16 January, 2025


Sri Lanka – Nation Building, Devolution & The 13th Amendment

By Lionel Bopage –

Dr. Lionel Bopage


Sri Lanka is facing multiple crises – economic, political and cultural. How the government deals with these is crucial to the future of the country. The failed unitary form of government, in particular, the excessive powers of the executive presidency need to be curtailed. Devolution of power and a more equal balance between the executive, judiciary, parliament, bureaucracy and regions need to be renegotiated if we are to come out of the crises.

It is in this macro light that this paper should be viewed. However, this paper will not focus on the class based issues underpinning the national question, except to note that under neo-liberalism, differences in plural societies are utilised to prop up authoritarian capitalist governance systems that are beset with crises.


Nation building is an evolutionary and long-term course of action, rather than a revolutionary and overnight process. It needs to develop and grow through an internal process, not via an external intervention or by an imposed agenda. It also needs economic, social, and political development as well as institutions that protect the fundamental rights of the people and communities. In addition, the nation-building effort needs to ensure equal access to jobs, education, and health for all among other things.

For long-term democratic nation-building to be successful, we need to recognise the importance of democratic values, within the civic sphere that will develop and sustain them; rather than just emphasising economic development or state-building. Currently we have only received rhetorical banalities from the political elite shorn of any real meaning of this crucial issue.


Decentralization is increasingly seen as a basic principle of democracy. A system of good governance needs people to have the ability to elect their own leaders and representatives to institutions that wield real power to respond to people’s needs. Grassroots movements have emerged championing it. This is not surprising as an overweening central power has repeatedly failed to meet the needs of the people as attested by the current economic crisis.

Political decentralization can empower citizens or their representatives engaging in decision-making processes. Greater participation is assumed to lead to better informed decision making that are more relevant to the plural societies like Sri Lanka. With political decentralisation, citizens will come to better know their representatives and in turn they will be more cognisant of the needs and desires of their electorates. For decentralisation transfers responsibility for planning, financing and managing certain public duties from the centre and its agencies to regional ones, thus making it more local and accountable. This can be achieved by de-concentration, delegation, and devolution of authority with each of these having their own characteristics.

It should be noted that centralization and decentralization do not need to be an “either-or” scenario. Practical examples around the globe have demonstrated that an appropriate balance of centralization and decentralization can ensure effective and efficient government service delivery. Centres can play a crucial role in promoting and sustaining decentralization efforts. This can be done by developing proper and effective national policies and regulations needed for decentralization, thus creating or maintaining the necessary enabling environments that allow regional, provincial, and local units to take on more responsibilities for undertaking new functions.

As a whole, genuine efforts at decentralization can cut cumbersome bureaucratic red tape. It can make local and national public servants more sensitive to local conditions and needs. Decentralization if done well, can allow political representation of diverse political, ethnic, religious, and cultural groups in plural societies in the decision-making processes. It can contribute to better political stability and national unity as citizens get access to better public programs at the local level. A growing number of countries have adapted federal systems, decentralizing some elements of government responsibility from the centre down to local government, as a means of giving different ethnic and regional groups some autonomy and control over their destiny.

The two uprisings in the south and the three decade long armed conflict in the north are examples that reflect the fact that if people are excluded from sharing any political power, they are more likely to challenge the legitimacy of the existing system. Federalism or devolution is a means of sharing power among diverse political entities irrespective of their ethnic or regional ties. Democracy will survive better if successes and burdens are shared fairly and equitably.

The current political system is based on ‘winner-take-all’ system, where one political party or group monopolise all the privileges and economic benefits. Devolution in contrast allows different ethnic and regional groups an ability to determine their own affairs, thus making them feel more secure. They may gain more confidence in and commitment to the existing system, and a general sense that the system is fair and inclusive.


Historically, governments in Sri Lanka have tended to centralize all powers. Yet, the late 20th century witnessed an increasing global tendency to reduce central governmental power, by devolving power to the peripheral governing bodies such as state, regional, provincial and/or local bodies. Many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America have adopted diverse devolutionary measures to empower their plural communities. In this regard, France in the 1980s and the United Kingdom in the late 1990s are the most appropriate examples. France was one of the most centralized states. All decisions of the régions, départements and communes from annual budgets to naming streets and schools had to be authorized by the central government under a system known as the “tutelle” (supervision). Due to the pressure the peripheries exerted on the central government; the François Mitterrand administration (1981-95) removed most of the authorisations needed in policy making matters[1].

In the UK devolution became a major political issue in the early 1970s, as Scotland and Wales demanded greater control over their own affairs. A referendum was held in 1979, to determine the people’s will for devolution. The electorate was needed to approve it with a two-fifths majority, but voters in Wales and Scotland rejected it. However, in 1999 under Tony Blair’s regime, power was devolved, Scotland had a parliament and later, Wales a Welsh Assembly. The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 provided Northern Ireland with its own parliament[2].

In Sri Lanka, proponents of devolution have been demanding clearly defined powers the Provinces can wield. During the Constitutional reform process under the previous regime led by President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, the Chief Ministers of the seven ‘southern’ provinces asked for proper devolution as envisaged under the 13th Amendment. However, nothing came to fruition.

[1] Reiter R, Grohs S, Ebinger F, Kuhlmann S and Bogumil J 2010, Impacts of decentralization: The French experience in a comparative perspective, Ruhr-Universität; Published in French Politics 8(2010), 2, 166-189, Available at: https://d-nb.info/1078649812/34

[2] Baldersheim H 2009, Decentralisation in practice: European patterns and experiences, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government, Available at: https://www.undp.org/sites/g/files/zskgke326/files/migration/rs/UNDP_SRB_Decentralisation_in_practice-European_Patterns_and_Experiences.pdf

*To be continued..

Latest comments

  • 2

    Hon. Lional Bopage lives in Australia and occasionally writes something to make his presence felt. In the past he has sufficiently contributed to the mess that is Sri Lanka today and continues in the same tradition to this day. I wonder who is the intended audience of this sermon, definitely not us Sri Lankans who are struggling to find one meal a day. Even Buddha said preaching to the hungry is pointless.


    • 0

      “*to be continued…” made me feel how helpless we are.


      • 22

        Mr. Bopage lives in Australia, where English terms like “federal”, “devolution “, minorities , or even “humanitarian operation “, mean exactly that. In this country, they take on entirely different meanings, so people discussing these subjects could be thinking of completely different things.
        This is is an important aspect of our situation.

        • 5

          Are you sure that “humanitarian operation” means exactly that in Australia?

          • 14

            I don’t think the Australians described their abductions of aboriginal children as a humanitarian operation.

            • 5

              Australian white supremacism is multiple times greater any coutnry in Europe.I dont think that ITALIANs WOULD reject boat people, but AUSTRALIAN put them in a separate island before them being returned ot their original countries. Some cases are inhuman.

              That is bieng not discussed by anyone in srlanka, since most of our highly educated lankens migrated to australia. SRILANKA media being not powerful enough, all these truths are not discuss in their channels. Instead they engage themselves withh teledramas and other time wasting programs.

              Most of them earn better and having a luxury life for their second and third generations. The truth as it is australian white-supremacism is no differnt to that of US if noe would compare it closely.
              I myself saw some srilankens, that entered melbourne outskirts live like ABORIGENEs, being totally cornered. Most of them are skilled workers (German Tech/NDT engi), not academic srlanken community. would mingle with their own country people. SRILANKEN academics make their own subcommunities in that part of the world. This mentality was ingrained in them, curse ot sinhala buddhism and bred in srilanka soils. I also know MANY living in EUROPE would not mingle with their own people if they come from uneducated layers.

            • 4

              But that was just how it was shown by those who facilitated the abductions.
              They were ‘civilizing’ them.
              (The term ‘humanitarian operation’ itself is a late comer.)

              • 3

                Apparently, held, “Gun in one hand and the UNHRC HR Declaration Book in the other, to firmly adhere to it, and continue the Fight, to evolving situation in a “Just and Humane Manner”!!!???
                Question is, before we proceed further, “HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO PULL THE TRIGGER (which hand) IF THEY ENCOUNTERED AN ENEMY LTTE FIGHTER!?” or was pulling the Trigger, OUT-SOURCED!
                OR, was the LTTE, very kind as usual didn’t shoot at these “Humane fighters” at all and Generous!!? Problem never arose, and each and every one of them lived happily ever after, until “Kamala of Nandi Kadal Fame, came around and SPOILED the Soup”, converting Nandi Kadal Lagoon, itself into a POOL of BLOOD!!!???

                • 1

                  I am afraid that we are at cross purposes.

        • 0

          thank you. You are spot on as always.

      • 5

        How odd, strange, weird, queer, you are!

        • 1

          Really? How do you know Soma is queer?

          • 4

            You are a simple curious creature, old codger!
            Queer is a substantive adjective complementing the three ahead!!

            • 3

              Those three words too are used to hint that someone is of a certain inclination.
              OC, your question remains unanswered,

              • 3

                SJ, Nathan,
                I am reminded of the time when a journalist asked Arthur C Clarke if he was gay. Arthur replied that he was just mildly happy.

            • 2

              Queer has historically meant “strange” or “odd.
              Entering the English language in the 16th century, queer originally meant “strange”, “odd”, “peculiar”, or “eccentric”.
              It might refer to something suspicious or “not quite right”, or to a person with mild derangement.

              • 1

                Words flirt with meaning.
                What one had yesterday is not what it has today.

    • 13

      Be fair by the man.
      He tried his best to knock some sense into the heads of the JVP leaders early in the 1980s and gave up. He was out of the JVP when the second major JVP tragedy unfolded.
      He is touching on many tings which are relevant to us even if we disagree with him.

    • 17

      “Even Buddha said preaching to the hungry is pointless.”

      You are right, isn’t it why your cousins in Tamilnadu are feeding you so that there is slim chance you would listen to your immediate/first cousins in Sri Lanka.
      Now your tummy is full therefore as usual you have started talking …..bull.

      Please allow liberal good Sinhalese or good Buddhists to express their views. Anagarika’s Stormtroopers have had their field day for almost hundred years. Let the people say enough is enough, …….

      Are you able to pull your head from wherever it is now and see beyond your nose?

    • 10

      “Even Buddha said preaching to the hungry is pointless.”
      Well said and timely!!!
      Find that those reliant on Pina Food, from Dayakas are going crazy, whilst complaining that food is scarce since Covid, hiring Bull Dozers to CLEAR LAND AND BUILD EDIFICES!!!???
      That must cause by some EXTRAORDINARY HUNGER??? Or Aggrandisement!!!???
      Followers of MaRa!!!???
      Agree with you, fell on Deaf Ears, extreme Hunger – ‘NO THORA MALU’!!??? Chep Chicken!?

    • 14

      Soma ,

      You think on the other parts of the world they are preaching to the
      rich ?

    • 7

      Dear Rational Thinkers,
      “Preaching to the hungry is pointless”
      In our country, where more than 40% people were always hungry every day, this has nevertheless become the election motto of the Rajapaksa.

      Now it has grown to 70% thanks to their political self-indulgence manipulating the mentality of the stupid majority. They yet today misinterpret it putting the blame on COVID crisis……. people buy that… what a nation filled with stupid masses ?

      Yet the southern and Sinhalese-dominated Sri Lankans remain perpetually “grass eaters”. why ? SINHALA RACE would never improve to turn the country a south korea of current day, even if they looked down upon the south koreas as ” shanty dwellers” 30 years ago. Ironically, our people worked as slaves to those nations today.
      Either we sinhalese are born stupid or they cannot learn and improve their knowledge. Podi Maina, bastard son of MEDAMULANA crime god, the main architect of the rugby player Wasim’s murder, is still held aloft by some slaves for unknown reasons, with the patronage of his murderous mother.


      In a civilized country, these evil men would have been showered with MONOTOV cocktails considering the great damage they have deliberately done to this nation.

      • 5

        Just think, if we CALL “a public ceremony of beheading high criminal politicians”, who will top the list?
        LOKU MYNA aka Mara (this man undoubtely deserves is if SADAM housaine was caught by public execution)
        GOTA aka api thamaiy keruwe
        Little Maina Namal Baby
        Crow or Basil
        Wimal Buruwanse
        The gold necklace robber aka Rohitha Abeygunawardena
        Bar Robber aka Johnton
        Gontadipiya Eka Udaya Gommanpila

        This list is endless.

      • 9

        leelagemalli ,

        ” Either we sinhalese are born stupid or they can not learn and
        improve their knowledge ” . We do have an issue here to be
        corrected first I suppose . ” Either we sinhalese are born stupid
        or we (not they) can not learn and improve our knowledge ” .
        The trouble here in the sentence is , it is opening like LM is also
        A Sinhala and then goes forward and ends as if he is addressing
        from outside Sinhala community . So , I did the correction for you
        to confirm that you are a Sinhala ! And now , to my point , you are
        dead right about the Born Stupidity . Nothing but absolute truth .

        • 4

          Thanks for correcting my comment, I slipped up with my comment at the last minute shortly before boarding my flight. It happened to me often.
          You are questioning me about my race, yes I am Sinhala and I have no qualms about criticising anyone.And many of them are born stupid.. THat is being revealed today. If not for them, Rajapakashes would not have been back to continue ruining this nation. I may not be a typical Sri Lankan, but I always raise the issue without regardless of the race.

    • 9

      Shows retarded Lankans, cannot think anything further than religion / race. Lankan politicians know this well and play accordingly. Easter was good enough to get Rajapaksas re-elected. Now Bandara is threatening with one more ( of his own ????) before next election. Lanka like no other. Of course retards must be now feeling hopeless / helpless / worthless.

      • 5

        They can only dream of hurting elephant 🐘 s in captivity in the guise of sinhala buddhism. .
        Animal torture is disrespected by sinhala Buddhist monks. Months before those perahara sessions, those elephant 🐘 s in temples are trained by pointed iron rods. .
        This is called sinhala budhist vandalism. These criminals should be punished by all devine forces. Mahaots are said to be drug addicts.

      • 10

        chiv ,

        The Monks can send even a Top Criminal to Nirvana . This is what is
        taught to the average Sinhala Buddhist believer . I had been to some
        SB funerals and seen the Monks have no difference between the right
        and wrong for their blessings . And same is the case with the other
        faiths . Yes , they are all Retarded .

        • 4

          Dear Readers,
          Sinhala Monks are not just ones that merely wear “saffron robes”, but they should be compliant with UMMAGGA jathayaka.

          Unfortunately, the monks hidden behind robes in srlanka, 99% of them are ordained because their parents could not give them food and due care.
          So the destiny of those parentless little monks are similar to that of ducklings in poultry farm being guarded by a fox. So how can those little monks grow up to be healthier monks that would serve the society ?

          However, the myth spread in srilanka is, if a child would be offered to sanga life, few generations of the child would near to the road to NIRWANA. This belief ruins the nation.
          Latter is another myth. Myths are controlled by various other myths. pEOPLE are not trained to question ” why” we are supposed to do so ? that is the biggest question. If negibouring living leelathwatihi and Piyadasa would start eating “thanakola”; they just emulate. All these became clearer in COVID crisis where DHAMMIKA paniya maker became the panacea god of the very nation , that lined up to collect them. Among them there were also MBBS holders … can you imagine ? To that time, even the head of state was a schizophant that went after GHANAKKA almsot every weekend.

  • 9

    ‘the Chief Ministers of the seven ‘southern’ provinces asked for proper devolution as envisaged under the 13th Amendment’, – Lionel Bopage.
    I withhold my query for now, in the hope that he might provide the answer when he continues.

    • 7


      Lionel is right there was a study 20 years after introducing 13th Amendment by either Law & Society Trust or by CENTRE FOR POLICY ALTERNATIVES. The report contained 20 years of experience running the 7 southern provincial Council.

      I have misplaced my soft copy.
      Please ignore the pain in ….. SJ who is itching to say some stupid things.

      • 7

        Nathan and soma

        You can access the report on the web:

        Strengthening the Provincial Council System
        Report of Workshop Deliberations
        Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)
        May 2008


        Please ignore SJ

      • 3

        Native Vedda,
        Jumping the gun (or, pistol, should I say).
        Which query of mine is confusing to you … .

        • 3


          “I withhold my query for now, in the hope that he might provide the answer when he continues.”

          I was only trying to help you prepare your field gun.
          The report by Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA) May 2008 would help you arm with real queries.

    • 8

      Nathan ,

      In the West , housing is coming under Local Councils and in 60s in
      Ceylon , Urban Councils provided housing to the needy in many
      parts of the country . Greedy MPs started robbing these practices
      for their election and personal gains . If not , with the expansion of
      decentralisation , Local councils are good enough for many urban
      and village responsibilities . JRJ opened the economy and the
      country became a Mulleriyawa . Sirimavo pursued restrictions
      causing one disease and JRJ unlocked causing another disease and
      the county ended up in Mulleriyawa unable to understand what was
      unfolding in front of them at once . JRJ failed , end of the road now .

  • 15

    All this is good sense. But, it will never happen in Sri Lanka. The communal divisions and the Sinhala Buddhist creed are so entrenched that this matter cannot be dealt with as dispassionately as Mr Bopage would like. All that he says makes good sense. But, the so called Maha Sangha will be triggered when devolution, seen as dividing the country, is talked about. It is an easy path to power and is what keeps Gamman Pillai and Weerasekeram relevant to the politics of Sri Lanka. All that learning about how the world is moving to devolution becomes useless when it comes to Sri Lanka and it Mahavamsa Morons. Remember there are 6.9 millions of them and they cannot migrate as they are drenched in Sinhala Only, have no skills and must be kept ignorant.

    • 7

      Cicero, you say 6 .9 million Mahavamsa sinhala only morons who cannot migrate. What about the jobless royal family incapable of earning any living but have to rob the nation to live their extravagant misguided imaginary life styles to live like Sri Lankan Charles and Camilla.

  • 1

    australia does not practice devolution/federalism based on ethnic lines. i.e. there is no ethno-federalism or ethno-provinces anywhere in that nation. given that ethno-federalism is what is being asked for, the author should write articles more to the point of what ltte/diaspora supporters actually want (leave alone separatism).
    anyway, this is the reason why federalism/devolution is not considered appropriate for Lanka.

    • 10

      Australia had only one genuine ethnic issue and that was virtually eliminated by the destruction of the indigenous people.
      Bur it has a federal system, much the way the US has. Historical states being brought together under one umbrella.
      The non-While immigrants are not interested in ethnic rights for themselves.
      Anyway, what does that prove or disprove about the case for devolution?

      • 1

        Right – Australia and US have federalism but not ethnofederalism. The author speaks as though pure-federalism is what ltte/diaspora are asking for when it isnt (could you imagine if we just federalized based on something like ruhuna, maya and raja rata as the states? They would NOT be happy because there would be too much diversity!). They want ethno-federalism. I was merely pointing out that the author using the example of Australia to point out the benefits of federalism to a nation like Lanka doesnt make sense when you consider what the separatists are actually clamoring for.

        Re: devolution in Lanka – i just dont see the point of devolution in a small island nation that is integrated to the point where business and culture flows seamlessly from east-west-north-south. all talk of devolution always boils down to groups like tna trying to carve out an ethno-province or ethno-federal-state.

        What benefits of devolution do you see for Lanka (if at all)?

        • 15

          Liger from the Weeraketiya Lair,
          One must understand basics before they could make progress!!??? Let’s do that!!??
          Ethno federalism is what not being sought – DEFINITELY NOT – although we are now belonging to Ethno – religious Uniform state of Sinhala Buddhism – and we have a varied & diverse, ethnic, religious and other distinctive characteristics!!???
          What’s being sought – Federated States of Nation State, Nation – Diversity, Symbolic Multi-Culturalism, Unified in Purpose, moving forward as one body, maintaining ‘RULE OF LAW’ to one-and-all with equality!!!???
          Abhorring, ‘Forcible and Illegal Acquisition’ of others Property’ of Poor farmers to Build Buddhist edifice , depriving owner Families cultivated land for Sustenance, Livelihood, by a so-called Sinhalese Buddhist pretentious “Religious Leader”, in Pulmoddai!!!??? Sinhala Buddhism at its BEST!!!??
          Which is abhorred and federalism may be the BEST SOLUTION in the circumstances!!!???
          ‘Liger of the Lair’, it isn’t ETHNOFEDERALISM, BUT APTLY termed ETHNO-RELIGIOUS FEDERALISM seems ‘buzzword’ required!!!???
          Please remember, not despising, Buddhism – which RELIGION of CHOICE of present-day Northern Minorities, welcomed and EMBRACED in the middle ages, but hate, “Despicable SINHALA BUDDHISM”, which has been rampant since Independence, or atleast from 1956 – ‘Apey Anduwa’!?

        • 12

          Liger from the Lair,
          “i just dont see the point of devolution in a small island nation that is integrated to the point where business and culture flows seamlessly from east-west-north-south.”
          Once federated – in whatever form you suggest, even the federation “Left B with the Right”, to remove the discrimination, in addition to, business and culture flowing seamlessly from east-west-north-south, Business and Culture would flow internationally to all corners of the world and Vice-Versa, making SL an international Commercial HUB and help earn much needed USD, instead of our women-folk being exported to Middle-east, Korea for MENIAL JOBS AND EARNING A PITTANCE IN RETURN TO PERMIT OUR BASIC NEEDS!!!???

        • 12

          Dear Liger and all other slaves,
          Thanks for fooling the nation again and again.However truths would not be buried forever. That should be clear to you the kind of idiots.
          Your god father, DA Rajapakshe’s cancerous son aka MARA, has still been doing it, even if his last breath can be any moment. Various people today openly curse on him may his hernia be exploded and killed him at imminnet time. Man cant move an INCH wihtout external aids, but his mouth piece filled with racism and sinhala racism is continusing his lies manipulating ” Ligers” further.

          Even if you, Liger the kind of idiots yet today interpret it in favour of you, there is no terms called ethnofederalism.Be in Switzerland, Germany, France or anywhere where they call federalism is introduced, they live more peacefully than in our country ruined by SINHALA buddhism and sinhala racism.

          That is the mere truth about the FEDERALISM.

          I work with over 51 nations(West and East Europe, Notheran America, Africa, Australia, Latin America) for my job and I know what people think.
          JVP led NPP should come forward and improve the general knowledge of “lIGER” of the like permament slaves so that they can widen their eyes and see the truths through by themelves.


          • 9

            At the time, New Orleans was hit by natural catastrophes repeatedly, I questioned my american colleagues, why is that we could not believe but true, that only BLACKS are mostly met with the disasters in that powerful country.

            THat was answered by my white american colleagues, may be wrong politicians gave their afro-americans the lands where those highly vulnerable areas are there.

            Is not that the factful information, our americanized Theresa who is coughing for Republicans and living in Pittersburgh ? My grossmutter would have been saying that white americans were mean to those afro americans from the day one. Similar to the sinhalese treated their ethnic minorties like rats from the day one.

            You may discuss the issue on this forum and clear the doubts about the untruth, LEGERs or the like sons of bitches make efforts to spread around.
            I think in a country where RAJAPAKSHE dogs manipulated the mindset of the most vulnerable by sowing the seeds only to garner their votes, what cant go wrong ? Majority of people are no different to GRASS eaters, they would nod the head again and again…..

            THese stupid people contnously, yet today believe Rajapakshes may be the real patriots. The truth is, they would rape your mothers on brought day light by instipulating their supporters by offering a glas of arrack and ectassy pills.

            • 7

              Not even 18 months ago, Rajaakshes were beaten away by giving the bugger secret protection keeping him in a ship. It was said, he escaped narrowly from mob attacks.

              MYNA was dissapeared in a ship by NAVY:



              Shameless powergreedy man has come forward to stand before the very same punnaku drinkers as of today. The very same audience is now growing to be like that of NORTH KOREA. MY GOSH what happened to our nation ?
              NOW again shameless PODI MYNA has come forward to animate and fool the doggy masses in rural corners saying that they wear “sarong” and not ashemed to wear it etc.


              RANIL WICKRAMASINGHE never changed his usual public dress in order to mislead the nation.

              Nor would he ever, even if PREMADASA JUNIOR would do. former MP Hirunika once said, if she would not WEAR a sarree as a female politician, she will loose thousands of votes in our politically dumped country.

              • 6


                RANIL WICKRAMASINGHE never changed his usual public dress in order to mislead the nation.

                Nor would he ever, even if PREMADASA JUNIOR would do. former MP Hirunika once said, if she would not WEAR a sarree as a female politician, she will loose thousands of votes in our politically dumped country.

    • 16


      “australia does not practice devolution/federalism based on ethnic lines.”

      On what line do you think devolution/federalism should be practice?
      I got all the time in this world hence I am willing to learn, learn from even from you.
      Let us have your treatise on devolution/federalism and name it “Liger Model”.

      Why wait get on with your “Liger Model”.. When can we have it?

      For this purpose forget your excuses such as ltte/diaspora supporters, VP, Amirthalingam, Sambandan, Chelvanayagam, GG Ponna, Ramanathans, Brits, Dutch, Portuguese, Pandya, Chola, Mahan, …….

      And get on with your alternative Federal constitution.
      You are free to type any crap in your preamble.

      • 10

        Well said, of Time wasters, SERVERS!!!???

    • 2

      That’s right Liger, Australia does not practise devolution/federalism based on ethnic lines.
      Neither USA. In a mixed demography such as in Sri Lanka where +50% of Tamil speaking minority live among Sinhala speaking majority devolution/federalism based on ethnicity is not possible. A practical way to solve this problem is to hold a referendum among those minorities living among the majority asking whether they would like to move to areas predominantly minority occupied.


      • 12

        Federated state does not demand segregation by ethnicity!!!??? Why do you need a referendum!!!??? the population would move as it deems fit when the Nation becomes a Federal State!!!
        One never knows, like in India, where population has moved from Mumbai and Calcutta to the South – Chennai, Karnataka etc., as they have become more active and industrialised with MORE opportunities and increased activity and employment!!!???
        Now western Province is the highest Population, because the Government, Public Service and Commercial capital is Colombo!!???
        If and when that spotlight once gets shifted, don’t know where (?), Possibly Hambantota, Trincomalee, Anuradhapura or even Jaffna!!!?? Who knows, it may be even “Manthota” (Mannar) as in ancient times, when it was acclaimed as the biggest city!!??? The population as it evolves would therefore move towards, with more employment opportunities!!!???
        Let’s not get ahead of Ourselves, seeking referendums, and eternal reviews and ALL-PARTY CONFERENCES (APC) which are useful, but should be actioned timely, and when Necessary, responsibly without wasting time and resources!!!???

      • 11


        “In a mixed demography such as in Sri Lanka where +50% of Tamil speaking minority live among Sinhala speaking majority devolution/federalism based on ethnicity is not possible.”

        1. Where did you get your demographic census of +50% Tamil speaking minority live among Sinhala speaking majority? Let us have your calculations with reference.

        2. What is your devolution/federalism model/package?

        3. Tell us where do you find a working model of devolution/federalism?

        4.Liar is not a learned or well informed person. Therefore just ignore him for the purpose of your research.

        5. The referendum also must demand to know whether the voters are willing to live in a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto.

        6. Another important question, that should
        be asked is whether the Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto dwellers willing to go back to their ancestral land in South India..

        7.Is soma willing to take his fellow Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto dwellers (such eminent people as desperate silva , Champa, soma, Weewansa, Weerasekera,Gamanpilla, ……) back to South India?

        8. Why referendum is only applied to those minorities living among the majority? It should be equally applied to Majority ghetto dwellers too.

        This is too much for you

      • 4

        No matter what anyone says or does, federal solutions are the ultimate solution to our long-standing racial problems. Until then we can keep killing. If BABY BOOMERS and X genzers don’t agree, millenials and Z-genzers will certainly let it. That is, it can happen in a decade.
        People must finally understand that federalism is not about dividing land into parcels.
        People must finally understand that psychology is not psychiatry.
        People must finally understand that minorities are important and they should be given their citizenship rights fully under the same umbrella. Even the term minority shold not be defined for a racism dominated country of our nature.
        People should finally understand that “bald uncles” aka “sinhala buddhist monks in disguise” or yellow pets should not be placed above the society for political gain.

        May anaphoric statements of mine be a guide you for good.

        We can no longer be isolated, we must guide this nation with the truths, so that only we can overcome the South Koreans and reach the progress they have made in the last 30 years as our island nation fought a civil war.

      • 1

        There are some groups already calling for a referendum. That is tangled with the insistence of the self-importance of the callers. Then they are aware that the 6th amendment is there. So, they again make another invalid call of repealing 6A. This is exactly equivalent to the Sinhala Governments repeatedly making Singapore out of Langkang, only at the election propaganda stages. The mix of two impossible is making one feel doubt on their honest action on this. Would you ask your opponent in a war to lend his sword so you can kill him? 6A is placed there by Aanduwa for a purpose. If somebody asks to repeal 6A and conduct a referendum then, the short fall understanding is the caller’s problem, not the Aanduwa’s problem. For example, in another case a British Tamil Forum’s official, while discussing Tamils’ case at UNHRC, said the Pillaiyan must immediately surrender to Interpol. It is very hard for these leaders to guide Tamils to concentrate on IC investigation and pushing eventual UN’s interference on Tamils’ situation or order a referendum beyond the authority of the people’s elected government in Langkang. Already some countries have advised Tamil Politicians that instead of asking everything from them, they should do something themselves too. Then how useful is the talk that international government make Aanduwa to withdraw 6A and conduct a referendum?

      • 0

        TNA, for a long time, spent precious time on a secret solution, i.e., 13A, including land, police & NE merging. 13A is only one amendment to Constitution, By spilling into four Aanduwa created a gift for itself so, in the first quarter of the year Aanduwa argues against 13A, 2nd quarter it opposes land rights, 3 rd. quarter it talks about police and in the final quarter it sets up Muslims ministers on N & E to play their games, before it returns in the next year to restart with 13A.
        If there is any possibility of a solution for Tamils at the UN. then it is only dependent on 1).Old Rowdy King’s promise to an impartial investigation on the war ended in May 2009, 2). The May 2009’s UNHRC’s compromised resolution on which Thero De Silva accepted an internal investigation process and 3). September 2015’s resolution 30/1 under which Aanduwa signed an agreement to investigate with international participation of the events that took place in the war during the period from 2002 to 2009. The one-sided abolition of these three agreements gives substantial ability & authority for action from the other side, the UN, if it wants to take care of its obligation on upholding the Human Rights and International Humanitarian laws.

      • 1

        Unlike some of these crowds howling, the UN cannot interfere in an independent government’s affairs without building a case and authority to act on the conclusions of that case.
        Later UNHRC added to the resolution 30/1 with the contemporary human rights violations of Appe Aanduwa, by the resolutions followed to the Tamils’ resolution, 30/1. For Example, UNHRC added another serious violation, the Economic Crime of Hitler Administration to the Resolution 30/1 by the resolution 50/1. The 46/1 or 50/1 are not specific to Tamils’ problem and solution, and some clauses in those resolutions are about the problems faced by Cyclones as one community at the hand of Appe Aanduwa so, those crimes are unlikely to give any claims for Tamils’ solution (that may or may not) being formulated by the UN. The 2019’s Jihadi war of Appe Aanduwa or the 2022 economic collapse will not give any ground for Tamils to demand a solution from the UN, by passing Appe Aanduwa though they are added to the Tamils’ issue of the Resolution 30/1 of 2015.

      • 1

        The government’s position is that there is no one who can tell the government that it cannot have passed the 6A. There are no UN resolutions or conventions or provisions limiting governments’ authority on that. The International Governments has been ignoring the claim that freedom of expression is violated, probably because it is not directly targeting the masses, but the people’s rep. When the situation is such, asking the Appe Aanduwa to have a referendum is a pure technique to waste more time from Tamils side on these cheatings. Even long before these groups’ call for removal of 6A and a referendum, aimed at pushing Tamils to consent for a separate state, the government had anticipated this type of issue and had been spending money and time on protecting it from Tamils winning any local referendum in the North East. A massive political structure has been installed in the North East to make none of the Tamils’ referendums go successful. When the UN comes ready for a referendum, these activists have to clarify & enlighten the structure Aanduwa has installed with the preplanned intentions of defeating any Tamils’ referendum on Tamils soil.

      • 1

        The 6A itself is such a bulwark, with the latest border remaking, land grabs, forcing Tamils to move out of North East, Sinhala Buddhists colonization inside North East after signing with India an agreement that North East is Tamils’ ancestral homeland. So, the only for Tamils to have a referendum and solution based on that is possible if they have got the IC to launch a International Investigation into the Genocide/war crime. Tamil should be careful of the distractions released by groups, from time to time to justify their existence.
        But I do not think that your idea of conducting a referendum outside of the North East and shutting down Tamils dream of going alone will work. Government urgently needs a pogrom to solve many issues in the South that are currently boiling high. Even some foreign governments and international organizations have predicted that the atmosphere in Langkang seems to be fully ripe for a pogrom celebration. Aanduwa is bolder now because leader Pirapaharan’s surprise raids on government’s set up are no longer there. So, when the government gets ready and conducts a referendum outside the North East, Tamils living there will surely vote for a separation because of the after pogrom feeling.

    • 13


      Sinhalas these days know a lot about Australia. Does Australia practice democracy?

      • 0

        Good point, but do you think that any had investigated Australian democratic practices?

        • 9


          One does not need to investigate Australian democratic practices to conclude that the “Democratic Socialist Republic” of Sri Lanka is none of those things (democratic/socialist/republican).

          God forbid a Sinhala is appointed to investigate Australian democratic practices.

          • 6

            Native and KHtP , there are many Somans who cannot see beyond religion and race but good in making their own / alternate facts (as and when needed.). Soman mentioned 50 % tamils ……. BS repeatedly until his sabbatical from CT during Aragalay. Still hasn’t had a chance to come up with something new. Same with rest of those enablers, deniers, excuse providers, stereo types who believe repeating myth will.one day turn true.

            • 10

              These are people told us Lanka will never be bankrupt ( IMF says not yet confident about total recovery) , there is no Covid in Lanka …….. blah……..blah……

              • 7


                I am afraid Soma is right that +50% of Tamils live outside the North and East. He seems to take into account the recently Sinhalized Karava, Salagama, Durawa, etc. groups that he descends from. I am proud that he is one way or another recognizing that his ancestral home is the Thuthukudiya.

                A disease that comes with the Sinhalization is the near-sexual urge to deny reality. Soma’s desires to deny the existence of the COVID-19 virus on the island, the possibility of an economic collapse, fallacy of the Mahavamsa, etc. are just symptoms. We need to tackle the root problem.

            • 4

              (Part I)
              In a FEDERATED STATE OR NATION, US, India, Switzerland, unlike A SEPERATE STATE/NATION, which is not the case, that’s being Sought!!!???
              Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are SEPERATE STATES AND NATIONS – that’s why, the long march in 1947 towards KARACHI, DACCA and REVERSE TOWARDS DELHI!!! Federal or a state federated is quite different, and where the different people reside is IMMATEIRAL!!!???
              50% or otherwise even 49% is IMMATERIAL AND IRRELEVANT AS FREE MOVEMENT WITHIN that nation State IS ASSURED BY ANY and ALL!!!???
              Last time, when Scotland became part of “THE UNITED KINGDOM”, from SCOTLAND & ENGLAND, did they start a ‘LONG-MARCH’ like INDIANS AND PAKISTANIS!!??? ‘STUPID TRYING TO LEAD STUPIDS’!?
              Decades ago, WIMALASIRI GAMLATH, AKA Weerasangili Weerawansa, publicised stories that Sinhalese people from Devinuwara, wanting to go on Pilgrimage to Nagadeepa AKA NAINATHIVU Nagapooshani Amman temple, would require a valid visa!!!???
              That’s because that Imbecile, before the advent of his obtaining NOT 1 BUT 2 Diplomatic Passports to ‘BOOT’, for his spouse and himself, visited UNO in NY, and NYPD or US Immigration didn’t demand 2 visas to visit NY and LA!!!??? Tom Buffoonery to buy Time, Delay, CONFUSE THE ILLITERATE!!??

              • 4

                (Part II)
                As usual, SL’s, “SPLIT HAIRS”, carry-out purposeless Nit-picking”, of no avail except to Confuse!
                ESPECIALLY ON THIS NATIONAL ISSUE!!!??? Purpose none other than CONFUSE, DEFLECT TO drive away any sane thinking individual from pursuing that IDEAL!!!??? There are Paid individuals, and Pay-Masters, especially for this particular purpose of creating Confusion and Mayhem, am told these ‘Individuals are well looked after’, VALUED and paid PRINCELY sums as COMPENSATION!!??

          • 1

            The point I made was in the context of pontification on democracy in Australia.

    • 9

      “Australia does not practice devolution/federalism based on ethnic lines.”
      ‘Constricted Brain Blood supply’ – Causing Malfunction!!!
      Please Stand – Up to ‘EASE’ that position!!!???
      Every country has different needs and requirements for Federation!!!???
      Why not Switzerland – equivalent Land mass and Population size!!?? Ethnic based!!!??
      Perhaps, need for Federation is because Minorities (Muslims) don’t want to lose their agricultural land which is only source of livelihood, sustenance – enable Majority – build Religious Edifice forcibly, which is reported yesterday – Pulmoddai, Trincomalee district – One of Several!!???
      Limited Education of Book Worms!!!???
      Take India, soon to become “the 2nd most Economically Powerful Country in the World” with almost ¼ Century of Ethno based states – NOT 2 OR 3!!!???

    • 10

      Forget about Australia and look at India, our next-door neighbor. Neither ethno-federalism or religious federalism prevails there. Instead, linguistic-federalism is practiced and it has worked excellently, enabling India to develop in all areas and sectors. They even made their own Covid-19 vaccine and were able to send a spacecraft to the moon, pull off a soft landing, and launch a lunar rover to boot. Unfortunately, our governments are chiefly preoccupied with concentrating powers at the center, engaging in demographic engineering, building of dagobas in the North and East, and obstructing the citizens’ freedom to associate and participate in peaceful activities.

      • 0

        i hate to break it to you but ethno-federalism aka linguistic-federalism (two sides of the same coin) is exactly what is practiced in india. the north indians are desperately trying to rectify the extremist-tendencies brudgeoning out of its ethno-federal territories and are making great haste in diversifying those ‘lingustically-federal’ states. otherwise, it knows very well that it might have the same issues faced by ethno-federal nations such as myanmar (see Chin and Karen) and pakistan (see Baloch).

        A VERY important point with Lanka, however, is that the island was always invaded by South India. Absent such invasions, Lanka understands that her peoples have always moved towards integrating and assimilating with one another. there is a paper that shows that Lankans of all ethnic backgrounds share more genetic similarities with one another than with the rest of the subcontinent. the paper is titled – Reconstructing the population history of Sinhalese, the major ethnic group in Śrī Laṅkā – enjoy the read!

        • 7

          India is, in every respect of identity, more complex than even Africa, let alone Europe.
          It was British colonial rule that fused a diverse collection it into an entity. Even there the British rule allowed various friendly monarchs to rule free of colonial administration.
          The independence movement helped India to remain together. But the structures that the British left behind were not feasible.
          What was the Madras Presidency (the most stable multi ethnic administration in its time) was later divided on ethno linguistic basis.
          Despite a common language the Sikhs demanded a separate state.
          Not long ago Andhra was divided in two, despite a common language.
          The North v. South picture will be a rather silly oversimplification of Indian diversity.
          It was not “South India” that intervened in this Island. but mainly the Cholas (who for two centuries held an empire that stretched as far as Indochina) and the Pandyas.
          Often the intervention was by invitation to settle internal conflicts.
          Sinhalese armies too intervened in ‘Tamil country’ on occasion.
          It was monarchic rivalry rather than ethnic rivalry that was at the root of conflict.
          A common genetic source is totally inadequate to unite people divided by history.
          It requires special effort comprising trust, understanding and tolerance, and above all respect for the other.
          People of diverse identities live in greater harmony than us in many countries. There is much for us to learn,

          • 2

            Very aptly stated, the OBVIOUS!!?? FOOLS incapable to understand!!!???

            • 2

              “India is, in every respect of identity, more complex than even Africa, let alone Europe ……”

              The piece is a brilliant succinct history-lesson in few lines …… I didn’t know any of that.

              Thanks, SJ.

              My knowledge of India stretch only as far as few Indian film-actresses ……. even that, not as good as OC’s ……..

              When I think of solutions …… I think on the lines of John Lennon’s “Imagine”

              But then ……. they say I’m a dreamer ………..

          • 0

            Yes you are right – i always mean chola when i say south india but will stick to the accurate terminology. I dont think the Indian and Lankan experience can be compared. India, even pre-brit was roman style confederation.
            Lanka has always been the story of a peoples integrating and assimilating with one another and with immigrants be they from tamil nadu, bengal, odia, java etc. this has only been disturbed by invasion from the cholas. each time, we keep getting up despite their attempts at eradicating us and/or segregating the island.
            repeated chola invasions meant that while the sinhala could beat back the invasions several times, eventually a lot of us would be killed and time needed to get our populations to a level where we could liberate the island.
            indeed, we are already a people of diverse identities – it is incumbent upon leaders to ensure that the people of this island nation are able to rally under its unique history and indigenous language WITHOUT jettisoning its multiethnic and multireligious history.
            ltte/diaspora wanting to linguistically/ethnically segregate the island and recreate the appearance of chola-annexation will not lead to progressive future that the majority of lanka wants.

        • 5

          “Lanka understands that her peoples have always moved towards integrating and assimilating with one another”
          Load of BS and convoluted deductions
          First and foremost, the People of Lanka are of the same Genetic poll arrived at different times from the MALABAR AND COROMANDEL COAST OF INDIA more than ‘Aryan Race’, which is a MISNOMER, create impression of superiority – MYTH!!!??
          The invasions resulted in Kingdoms of the North, North Central and Northwestern regions of SL and moved North to the Jaffna and Vanni Kingdoms!!! The later arrivals were for “Spice Trade, Cinnamon Peelers, Toddy Tappers in coastal areas and Coffee Plantations” domiciled in Western, Southern, Sabaragamuwa, Central areas of SL and some in Southern Uva and SE UVA!
          They being in Predominant Sinhala areas, over a time period of 200 – 500 years, “integrated and assimilated” with their counterpart Sinhalese, speaking Sinhala to a great extent – “Karawe History” – and need not go anywhere else for the facts!!!??? Mangala Samaraweera, said it all, before his unfortunate demise!!!???

        • 4

          ‘Chola, Pallawa’ land isn’t South India (SI)!!!???? Vijayanagar Empire isn’t too SI??? Pallawa Empire is too not technically SI!!!
          Nor is Kalinga Maga invasion termed as SI invasion???

    • 1

      During writing this paper, if any piece of his time Lionel intended you to benefit out of this paper, he already lost it. To designate an imaginary number to the lost, say if your class of 6.9M is 55% of the population, then his intention of delivering this paper to Langkang as a whole has lost 55% of the value.
      What made you strictly interpret his paper as propaganda for Tamils? On the other hand, TNA has the Langkang Supreme Court verdict that TNA’s call for internal Self Determination is not illegal according to the country’s constitution. They started ask for Federal State as a solution to the Sinhala Buddhist humiliation and genocide of Tamils, as early as from 1949 and at that time Lionel not even in mother’s womb. My sense of the paper is trying to find a solution to the failed economy, led by capitalistic & Dictatorial political leaders’ destruction of the economy and the political and social value and meaning of the people’s life. Lionel is a socialite, more of a political analyst-researcher rather than a politician. TNA is a political party formed (as FP, in 1949) to claim back the Tamils’ lost basic rights and sovereignty. The paper mainly discusses the economic, administrative, and democratic niceties of Federalism. But TNA rarely prioritizes these but talk about Freedom of Tamil Language administration in its territories.

    • 0

      Lionel explicitly says that he is no supporter of seeking a solution from external powers (like IMF?). But TNA wants the UN & UNHRC to intervene to investigate the Tamil genocides (by ICC).
      Without reading the paper why do you blame Lionel as calling for “Federalism based on ethnic lines” Please explain to me what made you connect Lionel’s paper on Federalism with TNA’s Internal Self Determination.
      I would not agree with Lionel on this here, he strayed away from the reality of what is happening in Langkang: “Historically, governments in Sri Lanka have tended to centralize all powers. “ For one who reads this line, let’s get a feeling that Langkang politicians have political philosophy or policy when they make changes to major laws and the constitution. That is disproved in Indian Pakistani Citizenship act, MMDA, 1972 constitution, Standardization, 1978 constitution, PTA, 6Th Amendment, 18th amendment, 19th Amendment, 20th amendment…… These all and all others brought only one object with only one object that is the ruling Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinist RavanaLE political party and its politicians to remain in power until the end of Langkang. There was never any intention whatsoever to unite the country and bring prosperity for citizens. It is your class, Liger, who wanted them to be like that. Lionel had lost the point.

  • 10

    “Sri Lanka is facing multiple crises – economic, political and cultural.”
    Nothing new here – story of Sri Lanka for the last 70 years

    • 2

      “story of Sri Lanka for the last 70 years”
      Was it like this all those years?
      So, why do people keep commenting on it on CR?

  • 7

    LB is one of the people who writes sensibly. I agree that the UNITARY form of government and Executive Presidency had NOT been helpful for us to progress as a peaceful/ prosperous/ harmonious country. We need a new constitution approved by all Lankans prior to any form of Elections. OTHERWISE we will get parliamentarians who are bribe takers/ murderers/ drugs peddlers/rapists/ swindlers etc etc; Federalism is much better than the 9 Provincial councils.

  • 5

    There is no second doubt that Sri Lanka is a failed unitary form of government. When the President has more powers to curtail judiciary and parliament, there is no way to develop the confident building measure by any means. Now some sections of Sinhala extremist politicians with the assistance of some Buddhisht monks are creating destructive measures. They are living in creating divisions between the people. The result is there will be no more private investments. In addition Ali Sabri, also made an un wanted statement that there was no genocide. It appears that these people are only looking after their interests. If India takes over North-East Province as a first step, then there miscievous elements will realize that Federalism is the most suited form of government. They should also realize that the 13th Amendment is a step towards the confient building measures.

    • 2


      “If India takes over North-East Province as a first step, then there miscievous elements will realize that Federalism is the most suited form of government. “

      You are mistaken. As far as Hindians are concerned Sri Lanka is the Sinhala state of Hindia (Akhand Bharat). When delimitation process commence the North East region would be rearranged and given a choice to merge with Tamilnadu.

      Naturally soma would be the happiest person.

      • 0

        Your wish is to see Tamil speaking people moving away from Sinhala majority provinces. What about their wish? How can we find out without asking them?


      • 0

        Of course I would be delighted if people are given the choice.
        Tamil speaking people are devided as those who claim to be practising Hinduism, those who claim to be practising Islam and those who claim to be practising Christianity. What is your guess over what the middle category would choose?
        (Can we discuss the point without calling names)


      • 2

        Native Vedda,
        Thank you. But Hindians won’t allow the North East region won’t be given a choice to merge with Tamil Nadu. Instead they will be allowed to remain as an Independent Territory within the State of Akhand Bharat. The reason is half of North East region have links with Madurai & Trichy, while some section of the half have links with Vedaraniyam and rest of the half with Malabar inhabitants of Kanyakumari. Hindians know this fact.

        • 2


          I feel I must give priority to soma as his ancestors too came from Tamilnadu.

  • 6

    Federalism is not based on religion but by language. Singhalese had more than 75 years to prove that they could treat the minorities as equals but they failed miserably. It’s time for the Tamils to live in a federal state.

    • 3


      “Federalism is not based on religion but by language. “

      Over period of time Federalism works if economy is prospering, peace and justice prevail, ….. . For example Northern Hindians are migrating to South almost like swarming Tamilnadu, Andhra ….. the economic condition in the south is such people want to relocate.

      In soma’s case he didn’t bother to look at the mechanics of federalism coupled with democracy.

      I am beginning to suspect soma must be an active member of merchants of death club. Prolonging unrest and conflict … is in their best interest.

      In addition to water cannon and tear gas I wonder why state has not equipped the police and STF with taser and pepper spray. …. eventually nuclear tipped rubber or real bullets, .. Minuteman, Agni, Prithvi I & II… missiles, … Kamala and Tiran are well placed to introduce all these gadgets while people are malnourished and starving.

      soma are you alright?

      • 0

        I am quite alright, Native. Thank you
        Why is this opposition to giving the choice to people? I mean asking them whether they would like to live among the Sinhalese or move out.
        Are you worried for some reason?


        • 3

          Hi Soma,
          “Why is this opposition to giving the choice to people? I mean asking them whether they would like to live among the Sinhalese or move out.”
          I have explained why there are over 50% Tamils in Sinhalese areas in my own way!
          I kept to a strict text, as i didn’t want to allude any blame on politicians since independence as to ASSYMETRIC development in Sri Lanka – main reason for lack of productivity!!!
          This as you would see is not about moving people, with NO CONSTRAINTS ON THEIR MOVEMENT BY THEIR OWN FREE WILL!!!???
          Hope answered your query ample measure???

          • 0

            Please interpolate, ‘Preferential’ to “Asymmetric” – Better!!!

    • 6

      Not only the Tamil people but also the people born in particular province should be ruled by their own leaders. They should but work as srilankens under one umbrealla.

      They know most what needs to be done for their villagers and urbanites.
      You can see this in Germany, Switzerland, France and many other places. I know it’s better having faced the life in europe for the last 3 decades.Germans living in the province of Bavaria are not ruled by the leaders of North Rhine-Westphalia.
      Our sinhala beasts that stand against FEDERAL solutions should be beheaded in public. I take the side of MINORITIES in this regard, for knnowing reasons, which is so long we have this issue unresolved, future for the youth is totally destroyed. shame on us sinhala leaders that stood against.

      I have no problem with giving them their own administrative rights as long as the unitary rule under the central government is no longer threatened. Unbiased awareness of truth is the order of the day for people. Social media channels and other TV channels that spread lies inside and outside the country should be banned.

      Like other small nations in the region, our country is full of lies and myths about governance and religious beliefs.

      • 2

        Can you enumerate a few points how the Tamil speaking minority (which is +50% of total) living among the Sinhalese are benefited in a Federal structure you have in your mind?
        ( Can we discuss the point without calling names)


        • 5


          “( Can we discuss the point without calling names)”

          Good idea.
          Let me respond in a most civilised manner, depending on how serious you are.
          Let me respond your comment day after tomorrow as I have to join my mates on a honey collecting trip.

          Forget Modi, Amit Shah, ……. watch Hindia a lot of things are happening inside and outside the country.

          • 2

            President RW is currently in Germany (Berlin)
            Watch this and discuss his talk before this session. Medamulana HORU had come to Bolonge/Italy so Sri Lankan biased media made it a big issue. Millions were squandered on the dog’s extra vagabond trips to Europe.
            The current president is talking about the issue of climate change, which has attracted the most attention of European nations.
            Sri Lanka, which is dominated by stupidity, does not seem to understand the value of this story.

        • 2



          Can you enumerate a few points how the Tamil speaking minority (which is +50% of total) living among the Sinhalese are benefited in a Federal structure you have in your mind?
          ( Can we discuss the point without calling names)

          First of all, Thank you SOMA for your take on this issue here, so that we could discuss it broadly for a sound discourse.

          Those tamil speaking minority living among the sinhalese should be provided intensive language courses by uplifting their standards of education as they do india. Our people wait to implement this until we hve funds, but we have to start in a small scale making it a national policy. Why cant retired personnel be invovled in such projects. Ministry of education and cultural affairs should work leaving their politics aside.
          Our politicians dont invest enough in that areas in parallel not having studied the gravity of the issue properly yet. In the same time, we sinhalese too should learn tamil which is a very import for the future of our nation.

          It should be done to the manner some european countries teach the langagues in their school systems. –

          • 3


            Those who living in Basel switzerland are not well conversant in French (but they know it to someextent going beyond the average knowledge of english in SL) but more German other than their swiss-german and English because BASEL is located the german boarder. Those who live in french speaking part of Switzerland more lingual in French and Swiss-German. There are also some other areas, school teach Italian because their boarders are close to Italy. The percetion that we the srilankens have that learning 3 langagues is huge thing should be brocken away and make them clear that anyone can learn 3 langauges from the begining on, even if the levels of learning can be different to person to person.

            English index proves that ours is far below to Bangaladesh for exmaple even if we are just 22 millions compared to many other SA coutnries in the region, even the english skills in Nepal is read to be better than that of ours.

            Needless to share but it is obvious to anyone that those born to the regions are the well experts about their own shortcomings and deficiencies in the region, be it admistration, health, education or whatever.-

          • 1

            Dear leelagemalli
            Thank you for your reply.
            As I understand what you are stating is +50% of Tamil speaking minority who are presently living among the Sinhalese must learn Sinhala under a federal structure. Is that correct?
            Not much of a benefit by going federal.


            • 4

              Is learning Sinhala the issue any more?
              I thought that bridge was crossed decades ago.
              Sadly, for all intents and purposes English rules OK in Sri Lanka.

              • 2

                I’m not well enough to enter into this argument. However, SJ is so brilliant he doesn’t need my help.
                soma, I now agree with you, and I look forward to a more robust discussion of all this, when I’m more able to exert myself.
                Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) currntly in Maharagama

                • 0

                  Sinhala man NIC 483111444V
                  I am trying to understand how +50% Tamil speaking minority presently living among the Sinhalese are going be benefited in a Federal structure than at present.


              • 0

                I am trying to understand how +50% Tamil speaking minority presently living among the Sinhalese are going be benefited in a Federal structure than at present.
                Can you help?
                Please see the Leelagemalli ‘s answer to my request to list down a few advantages and explain how the Tamil speaking people within Sinhala majority are benefited.
                Why is every body avoiding this question?
                Why is this opposition to holding a referendum?


                • 3

                  Soma , I understand your desperation in finding answers but I’m sorry to disappoint you. Its not anymore about moving within ( South to North or West to East.) 50 % is either told to leave or forced out of their own country. But do not worry , looks like the rest ( non Tamils ) may follow soon I’m sure you’re aware of recent mass exodus, brain drain, doctors leaving…….. SB can fool 6.9 million all their life and all Lankans most of the time, but can they fool the whole world

                • 2

                  (Part I)
                  Dear Soma,
                  The question you have raised is Valid and very Important to the whole question of DEVOLUTION!!!???
                  “How +50% Tamil speaking minority presently living among the Sinhalese are going be benefited in a Federal structure than at present??.”
                  In order to scientifically, Rationally and Factually analyse, Point of Clarity to that question, ‘Why, How and Wherefore’ enable Answer! One needs ‘First and Foremost’ answer, “How did Sri Lankan Sinhalese and Tamils arrive at this significant historical Point – 50% TAMILS living, amongst Sinhalese majority!!??
                  That wasn’t the case, pre 1500 CE!!!??? Island of 3 Kingdoms – Western Colonists arrived!!?? If we take as STARTING POINT!!!???
                  We were 3 different Kingdoms ruled by Kings, Kotte, Kandy and Jaffna, as respective capitals for administrative and commercial/economic purposes, which changed Post 19th century, when Great Britain acquired Kandyan Kingdom and decided to Unify as Colony, with administrative, commercial, Economic Capital – COLOMBO!!!??? Ensure, effective control of ADMIN, Economic and Commerce!!?

                • 2

                  (PART II)
                  It is true for other communities of the Periphery too not only to those from Jaffna (Northern province) and Batticaloa (Eastern Province)!!! Kandy too, with Matara, Anuradhapura inhabitants following suit migration!!!??? Seeking Eco-Commercial benefits!!!??? None Else!!!?
                  The biggest difference, was the fact, that North-East, Benefitted from Western Church funded Education resulting in, greater ENGLISH proficiency, which NE community stood-out as benefit and considered “enabling factor” to perform Colonial Administrative Positions!!!??? The South with PIRIVENA education, enforced by Nationalistic Sinhala Leaders, such as Anagarika Dharmapala and others, being disadvantaged!!!??? “Native has his own version of describing, the episode of ‘Anagarika Anagathayak’, this self-inflicted fatal Blow or ‘Harakiri’ by Naïve Leaders of short-sighted Character depriving the Southerners of Colonial Jobs”!!!??? Be that as it May!!??
                  NONE FORCED TAMILS TO MIGRATE TO WP – Instead it was the IMPELLING FORCE of seeking Economic, Commercial Success Seeking sustainable living in Colonial Ceylon from its Infancy to gaining Independence!!!??? Even then it didn’t happen Overnight!!!
                  Almost 200 years, 1800 to 2000 resulting in this change in Demography!!!???
                  Even up to 1955, it was a constant ‘CHARADE’ of sometimes WEEKLY/FORTNIGHTLY/MONTHLY movement from North to South on Sunday and return Home on Friday

                • 0

                  (Part III)
                  – so much so B D Rampala, then GMR used to Claim that SLR was being sustained , because of Northern Line – extraordinary traffic and Profits!!!??
                  Gradually, people weary of weekly travel found abodes in Colombo, first for themselves and then their family, enhancing the Minority presence in Western Province, (WP) especially, Colombo and Gampaha districts amongst the Catholic community !!??
                  That’s the advent or transformation or Migration of Tamils to live amongst the Sinhalese!!!???
                  The point that am trying to make is, that it was the ECONOMIC-COMMERCIAL MIGRATION and it’s true even today!!!???
                  Thus if the DEVOLUTION and DECENTARLISATION HAPPENS TO THE PROVINCES, THEN THE REVERSE OCCURRENCE IS A MATTER OF TIME!!! But WOULD BE HAPPENING IN REAL TIME OVER PERIOD!!?? It wouldn’t or Need be forced, but impelled seeking better livelihood!!!??? You’ll find perhaps in better part of 100 years movement of Colombo/Gampaha Populace seeking periphery to reside and work!?
                  On the CONTRARY, such IMPELLING movement should be WELCOMED!!!??? They spell out Economic Prosperity of the Nation, Emancipation of the citizens and Greater productivity and thereby resulting in economic Prosperity for all Stakeholders – BOOM!!!

                  • 0

                    Dear Mahila
                    Thank you for your detailed answer. I do not want the Tamil speaking people among us to go, that is a myth promoted by Native Veddah and his dumb followers about me. Quite the contrary – the very rationale of my argument for the existing unitary set up is based my belief that Tamil speaking people PREFER to live among the Sinhalese. I WANT them to stay and raise their hand and loudly say we are not going into a seperate unit. I am still unable to understand why this opposition to holding a referendum among the Tamil speaking people over this most critical issue. Give the Tamil speaking people the opportunity to express their opinion.
                    I may be proved wrong.


                • 3

                  Look at it this way. If your wife says she wants to leave you, would you let her go, or keep her tied up because, in your opinion, it is better for her?
                  The same applies to your kids. It may be better to let go and have a civilised relationship rather than hang on for the sake of your ego. I think that’s what the Buddha thought too, isn’t it?

                  • 0

                    Of course I will let her go with all my blessings, she must take her siblings too who are presently living under my roof.
                    It is only fair isn’t lt?
                    What is your opinion about my suggestion to hold a referendum among the +50% Tamil speaking people who are presently living in Sinhala majority areas asking their preference over moving into a federal unit for them in North East?
                    (I am absolutely confident that they will choose to stay – that of course is another matter.)


  • 10

    I don’t agree with many of the things Lionel Bopage stands for: that’s the nature of the beast. But there is no doubt in my mind that all what he did and does is out of his love for the country and the people: even his involvement with the JVP.

    The same cannot be said for the present president, prime minister, ministers ……… or any who held those positions in the past …….

    Lionel can and should hold his head up high ……..

    • 7

      Seconded, nimal.

      • 5

        Thanks, Lionel, nimal and Nathan,
        It’s not ideology that matters so much as honesty, commitment and “love for the people”.
        I can’t write much; it was predicted that I would need rest after the cataract operation on my left eye on Tuesday, the 26th. The right eye must be done a month or two later:
        The responsible thing to do, therefore, is to bide my time with these comments. I can see more clearly than I can ever remember. Besides, it looks as though the illegitimate tyrannical Dictator will not give us an election before the next Presidential about October 2024, where we must rout him by a record margin.
        Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of Bandarawela

        • 6

          Just a reminder that the Maldives will probably elect a pro-China President tomorrow:
          Not a matter for rejoicing, because both contenders have tolerated corruption.

        • 1

          Dear Readers,
          It is not his fault but he has no choice but to rely on the SLPP thugs surrounded by him. Even European leaders realize it but our people dont seem to know the gravity of his situation yet today.

          That is known to many in europe, but stupid SINHALA MAN or the born imbecile that cough for JVP-murderers abuse his pen alaways against him.

          Mahinda Rajapakshe looted and hurt by unestimable means, but this “Sinhala man” – the biggest joker of CT – though in the baby boomer s generation, was not that voval against those distinquishable loads of crimes. Now may well be possible, this man is funded by JVP-NPP to slander RW almost by his each comment.

    • 6

      nimal fernando

      “Lionel can and should hold his head up high ……..”

      Sadly my mate soma and your mate Gota want to bury him 6 feet under.
      That is the nature of rights of the people in this island.

      By the way my mate is not malicious like your mates Gota and Prabha. Only problem with soma is he does not understand when to stop digging.

    • 6

      but the ridiculous truth is that JVP-NPP stays mum on these grave issues. And the other issue is that they dont talk about their affinity and secret links to ” sinhala buddhism” either. Lately I read somewhere, LALKANTHA got a ” pirith chanted thread” tied around his genitals in public. What should be the message they were trying to send out ?
      Ironically he had been tamed by DOGGY GHANSARA for that.
      Nor have they publicly challenged how JVP-NPP would bring ” dollar-rains” after grabing power.

      What happened to the JOKER aka NIC hunter from Bandarawella?

      . I believe mine and those of Raj_UK might have MADE him silent not answering our questions further.

      Bandarawella joker is caught in the act as of today. He is the most naive person in JVP-NPP propaganda.

  • 1

    1.13thamendment is a country to country agreement.It should be fully implemented.

    2.tamils need not get involved in pushing the government to implement it fully.It is the indian govt that has to do that. Tamil leaders should be pushing for devolution based on the indian model.

    3.Thre should be a referendum in the 9 provinces whther they want the 13th amendment.

    4.Those provinces that say yes should have it and those that say no should not have it.

    5. That is the only way to evaluate the cost/benefit of the provincial councils.

  • 4

    SJ says that the Indigenous Australians were destroyed. What CRAP. Yes human rights abuses happened in the past BUT now remedy is taking place UNLIKE in sinhala land where constant abuses including by the THUGS in saffron robes takes place.

    Approximately 3000 Tiwi indigenous Australian control 8000 square kilometres. Approximately 80,000 mainland Northern Territory indigenous Australians control approximately a land area the size 26 x the area of sri lanka.

    In other states massive land areas are controlled by small number oif indigenous peoples.

    In some indigenous Australian communities the state / territory government even does the laundry of the indigenous australians.

    The Christian clergy despite some abuses were also involved in ensuring land and indigenous rights compared with the sinhala land thugs in saffron robes espousing some corruption of buddha’s preachings.

    The abuses of the past are being redressed by monetary compensation from state / territory and private institutions. Compared with sinhala land and constant denials by sinhalas and the likes of sarath weerasorai (Good that the Yanks did not give him a visa and same should apply to the other sinhala thugs like udayamgammapola).

    There are prioritised job opportunities for indigenous Australians.

    A significant majority of non indegenous Australians are in favour of the “Voice” in the Australian Constitution.

    SJ are CRAP!

  • 6

    The number of new states being created through secession based on ethnicity or religion is increasing. From Bangladesh to South Sudan, progressively secession has resulted. It is increasingly sought in many other parts of the world eg. Catalans in Spain, Scots in the UK, Muslims of Mindanao in the Philippines, Devolution or federalism are better ways of solving issues arising from ethnic strife. Eventually, the next generation of Tamils will take to violence and we will have another bout of it. It is best to solve this issue which has plagued us for 75 years or more. The economic crisis will not be solved with IMF money in a country where the people cannot pull together but are mired in hatred.

    • 1


      i agree with you.Devolution is the only way to stop secession.We have a living example next door where due to nehru weaving the devolution thread india has thrived as one country with 25 different ethnicities and languages.Nehruwas able to do that when peole were not being influenced by various pundits who think they know best and will tell the peole that the only way to stop secessionis to crush any revolt by using the armed forces.India at thetime of independece hadn’t these powerful influencers while we had the bhuddhist monks scuttling the banda -chelva pact due to a backboneless leader who could not stand upto them.This resulted in devastation and a 25 year civilwar which is going to be repeated one day in the future with our descendents.

      • 0

        The real road block on the way to secession is majority Tamil desire to live among the Sinhalese. Hold a referendum among the Tamil speaking people presently living among the Sinhalese to test this.
        Shankar, there is a job for you to do. Carry out a concerted campaign among the Tamil speaking people living among the Sinhalese to move out to North East so that a seperate Tamil unit can be formed and try your success.
        I repeat, hold a referendum.
        (Once upon a time when the Tamils in the estate sector were asked to move back to their ancestral land so that they can live as equals within their own environment of language, culture and religion they chose to continue with that harrowing, slavish life among the Sinhalese)


    • 2

      “Eventually, the next generation of Tamils will take to violence and we will have another bout of it. “
      Which “next generation of Tamils”, where?
      The ones here I hope will be more sensible than that.

      • 0


        there is a unlimited supply of tamils willing to join a army in tamilnadu.They have been traditionally warrior class but are unable to join the indian army because of the quota system of the states.This has also made sikhs disgruntled and they joined the khalistan struggle at one time.When tamilnadu youngsters wanted to join the tamil armed groups just after july 83 the sri lankan tamil youngsters told them that when they get eelam with their own efforts it will be much more sweeter for them and that they do not need them.So overconfident were they. Same mistake will not occur.

  • 1

    leelagepissa, manic mahila, senile matta and other ltte/diaspora

    ‘there is no term as ethnofederalism’….LIES and you know it. see myanmar, ethiopia, and belgium as just a few examples.

    ‘federalism is not dividing land into parcels’….the ethnofederalism/linguistic-federalism being asked for by the diaspora/ltte is exactly that – i.e. dividing lanka into territories based on ethnicity/language and giving the appearance of a re-annexed chola-territory.

    here’s the thing chaps and chapettes – for 30 years, ethnic-cleansing carried out by the ltte meant that the sinhalese and moors were not able to move freely in their Lankan homeland. We need at least 30 years to diversify the north and east similar to what is seen in maya province today, as well as what is seen in eastern raja rata and ruhuna provinces. hope you understand why its unfair for ltte/diaspora to keep expecting the dream of a tamil-only homeland when Lanka is still repairing itself from the 30 year war (funded even to this day by lingering extremists).

    France is not a federal nation pisso – what history books are you reading?

    the present constitution is just fine – will be better once 13a is removed.

    • 4

      Dear Readers,
      Liger aka “rebirth of EAGLE EYE” may be right about communal federalism, but that is not the kind of federalism we are proposing for Sri Lanka. It should be similar to what we experience in Switzerland, Germany or similar countries.
      Those experts in the field could work on clearing the doubts of the people.I am not ethnologist, antropologist or some one in that field, but a senior in natural sciences. I do know we have enough higher academics in the island that could help understanding this better. Their dead silence on the topic is beyond my understanding.
      However, these should be made not being biased to our sinhala race. We are all the same, anyone and everything born to srilanka should be treated equally.
      I am totally against those sinhala radicalists, racists, buddhist fundementalists such as Liger that would always stand against bringing permament soltuions to the long standing ethnic issue in our motherland.
      If they would be beheaded in an open ceremony, I woudl love to takepart myself in there. The issue is that we have significant portions of them in our population.

      • 4

        I accidentally made the mistake of adding France to that list and my comment slipped before double-checking that it was correct.i WAS IN A HURRY TO SEND OUT IT WHILE WAITING FOR MY CLIENTS. Unlike many other commenters, I am not in retirmement, I add my thoughts while being in waiting lounges in AIRPORTs or resting places on my way back home from work.
        Further to this, I have contacts with people living in Addis Ababa (my former colleagues from europe, ethiopians) and I came to know that their federal system created some kind of unexpected problems, however, it was not based on one single factor in that poverty-stricken country such as Ethiopia but on multifactorial grounds. Ethiopians according to me are nationalists by their nature and I have experienced it by myself having shared the hostel enviornements, common kitchens going back to my student days. They feel that they are ALWAYS treated not well by west, even if the truths woudl lie somewhere else. I OFTEN REMINDED our “sinhala radicalists” such as NALIN DE SILVA ( highly controvasal sinhala nationaist that widened sinhalilization during the days of MAHINDA DOGGY DAYS) OR THE LIKE INDIVIDUALS WHENEVER I SPOKE TO ETHIIOPIANS THAT WERE HARD LINE NATIONALISTS:

  • 0



    • 0

      Right – because there are none given what they are actually asking for in Lanka – ethnofederalism.

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