21 January, 2025


Rebounce Of Padayatra Phase 3 After A Respite Of 18 Days For State President Annamalai

By S. Sivathasan

S. Sivathasan

Ten Days Shake a State

Respecting the personal call of Prime Minister Modi for rest and recuperation, Annamalai reemerged in Avinaasi on 16th October. Not to tread the beaten track but to plumb new ground with renewed vigour. The outcome was ‘BJP VERSUS OTHERS’. Better still, Annamalai against the rest. Few words composed the new strategy of go it alone. Vivekananda said, an atheist is not one who does not believe in God, but one who doesn’t believe in oneself. No more alliances. Booth Committees, vigorous chairpersons and members to rally round, would yield enormous results. How to garner the maximum out of a voting pool of 65 million in 200 days is the target. Above them all is an incomparable trio; Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and Nadda for direction.

With 41 yatras in 60 days, 200 more days seem ample. Heralding the Third Phase was Union Minister Piyush Goyal, well respected by the Tamil electorate from the inception of Modi Government. At the outset itself, a huge crowd had gathered to welcome him, Minister Murugan, Vanathi Seenivasan and Annamalai state President of BJP Tamil Nadu. As the Yatra moved on amidst welcome showers and the rhythm of drums, the enthusiastic voters burgeoned into perhaps the largest crowd since the Padayatra was inaugurated in July 2023.

Fresh Strategy – None to Piggyback on BJP

The welcome space was judiciously utilized by Annamalai and his able lieutenants in redrawing the lines. For what? A fresh constellation of BJP and its ‘Thondars’ to face a disparate and dispirited adversary. “The knowledgeable ones get a sense of what is in the offing” says the Kural. In incessant talks between Delhi leadership and the high command of BJP in Tamil Nadu, are heard crystallizing echoes of who holds sway. Hence a clear delineation of how Annamalai is progressing and with what confidence he is advancing. With his interactions among the topmost leadership in Delhi, he has certainly discovered that with his steadfast adherence to his perceptions, those around him are welcoming his principles and approaches. He is immovably tethered to his convictions; why and how? In ways similar to Gandhi’s steadfastness to what he saw as true.

In the current year, on two occasions he displayed his strength: In March latter part and in September last week. With personal ambition or swift advancement consigned to the back seat   he pushed the political progress of the BJP to the forefront. Righting the erratic calculations of whoever advanced the best time for BJP in Tamil Nadu as 2026, Annamalai pitched for 2024. Even 2029 or 2031 coming from some as the best time for a winning streak for BJP or Annamalai, stand with their prognostications rejected. Tardy guesswork or mischievous miscalculations or wishful media disclosures and expose’ lost the day. The totality of the disparate opposition unable to get its act together with a positive clarion call, hit upon the ludicrous cry ‘Reject Modi’. What a fall for those who enjoyed such a brief outburst of wisdom! Month of October 2023 affirms that 2024 May, is best for BJP and TN for LOK SABA and 2026 is best for TN and BJP for State Assembly.

Honest Expositions Alone Triumph

In politics of current times, technological advances in communication and instant mobility in speedy transport have made an incredible transformation in exchange of happenings. Misreporting is instantly challenged and even corrected. Media reports get amended even by personal contact. Particular examples are mischief between Delhi and Chennai. Those abreast of honest communication win the day. Annamalai has won multiple times while others have licked the dust so many times. Most striking are his encounters with the pigmies of the DMK and the AIADMK. The exhaustive expositions in the padayatra have demolished the two Dravidian parties. In consequence what is Tami Nadu witness to? Exodus from those parties. The process of the defeated and the dejected, grafting on to BJP is in place. Come November end and credible statistics will be available on actual magnitudes. Already rankings are in place.

Piyush Goyal Joins Padayatra

Goyal and Annamalai have the best of personal relationship. At the beginning of the week their padayatra started. An immediate rapport developed between them and the huge crowd that grew by the minute. In the yatra, voters gathered just to see the guest and the host. The burgeoning crowd was of all hues and multiple ages. To greet the two, no age was too low or too high. To see them, even to touch their hands, present a shawl as a sign of respect and to get draped in return were on display. A lady aged 102, a picture of health hugged or kissed the dignitaries in a serene manner. A couple that was married last year by Annamalai brought their baby to be named by the same benefactor. He was given the name Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttara Pradesh. 

The heroes of the day, treated the weather both benign or adverse alike. As on all yatras, the march concluded with speeches. On this occasion by Goyal and then by Annamalai. The Union Minister highlighted the massive Trillions that Modi had devoted to the beneficial development of India in nine and a half years. It was a contrast to the paltry sum spent on development in 60 plus years of Congress rule. The Minister also drew parallels to the contrasts in Tamil Nadu between congress and BJP dispensations. Annamalai’s speech was as always, most educative to the electorate.

Water Turns to Steam

To obtain steam we heat water. We do it unobtrusively. After sufficient heat is imparted, a moment comes when water changes its status, becomes steam and soars high. This phenomenon is commonplace. What is significant is catching the exact moment of transformation. To observers of the political scene in Tamil Nadu, the transmutation was for sure as a fact of life. While steam was visual, metre reading was further affirmation.

In recent days there were three happenings: 

1. Even as Phase 2 of the Padayatra was reaching its concluding stage, Modi had summoned Annamalai to Delhi. AIADMK unable to contain its mirth got some media to publish its fake manufacture of a long-standing plea. Annamalai removed as State President and a lady MLA with name mentioned had been appointed. After the natural death of this canard, Modi pronounced the truth. He asserted that he reposes absolute confidence in Annamalai and no negative talk can shake his faith in him as State President. Amit Shah and Nadda reaffirmed.

2. The two-day participation of Piyush Goyal and his total involvement in all the events of En Mann, En Makkal Padayatra. His personal assessment of the manner in which the tide was turning in Tamil Nadu has certainly made its impact on the highest circles in Delhi.

3. An independent survey carried out by an organization on the relative support accruing to the three political formations in Tamil Nadu brought forth stunning ratings on voter preference. BJP ranked 1st with 45%, DMK 2nd with 35% and ADMK 3rd with 20%. 

All three happenings had their impact on the DMK leader’s awareness of his declining fortunes. Shaken in no small measure he could do nothing better than pulling out the flag mast of the BJP, planted in front of the BJP leader’s residence. What an achievement for a Chief Minister to do, when the world sleeps and he alone is awake together with his henchmen.

For the waning streak of the DMK, is any more evidence needed?

Latest comments

  • 0

    “Annamalai reemerged in Avinaasi on 16th October. Not to tread the beaten track but to plumb new ground with renewed vigour.
    Plumbing new ground?
    That will be a very original deed indeed, unless the ground is under water.

  • 1

    I am not sure of the source of this fable.
    A hungry jackal who noticed the dangling testicles of a bull was convinced that they will soon fall off.
    He kept walking behind the bull for miles but to no avail.
    The author’s hopes sound like that of the jackal and is the bull the DMK?

    • 0

      I believe Goebbels was pretty good at this sort of thing?

  • 1

    The author seems to be in a world of his own. DMK has its own faults but replacing them by BJP will be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

  • 1

    There is no hope or could even foresee an alternative riddance force similar to the ‘ Pada Yatra ‘ movement agains

  • 1


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