18 February, 2025


Ranjangate: Azzam Ameen Fired By BBC Over Leaked Conversations

The BBC has sacked its Sinhala service’s Colombo corresponded Azzam Ameen a short while ago.

Ameen has been sacked without any internal inquiry or giving any opportunity to explain his side of the story over a couple of leaked conversations allegedly he has had with parliamentarian Ranjan Ramanayake, Colombo Telegraph learns.

Latest comments

  • 24

    Good. Thanks BBC.

    • 19

      I supprt Azzam Ameen

      If BBC sacked him; BBC are wrong

      • 13

        Ranjith, you and I would support him, but all others support, only biased fkers such as Hiru TV journos and Derana TV journos… that is the ground reality of the current day sl:

    • 20

      Dear Asam,
      You are unique to your style of bravery. You broke records by your interviews, revealing lot more about any high criminals. They srilankens journos should learn it from you Mr.

      What came to light through your journalism made you unique. Srilankens would not tolerate truth sayers. But myth sayers are given the upperhand of the society.

      May you the kind of hearted Journalists be bred in volumes to save this land.

  • 21

    This is how GOTLER has been. MEDIA mafia should be made accoutable for all the mess.


    Next will be the You TUBE channels. Then SIRASA or the like TV channels.

    Even CT could be damaged by Rajapakshe criminals.

    May 6.9 x 10 00 000 of GRASS eaters be blessed with wisdom.

    Then only youth of the country will be able to breath in heathily.

  • 22

    Ranjan let the cats out of the bag and exposed the Sri Lanka Judiciary. It is an accepted fact the Sri Lanka judiciary is linked with politics. Example former CJ Sarath siva and Prof Hl Piris and more How can one expect imperial verdicts?

    • 5

      May be you meant to say “impartial verdicts”.

      In any case, the judgement on Ranjan’s tapes seems to follow party lines. What BBC has done is an attempt to show the world that it doesn’t take sides in local politics even though no media in this world is free from political biases. BBC is no exception. Only difference between BBC and SL media is that it is not as corrupt as SL media.

      Most now believe that Hiru has paid a large sum of money to Ranjan’s own confidant to get hold of the tapes. I don’t think the trick itself is against the rules of media but what is wrong & unethical about is the selective release. This is much worse than National Inquirer buying stories of Trumps extra marital affairs in order to stop them from public knowledge and thereby helping Trump’s political campaign. Hiru is doing the same to destroy anybody who favored the death sentence of Duminda Silva who is a known criminal.

      What is exposed via Ranjan’s tapes is the corrupt nature of SL social, political & legal system themselves. Unfortunately, it is the efforts to eliminate corruption (independent commissions, expediting hearing “white Collar Crimes” and police officers & the judges who refused to be surrender to bribes & corruption) itself has been turned into the “bad guy” by Ranjan’s own efforts to fight against corruption. The sad fate of Ranjan’s good effort has been brought about by Ranjan’s own lack of training in dealing with this kind of large amount of sensitive information. Ranjan should have known that “even walls sometime can hear; and that no secret is safe beyond a single set of ears!

      In any case, I guarantee that this is only the beginning; and that the “better dancing” is yet to be seen!

      • 4

        …..News Hub is reporting that Azzam Ameen is not fired but only his request to be released from Jan 1 st is granted! Which version is the truth?

        • 3

          today truths and untruths are equally treated by the govt and people.

          Those who came into being through drug trafficking or other illegal work- HIRU tv channel, leads the media. That is only because Rajapakshe behind them. Like looters are being promoted by some politicians and drug traffickers, all these vicious media institution owners given upper hand by sinister politicians.

          There are lot more that go after untruths than truths. That is called DERANA TV journalism, being run by stolen statefunds by Rajapakshes. No matter the trasmitting frequencies are public property, no media ethics have a place being given in this country, caught by Rascals and thugs.

    • 9

      Pon Kulendrien@

      No matter all is evident, but the nature of SINHALAYA would never change.

      Now I heard, that ONE another FAKE Prof. by name Keerthi Dishanayaka, arrested by police few months ago on HIS Valmpuri sale – but ballige putha Rajakashes are said tob e givinng him a chance. Even if ANY high criminals with their high crimes would be exposed, nothing would happen in lanken context. They just take everything for granted today.

      Bitch’s sons become LEADERs, Monks and people’s fuhrers. So that the innocient people regardless of their race, religion or whatever other barriers be thrown away, even not being able to enjoy the basic human rights.

      World indicators have now put our COUNTRY in minus ranks.

      So long Rajakashes would be the leaders ONLY rascals and their henchmen would be in top posts, so how can move it forward. They are all thugs – and react with muscle than using little brain.

      • 5

        “…but ballige putha Rajakashes”

        Get the fk out you descendant of a Dravida slave brought to this country by colonial parasites and lucky to be in this paradise island thanks to Native Sinhalayo who gave citizenship to those slaves abandoned by colonial parasites.

        These ungrateful ‘Para’ bellige puthas bit the hands of Native Sinhalayo who fed them by launching a terrorist campaign to slaughter Sinhalayo. You guys hate Rajapakses because they fked those terrorist bellige puthas really hard by killing the barbarian Prabhakaran and wiping out LTTE butchers

        • 6

          Yes, yes, all those who stand against BP s are tamils and muslim accoridng to you ?

          You the kind of idiots ruined this nation. May all the forces be with us to get these buggers by their horns.

          • 2

            Some Sinhalayo might dislike Rajapakses on political grounds but they will never go down to the low level shown by people like you to use such derogatory language to Rajapakses who saved the people in this country from LTTE barbarians. Reading comments appear in this forum it is mainly ‘Para’ Demala ‘Koti Diaspora members and LTTE supporters that go down to that low level because Rajapakses ruined their Eelam dream.

            • 5

              I dont know how many more days you would LIVE before kicking the bucket Egel evil.

              Let me explain, it was not Rajaapskehs who fought against the rebells it was three forces. If I may say so, I respect more to Mr Fonseka and his soldiers than BPs of Rajapakshes family. Sure, he was then the elected leader to give the leadership, but no means he has no right to grab the full cake and expect you the like thanakola eaters to serve him forever.

              As a Surgeon would have to do his job for he is responsible for, Rajakashes who lived on the tax payers funds should deliver his. Nothing more nothing less: Besides, if LATE Mr Kadirgamar got the LTTERs banned on rich soils, would their so called victory ever be possible. You guys are caught by the fairy tales being spread for their political survival. If he loved the country, ballige putha Mahinda could bring a new consitution already during his 2nd term. Instead, he abused the TAX payers funds being intoxicated by adulation- grabed following SO CALLED war victory. Media should be gunned down, for having spread lies that but became fuel to Rajapakshe and other ballige puthas to loot it as nothing would left anymore. Thanks to Ballige puthas, we in Europe today, are hurt – they only refer srilanka as NUMBER one chinese debt trap country. Please open your impaired eyes wider as you can see it, and see it right let alone today. If not for you, but it will help for the nation: Thank you.
              Get well soon Mahindapala. You are a pain for us the CT readers, That you are well aware of right ???

            • 3

              Not just some sihalayao, over 6 mio of this country would not respect bugger family. Basta.

              Others whose stapel food is grass would do any low levels for them.

              Now for sure, 2 millions out of those 7 mio voters have changed their likes to ballige puthas. Alone the fact that RAJAPKSHES have done nothign with sky rocketed price hikes is beyond bearing to all.

              Why on earth they respect a family who looted the state as not even Juliampitiya style men would ever do ?
              People would be happier if they would get to see, RAJPAKSHES be raw burnt or not ?

        • 4

          An octagenarian from DOWN under struggling his later days, make every effort to rant as usual. Drawida, Muslim or us sinhalaya are homo sapiens. But you guys ape genetics are the real pain in our nation.
          Please get ready to land in the lowest layer of the hell. Get well Mahinda Palayo.. we should better use other terms to you and the ilk that are harboured to hatreds than to any good.
          According to u, we the sinhalaya should go on hating our minorities right ?
          Is that because you were raped out at Peradeniya Campus by a gang of Tamils ?

          Yesterday some tamil senior batch mates had attacked to their juniors: This is common to us sinhalayas in SOUTHERN area right. Regardless of the race and relgions all these buggers have been changed alot today unfortunately not to the good.

          Rajashe should be hung for all social revolution – the bugger and the family is responsible for all the high crimes promotion inthis country, Gadafi style end will be the consequence for this bugger, now or later. We are patient and we will be watching out.

        • 3

          Rajakashes have fked not only NOTHERNERS … but also own people.
          That is the truth you BP.

          Get well soon Mahinda palayo… do some good things to carry with.. your days are numbered by nature. If I were you, I would concentrate myself on good things… there are masses that fall in poverty thanks to BP Rajaakshes. They created the loads of debts in SL, and made srilanka number one chinese debt trap country.

          Medias is paid by the stolen wealth of BP Rajakshes. You guys as 80 year olds would die in few days, but the youth in this country regardless of their race and other barriers should face it.

        • 5

          I am sorry to see, that Peradeniya involved in educating you. Surely, you should have been raped by a gang of raggers right ? Else, I cant see any reason you to attack tamils this derogatory manner. Either your child´hood shold have been miserable as is the case with Balusara thero, or you have some single issues experienced by yourself with Tamils and Muslims. I am sinhalaya but I dont respect our people INSTEAD I take the side of foreigners, because our people have betrayed us let return Rajaapksehs criminals.

          Eagle Eye, give us a break please. You should better to go that Walasmulle Abhaya thero who has been manipulating srilanken austrlian living in that part of the world.

          That thero is proved to be a monk since 2015
          Prior to his Uni education, the fake monk had been a KATTADIYA to village folks

          Now abusively misinterpreting TRUE teachings of LB, he has been preaching so called BANA to lankens living there.

  • 25

    Poor Azzam Ameen. I remember he once had to weather quite a storm for his offence of being the BBC’s Sinhalese correspondent, having a Muslim name. Now the BBC sacks him giving no reason. Was it mad Boris Johnson himself who ordered it?
    Don’t worry, young man! There’ll be plenty of other jobs coming your way. I haven’t listened much to you, relying as I do mostly on Internet Programmes – most of which are in English. The ever-present danger for all of us are white vans!

    • 5

      Dear Sinhala Man,

      How are you now ? Hope not the random generator of RASCALS would direct on you next few days.Now it is becoming clear, that the state mafia is routinized. Self censored MEDIA men and their reactions are not overlooked today. Please take care of you. SRILANKENS are now led by record breaking high criminals. They dont care about decency and dignity of the life. 6900 000 voters cut their neck by their own.

      They now are left to be as if they made deaf and blind. If they would rise up, the criminals would not wait a second to react – going by the same path that had then been KNOWN to the very same grass eaters.

      No more threats on you from RAJAPKASHE led undeground networks ?

      How could a travelling monk be shot dead by ACCIDENT ? There you and I could also have been caught right ?

      When will you be back to Colombo or suburbs within the period of 25th Feb to 5th March. We will be travelling to SL for a vacation. We could meet up if your time table would allow.
      Please write it here I will come and check my posts almost everyday. I have no idea if PASQUAL would pull the trigger on us – I have the feeling that Champa has changed her AVATAR to Pasqual. For very reasons, Pasqual behave very loyal to Rajapakshes as if the man is eternally caught by Kodiwinaya.

      • 3

        Desperate Sinhalaya,

        When you travel, can you take some good pictures of imbeciles prostrating to saffron clad monks of various hues of yellow.?

        After all, it is part of the culture, civilization and should be part of the natural environment of the landscape.

        If you can capture some politicians prostrating to the monks, it will be very good.

        PS. Just ask casually the monks as to what happens when you die?Ask them what it takes to attain Nibbana, Nirvana or to go to Heaven. Be careful, the last time another guy asked, he hot whacked on his cheek.

        PS. Can you ask a random sample of the populace if

        1. The Sun goes around the Earth

        2. How many Chromosomes they have.

        3. Did man evolve from the great apes, Evolution.

        • 2

          Dear Bro AmaraSiri, I agree with you more. I will add my thoughts later. I ll be in Berlin for upcoming week. Whenever it is possible, I will do so, No worries, we should stand against Saffron clad monkies. I now fully stopped kneeling down before them, even if I did it until 4 years ago. Today, I think twice whatever I am going to do in terms of lanken kind of so called buddhism. To me, only westerners that became buddhists are the real buddhist of this planet.

        • 1

          Mr Amarasiri, not only DS, but anyone can film them.

          I am telling you this-I regret today that much, I REALLY DO – I could not film it, I missed it several times sofar for lack of times reasons with my job life, two years ago, while waiting for my transit at DOHA Airport. There I observed a prominent srilanken monk travelling with a good looking srilanken lady. My first instict said me almost everything about the crime in public. She was caught by my permenent observation until she walked behind the monk at the time, boarding was started. I understood, her smile was mixed up with helplessness. If I had filmed it, I could show the world, how the ground reality of today’s buddhagama in our god punished country. –

          Mr Ramanayaka louded it as high as he could yestreday, how victimized parents of child monks requested him to expose the continuous child molestation in temples today. Temples are turned out to be male prostitutiona brothels- but our so called buddhist adherents bring them free food and smart phones. How proud we the nation should be to have supported the criminals in dark for such a long time ?, since we are part and parcel of this high crime. Do any one have the audacity to make a voice on the grave crime ? Child monks become monks not by their own. Consent is grabed by deceitful monks in senior positions. Myths that offering a child to monkhook could save the generations are just sayings established in the rural mind set of the nation.

          The name of BUDDHAGAMA (dont mix it up with True Buddhism), lanken so called monks and politicians continue their high level crimes. THis game has been a public secret but the outer cover of the book is made to be captured the attention of innocient masses.

    • 6

      Nation is made UPSIDE down today. They idiots attacked Mr Wickramsinghe. Now Journos themselves are caught by the RAJAPKAHE -MEDIA control units.

      Our people have no brains to differentiate good from the bad. Good governance govt gave much more freedom people to open their views with the others. But what happened was that backfired. Majority of people would never believe in truths but myths that are being narrated by SHAVE HEAD – safron robe wearing mudalalis.

      Situation is more or less like a HINDUISM dominated BALI state
      Not about TRUE TEACHINGs of Buddha, but JATHAKA STORIES are their beliefs.

      Majority of people yet to know that HUMAN MILK is generated not by BLOOD but a milk glands of a woman. But the myth ” le kirikara powapu dharuwa – is the belief of the masses”.

    • 8

      I fully agree. I am a big fan of Azzam Ameen. He is much loved by many Sri Lankans. His questions at press briefings in Colombo have always been fearless. Yet, professional and respectful. BBC’s action against him seems unwarranted. To destroy totally, a young, promising journalist in this manner is cruel. BBC has done exactly what the abominable racists in SL, who have been hounding him because of his name, always wanted to be done.
      3 cheers for Azzam Ameen! Start your own media channel, Azzam. Getting fired is a blessing in disguise. Forget the BBC. Time to move on to greater things. You have the potential.

      • 5

        Ben Hurling,

        but he and that Dilshan in COlombo are true sons of the land.

        All other SO CALLED journos in current day SRILANKA are like blue flies being found on the heaps of the excreta at road sides.

    • 2

      “Now the BBC sacks him giving no reason.”
      Sinhala man, will you please listen to the conversation once more and come back with a few words again.


  • 17

    Why can’t a journalist have his own political preference?
    He can have his own as long as his Reporting is not biased.
    It’s funny how shitty media like Chathura Alwis & Dilka who are biased with reporting trying to report Azzam Ameen recording.

  • 20

    This is sad news he was a really good journalist.

    • 3

      Silva, because he is educated.

      All other journos of Derana and Hiru TV channels, are not even good for worth discussing.

      How come the journos to fall that low levels in our mother land ?
      Even that Malinda Senaratne or the like, with degrees earned at Harvad, are on the ball licking mode of Rajapakshe… I have no clue why ?

      How these buggers face their kids ? How ? Kids of the day are very intelligent with the IT revolution. But midle aged or older generations behave like Bali people indonesia.
      They bali people live for their hindhuistic rituals. I have no idea how they run their lifestyle. Each and everyone is held strong hindus. Unlike our crminal sinhala buddhist, hindu adherents, do their job really well. But very very superstious as they would have no brains to see itbeyond.

  • 9

    “The BBC has sacked its Sinhala service’s Colombo corresponded Azzam Ameen a short while ago.”

    At least once the British Bas tards Corporation has taken a sensible decision.
    During the 30 year Dravida Terrorist menace there were white guys reporting highly biased stories but nothing happened to them. There was one reporter sitting in New Delhi and reporting as he is in the war zone. I am wondering whether the Koti Diaspora oiled the palms of those white reporters.

  • 5

    Poor Ameen .I listened to that tape .

    Ameen was mainly coaching that ex Yahapalana Minster how to organize things to help his friends and mates in the UNP. during the last Election.

    Nothing serious , unlike the other Tapes ,starring, CID Boss, High Court Judge and of course Hirunickers..

    This certainly is a case of unfair dismissal
    He should get a Gun PC like Ali Sabry to ask for compensation in British Pounds.. .
    Perhaps Abraham or Ajith,
    Are they PCs ?.

    But Ameen can easiy get a gig in Thinakaran or Kathathnkuddy Times .or the UNP Rag ..

    • 4

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      “But Ameen can easiy get a gig in Thinakaran or Kathathnkuddy Times .or the UNP Rag”

      Alright, have you got any plans to appoint one of your crony laptop journalists to the vacant post of BBC Sinhala Service occupied earlier by fearless and factual journalist Azzam Ameen?

      Do you think you are in a position to recommend names to fill the vacant position from a list of names that I prepared earlier (oven hot):

      Shamindra Ferdinando
      Gota’s B***s fame C.A. Chandraperuma
      Kamalika Pieris
      Rajpal Abeynayake
      Wimal Windbag Weerawansa
      HLD M
      Shenali Waduge
      Bandula Jayasekara

  • 12

    In Buddhism, there is a thing called ‘Ditta Dhamma Vedaneeya Kamma’. Actions that produce negative impact (vipaaka) in this life itself. Gonja who was humiliating and insulting Buddhist monks committed this ‘Kamma’ and in this life itself he has ended up in hell. Wait and see what will happen to Mangalam. There are several people who commit that ‘Kamma’ in this forum. Those guys will also end up in hell in this life itself.
    The Samyutta Nikaya states:

    “According to the seed that’s sown,
    So is the fruit you reap there from,
    Doer of good will gather good,
    Doer of evil, evil reaps,
    Down is the seed and thou shalt taste
    The fruit thereof.”

    • 5

      That’s rich coming from you, a ‘practising’ Buddhist!

    • 1

      Eagle Evil,
      dont refer buddhism for lanken issues. There is a big gap between lanken Buddhagama and real buddhism as Lord buddha preached it. You as 80 year old should have been aware all these better. But your hatreds seems to have filled your senses so that you cant have some sanity to see it healthily.
      Thanks … get well EE

    • 1

      Blind boy Eagle I wonder when that time is for you I mean ditta damma vedaneeya kamma. for being blind to all the just and fairness and always rubbing the backsides of the Jarapaksas

  • 10

    Well at least the BBC parent corporation seems to have standards, unlike BBC Sinhala which is run by corrupt journalists like Azzam Ameen.

    • 3

      No reputed media should hire him. He can join the Island/Daily Mirror or similar garbage dump.

    • 4

      Your definition of “dump” being any news outlet that doesn’t subscribe to the idea that the Rajapakses are reincarnations of every God known to mankind in its history.

      We saw where that went in the 2005-2015 period. Let’s see if it works out that way again.

  • 10

    The evidence is there for everyone to listen!
    What do you need more?

  • 6

    another innocent soul bites the dust. he should file an unfair dismissal right away.
    the bullies are at work all thanks to the nearly 7 million foolish lunatics whose right place it the angoda mental hospital, some of them who are suffering from the now eradicated disease called leprosy their rightful place is at the leper’s hospital in hendala a hoot away from the capital Colombo.
    the mere mention of the words jarawama rajapuka’s brings fear into the sane masses whilst the insane are made up of the nearly 7 million idiotic jokers who have spoilt their scared vote to vote imbecile of a power-hungry kallathoni into the royal commode.
    the only community that these uncouth ugly baboons are intimidating are the mighty honorable tamil’s who by voting against this power-hungry beggar of the highest caliber, they have shown the world the mettle that we tamil’s around are made up of. really turf moguls.
    I am willing to fund and organize a mass hysteria campaign against these bullies. now’s the time is right to let us all join paws and give these S.AO.B’s [ sons of bitches ] the beatings of their lives in every aspect where till now they have mistakenly assumed they are the globes self-appointed bullies and the might less sightless kaiwaru invincibles swollen-headed touch me not who have never tasted the pangs of debate.
    R. J., the one and only superman hero who will fight all hours of the day for the hapless.

    • 2

      “R. J., the one and only superman hero who will fight all hours of the day for the hapless.”

      Great. I suggest that you declare war against Malabar Wellala Demalu who oppress and discriminate Demala Daliths in Yapanaya on the basis of caste and liberate them. These Wellala Demalu use a Malabar customary law called ‘Thesawalamei’ to prevent the land they own going to the hands of Daliths. That is really unfair. Please keep us informed about your achievements.

      • 1

        You are wrong EE. See Thesavalamai here:-


        Stop your anti-Tamil rants.

      • 1

        h.l.d. mahindapala the shitty sorry Lanka’s Ku Klux clans petty racist is my aunty friend who’s your lawfully wedded wife or concubine or mistress or sideline keep or in pure Tamil a sinna veidu [ a little house on the side] is she a low caste untouchable lady. ?
        if this being the case I can now understand as to why you have many an issue so-called high caste folk. ?
        whether a lady is a high caste or a low caste it is the way she was bred and how well she conducts herself in society that matters.
        please cease being a paranoid yokel and if you continue to stress yourself you might even have a fatal or many a medical issue and you have to be a permanent V.I.P at the angoda mental asylum which has been converted into a luxurious 7-star holiday resort for the Ku Klux Sri Lanka branch of which I am reliably informed by another member that you have appointed yourself as a life long president.
        if you need a broad shoulder to cry remember that I am only a hoot away from you and my doors are open for the likes of you all 24 hours of the day.
        R. J., the compassionate soul for those who desire to swallow a capsule or two of the most potent cyanide capsule given very kindly for the use of those petty racists who desire to find a quick expressway to the Saturn’s paradise.

  • 12

    This is a real bad deal for a brilliant young journalist. As any journalist have a right to his/her own political stand and retrieve information from others.

    Its unethical to publish those private conversations which is done with the blessings of the highest in the country. So this means not a single journo will talk about politics now with any outisider?

    This is gonna epic situation.. This is what Rajapaksas wants.. to divide the communities.

  • 11

    I wish they would treat Dilka from Derena TV the same way.

  • 7

    First time I saw a bit of sense from BBC. Well done BBC.

  • 6

    The whole Muslim community loses sympathy because of a few self-centered opportunists who will do anything for money.

    • 4

      Is this a unique equation for Muslim community? If no, what is that you are highlighting here?

    • 0

      Burt where did Muslim part come here? oh I get it because this guy is a Muslim so what about Shani, Ranjan, all the judges and even MR who are on these tapes they did SINHALAYA very proud. Don’t get it man how you fksha grass eaters can always attach something to someone’s race and religion?? Dumb asses

  • 7

    The UNP is taking down all their cohorts with them! Good!

    Now let’s see how the Colombo liberals blame this too on Gota!?

  • 9

    This is entertaiment in a bankcrupt dictatorship. The Sinhela Polos Buruwas need some diversion. While this drama is milked for all it is worth the country is slowly drifting into a crisis. All development projects have been stopped due to lack of funds. The lowering of GST has become an unmitigated disaster. The treasury has only just enough money to pay the salaries, pensions and loan interest. Even the scheduled increase in pensions has been stopped. The moron who was appointed CB governor has been forced to eat his words and keep on dealing and complying with the IMF requirements. Emergency meetings have been held with the Chinese minister and Raj Shah the President Donald Trumps personal envoy. No one knows the nature of the discussions. All protocal has been abandoned and normal participants in such discussions have been left out. No fertilizer subsidy what so ever for the countries main growing season the Maha season has been paid in spite of the lies uttered in this regard again the reason is obvious no money. Lets see how long the polos buruwas can be kept entertained before they realize something is wrong with their dear leader aka the US citizen. Lets hope there will be some room left for a change of course before we become North Korea the ideal dictator ship where everything comes up roses.

  • 7

    This man has been giving false information about sri lanka for a long time. He had to face the music now..

  • 4

    Indulgences of one small man, a giant bomb over many careers, families, reputations & public institutions. The question is who sent people like this to the parliament. Who applauses when idiots as this makes foolish frivolous speeches in public. Is the fault with us, Janakas Mohammeds Rudras & Johns – or is it the failure of “democracy” itself as a concept for governing close-knit societies??

  • 3

    A palpable hit.

  • 0

    Why would that happen? She is line with what Derena wants, so nothing wrong there

  • 6

    Azam thought he would be the Sinhala version of BBC’s Steven Sackur and that at the end “sucks” – he over-stepped his limits. Let me explain here in English first, the meaning of a Tamil saying:
    “The Calf that be-friends a Pig will naturally learn to consume shit” (any shit)

    the Tamil text: பன்றியுடன் இனயும் (பசுவின்) கன்ற்ரும் மழம் தின்னும் யென்பதட்கு இதை விட நல்ல ஊதரனம் எனக்கு தொனவில்லை.

  • 5

    What’s there to be explained ? He was caught red handed. BBC is getting exposed once again. BBC and it’s propaganda arm channel 4 have been promoting LTTE terrorism for decades.

  • 7

    99% percent people on this forum are Tamil LTTE sympathisers who can not still absorb the fact that LTTE was decimated by the army.Those tamils in foreign countries were day dreaming about a Tamil Elam and now the only thing they do is blame everything on MR/GR.No more Tamil Elam my frineds suffer more

    • 5

      Have you done a survey of some sort?
      Or are you the typical Sri Lankan racist, making wild suggestions to satisfy your warped outlook?

    • 0

      Don, Glad that you have figured out except for you every one is a LTTE Tamil grow up man if anyone is against fkshas or the rasicts then they are either Tamil or Muslim???

  • 8

    99% percent people on this forum are Tamil LTTE sympathisers who can not still absorb the fact that LTTE was decimated by the army.Those tamils in foreign countries were day dreaming about a Tamil Elam and now the only thing they do is blame everything on MR/GR.No more Tamil Elam my frineds suffer more and more and more

  • 4

    Those with 3/4 organs can never be trusted.
    It is in their blood and evil religion they follow.

    • 6

      Typical Srilanka nature blaming another with out fact & figures to prove it thinking its correct…..

  • 9

    azaam join with al jazeera

  • 5

    Salute to your journalisan All the best for bright new beginning……

  • 6

    Azam we are with you!!!!!!

    BBC please reverse your decision .

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