17 January, 2025


Sri Lanka’s Vote At The United Nations

By Sanja De Silva Jayatilleka

Sanja De Silva Jayatilleka

On the 21st of December, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly against the unilateral position on Jerusalem adopted by the world’s sole superpower, the USA. The UNGA resolution expressed “deep regret” over decisions “concerning the status of Jerusalem” and that Jerusalem “is a final status issue to be resolved through negotiations in line with relevant UN resolutions.”

Sri Lanka voted in favor of the UNGA Resolution, joining a total of 128 countries, with 35 abstaining and 9 voting against. The vote paints a clear picture of world opinion on the matter, and the Government of Sri Lanka is to be congratulated for standing on the right side of such an important international issue.

The entire affair also paints a picture of the United States at the UN. When the same resolution failed to be adopted at the Security Council last week, it was the US veto that was solely responsible, with the rest of the 14 members unanimous in their vote in favor.

In an interesting procedural maneuver, Turkey (a NATO member) and Yemen called for an Emergency session of the UNGA using Resolution 377 (adopted in 1950) to get around the Security Council veto, where they had earlier presented the same resolution. This was only the 10th ‘emergency special session’ of the UNGA in its history.

Resolution 377 says “ if the Security Council, because of lack of unanimity of the permanent members, fails to exercise its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in any case where there appears to be a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression, the General Assembly shall consider the matter immediately with a view to making appropriate recommendations to Members for collective measures, including in the case of a breach of the peace or act of aggression the use of armed force when necessary, to maintain or restore international peace and security.”

Clearly, most of the UN member states agreed that any unilateral measure regarding the status of Jerusalem was an immediate threat to international peace and security, and that they had to do all they could to avert it. The US disagreed. It set about using its status as the world’s sole super power on whose largesse many less fortunate countries depended, aside from being the biggest contributor to the United Nations, to attempt to secure a vote against the resolution.

A letter of warning was dispatched by US ambassador Nicky Haley who made it clear that those who voted against the US would suffer consequences. She wrote “As you consider your vote, I encourage you to know the President and the US take this vote personally…The President will be watching this vote carefully and has requested I report back on those who voted against us”. That letter made no difference to 128 countries who voted in favor and 35 countries hedged their bets by abstaining. There was an eruption of applause at the announcement of the results.

The US at the UN takes things very personally indeed. Before the UNGA vote, its Ambassador tweeted “we don’t expect those we’ve helped to target us”. However, it seems that the rest of the world doesn’t think this is appropriate.  The majority of member states expect that important issues are evaluated in terms of humanity, peace and security, international law, and previous UN resolutions. 

Six years earlier, during the Obama administration, a similar vote was held in Paris, at the UNESCO, where Palestine sought membership of that organization. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton flew to Paris to lobby the Ambassadors against the proposal.  There too, the US threatened to withdraw funding to the UNESCO. The UNESCO’s General Conference of October 2011 took the risk and the resolution granting membership to Palestine passed with more than the required two-thirds majority. Sri Lanka played an active role to ensure its success. As captured in the world’s newspapers the next day, there was clapping, hugging and congratulations in the conference hall and the US lost no time in withholding its substantial contributions to the organization. UNESCO survived, also as the world’s moral conscience.

In this context, it seems fortunate that the world is heading away from unipolarity and resultant hegemonism. The Diplomat reported on December 15th that a US congressional committee tasked with investigating “national security implications of U.S.-China relations, including Chinese military plans, strategy and doctrine,” found that China is now “in its region, the dominant military power”.

The Diplomat also reports some concerns of those who find multipolarity worrying: “Beijing has also begun to flex its muscles on the world stage. On August 1, 2017, China opened its first permanent overseas military base in Djibouti, strategically located near the Gulf of Aden, adjacent to the Arabian Sea – and also a short drone flight away from Camp Lemonnier, a major U.S. counterterrorism hub and America’s only permanent military base in Africa.”

China’s advances in unmanned aerial and underwater vehicles, had been on display at the Guangzhou Airshow in February 2017, where it is reported that China demonstrated “a record-breaking formation of 1,000 rotary-wing drones based on pre-programmed routes” causing worries according to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) that “such swarming techniques could be used to create a distributed armed system which, coupled with AI capabilities, could be used for saturating and overwhelming the defenses of high-value weapons platforms such as aircraft carriers. This could impact the outcome of a potential U.S.-Chinese engagement in the South or East China Sea.” (The Diplomat, 15th December)

This and other developments including ‘counter-space’ technology, shows impressive military accomplishment. Unfortunately when one big power is magnificently militarized, it is surely inevitable that others in their gun-sights would do the same.

Commenting on the new US National Security Strategy released this week, Defend Democracy Press warns that the document recommends “that a buildup of the US nuclear arsenal is ‘essential to prevent nuclear attack, nonnuclear strategic attacks, and large scale conventional aggression,’ strongly suggesting that the US military is prepared to launch a nuclear first strike in response to a nonnuclear challenge.” (Bill Van Auken, Defend Democracy Press, 22/12/2017)

While most people would rather see far less spent on weapon systems and more invested in food security in the world, and all big powers signed up to non-proliferation, it is still very much an aspiration. Reality dictates that it is better for less fortunate countries to have more than one such big power able to dictate terms and act as a deterrent. China has thus far not sat on us for UN votes.

China’s OBOR and its financing by the Beijing led AIIB, the Export-Import Bank of China and China Development Bank, is also viewed with enormous suspicion. Many developing countries have found all these Chinese initiatives to have lifted them out of economic stagnation into renewed growth and connectivity.

Sri Lanka has seen its roads, its ports and its skyline change in a relatively short period precisely due to that massive investment. For a country emerging from a decades-long war having lost most of its budget and a large number of citizens to its bloody destructiveness, facing propaganda based war-crimes charges and an economy in need of assistance, the emergence of an Asian power willing to help it recover was clearly in its interest. Sri Lanka applied for observer status of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in 2012.  It sees BRICS as a positive development, representing a powerful coalition of developing states from the South, able to influence decisions internationally.

Multipolarity gives us options. It is manifestly the case that threats will be issued and hands will be tied on issues, including important moral ones. It was a relief when Russia decisively stepped in to save the day in Syria, enabling enough of its economic infrastructure and state structure (bureaucracy) to be kept intact to begin rebuilding that country. Mercifully, Syria didn’t go the way of Iraq and Libya. Russia’s active role in fighting terrorism has brought positive results for the world. Sri Lanka has good relations with Russia, despite the recent ‘pest in the tea-chest’ and that could have been averted with a little forethought and timely discussions before the ban on asbestos.

Sri Lanka is not out of the woods yet internationally, with UN resolutions on allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The US threat on aid must weigh on the minds of its leaders. Then again, China’s influence in the region must weigh on the minds of the US. Sri Lanka has a history of maintaining the balance that is essential for a successful foreign policy.  Both China and Russia, and the other emerging Asian economies, India and Indonesia, voted in favor of the UNGA resolution this week. Sri Lanka did well to exercise its moral duty alongside them to retain its faith in the multilateral system to make this world a less dangerous place. 

*The writer is author of ‘MISSION IMPOSSIBLE GENEVA’, Vijitha Yapa, Colombo, 2017

Latest comments

  • 7

    Could those who are expressing anti-Israel sentiments explain why the prophesy mentioned in Bible about Israel is coming true day by day. There were several Christians who have enlightened us in this columns with reference to Bile that one day Jerusalem will be owned by Jews. Palestine was once under Turkish Islamic rule, and Jews would never have got their promised land if Turkey remained. God made Turkey take the wrong decision in second world war and loose Palestine to British. It is only because Palestine fell into British Christian rule that Israel was born. Can anyone deny that this not a divine intervention. If you go through recent history, when Israel was created in 1945, the land that was given to Israel was only quarter of the original kingdom of David. If Arabs and other Muslims had accepted Israel at that time, Israel would have been the same size now. Why did Arab states go to war with Israel with the intention of destroying Israel. Please explain why Arab states with more power than Israel could not do so, not once but three times, other than some divine protection given to Israel. If you analyse correctly you will find that the land mass of Israel had increased after every war. Also let us know whether Israel will continue to have some supernatural guidance to make the Biblical prophesy come true about Jerusalem going to Jews.

    • 6

      There is nothing supernatural here. Arabs have control of a large slice of global oil reserves and if they unite they could easily destroy Israel. Problem for them is that the richer Arab States like Saudi, Emirates, are pro USA bound hand and foot by US dollars controlled by the mega wealthy multi nationals.Those companies are in the main Jewish owned or controlled. Although Israel has officially 6.5 m Jewish pulsation it is believed that there are more Jews in USA though census figures show some 5 million plus. That is not the main factor however. The Jews in USA are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups. Their donations and support to both Republicans and Democrats keep them well in control of the party apparatus. Obama as a person would have been eager to restore some political equilibrium in Palestine but he would have to contend with the Jewish lobby in his own party. That’s the reality.So it is not something supernatural that keeps ISRAEL well ahead of the Palestinians, it is the industry and dedication of its people who are fiercely loyal to their state and will never betray what it stands for. Compare them to the lazy,slovenly Arabs who believe that Allah will sort out everything and will be pre occupied with their own individual self advancement rather that loyalty to the state. That’s the problem here.

      • 3

        Percy AKA Edwin, you are brain washed after years of stooping to Arabs. In 1947 when Pakistan was created by British, they got only one third of Mugal empire. Have they increased their land mass ever since, in fact they have lost land. They fought three wars against India to capture land and lost all three. This is because Pakistan was trying to do something wrong, and God punished them. Why is Israel successful though being in isolation. The current position is that 124 states have challenged the Biblical prophesy of Jewish Jerusalem. Blaming wealthy Jewish lobby is not going to take you anywhere. Will God’s will or Human decision win. Let us wait and see.

        • 4

          Let Us Wait and See: You say “Let us wait and see”. That is not from your much revered Christian Bible but from the modern Bible of Donald Trump, who seems to be more powerful than the God of your Bible. Recently there was a 30 mt program on CNN about these words of Trump. When God creates all those natural calamities, which even kill millions of innocent children, Donald Trump says ‘Let us wait and see’ and does just that.

          What is he going to do when the non believers in North Korea launch a full scale nuclear attack on US mainland? Let us wait and see.

          • 2

            Edwin the imbecile, do not display your ignorance. North Korea will never launch an attack on USA. China will never allow it because if USA retaliates with more powerful arsenal, China which is a neighbour will get the effects of radiation. If North Korea does anything stupid that will be their end. Very soon you will hear that Kim has been assassinated by one of his own men like Gadaffi. The arrival of a person like Donald Trump has been predicted by Nostradamus.

            • 1

              May be you are right at least about the end of Kim. The Americans are cowards. They use proxies. We killed your God Prabha using our own simple Army Private Nimal Maharage. It was sad and brutal. But then we come from Ravana and Ravana is not a saint – as you well know.

              You know how it went. “Aiyo Samy, Mava Maranne Yepa. Nan Prirapaharan”. Crck! The rifle shot went. The God died with his eyes wide open. Still watchful. Still alert. Even in death.

              As I said, the American should give the job to us. We know how to handle Kim. At a price of course.

        • 1

          doctorgnanasankaralingam, I am glad that you worship one God instead of 3.3 million Gods, some of who happen to be close relatives of homo sapiens in the ladder of evolution. As Richard Dawkins says, from 3,300,000 Gods to a single God, though it may not be called the best performance, is still a great improvement. Only one more step is required – that of reducing the number of Gods by just one more and then you can claim to be one of us. I do not know what you are going to do with the last part of your name. May be Kettikaran (Izeth Hussain’s friend) can help you there.

          • 3

            Stupid Edwin, ancient Dravidians were Saivaites who worshipped Shiva as their God. All other gods were brought in by Aryan immigrants and named the religion as Hinduism. You are worshipping a human being as if he could do wonders. Even then, from your mental status, it is clear that his teachings had not uplifted you.

            • 0

              Dostharagnanasekaralingam, I had no idea that Shiva was a saivar kade man. There was Shivalingam in our batch who used to claim that he was a Saivar man but was eating sausages not knowing that it is made of pork. When you say that the Saivar people worshipped Shiva as God, I see some sort of wavering in your voice. No wonder, because Shive was an impostor. Gaban was the legitimate God.

              You say we worship a human being. Yes we do. We worship Gaban Atha. When I was a kid Gaban Atha used distribute Caju and Kitul Hakuru in person after his sermons. Is it not better than worshipping cattle and monkeys riding donkeys? Of course it is. Sure, I am not uplifted. I don’t want to be uplifted. Monkeys may love getting a lift and riding donkeys. I prefer a performance cars like the Dodge Charger and the Ford Mustang. Or even a Chevy Camaro.

              • 0

                Edwin Rodrigo,
                I don’t think whether you have known about Lord Shiva. In Hinduism, there is only one God, but with many manifestations. We believe that all souls emanate from the great Soul, known as Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva expects every soul to help other souls in their mission when taking birth. If they deviate from their noble mission on account of greed, etc, they have to pay for their sins and that is there is something called the doctrine of Karma. Lord Shiva never expects a soul to kill other creatures and eat their flesh. Earth is a planet where humans can live and vegetables and fruits that derive from the power of earth, known as Mother Earth. This is a common principle in every religion. There is no harm in worshipping a human if he demonstrates the spirituality in him. Even Jesus never caused harm to anyone. On the contrary he had forgiven them. Forgiveness is divine. As for Hinduism, we do not have specific scripture, the origin of the religion is not known, the founder of the religion is not known and that is the beauty of Hinduism. Hindus believes in righteousness. Righteousness, love and compassion is our religion. The symbol of Lord Shiva is Shivalingam which is a column of fire which has neither beginning nor end. I think Dr.Gnanasekeralingam must be wondering about your ignorance about Hinduism.

                • 0

                  1) What is the Hindu position regarding Buddha? Do you consider him as an Avatar of Vishnu?

                  2) What is your position regarding animal sacrifice and the caste system?

                  3) Does he agree that the word ‘Hindu’ has Persian/Arabic origins?

                  4) Why do Hindu women pour milk on the Shiva Linga a phallic symbol?

            • 0

              Please dont get him serious. Edwin just adds his thoughts so evasively. He has no control over his tongue even if he turns up here back and forth. I respect each every religion solong they the adherent woudl not become violent to others. Best we can do is to become good human beings. Unfortunately, we have the Edwins and the like men who always make efforts to attack the other verbally if not physically. I wonder how he simply stays in Arab dominated world for his jobs- as he repeatedly boasts of.. why cant he brings his views without look down upon anyone… ?

              • 0

                Really Sama, are there others like me? I thought that I am unique. Can you introduce me to some?

                • 0

                  Please give us a break. That can help us all in this seasonal holidays.
                  Besides, I am not obliged to leave you relaliative responses as is in the past.

                  With 2017 s already gone, and the dawn of 2018 is just few days ahead of us- we can all become different – not being harboured to subjective thinkings.

                  To you too, happy holidays !

              • 0

                Sama, I ignore this Edwin fellow, who is now vociferous like a seethala chandiya. When LTTE was active he was hiding under the bed.

                • 0

                  sama and Nano Sookiri Lingam (PhD), I declared a 2 day unilateral ceasefire and it is about to end now. Within that period I refrained from offensive activities and concentrated only on the defensive ones. And what happened. all the cowards like you started using small arms against me.

                  And the Phd man (hD meaning hora dosthara) is saying I am behaving like a Seethala Chandiya but that I am a coward who hides under the bed in danger. All this may be true. But one thing I am not, is a hero. The JVP’s hero Che’ Guevara said just before being killed, I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man. What did your hero CC Prabha say? Aiyo Samy….. Is that even close to what Che said? I don’t think so.

                  • 0

                    Question: Which was important in bringing the Eelam war to an end?

                    1- Prabhakaran
                    2-Mahinda Rajapaksa
                    3- Chikkken Curry Vanni Style

                    My choice is 3

                    • 1

                      Collectivity succeeded terror elemination, But rascal men painted the picture in favour of their family politics.

                      Else, how can a man who lived in the US for 1.5 decades could be so called master mind of the war end.

                      Had the forces under Mr Sarath Fonseka failed to beat them nothing would have been like Mahinda or an yotherr to brighten their images.

                      The very same leader to end up not having done the least towards peace in the country(reconciliation) proved that it was not MR magical powers but the collectivity put the fullstop to terror.

                      Rajapakshes have become the champions of looters. No matter even Rajarata young farmers found dead, they ran nigh car races on the cost of the poor peples s taxes.

                      Even today, there are no record for trace how much they have abused.
                      Ballige puthas of Edwin nature, would not sense it in this life.

                      We have enough evidence to prove Rajapakshe only looted the country to the core.

                  • 0

                    Samuel Jayaweeran, Prabha is my choice No. 1, as he is my great hero too. In that sense you and me are together. Because of Prabha, the Tamil population got decimated. And many Demalas left Lanka and went EU making Lankan air cleaner to breath. It was well worth the price we paid in terms of life and wealth. The Tamils will not be able to start an uprising again for another 50 years at least.

                    Your English is horrible. Don’t insult me by calling me Ballige Putha, which may make the readers think that we are brothers. I don’t mind being a Balla but what hurts is to be taken as a brother of yours.

                    • 0

                      as many woudl do, I too, will have to ignore your posts.
                      Not mine but your s is singlish. Please get a life man.
                      You have been a headache to us to all regular commenters of this valauble platform.

            • 0

              Different Gods and different religions- different interpretations of gods and religions by different people are the cause of various problems in the world. People will never get together to solve the problems. Can’t the Gods get together and and advice their followers to desist from fighting. Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna and Lord Buddha were supposed to have been born into this world to put a stop. But people would not listen. Peoples’ power seem to overtake the Gods will? Where do we go from here?

              • 0

                Contains adult material: Not for the humourless people.

                I agree with Percy. as I have stated so many times, dafren dafren Gods, dafren dafren interpretations, are the cause of dafren dafren problems in dafren dafren parts of the world.

        • 2

          Fought 3 wars and lost but why is INDIA running scared in Kashmir where Pakistan calls the shots.
          Do you worship the full elephant or only the top half of it? Sitting on a stool or standing? It is not blaming the Jews that is the issue here. Some people have to told of the global reality until they pull their heads out of Trump’s arse. Vietnam taught USA a bloody good lesson. Where was your God hiding then?

          • 1

            Percy the apologist for Pakistan. India is not running scared in Kashmir but only showing restraint at the provocations. Pakistan tried to annex the whole Kashmir and failed in 1947 and 1965. Even the last stand off at Kargill, Pakistan was driven back. Do you expect India to settle Kashmir problem by the same method adopted by Srilanka of mass murder and ethnic cleansing. Please remember you cannot win if you try to commit injustice. In Vietnam USA lost because they were doing wrong and God punished them. Even China which tried to control Vietnam was defeated in a war. By the way USA which failed to achieve its objective by war has now done so peacefully by economic methods so that Vietnam is no more a sure Chinese ally. Now the situation is different with USA taking the correct path and they will win. It appears that Donald Trump is a God send to deliver justice and get the hell out of stupid fellows like you. What can the 124 nations including Srilanka do against the will of the God.

      • 1

        Percy, I often find that I disagree with you, but your comment here is spot on – and balanced.

        Now try not to provoke guys like Dr Sankaralingam. I’m sure that he’s relatively harmless, but he provokes by saying the occasional crazy thing. Fortunately “old codger” and “Spring Koha” have commented.

        K. Soysa has countered those two with a comment that I don’t object to, but he does so as a guy who is a Christian. As such there are holes in his argument. But let the guy be; I’m sure he’s a good man.

        Next task for us all: find people to vote for at our Local Government Elections! Some rogues are bound to get in, but let us minimise that number!

        • 0

          Sinhala, thanks for the compliment, “he is a good man”. because he is a Christian. One does not have to be a Christian to be a good man and there are many Christians who are bad. Hitler was a Catholic and there are many politicians even in Sri Lanka who are (or were) Christians. My point, Sinhala is one cannot “pick holes” in the Holy Bible.

          • 1

            There are plenty of holes in the “Holy Bible”. It is Christmas Eve. How many years ago was Jesus born?


            Having just seen your good humoured response, I’m not going to start collating all the evidence. But isn’t it true that he would have been born something like 2021 years ago? I’m no historian.

            I believe that serious Bible scholars have concluded that it is impossible to hit upon one day if one has to take account of Joseph bringing his betrothed to Bethlehem for the for the census ordered by Caesar Augustus; the convergence of some stars to form an extra bight object in the sky; whatever Herod was upto when he “inquired diligently of the Wise Men where Jesus was to be born” (after he had satisfied Salome’s ghoulish request for the head of John the Baptist on a charger); also Potius Pilate being the Roman Governor of Palestine. The Roman’s recorded history meticulously, and some of those events were important World Events, while the birth of an infant in a stable was not.

            As I’ve already said, my own memory of when I was told what happened is now hazy. There was a time when I took such things seriously. No more. As ridiculous as our Mahawansa stories, of Gauthama visiting Sri Lanka thrice, or the Quoran being miraculously written by illiterate Mohamed.

            To settle such ridiculous arguments, the number of humans killed runs into millions. Yes, we’d be better of without Shiva, Zeus, Jehovah, Allah, even that poor mendicant human, Gauthama.

            I just don’t know what to think of them. How I wish Richard Dawkins had been giving private tuition when I was a student!

            • 0

              Sinhala, you may believe or you may ignore the writings in the Holy Bible. However, please try NOT to ridicule the Bible, its writers and meaning. Because, if the Bible, Jesus, God etc are mere “fairy tails”, good. If, on the other hand if all that is written is factual, and as Jesus said, “If you deny Me, I will deny you to My Father in heaven…”, you, sir are in big trouble!

              Jesus was born by divine conception to a virgin about 2020 years ago. You are right, there is no actual record of the date or year. For the Romans, His birth was utterly inconsequential so it was never recorded in their annals. Jesus’ ministry started 33 years after His birth and His death on the cross for the salvation of mankind happened about three years later. Those aspects are recorded. Wise men came by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and the star over Bethlehem was by divine appointment. Now, you being a man of reality I can understand that you cannot accept them. I am sad because I like to see all come to salvation as that is why Jesus came.

              • 0

                Dear K. Soysa,

                Thanks for wishing salvation for all. So, you don’t subscribe to John Calvin’s notion that only a select few are going to be saved. Such a doctrine I find monstrous.

                I hope I’ve not ridiculed, but what are we to say of those who relish the prospect of eternal damnation of all except the “righteous”.

                I’d prefer any time Emmanuel Kant’s “Categorical Imperative” as a reason for doing good.

                However that may be, Happy Christmas!

    • 2

      Dr. Gnana,

      Though I’m not anti-Israelis but an agnostic atheist compelled me to write this comment. Jerusalem was lost to the Jews for more than 2000 years. In a human timescale it is a lot of a time. Do you think god was bidding his time until now to provide Jews with means to capture Jerusalem again? Do you think god was just neglecting the suffering of the Jews for the past 2000 years just because he wants it. What kind of god is he?

      The defeat of the Arab armies are attributed to their lack of fighting skill, will and command structure. Israelis fought the wars with such a ferocity because it was a do or die situation for them. We should admire their courage and will to settle in a hostile desert and make it a progressive and developed nation. I don’t think god has got anything to do with that.

      • 2

        Shenali, God is merciful and fair. God makes people suffer before rescuing them. This is what happened to Jews who bid their time, roamed the world as mentioned in the Bible and got help. God makes people arrogant before bringing them down. This is what is happening to Arabs, with their oil wealth dictated to the world and treated people from poor countries badly, and are on their downfall. Whether we like it or not, we have to admire and emulate Jews living in desert and Japanese living amid natural disasters, for their intelligence and courage.

      • 2

        Hey Shenal,

        It is great once again you are here with your daily Mahavamsa dose. It was not do or die for Rapist army when the Indian forces invaded, so they were sleeping in the barracks, but it was for LTTE, so they fought and sent them out. It was do or die for Rapist army when Ranil and Chandrika made the trap called fake CFA, so they fought their war of the 70 years history and killed 145,000 Tamil civilians in five months and hiding in Lankawe to escape the war crime inquiry. The biggest strength of Lankawe Appa diplomacy is right away counting everybody at Sonia, PM Manmohan Singh, and Secretary John Kerry’s level efficiency. They teased Russia, but it sold ship and put halt to tea. So they are teasing now Donald Trump’s America to see if President Trump can do anything to them. Let me tell my prophecy on Lankawe fate: “The day the American Shivshankar Menon who works for Appe Aanduwa and protects it, leaves Colombo the 7th fleet is going set fire to Lankawe”. This teasing of Tamils and teasing India started as game when it was do or die for Don Stephen and he brought the Indian Pakistani Citizenship act. Is this do or die curse for Lankawe polity because of the Karma that is coming from Buddha launching the thunder, lightning and rain all on the innocent native people who were living in Lankawe before Mahanama came here? I think if Buddha had any idea of the cause and effect of the Karma he would not have launched natural calamities over the natives to fakely claim this land is his own.
        Shenal, Can I ask you a question? When did the atheism started to pray the Bengali Donkeys like Wimal, Old King, Somawansa, Dienesh,… How easy it is being to practice Mahavamsa bestiality in deed and preach atheism religion in words?

    • 0

      Yo Racist Gnana – The Doctor of Doom,
      I think you must do some reading that might open up your clogged mind which is mucked with Islamophobia and Muslim bashing garbage……

      To know how Turkey lost its power to the Jew controlled West…you have to read some real stuff man (or a tranny).

      An excerpt form a fabulous book…”Contrary to myth being fabricated, Islam does not pose a threat to the West. Rather, Islamic “terrorist” organizations have been created to serve Western imperialistic objectives. These groups are intertwined with Western power through a network of occult secret societies. This relationship dates back to sixth century BC, and the birth of the Kabbalah, in Babylon; a plot to seek world domination through the use of magic and deception.

      Herod the Great incepted a series of cooperative dynastic relationships. Their first conspiracy: to corrupt the emerging Christian movement, imposed upon the Roman Empire as Catholicism, with which they would struggle ever since for supremacy over Western civilization.

      During the Crusades, these dynastic families associated with their counterparts in the East, members of the heretical Ismaili Muslims of Egypt, known as the Assassins. Templars were believed to have “rescued” a number of these “Eastern Mystics”, and brought them to Scotland, being the basis Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The legend also led to the formation of the “Asiatic Brethren”, founded by followers of the infamous Jewish false-messiah, Shebbetae Zevi. The Asiatic Brethren then became the successors of the Illuminati, and became involved in the development of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry.


  • 3

    Could Christian Bible experts explain how Jews can take control of Jerusalem in the face of stiff opposition from others, for Biblical prophesy of Jerusalem going to the Jews to come true. If you analyse the current events, for Jerusalem to be owned solely by Jews, it cannot occur through peaceful means. Therefore a war has to take place with Jews becoming winners inflicting severe casualty to Islamic world so that there will be no obstacle for Biblical prophesy to come true. Who expected two years ago for a person called Donald Trump to be elected President of USA. He was relatively unknown, who bull dozed his way through republican nomination and won on a bizarre system of electoral collage after failing to secure a numerical majority. Is this event not something divine when a person like DT is absolutely necessary to deliver Jerusalem to Jews. As a counter to USA shifting the embassy to Jerusalem, Turkey has suggested that they, Russia and Syria would establish their embassy in east Jerusalem designated to Palestine. For Biblical prophesy to be true that entire Jerusalem to belong to Jews this move cannot take place. Therefore it is likely that there will be divine intervention for Israel to secure entire Jerusalem and prevent any country trying to recognise part of Jerusalem not belonging to Israel. If nations try to force their way into east Jerusalem there is likely to be a major war between Israel and others. Is this a master plan of USA and Russia to destroy Islamic world a common enemy, as DT is a good friend of Putin.

  • 3

    Dear Sanja, your boasting about China is not quite true at present, but may be in years to come. You know what happened in the stand off between them and India along northern border, when China could not take even one step forward and had to withdraw their posturing. So China is not that powerful for it to challenge USA when it cannot challenge India. Perhaps if there is a third world war where USA and Russia will fight it out and China will be a spectator, at the end of the war when USA and Russia become debilitated, China will rise up as a super power. Still Chinese technology is inferior to western and that is the reason they did not confront India with western armoury.

    • 4

      Dr. GS,
      It seems you have suddenly become a Biblical scholar. But let me point out a few theological errors in your reasoning about divine intervention.
      1. Christians are followers of Jesus Christ.
      2. The Jews had Jesus Christ ( a Jew himself) killed.
      3. The Jews do not acknowledge or worship Christ.
      4. All three Abrahamic religions have common prophets
      5. The Muslims regard Christ as a prophet, the Jews don’t.
      As to divine intervention in Israeli victories, you should know that current Israelis are immigrant white Europeans with all the education and technology. It is not surprising that they win wars with desert tribesmen.
      Some brainwashed Christians do support Israel, simply following the cheerleaders in Washington. Rather like Arun Tambimuttu sitting with the Retarded Admiral Weerasekera.
      I don’t blame the govt. for voting the way it did. In politics, one has interests, not friends.
      Isn’t it also a curious thing that much of the oil in the world is found in Muslim countries? Do you have any theories about that, Dr. GS?

      • 2


        Jews are the chosen people according to Zionists, so are the Sinhala/Buddhists according to Sinhala/Buddhist racists/fascists.

        “Some brainwashed Christians do support Israel, simply following the cheerleaders in Washington. “

        I thought Washington tows the Southern Christian rustic Bible belt. BTW most deranged born agains do support Zionists, without knowing the difference between Zionism and Jews.

        • 2

          NV, I believe that all human beings are equal and thus there is no such thing as chosen people. However, in the case of Jews there is something to accept. Moses led his people to a new land to start a religious based ethnic group. How can you compare this to Sinhala racist propaganda that Buddha chose a bunch of criminals and asked them to go to Srilanka as illicit immigrants, kill the people and start proliferating to produce an ethnic group to maintain his teachings in pure form.

          • 1

            Dr Gnana Sankaralingam,

            The Bible that you and I follow is not purely Christian (New Testament) but Judaic Christian where Judaism (Old Testament modified) is combined with the New Testament. In other words, the Christian Bible is fully influenced by Jewish and Greek concepts. This is the reason why the Christians (even though the Jews do not accept Jesus) believe that the Jews are God’s chosen people and Israel was their promised land. When Moses came with his people (Jews) to the so called ‘Promised Land’, it was already occupied by the Palestinians. God is not a racist to choose only a certain race (Jews) and promise them a land which was already occupied by the Palestinians (Arabs). Jerusalem originally belongs to the Palestinian Arabs (today they are Christians and Muslims) and not to the Jews. The Judaic Christian Bible (Jewish influenced) has made us blind to believe in some nonsense, in fact Jews are the enemies of Christians who not only accepted Jesus Christ but also killed him.

            • 0

              The last sentence above should be as follows:

              The Judaic Christian Bible (Jewish influenced) has made us blind to believe in some nonsense, in fact Jews are the enemies of Christians who not only did not accept Jesus Christ but also killed him.

      • 2

        Old Codger, have you heard in Hinduism, “Dushta Nikragha, Sishta Paripalana”. God will always come to the support of the helpless, by destroying wrong doers. So there is nothing about Bible scholarship. To save innocents, God will make their enemies powerless by methods such as infighting and debilitation. This is what is happening to Arabs. In Hinduism they say everything will happen at the correct time and however much you try you have to wait for time. When Prabaharan was alive he was arrogant and the God decided to ignore him leading to his downfall. At present Tamils are helpless and innocent and God will definitely intervene on their behalf to get their rights. This is the message that I give to Tamils, be patient and bid for your time, as justice will always prevail finally over Sinhala racism..

      • 2

        Old Codger, Let me try again!

        1. True Christians have a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, and one of the Triune Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

        2. This is UTTERLY misleading and dangerous. Jews wanted Christ crucified, the Roman Governor approved Him being Crucified, and the Roman soldiers nailed Him to the cross. However, Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified for the salvation of ALL mankind including all of other religions who learn to understand the significance of the Cross of Christ, which was that Christ died for the salvation of ALL mankind. It was not “the Jews who killed Jesus”>

        3. There are millions of Jews who have accepted Jesus as their redeemer and saviour. They are known as Messianic Jews. A the Apostle Paul said, ALL Jews will accept the Lordship of Jesus very soon.

        4. The Pentateuch is common to the Jews, Christians and the Muslims, with some variance.

        5. Yes, but Christ is NOT a Prophet. As already stated, He is the Son of the living God of all creation.

        As regards the rest of your statement, all Jews have the Chromosomes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This is irrefutable and has been proved. There maybe intermarriages with Europeans, as there are with Indians, Burmese, Pakistanis, Chinese, Africans like the Ethiopeans where there stil Jewish Synagogues. In fact, there are several Sri Lankans also with Jewish blood, praise God!!. Also know that God did say, that He will bless them and all nations will be blessed through the Jews. Do not mislead yourself by thinking that the Jews fought with “desert tribesmen”!! That is a very foolish thing to say.!! Every Middle Eastern adversary that the Jews faced were extremely well armed and equipped with the very best Russian weapons and aircraft, and was larger in number and had support from the international community. Yet the Jews prevailed and will prevail. Do not delude yourself and mislead others who are ignorant.

  • 1

    As S De S J would know, it was these same Israelis who gave valuable advice, support and training to our armed forces in their titanic three-decade struggle against ‘the most powerful terrorist force’ in the world. Still, K-fir’s are not the only jets in town.

    But sometime in the not-so-distant future, it would be quite plausible that another uprising will test the GoSL, and I will give a thousand rupees to your hundred that the GoSL of that day will happily take from Israel what it can to fight it.

    Memories are short, but needs must!

    • 3


      Spring Koha

      – An anti-terror group training at the military base near Petha Tikvah, called Kfar Sirkin, learning how to overtake hijacked buses and airplanes, or deal with hijackers in a building, how to descend from helicopters on a rope, and other anti-terrorist tactics. And, of course, they would be buying Uzis and other Israeli-made equipment, including bulletproof vests, special grenades, and more.

      – A purchasing team, in Israel to buy weapons on a larger scale. They bought seven or eight large PT boats, for example, called Devora, which they would use mainly to patrol their northern shores against Tamils.

      – A group of high-ranking officers who wanted to purchase radar and other naval equipment to counter the Tamils who were still getting through from India and mining Sri Lankan waters. “

      Spring Koha

      The trainees included members of Hindian brigades, Sinhala/Buddhist fascists and VP’s Polpotist baby Brigade. Did you feel the Israelis were right in calling the dark skinned stupidos as monkey like – ‘Well, these guys are monkey like. They come from a place that’s not developed. They’re not long out of the trees. So don’t expect much.’???????????? Isn’t it an apt description when the overall problem lies with in the island while seeking solution from far far away galaxies?

      • 1

        Native Vedda

        True, the cocky Israeli’s didn’t think much of the Sri Lankans, but business is business they trained them. You might also know the treatment that our top security cadre got when seeking the help of the South African Security specialists. The white SA anti-terrorist security experts saw the Sri Lankans in the same light as the Israelis did, but the indignity came when they issued our guys with ‘honorary white’ identity badges (it being the pre-Mandela days) to take them round. Oh the shame of it!

    • 2

      In 1991 Victor Ostrovsky revealed to India Abroad that Israel’s secret service MOSSAD were training LTTE cadres as well.

    • 2

      SK you seem to have either forgotten and/or covenienetly ignored the fact that the Israelis were helping both the Sri Lankan Government and the LTTE. In one instance they had our our army guys and the LTTE terrorists being trained in the same camp at the same time.

      So if a conflict or an uprising happens again in Sri Lanka, God forbid, I will not be surprised if the Israelis support both factions but still keep their nose clean.

      • 1

        Looks like Dayan J has turned into a Native Sudda.

      • 0

        Native Sudda

        I have neither forgotten nor ignored the Israeli running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds. The truth is have you ever known a Jew to forego a business opportunity? Actually, it is not something new, history is littered with similar, and we ourselves have been quite good at it, both in our internal politics, and in our external dealings. You will be right for sure, because when the chance comes up again, the Israelis will probably do just the same.

  • 4

    Jerusalem is a Timeless city. Those who have been there and wandered its streets will know. For ages men have fought for control. The monotheistic (Abrahamic) religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all call it special and make their claim.

    But the real truth is that Jerusalem is an idea, and that wherever we are on this planet, WE too can build our own Jerusalem. Our very own ideal. Many years ago, about just after Moshe Dayan and his Army prevailed, during my regular travels around this blessed island, I asked people here what they thought of Jerusalem – the idea. One man in Jaffna said ‘then, Jaffna is my Jerusalem’, and the very nice chap in Batticaloa told me the same, ‘Madakalapuwa is my Jerusalem’ , and believe you me so did the old man near St Mary’s in Matara (on an idyllic spot facing the blue ocean where on a clear day I swear you can see the South Pole) ‘then here is my Jerusalem’. All that was half a century ago, and I was very young, our world was small, and less vicious that what it has turned out to be. Where did we lose our senses here in this island tropical paradise. How did we destroy OUR JERUSALEM?

    There a more Jews, Christians and Muslims, outside Israel than in; and one day there will be more Sri Lankans outside Sri Lanka than in. Now is when we should see the light. THIS is where we must build our ideal, our ‘Jerusalem’ where everyone of us will find peace and tranquility. WE CAN if we focus on the strong common things that bind us together, and disregard the petty that divide us. It is never too late to start afresh.

    • 1

      Great effort.More ink to your pen. Or more strength to your keyboard

      • 1

        Old Codger, Thank You for your encouraging words. But I must confess that when writing from the heart, the words flow easily.

    • 1

      Spring Koha says ~ “……..in Matara (on an idyllic spot facing the blue ocean where on a clear day I swear you can see the South Pole)……..”
      Is the world flat south of Matara?

      • 1

        K P

        Of course the world is flat from that delightful spot at sea level. But go up to about 66,000 feet and you will see the sensuous curves of our mother planet, and be able to marvel at the wonders of physics that keeps the liquid blue filling the deep troughs of the jagged rock that we all cling to.

    • 0

      You lousy unsophisticated louts talking about Jerusalem. Have you sung the epic song Jerusalem.? Have you at least heard of the Harlot of Jerusalem?
      Aye aye Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem
      Aye, aye Jerusalem
      The Harlot of Jerusalem
      In days of yore
      There lived a whore
      The pride of all Jerusalem
      A prostitute of low repute
      She plied her trade
      Among the Jews
      The harlot of Jerusalem
      Now you plebeians you are not worthy of public discourse. So please limit yourself to simplistic bazaar chatter on local politics. Do no try to climb mountains that are sacred. That includes Jerusalem ? My message to SankaraNOLingam, Tamil veddah, and other common or garden pests talk about Tamils, sinhalese,Muslims and vent your spleen as much as you like. But don’t tread on sacred soil you U worthies.

  • 3

    Nikki Namrita Former Sikh now born again Christian former Randhawa now Haley who has only an Accountancy Degree from Clemson and was a book keeper for their family textile store is threatening all of you. She took down names and gave it to Donald J Trump. He will send Keshap to spank you and insert a Rillinger tube with barb wire and Abu Graib you for daring to cross Trump.

  • 1

    Spring Koha

    You remember Israeli Mossad how it trained all the adversaries in Israel all at the same time. Here is some juicy enchanting bits from Victor Ostrovsky’s Observations on Sri Lankans who traveled to Israel, [source: By Way of Deception, St. Martin’s Paperbacks, New York, 1990.]

    “I provide the longest section in the book, that relates to Mossad’s Sri Lanka operations, and that were excluded in my book review. It is as follows:

    “ ‘I’ll meet you at the airport,’ Amy said, ‘because we have a group of people coming from Sri Lanka to train here.’

    Amy was waiting for the Sri Lankans’ flight from London when I joined him. ‘When these guys arrive,’ he said, ‘don’t make a face. Don’t do anything.’

    ‘What do you mean?’ I asked.

    ‘Well, these guys are monkey like. They come from a place that’s not developed. They’re not long out of the trees. So don’t expect much.’

    Amy and I escorted the nine Sri Lankans through a back door of the airport into an airconditioned van. These were the first arrivals from a group that would finally total nearly 50. They would then be divided into three smaller groups:


  • 1

    The UNCA resolution against the Trump decision to move the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was carried decisively.
    Sanja in this unnecessarily wordy article shows her approval, congratulates GoSL blah blah blah. Some six years back US tried to block Palestine becoming a member of UNESCO. Sanja wants to rub in that the then GoSL voted against US.
    Sanja has not said one word about the plight of the Burmese Rohingyas. The genocide is going on close by. She does not wish to antagonise Wirathu.

  • 2

    Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam, Greetings to you!

    Whether we or anybody else like it or not, we have to understand one truth that Jerusalem has been and ever will be the capital of the nation of Israel. The Bible mentions Jerusalem over 600 times. From the time of the Balfour declaration in 1917 and until 1967, it was not the complete capital of Israel, and in 1967 in the 6 day war Israel annexed the East Jerusalem as its capital. Can anyone deny the historical facts? Have you considered the about the archaeological findings of Jerusalem so far? Can you say that any of those archaeological finds could prove that Jerusalem did not belong to the Jewish nation? Can you or I do that. Jerusalem was redeemed from Jebusites around 3000 years ago by King David and established his kingdom there and called it the city of David. It was where his son King Solomon who became the king after him in the Kingdom of Israel and built the Temple of Jerusalem which was destroyed once by Persian King Nebukednesser and took Jews into exile in Persia. It was during the reign of the King Cyrus the Medo Persian king, permission ws given after 70 years for Jews to return to their own land and rebuild the Jerusalem city walls and their place of worship, the temple of Jerusalem. It was re-built and and in 70 AD once again it was destroyed by the Roman captain Titus, the son of the Roman Emperor Vespersian. From then until 1948 Jews never had a country of their own. Since their independence, they have begun to return to their own land. The Bible clearly says that in the last days, God will establish the nation of Israel and bring its exiled citizens back to their country. You may argue on this Biblical truth. But it still remains the truth.

    • 2


      What the hell did god do for the past 2000 or so years of Jewish suffering. He seems to enjoy watching people suffer. What a pathetic god.

      • 1


        “What a pathetic god.”

        Must be a pathetic Sinhala/Buddhist fascist god.

        • 0

          Correct! A Sinhala God with an elephant face and seated on a stool with thousands of para demalas kneeling before it.
          How pathetic?

          • 1

            Percy the dated and pathetic

            “Correct! A Sinhala God with an elephant face and seated on a stool with thousands of para demalas kneeling before it. How pathetic?”

            You should know. Think about it when you kneel down in the Vihares in front of several idols and deities, where Ganapathi portraits are being displayed for the real/fake devotees like you and other crooks, Dr Mahinda LLD , …………… .

          • 1

            Absolutely. It is like a Hindu prince with shaven head and poker face seated on a lotus leaf with thousands of para Sinhalayas kneeling before it. How pathetic ?.

          • 0


            It is the other way around man,
            The Tamil God Ganesh (elephant face) seated with thousands of Para Sinhalayas (Kallathoni Vijaya’s progenies) kneeling before him and the Tamil God Murugan (Katharagama) standing and another thousands of Para Sinhalayas falling on his feet. It is pathetic man, really pathetic to see the Para Sinhalayas flocking in thousands to the Tamil Gods rather than to Buddha.

            • 0

              New Tamil Gods: I don’t know about Percy, but I fully agree with Dr Dolittle. Had the Eelam war gone on for another 10 years, even Prabha (the only real Tamil God that I know of), 1000’s of Para S would have flocked to Prabha for his help on this , that or the other. Even Ranil would have gone and asked for his divine help to stop the war.

              Picture this: Sinhalese carrying croacking Southern chicken as offerings and the Tamils carrying Vanni chicken as offerings to the same God. But then, stupid Army Pvt Nimal, Maharage put a stop to all that by shooting the budding God like a pig – and a very fat pig – at that. All the Army guys were praising Nimal as a good marksman, but I don’t. How can anyone miss such a huge target at such close range?

      • 1

        For the past 2000 years God has been far away, busy creating other parallel iniverses equally bad and equal failures. He put my grandfather Gaban (Gaban Atha) a Sinhalese Buddhist, in charge of the solar system. And you can see the result. Gaban Atha messed up everything. He thoroughly enjoyed watching people suffer and from time to time made earthquakes, floods, wild fires, epidemics, wars, pestilence – in short, you name it, he made it happen. His favorite sport was watching innocent children suffer and die. He hated the Jews and made them suffer.

        Having done all that, still he was not satisfied and started to make Sri Lankan Tamils suffer using his own race the Sinhalese as the vehicle. It was not MR, Gota, SF or any one else who won the war. It was Gaban Atha. .

        God is returning back to put things right but he is so far away and the donkey he is riding is such a lazy, slow and stupid one that we have no idea when he will reach Earth again. I am sure, once he come back he will punish Gaban Atha and put things right. In the mean time another God Prabhakaran was killed by Gaban Atha and the Tamils have fled to cooler climes using whatever means at hand.

      • 0

        Shenal, The best answer I could give to your question is: Please read the Bible and find the answer. Your opinion about God is not correct. On the other hand with the limited human mind, we cannot fathom God to understand Him. You are thinking with your limited human mind. Can you understand the mysteries of your own human brain? I am sure you cannot. So in the same way you cannot understand God with his infinity. Pls refer to the Bible. There you will be able to get a better answer than getting it from me. If you want a very short answer from me, let me tell you why they suffered. God established the Jewish nation by calling Abram (later God named him Abraham) from Mesapothemia. After 430 years of slavery in Egypt, thro Moses God rescued them and brought them into the land, which He Himself called, a land flowing with milk n honey. If you read the Book of Exodus of the Bible, you will find out that God, when He could bring them to the land which He set aside for them with a few days, He took them on a journey for 40 years. That is what the Bible says. The generation which left Egypt to enter the Promised Land, however, could not enter the land but their subsequent generation. Most of them died in the wilderness. Why does man suffer today? Should I explain to you that it is because of his own sinfulness? Jewish people suffered because of their own disobedience to God. He punished them from time to time due to their unfaithfulness and disobedience to HIM. Still do you know that God has promised, despite of their obedience, that He will, in the last days, bring them to their own land? Can you understand God’s plan for their redemption? If you cannot then it is pointless of asking this question.

    • 1

      Did you hear that Guatemala us going to shift its embassy to Jerusalem. Authenticity of Bible may be contested, but what is happening on the ground is exactly according to what is stated. Is this not a circumstantial evidence for the credibility of Bible.

      • 0

        I am serious here. Can you please quote the name of this country as given in the Bible.

        • 0

          Just a polite reminder, Mr. Ayathurai Rajasingam, Please enlighten me on these questions.

  • 3

    If I am a carpenter and I need some furniture I will take a few days and create one. If I got some magical power and need a furniture I will instantly create it out of thin air. Why would a God with infinite power take such an arduous path to give Israel to Jews making a lots of them die in the process as well?
    Shouldn’t we leave God out of Humanity’s mess?

    • 0

      Never mind the politicsl writers’ at the time wishful thinking written into a bible as prophecies, which modern day LTTE worshippers are trying to clutch to promote their own interests. SLK government for once have done the right thing. The whole world detests crazy actions of foul mouthed trompe’; UN has demonstrated it decisively.

    • 0

      Yes you can leave God out but not Gaban Atha.

  • 1

    Some commenters are giving an evangelical twist. If God (like humans) enjoys inflicting pain then the God must be sent back to the introductory course GOD101, sit an exam set by Richard Dawkins. If God flunks again then we must set up a committee to invent an interim Panchen-God.
    Yes, there are too many practicing Gods with forged certificates!

  • 1

    Some are blindly giving their brain-washed Biblical born again views. Almost all these Jews are WHITE Azkenazi Jews who the Europeans wanted to get rid of. If they were REAL Middle Easterners they would be brown like the Palestinians. But there were definitely Kingdoms and Jews there in the olden days. Go to Masada Rock and you can see marvels of engineering from ancient days of the Zealots. There were Jews in the Middle East and they looked like Arabs and Pointy sharp noses and thick brows. They all lived side by side until Islam which came later too and conquered their lands and wars and crusades went back and forth; back and forth.

    Reality is Israel now exists. Only Egypt and Jordan recognize them. Two states can exist side by side like Tamil Eelam and Sinhala Raajadaaniya. We cannot vote for Palestine and say no no no we cannot separate Tamil lands. Same reality. But having said that, Arabs are useless people who talk a lot and are incompetent and corrupt and lazy too. Some of them are blessed with lots of oil. Oil is what Christian West seeks and took from them and the Persians.

    These End time Fanatics are bullshitters. White American Fanatics want “end times” and they say they want to start a war that will help them get to Mr. Jesus and “heaven” on the backs of the Jews; Jews are only a vehicle for them to start the holocaust world ending war. With utterly stupid Racist White Born Agains, and Evangelicals even in Ceylon they want to claim they will rise up to meet Mr. Jesus.. What a load of crock.

  • 2

    Facts are facts,Jerusalem is historically and biblically the eternal capital of Israel.The so called Palestinians are actually the arabs who came with ottoman king Sulaiman and occupied Israel.The policy of muslims is to migrate,multiply and when they have the upperhand,proclaim the land belongs to them.This trend is happening all over the world.For example in some areas of Sweden and England,people of other faith cannot enter those areas.Very soon,Srilankans will also face this problem.

    • 1

      That may so singing fish. Your pseudonym implies that you are from Batticaloa and I can well understand the Tamil Muslim tensions there. To be fair to the Muslims although they breed like flies over a piece of shit, they have been in SRI Lanka for centuries and living amicably with all communities. There have been a few aberrations to that generality with the 1915 riots and the recent Alutgama riots. Such inter ethnic tensions are bound to happen and is part of co existence. They have never asked for the country to be divided and their share partitioned. A bit of tolerance would not harm anyone.

  • 1

    Nanasookaralingam, Some say you are a hora dostharaya. I don’t believe them. I remember you forwarding your credentials to prove that you are a genuine Dosthara. This is the Christmas season, the season of tranquility and peace. I am declaring a unilateral ceasefire of 2 days. I do not know how that will be honored. We remember how the Tigers violated such ceasefires blatantly during the Eelam war. I hope the Tamils like Sookaralingam, Sama and the EU gin band would honour this ceasefire and refrain from hostilities. We are arranging to send you a food convoy to EU to avoid your deaths due to starvation.

    • 0

      Anyway, as long as the ceasefire lasts, you will be my boy Sookiri lingam.

    • 1

      “I am declaring unilateral ceasefire of 2 days”. What a way to dodge for a person who was used to hide under the bed by the mention of the word Tigers. I am arranging USA seals to smoke you out from your hookah sucking Arabic enclave.

      • 0

        Actually I was not in SL when such incidents occurred. However, I cannot guarantee that I would have faced an AK47 bearing terrorist, completely unarmed. It is better to hide under a bed and fight another day when you are stronger than to be an idiot and get killed by a worthless Terrorist.

        This is in complete contrast to what your God King Prabha, armed to the teeth, did on being confronted by army Pvt Nimal Magarage. Of course, he was not carrying a bed to hide under when this happened. Even if he had, it would have had to be as tall as the Eifel tower to cover his big belly – well not quite as tall as that but exceptionally tall.

        I am a simple putujjana, not a trained combatant. Hiding would be the best option for me under those circumstances.. But Prabha was the leader of a brave army of fighters. And what did do? He kissed the boots of Nimal and cried “Aiyo Samy. Andavane. நான் உன்னை வேண்டுகிறேன். தயவுசெய்து என்னை கொல்ல வேண்டாம். Aiya Samy! Boo Hoo”.. Pathetic! What a shame! What a big coward! What a big belly loaded with chicken curry!

        Pissu Edda.

  • 0

    Different Gods and different religions- different interpretations of gods and religions by different people are the cause of various problems in the world. People will never get together to solve the problems. Can’t the Gods get together and and advice their followers to desist from fighting. Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna and Lord Buddha were supposed to have been born into this world to put a stop. But people would not listen. Peoples’ power seem to overtake the Gods will? Where do we go from here? (Not a duplicate comment)

    • 0

      Dafren Dafren Problems: I showed your comment to a Malayalee and he commented, Dafren Dafren people have Dafren Dafren Gods and Dafren Dafren Gods have Dafren Dafren policies. These Dafren Dafren policies make dafren dafren people act in dafren dafren ways. That is why we have these dfaren daren problems. I think this will need dafren dafren ways to solve these dafren dafren problems.

  • 0

    Ever since Lingam,Lingam, Sakkaralingam put in his two cents worth, a great lot of shit has hit the fan. The discourse has gone in different ways like the pieces of shit strongly suggestive of a thosai repast.Edwin declared a unilateral ceasefire but Sakkara keeps on sniping much like his Demi God VP who BTW is not dead but due for his Second Awakening. In the meanwhile Edwin is preparing for resumption of hostilities. I will hide in the nearest bunker!

    • 0

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 0

      Percy dated pathetic

      “Sakkaralingam put in his two cents worth, a great lot of shit has hit the fan. “

      Did you close your mouth just in time?

      • 0

        Yes we did. From the smell we get from you looks like you did not. With the Kalavedi urine mixed with that, you can imagine how bad it is.

    • 1

      Percy you are none other than Edwin Rodrigo. Look at the similarity in writing. You are from the sewers and that is why you are coated with shit.

      • 0

        If Samuel Jayaweera, Sam Fernando, Sama, Soma, Leela, Leelagemalli, Burampisingho. PunchiBurampi and multitude of others can be the same person in EU why cannot just two people (Percy and Edwin) be the same person?

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