21 January, 2025


Ranil’s Infidelity To Truth & Fair Play

By Vishwamithra

“Fear not for the future, weep not for the past.” ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

Ranil Wickremesinghe, our current President has shown time and time again that he has no credible relationship with reality. It’s not a trait that has manifested itself in him after he became the President via a parliamentary procedure; it has been present in him ever since he became involved in politics. When he was the Minister of Education under the J R Jayewardene-government, his antagonism towards RT Alles, the then principal of DS Senanayake College was a well-known fact amongst those who mattered in society at the time. 

I’m no psychoanalyst to go deep into his psyche and define the specific character that was dominant in Ranil Wickremesinghe then and now. Yet it was obvious then and it’s more than apparent now that this man is suffering from an incorrigible character deficiency that causes him to make enemies more than friends. It is particularly significant in the context of the profession, politics, he has chosen to be engaged in. As one of my close associates told me a while ago that I should not resort to the ‘nuclear option’ (I do not want to define the term ‘nuclear option’ in this column as I presume every reader would understand what that option is) when critiquing both his personality, his policies and principles.

Had Ranil been not engaged in politics, a profession in which the practitioner’s strongest aspect of personality ought to be making friends and be friendly instead of unfriendly, cold and indifferent to those who are around him, both associates and strangers, it would not have mattered so much. But politics and its inherent element being one of persuasive genre, one cannot ignore these decisive characteristics of a leader whose primary task, in order to implement his policies, has to win the hearts and minds of the voters. Ranil Wickremesinghe is the total anathema of such a paradigm.

But Ranil Wickremesinghe is not stupid. His understanding of politics, governance, constitutionality of policies and principles, although not as profound and well founded like his peers’ in the eighties and nineties or his application of the methodologies on any given ideological principles he believes in, has come up way short of the accepted standards. Quintessentially insecure, Ranil has always resorted to extra-parliamentary and para-conventional methods to get out of trouble and has managed to lead the political party he leads, United National Party (UNP), to more than twenty five defeats at elections, both local and general. It certainly is not a proud medal one would like to wear around one’s neck.

All this is relevant to the Ranil Wickremesinghe of yesteryear. The difference now is the very position he holds- Executive President of the country. The entire arsenal of the country’s armed forces is available to him; the whole administrative machinery, whether rightly or wrongly, is answerable to him; the bureaucracy is at his beck and call, so to speak, and he expects that all those who are so answerable to him would cow down to him with slavish fidelity. Parliament would behave, although not exclusively to his solitary tune, would take their steps as dictated by the leaders of the Pohottuwa group who de facto is controlling Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Against such an unkind backdrop, playing a balanced act of administration and maintaining a poised flow of events is no easy task even for a very balanced leader, leave alone such an unstable one as Ranil Wickremesinghe. That is what Sri Lanka has inherited. Faced with an unprecedented economic crisis and stinking corruption-laden body politic, the playing field is not a level one. Advantage is grossly in favor of those who hold power, whether elected or selected.                      

It may well be that our people are not ready, not equipped and nor comfortable with this organism called democracy. Each time a new government has been voted in, within months after that election the people are ready to topple the government they voted in. The sophistication of democratic principles and nuances of a moving drama of bad governance have taken us nowhere near the accepted national goals and that meandering journey, nearly for seventy five years, has taken us backwards ever so surely and ever so misleadingly. 

Aragalaya gave us a temporary relief; it lent a deceptive sense of absolution. The general outlook of almost all those who took part in the Aragalaya was unbelievably positive and encouraging, not necessarily in the achievement of the ends it met at least half-way by driving Gotabaya Rajapaksa from power, but more so by the very conduct and accommodating behavior of diverse ethno-religious groups. The manner in which protest against the State could be accomplished in a very simple yet sophisticated fashion was manifestly present during the days which preceded May 9, 2020, until the day Mahinda Rajapaksa let loose his goons on the peaceful Aragalakaruwos. 

However, Ranil Wickremesinghe, who should be thankful to the brave young men and women of the Aragalaya for making room for him to ascend to the throne, did the most disheartening act in his life. Amongst many such betrayals he has performed in his life prior to becoming Executive President, the befuddling current conduct of Wickremesinghe takes the coveted trophy. His outright refusal to deal with the Aragalakaruwos, even a short dialogue, goes beyond the pale.    

I addition, President Ranil Wickremesinghe says that he will not allow another Aragalaya to be created in the country to attempt to overthrow the government. Addressing Parliament on November 23, 2022, during the third reading debate on the 2023 Budget, the President said that he will deploy the military and impose emergency laws if the need arises to deal with such a situation. Such pronouncements should not be disregarded as empty threats. 

As was mentioned at the very outset of this column, as Executive president, Wickremesinghe has all the powers of the Executive. The armed forces, the Police and rest of the administrative machinery are waiting to carry out his orders, legal or otherwise. Depending solely on pursuit of relief on human rights-platform and putting all ones eggs in the basket of legitimate avenues to chase one’s goals would unfortunately end up in utter futility. 

Ranil Wickremesinghe has no fidelity to truth and fair play. He did not come to hold the post of Executive President by fair play. He does not have a mandate from the people and, in fact, that very fact plays to his advantage in that he is not answerable to anyone other than those who dictate to him as to how to govern. That group of political handlers is the Pohottuwa villains of the political kind. 

But what is even more depressing is the depth of the hole the Opposition members are digging for themselves. They do not seem to have the strength, stamina and willingness to adopt a sustained aggression towards the government of Ranil Wickremesinghe. Fear of being imprisoned or the dread of being manhandled by the armed forces may be playing a role in the shameful silence of the collective Opposition. 

One would be pardoned of misreading the so-called bravery of the Opposition. Some might be too soft in that criticism of your friend could be read by the people at large as an outright rejection of the Opposition. This is not a situation in which one could be nice and soft to excuse the weak and meek. Those who hesitate and vacillate should be left behind; no mass movement could be energetic and spirited if not led by the strong and aggressive. Being strategically aggressive is no declaration of violence; nor could aggression be understated in one’s planning processes. 

Politically stable men and women have attained their goals not by being apathetic and indifferent. They are the most aggressive and strategic-minded. They do not wait for things to happen; they make things happen; instead of reacting to events, they are tirelessly proactive. Today’s parliament has become the true guardians of those who were elected; not those who elected them. A convolution of sociopolitical organisms is staring in the face of all our politicians, but they do not recognize the calamity such a convolution could bring about. Ignorance is no excuse for committing a crime. 

If the members of the Opposition become facilitators and enablers of  the destruction of our democratic system of government and democratic way of life, it is the right of every man woman and child to see that such enablers and facilitators are driven out. There cannot be any argument or debate about that. One does not need to seek Ranil Wickremesinghe’s permission to protest or enable another Aragalaya. But that also means that such Aragalaya needs to be organized on some strategic lines; well-thought out action plan and ideally manned by qualified and educated men and women is a must. 

When Ranil’s infidelity to truth and fair play is met by the people’s fidelity to truth and fair play, the people might have chance to succeed. The idea is to give oneself that chance.

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com               

Latest comments

  • 8

    There is no need to suspect that Ranil’s righteous treachery is certain to see that the island of Kachaitivu may slip from Sri Lanka into the hands of India. India is not stupid to deceive by Sri Lanka. Then it can be seen how people will get angry and protest against him in Sri Lanka.

    • 23


      1) Thank you for your incisive article.

      2) Could there EVER be the required ‘system change’ by mere ‘regime change’ (whatever dispensation) WITHOUT addressing the CORROSIVE link between politicians/professionals/private sector/media who are the ENABLERS of Sri Lanka’s crisis?

      3) Your thoughts will be appreciated.

      Amrit Muttukumaru

      • 12


        1) I was hoping that your well-crafted understanding of the personality of unelected President Wickremesinghe and your observation “what is even more depressing is the depth of the hole the Opposition members are digging for themselves” will be the TRIGGER for you to come up with governance model/s for SUSTAINABLE ‘system change’.

        2) On the contrary, you seem to be of the view that ‘regime change’ by ITSELF- in this instance getting Wickremesinghe ‘out of the way’ will resolve the country’s problems.

        3) It is disappointing that you are AVOIDING my query – “Could there EVER be the required ‘system change’ by mere ‘regime change’ (whatever dispensation) WITHOUT addressing the CORROSIVE link between politicians/professionals/private sector/media who are the ENABLERS of Sri Lanka’s crisis?”

        (continued below)

        • 12

          Vishwamithra (continued)

          4) After the well meaning ‘Aragalaya’ IMPRESSIVELY achieved ‘Gota go home’, was there a ‘system change’? Does not the country continue to be UNSTABLE and on a knife-edge? Is not the much touted absence of fuel queues by apologists for the Ranil – Rajapaksa government a superficial reading of the reality?

          5) The ‘acid test’ for the CREDIBILITY of the country’s dominant player in the print media scene – Wijeya Newspapers Limited (WNL) owned by Wickremesinghe’s maternal uncle Ranjit Wijewardene is if they publish your (above) article even on a relatively obscure page instead of the editorial/op-ed pages the ‘Daily Mirror’ usually reserves for your contributions.

          6) Would not your discourses have ‘more punch’ if your IDENTITY is revealed?

          Amrit Muttukumaru

    • 1

      Native Vedda,
      Are you worried about Kachchativu going into the hands of India. Don’t worry even the Naval bases around Jaffna will be shifted toward South. I only wish a ‘LITTLE INDIA Centre’ with two Indian Military Posts on either side of it is established in the Centre of Jaffna.

      • 1


        “Are you worried about Kachchativu going into the hands of India. “

        As far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka is the Sinhala State of Hindia. North East could opt out from the Sinhala State and join their Tamil brethren in Tamilnadu. Since Sri Lanka is being considered a Sinhala State of Hindia, does it matter whether Kachchadive remains with Hindia’s Sinhala State or Hindia’s Tamilnadu.

        One problem SJ wants the entire Sri Lankan state to become part of Peacefully Rising China. On the other hand Hindians have to deal with the formidable SJ and not China. The reason being SJ has delusions about Mao’s China. However China has no such delusions, except the desire to concur the entire world with its brand of Capitalism (perhaps Debt Trap) and arrogance of its rulers.

        • 0

          Still no doctor in the room?
          The Good Book says “seek, and you shall find”
          Do not give up, and seek outside the four walls. But beware of cocky quacks.

  • 16

    Ranil hasn’t even won his own parliamentary seat! ………Is there anymore bigger rejection of a politician/man than that?

    Of 22 million Lankans, only Sinhala_Man supports him ……… enough said!

    • 3

      First leelagemalli says that this VeddangePalateVishramikaGambadaIngirisiGuruMahattaya doesn’t know Sinhalese, and now:
      The anonymous scone-devouring nimal fernando certifies for you that the said VPVGIGM is the last stubborn supporter of this scum, Ranil.
      And Manel, the name of whose hoity-toity husband was schooled in a “good ol’ Colombo Christian school” which he thought was not good enough for him, joins the chorus of those condemning the poor Godaya who tried to teach them English, here, in the middle comments:
      Btw, I now realise that I made a mistake about the context in which Professor Thiru Kandiah made a mistake when igniting the an/a + ear/year” Wars. He probably doesn’t know about all that was said here on CT. His wife Indranee wouldn’t have spotted it.
      However, what is important is that he was decent enough to correct himself on that and, in a sense, “apologise”.
      LM is still looking fro apologies from AKD.
      This comment will be seen by me only; the CT moderators will just not allow it to stand. And they will remain stubbornly unapologetic.
      (NIC 4831111444V)

      • 1

        Although I already asked you not to speak for others, may I kindly repeat? It is becoming unbearable. We are all human beings, some forget things easily, but I dont belong to that category that would behave like that.
        Btw, why should I apologize to AKD?
        The truth is that AKD and his aggressive men owe an apology to the parents and brothers and sisters of over 50,000 victims in this country.

        There is nothing on earth that can compare to losing one’s life. I am speaking today for the grief of the parents of those brothers.

        So far, I have commented only a few times that over 50,000 people were brutally murdered by the Janata Vimukti Peramuna and the government in the late 80s, and that the parents of the victims cannot be easily erased.

        Some would not wake up even if their own sons and daughters were treated like that.

        • 3

          Dear leelagemalli,
          PART ONE of many
          Here you go again!
          You have responded to this statement of mine:
          LM is still looking for apologies from AKD.
          I have copy/pasted from above, then corrected an obvious typo – “for” instead of “fro”
          You have quite simply not read that simple sentence, and then turn pugnacious.
          I’ve spent about half an hour just now, scrolling through the YouTube site trying to locate the 12 minute video in which AKD, speaking almost exactly a year ago, apologizes for “wrongs” done by the JVP. I couldn’t find it, among more than a thousand that I discovered.
          It’s not an abject apology . He places it in the context of what was then happening; mainly of how JR Jayawardena was manipulating the entire country. The way the SLFP harassed them at various point was more straightforward.
          In that context, he says that the JVP did certain things that they shouldn’t have. He was a very young guy. I was wanting to show how old AKD was at each stage of the JVP’s history.
          You will never do that, I’m sure. You give opinions on all manner of subjects, about five comments per day, although you’re working full-time at a demanding job.
          You need to make fewer, better thought out comments.

          • 0

            Gambada pundithaappo aka self-proclaimed retired teacher@

            Thank you. Unfortunately, we’re caught up in the snow chaos of central Europe. This morning I had to clear 0.5 meters of snow to get my vehicle out of the parking lot. So sorry for my mistake.

            I have been listening to AKD and Dr HA all these weeks again. Thanks for the link, I will check it too. But to be honest, I am still not impressed with their stage plays alone. I am well aware that politics is not as easy as stage rhetoric, especially in a country where more than 90% is driven by myths.

          • 0

            Dear SM/NIC/Panini Edirisinha/ (DNA test results are missing ?)

            Hopefully parts 2, 3, 4,5,6 … etc will not contain gossips, boasts and hero worships.
            We wish you all the best for your efforts to become the epitome of NAIVITY.

        • 3

          PART TWO
Now please help us in two ways:
Firstly, stop telling us about what happened in the 1980s. Nobody has contradicted when you say that certain things happened. I’m falling back on what I remember Wittgenstein said. You’re like the guy who buys ten copies of the same newspaper to see if they all say the same thing.
Secondly, since I can’t now find the 12 minute video that neatly summarized the apology. You do look at some AKD video. Locate one place where he justifies violence today. That will negate all the excuses that I’ve been making on behalf of the NPP. Just one.
However, don’t confuse it with something similar. Peaceful protests are being advocated by the NPP (and by me). I’m not the NPP; I’m only a supporter, and I have been that only for around three years. I was never anti-JVP, but that’s a different matter.
As these protests build steam, some hot-heads may turn violent. Is that our fault? No. Hmmm; we could submit to Ranil, and stop all protests. We won’t.
He could, on the other hand, give a definite time frame for having elections, so as to allow younger people to be selected.

        • 1

          LM. You are a real enigma to me. You have all the time in the world to travel from Germany to Srilanka and take a risky bus ride just to check on Srilankan men to find out on how they use/abuse their Pistols. But strangely though you have no time to read an email from me which is to enlighten you on how the notorious criminal gangs, the underworld kind, have infiltrated the Srilankan Judiciary and the Police Force to carry out their vicious activities. The Chief Justice and the Inspector General of Police do travel an extra mile to ensure that they are out of reach of the law of the land. It indeed is a real life story, a Srilankan tragedy or a Tsunami but you rather not come to know about it. I never intended to impose on you but thought it would pinch your conscious though. To digress; on the Dhanushka affair I might add it could also be an occupational hazard.

          • 1

            Also in the above context I wonder how MF, OC, Simon, HT, the whole crowd think about the pathetic state the Srilaka Police and the Judiciary headed by an Inspector General of Police, a Chief Justice have allowed to descend to gutter level; think.

      • 2

        ”And Manel, the name of whose hoity-toity husband was schooled in a “good ol’ Colombo Christian school” which he thought was not good enough for him, joins the chorus of those condemning the poor Godaya who tried to teach them English, here, in the middle comments.”

        1) What does this mean, precisely? “the name of whose hoity-toity husband was schooled…”

        2) _Precisely_ HOW does one “school” a name?
        Can our poor Godaya — expert English teacher as he is — explain that? It certainly baffles me.

        2) What causes you, Godaya, to call my h “hoity-toity”?
        The last thing anyone who really knew him would accuse him of being.

        3) What on earth is your evidence for saying he thought his school “was not good enough for him”?

        4) Did you ever _know_ him or even _meet_ him? Or are you going by the accusations of some of his detractors who went all out to prevent his being employed here, & failing that, got him transferred to troubled hotspots in the middle of racial riots?

        5) What is the relevance of introducing my husband to this forum, in this context, anyway?

        • 2

          6) Where did I “join the chorus” condemning u? Please quote chapter & VERSE! We dont all maintain an indexed record of everything said on CT like you do.

          7) Pray tell me, honourable teacher of English, is your sentence, “This comment will be seen by me only,” acceptable English here now? Just asking.

          And a question for CT.
          Is it acceptable to drag in CTers’ friends/relations, irrelevantly & negatively, into posts, like S_M has done here? I can understand it in the case of politicians, for instance, whose actions are frequently the subject of our discussions, & impinge upon our lives, but what on earth has my _husband_ got to do with anything being discussed here right now?

          And back to you S-M: Where’s the “truth” & “fairplay” in all this?

          • 0

            Dear Manel,
            Thanks for all the questions; will reply if I can get to it all before the deadline.
            Very sincerely: I hope that you enjoy this sort of banter!
            No, I wouldn’t say that I knew you hubby, although he did deliver a guest lecture at Peradeniya (I remember that it was the fairly large lecture theatre as one enters the main Arts Faculty, coming in from the library;) He was very impressive! But I can’t really remember the things that were said.
            So much for now!

          • 0

            It is pure jealousy because he is your H.

        • 0

          Dear M,
          “3) What on earth is your evidence for saying he thought his school “was not good enough for him”?”
          This is the point that makes me cringe every time I read his “bold text” filled comments. He speaks for me.. He speaks for Old Codger.

        • 0

          Dear M,
          “3) What on earth is your evidence for saying he thought his school “was not good enough for him”?”
          This is the point that makes me cringe every time I read his “bold text” filled comments. He speaks for me.. He speaks for Old Codger , he speaks for others…. he sound s to be a sorcerer to me sometimes.


    • 4

      nimal fernando

      “Ranil hasn’t even won his own parliamentary seat! ………Is there anymore bigger rejection of a politician/man than that?”

      Have you had time to think about presidential elections in 2005 and Mahinda’s parliamentary coup in October 2018?

      In 2005 your wonder kid Velupillai Prabaharan won elections for Mahinda paid for by Basil/Hindia and in 2010 VP won the LTTE for Mahinda.

      In effect not only both Mahinda and Ranil are in the same position but also they help each other, protect each other.

      Deepti is suffering from Ranil Phobia.

  • 17

    I don’t have to read the article to make this observation.
    Ranil is no Saint; he is more of a Devil. But, who in politics is a saint.
    Those who hide their devilishness best win our votes. Ranil could not do even that!

    • 3

      I don’t think you are born again today. Are there other beasts in Sri Lankan politics besides Mahinda? Even today, JVPrs are feard of him.
      I think our seniors like you could have foreseen it a long time ago, but at least today they have not grown up enough to act boldly.

      The best example is NIC hunter Sinhala Man. He is pointing his fingers at everyone, including us CT commenters, but his outcry against Rajapaksa is still not very pronounced.

      Today, only a large part of unsolicited debt and waste as loans by the Rajapaksa dogs have to be paid. Like it or not, people in large numbers have to face it today, but the same people do not seem to stand against Mahinda Rajapaksa who wasted unestimable sum of state funds without any shame.-
      Now experts keep revealing that today’s economic mess was obvious to them 2 years ago. Nevertheless, the Rajapaksas seized power by kidnapping the Polburuwa from Polonnaruwa and killing the innocent church worshipers on the easter sunday of April 2019.

      • 2

        Dear leelagemalli,
        I’m not sure when this last comment of yours containing these words came on.
        “Sinhala Man. He is pointing his fingers at everyone, including us CT commenters, but his outcry against Rajapaksa is still not very pronounced.”
        I’m really angry about this! Why should I talk about the Rajapaksas now?
        They’re gone, although there is a need to systematically track down the money they stole. That’s unlikely. Shouting won’t do it. What you are doing is distracting from real issues by talking about the past all the time, telling people about things that they already know.
        For about the tenth time, I ask you why you didn’t make a comment here?
        When I first asked it was a simple inquiry; your silence is now deafening.

        • 1

          Dear SM,
          I don’t know why you got angry knowing the fact that you were not interested in revealing more details about the “great criminal” Mahinda Rajapaksa.

          This is for everyone in that age group (70 years old).. Not only you but many seniors in that age group should have raised their voice more against his brutal politics of wasting public money.

          MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE emerged from srilanka. That you were all well aware. Either many of his age men were lethagic or indifferent as no times prior to that.
          Not many seniors spoke out against the Rajapaksa regime’s conspicuous waste.
          Dr. Wijewardena, now a recognized as the father of economist for many in srilanka Sri Lanka: But the ridiculous truth is , he was active in his job also in 2008, he could have done more as an insider.- he was then one of the deputies in CB.

          I am speechless ! …

          • 1

            Thanks for finally answering that query, dear LM.
            If you have complaints against against Dr Wijewardena, please address him directly. I don’t know Economics at that level, but I think that he’s been doing a fine job explaining some of the concepts to those who don’t understand. I tell you that you just keep dishing out insults. Certainly, people seem to like it.
            Please respect the fact that Dr WAW has been writing steadily and regularly for so long. He’s got to keep going like that. He actually visited me in Maharagama, although hitherto unknown to me, gifted to me something like eight books, and we communicate, but I try not to waste his time. He also appears regularly on TV in both English and Sinhala.
            I’m doing all that I can. Attack the Rajapaksas? I was doing plenty of that until they were dumped from power. If I say more, I’ll get censored. Just within this hour a comment of mine has been moderated out, although, to me, it seems more on topic than your rantings.
            However, that has changed somewhat this last week with your recognition of some merit in the NPP.

        • 0

          please listen.
          Did you ever stand against Mahinda Rajapaksa? Apart from Mahinda Rajapaksa, is there a big criminal in this country? His hyprocrisy is beyond all other like minded cirminal politicians. Even goes beyond that of Mugabe and MODI.
          He was your age group, you lived in Sri Lanka, you should have been aware of the seriousness of the real big problems that bugger has purposely created…..or am I wrong? Today the arrow points only to RW as the saviour, …. Polonnaruwa’s donkey is being ignored……. All of you who stayed like “Kirimatigilapu kimbullu – clay fed crocodiles” should make yourselves. Be responsible for a big mess in the country.
          Out of all huge debts taken, 10% of all are from China within the tenures of MR rule. And most of them were over 80% wasted for nothing. No records according to auditor general.
          The loans taken during GOOD GOVERNANCE were to pay hikes and loans repay… however everyone point the finger only at GOOD GOVERNANCE… if public servants were not given pay hikes, today the situations would have been much worse for sure.

  • 18


    “Then it can be seen how people will get angry and protest against him in Sri Lanka.”

    While you are still on the topic of protest, today Sanakian MP was furious on China’s intervention on his parliamentary debate. He promised to have a “China Go Home” Aragalaya style protest.
    I am ready to welcome his protest and his slogan only if he modifies it as follows:

    “China Go Home”
    “When you Go Take SJ with you”.

    • 5

      “Parliament would behave, although not exclusively to his solitary tune, would take their steps as dictated by the leaders of the Pohottuwa group who de facto is controlling Ranil Wickremesinghe.”
      If Ranil can get Dinesh G to stand up in public and support a UNP budget, there shouldn’t be any doubt about who is controlling whom.

      • 7

        “Fear of being imprisoned or the dread of being manhandled by the armed forces may be playing a role in the shameful silence of the collective Opposition. “
        Really, Vishwa, you should take your tinted glasses off. Who is this “Opposition “?
        The SJB is simply the UNP minus Ranil. How can it object to its own policies, èspecially when it’s led by the son of the only leader whose death was greeted with fireworks?
        As to the rest, opportunists like Wimal and Ratana contributed to our bankruptcy. The Godahewa lot are simply Viyathmaga in drag. Jayasumana and Weerasekara are the racist remnants. Is the author suggesting that this lot are viable leadership options?

        • 3

          “…you should take your tinted glasses off”
          Some designs of contact lens take much effort to remove.
          The stand of some here has been “Anyone but Ranil” that is not the same as “Not Ranil” which may leave saner options.

      • 4

        old codger

        “If Ranil can get Dinesh G to stand up in public and support a UNP budget, ….”

        On the other hand Dinesh is a heartbeat away from presidency.
        Its worrying.

    • 4

      Native, in that case ” count me in “.

    • 2

      How are you this morning?
      Have you found the professional who you sought in the room?
      You may try elsewhere, but beware of quacks.

      • 0

        There is a volunteer it appears.
        But check the credentials.

        • 0

          We already know yours. ( fake news propagandist )

    • 3

      “Shenali Wduge’s diatribe blaming on 500 years of white colonialism and the atrocities committed by colonisers on native people”

      Shenali Wduge’s diatribe …….. reinfirced? …….. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/12/2/how-british-colonial-policy-killed-100-million-indians

      OC’s and my view + especially Sinhala_Man’s, which he lives and breathes!

      “Recent years have seen a resurgence in nostalgia for the British empire. High-profile books such as Niall Ferguson’s Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World, and Bruce Gilley’s The Last Imperialist, have claimed that British colonialism brought prosperity and development to India and other colonies.”

      Are we raving Anglophiles …….. Brown sahibs …….. blinded by our Anglophile-ia?

      All are Pukka sahibs. ….. No.

      • 0

        reinfirced —-> reinforced

  • 7

    Dear Vishwamithra,
    You have said that what happened to “RIT Alles, the then principal of D.S. Senanayake College, was a well-known fact amongst those who mattered in society at the time. 
    At the time,” – not now!.
    “VishramikaGambadaIngirisiIskoleMhathmaya” was never really a guy who mattered, but I can, and will tell you all about it. Tomorrow afternoon. I need some sleep. It is already 5.30 a.m. “tomorrow morning”.
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandrawela (NIC 483111444V)

  • 5

    What is the altrnative to ranil being the president.He was put in at a time when thre was a economic emergency with people going through untold suffering in queues.Now we don’t have the queues anymore.Now it is time he announced the date of the Local Government elections.

  • 3

    “Ranil Wickremesinghe has no fidelity to truth and fair play.”
    Mr.V, Can you NAME a Sinhala Leader who has these characteristics? If such a person –political leader had existed in Sri Lanka, our country would have been a thriving country without civil wars & corruption. Can you and others atleast make SURE a brand new CONSTITUTION is drafted and passed by public referendum. That is the only way we should start to solve all our issues. When corrupted uneducated uncivilised men & women are STILL roaming the parliament, there will be NO LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL.

  • 4

    ” A FISH ROTS FROM THE HEAD DOWN ” says it all . An ancient proverb believed
    to be Greek , Chinese or Turkish . A simple logic . The Dog Wags The Tail .
    Another one ! You don’t have to go after Twenty Two million people to develop the
    country , it is this 225 that holds the Responsibility . They are the ones that are
    Standing Rotten in the Heads ! If you can not deal with this 225 , how can with 22
    million ? Even a Cow & Gate Baby knew the math .

    • 0

      “Cow & Gate Baby”?
      Not many around these days though.
      Are they smarter than breast fed kids?

      • 0

        Did the easy supply of Cow&Gate well into the sixties spawn all these politicians we are blessed with nowadays?

        • 0

          You really make me wonder.
          Then, how do we explain the post C&G politicians?

          • 0

            I don’t think we’ll be around to analyse the performance of future politicians being born in these milk powder free times.

      • 1

        S J ,

        When it hit our shelves , it had formulas for premature infants ,
        possibly the ones like Ranil and Mahinda ! Just double check it
        SJ !

        • 1

          I am no expert, and do not know of any C&G formulae for premature kids or have a clue of who is and who isn’t a premature kid among politicians— but immature kids, yes.
          The likes of Sajith P and Sarath F are immature well past their youth. Can we blame it all on their baby food formula?

          • 0

            S J ,

            In a nutshell , premature babies may have health and development
            issues because they have not fully grown up in the womb at the
            time of birth , according to medical specialists . ” You are what you
            Eat ” is what nutritionists say about your food and drinks ! That
            should clear your doubts about ” the baby food formula “. And then
            please don’t ask me if you drink cow milk , do you become a cow ?
            For that I have only one answer ! The only species that drinks milk
            well past infancy and till death is , human ! And that too , another
            species’ milk !

            • 2

              Why why,
              It seems doctors claim to be the most highly evolved species on the planet, because it takes them 27 years to mature. After school, 10 years in med school and internship.

              • 0

                Hi OC , First of all , thank you for your attention to the post .
                As part of my take to your kind involvement with the post ,
                I like to take you to a news item ! ” A private hospital in
                Borella has been reported about carrying out ILLEGAL kidney
                transplant with the involvement of KIDNEYS bought for
                money “. Health ministry and the police are reported to have
                taken action . Just one instance how some “highly evolved
                species ” in our country look at QUALITY life ! One instance
                where one error on their part can lead to harmful situation to
                billions is , the following : About twenty years back , Doctors
                said , ” Stop eating butter and switch to Margarine ” ! And
                twenty years later , now , are they not lobbying to “Stop
                Margarine and Eat Butter ” ? Highly Evolved ? Well , I don’t
                want to under estimate their ability and commitments to do
                their best , but like in everything else , Srilankans are
                Srilanankans who think they are not second to Gods ! THAT

  • 1

    Some hot news just in: “Armed gang robs Police OIC’s house.” Must be an inside job.

    • 7


      I am hearing that many unreported robberies have become common in SL. In the middle of the country going bankrupt and inflation taking its toll, when a large number of people who were previously middle-class fall below it — and those who were poor become poorer –, is it any wonder that things are worsening?

      With or without RW, with or without a new Aragalaya, an ablest small % of the population in the country needs to band together to arrest this situation, turn it around, and then work to wean the country away from the stranglehold of fanatical Sinhalese -Buddhist hardline ideology and corruption.

      • 3

        “an ablest small % of the population in the country needs to band together to arrest this situation,” etc.
        So it is now up to the experts— the ones that have been running away to greener pastures, I wonder!

        • 3


          Not all have left the country. And it is not ‘experts’ per se, but those who can be productive enough to compete regionally in Asia, or even globally. SL still has enough people– though only a small % of the population — who can do this., despite meddling by corrupt politicians and the ill-informed public. Many entrepreneurs in India made a lot of progress even when they sometimes had to pay bribes to politicians; they kept striving in the face of a lot of adversity. The professionals who left SL might have helped in salaried positions, but most are not entrepreneurial.

        • 0

          Drink some C&G.

  • 4

    Now everyone claims that “Aragalaya” achieved many things among which are the “Dethroning” of Gota, “Chasing away of Mahinda & his Cabinet” etc., etc. The very “Aragalaya” now claims the “Crowning” of Ranil W and in double, the speed “Denounce” his ascendency to the high seat of power renewing the call to “Go Home Ranil”.

    In viewing the sequence of events, I am of opinion that “Aragalaya” was a chauvinistic, miscalculated, misdirected, and rudderless operation that brought the present chaotic state of affairs in Governing functions of the country. Did the “Aragalaya” know or at least calculated the aftermath of the events to follow with the chasing away of the “Rajapakses” administration? Didn’t the “Aragalaya” know that the Constitution would bring in the PM Ranil W (appointed by Gota) would ascend to power as the President with the majority votes of “Pohottuwa:? What was the “Contingency” plan in place to switch the Governing function of the country? Weren’t these some of the aspects that an “Aragalaya” organized to oust the sitting administration would have taken up for serious consideration? That is why I call it “Chauvinistic”, “Miscalculated”,” Misdirected” and, “Rudderless”. I always think: “FOCUSSED THOUGHT COULD LITERALLY CHANGE ANYTHING”.

    • 2

      When the question was asked “Gota goes, what next?’ none of the cheer leaders here was interested one bit.
      If one claims that RW owes his present post to Aragalaya, that does not speak well of Aragalaya.

      • 4

        SJ: Thanks. You are absolutely correct. What I say is the “Side Effect” of “Aragalaya” was the installation of RW as the President. When “Aragalaya” staged “Go Home Gota” they entirely lost sight of the Constitutional provision of bringing RW by the majority vote of Pohottuwa. Also, they demanded a “System Change”. Did they have any idea of what that “System Change” means and what “WHO” would and could do it? There were two other “Demands”. None of those were achieved except “Go Home Gota” and “Go Home Myna”. The “End Result” was from the frying pan to the fire. I said this from the very beginning of the “Aragalaya” but was ridiculed for airing that opinion.

    • 2

      Hello Simon,
      This I listened to this video below.

      • 4

        Even today, why is JVP called “Mr. Gotabaya”, “Mr. Mahinda” etc.. when the current president is called “Ranil”?

        • 4

          Apologies for typos.
          Why does JVP say “Gotabhaya Mahaththaya.” and “Mahinda Mahathaya.” repeatedly?

          Isn’t it time they should correct so-called complex charges of the bond trap?

          As has been repeatedly emphasized elsewhere, why is Singapore, a strict law-abiding nation, silent on this?
          JVP hasn’t talked about it yet?
          Please add a link for me… to review it properly. Wasantha Samarasinghe and others are good at debating on stage but it seems that they have no political experience in anything. If only stay arguing would be the main role of politics, they are experienced.
          If they are raising it again and again why are they silent about its first implementation in 2008 (under the Mahinda regime)?

          Do you know about JVP tactics? Am I the only person who feels the JVP bias in the “so-called central bank theft”?

          Learned Dr. Wijewardena never confirmed that it was during the reign of RW-MS.

          • 3

            My Friend LM: You are either far behind the political, economic, and, social events and connected developments in the country or opt to forget and speak as if you were born again. If not, the position taken by JVP as regards the “Bond Scam” would not be questioned again and again. I am not going to explain that but rather would refer you to the May 9, 2015 revelations made by JVP in Parliament and the COPE report that inquired into that irregularity. Please note the popular understanding (including you) that JVP is in Parliament only to handle “Garbage Collection” has been set aside and the time has come for it to ask for a mandate to Govern the country.

            So I would request you to be pragmatic and look into who would and could be bringing in a proper administration of setting the house in order at this critical moment. We have had enough of the “Two Monsters” (UNP/SLFP/SLPP and combo SJP) and I feel that “JVP/NPP has to be given an opportunity. Enough is enough.

            • 2

              Bro Simon,
              But it is still not clear to me whether they understand the seriousness of the problem today. And I cant believe, that FUTURE GOVT UNDER AKD woudl cut a significant portion of tax giving lot more concessions to the people. These are just fairytales to win the hearts and minds of punnaku eating majority.

              I dont say that HF is 100% right, but most what he expalins in this interview are all not lies.
              – .

              By the time Gota appointed RW as prime minister, the government had not even $300 million in the coffers, despite spending more than a billion in the following weeks. All this was inside information that Harin Fernando will not take his salary and he will not take any other allowances for today’s assignments. Some in both SJB and SLPP are always lying according to him.

              There is a real big gap between truths and untruths telecasted by FAKE media networks. However, I believe that the GOTA admin had no funds at all even if CABRAL crimnal left BIG LIES to the media.

      • 3

        I clicked on the link provided, dear LM.
        This was all that I got:
        “This video isn’t available any more”
        Was it of any importance?
        Time 22.39 in Sri Lanka, on 05/12/2022.

        • 3

          Unfortuantely, they have removed the video for some reasons. That was a speech held by AKD. I like the video because most what he explained in that video were not just hearsays.

  • 3


    I am hearing that many unreported robberies have become common in SL. In the middle of the country going bankrupt and inflation taking its toll, when a large number of people who were previously middle-class fall below it — and those who were poor become poorer –, is it any wonder that things are worsening?

    With or without RW, with or without a new Aragalaya, an ablest small % of the population in the country needs to band together to arrest this situation, turn it around, and then work to wean the country away from the stranglehold of fanatical Sinhalese -Buddhist hardline ideology and corruption.

    • 0

      I see now that corruption is like a religion for South Asia, the poorest region in the world. It is believed to be 1/4 of the global population. Religions move on only because their parents were part of that religion. So, by the time the child reaches adulthood, he or she is fully brainwashed by that religion.
      For example, Sinhala Buddhists are incapable of thinking of religions other than “Sinhala Buddhism”:
      I know this practically. At the beginning of my stay in Europe, some fundamentalists of Christianity and Islam made every effort to take away my psychology by forcing me about their thinking. However, from the beginning I was a free thinker by nature. I didn’t want anyone to interfere with my freedom. Not even my own parents disturbed me. My mother, who is my religion today, believed in me and my life.

      If someone is born and brought up in a corrupt society, he or she has no knowledge of anti-corruption. For example, each of them makes every effort to justify the nature of the criminal if fined according to legal contexts. For them, minor or major crimes are similar. Differentiation is out of their focus.. If sharks can do it, why can’t juveniles go their staunch and oft-heard arguments. Most of lawyers in SL are real thakkadiyas.

  • 0

    Franklin D Roosevelt : ” He (Somoza the Dictator) may be a son of a bitch but
    he is our son of a bitch ” ! This could be why Mahinda stepped aside for Ranil
    I wonder ! Otherwise , Ranil is not doing anything Mahinda couldn’t !

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