18 September, 2024


Politics Of Costly Covid Burials

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

It would be difficult to find a better instance of proof to demonstrate how economically irrational, administratively incompetent and politically vengeful the Rajapaksa rulers are than their decision to transport under strict security protection thousands of Covid-dead bodies from all parts of the island to an otherwise sleepy Muslim town of Oddamavadi in Eastern Province, whose Majma Nagar, a few acres of precious grazing land for cattle owners, has now become a mega-cemetery. So far, Majma Nagar is said to have consumed around 2,300 covid-dead bodies of which 2,150 are Muslims. At a time when the pandemic has caused incalculable damage to the economy and driving the treasury to the brink of bankruptcy, how could one justify the waste of precious financial resources and limited administrative capacity and personnel in a political experiment just to satisfy the cravings of vengeful Islamophobes?

When the first case of the pandemic appeared in 27 January 2020 (interestingly the victim was a Chinese non-national) before infecting several by April that year, which warranted immediate provision of quarantine facilities, it was just a little over two months since Gotabaya Rajapaksa (GR) was elected as President. Following his election, in August 2020, Parliamentary Elections were held and the President’s brother Mahinda Rajapaksa (MR) became Prime Minister. In both elections it was the Sinhala Buddhist communal card more than any other issue that determined the final outcome. It was the campaign against an assumed threat from minorities and particularly from Muslims after the Easter attack that won the battle. Muslims of course overwhelmingly rejected the winners at both elections. The scar from that wound was still afresh in the minds of the rulers when Covid broke out. Was it any wonder then that when the pandemic started spreading some Tablighi Jamaat returnees from India were blamed by a few Buddhist zealots? By that time however, Muslim community had suffered immensely at the hands of Buddhist supremacists, and neither GR nor the government of MR did anything to check the anti-Muslim rage. It was in that background the fateful decision was made by GR to cremate Covid-dead bodies on the basis of a spurious argument that burying the Covid-dead would contaminate ground water and would be a source for the spread of Covid.

That argument came originally from a Professor of Soil Science and not of epidemiology from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Neither the WHO nor any epidemiologist anywhere in the world supported her findings. It was universally considered safe to bury the pandemic dead without any chance of the living getting infected from underground water. But in a country where myth and occultism are accepted as part of scientific knowledge that professor’s pseudo-epidemiology was grasped by hardliner Buddhist monks, their political bigwigs and viethmaga cabal to wreck vengeance on Muslims. A president who was brought to power by this mob had no choice but to succumb to their demand. There was one monk who publicly proclaimed that burying the Covid-dead would bury the government. Muslim Covid-dead were therefore forcibly cremated, provoking protests not only from Muslims inside and outside the country, but also from Christian priests, enlightened Buddhist monks, intellectuals and international human rights groups. Forced cremation went on until UNHCR took up the issue and which was one of the reasons why the country faced that debacle in Geneva in September 2020. After that, the regime was looking for a way out of the dilemma without losing the support of its political base.

Any government or ruler who believes in and respects the findings of proven science and intellectual rationalism would have discarded the soil scientist’s argument and allowed burials in which ever cemetery available closer to the family of the dead. It would have been cheaper, less time consuming, humane and would have shifted the responsibility of burying the dead to the victim’s family and friends. Of course, precautionary measures are necessary and restrictions should be imposed on the number allowed to attend the funeral and take care of the religious or cultural final rites. Every other country has adopted this policy. Here, the regime does not want to reject the original rationale even though its originator had resigned from the advisory group. This is typical of a government that has marginalized the advice and role of health experts and qualified epidemiologists in policy making, and has put its trust instead on the military and medical trade unions.

Without dismissing the water contamination argument, the rulers searched for an alternative strategy. They decided to transport the human corpse to be buried in far-off places and dry lands. Having considered a Maldivian solution at first to export the dead to that country, but sensibly rejected later because of possible diplomatic nightmares in future, Iranaitivu in the Gulf of Mannar was chosen as an alternative. When people of that island rose in revolt, it was also given up and a final decision was made to transport the dead to be buried in Majma Nagar in Oddamavadi.  None of the Muslim parliamentarians did raise even an eyebrow in protest.  While they were illegitimately claiming credit for the regime’s abdication of forced cremation, the regime was looking for a distant spot to dump all Covid dead Muslim bodies to satisfy the hardliner monks and Islamophobes. This decision has now proved to be a very costly exercise. Will the finance ministry publish the data on the cost of burials in Oddamavadi? As Majma Nagar is getting filled and Oddamavadi Town Council is crying for help, there is talk of opening a new cemetery either in Irakkamam or possibly Puttalam, two other Muslim enclaves. In the prevailing financial tightness of the government, this exercise is irrational, unaffordable and even unjust. What actually lies behind this costly exercise is politics and not the prevention of pandemic. 

*Dr. Ameer Ali, School of Business & Governance, Murdoch University, Western Australia

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  • 8

    True the Rajapaksa brothers are morally and intellectually corrupt and bankrupt, but so too are the Sri Lankan doctors. GMOA, SLMA etc. Doctors are scared to get Covid-19 and demanding lockdowns to destroy the economy with the ultra corrupt WHO which is funded by the global Big Pharama mafia.
    Today in Sri Lanka people die ONLY of Covid-19. There are no more Heart attacks, cancer, diabetese, flu, pneumonia deaths. Only Covid-19 deaths based on Fake PCR tests and of course the galloping lucrative Vaccination Race!
    Covid-19 is a numbers game and global big Pharmaceutical and bio-tech business based on a PCR testing Hoax! The US Centers for Disease Control has now stopped PCR testing as of the end of the year because of it various fake results, false positives and negatives and inaccuracies.
    Various numbers of Covis deaths and cases are churned out daily based on false positive PCR tests to pump up the fear psychosis and sell vaccines.
    The US Centers for Disease Control has now stopped PCR testing as of the end of the year because of it various flaws and inaccuracies.
    ! True the Rajapaksa brothers are morally and intellectually corrupt and bankrupt!

    • 0

      Like the 2019 CIA owned ISIS attacks in Sri Lanka, this whole issue of burials of Muslims is a distraction from the Covid-19 bio terrorism and PCR test data hoax project to promote and weaponize fear.
      America uses terrorism and Covid 19 to make US great again and destroy others, with US Big Pharma mRNA vaccines and global survellance, data grabbing and manipulation and global governance project.
      In 2020 the First people to get Covid-19 in Sri Lanka were Muslims and Christian minorities. This was to Divide and Distract people from the fact that Covid 19 is a bioweapon and PCR test data hoax meant to crash the economy by locking down people, and enable US to destroy emerging economies (BRICS in particular) and colonize the Global South!
      Covid-19 then hit the Navy spread from a US aircraft carrier Theodore Rooseveldt from Guam Base!

  • 5

    Decision to transport under strict security protection thousands of Covid-dead bodies from all parts of the island to an otherwise sleepy Muslim town of Oddamavadi in Eastern Province,

    Have such move prevented or eradicated covid patients these expenses for dead should have been the patients who are alive and spend more on safety measures Infection Prevention and Control for the safe management

    .Based on current evidence, the COVID-19 virus is transmitted between people through droplets, no evidence of persons having become infected from buried bodies or body fluids leaking of persons who died from COVID-19; and exposure for infection.

  • 1

    Even in UK, an advanced heath system is unable to deter the appearance of new cases.


    How can Sri Lanka do it?

    • 1


      Compared to other grand nations in Europe, UK s advanced health system is far behind. I know this very well. Health insurance is anot a must in UK while Germany, France, Switzerand and several countries it is made compulsory.

      In SL, if govt hospital would fail, is understandable, but why pvt hospitals to neglect the norms ?

    • 0

      Are they rationing food in U.K.

    • 0

      Even since Mrs Thatcher, the NHS was systematically eroded from within.
      Britain had a health service that was the envy of the world, with free health service to all.
      With the weakening of the NHS, Health Insurance business crept in.
      Private medicine is not yet dominant in the UK. But the quality of heath service leaves much to be desired.

  • 2

    SL should go back to cremations only.

  • 3

    I am a Christian and the only form of disposing my body someday is a burial. But having said that, these are special times and I can’t allow my foolish religious beliefs get in the way of people’s safety. As a Citizen, I have a civic responsibility to take into account other people’s safety during a pandemic.

    If I don’t like that, I can pack my bags and go live in Jerusalem and do whatever I like there.

    • 8


      “I am a Christian and the only form of disposing my body someday is a burial. “

      In Canada and USA both burial and cremation are available hence why are you unnecessarily worrying about your funeral?

      By the way are you trying to raise fund among CT Readership?
      Its too bad.

      Tell your kith and kin (if you have any) to appeal to the CT readers only when you are on your dead bed. CT readers are ever ready to send you directly to Nibbana. It is too early for you to attain Nibbana now as you lack enough merits.

      Hang in there.

    • 4

      The foolish belief is not preference for burial, but the belief that the virus spreads from dead human bodies through the soil.

      • 1


        Virus does spread from soil when it comes in contact with drinking water. Here in Canada, they took samples from sewage and found the virus. Fortunately, here sewage is treated before it’s released onto the waterways.

        In any case, it’s the majority choice not to take any chances with this form of body disposable and in a Democracy, Majority wins.

        • 1

          Here is what you refer to: “For the past several months researchers at the University of Ottawa and CHEO Research Institute working with the ROPEC staff have been conducting and refining their approach. Currently, five days a week, wastewater is collected and transported to a laboratory where viral RNA levels are immediately tested and results reported the next morning.
          Thank to this innovative research at CHEO and the University of Ottawa, we are one of the first communities in North America to take the step of conducting such daily wastewater readings. “
          This is simply a way of measuring infections in the population. The same way diabetes can be diagnosed from urine. You can’t get infected unless you swim in the sewage. In any case this has no relevance to burials. Thousands of people have been buried in Indonesia and India. There is not a single case of Covid spread by burials.

        • 0

          Has anyone found active virus spreading through soil?
          If democracy wins why do we needs courts of law and scientific investigations?
          The majority believes in astrology, and we can leave everything to soothsayers.

    • 4

      Reginald Shemale army loser, you are a Christian? There is no Christianity that comes from you. You are a slimeball, who got kicked out of the military as a low class foot soldier. Idiot you live in Canada and the dead are buried everyday. Do you see the pandemic spreading because of burials? You have a civic responsibility? Hahahaha that’s a hoot. What the heck do you know about civic responsibilities? Is that why you packed your bags and came to Canada since they gave you the boot from this 3rd world army?

    • 0


      ALL in WHO are christian they are one who is saying that cremation and burial is allowed now sri lanka is also allowing burial. Now the covid patients are more the civic responsibility to take into account other people’s safety during a pandemic
      social distance.

  • 5

    SL has its own self acclaimed experts. Whether it is the pandemic or use of chemical fertiliser, we have our own interpretation, not necessarily backed by scientific facts or opinions of experts on the relevant subject. We believe in divine powers & the wisdom of monks, the cost of the blunders & repercussions of ad hoc & short term strategy are immaterial. At the end of the day, we all suffer but it is the poor who suffer most, Then again, there is a saying, we reap what we sow.

    • 0

      Do the British still believe that bottled drinking water is an explosive substance?

      • 0

        Looks like they do, but are shy to admit.

    • 0

      International experts in WHO and other organisations are so good – thanks to them we got this pandemic in the first place.

      • 1

        Punchi Point
        Punchi Brain
        Punchi Willi

        “International experts in WHO and other organisations are so good – thanks to them we got this pandemic in the first place.”

        Who must have believed since China has already bought nearly the entire island, Chinese were responsible for health, safety and welfare of the people.

        However China trusted Gota to choose the right person to manage/deal with the Pandemic. Gota chose Dr Kamala Gunaratne and Dr Shavendra Silva while wondering whether you were available or running your Pandemic research and consultancy fro never never land.

        It appears that Dr Kamala Gunaratne and Dr Shavendra Silva have been fighting LTTE and not even begun to fight COVID 19.

        So the problem was that Gota was unaware of availability of your services.

  • 1

    Like what they did in 2009 why not take these bodies and throw into mid ocean. Our guys are expert in this.

  • 2

    Those Muslim MPP from the Eastern Province who voted for the 20th Amendment should be held responsible for the indignity faced by the Muslim community throughout the country. Not only that; They should also be held responsible for the dire straits that the other two communities Sinhala and Tamil have found themselves under the Rajapakse dispensation. True, there would still be some sections of the extremist elements who would be cheering on for what they perceive as a bloody good lesson for the Muslims with Muslim support!

  • 3

    An important, but hardly discussed, subject. If I may add some details, the total number buried in Ottomawadi, upto end August is 2369 (112 Hindus, 64 Buddhists, 43 Christians and 2150 Muslims).

    Leaving the Unjustifiability of the decision to Deny the Burial rights of Muslims aside, what is most heart-rending was the Heartless Cremation, in Dec. 2020, of a 20 day old baby – the First baby of a couple after a Six year wait. The baby was admitted to the Lady Ridgeway Hospital in Colombo in the night and the parents were told that the baby was suffering from Pneumonia. After an Antigen test around midnight, the parents were told that the baby was positive for Coronavirus. The parents were subsequently tested and both tested negative. How did the baby test positive when the parents tested negative? The Doctors could not explain that. The crying parents were told more tests were needed and sent home.

    The next day, they were informed that the baby died of Covid 19. Repeated pleadings from the father to the Doctors to conduct a PCR test to re-confirm the result of the Antigen test were Callously Refused. Wonder whether the Doctors would have acted differently if the parents were not Muslims.


  • 3


    6 months after lifting the ban on Burials, there is ONLY One place in the entire country where Burials are allowed causing Unnecessary inconvenience and hardship to the Bereaving Family living in other areas. Equally bad is the cost and waste of human and material resources in preserving and transporting bodies to the Burial site at a time of severe Financial crisis in the country.

    How about permitting Burial in places where the Water Table is low enough to prevent any so-called ‘Imaginary ‘ Pollution? For example, Kuppiyawatte Burial ground in Colombo, located in an elevated area where the Water Table is 10 Feet Below Ground level. So, “Pollution” is non-existent there. So, why not allow Burial there?

    More than one year after allowing Burial, 190 countries the world over have Not faced any “Water Pollution”. So, why continue with this Ridiculous Deception here?

    Is there any possibility of ‘Water Pollution’ in Colombo and other major cities where pipe-borne water is in use? So, why not allow Burials in such areas?

    Obviously, the so-called “Water Pollution” is a Major Hoax by anti-Muslim racist elements. The Hoax is long past its Expiry date.

    Isn’t it High time the Authorities woke up to end the severe plight of the Muslims and also some non-Muslims while saving the country’s valuable resources?

    • 1

      @ Muhandiram

      Can you please for my edification identify the source for your statistics pertaining to the numbers of burials at Oddamavadi as at end August 2021 ? Thank you.
      The reason for my question is that according to the website of the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health, the total number of deaths up to the 27th of August 2021 is as follows :
      Sinhalese – 5,691
      Moor – 1,338
      Tamil – 1,023
      Burgher – 301
      Other – 18
      Total – 8,371
      There is a wide discrepancy between the above data and that quoted by you, even if reasonable levels of error are factored in.
      As for permitting Covid burials at Kuppiyawatte, even if the water table at this location has been scientifically determined as being low, the big question is whether Kuppiyawatte could have accommodated over 2,000 Covid burials over the last 6 months plus the many 1,000’s that could be estimated over the next 6 – 12 months.

    • 0

      In which document did you find the 10ft distance? And do you really think that elevation of 10ft has anything to say about the distance to the watertable? This is so dumb….
      The expert committee has recommended a minimum of 8.9 feet depth and you come up with this 10 feet?! just 1.1 foot lower? Hilarious. FYI the water table is not a permanent structure – its the depth where the groundwater is at atmospheric pressure, and it fluctuates with rainfall and drought. When it rains a few hours in Kuppiyawatte the water table will raise a foot or two. When it floods, as it does in some areas in Colombo often, the distance to groundwater, that is the distance to the water table is zero and the water is flowing all over, and the dead bodies packed in double layered 300 micron thick heavy duty body bags weighing a good 5-6++ kilos each and stuffed in coffins douched and soaked in 20-30++ liters of hazardous chemicals inside and out, will be rotting and floating in their coffins. This is the macabre reality.
      Stop mutilating the Muslim deadbodies and let them be treated respectfully and be cremated.

  • 0

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  • 3


    The source for my information is the Koralaipatru West Pradeshiya Sabha which, I believe, manages the Burial Ground at Ottamawadi, and reported in a website in Tamil where English translation is also available. Here is the link. http://www.jaffnamuslim.com/2021/08/36.html.

    True, there is a big discrepancy in the figures. Well, Dr. Herath, Deputy Director General of Health Services has confirmed the “contradictory figures” which he has attributed to “delayed reports”. See; https://www.dailymirror.lk/print/main_image/Contradictory-figures-on-daily-Covid-cases-due-to-delayed-reportsDr-Herath/346-219448

    As for Burials at Kuppiyawatte, it is just one place which could have taken care of at least a few hundred bodies and saved the Agony of the family members in and around Colombo going all the way to Ottamawadi. Even Ottamawadi is almost full and places in Trincomalee, Ampara and Puttalam are being considered now. There must be enough and more other places in other areas in the country where it should be possible to do the Burials.

    Isn’t there a Govt. Rule that the Burials should be completed within 24 hours of death? Right now, with bodies having to be transported all the way to Ottamawadi, isn’t this rule being observed in the Breach almost Always, thanks to the lackadaisical, haphazard and possibly irresponsible approach by the Authorities concerned?

  • 0

    If burials become too costly, then all Covid-19 dead must be cremated.
    There’s a false belief that once the person with the active virus is dead and buried that the virus particles just die automatically. However the truth of the matter is that most virus do not die when a person dies or a corpse is buried. Live i.e. active virus particles can survive for weeks and months and spread several hundred meters and find a new host and start replicating. This particular virus SARS-Cov-2 is so dangerous as it is mutating quite frequently successfully making new variants in addition to being deadly, and the last thing that must be done is to make repositories of it under soil or anywhere else. A Covid-19 corpse can contain billions of active virus, depending on at what stage of the sickness the patient lost his/her life. SARS-Cov-2 has a very low infectious dose (estimated at around 300 particles), the delta variant has a couple of folds lesser infectious dose and SARS-Cov-2 is relatively resilient to many conditions, which will make its survival rate high – so this is not a virus to play with.

    • 2

      Punchi Point
      Punchi Brain
      Punchi Willi

      “However the truth of the matter is that most virus do not die when a person dies or a corpse is buried. “

      Okay, how long does it take for virus to die?
      What happens to water that has been used for washing, body, hands, face and bum by Covid 19 victim. Does the water contain active live viruses?

      This is all about your hatred for Muslims isn’t it?

      Ranaviruses have survived more than 12 years after the war.
      What are you going to do about it?

    • 1

      “Live i.e. active virus particles can survive for weeks and months and spread several hundred meters and find a new host”
      Really? Would you kindly provide a source for this? Not of course one that you made up yourself.
      Isn’t it good enough for you that 95% of countries allow burials, including ones with low water tables like Maldives? Has even one case of Covid transmission by groundwater been proven? Stop lying, woman.

      • 1

        old codger

        Please note the two legged Viruses which live among us are more dangerous than Covid 19. Whether you burn them or bury them at times two legged are more lethal dead than alive.

  • 0

    “ It was universally considered safe to bury the pandemic dead without any chance of the living getting infected from underground water. ”
    What rubbish! If it is universally considered safe to bury Covid-19 corpses, why are they packed in impermeable double layered plastic bags and then buried? Besides groundwater contamination is only a small issue compared to facilitating mutant variant formation and spread of the virus through soil and later infection through direct or indirect contact, not to mention the danger to animals and wildlife, where the whole drama of Covid-19 first started.
    It has never been universally considered safe to bury Covid-19 corpses. It still isn’t.
    Some questions asked at Researchgate discussed by scholars and students:
    Read the answers by Muslim scientists and learn since you obviously seem to have a bias against non-Muslims particularly Sinhalese.

    • 0

      Yes, very very clever. The only Muslim scientist in the link is in the comments. He has not researched the matter. The other guy is a Sri Lankan, probably yourself.
      Can’t you be honest for once?

  • 0

    Here is a question asked by a Muslim lady scientist/scholar from Srilanka in December-2020. Please read the answers:
    She obviously didn’t get the answer she wanted even from Muslim scientists.
    There’s no scientific evidence showing that burying Covid-19 dead is safe, while there are scientific studies which shows that there could be a danger associated with burying virus infected bodies. So burials of Muslim Covid-19 dead are done with a huge risk to public health, animals and wildlife, for the simple reason that some people are so selfish that they think following what a prophet or god supposedly had told is more important than the safety and life of other living beings.
    Ameer Ali’s assault on the Sinhalese, the Buddhists and Buddhist monks is deplorable. Ameer Ali has previously too forged statistics of Muslim Covid-19 deaths to make it look like Muslims are most affected by Covid-19 – however the real statistics show that all ethnic groups are equally affected.

    • 1

      There is absolutely NO evidence , even in the link you show, that Covid can be transmitted by groundwater. Stop lying.
      “Director of Medical Technical Services and Coordinator-in Charge of COVID-19 Control at the Ministry of Health Dr. Anver Hamdani told NewsWire that the burials include 613 males and 398 females.(As of July 4th)
      He further said 960 Muslims, 19 Hindu, 15 Christians, and 17 Buddhists Covid victims have been buried thus far.”
      That’s out of 3000 plus total deaths at the time.
      It’s quite clear that the barefaced liar isn’t Dr. Ali. Are you trying to prove that Sinhala Buddhists are habitual liars, or can’t understand basic statistics?

      • 1

        old codger

        “Are you trying to prove that Sinhala Buddhists are habitual liars,…..”

        Indeed, they are.
        They lie to Sinhalese and Buddhists as well, all the time.
        The Sinhala/Buddhist Politicians, state functionaries, ………………. archaeologists and historian are the biggest professional liars, lying to their own people.

        Please tell us the best and easiest ways to liberate Sinhalese and Buddhists from Sinhala/Buddhists.

  • 0

    Ameer Ali has been lying and forging Muslim Corona death statistics.
    On 27th February 2021 he wrote:
    “At last, after nearly 12 months of agony and trauma, and close to 350 forced cremation of Corona-killed Muslims ”
    On 27.02.2021 total Corona deaths in the country was 460, which according to Ameer Ali’s forged numbers would make 76% of total Corona deaths to be Muslim deaths. As I pointed out at that time, its so totally unbelievable.
    The government official figures show that on 30th April 2021, over two whole months after Ameer Ali’s total fabrication that there were only 178 Muslim deaths out of a total of 678.
    Ethnic breakdown of Covid-19 deaths (30.04.2021) :
    Sinhalese – 390
    Moor – 178
    Tamil – 99
    Burgher – 4
    Foreign/other – 7
    So when Ameer Ali made his false statements on 27th February regarding “~350 deaths”, the figure was only ~120.
    Muslims are over-represented in Covid-19 deaths, nevertheless not to the degree as Ameer Ali claims – the overall situation of Covid-19 infection and deaths, could be said to affect all ethnicities more or less equally.

    • 0

      Even by your own statistics, Muslim deaths are almost half the number of Sinhalese deaths. Do you even know the percentage of Muslims in the population? How can you possibly claim “the overall situation of Covid-19 infection and deaths, could be said to affect all ethnicities more or less equally.”. Are you trying to prove that Sinhala Buddhists can’t count too?
      Please stop disgracing your community.

    • 0

      Ethnicity…………….Percentage of…………………..Ratio of percentages
      population….”Covid-19 deaths”
      Sinhalese…..74.9………………57.5 (390/678)………….0.768
      Tamils 15.3………………14.6 (99/678)…………….0.967
      Muslims 9.5………………..26.2 (178/678)…………..2.758
      Burghers 0.2…………………0.6 (4/678)………………3.0
      (Tamils is all Tamils. Muslims includes Malays)
      (Burgher numerical data is too small to be of statistical significance)
      Could the above be said to show death rate affects all ethnicities more or less equally?
      “More or less”— how much more and how much less?

  • 0

    The expert committee appointed by the Sri Lankan government recommends that the watertable should lie at least 2.7 meters below ground level.
    Before you attack the Sinhalese and the Buddhists and call our monks all these vicious names, can the fanatically anti-Sinhalese and anti-Buddhist Muslim man Ameer Ali tell us where in this island we can find such places, where the watertable is 2.7 meters below the ground level at all times. Bear in mind that when there is a flood the distance to the watertable from the ground = zero.
    No logical or sane answer will ever be given by the anti-Sinhalese and anti-Srilankan gangs here, only more personal attacks and hate speech against the Sinhalese, which I have stopped reading, since when I have read one, I have basically read them all – all of them nonsensical rhetorical babble.

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