17 January, 2025


Prez Gotabaya Virtually Tells The Tamils Et Al: “Go To Hell !”

By Karikalan S. Navaratnam

Karikalan S. Navaratnam

Even as the whole nation is in a state of paralysis due to coronavirus pandemic, exploiting the melancholy mood of the people wrapped up in distress and cunningly seizing the moment, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa had, on 26 March 2020 granted pardon to Army Sergeant Sunil Ratnayake, a mass murderer, and set him free from the jail. 

Moot question

Does Gotabaya have the power under the Constitution to grant pardon.? At this moment, it’s only a moot question. Apparently, the Justice Minister has spoken on the issue to Meera Srinivasan, ‘The Hindu’ Correspondent in Colombo: ‘Minister Nimal Siripala has said that  a report had been called from his Ministry. “The final decision is with the President. He can overrule anything. He has the absolute power to grant pardon, no one can question him,” he told The Hindu, adding that the constitutionally mandated procedure for the pardon was followed. (The Hindu, 27 March 2020 – Sri Lanka frees soldier who killed 8 Tamils”) . By the way, according to New York Times, “Sri Lankan government did not immediately respond to requests (from them) for comment.” (NY Times 28 March 2020infra ). There is no news about any subsequent comment. 

The Minister is a lawyer. As will be later discussed in this narrative, his view may not bear examination. But who cares for the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the land? Rajapaksas derive their powers not through the Constitution, Conversely, in the surreal realm of Rajapaksas, Constitutional provisions derive their sustenance and force only to the extent that they are so recognized by Rajapaksas. In other words, only if they are not repugnant to Rajapaksas’ agenda. Their track record (2005-2014) would bear this out. In his discussion on US ‘Presidential pardons’, CNN Commenator Chris Cillizza says, “President Donald Trump runs his White House (and his life) by two simple principles: (1) Reward your friends,(2)  Punish your enemies.” (CNN, 18 Feb. 2020 Here’s the secret to getting a Trump presidential pardon”).  

Unlike Trump, Rajapaksas have other priorities too, in order to gratify the ultra-nationalist Sinhala Buddhist constituency. Mollycoddling the“Ranaviruvo is primary among them. 

Gotabaya’s Election pledge

Thus, absolving the war criminals of their crimes is part of Rajapaksas’ agenda.

It was an election pledge given by Gotabaya at his inaugural election rally on 9 Oct. 2019, ahead of the Presidential Election held on 16 Nov. 2019: SLPP Presidential Candidate Gotabaya Rajapaksa says his duty is to make Sri Lanka a safe country once again and also promised to release all war heroes who have been imprisoned over ‘false’ charges.” ( Adaderana, 9 Oct. 2019 – “Gotabaya pledges to release imprisoned war heroes by Nov. 17 ). 

Beware ! and Brace up ! 

Trashing the hallowed principle of Rule of Law and thumping one’s nose at the Judiciary are menacing threats to civil liberties and human rights. Especially,  the vulnerable sections of the society are liable to succumb to ethnocentric executive tyranny and oppression. Gotabaya’s pardon is just the tip of the iceberg. “The ICJ is deeply concerned that this presidential pardon may be the first of the many to come….” ( ICJ, 27 March 2020, infra.) Political bullies often pick on soft targets. Therefore, the Tamil people and other ethno-religious minorities, besides the vocal minority among the Sinhala liberals need to remain on the alert:  Beware!,  and Brace up ! Fight this fascist menace! 

“False charge” or “Minor offence”?

President Gotabaya, in his infinite wisdom, has instinctively found out that Sunil Ratnayake’s conviction was based on “false charges”, an arcane element that had slipped the judicial minds of a Magistrate, the three Trial-at-Bar judges of Colombo High Court and five judges of the Supreme Court. And , the President may also have mused over using another flimsy fig leaf to cover his naked aggression against the sacred doctrine of Rule of Law. What is that? Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has appointed a committee to look into way to release people who have been jailed over minor offenses and those who could not provide bail, his office said.” (ECONOMYNEXT, 24 March 2020 –“Sri Lanka mulls releasing prisoners in Coronavirus battle”). But, that is a sticky wicket. Committing mass murder cannot be a “minor offence” even in a dystopian society, where jungle law runs rampant. But then, in Rajapaksas’ realm, who can stop them from construing words to suit their convenience? 

Gross travesty of Justice

Gotabaya’s Presidential pardon is a gross travesty of justice. He has, virtually, told one and all  – the souls of the dead, victims’ families, the judiciary, Tamil citizenry, the UNHRC in Geneva, human rights defenders the world over and discerning members of the international community, to “Go to Hell”. The gratuitous pardon is a brazen expression of Gotabaya’s arrogance of power and toxic tribalism. What is at stake is the very survival of the multi-ethnic covenant that has precariously held this country together since our political emancipation from the British in 1948. 

The gory moments 

In order to put this narrative in perspective, let me briefly recall the “heroic” exploits of the “war hero”, Army Sergeant Sunil Ratnayake.“On 24 Dec. 2000, some bodies were found in the septic tank of a toilet by the side of the army camp. The matter was then reported to the Chavakacheri Courts. When the judge inspected the scene, four youths under the age of 18 were discovered besides four men with decomposed bodies, throats slit and eyes blindfolded. Some had their legs and hands chopped off. One had his skin peeled, looking pink. Among the eight murder victims was five-year-old Visvarayan Prasath. (Colombo Telegraph, 26 March 2020– “Army Butcher Sunil Ratnayake Released Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak”) 

Silent spectators

To sit by as spectators to a travesty of justice is to condone what is being done.That is what the Sinhala-Buddhist polity, in general, and its political class have done. ‘Patriotic’ SB barons of the mainstream media, their columnists and reporters have either shamelessly remained silent with a view to suppressing the information or tried to sanitise it. The Island newspaper, always thirsting for Tamil blood and relishing our moments of tragedy, has carried ‘research’ articles rationalizing the massacre and glorifying Gotabaya’s pardon. Happily, the outside world is familiar with the mindset of the majority – local fascists’ morbid fascination with army atrocities targeting the Tamils: “The pardon brought outrage from rights activists and opposition politicians, but little obvious reaction from the broader Sri Lankan public……..”. “But social media pages supportive of the president were flooded with praise for the pardon, underscoring the continuing divide over the war…..”(New York Times, 28 March 2020 –As Pandemic Rages, Sri Lanka’s President Pardons a War Criminal” ) NY Times story has referred to “Opposition politicians”. But the only (Sinhala) Opposition politician who has tacitly spoken out is former Minister Mangala Samaraweera – besides the (Tamil) TNA politicians. 

Soothing  voices from the South

Luckily, there are soothing voices from some enlightened sections of the Sinhala South who have always tried to make themselves heard over the din of the racist rabble. They are few, but not feeble voices.  Writng in her weekly column, the erudite human rights lawyer Ms. Kishali Pinto Jayawardene has observed: “Witnesses were also reluctant to travel to Colombo for court hearings. Ratnayake’s meagre and solitary conviction, (veritably a sop thrown to those demanding justice), was upheld by the Supreme Court following a meticulous consideration of the evidence and the evidence of the sole and traumatized survivor of that atrocity……… (Sunday Times, 29 March 2020 –“Focus on Rights: A historic atrocity that did not get justice”)

Tisaranee Gunasekara

As always, Ms.Tissaranee Gunasekara has candidly expressed her outrage over Gotabaya’s decision. Her account of the brutality captures the poignant scene and also exposes the evil traits of the military men and the hypocrisy of some 

Opposition leaders: EXCERPTS:  “……All the eight deceased persons had sustained the identical fatal injury, a cut on the neck inflicted from behind, as disclosed by the medical evidence….   …….Amongst those whose throats were slit from behind was a five year old child. The toddler had accompanied his father, two brothers (aged 13 and 15) and other adults… in their fatal journey to their original village of Mirusuvil. As they were about to leave, writes Justice Aluvihare, the toddler saw a guava tree full of ripe fruits. He begged for some fruits. The group stopped to pluck the fruits. That was when the killers arrived……. ”.

What kind of leader would pardon such a killer? What kind of a future can the country expect from such a leader?”

Barbarism is heroism – Official reception to “butcher”

When the pardoned killer emerged from the prison, his welcoming party was headed by none other than retired major general and defence secretary Kamal Gunaratne. That presence was as symbolic as the pardon itself because it gave to the pardon the final ideological imprimatur. This was no isolated act, it said, but an integral component of the Gotabaya Rajapaksa political project……….Barbarism is heroism, the pardon says, and blood lust is patriotism….”

Ranil, Sajith, JVP & BASL

“The shameful and shaming silence on the part of Ranil Wickremesinghe, Sajith Premadasa and the JVP about this heinous pardon demonstrates that in  the oppositional space, cowardice and opportunism prevail.”  (Colombo Telegraph, 5 April 2020 – “ The President in the Pandemic……”).

By the way, the silence of the Bar Association (BASL) on this cardinal issue is deafening. And, where is His Eminence, Cardinal  Malcolm Ranjit? And what is his take on the gross abuse of power by His Excellency, President Gotabaya? We know that His Eminence and His Excellency have an excellent rapport .

Editorials – Hindu & Deccan Chronicle

The revolting assault on the Rule of Law and the Judiciary has not provoked condemnation from any of the editors in Colombo. There was nary a single editorial comment on the issue by any of the dailies/weeklies. Perhaps, they feared Gotabaya goons. Or else, they dismissed it as a trifling matter. However, The Hindu” (Chennai) and “Deccan Chronicle” (Hyderabad) had the gumption to editorially comment on Gotabaya’s pardon. EXCERPTS: It hardly needs emphasis that the exercise of the power of pardon is an act of compassion, and not a tool for political or electoral messaging. However, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has sent out a message to his vast body of supporters among the Sinhalese that he would not let ‘war heroes’ languish in prison, even if it means that the minority Tamils get a chilling message that substantive justice for war crimes will always elude them; and even when rendered, it could be undone with a stroke of the pen……..”

The pardon, granted at a time when the country’s focus is on fighting COVID-19, is a serious setback to hopes that accountability could be brought about in Sri Lanka through domestic mechanisms.” (The Hindu, 30 March 2020 – Political pardon: On Sri Lankan soldier’s release” )

The decision of its president Gotabaya Rajapaksa to pardon the soldier Sunil Ratnayake is not only deeply disappointing but also sends quite the wrong signal to the UN and the world that the island nation will not bow to international opinion on respecting the law against war crimes.” (Deccan Chronicle, 1 April 2020 –A Political Pardon” )

International community

Mercifully, the international community at large keeps its ear to the ground. Rajapaksas’ writ may not run in the domains of the civilized world. The UN and eminent human rights/civil rights organizations and advocates have promptly condemned Gotabaya’s monstrosity. The common thread running through their diverse messages is scepticism about Sri Lanka’s commitment to fulfil its international human rights obligations. They also believe that an international justice mechanism is imperative in Sri Lanka. EXCERPTS: We are troubled by reports that the convicted perpetrator of the Mirusuvil massacre, in Sri Lanka, has received a Presidential Pardon and was released from jail this week. The Presidential pardon is an affront to victims and yet another example of the failure of Sri Lanka to fulfil its international human rights obligations to provide meaningful accountability for war crimes, crimes against humanity and other gross violations of human rights.”(per Rupert Colville, Spokesperson, UNHRC, Geneva, 27 March 2020 )

International Commission of Jurists

The prosecution of Staff Sergeant Ratnayake for his involvement in the killing of civilians, including children, at Mirusuvil was a rare exception to the usual lack of accountability for human rights violations committed during the conflict,” said Frederick Rawski, ICJ’s Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific. 

It is particularly distressing that a presidential pardon of this nature has been issued at a time when the nation is dealing with the potentially devastating impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak,” said Rawski. “The government would be advised to focus on responding to legitimate calls to release prisoners of minor offences, ……… rather than taking cynical advantage of the crisis to free convicted war criminals.”( ICJ, 27 March 2020 – “Sri Lanka: Presidential pardon of former Army officer for killing of Tamil civilians is unacceptable”)

Amnesty International

Responding to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s decision to release Sergeant Sunil Rathnayaka, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for South Asia, Biraj Patnaik, said:  ‘Where accountability is so rare for serious human rights violations in Sri Lanka, the government’s arbitrary decision to release Sergeant Rathnayaka sends an extremely worrying message.” (Amnesty  Int’l, 26 March 2020 –Justice  reversed for victims of the Mirusuvil massacre, Sri Lanka.”)

Human Rights Watch

Presidential Pardon Shows Rajapaksa’s Indifference to Army Atrocities” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director (for Human Eights Watch).

“The Rajapaksa government has appointed alleged perpetrators of war crimes to high office while pardoning one of the few soldiers convicted for a terrible offense,” Ganguly said. “It should be clear that to deliver justice for victims and to deter future atrocities, an international justice mechanism is needed in Sri Lanka.” ( HRW, 27 March 2020 –Sri Lanka: Justice Undone for Massacre Victims )

“……. Mr. Rajapaksa, who was elected in November, is himself accused of having ordered war crimes during the civil war, when he served as defense secretary……..”

“The chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in the United States, Representative Eliot Engel, condemned the pardon in a Twitter post on Friday”. (NY Times, 28 March 2020 -ibid.)

Mirusuvil massacre is by no means our people’s maiden experience at the hands of the marauding military goons. Time and again the savages have wantonly slaughtered scores of our defenceless people, young and old. Related Court cases remain consigned to cold storage. Why? Because, the victims are Tamils and, therefore, are disposables. From the graves they continue to cry their heart out for justice. Conjuring up the images of the carnage will be traumatizing. 

To borrow (former) Secretary of State John Kerry’s words spoken on another occasion, Gotabaya’s pardon “is a moral obscenity…that should shock the conscience of the world.” 

Now, Does President Gotabaya have the power to “pardon”.? Yes, he has, under Article  34(1) of the Constitution. Is it a plenary power? No, it is not.

*To be continued.. 

Latest comments

  • 28

    the gods are and have been on the side of the kallathoni a war criminal of the highest calibre the maggot rajapuka family member who thanks to nearly 7 million imbeciles is soiling the royal commode from which he is gloriously polluting the atmosphere and the innocent hapless citizens of this hellhole.?
    the much-cursed coronavirus has been s breathalyser to these mangy criminal infidels who by a stroke of his might less pen has pardoned a brutal mass murderer of the innocent poverty stricken yokels including a 5 year young innocent to the core child.
    at the moment this curse has brought many a bonzanna to the criminal Yakko rajapuka’s and their petty racist murderers as not even a cat or dog have voiced their displeasure over this disgusting sordid act.?
    sad shitty sorry Lanka has to be penalized for this below the belt hitting shameful act, by this many an innocent sou will have to suffer for the stupid brainless sitting on their midget of an impotent brain less racists wallahs who by their antics have put the country into many a reverse gear of a loose motion.?
    hopefully, the voters will have their say when they finally get the opportunity to derail the SLPP at the upcoming polls.
    may the gods bless and protect the innocents who by n choice of theirs have to live in this cursed hellhole.
    in disgust, R. J.

    • 10

      rohan anthony johnpillai,
      Guys suffering from INFERIORITY COMPLEX after getting defeated during the fight between ‘Sinhayo’ and ‘Koti’ are releasing their frustration and anger against Rajapakshes and Sinhalayo. Keep on doing that. It is good for your health.

      • 12

        Very Well Said Rohan !!!

        • 8

          Very soon Tamils will emphatically tell Prez Gotabhya et al : “Go To Hell”.

      • 13

        Guys suffering from IC are the Rajapakshes.
        Even during the previous govt, they Rajapakshe rascals never allow the elected govt to move forward.
        If US presidents after SERVING 2 terms could go to retirement and why not BP Mahinda the nation’s devil not to have done so ?
        If divine forces would have some power to excercise on the life of the human beings, they should all together punish Rajapapakshes.
        Today, people are suffering not because of anyone else’s decisions, but ballige putha DUO FAILED to do their job to the manner, VIETNAM premier did it. What the srilankens authorities hve been doing today should have been doing by them as of end of February, since WHO had warned the countries prematurely.
        We should not compare it with that of DEVELOPED nations and america, we are a poor nation, whose 40% are under poverty. Curse, to ballige putha s tyranny, they doctored the statistics to show to IMF then.. so the last govt could not correct it either.
        SIRISENA +RANIL govt could do lot more, if BALLIGE putha Rajakshee did not rape SIRISENA morally- for me, i have not the least respect to MAHINDA, he should be rotten in a hell for all the high harms ballige putha deliberately made to this nation.
        Where on earth, a leader of a country, after getting elected for all srilankens, start hurting own people.. Minorities are also srilankens. Be them tamils, muslims or others, they should have the rights to the same manner we the sinhalayas are entitled to.
        Ballige puthaas of MAHINDAPALA from DOWN under would come with his ULTRA RACIAL aruguments, because he as a raped victim it is also right.
        As if ROAD SIDE prostitutes would never see it right, Eagle eye AKA HLDM Mahindapala would never see it right, he iwll sink with his demencia sooner than later.

        • 1

          babalath appu,
          So far pharmaceutical companies have failed to develop a drug for INFERIORITY COMPLEX. So Demala Koti have to live with that for rest of their lives while licking the wounds inflicted by Rajapakshes.

          • 1

            Not only tamils, muslims, but also you the kind of BPs, that have all along been suffering from IC could be healed off, if a proper drug would have been discovered.
            Btw, I am one of them, that have been involving in manufacturing new drugs, but not in schizophrenia and perception disorder and related fields.
            I am sorry, I cant help you with that.
            But I have no doubt, nothing would help you with your idiosyncratic ailments.
            Anyway, I wish you a sooner recovery ! That will only be a plus to GOOD sinhalayas and our minority brethren in our beautiful island ( Greetings from Berlin on this easter weekend ! )

      • 6

        meenachi kidnapper like his hero and namesake mahindapalan,
        why do you camouflage your privates.?
        the whole world except you knows how the war was won and now the so-called victors are in hiding shit afraid to face any form of enquiry.
        why I ask.?

      • 7

        Goebbels Eye / “Goebbels I”
        You employ the technique of pathological liar Donald Trump who shamelessly calls the main media outlets in US as fake news while it is him who creates fake and bogus news by lying through his teeth.
        It is the Sinnedhelese who suffer from inferiority complex. 80% of your culture is of Tamil origin. Your eating habit is practically that of the Tamils – go to Kerala and Tamil Nadu and you’ll know what I’m saying. You’ll be celebrating New Year soon. You borrowed that from Tamils. The way Tamils celebrate Pongal, you boil rice for your Aluth Avurudhu in the yard with the pot on three stones and wait happily for the milk water to boil over (like pongal) before putting the rice in to have the paal-soaru (kiri bath). SWRD-B borrowed the Tamil national dress (But with white sarong) and it has become your men’s national dress….I can keep on going……….
        Latest trends among you is to cover the shoulders of chief guests with golden- shawls (ponnadai porthal) and learning Baratha natyam. Linguistically you all have borrowed thousands of Tamil words which even had them corrupted like ‘ayubowan’ and ‘mahubara’……..

      • 0

        Human Rights, Amnesty Internation, International Community, and UNO all bias the even USA left all these organizations due to sided affairs. LTTE funded and bribed to Human Rights Organization, caught red-handed also. All these people are talking about democracy. The word democracy using these people without any means. We all know Indian Proverb “if you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first”

    • 6

      Our Sinhalese Aryan Present King Rajapakse, very correct. These Terrorists Oriented Tamil never ever trust. Indian Proverb “if you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first,” Old Sinhalese Aryans said Never Trust TAMIL who going to born, TAMIL who front of the mirror and TAMIL who dead”

      • 16

        Sinhalese Aryans lol. Aryan Indeed. The Sinhalese are Dravidian Australoids and most Sinhalese are descended from low caste Dravidian Tamil immigrants from South India and this includes people with Portuguese, Catalan and Spanish surnames. You are one of them. Your comment proves how brainwashed most Sinhalese are , even the so called western educated ones , posting here in English. No wonder they elect people who reflect themselves and their views. Crooked racist war criminals and thugs. They will never elect anyone decent as they are not decent themselves. They are happy with these racists and thieves , as this is what they want.

        • 4

          There goes the low caste Brahmin pretender once again.

          • 6

            Here comes the anti Tamil Sinhalese racist and Islamic extremist ar-e licker. Who will side with every anti Tamil racist . I do not have to be pretend to be anything. It is the Sinhalese and Muslims in Sri Lanka who are pretending to be something they are not , Aryans and Arabs , when in reality both are descended largely from Tamil low castes and in order to justify these pretences create all this religious and extremist havoc that is tearing the country apart. The Tamils are not pretending to be anything and are only fighting retain what is legally their , which the two great pretenders are trying to steal from them, with concocted history and outside help

      • 10

        This is a proverb invented by racist Sinhalese. There is no such proverb in India. I know this as an Indian from Bombay and I googled about it as well.
        Hardcore Hindus in India sometimes say : if you see a cobra and Muslim and kill Muslims first this I have heard from racist. Either way you are just a pure racist and nirvana is out of the window for u.

      • 7

        There was a post in response to an article in CT earlier, which I’m quoting from my memory (not verbatim) below:
        “Sinhalese are Aryans. My foot! Look at the Srilankan cricket team especially when they play against West Indies where the players of the former are more blacker than those of the latter. And players like Sanath Jayasuriya have thicker lips like Africans”

      • 2

        Nancy ( poniah ) Perera

        Have you not seen your ugly face in the mirror, how dark it looks. Why do you want to claim to be an Aryan ? There is an international quiz it goes like this ” what do you call a Sinhalaya marrying a Gorilla ? The answer is “a social climber”.

    • 11

      Karikalan S. Navaratnam.

      RE: Prez Gotabaya Virtually Tells The Tamils Et Al: “Go To Hell !”

      Does anybody, including Gotabaya know where Hell is?

      Is it a place or just a belief?

      Do those who prostrate t saffron clad monks, who hijacked Buddhism, go to Hell as well?

      In religion and folklore, Hell is an afterlife location in which evil souls are subjected to punitive suffering, often torture as eternal punishment after death.

      • 9

        Amarasiri, no one knows where Hell is and no one knows what it looks like. But going by the description in religious texts, Sri Lanka fits well into the picture.

      • 0

        Those who prostrate to saffron clad monks go to hell or not is none of your business.

        “Do those who prostrate t saffron clad monks, who hijacked Buddhism, go to Hell as well?”

        There are three evil souls rotting in hell for crimes they committed against Native Sinhalayo. A mother and a son who provided training, supplied arms and ammunition to a terrorist group to carry out terrorist activities against Sinhalayo are rotting there. The third person is the leader of that terrorist group who slaughtered Sinhalayo for three decades.

        “In religion and folklore, Hell is an afterlife location in which evil souls are subjected to punitive suffering, often torture as eternal punishment after death.”

    • 11

      Guys Guys stop babbling! ! Who rules the country at present ? the Red Army ofcourse. Pakishes are only tools dancing to the tunes of Chinese. The Chinese are the most important VVVIPs in our land of honey and hollow headed politicians.
      No2 VVIPs are Pakish and the gang.
      The rest ,I mean the rest including all the Buddhagamas are in the same minions as Tamils and Muslims.
      The government have no power to punish any Red army men or women flouting Covid-19 regulations and the Law of the country( if there’s one) .
      See where we are heading??
      When the terrorists came looking for me I said no no it’s him the Muslim. He was taken away. When they came to me next I said not me him the Tamil and he was taken away. They came again I said it’s not me I’m a Buddhist it’s him the Christian ,he was taken away.Then they came again and no one else but me.!! No no not me I’m the Buddhagama worshipper please don’t take me away , my screams fell on deaf ears. Me too have been thrown among the dead Christians, Muslims, and the Tamils. Where we heading folks.
      Coved-19 has no discrimination. Every Tom, dick and Harry is in the mouth of this virus.
      We cannot have a ” Can of Worms” situation in our country . Truth cannot be bottled up resulting in Pandemic. siytuation.
      Love your Neighbours. No one is more powerful than mighty God.
      Love thy neighbour.

    • 2

      As things are The president GR is free to do anything in this island without effective opposition.

      You must remember that his bro president bankrupted the national airline by ordering the already paid passengers off the plane in order to fly his entourage of friends and relatives. So nation the countrymen are nothing to them who are Tamils and Muslims.
      If you provoke him he can even do more harm so please keep your frustration and anger under check. Let reasonable Sinhalese and international community do the criticism and Karma do the rest.

  • 29

    There is no denying it. The mere fact that he pardoned a criminal who had brutally killed innocent civilians, including little children, had been found guilty, and serving a life sentence, is strong signal to the country, and the world, that he does not care what message it sends, and that he will keep pardoning, promoting, and giving those who under his orders, violated international laws, and killed thousands of Tamil civilians, and his actions show he is looking after his criminals.

    The Tamil community have every right to be outraged about this.

    It is also clear why the Rajapaksa’s refuse to cooperate with International bodies, who demanded accountability, even making their supporters believe that they were “interfering” in our affairs, and wanted the Rajapaksa’s out.

    If the US wanted to prevent GR from becoming President, they could have refused to cancel his citizenship, or delayed it. An easier way to do that.

  • 14

    Lets see, how many of these enlightened Sinhalese individuals or the so called international community made a fuzz when the ‘good governance’ regime acquitted soldiers indicted in Kumarapuram massacre (1996) few years back in 2016?

  • 18

    Lets face it – there has been state impunity for crimes committed against Tamils and Sunil Rathnayaka’s was merely a token case to whitewash the judiciary.
    After years of meaningless reconciliation rhetoric, with a war criminal, Chardrika Kumaratunga, chairing the office of reconciliation, and the passing of several UN resolutions geared toward regime change every now and then, you are now left with another war criminal/genocidaire, Gotabhaya, holding top office. Someone needs to give answers for the deception.

  • 14

    Mr. Karikalan Navarathnam: I suppose you are a Tamil living overseas and you never sent your children to fight the eelam war.
    Anyway, your article and Those who you quote such as Tisaranee who is a christian and all other organizations are trying to impose your value system on Sri lanka which is a majority Buddhist country and the present president is a good Buddhist.
    Sri lanka has a way of doing things. Please be reasonable enough to understand we Buddhists do things differently and we do not believe taking REVENGE OR ENFORCING HATRED on some one. Remember Sri lanka how pardoned Karuna amman, Pillayan, KP are still living. Most of Eastern LTTE cadres are living and 12,000 were pardoned and army is looking after them s the northerners are hostile to them.
    So understand it. Sri lanka should now work respecting the western organizations and individuals who respect christian value system.

    • 15

      @JD you foolish racist douche bag, you call people by their faith, ethnicity and all. Explain what Buddhism is and what Buddha stood for. Otherwise shut up and f’off.

      • 5

        Tamil from the north,
        it is not a religion and is only logic of a PHILOPSCY.
        only the VIP’s at angoda, the mental institution profess in their high degree of insanity says it and the likes of mahindapalan minus his demala meenachi have a permanent bed awaiting him.
        why are the yaks or as they are better known as the YAKKO’s the most self-made inferior race on this wonderful planet of ours.?
        few like mahindapalan and a few other illiterate, uncouth unsavoury parasites who have become the dry jokers of this much-esteemed and who plague this webpage are living examples of the intelligent Sinhala race.
        most of them are NINCOMPOOPs of the highest order.
        cheers, R.J.

    • 11

      Who said Karuna Amman was pardoned? He was simply let loose without any charge being framed to enable him to JOIN THE GOVERNMENT ARMY TO BE A SPY.

    • 12

      JD, ‘Jarapassa Donkey’,
      “Mr. Karikalan Navarathnam: I suppose you are a Tamil living overseas and you never sent your children to fight the eelam war.”
      Where was your so called ‘Patriot’ Gotha during the final years of the armed struggle?
      SF went in, a convicted murderer comes out.

    • 9

      Did this convict ask for forgiveness? From whom? Did he repent his sins? He should ask for forgiveness from the victim’s families. Will you also pardon another Buddhist councilor who abducted and held hostage a 13 year old mentally challenged girl and committed rape multiple times? Forgiveness is taught in all religions.

    • 3

      a big hearty congrats and a well-done for being in receipt of the highest dislikes for your petty below the belt racist comments.
      if you and the likes of mahindapalan keep on shooting impotent blanks you mangy flea-ridden lot will be in the running for the noble prize.?
      if this ever occurs in your wildest wet dreams, it will be the 8th wonder of the world and the joke of many a century.?
      cheers to the dry puss jokers. R J.

    • 4


      “Anyway, your article and Those who you quote such as Tisaranee who is a christian and all other organizations are trying to impose your value system on Sri lanka which is a majority Buddhist country and the present president is a good Buddhist.”

      Your psychopathic president is an American, took the following oath:

      “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

      How can this war criminal switch his “allegiance and fidelity to foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, …. ” just like that, to and from an alien country?

      What is the guarantee he would not once again run away from this island if the situation turn to red hot?

      How did he manage to secure naturalisation while many application are being rejected. What did he sell American in return for his right to reside in the USA?

    • 2

      Please define “good Buddhist” and then let the people decide the present president is of what type. So don’t jump into conclusion.

  • 8

    We do not believe in revenge or just jailing him and throwing the keys to a river or something. Sunil Rathnayake served the country and because of his sudden anger something may have happened. Even the CIVIL LAW understands sudden anger leave way some sympathy. So, just be reasonable and do not bring your animal instincts to fore front.

  • 5

    Just be a kind human being and one with animal emotions, He spent some time. So, he knows he made a bad mistake. You are legal revenge. If the govt does it, if it is the your kind that suffered then you get upset. That is animal like behaviour.

    • 4

      JD, ‘Jarapassa Donkey’,
      “That is animal like behaviour”
      You are absolutely correct.
      Animals kill for ‘survival’. So are some humans, as they belong to the animal race (Jaathiya =sathva). The only difference is that the humans ( Kula =Manussa) are gifted with a ‘Mind’ to think, evaluate and act sensibly. ‘Jarapassas’ belong to the animal race and that is why ‘Jarapaassa’ are hell bent on staying in power.

      • 8

        CORRECTION with apologies.
        “Jarapassas’ belong to the animal race and that is why ‘Jarapaassa’ are hell bent on staying in power.”

        Please read the above sentence as:
        Jarapassas’ belong to the ‘Amanussa Kula’ and that is why ‘Jarapaassas’’ (including Wijjadasa Rajapassa)are hell bent on staying in power.

      • 8

        Animals rarely kill other than to eat.
        The humans kill other humans not to eat.

  • 3

    The following is from a US media (CNBC):
    US National Security Adviser John Bolton “accused the ICJ, the UN’s Netherlands-based venue for settling international disputes, of being “politicized and ineffective.”
    The two key words here are: ‘Politicized and ineffective’
    What else do CT readers want to know?
    I’m sure the remaining war heroes will also be released eventually as well as LTTE ‘heroes’ languishing in high security prisons.
    Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country and the Buddha has clearly noted:
    “Na hi verena verani
    Sammantida kudachanam (Hatred can never be won by hatred)
    Averenacha Sammanthi (It is won by non-hatred (Great Compassion)
    Esa dhammo sananthano” (This is a Universal Truth)
    After the 2nd WW, when the entire world was against Japan being granted pardon, it was the Sri Lankan representative who uttered this and convinced the world leaders at the International San Francisco conference to change their mind. Japan still remembers it and of course does some special favors to Sri Lanka when needed, even today.
    Let all the prisoners of war be

    • 4

      You mean THIS John Bolton:

      “Bolton is a foreign policy hawk and is an advocate for regime change in Iran, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, Yemen and North Korea.[14][15] He has also repeatedly called for the termination of the Iran nuclear deal. He was an advocate of the Iraq War and continues to support the decision to invade Iraq.[16] He has continuously supported military action and regime change in Syria, Libya, and Iran.[16][17] A Republican, his political views have been described as American nationalist,[18][19] conservative,[20][21][22][23] and neoconservative.[24] Bolton rejects the last term.[25][26][27]”

      An American war monger.

      His opinions are not credible. He simply wants to bomb other nations.

    • 10

      “Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country”
      You cannot be serious.
      The vast majority of the non-Muslim, non-Christian population worship Hindu gods and practice Hindu witchcraft, far more than the average Tamil Hindu.

  • 3

    The following is from a US media (CNBC):
    US National Security Adviser John Bolton “accused the ICJ, the UN’s Netherlands-based venue for settling international disputes, of being “politicized and ineffective.”
    The two key words here are: ‘Politicized and ineffective’
    What else do CT readers want to know?
    I’m sure the remaining war heroes will also be released eventually as well as LTTE ‘heroes’ languishing in high security prisons.
    Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country and the Buddha has clearly noted:
    “Na hi verena verani
    Sammantida kudachanam (Hatred can never be won by hatred)
    Averenacha Sammanthi (It is won by non-hatred (Great Compassion)
    Esa dhammo sananthano” (This is a Universal Truth)
    After the 2nd WW, when the entire world was against Japan being granted pardon, it was the Sri Lankan representative who uttered this and convinced the world leaders at the International San Francisco conference to change their mind. Japan still remembers it and of course does some special favors to Sri Lanka when needed, even today.
    Let all the prisoners of war be released!

    • 17

      There are no LTTE ‘heroes’ in jail. There are many suspects who have been denied fair trial for years.
      The point is that convicted criminals are being released.

    • 2

      Dear Raj, what the author referred to in his article was the ICJ the abbreviation for the prestigious International Commission of Jurists consisting of scholars , judges and eminent lawyers of international repute: whereas the US National Security Advisor was referring to the International Court of Justice (of which our own Justice Christy Weeramanthry was a distinguished and functioning judge – 1985-1995) which also has the acronym ICJ. Please check your facts before launching into a serious discussion such as this.

      Your reference to Japan being granted pardon is also erroneous. What happened in Sanfransisco summit in 1951 was that the Ceylonese representative Finance Minister J.R.Jayawardane pleaded that Japan be treated as an independent country as at that time the victorious western powers were administering Japan immediately after the war.The summit of 1952 the following year paved the way for Japan to be restored to independence and also to establish the Colombo Plan for the social and economic development of Asian and South Eastern countries.

      Therefore there is no question of Japan being granted pardon. War crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Japan was handled separately by the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal of 1946. It is therefore seen that International law will not grant a reprieve for war crimes just because somebody makes a passionate plea based on self – serving and warped idea of a lofty religious principle. Instead the proponents of the that idea may do well to adhere to the panchaseela principles of Buddhism of which the the chief rule is ‘thou shall not harm other beings.’

  • 10

    As far as I know, before 2009, an overwhelming majority of the Lankan Tamils all over the world spoke in one voice and said in no uncertain terms that (a) they fully support and endorse the terror unleashed by Tamil Tigers and (b) a dictatorship under Prabkaran in Tamil Eelam is acceptable to them and (c) Sinhalese and any others who cannot handle these can GO TO HELL.

    Well, a rather asymmetric battle ensued in 2008-2009 and the dead swine corpse of Prabkaran was displayed to the world and effectively Tamil terror was extinguished. Along with it Tamils tryst with destiny was decided and as losers of the battle they have to live off the victors mercy. The UN and NGO can howl as much as they like, but that is the way the world works, unless a very strong world power decides otherwise.

    Then after many twist and turns Lankans elect a man who promises to pardon people he thinks are not guilty if he is elected. In a few months he keeps his word.

    So why is this outrage? Losers don’t get too many perks, and they certainly don’t get the chance to dictate who is pardoned by the man who became President. In this situation its hilarious to see those who supported Tamil Tiger terrorism of Prabakaran now using legal mumbo jumbo and quoting well known treasonous lackeys and cuckold UN and other so called Human Rights groups to criticize the Lankan President. I would tell the President to go full steam ahead, get over this hump of the virus mess (keep the Moslems virus Jihad under control) and knock out the traitors as soon as possible. In the process some collateral damage is inevitable but its worth it despite the cuckold whining because Lanka has a great chance to become a developed country under a strict, no-nonsense leadership that the world will respect.

    • 3

      Our Sinhalese Aryan Present King Rajapakse, very correct. These Terrorists Oriented Tamil never ever trust. Indian Proverb “if you see TAMIL and COBRA kill TAMIL first,” Old Sinhalese Aryans said Never Trust TAMIL who going to born, TAMIL who front of the mirror and TAMIL who dead”

      • 9

        Common sense proverb says “if you see a Racist and a Cobra, kill the Racist first”. Then peace will be achieved.

        • 2

          There is also an Indian proverb: ‘If you see a Ta*mil and a Cobra, kill the Ta*mil first’.

          • 0

            Please dont use that only for your enemies, it is high time to use it for Rajapakshe BPs.
            I wonder, why the punnaku drinkers stay back not having done it long ago. Are there any other leaders that have done that much harm to the nation (to both notherners and southerners) during the recent years.
            Why BP MR to be the man to allow the decisions for our nation. Are we a folk that we should further rely on the STUPID men ?
            Why do people seem to let get fucked by them again and again.
            Now we know, Nepal and Vietnam, did their job to the best, even if their populations were multiple times more than that of us srilankens. But they closed down their Airports as of early March.
            Our duo dreaming of more dead bodies, and in the same time, 2/3 and being close to that MURDEROUS GMOA donkeys just let it go.
            Why on earth our UNIVERSITY dons stayed mum ?
            Is that because our GENETICS are made to be servile ?

            I think we will NEVER be able to be proud of OUR nation.

          • 5

            Is this why you are living with a Thamizh. and she feeds you ? Who is the Cobra ? You or your half Thamizh children? Mad man

            • 3

              That idiot Mahindapala is confused about the old saying “If you see a Borah and a Cobra, kill the Borah first”. However he must be thinking of another saying which goes as “If you see a Polonga and a Sihelaya, kill the Sihelaya first”.

          • 4

            a cheap copy cat of a dry joker trying to misinterpret a sick joke about a Muslim and the reptile.
            go and cuddle your young meenachi, I can supply you to your doorstep free of charge the viagra capsule coated along with a sprinkling of the most potent cyanide.

            be a good sport, take a few and the world, on the whole, will be a better place to live in.
            please amuse us in this difficult period of time to every living being with original puns and not a cheap out of context petty racist vile vibes.
            you must be the only sick senile moron on this earth must be hysterically laughing at yourself on the puss veddilla you have in vain attempted to explode and it had burst on yours.?
            cheers, R. J.

          • 3

            Eagle shit,
            Here is a new proverb ” if you see a racist, thuggish, sinhala-buddhist (like you) and a true Tamil” infect the former with covid-19 and let him go to hell, as this evil is not eligible for nirvana.

        • 1

          SAMAN: So, what we must do with the Civil society NGOs who promote Racism, Religious bigotry, Tribalism, discrimination of the majority ?

      • 1

        N Perera

        Stop talking through your anus. In the west they believe the Sinhalese are an ape like creatures (a sub human species ) coming half way between human and Gorillas. An average Sinhalese person’s IQ is about 40. your answers clearly reflect your low intelligence and lack of evolution as a fully fledged human being. You most likely deserve a place in a ZOO.

        • 0

          correction : most certainly deserve a place in a zoo.

  • 12

    Dear CT Readers:
    Lest there be any misgiving. This narrative is TO BE CONTINUED shortly to show how President Gotabaya has abused his power – his mala fide exercise of power. I apologize for the gap – the abrupt ending. KARIKALAN –

  • 7

    Colombo Magistrate issued an arrest warrant for the CID to round up the UNP ex Best Finance Minister of Dr Rani’s Yahapalanaya.
    But the ex best Finance Minster after hiding for two weeks went to the High Court and cancelled the Magistrates “Arrest Him Warrant”.

    If a simple open and shut case like that can be interpreted by two sets of judges as One is right and the other is Wrong how can a complicated multi murder case can be pinned on one individual and all Courts find him guilty.

    How can one man kill and dispose so many bodies let alone abduct so many Innocents under the watchful eye of Mahveeran Mr Pirahaparan, who was on the verge of accepting a totally independent separate North East State by the then PM of the UNP Government…

    The recent appeal by the ex Cardinal Father Pell Down Under, is a classic example how these Judges even in the West, do not read from the same page, when it comes to complicated Trials..

    So is it fair to assume that all our Judges are so cool not to have different interpretations about whether one is guilty or not in such massively complicated Multi Murder Trial ?..

    • 3

      A person has the right to avoid arrest in situations where one fears bad faith in the order.
      It will be wrong if the person fails to appear before a court in reasonable time.
      Regardless of my dim view of the ex-minister concerned, I have no doubt that the arrest warrant was politically motivated.

  • 9

    I think the exact words were Go to Tamil nadu (Hell) if you dont like it.

    and close the door from the outside

    • 17

      Did you know that your name Premawardana is of Kerala origin?
      Be that as it may, very soon not only the Tamils but the rest of us too will have to flee to Tamil Nadu, because we will have no parippu, no dhal, no jobs, no imports. The dollar will hit 300. Patriots like you will have to swallow their pride and swim with bags of TN onions!
      Even patriots can’t survive on hot air.

      • 6

        Old codger

        “Even patriots can’t survive on hot air.”

        True, however, our own Smartass Patriots will and can survive with the resources they have accumulated over many decades by just being Smartass Patriots.

        It just so happened Hindia (within which Tamil Nadu is a state) recently donated some $550 million being Charitable donation to Gota, another $400 million currency swap facilities, in addition EU made a charitable donation of €22 Million, and USA made another $1.3 million, …………….

        Why do Sinhala/Buddhists feel proud of themselves while begging every other country for donation. Gota went on a begging trip to Hindia, followed by his crook in chief brother, ….

      • 4

        Old Codger,

        AP himself is US-based, and his $ will be enough for him even when the Rupee falls.

        My concern is that someone who was educated at Peradeniya and was able to live i the US can express such chauvinism so openly, imagine the views of people who didn’t have the benefit of such education or interaction with multiracial societies.

        The issue here is that hard core criminals–whom even a flawed judiciary with toadies of the Rajapaksas as judges couldn’t release–are being released by GR. This will boomerang on Sinhalese society, further weakening whatever moral core the society is left with, resulting in a race to the bottom.

        But even many educated Sinhalese are in denial about it, even though people like Dayan Jayatilleka who were themselves toadies of Mahinda Rajapaksa, are trying to criticize it once it became clear they would have no perks from the GR regime.

        There have always been consistent exceptions like Tisaranee Gunasekara, but they are very much in the minority among the Sinhalese. I had pinned my hope on a younger generation becoming more enlightened, but even that appears highly unlikely.

        • 2

          “Education” in the Sri Lankan context is a very narrowly defined thing. One can be a doctor, but at the same time believe in astrology for example.
          I suspect that the chicken farm that is our education system is designed to produce obedient individuals without any thinking ability.

          • 2

            Old codger

            “I suspect that the chicken farm that is our education system is designed to produce obedient individuals without any thinking ability.”

            Or perhaps, “another brick in the wall.”

            We don’t need no education
            We don’t need no thought control
            No dark sarcasm in the classroom
            Teachers leave them kids alone
            Hey, teachers, leave them kids alone
            All in all it’s just another brick in the wall
            All in all you’re just another brick in the wall

            Songwriters: Roger Waters
            Pink Floyd – The Wall

    • 12

      Who the hell is he to tell any citizen to go anywhere?
      BTW, he ran away to the US when the going was tough.

    • 3

      Let them go to TAMIL NADU. Keep clean Sri Lanka’s Aryans to live their belong country, Heladiva

      • 8


        “Let them go to TAMIL NADU. Keep clean Sri Lanka’s Aryans to live their belong country, Heladiva”

        They should go back to Tamil Nadu they should take their brethren the descendant of Kallathonie converts from South India with them.

        By the way who are these Aryans?
        The public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala concocted a lethal mind bending drug called Aryan Sinhala/Buddhism, it affects/pollutes only the minds of stupid people, then converts them into perpetrators of unlimited violence.

        Where did you get the idea of Heladiva?

      • 11

        N Perera,
        Very soon you smart Aryans will have to eat each others Aryan b–ls. I hope they taste better than a Rajapuka.

      • 10

        What Aryans? All are immigrants from the south and southeast of India.
        Do you know what an Aryan would look like.
        By the way, you have a Portuguese surname.

        • 3

          they like the criminals from the UK, were sent from ORISSA, as their racist criminal antics of the lowest order could not be tolerated anymore.
          the so-called up-country kandyans parted ways with their concubines of the so-called wives to stay in the good books of their colonial masters.
          this is the gospel truth as per the sayings of the illustrious R. J.

      • 0

        Jawohl Herr Hitler.

    • 9

      Abhaya Premawardena

      If you want the “OTHERS” to go to hell, then the obvious choice is to stay where they are. Tamil Nadu is the second richest state within Indian union. You don’t want them to become rich anyway, hence keep them here.

      By the way Tamil Nadu produced among others three Nobel Laureates:

      Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman
      Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
      Venkatraman Ramakrishnan

      • 1

        Our scientists are the best in the world, no argument. You must have heard of our ITI promoting an alleged Covid-19 cure based on antibacterial properties of turmeric. In public too. What genius!

        • 2

          Old codger

          “You must have heard of our ITI promoting an alleged Covid-19 cure based on antibacterial properties of turmeric. “

          You mean Channa Masala Jayasumana the versatile potential leader of Sinhala/Buddhist Eugenics Movement. The speed at which he transforms himself to suit all situations definitely make him a leading candidate.

          I wish him well.

      • 3

        Native Vedda,
        If Tamil Nadu is the second richest State in India, the descendants of Tamil slaves brought from Hindusthan by Portuguese, Dutch and British can return and have a good life there instead of complaining that Sinhala Buddhist Fascists are discriminating and trying to grab a part of the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo to create a separate State using a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’. Sri Lankan Navy will be very happy to provide transport.
        I suggest you propose this to racist Fascist Wellala politicians. Then they do not have to grumble about ‘National Question’, Tamil Problem, Ethnic Question, Minority Problem etc.

        • 4

          Stupid Mahindapala, Tamil Nadu at present is the second richest state in India. They will be pushed to third place when India annexes Sri Lanka as its twenty fifth state.

        • 3

          Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

          “If Tamil Nadu is the second richest State in India, the descendants of Tamil slaves brought from Hindusthan by Portuguese, Dutch and British can return and have a good life there instead of complaining that Sinhala Buddhist Fascists …..grab a part of the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo to create a separate State using a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’. “

          Good, when are you and your fellow descendants of Kallathonie converts leaving?
          The Sinhala/Buddhist Ghetto dwelling Sinhala/Buddhist fascist Sinhalayo must make up their mind sooner the better, before we start legitimately cleansing the area.

          Before the Portuguese brought your ancestors here they came from Erivira Pattinam in Thanjavur, recruited from mostly among Tamil mercenaries, the Velaikkara regiment.

          Before that Hanuman brought his South Indian monkey army to build bridge across Sethu Samudra. Some of the monkeys never returned and stayed back became your ancestors after losing all their skills and knowledge.

          It’s high time you went back.
          Go Eagle Go.

        • 1

          Eagle That has no wings and can’t fly ( spastic)

          What is the connection between us Nagas also known as Eelam Thamils ( Ravana’s people ) to people in Tamil nadu ? It is you Sinhala kallathonies ( illegal immigrants ) came from all over the place in India and else where to this blessed island known as Eelam ( Seran thivu or serandipity for Arabs). You mongrels came from Tamil nadu, Kerala, Andhra, Orissa, Bengal, Gujarat and mixed with Vedda, Portuguese, Dutch, British Etc, etc

          Your mongrel tendencies manifest their true colours in this forum as reflected in the language you sickos use. You shameful characters, your race is truly a bastardised race , no wonder , killing, raping , sodomising children etc come as second nature to you lot. you Sinhalese are truly an embodiment of evil unparalleled in human history. Sooner the world realises this fact it is better for us Elavars to achieve our own state Eelam.

          N.B. You dim wit listen up We Tamil Elavars are not the same as the Tamils in Tamilnadu, we speak a different dialect which is mutually intelligible not only to Tamils in South India but also for Keralites and to a large extent to Kannadigas.

          Go back to school and learn before you use your retarded brain to write crap here. Tell this to your fellow Sinhalese apes like N.Perera, Mahindapala, Sumanasekara etal.

    • 2

      Abhaya Premwardna is right. Tamil Nadu is a terrible place.

      I have visited every single city in Lanka and most cities in Tamil Nadu. The two are no comparison. TN is a hell hole, poisoned with poverty, pollution, caste system and many other terrible things. Only the Tamil Brahmins come across as a good people, reasonable and able to speak intelligently. Others are Dravidian savages, engaging in weird, dark, macabre practices. I enjoyed watching them just so that I learn how human depravity manifests in its worst forms. Abhaya is right, TN is mostly a hellhole, compared to Lanka.

      • 2

        Mr. Chambers,
        Tamil Nadu is said to have a much lower level of child abuse than Sri Lanka.
        Does that have some connection with your rant? I hear Tamil mothers protect their children from cross-dressing “tourists” .

      • 1

        Jay Chambers

        Another Sinhala Monkey talking through his arse about Tamil nadu .Let me remind him that the entire toilet cleaners in the middle east, fareast ( Hong Kong, Singapore ) and in the west are Sinhalese women. When their women go and clean the toilets in the Arab countries, get fucked and being treated as virtual slaves to make valuable foreign currency the Sinhala lazy arse holes (Sinhala men )stay at home and rape their daughters. what can you expect from a mongrel race whose foundation itself starts from bestiality and incestuous bastardy. Lion having sex with a woman ( sinhabaho ) then the brother raping the sister ( sinhabaho and Sinha seevali brother sister couple) and the progeny from this bestiality is what gave birth to the Sinhala race. ( vide Mahavansa).

        How can you expect Justice from such a brutal race. Even a child rapist is a war hero in their sick minds. Let me warn these mongrels who write to CT this is no joke, it is only a matter of time before we 100 million Tamils organise ourselves and wake the rest of the world to the reality of the situation in the hell hole called Sri fucking Lanka. Rest will be history. you should be damn lucky the second time to end in Nanthikadal, next time no Nathi kaddal for you Sinhalese barbarians , we will despatch you all straight to hell. I dare you

    • 1


      Another monkey Talking about the Tamils. Why don’t you Sinhalayas go back to your legitimate homeland Bangladesh aka hell hole on earth.

  • 9

    Racism and other discriminating matters are very dangerous than any virus.
    Because of this COVID-19 has appeared in this human world.
    Hatred, animosity, and antagonism are overflowing.
    This is dangerous and now mother nature started to punish.

    Most people in Sri Lanka never understand this disaster.
    So called politicians are the responsible individuals.
    They ignite this and try to save their power to stay in power for life.
    Foolish people never understand this.

    • 8

      Hats off to you Saman.
      A statement from a true patriotic human of the ‘Thambapanni’ island.

    • 3

      But Saman,
      This is a nation that proved they well focus on RACISM than anything else.
      You and I may be well aware of the facts regarding the NUMEROUS crime allegations levelled at Rajapakshes siblings and their offsprings. Most of them are provable facts also not forgetting that abusive MR wife was rumouered ot have hired her state vehicles in the PREMEDITATED killing of Rugby player Wassim Thadjudeen.
      The style of the murder is equally brutal as JAMAL Khashogi murder occured in saudi embassay in Turkey two years ago. Remember ?.
      With all the trials being investigated, people never gave it a place, nor did they listen, but got caught by Rajapakshe tricks, that spread through two abusive TV channels.
      By December 2019, they became the rulers again. This is no diffierent to the politics being seen in Pakistan, which is a country filled with over 60% of illiterates.
      But ours is proved to be 95% literate nation, which is comparable to that of Singapore.. or european countries.
      Nevertheless, people are EASY targets going by their RELIGION called BUDDHAGAMA…. buddhagama is PSEUDO version of true teachings of BUDDHISM, but no means buddhism.
      Buddhagama followers have no shame to any crimes in public. So long buddhagama MONKS are placed above in the society, they could even day light murders but would not get caught by the law. Athana Methana Rathana and that BALUSARA are most known examples of the day. These men are just hypocrites and poisonous than any lay politicians.
      There are also other PINGUTHARAYAS; THAT WOULD do anything being in their SIVURU…. I wonder why the lanken people allow them to abuse their faith ?
      SRILANKENS in general are so passive,… i believe it is the BUDDHAGAMA made them that passive. And most of them behave like frogs in a well. They always overestimate their profiles.

  • 7

    Pardoning Sunil Ratnayake is a crime worse than the mass murder itself. The cunning nature of our politicians, ie Sajith Premadasa, Ranil Wickramasinghe, JVP, and Other opposition parties are well exposed. Not a word from big-mouthed Malcolm Ranjith, the Malwatta, Asgiriya monks or the saffron robbed hoodwinks. Due to the prevailing situation in the world, it’s unlikely that international help can be expected. Our only hope is to seek natural justice from the all mighty, the God. Please take care of the murderer, the man who pardoned him and the people who keep quiet as nothing has happened.

  • 6

    # Corporal Sunil Ratnayake was arrested under a UNP government in 2002
    # Corporal Sunil Ratnayake was convicted of murder in June 2015 also under the same Government that arrested him which had come to power with the blessings of ‘Tamil Diaspora’ and people who wanted to tarnish the image of the Government of Sri Lanka headed by President Mahinda Rajapakshe and Sri Lankan Armed Forces that defeated LTTE terrorists ignoring the request to stop military campaign.
    # Corporal Sunil Ratnayake was convicted under the same government in June 2015 while the Court acquitted the other 4 soldiers though all 5 were charged under penal code sections 32, 146 and 296.
    # Nowhere in the judgement does it state that Ratnayake personally killed any of the 8 victims.
    # Sunil Ratnayake’s verdict was based on circumstantial evidence given by a sole survivor (Maheshwaran)
    # Maheshwaran’s testimony only accused Ratnayake of assault not murder.
    # Maheshwaran has not said that he saw Sunil Ratnayake killing anyone.
    # Need to check whether Gonjan had a conversation with the jud-ges.

    • 7

      I thought the army provides guns not swords to kill people Where did Sunil Ratnayakec get the swords from.. Mind boggling question!!!!

      • 0

        Guns make a noise. That is why they used knives to slit throats.

        • 2

          Goviya you are thinking of the Tamils who cut the throats of sleeping Sinhalese Buddhist farmers in the East. Don’t get confused over this.

    • 6

      Dumb eagle,
      Is your real name CA.Chandraprema alias Thadi Priyantha?

    • 4

      So are the writer and the other Tamil experts here going to counter what Eagle Eye has stated point for point? No, I thought not.

      • 3

        Not even the noisy keyboard Veddah? Not even the verbal diahorrea suffering Rohan Johnpillai? No, not one of these hypocrites has anything to say. Their silence says it all.

        • 4

          Reggie Silva,
          I have said enough on this topic.?
          let me correct and teach you a bit of English to a SWABASHA moron, who’s ridiculing himself on this mighty forum.
          it should be written in perfect English diahorrea and not verbal diahorrea as you have boldly and proudly stated in ignorance to keep pace with the intellectuals.
          p.s. I am thrilled, over the moon and will never desert this forum to enable me to continue to educate the pasta hora racist mongrels and expose their shortcomings.
          cheers, R. J.

          • 1

            Rohan Johnpillai, sorry the language for comments is English. Please don’t embarrass yourself by posting nonsense. Obviously you are very weak in written English. I dare say your spoken English is much better, as we all learn to speak before we learn to read and write.
            Do yourself a favour and try to read more books. Even children’s books will suffice. Living in an English speaking country, as you do, you have no excuse for not knowing the language.
            I’m rather surprised that your English is so atrocious. Is your mother tongue Tamil? Mine, as you would guess, is English not the Swabasha that you mention.

      • 1


        Read my response to your fellow Ape known as eagle Eye

    • 6

      Blind eye

      Who tortured, raped killed these people https://hinduexistence.org/tamil-hindu-killing-fields-in-sri-lanka/

      • 3


        Psychopaths, sadists, serial killers, Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye, …. Gota, Shavendra, Kamal, …. would be very proud of what they had done.

    • 3

      Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

      When did you train yourself as a legal eagle, detective, forensic expert, a historian, an anthropologist, forensic auditor, a linguist, investment consultant, a political analyst, …….. ?

  • 5

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    • 3

      Eagle Brain Dead Blind Eye

      Thanks for keeping it brief.
      Keep up your good job.

  • 5

    Yes You can call Gota a criminal, Then what do you call the Tamils for killing unarmed civilians clergy, 600 surrendered officers. SAINTS .


    • 2


    • 4

      Shem Rizve Fasy

      “Then what do you call the Tamils for killing unarmed civilians clergy, 600 surrendered officers. SAINTS .”

      Psychopathic LTTE Terrorists.

      “Yes You can call Gota a criminal”

      By the way he is not just criminal but a war criminal with a mind and record of a psychopath, just like VP.
      What’s your problem?

      When are you going to ask the same stupid question again?

  • 7

    GRs’ act of releasing the brutal criminal is fully expected. he is also referred to as a good buddhist by the commentators. releasing such people is also his act of buddhism.. GR and MR will never realize that SL cannot move foreword without the cooperation of 5 million minorities even in respect of arresting corona! now they want ALL to support govt. attempts to eradicate the virus.. the writer should not expect reasonable treatment from them.to come.-

  • 1

    Thousands of men women and children suffered horrendous deaths in the neumerous past WARS all over the world.
    The Amercican .civil war, world war 1 and 2. Incedents like the bombings of Dreizden , Hiroshima , Vietnam cambodia and Iraq all tell a story, similar if not worse than the Tiger war in Sri Lanka.

  • 6


    Prez Gotabaya Virtually Tells The Tamils Et Al: “Go To Hell.

    *** You are completely off the track.
    Sri Lanka under Gotha are already in Hell so the word you are looking for is ” Hope You can Join us”
    To come back to Mother Earth from there Sri Lanka according to CBK needs $8000 Million. I leave it to you to figure out which loan shark has that kind of Money.

    Just on a somber note I wonder what happened to Dr.Laksri Fernando who was a regular writer on CT. Although he tried to hide his feelings for Gotha which I criticised on many ocassions as a fellow human being I hope he is still around and in good health and hasnt joined others in Hell. Give us a “wave” from whereever you are

  • 5

    I thought the army provides guns not swords to kill people Where did Sunil Ratnayakec get the swords from.. Mind boggling question!!!!

    • 3

      You said army provides guns not swords to kill. But Former President and current appointed Prime Minister said the army was given in one hand gun and other hand with bible. I don’t where did Mahinda got bible? Do you know who gave army gun to kill Lasantha? Lion always carry a sword not in your country’s flag but all Sinhalese murders carry the sword.

      • 2

        Ajith you blind buffalo don’t you remember the Tamils slitting the throats of sleeping Sinhala villagers so as not to waken home guards with gunfire? You lying racist hypocrite.

        • 1

          Reggie you blind buffalo, don’t you remember the Sinhala army murdering schoolgirls with grenades in their private parts?
          The Sinhalese have always been brutes. Even your racist Mahavamsa admits it. You lying racist hypocrite.

  • 4

    I thought the army provided guns not swords to kill. where did Sunil Ratnayake get swords from to slit the throats of people. A mind boggling question.. ????

    Let us see these pundits in CT answer this.

    • 0

      its impossible to SLIT throats with swords, daggers perhaps?

    • 4


      “where did Sunil Ratnayake get swords from to slit the throats of people. “

      Army issues each officer with a ceremonial sword.

      It’s not difficult for army goons to procure goods and services.

      What was your clever question?
      Hope you stop being a clever dick.

    • 1

      Sarojini, soldiers carry daggers and knives for mainly quiet missions. Also there are times, they sneak up behind who they are out to kill and use a knife from the back for the very same purpose of slitting throats.

    • 1

      Sarojini, it is also a 3rd class rowdy army that was unleashed on its civilian population.

  • 5

    gota and Mr and family cannot run, corona plus or china virus will kill them all.

  • 5

    The Sri Lankan constituion has many loopholes. If the Constituion provides a clause that allows the President to overrule the decision of a Five Judges from Supreme court It shows that the constituion promotes dictatorship The word Democracy in Sri Lanka is an eyewash. The economy of the country is going from bad to worse at the same time the Mahinda dynasty is becoming richer and richer and as its own hit gang to dispose of unwanted people. The President takes cover under the word Immunity. This is how to be escaped from Laith’s case. He may think that he is smart there is one thing that he can’t go against. Yes the punishment from God for violating Dharma is waiting for him. A critical illness may strike him at any time due to the curse of thousands of people

  • 3

    What about Mrs Balasinham
    who sent all Tamil girls to death.
    this is one stray case where the Tamils make a big fuss
    What about all Killings carried out by Tamils on innocent Sinhalese unarmed villages
    hundreds were murdered clod blooded.

    • 6


      “What about Mrs Balasinham who sent all Tamil girls to death. “

      What about Mrs Balasinham?
      What made you worry about Tamil girls, they are just Tamil girls, does it matter if they are being killed, alive or raped?

      “this is one stray case where the Tamils make a big fuss”

      Would you repeat the same if your wife, brothers, dad, mum, sons, daughters, ….. are killed in a stray case?

      You have all the potential qualities to be qualified as psychopath, inability to distinguish between right and wrong and difficulty with showing remorse or empathy.

      “What about all Killings carried out by Tamils on innocent Sinhalese unarmed villages hundreds were murdered clod blooded.”

      What are you going to do about it?
      What about all Killings carried out by Sinhala/Buddhist goons in uniform and civil on innocent Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslim unarmed villages and town folks who were murdered in cold blood in tens of thousands.

      What are you going to do about it?
      Don’t you sound not only a racist but a potential psychopath.?
      You have a very good chance of becoming the next Head of Armed forces, Defense Secretary or the president of this island. Maybe all at the same time.

    • 2

      What is your point? Are you justifying the pardoning of a violent killer by a president of a democratic country, by comparing it to the actions of terrorists? Utter nonsense.

  • 2

    Some people are hailing the decision by the president to pardon the convict in the case of the Mirusuvil massacre. Do they know the background of this case? This condemned person had killed eight persons including three boys aged 15, 13 and 5. They were unarmed people who had visited the places where their homes had been. The killings had been done in a most brutal way. Now, who can be proud of this act and hail the release of the murderer? Don’t they have sons, brothers or fathers? Would they hail a murderer who kills a 5-year old son of theirs? We should stop this mad labelling of murderers as Rana Viruwos and also pardoning them for all their crimes of different sorts, as it is the biggest insult this nation can do to the Real Rana Viruwos who were involved in the real war to safeguard us and our country sometimes sacrificing even their lives and limbs. Many would wonder why and how real Rana Viruwos, at least the ones who have now left service are silent at this defaming of their hounarable service.

    • 4


      “They were unarmed people who had visited the places where their homes had been. “

      As long as the victims are “OTHERS” fine, there is no cause for concern. The Sinhala/Buddhist fascists believe a dead Tamil is a good Tamil.

  • 1

    If a ‘lame duck’ president can behave like this now, what will he do if his party gets a two-thirds majority at the next parliamentary elections? The mind boggles on contemplating this!

  • 0

    Prez Gotabaya Vitually Tells The Tamils Et Al ; Go to Hell! is the title to this damning essay. Perhaps,this may not be the last of the Pardons either.
    However , in the process he has also told our Apex Judiciary to F . . . OFF!
    The time is not far off when the complement will be returned with compound interest.

  • 0

    We are Buddhist.
    We make the land fertile
    with out blood and tears and
    burying skeletons of minorties.
    And told the world that
    We are proud of our Culture
    that is 3500 years old
    as Old Fox mentioned in 80s.
    Ha ha ha ha ha

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