By Reverend PJ Fernando –
I thank Shyamon Jayasinghe for taking his time to respond to me to my reply to him on the 11th June. I value his comments and remarks. Saddened though as it is his style, cluttering with very personal remarks. Probably to make his column punchy (I give him the benefit of the doubt), so that it will get many hits!! So follows those commenting, plunging themselves to such depths, no surprise there. However, it is frightening, and I would say is even threatening to see ‘good journalism’ licensing, as Shyamon does, quoting from his own handbook! the Media-kangaroo court of delivering justice. Reading through Sayamon’s response, and the comments that followed my reply and his, should in many ways shame us and many who commented. Why has our disagreements and responses should take the form of personal attacks? I would invite Shyamon and those commenting, if I may, to concentrate on beyond insulting people through personal attacks, to enter into a discussion on the concerns we have, and the issues raised. Yes, indeed it is a debate and discussion the whole country should have. Everyone should be comfortable, confident in doing so and be valued for taking time to do so. Not a personal attack, debilitating such a discourse. If you disagree with an opinion someone has expressed or on what some one has done, let us directly address the issue in concern with dignity and respect, and let’s not attempt to vilify the person. Let us keep; as I requested in my reply, to the decency and courtesy. Hold fast to ‘not crossing the line’. Arguing, with insult with a threat of bringing shame, cannot be a valid form of argument or discourse in reason, and in a civilised world. I am sure we are civilised enough to understand it, even if we don’t hold the brains. Often it is a show of defeat, hurt and guilt. But it doesn’t have to be. We need not accuse anyone as a person but let us open up a decent robust discussion with a mutual respect and courtesy. I am sure all of us should be able to rise up to it.
As I said in my earlier reply, I ended offering the reader another view and a take, to what Shyamon had to say. I was not defending the Cardinal; I am sure he would careless, and I don’t think that the cardinal is of the calibre of people who rewards his poodles for standing by him. As far as I know- not much, he is anything but! What I have attempted to do is appreciating the leadership he has shown in a crisis situation and I outlined the reasons for doing so for the reader’s benefit. Why would the cardinal need my defence? What threat is posed on him by whom? Of course, I understand that my Dphil (Phd) is beyond the comprehension of Shyamon or those that commented, indeed, to tell you, a very specialised area, not everyone’s cup of tea and not dared by many. But what has my Dphil or where I am or what I do, should be taken into question. Why a personal attack? Can we rise beyond this vulgar journalism and abuse in the public forum? Could we ask for a bit of civility, but indeed a thorough, robust discussion, as I repeat myself, on issues that have plagued our country, raising its nasty head time and time again in many forms.
It is good to note that Shyaman recognising that no human person, neither is he (to add), beyond ‘the potential to folly, err and act in evil ways’, but it is not simply a potential. No person can claim a moral high ground in everything one says and does. Surely, nor can Shyamon. I don’t think none of us, surely not me, neither the cardinal nor any other could claim the moral high ground. We are all ‘offenders’. I cannot think of anyone who could claim to be a ‘messenger’ – the faultless one! who would be simply pointing the finger at someone and all others, except for oneself. Sitting on a throne of judgement! The test that distinguishes a false messenger, for that matter a false prophet, is exactly one’s intention, honesty, the reasons for doing so without favour or bias, and of course the mannerism. What I wrote wasn’t a cleansing of cardinal’s whole life (it’s not my business nor anyone’s, what right would one have?), nor when the cardinal visited the monk, was it an approval by the cardinal, of all what the monk said and did. Why should it be? I am sure we should be able to understand this. On the other hand, what right do we have to condemn anyone so to say, excuse my jargon, to hell! If as Shyamon says, this monk resort to violence previously, and as illustrated by Shyamon in detail scrutinising the monk’s personal life, then when he took to a nonviolence means to ask for justice from a state that failed, should you have not encouraged it as cardinal did or rather would you have encouraged violence instead? So, if we justify a philosophy that licenses a personal attack, which is a form of violence, then no person in truth could enter into a serious debate and discussion on any issue that matters to the country, the nation or anything else. In fact, it poses the threat of shutting the door for engaging by any decent respectable person into a reasonable, sensible discussion. Which is very much the cry and the need of our times. So, shall we, please!
If the victory is what is sought in this rebuttal, I am happy to award it to Shyamon, no hesitation. You can have it all, but let understanding be mine. If it is the shame and insult you wish upon me, sure, I would be most willing to have it, but let the pleasure be mine. But can we have this discussion sensibly with civility. I accept your invitation, thank you; yes, indeed it is serious business Shaymon, it is your playground and I am a novice, yet I am up to it. But not simply blowing a whistle, pulling down the pants and pointing a finger! There is nothing spectacular, is there?
As I repeat myself, when one says ‘Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country’ it does not imply logically that others do not belong to the country or having secondary status, or giving in Shyamon’s words, ‘primal and host status’, but as I said, it implies rather the contrary. It is a distortion, a wrong understanding that is promoted to achieve one’s own agenda. I stated the principle of logic from the textbook, but Shyamon does not seem to accept it. It is in our own wrong comprehension in our heads and indeed in prejudiced minds that it is. This is the comprehension I would wish to correct and help us understand better, the real issues behind all this, for a better future for our country.
I am pleased, at least that in the next statement he agrees with me; that this claim, does not deny anyone’s rights. But, immediately goes to, belittling my PhD, why? Then he goes on to saying that this however creates a ranking of rights. In other words, a right to discriminate. This is the type of wrong reasoning and understanding that we should strive to correct with discussion, and in turn advocate and mobilise the people’s thought. There is no ‘right as such to discriminate’. To discriminate means to deny some the right which others enjoy. I am sure that is to say, denying the right of some. So, we are in a circular argument. Which is an invalid and false argument, as is done, will lead to a wrong conclusion. This is dangerous Shyamon as we will be misleading the ordinary people with a seemingly sound and appealing reasoning. I am sure Shyamon sees it now and is not intentional, even though he may not be willing to accept it in a public forum. But if he is intentional in misleading, hope it is not, then I would say it is bad.
Every person has absolute and inalienable rights. These rights of a person cannot be denied or compromised in any way. It is all said and sealed in the very words that defines it. It is a distortion to say, as Shyamon says ‘that these others’ rights take second place in a country that belongs primarily to the Sinhala Buddhists’. It is not at all the case. The rights of a person cannot be compromised in any sense. If there is, the fault line is not in defining a Sinhalese Buddhist country, but the governance, the state that has failed to enshrine and protect the rights. In that case not just any other minorities’ right, but the rights of any, and so all and every person’s right is denied. Of course, there will be qualified rights. This could be a qualified right, when the Sinhalese Buddihst country is put to risk. But still not without many checks and balances. So would all others, even the minority communities are protected by such qualified rights. Which I believe they have not hesitated to resort to in the past, even with the promptings of the international community. Which is the right thing. Protection of rights is the duty of the state and of every abiding citizen. If it is violated, they must be held accountable. Not just the state but all others too should be held accountable. As I said in my earlier reply, it is altogether a separate discussion. Where I would settle for now, is to say again, that Sri Lanka is a Sinhalese Buddhists country does not follow that it renegades the rights of others. It cannot be, for the previously said logical reasons and as I have explained further in reply to Shyamon’s contention.
To simply reduce it to saying that ‘Sri Lanka is a country where the majority are Sinhala Buddists’, as is said by the honourable minister, and as Shyamon says, has squared the circle, how has it, or any such, be in equal territory. Is it because, then it is a fair game to be the majority? This very unthoughtful statement, which seems depraved of good counsel by the minister, and as some of the commentators say ‘happened to be Sinhala Buddhists’, is to deny and eliminate the very history, culture and native homeland of the people. This as I detailed in my earlier reply, is threatened by, to be specific, the separatist and proselytising agenda. In fact, by saying it and agreeing, we will be most probably unwittingly falling a prey to them. So, let us examine this statement.
Once we deny and remove this native, traditional homeland concept from a country and the nation, then rightly so, it is indeed a numbers game and what ‘happens to be’ or in extension ‘made it to be (looks like happens to be)’. Say for the argument’s sake ‘there was a plague’ and that all Sinhalese women, and no other became barren, then indeed Sri Lanka will no longer be a Sinhalese country, for all of them will be out numbered say in 100 years’ time by some other or others that happen to be not barren, let alone the extinction. And again, say, due to some apocalyptic feature, a great fire ball strikes the Sinhalese people seeing their sudden extinction, then it will surely no longer be the Sinhalese country. Again, for the sake of clarifying my point, say with a sudden enlightenment or the manifestation of Lord Buddha the whole of Buddhist religion is made a folly so there would be a mass conversion to some other religion, then surely this would be a case of numbers. If this then is true, why couldn’t this then be caused by some way or other, if not sudden then prolonged for many many years and generations to come. For it is simply the numbers that matter and so can be caused to happen, planned to happen. This is exactly what the colonial powers did to this country dividing and conquering, playing the numbers game, defining a new the face of the country, seeing a natural extinction, or ‘equal territory’ and then rule the country to their wishes and gain. Sri Lanka probably just survived, but we know many countries that did succumb to it. No longer their cultures, languages and smaller, poorer nations survived. It surely was a curse upon human history, though the colonisation would have brought about its own merits and blessings in some other ways, one could argue. The recent mass migrations from neighbouring countries, and otherwise, have opened our eyes. Not all migrations are for genuine humanitarian reasons. Some are well planned along for many many years to come, and some paid, bought and sponsored by powerful countries, nations and even belief systems. It is even has risen to be an invasion by migrants. Just imagine if it happened to Sri Lanka. It is simply then a game of numbers, getting it right for us! to be whatever a Sri Lanka. So, then we easily reduce it to the law of the jungles, the survival of the fittest or the greatest.
In our case what does the statement ‘Sinhalese Country’ mean. It is not indeed simply a numbers game, not indeed a ‘majority Sinhalese’. It means nothing other than recognising, defining and protecting the traditional homeland of the people. Giving wait to a history and culture of a nation. Protecting form extinction, especially when their extinction is well planned, thought of and willed for. It is indeed the ‘birth right’ of a nation people. It is different to creating a modern state like Singapore. Yes, then probably we can do our numbers game. Sri Lanka is not. It’s not simply happened to be either, not so simplistic. Like you are born a Sinhalese, a Tamil, a white, a black, less able etc. it is your right to be what you are. Not just happened to be and so you can do away with it whenever you or others wanted, No, one and others, may better learn to live with it, and respect each other’s right to exist. It is more than what happened to be. So is with the nation. We cannot colourwash all to some neutral colour that is acceptable to all, so that all are on ‘equal territory’. In fact, it is a gross violation of human rights to deny one’s birth right, so is the birth right of a nation, rights of a native people for their culture, their religion and indeed their language, it is unique and an asset. It cannot simply be bought with a bigger pay-packet from the national income, as Shyamon suggests. The test is; as I said in my previous writeup, is there a Sinhalese country anywhere else in the world, is there a Sinhalese language anywhere else in the world. It is then right to say, that their right must be enshrined.
If one thinks that the Sinhalese are simply a majority, nothing more is so mistaken. In fact, we are just a minority in the region, and indeed not even thought of in the world. As I said nowhere else in world would you find Sinhalese. If one says Tamils are a minority, we should be joking against a population of one of the largest states of India, right next door, which is the traditional homeland of the Tamil people. Sri Lanka is a tiny country which cannot even really govern itself, the more instability that is caused as I said previously, isolating it in the international stage, destroying its economy, destroying its history and culture the better it is to playing the numbers game; so to say ‘let us define it as simply a majority Sinhalese country’ would be to succumb on ones own sword. I am very shocked to hear one of the respectable ministers, as Shyamon says, is saying this, and Shyamon simply agreeing putting his journalistic skills and morals on the line.
Throughout history it is indeed the Buddhist monks that fought tooth and nail for the country long before the colonial powers, throughout the colonial reign and even thereafter to date. They protected the Sinhalese language, culture and indeed the religion. This is undisputed. We as a nation should be indebted to the Buddhist clergy. Though I am a catholic priest, I cannot think of anyone amongst Christians or any other religion in Sri Lanka that has sacrificed so much and taken so much a dedication to protecting the country, the nation, people, its history and culture, other than promoting their own with a justification of their own existence. We should be ashamed of ourselves rather than find fault with them. The Easter Sunday massacre and what followed it seems to me, to have taken further the leadership of the Buddhist monks in the country, at least in some ways, at least among some of them, to rise to protecting their country by way of protecting and defending the rights of the minorities. This might not be perfect as we wish it to be, but doom must be we wish, if it’s not to be recognised. This is why I said previously that I recognise that we have a long journey to make. Of course, like in all cases there are the extremes and extremists. So, has it been with the Buddhists and the clergy. Oh well, let us not whitewash the rest. But that shouldn’t in any way rob the indebtedness we should have to the Buddhist clergy for protecting this country and the nation. I cannot find any justification in tarnishing Buddhism and their monks, as is so easily done nationally and internationally, other than to serve our own agenda; separatist or proselytising. Sinhalese Buddhist country; I might not be a Singhalese, why couldn’t I recognise it. I might not be a Buddhist, but why couldn’t I appreciate it. As I keep on asking, what is it that is stopping us. To do so, how could it mean to subject my rights to them, making me inferior or be of lessor rights. Or as I explained clearly in my previous writeup, give teeth to some Sinhalese chauvinism. This is what I wish to correct in this discussion. It is this wrong comprehension that is instilled in people, especially in the children and younger generation of Sinhalese, Buddhists, non-Sinhalese and non-Buddhists, and very specially amongst the expats, that has guaranteed misery, please God not bloodshed, for generations to come. We probably could pat ourselves saying ‘bravo’! Shame on us! We as parents, religious leaders, politicians and all those that play a part in informing, educating and shaping our people with some responsibility, will be held accountable someday, I hope. I would wish to use stronger words, but I shall restrain.
If it is our agenda to distract the country and the nation from the failed responsibility of the state with the Easter Massacre and the failed political leadership, and so also indeed the corrupt politics of the past, by drawing all attention and focus on two religious figures in depth, in detail and scrutiny, Shyamon, I think you probably have successfully achieved it. For your reply to me had a detail analysis of what the cardinal did and also the life of the monk, finding fault with them beyond belief, surprise surprise nothing much about the politician who makes off-the-cuff remarks picking a fight with a renowned religious leader, and the accountability and the leadership of the state, and the issues in discussion. Well done!
*Reverend Dr PJ Fernando – Currently Priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, UK. Besides his priestly studies he obtained his DPhil from University of Cambridge UK, in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligent Systems in 2004, served as Chaplain to number of universities in UK leading debate and discussions on number of topics such ‘the place of religion in the university’, ‘faith and reason’, ‘science and religion in a secular setting’, ‘religion in the public sphere as a moral compass’ and many other interests.
Sanjeewa / June 18, 2019
This priest appears to be a nervous character. Lots of confusion in his response to Shyamon Jayasinghe.
Leave him alone and let him pray
Justice & Fairplay / June 18, 2019
Dear Rev. PJF (PhD),
Your run up is so long, by the time you reach the wicket the batsman is taking a break beside the Ump at square leg!
Old codger / June 18, 2019
The revd. PJ is apparently much peeved by the disrespectful denizens of this forum. Rather like the monks who wanted special seating in Parliament. Dear Revd. it doesn’t work that way.
Well, Rev Fernando seems to suffer from the usual Sinhala Buddhist Tamilnadu- phobia, even though he is Catholic. “Tamilnadu- is one of the largest States in India” says he.
In truth, Tamilnadu’s population of about 60 million is only about 5% of the Indian population.
Then he writes:
“scrutinising the monk’s personal life, then when he took to a nonviolence means to ask for justice from a state that failed, should you have not encouraged it as cardinal did or rather would you have encouraged violence “
The fact is that this monk NEVER mentioned that he was fighting for justice for any minorities. This was falsely attributed to him by Archbishop’s House in a botched attempt to justify the visit .
“I cannot find any justification in tarnishing Buddhism and their monks, as is so easily done nationally and internationally, other than to serve our own agenda; separatist or proselytising.”
So it is quite clear where Rev.PJ. is coming from. Proselytising, eh? So the evil Evangelists are not worth a visit by the Cardinal even when their Church on Batti is bombed, but an extremist monk can be pandered to? Of course we know the Cardinal under pressure did visit Zion Church as an afterthought. Does that not prove that Malcolm Ranjit values the lives of fellow Christians less than that of a charlatan monk?
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
Old codger
I am sorry is Reverend Padre PJ Fernando in the middle of converting or attempting to convert himself from Catholicism to Sinhala/Buddhism?
Do you know the Cardinal’s latest position on various social issues such as homosexuality, capital punishment, human rights, religious denomination of this island, secularism, war crimes and crime against humanity committed in this island by all parties, “merciless” punishment of those who were responsible “because only animals can behave like that, …………….. ? Does he want to mercilessly punish those Catholic priests for abusing children?
I am indeed confused.
Old codger / June 19, 2019
Are we seeing the dawn
of a new species called Sinhala-Catholics , whose Pope will be MR ?
Old codger / June 19, 2019
“I cannot find any justification in tarnishing Buddhism and their monks, “
There is no need for us to do this when Mahanayakas call for Muslims to be stoned. I don’t think the Cardinal will have much to say on this.
“Though I am a catholic priest, I cannot think of anyone amongst Christians or any other religion in Sri Lanka that has sacrificed so much and taken so much a dedication to protecting the country, the nation, people, its history and culture,”
Rev PJ should know that the monks do not work for their living. They have to keep brainwashing the poor suckers who provide their food.
The Revd. is probably not aware where the Fernando clan came from. I think it would be educative to find out, instead of blindly parroting Sinhala Buddhist fake claptrap.
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
Old codger
“Are we seeing the dawn
of a new species called Sinhala-Catholics , whose Pope will be MR ?”
Why not?
During 2014 riots Muslims claimed being Sinhala Muslims hence they were part of the Sinhala People.
Punchi Point / June 19, 2019
Tamils have big problems when relating to reality. They distort and falsify facts to suit their agendas and construct bogus stories. It is not difficult for anyone to find out that Tamil Nadu is one of the largest states in India, yet this Tamil man is trying to refute this fact, by simply presenting bogus population figures. Tamilnadu population is not 60 million as he says, but 72 million as pr. 2011 census, and Tamilnadu ranks as number 6 out of the 29 states of India – doesn’t that quality as “one of the largest”? If one includes the 7 Union Territories then it is 6th place out of 36. With the high population growth rates Tamils have this figure of 72 million might have increased by a few millions during the past 8 years.
Under whose pressure did the cardinal of the CATHOLIC church visit the EVANGELICAL prayer-shop? Its sad when people get killed – but the cardinal cannot be everywhere, and he has to first attend to the needs of the Catholics before he can go visiting all the way to Batticoloa, and he wouldn’t know what kind of reception the Evangelical sect would give him either. My own personal view is that evangelical “churches” are not proper Christian churches, and are just some weird prayer-shops – they have made a lot of problems for people here – and if the Cardinal has really gone there, I think he should not have gone there, but instead visited the victims’ families personally.
Old codger / June 19, 2019
Even 80 million is less than 10% of India’s population. Tamils are a smaller minority in India despite your attempts to “prove” otherwise.
Thank you, but I am not a Tamil.
The Cardinal is aware of what goes on in forums like CT . Of course he can’t be everywhere, but he found time to visit a rabid monk in Kandy .
As to evangelicals being weird, what should you think of a religion that worships trees and enslaves children?
Or the other one which claims to consume human flesh and blood ?
Or even the one that thinks a woman’s hair is pornographic ?
Weirdness, dear PP, is in the eyes of the beholder
Punchi Point / June 20, 2019
What exactly is your argument? You cannot speak of minorities and majourities between Indian states, but only within states.
FYI, India is composed of 29 states, which where each state has an equal stake in India. One doesn’t have to even look at census data to assess the data intelligently and get an idea that when there are 29 states, if the population is equally divided, then each state will have roughly 3.5%. When one speaks of a state that one claims is 5% then “less than 10%”, it indicates that we are speaking of a larger state than what can be expected even if the population is equally divided between states. But since Old codger says that “Tamils are a smaller minority ” he has assumed that there are many states that are larger than Tamilnadu, then how does he expect to divide the rest of the population among the remaining states, without making them into minorities? Then what happens to the status of “smaller minority” he has awarded the Tamils in Tamilnadu? I hope Old codger will see how stupid it is to say what he is saying. The whole purpose of his statement is to challenge the Reverend’s statement about Tamilnadu being one of the largest states in India. However Old codger does not have grounds for his criticism, so he fabricates numbers.
As stated one cannot speak of minorities-majourities between states, but within states. Eg. In Tamil Nadu, the Tamils are the majourity and there is a Telugu minority of about 8% besides Malayalee (2%), Kannadigas (2%) etc. None of these minorities are challenging the fact that Tamilnadu is Tamil. Srilanka is comparable to an individual linguistic state of India, and not the whole of India.
Old codger / June 20, 2019
Here is a list of populations of Indian states. TN is large in area BUT is not densely populated as the others. So it has 72 m in 130,000 km2 compared to UP with 200 m in 240,928 km2.
If you still deny that Tamils are a small minority in India, you are welcome to have your cake and eat it too.
Your Sinhala Buddhist nightmares are far too ingrained.
State Population Area Population Density
Uttar Pradesh 199,812,341 240,928 km2 828/km2
Maharashta 112,372,972 307,713 km2 365/km2
Bihar 103,804,637 94,163 km2 1,102/km2
West Bengal 91,347,736 88,752 km2 1,029/km2
Madhya Pradesh 72,597,565 308,245 km2 236/km2
Tamil Nadu 72,138,958 130,058 km2 555/km2
Punchi Point / June 20, 2019
First you say: “In truth, Tamilnadu’s population of about 60 million is only about 5% of the Indian population.”
Then you change it to: “Even 80 million is less than 10% of India’s population. Tamils are a smaller minority in India..”
Then you change that to: “TN is large in area BUT is not densely populated as the others. So it has 72 m in 130,000 km2 compared to UP with 200 m in 240,928 km2”
You have listed 6 states in descending order of population number. Below Tamilnadu which is the 6th state in your list, are the remaining 23 states, but you continue to argue against the fact that Tamilnadu is one of the largest states in India and claiming that Tamils are a small minority in India, but now you are trying to prove your idiotic point by using population density. LMAO. Looking at the list one can see that Uttar Pradesh, which is the largest state in India is densely populated than Tamilnadu, but Kerala is more densely populated than both Uttar Pradesh and Tamilnadu. The numbers being:
Kerala – 859 persons pr. km2
Uttar Pradesh – 828 persons pr. km2
Tamilnadu – 555 persons pr. km2
Using the same line of argument as you have used, one can claim that Kerala is a larger state than both Uttar Pradesh and Tamilnadu. Do you see how stupid this is? All this is because you wanted to criticize the Reverend for nothing and you got caught, and now you are trying to manipulate data and scratching your head about how to prove your false claim. The fact remains that Tamilnadu is infact one of the largest states in India, both in population numbers, area and density.
old codger / June 20, 2019
You are welcome to your Sinhala Buddhist delusions. But the fact remains that 72 million is 5.8% of 1.2 billion. Whether you stand on your head or not,(I hope you enjoy the view), the Tamils ARE a small minority in India.I cannot help it if you are shit scared of them for whatever reason. Grow up.
.You seem to have a thing for the dear Revd. I will be charitable and assume nothing.
Punchi Point / June 21, 2019
Old Codger, You criticized the Reverend on false grounds, and when you were exposed you resort to an exhibition of utter idiocy and personal attacks. What I want to prove is that how you have lied and manipulated a simple statement is how propaganda and hoaxes are made. In your first post which I replied to, there are several other falsehoods and constructions, but I chose to concentrate on this aspect, because it has most to do with numbers and therefore easily proven wrong. Since you have introduced the term minority into the description of the Tamils in Tamilnadu, can you please tell us who the majourity in India is? Surely there must be a majourity if there is a minority? Whether something is smaller, larger or a minority or majourity is relative a relative thing. Though in sociology and politics the definition for minority is not solely dependant on numbers, but on the political status of a given group.
Definition of a minority from Sociology:
“Note that being a numerical minority is not a characteristic of being a minority group; sometimes larger groups can be considered minority groups due to their lack of power. It is the lack of power that is the predominant characteristic of a minority, or subordinate group. For example, consider apartheid in South Africa, in which a numerical majority (the black inhabitants of the country) were exploited and oppressed by the white minority”.
Whether we look at the situation in purely numerical terms or political/sociological terms you are wrong.
If we concentrate on just the numerical aspect, 5.8% would be a small minority if the rest of the 94.2% was a whole or divided into much larger sections than 5.8%.
Contd. below »
Punchi Point / June 21, 2019
Contd. »
As your own list shows, Tamilnadu population is at the 6th place out of 29 states, which means that there are 23 states which are smaller than Tamilnadu, in other words, the majourity (80%) of states, in India are smaller than Tamilnadu. Again, I state with confidence that the statement that “Tamilnadu is one of the largest states in India” is absolutely correct. It simply means that there are a few states which are larger than Tamilnadu, and some/more states that are smaller than Tamilnadu.
One can ofcourse disagree with the wider point the Reverend was trying to make, namely that Tamils in SriLanka cannot be considered a minority because there is a large Tamil population in Tamil Nadu. But I more or less agree with him on this point too, since Tamils in SriLanka draw political and ideological backing and support from Tamilnadu for their claims here, and without the Tamil backing from Tamilnadu, the Tamil cause (or rather the Tamil hoax) here would not have taken the turn it did and it would most certainly not have turned into a violent terrorist war. Until very recent times, Tamils here never considered themselves as a separate people from Tamilnadu. Even in the mid-late 19th century Tamils didn’t claim they were indigenous to Srilanka, they maintained that they had come from the opposite coast and settled here. Even in the time of Ponnambalam brothers as late as 1920’s Tamilnadu was looked at as the homeland of the Tamils. Even today Tamils here have a difficult time trying to convince themselves and others that they are a different people than Tamils in Tamilnadu.
So, all in all, the Reverend is absolutely correct in stating what he has stated in this regard.
Real Eagle / June 20, 2019
The Tamils may be a minority in India, but they punch far above their weight ,just as they do in Lanka.That is what the Rev. Fernando and punchi point are afraid of. It is an inbuilt talent , nothing to do wth bogus claims of favouritism.
ravi perera / June 20, 2019
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2
Native Vedda / June 20, 2019
ravi perera Sinhala speaking Demela
Great typing.
Have you been busy along with somass selecting targets ?
Manel Fonseka / June 19, 2019
Brilliant, Justice & Fairplay!
I wish I could express my reaction to his ramblings as succintly & amusingly.
nimal fernando / June 20, 2019
It’s time for all to be Catholic about this whole darn shindig and take a beeline to the simple truth!
Chaff away all the claptrap from the core issue ……….. The simple Christian truth here is, the elections are near ………….. and Rathana Thero did nothing but try to revive his flagging political career with that cheap stunt.
Can any of you out there deny that? Please come out, come out, and argue your case.
The poor Cardinal in all his wisdom got ensnared in a common Lankan political stunt.
Lankan “Sinhalese” history is littered with people going on hunger strike who never starve to death! …….. Unlike the Irish Catholics Bobby Sands and others, the Reverend ought to be well aware of.
One can be more certain that no “Sinhalese” protest-starver will ever die of hunger ……… than even one can be certain that the sun will rise tomorrow!
The poor Cardinal tried a cheap stunt to gain some popularity and got enmeshed in this shebang …….. and the poor Revered tried to defend him thinking the people here in the forum are like their brain-dulled flock who believe any crap they dish-out from their high and mighty holier than thou pulpits.
Now, they aren’t man enough to admit their error ………. want to stand on their heads and whistle Dixie from their behinds …….. thinking we’ll recognise the tune!
Dear Reverend, a poor man, a genuine truth-seeker, got nailed to a cross for telling the truth.
Trapped in your luxurious/comfortable and “educated” lives you have forgotten his example!
Is the cross too heavy to bear in your fine regalia?
Excuse my French, but to put it bluntly …………..Don’t try to bullshit Reverend. Forget everything and try to be truthful/honest at least to yourself. It’s not hard if you get off your high-horse and take time off to humbly reflect.
Christ would have wanted it that way. …………. I know; I speak to him every day.
Amarasiri / June 19, 2019
P J Fernando,
Do you know how the so-called Cardinal Malcolm got appointed to be Cardinal?Mahinda Rajapaksa recommended him to the Pope when he was President, and Ranjit is ever grateful to him. So, Mahinda made the request to Cardinal Ranjuth, and he obliged.
Mahinda’s wife Is Catholic.
When the Oct 26th coup happened what did the so-Cardinal do ?
You Catholics, especially the clergy are hypocrites and it is about self-interest. The Protestants equated the Popes to the Devil. During world war 2, the poles and the church were in bed with three Catholic dictators, Hitler, Mussolini and Franco.
Want to know more about the crimes if the Catholic Church over two millennia? Just go to you tube and type Chris HUTCHINS and the Catholic Church.
Where is Cardinal Law of Boston? Cardinal Ranjit is a agent of the Satanic cult called the Catholic Church and you are an apologist for the cult.
Shame on you, P J Fernando.
Doubting Thomas / June 20, 2019
This priest Fernando suffers from a terrible case of verbal diarrhoea!
A Champion of gobbledegook!
The Cardinal is a fraud…..and no amount of verbiage can conceal that fact.
My prayer for the beleagured Cardinal and his Acolyte Fernando:
‘ Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’!!!!!!!
Native Vedda / June 18, 2019
Reverend Padre PJ Fernando
“If the victory is what is sought in this rebuttal, I am happy to award it to Shyamon, no hesitation. “
Please help me to deconstruct what you have typed above.
First you are falsely assuming Shyamon Jayasinghe was seeking victory.
Secondly you also believe his article “We’ve Had Enough Of The Monks On Our Backs; The Catholic Clergy Should Not Add To The Ordeal – Response To Revd Dr PJ Fernando” which is in fact a warning to us the kean readers the dangers of clergies dabbling in shades of satanic verses was a rebuttal to you. In fact it was indeed a mere tool to educate all of us particularly those who claim to posses clear theoretical foundation on theological politics or rather clerical and saffron politics.
It is indeed for us the commoners, readers, commentators, in rare cases the learned, …. to judge the victor and not the person who believes he was in a imagined race, competition, …………
Nothing Personal.
soma / June 19, 2019
When the Wahabis attacked the Catholics how did the discourse turned around towards the Sinhala Buddhists?
No surprise there.
You are uncomfortable that the bomb did not create a fissure between Buddhists and Catholics , your dying wish.
As for the Cardinal what you are telling him is bury your dead, say your prayers and go home.
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
“When the Wahabis attacked the Catholics how did the discourse turned around towards the Sinhala Buddhists?”
Are you growing back into your dad’s sperm or mother’s egg?
Did your father have low sperm count due to his drug addiction?
“You are uncomfortable that the bomb did not create a fissure between Buddhists and Catholics , your dying wish.”
On the contrary you are disappointed you couldn’t have a satisfying riots against Muslims. Its not too late you could start one on flimsy charges, may be the food you had at a Muslim cafe had lowered your Sinhala/Buddhist libido, lowered the sperm count, made you dum, made your grandchildren stupider, ….. with the blessing of the cardinal and Assgiria, ……………..
“As for the Cardinal what you are telling him is bury your dead, say your prayers and go home.”
Of course unlike in previous bombing, shelling, riots it is better to identify the victims, issue proper death certificates with correct information, pay compensation, catch those who directly or indirectly caused the death of hundreds of innocent people, charge them, …….. catch those rioters who went on their usual hunting, get yourself arrested, …. and catch those ignorant lazy Sinhala/Buddhist members of security services who ignore not only the warnings but failed to deliver what they get paid for, …………………
Ignore the cardinal as he is not fit for the calling, arrest Assgiria for the filth he uttered, …………
Make sure you serve sentences for your involvement in previous riots, but then your president is keen to release all those racists.
Thiru / June 18, 2019
Priests, whether Buddhist, Christian, Catholic, Islamic or Hindu should stay out of politics for their worldly knowledge is limited, except in theology.
They should not exploit their religious positions to interfere in politics.
Amarasiri / June 20, 2019
Q. If they stay out of politics, how can they project their hegemony, stay close to the power centers and promote their self-interest for perpetuity?
Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 18, 2019
This racist man , [edited out] and openly espousing Sinhalese Buddhist racism is a disgrace to the Catholic church and should disrobed, Could someone please send his articled to the Vatican so that action can be taken against this man. He is not fighting for the rights of downtrodden or people who are discriminated but sits and has a nice like in the UK , enjoying all the equal opportunities and the good life Britain has to offer and is espousing racism at home. How can Colombo Telegraph allow a Christian priest to post such garbage here? Is this man for real? Does he even read the bible and practice what Lord Jesus Christ preached?
Ajith / June 18, 2019
Dear Reverend PJ Fernando,
I didn’t want to read all of your article. I know you wants to defend your fellow Christian priest at any cost because of one particular reason that is same religion. Since 1948, Sri lanka under Sinhalese Buddhist rule brought severe destruction to the peace and unity among the citizens of Srilanka which include four major religions, and two different languages. Do you know this country had different kingdoms before European invasion? In the North East region of this island was primarily populated by Tamil speaking people. Not even 5% of Sinhala or Buddhist in this region. there were three kingdoms in this island before European invasion. How could you say this country is a Sinhala Buddhist country with different kingdoms?
Anan / June 18, 2019
Ex-Srilanka Prime Minister D,S,S and G,G. Ponampalam made agreement. ( That way they( Sri Lanka, U.N.P) send -6.00.000. Indian’s Tamils to Tamil land, / south India, in 1977, Ex, President – J.R. give Citizenship to indian Tamils, ( 1948, D,S, started with Indian Tamils , in 1978, J,R, finished.) , but J,R and LTTE, started play war, Today Srilanka looking anther problem, if United government can work for new peace, process, it good for the country,
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
“in 1977, Ex, President – J.R. give Citizenship to indian Tamils, ( 1948, D,S, started with Indian Tamils , in 1978, J,R, finished.) , “
Please provide us with reference.
Thanga / June 18, 2019
The fact that this Catholic priest has to write a long, long rigmarole to refute Shyamon Jayasinghe itself shows he is in a weak wicket. He is defending the indefensible racist concept of that this country is a Sinhala Buddhist country. There are some Catholic priests while wearing the robes, at heart of heart, they are Sinhala Buddhist supremacists at heart!. During wartime, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith took an anti- LTTE stand because of his conviction that this country is a Sinhala Buddhist country. I wish to pose a question to this priest as to why parliament reverse the Sinhala Only Act passed in 1956 and accorded Tamil language parity of status in 1978? What was the compelling reason for the volte-face? The answer is common sense. When you have one language, though spoken by the majority of the people, you make the Tamils and other second class citizens. It is as simple as that! Similarly, when you call this country a Sinhala Buddhist, you relegate people practising other faiths to second class citizens. Canada, USA, UK, EU countries don’t claim their countries are White Anglo-Saxon Christian countries. In fact, these countries keep religion separate from the state and rightly so. When Catholic Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith visits the fasting Buddhist monk who was targetting the entire Muslim community for the sins of few terrorists, he is sending a wrong signal to the world at large. The Buddhist Thera being an MP himself, he should have used that forum to air his views. Instead, he goes on an indefinite fast to blackmail the government, though he knew the government will not allow him to die as a pseudo-martyr. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith was encouraging racism and religious jingoism. I don’t think the Tamil Catholic priests will endorse his racist policies.
Rajash / June 19, 2019
Reverend Dr PJ Fernando I am sure will endorse the statement by Asgiri Prelate who Calls For Stoning Of Muslims…..as Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country…and they have the right to do so….
I wonder Reverend Dr PJ Fernando would also defend Asgiri Prelate if he calls for the stoning of catholics ?
JD / June 19, 2019
The error from the Cardinal Malcom ranjith was he talked supporting buddhists and that was the last thing many politically interested NGOs expected. They are using islam to destroy Islam as well as to Buddhists. They need Theravada Buddhists of Asia totally and completely subjugated, oppressed, suppressed and persecuted. Asian Buddhists do not agree to the total and complete annihilation. Just as an experiment appreciate the Evangelist cult and their supporters to see how things go for you. Cardinal will become a Sri lankan Hero.
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
“The error from the Cardinal Malcom ranjith was he talked supporting buddhists and that was the last thing many politically interested NGOs expected. “
On the contrary the Cardinal “talked supporting ” Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto sufferers rather than the Buddhists or the Sinhalese.
Anyone who possesses an iota of gray matter won’t “talk supporting ” Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto sufferers.
Lester / June 19, 2019
While the war was going on, there were certain factions intent on dividing the country. These factions include the LTTE and its supporters (especially the diaspora) plus international NGO’s and even the government of Norway. There were also sections within the Sinhalese who came to regard the Sri Lankan government as a greater threat to their own personal ambitions than the LTTE. The absolute and thorough defeat of the LTTE has left these factions in a dilemma. Their last hope was a UN resolution against “genocide” pertaining to 2009, but other than a minor effect on garment exports, this attempt has also failed. These factions all have one thing in common: they are deathly afraid of a Rajapakse returning to power. Therefore, they have raised this strawman of a fascist “Sinhala-Buddhist” entity hell-bent on racism. They want to use this strawman to keep the failed Yalpahana government in place. Our friend Shyamon belongs to this camp. The Easter attacks were a pivotal moment, as the Yalpahana bosses reached the upper echelons of gross mismanagement. The likelihood of a Rajapakse comeback increased proportionally. That is why you have this hysteria over “Sinhala-Buddhism”, despite Sinhala-Buddhism having nothing to do with the Wahhabi indoctrination of Tamil-speaking Muslims.
Dionysus / June 19, 2019
This clergyman has produced a convoluted piece of crap. Wonder who sat his exams for him?
Dionysus / June 19, 2019
This clergyman has produced a convoluted piece of crap. Wonder who sat his exams for him? Futile dignifying it with further comment.
Nathan / June 19, 2019
My dear Reverend, you mean blood. You want to simply attack Shyamon without understanding or caring what he had written. As a citizen and more importantly as a human being, he has all the rights to highlight the evil doers, especially those who take cover under religion. Your only aim is to protect the cardinal, despite knowing from this forum that he is not liked by many. Now, why are you crying for Sinhala Buddhists -Only Race in Sri Lanka-Concept? What do you expect in return? If you know your history, then you will realise that SL is ONLY a Sinhala-Buddhist -Majority country. Have no doubt about that. Buddhism 2500 yrs old and 2200 years in Lanka. Buddhism entered Lanka in 250 BCE. By then Hindu influence was already well established. At that time no Sinhala race in Lanka. Only Veddas, Nagas and Yaksas. They were not Sinhalas. Mythical Vijayan arrived around but before Buddha. He was an Indian Hindu and not a Sinhala. Dutte Gamini too is not a Sinhala or a Buddhist and he too precedes Buddha. He never spoke anything called Sinhala. He did not know of Buddha. He worshiped Kataragama Skanda, whatever they turn and twist now. Skanda was already there in Lanka deep south long before Buddha. Even your Mystical Ravana was a Shiva worshiping Yaksa king with roots from India. Do you know that Buddhist version of Ramayana do not speak of Ravana, his abduction of Sita and the war between Ravana and Rama? Because the epic doesn’t go well with your tales. Sinhala no doubt evolved in Lanka after 10 CE but not spontaneously and exclusively but from Vedda, Pali, Sanskrit and Tamil. Tamil language is older than Sanskrit. Tamil Brahmi is found all over Lanka. But there are several facts about Tamil history in Lanka that are hidden by racially and politically motivated archaeologists and historians.
Nathan / June 19, 2019
Tamil is an independently evolved language. So dear reverend, your kathawa of Sinhala Buddhist nation is only your cunning attempt to hoodwink the Sinhalas for your very gain. But let me assure you that as it stands today Sinhala Buddhism is in majority in SL and thus obviously has to enjoy the numerical privilege. No one disputes. Tamils and Hindus fully endorse that. It is only the cunning Christians and their evangelists brought in by ruthless Portuguese did all the damage to both native religions of Lanka. Buddhists and Hindus have no problem and no dispute. If not for the cunning late comers I am certain they both would have lived peacefully in this country. Mind you the Buddhists have axe grind with these Christian converts and their illegal churches and bogus cry of Jesus is coming. Same thing is happening in India too. So dear reverend best thing you can do is to first stop these conversion schemes of Buddhists and Hindus and stop this pleasing trick about “Sinhala Buddhist Country”. All can see patently your intension. If you really mean what you say and speak in the name of God then throw away your robe, your cross and become a Buddhist, not as a clergy but as a civilian. Then I will accept you as honest and sincere. At present it sounds to me that you are playing a double game. You are poisoning the innocent, unsuspecting Sinhala Buddhists with this “Sinhala Buddhist Majority” venom. We all (Buddhists and Hindus) accept that Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist Country. So you need not worry about that. I only pray that high time Buddhists and Hindus to understand these cunning acts and to come together. Stop the guys who fish in trouble waters.
chiv / June 19, 2019
Dr. Fernando lets face it. You are nothing but a hypocrite , just like Ranjith who you are trying to cover. I refuse to address both of you as Rev here from now. The holy pope as been tolerant and humane you guys are acting right opposite to the teaching and commitment. He has been willing to accept LGBT and visiting countries which his predecessors avoided. He has admitted to world wide abuse in churches and has promised to take action in a transparent manner, he has even participated in discussions with pro abortion groups to listen to their views. Where as Ranjith has denied any human right abuse as such in Lanka. Pope has always stood for the weak, minorities and for victims. Where as Ranjith and you have preferred to join the perpetrators who are spreading hatred and violence. You guys are working against your own teachings and commitments. In my opinion either one of you deserve to be addressed as REV.
K A Sumanasekera / June 19, 2019
Dear Father,
Shaymon is just a Shit Stirrer from Down Under..
Who seem to derive enormous pleasure by attacking the poor Sinhala Buddhists in his X Motherland.
When it comes to doing anything good for the mankind and the people ,Mr shaymon is not fit enough to hold a Candle to you Father..
Unless one thinks that Service to Mankind is Licking Dr Ranil and his Crooked UNP Mates..
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Who seem to derive enormous pleasure by attacking the poor Sinhala Buddhists in his X Motherland.”
Well it is the Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto suffering fascists keeping the poor and keep attacking them. If you are not aware of the facts you are not only stupid but getting stupider and stupider by the second.
By the way I do not have to often remind you his motherland is in South India.
” When it comes to doing anything good for the mankind and the people ,Mr shaymon is not fit enough to hold a Candle to you Father..”
You should know Shyamon Jayasinghe is incapable of importing rice from moon and issuing 8 measures of free rice to each lazy citizen of this island, nor can he incite violence at his whim, nor make profit out of war. It is your business being a stupid lazy racist worrier.
“Unless one thinks that Service to Mankind is Licking Dr Ranil and his Crooked UNP Mates..”
Perhaps carrying Mahinda’s b***s is considered to be a virtue among Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto sufferers just like those Tamils who carried VP’s.
Go get a life.
K A Sumanasekera / June 19, 2019
Dear Native,
Didn’t your mate Vishwa say here, that he misses Mr Pirahaparan who could have been the ideal Common Candidate to represent your best Buddy Dr Ranil and his Clan of UNP Crooks to get off the Cardinal’s Moose trap and go for another stint of Yahapalanaya.
Just imagine how Vishwa would feel about your loose words referring toVelu Pulley’s precious Balls..
BTW Who do you reckon Mate?..
It is Uncle Karu, Nephew from Keselwatta, Ravi karunanayaka ,Dr Samy’s Sister, or just Kandy Kirra , who is anointed by both Mlawattau and Asgiri Prelates ,according to Kirra’s own words..
Pity I can’t put an EMOJI here….
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Didn’t your mate Vishwa say here, that he misses Mr Pirahaparan who could have been the ideal Common Candidate to represent your best Buddy Dr Ranil and his Clan of UNP Crooks to get off the Cardinal’s Moose trap and go for another stint of Yahapalanaya.”
Thanks for your revisionist history.
Hindians got VP (your hero) to vote against Ranil in 2005 by bribing him with tonnes of rupees. Now VP gone the clan is finding it not an easy sail after all. I thought the cardinal has been hanging by a hair.
I wonder why you have suddenly converted yourselves to Sinhala/Buddhist catholicism, following Abrahams?
What is in it for you, a diplomatic posting?
“who is anointed by both Mlawattau and Asgiri Prelates ,according to Kirra’s own words.”
Hopper Sirisena said if the rulers listen to advice from Mahasangha nothing will go wrong in this island. Prepare for doomsday scenario, a kleptocracy is being replaced by a Sinhala/Buddhist theocracy.
Buddhists follow and practice Buddha’s teaching.
Buddhism can be traced back to Buddha.
Sinhala/Buddhists follow and practice Sinhala/Buddhism.
Can Sinhala/Buddhism be traced back to Sinhala/Buddha?
Edirisinghe / June 19, 2019
Revd PJ Fdo got into shit by writing to support the corrupt Cardinal whom most Catholics dislike. Now the Revd is unable to extricate himself from that shit.
Hela / June 19, 2019
“Though I am a catholic priest, I cannot think of anyone amongst Christians or any other religion in Sri Lanka that has sacrificed so much and taken so much a dedication to protecting the country, the nation, people, its history and culture, other than promoting their own with a justification of their own existence. We should be ashamed of ourselves rather than find fault with them”.
I salute sir……………..The historical fact that the anti national forces try to erase which their colonial masters could not achieve.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 19, 2019
Stupid racist Catholic priest , an abomination to Christianity and as well as what to all that Jesus Christ preached. This island has never been a Sinhalese Buddhist land. This is a myth and lie that started to some extent with the British , who really favoured the Sinhalese but used the Tamils. and later after independence by all Sinhalese led governments including the current one. As proof of this they were quoting the Mahavamsa , that is a mixture of history , myth and racist garbage and really most of it cannot be taken seriously. It was constantly try to link and portray the indigenous Naga and some Yakka as well as any other population, like the North Indian immigrants, who did not convert to Buddhism or converted to Buddhism and reconverted back to Saivaism and retained their ancient Tamil identity or got assimilated into that identity and did not become part of the evolving Sinhalese Buddhist identity, that was occurring along the southern , western and central parts of the island , as outsiders and did not belong and tried to link them to South Indian Tamil invaders and immigrants , most of whom settled in the Sinhalese South and ironically got assimilated as Sinhalese and not into the Sri Lankan Tamil identity. Around 1/3 of the island from ancient times until 1948 was never Sinhalese or Buddhist but was Tamil and Hindu, occupied by Tamil speakers and ruled by Tamil kings and chiefs. Even many of your so called great Sinhalese kings are Tamil. Even now despite all the state aided colonisation the north and east is still predominantly Tamil/Tamil speaking and 9 out of the 24 districts are predominantly Tamil speaking.
John Silva / June 19, 2019
Siva Sankaran, give me a list of so called Tamil rulers in Sri Lanka, if there were any. You and the Tamil racists distort Sri Lanka’s history without any shame. This is the way you have brainwashed the International community.
I challenge you to a public debate on “Sri Lankan history”. If you are willing to take it up, let me know soon, so that we can decide on the date, venue and other details, etc.
Native Vedda / June 19, 2019
Johnny Boy Silva
“I challenge you to a public debate on “Sri Lankan history”.
Why do you want to debate with Siva Sankaran Sharma?
What are ground rules for the debate?
What reference books are you allowed to use?
Is Kamalika Peris going to be in the panel of judges?
What exactly are the rewards?
John Silva / June 20, 2019
Native Vedda, are you the mouth piece of Siva Sankaran ? I am ready for a debate with any one, any scholar. I will prove my points beyond doubt. I ignore your other questions, which have to be agreed upon after the challenge is accepted.
Native Vedda / June 20, 2019
Johnny Boy Silva
“are you the mouth piece of Siva Sankaran ?”
Do you stupidly think I lease out my mouth to earn a living?
Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 20, 2019
This island was only unified by the British in 1833 and before that it was not and it is the British who created all this problem by unifying the island and making the Sinhalese who were only confined to their own lands down south a majority in the entire island, giving the powers to them in 1948 and making the Eelam Tamil nation who were 100% majority in their own land now a minority and at the mercy of the Sinhalese in 1948. The British have a lot to answer for all this bungle and the Tamils are still suffering because of this. There was no talk of a Sinhalese Buddhist nation/island until 1833 or 1948 , as the island was divided into two nations and colonies before that. The Sinhalese language itself is not something unique , it is a mish mash of many languages. Its foundation is Tamil and 40% of its vocabulary is derived from Tamil or its local variant Elu. 55% from Sanskrit/Pali and the rest from other languages. 100% of its grammar , syntax, lexicon and alphabet is from Tamil . The Sinhalese people are largely of Tamil descent 70% . Everything about them reeks of Tamil and South India and nothing North Indian. Yet they claim they are unique when they are a variation of the Tamils. People in the 1800s and even 1950s were not able to analyse history, DNA and languages and this Aryan bias during the European colonial rule , especially by the British/Germans existed . Myths and fake histories were believed just because they were written hundreds of years ago. Mahavamsa is such a mixture of history, myths and racial venom and it only refers to the history of the southern parts of the island. It should be treated as such just like the Ramayana or Odysseus and not as an authentic source of history.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / June 20, 2019
Even as per your government statistics Tamil is the 1st language of 25% of the island’s population and 30% of the island’s population are not Buddhists. So how can this land be ever called a Sinhalese Buddhist land? A quarter of the island’s population does not speak Sinhalese, 30% do not practice Buddhism and 1/3 of the island was from ancient times Tamil and Hindu and still predominantly occupied by Tamil speakers, who are majority in 9 of the 24 districts. Even the capital is 50% Tamil speaking . Yet this land now having a distorted history, is called a Sinhalese Buddhist land , in the last few years. To justify this history is now being distorted and selectively being omitted by powerful sourced ,by various government departments , especially the forestry and archeological department , that is going around various ancient archaeological sites in the north and east and other parts of the country , confiscating Tamil lands under various pretexts and then destroying evidence of ancient Tamil Brahmi , inscriptions, Hindu temples and converting them to Buddhist shrines with the help of rabid Buddhist monks , with all sorts of fake claims. The ancient pre historic Tamil Hindu site venerating the Tamil god Lord Murugan or Kathirkammar has now converted to a Sinhalese Buddhist site, Now many ancient Hindu sites in the east and Vanni are in their site. The Jaffna library one of the oldest in Asia was deliberately burnt and destroyed , as it contained many ancient scripts , with regards to the ancient presence of the Tamils in the island .Sinhalese armed forces and now we have Sinhalese Buddhist and certain Christian clergy with selective amnesia calling this island a Sinhalese Buddhist land. In ancient times the island had many kingdoms some Tamil Hindu the others nominally Sinhalese Buddhist all ruled by Tamil Hindu kings , so there was no excuse or claim for a Sinhalese Buddhist island, as it was not. This continued during the Portuguese and Dutch era , as the Tamil parts were ruled as a separate colony by them.
Anthony L Tissera / June 19, 2019
Cardinal Malcolm got his post from the previous Pope by doing odd jobs for the latter while in the Vatican. Malcolm bumbsucked the Pope and got the job while many more deserving had been deprived. The then President Rajapakse also backed Malcolm when his recommended had been asked for. MR also got jobs for Cardinal’s relatives. Cardinal has to be ever grateful to MR therefore.
This cardinal is a disgrace. The clergyman in England ihas tarnished himself badly and should at least now shut his mouth without resorting to cheap racists slogans to cover his nudity
John Silva / June 19, 2019
Tissera, you must be a descendant of a Portuguese soldier who invaded this country in the 16th century. How dare you denigrate this noble Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith.
Raman / June 19, 2019
John Silva,
So Silva is a Sinhala name, is it ?
John Silva / June 20, 2019
Raman, dear friend, what name is immaterial, what is material is the substance.
MrRetort / June 20, 2019
It may be possible that even Cardinal is a descendant of a Portuguese soldier stationed in Modara in that era. Along with the religion he also could have got Portuguese genes. Not to insult anybody
Wije / June 19, 2019
Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith is also a descendant whose ancestors from Kerala India. They were settled down on the west coast of then Ceylon. Now this coward is pretending he is more patriotic Srilnakan
than others for survival. Every Srilankan knows this coward motive…!
Hela / June 20, 2019
Sinhala nation was built by people of many tribes and races coming together with the desire of forging their own unique identity in this beautiful island. They developed their own language (a great feat on it’s own), and a great hydro agricultural civilisation (very few such instances in the ancient world). Buddhism provided the moral compass (no creator. Rely on the power of human mind and cause and effect principles). Therefore there is no issue of the Cardinal (even if his ancestry is from Kerala – if you are know it which I don’t) identifying himself as a Sinhalese and a member of the nation. Recently I met a Dutch Buddhist monk who spent number of years in Sri Lanka who says that he considers himself as a Sinhala Buddhist…………
ramona therese fernando / June 20, 2019
Totally agree with Reverend Dr PJ Fernando. His postulations give good evidence based on the need for country identity, such that goes hand-in-hand with Christ’s message of peace on earth via logical sensibilities.
Unfortunately, he does ramble on for a good long time on Shaymon’s perceived insults, till he gets to the crux of his message. I also read his first articles, and it was brilliant. Shaymon, like the politicians he supports, is misguided, and has no understanding the chronological force of creation.
What he and the Cardinal should now do is put his message in point-format and enlighten the whole Land.
ramona therese fernando / June 21, 2019
…….and has no understanding OF THE the chronological forces of creation.*
A Disgusted Catholic / June 27, 2019
What Rev.Fernando and this ‘so called’ cardinal should do is to STOP their involvement in politics and/or commenting on matters that pertain to politics. Their duty is to spread the Word of God and not of politicians.
Nathan / June 20, 2019
This cardinal has a baby face! Many in Lanka and India embraced Christianity because of the Hindu caste system. So whatever these guys say their hearts are in Buddha or Shiva. At home they may be praying Buddha and Shiva and outside Jesus. Just like in politics. How can they forget thousand of years old religions to what was introduced forcibly by Portuguese in 1505. If these cardinal or his poodle reverend Fernando means what they say they have to become Buddhists or Hindus immediately and then talk about Sinhala Buddhism. Now these nariyas have no moral right to talk. This is just buttering the majority to carry on with the conversion policy. One could see they are taking the shape of Katholika Talibans. High time Buddhists and Hindus must come together to confront the common enemies. We are the natives of Lanka. We are the patriots. We are the bumiputras. Christians and Islamists have lost the power of thinking, questioning and learning and it is mere blind faith and swallowing the myths as gospel. Still they dream of hell and heaven and confessions to get rid of their crimes.
Samson / June 20, 2019
Dear Rev. Fr.. P.JF , PhD
I am a Catholic. But sad to say that you are writing a long long long prologue in this article accusing Shyamon Jayasinghe that he insulted you in his response to your article. However, what have you done in this article?
99.9% of this article is filled with insults and filth. And the words used are full of hatred. This pictures not good reasoning of a peaceful mind and heart, but angry words of a restless heart.
You haven’t produced at least one good reason why you want to call Sri Lanka a Sinhala Buddhist country in this long long long article. You are using logical (probably logically valid) arguments to validate your position. But those arguments lack any human value, let alone any Catholic Spiritual value.
In your earlier article you also had argued that the decision to make Sinhala the official language in Sri Lanka was just and fair. This argument shows the precipice that the Catholic Church under His Eminence Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith is leading Sri Lanka. A considerable majority of Sri Lankan intelligentsia has already accepted that the main cause of the Tamil struggle was the “Sinhala-only” act. How on earth can Catholic clergy say otherwise? Many say that the ethic struggle of the Tamil youth would have been solved peacefully long ago had the Catholic Church intervened, because there are Catholics on both sides. However, it did not happen. Was it because Sinhala Catholics were of the opinion that this was a Sinhala Buddhist country then too? Or Sinhala Catholics thought they were superior?
Whatever it may be, Sri Lanka does not want a war again.
Can you please saw peace instead of strife, and love instead of hatred?
Nosey Parker / June 20, 2019
I am constantly appalled at the foul , venomous , language that is used against clergy of all denominations on this forum . It clearly goes to prove that a vast majority of CT subscribers are from the lower rungs of society who have not been taught the most basic standards of decency either in their homes , or in schools they may have attended .
Menaka / June 22, 2019
Rev. Dr. PJF:
Happy to see a good analysis in this prejudiced world!
A Disgusted Catholic / June 27, 2019
Dear Fr.Fernando, all this would not be necessary if only this ‘so called’ cardinal sticks to what he should be doing, instead of getting involved in politics. The primary duty of a Priest (leave alone a Cardinal) is the proclamation of the Gospel of God to all. This is clearly stated in the Second Vatican Council – PRESBYTERORUM ORDINIS 4, promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on 07th December 1965.
Since he does not listen to the faithful in Sri Lanka, I strongly suggest that you, Fr.Fernando, tell him that – Enough is Enough in dabbling in politics. He should concentrate on the primary functions entrusted to him as a Priest and Head of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka, and, attend to the countless matters pertaining to discipline and decorum within the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka. Over to you Fr.Fernando