By Vishwamithra –
“A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true.” ~ Socrates
The National People’s Power (NPP) needs to refine their messaging; if they are advocating for a system change, they need to define the system that they want to change; and they also need to define the contours of the system they are getting ready to replace the old system with. They simply cannot underestimate the wisdom and intelligence of the masses. They are much more suspicious and doubtful about politicians now. That is indeed owing to the Aragalaya-22 and its intense pronunciations and declarations. Remember, they chased one President away, for that matter, from the shores of the country!
Pronunciations and declarations apart, mere optics of a political slogan will not carry votes to the polling booth on the election day. To motivate and inspire the voter to vote for a very profound and fundamental issue like a system change requires much more than a slogan or some pontificating from atop a platform. The real and only challenge the NPP is confronted with today has nothing to do with their oratorical skills; nor is it a dearth of men and women attending their mammoth rallies. Rallies and speaking skills are very much in display today. It’s the substance and its veracity and its authenticity that the masses must be convinced of.
System change, in fact, challenges any savant today in that, failure of a 76-year old set of governing methods and economic principles and their enactments could be questioned from top to bottom and all lateral ways. But a more profound analysis might direct one’s finger towards those who were engaged in the very workings of that failed system. Then the question emerges whether it was the system or those who were deeply involved in the system from the beginning to the end; whether the real problem lay in the personalities and their idiosyncrasies that defined, created and eventually shaped the system that they were in charge.
Yet again, when one pays attention in exclusion to the individuals without any reference to the systems that they were so deeply engrossed in, one might miss the whole point because such a pursuit after the men and women who actually man the various epicenters of the system, would certainly end up in an unpleasant exchange of verbal and written garbage against one another. Critique of personalities is so much easier than an unbiased peep into the systems that sustain the systems. Vituperative politics totally devoid of provable facts and figures tends to shade the real emblematic paradigm of a given issue. Politician after politician, whether inside the walls of Parliament or outside on the platform, have resorted to this destructive aspect of critical thinking process.
Being utterly ignorant of the immediate necessities and intrinsically bent on going after the opponents for lack of hard and cruel facts, our politicians, more often than not, sought refuge under the umbrella of criticism and debased the very sanctity of a noble profession like politics. Such cynical approach by most of our politicians has really desecrated the very soil that they tread on. It is a real tragedy. And it is in the context of this tragic circumstance a system change is being demanded by our youth.
The youth of today sees that there is something radically wrong and they argue amongst themselves, debate and even question their parents and when they get no credible answer, they tend to ponder as to the legitimacy and validity of the machineries that have produced this enormously self-destructive and incorrigibly back-spinning societal dynamic. They see the results and effects of a set of government and non-government machineries that have continuously contributed to this financially bankrupt, culturally empty and politically corrupt social paradigm. That paradigm is called the system.
Those who have not had the training or erudition of a college professor, might not be able to articulate the nuances and inscrutable designs of a given social paradigm; but they see all the signals and aftereffects of that system that has failed the country. It is not only the present-day young generation that this system or the collection of those sociopolitical, cultural and economic forces have brought to the edge of patience and the brink of disaster. The nation’s leaders and their very credibility as decent human beings and her future as one that could be held out with at least a modicum of comforts for the middleclass and lower middleclass segments of the country are in question today. The youth, when they cannot see and experience the actual spinning of the various forces that run a country, begin to wonder whether the existing apparatus is working. And to their dismay, they discover it is not so.
When such consummately ironical dynamic embraces the country, those who govern first look for excuses and thereafter for someone to blame the crisis for. But this time the youth obviously have already decided that it is not only the systems that govern our economy and the whole sociopolitical life, but also those who have been responsible as elected leaders who should be held to account for the debacle.
Then the task for those who desire to come for power is exponentially tougher. This is what the NPP must bear in mind. They need to define in more specific terms as to what that system is which they want to replace. Without bantering on the ill-effects of that system, a more clearly identified and defined set or one single system that they want to oust and do away with. If such a system consists of various institutions that exclusively cater for the degeneration of our governance behavior, then they must identify them; what precisely has caused the decline of our cultural and socioeconomic paradigm; if its source is our constitution, then they must say so and identify them by chapter, article and verse which is at the root of our national decline. Not only the punditry and some clever journalists would seek answer to them, a fair segment of the masses too shall demand such clear, sharp and clever answers from the NPP.
If the above is achieved, then comes the more challenging part: the replacement. What constitutes the replacement system. How does that system or systems that are supposed to replace the old look like? How does one establish such a system? It is merely an amendment to our present constitution? Is it a totally a new constitution with a totally new inner core and an outer veneer that would not only appear and appeal as somewhat satisfactory but in real sense of the word brand new and completely fresh outcome of fresh thinking. What new institutions are being planned to be established in order to curtail, if not eradicate corruption. How could the country’s GDP be maintained and make it grow and in what measure? What institutions can handle the education issue which is at the root of all our problems relating to societal intercourse and self-confidence of our student population? A philosophical analysis and an erudite explanation of a country’s issues and how such issues could be resolved without causing great hardship to the most vulnerable segments of our population.
Rudimentary offer of piecemeal solutions to some burning problems will not do. If the NPP gets caught up in such an unprofessional presentation of piecemeal solutions, the masses will recognize it as piecemeal and turn the other way and opt for the continuation of the status quo. The NPP might not accept this line of argument, but taken in the context of the current voter base, it is more than tough to argue against it. Masses would always seek refuge in the known devil than the unknown angel!
Change of a system is more than a slogan. It is a change that contains within itself not only the resolving measures of the current issue, it is taking a wholly new path without knowing what awaits at the end. The youth usually would get immediately attracted towards the concept of change with a strong and unyielding sense of romanticism. That doggedness keeps them bound to the ideal they choose without much questioning and deep inquiry. But the country is not only our youth. True, it is the youth that always lends a leading role to any change, but a journey begun on a foggy morning might ultimately lead to the other side of nowhere.
In the organization sphere, have the foot-soldiers of the NPP been trained in the art and science of door-to-door canvassing and also, in the manner and shape of holding pocket-meetings, have they been adequately supplied with the substance and material that needs to be imparted into the minds of the voter? From now on, it’s a continuing story of campaign, campaign and campaign. No rest for the tired and weary. What structures are there within the NPP that could handle door-to-door canvasing? In the traditional parties such as the UNP, SJB and SLPP, there are party branches, at least they say so. Is there an alternative structure or a sub-structure within the party that the NPP leadership can satisfy itself that they could delegate it to these sub-structures and get involved in more macro activities such as policy-drafting, mass rallies etc.
System change is no mean task; nor is it a mere slogan. It is a giant step towards a new beginning. If you have any doubts, then don’t venture into it and make a whole new mess. Because the new system might look like and, in fact, be a worse alternative.
*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com
nimal fernando / May 23, 2024
“Life has not been devised by morality: it wants deception, it lives on deception.”
There rarely are moral …….. only laws and the fear of their repercussions keep people “moral.”
Fair and equally application of laws depend on the state of evolution and the sophistication of the respective societies.
Lanka is an evolutionary and moral basket case.
Even Gods run for cover.
Nathan / May 23, 2024
nimal fernando,
Fair laws is plain hypothetical.
Laws are vulnerable to human creativity!
Evidence? OJ.
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
I don’t know if you meant OJ Simpson. …….. I don’t consider USA to be a evolved or a sophisticated society (well, beneath the surface) …… USA has evolved very little from the Wild West days. The crudeness lies just below the surface and only needs little impetus to rise to the surface.
“America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.” — Oscar Wilde
There is no perfection anywhere, except in some gals, in OC’s eyes …….. in a very imperfect world, I feel the most “evolved” societies are the UK and it’s outposts Canada, Australia and New Zealand – judging by how they treat themselves: not outsiders. I feel they have a core set of beliefs they stick to. ……… There are some Scandinavian countries but I don’t know if it’s out of deep set beliefs or following fashions …….
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
“What is the religion/philosophy that govern traffic/road rules?
People have come to accept and practice traffic-rules without any connotations of religion/philosophy.
It’s in the best interest of the road-users to adhere to the rules so they themselves don’t fall victim to the rule-breakers ….And the rules keep everyone “relatively” safe.
The rules keep people “mostly safe” all around the world ……… even in places like Lanka.
Man would have advanced to the “next-stage” of “social-evolution” when they come to accept societal-rules – that benefit everyone – the way they accept traffic-rules without any connotations of religion/philosophy poppycock ……..”
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
Lazy to write again ….. this was written long ago ……. from the same link.
This is what I think/believe …….
We are all focused on the here and now ……… so, we only think of what’s happening right now (Ranil, Mahinda, Sirisena …….. Race, Ethnicity, Religion and all the rest of the claptrap) ………. but oblivious to us, there is another greater process going on in the background; the process of evolution – social, physical, intellectual and few more ……….
The belief in religions, philosophies etc is practiced at a very primitive stage of social-evolution ……..i.e. man is at a very primitive stage of social evolution (although, as usual, our egos and foolish-pride would like to convince us otherwise :)) ) ……. eventually man will arrive at a point where religions and “philosophy-systems” (they say only Nietzsche was a non-system philosopher) will be discarded ……… like – with “enlightenment” – how man came to discard Pagan Gods ………. we saw the discarding of one philosophy-system – Marxism – during our time with our own eyes ………….”future-man” will see many more ………… It’s a loooooooooong process ………
As for “physical-evolution” ……… should we believe that this is the end-point? ………If at the beginning, we started off as a single-cell life-form? …… Shouldn’t we believe that – at this point in time – we are nothing but just a single-cell Amoeba for a advanced life-form in the future?”
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
For DTG …… from the same link ….. why I’m not a Marxist ……..
“Ah! Prof David,
You are quoting one philosopher to sideline another philosopher.
Extraneous to the ol’ “Lankan context” ………Buddha is a philosopher and Buddhism is a philosophy …………
In this grand secular state that we are in the process of creating ……… is there – or should there be – a place for philosophy/philosophies? …… Should the “secular state” be governed not by religion but by philosophy?
Then ……… how do you arrive at the rational reasoning that the “secular state” should be governed by the philosophy of Marx and not by the philosophy of Buddha?
Just asking for the sake of argument ……….. Frankly I don’t give a rat’s behind about any of that crap ……… philosophy or religion.
I just live by my pure primordial animal-instincts without pretensions …….. and having the courage to accept that truth/fact has been the most exhilaratingly liberating thang!
More people should try it ……….it may turn out to be good …………..for everyone ………. all-around …………….”
LankaScot / May 24, 2024
Hello Nimal,
I have never agreed with Nietzsche and I think that Fernand Bdaudel had a much better grasp of Systemic processes outlined by his use of “Le Longue Duree” (long duration). Here is a good Summary of Braudel’s thinking https://www.redalyc.org/journal/811/81156143004/html/ “Lessons of the Longue Durée: The Legacy of Fernand Braudel”
His work had fallen out of fashion especially in the Anglophile world, but has since been re-appraised e.g. https://www.cairn-int.info/article-E_ANNA_702_0289–the-return-of-the-longue-duree-an.htm
When you see CT full of references to events from the long past maybe it is worthwhile for Sri Lankans to consider Braudel’s Historiography?
Best regards
old codger / May 24, 2024
“The National People’s Power (NPP) needs to refine their messaging; if they are advocating for a system change, they need to define the system that they want to change; and they also need to define the contours of the system they are getting ready to replace the old system with. “
Exactly what I have been saying for many moons now, to the great annoyance of the unquestioning blind faithful. Three years ago, we elected a President on blind faith. Let’s not repeat the exercise. I am happy that Vishwamitra for one has decided to think.
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2024
Dear old codger,
I have placed the one comment that really matters to me at the very bottom of the page. that was about five minutes ago. The time now is 15:01.
I have read your comment.
I have decided what I will do. For the second time in this brief comment, I ask you to go to the bottom of this page.</b>
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
Thanks, LS. Shall read.
Nathan / May 24, 2024
Thank you, nimal.
You are right. Then again, you are wrong.
UK is most cussed.
USA is buried in a glory that is not theirs.
Australia carries UK’s cussedness.
New Zealand prides in self-isolation.
Canada has no spine.
(These are my personal impressions. I am used to being lonely!)
If not for Ranil and Rajapaksa Sri Lanka is heaven on earth.
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
I first said nothing is perfect …….. only OC is lucky enough to end up with perfection: some guys have all the luck! Hope some of that luck rubs onto Native. …….. I’m like the Buddhist priest in a Dhana who says the next priest needs serving.
We have to first judge how they treat their own kind: how the English treat the English: not the Welsh, not the Irish, not the Scots (sorry LS,) not any WOG or “Paki” (in their words) interlopers. A society tells a lot about itself by how it treats its own kind.
Forget the minorities ……… how does Lanka treat the Sinhalese? …….. Have any of the colonizers treated the Sinhalese any worse than the Sinhalese themselves?
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
“If not for Ranil and Rajapaksa Sri Lanka is heaven on earth.”
I too don’t like to live anywhere else …….. if not for, earlier Soma supporting Rajapakses and now Native supporting Ranil to spoil the paradise!
It’s not just the Sinhalese who feel that way ……I know a Tamil lady who went to a park and set herself on fire ……. she was feeling depressed about not being able to get back to Lanka. She lacked for nothing in Canada: both children are Cardiothoracic surgeons. My grandparents had given them refuge in an earlier pogrom. They always keep in touch.
LankaScot / May 24, 2024
Hello Nathan,
Have you ever wondered why there are so many distinctive Dialects and Accents in England (and Scotland)? Many of the Regions of England were separate Kingdoms with different mixes of indigenous and immigrant populations. Each of these Regions has its own history and outlook. London is not representative of the rest of England and is deeply resented in many parts. You will get different responses from Liverpool, Birmingham, Hull, Newcastle, Exeter and many others when asked about their treatment by Central Government. Maybe it is a bit like Sri Lanka (London versus the Rest) – Colombo versus the rest. If you live in London everywhere else is called the Provinces. Is there a distinct outlook in Colombo that is not shared by the rest of the Country?
Best regards
LankaScot / May 24, 2024
Hello Nathan/ Nimal,
I should have added nimal fernando to the above Comment 😢.
Best regards
old codger / May 24, 2024
There are many distinctive regional accents in Sri Lanka too, but not to the extent of being mutually incomprehensible as in the UK🤯🤯
“Is there a distinct outlook in Colombo that is not shared by the rest of the Country?”
You must remember that Colombo city has a better ethnic balance than any other part of the country . People are more tolerant. But that fades out just at City limits.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Fascinating photos of people gathered at the funeral of the Iranian president.
It is also reported that if they do not come in large numbers, they will be threatened by the government. They want lakhs of people to attend the funeral. This reminds me of a funeral in North Korea a few years ago. They forced their own people to show the world that they are on their side and cannot make tangible changes against them.
I chose the topic here to contrast the self-centered Rajapaksa politics. Rajapaksa’s racket was maintained at the top by working closely with proxy Rajaakshe media whores and “radical Sinhala Buddhist monks” to brainwash the majority of Sri Lanka’s rural population. It narrowly escaped becoming an Iran-like state, not Iran. People are stupid and they do not consider the depth of the danger before us. .
Sri Lanka is one of the seldom countries visited by the late President Raisi recently (April 26), and the way the current srilanken President, leading diplomats, have decided not to attend the funeral is sending a strong message to the world that RW is a sensitive politician. If Rajapakshes were the leaders, they would no doubt send their representatives to the funeral. Mahendra Rajapaksa is instead a person who made controversal ties with some enemies of the western world.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Do we want another North Korea?
If your answer is no, please consider the danger ahead
SJ / May 25, 2024
“It is also reported that if they do not come in large numbers, they will be threatened by the government.”
Fairy tale time I guess.
Native Vedda / May 24, 2024
nimal fernando
“I’m like the Buddhist priest in a Dhana who says the next priest needs serving.”
Modi tells his countrymen his mother did not give birth to him however he was created directly by God. Do you find any truth in that statement? I thought God is dead, ….
Who resurrected GOD, Modi, Amit Shah, Gnana Akki, Gnanasara, C V Wigneshwaran, soma’s grandma, Diana Gamage ….. or was it Champika Ranawake?
Nathan / May 25, 2024
Native Vedda,
… I thought God is dead
Was God once alive and kicking… ?
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Dear NF,
‘Have any of the colonizers treated the Sinhalese any worse than the Sinhalese themselves”.
My grandmother 👵 would have put some gold in ur mouth.
Bravo, simply 👏 the truth.
We should now study why our sinhalaya continue to do so?.they are made to be easy prey to easy 😀 tricks.opium is sinhala-buddhism which is fra from “True Buddhism ☸️ “
Head shaved bastards in the disguise of ” so called sb monks” are to answer.
Their general knowledge is more than questionable as of today. Most of them out of 20 000 across the country ordained to be a monk because their destitute parents could nt raise them by their own.
Nobody but SB monks constantly work with political racists 🙄 in that heinous crime act leading 🙄 to eternal brawashing .
People are helpless !
leelagemalli / May 24, 2024
Why don’t you compare AKD with Rajapaksa?
Why don’t you compare Prabakaran and Wijeweera?
Don’t you know that Rajapakse-Sinhala-nationalism/racism would not have been so strong if AKD led rebels had not strengthened his hands?
Just be mindful, if you were in Dr. Safi’s shoes, what would you have done to avoid the false accusations against you?
Nathan / May 24, 2024
… Why don’t you compare AKD with Rajapaksa?
Everything has a time. It has to have/serve a purpose.
Lester / May 24, 2024
“Lanka is an evolutionary and moral basket case.”
But it has survived for 2500 years. Your attempts to repeatedly defame the culture and identity of the majority community is an example of a psychological phenomenon known as “splitting.”
“Simply put, “splitting” is a defense mechanism in which people unconsciously frame ideas, individuals, or groups in all-or-nothing terms (e.g., all-good vs. all-bad or all-powerful vs. 100% powerless). It’s a widely used concept in mental health. People tend to split because they have trouble tolerating “ambivalence,” which in psychology refers to the experience of having conflicting emotions toward the same thing at the same time—for example, acknowledging that we have both strengths and weaknesses. Ambivalence can be anxiety-provoking. In the short term, splitting reduces this anxiety by removing ambivalence and making the world appear simpler and more coherent. “
It’s a form of binary thinking that is inaccurate. In your case, splitting is further encouraged by group think, herd effect, and confirmation bias.
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
“confirmation bias”
It’s just a simple matter of your bias vs. my bias? …….. Anyone with an opinion is biased. …….. Excuses can be even more biased.
If that long litany of an excuse makes you happy ……. be my guest: happiness in the key!
But one in left to wonder why you do not wish to live in such a great culture ……… why’s the need to run away and embrace another? What’s your excuse? If you have one without bias. :)))
I understand, it’s not easy to accept reality ……… especially for people who have made such excuses for 2,500 long years ……….. what’s another decade or two, eh?
So the song/excuse/lament remains the same ……… for another 5000 years, eh?
Such commitment! ……… Way to go!
old codger / May 24, 2024
“It’s just a simple matter of your bias vs. my bias? “🤣🤣
Some think Brahmins are smarter than other ” low” castes.
Some think Jews cannot be terrorists.
Some think Upcountry Tamils are low-IQ slave labour.
And some claim they aren’t fascists.
Bigotry? Prejudice? Insanity? Maybe.
Lester / May 24, 2024
Some can’t get a visa to leave the country, due to their impaired cognitive abilities, next…
Lester / May 25, 2024
“Some think Brahmins are smarter than other ” low” castes.”
Percentage=(Total Indian Laureates in Science/Number of Brahmin Laureates)×100
“Some think Jews cannot be terrorists.”
I never said that. Everyone knows Israel was created via Irgun terrorism.
“Some think Upcountry Tamils are low-IQ slave labour.”
Apologies for bringing up your family history.
old codger / May 25, 2024
A few more for Lester’s list:
Ancient Egyptian Brahmins used calculus to predict their New Year.
Homing pigeons too use Calculus
Monks serve free food at almsgivings
A kalu-suddha is a Russian tourist who stayed too long on the beach
Lester / May 27, 2024
Of course I didn’t say any of the above. But readers can verify the following gems from “Old Codger”
1. Insider trading is legal
2. Terrorists didn’t hide in lodges in Colombo
3. Doctors should use their hands (pulse) instead of expensive machines to monitor heart disease
4. Thinks he can draw better waveforms by hand than a digital oscilloscope
5. Doesn’t know the difference between mechanical energy and electrical energy
6. Thinks Gothabaya threatened Iqbal Athas while the former was in California, USA for 8 years
7. Thinks Toilet Nadu is a superpower
8. Doesn’t know the meaning of infinite series
9. Doesn’t think all Tamil plantation workers were eventually given citizenship. He doesn’t know the meaning of “eventually.”
This guy is so dumb, you would have to redefine dumb, but it would still be inadequate. He is a coward who is ashamed of his ethnicity and goes to the alms giving to get free food.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2024
“7. Thinks Toilet Nadu is a superpower”
Do you agree with old codger?
And why?
Do you think Sri Lanka is a superpower just because Sri Lanka believes it destroyed LTTE?
Does old codger agree with you Sri Lanka is a superpower?
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
The sad truth is that the beggars of Tamil Nadu did some collection to give Lester’s relatives a life. It wasn’t that long ago. These dimwits have no “repay” character. I don’t think Lester or anyone like that knows who his parents are.
Lester / May 27, 2024
I have been to India. Here is a brief summary:
1. Hold nose at airport
2. While on train, people are sh11–ng outside in the morning. You can see it from the window
3. Beggars everywhere
4. The city I was in (South India) was very dusty and polluted.
5. Very noisy
6. Sidewalks have many potholes.
7. You can see men using the bathroom outside. Their back is to you, but its obvious what is happening.
8. Food is okay but restaurants are dirty
9. While I was there, some girl had been assaulted on a bus (metal rod inserted into intestines), gang-raped, and then she and the male friend thrown outside of the bus. A lot of protests by angry female activists
10. Shops are disorganized
This is the reality of India. There is nothing good in that country other than the IIT’s. Everything else is a disaster. The reason has to do with caste prejudice and extreme corruption. Women are treated as animals.
You have to actually GO there to see it, otherwise you won’t believe it.
Native Vedda / May 28, 2024
“1. Hold nose at airport”
You do not have to start practising “Nadi Shodhana Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing” only in India. You are free to do it wherever you are. Try back in Canada or in Sri Lanka.
“2. While on train, people are sh11–ng outside in the morning. You can see it from the window”
So you are an experienced bump watcher aren’t you? How many times do you go to India for the sole purpose of watching the Indians s**tting?
” 3. Beggars everywhere”
Sri Lankan tourists during and after COVID. Then Stalin decided to sent food to starving people of Sri Lanka (his cousins in the North and South) for you as well.
“You have to actually GO there to see it, otherwise you won’t believe it.”
Are you saying Incredible India is amazing?
old codger / May 27, 2024
Lester the scraper executive,
“He is a coward who is ashamed of his ethnicity and goes to the alms giving to get free food.”
Still not as cowardly as running away from a suicide bomb 15 miles away…..
old codger / May 27, 2024
Lester the liar,
I’m quite happy with my ethnicity, but definitely I would be ashamed if I had yours 🤣🤣🤣
old codger / May 27, 2024
Lester the dim,
Pretty stung today, are’nt we? Go read your scraper service manual.
Lester / May 27, 2024
Old Loser,
You are so happy with your ethnicity but you refuse to tell anyone else.
Bigotry? Prejudice? Insanity? Maybe.
old codger / May 27, 2024
Lester the fake Sinhala Buddhist,
“You are so happy with your ethnicity but you refuse to tell anyone else”
Why would I want to confide in some bigoted insane loser who doesn’t say what mix he is himself?
At least I know more about Sinhala and Buddhism than you🤣🤣🤣
old codger / May 27, 2024
Lester the lying racist,
I once asked you to name one Sinhala racist. You slithered out of it. Do you have the courage to name one?
Lester / May 24, 2024
“But one in left to wonder why you do not wish to live in such a great culture ……… “
People with money can live anywhere. People without money are stuck in their tiny dwelling, yelling at Rajapakse under an anonymous pseudonym and writing poetry to terrorist leaders (Stockholm Syndrome). Poverty is not a virtue.
LankaScot / May 24, 2024
Hello Lester,
Stockholm Syndrome occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. The name comes from the 1973 incident when two men held four people hostage for 6 days after a bank robbery in Stockholm. The victims later refused to testify against the perpetrators. Not a good analogy for budding poets.
Best regards
Lester / May 25, 2024
Hello LankaScot,
I concede. Stockholm Syndrome is very specific. A better label would be “cognitive dissonance.” Clearly I am an amateur in this field. I recall a relative – (GP) from the NIH, complaining years ago that many of his patients were suicidal and he didn’t know what to do. In his case, telling them to bugger off would be considered unethical (because many of them would very likely top themselves) and cost him his license. So mental illness is prevalent in the UK too. I would begin with those living off benefits and work up the ladder towards Buckingham Palace.
Lester / May 25, 2024
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello Lester,
I have already mentioned before about the lies that the Sri Lankan Government told about the Covid 19 deaths.
The statistics about Suicide Rates in Sri Lanka are very strange. Male Suicides went from a rate of around 60 per 100,000 in1997 to around 20 per 100,000 in 2017. The banning of Pesticides was supposedly linked to this decline. I am not convinced. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25118074/
In the UK they have risen in the last couple of years, but were fairly stable before that. UK is 68 out of 183 Countries and Sri Lanka is 142 in this list from 2019 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
Dear LS,
Did you not read that the statisticians also considered the suicide squads held in the northern province under LTTE ?
. Additionally, during the civil war, suicide rates spiked across the country because young men were trained to do so if caught by soldiers.
. Apart from that, Sinhala Buddhist myths misled the youth and did not strengthen their mentality as they grew into adolescence. That is why the number of suicides in Sri Lanka is relatively high. My Korean colleagues say that their suicide rate is also high in South Korea in different age groups. The pressure on them in getting jobs etc pushes them into depression and suicide.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
Lester and all other retirees,
You don’t need to study degrees to be a good programmer. Informatics (biology, medical informatics, etc.) is a degree-level education based on information technology, but programmers are only a minor occupation in that area.
Sri Lanka can earn better foreign exchange if they allow more than 80% of the youth who fail high school exams to become programmers. This should be well targeted by investors in the country. Youngsters love to learn programming skills if they are injected with English at the same time. Every temple in a rural corner should be covered to the “Teacher” by giving closer control by police and other administrative agencies. Thugs and miscreants of all kinds must be crushed at their bud level. Of course, if the JVPs had the foresight they could have done it a long time ago, most of them are more than willing to “mess and idle” rather than continue their idle tactics.
If Nash Daily can motivate Sri Lankans, why can’t Lester or similarly intelligent retired people invest in our sinking country?
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
apologies, text passed auto, before my doublecheck.
“Every temple in a rural corner should be coverted to a “Teaching school” by giving closer control by regional police and other administrative bodies.
Thugs and miscreants of all kinds must be crushed at their bud level.
Of course, if the JVPs had the foresight they could have done it a long time ago, most of them unfortunately are more willing to sabotage rather than support for the upliftment of youth programs. They love to see, unrest so that their germs can easily be spread… Kuhakayo… hypocrities.. that live up on the cost of others.
Lester / May 27, 2024
“You don’t need to study degrees to be a good programmer.”
Maybe in 2000. One could learn a language like HTML or XML and get hired the next month. Now the demand is much less; people are using templates. You can create your own webpage or mobile app without any knowledge of programming. Now the AI tools can write any simple program, in a few seconds, without any errors. They can also do de-bugging. There will still be demand for software engineers, going forward. SE is more about software development than simple coding. Here one has to actually understand the IDE, algorithms (as opposed to just code), operating systems, databases, cloud computing, etc. It is a bit like training a doctor.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
“So mental illness is prevalent in the UK too”.
The kind of illness es are everywhere, what matters is the percentages.
When looking at u and mad female Deepthi Silva, this is very obvious.
But the density is much higher in our motherland srilanka since rascals turned that country upside down for their political masturbation.
U as diehard Rajapakse supporters are equally complicit in that deliberate high crime.
Head shaved badtards are the others to be blamed 🙄🙄🙄
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
See how many of our people suffer from mental illnesses.
A huge portion of our people are suffering from mental problems. So what more talks about european countries. ?
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
“People with money can live anywhere.”
That’s even more reason for you to live in the culture you so greatly admire! :)))
old codger / May 24, 2024
“People with money can live anywhere. “
Perhaps. But that doesn’t explain why they don’t want to live with the poor sods at whom their unwanted advice is directed, in the supposedy great culture that they are so fond of.
In short, why not put your money where your mouth is?
Lester / May 26, 2024
Asking why people live in different countries, this is an idiotic question. Because they have legs and are capable of movement. Didn’t you say you did janitorial work for Aramco?
old codger / May 27, 2024
Lester the crap operator,
“Because they have legs and are capable of movement. “
Ah, that explains why you ran away from a kid with a firecracker.
What I did for Aramco didn’t involve scraping crap off the floor.
In any case, I get the impression that you think manual work like driving 3 wheelers, or janitorial work, is below par. Are you ashamed of your ancestors? Even the ones who peeled cinnamon?
Lester / May 27, 2024
I don’t need to assume anything. You wrote here that you were a de-miner for the STF. Does that make you a millionaire or a bottom of the barrel loser?
old codger / May 27, 2024
“You are so happy with your ethnicity but you refuse to tell anyone else”
Why would I want to confide in some bigoted insane loser who doesn’t say what mix he is himself?
At least I know more about Sinhala and Buddhism than you🤣🤣🤣
LankaScot / May 24, 2024
Hello Lester,
Is this what your Psychiatrist told you at your last session? Don’t believe Trick Cyclists, they are all mad😉. I thought I would ask before OC does. Apart from that it usually refers to patients and their relationships, not political ideology.
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 24, 2024
If Lester went to see the psychiatrist the other day, there is no doubt that the psychiatrist would be in a coma by now. …..😉😉😉😉😉😉
Those close to him should explain to him how solipsistic he is.
Lester / May 24, 2024
Hello LankaScot,
At the last referendum, Scotland voted to stay within the EU. Scotland the Great, Scotland the EU member state…
I don’t visit psychiatrists; my income goes largely to stocks and other assets. Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution. What has not changed, human stupidity provides opportunities for arbitrage.
Splitting is part and parcel of identity politics. Here is a more detailed reference: https://heterodoxacademy.org/blog/social-science-splitting-identity-politics/
LankaScot / May 24, 2024
Hello Lester,
Where’s your sense of humour? Remember Scotland’s National Poet, Robert Burns “That man to man the world o’er Shall brothers be for a that” We have always been Internationalists.
One of the cleverest Electronic Engineers that I have worked with lost most of his money in the Stock Market Crash of 1987. He had been advised the week before by his Financial Adviser to transfer his funds to a particular Stock. Moral – “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”.
As for your link – it is America where 30% of people visit a Therapist as opposed to about 3% in the UK and probably less in Sri Lanka. It is only someones opinion. The case referred to in the Article could apply to many people. If the cap fits wear it.
Best regards
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Lester – I can see that you are continuing the good fight. The Scot is already sold. The tigers have bought him with a sex bribe. Wonder if we can deport him for colluding with the enemy of the state?
Lester / May 25, 2024
I don’t think he can fully join that camp of persecution by SB’s and make-believe cartography. The wife is Kandyan and SB. So he gets a daily reality check, unlike the keyboard terrorists and self-hating Anglicans. It’s more likely that “Leela” will eventually turn against him, with the corpse disappearing into the Mahaveli.
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
Lester – it will be just a matter of time before his SB Kandyan wife gets to know what his secret pact with tigers is all about and he is made unwelcomed in Scotland. Then there will be no place for him to go, except to Toilet Nadu.
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello Ruchira,
There is a Synergy between you and Lester that is beyond the ken of Psychologists or Psychiatrists.
Best regards
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
Lester – Leela’s dick is in direct touch with some quarters of the CIA who has been working against Sinhala Buddhists in Sri Lanka, coordinated by a guy called Rin Dewhurst based in states. Leelagemalli is pro- anti Sinhala Biddhist directly trained by the CIA, and well supported by racist Germans. His days are numbered. If I were you I’ll let him have his last fun times here on CT.
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
Lester – Ron Dewhurst not Rin
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
Lester – pro as in professional.
old codger / May 25, 2024
Ruchi baba,
What about all that thunder and “lightening ” you promised? It didn’t happen, but you disappeared.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
Pimps would not get it easily, since they only know rape their own maids.
I have to call my buddies (colombo police head quarters) in colombo to be vigilent as to why RUCHIRA BABA got some untold issues with his maid lately.
True, I am against vulgar type of sinhala-buddhist (Mahendra Rajapakshe and his THATTAMAMAMAla), but I do respect buddhists in general so long they repsect true teachings of buddha. As I once said, honourable Manel Fonseka and everyone is clear that I belong to the relatives of Late Dr Walpola Rahula circles.
How dare does the kind of slum dwellers to call as my days are numbered? . not even SHAKRAYA could do it because what I am practising is ” true dharma in buddhism”.
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
For your easy guide, I searched for it, please see below.
If we can provide better treatment to the hungry baby or the crying baby, we can automatically help the society to rebuild and restructure.
Who is the most famous psychiatrist in Sri Lanka?
Here is the list of top doctors from various specialties.
Dr. Suresh Rathnaya.
Dr. N Kumaranayake.
Dr. Anuruddha Dissanayake.
Dr. Premini Rajendiran.
Chaminda Chinthaka.
Dr. Chari Pathiranage.
Dr. K Perera.
Fathima Rifla.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Lester should be a real racist.
Shame on u.🙄🙄🙄
old codger / May 25, 2024
No, not a real racist. Just a dumb, drunk one.
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
May be Lester’s keeper should be a racist.
old codger / May 25, 2024
The wimp Ruchira is back, after swearing blind that he won’t set foot here again, and saying his goodbyes.
“The tigers have bought him with a sex bribe. “
And you have the nerve to talk about “respect”? I will leave it to LS to sort you out.
But, in the meantime, please remember that I know exactly what happened between you and your maid…..
Please don’t chicken out again. You’re such fun.
old codger / May 25, 2024
It’s the other guy that needs a therapist more urgently.
A couple of months ago, he said Muslims are trying to convert his daughter. Now he says his maid stole his porn stash, and tried to seduce him with the aid of GL Pieris. I didn’t know GL Pieris is that way inclined. One lives and learns.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
“Now he says his maid stole his porn stash, and tried to seduce him with the aid of GL Pieris”.
Gl peris is seen can’t stand by himself properly?.
How can he involve in such activities?.
But I have no doubt Ruchira baba or the like men are real rape criminals.
I had a good guess.
Btw, last time my stay [November, 3023]was on a hotel in ML. I found people were like very corrupted.
Aiyo, srilanka 🙄
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
November, 2023 – apologies for typo
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Leelagemalli,
I thought you had stolen my Time Machine, but thankfully it was only a Typo.
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
There is a man called Appachchi in Chilaw.
May be he can the most appropriate therapist for all 3.
Ruchira baba
Deepthi Silva.
Lester / May 26, 2024
Sunak is ready for the Rwanda deportations.
“We’ve started detaining people … the flights are booked for July, airfields on standby, the escorts are ready, the caseworkers are churning through everything, so all that is happening, and if I’m re-elected as your prime minister, those flights will go to Rwanda,” Sunak said.
It reminds me of when Gotha removed the shanty people from Slave Island and built the Metro Homes. I wonder if OC also lost his “house”? Anyway, you mentioned prostitution in Germany. You know that it’s legal there. That’s a good thing. Less chance for pimps to exploit vulnerable women. Now if Svetlana & Tatjana want to do business in SL, why not. I am all in favor. Let’s diversify the gene pool.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
Gota did it at that time, his brother abused the power of the president. Several street beggars are reported to have been killed by Gota’s brutal forces during that era. Who cares the place given to human life under Rajaakshe rascal is not that much…… I trust them for any type of heinous crime.
I think you know a long time ago that the western world legalized prostitution a long time ago. I also saw them in some states in the US as I was having a training in New York a few years ago.
However, you can get more information about your hero’s inhuman actions from that slum dweller Ruchira. Whatever the bastard comes up with, we feel he’s a lowlife. These people are the cancer of this nation. Even my dogs don’t respect Rajapakse because they know the damage boogers and others have done.
I really don’t know much about it.
I believe the Rajapaksas will not be able to breathe their last, considering how much harm they have deliberately inflicted on their own people
Nathan / May 26, 2024
Sweet names!
Where did you meet them …?
Native Vedda / May 27, 2024
“Now if Svetlana & Tatjana want to do business in SL, why not. I am all in favor.
“Let’s diversify the gene pool.”
How would it improve genepool by letting foreigners to provide services in this business in which you are terribly interested?
Are you planning to start a brothel, if you are Diana Gamage may be interested in investing as a partner?
What about those disadvantaged locally groomed ladies who are bit darker than your imported ones? Do you think local prostitutes will have level playing field so that they could sell their services without being discriminated by their imported competitors.
Will you pay corporation/income tax on your immoral income?
How would you promote/market your business?
How would you deal with FREE RIDERS, such as local policemen/politicians/thugs/Saffronistas/….?
Lester / May 27, 2024
“How would it improve genepool by letting foreigners to provide services in this business in which you are terribly interested?”
Do you know why India is so plucked up? Arranged marriage. There is no diversity in the gene pool when your parents force you to do an arranged marriage with the same caste, same race, etc. for 3000 years. Let us say, the end result is a population of not so attractive people with 900 million frustrated beta males violently assaulting every foreign female unlucky to visit that place.
Sri Lankans (majority community) should try to have children with people of other races, except Indians. That is my opinion. I’m not talking about prostitutes. First invite foreigners (except Indians) to live in the country visa-free. Gradually they will have children with the local population. It’s already happening outside of SL with SL people. Many mixed-race children.
old codger / May 27, 2024
“First invite foreigners (except Indians) to live in the country visa-free. Gradually they will have children with the local population”
That explains where you came from🤯
Do you know the identity of your foreign parent?
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Lester,
Getting pregnant is not a good idea, your business is gone, so no enhancements to the Gene Pool,
Best regards
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Lester,
Looks like soon after July 4th the Rwanda Bill will be removed.
Best regards
Lester / May 28, 2024
Old Loser,
“Do you know the identity of your foreign parent?”
If you had a foreign parent, you wouldn’t be standing in the “nutrition line” at the dana. How does it feel to be poor?
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello OC,
Remind them that there are no Tigers in Sri Lanka only Leopards and the last person trying to have sex with one was eaten😢.
Best regards
Native Vedda / May 27, 2024
old codger
“But, in the meantime, please remember that I know exactly what happened between you and your maid…..”
What is the name of the maid is it either Svetlana or Tatjana, euphemism for Lester’s service providers?
old codger / May 27, 2024
“What is the name of the maid is it either Svetlana or Tatjana”
I have seen mental patients before, but this is the first one who is insane on a public forum. I hope , for their own good, his family has taken refuge in the mosque.
“Ruchira / April 4, 2024
Muslims and Christians have been harassing, not just with attempts to convert, me and my family for sometime with clearly identifiable activities and even our kids have not been spared. “
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Please 🙏 don’t waste ur precious time for a leant idiot. If Lester or the like would be neutral 😐, pigs might 🤔 fly. Be aware his keeper is back to defend him.
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello Leelagemalli,
I am well aware. I have my SAS friends covering the Land and the SBS covering the Coastal approaches. And the only pilot amongst us is DTG, the Sky Pilot.
As for Lester having someone to cover your back does not give you 360 degree protection😎.
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / May 25, 2024
It looks as though “leelagemalli” has addressed LankaScot here!
Dear LS; have pity on this ignorant pharmacist who struts his comic way across
Europe, and brings ignominy on those who taught him English in Lanka.
Since he won’t take it from me, you’d best tell him that saying “leart idiot” shows who the ignoramus is.
“Learned” should have been the adjective, with a syllable added, as against the past tense form of the verb. The error doesn’t make him an idiot, but it betrays the unsatisfactory schooling he received.
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
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LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello SM,
Many people in this Forum make grammatical mistakes and “Typos”. I make some occasionally, however as long as the content is logical and understandable I wouldn’t complain. Some are self taught and their attempts at writing in English are laudable. How many native English speakers would be able to explain “past participle”, “collocations” or know what a “Gerund” is? As native speakers we know almost intuitively when a sentence is wrong grammatically, but would have difficulty explaining why it was wrong.
Nowadays we put the emphasis on teaching English via Communication. In other words get them speaking, listening, understanding and having conversations, followed by reinforcement using Grammar, Vocabulary and Writing practice. Oxford University English Series “Headway” is an excellent example of modern methodologies. Cambridge also has its “Interchange” series.
As an ex English Teacher/Lecturer I am sure you will be familiar with these.
Best regards
old codger / May 26, 2024
“would be able to explain “past participle”, “collocations” or know what a “Gerund” is?”
I know I can’t. I go by instinct. Working some logic into it is up to language teachers (or those who think they are)
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2024
Thanks, LankaScot,
The electricity here has been so bad that I fear that I’m by now off my nut!
I will paste this link that I ought to have given the many who are puzzled about Preferential Voting at the Presidential Voting that we expect to take place on the 12th of October 2024.
This was the link that I wanted to give:
Many of us were learning through Trial & Error. The above link is NOT really compulsory reading. It only shows how confusing all this can be.
Two days ago I told Ruchira something that may have puzzled him. I’m now trying only to explain any queries that may have come in. I haven’t yet checked. I’m trying desperately to put something on.
I know what you say about the difficulties that “native English speakers” face. I have most of the Headway series in Maharagama. Meant for “Advanced Foreigners“. I used them in the Maldives 30 years ago.
I don’t know “Interchange“. Never mind!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2024
Putting all that into bold was accidental.
Getting gaslighted.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
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old codger / May 27, 2024
Poor SM,
I really feel for you. You’ve engaged with a nut who doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going…..
SJ / May 26, 2024
Language can be tricky at times, but it is pretty robust to withstand many breaches of rules that are really redundancies.
Error in gender, number, tense, article or even direction often fail to kill the meaning.
Try the options below
I/he/she/you/it/they go/come (to) here/there yesterday/today/tomorrow.
Most of them are grammatically wrong but there is no serious loss of meaning.
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello SJ,
I asked my North Indian friend Joshi in Doha for directions to a particular Hardware shop in an area of the City. His answer “Go straight down the C Ring road and when you see the Mosque go inside”
Nothing grammatically wrong, but for those like me that were very confused what he really meant was – Starting from here go straight until you see the Big Mosque ( biggest in Doha) then you take the slip road onto the Service Road that runs parallel with the highway and drive until you see the shop.
One time when we were on the way to a Military Base – Joshi was driving – and I told him that he was on the wrong route as the road was blocked ahead. No no he said it will be OK. I insisted that it was definitely blocked but he carried on driving. When we came to a huge wall blocking our route he remarked that it wasn’t there 1 month ago.I replied that it was there 3 days ago when I visited.
Yes language can be tricky😊.
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
SM (with all respect to you as a senior citizen),
As usual you make it a big issue. Yes, it should have been “learned”. However it was passed with errors, and I apologize if anyone but you (drama queen) was misled by it. Decent LS puts up with it because he knows that most of us, including him as a native speaker of English, cannot avoid spelling/grammatical mistakes.
Looking back, as my neighbor (also a postdocoral researcher in medicine ) explained to me a few months ago, there are more such mistakes even in PhD theses even after some of them are proofread by several authors.As our good LS put it, what matters is the logical content. In addition, I am in contact with various nationalities in Europe (German, French, Dutch, Belgian, Czech, Bulgarian, Polish and many more….. 50 or more nationalities worldwide).
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
More@ to SM-Criticisms
Your Satyaguru style behaviour reminds me of how you used to waste our time on “a” and “an” articles a few years back.
Your “know-all” charactor might help but surely CT is not the right forum for that.
. . Here in this CT forum not only university scholars, but also different types of commenters come together with their opinions. Diversity is guaranteed by “colombotelegraph”, so what’s the problem?
In fact, most of us make deliberate mistakes on CT. Sometimes, autocorrections is inevitable. As a former teacher you may be aware of them. According to me, as I repeatedly said to you, if you invested your knowledge properly, the poor youth of Uva province would have benefited more from it. English is essential even for their labor/skilled job categories if they get a place in ME, Korea or Italy.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
However, your ego and laziness would never allow you to see things right in this life.
Unfortunately, many people in your age group in our country have deliberately wasted their time since retirement.
This is very sad, you will never be able to recognize your own big mistakes.
With that being said, I want to correct you here. I am a medical researcher, not a pharmacist. Like it or not, don’t try to pull me in with your titles just because your background dont allow you to see the truths as they really are. Go back to your child’s growth and correct yourself. We are not eternal living beings on this planet, we should make best out of life. Thank you.
Native Vedda / May 27, 2024
Do you think those people like me who are politically illiterate should vote for AKD or NPP?
My Elders tell me AKD, JVP, The Old Guards, NPP, DJVP, and their supporters are yet to explain the death of their comrade late Sarath Wijesinghe in 1971. Sarath Wijesinghe was a very clever person for a JVP supporter who was in charge of Kegalle district.
Who killed him, and why?
leelagemalli / May 28, 2024
“Yes you should vote for NPP,” our naive SM would immediately reply. However, the NPP is currently making every effort to dodge a round of public discussions on “economic revival” of the country today.
89-92 JVP brutalities are out of their memories as of today, because our people are unpredictable and stupid too. Can any mother forgive those who killed her sons?
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
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Ruchira / May 25, 2024
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Ruchira / May 25, 2024
It also looks like Ravi Karunanayake is involved in suspected several irregularities that may have occurred in the above process including the filling of surrounding lands. The details of original purchasers are of value to me as I was preparing to initiate legal action against those who are responsible, as the potential owner of one of the 46 plots.
Lester – FYI, LankaScot also works for the Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka now. It looks like the Marshal and the Tamil Tigers, now have a certain understanding, and are of the same side. May be of the same stock too.
Have a great weekend!
Ruchira / May 26, 2024
Karunanayake may have been the party that undertook the filling, then did a shody job, without filling it properly, and got his stooges inside the Municipality to approve it without checking
Lester / May 28, 2024
“LankaScot also works for the Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka now.”
Fonseka is a tool of the NGO’s. He thought he could win the election by paying off the Sunday Leader to slander MaRa. He had a plan to stage a coup with army deserters after winning the election. In most countries, this is called treason which is punishable by death or life imprisonment.
Lester / May 28, 2024
The funnypart is that Ranil said in the Parliament, Fonseka was behind the death of the journalist Lasantha. That means Fonseka was in charge of the white vans, not GR.
old codger / May 25, 2024
“Stolen document is a figure of survey (a plan: No 4748/1998), done by S. Lokanathan,”
Ooh, a Tamil did his survey plan! How suspicious! Surely he must be a Tiger! So Ruchira must be sued for consorting with the enemy .
But on the other hand, it is more likely to be the porn stash. It’s too late for damage control….
Imagine the scene when his father finds out……
Ruchira / May 26, 2024
Does anyone know what’s wrong with this codger the joker?
(1) He doesn’t know the difference between colluding with and obtaining professional services from someone.
(2) Lokanathan is a licensed surveyor. If he is an enemy of the state, the authority that provided a license to him should be held accountable, not his clients.
(3) Codger also seems to think that all Tamils are Tigers.
(4) He also can’t understand simple English. I never obtained the services of the surveyor.
(5) was he born a dumb joker or did Prince of Wales turned him into one?
(6) what is his obsession with porn and nude beaches? I thought he is well over seventies. These are the subjects of locker room talk of high school kids.
He is a disgrace to the actual Prince of Wales and to the whole of Cambridgeshire.
old codger / May 26, 2024
Wow, what superior intelligence! What wit from someone who once said all Tamils are terrorists and crooks! Tell me pleeze, was your k-tony maid unimpressed by the size of your dongle ?
“what is his obsession with porn and nude beaches?” Asks one who tried and failed to rape his maid……..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
“In addition he also have hacked into eChannelling.com in search of my late mother’s, and father’s medical information “
Using my super-powers, I did hack your parents’ genetic info, to see if it matches yours…
You were adopted🤣🤣🤣🤣
old codger / May 26, 2024
Ruchi baba,
BTW, I also checked out your maid’s medical records. You two are siblings.🤯🤯
old codger / May 26, 2024
Consequently, Ruchi Baba can be prosecuted for incest. Under what Act? You’ll have to ask him.
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
OC and other rational thinkers,
I have now handed it over to the Criminal Investigation Department. I am now BRANDED that I should be a man trained by the CIA to destroy their “Sinhala_Buddhism”.
The truth is these unreflective bastards don’t know what Buddhism is for. “Licking the Bo-tree ” and “wearing a thread chanted by pirith” would make them feel that they would become a Sinhala_Buddhist. Whenever I am forced to see BP’s responses that irritates me like a hay fever attack on my skin.
He called decent LANKASCOT as an agent instigated by the LTTE diaspora. The kind of conspiracy theories continue in their small mindedness.
He’s branded you, Old Codger according to the bastard, you should be a spy to trace them and their acitivites, as if you have noting better to do so…. my gosh .. ?
Ruchira Baba’s days are numbered. His name has been completely cursed by his actions. Now its time to call him ” ARUCHI aka unappatizing” -he should be sent back to St. Thomas Prep with his teacher “sinhala_man”. If that goes well, this society would become a good place.
These types of clowns are the majority in our hell created by evil politicians.
No doubt, Ruchira suffers from schizophrenia and is a zombie-style paranoiac created by Colombo culture.
And the kind of low lives are a real insult to their alma mater.
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
Schizoprenic Ruchira baba is forced to feel that B wella clown is a close friend of GLP.
That is why he exposed everything what he had with his maid [or alleged sibling sister] in CT.. when I am compelled to read the kind of stuff, I think we need lot more psychiatric hospitals. 😉😉😉
Lester / May 25, 2024
I knew a guy who worked for the CID many moons ago. He told me many interesting stories about k tonies brought to the station. Let’s just say, chili powder has saved more lives in Lanka than one would imagine. FWIW: Like the Israelis, our Lankan intel guys go the “full mile.”
Ruchira / May 26, 2024
Lester – ahhh! So codger the joker is a K-Tony. That explains the hate.
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello Lester,
These are War Crimes that you are talking about.
Best regards
Lester / May 26, 2024
Preventing suicide/terrorist attacks is not a war crime. Are you in shock that the ICC issued an arrest warrant for Sinwar? Perhaps it’s high time you reconsider your definition of “terrorist.”
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Lester,
When have I ever expressed support for what Hamas did? I have been sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians since 1967, when I realised what the Israelis and Americans were up to. People who are under occupation are entitled to fight back within the rules of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). I have already said that Hamas had engaged in a Terrorist Act on October 7th and I also think that they should release all the Hostages.
Can you condemn the deliberate killing yesterday of at least 35 Palestinians in a West Rafah Tent Camp designated as a “Safe Area?
Do you condemn the killing of 7 Wold Central Kitchen Aid workers in 3 separate Missile Strkes?
Can you condemn the taking of Hostages by the IDF in both Gaza and the West Bank?
When the Fog of War clears, and you see the Apocalyptic destruction of Gaza and its people, you will probably still try to justify Israel’s actions. I watched late last night the scenes on Television of a poor father kneeling at his dead child’s bedside absolutely distraught. It is such a pity that DTG is wrong about the afterlife. If it were true then anyone who justifies Israel’s Genocide would burn in Hell.
Best regards
Lester / May 27, 2024
Hello LS,
I was an ardent critic of Israel for many years. Long before today’s SJ warriors were floating about in the uterus. My position has changed since then, but I do still sympathize with the Palestinians. Suffice it to say, their “cause” is being manipulated by various parties for personal gain. People like George Galloway have amassed quite a fortune by popularizing the “cause” on social media. The Arab politicians also use it to deceive their local populations. As I said earlier, this is an Arab issue that needs an Arab solution. The Arabs will not bite, because they have been bribed by the USA. Queen Rania posturing on Al Jazeera – what a joke. The USA has military bases there which collect intel on behalf of Israel. Patriot missiles in Jordan were used to shoot down some of the projectiles fired from Iran. Iran is the only Muslim country with a genuine interest in the plight of the Palestinians.
leelagemalli / May 28, 2024
My thoughts on the recent politics in Sri Lanka will tell you why the ethnic wounds of Sri Lanka will not heal with the time.
Although I have updated my colleagues in Europe, they still do not have a clear picture. So i don think you could have a better picture about it yet. Not many want to learn the truths either. That is the culture and srilanken way of living in denial.
Rajapaksa (criminal politicians in recent times) strategically used Sinhala Buddhist monks as a ploy to sow Sinhalese racism, Sinhalese supremacy, chauvinism and extremism. That spread like wildfire across the population.
This was consistently supported by the Southern Rebels, or JVPs and again and again.
West coast beach boys (male prostitutes) and some fake Sinhala Buddhist monks (Madagoda Abeytissa, Ittakanda, Kollupitiya Ananda, Forte Podi Muduruwo, Galkanda, Ghansara and Abhayarama Murutthettu etc.) have many similarities, i.e. they will be profitable for any low gains (v8 vehicles and invitations by high profile politicians). Since 2016, I have stopped kneeling before a monk. I do it only in front of a good monk who practises true Buddhism.
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
Lester – I noticed that you have mentioned that you invest in stocks, be careful of such information you divulge here.
It looks like the person who comments under the fake name Old Codger has hacked into my CDS account (Central Depository System), where shares traded in the CSE are electronically held and transferred, in an attempt to gain access to my personal financial data.
In addition he also have hacked into eChannelling.com in search of my late mother’s, and father’s medical information such as the doctors who they consult.
These are data protected under Personal Data Protection Act No. 9 of 2022.
Still not sure on whose instructions he may have done it. I am concerned if the Indian Intelligence got him to do it, or if it is Ravi Karunanayake.
Anyways anyone who is reading this be careful of the person commenting under the fake name old codger, and challenging any Pro-Tamil and Indian political views, that are being discussed. Particularly if you are a Sinhala Buddhist.
Both Karunanayake and Old Codger will be soon sued, for the crimes committed.
Ruchira / May 26, 2024
Looks like old codger can’t escape the clutches of Ravi Karunanayake and has to keep parroting here what he dicktates him.
Old codger has no balls to stand up against Karunanayake the bank robber.
Not everyone is afraid of the thug in a suit.
Read for yourselves, resorting to insults to defame those who exposes his wrong doings has been one of Karunanayake’s old tricks.
For some reason this stock seems to be obsessed with sex and porn too…
Ruchira / May 26, 2024
Ravi Karunanayake will soon be tried along with his accomplices for the murder of Deepani Wijesuriya – ex Girl Friend of Pradeep Maharaja.
Ruchira / May 26, 2024
Is Ravi Karunanayake, too a Sinhala Buddhist hating Kallathony?
Lester / May 26, 2024
Old Codger and Old Cougar, really not much difference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzh3KGq4tqg&t=30s. One zucks Ranil, the other (check the link).
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Lester – 🤣 There’s Scottish Codger too… in sync.
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello Ruchira,
If only hacking was that easy. You either need to know the users login name and password, or you need an administrator’s credentials. There are well known methods to obtain these. That is from the front end using browsers etc. You can go in through the Network side using known Cisco, Windows Server and Linux Server Vulnerabilities. Many Organisations (especially in this Region) don’t change default passwords and leave their system wide open. However you still need a good knowledge of Networking and/or Linux/Microsoft Server Management. Even with a Workstation on a Windows Domain where Group Policy restricts logins to Domain Users only it is possible to seize control before the policies are applied, and hey presto you are in. This would normally be an inside job. Microsoft Red Hat and other Software Providers are constantly addressing these Vulnerabilities but, if an Organisation’s Protection is out of date, or never updated then they are open to Hacking.
Best regards
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello Ruchira,
Good Luck trying to sue CDS (a limited Company).
“Neither the CDS, nor its directors, officers, employees or agents shall be liable to any person for any loss or damage (including consequential or indirect loss or damage), however caused or arising, including but not limited to any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with the following or any act or omission as a direct or indirect consequence of the following:
(a) any failure, error, delay, security breach or malfunction of the Central Depository….”
Best regards
SJ / May 26, 2024
“It looks like the person who comments under the fake name Old Codger has hacked into my CDS account (Central Depository System), where shares traded in the CSE are electronically held and transferred, in an attempt to gain access to my personal financial data.”
Is not someone’s paranoia is getting the better of sense?
old codger / May 26, 2024
If Ruchi Baba didn’t exist, he would have to be invented. Who else could provide such entertainment? 🤣🤣
Seriously, I suspect a serious mental cum drinking problem.
old codger / May 26, 2024
Ruchi dear,
“Still not sure on whose instructions he may have done it. I am concerned if the Indian Intelligence got him to do it, or if it is Ravi Karunanayake”
Are you sure that RAW is interested in the Rs.317/50 which is your CDS balance? I would charge them much more than that for the job..
finbiz / May 23, 2024
Methinks the ordinary people’s concept of system change is to transform society from a corrupt system to a non-corrupt system. Period.
Nathan / May 23, 2024
Corruption is very stubborn; Laws may reduce it, but cannot eradicate.
A guy was taken to courts for bribing a Nigerian Official.
Defence: Giving gifts is our tradition!
LankaScot / May 23, 2024
Hello Nathan,
From my experience in Nigeria you are more likely to be taken to Court for NOT bribing an Official.
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 23, 2024
My dear LS,
Do you think any part of Sri Lanka is different from Nigeria?
In fact, the Rajapaksas institutionalized corrupt lifestyles in our motherland. Like or not, people are forced to pay bribes today.
Once I drove from Kelaniya to Colombo and then proceeded to Galle with a driver who did not know Colombo driving very well. we were caught by a silly mistake of driving through a road which was not allowed. One policeman on traffic duties forced my driver to go to their offices and waste his time if he didn’t pay a fine of 1000 rupees (this was 2017). So I kept my mouth shut because the red-mouthed policeman (a betel eater) thought I couldn’t understand anything being spoken with the driver. I told my driver to go out and talk . The driver came with a big smile saying that we don’t want to waste time in the offices and was tempted to bribe the police officer. Like or not you are bound to bribe them. THat has become a part and parcel of lanken way of life today.
Mahendra Rajapaksa is said to have asked to his close men (ministerial or official) “you can commit any kind of fraud and crime”. But “don’t let me know about them”: that’s how feudalism and corrupted led rule ascended into today’s “village thugs”.
Nathan / May 23, 2024
LankaScot, Storytime.
My file was not moving. I was in tears.
A colleague said that bribing the Nigerian staffer is the only way out.
Reluctantly, and in desperation, I did.
Weeks passed. My file was still not moving!
Almost in tears, I said to the staffer, ‘I gave you the ‘something”!
He quickly retorted. ‘You? Me? For you guys we all look the same! Go and speak to the guy you gave the something to.’
I had to bribe again!
SJ / May 23, 2024
A Tamil was taken to court in a divorce case in the UK three decades ago. Evidence was provided that he assaulted his wife. When asked why, he proudly said “Beating the wife is in our tradition”.
[I am sure that the male of any South Asian nationality is as capable of producing the same response.]
Paul / May 24, 2024
Two Sri Lankans were up in court in the UK charged with trying to bribe a Driving Test Examiner. Their defence lawyer claimed they knew no better because it was standard practice in Sri Lanka. They got off with a warning.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
“it was standard practice in Sri Lanka”.
What evij thing is not standard practice 🤔 in srilanka ruined by Rajapakses?.
Sinhsla racism is like an opium in terms of Dr Safi saga 🙄 😒 😑 😐 😕 😴.
But the very same main stream media is held above today because the owner became the champion 🏆 in Vesak dansala ceremony.
NPP jokers can prepare their suits, they ll not get elected 🙄 😒 😑 fore sure
SJ / May 26, 2024
The wife beating husband was not so lucky.
The wife got the divorce that she pleaded for.
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
Unfortunately Ruchira baba should be a victim of ” wife beating husband ” domestic crime.
Poor guy 👦 does nt seem to know that we are here in a public forum. 😀
LankaScot / May 24, 2024
Hello SJ,
Back in the 1950s and 60s in the UK, the police took the attitude that these were “Domestics” and intervention was best avoided. Even in the 70s my brother dragged a man off, who was severely beating his wife in the street, only to find the wife on his back trying to pull his hair out, screaming “leave my husband alone”. Don’t laugh, my brother still tells his grandchildren about it.
Best regards
Captain Morgan / May 23, 2024
An absolute prerequisite for realizing true “System Change” would be to appoint Non-Sinhalese persons as President and Prime Minister. Until then, system change will only remain a pipe dream.
Sinhala_Man / May 24, 2024
Dear Captain Morgan,
Look at what you have written. You are supposing the existence of some super-intelligent person who will appoint suitable people as President and Prime Minister. That person would necessarily be ABOVE both those potentates. You don’t know such a person; you’re trying to define the person into existence.
My being able to identify the flaw in your reasoning doesn’t mean that I have a solution myself. I have read the entirety of Vishwamithra’s article; it’s pretty sound. We must not criticise imagining that we must necessarily find fault. Tissaranee Gunasekera is a person who writes very well; she must be getting sick of the uncritical adulation of readers. However, it was not in an effort to correct that problem that I made some comments there today:
Please see those comments that finally got written on Thursday, after a lot of thinking.
You are a guy without many biases; I strongly desire that we will have a real leader of the country from a minority group, but we have a long way to go. What you have said will provoke racism in Sinhalese people. Think about what I have said, but please continue to comment.
Panini Edirisinhe
davidthegood / May 24, 2024
Captain Morgan, Don’t ask for the impossible.
Ajith / May 23, 2024
It is an impossible task to design or create a new system in Srilanka. The country not only in need of changes but also the changes on attitudes of people. For the past eight decades of growth of religious fundamentalism and its influence on political field and all institutions is very obvious and none of the politicians including AKD.For example almost 99% of military are trained to violate law and order and biased against Tamil speaking people .
Sinhala_Man / May 24, 2024
Dear Ajith,
Please study this news item carefully:
The wording I thought a bit funny, but this surely is good news. Let’s work on this sort of thing, and get them implemented. No golden handshake – just sack the fellows! Common sense at last!
I agree with you that there still are people who are brainwashing the military and others into racist biases – what you have referred to in the last sentence of your comment. I was complaining about somebody else’s funny wording. I’m sure that what I have said could have been said better.
I am tired; I’m doing the best I can!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Douglas / May 23, 2024
It is the “Aragalaya” that spoke and advocated “System Change”.
The NPP’s “System Change” is a “Change of Political Culture” that is plagued and stinking of IMPUNITY at all levels of Governing functions. That change in “Political Culture” will start from “TOP” to “BOTTOM” and not the other way. This has already been explained at all their seminars and political public meetings.
If that dirty “Culture of Impunity” is stopped by the President downwards, the systems that are already in place will work well.
Raj-UK / May 23, 2024
Vishwermitra seems to be changing the tune now. If I remember correctly, it was all praise of the NPP before, good governance taken for granted. Finally, those who had high hopes of the NPP (simply because there is no other credible party) seem to have now come to the realisation that we need to know how the ‘system change’ is going to happen.
Sunak, yesterday, out of the blue, announced that UK elections will be held in 6 weeks, despite the fact that the Tories are trailing significantly behind Labour but Sunak has delivered. He stabilised the British economy after the disastrous ‘Trussonomics’ (very much equivalent to SL economy under GR from UK perspective) & has brought inflation to under 2% as promised, therefore, the timing can’t get any better (unlike MR, who consulted astrologers, Sunak would have faith in his own economic prowess to convince the voters). The scramble for polishing the political manifesto by all parties is on & if AKD ia around, he may learn a few things.
Sinhala_Man / May 24, 2024
Dear Raj-UK,
I’ve been following the adventures of Rishi. I’ve listened to all this, and much more!
I was thinking of you whilst listening to all that.
I wish Rishi well, he’s decent human being, but hasn’t his announcement outside Number 10 been absolutely pathetic?
Part of the sympathy we feel for him is because of his skin colour, I guess.
Politics is a tricky game; I think that AKD has been doing wonderfully well.
Vishwamithra’s penultimate paragraph is very true. At grassroots we’re not doing enough in certain places like Bandarawela. What you ought to be doing is joining me in broadly supporting the NPP; criticise them constructively, but urge all your associates reisdent in Lanka to vote for them.
AKD is coming to London on Saturday, the 15th of June. Time given as 2.00 pm. Summer Time? Will it be 18:30 Lankan time? “Byron Hall“, Harrow Leisure Centre. Do you know the area? I’ve never been outside Asia.
Some phone numbers also have been given. Please attend, and ask intelligent questions! Crying for a manifesto is NOT intelligent! Please frame the questions that have to be asked.
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear SM, I wish I were as half as ignorant as you are. Life would have been twice as easy. Sunak is a JASI – Just Another Shitty Indian. He works for his step-dad, while getting paid by the British public. Very convenient arrangement.
davidthegood / May 24, 2024
Ruchira, Good Lord work on this mind to see good and not all the evil there is in the world under satanic thoughts.
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
DTG – Satanic deeds require satanic responses. What goes around comes around.
Sinhala_Man / May 24, 2024
Dear Ruchira,
If you look at two comments that I have submitted here,
you will see just how ignorant I am about certain things. When I don’t know, I acknowledge it!
One other thing: you once told me that you don’t know how to get your computer to type Sinhala. Even mine can’t!
I’ve begun using Google Translate in various ways. I think that we must explore what else we can do with it. It may be that you haven’t experimented with it. I wish you’d contact me direct; then I could explain in greater detail how you can use that software – you just put in into the Google Browser, nothing to download.
Also just to say that I have to respond to nimal fernndo, and to old codger on other matters.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear Panini – first things first, I’ll be sending shitty shunak to ruwanda in a small boat. Then we might be able catch up in peace somewhere perhaps in Male. We could talk whatever you want over a beverage of your choice. Not that I don’t know how to type sinhala on my computer. I dnt want those apps installed in my devices. I know how to use Google translate. But the need has never arisen. I have never been in forums that had necessitated posting in Sinhala. I think here too everyone can follow English and most may not be able to follow Sinhala. So, not sure why you want me to get familiarize with google translator. I might need one soon. A translator that is. But that won’t be Google. I’ve already earmarked a person.
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear Panini – I also regret to inform you that I’ll be suing your friend’s sorry ass. The good old law Professori G.L.Peiris. He has hired another ass hole of a Thomian, who calls himself a mentor, to teach my servant woman to seduce me. The joker Peiris doesn’t know the kind of women I have dealt with to think that some servant woman from a shit hole can get me to sleep with her. So I had to fire her true Trump style. Only to realize that she had already stolen an important document from my files. She appears to have been working for the political criminals of both side. The latter has been done for Ravi Karunanayake. Looks like he wants to dig the hole he is already in much deeper. What ever he prefers. I’ll soon bury him for good. Please read my next comment and pass the information to the NPP hierarchy.
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello Ruchira,
In your absence the Government has passed this law https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=sri+lanka+online+safety+bill
I was warned that even criticism of Buddhism could get me arrested.
Best regards
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear Panini –
A secret plan has been plotted by Basil and Ravi to take down the NPP by blackmailing some of their top tier leaders. Plot is to first lure them to sleep with one of these Russian tourists that are over staying their visas. Most of them appears to be sex workers, while they record the action using hidden cameras. Then use the video footage to blackmail them to support SJB.
The pimp job is done by the General Secretary of the Patriotic United National Party, who is also the Chairman of Western Province Tourist Board – Sugath Hewapathirana.
Kindly pass the message onto the NPP Head Quarters. Tell them that this seems to be happening mainly in the Southern Province.
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear Panini – Continued from above..
Look at the latest opinion poll results. They are available on IHP website. If you can’t locate them just leave me a message here. I’ll find them for you. Accirding to March Polls AKD has lost popularity by 9% while Sajith has gained popularity considerably. Now the margin between them is just 3%. AKD whose popularity in Feb was 53% has drpoed to 44% while Sajith’s popularity has suged to 41%. So given that AKDs popularity is <50%. That means no winner in first round and preferential votes will be counted. You could see that SLPP & UNP jointly has 15%. So just 10% of that prefering Sajith as their 2nd or 3rd choice will give sajith the required 51%.
The popularity of the two parties has reversed. According to March polls SJB now is more popular than NPP – Hence the new rumours of a general election b4 the presidential elections.
Please alert the NPP
Thank you.
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear Panini –
Here’s the March poll results for Presidential Elections:
And here are the results for the General Elections. SJB has overtaken NPP.
please revert back if you need any clarifications.
Good Luck.
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear Panini –
Please also ask them to sèe if Vajira Abeywardena is involved too. Hewapathirana is married to a relative of his. Also ask them to pay attention to recently launched Galle harbour development project.
Russian prostitues are supposed to be the world’s best and sex with them is consudered a must have experience and an opportunity of a life time. They cost apparently from Rs. 15,000/= to Rs. 45,00/= whereas a local one costs only about Rs. 3,000/= to Rs. 10,000/=.
See belown news item.
Pls advise the NPP to take immediate actions to warn their leadership carder and take necessary steps to secure them.
Meanwhile take good care. There’s a job waiting for you.
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Panini – Edit:
Rs. 15,000/= to Rs. 45,000/= (Not 4500/=)
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
The kind of pimps can do their jobs well if moved to Hamburg Rapebahn. Streets at night are filled with Tatjanas and Svetlanas.
old codger / May 25, 2024
“whereas a local one costs only about Rs. 3,000/= to Rs. 10,000/=.”
Wow, what expertise….. and what about the maid?
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Ruchira baba revealed his real face. I guessed this long ago.
His makes him no different to that of Svetlanas. Sl is number one gay paradise to European tourists. No doubt cthe guy may be from Mount lavinia.
SJ / May 26, 2024
“Meanwhile take good care. There’s a job waiting for you.”
Is that your opinion of him?
Sinhala_Man / May 25, 2024
Dear Ruchira,
This initial response to you will have two parts, already word processed.
The time is 07:39, and at this time, eleven, out of 78 comments on this page, are by you.
Your comment that I’m replying to has got two Red “Thumb Downs”, one of them by me! Not really because I resent it, but I want to tell you, and other readers, just how wrong your calculation of the result of the Presidential Election, which I expect to be on Saturday, the 12th October 2024, is. If indeed the result is determined after the FIRST round of counting, we will know on the 13th, how it is going to be, even if the final figures are not in.
The result in this election has NEVER gone into a SECOND round of counting. If it does, the SECOND round of counting is likely to be done on Tuesday, the 16th, after the vast majority of Lankans (who don’t now even know that there is going to be a second count) have given their gasps of disbelief, and the exhausted counters have had some sleep.
Sinhala_Man / May 25, 2024
The results will then be known within minutes because not more than a hundred thousand ballot papers will have to be looked at. Where will the ballots be looked at? I’d expect it to be in all the counting centres that the first round counting took place, but with a very small number of staff returning from their homes.
If Anura has indeed got 44% of the votes with the next guy having only 41%, then Anura will be declared elected with 44.1% of the total votes polled. This realism is thanks to my having been a teacher, and having lived through 75 Christmases!
I must now have some breakfast, and you ought to look at the comments on this article:
Most of the article, and even the comments, can be disregarded. Professor Kumar David got it all wrong, and during the first four days of comments, I was also groping for answers. The last day’s comments were, I think, just speculation.
I’m hungry! I’m NOT going to look at all that right now. We have about three days for you (and others) to point out any further mistakes.
Panini Edirisinhe
Ruchira / May 25, 2024
Dear Panini – thank you for the responses. Just wanted to point out what the SLPP – UNP – SJB Coalition is doing behind the scenes. Will see you in Male soon. I hope you like coffee.
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2024
What on earth are you saying? I haven’t been to the Maldives for thirty years. Male, is, of course, the capital of the country.
They don’t particularly like Sri Lankans there, but I was quite happy there. I wrote this article some time ago:
I live in Bandarawela – surely I’ve given my address (not email or telephone number, it is true), so many times. A post card will be delivered to me.
Kumar’s article on Preferential Voting was this:
Don’t take that seriously. I must now start explaining why fewer than 100,000 ballots will have to be counted on October 15th, 2024. Mine will not be one of them – unless Anura has come third – perish the thought!
Let us now focus on voting at the Presidential Elections. Please look at the bottom of the page. I must now get myself some grub. If there still is electricity, I will then explain whatever queries you have.
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
You are right about people not knowing about the preferential system. But there’s plenty of time for someone to teach them. Never underestimate the power of criminals.
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello SM,
If you really want to type in Sinhala, get yourself a Sinhala keyboard and then if you have Windows 10 set the Language to Sinhala (look on the Taskbar bottom right). If you have a Laptop you can use both keyboards. Your local Computer Shop should be able to help you through this (even the experts sometimes have problems). You might have to download some Sinhala fonts to use. I have a small Application for typing Sinhala, but a Keyboard is much better. Best of luck, you will need it.ඔබට සුභ ගමන්
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Dear Readers, Gone were the days we could enjoy some good comments.
He is back to spoil the waters.
This dog can only bark loudly. How can Rishi Sunak be a scumbag?. His politics are not mature enough, that’s another. He is educated and another British citizen. He was born and raised in the UK. He is not Indian though his parents are Indian. If so, Obama must also be a scumbag according to Ruchira s brand. Ruchira has the real slum dweller mentality. His comments are really racist. Many on the forum were happy not to see his comments for the past few weeks. I am one of them.
. Now again it is getting too much. This forum would be a better place without his kind of jerks. When he is on the forum, we feel like we are on Hikkaduwa beach where the beach boys harass everyone. aiyoo… the kind of beasts are on a rise.
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2024
Dear Ruchira,
With the electricity still holding, @15:34, I’m scrolling down, responding only where I think that I must:
I know Rishi Sunak only from the media. As such, I will not agree with you, and join in insulting the man whose days as Prime Minister are numbered.
Does he have a “step-dad” – a rich father-in-law, yes!
Life is complicated enough without my making new enemies.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
You figured! Yes his FIL not step-dad.
Yes his days in the UK too are numbered.
Yes, you are to play a different role. A more diplomatic one.
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
“I wish Rishi well, he’s decent human being”
Bullshit by any other name/form is still bullshit. ………. Unexamined bullshit is dangerous bullshit.
According to 98% of Indians ………. British colonial legacy in India is terrible: the Indians were treated atrociously by the English.
Then why does an Indian man, go to England, adopts a phony upper crust English accent, and try to be more English than the English? ………. Unless, his subconscious-mind is trapped by the unexamined belief/notion that the English are better than the Indians and is worth mimicking/emulating?
Why isn’t Sinhala_Man an expert in Sinhala or Lumbu language? …….. Why has he chosen to be a very proud expert in the English language?
Who among ye, who daily mimic the English (and great critic of the English to boot) are honest enough to say/admit ……. ye believe the English are better than us?
If not, why mimic/emulate them?
something’s very wrong with Lankan minds ……… somewhere ……..
I only wanna be an expert in Russian ……. the gals are prettier …… my motives are even more carnal than OC’s ……..
old codger / May 24, 2024
“Then why does an Indian man, go to England, adopts a phony upper crust English accent, and try to be more English than the English?”
Because he didn’t, probably. 🙂. His accent is real.
“Sunak was born in Southampton to parents of Indian descent who immigrated to Britain from East Africa in the 1960s. He was educated at Winchester College, studied philosophy, politics and economics at Lincoln College, Oxford, and earned an MBA from Stanford University in California as a Fulbright Scholar.”
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
This jackass is as phony as one can be …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9bbBYcwFOk
People from Southampton don’t speak with that accent ……… the accent is acquired and long hours spent to work on and polish/perfect.
Did Margret Thatcher’s childhood neighbours speak with such an accent? How did she end up with an upper crust accent? Did she all of a sudden wake up one morning and start speaking in tongues? It is very common in England, for people who want to transcend classes to acquire accents. …….. Or actors to discard their inherent accents ….. Richard Burton, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, LankaScot et al ……. LS is perfecting his Lankan accent.
Listen to a clip of VS Naipaul speaking ……. he spent just 4 years at Oxford. People in Barbados didn’t speak like that.
I had an old uncle who went to Cambridge and spent 4 years there. And back in Lanka, if you didn’t see him and only heard his voice you would have thought Lord Mountbatten was in the room. But unfortunately for him, looks let him down: he was a shade darker than Lucifer.
It’s a free world: people are free to be whatever they want to be. …….. But we can’t pretend not to know what is going on …….. and make excuses for them …… unless one needs an excuse oneself! :))))
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello Nimal,
Once you get into your twenties it is very difficult to change your accent. When my Granddaughters came down to live with me in Shropshire England their accents changed markedly. My accent always stayed noticeable although it mellowed over time. My French colleagues found it humorous that my pronunciation (in French) was very good but still sounded Scottish. My Sri Lankan is understandable, however I still have difficulty where to put the stress in words. You would have all laughed at my wife’s attempts to speak Welsh when we visited Powys in Wales e.g. Thank you very much “Diolch yn fawr”, but the Welsh appreciated the attempts. “Bore da” – good morning was much easier.
See if you can tell the difference in Margaret Thatcher’s speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28_0gXLKLbk&t=37s
Best regards
nimal fernando / May 25, 2024
When did Richard Burton change his Welsh accent …….. before 20?
old codger / May 26, 2024
That link doesn’t work, but this does:
Still, if Thatcher did it, there’s nothing wrong with Sunak doing it🙂
nimal fernando / May 27, 2024
“Still, if Thatcher did it, there’s nothing wrong with Sunak doing it”
Isn’t that mimicking the English?
Proves the point in a circular way! :)))
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Nimal,
“Diolch yn fawr”
I am not sure when, however many actors are superbly good at playing characters with varying dialects/accents. He started acting in Shakespearean plays in the 1950s when he was around 25 or so. If you listen to Richard’s introduction to War of the Worlds you can still detect his slightly aspirated Welsh Accent, but then I lived on the Welsh Border for many years and maybe notice it more easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7meFOWOdw0
Best regards
davidthegood / May 24, 2024
nimal fernando, Today people travel and hence need to communicate to get their needs met. Since English is a universal language used by most people it becomes very useful for them unlike to us who sit here at CT and write rubbish which is of no use to anyone.
nimal fernando / May 24, 2024
There are many who speak English without trying to be English. There’s a difference between mimicry and just speaking a language. Ask God.
“us who sit here at CT and write rubbish which is of no use to anyone.”
So the penny finally dropped, eh? Thank God!
Lester / May 24, 2024
Correct. English is essential for business. For future productivity however, programming languages will be more useful. Human intellect has probably peaked. Of course for some, such as those who support terrorism, it never existed in the first place.
nimal fernando / May 25, 2024
“Of course for some, such as those who support terrorism, it never existed in the first place.”
For Gota white-van-terrorist supporters, uh?
Self-awareness, even in late life, is a blessing! DTG’s God has finally shown you some kindness! Don’t forget to thank DTG.
“English is essential for business.”
China is the second and Japan is the third largest economies. Very few speak English in those countries. And even fewer walk around mimicking the English with phony accents!
There are more Uncle Toms among the 25 million Lankans than among the 1.4 billon Chinese.
Rejoice! you have helped Lanka to beat China!!
Finally, something Lanka is good at!
old codger / May 25, 2024
“programming languages will be more useful.”
Wow, Lester has taken to speaking Java…..
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello Lester,
I have been working in IT/Electronics since around 1973. In 1976 I wrote a Machine Code program on a DEC PDP 8 to print out the message “Hello World” on a Teletype Terminal. Of course I could have used an Assembler/Compiler but we were training on debugging the Digital Electronics interfaces. At the Hardware side Microprocessors don’t care about what language is used to write the programming it only sees the Binary Machine Code. However the vast majority of programming languages use English. Have a look at this – https://www.wired.com/story/coding-is-for-everyoneas-long-as-you-speak-english/
And just remember Lester, you said that AI (Artificial Intelligence) will do away with the vast majority of Programmers.
Best regards
nimal fernando / May 25, 2024
Ever heard of Ferranti International?
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Nimal,
Yes I worked for them for a short time in their Fife Factory, before I went to work for an Electronics Company that Designed and built Oscilloscopes (but don’t tell Lester). The division of Ferranti that I worked for became part of BAE if I remember correctly.
Anyway why do you ask?
Best regards
Lester / May 25, 2024
Hello LankaScot,
That article reminds me of popular science. Put a cat in a box and you don’t know if it’s dead or alive, relative to some probability, until the lid is opened. The precise description of the quantum state of the cat requires quite a few years of mathematical training. Ex. iℏ∂t∂∣ψ(t)⟩=H^∣ψ(t)⟩ is necessary to tell us how the quantum state of the cat evolves over time.
If you are teaching your nephews how to program, I recommend beginning with basic set theory first. All conditional statements in every programming language ever created are an application of first-order logic. Both high-level and low-level. The most famous one being “if-else.” In mathematics, this is simply “if-then.” The advantage of learning set theory first is you learn the different operations on sets (union, intersection, power set, etc.). Writing a loop then becomes trivial. On to structures. When you see an array for the first time, you realize, “oh, it’s just another set of elements.” Dynamic arrays that can grow or shrink in size are still a collection of elements. Other structures: trees, graphs, and hash tables can also be understood as special kinds of sets with additional properties and operations.
Lester / May 25, 2024
Also, begin with a high-level language like C++. These days people fancy Python and Javascript as their first languages, but you are shooting yourself in the foot longer-term.
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Lester,
Schrödinger used the example of the cat to show how ridiculous the concept was. The collapse of ψ (wave probability function) referred to the Radioactive material that would kill the Cat NOT the evolution in time of the Cat. “The point, Schrödinger wrote, was that this “ridiculous” scenario should discourage us from “naively accepting as valid a ‘blurred model’” of reality”.
Now try to explain how you would determine the Hamiltonian (H) of a Cat?
I think you and Deepak Chopra have a similar understanding of Quantum Mechanics.
But, thanks for the advice on Programming. My programming friends mostly had some degree of Asperger’s Syndrome or other forms of Autism. I was never sure if it was acquired or genetic.
Best regards
Lester / May 28, 2024
Hello LankaScot,
The collapse of ψ (the wave function) refers to the transition from the superposition state (where the cat is both alive and dead, linked to the radioactive material being both decayed and not decayed) to a single, definite state upon observation. This collapse does not specifically refer only to the radioactive material but to the entire system’s state, including the cat’s state. The collapse happens upon measurement, not during the evolution in time of the unobserved system.
It’s true that Schrodinger used the “cat in the box” to illustrate the absurdity of applying QM principles to macroscopic objects. However, it was Einstein who was against QM, for philosophical reasons. “God does not play dice with the universe.”
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
“I wish Rishi well, he’s decent human being”.
That is why I am forced to question what the staple food of Sinhala man is ?
Is it 🤔 Thanakola or rice and curry?
In fact, Rwanda bill against 🇬🇧 Uk migrants passed by RS lately was hurt almost every human beings.
Raj-UK / May 25, 2024
nimal fernando
Sunak was born in UK, therefore, British. It’s the same as any minority born in Sri Lanka is Sri Lankan. His ‘accent’, as you call it, is the result of a public school education. If you notice, it is no different from others in Parliament, including Rachael Reeves or Thatcher, who came from humble stock. Unlike the yobs in SL Parliament, those in UK are refined in their speech due to education. Even most first generation Indians have lost their Indian accent, which has been the merriment for many, after decades of living in UK. Former SNP leader Hamza & Labour leader, Anas Sawar have scottish accents. Many SL have their own way of speaking English, just like the ‘cockney’ or Africans but speaking correctly is not mimicking.
Enjoy the Russian dolls who have come to SL to escape poverty in their country instead of bad mouthing a politician with a ‘phony’ accent.
nimal fernando / May 25, 2024
“David Calder
Former Broadcast Journalist at BBC (broadcaster) (1979–2010)
I first met Margaret Thatcher in (I think) 1975. I was working as speech writer and personal assistant to the Director General of the CBI, Confederation of British Industry, at the time. She had put herself forward as a future leader of the Conservative Party as was introducing herself to business leaders. At that point, she did not have the accent we came to know and (choose your verb!). Her voice was higher pitched and she spoke more rapidly than she later learned to do.
I say learned because my wife, who worked in public relations for over 40 years, met the man who trained her. It made his career as a voice coach and he talked about what he did. He taught her to lower the pitch, slow down a lot, modulate and project her voice, and how to adapt it to different scenarios. As we know, she could be loud and forceful (some might say strident) as a political leader: she could also be quite and patient (some might say patronising) when dealing with the public or the press. I had personal experience of this when recording a short interview with her for the BBC in the 1980s.”
nimal fernando / May 25, 2024
Quite so, quite so …….. Do you wear a checked Harris Tweed jacket? A Russian gal told me they love English men in them ……. but your color might be bit of a bother old boy …… what a bummer, eh old chap ……. how ghastly!
He doesn’t need anyone’s help to make a jackass of himself: he does a better job himself! …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT9s4HAKPD4 …….. just piffing!
Comment below
“The way he keeps looking at Netanyahu and awaits his approval is exactly how my dog looks at me waiting for a treat.”
nimal fernando / May 25, 2024
Noam Chomsky tells a story, how he gets invited to Harvard parties ….. and there were Harvard professors walking around in checked tweed jackets and speaking in upper crust English accents who have never stepped out of America! :)))))
I know, you know exactly what I mean ……. then again ……..
If that’s what floats your boat …….. who am I to sink it, uh?
nimal fernando / May 26, 2024
Understanding Power — Noam Chomsky
“Subtler Methods of Control
Let me just start with some of the more subtle ways; I’ll give you an example. After I finished college, I went to this program at Harvard called the “Society of Fellows”—which is kind of this elite finishing school, where they teach you to be a Harvard or Yale professor, and to drink the right wine, and say the right things, and so on and so forth. I mean, you had all of the resources of Harvard available to you and your only responsibility was to show up at a dinner once a week, so it was great for just doing your work if you wanted to. But the real point of the whole thing was socialization: teaching the right values.”
nimal fernando / May 26, 2024
“For instance, I remember there was a lot of anglophilia at Harvard at the time—you were supposed to wear British clothes, and pretend you spoke with a British accent, that sort of stuff. In fact, there were actually guys there who I thought were British, who had never been outside of the United States. If any of you have studied literature or history or something, you might recognize some of this, those are the places you usually find it. Well, somehow I managed to survive that, I don’t know how exactly—but most didn’t. And what I discovered is that a large part of education at the really elite institutions is simply refinement, teaching the social graces: what kind of clothes you should wear, how to drink port the right way, how to have polite conversation without talking about serious topics, but of course indicating that you could talk about serious topics if you were so vulgar as to actually do it, all kinds of things which an intellectual is supposed to know how to do. And that was really the main point of the program, I think.” :)))
LankaScot / May 27, 2024
Hello Nmal,
It goes much deeper – even in the Sergeants Mess you have to know which way to pass the Port.
Best regards
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello Raj-UK,
Margaret Thatcher was very Middle Class and her husband Denis a very capable (and rich) Businessman. He was also very droll – “When the Duchess of York remarked to him, “Oh Denis, I do get an awful press, don’t I?” he mimicked doing up a zip fastener across his lips and replied, “Yes, ma’am, has it occurred to you to keep your mouth shut?”. There was more to Denis than his bland public persona.
Best regards
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2024
Keep clowning, nimal fernando.
The time is 16:25. Since you are so bothered about what I am, and what I do, please find out how I happen to be responding to you here.
The de facto position is that there are three languages in this island country. I know only two of them. I speak English the way I have always done, perhaps taking care to improve, given greater knowledge.
My Sinhala is not bad. Why should I be an expert in it. I have googled “Lumba”, and found (about a day ago) that it is a language of the Congo. Why should I have even a nodding acquaintance with it? It is true that I have a neighbour who has told me that he knows three African languages; Lingala, Kikongo, and Swahili. Please see if you can find them here. I used Google Translate:
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
“My Sinhala is not bad. Why should I become an expert at it?”
I studied my degrees in German. Americans AND english speaking nations are now working with me, using my education to be able to better communicate their thoughts with German medical specialists.
I never said I didn’t want to learn more about it. I also contributed to publications in German with my colleagues. Learning any language is more beneficial than not knowing it. I also work with Swiss, Dutch and French using my basic knowledge of those languages.
Why you should not be an expert in “Sinhala language”? The real question should be why?
Especially, if you draw the title and coat of “Sinhala_man”, what example are you giving to the youth??????????
What is the legality of calling you “sinhala_man” even though you can’t read and write properly?
leelagemalli / May 26, 2024
I regret not knowing “Tamil” a million times a day, because if I knew it, our Tamils would be able to communicate properly with Sri Lankans.
I think SJ is fluent in all 3 languages. His humility doesn’t seem to reveal it to you. If you were proficient and trilingual, you would have looked down upon almost everyone. Is not that so ?
He could also see a clear difference between the “sudu redi hora” or similar exotic birds found in Sri Lanka. I was stunned to hear that. I thought he didn’t know “Sinhala” properly.
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello Leelagemalli,
I can translate “sudu redi hora” as White Cloth Thief, but I don’t understand the significance. I wait to be educated😎.
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
Myna (Acridotheres tristis)
Parrot (green with a red band around their neck)
Demalichcha (Yellow Headed Bubble or White Headed Bubble) (Turdoides affinis))
Polkicha (Oriental Magpie-Robin)
Battichcha (Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus Sutorius))
Commonly found in many gardens in the south of Sri Lanka.
However, some birds, such as the “Sudu Redi Hora” with its long feathered tail, are not often seen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krwMpdZovbk (this is the same bird being found in India)
We were all very happy to see them in our garden. Kids love them. Whenever I remember my childhood back home, I feel nostalgic.
Nathan / May 27, 2024
Dear leelagemalli,
A language, any language, is an asset. Not knowing Tamil is not a disadvantage. But, not knowing Sinhala is a big handicap.
In 1952, in our school in Jaffna, had a Sinhala language teacher. 1956 put an end to it!
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
If it was noticed by many, however, it was an inexcusable failure of the government that came to power next to act accordingly. Unfortunately, this country has a history of that nature over and over again. However, since I was a child I called myself “Sri Lankan” and not “Sinahalaya”, and sinhala-extremists such as Lester and Ruchira would kill themselves if they could not continue their communal lifestyle.
LankaScot / May 26, 2024
Hello Leelagemalli,
There is a very funny and clever comedian Eddie Izzard who speaks good French and manages to get both the French and English laughing at his stories/jokes. See if you can find “le singe est sur la branche” sketch – like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVVMPsXx708
My French Colleagues also found him hilarious. Your Swiss colleagues might also find him funny, German ones not so sure. I once asked my German boss if they had a German word for OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) to which he replied “Of course not, the whole country has it”
Best regards
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
thank you. I will check the link get back to you laters.
Btw, we call it “Zwangsstörungen (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder = OCD)”.
I use this several times a day when I feel very stressful with some of my colleagues. Yes, my Swiss colleagues make fun of them. Since you once lived in Germany, you probably know that most of them behave like robots. This is not the case with Brites. They promise a lot but most (hospital staff) work like Sri Lankans. I think that is why Sri Lankans prefer to work in the UK rather than other countries in Europe. I studied in Germany so this is not valid for me.
I often compare German behavior to “tunnel vision syndrome” which is also common among Japanese colleagues.
hanchopancha / May 24, 2024
We do not have to bother about NPP nor AKD. Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka is sure to win the presidential race. Of all the contenders he is the best qualified.
Sinhala_Man / May 25, 2024
Oh, dear!
There’s been a seven hour power outage here. I’m now sending in a second comment from my mobile phone.
I had directed Ruchira (and all others) to a wrong Kumar Davud article.
That comment has somehow managed to get lost. I will send in the correct link ASAP.
What I have said about negligible numbers of Preference Votes is correct – and very important.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
Got few more things to say to you. But I’m hungry. Need to go get something to eat and cup of coffee may be. I hope I could post few more comments b4 the comments section closes..
See you soon.
Raj-UK / May 24, 2024
I am not a Tory supporter but unlike other public school educated Tory toffs, Sunak made his own fortune at a young age & now wants to make his name in British politics. Although he was born in UK & his posh public school education opened doors to Oxford, & later, Harvard, he is not the poster boy for the toris because his ancestors come from the colonies, a practising Hindu & to boot, the richest PM ever in UK. Although I support Labour, I am concerned about their tax policy but at the end of the day, I can make a decision because all parties have their own political manifesto for public scrutiny.
I have better things to do than drive 2 hours to attend a political meeting & anyone with the gift of the gab can talk convincingly but whether it is a binding commitment is another story, unlike an official political manifesto. AKD , maybe, could enlighten himself if he studies the manifestos of all the political parties while he is here.
LankaScot / May 25, 2024
Hello Raj-UK,
Having voted Labour since I was 18, I would have a severe bout of Cognitive Dissonance if I were back in the UK trying to decide what to vote. I couldn’t vote for Starmer (he’s a Tory anyway) and I never voted for SNP even when my father stood for them in one Election. I would probably have to vote for the Greens or possibly one of George Galloway’s candidates.
Best regards
Douglas / May 23, 2024
In connection with my earlier comment, I would request the readers to consider the following incidents that would have been taken care of but completely IGNORED with IMPUNITY.
1. The recent case of SC Judgement against the 12 persons who have been found GUILTY of bankrupting the country.
2. The case of a State Minister breaking into a prison with a firearm and ordering the inmates to kneel in front of him and failing to do so would be punished by shooting.
3. The case of a State Minister who was found to be a NON CITIZEN and still sitting in Parliament and receiving salary PLUS all other perks. This State Minister has been staying in the country without a valid visa for many years. Yet the Judge releases her on bail.
4. The case of another State Minister entering the International Airport defying the orders not to bring along with him “Armed” men and ASSAULTING an employee. Many more…..
Do you think that we have NO SYSTEMS in place to take action against these VAGABONDS? All necessary LAWS and SYSTEMS are there, but those in charge are either acting on impunity or their arms are twisted to prevent them from acting. This “CULTURE” must change and the “SYSTEMS” must be MADE to work.
Ajith / May 23, 2024
It is an impossible task to design or create a new system in Srilanka. The country not only in need of changes but also the changes on attitudes of people. For the past eight decades of growth of religious fundamentalism and its influence on political field and all institutions is very obvious and none of the politicians including AKD.For example almost 99% of military are
Nandi Jasen / May 23, 2024
Sinhala_Man / May 24, 2024
Thanks, Nandi, & Paragon
It is a strain to read when ALL are capital letters. I suggest that you use them only to stress occasional words.
Using bold and italics, the way I do, is not easy. I can do it because I’m unemployed!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Ruchira / May 24, 2024
Dear SM, Caps when used in this manner in forums such as this, are considered shouting, and is deemed impolite. But politeness has long been dead in this particular forum.
leelagemalli / May 25, 2024
Lonely wolves can only bark louder, That is what my elders repeated.
Raj-UK / May 25, 2024
Nandi Jasen
The strategy, if at all, seems to be Vishwermitra is trying to imply to CT readers that the NPP have a strategy which they are not disclosing, maybe, because other parties may copy. Therefore, he is advising the NPP to spill the beans to clear the ambiguity but if they don’t, readers will be aware that they have a sustainable plan.
Naman / May 23, 2024
“ Remember, they chased one President away, for that matter, from the shores of the country!”
Yes, he went out of the country for a short period spending again the TAX payers money. USA should have taken him back as he was an American citizen at the time of he was nominating himself for the presidency.
He was ineligible to do so.
It sad that he is still an economic burden for the impoverished Isle.
Why doesn’t the Sinhala authors of articles never WANT to mention about the DISCRIMINATION & ILL TREATMENT of the Tamils of SL.
Politicians making use of the Buddhist temples should be prohibited.
Clergymen dabbling in politics should be barred
paragon / May 23, 2024
Naman / May 23, 2024
Do we really want SYSTEM CHANGE or we really want the established systems to work according to the laws of the country. Politicians should never be powerful to function to alter the government officials decisions.
If all the government officials work according to the rules we will not be in this position.
R Fernando / May 23, 2024
Why do I feel that Vishvamitra has been bought over by some interested parties?
NPP had been pretty clear in their statements so far.
They are only interested in, a change in the culture of Government, to provide,
1. Corruption and fraud free State apparatus at all levels, that will kick start the economy.
2. A society with Law and Order and impartial Judiciary that treats all citizens equally.
3. A National Health service that will afford the type of care people would expect from a citizen oriented public sector.
4. A modern Educational facility that will turn out citizens according to their skills and abilities that could be incorporated to meet the needs of our society in all dimensions.
5. Affordable ingredients that will provide a decent meal for all our citizens irrespective of their earning capacity.
Vishwamita, please tell me what is it you find indigestible and unsupportable in this quest by NPP?
kugan2 / May 23, 2024
2500 yrs of preservation 70 odd yrs of atrocities the super 69 the foremost the blood of Lion how many young Balachandran’s given biscuits and drilled the hearts
This is a cursed county on this foreigners paradise island loved foreign passport Geethakumai Ganja women night life (Mullas were sleeping in the A/c given V8) once they heard of 13 amendment warned them for blood shed “
Ashoka chakarati thought differently…but it’s vain
Pundit / May 24, 2024
Every time I get on to the road, be it on foot, by tuk- tuk, or driving my own car, I am reminded that we live in a thoroughly disorganized, lawless country where there is absolutely no value placed on human life. A vote for any of the ‘traditional’ parties or their off shoots would be a vote for more of the same. Let’s stop and think a moment- for the sake of future generations of Sri Lankans.
Naman / May 25, 2024
Will the SL voters get a chance to vote for their preferred choice without being fooled/hoodwinked/ misinformed by the current rulers and by the Media that is controlled by the stooges of the corrupt politicians. SJB members were part of Government between 2015 & 2019 and hence should not be TRUSTED with forming the NEXT GoSL. We need to vote for AKD and hope for the best future for ALL Sri Lankans. We don’t want to give the chance for the opponents by asking AKD to enunciate his vision for ethnic reconciliation and for ways of solving the economic crisis.
We hope he will be able to get back the STOLEN money to government coffers;
Get the murderers and bribe takers behind bars.
Sinhala_Man / May 26, 2024
There’s a good deal of rubbish at the top of the page; therefore I have come to the very bottom.
Please get the most salient points clearly:
Three Preferences are available, but very few use them. No Political Party, including the NPP, encourages their use. However, I always use them, and I will mark my ballot like this on 12/10/2024.
1.AKD 2.Siritunga Jayasuriya 3.Sajith Premadasa
Those who point out that Election Day has not even been fixed yet, are correct. However, I feel that all this will happen. Since Siritunga, (whom I don’t know personally) hasn’t submitted his candidature how do I know that his name will be there? Because he has contested at least four times already.
All of us are mortal; therefore before this comment even appears all persons named here may be dead; however, since we all act on the assumption that such things will not happen, let’s not deal with such possibilities.
Now, please discuss: seriously!
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444V) of 51B, Golf Links Road, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
Who the hell is #2. Siritunga Jayasuriya?
By the way regarding the stolen document – Plan No. 4748/1998 dated 20th June 1998, approved by Kotte MC in July same year: I mentioned above that there’s a discrepancy between the plan and the actual blocking out of the allotments.
In the plan lot #6 extends to the north until its border is physically continuous with lot #7, which appeared to have been reserved for a water tank. However in the actual blocking out there’s a space between northern border of lot #6, and lot #7.
Interestingly this space could potentially provide access to the property of Chandraratna, located East of the property bearing Assessment No. 181, named “Gothami Gardens”, developed and sold by CDCL Housing (Private) Limited & CDCL Industrial Parks (Private) Limited.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
What is the siginificans of this? Gothami Gardens is an upmarket piece of land with a high value. Though Chandraratna’s property is adjoining it, the access road to it runs through a shanty – the Obeyasekarapura shanty, on the otherside of the land.Hence it’s appeal and market value is considerably lower to the lands in Gothami Gardens. But if Chandraratna’s property gets access to the road running through Gothami Gardens through the above mentioned space its value would increase considerably.
It looks like this has been intentionally done to strategically increase the value of Chandraratna’s property. Whether the two vendors, CDCL Housing & CDCL Industrial Parks knowigly did this or if it’s the work of a third party that conspired Chandraratna’s property benefit from this is unclear.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Furthermore Chandraratna’s property according to Google satelite images seems to have GROWN over the past 25 years.
And since of few years, there has been a new house sprung up on this grown part of the property.
Firstly this growth may have contributed to flash floods Gothami Gardens is experiencing.
Secondly what is the source of funding of the newly constructed house on Chandraratna’s property needs attention. Because none of the Chandraratna’s family members do not apoear to do any work. How this shanty dwellers became so rich and powerful warrants attention.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Finally Niroshan De Silva, who couldn’t take his car into the garage without his wife Sonia Page’s help, who is now appears to be the Chief Executive Officer – Retail,
HAMEEDIA GROUP, and the Chief Operating Officer, Délifrance, back in the 2000s, may know more about Chandraratnas, as both him and his wife Sonia were best of friends with them. I guess same stock.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
PS: There is an adjacent marsh land to which Chandraratna’s property has grown into. In case you eere wondering. :)
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini- None of the Chandraratna’s family seems to be doing any work!
old codger / May 27, 2024
“Because none of the Chandraratna’s family members do not apoear to do any work.”
Yeah, that figures…..”🤣🤣
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
Please tell Professor G. L. Peiris that his precious little assest, my former servant woman probably suffers from PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome. She has mood swings and could at time get really aggresive. May warrant seeking medical help. If not she might find herself in trouble, as no one is going to tolerate some of her behaviour.
Except that, and of course, not being very good at work, her conduct was reasonably okay, up untill now. But she has a relative, a female monk, she refers to as Maniyo, based in Matara, that advises her, who got her corrupted.
Matara may be the place where Sugath Hewapathirana is planning to contest from SLPP in the next General Elections, and therefore the place where he blackmails the NPP leaders most, trying get them to support him I guess.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
The servant woman has a daughter in Kelaniya University the most recent batch, Business studies. She may be somewhat intelligent to understand what’s going on and get her mother to go seek some medical help for her PMS without which there’s a good risk that she may get into some trouble. Through her one may be able to trace the network that corrupted her and working to sabotage NPP.
Sugath Hewapathirana, Gen. Secy of Patriotic UNP, and the Chairman of Western Province Tourist Board, has got 24/7 police protection to his house funded by tax payers of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka- for more than two years now. What for, and who authorised it? NPP should inquire and find out.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
Is there a way you could contact this chap Yupun Abeykoon:
Please ask him if he changed his shoe pair/brand in Rome when he ran in the Sprint Festival, failing to qualify for Paris Olympics? Whether it is possible that his performance was affected by his shoes – particularly the sole of the shoes – the inner surface of the sole that supports the arches of the feet?
Whether someone stole, damaged, switched his shoes? Or simply gave a new pair to be worn?
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
It is possible that there’s an attempt to sabotage his Olympic dreams, perhaps by some group within the Army itself, who may have been involved in arms supplying to the SL government, supported by the LTTE and the Indian Intelligence Services. A certain Lawyer Rishanatha Udawatta currently based in the UK may belong to this network that worked from ACCESS Towers, Colombo, hence perhaps supported by Sumal too. There may be connections with Italian organised criminals as well. Hence Please ask him to be vary of his coach too. Probabbly initiated and coordinated by Ron Dewhurst aided by anti Sinhala Buddhist – criminals of the CIA
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
This one is a must. Pls ask your contacts to check out the role, a certain corrupt Engineer by the name Wasantha Udayaratna, employed by the State Development and Construction Corporation (SDCC), in Moratuwa, plays in all of this.
He too like Sugath Hewapathirana is connected to both Basil and Ravi.
Runs a shady business, that no one knows about, evades taxes, and try to hide houses from the Inland Revenue Department.
His senior colleague Sisira (Mahaththaya) of the same organisation with whom he seems to do these shady businesses. Also in the same racquet is his long term friend another Engineer, Mangala who works at Dialog Axiata.
He is also connected to crooked Thalatha Athukorala who contest elections from Ratnapura district.
Sinhala_Man / May 27, 2024
Dear All,
Continuation – ONE
I hope that there will be queries coming in about what I have said above.
For guidance in how to mark the ballot paper to indicate Preferences, this will suffice if you know Sinhala:
Also just found:
I have suggested to Professor Jeevan Hoole that he works at Tamil and English versions. He is the best equipped for the purpose; I could help with the English, but I have never made a video in my life; nor have I been recorded on YouTube.
I don’t know a word of Tamil; it is up to those citizens who know Tamil to do something about it.
Studying this would have helped in November 2019:
I feel that such instructions will be issued a few days before the October 2024 Election.
I myself had said many confusing things in response to this article by Professor Kumar David:
I went there to pick up a few relevant links, but that may confuse most readers because it was a Trial and Error process.
Panini Edirisinhe
Sinhala_Man / May 27, 2024
Continuation – TWO
It is because Preferences are so confusing that all Political Parties are avoiding it. For what purpose should they run the risk of getting the ballots of their faithful invalidated? There is another reason. All candidates who seriously contest claim that they were going to win. Suggest that they are unsure, all supporters desert them.
I’m tired, but must persist now. Please study the figures for each of the previous eight elections:
You will then realise that those getting a million votes and above have always been just the first two candidates. Once they are into the Second Round of counting their votes are not looked at again. Only the preferences for “others” will be looked at. That has been highest in 2019 – number of ballots for “others”: 764,005. Next highest: 522,898 in the very first election in 1982.
Sinhala_Man / May 27, 2024
Continuation – THREE
Please study those figures, and from there, click on 1982 to get this:
It is clear that a Tamil candidate will get some votes (Kumar Ponnambalam that year), but those who voted for him surely had no illusion that he would win. Similarly, please go back to the list of Presidential Elections and click on 1988:
Tamils have voted for neither Premadasa nor Sirimavo; they have opted for Ossie Abygunesekera, who was from Vijaya Kumaratunga’s Party. Vijaya had been killed nine months previously. Who killed him?
This may be the place to tell you that I used to think, and perhaps still feel, that it was the JVP that shot him. However, now that I meet many JVPers (of a younger vintage) what I hear from them is that it was not them.
I’m neither a politician nor a scholar of Political Science. I just don’t know; and I would plead with others like me to have the courage to plead ignorance. For me, finding this out is not a priority. Some persons try to tell us that we must know such things. Silly
Panini Edirisinhe (NIC 483111444)
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
“Vijaya had been killed nine months previously. Who killed him?”
You don’t need to study rocket science to find the facts. If there’s a will there’s a way, however, if you’re brainwashed, you don’t have the guts to do so.
There are plenty of videos of Janata Vimukthi Peramuna and frontline criminals taking the lives of innocent youths in the south and other rural provinces of the country.
There are plenty of sources that can be easily found and proved by even 10-year-old children, how the JVP barbarians brutally killed our youth during 89-92. It was enough to kill someone who refused to show ID. Lal Kanta, Nalin Hegge or others should be publicly hanged for their heinous crimes. Moreover, the thugs supporting the Rajapaksa dogs in their racist spree only reinforced how barbaric the JVP has become.
leelagemalli / May 27, 2024
Some had their fingers cut off in the late 80’s.. Z-genzers now serving in the AKD cyber forces are making every effort to place the full blame on the “battalion torture chambers”.
Any government must act to protect its people if insurgencies begin with brutality. The JVP has sometimes outgrown the unruly nature displayed by the rebels in the north. Some parents and loved ones fed on the flesh and bones of their own sons or brothers after being killed. The Z-genzers who childishly support false propaganda projects need to be made aware of how sleazy the JVPs are.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
Great comments by you so far. I hope that people will realize the importance of the preferential votes and use them.
Meanwhile did I tell you about Fairoze Uvais ?
Yes. Deepani Wijesuriya lived with him for a while after breaking up with Pradeep Maharaja. He was both Deepani’s in law, and lover. He is the brother of Deepani’s elder sister’s husband Fahim.
Do you know a business by the name Macky Group? Because I do not know. It has been a profitable and well known business entity during a generation or two ago. Fairoze is the grand son of the owner of Macky Group.
His activities including his friend Rohan’s from HSBC bank should be investigated in relation to Deepani’s death and other crimes that may be linked to Nirmalan Dhas.
Fairoze Uvais is Nirmalan Dhas’s best student and lives in an apartment in Monarch Residencies down Crescat Boulevard. The same apartment complex that Ravi Karunanayake’s family rented a Penthouse, owned by Anika Wijesuriya, paid by Arjun Aloysius.
Fairoze and Rohan both are Thomians.
Fairoze is a sex addict. He exploited Deepani for his sexual gratification, while looking for a prim and proper Muslim girl to marry. He never paid much attention to the needs of Deepani, who was in his view only good to Fcuk, not to marry, as she was a Sinhalese Buddhist.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Fairoze’s ex-wife Hafsa had a house down Buthgamuwa Road, Rajagiriya. It is where they lived before getting divorced. Fairoze and Hafsa. Now the house is rented to LECO – Lanka Electricity Co. Hafsa’s any connections with Ravi Karunanayake may require attention.
Why was Deepani Killed? Because she was one party that owned a piece of real estate down ward place, that Pages of Cargills wanted to buy to put up a food city outlet. It was a land owned by her family which she partly owned through inheritance. The piece of land that current Ward Place Food city outlet is located, just opposite Jetwing Seven – the city hotel in Colombo, of Jetwing Group of hotels.
When her mom wanted to sell the land to Cargills Deepani didn’t oblige. House they lived is just behind this land in Ward Pl. Conflict between Deepani and her mom was a long one coming from Deepani’s pre-natal days, as her mom had tried to abort her, during pregnancy. Deepani as a result was never liked by her mom. She lived alone in a boarding place in Colpety at the time of her death, that was alleged and declared to be a suicide.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
A girl name Nicole Yatawara known as Nyx to her friends may require some attention too in relation to Deepani’s death. She, Nicole, is the ex-girl friend of Arjun Dhas, the younger son of Nirmalan Dhas and lived with the Dhas family during her involvement with Arjun. Both Deepani and Fairoze were clients of Nirmalan Dhas, who provided counselling or psychotherapy services to people in distress, as ironic ss it nay seem, ultimately causing more distress.
Whether Nicole knowingly or unknowingly passed on information about Deepani to certain other parties who plotted her murder is a concern. Because at Nirmalan Dhas’s household the lives of his clients are often the subject of their dinner table conversations during which Nyx may have gottent to know about Deepani’s personal life matters.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
So how was Deepani killed?
It appears that she was first poisoned by heavy metals and then hung to make it look like a suicide.
Who supplied the poison?
Appears to be Ravi Karunanayake & Co. They seem to have a ready source of heavy metals for such purposes through links they have with the metal industry. Are there any Tamils/Indians involved? I do not know – because lot of metal industrialists in India, from Tatas to that other guy whose name I’ve forgotten – the one alleged to have colluded with Jacob Zuma of South Africa. Something that needs further investigation.
So who did the actual poisoning?
Appears to have done by a guy she bumped in to (literally) on the road. A Thomian again! With whom she decided to have sex with upon his suggestion, with no strings attached, sticking to the sexual ethos prescribed by her guruji Nirmalan Dhas and practiced by her former lover Fairoze Uvais – “get sex from wherever it is available, whenever it is available” – “because its nothing but rubbing together of two epithelial surfaces.”
The guy appears to be a hotel school student or someone in the hospitality industry ( not very sure ) planted by Ravi Karunanayake & Co. Bumping into Deepani on the road was an act scripted by them.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
He had wanted to have a drink with Deepani, which appears to have taken place at her room at the boarding house, during which he seems to have spiked her drink with the poisonous substance.
He appeared to have been paid in kind by giving him a career break, what exactly now I have forgotten.
So what evidence do we have to prove this?.
Simple – if you check the certain CCTV footages aling the main road where Deepani’s boarding house was located in Colpety, there apoears to be scenes men carrying a ladder to her room, to hang her.
Something our very effective Police Officers never bothered to do.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
I think you already know my identity, at least my full name and the profession. Here’s a related story.
I referred two Subjects at the Final MBBS Examinations, Surgery and Paediatrics, and got through them in the repeat exam.
I apparently passed all four subjects at once in the main examination. But a certain Professor seems to have gotten orders from higher up to repeat me – Professor Saroj Jayasinghe. He seems to have coordinated with the heads of the two respective departments, Surgery and Paediatrics: Deshamanya Professor A. H. Sheriffdeen, and Professor Sanath P. Lamabadusuiya who shamelessly failed me the respective subjects. We have a total of 7 subjects at the Final MBBS, 5 Clinical Subjects plus Community Medicine and Behavioural Sciences, all of which I have passed fully on the first occassion.
It looks like the order to repeat me came from the Chancellor himself, Reverend Dr Oswald Gomis who asked Professor Jayasinghe that I be repeated.
Why? I was a Sinhala Buddhist with an opinion. Some opinion I had given at a viva voce exam – the opinion as far as I can remember was that poor quality non-medical care in government hospitals compared to pvt. ones is because govt lacks adequate funds.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
This doesn’t seem to be the only scandal that had taken place in my batch in the Colombo Medical Faculty.
Two guys in the batch committed suicide during our 5 years time in med school. So we were told and made to believe.
Sujith Nanayakkara and Samantha De. Silva. Sujith was an extremely bright individual. He was the 5th in the island at 1993 AL Examinations from Bio-Sciences Stream. Samantha was equally bright case. Both came from Royal College, Colombo.
It looks like none of them committed suicide. Both apparently were murdered.
In Sujith’s case TATAs of India were the ones who had done it. Why? I think his father was an accountant and had refused to fudge some accounts in favour of them perhaps – can’t remember the exact details. Samantha’s case too I can’t remember who is responsible and why?
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
More details about the above two scandals, other crimes I have written about here, and a list of crimes committed by various politicians and prominent personalities of the country, including details that could help investigations have been recorded by me in a single document, a copy of which is available with Dr. Sapumal Kanchana Haggalla (MBBS) of Sri Lanka Police. Interpol too has been alerted. Two more copies of the said document have been sent to my legal coordinators in the UK, who by now may have shared them with Scotland Yard and Interpol. Some of the members (at least one as far as I know) of the British House of Commons and House of Lords, and the UK’s Head of the State too, I believe knows about this. So anyone wants to further collude and coorporate with these criminals I suggest they do it at their own risk.
Dear Panini, I hate to do this, but I have to disappoint you again. Eran Wickramaratne has asked Dr. Haggalla for a copy of the document, and for him to forget about its existence in exchange for Permanent Residency in Australia.
People are not what they appear in public. So be careful whom you trust.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
I don’t know if the POTUS is aware, but the White House has been alerted and the US Embassy in Colombo is aware too.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Not to mention the IMF and the United Nations Organisation, which are among the other organisatiins that have been alerted about this. So don’t blame me I didn’t warn. If any of the abovementioned parties suddenly withdraw their support to your political heroes, if they fail to take necessary action. That includes Ranil Wickremasinghe too.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
I am back. I had a mango, followed by a cup if coffee. I know a bit of an odd combination. :) we should soon catch up in Male perhaps over a cup of latte.
I think I already mentioned why Chandraratnas are trying seek access to their property through Gothami Gardens.
It must be worth mentioning that Gothami Gardens is located at the very end of Gothami Road, Borella (Colombo 008), down where the famous Buddhist Temple Gothami Viharaya is located. Gothami Road ends by joining another road called Nanayakkara Mawatha, which is in Rajagiriya, and hence belongs to the Kotte Municipal Council. Gothami Gardens is located down the 2nd Lane of Nanayakkara Mawatha.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Hence Gothami Gardens is just about few hundred meters from Colombo city limits. It’s almost Borella.
Rumour has it that Colombo City limits would be expanded to include 2nd Lane of Nanayakkara Mawatha, and Gothami Gardens, because of certain large piece of vacant real estate that is adjoining Gothami Gardens on its Southern Border. I think it belongs to famous businessman Kumar Devapura. The value of this property would increase under Colombo Municipality. It could be managed better and greater investments could be sought, than when it is under Kotte Municipal Council.
This exapansion will not include Chandraratna’s property. But by having access to the road that runs through Gothami Gardens like I mentioned before. It could gain access to Colombo city just a step away. Which will make it more attractive to prospective buyers..
Hence this is a well thought out plan, laid out by those who knew, had inside information, of all these development projects and government’s work.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
One last comment before I go to fix dinner. I bought bread. Going to make Chicken Curry to have it with.
I told you that Sugath Hewapathirana’s house is getting police protection round the clock for some reason. Yes, there’s a poor policeman that basically lives in his garage. Yes. It’s not even fully enclosed room. The wall on one side is the parapet wall and does not cover the garage fully. So the top part is open. On the other side there’s no wall at all, it opens and continuous with the small garden area at the front of the house. He has a bed kept inside the garage, not even a mosquito net is provided. Basically he lives inside Hewapathirana’s garage. Not only that he does small chores like cleaning the garage. These days its heavy rains. With the wing water goes inside the garage through the open upper parts. The policeman is seen wiping the water out of the garage using one of those floor wipers. I don’t if he does other household work too, but have seen him going to the boutique to bring stuff to Sugath’s wife. His food appears to be provided by the Police Department. Two cops come in mo-bike with meal packets. I don’t think he ever goes on leave either. He is there almost every day. No shifts. Just one guy. Seems like a very young chap. Perhaps newly recruited from outstations. No wonder they don’t learn how to catch criminals, because this what they getting paid to do.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
I don’t know if he does other household work too, but have seen him going to the boutique to bring stuff to Sugath’s wife. His food however appears to be provided by the Police Department. Two cops come in a mo-bike with meal packets. I don’t think he ever goes on leave either. He is there almost every day. No shifts. Just one guy. 365 days a year. Seems like a very young chap. Perhaps newly recruited from outstations. No wonder they don’t learn how to catch criminals, because this is what they are getting paid and trained to do. This how tax payers money are spent. How many other such people receive this kind of police protection? Why has Sugath Hewapathirana is being given a personal policeman?
These are the questions that need to be answered if we want aSystem Change.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
When this is the way Sugath treats the policeman provided for him paid by the tax payer. We gave one full room downstairs to our maid which has its own bathroom attached. Basically our guest/office room. With the best bathroom in the household, the most spacious. Could be considered semi-luxury even. Fitted with American Standard bathware – a commode, a shower, a sink with a fairly large mirror, with its own mirror light, and a telephone bidet. In addition to the monthly salary provided along with meals. Three days of paid leave per month for her to go home and come. Additionally she took plenty of leave unpaid from time to time for various purposes on several iccassions that amounted to several weeks at a stretch..
Just to give you an idea – her salary is just short of Rs. 5,000/=, of the salary we used to pay for newly recruited Biomedical Engineers and Scientists, (graduates with respective degrees) when I worked for a Medical Equipment Co. few years back. They are usually employed as Application Specialists or Technicians in the Service Division. Our genius leelagemallli seems like such a person – an Application Specialist with either biomedical engineering or sciences background..
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
Dear Panini,
Had to undergo many challenges to get these information out. From simple obstacles to life endangering ones. The sacrifices me and my family has made cannot be compensated in any amount of money. We have been violated in way that I never knew possible. That includes few people who helped me too. It’s one big story, perhaps someday you may be able to read. Will give you a couple of examples.
When I first came to know about these scandals I wanted to get myself informed about various related aspects like relevant laws, past crimes, and in general about politics, a subject I never paid much attention to up untill recently. Now too not bcoz I want to but they are in my face preventing me from what I really want to do with my life.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
So once I wanted buy couple of books by Profesor Ravindra Fernando. I’m sure you know who he is. I went to Vijitha Yapa book store down Thurstan Rd, (its no longer there) opposite Royal College Primary School. When I got a copy of one of the books into my hands the books store manager got a call. A brief one. When I asked for the second book I wanted of Professor Fernando, suddenly the manager said its out of stock. Instead they suggested I buy various other books by the same author. I told them that they are not among the books I want. Then they said they will let me know once a new stock of the particular book I wanted comes in. So I left. After sometime since there was no news from them I called them to find out if the book has arrived.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
At which point they told me its out of print. They way things happened it seemed like they weren’t being truthful. Then I went to their branch in the Unity Plaza, they didn’t have the book but the guys there checked on the system and told me its available in the stores and they could get it down for me. They asked me to leave an entry on a book they had, my name and contact details and the title of the book I wanted. I can’t remember what exactly happened but I couldn’t buy it from them either. All this time the book was available in their Kohuwala branch. I didn’t go there because its far away. These two branches were nearer to me and I could just visit them on my way to do other things in Colombo. Finally I went and git the book from Kohuwala.
Ruchira / May 27, 2024
The title of the book I wanted was: “Lalith Athulathmudali Assassination – The Whole Truth” by Professor Ravindra Fernando. Front page of which also states: “Includes the Scotland Yard Report”. It looks like somebody didn’t want me to read this book. And it looks like that somebody is Vajira Abeywardena. He lives in Queens Rd, Colombo 7, I think. So he had networks that give access to these bookshops in Colombo, through which he appeared to have prevented them from selling this book to me. But he it seems didn’t have access to Kohuwala branch of Vijitha Yapa. So I could freely buy it from them. This looks like a way they operate. They have informal networks like this in through which they either make certain things happen or prevent certain things from happening.
Ruchira / May 28, 2024
This happened in March 2021. More than three years ago. For a short while I was a little depressed because of certain things that happened while trying to reach out to people seeking help to get their support to fight against some of these crimes which I have been personally affected, a fairly comprehensive account of which is available in the document Dr. Haggalla has. I gradually came to term with things and was able to muster up enough energy to relaunch my efforts. Me parachuting myself here, that you wondered about, was a result of this. This has a long history but just for now let’s say I’ve been targeted and under heavy surveillance since 2009, by some of these politicians, supported by some quarters of international surveillance agencies like the India’s RAW and particularly the CIA. Their surveillance capabilities far exceeds anyone’s knowledge or even the imagination. Its real time. For example they know what exactly I am or any one else they target do at anygiven time. Then if and when an intervention is needed through their networks they informed relevant parties/people. That’s how Vajira Abeywardena knew I was at Vijitha Yapa book store trying to buy a certain book.
LankaScot / May 28, 2024
Hello Ruchira,
Was it “Management of Poisoning”? If yes, I am surprised you didn’t get a visit from the CID.
Best regards
Ruchira / May 28, 2024
Dear Panini – continuing from above…
So what are the major challenges I had to go through….? This thing started about 3 years ago. I sent out a series of emails first to my close friends then to selected others in the society from politicians to various corporate leaders to other professionals seeking informing certain atrocities committed by various powerful people against me and seeking their support to fight against them. Not only no one supported they were turned against me and were made to work to actively sabotage my efforts. How I will get to it below. Leaving only a handful of people who supported me. And for some reason all of them are girls.
From the UK:
(1) Leila Reid
(2) Shehani De Silva
From Canada:
(3) Rushmi Jayaratne
From Sri Lanka:
(4) Samudu Liyanarachchi
(5) Dineshani Hettiarachchi Sirisena
All of these girls’ lives have been violated simply because, not even for supporting me but way before just being associated and being girks I had been interested in someway in the case of first 4, romantically. First 3 and 5 had been sexually violated.
Ruchira / May 28, 2024
I have met only two of them in person #1 and #4.
2 & 3 are online friends. #5 I briefly corresponded with for academic reasons very recently. Others are from the past.
Leila I met back in 2009 when she came down ti do a research on Sri Lanka’s mental health policy. I was working for a British charity in Sri Lanka called BasicNeeds. I was her immediate point of contact here to facilitate her worj through BasicNeeds. The moment we met we got along quite well. I was doing my own research for which agreed to help. She went around the country from the East Coast to Southern Coast and back to Colombo, interviewing a cross section of relevant people regarding mental health in Sri Lanka – From civil society members to clinicians to public officials to policy makers such as ministers of health within a very short period of time, while site seeing main tourist attractions too.
Ruchira / May 28, 2024
Back in Colombo she wanted to go see the Cultural Triangle. Given that we had become good friends by then I offered to drive her to Cultural triangle and back as it was the week end. We had already had a dinner date the previous night and were well acquainted by then. She agreed after I promised that I let her pay for pumping fuel for the trip. Yeah, British girls- she’d say I am not your Sri Lankan girl and insists that I let her pay half the bill, even in the first date.
Anyway to cut a long story short, she was on limited budget. She was a student from UCL. The research was part of her final project of her Masters in International Public Policy. So she suggested that instead of renting two rooms, that we should rent one room for the nights, to save money, with the promise that I stay on my side of the bed and she on hers. By the way despite having met randomly in a work context we were titally attracted to each other two. I mean I was and there were enough signs that she too was.
Ruchira / May 28, 2024
We spent three nights on the trip – Dambulla, Sigiriya, and somewhere on our way back to Colombo unexpectedly as I had a flat tyre.
She went back with the suggestion that we keep in touch with the possibility of doing some research work jointly.
So she was among the people I forwarded my emails to along with Shehani whose mom is a lawyer. I wanted her legal support. Every correspondance I made within Sri Lanka was CCed to them for security and legal purposes. This was during the Covid19 pandemic time 2021/2022 period.
Ruchira / May 28, 2024
Then only we realised that some people have fixed hidden cameras in two places we stayed during our road trip in Dambulla and Sigiriya. Both in the bedrooms and in bathrooms. In addition someone had video recorded Leila when she stayed the night in a small hotel in Trincomalee that is owned by a Muslim.
Dambulla had been done by a Royalist one year senior to me named. J. B. Kulatunge. It had been done with the knowledge of the European Union, regionally with the help of Indian Intelligence, and in Sri Lanka under the instructions of Ravi Karunanayake. Funded by a Tamil woman called Anusha Thangakkone who back then headed the mental health programme of VSO International, Colombo.
Ruchira / May 28, 2024
Actual funds had come from Astra-Zeneca the pharma co. That supports VSO’s mental health related work. Thangakkone is someone, With whom my organisation had a working relationship and Leila had enthusiastically interviewed for her reseach. VSO International finds places for volunteers around the world in various such projects. Most volunteers are Europeans and come from various backgrounds and possessing various skills. Most of them are females sometime young ones. So Anusha knew how to win them over. As a result Leila was very impressed with the interview she had with her. To our organisation she was known to be a shrewed woman who gave minimum amount of funds for a project and would get the maximum exposure sometimes even claiming ownership of the entire project. I think she uses her volunteers to spy on other organisations work too. My organisation BasicNeeds too had a British volunteer placed by VSO – Sarah Ward.