mentioned somewhere as a descendant of Muslim ancestors.
              Look for James Rutnam’s article on JR family. He could have been your ancestor too.

              • 0

                KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

                It was Thombu Mudaliyar who was mentioned as JR’s ancestor.

                • 0

                  Dear Native.

                  Pity our ex Presidents and PMs do not open their own Museums, with their personal items after attaining Nirwana.-

                  Otherwise we could have found really cool memorabilia , like Morroccan Hats , Tiffing sets,and even arm chair commodes from King Georges era .

                  But the Pancake Cake Cart from Keselwatta which produced the first ever Dalit PM and the President in Lankawe would have been the most valuable as far aI am concerned.
                  And that could have been the main attraction…-

                  What a great achievement considering the fact that the Ruling Elite then was a closed Alliance of the descendants of the Moroccan, British and European Heritage..

          • 2

            Native Kala Vedda
            “Oh please, Rana-virus tried and failed for 30 years until VP worked closely with Hindians to destroy LTTE and won two elections for Mahinda.”

            Because of the intervention taken by Rajiv Gandhi, Piripakaran’s ass was saved and the war dragged on until the King from Ruhuna (land of King Gamini Abhaya aka Dutu Gemunu) send your Sun God to hell to rot there for trillion years along with the ‘Parippu’ dumbo and his mother who breast fed tiger cubs for crimes committed against Native Sinhalayo.

  • 7

    Hey Gunadasa,
    The same right and authority as the proposer had in 27th May 2009 by MR’s nominee to submit the resolution and have it adopted. You have missed this part of the article:(commencement of 2nd para of the article.
    “The Government of Sri Lanka also tabled a resolution in the Human Rights Council in 2009 at a special session and had it adopted by a vote on 27 May 2009. No Cabinet approval was sought for the Joint Statement or for the Resolution at the time”.
    Hope you have the answer to your question, clear your mid of doubts and satisfied.

    • 4


      But you did not read about the part that talks about Old King agreed with UNSG and the National Human Rights Action Plan. If have understood those lines why don’t you explain us little more on that? Just bugger off man instead of bluffing.

  • 5

    Mahinda & CO did l the dirty tricks to grab power. They have accumulated wealth through Biami just like JJ and Sasikala from Tamil Nadu did. Mahinda and Ranil have a share in CB scam The politicians scratch each other back when it comes to corruption. It is the poor man who gets affected They have taken the country towards an economic disaster. Poor Singhala masses are taken for a good ride using The Singhal Buddhist: policy. Soon the masses will feel the impulse of UNHRC action and the action by the international community.

    • 2

      Pon Kulendiran,
      “Soon the masses will feel the impulse of UNHRC action and the action by the international community.”

      Bloody ungrateful traitors always waiting something nasty to happen to Native Sinhalayo.
      Giving citizenship to Dravida slaves brought by colonial parasites was one of the biggest mistakes made by stupid Sinhala politicians. We are paying the price for their blunder.

  • 3

    The country is Dependent a parasite to china and India on some risky mechanisms that you both have directed , and they are very unpredictable. They can easily collapse. Now china is in trouble India agony, as nearly 50% of our supplies ( Import ) are threatening closure, In a crisis like this what is set up you have presented prepared against rise recession As it is signaling that their is a problem in future so that any government in power that can be dealt. indicating that mounting coronavirus fears rippled across global markets. deterioration of conditions

  • 3

    The Geneva resolutions are mainly based on false claims made by the diaspora Tamils to the Ban ki Moons bogus commission of POE’s headed by Darusman.
    Still, after more than a decade, they are only taking about credible allegations and no credible evidence what so ever to prove any of those allegations.

    The report of the Darusman clique themselves have said in their own report that the findings in their report are in no way verified and can not be used as evidence in any court of law.
    As the Geneva resolutions are based on this flawed report what needs to be done is to destroy the base and the rest will crumble.

    • 3


      “The Geneva resolutions are mainly based on false claims made by the diaspora Tamils to the Ban ki Moons bogus commission of POE’s headed by Darusman.”

      Okay oldman, do you want to confess?

  • 7

    We can argue re: UN Resolution until the cows come home, but does it solve the issue? Unless and until SL Government has the guts to have an Independent Public Inquiry at least with local and foreign media observation, the International Community is not going to give up. This is because the SL Diaspora is politically very strong due to their “block votes” in developed countries. This is the reality.

  • 3

    Bad luck guys who supports UN resolution against SL. UNHRC can not do much now. Even US is not with them anymore. It is a corrupted organization. Politics is all over in that.

    • 2


      “UNHRC can not do much now.”

      You must be very clever as you have guessed it.
      What did you expect from UNHRC?

    • 0

      Managala should retire from politics. He ruined the economy as FM. Ruined the UNP. He and his sidekick Crysantha Cooray ruined the government and the party. They did such vicious things that they now have run away. Investigate the deals at lake house . You will know what a patriot they are?

  • 0


    Your strategy was correct in 2015. Now UNHCR is weary of this Sri Lanka Resolution and the current strategy based on reality is also right. The tactic should be to exhaust the enthusiasm of the movers of this resolution, while doing what is possible to implement whatever was agreed and possible.

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