The Saudi Embassy has issued a statement rebutting claim by ex-Governor Hemakumara Nanayakkara, that the reason behind Wahhabi Muslims amassing wealth and assets in urban areas, is due to loan schemes funded by Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia that enables banks to issue loans at 1% interest.
The ex-Governor made this racist comment a few weeks ago at an event organised by teh All Ceylon Buddhist Congress.
Hemakumara alleged that Wahhabi Muslims have been able to invest in valuable properties in Colombo as well as other urban areas, due to state and private banks issuing major financial concessions on loans, backed by Islamic nations including Saudi Arabia.
“If an ordinary citizen wishes to take a loan from a state or private bank, we would be charged a 14% interest…But there is a special group of people in this country – a group of Muslims who are not charged the same interests as others. Not all Muslims are privy to these benefits, the Sufi Muslims are not given these concessions,” he said.
Hemakumara went on to state that it is the Wahabi Muslims who receive special treatment from banks, where, if they apply for a loan, the requested amount would be approved via a special committee that would issue the loan for a 1% interest.
He alleged although it was initially only Amana and Habib banks that issued these Islamic loans, today the state as well as other private banks in Sri Lanka and other finance companies offer this concession to Wahabi Muslims.
“The banks have been enabled to grant this concession of 1% interest on loans because islamic nations including Saudi Arabia and Qatar have invested in the local bank shares…Wahabis are granted these monetary concessions and the loss due to not charging the full interest is absorbed by the fund backed by the Islamic nation,” he added.
However, the Saudi Embassy in Sri Lanka dismissed his claims and pointed out the country has only offered soft loans and that too, to fund the development projects of Sri Lanka intended to benefit Sri Lankans and enhance their quality of life.
In a special statement the Embassy noted a total of 407.72 million USD has been granted to Sri Lanka so far to fund facilitation of various development projects.
We publish below the letter in full:
Champa / July 4, 2019
How could telling the truth is racist????
The unlimited foreign funds were the reason for Muslim terrorism in Sri Lanka.
On a separate matter, has the slave government taken loans from Saudi to the tune of USD 408 million????? Holy cow. What have they done with the money?
Dinuk / July 4, 2019
Fake foreign development aid and fake foreign ‘Xperts and Advisors from the US, EU and Japan and the Washington Consensus and ADB for fake development projects that advance the security and business interests of donors who give loans and promoted Bondscam Ranil and his corrupt buttery FM borrowing on private capital markets should be held accountable for the debt trap is in.
rbh / July 4, 2019
foreign funds were the reason for Muslim terrorism
See the list it not for the terrorist job but for terrific projects.
it is good clearance what is happening in reality
Steve / July 4, 2019
Where did the JVP get funds for terrorism ?
Amila W / July 4, 2019
Champa, “How could telling the truth is racist????” – Just a single “question mark” is enough, but allegations can be true or just lies. Giving proofs can only decide that.
Dob / July 4, 2019
Yes it is a racist comments by HN. Please don’t just escalate issues with countries where many poor Sri Lankan’s are working in these countries.
Truth / July 5, 2019
haha.. poor soul. hv u ever been to Kaluganga Reservoir project? go and check, then talk.
Old codger / July 5, 2019
“What have they done with the money?”
Holy cow, Champa, can’t you even read? Probably even that idiot Channa Jayasumana got money at his university.
Hard Truth / July 5, 2019
Telling the truth is never racist but making and unsubstantiated allegation against a particular community is. Asking an irrelevant question (with multiple question marks) to make it appear that you are making a fair comment is a typical racist ploy too.
The statement Hemakumara made is not about who did or did not fund terrorists. His specific statement was that state banks are providing loans with 1% interest to some Wahabi Muslims. Is is true? Can you or Hemakumara prove it? It remains a racist lie until and unless you can prove it.
Even a proud descendant of bestiality and incest should be able to understand that :)
Ajith / July 5, 2019
Do you think the unlimited foregin funds came only in 2019? Do you know who locally trained them, fund them and armed them? Do you know what happened to the LTTE assets hold by former international armed dealer KP? Who got them and what have they done with the money?
lal / July 6, 2019
Champa, Telling the truth is racist according to some forums. To call a murderous Tamil Terrorist a terrorist is racist according to some forums. Muslim Terrorism against Sinhala worshippers is not racist. As long as the victims are Sinhala Buddhists or Sinhala Christians both Tamil and Muslim murderous thugs are given cover and respectability by printed media forums. Has CT ever exposed Tamil and Muslim racism?
Steve / July 4, 2019
Hemakumara it is now your turn to provide evidence to back up your claims.
Nosey Parker / July 4, 2019
The country mentioned is the most sexually and racially biased nation on the planet. Interestingly though , CT decided to call Hemakumara’s comments racist .
Nathan / July 4, 2019
What is happening here. All kinds of allegations but nothing coming out. This man Nanayakara has to come out and say the fact. Hope you are not another stupid vasudeva nanayakara or balu dostharaya Jayasumana or Weeramonkey. If that is true then our country is being plundered no doubt. It is difficult to believe the Muslims and from earlier times they are involved in all kinds of unlawful activities and cover their tracks through bribes. Black market, smuggling, drug trafficking are all part of their domains. They lie at all levels. I know too well they have separate rate for Muslims and non Muslims in shops. High time they elicit the truth but with the totally corrupt sinhalas will that be possible.
Idroos Fahmy / July 4, 2019
Nosey Parker,
“The country mentioned is the most sexually and racially biased nation on the planet”
Then a country, sexually & racially unbiased should protest against this country by not accepting aids and sending its men and women to work in such a country. Hemakumara’s comments were not racist but seems false. But the ordinary people like us can only decided once he can produce evidence to support his claims.
Cholan / July 5, 2019
This Bedouin Saudi loan is a minute fraction compare with the Aides and loans from Greater China.
Without Jobs in this Bedouin Saudi land certainly people are not going to die.
This is one side storey ..what about individuals who fund local.kaakas and business from Bedouin land who are they. ?
So no money for Punanai suicide bombers making factory from Bedouin Saudies then from where horsebullah got millions even without the knowledge of central bank ?
Lots of secret funds are flowing to mosques ..and Musulims this is why they run shops selling very cheap than others.
Through investigation of the source of funds to mosques and Musulims must be made by foreign intelligence agencies.
90% of Musulims here are not rich many live hand to mouth life .
Start with Ganja smuggling politician who grabbed areas,of lands using his power and connection don’t even leave his driver ..servants .accounts and properties. This joker was a zero before enter politics
Thanks for monks for exposing double standard of SL Musulims.
Hard Truth / July 5, 2019
Here goes the logic of smart patriots. I can claim that the banks are giving loans with 1% interest to Wahabi Muslims because
– Saudi Arabia is racist and sexist.
– Saudi Arabia funds terrorism.
– Sri Lankan Muslims are wealthy.
– Sri Lankan Muslims are succesfull in business and I am jealous.
– I once loved a Muslim girl who rejected me….
and on and on and on…
Sorry mate. None of these are justifiable reasons to claim that state banks give Muslims 1% loan. You can make that claim if and only if that particular statement is true and you can prove it. Otherwise it remains a racist lie (racist because this lie targeted a community unfairly), regardless of all everything else you can say about Saudi and/or Muslims.
Amarasiri / July 4, 2019
What is the truth? Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhists as as well as the Para-Wahhabies are NOT known for telling the truth.
What is the truth about Para-Wahhabism? Wahhabism is a Satanic Ideology per the prescient Hadith of Najd.
The Saudis follow Wahhabism and Satan.
Now what is the truth about Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhism? Is that Pristine Buddhism or Buddhism? Ask the Tamils, Ask the Christians, Ask the Muslims.
Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhism” is an insult to Buddhism and to the Buddha, just like Para-Wahhabism is an insult to Prophet Mohamed and to Islam, per prescient Hadith of Najd.
The Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists” are known for their lies and imaginations, like claiming that they are the Natives in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, when genetic studies from mitochondrial DNA have conclusively shown that they are Paras from their Para Homeland, Bharat , India. Even Mahawansa, for what it is worth, claims so, along with other imaginations.
Recently, the Pars-Sinhala Para-Buddhists claimed that a Muslim Surgeon, performed 4,000 sterilization at the Kurunegala Hodpital. Even the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist “ President is a a liar, and Traitor, characteristics of Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”.
Eagle Eye / July 4, 2019
‘Para’ in Sinhala means ‘Foreign’ e.g. ‘Para Sudda’, ‘Para Demalu’. Sinhalayo are not foreign to this Island.
Prof. Raj Somadeva’s path breaking archeological research have shown with solid evidences that Sinhalayo evolved in this country from Homo Sapiens who lived 125,000 BP confirmed by OSL method. This evidence was found in Pathirajawela in Hambantota District. His conclusion is both Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo are native people in this island. DNA of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo are very close. He also has found evidences to prove that Sinhala language evolved in this country.
Please watch if you can understand Sinhala:
New Horizons in History of Sri Lanka – An Archeological Perspective
Sri Lanka Ethihasaya Pilibanda Nawa Soya Geneem by Raj Somadeva (Part 1)
Sri Lanka Ethihasaya Pilibanda Nawa Soya Geneem by Raj Somadeva (Part 2)
or read:
‘Sri Lankawe Adi Ethihasaya’ by Raj Somadeva, Gurulugomi Prakashakayo, Maharagama, 2016. ISBN:978-955-8696-46-0
However, if your pay master wants you to keep on chanting the Mantra ‘Para-Sinhala’, ‘Para-Sinhala’, ‘Para-Sinhala’ please go ahead. If you stop chanting this Mantra, you might not get your pay cheque.
Old codger / July 5, 2019
I don’t think you actually listened to the entire lecture. Otherwise you would have heard Prof. Somadeva saying that Buddhist monks occupied the ancient caves and destroyed all the evidence of previous habitation.
Cholan / July 5, 2019
Can you say why you Modayas follow Kerala ( then Tamil Chera Kingdom) food..dress..tradition ..customs if you are unique.?
So Mahavamda is a crap now Diviyina,is writing another imaginary comedy history..Modayas jokers believe.
Sinhalese are genetically weak
Race this is the TRUTH.
Cholan / July 5, 2019
But Hajiar Silisena Bhai and Al Haj Ronul naanaa are determined to save their Musulim coolies politicians at any cost.
Why no arrests so far ?
Ahmed / July 5, 2019
Cholan, I heard that Vaiko was sentenced to be jailed for an year, for supporting LTTE. Are you planning to go to India with your gang to protest the verdict on your hardcore supporter?
rbh / July 4, 2019
Eleven projects are funded by Saudi Arabia they did not announce to show their helping power, now you cost yourself. The allegation done is helping saudi to advertise their gravity of generosity.
Amarasiri / July 4, 2019
Saudi generosity ?
Do you mean Saudi Wahhabi generosity?
The Saudi Wahhabi generosity is the Wahhabi Book, Tauhid, Monotheism, Following the Devil, Wahabism, a Satanic Ideology, per prescient Hadith of Najd. That ideology reclassified Muslims as Wahhabi/Salafirs and clones, and others, calling the other Muslims Apostates,( Sufis, Shia, Ahamedia etc), and qualified to be killed.
Actually the non-Muslims, the so-called Kuffar it non- believers in the Wahhabi-Satanic Ideology fates better. They are not killed.
Do you agree that Wahhabism is a Satanic Ideology? The Hadith of Najd Says so.
Just read the whole Hadith above.
What about Para/Dinhala generosity to the Native Veddah Aethho in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?
Rbh / July 4, 2019
The subject is Saudi money funded for terrorism Saudi is proving it is used for the project did India support tigers one time did america support bin ladin one time did wimal werawansa support JVP did this president was with rajapasha one time
Amarasiri / July 5, 2019
India supported Para-LTTE, as a counter to Para-Sinhala Para-Buddhist Terrorism against the Para-Tamils. Q. Why are there
hardly any Para-Tamil Buddhists in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?
Yes. America and Saudi Arabia supported Bin Laden to fight the Soviet communism. Later, Bin Laden figured out that America was the Great Satan and Saudis the minor Satans.
Yes for Weerawamsa and Sirisena. Yes, it is about self-interest. Both of them will sell their mothers.
Isharath / July 5, 2019
rbh – As per Islam, a charity given by right-hand shouldn’t be known to left-hand. Publicity on charity is prohibited, and one will lose all the good deeds doing so.
saurus / July 5, 2019
i thought as per Mohommedanism, a nine 9 year old child abused by right hand shouldn’t be known to left hand?
publicity on stone age practices and rituals and criticism seem to be haram for this cult
Chitra / July 4, 2019
Revealing the haters and Islamaphobes, who lie shamelessly, and whose patriotism must be questioned. They are stirring trouble in this little country of ours, setting one against the other, and provoking the jobless mobs into turning violent against citizens of the this country. Don’t they care this country is divided, and that this will set it back, and cost us too much? Do they care for the truth, and the unity of Sri Lanka?
Whether it is some in the media, Sinhala nationalists, or politicians, they keep pouring oil into the flames lit by extremists who attacked this country. They seem to be on their side.
Cholan / July 5, 2019
What ever these Bedouin Saudies do ..they can never ever plant their
Fanatic influence here.
Teens are running from Bedouin Saudi land to the West to be free.
Isulam take the follower to 4th century ..
Kuwait also advertise on TV about her aides to developing countries,.
Modayas are,not understanding over 50% of these funds goes to consultancy ..then to politicians…only little to real purpose.
Let’s dance for free liquor.
Roman Leslie / July 4, 2019
Interesting. Let’s see what’s going to unfold.
concerned citizen / July 4, 2019
I think the Saudies and Qatari’s doesn’t know that lying is a virtue for most of the “Sinhala” Buddhists these days, they get good karma for it, and they feel no shame and surprisingly most of their lot also believes these lying bastards, stupidity is not the word.
Wonder why these lying bastards and everyone else who talks about the Wahhabis, IMMEDIATELY stop taking the $7 odd billion dollars that comes to this country every year from Saudi, Qatar and other Wahabi countries.
these people are nothing but low level shameless hypocrites who say one thing and do a another.
Saudies and Qataris dont give fart about these Sinhalese as they don’t have zero benefit for having a relationship with Sri Lanka its only the other way around, just because they are generous, they are helping poor countries, and giving loans without any strings attached. unlike China and everyone else who is lending to Sri Lanka.
Amarasiri / July 5, 2019
Concerned Citizen,
You are describing the stupidity of the PARA- Sinhala Para-Buddhists, mean IQ 79 , who are liars, Pachayas, including the President and the former governor as well.
Saudis still don’t know that but will soon know.
Who lies more? Para-Sinhala or Para-Wahhabies?
Fahim Knight / July 4, 2019
Amerasiri your continued rant of Para , insulting religions and races is disgusting.
And your continued absurdity of Wahabi bashing is a “PIA ” please allow yourself to be a little more informed , there is no such ideology termed Wahabi or whahabism, first and foremost the Sheik of 17th century’s name was Muhammad and not Abdul Wahab , Abdul Wahab was his father’s name it then should be Muhammadism , well there is no Wahabism nor Muhammadism , if your attack is on the Islamic School what the majority of SAUDI and some gulf states practice, it is not Wahabism , its rightly known as Hanabali -Salafism.rewire yourself , sick of hearing your broken record of Para and wahabism , seems you are losing it, sounding more like small.brain Wimalaya by the passing day and learn to show some respect towards other races and religions .
Mahesh S. / July 5, 2019
Fahim Knight, Amare is getting older, not wiser. Leave him alone.
Amarasiri / July 5, 2019
Mahesh S.,
Amarasiri will try to get to the bottom of the truth, lies and myths. Only those who believe in lies and myths are agitated, and they will not provide convincing data and evidence for their lies and myths.
If you have lies and myths you have been brainwashed and belief in, produce the evidence and data in support of the lies and myths.
Remember, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, Para-Sinhala , Para-Tamils and others, except Native Veddah Aethho are indeed Paras.
Conclusive evidence is provided by the genetics of mitochondrial DNA.
Amarasiri / July 5, 2019
Fahim Knight,
Exposing Wahhabism, the Satanic Ideology invented by Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab, per Hadith of Najd indeed exposes the Wahhabis . Read the book Divine Lightning written by Suleiman Ibn Abdul Wahhab , the Brother of Mohamed Abdul Wahhab, further exposes the Satanic Ideology. Wahhabism is the term used by the Ottomans. In the Hadith of Najd, Prophet Mohamed ( Peace be upon him), presciently predicted and thus exposes the Wahhabis as those who follow Satan.
The above references are ALL from Islamic Sources. The Wahhabis try to suppress, just like the Catholic Church tried to suppress the Heliocentric model, and the Para- Sinhala are trying to suppress that fact that they are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.
Truth hurts those who carry myths.
Humans were created from Adam and Eve? Is it a Myth? Any evidence or data?
Navin / July 4, 2019
How much of the aid that comes in from all over the world end up in the pockets of our corrupt politicians? How much of the tsunami aid went into the bank accounts of those now pretending to care for the country? Without foreign aid, we are nothing.
We show our false pride, and arrogance, when we are criticized, but we stretch our hands like beggars when we are desperate. If we accept aid from anyone, we are under obligation to listen to what they say. If we do not want to do that, stop taking the damn aid.
By The Pen / July 4, 2019
Why cant he be sued ?
By The Pen / July 4, 2019
how many absurd and totally false racist theories have been put against Muslims and what a shame , there are no more Razik Fareeds or Azeezs to standup against such lies that are destroying the entire nation and not a single
Muslim lawyer is capable of taking the liars to court.
With due respect and consideration to the entire law professionals,its best Muslim lawyers rather give up their profession.
if the same has been bashed at Tamils or Sinhalese by anyone, their lawyers would have bankcrupt them through the Court.
Lester / July 4, 2019
The Governor is correct. This is how Muslims are doing business. Those who allege the Sinhalese are lazy or racist, take note. There is a difference between ability (actual skills) and cheating. Offering loans to businesses on the basis of religion at a rate of 1% is clearly a case of cheating. It means a business can borrow 1 million rupees and only pay 10000 SLR in monthly interest. Such a business can expand very quickly, as the startup costs are extremely low. Normally a new business that takes 5 or 6 years to show a profit will now show a profit in 1 year. This business will then use the excess profits to invest in new ventures. It is easy for Saudi to back these loans since the riyal is such a strong currency. By the way, if a monk had made these allegations, Mangala will be screaming about racism. What does he have to say now?
Rishard / July 5, 2019
Lester, Your comment shows you know nothing about doing business, just an 8 to 5 guy. Have you ever been an entrepreneur? Your theory on making a startup successful because of low interest loans is very childish. How conveniently you thought that a success factor of a business depends on the interest rates paid to the lender, ha..ha.. I wish doing business was that easy.
Note: Don’t look at my name and reply, just look at what I say an reply, if you are willing to. Thanks
Rishard / July 5, 2019
Lester, You sound a 5 to 8 guy who doesn’t know the difficulties of picking up a business. For your info, establishing & expanding a successful business doesn’t depend on monthly interest paid to the lender. If lower interest rates can guarantee the business success, everyone can be businessmen. If one doesn’t have the skills, knowledge & bit of luck, lower interest rate can’t help you succeed.
Cholan / July 5, 2019
The trick of Isulamic financing is to convert.
How can a bank function without interest?
In Isulam..interests is substituted by commission or profit sharing..as usual you can TWIST the so called Mecca 4th century craps.
ramona therese fernando / July 4, 2019
Saudi Embassy doesn’t show details of personal bank loans. They must be audited by court order.
SJ / July 4, 2019
I guess that Saudi Arabia was only carrying out development projects in Syria, is busy trying to develop Libya, and working on rebuilding Iran.
Its humanitarian work in Yemen is unmatched in history.
Perhaps only non-believers accuse the Saudis of evil deeds.
thamizh / July 4, 2019
Haha…what are you talking about? Islam is the religion of peace. They can never do any harm in its name.
Of course, they have to go on a ‘humanitarian mission” first in the neighbouring states like Sri Lanka did in the North and East ten years ago so they can start doing their development projects afterwards.
SJ / July 5, 2019
Has any Hindu religion been one of peace?
Think of the number of Jains executed in Pallava country and Tamil Buddhists punished in Pandya country.
What was Rajarajan? Aan emissary of human love?
All organized religions are violent.
Cholan / July 5, 2019
Also bombing Arab speaking..Musulim Yemenis..to this day Bedouin Saudi bombs killed 19,000 poor Yemanies
JD / July 4, 2019
The problem is where is human rights here. Why only one group is favoured. Sri lanka’s systfem is amazing. When Tamils were blowing up, everybody wanted to save Tamils. Now, Wahhabis had blown off and wahhabis have killed sinhala infants, everybody wants to save them.
K.Pillai / July 4, 2019
Hemakumara Nanayakkara was Governor of WP for a few months and Governor of SP for three years. He had been a Deputy Minister. He has jumped political fences several times. His ‘comments’ at the All Ceylon Buddhist Congress (ACBC) event is just to announce “I am here”.
Hemakumara claims {“…..“If an ordinary citizen wishes to take a loan from a state or private bank, we would be charged a 14% interest…But there is a special group of people in this country – a group of Muslims who are not charged the same interests as others. Not all Muslims are privy to these benefits, the Sufi Muslims are not given these concessions…..”}
This is incorrect but is the sort of bigotry that is effectively used by Lankan carpet-baggers.
Surely Hemakumara knows the exclusive Lankan Elites without political borders amass wealth while layLankans languish in abject poverty.
Does Hemakumara realise the corrosive effect of BBS Buddhism sect on ACBC?
The Founder/Leader of BBS Gnanasara Thero’s anti-Muslim vitriol? His acts of violence?
Cholan / July 5, 2019
There is a Tamil proverb saying :
Chettiar will never cross the river without profit.
Same apply here.
thamizh / July 4, 2019
What is racist about these assertions? Saudi funds Islamic fundamentalism under the guise of ‘development projects’. Sufi Muslims, or the not so ‘pure’ forms of Islam, are discriminated against. There is no such thing as free lunch – no aid/fund comes without strings attached. Only thing, corrupted and debt ridden Sinhala Lanka, has no backbone to deal with this. They just go after poor Muslim traders in the north west province.
SJ / July 5, 2019
The Tamils should be more worried about Indian and American free lunches.
Native Vedda / July 5, 2019
“The Tamils should be more worried about Indian and American free lunches.”
What about Chinese breakfast, lunch, dinner, …..?
KA / July 5, 2019
Tamils never recieve even charged lunches from Hindians and Americans.
It is otherway round.
jehan / July 4, 2019
send the house maid buddhist packing. they can work for gnansaraya and rathna. dont take halal money. take haram money from asgiriya and wait for the chineese to buy the country.
also use solar as rathna has suggested, bullock travel, dress amude, and for women -check the frescos at sigiriya. stupid buddhist are cutting their own grave.
Dont buy petrol, already there is going to be sanctions. Genocide investigation on 40000 tamils murdered. do not expect muslims to support SL.
Cholan / July 5, 2019
SL exists even they found oil in Bedouin Saudi land.
First let them clean their own back yard .. Palestine and Kurds problem then support ..others .out of 57
Musulim countries 50 are basket case depend on hand out of infidels.
You have the right to dream Isulamic soooper power and influence .
Today your Musulims countries are slaves to the West including Bedouin Saudies.
Nimal / July 5, 2019
What will happen if Saudi assistance pledged to Sabaragamuwa Medical Faculty is transferred to Anuradhapura medical faculty where Natha Jayasuman is a professor.
Truth / July 5, 2019
hey nana(nanayakkara) ,pls disclose the bank with details. i wanna take a loan for 1% interest. who would miss dz..
Jagath Silva / July 5, 2019
I am not a racist. The 9/11 money trail ends up in saudi
Jey / July 5, 2019
Quite simply, it is foolish Sri Lankan mass and the pathetic Sri Lankan politics over many decades have allowed many foreign power enter the land of scant intellectuals. Who else can you blame except for the people of Sri Lanka. You only get what you sow.
Lanka Muslim / July 5, 2019
Saudi Embassy should bring down their religous Scholars and call on Hon.Wimal Weerwanse (Self Claimed Islamic Thelogian) for a debate on his accustations and claims of a Ideology by the term Wahabism and
if he can not prove it and for sure he not nor anyone can prove it , simply because it does not exist and its bogus term to create confusion and spread hate among Muslims and against Muslims then The Kigdom Of Saudi Arabia must take Intetnational defamatory action against him.
its time they did it.
The latest term.is Oh I am.sufi Muslim.that is why Zahran hated me another fake term to create more confusion.
Nathan / July 5, 2019
Blind Eagle, I will believe Mahanama’s ground breaking discovery more than Somadevas. Those days they only halucinated and not lied. Now they do both. You yourself a classic example. Archaeology is fully manipulated by racists politics and they have to toe the racist line. If not they can’t survive. Clergy, professionals, academics all have to do that to survive. So let us forget about Somadeva and let is believe in famous Somarama. You know how the name Soma derive. It is from Hindu god Soman. So let us stop here for your endless bS. Only let us find out why you don’t have a Sinhala physical appearance at all .
Rbh / July 5, 2019
If Saudi funding terrorist group it is visible to the world that it signing contracts with America Russia India China Japan Korea it Christian and Buddhist country today’s news the Saudi is in Japan
Mallaiyuran / July 5, 2019
Ranil openly said if Sharia University is nationalized countries will not invest. He is pretending like many counties are poring FDI after he publicly attempted to hand over government to Old Royals, in October 2018. Saudi comedies are producing a Development list. There is no Sharia university in that list. It is only a Thirukkai Waal needed to get truth out from Ranil. He said in parliament, to challenge Old King, that he knows who killed Kathirgamar. Now the last arrested person too killed inside the prison. So Ranil is hiding the truth in Kathirgamar case. He said War Criminals cannot become Presidents. Can he list the War criminals who are trying to become Presidents? Now his last game is Saudi’s Sharia investment.
When Hezbollah was arrested on misappropriation of funds and machinery, last year, in Sharia University he was released. Can Ranil release the list of Sharia Investments, which has come to country from Saudi? Even BoC is not explaining how Hezbollah’s Sharia university fund came to the land. It was said it was his money, his son’s money, Donation to university, loan to university, now Ranil is claiming an FDI in university. Can Saudi put another list including the Sharia Development funds too? Further, can Saudi tells how many other Rs 3 Billions and how many other Hezbollah are not included in this list. Saudi may avoid telling it has no list like that because its central bank cannot be like Lankawe one, allows that big transfers without documenting. That is only possible with Mangala’s Foreign Exchange Fraud Amnesty act (2017)
singing fish / July 5, 2019
The wahabists,donate billions of money inorder to propagate their trecherous wahabism.Saudi give lot of money to many countries to acheive their goal.Saudis believe in a pagan religion,which advocates the followers of islam to fight againt the unbelievers.
Fahim Knight / July 5, 2019
@Amerasiri, lets be consistent , its about Wahabism and the source you are quoting as reference the only way to do this is you bring your material of proof and I will bring mine lets have a good friendly discussion about it and I can assure you I can prove you are wrong , I was ec
extremly convinced of The Wahab myth and convinced about all tye superstion the anti HAMBALI salafist was spreading until ot took me more than a year of reseach to conclude the truth
I am in no way trying to whitewash Saudi Royals law, that is niether Islamic or Salafist , its s law based on the rulings of the Royal family of Saudi as much as some Christian Nations , judt because the President of USA or any of his members read out the Holy Bible i the house does npt mean they are ruling by it , the bible is blameless
Fahim Knight / July 5, 2019
@Amerasiri btw about adam and eve I have my own opinion the way I have understood from the quran and believe .
my understanding of Islam is not that you put your hand into a hat and there you are with a dove. quran makes it clear , everything coming to being not just adam and eve , everything on earth has a process .You should try not just reading the quran and hadees but rather questioning critically and reasoning .Hadees can be very complicating as each group of Muslims (Among sunni , Shia , Ahmedi etc) have their own versio ,each one accusing thee other , but all agree on one Quran, and if anyone is contradicting the Quran he is the one who needs to correct himself.
I hope you live in Sri Lanka and be able to meet up.It would be great if you ,Native Veda ,Sinhala Man and I can meet up(Sincerely)?
You guys are very knowledgable snd Sinhala man is the the gentleman of our Lot.☺
It would be my privelege
Native Vedda / July 7, 2019
Fahim Knight
“I hope you live in Sri Lanka and be able to meet up.It would be great if you ,Native Veda ,Sinhala Man and I can meet up(Sincerely)?”
Anytime no problem.
What if Gota’s goon too want to meet us?