8 September, 2024



By Fr J.C. Pieris

Fr J.C. Pieris

In the chaotic political scene today, we do not have any politician/s who present a vision for the future of the country, any plan to get there and the ability to motivate the people towards it except the NPP leadership. The speeches that the TIN president delivers are formless and meaningless dribble. The SJB has really nothing to say. The president has preempted all that the SJB would have said.

So, we have only the vision and the plans of the NPP for a future Sri Lanka. Listening to them, especially Anura Kumara Dissanayake, I find it interesting that he visualizes not just a political change in the country but insists on a renascence of the whole population, the whole country. He wants a re-birth, a new beginning, a revolutionary upheaval that will eradicate the present ugly, criminal, evil culture from society and change the thinking, behavior and attitudes of the people to a culture of human eminence; in short, a system change.

This did not happen overnight. AKD’s thinking (and I suppose of the NPP too) was progressively becoming broader and more universal, embracing everybody who desires good governance, justice and prosperity, without leaving anybody outside their reach. What they are aiming at seems to be a sort of cultural revolution without the violence and the destruction of the notorious Mao’s cultural revolution. And this seems to me is the FELT need of the country today. All thinking, sensitive and good Sri Lankans feel this way.

The Catastrophe 

Let me explain this in the current context. The catastrophe did not happen instantaneously like a tsunami or an earthquake. It began with JR in 1978. As time passed the venality gained momentum. It reached the peak with Gotabaya; agriculture ruined, treasury emptied, dollars stolen, economy in shambles with people dying in unending queues. Sri Lanka failed and fell flat on its face, a bankrupt country unable to pay its debts; but the corruption and thievery continued without any sensitivity to the plight of the vast hungry majority of the country. A good example is the health sector and Keheliya who advocated undertakers and funeral parlors for the people dying of his either unavailable or adulterated or fraudulent medicines. The kowtowing acolyte RW of the Shylock IMF has taxed the poor to such an extent that the pound of flesh is given away with blood skin and bones added. And with a parliament of baboons kakistocracy reigns supreme.

The Catalysts

Even before the election of Gotabaya there was much dissatisfaction with the status quo and people were trying to organize an alternative to it. Various groups were formed. The undefined vague need was best articulated by the Vinivida Foundation. Their autochthonous constitution would have clearly eradicated the venal ugly culture. But neither their party was allowed to be registered nor was Nagananda allowed to contest the presidential election. All the 225 in the parliament were frightened of him and stopped him in his tracks. But his thinking was a good catalyst for change. Even today and by the very people who were against him, his emphasis on the sovereign authority of each citizen (paramadipathya) is mouthed. Willy nilly they are forced to mouth it to look like they are relevant.

Secondly, the aftermath of the unimaginably tragic Easter Sunday massacre was a catalyst. The relentless search for the ultimate killer, the brains and the authority behind it, made not only Catholics but all the people keenly aware of the need for a radical change from the murderous evil culture. Five years on Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith and the CSR (Centre for Society and Religion) will not allow the search to fizzle out.

Thirdly, the queues, the cost of living and unemployment made an angry people desperate for change.

Finally, the creation of the NPP, a concrete Grand Alliance of Good People, with a broad, all-inclusive vision, kicked off a chain reaction to the present ugly heartless governance.

The Catharsis

The year 2022 will be remembered for a long time to come and will be added into the history books of Sri Lanka. The pent-up frustrations, anger and the urgently felt need for a better country boiled over and the now famous “Aragalaya” was the catharsis that defined the new Sri Lankan politics and culture. The evil men, the Rajapaksa clan was thrown out literally symbolizing the cleansing of our beautiful country. The catharsis took place. The Aragalaya gave the country a vision of a united people in search of good governance and good living. The NPP is still riding the crest of the Aragalaya wave, making their own the values that emerged in the Gotagogama: Nirpakshikatwaya, Nirprachandathwaya and Aadaraya. The 9th became a defining date of the Aragalaya months from March to July. No politics nor, in fact, economics or social behavior can be done hereafter in Sri Lanka without reference to the Aragalaya and the values that emerged from it.

The Way Forward

The NPP dream of a cultural revolution, the renascence of a whole country and all its people is not easy, but it need not remain a dream for it is the dream of all the good, thinking and sensitive people of the country. I think Shakespear, as usual, hit the nail on the head when he said: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.” The NPP seems to be quite aware of – On such a full sea are we now afloat.

As AKD repeatedly says – This is not the work or the responsibility of one man or even of a group like the NPP. The youth, the majority of them, will take to this exercise like ducks to water. But the seniors, many of them who have been acclimatized to the corruption of Pohottuwa venality will find it difficult, but not impossible, to make the change. For AKD challenges the seniors to their face telling them how they elected convicted murderers (Choka malli), ‘Kappan” thugs (Prasanna Ranatunga) and train chain-snatchers (Rohitha Abeygunawardana) to the parliament. There is something wrong with people, especially the seniors, who could elect such muck to the supreme assembly of the people. Changing the attitudes of the people is the work of all, especially of the leaders of the religions, communities and villages. We must strike our breast and say “Mea culpa”. Then positively turn towards correcting the mistakes we have made and spread the good news that we are now marching to a different drum; the drumbeat of Aragalaya and the NPP. The dream and the hope of all the good people.

The Hope and the Dream.

There are three things in a human being that never stops from the birth to the last moment; heartbeat, breathing and hope. Like the heartbeat and breath there is no life without hope. This year is the Year of Hope. We are going to change this failed fallen and humiliated country. We shall change it to the one we always dreamed. A completely new country with people who have new values and attitudes diametrically opposed to the values and attitudes of the present ugly rotten regime. We hope for a complete upheaval politically, culturally, socially and economically where the least and the last will have their dignity secured and will live without fear of facing the next day. It will be a sort of cultural revolution, a system change, in fact, a paradigm shift; certainly not easy but there is no other option either.

Aragalayata Jayawewa!

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  • 9

    When it comes to SL political sphere/realm ……… all what people do is wait.

    They waited for Ranil and the Yahapalanaya to “develop” the country …….. then they waited for Gota to deliver the goods ……. now, again, they are waiting for Ranil to work his magic ……. then it looks like it’s AKD’s turn to pull a rabbit out of a hat ……

    As a Lankan, all I remember is waiting ……. nothing much else.

    At least do something while waiting …… don’t let ye life just pass ye by ……..

    Basil Fawlty : [to himself] Ah, that’s true. That was a warning all right, I guess? Should have spotted that, shouldn’t I? Zhoom! What was that? That was your life, Mate! Oh, that was quick. Do I get another? Sorry, Mate. That’s your lot. —- Fawlty Towers

    • 6

      Only now I had the time to read Fr J.C. Pieris’s sermon. …….. Gotta agree with most of what he is saying ……. but where he (and many others who are nonviolent-ists) misses the mark is ……. the Aragalaya achieved nothing until the violence in the night of the 9th of May. ……. Aragalaya was just symbolic theatre ……. fire achieved results.

      Should our “mental outlook” make us blind to reality …… to what really took place?

      As a first-hand realist: not a second-hand realist coming via a religion/faith/philosophy ……. a nonbeliever of any faith, I can’t even kill a fly, a cockroach, just shoo them away before my wife sees them …… she is a devout Baptist and a deadly shot with a flyswatter. …….. But I’m not blind to how humans behave …… and the role violence plays in it.

      Without waiting for years for justice through the utterly corrupt courts …….. when this government falls ……..people should just forcibly grab what has been stolen from them ……… that will make the system change in an instance ……. and then some ….

      Reality is reality ……. people ought to learn to face it ……..

      • 5

        Reality is reality ……. people ought to learn to face it …….. without taking circuitous routes through “morality” ……

        • 5

          coming via a religion/faith/philosophy —-> coming via a religion/faith/philosophy/ideology

          Let’s not leave the Commies …….Trotskyites, Socialists, Liberals, Fascists, Fundamentalists, Nationalists, Supremacists, Democrats, Thomian Pharisees, Nazis, …….. whatever else you have ….. out. …….. I’m half-Jewish …….. can we give the ol’ Zionists a break?

          in an instance —–> in an instant ……….. Let there be no weeping and gnashing of teeth in the wilderness of Bandarawela …….. his undivided attention is required to spruce up JVP’s

          • 2

            Dear nimal fernando,
            This is a massive task that the entire country is faced with, and we must all work together to ensure that we help the NPP to stabilise the country during the next five years. I shall certainly do my best, but so must everybody else who understands just how much mess has to be cleared. I’m just a doddering old man who knows some English.
            I feel that the greatest help that I could render is to ensure an understanding of how complicated problems related to the three languages we use in the country are. They are all necessary.
            I agree with those who say that the enthroning of Sinhala in 1956 was done for opportunistic reason. We have now got to a situation where even Sinhalese-speakers look back to a golden era which was unnecessarily disrupted by Bandaranaike. It was necessary, but not in the way it all took place.
            Of course, Tamil-speakers suffered the most. And we, Sinhalese have to say “mea culpa maxima”.
            I think that I have got much more to say, but I’m getting nervous about whether it will be tolerated.

            • 4

              “We have now got to a situation where even Sinhalese-speakers look back to a golden era which was unnecessarily disrupted by Bandaranaike.”
              Ɓeing another “doddering old man”, I wonder why you can’t remember how things actually were then.
              If, as you claim, AKD will restore that golden era, he will have to :
              1 Disband the EPF
              2 Stop housing loans
              3 Re-introduce ration books
              4 Make even bicycles unaffordable
              5 Re-introduce virtual domestic slavery.
              Are these JVP policies?

              • 7


                Every time we raise our concerns, SM burdens us with irrelevant “links” leading to total ignorance or NPP public outcry.

                We must be serious with time. In order to take up the JVPen relay race baton, they must come up with constructive responses to all our CRUCIAL questions.
                I reset them x times on CT and anywhere I could.

                SM either beats around the bush unfortunately or
                IQ level should so low that he cannot understand our need.

                I have high hopes for the youth of my motherland and I do not want them to fall into the same pit they were pushed into in November 2019.

                Gota part 2 is now becoming clear to us if AKD or those with zero experience of a leader would be elected by people. I would prefer Dr. Harini Amarasuriya to be the leader who can read the mindset of the international community.

                Interdependence is essential to the survival of our country, bankrupted by a bunch of Sinhalese racists. Now big talks of SINHALA supremacists would not work anyfurther. Most of them are today like dogs hiding their tails behind their rear legs.

              • 0

                Dear old codger,
                things were all right for certain families like yours (and like even Father Pieris’s ancestors) had got on well with the compradors.
                No, come to think of it the (Roman) Catholics did not have at all an easy time. The Dutch persecuted them severely. Have you heard of St Joseph Vaz.? That was a man who was born in Goa in 1651, and died in Kandy in 1711.
                I wonder what the followers of John Calvin were up to, that Joseph Vaz had to live such a strange life. Please find out. I have been spoon-feeding you too much. Now please do your own homework.
                Actually, oc is intelligent, witty and well-informed; so he will probably know the answers to those. But he may not know what happened to Michael Servetus. I have not discovered any faults in Servetus. Didn’t I tell you about complexities that even village school-master in Uva are aware of?
                Why have I placed Roman in parenthesis when speaking of Catholics? Who were the “Anglo-Catholics”?
                AKD says that his heritage is Sinhala and Buddhist, but that Hindus learn a good deal from how Arjuna acted in the Bhagavad Gita. Isn’t it upon those scriptures that Rishi Sunak took his oaths of office?

                • 6

                  “Pre-1956, things were all right for certain families like yours (and like even Father Pieris’s ancestors)”
                  What makes you think that? Of course I don’t expect you to believe that ŵe had to hire a radio, of all things, till 1960. When we did buy a radio, it was a dry battery type, because we didn’t have electricity.
                  As usual, you haven’t answered the question. Is that the sort of “golden age” that the JVP will give us?

                  • 0

                    I don’t know; ask the JVP.
                    It is now the NPP that contests. It is true that the NPP contains the JVP as well. But do you know how they arrive at decisions.
                    I have told them many things, but I’ve not been part of the decision-making process.
                    It is true that AKD speaks so as to inspire confidence, but he insists on work. A problem that you are faced with is that we have far too much of audio visual digital media (and advertising!). I spend a good deal of time listening critically to what the NPP puts out. I used to provide you with links, and tell you something to look for, but I’ve been advised to desist from doing so.
                    Do you know how the NPP arrives at a consensus among the 28 parties. The JVP doesn’t carry extra weight there. I know that you don’t have to listen to all.
                    Now can you tell us what Ranil will give us. You don’t provide any real answers to that, do you? Well, we can see what’s been happening. 14th July 2022 up to now is 18 months, isn’t it? One of his Ministers has said that they can import carrot, beans, and leeks, and sell for 300K, per kilo. Really? I know that it’s partly the rain that led to the current prices, but the Minister’s talk will result in nobody producing for sale.
                    AKD is more realistic.

                    • 3

                      “I don’t know; ask the JVP”
                      Main propagandist , SM is not capable of answering any simple question, but a diehard supporter of AKD.? .
                      Is that not similar to Sadu Sadu effect?.
                      Cheers Gota Episode 2 is the next destruction
                      Alas, this 😕 land has no future.

                    • 1

                      Dear “leelagemalli”,
                      Please try to understand that I do not have any status such as, “Main propagandist” of the JVP. I’m a firm and steady supporter of the NPP. I think that Anura is an excellent man, and an effective leader. It becomes difficult for me to answer any question when you brand me as “diehard supporter of AKD.”
                      My request that you “ask the JVP” was not a rude rebuke; it was a simple statement of fact. I can, and will give you my personal observations, and those are clear.
                      It is utterly unclear as to what your questions are. On the other hand, I have requested you to regard the situation of this land after 18 months of Ranil Wickremasinghe Rule, and with no end in sight. There are plenty of official government statements by various Ministers, elected to Parliament on SLPP votes, and given Ministerial Portfolios by Wickremasinghe.
                      Please tell me if you are satisfied with what you see.
                      You say that (quote) “this land has no future” (unquote) . Yes, the outlook is bleak; that is why we must do all that we can to help make it better.
                      I have been forced to make far too many comments because of the contradictory requests that you’ve been making.

                  • 1

                    AKD doesn’t say that we ought to produce doctors and engineers only. He wants carpenters, masons, and farmers. Some things he says will be decided by experts in the field. Experts who have not yet been recruited, and who are not members of the NPP.
                    Attending meetings will not secure jobs for people.
                    AKD says that he’s no “Superman”. He could make mistakes. When I spot them, I telephone the NPP Headquarters in Pelawatte, Battaramulla after midnight. The people manning the phone are polite. One mistake that they acknowledge with wry humour is how Anura got graphite and graphene mixed up. Was that a serious mistake? Yes, I found, after googling graphene. That is on going research.
                    What mistakes have I pointed out recently? I’ll tell you in another comment.
                    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

                  • 0

                    After listening to about 200 minutes of the Badulla Women’s Convention on Sunday, the 21st, where towards the end of Anura’s speech (and the end of the proceedings) Anura said that at the Parliamentary elections held on the 5th of October, 2020, Premalal Jayasekera, alias Choka Malli, who had been sentenced to death by hanging, had polled the highest number of votes in the Ratnapura District. I had heard AKD saying it before, many times.
                    I checked:
                    Premalal Jayasekara was second with 142037 votes, with Pavithra Wanniarachchi first with 200977 Preferences. That’s a huge difference; I don’t like either of them, but we must be accurate. I also knew that the the date was the 5th of August. Early on Monday I emailed AKD (the publicly displayed address), Vijitha Herath, Harini Amarasuriya, Lal Wijenayake, Kumar David (personal addresses). Would any of them have actually read my email. Perhaps the last. Even my pupil Vijitha just wouldn’t have had the time.

                  • 0

                    The next night I had to telephone a more serious, but local problem, to Pelawatte. I don’t phone Vijitha more than twice a year. Having told Pelawatte about the local problem, I then asked if the the Ratnapura Election inaccuracies would have been noted. They said that emails are usually read on phones whilst travelling in cabs. Yes, they said; this sort of error is quite unnecessary, and they would collar Anura when leaving a meeting and apprise him.
                    They were grateful and asked me to keep pointing out such slips before their opponents began exploiting them. Will the three opponents here, on CT, actually read them and do the checking. I’m not courting the removal of comments by giving you links.
                    My most teasing personal observation comes from yesterday. And that is something that I expect Dr Ameer Ali to be looking at! If he doesn’t see it, I’ll have to email this.

                    • 2

                      So, what was the point of that long harangue about everything but your “golden era”?
                      Am I right that your thinking and AKD’s are not the same?

                    • 0

                      Dear old codger,
                      The problem here is how you word your question.
                      AKD is a prominent individual; I cannot have thinking that is
                      identical with his. I’m not trying to wriggle out of answering your question. I’m longing to talk more freely. Let me be honest, and tell you that I regard you as a clever man, opposed to AKD, and trying to trap me into saying dangerous things.
                      I can categorically tell you that I have boundless enthusiasm for what AKD is saying. I’m trying to respond with scrupulous clarity, and I have already word-processed, but not submitted, a response to another of your observations requesting that we shouldn’t “tie ourselves in knots”. That is my request even here.

                  • 0

                    After listening to about 200 minutes of the Badulla Women’s Convention on Sunday, the 21st, where towards the end of Anura’s speech (and the end of the proceedings) Anura was said that at the Parliamentary elections held on the 5th of October, 2020, Premalal Jayasekera, alias Choka Malli, who had been sentenced to death by hanging, had polled the highest number of votes in the Ratnapura District. I had heard AKD saying it before, many times.
                    I checked:
                    Premalal Jayasekara was second with 142037 votes, with Pavithra Wanniarachchi first with 200977 Preferences. That’s a huge difference; I don’t like either of them, but we must be accurate. I also knew that the the date was the 5th of August. Early on Monday I emailed AKD (the publicly displayed address), Vijitha Herath, Harini Amarasuriya, Lal Wijenayake, Kumar David (personal addresses). Would any of them have actually read my email. Perhaps the last. Even my pupil Vijitha just wouldn’t have had the time.
                    The next night I had to telephone a more serious, but local problem, to Pelawatte. I don’t phone Vijitha more than twice a year. Having told Pelawatte about the local problem and then asked if the Ratnapura Election inaccuracies would have been noted.

                  • 2

                    Just a reminder. It was you, not me that called pre-1956 a “golden era”. Does AKD think so too?

              • 0

                old codger,
                You refer to NPP policy on gender when you say this, above:
                5 Re-introduce virtual domestic slavery
                I have so far respected the request not to provide links on this website. However, if those whose sole agendum is the undermining of the NPP keep making snide remarks, I have to request that you listen with objective attention to what is said during this 186 minute video, mostly in Sinhala:
                This meeting was the Women’s Rally for the Badulla District | NPP Srilanka | 2024.01.21

                I welcome the sections in Tamil, and I wish there were more, but I just can’t understand anything said in that language. That deficiency is there in me; blame me if you want to; I don’t care. I will never boast that I have abilities which I don’t possess.
                End of comment.

                • 0

                  But you are the one who said that the pre-1956 era was “golden”.
                  An era when domestic slaves were quite common.
                  Do I detect elitist attitudes surfacing over fake proletarian verbiage?

          • 3

            nimal fernando

            “I’m half-Jewish …….. “

            You are alright.

            ” …can we give the ol’ Zionists a break?”

            You are really mad.

      • 1

        nimal fernando, It is not easy to forcibly grab what is not within reach as Uganda and Dubai accounts apart from several other countries as well as the printed rupees while in power. All stacked away to buy future votes as well. Please think of some practical reality like finding one who will take them to courts even at the risk of their own neck

        • 7


          Look buddy, In a sneaky way what you are trying to say is the only person who will take the crooks to task is Sarath Fonseka. ……. Sarath Fonseka is already compromised; he made a deal with Gota to protect him and the Rajapakse family: the deal was hatched with, of all people, Daiana and her husband. The presidency was offered to Fonseka before Ranil that’s when Fonseka gave the undertaking. So, please don’t waste my time with that nonsense.

          People may have assets/money hidden in other countries …….. but most have their properties in SL. The guy who has houses in London also has houses in Gregory’s Road. They can be forcibly taken over. It already happened on the 9th on May …… but instead of taking over they just set fire to them.

          • 3

            “People may have assets/money hidden in other countries …….. but most have their properties in SL.”

            Those properties are probably not worth much. The money hidden in offshore accounts is different. Probably Raja clan has millions hidden in Swiss bank accounts. Fonseka son-in-law Danuna has money in US accounts and Caribbean accounts. I don’t know the amounts, but he was collecting massive commissions from the weapons purchases during the era of MaRa. CBK clan also did massive looting. CBK bought several properties in the UK. Some of those who financed the LTTE also made substantial profits.

            • 2

              Raja clan as in Rajapakse or Maharajah?

            • 4

              This imposter Lester knows nothing, Allegations thrown at CBK will curse on him for sure. Wait and see. Chaura Rajina was written to defame her. What did not MARA do to grab power from the stupid idiots ?
              The outcome was that the Viktor ivan is now rotten at his hands. THere i think the divine forces did the job to its best.

              The elephant is in the room, but not a single word is thrown at the bugger. This is how RAJAAPKSHES brainwashed LESTERs. These idiots would never be out of srilanken politics becasue average mindset is stupidier than appeared to be. Almost everyone knows how much wealth the bugger et stole on broad day light. But not a single word is on the main stream media in a serious manner.

  • 4

    Aragalayata Jayaweva,

    The country needs to change, people need to change. The author should have included all communities not only Sinhalese people but also Tamil speaking people because other communities also participated in the aragalaya.

  • 3

    nimal fernando

    Have you had the chance to meet your born again ‘Avalokiteshvara Bodhosathva’ the cult leader, who brought death and destruction to his followers like your favourite death cult leader Velupillai Prabaharan, this man preaches greatness, or goodness of committing suicide.

    Have you had the opportunity to visit Saman Devalaya in Ratnapura city?
    Let us know your experience.

  • 3

    Do these people who ‘identify’ the national curse and ‘recommend’ a path to get out of it enter the room blindfolded? Drive the elephant in the room away first, should you wish to save anything!

    • 6

      Belated new year greetings to you dear Nathan Uncle !
      I am relieved you are back. What had happened ? You absence for some weeks were left us in a lurch. I thought you were caught by some health problems. Are u alright ? You may be right. National curse is beyond estimation. This should have been clear to the nation long long ago.

      • 7

        Dear leelagemalli, Your kind words is a healing. Thank you.
        As long as there is no one – that includes both Leaders and followers – ready to look beyond his nose, we are doomed.

  • 3

    Father Pieris
    Thanks for your article that is very timely. Appreciate it. There is a great need to make the voters AWARE of whom to vote when the elections are held for Parliamentary or Presidential positions. They should be tempted by payments by the crooked politicians.
    Hopingfor a REAL CHANGE in 2024.

  • 7

    Who are we?
    If the “we” mentioned by the writer come to a common large group, the real revolution in the new politics of this country will not be left as a miracle.
    The sad reality is how it turns people’s mindset upside down.

    Is there any political party in Sri Lankan active politics that works hardly by focusing on the awareness of the political situation of the country? They are more or less spreading hate rather than genuinely taking it into their own hands. AKD Deyyo is polarizing, but didn’t Mahendra Rajapakse go the same route and polarize heavily? If someone points to the facts, they question something else…..if you point them to the full moon glow, they start wasting precious time talking about “finger or hand deformity of the very person”.

  • 4

    As a traditional non JVP supporter I have written in Daily Telegraph that NPP is the only choice that rational people should make. It is interesting that not only more comments are made in the favour of NPP but people starting to write column in support of them.

  • 7

    The veil on the NPP is lifting.
    God bless Fr. Pieris

    • 3

      Bless him indeed. 🙏

    • 1

      Jaffna Man, Man of God is fearless to vocalise what others try to do with caution

      • 1

        Gotha was seen looking up at the set of flats owned by Nirupama in Melbourne, may be hoping to get in one

      • 2

        “Man of God is fearless to vocalise what others try to do with caution”
        Even utter likely falsehoods? (This is not specific to this article.)

  • 5

    Some of our thoughtful commenters have raised it more loudly. JVP led NPP should give us proper answers but should be informed soon. If the innocent and foolish people of this country are misled again, there will be no time left. They should be fed with the real intentions and capabilities of JVPs which come with a different marketing cover as NPP.
    How is the JVP-led government helping the cheap labor provided to Middle East countries through “domestic trafficking”?
    It is reported that more than 700 innocent women are yet today trapped in refugee camps in those brutal countries, unable to return.
    Almost on a daily basis, we are forced to read that the dead bodies of those tortured in those homes in the Middle East are being brought back to Sri Lanka.

    This is beyond all ethics and morals if the responsible authorities dont care much about the grievances of the poor women and their families.

    Second, apart from the overrated power vested in the Sangha or whoever hides behind the Sangha garb (Best examples are Madagoda Abeythissa, Kollupitiya Ananda, Ghansara and all), the cancer of the nation is the biggest obstacle to Sri Lankan politics. They betrayed their soul again and again and tamed to a V8 or prestige vehicle, they have come back and worked with Mlechcha RAJAPAKSHE-CLAN to destroy this nation.

  • 2

    Can Fr. JCP, join with other similar minded Buddhist clergies to bring about the SYSTEM CHANGE that we are hoping for in order to put the country to a prosperous,Law abiding, Healthy one.
    It is not possible for NPP to disclose on the methods they will use to do the TURN-AROUND for the Paradise Isle. The current crooked politicians will come up with all misleading informations to prevent voters supporting NPP. Have the NPP selected HONEST PEOPLE to stand for the Parliamentary elections. Minorities too get behind AKD & not Sajith P/RW/DP/ Rajapaksa

    • 1

      Naman, This system change is excellent if there is the right person to bell the cat and all animals

  • 4

    The US and the UK rushed their war ships to Red Sea , with no public debate
    in their congress and house of commons respectively . And Zero public and
    empty pocket Ranil too rushed to the scene the same way to protect his Grandad’s
    Sea . Back home we are exposed to economic destruction and elsewhere we have
    obligations to look after ! Absence of common sense as never before . AKD only
    knows very well that he goes round addressing crowds of No common sense and
    also he knows such people know no boundary of selfishness which also has this
    ‘ 75 ‘ year history and beyond . This time around , JVP has got a very good face
    saving gadget , the NPP . My advice , stock some shampoo and towels , Ranil and
    Tiran getting ready with water ! This is not my wish at all but one possibility .
    It is no secret that yukthiya is a rehearsal for what is in store .

    • 0

      sad that yukthiya is not working towards its claims

  • 0

    Thank you very much Father Pieris for a wonderful article, and so well written. Yes, I think that the most significant feature of the NPP is that they are projecting a wonderful vision of how we can transform this country. Most of the credit for this must go to AKD. However, owing to the very nature of his approach, there is a sense of democracy about the running of the Party.
    It is interesting that you mention Nagananda Kodituwakku. I had been enthusiastic about Yahaplanaya, and then disillusionment set in. Around 2018, I got quite enthusiastic about Nagananda, and met him a few times, but ego was his problem. He’s a loner; there’s no way that he can get elected. I have no doubt about his absolute integrity in all matters.
    This is where Anura personally vaults above all others; he is so humble, and insistent upon recognising that his leadership must necessarily be a passing phase. I listen to his speeches for hours and find them inspiring; I’ve been advised to give fewer links, but I urge other readers to search for them in YouTube. It is unfortunate that almost all is in Sinhala.
    Panini Edirisinhe, Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

    • 5

      Main AKD propandist aka Panini Edirisinhe, Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

      Please kindly answer our questions.Our anxities are growing day by day. thanks you. Please read below.

      I wonder how AKD will act in an international conference in the future after becoming the president representing the country. Can he do the job at all in foreign policy? It is true that he does not understand English. Does not speak a word of English.

      So will it be similar to Sorisena’s performance?

      I know some European leaders can’t speak English and they are rich nations, but they can hire 24 hour translators. Can we Sri Lankans hire such translators?

      Will the translation be exactly as the keynote speaker formulates it?
      I have a thousand and one questions about AKD and his future rule as the President of this country. For some with brains, could undestand numbers filled speeches of him, however, the majority with zero practical knowledge about facts would not be comprehensible. most of the gallery nods, most of them seem oblivious to the numbers that AKD and his men are dropping from their public rallies. I saw it when I had an opportunity to gather information from those present on the street in North Kalutara. It was like a cross-section of the people of Sri Lanka.

      • 3

        L M ,

        When it comes to English speaking , in recent politics in the country ,
        there is one guy who puts his ideas clear and that is Rasamanikkam
        and there was another guy who was an M P about 13 yrs ago and it
        was Shafeek Rajabdeen from SLMC , very good and pleasing to the ears
        in my view . Not his politics but the way he puts forward his ideas in
        another language so fluently and smoothly that only a handful could
        match such skill even at that time . And today , watch it for yourself if
        there is anyone to match him in our politics . It flows like a stream , in
        very plain English , beauty of any language , making it as plain as
        possible for every one to understand . Not AKD , there is none there to do
        the job these days . All are ‘ L ‘ boards .

        • 3

          thank you. That is why I am compelled to like Dr. Harini Amarasuriya be the leader if our idiot dominated nation gets an NPP government.
          Any elected leader must bring all the prerequisites of today’s environment. Just because Sinhala public speeches can polarize does not pave the way for a country to become a good breadwinner for a country that is deliberately preying on robbers and their sleazy politics. People are to be punished….. because they are the ones that repeatedly voted for the dogs.

      • 2

        Dear “leelagemalli”,
        I have answered as many of your questions as I possibly can. Some questions that you ask, I don’t even understand.
        I have spoken face to face with AKD only once, and that was in Sinhala, on 21/01/2023, in Bandarawela, before the commencement of a meeting. During the meeting also I raised two questions in Sinhala.
        I have been told that Anura knows English pretty well. The man who told me that, during an English telephone conversation, was Harshana Nanayakkkara. Harshana himself is very fluent in English. Please check that out. Normally, I used to provide internet links to illustrate what I’m claiming to be the case. Since you don’t want links, I shall leave it to you to find them.
        In this country we have made a fetish of speaking in certain ways, using certain accents and so forth. You and I have had WhatsApp chats using both English and Sinhala, and we understood each other perfectly well. You have acknowledged above that you know my identity, but you add epithets without justification, and you frequently distort names.
        I’m approaching the word limit. Shall stop, and continue below.

        • 2

          For example, “Sorisena“. I understand whom you mean, but is it necessary for you to keep repeating such weak jokes?
          This is getting exasperating! Father Pieris has written a serious article; please, can’t we discuss all this with fitting earnestness?
          When I asked old codger to check on Michael Servetus, I was referring to something that causes serious worries to theologians. I’m sure that Father Pieris will understand.
          We who live in Sri Lanka are faced with acute difficulties, and we want to discuss issues in ways which will yield positive results.
          This is why I have hailed Father Pieris for recognising that Anura inspires the people by projecting a vision for us. Please help by reciprocating with matching seriousness.
          Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

        • 4

          Panini Edirisinhe, Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V) aka
          Champion Propagandist of AKD Deyyo

          I appreciate your comments on the “language skills issue”; But what about other crucial questions based on “rule by violent Sinhalese Buddhist monks”, how can they bring in more dollars than today?
          What if the JVP-led groups in the NPP wine bottle would fail to do even simple things after capturing power, like how they pay DEBTs to those lenders etc.?

          Who else do you want to fool? With the newly adopted bill, authorities would do everything and anything to round up the cyber artists. This is a good step to save this nation.

          I dont want JOKER YOUTUBERs be bred and destroy the decent culture maintained by our elders.
          The sinhala filithy langauge being used in SINHALA youtube videos should be banned, no questions about that.

          Those fake face book account holders should be hanged so that our cyber force cannot work like before

          • 0

            Dear “leelagemalli”,
            Please let’s stop going round and round in circles. “aka” is usually taken to mean “also known as“. I’m not known to anyone as “Champion Propagandist of AKD Deyyo“. You are trying to label me as such. Are you also trying to deify Anura, who has never made for himself the epithets that other politicians welcome from their supporters? I have made my identity clear; why do you have to give my NIC number?
            I’m sure that both CT and other readers are getting fed up with these meaningless comments by us. Please don’t force me to make them. I know that I have the option of ignoring all your comments, but I have not yet decided on that. Perhaps I will.
            Why complain to me about “filthy language” when I don’t use any; like most humans today, I have a Facebook page, but I don’t maintain it. I realise the dangers of all these sites, which may have begun innocently, been taken over by clever entrepreneurs, and are now making fortunes for the owners.
            You are sincere, but deluded.
            I’m glad that you appreciate that there is some value in my comments on “the “language skills issue”. So, leave it at that!
            Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V)

            • 4

              “You are sincere, but deluded.”
              Dear Panini – You are too naive and too kind. Especially for a Thomian. I didn’t catch it – if you are from Guruthalawa/ Bandarawela? Because such virtues are uncharacteristic of those from Mount or even of Prepites. :)
              That said he is a Sock Puppet! All of his comments points to that.
              If I were you I’d think twice about sharing my NIC # here. But now its too late to warn you!

              • 0

                Dear Ruchira,
                Our subject here is nothing less than the future of the little country that we were born into, and which is so dear to us. It consists of 22 million people, and they should be our concern. Even if more comments come in, I hope that the comment at the very bottom right now will remain as the last word on this article by Father Pieris, who has succeeded in overcoming our many prejudices. That last comment happens to be by me, but I shouldn’t be important in all this.
                You are new to the unfortunately warring comments on this site. Yes I’m naive, and I may be writing some comments that the moderators may weed out, especially if these comments seems to act covertly. I hope not.
                There is so much variety in my teaching career that I may still be able to contribute to the country at large. I’m in the twilight of my life, so every wasted word may respect tragedy because it may prevent my contribution to the country as a whole, and I depend so much on Colombo Telegraph.
                If I stop here, this part may be safe!

              • 2

                Yes, Ruchira, I’m probably naive, but no suffering has come to me owing to my sharing my NIC#. Now here’s where the danger lies!
                The irrepressible nimal fernnado (identity seems successfully hidden from all!) has got four comments arranged at the top of this page. In the fourth and last comment, his peculiar genius has allowed him to include the two words “Thomian Pharisees”. Follow that unique collocation and you’ll find out more than you ever wanted to about those four State Recongised Private Schools. Being frank, may spare this comment from the moderator’s scythe. The phrase will lead you to articles written by me.
                You have specifically inquired about my schooling; that I can legitimately give you in a third comment.

            • 5

              Now for the last time, please answer the rest of the questions.

              I have repeated them x times in various articles. You always forget the basic question and try to tell us something else.
              We are not here to waste our time on you. You don’t need to write a lot, but be specific about the questions.
              You may be a self-proclaimed pundit, but learn how OC, LS, Nathan and SJ answer everyone’s questions concisely and precisely. If you can’t do the job as their lead propagandist to AKD, please quit. We are tired of waiting for your responses. Do you know that there is a saying in their Sinhala vernacular that “Panditas cannot go to Eidandi””පණ්ඩිතයන්ට ඒදන්ඩ යන්න බෑ” ? I am reminded of this every time I force myself to read yours.

              Not at all, No complaints, just a comment. You are telling me and OC something.
              “You are sincere, but deluded.” This time it’s another attack.
              It has become your habit by now.

        • 0

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

          For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

  • 3

    Dear Father Pieris,
    Your article
    came through to us as a clear clarion call. You said that “the NPP leadership” has the “the ability to motivate the people” by “present(ing) a vision for the future of the country”.
    I have somewhat scrambled the words in your opening sentence, but I’m confident that you will not consider me to have misrepresented what you have said. You have clearly identified yourself as a Sri Lankan Catholic Priest, but everywhere, you have shown that we have to rise above narrow sectarianism, to project a humanity that you will hope that we will all embrace. I’m using my own words, but I’m sure that the thoughts are in keeping with your thinking.
    My own background is Sinhalese Anglican Christianity. Some of my words would have made that clear. We must rise above that. I’m not being syncretistic.
    Comments will soon be over; all comments agree with what you say. Unfortunately, there has been too much infighting among the commenters.
    I appeal to those who have attempted to nit-pick, to focus on the task ahead of us. Please don’t drag the past into all that is said. The main constituent in terms of numbers may be the JVP that was misguided in certain matters in the past. I’m not asking you to sink political differences, but please don’t undermine all that is positive in the NPP.

    • 1

      Dear Sinhala_Man,
      Does JVP’s vision for the future of our country serve my needs as well?

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