19 February, 2025


Sri Lankan Politics & The Dilemma Of Muslim Community: An Appeal For A Change In The Political Climate

By The Kandy Forum

The Sri Lankan polity has become extremely polarized along ethnic and religious lines in the last few decades. It is more visibly evident in the last presidential election held in November 2019. A vast majority of Muslims and Tamils, for different reasons, voted against the candidate fielded by the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) that was largely supported by the Sinhala Buddhist forces. It was openly admitted by the newly elected president Gotabaya Rajapaksa himself and it is the first time after independence a cabinet is formed without a single Muslim member.

A virulent anti-Muslim campaign was carried out by the politicized extremist Sinhala Buddhist groups before the presidential election in order to maximize the Sinhala votes which they achieved. As a consequence, at the present moment some ministers openly claim in the public forums that they want to form the new government without the support of ‘fundamentalists and extremists’ referring to the Muslim political parties. 

Historically anti-Muslim feeling prevailed from the late 19th century mainly because of commercial competition, but in general it was confined to an ultranationalist minority among the Sinhalese community and never openly and visibly expressed and exhibited in verbal and violent actions as happens now, with the exception of the 1915 riots. From 2012 this situation started to change and the unfortunate outburst of Easter Sunday attack in April 2019 culminated and paved the way for resentment, animosity and hatred to reach an unprecedented level in the history of Muslims in Sri Lanka. This feeling has pervaded the psychology not only of the hardline Sinhalese, but also that of a significant majority of the neutral minded Sinhalese who have taken to voice hardline hateful speech openly fueled by the Islamophobic Propaganda Machinery.

This is not a sudden development, but a gradual progression towards more polarized ethnic divide, and certain developments that happened in the social and political arena accelerated this process. We outline two of these developments which we consider contributed to the current situation. One was the emergence of Muslim political parties, the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) first and its splinter groups later. SLMC emerged in the middle of the 1980s as a historical and inevitable consequence of ethnic polarization and the discrimination and violence that the Muslim community in the north and east faced at the hands of Tamil militant groups together with the feeling of being let down by the successive governments and the SLMC became a major political force among the Eastern Muslims after 1980s. SLMC also had a political impact on the Muslims in the Southern part of the country, though to a lesser extent and this had a negative impact on Muslim relations with the majority Sinhala Buddhist polity. Sinhala majority perceived it as yet another political threat from a second minority against them. This polarization on ethnic divide in politics became more acute when so many “Muslim labelled” political parties came into existence, mostly as splinter groups of the SLMC after the demise of Mr. M H M Ashraff, which began to move into Muslim enclaves outside of north and east too.  

The second development is the introduction of Proportional Representative System in 1989 that provided more equitable distribution of Parliamentary seats to all segments but seriously affected both the major political parties that often winning their elections on chauvinistic promises. With this new system they couldn’t form government with comfortable majority without the support of minor parties, and always had to tie up with small parties of which the Muslim parties were found to be the most flexible and they had a role to play in forming governments from 1994 onwards, inflaming the Sinhala chauvinist section of the polity. 

These were the main reasons for the anti-Muslim hate campaign carried out by the hardline Sinhala extremist groups including a section of major political parties from 2012 onwards, conveniently and convincingly undermining the historical contribution of Muslim community and Muslim leaders for the development of the country. 

The hardliners attempted to portray the Muslims as opportunists, only concerned with their community affairs, always getting benefits from whatever government that comes into power. They also embrace on the Islamophobic propaganda unleased worldwide and claim that Muslims as a community conspire to become the majority in this country, quickly multiplying their population and plotting to reduce the Sinhala population secretly using unimaginable contraceptive methods. They also tried to marginalize the Muslims using the globalized anti-Muslim labels such as fundamentalists, extremist and terrorists who are a major threat to national security and unity. 

The prevailing extreme political and ethnic polarization is not conducive to the nation building and national development. All the political parties and politicians and all the ethnic and religious communities in this country should realize the fact that Sri Lanka is a multiethnic and multi-religious country. Although the Sinhalese and Buddhists constitute the majority, all the minority communities have equal rights as the citizens of this country as that confirmed by our constitution. This is also a fundamental norm of democracy. We should adhere to this inclusive ideology that leads us to prosperity rejecting the exclusivism that blindly leads us into the path of social destruction as we have seen happening in our recent history.

Although Sri Lanka has bad experiences of ethnic divide and conflicts after independence, we also have good experience of multi-party coalitions, multi-ethnic cabinets and successful collaborative governance. Multiple political parties and the PR system, even with their short comings, provide us with good opportunities to develop a culture of political coexistence and collaborative governance. However, unfortunately, our power hungry political leaderships and the communal elements within the polity with their short sighted approach propagate ethnic hatred and an exclusive political culture which are against peaceful coexistence, socio-economic development and the dignity of our country.

Unfortunately, there is no true national political parties in Sri Lanka. The major political parties are strongly biased on majority community interests and created political spaces for the emergence of minority political parties. All the other minor parties in this country, including the left parties, are variously ethnically biased. This communal politics is our historical legacy that we inherited from the British colonialism and we are cultivating it from the time of independence causing heavy loss to the country. We can’t continue like this and Sri Lankan politics needs a fundamental qualitative change at this juncture. 

Therefore, in this context, we appeal to all the political parties and all the ethnic communities, religious and community leaders and individual politicians to put the country before all other interests and refrain from propagating ethnic and religious hatred and exclusive partisan politics before and after the forthcoming general election. We also appeal to them to promote peaceful coexistence among different ethnic and religious communities and to promote inclusive and collaborative governance in order to establish permanent peace, justice and social harmony in this country and to re-establish the pride and dignity of our country nationally and internationally.

We also wish to specifically appeal to the Muslim community and the Muslim political parties, to be in the forefront of this exercise to put the country first in all their matters and plan their political strategies on the long term, rejecting short term immediate benefits. They should develop an integrated policy framework for national and community development and social harmony. 

Before the emergence of Muslim political parties, Muslims in this country wholeheartedly aligned with the two major political parties and even after the emergence of such Muslim parties a majority of them continue to support these major parties despite the ethnic hatred they face and we hope this trend will be continued leading to peaceful coexistence.

We appeal again to all the political parties, political and community leaderships and civil societies, as we approach a crucial parliamentary election, to work together to stop promoting hate politics and ethnic conflicts in this country and to work together to establish a harmoniously peaceful democratic Sri Lanka where all of its citizens, despite their ethnicity and religion, can enjoy equal rights, fearless and peaceful life and work for a prosperous future of Sri Lanka. 

Signed by

Prof. M A Nuhman,

Mr.  J M Niwas,  

Prof. M A M Siddique,

Mr. M M Niyas,

Prof. M S M Anes, 

Prof. M I M Mowjood,

Mr. A J M Mubarak,

Dr. A L M Mauroof, 

Dr. M Z M Nafeel,  

Dr. A S M Nawfal,

Mr. U M Fazil.

Latest comments

  • 9

    srilanka was a budhdhist country even before prophet muhammed was born muslims in this country are allowed to stay as long as sinhala rulers wish those muslims not happy can leave anytime dooor are wide open please leave not attempting become sri lankan rohingiyaas please get the hell out

    • 11

      Yes and before it became Buddhist it was the Saivite land of the Dravidian Tamil Naga and Yakka. Even now large parts of the island are still predominantly Tamil and Saivite. It is a multicultural land Predominantly Sinhalese Buddhist in the south and Tamil Saivite in the North and Tamil Saivite and Tamil Muslim in the east. The Sinhalese only became an outright majority thanks to the European colonials , prior to that the population of the island’s Sinhalese and Tamils were more or less equal. The occurrences were 1) The Portuguese and Dutch colonials imported hundreds of thousands of low caste Tamils from South India , just like the what the British did later , to do menial service work and to work as indentured slave labour in the huge cinnamon and other spice estates. They settled them along the western and southern littorals. Within a few centuries all these low caste Tamil South Indian imports had converted themselves to Sinhalese Buddhists or Catholics and more or less doubled the Sinhalese population in the island. 2) In 1833 the British amalgamated the Tamil and Sinhalese parts of the island , that had always been separate and ruled separately from ancient times and even during the Portuguese and Dutch area into one political unit and called it Ceylon, They did this for their own political and economic benefit.. With this one act the Sinhalese who were confined to the southern parts of the island became the majority in the entire island and the Tamils who were an outright majority in their own areas became a minority . The British then in the demarcation of provinces , generously acceded to every demand that the Sinhalese made , however outlandish and gave them large chunks of former Tamil and Vedda lands in the north central and north western areas to the Sinhalese , what was demarcated as the Tamil provinces the north and the east , were the lands that the Sinhalese had no claim , whatsoever.

      • 9

        he British , neglected the Tamil districts and only developed the Sinhalese areas as the tea and other plantations were there and made Colombo the capital , giving the Sinhalese , the illusion the island was only theirs , as everything was in their areas. Even the Universities. The British only used the Tamils for their hard work and industriousness but never favoured them , as the Sinhalese allege. The Sri Lankan Tamils for white collar administrative jobs not only in the island but in other parts of the colony , especially Malaysia/Singapore , the Indian Tamil low castes for their brawn in the estates in former Ceylon , Malaysia and other parts. Even the schools opened in the NE were not by the British but by American missionaries and Hindu organisations. The British largely opened schools in the Sinhalese areas and the Sinhalese other than the ruling elite and Catholics, never made use of it , as the Buddhist monks did not allow the masses to be educated in fear of westernisation and conversions. In 1948 the British handed the entire island to the Sinhalese on a platter , including the hapless Tamils, and created all this mess and now just keeping quiet. They had no right to have done it. They should have divided the island as they found it or given a Federal setup with minority rights for the Tamil speaker enshrined. They did not do this , not consult the ordinary Tamils, but got some upper class Colombo Tamils who other than their Tamil names , were all Sinhalese in every other way , even heavily intermarried , to endorse this in the name of Tamils. Now see what happened to the island’s Tamils at the hands of Sinhalese racist and their fake Arab Indian origin immigrant Tamil Muslim opportunists, who now call themselves Moors and pathetically act like some pale imitation of Gulf Arabs , because they receive money from these nations to Arabise themselves and become Islamic extremists. Completely forgetting their ancient rich 1200 years old Tamil Islamic Sufi culture.

    • 1

      Modi’s Bhakt troll I presume. Trying to make trouble in Sri Lanka as usual eh? Please get the hell out of OUR country.

    • 5

      Wealth robbers of Sinhalese Aryans Country. Let them go to hell. Sri Lanka belongs to Sinhalese Aryans. Sirima Bandaranayake did very good things. Appointing Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) all the culprit, Muslims wealth robbers of Sinhalese Aryans country

  • 8

    The Dilemma of Muslim community:
    An Appeal for change in the Political climate is the title of this essay by the Kandy Forum; By the way we have not heard ,for quite awhile from the Friday Forum!
    The fact is the Muslims all over the Island are in a thriving mode.True for the time being they are not in the cabinet to give employment to exclusively Muslim candidates.
    Thanks to the stupidity of the Sinhalese and the Tamils, Muslims will continue to capture the resources in the Island.
    Why is the Kandy Forum complaining? Kandy Town is in the hands of the Muslims, except for the Dalada Maligawa!.

    • 5

      8 percent of Muslims going to “capture” the resources from thee 70 percent Buddhists eh? I bet you did not do well in maths.

      • 8

        Manel, first go back to Arabia where you belong. This is a Buddhist country, not Muslim. You guys immigrated here a few hundred years ago after we had made it the bread basket of Asia. This is a Buddhist country.

        • 3

          Sinha Le

          What the hell are doing outside the Zoo?

          “Manel, first go back to Arabia where you belong. “

          In fact you belong to African jungle.

          “This is a Buddhist country”

          Since when, why, how, ……………….

          ” You guys immigrated here a few hundred years ago after we had made it the bread basket of Asia.”

          So are you descendants of Kallathonie.

          Bread was not known until Portuguese Karaya introduced paan in the 16th century.

  • 8

    Not many people know that the present Dalada Maligawa ( from the Tamil word Malikai meaning palace). the Pathirupuwa ( Parthu Iruppu meaning sit and observe or look in Tamil , as the king held court here), the Kandy Lake , Were all built by the Telugu origin Tamil Naicker kings who originated from Madurai. Even the so called emblem of the lion holding the sword , ( that now many Sinhalese extremists now think and portray as the emblem of depicting the lion race) is their emblem and their flag and not some ancient Sinhalese flag. What they now boast as symbols of ancient Sinhalese and ancient Sinhalese culture , were all built by Tamil rulers. just like Polonarruwa , it was founded by the Tamil Cholas and all the magnificent ruins Buddhist and Hindu was built by them and now falesely promoted to the world as wonders of ancient Sinhalese architecture , just like many SE Asian wonders that were inspired during the Tamil Chola rule , but now never mentioned by these governments too. All these architecture is typically South Indian Dravidian.

  • 1

    Sharma is obviously a South Indian Dravidian or a immigrant Dravidian in Lanka or elsewhere. He should know that the Dravidian in South India has produced nothing of real value. Everything Sharman talks about it from North India, from the Brahmin and Kshatriyan influence and culture. In the South of India and Lanka, the Aryan heritage has been obviously acclimated to the sounds, vibrations, colors, spices, etc. of the south but the well spring of all that is culture and civilization is from the North. That is why the very small Aryan Brahmin minority rules South India, and continue to dominate in all spheres. The Dravidian is a rather uncivilized monster who displays his barbarism by ritualistic masochism such as hanging from hooks, performing barbaric rites and displaying disgusting behavior. The Brahmin needs the Dravidian for lowly work, but will never let the Dravidian into the sanctified holy inner chambers of Hindu temples. The Dravidian can call himself also Hindu, just for census purposes. He is a Hindu but only for rituals of the lowly levels. This is why some Dravidians, realizing they can never get any respect, usurped the kindness of the Sinhalese who are more accommodating that Brahmin elite towards the Dravidian, to create Tamil Tigers, to carve out a country in Lanka. That failed miserably after the elite Brahmins of the South and the North Indian Hindus who despise the unwashed, swarthy hordes of Dravidian LTTE barbarians, let the Lankan government have a free hand at annihilating the Dravidian in Lanka in 2009. The distant brotherhood of the Northern Hindu and the Brahmins of the South is with the Sinhalese, especially those whose lineage runs deep into Mahavamsa type heritage (not the fishermen types who later became Sinhalese by choice). Screaming a lot and engaging in gaudy, barbaric, subhuman rituals will not make the Dravidian any more acceptable to these groups, and ultimately they rule the Deccan.

    • 8

      Hello Lester aka Jay Chambers. High on Ganga. Sharma /Sarma. or Sharman is a Brahmin name . Go to Jaffna most Jaffna Brahmins have the name Kurrukal or Sharma/Sarma a few a Shastri/Sastri. Most of Indian culture is Dravidian so are their major gods. It is the rituals that are Vedic Aryan but the philosophy and the major gods worshiped are Dravidian or Munda. The Tamil god Siva aryanised to Shiva, is the supreme god in the Hindu pantheon. Most Brahmins from ancient to modern days have always been very poor and only small class amongst them were wealthy and rich. Nowadays Brahmins do not rule anywhere in India , especially the Southern Indian states , in fact many priests are now from non Brahmin castes. In caste ridden Kerala , there is even a Priest from the Dalit community . Brahmins and their allies may be ruling in the BJP Hindi cow belt states , but even here , their ruling days are numbers and in many Hindi speaking states poor Brahmins are now doing menial work and are even cleaning toilets, a so called Dalit’s work, whilst Dalit Mayawati is one of the king pins in UP. Most priests still are Brahmins but more and more non Brahmins are being appointed. Even in Jaffna and other Tamil areas of Sri Lanka, most Hindu priests are non Brahmins . Saiva Vellalar , in some instances Karaiyar or Vedda in many parts of the east, especially in the Murugan temples in the deep south of the east.
      50 per cent of the rickshaw pullers in Delhi’s Patel Nagar are Brahmins.
      70 per cent of people employed in the 1,783 public toilets in Delhi are upper caste Hindus the so called Aryans and this includes Brahmins, washing the Pooh of so called unwashed Dravidian low castes
      75 per cent of domestic help and cooks in Andhra Pradesh are Brahmins. Working for Dravidian upper castes.

    • 6

      What an idiotic comment. In most religions only the priests are allowed to enter the inner sanctum , when prayers/services occur and no lay people. It is the same with Hinduism , Judaism , even on Christianity. Even people who are Brahmins but are laypeople will not be allowed to enter. In Sri Lanka and now even in India, many temples are manned by non Brahmin priests , especially small non Agamic temples and even here only the priests are allowed into the inner sanctum , and a Brahmin if he is not priest will not be allowed. A generation ago all the priests were Brahmins now many non Brahmins are being appointed as priests, due to either a shortage of Brahmins who now do not want to be priests or because society is more liberal and now anyone trained to be a priest can become one . It is only they are allowed Brahmin or non Brahmin. In ancient times amongst Jews only men belonging the Levi tribe can become priests and they were the only people allowed into the inner sanctums of the synagogues . Other Jews were not allowed., Stop posting rubbish and making an idiot of your self.

  • 9

    99% of the Sinhalese are Dravidians and this includes you. and your unwashed family. Not just the Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Hunu, Hali, Berewa who are descended from recently imported Indian Tamil low castes ,but everyone. Initially descended largely from the indigenous Dravidian lowly peasant Yakka ( as most the Yakka converted to Buddhism , whilst most of the elite ruling Naga tribes did not and remained Hindu and evolved into the Sri Lankan Tamils) later other Dravidian South Indian immigrants/invaders from the then Tamil country. Again largely low castes. The so called initial migration from northern India , if there was one, got heavily diluted by all these local Dravidian Yakka and the Southern Indian immigrants and invaders all taking on the evolving Sinhalese identity. They were all ruled again by upper caste Dravidians. Hindu or Buddhist. Local Dravidian Naga or South Indians largely Tamil , some Telugu or Kalinga. This happened until the British took over. Poor racist peeved over what I posted about the Dalada Malligai, Parthu Iruppu , the Kandy Lake and the Tamil Naicker emblem and flag, the lion holding the sword. The unwashed racist from London could not bear the truth and went on a rant. Booh start crying again

  • 4

    Sharma is definitely from ToiletNadu. He has no clue about history of Sri Lanka. Go and read historical Mahawansa before you talk

    • 7

      Another pretend Aryan Chingkalam. Your name itself proves your Thamizh origin. A place or village name that it self is Thamizh derived. Lots of Chingkallams especially in the Kandyan areas , took the village , town or place from where they came from or where their land holdings were , as their family name, to hide their original Thamizh origin/name, when they took on a Chingkalla identity to safeguard their wealth. Especially the upper castes. Your Mahvamsam is basically a fairy tale, especially regarding the origin of Chingkallams, that is mixed with real events and it only relates to the history of the Chingkalla areas. It is a racist rag tale , that tries to glorify Buddhism and the Chingkallams , whilst running down the Thamizh and Hinduism ,. but by constantly referring to the Thamizh and their lands and kingdoms in the north and east from ancient times, it did the opposite , it proved that the Thamizh were the indigenous population and the Chingkallams largely evolved from Indian immigrants and local Dravidian converts to Buddhism. It is your Mahavamsam that stated Thevanampiya Thissan’s father was king Mutta Sivan are Thamizh. Your hero Thutta Kaimunu ‘s Appa was Kaavan Theesan or Kakai Vanna Theesan another Thamizh All Thamizh daddies with Chingkalla Poutha sons , what a joke. Go and take a hike.

  • 7

    sarath arambewala

    “Sharma is definitely from Toilet Nadu. “

    FYI both Rajapaksa brothers went all the way to your ToiletNadu to beg/borrow $480 Millions from Hindian Modi. Are you talking about the same ToiletNadu? Mahinda begged Modi to build houses in this island.

    The island is broke yet very proud?
    Why dimwit?

  • 3

    As expected we get a lot of mumbo jumbo from Dravidians like Shiv Sankar Sharma (aka Swarthy Shudra Simian) who hates the Sinhalese and their culture, their heritage and the very fact that the Sinhalese can lay claim to an Aryan, North Indian heritage, and most importantly to a rather unadulterated version of the only major religion founded by a Kshatrya Aryan, Gautama the Buddha. He nitpicks from hither and thither further balderdash about some fallen Brahmins which is neither material nor significant in numbers to challenge the status quo in Brahmin controlled, Kshatrya backed Hindustan, which is eternal and will be there till the end of times. Dirty Dravidian eloquence and imagination overdrive will not change it one bit.
    What the Sinhalese should know is that despite their myopia due to being an island these things matter at the highest levels in the Lok Sabha and the annals of power in India. Sinhalese should play their cards wisely. Brahmins like Subramanian Swami and the vast majority of both Northern and Southern Brahmins and others of higher castes do not find the average Sinhalese to be a repugnant Dravidian monster, despite undoubtedly some Dravidian admixture in some Sinhalese people. That helps the Sinhalese. The Brahmins also see the cleanliness in the Sinhalese culture, influenced by Buddhism, and feel a oneness with them. The Dravidian hates this denouement, which led to the final asymmetric Aryan-Dravidian mortal combat in the Mulletiv District in 2009 in which the Dravidian was vanquished.
    When V. Prabakaran, the embodiment of all that is Dravidian, hateful and repugnant to the Vedic Aryan finally fell in defeat in that Lankan lagoon in 2009 and his moribund cadaver was brought to gloat over in sordid delight by the Sinhalese soldiers, the North Indian Aryans and the entire Brahmin Samaj raised a glass of champagne to the final victory.

    • 4

      What can I say ranting from a lunatic Idiot. With delusions of being an Aryan. Aryan my foot.


      Look at the so called Aryan Sinhalese walking around. Very Aryan indeed.


      Look at this typical scene from Kerala once Tamil Chera Nadu, other than the Malayalama Tamil dialect of the fisher folk , Look like typical Sinhalese
      As for Subramania Swamy the least said the better . The clown is not respected by his own Tamil Brahmin community
      You can keep on screeching from the roof top or from your mad asylum that you and the Sinhalese are Aryans , joker and become a laughing stock

    • 6

      You are a nasty piece of goods and in my opinion to put it mildly mentally unstable. Mixing up genetics or origin, language and culture.
      Genetically almost all Sri Lankans are of the same racial origin as the Dravidian populations of Southern India.
      Culturally, Sinhalese culture is very close to the Tamil South Indian culture . Not to the North Indian culture.
      Linguistically Sinhala is classified as an Indo-Aryan (north Indian) language, due to the large amount of Pali and now Sanskrit based vocabulary 65% but with heavy influences of Dravidian(Tamil ) languages. The superstructure is Indo Aryan but the foundation is strongly Dravidian or Tamil . 35% of its vocabulary is derived from Tamil or its local variation Elu. Its grammar , syntax and alphabet is purely Dravidian or Tamil. It is basically a very highly Prakritised form of Tamil , and should have never been classified as Indo Aryan. Even so called Dravidian languages like Telugu now have a 70% Sanskrit vocabulary but are not classified as Indo Aryan, as the core language is Dravidian. So is Sinhalese. The racist White European colonials with their Aryan supremacy myths , blindly believed the Mahavamsa myths and the large amount of Pali/Prakrit words found in Sinhalese and eagerly classified it as Indo Aryan , not properly analysing the language or its structure. In the late 1800s and early 1900s , they did not have the modern tools to check DNA and other facts however commonsense should have prevailed not blind racist prejudice of inferior and superior people and to divide and rule. It is obvious to any blind Freddie that the Sinhalese are not Aryans or hardly have any North Indian ancestry but are Dravidians and very closely related to the South Indians. which means a variation of the Tamils , due to the arrival of Buddhism and the Prakritisation that came with it.

  • 2

    Tamil theories and claims do not make any sense. Tamils think their nonsensical theories and dumb etymologies is history. They think shuffling and twisting Sinhalese kings’ names to get some horrendous Tamil names, make our kings Tamils. Rather these totally idiotic etymologies and theories where new languages are formed out of Tamil in all directions, quite forgetting that they are actually speaking of a tiny area without any natural barriers to facilitate such transformations, are proof of no Tamil history. Also by trying to claim Sinhalese kings as Tamils, Tamil fanatics unknowingly acknowledge that there were no Tamil kingdoms here.
    Tamils are an immigrant community with all their history in Tamilnadu. There is not a single ancient Tamil literary work produced here. Nor is there a single Tamil inscription on permanent structures like caves or rocks, found on the entire island prior to the Chola period in the 11th century, while there a few thousands of Sinhala cave and rock inscriptions found all the over the island starting from 3rd century BC and potsherds with Sinhala Brahmi inscriptions from 6th century BC have been found in Anuradhapura in two different excavations by Deraniyagala 1989/90 and Conningham with Allchin in 1995/96.

    • 5

      Oh Yes Sinhalese this is where the Sinhalese are from ancient Tamil Cheralam or Cheran theevu( Serendib)
      A video is worth a thousand words


      • 2

        At no time in history has this island ever been referred to as Cheran theevu. If it did, give me the references. If you do not have the references then you must keep quiet. Serendib comes from Sinhala dvipa, and not from a newly constructed bogus word like Cheran Theevu.
        If Sinhalese are from Kerala, then we would be speaking Malayalam, now wouldn’t we? However much you desperately try to connect the Sinhalese with all sorts of people from India and to the Tamils, the Sinhalese remain a people unique and indigenous to this island, while you Tamils are an immigrant community from Tamilnadu. You can make however many more theories you like and you Tamils can write however many books you want, nothing is not going to prove otherwise. BTW we Sinhalese do not need any theories or history books as our very existence as a people unique to this island proves all the history that needs to be proven. We are not bothered with history, while you Tamils are obsessed with it, making nonsensical theories and stupid etymologies because you simply do not have a history here. All your behaviour and obsession with history are just symptoms of non-existence of a real history. History is not something you can argue yourself into and construct, its something that is lived and experienced by a people through generations and in the course of time would produce unique nations. Its too dumb of you Tamils to sit in the 21st century and try to make all these fake theories for the history of a people like the Sinhalese, because the Sinhalese do not need to prove any history at all. Just our existence is enough.

      • 3

        Siva Sankaran Sarma, Regarding your youtube video:
        Nobody is going to mistake those women in the video for Sinhalese women.
        The video is a song from a movie, nice as it is their clothing is not representative of the average Kerala rural woman. Kerala women for the most part wear the half saree in villages and also in paddy fields.
        Look at the Kerala women in the following two videos: Do you see this kind of dress among Sinhalese?
        This video is the same song as your song, but here the women are wearing the typical Kerala outfit than the fancy dress in your video:
        (There are some 10-15 videos with the same clothing by Kerala girls).
        The lungi and blouse is common all over India and also Burma, Thailand etc and all of Africa in different forms. The Sinhalese “Redda Haette” is simple clothing but is worn in a way typical of the Sinhalese. Anyways even if the Sinhalese and Kerala women have the same clothing, that doesn’t mean that the Sinhalese came from Kerala. Many Sinhalese women wear frocks, skirts, jeans etc. Does it mean that the Sinhalese are from Europe? Your arguments are really desperate trying to make foolish connections. Its several thousand years since we came out of the bushes and stopped wearing tree leaves. From that time to now the Sinhalese have adopted a lot of things including clothes from foreign nations, but once adopted and modified these things have become distinctly Sinhalese.

  • 4

    Punchi Point
    Punchi Brain
    Punchi Willi

    “There is not a single ancient Tamil literary work produced here.”

    The origin of Sri Lankan Tamil poetry can be traced from Sangam period with the poet Eelattu Poothanthevanar, ………………….

    Please refer to page 148 of

    Sri lankan Modern Tamil and Sinhala Poetry in English, A Reflection of Societal Changes
    Sivagowri Sivagurunathan Rajasthan
    The Changing World of Contemporary South Asian Poetry in English

    One of the prominent Sangam Tamil poets is known as Eelattu Poothanthevanar meaning Poothan-thevan (proper name) hailing from Eelam mentioned in Akanaṉūṟu: 88, 231, 307; Kurunthokai: 189, 360, 343 and Naṟṟiṇai: 88, 366.

    FYI whatever you type here in this forum which is definitely not going to augment the size of your point, brain nor your willi.

    However stay tuned for you will learn only if you have the potential.

    “Anuradhapura in two different excavations by Deraniyagala 1989/90 and Conningham with Allchin in 1995/96.”

    Could you now summarise what they actually discovered and what you are alluding to or hinting at. When did the the people who lived here first write poetry or history in Sinhala?

    It would just be easy for you to walk sideways like crab without getting to your destination. Please ignore if you find the above too much to grasp.

  • 1

    I would advice the Sinhalese to be strategic. Ignore the Dravidians and let the Dravidians start to develop some level of guerilla capabilities again in some parts of the North. Let it fester for a while, turn a blind eye. And once it develops to the level where the Dravidian starts to attack the police then go out with annihilating lethal force, declare Martial law all over the North and once and for all wipe out the entire Dravidian simian stock.

    In 2009 this was indeed possible. But Sinhalese got all whimsical and tried to emulate Mahavamsa style chivalry. As long as these few nonsensical pages of the Mahavamsa are not banished both from the book and the psyche of the Sinhalese (I mean the part about honoring the dead Tamil usurper Ellalan, which is wasted chivalry with the primitive Dravidian) then the Sinhalese leave for yet another day and another time to fight the simian again. Merciless total war to totally break the back of the last Dravidian usurper is the only way to fight this swarthy menace.

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      I would strongly advise you to take your medicine for your mental illness and go to sleep ,must be either some sort of multiple personality disorder or very bad schizophrenia . They should not give you access to any computer at the asylum, as you are not in your proper senses. Just take long walks and read some nice novels , that will make you happy , like Jane Austen.

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      Please be strategic and take your tablets and rest. Hope they are treating you well at the asylum

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        Haha, from the Dravidian wrath at me, it certainly looks like my punches landed on the right spots.

        Kutti the self-appointed psychiatrist offers me free advice, but has nothing to dispute the impeccable logic in my strategic thinking. Sinhalese readers, please take note. When dealing with Dravidian upstarts, always meet fire with fire. Actually, even better, meet fire with carpet bombings, that works even better.

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