By Lakmal Harischandra –
“Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated” ~ Coretta Scott King
It is not rocket science to realize that the underlying plans of this Hindu fundamentalist outfit is to create further dissensions among the Muslim and Tamil Hindu communities at a challenging time in history where religious fundamentalism and anti-Muslim hate has almost mainstream in our society. Sometime back, there was a big commotion in a Trinco school where a Muslims teacher was not allowed to wear her Abhaya which created lot of bad blood and bitter taste in already strained inter communal relationships. It was widely suspected that Siva Senai and some disgruntled Tamil politicians were involved in this case. Then we had the case of the leader of Siva Senai making another commotion about cattle slaughter in Chavakachcheri. In speaking to an little known TV station, he made a vicious statement – He said that if Muslims cannot fall in line with the lifestyles of the majority – the Buddhists and Hindus, then they must leave, little realizing that the Muslims are part of our heritage for over 10 centuries- a typical Islamophobia statement which we hear being regularly uttered by other Sinhala Buddhist extremist anti Muslim groups. Both these incidents arising only with the last few months after the infamous Digana anti-Muslim violence cannot be dismissed as a parallel one-off event totally unconnected; rather signs are clear that there appears to be coordination and resonance in their anti-Muslim messages between both Sinhala Buddhist hate groups like BBS, and Sinha Ley and Hindu hate outfit like Siva Senai.
It was in 2016 that the dreaded militant Shiv Sena in Mumbai extended its support to its Sri Lankan Tamil outfit called Siva Senai, (which takes its name from Lord Shiva ) which then triggered concerns among the mainstream politicians that sectarian outfits will reopen wounds of a 30-year-old civil war that ended only in 2009. Concerns were then raised that the militant nature of the new Siva Senai could break the status-quo prevailing in Northern Lanka while Tamils were wary that outfits like Senai would split Tamil unity. The Siva Senai, operating in the North, is led by a Sachithananthan then said in a press interview that his party extends support to the new Lankan outfit. However the Siva Sena says that that they also had the support of BJP, VHP, and RSS. Despite Siva Senai’s recent assertion to join hands with the extreme Buddhist groups against the Muslims, it’s original plan was to fight “coercive conversion” from Hinduism to Buddhism,which is the dominant religion among the Sinhalese.
Our nation has just come out of a bloody war. It was clear that outfits like BBS tried to start off religious based wars by launching a hate campaign against the Muslims , with some support from the higher ups from the Rajapakse government. The result was further chaos in the country and dissension between Sinhalese and Muslims. Therefore, we don’t need another religion based political outfit like Siva Senai, just as we don’t need Sinhala Buddhist extremist outfits like BBS. Later during this government too which was voted in on a national reconciliation platform, other outfits like Sinhaley and Amitha/Saliya’Prasad combine continued those anti –Muslim hate campaign and violence culminating in Digana. We are aware of what Shiva Sena has been doing in India and obviously we therefore don’t need more Sri Lankan Senaas to add to our agony.
In fact, Tamil leaders were more worried about the Siva Senai even at that time than the Southern political parties. They feared that although Senai was a new organization with little mass support, the prospect of a religion-based divide loomed large. Thus, observers saw the formation of Siva Sena as a regressive development in Sri Lankan Tamil politics. In fact MP Sumanthiran had this to say that that time in a press interview . “Assertion of a religious identity is not a bad thing. But at this stage, we don’t need it. Our identity is Tamil identity. We are totally secular. There are Hindus, Christians, and Muslims among the Tamils. All are equal. We can’t divide them on the basis of religion. Such organisations can take extreme positions. We already have a Buddhist extremist organisation Bodu Bala Sena (BBS). Birth of another extremist organisation opposed to BBS ideology is a very dangerous thing. It can create enmity between different religions. Both are called Sena, meaning army. Whatever may be their good intention, but the perception is negative. We can’t have outfits with the names like Sena.”. With outfits like Siva Sena and politicians like Wigneswaran, parading a Hindu identity, which is no longer taboo, was not a part of Sri Lankan Tamil politics earlier,. Besides, Seva Senai modelled after the militant Shiv Sena of India “can become uncontrollable.”
Many observers also see the hand of India in the formation of Siva Senai. The Siva Senai have shown signs of expanding its’ network, with plans to have organisers for all the 25 districts of Sri Lanka which will therefore require external support. As Sachchithanantham himself accepted, he expects to get funding from India and the Tamil diaspora. Therefore, there is more than it meet the eye.
However interestingly , this time Siva Sena appears to toe a unified line with Sinhala Buddhist extremists in attempting to alienate the Muslims of Sri Lankan through the language of cattle slaughter. Both Hindu as well as the Sinhala Buddhist community should be careful in not getting trapped into this Siva Sena narrative in attempting to alienate another community –The Muslims.
More importantly , it is imperative that the government learn lessons from the bitter hate campaign launched by the BBS during the previous regime and the newly formed groups during this government and the damaging consequences and take preventive action against these hate groups like Siva Senai before they create another religious war in the N and E between two sister communities Muslims and Tamils. It is important that the authorities take action against them who have been incited hatred and animosity specially using social media which will eventually lead to acts of violence against religious minorities. They have a duty to protect vulnerable groups and hold the perpetrators accountable.
Rohini Kudahetti / June 5, 2018
Tamil infighting is killing hundreds in North – those motor bike gangs. This is exactly how Prabha organised in the 70s. Though Gopi is dead he left about 10 Gopis and went to hell. Can Ranil/Pujitha combination contain the 10 Gopis? Disregard MY3 the useless guy is fast asleep.
SJ / June 5, 2018
Nobody can beat you in the game of talking things that one does not know.
Buddhism was driven to extinction in India by Sankara’s campaign. There were no killings.
Sankara established “Hinduism” roughly in the form that we understand now.
Jainism survives in India, not so much in Andhra. You can keep guessing.
Both Buddhism and Jainism were ruined by royal patronage in India.
Sadly, Buddhism in Sri Lanka too is a victim of state patronage.
Jim softy / June 5, 2018
SJ: Sankaracharya School is only one thought of Buddhist and Hindu amalgamation. there is not such thing as Hinduism. FOR example, Tibetan buddhism another one which has introduced so-caleld “HINDU PRACTICES” is by NAgarjuna (I amnot sure about though). both buddhism (7%) and Janism (0.06%) exists in India. but, that is not the truth. Indian Brahmins who were against buddhists had salughtered even Sinhala – buddhists in the RUHUNURATA. They exterminated whole villages of buddhists in India. Jainists has Avihimsa to the greatest extent and they survie only as a pmarginal group. MAhathma Gandhi was Jainist and he may have helepd otherwise India is SECULAR.
John / June 6, 2018
Actually, Buddhism was driven to extinction in India by MUSLIMS. Sadly, Buddhism in Sri Lanka too is a victim of MUSLIMS.
Native Vedda / June 6, 2018
Johnny Baby
“Sadly, Buddhism in Sri Lanka too is a victim of MUSLIMS.”
Actually Buddhism in this island is a victim of Sinhala/Buddhism. Buddhism in this island is being destroyed by Sinhala/Buddhists like you.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / June 5, 2018
I will give an example how absurd this religious affairs are to date in our mother land- even after the war ended in my village in Karainagar we are building/renovating/expanding temples. Specially when the uninhibited homes belongs to those who have left the space for better/safer pastures during the war are uninhibited except for the snakes and the turmites happy live there – none of this are given to the displaced people who needed home…….loitering in refuge camps earlier and now waiting for handout from other countries for a roof over their head. Even after the Tusnami it was the same case for the entire coastal villages……as always it is for some one else to fix the problem….however if we need to kill each other then we always have resources and very creative at this too. This is how patriotic/religious/HOLY people we are……..I would not be surprised if we have several more organisations cropping up in the near future to deceive the law so they can continue their deeds. If you want more examples then look at our history since independence the deeds we leave behind for our children is beyond human reasoning/imagination/comprehension…no parental responsibilities required……a very unholy bunch of people indeed.
JimSofty / June 5, 2018
THIAGARAJAH: I heard some Catholic priests noticed what Rishad Bathiuddin was doing in Wilpatthu and he had built aCATHOLIC CHURCH right in the middle of the Wilpatthu. Raishad Bathiuddin is doing his SHIA expansion now in BaTTICALOA DISTRICT THANKS TO sRI LANKAN PRESIDENT. ISlamic expansion continued under CBK – they bulldozed Somawathi dagoba and bult hosues and BEEF stals. Then Mahinda rajapakse gave permisiion to override the Gazette notification about the Wilpatthu. Maithripala Sirisena has allowed to extend wilpatthu muslims housing scheme to expand to Kilinochchi via Mulativu which was stopped by Wigneswaran. Now he is doing it in Batti. He says it is like winning a Lottery for shia Muslims and me. that is how even Rohingyas are allowed in Galkissa and thereafte rin Mannar.
ADJP / June 5, 2018
Is the Writer Lakmal Harischandra certain of his statement “Muslims are part of our heritage for over 10 centuries”? To begin, with the community is confused whether they are Moors or Muslims. Whether the vast bulk of them came from nearby South India more during the British times two centuries ago, is also subject to debate as now the fashion is to claim they are all of Arab descent.
Interestingly, neither the late Ashraff – their modern Messiah in the 1980s or respected leaders like the late Dr MCM Kaleel, Sir Razik Fareed, Falil Caffoor, Jabir Cader or Dr. Bad-iu-din Mahmud made this claim. But this keeps gaining increasing currency in recent times – more among Muslims in the EP – hell bent on a separate District of their own in land that was owned by Tamils and Sinhalese.
When Gaddaffi visited here in 1976 he advised the local Muslims to increase their numbers. The community didn’t disappoint this Arab leader who made no secret of the then global agenda to islamise most of the – in the 21st century. Let’s look at the figures of the local Muslim population. 1953/464,000 1971/855,724 and in 2011/1,893,000. This, while other communities practised voluntary population control responding to the Govt call.
Fathima / June 6, 2018
Whether all Muslims are Arabs or largely from South India, where does it make a difference or link to your argument? As far as I know, there is no such thing or fashion among SL Muslims to claim that they are Arabs. In fact, among us when we talk and hear the names we know the roots, but that does not make any difference among ourselves. So it is your idiocy that led you decide all Muslims as Arabs descendants just because they wear black Abaya, and you tell everywhere that Muslims think they are all Arabs.
See, how inferior mentality you must be having to think that Arabs are superior to Indians/South Indians? All Sri Lankans have roots back to India/South India that no one can deny. So you indirectly agree that all Sri Lankans are inferior to Arabs. Why? They look fairer? Fatter? Richer? LOL
If not for oil and gas, they are another under-developed part. God gave them resources to distribute among some poor countries that is full of idiots and racists who have no idea that they on a daily basis screw their own potential economic growth and live poor by choice – You, idiot is a good sample piece.
Jim softy / June 6, 2018
FATHIMA: Muslims are not equal even in there religeon. some are sunni wahabis, ISIS, others are Shia, Ahmedia, Druse, Aga Khan, there are so many. Rohingya are mixed, they are breakaways fro Sunnis but not shias. Arabs are are very primitive in their religious beliefs because they have attached arab culture. Indian muslims are more religious because of Hinduas as Sri lankan Arabs are. Western muslims are very money oriented look down at poor muslims. They like to brig expensive cars to the mosque.
Mohamed / June 8, 2018
This stupid Jim softy, comes in between every available gap like a tuk-tuk, and makes “acharu” out of every subject with his ignorance.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 6, 2018
The vast overwhelming majority are Dravidian converts to Islam and from South India who arrived in the island within the past few centuries . They make up more than 90% of the present day so called Sri Lankan Moors. They are Muslim by religion and Tamil by ethnicity, definitely not Moor. Even the small minority that have some Arab, are also of predominant Tamil origin and heritage. A distant male Arab ancestor , does not make you an Arab or Moor when all your other ancestors are Tamil. Arabs never came to the shores of South India or to the island in their thousands , just a few hundred over a span of a few centuries and only a few amongst them would have taken a local Tamil woman as a comfort woman/wife/concubine. Even Gadaffi stated to his Muslim audience in 1976 that that they are not Arabs . His words were ” Some of you may have some Arab in you ” Not you are Arab. The Muslims living in the North East and along the North West coast Mannar Puttalam , Chilaw , will hardly have any Arab in them at all., They will be 100% Dravidian Tamil. This claim for Arab/Moor descent is nonsenses . They should be properly classified as Tamil Muslims or Muslim Tamil but this will never happen due to dirty divide and rule politics and the Muslim elite and politicians will never allow it , as it is in their interests to keep the Hindu and Muslim Tamils in the island divided at logger heads with each other , whilst they enjoy lots of power ministerial positions and other perks. They have now successfully brainwashed the Tamil Muslim masses in the island .Arabised them and taught to hate their own Tamil origin heritage and their rich 1000 year old Tamil Sufi Islam and consider themselves as some sort of Arabs . Especially in the east.
Faraj / June 6, 2018
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma:
Hey 50/50 greedy, you seem to know Muslim history well, but regretfully how come you did not know that Tamils too were brought in by colonial masters for tobacco plantations few centuries back? On the other hand, you can’t give any evidence of your existence for over 2500 years with your current development, culture (well, you’re still borrowing the culture from TN and claim you’re not from TN is a funny stuff anyway), economic development (thanks to Prabakaran who sent you to Australia on a rusty fishing boat, you were able to gather some wealth by hook or by crook). And what about your population? Does it make any sense to any idiots that people having only 11% population for 2500 years? If you justify with your people converting to other religions, still figures against/2500 years won’t justify, then again it is a shame on your community’s practices such as casteism that made your own people find a better religion and community.
For me, TN Dravidian are far better and superior than you idiotic failed lot who historically destroyed and still destroying your own community for 1 single reason, that is to steal a piece of land from owners who supported you coming here for tobacco planting
Be happy if civilized Sinhalese or Muslims occupy more of your lands, at least your blood-bank will function and save your own blood-thirsty lives
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 7, 2018
Rantings from a brainwashed Wahhabi fake Arab low caste convert of Dravidian South Indian origin Proving what I and ADJP stated is true. Go and read the island’s real history first before ranting and raving here like a mad man and making a fool of yourself. There is lots of evidence regarding the ancient presence of Tamils in the island and 99.99% of the low caste Indian Tamil immigrants imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch were settled in the South of the island to work in the huge spice plantations and for other menial work and they all took on a Sinhalese identity within a century or two doubling the Sinhalese population. The Tamil population in the island was around 28% in 1948 and now reduced to 16% within 60 years due to state sponsored Sinhalese racism that was supported by you fake Arab largely low caste origin Dravidian Tamil Muslims from South India. Other than the Indian origin estate Tamils , 99.99% of South Indian immigrants to the island from ancient to modern times , have taken on a Sinhalese identity and have been the bane of the indigenous Tamils from the north and east. This also incudes you largely low caste fake Arab/Moor , Dravidian Tamil Muslim immigrants from South India. The vast majority of you only arrived in the island a few centuries ago and this is a fact. No amount of howling ranting and abusing me, is going to change this fact. I strongly suspect you are the same mad Ralli Ameen
sbarrkum / June 8, 2018
Yo Sharma
There is a vast presence of Shudra/Dalits in SL. Thats Ancestral South Indian for you who claim heritage from Aryan/North India/Pakistan.
These Shudra/Dalits speak Sinhala or Tamil. Genetically they are the same.
You, Sharma are an outsider and have never been a part of Lanka.
Eagle Eye / June 7, 2018
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma,
“The vast overwhelming majority are Dravidian converts to Islam and from South India who arrived in the island within the past few centuries . They make up more than 90% of the present day so called Sri Lankan Moors. They are Muslim by religion and Tamil by ethnicity,”
If they are Tamils why Prabhakaran kicked them out from Yapanaya? and why Wigneshwaran do not want the displaced Muslims to return to their original places where they lived. This is typical Demala hypocrisy. When it is beneficial for them Muslims are Tamils but when they are not Muslims are a different breed. This same Real Siva Sankaran Sharma in a previous comment blamed Muslims for grabbing Tamil land in the East. Actually it was land belonged to Sinhalayo colonized by Demal invaders from Hindusthan.
sbarrkum / June 8, 2018
Sharma the Devadassi selling Brahamin now claims Muslims are South Indian Tamils.
Sharma are you sure those South Indian Muslims are not low caste Dalit converts. Just the same as the Sinhalese as you claim.
Then there maybe a connection, you claim Indo Aryan roots which is more predominant in NW India Pakistan.
Sharma the Brahamin aspiring to be a Pakistani (Muslim). Too bad old man, you have too much Shudra/Dalit in you. Your black nether regions are proof enough.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 10, 2018
Why are you so obsessed with other people’s nether regions? Why did you work as a beach boy in the southern beaches and serviced western white men? Is that why you prefer white nether regions to darker ones? You comments are nasty crass and reveals your low breeding and class. Read your blog it is full of lies and Sinhalese racist propaganda. Islam in Pakistan is only 1000 years old and most of them converted to Islam during the Mugal rule. Prior to that this region was the cradle of Vedic Hinduism and the Dravidian Indus valley civilisation. Stop posting garbage
Ralli Ameen / June 6, 2018
ADJP, can write here who are the Muslim leaders, present and past, who said Moors are pure Arab descent. If you cannot you are a third rate fabricator.
Native Vedda / June 6, 2018
According to DNA studies one in 200 men in the world are direct descendants of
Genghis Khan who was a Muslim.
Ibn Battuta and many of his fellow adventurers frequented this island very often on business travel. They were also known to marry or keep concubine in those respective countries where they were forced to stay more than 3 months at a time.
Check your DNA I may not be surprised if you found yourself to be directly related to Ibn Battuta.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 7, 2018
Genghis Khan was not a Muslim but was a Tengrist ( traditional Central Asian religion which is a mixture of shamanism, animism, ancestor worshiping, totemism and ploy monotheism) . However during his time the people of Mongolia had converted to Buddhism , Eastern Christianity, Islam and Manicheanism . He consulted all religions and was highly tolerant of all religions and did not want to offend anyone.
K.Pillai / June 5, 2018
Judging from the comments here Siva Senai is and will remain an insignificant outer fringe movement.
Has Lakmal got the answer?
Radical Ideas / June 6, 2018
SJ, exactly said. One has to understand the dynamics of the so called “State” to understand all the strange events that are taking place in the country at present. The State (SL govt and its machinery) is funded by the IMF&WB combination that maneuvers the policies of the state to align with the Zionist agenda. IMF & World Bank are owned by the Jewish cabal that owns the western govts., that runs and facilitates the implementation of the One World Government/ New World Order agenda. The Zionist system runs on a smooth course throughout a century due to the remotely controlled govts of number of countries that are run by their agents. These agents belong to some secret Elite group of ruling families who are crypto Jews in nature but openly they profess to be connected to the majority community that holds the power to rule under the pseudo democracy introduced by the evil British. Thus the Govigama ruling Elite mafia that controls SL state and its full function including the Political, socio religious and dominant race affairs, manipulates everything to their favour, comes under this scheme. Racial and religious conflicts, are always engineered by the Govigama Mafia and its proxies and all its activities that divide the communities, come Squarely within this global Zionist context.
Al-faqurlah / June 6, 2018
Radical ideas the Islamic infidel, you seem to suffer from Judaiophobia and trying to put all the blame on Zionists. Your attack on Govigamas is due to inferiority complex, because you are a low caste convert. Whatever Muslim world does, they cannot touch Jews who have divine protection as mentioned in Bible. Similarly you can do nothing to Govigamas as they are chosen people of Lord Buddha according to Mahavamsa.
Mohamed / June 7, 2018
All problem is your low IQ father finding a spouse, and deciding to try reproduction. Maybe the poor guy did not realize would be a dad of a dumb dirty worm.
Dumbo, Lord Buddha did not favor any specific castes. He denounced any casteism just like Islam.
John / June 6, 2018
Muslimization of Sinhala-Buddhist Sri Lanka is taking place AGGRESSIVELY. Intelligence agencies of the West that are highly active in Sri Lanka, have warned SL authorities of highly possible attacks and it’s not a secret Muslim politicians, organizations and Muslim university students who go for studies in Muslim countries are under surveillance. Right now, allegedly, number one culprit is Badudeen.
BBS is already severed its purpose successfully. J1hadi piglets are nothing for great Gnanasara thero. Patriotic gentlemen Amith and Prasad must be awarded with medals of honor for standing up against Muslim shenanigans. Most predict that if BBS runs a successful and an articulated campaign in the next parliamentary election, they can win at least 5 seats easily.
After Willpattuwa carnage, most liberal Sinhalese who have sympathized Muslim, have abandoned them.
As most Muslims believe that they were fathered by passing through Ibn-Battuta 10 centuries ago is a myth. There are 4 million Muslims in Sri Lanka, but 99% of them can’t trace 2 or 3 generations back.
Muslims have accused Sinhalese of all king of things which are all lies. Muslims have begged the Sinhala politicians (relevant) to stop the investigations because they are worried that their criminal, illegal, unethical, etc shenanigans will come out.
About ridiculous Abaya-gonibilla dress; the reason they wear it in Sri Lanka is to celebrate 9/11 and to please their Arabian masters who are funding them with million of dollars.
Tensions between Tamils and Muslims are escalating in the northern parts of Colombo and in the Eastern province. In northern parts of Colombo, Tamils’ Hindu religious events have been attacked by some local Muslims.
Faraj / June 6, 2018
You’re not making any points here, just blaming Muslims out of jealousy which says who the winner is. When you find BBS as your hero, that says all lot about your capabilities too :-)
Looks like you’re also getting trained on throwing a petrol-bomb at a defense-less petty-kade of a poor Muslim during wee hours. and release a Youtube vid like hero? God save so said, “Sinhala-Buddhist” country that is choosing forever to be a world’s mock-up of under-developed-piece of land. For your little narrow brain, it might sound satisfying to live with few peanut dollars thrown at by those budgeted-tourists who really come to enjoy mocking at us – Think about people with ambition.
If BBS wins 5 seats, are they going to give you a few to put on your living area to sit and enjoy watching TV? (kidding)
Al-faqurlah / June 6, 2018
“Right now allegedly the number one culprit is Badurdeen”. I thought with one shout from Gnanassara, he went into silence like a dog with the tail tucked between legs. What about other culprit Hisbullah whoalso needs a good tirade from Gnanassara.
Mohamed / June 7, 2018
Al-faqurlah: But you know where the all problems started as I reminded you many times…he..he..he
Lanka Moro / June 6, 2018
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Lanka Moro / June 6, 2018
John suffering from .delusion. LOL ,4 million Muslims ,LOL .!
John / June 8, 2018
4 million and counting!
Jim softy / June 6, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
ADJP / June 6, 2018
The academic writing as Radical Ideas is very likely a Muslim with a clear anti-Sinhala/Tamil bias. Here he/she takes the readers for fools when he/she insists “IMF/WB are OWNED by the Jewish cabal..” Even a GCE student knows IMF and WB are separate and not privately owned. Muslims must learn to recognise history and not invent instant-history and thereby become a laughing stock. It is time our Muslims also learn that currently the Israelis have won over the Saudis and many other Arabs and have thus further split the Islamic world – far beyond the
Sunni-Shia divide.
Fathima hallucinates Arabs are superior to Indians/S. Indians. That may be because of ignorance of India/S.India. Like in India, there are dark and fair Arabs. That does not make them superior, or even inferior, to Indians or any other.
It is in the Lankan Muslim interest to give up combatancy and learn to live peacefully with historical and social reality. Provoking other communities is always at a price. One cannot live by lies alone – for too long.
Jim softy / June 6, 2018
Both Rishad Bathiuddin and Raug Hakeem and eventheir security guards have got money from bond scam. Rnil says it is legal.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / June 7, 2018
This is why the Constitutional Revision should be all about getting rid of all the religious/language/cast/class/race references altogether from the system at schools/religious and language political parties be removed/ stop statistics collection on all this divisions and remove all the religious symbols from the land for good please. All this idle worshipping should be confined to our bedrooms. Praying God is about how we live and deliver justice to fellow man full stop and we be rewarded/accepted by “whoever” that we believe in for this action only? In fact once we up ourselves to this level we do not even need police/armed forces/justice system at all……….the mind and body growth happens naturally… will develop effortlessly…..nature will not be raped….nor her balance will be toppled by this ever so breeding human activity……a burden on Mother Lanka’s kindness. We were 6-7 million in 1940’s and now 21 million in 2015 but still figuring out what God really wants from us?? Well come to “Land like no other” indeed. The entire Indian continenet subjects can only eat/breed and shit on each other…the population nearing 2 billion soon……this is a proof we are all one DNA makeup…Please evaluate to see if the Presidential election, Parliamentary elections, Local council elections, Provincial Councils and Further Devolved powers, more on proportional representaion are what have been holding us back for a sustainabe tomorrow?? Are we ever “honest to ourself” about anything?
Fahim knight / June 7, 2018
@Venugopal , like The saying of Marx goes religion is the opium of the people ,so is any ideology .
The entire issue lies basically learning tolerance ,unfortunately ,though all ideologie’s core is tolerance ,none practices it nor is encouraged.
It should start from early childhood from. the home to schools to religious institutions.
Besides there is no way a eastern people can be completely taken away from their ideologies , most Seculars countries have only created more radicals by separating religion from state ,by that most of the religions have broken into many sects trying identify who is perfect.
What is needed is to keep religion within the government ,but monitered
Under a strict regulatory body , the government should be aware what is been fed to the public .
Fahim knight / June 7, 2018
,no race is superior to another, nor
pious rituals & charity seen by the people , only the ones truly superior are ,those who do not harbour hate in their breasts , those who fear retribution and who live a righteous life as to their hearts and not harm anyone on suspicious delusions & those who wish the same good what they desire for them & their family to others too.
Thiagarajah Venugopal / June 7, 2018
Dear Fahim, Thank you for the heart warming comment. Just to clarify I was only saying we should keep all the religious principles at home for the “time being” until we get ourself organised. I have nothing against anyones faith. I studied religion in schooling from day one and I agree what you say on all accounts. The trauma we have been trough since independence I feel the religions could “go underground” for sometime will help us focus on unity and that was all what I implied. People should carry their belives and see god in everyone else………in stead we have lost Mother Lankan children (civilians, civil servents,teachers, politicians, armed forces, young men and woman who fought in the armed struggles against all of us from all Sri Lankan communities) in this miserable infighting since independence troubles me….it is also my concern why are we not lighting candles for all our children died in every religious institutions throughout the land??…..we are selective when we grieve too?? To me this says something bad to the young growing up that God is happy to be divisive too was my point. Hence I suggested the above. I feel we adults have failed our children and keep failing them now too is my take. Thank you.
Fahim knight / June 7, 2018
This blame game has become such an addiction among the humans ,I believe. Probably a Drug addict may be able to give up his addiction faster ,but I have not an atom of faith in most humans that they can ever give up this cheap habit of blame game .
Either ,its Muslim for the some people or for Muslims its always Zionism.
Or For Some it’s Christian conspiracy to convert .
How can anyone convert you if you don’t permit them to ?
How can The Jews disunite you if you don’t create the situation and fight among your selves over petty issues ?
We need to take responsibility ,we need to stop living in denial .
Thiagarajah Venugopal / June 7, 2018
Dear Fahim I also agree the relevance of the religious values are not seen by the children because we adults are not consistent in our behaviour such we walk the talk. We always say something and do the opposite….therefore the children do not get the opportunity to understand the religious core principles/ethics and rather confusing to them. I also feel just like science and maths where practical relations to all the theories are important if what we learn ever matters in real life we need to do the same to religious teaching too. The way religions are taught at schools do not do anything to children when it comes to morality/love for all/purpose of life/being selfless and so forth….all I did was learned the religion where I had to memorise whole heaps of stuff to use them in exams and that was all… community work, looking after the needy……but temple visits and participate in something I did not understand etc. As an example we used to have people come to talks on what hinduism means in night times outside temples where people used to gather and learn the essence/real life applications of religious practices……….since late 70’s we have lost all this……….just a priest says something in Sanskrit no one has a clue?? I think Christian and Muslim worship places discuss community issues after prayers and not sure on Buddist Temples except the mediation part but school teaching may be different. Anyway as you said we should revise how religions are presented to children from young age then it will create a more harmonious community and do what it meant do in the fish place. Thank you
sbarrkum / June 8, 2018
Evangelizing by Japanese of Bengal Baul philosophy in Bengal. Reminiscent of Olcott et al. Background Bengalis look so Sri Lankan.
I want Baul evangelism in Sri Lanka.
FAHIM Hameed / June 8, 2018
How does honest Traders survive in a Country ,where ,they invest on their shop or office whatever space , pays proper import duty ,other fees etc , pay their staff decent salaries ,pay taxes ,pay epf and etf , pay bank loans go by the rule,,,
While another segment pays nothing , Not just FOB , but duty free ,tax free , and most probably selling the product at the same price.
Then there are those favoured with monopoly with Natural resources ,while others are refused & some of these resources are suppose to be banned ,but yet there it goes on with no restrictions
Then Tenders ,distribution of Aide and grants , financial facilities ,these too are available most of the time on the favoured lot and also those who don’t deserve it & most of the time will not put it to honest use that benefits the country or people.
So how does this practice been in this country for decades going to change
and bring in fair play by just changing faces ?
Is there anyway that anyone or a sincere group can bring in a complete new revolution in our system ?
Or we just keep changing faces ?
Punchi Point / June 9, 2018
Its hard to believe that Tamils are tolerant of anything. Be it inter-ethnic or inter-religious or inter-linguistic or within the Tamil community itself the Tamils are very intolerant. Tamil intolerance is the main reason for the ethnic conflict also.
Tamils have a proven history of religious intolerance. Examples – in 1544, Sankili the Tamil ruler massacred 700 newly converted Christians in Mannar and a few weeks later he ethnically cleansed the Buddhists from Jaffna. Yalpana Vaipava Malai and Portuguese documents attest to this. Yalpana Vaipava Malai says:
“After the massacre of the Christians Sankili’s insane fury longed for more victims and he fell upon the Buddhists of Jaffna who were all Sinhalese. He expelled them beyond the limits of the country and destroyed their numerous places of worship. Most of them betook themselves to the Vannis and the Kandyan territories.”
In 1990 the Tamil leader Prabakaran ethnically cleansed the Muslims from Jaffna.
Tamils in the homeland of Tamils are the most intolerant in India – according a report made by the national alliance of evangelical Christians Tamil Nadu tops in hate crimes against Christians, in India. The past year 351 incidents of violence against Christians have been reported in Tamil Nadu.
Sagara / June 10, 2018
There may be shiv sena but in srilanka they dont have any strenth. But infact there are several fundamentalist muslim attacks on tamils in east. Land grabbing illegaly by Hisbulla. (At present problems going on in Ayithiamalai where this man’s binamies have taken 100 acres in tamil area with fraud documents ) .planned conversions , abducting cattles of poor tamils and slautering and transporting in mass (several incidence. Like events are happening. If caught all culprits are released by influential muslim politicians. ( recently a van of cows were caught at paranthan which were abducted by puttalam muslim who released soon by political influence) .tamil girls are tormrnted by muslim youths. They are getting calls from muslim boys who they dont know .
I have seen the one muslim party leader have written in his facebook and had a discussion in which they decided to create an issue between shivsena and sinhalese.
Srilankan tamils will never support shivsena . But I have a doubt whether this writter have been funded by any interested party