20 April, 2024


Sending Putin To America

By Jagath Asoka

Dr. Jagath Asoka

Imagine if somebody had killed Hitler when he attacked Poland on September 1, 1939. Imagine if Hitler had nuclear weapons. Most people always assume certain things, like a nuclear war, would never happen. If Putin is willing to use nuclear weapons, what is NATO prepared to do? The conventional wisdom is not to talk about using nuclear weapons. Is there a better option than using nuclear weapons once Putin has attacked a country with nuclear weapons? If Putin cannot win this war, he might blow up one of the nuclear power plants in Ukraine and call it collateral damage. Putin’s attitude is: If I cannot have it, I will make sure you suffer forever.

There is one thing we can do to avoid a nuclear disaster. Now, everyone should focus on one thing and one thing only: How to send Putin to America as soon as we can. I will soon explain how to send Putin to America. Imagine the indescribable suffering and carnage we can avoid!

All we need is just one person who is close enough to Putin. Yes, I am certain that some of you are going to say that I am evil and gone cuckoo. Would you say the same thing about Putin who has shown no contrition at all for killing innocent Ukrainians?

Putin is the latest incarnation of Hitler with nuclear weapons. So, this is not a time to play footsie. I think it is time to stop pseudo-academic and pseudo-intellectual discussions and explanations of why Russia attacked Ukraine. There are morons who are trying to tell us that they understand why Russia attacked Ukraine. Most of these morons are making money or taking bribes from Putting directly or indirectly. If you are one of these morons, would you try to defend Putin with your pseudo-academic and pseudo-intellectual arguments, if you are, right now, crying over your child’s dead body in Ukraine?

All the morons laud their Prince Lilliputian, the swaggering moron endowed with nuclear weapons, the latest incarnation of Hitler, the evil son of Satan, a condescending loudmouth. And one of the ex-American presidents, the arch-moron, thinks that the idiotic son of Satan is a genius. This arch-moron probably thinks Hitler is the super genius. His gullible sycophants believe all the oxymoronic proclamations, such as “Putin is denazifying Ukraine.” These morons ignore the fact that Zelensky’s great-grandfather and his grandfather’s three brothers all fought in the Soviet army, but his grandfather was the only one who returned home. In this land of the free, there are a lot of morons like this arch-moron. There are also conspiracy addicts. When a dog defecates, that is a conspiracy to them. All conspiracies are a conspiracy to these morons. That is the beauty of America.

Can you imagine where the world would be today, if somebody had killed Hitler, when the German army under Adolf Hitler invaded Poland on September 1, 1939? Now, like then, the world’s most powerful democracies are slow and reluctant to mobilize their full power to stop the latest incarnation of Hitler. I do not think history is circular, or history rhymes; I think history’s trajectory is helical—it goes in a cycle, but always moves forward. France and Britain declared war on Germany two days after the invasion of Poland, but it took them another eight months to engage in full-scale war with the Nazis. The surviving Nazi leadership would later remark at Nuremberg that if the French had invaded Germany in this gap, the war would’ve ended almost instantaneously. Instead, France fell to the Nazi menace—the tragic consequence of procrastination. The United States joined the war against Hitler in December 1941. Do not ever think that the EU will never declare war against the Nazi Russia.

Putin’s pipe dream is to create a mini-USSR with Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Latvia. Why did Hitler invade Poland? Hitler was a megalomaniacal, ruthless dictator who dreamed of conquering all of Europe. Attacking Poland was the first step of that pipe dream. Like the Ukrainian military today, the Polish military wasn’t powerful enough to defeat Hitler. Like Putin today, Hitler knew that Europe’s other powers wouldn’t intervene in time. As Churchill remarked, “Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” But it is not about doing the right thing once all other possibilities have been exhausted; it is all about doing the right thing, right now, before it is too late.

What if the world must use nuclear weapons to stop this moron? What if that is the only option? To avoid a nuclear war, NATO should use its full power now, before it is too late. It seems like the entire world is acting as a puppet, and Putin is the puppet master. There are some morons who are worried about gas (petroleum) prices going up because Russia is the world’s second largest oil exporter.

A nuclear war and the end of civilization that we read about in science fiction is not fiction anymore. One moron is responsible for killing babies, women, and hapless children and the entire world is impotent. And another moron is saying the moron who is killing the babies is a genius. The irony is that we cannot kill this nuclear-armed moron right now, at this moment.

There are about 120 oligarchs in Russia. These oligarchs control roughly a trillion US dollars that they pilfered from the Russian citizenry. These trillion dollars belong to ordinary Russians, who earn only $ 11,000 a year. Putin and the oligarchs support and enrich each other. The oligarchs are afraid to say anything directly against Putin because Putin has distributed these trillion dollars amongst them.

Officially, Elon Musk will be the world’s richest man in 2022. Musk has a net worth of $239 billion. Besides distributing the pilfered money to his daughters, to his ex-wife, and to his friends and relatives, Putin has given almost 200 billion to the oligarchs to put away in places that can’t be found. The oligarchs are criminals like Putin. Ukrainians suffer from this criminal invasion; oligarchs themselves are criminals; so, is it wrong to hunt the criminals down and kill them? Is it justice?

When I was a student in Kharkov (Kharkiv) the usual mantra was: In socialism, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution”; in communism, “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” The theory behind achieving these goals can be summarized in one sentence: Abolition of private property. This mantra changed under Gorbachev. I was working for an American company when it all started under Gorbachev; Gorbachev’s Perestroika allowed some Russians to borrow money from the government banks to buy the industries they were managing. Then came Yeltsin, whose laissez faire and blithe laissez-aller attitude allowed all this government money to flow around without restrictions so that these borrowers could enrich themselves. Putin came and he basically said to the oligarchs: “I am the president, and I will resolve your problems and protect you, but you have to help and defend me; if not, you’ll pay.” So, the oligarchs are afraid.

While a Russian makes about $11,000 a year on the average, these oligarchs are living in their own Shangri-las with incredible splendor. The U.S., the EU, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and other countries are going after the oligarchs. Good luck trying to find out where they’ve put this money!

Putin has isolated himself. He only talks to Patrushev—the head of his national security council —and Bortnikov—the head of the Federal Security Bureau (FSB), the latest incarnation of the KGB.

Now, I need to explain how we can send Putin to America.

In Dostoevsky’s classic 1866 novel Crime and Punishment, Svidrigailov—the main antagonist—uses the metaphor of America. Svidrigailov says that he is going to America. For most Russians, who were recently liberated serfs—serfdom remained in force in most of Russia until the Emancipation reform of 1861—America was an impossible ideal, a land of mythical freedoms and purity, the Wild West.

When Svidrigailov arrives at the actual act of suicide, he comes upon a Jewish man who is working as a watchman:

“What do you want here?” he said, without moving or changing his position. (watchman)

“Nothing, brother, good morning,” answered Svidrigaïlov.

“This isn’t the place.”

“I am going to foreign parts, brother.”

“To foreign parts?”

“To America.”


Svidrigaïlov took out the revolver and cocked it. The watchman raised his eyebrows.

“I say, this is not the place for such jokes!”

“Why shouldn’t it be the place?”

“Because it isn’t.”

“Well, brother, I don’t mind that. It’s a good place. When you are asked, you just say he was going, he said, to America.”

He put the revolver to his right temple.

“You can’t do it here, it’s not the place,” cried the watchman, rousing himself, his eyes growing bigger and bigger.

Svidrigaïlov pulled the trigger.

When these oligarchs become unhappy, will, at least, one of them, send Putin to America? Unlike Svidrigailov, Putin will not go to America himself, like Hitler did; someone must send him. Sooner the better for the world!

Russians would be the first to rejoice!

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Latest comments

  • 25

    “There are morons who are trying to tell us that they understand why Russia attacked Ukraine.”
    Insulting either side is easy. Doesn’t achieve anything.
    Self-analysis may help.

    • 9

      “There are morons who are trying to tell us that they understand why Russia attacked Ukraine”
      It seems Dr. Jagath’s sources of information are:
      1. CNN
      2. CNN
      3. CNN
      4. CNN
      So sad for an otherwise good writer.

    • 8

      If anyone wondered who required self-analysis let me make clear I was meaning the clerical brain that put this article together.

      • 4

        I understood that straight away.
        I’m finding it really taxing to formulate my thoughts on this complex issue, however. I’m pretty sure that there’s no “right” answer to the challenges presented to us though.

  • 28

    Dear Jagath
    An interesting article and the tail end is an amusing thought; to provoke the minds of ordinary citizens.
    Yes Putin the tyrant should be stopped at all cost. He is a threat to the free world. Perhaps we need another Goberchov to resurrect democracy in Russia?
    AMERICA can not afford to sit on the fence and do the minimum. Yes Biden is very mindful of his very low popularity ratings and the midterm elections.
    Glad to see Canadian P M Justin Trudo doing a great job in this crisis travelling to Europe to show his solidarity against Putin

  • 20

    Dear Jagath,
    Many thanks for another outstanding article.
    The article makes eminent sense. I will return to it to make a proper comment. I’m submitting this comment when no others are to be seen so as to forestall any silly comments by those whom you have referred to as “morons” – and well they deserve to be called so.
    Please pardon me for not properly remembering “Crime and Punishment“. I think I read it about 58 years ago, quite soon after I read through Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” in the Constance Garnet translation. The librarian was my English teacher. He made no fuss when I borrowed the Tolstoy, which I took more than a week to read. All those Russian names were a problem. I was about fifteen years old.
    When I borrowed Dostoevsky, however, I remember him telling me, “Panini, you’re too young to be reading this sort of thing.” I read it, but I remember the protagonist as being Raskolnikov, and there also was an unforgettable character in Sonya, the saintly prostitute. It was pretty complex, but I’m sure you now know the novel much better than I do.

    • 20

      The situation in Europe is extreme;
      all this could well escalate into nuclear WWIII. Clearly, however, your repeated use of the word “moron” was bad strategy, and has led commenters intelligent as Manel Fonseka and old codger to think you imbalanced.
      No. This is the Munich moment, and many are turning into Chamberlains. This is not a war against Russia; it is against Pariah Putin:
      Twenty-eight minutes of Deutsche Welle. And these, 12 minutes from the same source, with significant highlighting of disintegration in Lanka:
      What is important here is that we see the over-all situation, which is desperate. All in fluid state; each human must monitor to the optimum. Cluttering the picture are accounts of racism in the handling of coloured people:
      There are white people making clear statements on that. There are fewer excoriations of the racism within Lanka.
      Our reactions as Asians is emotional rather than rational:
      The remedies for that have to be more long term. What few appreciate is how critical the situation now is. The more we delay, the greater the price we pay.

  • 26

    This macho game that Putin played has not yielded the results that Putin might have expected.
    Biden played a very calm hand, like a grandmaster. He didn’t give Putin anything to capitalise on. Instead, Biden and his western allies hit Putin where it hurts, using economics.
    Now Putin is in shit. He has not achieved his aim, his intention and his vicious character has been exposed, Ukraine has gotten enough defensive weapons to carry on with the battle, and so on and so forth.
    The real victims of this entire show have been the Ukrainian people and also the common Russian citizens.
    When economic sanctions start to bite, sooner or later, the people are bound to suffer.
    I strongly think Putin was trying to hustle Biden and see if he could get US to put Trumps investigation in the back burner. If the investigation proves Trump guilty, then Trump will be looking at Jail time. That means no 2024 for trump.
    Biden didn’t fall for that.
    Well done President Biden. By the way, now China is also quiet about Taiwan…
    Let us pray Russia graciously pull out of Ukraine and allow the status quo to return.

    • 4

      “Well done President Biden.”
      Here is the humorous touch:
      His approval rating has declined steadily within 14 months
      A53-D36 to A42.6-D52.4.
      Well done indeed. Let us wait for more to come.
      The risk is that the US could end up with Trump again.

      • 21

        Dear Sir
        Doing the right thing is never easy.
        Bad guys always gang up against the good.
        Most neutral parties are unable to comprehend reality, hence they often stand on the fence clueless as to what is going on.
        Let us take Sri Lanka as an example, look where Ranjan Ramanayake is! He is in Jail, for what? For telling the truth.
        People hated Mangala, but he too told the truth as far as I could understand.
        Biden may not have approval ratings as one would expect, that is not because his leadership is bad, it is because most white Americans are rednecks, much like our sinhala majority. Yes I am one of them, but let the truth be told.
        Biden has evaded nuclear war by staying calm.
        For those that are justifying Putin’s aggression on Ukraine stating the potential threat that Nato would pose should Ukraine join Nato, I ask them to look at the map and identify where Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania are.
        They are sharing borders with Russia and are Nato countries. Why is putin not going after them?
        Ukraine has applied for Nato membership since the 90s and they are not yet members.

        • 5

          HT here is one set of thinking.. Remember the infamous words ” pre emptive strike “. To convince world President Bush took 100′ s of people to UN showed pictures and documents, some of which were doctored. Whereas Putin told the whole world he will.not attack and the same people accusing US justify telling Putin was apprehensive and scared of potential nuclear weapons installed andso he invaded. Instead of retards or morons the right word would have been OXYMORON.

      • 14


        Your numbers are old. American public opinion is very fickle and outsiders like you are wrong to hang your hat on it, without understanding the changing contexts. Biden’s popularity has gone up a lot within the last 10 days.

        Even Trump’s VP Pence is saying the Republican party has no place for Putin apologists like Trump. Other right-wing charlatans like Tucker Carlson who fancied Putin’s tough-guy image are now backpedaling a lot. Same with the ultra-right in Europe, e.g., Marine Le Pen. While the Republican party might win the next Presidential election, Trump himself is highly unlikely to become President again.

        • 4

          Agnos, Have you observed, there are plenty historians, in Lanka refer to history regardless regional , domestic or international crisis, to justify events, which inturn dates back anywhere from few to 2500 years Fortunately only few do compare and contrast study to justify, example so and so killed 100 so it’s okay for opposition to kill 1000. Then we all wonder why Lanka is bankrupt???.

    • 3

      Dear HT,
      During thee Biden-Trump election campaign, people like me were rooting for Biden.
      Afghanistan proved to me that although I still don’t like Trump, doddering old Biden was a disaster. I think that it was that pathetic performance that encouraged Putin.
      I acknowledge that Biden has so far acted with seemingly greater responsibility. Those who value freedom are faced with a real dilemma, but what on earth is the West doing in real terms? I’m by no means of the view that sanctions will work. Putin is no fool; he would have known that they were coming.
      What has definitely surprised Putin is the will of the Ukrainians to fight. Clearly, they would rather that each of them would die, rather than submit. It is amazing that such an overwhelming majority of Ukrainians (bar the fifth-column placed in those two SE regions) feel this way. But they are doomed, overwhelmed by numbers, weaponry and lack of scruples on the part of Putin.
      I’ll try to deal with other aspects tomorrow. This isn’t easy

  • 8

    Dr. Jagath Asoka
    Your articles are disgusting. This is the second.
    I was waiting for a new article about Ukraine to post some comments written by me yesterday. Then your article appeared. Before posting my other comments, I have a few words to say.
    Have you ever heard of a great teacher called “Buddha”? This is what Lord Buddha said in Dhammapada Verse 5:-
    “Na hi verena verani
    sammanthi dha kudachanam
    averena cha sammanthi
    esa dhammo sanantano!”
    The meaning:-
    “Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world.
    It is appeased through loving-kindness alone.
    This is an eternal law!”
    The world should strive to ‘reconcile’ Russia and Ukraine, not pit them against each other. A little love from Ukraine and the world will soften President Putin’s heart and save the entire world!
    (Now, I don’t feel like posting my previously written comments. Anyways, I am posting them to make a point.)

    • 2

      Everyone was curious about the reason for the 64km long Russian armoured column’s seeming standstill. Well, I think President Putin’s plan is now clear to everyone. (Western print and electronic media, despite their double standards, should be highly commended for providing informative maps and creative infographics about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.)
      This is what I think.
      1. Ukraine has four Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs). Based on the number of reactors, they are Zaporizhzhya NPP (the largest in Europe with six reactors), Rivne NPP (four reactors), South Ukraine NPP (three reactors) and Khmelnitsky NPP (two reactors).
      2. Russian forces have already taken control of Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant and the surrounding area.
      3. The directions where President Putin has deployed Russian forces have actually explained his plan from the beginning, which is, taking control of the exclusive zone of the Chernobyl Power Plant first, probably for logistical reasons, and then, all four Nuclear Power Plants to avoid any disaster, and, finally Kyiv.
      This is my explanation about President Putin’s plan.

      • 2

        4. Russian forces are advancing from four sides of Ukraine. They seem to have six main goals.
        i. The first goal
        Russian forces advancing from the WEST (Belarusian side) first occupied the exclusive zone of the Chernobyl Power Plant, probably for logistical reasons.
        ii. & iii. Second & third goals
        Two separate divisions are heading for the Rivne NPP (second goal) and the Khmelnitsky NPP (third goal), both of which will be captured, obviously for security reasons, within the next 8-10 days. Then, there is a third division heading for Kyiv.
        iv. The fourth goal
        Russian forces advancing from the EAST (Donbass side) was to take control of Zaporizhzhya NPP, which is already done.
        v.. The fifth goal
        Russian forces advancing from the SOUTH (Crimean side) are heading for South Ukraine NPP, which will be in their hands within the next 2-4 days.
        vi. The sixth and the final goal
        Russian forces are advancing towards Kyiv from two sides, i.e. from the WEST (Belarusian side) and from the NORTH (from Senkivka, Noyve Yurkovich, Troebortno & Sumy side), taking control of all passing cities.They are slow, because Russia wants all four NPPs in their hands before taking over Kyiv.

        • 2

          5. The 64km Russian armoured-column is not stalled as assumed by the world. They are waiting until the other five goals are achieved before moving onto Kyiv.
          6. Another division of Russian forces from the North side are heading towards Donbass to meet their troops deployed in that area. That means, 4/5 of the Russian-Ukrainian border from the Ukrainian side will be covered with Russian forces.
          7. In addition, President Putin has deployed Russian forces in the Transnistria region which borders Moldova. Why? Kherson, Mykolaiv, Mariupol and Kharkiv are already in the hands of Russians. There are Russian forces near Odessa too.
          8. I think President Putin plans to take control of cities that are predominantly Ethnic Russian and Russophone, most probably to ensure their safety. He seems to be not interested in invading other areas.
          9. The Russia-Ukraine issue poses a serious threat to the entire world. Take the fire at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant for example. Who attacked the plant? We don’t know. It could be Russians, it could be angry Ukrainians. Then, there are the Rivne & Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Plants close to Poland & Belarus. If they are being set on fire by someone, an unthinkable catastrophe will happen.

          • 2

            I highly welcome the temporary ceasefire announced by Russia in certain areas in Ukraine to facilitate evacuations. This is great progress.
            I most sincerely urge President Putin to declare a Demilitarization Zone (DMZ) too, so that Ukrainins need not to flee the country.
            Contrary to what I envisaged a few days ago, I don’t think President Putin will annex Ukraine to Russia. I think now, his plan is to entrust peace in Donbass, establish a new government and handover Ukraine back to Ukrainians.
            Is there any possibility for President Zelenskyy to reconcile with President Putin and continue? You never know. (Face-to-face talks will not be possible as President Putin said to be in a Covid-bubble.)
            President Putin wants to demilitarize Ukraine. The US & its allies have made it abundantly clear that they would not take any action to escalate the situation, which is a consolation to the entire world. Therefore, the Ukrainian President should understand that there is no point in asking them to send war planes or other military equipment.
            It is the Ukrainian President who should decide the fate of Ukraine! The UN, the US & its allies can encourage President Putin to engage in peace talks with them.

            • 0

              In my last comment, in the 6th line, the word “entrust” should be replaced with the word “ensure” and read as “his plan is to ensure peace in Donbass ………”

              • 2

                What? I just corrected my grammar!!!!

                • 6

                  You’ve proved your point here!
                  The moment people see your name, they see red.
                  I must confess that with me it is almost as bad in relation to Eagle Eye. “Almost” – I do read before going to the thumbs.
                  What is happening here is silly. Surely, all of us are engaging in discussion to find answers. What people are doing prevents all possible discussion.
                  What you say about “Sinhalayo” is hilarious rubbish, but also dangerous. Most of what you have said here must be taken seriously.

            • 2

              “It is the Ukrainian President who should decide the fate of Ukraine! The UN, the US & its allies can encourage President Putin to engage in peace talks with them.”
              UN will do b***** all. He has been guided to this pitiable situation by the US & its allies.
              More of the same advice? They will wind him up and helplessly wring their hands

              • 33

                You piece of shit!
                It looks to me that after aimlessly quoting the Buddha, you are actually routing for Putin the second Hitler.
                Such are your type of upasaka bitches.
                I hope one day India will not use your kind of logic and invade SL.
                After all we have a heavy Chinese presence in SL. That could be interpreted as a potential threat.
                In any case a person like you is a Sadist by birth.
                You can quote the Buddha all you want, but as they say a leopard does not change it’s spots, and neither could a damaged champs who is a sadist.
                Please watch 50 shades of gray.
                You will like it.

                • 4

                  Human Touch
                  “I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.” — George Bernard Shaw —

                  • 7

                    Is Bernard Shaw your Father or what?
                    Champa, if you try your wits with me, you will die of a busted heart.
                    I advise you to get your attitude right, then you will not have any issues with me.
                    You are never too old to learn.
                    The purpose of human life is to better one’s self.
                    Don’t kick the bucket without changing yourself for the better.
                    A person’s attitude about those in distress reveals so much about that person’s mental stability.
                    People like you are generally considered Psychopaths as you seem to be out of touch with compassion or empathy.
                    Please learn the true essence of Empathy before you go.
                    It will help you in your next life so you won’t be born as a pariah dog in a Sri Lankan Buddhist temple.

                    • 4

                      Human Touch
                      “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” — Socrates —

                • 2

                  Human Touch
                  Re: your hope
                  India can never invade Sri Lanka. For your information, India is legally bound by the Indo-Lanka Peace Accord signed in Colombo on 29 July 1987. India can come to Sri Lanka by invitation only.

                  • 8

                    If India has a madman like Putin in charge, he will use that so-called accord to wipe his ass and do what he wants to do.
                    There are no legal bindings or accords with maniacs.
                    They think that military power is everything.
                    They can and will any flimsy excuse to further their selfish cause.
                    If India is Invading Sri Lanka, people like you sitting in other countries will say; oh Indians and Sri Lankans are from the same heritage, so it is not a big deal.
                    India is trying to establish old traditions in Sri Lanka.
                    They have a common history of 2,500 years after all.
                    How do you like it scenario?

                • 1

                  India need not bring voluntarily Parippu this time. Now it is the Royal family’s job to fall on the feet of Demolu Pariahs Dr. Jaishankar and Mrs . Sitaraman. Rice, parrippu, potato, pol, thel, Aappam, Idiaappam, Biriyani, Arrack……everything they are begging from India. If I use the proper adjective to GLP, the beggar beg for coolie from Royals, CT will cut it. So you use whatever you like. He is rolling all over the Delhi street behind PM Modi, like the Hindu devotees roll behind God’s Chariot. Shameless nudist are the Hitler King and the royal members.
                  India need not bring voluntarily Parippu this time.

                • 5

                  Dear HT,
                  Regarding the comment by you beginning, “Champa You piece of shit!”
                  This war is painful enough. Please spare us the scatology.

              • 5

                Champa is one of the good examples to realise the nature of a sinhala Buddhist in real day life.
                This comes while the name board of a lorry carrying slaughtered cattle is set as ” budusaranay/may u be blessed with Buddha who never promoted violence” ..
                This is called not Buddhism/ but Medamulanism..
                To the same manner Rajapakshes killed more of innocent civilians in the last phase of the war/.
                So called Buddhists enjoyed – medamulana style street milk rice eating remember?
                Champa/ U the kind of hypocrites are the curse to this planet.🐕🐃🐕🐃🐕🐃🐕🐃😡

    • 21


      Logistics? What logistics? Russia aims to control all of Ukraine’s nuclear plants. Once taken over, Ukraine will be crippled. Russia will eventually take over the whole of Ukraine. We can hope of course that the Ukrainians agree to live under Russian rule (or 1/2) so the rest of the world can be at peace – Ukrainians will be miserable of course. But once an Oligarch becomes power mad, there is usually no stopping the advancement.

      • 7

        ramona therese fernando
        According to informative maps that explained the Russian invasion of Ukraine, going through Chernobyl seems to be the shortest route to the West side. That is why I said for logistical reasons.
        I would like all nuclear power plants in the world to be shut down. The last three nuclear power plants in Germany are to be powered down by the end of this year, which is great news for nature lovers.

  • 10

    I am sure that all readers of this article will be convinced that the writer is highly biased against Russia and has a romantic crush on Ukraine. His rants do not show any refinement or learning, although he seems to have a doctorate according to his title. To me, he sounds like a mentally imbalanced patient who cannot think rationally any more. I am more impressed by some of the sound comments made by readers as they seem to have researched the topic objectively.

  • 10

    Dr Asoka

    Forgive my saying so but you’re not exactly living up to your namesake.

    I had decided not to respond to your article, even after your excessive, extraordinary
    “Putin is the latest incarnation of Hitler with nuclear weapons.”
    And there didnt seem much point, anyway, when you had already ruled out any viewpoint that didnt echo your own:
    “There are morons who are trying to tell us that they understand why Russia attacked Ukraine.
    Most of these morons are making money or taking bribes from Putting (sic) directly or indirectly.”

    It is clearly a waste of time to offer my own take on the situation now that I have moved from my first, naive position of “I stand with (whatever that means) the Ukranian people.” Naturally, I am appalled by their suffering & the devastation of their country, but after trying to educate myself on the history of the conflict, I have moved to believe that the blame must be laid at the door of the US.
    …/ 2

    • 5

      Manel Fonseka
      Yes. The US is the culprit in almost all similar situations.
      I added two lines about the coup in Ukraine in 2014 in my fourth comment after 8), but had to delete due to word limit.This is what I deleted.
      “Everybody says there was a coup orchestrated by the US in Ukraine in 2014 that unseated the then elected Ukrainian President. May be President Putin wants to reverse the situation pre-2014.”

      • 1

        Everybody says there was a coup orchestrated by the US in Ukraine in 2014 that unseated the then elected Ukrainian President “
        Who is that everybody? He too was born in Wildlife Sanctuary, SinhaLE, Langkang, as your brother? Pls, don’t play fool thinking every is Modaya.


        Many times. during the war, the medias broadcasted Gorbachev’s earlier comments. He repeatedly called to stop President Putin. You didn’t see Viktor Yanukovych Interview in ABC? He unequivocally stressed that Ukraine is an independent country, and everything happened in and happening is local issue, Russia must withdraw its troops and leave. You read only Sinhala Viyathmaha Buddhism & then preaching it like a parrot, while pretending like it is your own pudding. Putin repeated that no invasion but invaded. China and India is now worried about their friend’ s untrustworthy. Winning or losing President Putin’s history is over. If he wins, he is only Castro, an International Pariah. If he loses, he is Pinochet, disgraced and died. After that Russia will return to Gorbachev’s Glasnost and Perestroika, but no communism. There is no one can stand in front of Russia that it is becoming a democracy, even the Western democracies.

  • 8

    I began to question the instant reactions, some shared by me, on reading an article by the former British Ambassador Craig Murray in his Twitter account, “The-universal-boosting-of-putin”. That drew me into the ensuing, fascinating discussion, of which I only read a small part before the name of journalist Chris Hedges cropped up & I was off on another hunt. That in turn brought up more & more dissenting opinions about the war until I finally made up my mind to listen to one of the long video presentations by the US political science prof. John Mearsheimer.

    So, now, Dr Asoka, I earnestly ask you to listen to some of his recordings. He is beautifully clear & succint so that even I found it very easy to follow him. He doesnt blame Putin, but the US — but you really must make time to find out why.
    He has written and recorded material for years about that part of the world & there are a number of videos directly relevant to the present conflict, but I’ll just mention 3 — of which I have only watched 2 so far. The first video here that he made after Putin’s invasion, I still have to watch. I have only watched 1 & 3 so far.

  • 8

    Dr Asoka

    I have watched (1) & (2) so far. (1) is about 80m. (2) about 20m. (3) Over an hour.

    1) On 15 Feb 2022: No to War in Ukraine, JJ Mearsheimer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nbj1AR_aAcE

    2) Undated March 2022: Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Who is Responsible? JJ Mearsheimer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMzZ_lVHv_A

    3) 2 March 2022: Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine, Ray McGovern, JJ Mearsheimer, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppD_bhWODDc

    If you really are some kind of an academic as yr honorific indicates, I think you wont find watching at least the first video here a waste of time.

    Incidentally, the journalist Chris Hedges originally worked for years on the Washington Post, but was sacked after he adopted a different opinion of a similar conflict from the official line. I am sure JJ Mearsheimer has faced similar problems.

  • 8

    Dr Asoka

    In his article on the “Universal Boosting of Putin”, Craig Murray did say that the International Criminal Court was investigating Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

    But one commenter responded: “I expect you to comment on Ukrainian war crimes too, Mr Murray. Try looking at this: https://archive.org/details/presentation-ukrainian-war-crimes.
    This ‘Ukrainians are peaceful little lambs’ diatribe has to stop. From you as much as anyone, Mr Murray.
    “Ukraine is NOT a peaceful nation run by a democratic government espousing Western gibberish about equality and rainbow sexual diversity. It is a country with plenty of murdering nazis, plenty of Russophobic racists and oodles of US dollars funding insurgency, weaponry they cannot afford and ethnic targeting, up to and including committing war crimes against the Russian minority.”

    Did you experience anything like this when you were studying there, Dr Asoka?

    • 21

      Manuel Fonseka
      This is not about putin and Ukraine.
      You are an old timer, I am sure you know a bit about WWII.
      Please roll back to post 1945 Europe and compare and contrast east and west Germany as an example of how the west behaves and how the Russians behave.
      Let me also ask your indulgence in looking at South Korea and North Korea. One was supported by the west while the other was supported you, commies. Please set aside your emotional views and see for yourself the truth about being oppressed.
      People may say a lot of shallow things about how Russia is justified in invading Ukraine, but the truth should be very clear, this invasion in which Ukrainian civilians are being pounded is all about money.
      Let me go further to state this, even in Sri Lanka, the 30 year was was all about the speculation that there was oil in the eastern province, in the same vain Mara stopped the war after massacring Tamil civilians because he wanted a taste of the oil.
      Sadly reality was quite different. No commercial quantities available.
      War is always about greed. No matter who does it, the motives are almost always the same.
      Trust me. It is true. So please don’t be fooled by putin. He is after wealth.
      Maybe his Oligarchs are getting greedy for more money.

      • 8


        Re your: “Let me also ask your indulgence in looking at South Korea and North Korea. One was supported by the west while the other was supported you, commies.”

        Are you saying I supported North Korea! And that I was/am a “commie”?!
        Where on earth do you get yr info from?
        I have never, ever supported NK. I am certainly left-wing – but “a commie”?

        Then your point about “the west behaves” & how the Russians do (re E & W Germany). Again, I have never been a supporter of EG!

        Let me turn the tables & ask you what YOU think of what the US does – that is surely “the West”. How many countries has it devastated?
        And right now it is looking into how it can ferry fighter planes to Ukraine via Poland, but Poland is not too happy about it.
        Just like Hungary, up till the last time I heard, has refused to send arms or soldiers.

        • 8

          Human Touch:
          Can you explain to me why much of the world is boycotting everything Russian (films, tv series, celebrated artists of all kinds, even Russian-born canine breeds!), but the tiny attempt to help shore up the devastated Palestinians — whose lands have been grabbed, homes & fields devastated, lives wiped out — the BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanction) movement has been banned in many US states & other White countries?

          People are falling over themselves to join this boycott after barely a week of Russian invasion. The Palestinians have been bombed, one way or another, since before 1948! Don’t tell me there is a difference between the way the West behaves and the East does.

          And Naftali Bennett, the Israeli PM, goes to meet Putin (“secretly” – hah!) to arrange for his endangered “compatriots” to be rescued. Really ironic when he holds the fate of the poor Palestinians in his hands!

          You say: “this invasion in which Ukrainian civilians are being pounded is all about money,” & I shouldn’t be “fooled by Putin”.
          If you think money is his object, what about the industrial-military complex of the West that fuels all these wars? They’re laughing all the way to the bank! ………3

          • 7

            Human Touch,
            U are right, in one thing at least, I am an “old-timer” & I do know something of WW2. In fact, I came into the world during it & almost didn’t survive it. A bomb dropped at the end of our street, shattered the glass of our bedroom window all over my cot. Extraordinary that I survived!

            That memory brought back many more & I wandered off into a long account of my associations with war & civil conflict of various kinds. Then I tried to return to the subject here & find I cant get back to it. But, whatever it is, Human Touch, I am totally anti-war, utterly dismayed that Putin went in (as are so many Russian people), but refuse to close my eyes to the cynical, power-drunk, forces that sit back, eating & drinking & making money, looking on while a country dies.

        • 4

          Dear Ms Manel Fonseka
          “Let me also ask your indulgence in looking at South Korea and North Korea. One was supported by the west while the other was supported you, commies.”
          Please allow me to correct myself. This is clearly a typo. It was supposed to be ..while the other was supported by commies. I know you are not a commie, I am very sorry about that, my bad.
          I was merely drawing a comparison of the type of life one gets to live in a country that is affiliated with Russia.
          Yes the west have their issues, but you must agree with me that it is better than the Russian system by a wide margin.
          We have so many of our people going to western countries in search of a better life and most of them achieve their aim, you don’t see that with Russia, yet everyone blames the west in every instance. Russia is oppressive by default, even their people are not allowed to speak out. What makes you think that Ukraine will want anything to do with Russia. Everyone wants to go forward in life, no one wants oppression.
          If you have been following the news, it is in fact the eastern block countries that are offering fighter aircraft to Ukraine. The US is only monitoring things from a distance for now. Please confirm this.

          • 4

            Yes, all of us “want” things from foreign lands, dear HT.
            Are we right to want so much from foreign lands, and we can’t get realistic about what is happening to our own society in our “home country”?
            Our wanting things doesn’t entitle us to have them!

  • 5

    Will NATO launch a surprise attack on Russia? Not just a thought. Something big is brewing.

    • 6

      Wow, 14 thumbs-down for this and the one under means I am wrong this time. Sorry, NATO. (Russia and Ukraine are to blame for my insomnia.)

  • 4

    Hard to believe though, there is a high possibility for a surprise attack on Russian forces in Ukraine which will most probably come from neighbouring countries of Russia. If that happens, Ukraine will be completely destroyed. Some European countries will be attacked too. Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, this miniwar will end up with Russia being the winner. Will Asia and North America be spared? Most likely. I am just typing my thoughts. No need to panic.

  • 19

    I do not think History is circular,or History rhymes; I think Historys trajectory is helical-goes in a cycle but always moves forward……………………
    says Dr.Jagath………….

    Dr.Jagath is our modern version of the Oracle of Ancient Greece……………..
    If by some chance Putin reads this essay he will press the Nuclear button!

    Jagath, I hope you have a sense of Humour even if nothing else…….

  • 4

    The Ukrainian President continually asks for military support from the US. He should be out of his mind. On one hand, direct/indirect military intervention of the US in Ukraine will jeopardize peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. On the other hand, the US will bring a lot of blood to the scene. Also, the Russian invasion of Ukraine will develop into a miniwar, and then, a full blown war.
    Going by the history of the US intervention in other countries, Ukrainian civilians will be brought to streets to make sure that there will be an enormous number of civilian deaths so that they can accuse Russia of genocide in Ukraine. As seen in Western Asia & Central Asia, the US measures its success in wars based on the civilian death toll and enormous destruction to civilian infrastructure. I am not sure whether the Ukrainian President is ready to make his people & country sacrifice in an unwanted war.
    Despite the Ukrainian government’s own dark past, a large number of countries and their citizens support Ukraine. I don’t think the Ukrainian President hears them right. What they all want is to STOP the war. Is that what the Ukrainian President wants?

    • 4

      Champa or is it Chimp-a
      Are you talikg through your anus?

      • 4

        Dear HT,
        Where, in this brief comment, is there rationality and logic?
        This is disgusting! In a broad sense, the two of us are on the side of Ukraine, whilst Champa is trying to be more balanced. (Why can’t she be balanced when we discuss Lankan affairs?) The result is that Champa and Manel are more convincing.
        You are getting more approvals; it shows that a majority of readers love scatology and indicates the extent to which they refrain from thinking logically. That is how we end up electing crooks in Lanka.
        If the Lankan Opposition has friends Sepal Amarasinghe and you, the Rajapaksas can dispense with supporters.
        It is Manel and me who have to suffer the results of having jackals running our country.
        You live safely in foreign climes, and have a chef to prepare your meals; we have to miserably fend for ourselves in this land where famine stalks. You make no realistic suggestions to solve the problems here.

      • 5

        I have voiced strong disapproval of Russian actions; Manel and Champa are only trying to understand the Russian view, are suspicious of America, and are sounding more convincing than me. I have had to concede that some racism exists in the Ukrainian treatment of refugees, and that America is posturing without taking risks.
        The Ukrainians are fighting back magnificently, being slaughtered in their own land which is in tatters.
        Biden and you are safe and comfortable far away from the conflict.
        Panini Edirisinhe in Bandarawela

    • 5

      I agree with you, Champa!

      Have you see this, “Let Them Kill as Many as Possible”: United States Policy Toward Russia and its Neighbors”?

    • 7

      I support Ukrainians 100% in their struggle to save Ukraine. But, I don’t believe in weapons, violence and war.
      I think Russian soldiers are fully aware that they are not there to kill Ukrainians.
      If the Russian invasion of Ukraine develops into a full blown war, it will be added to even school text books. How unfortunate is that!
      We are in 2022, and, this is not a war between two terrorist outfits. This is a conflict between two developed countries.
      Both Ukraine and Russia should be ashamed of themselves if they aren’t able to settle this dispute peacefully.

  • 6

    I wonder if all or any of those who have opposed my comments actually read or listened to any of the items I mention. Nowhere have I supported or even justified Putin’s invasion. I only tried to share a “voyage of discovery” which resulted when trying to back up my immediate, instinctive support for the obvious victim of the present set of circumstances. I must apologise for presenting it so messily. But let me post a shorter item on this matter.

  • 4

    Dr Asoka
    May I counterpose something to yr description of Putin as “the latest incarnation of Hitler with nuclear weapons” by a respectable writer in Counter Punch?

    “The array of punishments administered and proposed also indicate that many Westerners consider Putin analogous to Adolf Hitler and a return to the negotiating table the equivalent of Munich-style appeasement.
    But this betrays a profound misunderstanding of what drives the conflict and who the conflicting parties really are.
    Vladimir Putin is not an evil mastermind bent on world domination and the genocidal destruction of “inferior” races.
    He is the brutal leader of a once great empire playing the imperial game in a world of competitive empires.
    More brutal than Harry Truman in Korea,
    Lyndon Johnson in Vietnam,
    or George W. Bush in Iraq?
    Obviously not.
    Then why consider his bad character he primary cause of the struggle?”

    Manel Fonseka


    • 6

      The author of my quote above is Richard E Rubenstein, author & University Professor of Conflict Resolution & Public Affairs at George Mason University, with degrees from Harvard, Oxford (as a Rhodes Scholar), & Harvard Law School.

  • 4

    Dr Asoka

    I’ve been wondering just how this extraordinary – unprecedented? – boycott of Russia took off.
    I mean, why did it never happen when the great US of A invaded, or went on a bombing spree?
    Or did it? Can anyone recall such an occasion?

    In case you cant, please join me on
    the “Democracy World Tour”.
    It’s completely free! No need of a ticket. Hold onto your hats, ladies & gentlemen!
    Press the button & go to

    I suddenly remembered another boycott, nothing like today’s of course, but still, not to be sniffed at – South Africa! Sadly, a similar response to another case of apartheid – BDS against products of illegal Israeli settlers in the Occupied Territories – has been banned & castigated as anti-semitic almost everywhere.
    I wonder what the secret is.

    What a crazy, frightening, tragic world we live in.

    • 7

      Champa and Manel Fonseka,
      The background and circumstances that led to the Russian military action have been comprehensively discussed with a number of references including a presentation from a professor in the Chicago University. Refer to https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/putins-self-inflicted-fiasco/.
      I broadly agree (not necessarily with all the elements) with your views.
      The views expressed by the author are not based on a comprehensive analysis of the factors that led to the Russian intervention. Instead, the article articulates the expected and the justified emotional response of the affected Ukrainians who do not understand the broader military issues at play. This is because the Ukrainians are directly impacted.
      The USA won the propaganda war in a battle that defines the very existence of Russia. Ukraine is the ultimate possession that NATO seeks, in order to dominate and diminish Russia.
      NATO was not only unwilling to consider Russian security interests with its expansion (well documented), instead, it methodically armed the Ukrainians after destabilising it.
      Russians are protecting their security interests just like the USA always does. This is a war that seeks to establish Western hegemony and the Ukrainians are the victims because of poor leadership.

      • 3

        Here is a very interesting interview with Putin. It is from NBC, so it can’t be dismissed as Russian propaganda. The roots of this this crisis were there, (and being ignored) six years ago. Whatever else, Putin comes across as smart and alert, with all his facts at his fingertips with no teleprompter.
        I doubt any US President could top this.

        • 3

          Thanks for the link!
          Yes, I agree. He comes across as a smart individual and was alert throughout.
          Israeli PM (his visit was intended to protect the Jews in Ukraine – you might recall that Zelenskyy requested the Jews in the USA to support Ukraine just one day after the meeting) met Putin and confirmed in public that Putin is rational.
          Apparently, Putin was the first in a group of trainees (300 of them) and he was the only person from the group to be selected as an intelligence officer. He also has a law degree.
          I can’t quite remember where I read all this. So please don’t ask me to provide evidence.

          • 2

            I wouldn’t be surprised if he had PhD. But that doesn’t matter. The guy is smart, unlike some of our own, who are just cunning.

        • 4

          Dear oc,
          It requires exceptional powers of concentration to focus on that. I tried and gave up after four minutes.
          I appreciate your getting through all that.

          • 4

            You flatter me again- I didn’t watch all that. Just 10 minutes is all it takes to get the measure of the person being interviewed.

      • 6

        Many thanks, Sunil, for pointing me/us back to yr earlier comments.
        Memory problems now so I cant recall if I read them earlier but if I had I wd surely have responded even if only with a thumbs up. I seem to be no longer capable of laying out arguments so clearly.
        I made a right mess of posting a whole lot of sites earlier.

        What a shame that very few CT regulars seem to have appreciated what you have laid out.
        I am really quite stunned by the apparently overwhelming boycott that is happening. Even in our anti-Vietnam-war days, when thousands would manifest their protests, nothing like this took place, as far as I recall.
        And Damn the UN for its hands-off Israel!

        • 4

          Thanks for the link!
          Yes, I agree. He comes across as a smart individual and was alert throughout.
          Israeli PM (his visit was intended to protect the Jews in Ukraine – you might recall that Zelenskyy requested the Jews in the USA to support Ukraine just one day after the meeting) met Putin and confirmed in public that Putin is rational.
          Apparently, Putin was the first in a group of trainees (300 of them) and he was the only person from the group to be selected as an intelligence officer. He also has a law degree.
          I can’t quite remember where I read all this. So please don’t ask me to provide evidence.

        • 4

          Thanks for presenting several resources that contributed to a better understanding of the background to the current crisis.
          My memory is failing too as I advance in age!!
          Yes I agree with your comment on the intensity of the protests.
          Palestinians are completely forgotten and several UN resolutions remain just that – resolutions.
          I just read in the UK Telegraph that Russia is threatening to disconnect gas supplies if oil exports from Russia are included in the sanctions.
          We may experience oil prices in excess of USD 250/-.

    • 6

      “I mean, why did it never happen when the great US of A invaded, or went on a bombing spree?”
      Simple. You can’t boycott the US, because everyone else keeps their money there.

  • 3

    Jagath let me tell a family story for your easiness as you are completely absorbing western media style of journalism.

    Russia is an ex-partner/husband of Ukraine (ex-wife). Now wife wanted to split up and ex-husband not only agreed but also allow to annex several natural resources to her ex-wife as settlement money. Even after their split up, continue to support his ex-partner by providing billions of financial assistance and slash oil prices to revive from recession. His only request is, for all our security don’t go spend time with the womanizer (US) who spoiled life of many Mothers X (X include Iraq, Libya, Syria) and hot breed the global list of terrorists (ISIS, etc).

    Rather listen to the wisdom, ex-wife still wanted to go out with US, but also neglect to care all its children (Crimea, Donbas & Luhansk). Having seen the sorry state of their beloved children ex-husband forcibly took Crimea under his care. Even then not only US but also expand her affair with many of her boy friends in Europe (UK, France, Poland, etc). Now ex-husband rather than advised to her ex-wife teach his children (Donbas and Luhansk) to stand up against mother’s behaviors.

    • 2

      Ex-wife thought her lovers support both financialy and militarily for the life she choosen. When the time comes the lover boys left her alone to deal on her own and only assist financially and limited military hardware.

      Finally she earn the wrath of her ex-husband, her own children and learn that her lover boys distance from her as well.

      Now tell me in this close family feud who is at fault?

  • 5

    At last the English Guardian (my paper from childhood) has spoken about the double standards for Russia & Israel – but, interestingly, in an unsigned (!) article:
    “US accused of hypocrisy for supporting sanctions against Russia but not Israel.”


  • 8

    I wonder if any CT contributors saw Craig Murray’s article of 21 December last year:
    “Protecting the Nazis: The Extraordinary Vote of Ukraine and the USA.”

    It is available at:

    The amount of double-dealing & hypocrisy that goes on at the highest levels never ceases to amaze me. Here is how Craig ends his article about a vote in the UN General Assembly combatting Nazism, etc:

    Dont get me wrong — no way do I support Putin’s invasion.
    “However the European Union, in support of its Baltic states members and their desire to forget or deny historical truth and to build a new national myth expunging their active role in the genocide of their Jewish and Roma populations, would not support the UN Resolution on Nazism. The EU countries abstained, as did the UK. The truth of course is that NATO intends to use the descendants of Eastern European racists against Russia much as Hitler did, at least in a cold war context.”

    I repeat: “The truth of course is that NATO intends to use the descendants of Eastern European racists against Russia much as Hitler did, at least in a cold war context.”

  • 4

    Russia is said to have offered to evacuate Ukrainians to Belarus and Russia. Whoever has suggested it, it is a great idea. Understandably, Russia can guarantee SAFE evacuation of civilians only through Russian held areas. However, this proposal has been rejected by the Ukrainian side as ‘COMPLETELY IMMORAL’. Well, it shows who hampered earlier efforts to evacuate civilians through Mariupol ‘on whose advice’. No matter the route, any offer to evacuate civilians is HONOURABLE at this time. This leaves me wondering whether the Ukrainian government takes its decisions in the best interest of the country.
    When talking about immorality, is handing over guns and requesting civilians who have no military training to fight against the professional Russian forces ethical? Everybody has a right to life. It is reported that the Ukrainian government has banned all men between 18 and 60 from leaving the country. Well, I understand how difficult the situation is. Losing one’s country is heartbreaking.
    I hope Russia and Belarus will seriously consider providing transitional accommodation for evacuees while assuring them that they can return home soon.

    • 3

      If you look at the Russian invasion from one angle, it looks like Russia is punishing Ukraine. But, if you look at it from different angles, it is more like the US punishing Ukraine. You never know, may be they want a new guy on the block again.
      In 2013, when the then President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign the Ukraine–EU Association Agreement, he was ousted through a civil unrest orchestrated/funded by the US.
      Although in 2014, the new Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the economic segment of the said pact, Ukraine is still not a member of the EU. I think it is a diplomatic pact to block any alliance between Ukraine and Russia. The US & its allies/partners (except Canada) are taking Ukraine a ride.
      Clearly, President Putin is not interested in annexing Ukraine. Although he says his conditions to end hostilities are non-negotiable, I think the odds are still in favour of Ukraine.
      France, Israel and Turkey leaders are taking an active role in peace talks. I think China also should mediate in peace talks as the peace & stability in Eurasian Steppe is coequally important to Europe and Asian regions.

  • 4

    Dear Dr Asoka
    I wonder if you r still reading responses to yr article. Are you one of the growing chorus calling Biden to establish a no-fly zone? — an action some believe “would risk the future of human civilization.”

    May I quote a para from Ben Burgis in Jacobin, “A No-Fly Zone in Ukraine Would Start World War III. It’s the Worst Idea Possible,”:

    “While the United States has provided a great deal of military aid to Ukraine, direct action by the American government has so far been mostly restricted to economic sanctions. It’s worth noting that not all sanctions are the same. Putin’s government is waging a monstrous imperial war. While we should oppose any sanctions that add to the misery of working-class Russians, targeted sanctions against individual Russian oligarchs are a different issue — just as it would have been hard to object if other powers had responded to the invasion of Iraq with targeted sanctions on politically connected American billionaires.”
    The rest of his very brief article is at

  • 10

    It is mind-boggling to note how many uninformed, pseudonym toting warriors of Sri Lankan origin here are standing with the POLITICAL stance of Ukraine together with mainstream media narratives, and any sensible discussion from learned and clearly academically inclined commentators who have researched the background to the conflict and speak very rationally in an informed, balanced manner are spurned. No wonder the national average IQ is just 79. There is a wealth of knowledge detailed by sincere commentators but they receive a blanket thumbs-down from the hoi-polloi…funny…!

    • 4

      There are even those who are convinced that Russia and North Korea have the same political system!

    • 2

      Many thanks, Lasantha for this relatively early comment which drew attention to the need for readers to be careful to think out their responses before posting their own responses.
      You’ve now written this new article on Lanka’s Doctors and Hospitals.
      From today medicines are going up 30% in Lanka. Without doubt a death sentence for some.
      However, may some who act intelligently survive long enough to ensure that their genes get passed on to many. Not the genes of the cunning and corrupt Rajapaksas.

  • 2

    As we know, on 2nd March, the U.N. General Assembly voted at an” emergency session to demand an immediate halt to Moscow’s attack on Ukraine & the withdrawal of all Russian troops, with sustained applause breaking out after a formidable show of support among the 193 member nations against the invasion.”

    The next day, Jeffrey St. Clair, of CounterPunch observed:
    “The only sane votes at the UN today were the abstentions cast by the 35 nations (led by China, South Africa and Cuba) who refused to join in a performative condemnation that will only serve to exacerbate a war instead finding a path toward ending it.”

    I wonder how long sanity will hold out. I really dont want to see another world war. All energies must be exerted to push the parties to the negotiating table.

    And I hope that somehow Ukraine will relinquish its efforts to join NATO.

  • 4

    What I said yesterday (my comments were published today) is ‘officialy’ confirmed.
    I said “You never know, may be they (the US) want a new guy on the block again.” Look at this. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has asserted that if Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gets assassinated during Russia’s military offensive, Ukraine has alternative plans!!!! Huh! How could he say something like that when President Zelenskyy is valiantly fighting to protect his country? Is it a demoralizing tactic? These Americans are a heartless lot.
    Well, if President Zelenskyy is assassinated (I pray no harm to his life), the culprits are NOT Russians.
    I am glad to see China in peace mediation. French, Israel and Turkish leaders are also doing a great job.
    What both President Putin and President Zelenskyy should accept is that they both have a duty, obligation and responsibility to protect their countries.
    “It is easy to love your friend, but sometimes the hardest lesson to learn is to love your enemy.” – Sun Tzu

  • 4

    Dear CTers

    Or, at least those if you who havent long ago passed on to the next subject —
    Please note that up to now, Hungary, while welcoming & caring for refugees from Ukraine, have continued to refuse to send arms there.

    I sincerely hope that some of you have been investigating the history & wider implications of this tragic encounter — I mean, of course, those of you who may have been as ignorant as I was. And may I suggest you look at recent issues of Counterpunch & Jacobin — with varying viewpoints — especially some of the older articles of Michael Holden which address the stranglehold of the US/IMF & history of anti-minority violence in the Ukraine.

    • 1

      Correction: Michael HUDSON.

      • 2

        Thanks, Manel Fonseka.
        I hope that readers digest what she says here. She says that she was herself ignorant of much until she began exploring what gets flashed on the Internet.
        Yes, we must identify those sites which we find reliable. There obviously are some sites which deliberately mislead us.
        My first comments here welcomed a “brilliant article” by Dr Jagath Asoka. Who he is still is a mystery to me, although I had read a few earlier articles by him. By now a number of perceptive commenters have exposed certain weaknesses in Jagath’s article.
        However, we must be grateful to Dr Jagath Asoka because this article has led to some perceptive comments.

  • 4

    Just some last suggestions to leave behind as this page goes into the archives:

    Gary Leupp is Prof of History at Tufts University, & holds a secondary appointment in the Dept of Religion. I suggest this is a quite non-partisan view of the situation:

    Michael Hudson (I may have given his name incorrectly earlier) has been writing, mainly about economic aspects for many years. Here are several I wd like to share:


    Oh dear, I think I have confused the authors. Writing on my mobile & cant go back to check. But the sites are the important thing.

    • 3

      The author of “Hypocrisy over Ukraine is a a Greek specialist on environment & climate change, EVAGGELOS VALLIANATOS. He recalls the situation in Cyprus, many years ago, when the West backed a Turkish armed intervention & the Greek inhabitants were turned into refugees. He is also concerned that just when everyone should be coming together to combat climate change, this new conflict threatens every hope of that. He has been writing for 40 or 50 years about this & is utterly concerned about the present developments.

      I have just watched (on the computer with subtitles as I am deaf) the scene in the Brit House of Commons where MPs are writing in distress as they listened to the Ukranian leader. So much hypocrisy!

    • 3

      Manel Fonseka
      “Just some last suggestions to leave behind as this page goes into the archives.”
      Agree. I am waiting for a new article to appear so that I can share my two cents again on the subject.

  • 2

    The writer’s feelings are understandable. But that does not give him the license to belittle other’s freedom of speech, the very thing that is done in all dictatorial countries and imprison the guy as a crank. To describe one who opposes his ideas as one who is in the payroll of Putin makes one wonder whether the events in Ukraine has driven the author crazy. To kidnap or lure Putin to America is wishful thinking. No person with power who has taken to extreme action would be prepared to surrender, instead rather they would die in fighting. Global realities are that countries which think that they have some power need followers. Russia wants the former soviet republics to be its “Yes” men. China too wants that, no rebellious or renegade provinces though it believes in one country many systems. India would wish all SAARC nations to be within its fold. Various manipulations are done to achieve that objective and the competing nations would take opposing action. It is tragic that the ordinary Ukrainians have become a part of the cross manipulations, now losing life and property. Sri Lankans beware! Don’t leave room for peacekeepers to walk in.

  • 4

    I feel that this article by Jagath is out of line and has no basis in history or context.
    I also feel that Human Touch is WAAAY out of line with his use of invective on commentators whose positions he doesn’t agree with.

    Finally, I declare Manel Fonseka as the big winner in this debate.

    That’s my input to this simmering pot.

    • 2

      Thanks Easton Scott.
      I hope that contributors like Human Touch (with whom I’ve been having real-time chats) will seriously consider the reservations that others have been voicing.
      Yes, wonderful contributions from Manel Fonseka.
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 2

    Both Putin and Zelenskyy have miscalculated. This is going to be a war of attrition which neither side really foresaw. Will this now escalate into something much more widespread? There is too much material on the Internet for any of us to digest. I’ve been trying to find videos which are relatively easy to follow.
    The first two are from “The Print” (Shekhar Gupta) based in India:

    Re-alignment of countries such as Turkey, Israel, the UAE:
    Military considerations:

    Miscalculations by Zelenskyy according to Palka Sharma of Wion
    Is Putin threatening NATO countries in Eastern Europe?

    Professor Tim Wilson of England. He has lived and worked in Russia:

    Trudeau in Berlin

    All those links are given so that readers may have some idea of websites that provide a variety of views. We cannot afford to underestimate the seriousness of this crisis, or hold on to our simplistic ideas of what is happening.
    Panini Edirisinhe

    • 1

      I acknowledge that I’m a bit of an Anglophile (who’s never been outside Asia). I first “met” Professor Tim Wilson because of this very popular eight minutes’ of advice on “How to Write a Good Essay”:

      That is a brilliant video, watching which will be of benefit any reader who wants to write even a comment.

      A March 2022 look at the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the emergence of Putin’s Russia. 50 minutes.
      By now it is surely clear that we’re living in a crucial month for the History of Human Beings. Future humans will return to this month and analyse it in detail. Keeping that in mind may make a huge difference to the future of the descendants of the current racist citizens of Lanka.
      May we make fewer mistakes, and may we be forgiven for being misled by the current leaders of our country!
      Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela, Sri Lanka (NIC: 483111 444V)

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