17 September, 2024


Restructuring The Economy: A Stock Take

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

After a historic financial bankruptcy followed by an unprecedented economic crisis, the small open economy of Sri Lanka ignored the call for system change and went for the seventeenth time in search of funds and advice for damage control from the watchdog of the ruling economic order, IMF. It received help after agreeing to comply with all of IMF’s conditionalities. As a result, amidst a new bout of higher taxes and tariffs accompanied by drastic cuts in public expenditure, all part of an IMF dictated budget, some semblance of financial stability has been achieved. All political parties except NPP/JVP, which alone has committed for system change, along with a few breakaway members of SLPP, either voted for or abstained from voting to the IMF deal. Washington’s remote control of the economy is now fait accompli. President Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW) is credited for this little achievement and understandably is basking in the warmth of a short-term popularity. 

Yet, the real struggle for financial stability and economic growth is yet to begin. There is one hurdle, which CBSL and the government have to negotiate and overcome, and there is another danger lurking afar and over which Sri Lanka has no control. Together, these two may nullify even the little that has been achieved so far, push back the economy further, increase hardships to the commoner, and at the end, could result in open resistance against the ruling regime. On the positive side, that resistance may finally force the desired system change as demanded by the aragalaya youth.

The hurdle is the expected negotiation with private creditors which is scheduled to start this month. Although the two main creditors outside the Paris Club, namely India and China along with Japan who is a club member, had declared a united but sympathetic stand on debt restructuring, that cannot be said about IMF, who is the guardian of international capital. IMF, apart from helping open economies in trouble, is also a debt collector on behalf of its shareholders and international lenders. In that sense, there is an inherent contradiction between IMF’s role as lender of last resort to economies that are buried in foreign debt and its constitutional duty to protect the international monetary order by ensuring the profitability of private lending like that from the Paris Club. Thus, if IMF is confident of macroeconomic stability and economic prosperity in Sri Lanka provided the RW regime translates into action all those conditions stipulated by the IMF Board, then why should the creditors be extraordinarily lenient towards Sri Lanka’s debt settlement? Therefore, the real dilemma facing Sri Lankan negotiators at the table would be whether to argue their case for special concession from a position of confidence in the future of the economy, as promised by the IMF deal, or, from a state of uncertainty and scepticism arising from IMF’s own pessimism about growth in mature economies over which Sri Lanka has no control. This is the external danger referred to above. Slow growth in mature economies would constrain their demand for imports from Sri Lanka, and without that demand Sri Lanka’s growth would be in jeopardy. The apparel industry is already feeling this crunch. Ironically though that danger could be used as a bargaining chip to win favourable terms at the negotiating table. 

Besides, there is another trump, which if used with diplomatic skill could win the same, and that is the strategic position of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, which has now emerged as the main theatre of action in keeping the diplomatically hyped and so-called “yellow peril” at bay. This strategic placement is nature’s gift to the island, and if the lenders behave like Shylock, they may drive Sri Lanka to bargain away that advantage for better assistance from another camp. 

Apart from restructuring external debt, domestic debt restructuring (DDR) is also crucial to economic revival. Sri Lanka Banks Association (SLBA) is rightly concerned about transparency in these negotiations. Whether IMF has a hidden agenda on DDR seems to be one of their concerns. Banking sector’s capital liquidity and public confidence on the banking system are crucial for successful implementation of CBSL’s monetary policy. And SLBA pointed out that “credit impairments have hit an all-time high hitherto unseen” and warns that “taking further impairment costs on top of these strains on capital and liquidity is not sustainable especially with the tax deductibility of these necessary costs of being in business”. Domestic investment would be imperilled if DDR turns adversarial to the banking sector. 

RW is not unaware of the difficulties that face the economy even though like a good salesman he is trying to oversell what has been achieved so far. Sri Lanka is experiencing its worst financial and economic crisis at a time when the global neoliberal economic order itself is in a state of crisis. Recently, the World Bank was suggesting that 2020s would be a lost decade for most of the matured economies. There is a banking crisis in vogue. Following the collapse of the Swan Valley Bank, and Signature Bank in US and Credit Suisse in Europe the Federal Reserve in US and Bank of Switzerland in Europe had to come to their rescue. Lately, the First Republic Bank in US also collapsed although it was swallowed up by JPMorgan. These are signs that indicate there is something systemically wrong in the world financial structure, and if the financial crisis persists an economic crisis cannot be avoided. The war in Europe makes that possibility imminent. With inflation remaining stubbornly high and rising interest rates losing their sharpness to control it mature economies are preparing for a hard landing. There is rising discontent in these economies and the establishment is trying in desperation to divert public attention to a hyped “yellow peril”.  

Sri Lanka is caught between two systemic crises at the same time, one from its own system and the other from the global financial system. The combined effect of the two would make domestic economic revival slower and harder.  Before that happens RW wants to make quick political capital out of what he has achieved so far. This is why he started talking about forming a national government, and when that did not eventuate, he is inviting SJB to join his own UNP to form a grand alliance with SLPP and go for an early election. He also seems to have dropped the controversial 13th Amendment to keep the Sinhalese nationalists calm, and inviting the Tamil parties to collaborate “within the system” to find solution to the ethnic issue. All these are diversionary tactics to avoid the unavoidable system change and to turn young voters away from supporting NPP.

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia

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  • 9

    The IMF’s role as a debt collector for transnational capital is being ignored.
    Instead, there’s great eagerness to fault China for all the island’s problems. The US is the largest shareholder in the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The two organizations account for nearly 70% of the total debt held by multilateral financial institutions.

    • 1

      1. “IMF’s role as a debt collector for transnational capital is being ignored.
      2. Instead, there’s great eagerness to fault China for all the island’s problems.
      3. The US is the largest shareholder in the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
      4. The two organizations account for nearly 70% of the total debt held by multilateral financial institutions.”
      In answering these contentions may I take the liberty to follow the process as below,
      A. Let me go to (3) above first, in saying that US being the only country with the ‘wherewithal’ to battle the Poverty, deprivation rampant worldwide, post 1946 – end of WWII – stretching from Pacific to Pacific or Atlantic to Atlantic including the N & S Poles!!! So they became the lead financiers/sponsors of recovery, such as IBRD under the aegis of fledgling UNO and IMF – transferring USD 170+ Billion!!!
      Russia, China and East European countries were experiencing socialism, with no extra funds to help outsiders or at best surviving ‘Shoe String’ budgets – aftermath of WWII?!!? South American states were mainly agricultural and not able to help monetarily as was Mexico!!!
      China (1945) Mao, struggling after deposing Chiang Kai-shek embracing Communism

    • 1

      (Part II)
      Revolution!! Not much help at all and Chinese were dying of starvation!!?? That was the scenario 1946/47!! The biggest development plan for South East Asia (SEA) was the “Marshall Plan” and ‘Colombo Plan’!!??
      Are we trying to blame the USA for putting up the funds/financing for the Largesse and Generosity of the people and Government of America – meaning strictly USA???
      B. Reference (1) above, No Lender organisation, NONE would dare say would ever survive, without an effective DEBT COLLECTOR enabling strict PROTOCOL, to sustainability and continuity of that VENTURE, unless we are looking for funds GRATIS to feed RBBER GANGS AND LOOTERS!!!?? Sure you aren’t contemplating such acts, being a good and law abiding citizen, no Sri Lankan would!!??
      Hence, it is Sine Quo Non IMF, IBRD, ADB and IMF does that job!!?? Hope No Qualms!!?
      C. Referring to (4) above, given the above scenario of Lenders and shareholding acknowledged worldwide, they are by and Large the largest!! No Surprises as Russia, China, Eastern European countries could ever match that contribution!!?? WHY THEN LAMENT, IF ONE IS NOT SATISFIED THEY ARE VERY WELCOME TO GO FOR ALTERNATIVES!

    • 1

      (Part III)
      COMMENCEMENT OF REPAYMENT (if there is then only 1 or 2 years mostly)!!!??
      One may contend with asinine intelligence, intellect and other motives (resort to bribes on development loans abled w/o study on feasibility and Return on Investment assessment, than the critical line of analysis prosecuted by ADB, IBRD and IMF)!!!
      D. Finally, referring item (2) above, verbiage in (C) above adduces sufficient reasons for blaming China for unsocial conduct of business with Sri Lanka, considering the fact since 1948 and especially 1952 R-R pact and execution of it by SL, it was well known fact China contributed to Sri Lankan development AS DEVELOPMENT GRANTS – NO REPAYMENT – if my memory serves me right!!?? THOSE ARE THE BMICH IN 1976 AND SUPREME COURT COMPLEX IN 1990’S OR 2000!!?? They are not charging soft term loan interest rates but COMMERCIAL INTEREST RATES ON DEVELOPMENT LOANS, CLAIMING AS AMBA YALUWAS??? Perhaps not so with the country and people thereof Sri Lankans but those allied to them – So called ROBBER BARONS AND LOOTERS OF NATIONAL WEALTH!!??

    • 1

      (Part IV)
      Most thankful for the information in respect of control exerted by USA at present such as 70% of total debt to financial institutions world-wide is controlled by IMF, IBRD accounts and therefore predominantly US controlled!!?
      Well this is because of aforesaid reasons, and if china changes to more transparent modes and better lending terms –Grace period and interest terms, most certain the Sri Lankans or any other would love it and embrace it!!!
      The caveat is china must graduate now to be more mature and SUPER POWER CALIBRE!!!?? THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIENT TO THE MIX!!!??? Of course a fellow Asian country!!??
      UNTIL THEN SADLY THE REFRAIN would not change in any manner!!!???
      Hopefully, clarified fully, as to your misgivings on IMF, IBRD, ADB, US vis-à-vis CHINA, MODERN DAY SUPERPOWER AND FINANCIER ULTIMATE!!!???
      Leave it to your erudition, intellect, knowledge and emancipation to JUDGE!!!

      • 0

        Some reading of unbiased works history will help, but not cure the anti-Chinese prejudice, especially among Tamil middle cl;asses..

        • 2

          Please be reassured, that I as an individual any prejudice as to the Chinese or entertain any ANTI- CHINESE feeling, comparing Paradigm CHANGE in Chinese LENDING PRACTICE Pre and Post 2004, INEXPLICABLE!!!??
          Development Grants to Ceylon/Sri Lanka has been significantly noticeable prior to that dateline and Loans with commercial interest rates after that dateline!!!??
          If one bears in mind the fact China became a world leading economy to Match USA is important and significant, always been generous as it could be, very well Time-Tested predominant Asian Traditions of welfare to one and all??!!!
          R-R pact and the gift of BMICH – from turning the soil to Roofing, Seating & Air Conditioning! Comprehensively furnished too serve intended purpose!!??
          Executed in timely manner for Occasion – NAM 1976 – unlike Lakvijaya, Late & Breakdown
          Not based on one’s mindset, but on Facts per se NEED & Corruption?
          Well one always has the right to disagree with my thoughts!!!

    • 5

      “That’s why they started talking about forming a national government. If that doesn’t happen, the SJB is invited to form a grand alliance with the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna and join their own UNP and go to an election soon.”

      JOKERs like Sinnhala Man will surely come next with a bold text “Dr ALi, you are brilliant as usual”..

      .I question, what is being fed by Sinhala Man to be that indifferent ? may be Punnakku for sure ?
      hahaha, that all hints at the average IQ levels in our people. To me that is like hurting my wounds further. but illogical pundits like SM behave like ” Wimal Weerawanse” further.
      To me, current situation is like keeping a fatally sick mother in the “intensive care unit” and continuing to pay for total ignorance.

      They struggle to build a consensus for the common cause. JVP must finally wake up to the reality that our people are equally guilty of looting us by our political representatives. 99% of the nation is very corrupt and abusive minded, easily manipulated, doesn’t take things seriously. Sinhala man’s knowledge is the best example for it.

      to be continued.

      • 7

        No matter what anyone says or does, the need of the hour is to work together for a common goal to get out of the deep pit. Germans did that.
        South koreans did that. Many others are following them, while our PINGONAs stagnate being unable to find consensus for national issues.

        The saddest reality is that danger is not understood and emphasized by the very people who lead by karma and sorcery more than anything else in the South Asian region.
        Political thugs like Mahinda Rajapaksa and his criminal brothers and progeny who read the pulse of “stupid reactions and people’s knowledge” have the advantage:

        but today the same guards surround Bugar Mahinda B to take to taxpayers’ funds. why ? In a country where law and order reigns supreme, this man does not advance in human society because his hypocritical, megalomaniacal, selfish, heartless agendas only serve to amass his wealth and mobilize power.


        Look how many guards are given to the dog of the nation, Mahinda in that funeral ceremony.
        This is today 2023. Can you imagine? I compare it to former Gaddafi in that brutal country.

        All these developing countries lack unity among their political leagues, although brutal civil wars and other religious crises have prevented proper progress.

        • 6


          but yet today the same number of guards surround the high criminal Mahinda abusing taxpayers’ funds. Are people wise ?

          • 4

            You are forgetting the blatant fact in declaring the security hasn’t changed!!
            They have to safeguard more wealth and funds now than when he was in Power – estimated in USD Billions, unlike Millions when he was in Power!!!
            So they need more Manpower!! Please understand the issues and precarious circumstances
            Otherwise the LOOT would be lost forever to gangsters, which security has to protect!!?? Can we let that happen?? No. That’s part of our NATIONAL WEALTH – MaRa temporary Custody!!
            Don’t ever, discuss or mention about this temporary wealth!!
            If he comes to know it is temporary, he may activate the process to send the funds to Saint Marino principality or Uganda, then lost forever!!!
            Be careful, What you say!!! He is a very SMART Man, believe me!!! Not the “Run of Mill” chap!?

    • 5


      “The IMF’s role as a debt collector for transnational capital is being ignored.”

      Sri Lankans are keen to use certain phrases without any clue.
      If IMF’s role is that of a debt collector why do countries borrow in the first place from transnational capital and then beg IMF to save respective creditors?

      My Elders tell me the so called left keep making noises about capitalism, exploitation, debt trap, ………….. sovereignty, …. then it is their responsibility to redeem those creditor countries from debt trap. Why are they reluctant to act?

      On the other hand those debt-ridden countries (proud of being sovereign states) and those anti IMF lefties should have found alternative funding mechanism for those poor countries long ago.

      In fact those very lefties should have worked out an effective governance mechanism for countries such as Sri Lanka where corruption and nepotism thrive.

      Again why has Sri Lanka been carrying begging bowl for more than 60 years?
      Before blaming IMF, Transnational capital, Neo Liberalism, …. looking inwardly may seem less hypocritical.

      • 4

        “Before blaming IMF, Transnational capital, Neo Liberalism, …. looking inwardly may seem less hypocritical.”
        And also find out who voted for these corrupt politicians.

        • 3

          old codger

          Where is Ambassador (to China) Bandu de Silva?

          • 2

            Still waiting to assume appointment one may guess.

            • 2

              old codger

              Why does not Ranil consider sending SJ as the next High Commissioner to Hindia or the next Ambassador to USA?

  • 5

    A A, How can you take stock which are in robber’s hidden foreign accounts.

    • 7

      “On the positive side, that resistance may finally force the desired system change as demanded by the aragalaya youth.”
      1. For the umpteenth time, what is this “system change”? Is it:
      a. Refusal to pay taxes?
      b. Refusal to pay higher rates for services?
      c. Cancellation of the IMF agreement?
      So what is the alternative? Since there will be no money to pay for imports, and all the tourists are spooked by chaos on the streets , food queues and transport shortages, the solution will be for people to grow their own food full time, and manufacture everything else locally? Back to the Stone Age, in short.
      2. Which “Aragalaya youth ” is the author talking about from the safety of Australia? The ones pre-May 9th or the ones like the professional “students” of the FLSP currently masquerading as an “Aragalaya”?. Or the all-gas-and-no-action JVP union leaders in the CPC and CEB whose membership decided that having a job was better than unemployed glory?
      Some clarity is called for.

      • 4

        System change sir, are some of the following,
        1. Getting rid of the parliamentarian overpopulation to 50 or less of ministerial positions.
        2. Declaration and auditing of the assets of the politicians and those earning over 100,000 Rs a month
        3. Highest taxation on individuals and entities that make over 100000 Rs a month
        4. Investigation into overseas bank accounts, both mainstream and alternate
        5. Implementation of best business practices like the tender process for medium and large-scale enterprise
        6. Limiting imports and increasing exports
        7. Closure or taxation of businesses that cater to the rich via imported products
        8. Developing the public transport system in an effort to save petrol and clean up the environment.

        • 4

          3. . Highest taxation on individuals and entities that make over 100000 Rs a month.
          Where you been hiding? This is already done, and that’s why the Uni Lecturers are on strike.
          7. Closure or taxation of businesses that cater to the rich via imported products.
          So, ban onions, sugar, milk powder, parippu, LPG, fuel, flour…..?
          Whose side are you on, really?
          So, even you don’t know what this “system change” is??

          • 1

            Old Codger,

            That may be some very senior professor. The average I found out is 80,000. But let’s put it up to 250,000 shall we?

            onions, sugar, milk powder, parippu, flour is ok as it comes from India within common-man Lankan affordability. LPG is very polluting and can be gradually phased out or environmentally friendly fuel. Gasoline can be phased out as plethora of unaffordable cars on the roads are given way for public transport. Those and 5-star restaurant and hotel meals and fancy imported clothes from places like France can be taxed and scrapped.

            • 3

              “fancy imported clothes from places like France can be taxed”
              Perhaps you don’t know that a lot of that stuff is made here.🤣

              • 0

                Like our Colombites will condescend to wear the local stuff. No, it’s Louis Vuitton handbags and shoes inside German Benzes. If ever they condescend to wear the local stuff, it will be one heavy sari made by 1,000 low-paid workers for one Lankan Queen. Or one Lankan-cut design purchased by one Lankan philanthropist who managed to accumulate the money-of-the-hardworking-suffering-masses.

                • 1

                  You are out of date. Many international brands of clothing are made in our garment factories. Even Nike shoes. The locals wear the rejects which you can buy cheap in Maharagama.

                  • 1

                    Old codger, naa……they make sure they import the best from places France and Italy and make sure everybody knows it. There ARE the speciality shops around for the rich bugs. Some may be made in Sri Lanka (maybe the cheap Walmart stuff), but the final product gets its name from being in-country designer French or Italian, or even American. Nike might be the only big thing made in Sri Lanka. The rejects can’t be too many, for they won’t be productive then, and leave the shores.

                    • 1

                      You are soo tiresome.Do you know Dubai is the biggest tea exporter in the world, without a single tea bush?That’s how trade works.

              • 2

                See, that is the general knowledge of most of our Sri Lankan expats. In the developed world they buy garments which were imported from developing countries.. Unfortunately, it is not yet clear to our people.

                Regardless of their today s geographical locations, they remain the same. My cousins in UK would not be different to Ramona.

                To tell you, my septuagenarian sister (in SL) won’t stop dreaming up “false fantasies” about European normal life. She though had a trip across Europe however not lived life as we are forced to.
                The truth is that European life is based on exploiting more time for their work day life. I don’t think ordinary Sri Lankans would enjoy it because most of them don’t care about their contribution to the productivity. No doubt all the facilities are in europe , but if you don’t have time?


                • 4

                  Nonsense, I buy my clothes mostly from Walmart, which is the clothing store of the American masses. Good stuff, made in places like Sri Lanka. But Lankan elite buy their items from high-end Colombo fashion stores where the final product (wherever it is made), has the European or American designer label on it. My God, once when I was in Sri Lanka when I was a teen, I bought a Boney M tee shirt at the Pettah market. People didn’t want to associate with me after that and looked embarrassed. They went to dressmakers and tailors, or waited till their relatives brought stuff from overseas. Same mindset over 40 years later. Colomboites won’t be caught dead wearing local stuff. They might condescend to wear some of the designer rejects, but there is only so much that can go around.

                  • 1

                    Our colombites run after surface values from the day I know them..That is unique to them
                    Tailored are a way expensive in Europe.My tailor is Turkish guy. I m now used to buy mine from P&C and Anson’ s. My wife buy them both in colombo and Europe.

        • 5

          rtf: 9. Withdraw all privileges and perks given to MPs and pay them only a living allowance that is not entitled to receive a pension at the end of the term.

          10. Withdraw all the benefits enjoyed by the “Ex-Presidents” and “Spouses”

          11. Bring a new Constitution that would abolish the “Presidency” among many other system changes.

          12. Free the “Law Enforcement” (Police, Judiciary, Auditor General, and AG) from political interference

          13. Limit the Cabinet to “25” (Maximum) with an equal number of Deputy Ministers and make them “Responsible” and “Accountable” for allocated functions.

          14. Set up “Special Courts” to conduct trials on a continuation basis (without postponements) to hear all cases filed against “Politicians” and corrupt “Beauraucrats”. and “Recoup” stolen money and property.

          • 3

            Yes, that’s the official list if the Aragalaya I believe.

      • 1

        Old Codger,
        I agree that all those who advocates “systemic changes’ must be specific!
        But, unfortunately “The Araguaia youth” had never elaborated on what they meant by Systemic Changes, It was left vague and the interested people gave different meanings. Even Dr Ameer Alli had not precisely defined the term,. it was left to individuals to speculate!.
        All organizations, whether government, private or even non- governmental, there exits one or more systems. In some organizations their systems help these organizations to be efficient and effective and results in positive outputs and outcomes whereas, others may fail partially or fully, like Sri Lanka now. The governments formulate and establish systems for the country as a whole. The systems include constitution itself, the judiciary, and the financial systems with establishment codes, financial regulations, procurement manuals, the electoral systems and many more.

        • 0

          All governments function with these systems to guide, regulate and facilitate governance. In a democratic system of government, when one or many systems fail, the government itself could correct them, case by case or in extreme cases, the only way to make changes. The entire population rebels against democratically or violently to overthrow the old corrupt, repressive system and install a progressive modern people friendly systems.

          • 5

            Even you are not being specific. It reminds me of all the people who criticize the famous Bond Scam but can’t define it.
            I think what Dr. Ali means by “system change” is a JVP government, but he doesn’t want to openly say so. Here are some extracts from the JVP website:
            “The U.N.P government (2002-4), like all governments that came to power after 1977, followed the policy of “selling” and “dividing” the country. Therefore the “privatisation project” as well as the “project of dividing the country”, known as the devolution of power, have become a national disaster”
            “The socialist revolution in Sri Lanka will eliminate the private ownership of property and abolish the basis of class division in society, thus putting an end to the process of exploitation of man by man, and thereby man finally liberated.”
            Plenty more here: https://www.jvpsrilanka.com/english/about-us/party-programme/
            Is this the “system change” you want?? Not for me, thank you.

            • 2

              To be fair, it seems those are from an old JVP document, and they have added a commentary that they are willing to keep up with changes in the modern world. But why not delete the old policy document? It doesn’t say much for the JVP’s “efficiency”.

            • 1

              Old Codger,
              Yes, I accept your criticism and plead guilty, but I support Systemic changes on principle, but the details/ various people advocate different systemic changes, For instance, the Tamils for a long time advocat a federal form of government as a form of governance that suits Sri Lanka, there are a large number of people who wants the 1978 constitution scrapped and replaced by a parliamentary system of government similar to Soulbury form of government installed, they may not agree on specific changes. There are still others who suggest bribery, corruption and nepotism to be eradicated and the guilty punished and the money recovered.
              I find merit in all these suggestions. But I could not find anyone agreeing to all those suggestions and only a movement like Araguaia or NPP could formulate a consensus Systemic Changes that could last for quite a long time. I personally promote systemic Changes as a panacea for all our ills and not elections.

              • 1

                SK ,
                It is not “system change”, but “culture change” that is needed. It is the people themselves that voted for corrupt and spendthrift leaders.
                Look at how our people spend for weddings at 5 star hotels even on borrowed money? Or how people who can’t afford to buy a scooter outright lease a Prius? Ditto for a TV, fridge, etc.
                Then, is there anyone who won’t pay a santhosam to avoid a traffic fine or get a fast passport? In the last case, even the government is in on the act!
                This is our culture, and the rulers are simply following our ideas. That’s why we vote for them, right?
                To change this will take a couple of generations, and we will need foreign teachers.

                • 0

                  Old Codger,
                  Culture change is almost impossible; whereas system change is possible by simply changing the law. The management Gurus like Peter Drucker refers that training means changing, knowledge, Skills and attitude among individuals. Knowledge and skills could be taught, but changing attitudes is next to impossible.
                  If an attempt is made with missionary zeal you may succeed to a certain extent in a few generations. Even the Christian missionaries found Jaffna was a fertile soil for conversion and hence concentrated mostly in Jaffna peninsula a few generations back. Fertile soil is the key factor.
                  Russian, Chinese and Cuban revolutions promoted systemic changes almost overnight. Closer home, in 1978 JR brought in systemic changes almost just by bringing in a new constitution. It is a regressive move is beside the point and the country could not still recover from the ill effects..

                  • 2

                    “system change is possible by simply changing the law.”
                    There are 120 year old laws against gays, and requiring licences for everything from dogs and bicycles to electricians. Has anyone followed these after 1948? Wasn’t Sarath Silva our CJ?
                    Culture change.

                • 1

                  Change would nt work tangibly until people don’t want to see it right
                  1 . Rajapakses are number 1 ♋️ cancer.
                  2. Main stream media is the second

          • 4

            ” The entire population rebels against democratically or violently to overthrow the old corrupt, repressive system and install a progressive modern people friendly systems.”
            Wonder where the “entire population” has ever done (or will ever do) such a thing anywhere!
            Food for thought where there is intellectual drought, I

          • 1

            “I agree that all those who advocates ‘systemic changes’ must be specific!”
            Is this how specific it gets?
            It should be easier for the mice to bell the cat!

        • 1

          Of course! They were crushed down from their very inception. If they articulate too much, they will probably be jailed with no possibility of employment for a long time- Ranil is very clever with these sorts of things. Only the established parties like the JVP and SJB can articulate without prosecution.

  • 7

    “All these are diversionary tactics to avoid the unavoidable system change and to turn young voters away from supporting NPP.”
    The threat of NPP looks real and tactics are played by all including RW & Rajapakasas are obvious. In the recent May day Rally, those who are also associated with both Rajapaksas and Ranil blasted in their speech that they will never allow NPP to come power and if Ranil not it is Rajapaksa as next President.

    • 3

      Hi Ajith,

      I am not an NPP supporter and don’t want NPP to come to power as well. But one thing is sure they have the popularity and they are building a strong educated team behind them. They are a force to be reckoned with. If Ranil or for that matter Mahinda is so sure that one of them will become President, then it’s time for Ranil to fund an election and test the water. Let him prove he or Mahinda has the legitimacy to govern!

      • 1

        Let us not deceive ourselves with a call for legitimacy.
        Every Government, since 1948, has been legitimate!!
        I have simple rule for a legitimate government.
        The # of members in a Cabinet does not exceed 12.

        • 5


          “Every Government, since 1948, has been legitimate!!”

          Not the the president who was elected in 2005. LTTE was bribed to rig ballot.
          LTTE enforced boycott of the presidential elections in 2005.

        • 3

          Nathan, you confuse me, are you saying the legitimacy of a government is proven by the number of members in a cabinet? I am not sure where you got that idea from. The legitimacy of a government is proven by the votes they get in an election. When any election is overdue or a person who got kicked out of the parliament and his party could not win a single seat sits as the head of the government then the government is ILLEGITIMATE.

          • 1

            There is logic (hidden) in my view. If you are confused, I believe it!
            Let me see if I could help you.
            Ask yourself, ‘Why are there so many Ministers in a Cabinet’?

      • 1

        Buddhist 1,
        Read the JVP plan for the country:

        • 1

          JVP can have numerous plans and I don’t say that all their plans are bad. But, they will not have the “international support” which is essential for the progress of the country as we are an exporting country and the only way we will grow is by exporting. Since we do not have a large buying power as our population is small SL cannot be developed only with internal buying power, unlike China or India. We will not survive without foreign support. The only way JVP can add value to the country is by joining SJB and forming an alliance. If this happens then the contribution of JVP could be much higher than going alone.

          • 1

            Buddhist 1,
            “The only way JVP can add value to the country is by joining SJB and forming an alliance.”
            But Sajith has joined up with the racists like Weerasekara and Jayasumana.

      • 2

        Buddhist1: ” I am not an NPP………..and don’t want NPP to come to power”. I respect your personal opinion.

        I feel there is something to learn from your opinion. So would you mind letting me know why you don’t want NPP to come to power? I am sure even NPP would like to know.

        Thank you.

        • 1

          For Sri Lankan economy to expand and grow we need the support of the international community. Due to the leftist policies of NPP international support will be limited and the only countries we will have immediate support would be China and Russia. USA, EU, UK, and NATO countries will be cautious in dealing with NPP. Even if these countries come to the table they will take time to warm up to NPP by which time the economic growth will deteriorate further. Please do not get me wrong. NPP has some very good policies and they can contribute tremendously towards good governance. If NPP is truly committed to the development of the country then they have to join hands with SJB and form an alliance. When this alliance governs the country Ministries such as Law and Order, catching those who stole money from the country and took bribes, women’s affairs, plantation, irrigation etc can be handled by them. They even can be the Chair of COPE. Once they have successfully governed as an alliance for a full term (4 years) they can show their success and then at the following election, they can stand alone and contest. If for the satisfaction of the ego of a few in NPP, they want to rule alone and in case they win, I do not see they can do much. We will be going backward.

          • 1

            You are right. Inward looking policies will get us nowhere, in this 21st century. If we withdraw from trade agreements like GATT and the FTA’s, other countries will slap tariffs on our exports. Just the mention of “socialism” spooks investors.
            It is theoretically possible to be self reliant, if you are already a large economy like India.But we aren’t, and we can be self-reliant but even more miserable than India in the 70’s.

      • 2

        Well said again, Buddhist1,
        I’m beginning to get confused about what sort of system of government we have, but I’m ever more convinced of the truth of what you say.
        I proffer no apologies for my confusion; this fellow Ranil has been persuading himself that he has a right to play hell with all institutions of government, and I’ve now got to the stage of asserting that I am a definite supporter of the NPP. Also, there is a form that I have to fill in, after which I will probably be a member.

        • 2

          “Also, there is a form that I have to fill in, after which I will probably be a member.”
          God help the NPP.

          • 2

            ‘Also, there is a form that I have to fill in, after which I will probably be a member.’
            A word of advice Sinhala_Man, if they don’t ask for your Blood Group or inside leg measurement, don’t give it to them.

            • 3

              Now I think we should be happy that the majority of CT users in Sri Lanka are not pre-decided like “Sinhala_man”.

              Imagine if we get hassled by 12 of them, the anonymous user won’t get a chance to express their heart in our hell.
              The psyche itself is not conscious enough to ask why most of us are “anonymous”. This is unfortunately the extent of their common sense. Suffering from “Delusion de Grandeuer,” my older sister is blind to her failings as she grows older.
              PE’s thoughts and details about NID is in his own genes. Not everyone else in his age group seems to suffer from this disorder.
              God, if this guy would not start thinking right – then all the damage will be done. Let’s hope he finds some wisdom soon. A few days ago I happened to watch some videos of Senior lawyer Mr. Nagananda Kodithuvakku. I thought his clean demeanor was good, however, his “know-it-all nature” was not bought by many yet today.

            • 2

              OC, Paul and other true souls,
              I am now about to travel back home for two weeks and pay my respects at the grave of my beloved mother. Once I do, my inner harmony will usually adjust.
              If not, I feel very sad because my life is gone, if it is not for her love and protection, I will not survive this life.
              And as usual for my charity work. I feed street dogs and beggars. I was very appalled to offer punna to the “rogue monks” as my family members have been doing since the day I knew them.
              These days many people come back from SL and complain to me that there is not much safety on the road. Sri Lankan transport should take it seriously, many Europeans complain that Sri Lanka’s road bus services are far worse than anywhere else they have ever traveled.
              However, it is my mother country that deceived the people and turned democracy into a “kleptocracy”.People are to blame.
              I don’t think I will face anything unprecedented in my home country. The Sinhalese man is now my number one enemy because I don’t want to eat any of his straw.

  • 6

    Yes, IMF is a stop-gap solution to the crisis created by the same politicians including Ranil and Mahinda created. Today the same “gathakayos” are in power and making continuous blunders. For example, when we are running around with the begging bowl, we appoint a mega cabinet and to add to the trouble we also have a large number of State Ministers. These appointments are not made to improve the economic condition of the country but to hold onto power. There are strong rumors to say that another cabinet reshuffle is on the way under the banner “National Government” in order to give Minister posts to a few more MPs to strengthen Ranil’s and Mahinda’s positions.

    This shows clearly that neither Ranil nor Mahinda respects the wishes of the voters, both today after the aragalaya, have formed an illegitimate government without a people’s mandate. If any one of them claims that they have a mandate then they are dreaming and the only way they can prove that they have a legitimate mandate is by conducting an election, it can be any election other than a presidential election as the constitution does not permit it now. All in all citizens today do not trust both Ranil and Mahinda who are in an illegitimate survival mode. Honesty in politics should be the foundation but we do not see that in our leaders today.

  • 7

    When everything is stripped away …….. the underlying story of humanity is ……. ease of life: how one can live the good life without doing a honest day’s work.

    People find all sorts of ways, not just in Lanka ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OicKs7IHHlk

    I find it fascinating to observe how people convince/fool themselves and try to convince/fool others that Ranil will develop the country by 2048 with the well-paid advice of Sagala …….. just about the time young kids like Native reach puberty.

    No one fools anyone: we fool ourselves. Others only provide/spawn the seed/catalysts ………. and the rest of the hard work we do on ourselves. ……….. Just look around.

    • 5

      nimal fernando

      Recently both Hindian High Commissioner and (SJ’s) Chinese Ambassador in Colombo visited Mahasanghas, bearing gifts.

      As a Sangha strategist you have responsibility to let us know what was the big idea that let both of these countries for beg for audience with Maha Sanghas?
      What was your hidden agenda?

      “Chinese Ambassador briefs Mahanayakes on signal investments from them as positive message to international investors – Island 29/04/2023”

      “Indian High Commissioner thanks Mahanayakes for helping strengthen Indo-SL relations – Island 29/04/2023”

      • 2

        “Island 29/04/2023”


        If I’m not mistaken, Island is owned by the Ratwattes ……… always a pro-Rajapakse newspaper. What do you expect them to do other than give a rosy picture of the present situation? Will the Chinese and the Indians forgive our loans? That’s real friendship! :))

        Ranil is just perpetuating/prolonging the utterly corrupt system he helped his uncle JR to usher in. Ranil only knows the past and feels comfortable in it: it’s his security blanket. Many old-timers feel comfortable in the past: it’s their security-blanket too.

        It’s time for antiquated stultified old farts to leave the scene. Haven’t they already fucked-up enough?

        Let the young usher in something new. It’s their future ………. let them have it.

        • 3

          nimal fernando

          “If I’m not mistaken, Island is owned by the Ratwattes “

          Island was owned by Upali Wijewardene family, I have no clue about current ownership. Upali was killed in plane crash for which Premadasa was blamed. Island is basically racist paper. I never knew Rat-wattes ever owning the the paper.

          Shamindra Ferdinando types for Island. C.A. Chandraprema ( Thadi Priyantha the current Ambassador to UNHRC ) used to regularly type for Island.

          Island does not hesitate to let its racist views known to its readership.
          Recently in its editorial it mentioned Sinhala/Tamil new year as being Sinhla/Hindu new year. English speaking Sinhala/Buddhist middle and upper class closeted racists love to read island.

          “Let the young usher in something new. It’s their future ………. let them have it.”

          Can you find honest, wise, capable, ….. young ones within Sri Lanka?
          I am not sure.

          • 3

            The Island is owned by the Welgamas nowadays. I think the Ratwatte is Upali’s wife, who married a Welgama.
            “Island is basically racist paper.”
            When Manik De Silva was the Sunday editor, it was less racist than the others. Chandraprema occupied one page on Sunday but Kumar David was on the other page. The daily Island was a different story with the fake patriot Ferdinando leading.
            But even now, it does print a lot of different viewpoints, unlike the semi-literate Daily Mirror.

            • 2

              old codger


            • 1

              I thought Mrs. Wjiewardena (nee Ratwatte) married Kumara Welgama, who was once close to MR/UPFA, but fell out with their family over GR coming to power. Have you seen any change in The Island from this fallout?

              • 2

                The Island has always been more balanced than other papers. As far as I know, it never went overboard to support Gota, even though it provides space to his acolytes like Malinda Seneviratna.
                It also, unlike the others, carries a lot of interesting articles free on its Web edition. I don’t know how it makes any money.

                • 2

                  The “Divaina” of the same group is a different story. Trashy and racist would be the right description. I wonder if it’s something to do with the way Sinhala journalists are educated.

          • 2


            I did a search for “Upali Wijewardena” ……. and this is what I found ……. his wife is a Ratwatte. …….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upali_Wijewardene …….. https://prabook.com/web/lakmini_wijewardene.welgama/1431881

            • 2

              nimal fernando

              I am sorry I was bit lazy, didn’t explore the possibility of Upali-Ratwatte alliances through marriage.

              Thanks anyway.

    • 4

      nimal fernando

      “….. just about the time young kids like Native reach puberty.”

      When you have just returned from your honeymoon and possibly your partner is expecting your first child.

  • 13

    Interesting comments ! The basis of government in every country is that the ruler must have a mandate. How can a man who could not even win a seat in parliament become President and dictate policy ? If the constitution allows it, the people want that constitution thrown out !

    System Change ! Can ranil ever represent a system change ? People like this Colombo 7, royal college, bogus expert ( every subject under the sun )attending the UK Coronation types are the old system. Rajapaksa types , wearing sarong, corruption, village thug-, making his family into elite (old Premadasa, also did it-the son has become elite)-that is also old system.

    The nation want a complete system change. Before that whatever is there must be destroyed .

    Only from a huge fire will a new nation , strong and capable, emerge.

    • 3

      deepthi silva, You say Colombo 7 royalist is attending UK coronation. Good to celebrate vesak poya in Westminster Abbey which is the church of the royal family so that the true and living God will energise this yearning leader whose family has an anglican bishop and still unable to bring unity into his nation through servant like sacrificial ministry of Jesus as in Westminster Abbey. Jesus was able to wipe away sin and give eternal life, and if it is not to receive all this, why go to that altar, see how a king is anointed, with orb, sceptre, garment, crown and given to sit on the throne as God’s kingdom ruler in one of his nations. May SL become a sheep and not goat nation, gathered into Jerusalem where messiah will come soon. God save the king.

    • 4


      “The basis of government in every country is that the ruler must have a mandate. “

      What do you say to those rulers/clan members who came to power by bribing a terrorist organisation to rig ballot for a fees in favour of themselves, the fees according to Tiran Alles was 125 million?

      I am sure you don’t want to know about it.

      • 5

        Don’t ask inconvenient questions from scatterbrained old ladies .

        • 3

          Is it not matching company?

      • 1

        NV: That “125 million”, was in S/L Rupees OR US $? Who handed it over to LTTE / MR “GO BETWEEN”? Who was the “Recipient”?

        • 1


          What I understood was that it was Rs 125 Million in 2005, and Tiran Alles and Basil handled the money matter. Tiran also said the fund was made available to Rajapaksas by one of our neighbours. He didn’t name the neighbour.

          Here is more details:
          Rajapaksa – Tiger Deal On WikiLeaks And Political Analysis
          By Uvindu Kurukulasuriya

          On LTTE side it was Emil Kanthan who did the dealby the way a good friend of Namal baby:.

          The clan is guilty of funding LTTE and ballot rigging.

          It was also alleged in 2015 Chinese companies contributed to Clan’s coffer.

          • 0

            NV: That was the “Hide & Seek” game of Rajapakses. Next was Premadasa. Do you remember how he “Donated” Rs. 200 million from the Government coffers to LTTE? That cheque was issued by the then Secretary to the Treasury.

            This “GAME” has not stopped still. As long as these “ELITE” groups in politics are allowed to be in power and the ordinary people are made “Slaves” running behind a carrot, the “GAME” will be carried out unobstructed.

    • 1

      Deepthi De S,
      Pleased to note that all those guys are smacking of Elitism and you need to discard this ‘OLD TYPES’ and an innovative New Type to be fostered on SL!!???
      Would it meet your requirements if the ‘GUY’, whoever, he is wearing a PLAKAT SARONG and Indonesian BATIK SHIRT!!!???
      That seems quite good indeed!!!
      Fusion of Javanese top and Indian under!!!???
      What greatness swells out of extreme situations!!!
      Evolving a new system is do not attend King Charles’s Coronation, which is Taboo!!??
      Attend the “Crowning of Thieves and Larcenist INSTEAD!!!??

  • 5

    Mahila (part 1 to 1V)

    This is not cricket. Your flag versus my flag. This is maths, plain and simple. Write it down on any piece of paper. In 2008 the US banking and financial system almost collapsed. The US printed dollars and bailed the system out, as it usually does. They call it Quantitative Easing—QE for short to confuse the public. That means printing money. It does so without goods and services or other means to back the currency up.

    Our previous Central Bank Governor, Ajith Nivard, Cabraal, followed the US method. Look where it has got us. The US though can get away for a time with such tactics because countries that have tied their bullock carts to the US bull will continue to chase the dollar. But it’s turning upside down again. Three major US banks have gone under in recent weeks. The US keeps the matter low-key so no worldwide panic is caused. The US controls the media. But wise countries have begun de-dollarization – using their own currencies as exchange.

    • 0

      In short What you are attributing, is Cabral, followed Quantitative Easing (QE) as practiced by the US, but failed to take into account, the difference in status of Sri Lanka and US Treasury; Oops, sorry US FRB!!!??
      The same man thought that, The Greek Bonds were excellent to possess before 2014!!?? Did anyone Profit, meaning Intermediaries!!??
      What an Intelligent individual?? Make money and enhance personal wealth, with exhibited Tom Buffoonery!!??
      Sarath, thanks for educating me on QE.

    • 0

      “This is NOT CRICKET. Your flag versus my flag. THIS IS MATHS, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.”
      What you meant was Economics??? It’s definitely not simple Math’s!!!
      Please elaborate!!???

  • 16

    I say Vedda as mentioned earlier I do not like to comment on things said by those born to be lackeys or hero worshippers ( of Ranil,OC ,Prabakaran ) But just for the other readers I like to observe ( and note I will hereafter ignore your low comments

    1)How credible do you think Tiran Alles is ? If a illegality was committed ( bribery) he is an accomplice.
    2) If such a bribe was given why did not the Yahapalanaya government charge both Rajapaksa and Tiran ?
    3) If a bribe was given who received it-Prabakaran and LTTE ! Having encouraged thousands of Tamils to die for their cause, they take a bribe and vote in the man who was going to destroy them completely ! ! What does it say about the intelligence and the principles of Prabakaran and the LTTE ?

    • 6

      Prof. Deepthi Silva (Sinhala Man@ would go upset again not being able to I call you Professor ” hik, hik”),

      What argument?
      We know very well that by planting security issues and misleading voters including “first-time voters” and turning them into the only powerful people who will give life to Sri Lanka… remember? The truth is that Gotha’s abilities are not good enough to maintain a red light road, let alone achieve a “prosperous” nation. All this was not ignored.

      Media whores misled the nation by marginalizing Muslims under the guise of “racism”. That is why they marginalized JVP and UNP in Parliament. Are you or the “perpetually brainwashed” leaf blowers talking about legitimate governments when this is the reality?

      In fact, the UK government operates without a written constitution. After World War II, Germany had no legitimate government to fill the vacuum and settle the dust. Remember?

      In today’s context, a vacuum was created in the country after the unfairly elected President Gota was kicked out of the country and “Mahinda or the nation’s wound as Prime Minister”. It was filled by RW, nothing else

    • 5

      I’m not holding it out (Pandang) for anyone – Ranil, R. Bros. Inc., Yahapalanya, Prabhakaran, Sorrysena or anyone in the coterie of apologists!!!
      Look at it pragmatically, EXCEPT R. Bros Inc., none others claimed to be involved in this SORDID episode WAS “amongst the Living” as of 18th May 2009 – The R. bros Inc., MADE SURE OF THAT!!!???
      They did it NOT BECAUSE THEY AREN’T “GOD FEARING/ABIDING WITH BUDDHA DHAMMA” but ENSURE there weren’t any ‘LIVING AFTER 18TH MAY 2009’, able to stand up, ‘IN COURT’, GIVE EVIDENCE against those involved, to dastardly “TRANSACTION”, to ‘ENSURE’ NE Voters forced AWAY FROM VOTING!? LTTE VANISHED OR VANQUISHED!? PURPOSE SERVED!?
      No proof ‘men as charged’ before courts!!! The main reason, in that Scenario, public esteem of R. Bros. Inc., INCREASES ON PREMISE THAT YAHAPALANYA “MADE FALSE” ACCUSATIONS “WIN 2015 ELECTIONS”!!??
      “votes swell, COME BACK TO POWER – ELECTIONS 2019 (PRESIDENTIAL) AND 2020 (GE)”!!!
      Nevertheless, Robber gang, ‘swept to power’, and actions of acolytes April 2019 – “EASTER SUNDAY BOMBING” – R. Bros. Inc. alluded “Lack of National Security”, which Rural Voters swallowed “LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL”!!!??

      • 5

        Your good thoughts make me happy every day. Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
        Today is considered the great Vesak day when Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. We are conscious it is not easy but he was blessed with it. May wisdom descend upon many, including the person using avatar “Sinhala Man” – my only wish on this auspicious day is that more and more of our people are blessed with understanding of ground realities. .

        They should not blindly follow AKD and BANDARAWELA JOKER (most known JVP propagandist of the day). The devil in JVP is darker than it appears. This will be obvious to anyone with some common sense.
        All of us must take all measures to avoid the second episode of Gotabaya (.election of JVPrs = GOTABAYA II).
        Those who are still skeptical should ask what is the difference between the famous stories of Vimal Weerawansa” “and “Anura Kumara Dissanayake”.- Can either of these men walk their talks?
        Never… There is nothing in front of us like PROOF to be NAIVE again. Politicians should be more practical.Sadly, I don’t see anything like that in AKD.

        API RAWATENA JATHIYAK – We are easily manipulative. Sadly that in our SRILANKEN genes.

        • 3

          Thanks for the response.
          What I can see and perceive, is a scenario replicating October/November/December 2004, where Mahinda R was comfortable in the contest, with the Bribe to LTTE and northern and Eastern Voters being responsive, he started joining forces with the likes of Weera Wimale, Udaya Gommanpillai and Ratana, Natana the like of whom reminds of division and Racism, who extracted an assurance that “he will not devolve Land and Police Powers” after election, in the final run-up to E-day!!??
          His often repeated REFRAIN was reassuring everyone, who questioned “HOW HE IS GOING TO DELIVER ‘DEVOLUTION’ – ATLEAST 13TH AMENDMENT IN FULL!!???
          Significance in this country, of ‘TABOO’ of providing transport to a voter as an infringement of Election Law, but conveniently looks the other side, when SL Rs 775 Million as inducement/bribe to LTTE was ignored and didn’t merit atleast an Investigation as to the factuality of it by the CID!!!??

        • 0

          (Part II)
          Perceived as money belonging to RDA and roadwork’s payment, it was strange that the Auditor General didn’t raise any ‘RED FLAGS’!!!??? does anyone know the deeper meaning of rectitude, especially those charged with the duty and paid by tax payers to enforce such action!!!??
          Least said about election commissioners, especially latter day GENERAL type is best!!! They don’t understand right and wrong or whether a Candidate is eligible to contest!!?? Not paid for that aspect!! Ask MD!!??
          It wasn’t etiquette or ethics that was by any distant, CONVOLUTED THINKING NOT WISDOM
          Political Sibling of R. Bros., Inc. and people on both sides believed, would pull-a-rabbit out of his Pocket AFTER 2004 ELECTIONS!!! NOT TO BE and now after 70 thousand Sri Lankans OUT OF THIS WORLD FOR GOOD, hopeful people would be wiser!!!?? Nay!!! Still voters, WISE BUT GO TO SLEEP!! GE 2020, SAME GANG IN POWER – INTERMISSION OF 4½ YEARS!!?
          Nothing NEW in SL politics!!?? 20 YEARS IN 2024!!!??

    • 6

      “and note I will hereafter ignore your low comments”
      How many times has she said that? The poor thing can’t stay away from us oily old men.

      • 6

        Please ignore her she has been facing tough times.😅

      • 5

        OC I bet she’s quite partial to a good Masala Vadai too, as am I.

        • 5

          It is high time to compare “viyathmaga” fake interllectuals with ” NPP candidates” now. Dont you think so ?
          I don tsee anyone other than Dr Harini W come wih rational arguments.

          All others have no least knowledge based on external affairs. Dayan Jayathilaka aka Katussa of all times would have given them some saline, if he got into the boat. But no even the remote signs are there in that regard.

          Harini too is also flashed by the stage dramas of AKD et all all the past few weeks.

          But how long would they amuse the moment is not sure.
          JVPrs initially disagreed with any kind of Local and Provincial councils, ironically, now make every effort to go for it. What is the logic behind that ?

          If Germans broke their initiatives taken immidiately after being defeated by WWII, they would not have achieved anything within the consecutive 20 years since war end. They worked like one together to achieve their goals. So did south koreans and several other nations.

          • 4

            Leelagamalli, yes I like Dr H but I don’t trust the others. Besides, the JVP will use and dump them.
            Germany also had the Marshall Plan after the war but if Sri Lanka had anything like that the Man of Steal would help himself to it.

        • 2


          “OC I bet she’s quite partial to a good Masala Vadai too, as am I.”

          Is she partial to Konda Kavum also?

      • 4

        Btw, OC,
        What happened to Hancho Pancha? I haven’t read him for ages.

        Hope all is well with him. None of us should be bounsed back from hates being spread by SM. SM is suffering from tunnel vision of new nature regarding JVPrs. All what his naivity allows is beyond bearing.
        Maybe our Bandarawela man (the term is now more familiar than archeology’s Balangoda man) has an update on HP because his nose is clearly all over the place (no different to Kopi Kade Dayawathi).
        .14th Minute upwards form this video below.

      • 4

        Might be, even if s/he (Prof. Deepthi Silva) is self-proclaimed to be a medical doc, however doing some illegal businesses with oily old men. May well be Ayurvedic practicing while being in that queen’s country. DS was btw close to Medamulana until few months ago.
        Further to this, Diana Gamage the most abusive mouth of the current Parliament is rumoured to have such experiences during her stay in the UK – these are rudimentary informaiton about her though.

      • 5

        Watch it.
        You and I do not mind admitting to being old, but the person you are addressing will certainly not like being called old.

  • 5

    ‘and note I will hereafter ignore your low comments’
    You are a fine one to talk. Comments don’t get any lower than yours, Deepthi. Wasn’t it you who called OC and Vedda ‘stinking oily old men smelling of masala vadai’? You should be ashamed of yourself.

    • 3


      She might have found herself in the middle of writers block, unable to articulate, must have suffered learning difficulties, ……………… I just ignore her impolite typing.

  • 9

    Restructuring the economy also means using the occupying racist Chingkalla armed forces and the fake Archaeological department to forcibly take over private Thamizh people’s lands and fields and build illegal Buddhist Viharas and structures and then using the armed forces and current law when local people protest. The county can be bankrupt and but this racist anti-Thamizh agenda and Chingkalization of ancient Eezham Thamizh land in the north and east is going on using the Buddhist religion as a tool. Lord Buddha will weep. This is not Buddhism but Buddhist used as a political weapon by the Sri Lankan state, Chingkalla Buddhist Fascists and the armed forces to destroy the Thamizh. This latest racist Chingkalla Buddhist aggression by the armed forces is in Thaiyathi in the Tellipalai area of Kankesanthurai in the Vadamaratchchi division. Huge Buddhist Viharas, structures and Buddha statues appear everywhere and overnight on private Thamizh lands. Originally this sort of behaviour was covert but now very open naked and aggressive thinking the Thamizh is vanquished with no international support other than fake concern, especially by India but overtly and covertly helping the Chingkalla racists. Please google and read what is now happening. The southern Chingkalla-dominated press is very silent and quiet about this, showing where their sympathies lies , Aragalaya or not, in the case of Thamizh and Thamizh rights.

    • 9

      posted the Vidoe link and hope it will be allowed as this is the only English media that allows and makes aware of what is happening to the Thamizh in the north and east, to their land and forced acquisition by the armed forces and other government departments like the Archaeology to build Buddhist structures and settle Sinhalese. Other English media down south keep mum about this.

  • 4

    “He also seems to have dropped the controversial 13th Amendment to keep the Sinhalese nationalists calm, and inviting the Tamil parties to collaborate “within the system” to find solution to the ethnic issue. All these are diversionary tactics to avoid the unavoidable system change and to turn young voters away from supporting NPP.”
    Is the NPP acting very differently?

    • 4

      MaRa had it in the Manifesto all the way and promised 13+ after the conclusion of the war, May 2009 to Man Mohan Singh and UN Secretary-General!! What 13+ entailed or meant, supposed to deliver – anybody’s guess!!!
      You must ask MaRa that question directly!!!
      In all probability it meant SUBHAS ICE PALAM to all children and adults to CHEER THEM UP, A LITTLE BIT SO MaRa could a few more of them to be photographed, even though they were Crestfallen at the momentous let down!!?? Then LTTE started building Dams to flow of water!!?? Balance is History – Perhaps Badi-ud-Dean M would be the best to explain history as the Minister of Education to remove History from High School Curriculum!! If not, Why!!??

      • 3

        The NPP is supposed to be different according to some people, and hence my question.
        Do you seriously think that the FP and its clones care two hoots about 13A, but for its vote gathering value?
        If Badi-ud-Din Mahmud removed history from high school curriculum he deserves to be celebrated for saving the children from hearing lies.
        I wish he did the same to Religion.

  • 2

    A few commenters must be genuinely concerned about what the NPP’s policies are. Let me suggest this much, although I’m not an authority on this subject. I merely proffer these views as a simple guy who claims to be honest.
    It has been a tragedy for Marxists (I don’t claim to be one) that Marxism has got equated with what had happened in countries like The Soviet Union and China.
    May I suggest that you devote just 13 minutes to George Orwell?
    There are longer videos, and Wikipedia, but let’s be realistic. Now having done that, since our special concern here is Marxism, let’s not bother with the more difficult “Nineteen Eighty Four” – I have read it.
    Animal Farm can be read here in an hour:
    There are other options, including two different films, which will take a little longer:
    Cartoon, 72 minutes
    More “realistic”, 92 minutes. There are 10 minute versions for children, and even much longer versions, but please, familiarise yourself with what happens here. It tells you about the Russian Revolution, beginning 1917. Regard as comedy, but some who are tender-hearted may find these traumatic.
    Panini Edirisinhe

    • 1

      A very apt description of JVP “policy”:
      “Their much-awaited economic policy statement turned out to be nothing. The main problem with the NPP is there is no real analysis of the problem nor a cohesive plan of action. Anura Kumara Dissanayake is a Putin-by-day and Biden-by-night. What he says to the business community is not what he tells the public on the platform. If people are going to fall for [his] likes once again, we will never come out of this mess.” ­­­­–Kabir Hashim, SJB Press Conference, 27 January 2023”

  • 3

    ‘A few commenters must be genuinely concerned about what the NPP’s policies are’

    What does it matter what their policies are? The JVP will impose their own if they ever achieve power.

    • 2

      The JVP’s policy is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
      I doubt even AKD is in the loop.

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