17 September, 2024


Sirisena Orders To Prorogue Parliament: Removes Prime Minister’s Secretary

In a bid to allow former President Mahinda Rajapaksa to buy more time to seek majority support in Parliament, President Maithripala Sirisena has prorogued Parliament.


Accordingly, Parliament will be reconvened on November 16.

Meanwhile, President Sirisena has also ordered the removal of Prime Minister’s Secretary Saman Ekanayake.

The Prime Minister’s Secretary has been removed according to the powers vested with the President as the appointing authority.

The UNP, meanwhile, stressed that President Sirisena sought to prorogue Parliament as former President Mahinda Rajapaksa did not command a majority in the House.

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  • 34

    “Para Balla” in action.

    • 2

      Time for international troops to step in before things get out of hand and squash this coup attempt. Join international military intervention.

    • 3


      “The UNP, meanwhile, stressed that President Sirisena sought to prorogue Parliament as former President Mahinda Rajapaksa did not command a majority in the House.”

      Traitor, Sevalaya, Mala-Perethaya and Patholaya in action.

      Sirisena Orders To Prorogue Parliament:

      This gives time for MaRa to buy the parliamentarians using the billions stolen and will promise many perks to those who will defect.

      A Land like no other where the Traitor, Sevalaya, Mala-Perethaya and Patholaya is the current President.

    • 3

      My 3 Sirisena as President of the country has no good adviser around him.
      For the past few weeks, whatever being reported in the PVT and Printed media were against him. Mainly because he has not reacted mostly whenever presidential power should have been applied. Like for example, if he is that bald, he could go on investigations against allegations levelled at Rajapakes men on high crimes including murders to have committed by them. Like a bad soldier took a weapon, his act of bringing back very same high criminal to the scence yesterday, is an act that shoudl have been taken him being in

      1) drunken mod
      2) under drug/alcohol mode
      3) or he should have pathological reasons

      Else, anyone with a sane mind would never be able to explain it easily.

      Besides, he perfectly knows, that the new courts would corner the high criminals sooner than later. It was he who is the person to have stood on the way, not having investigated them as started at the begining.
      Just to put all the loads on RW and sack him unconstitutionally is a curseful act.

    • 4

      What if they would assasinate incumbent sirisena tomorrow ?

      Then just sworn in PM will take over the duties. That is more thinkable – since MR is very greedy at power as no other leaders in the world.
      All alone, since they was defeated, they worked die hard on grabbing power.

      I would never keep faith on Rajakashe criminals. They are more talented and proved by records that they are killing friendly beasts.

  • 17

    what is happening in Sri Lanka is better than a movies.

    • 32

      What happened yesterday is nothing surprise. This is the characteristics of Buddhist Srilanka where all play power games. The country is a playground for our Buddhist Sinhala politicians and Buddhist Fundamentalists and international players like USA, China & India. Our people are brainless, backboneless animals. We will see lot of drama’s including bloodbaths in the next few years.

      • 17

        Power game is not only limited to Sri Lanka, it is even a bigger sport in America, Britain, France, etc. Keep up with current affairs!!!!

      • 4

        Coming colour is no good to srilanka.

        The chance given by people last is taken for granted.

        Now only some ministers in UNP share that it was the President who stood on the way not allowing holding proper investigations for various high crimes deliberately committed by previous Regime

        Truths should come to light next days, people will rally round to reveal lot more about President SIRISENA.

        I had always been very unhappy, as to why one single man in RAJAPAKSHE clan was not jailed forever. Alone that Thadjudeen case is not investigated to serve justice.

        In the next days, even high criminals will take ground to support Rajapkashes rascals.

        A nother SOMALIA is making in INDIAN ocean.


    • 12

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekere

      Please jog your memory and let us know whether Sirisena ever said the following:

      Rajapaksas Made Plans To Kill Me And Imprison My Children: President

      President Maithripala Sirisena says the former regime had formulated detailed plans to torture him and his family when Mahinda Rajapaksa emerged victorious at the Presidential elections. Addressing a rally held in Polonnaruwa yesterday afternoon, the President had said,” Today, Mahinda Rajapaksa is saying he doesn’t even have a house to live in. I would like to ask him, if I was defeated, would you have given me a house?”

      He had said that when he decided to contest as the common Opposition candidate, he entered the battle ready to sacrifice his life.
      “If I was defeated not just me, we would all have been laid underground by now. During the Rajapaksa regime, all plans were made to arrest my children and inflict all suffering possible on me and my family once the elections were over,” the President said furthermore.
      He also stated that if he had not accepted the Chairman position of the SLFP, it would have been a major obstacle for the successful implementation of the 100-day program.

      “Some might ask me, why not have resorted to a general election instead of accepting the Chairmanship? If I had made that decision the 100-day program would have been over,” he said.

    • 2

      When the SLR falls and the stock market starts to crash on Monday the angry mob will know Maithripala Sirisena and Mahinda Rajapaksa are to blame…

      People know this is nothing to do with saving the country and has all to do with a desperate bunch of power hungry criminals trying to illegally grab power.

      Countries will not accept this government as the legitimate government of Sri Lanka and start to cut ties with us. Then people will chase these Rajapaksas and the village idiot Maithripala Sirisena home.

      But by then the rupee would have gone through the roof. 220+ To the $ or more if this is not resolved quickly.

  • 20

    Sirisena the hopper (one that hops).

    How long you intend to Prorogue Parliament?
    Do Dr Mahinda and his cronies need more time for horse trading. I guess the auction for horses are still going on.

    The IGP looked like as if he was giving a Nazi salute to Dr Gota in front of Dr Mahinada and heard saying something like ” “Heil Hitler!”, “Heil, mein Führer!”, and/or “Sieg Heil!”. It was not clear.

    Nazi salute – is performed by extending the right arm from the neck into the air with a straightened hand.

  • 40

    What a slime ball! Sell democracy and the country to the dogs when it comes to saving your own skin. He will get his just deserts. Karma is a bitch! MR got it once and this is the patholaya’s turn now. Having said that, I am no UNP supporter or a fan of the current govt. However people of this country pay for these bastards to safeguard them and the system of govt. Just the cost of maintaining a parliamentary system is huge and if you prorogue parliament especially at a crisis moment like now, then why the hell have we been paying to maintain a system? Ranil is correct. This can be sorted by a vote in parliament once and for all. The cost to the nation is immense to maintain this chaos. But, who cares? when the people them selves don’t. We reap what we have sown. Our children will forever be bastardized by our leaders and the powerful. Mother Lanka has been raped today and the cowardly Pathola President we have just gave in to save his skin. Shame on you!

  • 6

    That’s the end of the 2019 Budget Debate scheduled from Nov. 08 to Dec. 08. Should Mahinda manage to get the required numbers in Parliament, will his Finance Minister have the time to prepare the 2019 Budget and have it debated and passed in Parliament Before the beginning of 2019? If not, on what basis will the government spending take place?

  • 12

    It doesn’t look right to appoint a person as PM under whose rule Journalists have been murdered at a time MBS of Saudi Arabia orchestrating murder of Kashoggi in Turkey

    • 0

      Our local Truth Tellers and Journo’s, take cover.

  • 30

    The most evil bugger ever to rule Sri Lanka makes time for the murderous thug Mahinda to indulge in horse trading. Meanwhile the bugger keeps popping in and out of Buddhist temples and schools preaching morality to the nation. He sacked Ranil. But the Rajapaksas will unsack his balls before long.

  • 23

    Spineless President who betrayed the nation as no other leaders in any democracies would do.

    Who would seek support from a man who once had been trying to assasinate him ?

    He seems to have not the least knoweldge on the consitituation and its last amendment.

    Naivity and gullibility may have worked him to bend his his down to his former head.

    This is very unfortunate for the educated people in this country

    World is looking at us – it is obvious, President has been tamed by former criminals by their tricks.

    • 14

      Simon De Silva

      Has Yoshitha been re-enlisted in the navy, promoted to Rear Admiral, Admiral or Lord of the Sea , back pay and compensation?

      • 11


        yes, they would even release Duminda De Silva and appoint him as one of the cabinet ministers.

        President has reacted – like a headless chicken would do it.

        Cheers !

  • 9

    Remember the no-confidence-motion against RW failed because MR could not come up with the numbers.
    The MR gut feeling is that voters may not give him the chance to rule again. So he forces out Ranil. Tax payer money and/or incentives like ministry etc. will be used to persuade MPs to cross over.
    We will be back to square one.
    Who are the losers?

  • 13

    Biggest betrayal in the history. How can Mahinda trust this guy any more. “Kaapu Pathe Paharapu paaharaya”

    • 3


      we are all betrayed by MR spineless:

      Have you heard the kind of acts done by any democracies in recent times ?

      Sirisena became naked

      How can he face the world tomorrow ?

      He points the finger at RANIL, but not a single act made correctly by him.

      Today, it is being revealed no body else, SIRISENA himself opposed on going investigations against Rajapkshes.

      Late Rev Sobitha Thero, our leader would have gone into pieces if he had been with us today.

      I am so sad, as I cant express myself: Nor can I watch TV news COMING form lanka.

      We the ones being out of the country always waited until JUSTICE is served as promised.
      But we should be idiots to expect it from an Unedcuated Man.
      We are stupid to have done so… expecting good things to happen from SIrisena or anyone had been close to Rajaakshe is like waiting until PIGs might fly.

  • 11

    Miracle of Asia

  • 5

    BBS plan is working, just fine.

    • 2

      I hope MR will release Venerable Gnanasara Thero and all the military people from prison.

  • 15

    It is beyond the imagination of any mortal to imagine how MS can back stab the very 6.2 million voters who voted him in solely to get rid of MR against their very hopes and wishes. MS has proved himself that he indeed is scum.

  • 11

    It was rather funny to see faceless sycophants beating rabana and dancing, lighting crackers in the rain. The moronic behaviour f the hoi polloi continues.

  • 5

    Sad. Next visit of Subramaniam Swamy will be to Polonnaruwa.First visit was to Medamulana=Centre of the Universe!
    In one of the lectures of Wijeyeweera of the original JVP, it was about Indian Expansionism.Well,he was prophetic!

    • 2


      “Well,he was prophetic!”

      I am sorry I have to disagree with you on this.
      It was Southern baptism and has nothing to do with his prophecy.
      He was another public racist we could do without.

  • 4

    By nov 16 not only the country ,but mahinda too may be bankrupt after spending all that ill gotten gains to buy the cross overs.Karma is a bitch indeed.

  • 0

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  • 11

    It is ironic that the Rajapaksa supporters easily support this, and hail this as a victory. This has become a constitutional crisis and is hurting the country. Sri Lankans seem to have very short memories, they were glad to see the white vans, nepotism, huge commissions, people living in fear, journalists killed, and saffron robed terrorists, gone.
    But now because the roads are not kept clean, they are willing to support this arrogant push for power, Rajapaksa style. Be careful what you wish for, Sri Lankans.

  • 2

    Now the president of Sinhala-Buddhist Sri Lanka must order that no foreign ambassador or high commissioner must not stick their nose in progressive politics and stay the hell away.

    • 2

      Johnny baby

      It’s a good idea.
      Well would you mind if our own people stick two fingers up if the so called Sinhala/Buddhists served the usual, nepotism, corruption, impunity, theft large and small, war crimes, human rights violation, fascism, racism, bigotry, …………………………………..

    • 3


      Why not kick all foreigners out & close our doors? We can survive on our own, if the North Korean can do it, why not us.? It will be the poor people who suffer but who cares?

      We will be a pariah state very soon anyway, shunned by the rest of the world, maybe apart from a few other similar pariah states ruled by despots.

  • 12

    Moda Sira should remember the Medamulana ‘Condom Theory’ and to be the presidential candidate of SLFP + JO to be a big joke.

    This guy is had made this country a mockery and will take years to get back to normal and it will be very interesting how the Hindians will try to control the new regime and not pushing to Chinese Dragon.

    When MaRa was running for the presidency in 2005., he got it from CBK promising Anura B will be the Prime Minister once he is elected. We all know what happened after that… Anura B (the only son of the founder of the SLFP) was given Minister of Cultural or something and then again even taken out that Ministry and die like nobody.

    Sira., you will be thrown worst than a Medamulana Condom.

    • 1

      Major General Kimbarnett@
      This teaches us not to keep the faith on any candidates once had been with all high criminals.
      1) To that moment, My3 Sirisena could have been the better candidate in the process of getting rid of former president – senior men in this country should not have kept fully fiath on him.
      All these weeks, what was interpreted by My3proxyi Sirasa TV that UNP men are the barrier not having investigated high profile Rajapkshe crimes
      To that bunch, Derana and Hiru TVs were too repeatedly attacking RW and UNP.
      So this was seen as entire media is against UNP
      All these were made with direct mediation of incumbent president
      2) UNP did not criticise President in the public but they had been very unhappy with the performance of UNEDUCATED Sirisena. Mahinda ist also uneducated as Sirisena, but they had previously been working together. Sirisena behaved as if he is still a minister to Rajpakshe.
      3) High profile crimes such as – Killing Lasantha W and Thadjudeen were not properly investigated, and there had been a set of questions, if anyone wanted to know as to why and they were blocked that way. Mr Sirisena as promised did not allow any investgations to go on with permament interuption of Rajapakshe-proxy ministers in UPFA
      4) Few things had been acheived, but not much was accomplished as promised due to the spinelessness of President.
      Sure, it was as set back for GOVT to CB bond scam ended up that way, but multiple times of the kind of handlings were the case with Rajapkaseh adminstration. None of them were investigated to the end.
      Now as if people are made perment fools, very same President turned back to the side where he thought would be the worst for the democracy. How can this man ever be able to face the locals or IC next. Why so called good SLFPer to change his face this way ?

  • 0

    No valid reason for prorogation, rules Speaker – The Island
    Nov 20, 2003 – The following is the full text of the Speaker’s ruling: … Under the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is vested with the people. … The Parliament is the Supreme Organ of legislative power. … or a majority of members to convene an extraordinary session (Articles 28 & 29 …

  • 2

    After co-habiting with Ranil for nearly four years President would have realized that he is safer with Mahinda than with Batalanda Wadakaya. The threat from Mahinda was an assumption but the threat to his life from Batalanda Wadakaya seems to be real because of the assassination plot.

  • 0

    This is a case of the president removing the prime minister because one party decides to.leave the alliance that forms the government, in the belief when one party leaves the alliance collapses. Whether an aĺliance collapses when it reduces by one depends on the constitution of the alliance and not the cons of the state. The alliance still exists and so long as it has a majority it should continue to govern. Therefore removing the PM of that alliance is wrong. If the pres is averse to his own party remaining in the opposition the only course open to him would be restoring the status quo though he will have egg hop…. sorry egg on his face. He cannot act against the provision relating to the removal of a PM in the cons.

    it would be a pragmatic exercise to wait to see how this pans out rather than engage in opportunistic switching parties, at least to establish a precedent.

  • 1

    This is expected. MR needs more time, surely.
    As we have a small break now, let’s talk about possible Presidential candidates.
    UPFA has 3 options.
    —1st Option- Gotabhaya- There is a snag here, if the revocation of his citizenship is rejected.
    —2nd Option- Maithri- Is MR ready to go from stage to stage promoting Maithri? How could he face his village people?
    —3rd Option- Wimal- I believe MR has no objection here.
    MR has to pick one of them. No choice.
    His caretaker government will comprise of heroes and traitors. I should look for a new name.
    Who will remain in the now-defunct-JO? Welgama?
    I stand by what I said. We are NOT going backwards.
    I’m someone who upholds democracy to its last letter. I believe that leaders should be elected by people. We don’t want “tailor-made Presidents.” People should have the right to choose.
    I have no objection of MR being appointed as the PM. He deserves that position. I am happy for him. I wish him all best from the bottom of my heart. But I’m afraid there will be an unexpected backlash. I want him to stay strong.
    MR as the PM is ok. But I believe that Sri Lanka needs a new man as the next President.
    SLFP, UNP and their all-time ally JVP (there is no SLPP now, right?) were given enough chances for the last 70 years. But they all failed us miserably.
    The arena is open for anybody who has a proper vision to take the country to the NEXT level. We were in the same level for 70 years not to mention being encumbered by a debt mountain, corruption and wastage.
    I think Maithri should hold the Presidential election in January 2019 as there is a provision to do so.

  • 2

    We like to say Good Bye to foreign experts squatting in Temple Trees who were drafting the Federal Constitution displaying Jayampathy’s and Sumandiram’s faces for public consumption and the other white experts who were drafting all kinds of Bills and economic plans to make this country the most prosperous place on this earth by 2025. Ranil has to hang on in Temple Trees until these guys pack their bags and leave. Prime Minister Rajapakse, be kind and give him some time.

  • 1

    Just suppose MR remains as PM. Could he continue the JO’s 100 day program, scrap the Executive Presidency and make himself the all-powerful PM?

    Also, MR did not go through that publicly videoed inaugaration as PM just to have it taken back by Ranil. That would be a humiliation that he would not be able to stand. So he is counting on buying enough support in parliament to get a majority. But suppose he doesn’t get one, what is his plan B?

  • 4

    The real face of Maithiripala Sirisena is revealed. Why is Maithiripala Sirisena afraid to convene the Parliament? He is playing into the hands of MR without knowing the dangers he has to confront. Dictatorship Vs Democracy. Moreover, Maithiripala Sirisena has forgot how Ranil brought him to power demonstrated his ungratefulness. Not a civilized person. Once he even went to punish a DIG’s son instead of punishing his son. This is anti-democratic coup. God dave Sri Lanka.

  • 3

    Because of Maithiripala Sirisena’s behaviour of appointing MR as Prime Minister, now the Share market will drop down terribly and the value of Rupee will still plunged down resulting a very high cost of living. Is that what Maithiripala Sirisena is expecting? What an irresponsible President. People are going to suffer.

  • 1

    Proroguing parliament is the first sign of weakness of the so-called newly formed government. If the MS.MR gov is strong as they claim it to be they should not fear to face parliament on Monday the 29th but they are hiding behind a veiled Sarath N Silva and spineless GL Peries interpretation of the constitution. They have jointly embarrassed and redidiculed the nation. The people’s mandate is no longer valid but their own interpretation.

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