Dear Friends,
please look at this, this is the true face of Rajaakshe. MaRa would not even care about his family, if Greed to his kind of politics would overlow in his wired mindset. There is a saying, even if the dog s tail would have been put ina sheath, it will not be straightened at all.
We know how he got Sunday Leader Editor Lasantha Wirkamatunga killed even if he was heard as one of the close friends of MaRa.
We know how he got Hirunika s Father got killed, …. even if Premachandra s party involvment and closeness was seen indispensible to the public… but the real nature of MaRa is even cruel than that of a rebell leader.
Now with Karuna Amma being placed above the SANGARANTHANAYA.. what has BP MaRa been doing to this nation ?
rj1952/July 16, 2020
Mahindan Rajapuka will make a good dana greedily eating monk.
By the time he finishes dancing the baila with the food, there will be none left for the other monks.
The women along with the little sexy toyboy apprentice monks have to be hidden away from him.the raving mad frustrated MKR which goes with his initials.
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leelagemalli / July 16, 2020
Dear Friends,
please look at this, this is the true face of Rajaakshe. MaRa would not even care about his family, if Greed to his kind of politics would overlow in his wired mindset. There is a saying, even if the dog s tail would have been put ina sheath, it will not be straightened at all.
We know how he got Sunday Leader Editor Lasantha Wirkamatunga killed even if he was heard as one of the close friends of MaRa.
We know how he got Hirunika s Father got killed, …. even if Premachandra s party involvment and closeness was seen indispensible to the public… but the real nature of MaRa is even cruel than that of a rebell leader.
Now with Karuna Amma being placed above the SANGARANTHANAYA.. what has BP MaRa been doing to this nation ?
rj1952 / July 16, 2020
Mahindan Rajapuka will make a good dana greedily eating monk.
By the time he finishes dancing the baila with the food, there will be none left for the other monks.
The women along with the little sexy toyboy apprentice monks have to be hidden away from him.the raving mad frustrated MKR which goes with his initials.