27 April, 2024


Tamil Casteist Racism – Implications

By Izeth Hussain

Izeth Hussain

Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera deserves at least some credit, surely, for the outcome at Geneva: a two years reprieve to fully implement the 2015 UNHRC Resolution instead of peremptory orders to get going with it or face sanctions by the US or the EU. The expectation is that at the end of the two years it will be found that the Government has still been able to implement only part of the Resolution, but no dire consequences are predicted. The reason is that Sri Lanka’s performance on democracy and human rights has been well above the third world average, so that punitive action against it would be too outrageous for acceptance even by the hypocritical international community.

However, the laid-back style of our Governments, backed by middle-class complacency, in dealing with the problems of transitional justice could possibly lead to disaster. We must bear in mind that what are at issue at Geneva are far more politics than human rights. More specifically, we must bear in mind that the China factor in South Asia could lead to serious problems with India and the West, in which event Sri Lanka could again suddenly come under serious pressure at Geneva. Prudence and commonsense dictate therefore that we do something really effective over the ethnic problem. The writer would suggest a shifting of priorities in dealing with it. Hitherto the Government’s focus has been on the problems of transitional justice, while finding a solution for the ethnic problem has been in abeyance. The writer suggests that the focus should be placed equally on the latter: finding an acceptable solution to the ethnic problem will make the failures, the inevitable failures, over transitional justice less important.

The main purpose of this article is to suggest firstly that there should be recognition of a special category of racism which might be designated as “casteist racism” that is applicable only to the caste-ridden societies of South Asia; secondly that our failure to recognize this category has led to the failure to solve the ethnic problem which threatens to become an endlessly protracted eternal imbroglio; and thirdly that the attempt to solve the ethnic problem on the basis of devolution is doomed to failure. At this point it is necessary to clarify what the writer means by “casteist racism”.

First of all what is meant by “racism”, about which there is very little understanding in Sri Lanka? In contemporary usage, well-established over many decades, it applies not only to relations between groups defined in terms of genes but also to ethnic groups defined in terms of culture. We must bear in mind that racism is not the same as ethnocentric prejudice, the almost universal propensity of ethnic groups to view their own ethnic group as superior to all others. Racism denotes action, not just belief. The racist not only believes that members of other ethnic groups are inferior or dangerous or both, he actually wants to treat them as inferior or dangerous or both. Racists have common characteristics: an essentializing habit of mind that sees ethnic groups as having essential characteristics that never change just like genetic characteristics, or change only very slowly, and also a stereotyping habit of mind according to which unsatisfactory characteristics that apply to some members of an ethnic group apply also to all of them. That is more or less the consensus on what is meant by racism today.

There can be no consensus on what the writer has in mind in using the term “casteist” because he has some very heterodox views about caste. Caste under Hinduism is certainly given a religious validation but the Buddha deplored caste: a man is not a Brahmin by birth but by action, and so on. Actually, according to what Dr. Walpola Rahula says in his History of Buddhism, it is not quite clear to what extent the Buddha was against caste. Anyway according to the belief systems of both Hinduism and Buddhism there is rebirth, and according to the theory of Karma one’s station in life is determined by the right and wrong actions committed in past lives. It seems legitimate to hold therefore that Buddhism also gives a religious validation for inequality just as much as Hinduism. Louis Dumont in his classic study of the Indian caste system Homo Hierarchicus argued that it is wrong to regard it as just another system of social stratification comparable to the Western systems of social stratification according to class. The crucial difference is that the Indian caste system valorizes inequality and hierarchy while the western systems valorize equality because they have behind them the ideal of equality.

If indeed inequality and hierarchy are given a religious validation under both Hinduism and Buddhism, we might expect racism in the South Asian region to have a peculiar edge to it. All this is in the realm of theory, but what does the empirical evidence show? At this point a preliminary clarification is required. The vast majority of the states in the world today are multi-ethnic: according to one count only four states are mono-ethnic while according to another there are only twelve such states. At present we are witnessing a widening spread of identity politics, that is to say politics in which majorities and minorities are at odds with each other. The probable explanation for this phenomenon is that with economic growth the aspirations to socio-economic upward mobility also grow, a process that favors majorities and minorities getting into odds with each other. It is a process that can lead to violent conflict. The remarkable fact however is that violent ethnic conflicts are few in proportion to the huge number of multi-ethnic states. Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan wrote in his Foreword to the book Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict, edited by Frances Stewart (2008) “The majority of multiethnic societies do succeed in establishing the conditions for peaceful and stable development”. Frances Stewart goes even further: “Yet not all multiethnic or multireligious societies are violent. Indeed the vast majority are not”. At that point she cites detailed research done by two scholars.

What is the explanation for that fact? It is an easily observable fact at the empirical level that human beings have a drive to belong to groups and also a contrary drive to transcend their groups, to engage in peaceful and cooperative relations with members of other groups. We might speak of centripetal and centrifugal drives in human beings, and which of the two prevails could depend on a number of factors including belief systems. If the belief system inclines its adherents to believe that some groups are inferior or dangerous, we can expect the centrifugal drive in relation to others to become dominant, depending on some other factors as well. As argued above in this article, both Hinduism and Buddhism give a religious validation to inequality and hierarchy because of the theory of Karma, which means that the centrifugal drive among their adherents could sometimes become very powerful.

What are the facts about ethnic relations in the Indian Subcontinent, the only area of the globe where there is casteist racism? The facts are horrifying beyond words. In the Partition of 1947 over a million were butchered by both the Hindus and the Muslims. The important point is that over a million died not because of a civil war but because of indiscriminate butchery of helpless innocents by both sides? Has there been a parallel anywhere else in the world? The breakup of Pakistan in 1971 should also be understood in its ethnic dimension. It is a fact that the Muslims of the Subcontinent have had a quasi- caste system, a fact noted by Louis Dumont and much earlier by Iqbal and others. The four ethnic groups in West Pakistan looked down on the Bengali Muslims as “junglies”, and they could not bear the thought of the latter becoming politically dominant. That was the ethnic factor underlying the breakup of Pakistan. As for Sri Lanka suffice it to mention that a hundred thousand died in the civil war, the attempt to find a political solution is in abeyance, and there is the prospect that after some time there will be a further round of ethnic conflict.

*To be continued..


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  • 6

    here we go again!
    to be continued? No not again please!
    say what ever you want to say in one blog.
    if there is a word count limit, CT please make an exception for Izeth and HDLM

    • 8


      A Muslim caste Ostas from Saintamaruthu is considered to be untouchables among the Muslims. They perform circumcisions on Muslim kids.

      • 2

        Thanks Native


        “Barbers form the most separate Muslim group. They are called Nasuvar in the west and Ostas in the east.”

        • 1

          “Nasuvan” in west

      • 1

        Native Vedda,

        “A Muslim caste Ostas from Saintamaruthu is considered to be untouchables among the Muslims. They perform circumcisions on Muslim kids.”

        How to operate without touching?

        Kids? Boys you mean?

        • 4

          Lone Wolf – thanks for your common sense. How can they be untouchable if they perform circumcision? I have acknowledged that the Hindu caste system influenced Islam in the Subcontinent. Mercifully only to a marginal extent, and a very marginal extent in Sri Lanka.Nothing like the horror of the full-blown Hindu caste system – IH

          • 4


            You are simply pathetic and nothing but pathetic! Your aim is to divert attention from the Muslims and the need to reform their marriage laws! The poor Tamils are the punch bag for you to beat them insatiably. Your devious attempt will not succeed!

            • 2

              Burning Issue – the facts simply don’t matter to casteist racists like you. Such is your burning hatred towards Muslims. It was only recently that I wrote a three-part article arguing that the sharia is not Divine law and that there are no religious impediments to changing the Muslim marriage laws – IH

              • 7


                The facts do matter of course. The Tamils do completely understand and despise the castist segregation totally. Not just you but many others written about it on this forum itself. Many progresses have been made and the issue remain fluid and in time it will be history. Why am I incredulous at your repeated attempts to create troubles? It is because your carefully calculated timings and selective representations. You are just an insidious so and so. Focus on the Muslim women’s rights and canvass against child marriages along with eschewing polygamy!

                • 4

                  Burning Issue,

                  “Many progresses have been made and the issue remain fluid and in time it will be history”

                  Progresses? What are they? LOL
                  History? Probably when Hinduism becomes a history?

                  Hinduism and Hindu society is full of caste system. How on earth a religion can be the source and power behind divisions, dissimilarities and bickerings among a group of human being who believe in the same faith, is freaky and funny too.

                  See how this ‘factory fault’ makes people feel and act proud just for being born in an upper caste family, no matter if they really deserve it or not. And a lower caste who really deserves that pride and respect doesn’t get it because of the same.

                  While Muslim underage marriage issue that is being exacerbated by others is only a stone among mountain. Just an SL Govt gazette can sort out the Muslim issue, what about your mountain? Soon to be history? LOL

                  I have heard stories about how Jaffna Tamils ill treat Indian or Estate Tamils who are the only true saviors of these defeated group.

                  • 2

                    Rather than hearing stories, just pay a visit to Jaffna and talk with the so called lower caste people; if you can identify them!

              • 8

                Anyone who questions Izeth is a racist according to him. No questions allowed, what he says is divine LOL.

          • 1

            Unfortunately Tamil being Muslim’s primary language, further degraded, and still is degrading the Muslim community with tv programs, culture, books, films etc

            • 4

              Instead you want to indoctrinate the Muslims with the Sharia laws!

              • 2

                No need, they are already indoctrinated on that and there is nothing wrong in it. Just the language look a bit lousy and drags them backward

    • 3

      Rajash – innumerable articles are published in installments. What’s wrong about that? That is inevitable when a writer is breaking new ground.”Casteist racism” is a new conceptualization about ethnic relations in South Asia.- IH

      • 4

        Your inability to state anything in one article shows your thoughts are not well formed.

        By the way, you are not breaking new ground, this has all been written about a lot.

        • 2

          Periyamama – You refer to my “inability” to state anything in one article. But I have written innumerable such articles, and you know it. Are you all there?
          The idea that racism in South Asia has a peculiar virulence because of the theory of karma is new.But your Islamophobic casteist racism will never allow you to acknowledge that fact.So go away. Don’t waste my time. – IH

          • 5

            I am not going away, Izeth however much you tell me to LOL

            I think there is a deep seated anger/jealously of the Tamils and the Sinhalese from you. They despite their differences are heirs to a rich culture and tradition.

            Despite claiming “Arab” heritage you are not accepted there. You are not accepted here either. So with nowhere to go, you lash out at those that have a long heritage to be proud of?

            • 7


              Hussain knows that reconciliation between the Sinhala and Tamils is a bad news for the Muslims. He will not overly attack the Sinhala because of obvious reasons but will do everything possible to attack the Tamils and at the same time keep the attention away from the Muslims!

              This is his strategy but its a non-starter!

              • 2

                “reconciliation between the Sinhala and Tamils” is not even a news, how can this be a bad news?

                It is just “Adha neh etta” (not today, tomorrow) tactic by Sinhalese with never Sun rising tomorrow. Live with it or wait for next Piribakaran

            • 1

              Periyamama – ad hominem abuse is not argument maan. The reader can see that facts and arguments don’t matter to the Tamil casteist racists. I am replying to their arguments to substantiate the charges I am making in my article – IH

        • 3

          Kalidasa and Megha Dutha

          Look Periya Amma, Kalidasa wrote a whole book of poetry just to say I Love You to the woman he loved.

          So what is wrong in IH writing a few articles on Tamils who worship 330 million Gods including Monkeys riding Donkeys, Kalaveddahs pretending to be Veddahs etc. and sing bhajans (religious stanzas, ha! ha!) whose contents would make a whore blush.

          • 3

            Half the animal kingdom is their God..he..he.

          • 2

            whose contents would make a whore blush.

            you poor guy …you must be enjoying yourself

          • 1

            Super wise man Edwin Rodrigo

            “Kalidasa wrote a whole book of poetry just to say I love you
            to the woman he loved” Just one, eh? You probably are thinking of the immortal “Shakuntala” Is that your brilliant
            know-it-all education you are trying to impress readers with.

            The 5th Century poet from the Court of King Vikrama Aditya wrote hundreds winning the admiration also of the German great Goethe.
            His work on the Seasons “Summer” “Autumn” “Winter” “The Rains” are all classics for which he is often called The Shakespeare of India.

            Is your response going to be in your gutter-snipe culture – in raw filth – we have had the misfortune of reading in recent times in these pages?


            • 0

              His brain is damaged by arabs. I have no doubt Edwin Rodrigo is no longer sane.

      • 3

        Izeth! you are not breaking new grounds. You are just monotonous and packaging the same message in differ net wrappers.

    • 2


      “here we go again!
      to be continued? No not again please!”

      Don’t you want Cast-ism and Racism to be eliminated from South Asia, especially the Indian sub continent?


      Are you an Upper caste that enjoys privileges at the expense of the low castes?

      That is against Egalitarianism and Human Worth and Equality.

      • 2

        Amarasiri “Are you an Upper caste that enjoys privileges at the expense of the low castes? “

        if you take this analogy there wont be any service industry in the world.

        The car washers who wash your car; the dhobi who wash your clothes; the cook who cooks your dinner; the hotel bell boy, the hotel peon, the carpenter the hair dresser, the funeral director who clean and dress dead bodies etc etc

        • 1


          “if you take this analogy there wont be any service industry in the world.”

          Keep them in their place? This is against the evolutionary process.

          Is a low-caste person a person or a thing? ACLU, Ulama treat women as things, chattel, with a heart beat. Do you treat the low-caste as a thing with a heart beat?

          Is robotics the solution to South Asian cast-ism?

          They do have them in America, without calling them low castes. They do pick agricultural produce,wash clothes, prepare rooms in hotel, work in home as maids, as bus drivers, as toilet cleaners, as septic tank pumpers, as delivery men, as hookers and studs, as preachers and teachers, all based on their capabilities. many even end up in the colleges and universities.

          However, American has a form of cast-ism called racism, that has slowly deteriorated, to such an extent that they even elected a “Low Caste ” Black man as the President 8 years ago.

          Would a Jaffna Tamil high caste elect a low-caste Tamil?

          Would a Southern Sinhala caste elect a Tamil of any caste?

          Would a Jaffna Tamil high caste and a Southern Sinhala caste elect any caste Muslim?

          Sri Lanka needs more social evolution. See how far USA has come since independence in 1776 from the British, and Sri Lanka had come from 1948.

  • 7

    The highlighting of ‘human rights’ in this article which when clicked,
    leads to many articles debunking the writer’s theory of
    “Sri Lanka’s performance on democracy and human rights has been well above the third world average…………………………..”.
    He is day dreaming.

    It is idiotic to conclude that UNHRC and the UN itself will be fooled.

    The resolution stands, and a War Crimes tribunal with hybrid judges and counsel must be implemented.

    The “ethnic problem” mentioned is persistent denial of complete equality and human rights by the Military Regime to a segment of the population.

    Past “Buchery” in India and Pakistan has now been superceded by the ongoing evil slaughter by ISIS in the name of Islam.

    • 4

      justice – What has the slaughter by the ISIS got to do with Hindu-Muslim slaughter in India? Stick to the point. Don’t waste my time – IH

      • 3

        izeth Hussain,
        There is a well established Caste System among South Asian Muslims.


        This has caused a predominant caste among them to try to establish a “caliphate” in Syria, Iraq and neighbouring countries.
        They are supported by Iran and Saudi Arabia.

        You blame killings during the Partition of India to “Tamil Casteism” – why?

  • 0

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  • 10

    Well written Mr.Hussein.Do publish Part 2 pronto.This is a must read for Thurumbars like Kettikaran,Rajash,Mailluran ,Siva Sankaran Sarma ,NonBiasedPerson et al.The tradgedy for these people is that it took a Moor Muslim of Arab stock to teach them a few things about something they are prisoners of.

    • 8

      Keerthi may be you are learning a thing o two from Izeth
      but frankly speaking he and HLDM are playing the same song over and over again but with a different tune

    • 16

      The Sri Lankan Muslims now calling themselves, Sri Lankan Moors are neither of Arab or Moorish origin but overwhelmingly descended from low caste immigrant Indian Tamil Hindus. Only a very small percentage of them have a distant male Arab ancestor. This little bit of Arad does not make them or the rest of the island’s Muslims Arab or Moorish. We all have a little bit of something, however other slightly changing our looks, this little bit hardly defines us. Only these pathetic Sri Lankan Muslims in order to hide their actual lowly origins, pathetically cling to the very little bit*Arab) and completely ignore the very large thing ( Tamil) that they really are.

      This is not what I state but all others. Even a Sri Lankan Borah wrote an article in the Colombo Telegraph that the Sri Lankan Muslims are descended from low caste Tamil Hindus and not Arabs as they desperately want to claim. Once an American CIA/FBI article claimed that the Sri Lankan Muslims completely ignore their 75% or more Tamil origin and heritage and keep on harping about a Arab/Moorish heritage that only a few of them have. ” Other than the original distant male Arab ancestor amongst some of them all the rest of their ancestors have been Tamil ” However they somehow completely ignore this fact and keep on harping about being Arab. All DNA analysis done on the Sri Lankan Muslims have proved that they have far below average Arab DNA and they are genetically no different from the Island’s Sinhalese and Tamils, who are all very closely related to the population in South India, including the South Indian Muslims. Even the Arabs have classified the Sri Lankan Muslims as South Asian converts to Islam and not of Arab heritage. Basically Tamil Hindus who converted to Islam

      • 4

        RSS or so called brahmin

        As your mission in this forum is to insult people who talk against casteism as low caste or dalit. I tried to find out origin of tamil brahmins. what I found I state here.those are from records available with our community mantra books.very old narrations.may be in third millennium BCE.

        As per them demida bamunos or tamil brahmins are descendants of gypsies or Ahikuntika clan who roam place to place for their livelihood.in our sinhalese society treat them as untouchables like rodiyas. your ancestors were mixture of iparani or proto dravidians and north indian tribes.their original language was sanskrit. with that advantage they learnt sastras and veda. started journey downward from godavary river basin.they performed cobra or naga dances with real serpent to attract crowds. their main purpose was to sell their knowledge for livelihood.some settled down in various places in south india. earned respect from locals due to their knowledge on sastras and veda and became kapuralas or priest in hindu temples. others came down to lanka as well.some did same like in south india but others still roaming around the country as ahikuntikas.as they do not have self discipline on cleanliness and good sanitary practices. they can not stay a place for more than seven days.due to odor they generated locals chase them away.likewise so called brahmins too do not have such discipline.that is why general tamil public hate them so much I suppose.

        if you talk with ahikuntikayas you can find out language they speak very corrupt sanskrit like malayalam.that is the origin of so called high class self proclaimed tamil brahmins.

        To hide their lowest origin they insult others as low cast stock. as you know RSS all the authors of old hindu epics like maha baratha and ramayanaya were not brahmins. people of other caste. remember it as well.

      • 2

        Real Siva Sankaran Sharma, Rajash, and all hate mongers
        Its is Hindus/Tamil vellalar/Pagans/idolators who have graded human beings as high class, lower class, untouchables.
        It is a shame on Hinduism to down grade human being, that is why Islam is giving them the real honor, immaterial whether they are Arabs, Moors, Sinhala or Hindus, any one who proclaim the Declaration of Faith, that there is None worthy of worship Except The Almighty Lord, is a Muslim with equal rights as envisaged by the Creator Almighty. these are brothers who can pray in congregation shoulder to shoulder in the same row daily five times King or pauper, all are equal in Islam, that is why Islam is the fastest growing religion accepted by the west particularly, and in spite of negative portrayal/Islamophobia.
        For your information circumcision of Muslim boys are done by MBBS doctors too, that does not mean it is a lowly profession. There is no issue at all.
        One of the worst country where cast is killing many innocent human beings is in India, Female infanticide , killing brides for less dowry, killing the widows, not showing kindness to the por people and all the evil and dirty stinking toilets all over the roads, railway tracks. Better learn you hate mongers, you cant live with Muslims, Sinhala, even in foreign countries Tamils are killing their own tamil tribes due to jealousy, hate and cast, so these tamils will never be satisfied and they keep blaming the other communities wholesale. If Muslims can live amicably and peacefully with the Sinhala people, why cant you learn from the Muslims how to interact harmoniously? As long as your are a Pagan idol worshipers, you shall live with unsatisfactory mindset and that is the curse which will destroy the generations, may God Forbids.

        • 4


          I am not a hate monger and I have not graded graded human beings as high class, lower class, untouchables.

          Izeth et el is trying hard to divert the Muslim terrorism that is plaguing the world.

          He is are trying hard to argue that the apparent and non existent Tamil Casteist Racism of mere 2 million Tamils in the NE of Sri Lanka is a bigger problem to the world than the ISIS terrorism.

          …and what more Izeth needs Part I , Part II , Part III etc to write about the apparent and non existent Tamil Casteist Racism of mere 2 million Tamils in the NE of Sri Lanka

          what a joke

          go and get a life

          • 4

            “…and what more Izeth needs Part I , Part II , Part III etc to write about the apparent and non existent Tamil Casteist Racism of mere 2 million Tamils in the NE of Sri Lanka”

            A book can’t enough man..

        • 0

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        • 5

          Yes Islam is so great and equitable that it is creating chaos in this world. It was truly great that Arabs introduced slavery to the west and also kept slaves and treated them like animals until the 1960s. So much of brotherhood that Arab hates Turk, Iranian and Kurd and they all hate each other fight and kill. Sunni hates Shia. Malay Muslim treats Indian/Tamil Muslims like dirt and in Sri Lanka Muslims think being Arab is great and do not want to hide their real immigrant Tamil origin from India as they consider it not good enough. Such thoughts if superiority and inferiority in a so called equitable religion.
          You do not like the Sinhalese but fear them and are just fawning to them abiding your time until you can pounce and steal their lands., just like you are now doing to your fellow non Muslim Tamils. The Sinhalese loved you so much that they did not want you in the central provinces and kicked you to the Tamil lands in the east. Now you repay the eastern Tamils who gave you refuge by back stabbing them. Sad but true no one wants you.

      • 4

        Real Siva Sankaran Sharma,

        Are you a Shudras or Chandalas? LOL. You just display how integrated the caste system within your minds, and the effects. I see a lots of inferiority complex in you by many comments – Pathetic.

        In Islam, there is no caste system like in funny Hinduism, and because of this every Muslim feels and should feel equal in front of God. Even if you (who could be a Sudras in your religion) convert to Islam, very next second there is no difference between you and Saudi Royals.

        On the other hands, why do you ill talk of South Indian Tamils who is the only soul fighting for you these days, Vaiko, then those smelly Tamil actors & actresses etc..etc for example?

        They also gave you refuge, while many of them married your girls in the camps in TN. So, now talking bad about them is like you’re spitting at the sky.

        But do you agree that Hinduism is funny one among other religions to say that Brahmins are the best among human being and the interface between God and other humans? And see how that affected you. LOL

    • 11


      By trying to hide their actual low caste Tamil origin and claim an exclusive Arab/Moor heritage thinking that they would look better in the eyes of the rest of the world, shows how casteist and racist the Sri Lankan Muslims are. They are ashamed of their actual largely low caste Tamil Hindu origin and also think Arab is better than Indian or Tamil. So claim Arab origin and deny their low caste origin and do everything to uphold this myth. Until a generation ago they all had Tamil Muslim caste names. Marrikar, Lebbe, Rawther, Thambi, Kutti. Now take names that sound Arab. Yet these hypocrites accuse the Tamils are casteist. Casteism is not peculiar to Tamils but everyone in South Asia, So what is about Tamils to these fake Arab low caste Tamil converted Sri Lankan Muslims, who want to constantly attack them? To prove the Arab/Islamic myth and hide their real low caste origins, then who is being casteist and racist? Tamils are proud of who they are their origins and history and don’t go around claiming all sorts of origins thinking that it will make them good. Even the low caste ones.

      The irony is largely low caste Indian Tamil Hindu immigrants to Sri Lanka now converted to Buddhism, Catholicism and speaking Sinhalese or to Islam and sill speaking Tamil are now claiming an Aryan or Arab/Moorish origin respectively . They now make up the vast overwhelming majority of the present day Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslims and in the name of these fake origin and myths are discriminating killing raping looting and ethically cleansing the island’s largely upper and middle caste and even the lower caste Tamils. Basically all Tamils and have the gall to come here and post articles about caste and Tamils when they are the biggest racist vastiest hypocrites.

      Izzat if the Sri Lankan Muslims are not racist and casteist then why do they claim a fake Arab/Moorish origin thinking that this will be good for them politically and make them look good in the eyes of the world and hide and deny their actual largely low caste immigrant Indian Tamil origin? Come on answer this instead of posting stupid articles about caste and Tamils.
      Caste and class are found everywhere in the world. In South Asia it is caste in the rest of the world it comes as class tribes clans etc. However this is no excuse to commit genocide and excuse on a people. Sinhalese are also caste conscious so do the Muslim and Christian populations on South Asia. Muslims and Christians belonging to upper caste families do not intermarry into Muslims and Christians belonging to lower castes. Does this mean Sinhalese do not deserve a nation or justice or Indians?

      • 7

        Sunni Muslims and shite Muslims are blowing each other all over the world and this guy keeps writing about apparent Tamil Casteist Racism.

        He is like a frog in a well…croaking all the time about apparent Tamil Casteist Racism

        He doesn’t want to get out of the well to see or acknowledge how Muslims are destroying the world.

        I have posted many times requesting Izeth to write about Muslim terrorism. But he will not.

        • 3

          What’s your problem Rajash? Is it that you can’t understand what you read or is it that you can’t remember what you read? I have written many articles outspokenly berating Wahabism as the source of so-called Islamic terrorism, and I have gone to the extent of advocating its extirpation from off the face of the earth together with all its clones such as the ISIS. Don’t waste my time maaan – IH

        • 1

          Massacres committed by Tamils

          Rajash you say: “Sunni Muslims and shite Muslims are blowing each other all over the world and this guy keeps writing about apparent Tamil Casteist Racism”.

          Shame on you Rajash. To utter that, you must be naked right down to your two Vrushana Koshas and that too in the biting cold weather in your refuge – London – The den of Tamil terrorists.

          Here are some of the top acheivements of your RGP (Round God Prabha). Please Note that the figure within brackets is the death toll. Those exceeding a hundred only listed.

          Batticaloa – Police Officers (600-774)
          Kattankudy mosque massacre (147 while praying)
          Anuradhapura Sri Maha Bodhi (146 mostly old women observing Sil)
          Habarana bus massacre (127)
          Eastern Sri Lanka massacres(120)
          Pettah Central Bus Station Bombing (113)
          Palliyagodella massacre(109)
          Digampathaha, Matale District (92–103)

          (ref: Wikepedia)

          • 3

            Edwin Rodrigo

            why don’t you also refer to Wikipedia for the statistics of the mass slaughter of the Tamils during numerous race riots.
            why don’t you refer to the Wikipedia foe the 100s of thousands of Tamils who were lured in to the no fire zone and carpet bombed
            why don’t you refer to the Wikipedia for the number of tamil women raped by the Sinhala army, even dead bodies were raped.

            • 0

              [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

            • 1

              Tamil Victims

              Rajash, your idea gives me a flash of inspiration.

              It is well known that the number of Tamils killed by Tamils far exceed the number of Tamils killed by the Sinhalese. Thus the more Tamil graves I dig the more the scale will be loaded against you.

              Kattankudy Mosque Massacare

              Even if the massacre of Sinhalese was justified, why did the Tigers massacre 147 Muslims while they were praying? Is there any record of Sri Lankan Muslims massacring Tamils and this was a revenge attack? I don’t think so.

              First you evict them from Jaffna and then you massacre them! Too bad even by Tamil standards.

              • 1

                EDWIN RODRIGO “Even if the massacre of Sinhalese was justified..”

                Well I don’t justify or condone the killing of Tamils by Sinhalese, killing of Tamils by Tamils, killing of Sinhalese by Tamils, Killing of Sinhalese by Muslims, Killing of Muslims by Sinhalese

                But I do deplore the carpet bombing of innocent Tamil civilians, after luring them in to a No Fire zone. I am sure you do as well.

                I do deplore the killing of innocent civilians Tamils, Sinhalese Muslims alike by the state apparatus, either organised riots using thugs or clandestine killing. I am sure you do as well

                • 1

                  Killing Muslims

                  The problem between Sinhalese and Tamils is an age old one. There were conquests, counter conquests, so many wars and finally the incidents after the 50’s. The troubles in 58 started with some false rumors and spread like wild fire. The tit for tat escalated, finally ending up in a full scale ethnic conflict. Then came the 4 Eelam wars. I can understand why Tamils killed Sinhalese. But why did they kill Muslims?

                  The biggest massacre was killing 147 Muslims in the Kattankudi Mosque by gunning them down while they were praying. You had no fight with the Muslims. The Muslims were keeping neutral in the conflict. Still you guys carried out this most brutal massacre, which has no parallel in history of the world.

                  Was it because, you guys enjoy shooting people. Was it live target practice? Or was it a training for the new recruits on weapons handling? Just tell me the reason and we can close the matter. But don’t try to evade the issue by saying you don’t condone such acts or you deplore them.

              • 1

                Informed sources have explained the unfortunate massacre of Muslims in the Kattankudy Mosque. Many Muslims have accepted this. Kattankudy is slowly but surely being made to look like a part of Arabia – with palm trees, Camels, men/women in Arab dress etc. Do you like that? Very soon part of Wilpattu may become part of this Caliphate.

                If you believe these Muslims were those evicted by the LTTE from
                Jaffna, I am afraid you have much reading to do in the subject.

                BTW, many evicted Muslim families have returned to Jaffna years ago and have started new lives. TNA has even sacrificed a Parliamentary Seat to a Muslim to take care of their needs.


            • 0


              I dont think that this bugger, Edwin represents entire sinhala folks. He is new to CT and destroys everything on this platform.

              He is so rude and adds only hatred remarks about tamils tamils again tamils.. if he is that interested, why cant he leave for Jaffna and fight with them ….. ? instead lick the balls of arabs being caught in Saudi why ?

              we the sinhalayas also commited massacres… why has Edwin got guts to explain about the massacres commited by sinhalayas on Tamils in 83 ?
              why he wants to hurt the wounds of both people this way ? Can anybody please help the PISSU YAKA… getting an admission to Mulleriya psychiatric hospital please ?

              Actually we must not talk about all these incidents on and on.

              He has nothing better to do than make every efforts to attack tamils. I find he is a mad guy. s

              • 1

                LOL, Where did PayyagalaSiddilebee fall from and still having it uncut?

                “we the sinhalayas also commited massacres”

          • 2

            Is that total matching the amount of the lives lost, property looted, and women raped of one incident of 1958? How much behind LTTE was in its entire lifetime to match the Wild Sanctuary SinhaLE’s animal Administration’s one incident.

            You want to count on Wikipedia and international website. Are ready to let international investigators to do investigatigation only on 1958 Pogrom? I leave aside the 70,000 estimate of UN’s internal Inquiry?

            • 1

              Kattankudy Mosque Massacare

              As soon as you answer my question that I asked you in my previous post, I will answer all of yours. In case you have missed it, here it is again:

              Even if the massacre of Sinhalese was justified, why did the Tigers massacre 147 Muslims while they were praying?

              • 2

                EDWIN RODRIGO “why did the Tigers massacre 147 Muslims while they were praying? “

                EDWIN – why don’t you ask the darling of the Sinhalese Karuna Amman, the one time Eastern Commander of LTEE, who also massacred 700 Sinhala policemen .

                The Kattankudy Mosque Massacare was his brain child I guess to discredit VP and to engineer a split of LTTE.

                he is now a Darling of the Sinhala people.

            • 1

              The Kattankudy Massacre – The Reason

              Malle Urine and Raa Jazz, I ask you why you butchered 147 praying Musims in the Kattankudy mosque and you go in to your usual song and dance about Tamil civilian casualties. It is a typical answer of the ‘Koheda Yanne – Malle Pol’ genre. So we have to theorize to find out the real reason. Here is what I came up with.

              The Chicken Curry Famine

              At that time, the demand for chicken was increasing, exponentially. Reason: More and more suicide bombers were being sent out on suicide missions. More and more Last dinners were being scheduled. More and More chicken were being gobbled up by Prabhachicken in his so called ‘last dinners’ Ha! Ha!.

              On the other hand, the Supply was decreasing. Reason (in the words of the chicken who survived the war, or rather, the teeth of the Prabhachicken): “How the hell could we breed? Your f—–g army was shelling us in the day time and your f—–g Air Force was carpet bombing us in the night. Not even the Germans were subjected to so many bombs during world War II. blah, blah…). I ran away for dear life…

              In other words, it was a typical Supply and Demand problem. The demand was increasing and the supply was decreasing.

              Final Solution

              Prabhachicken was a very resourceful and determined leader. He was not going to be deterred from achieving his goal (having one chicken curry meal a day) by a few bombed out chicken. So he ordered that the demand be reduced.

              How? By killing the second biggest consumer of chicken in the Vanni – The Muslims.

          • 0

            Edwin Rodrigo,
            Search for “List of massacres in Sri Lanka” in Wikipedia shows the number of massacres by:-
            LTTE 21
            Police 8
            Army 38
            Air Force 11
            IPKF 1
            Home Guards 4

        • 3

          Sunni Muslims and Shite Muslims are not caste system in Islam. Learn a bit about what you want to comment.

          It was not a fundamental rift in Islamic ideology like in Hinduism. It is a political disagreement over who would succeed the Prophet Muhammad as the leader of the new Muslim community, continues to remain the same till date.

      • 11

        Real Sivan Sankaran Sarma:
        While your erudite writing is informative, it is like throwing peals before swine when it comes to the author. Don’t waste your time.

        • 11

          Perriamama I do know that people like Izzeth Mahindapalan and their ilk will never change their views, however I post this for the benefit of others, so that they can learn the truth and not become swayed by these peoples articles, that are full of calculated venom and prejudice.
          What these people are doing is very calculated and crafty, just like what white supremacists and others did to justify their cruel discrimination on other people by misquoting the bible and other religious texts to prove what they are doing is correct.

          Tamil haters like Izzath/Mahindapalan and their ilk, are justifying their discrimination genocide and crimes on the island’s Tamils and also simultaneously trying to make the Tamils and others believe that Tamils do not deserve human rights justice or any other rights due to caste discrimination amongst the Tamils and as proof of this refer to incidents that happened in the 19th Century and early 20Th century. This like someone stating Whites now do not deserve any rights, as they discriminated non whites during the colonial period.

          They conveniently forget that the Sinhalese and even the Sri Lankan Muslims practise caste/class discrimination and various forms of this is also practised in the rest of the world. If it is not caste, it is tribe, clan or class. As per their logic, then even the Sinhalese the Sri Lankan Muslims or for that matter no one in this world deserves anything as we all discriminate.

          Caste discrimination amongst Sri Lankan Tamils is far less, compared to other South Asian communities. The largely upper and middle caste,Sri Lankan Tamils will accept a member of a lower caste or even a Christian Tamil as their leader. However the Sinhalese will never accept a Christian Sinhalese or a Sinhalese belonging to the lower castes as their leader.

          Unlike in most parts of India, amongst Sri Lankan Tamils caste is only an issue when it come to marriage, people do not query as to which caste your work mates or friends belong too. Now thanks to the LTTE even this is not an issue. Amongst the Tamil diaspora, caste is now a non issue. Unlike India, Sri Lankan Tamils never had caste wars on the basis of marriage burial or lands. You cannot quote the actions of a few caste fanatics on the general population.

      • 2

        “By trying to hide their actual low caste Tamil origin and claim an exclusive Arab/Moor heritage thinking that they would look better in the eyes of the rest of the world”
        I suppose you would think better of Izzeth if he was high caste?

        • 8

          No. Irrespective of his pedigree he is nasty and I will not think any better of him. For your information I have chastised even many fellow Brahmins like the late Cho, Subramania Swamy for their casteist view and their attitude towards non Brahmin Tamils.
          It is not me who is initiating issues regarding caste, but the likes of Izzeth Mhaindapalan and other fake Arab/Aryan Sinhalese/ Muslim extremists, whp osts derogative comments regarding the Tamils on the assumption that they are superior Aryans/Arabs or Moors. I am pointing out their actual origin and their hypocrisy. You may other Muslims may not like the real truth about your actual origin, as like most Sinhalese have been brainwashed to think that they are Aryans. The Tamil Muslims in Sri Lanka have been brainwashed by their elite/politicians and the Sri Lankan establishment to think that they are Arabs/Moors, as it suited them. You are now no more a child but an adult. Lear to look around think and anylise

        • 6

          Why dear are you offended by truth that Sri Lankan Muslims are largely descended from low caste Tamil Hindu coverts and not from Arabs?
          Let me rephrase the question you asked Siva, Would you have been offended if he stated the Sri Lankan Muslims are descended from upper caste Tamils or from Arabs? Your reaction would have been different. Shows it is not Siva but you who is a hypocrite, as you think descended from Tamils/Indians especially low caste ones is demeaning and not acceptable, whereas being a descendant of an Arab is wonderful or even an upper caste Tamil is not crash but bearable.
          Siva only made a statement and spoke the truth. If you were really not racist or caste conscious the truth not have offended you but you were offended with the truth and your actual ancestors. Do not shoot the messenger.

          • 2

            Dear Mr. Rohan,
            I am proud to be a Muslim. It is Sarma who keeps repeating “low caste Tamil descendants”. So he believes that it is better to be high caste. Otherwise he could say “Tamil descendants”.I don’t care who my ancestor was, Tamil or Sinhala low or high caste. I know they are not Arab.

            • 0

              [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

            • 4

              One who has little to proudly claim about himself/herself, leans heavily on one’s ancestors— real or virtual.

              True greatness is within you.
              Just ignore the fools who have nothing worth to claim but an imagined high caste.

              • 3

                What about leaning heavily on an imagined Arab ancestry and heritage instead of acknowledging your real ancestry, however humble it may be? Oh wise on please enlighten us. As you imagine your self to be truly great, we await your wisdom.

                • 0

                  Piglet, I said:
                  One who has little to proudly claim about himself/herself, leans heavily on one’s ancestors— real or virtual.

                  “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think”
                  ― Socrates

                  Do not give up on yourself. I am not giving up on you either— not yet.

      • 2

        I haven’t read any of the effusions of the real Sivan Sankaran Sama over my latest article. He’s been going at it for months. Must be the usual bizarre stuff. Can’t waste my time. But he is my star exhibit on casteist racism. His racism was shown in all its stinking nastiness some time ago by his statement that the Muslims were breeding “like rats”. In the West he would have been given a jail sentence for that. The nonsense about Muslim population explosion was debunked long ago by qualified demographers who established beyond dispute that Muslims too will follow the universal law of two children per family. But facts don’t matter to the Tamil racists.
        I intend writing for CT a very brief article on the origins of the SL Muslims. Very brief because scholars have covered the subject for well over a hundred years and the essential facts are not in dispute except among bizarre Tamil Islamophobes.I will mention here just a few of the essential points. One is that no SL Muslim as far as I know claims pure Arab descent. Two is that they acknowledge that they are partly Tamil, but of course ethnically they are quite distinct.That is why the Tamils have a distinct name for them – Soni. Three is that the notion of their being Tamil low caste cannot be squared with the indisputable fact that they held high office among the Sinhalese over the centuries. Ashraff used to boast that they were king-makers.Four is that Muslims like Westerners just don’t give a dam about caste, a fact that our real Sama will never be able to grasp since he is the exemplary casteist racist who can be expected to keep on bellowing low caste, low caste ad infinitum. In conclusion I will pose a question to our real Sama. What relevance has the question of Muslim origins to the subject of my article? The question is meant to show to the reader that the Tamil casteist racists are quite mad – IH

  • 0

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  • 9

    Muslims have 4 castes – Sunni, Shia, Ahamadi, Wahabi

    • 3

      Prophet Mohamed only brought one Islam.

    • 1

      Some would argue men in the different parts of the world are born and will, in a large case, like to live differently. Exercise to make-believe, to achieve a condition otherwise, are temporary and futile exercises. Caste, religion, sects, colour, race are all lessons mankind is either born or unequal. The challenge by modern man is to peacefully overcome the aberrational differences so that peace and calm is gradually realised by reason rather than conflict.


  • 8

    I guess talking about the problems of the other communities takes an old mind off the terrible issues within one’s own community like, marrying children off before puberty , ISIS or non existent woman’s rights, and wahhabism in his own community

    • 2

      “… talking about the problems of the other communities takes an old mind off the terrible issues within one’s own community….”

      Well said. Nothing is truer.

  • 2

    Mr. Izeth Hussan

    please do not get mixed up Geneva scenario, religions and caste system together. those are different different issues. War was ended by war as no other ways available.it was done for the benefits of whole communities.it was a brutal war. no question about it. ground commanders might have deployed different different tactics as per the situation. it was not a conventional war. Issue is all the government representative who were present in GENEVA were ones who hated government forces war effort as such failed to answer questions raised at the meeting.no government representative objected to any recommendations put forwarded by chief of UNHCR. Accepted everything as it is.they could have presented earlier reports done by expert and tried different ways.but did not do that.may be hate yahapalana leaders have with top brass of forces and maha sanga who supported forces war effort. YP leaders failed to understand that in every war effort in this land maha sanga supported our forces in order to preserve unity and integrity of our tiny Island.

    yes you are correct it may be political rather than human rights. but like myanmar and phillipino leaders they could have stand firm in UNHCR.

    As far as teaching of karma you tried to show hindu teachings and buddhist teaching on this as same.but it is not so.it is an insult to both the religions.

    All hindu propaganda bookswritten in third or fourth millennium BCE or before like maha baratha ramayanaya and others clearly stated that original aboriginal communities existed in subcontinent were barbarians as such treated as slaves or shudras people generated out of legs of so called maha brahma. or dalits. both aryans and dravidians did same. aryans in north. Dravidians in the south.even maha baratha said singala people lived in lanka at that time were barbarians.As such very strict caste system came to effect in all over subcontinent.

    sorry for spoiling very well compiled article of yours Mr. Izeth hussain.but I have to do that.

  • 4

    We have to voluntarily accept deprogramming an imbecile from his original ideas of Indian democracy, Indian solution to racial unrest, Indian-Pakistani split, West Pakistan – East Pakistan split…..and letting him settle on his new wrong ideas. There is no point in bring back them here again. But the fact remains that Lankawe has democratic dictator system to control and manage the Tamils. Though West accepts Lankawe as a democracy only by seeing from outside, but internally Lankawe is a country worse than Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Cambodia.. at their peak destructive racial time. Lankawe can be fixed only by UN interferences and splitting; not by Izeth’s redefining the words repeatedly in the way he wants in each of his articles.

    Islam and Christianity create hierarchy in religions and followers of them. Hinduism and Buddhism say all religions are not simply true but equal too.

    First thing, there is no religion as Hinduism. So when Izeth like ultra-racists use that word, it loses its loosely coined meaning too. From Dravidian’s Indus Valley, to Tamil Nadu to Eelam’s Pancheshwarams, there are load of variations in Hinduism, over all through the centuries. None of Izeth talks are holding true for any of these circumstances at no centuries of any time period.

    Sathi, which does not have levels but division based secret technical knowledges possessed by specific groups, is different from Varna (Color), the pure birth based, exact replica of Western Black-White hierarchical divisions.

    The validity of Buddha’s definition of Brahmin is not based on his actual experience of it, but based on hearsay experience. Buddha did not create Buddhism so what he said about Brahmins does not count in the modern days’ Buddhism, let alone the Sinhala Buddhism.

    • 1

      Buddha and Caste

      Malleurine, You say, “Unfortunately, Buddha had born about 1000 years after Aryan invasion, so he had no real grip on how the Brahmins of Indus Valley acquired their status or how his days’ Brahmanism was infused into the society”.

      First of all, try to improve your grammar. When you say “Buddha had born” the apparent context is that he has been bearing a big burden and wanted to release it. I am sure that, that is not what you mean. What you mean is he was born. so change the word ‘had’ to ‘was’ and it will be fine.

      And the starting word ‘Unfortunately’ is not appropriate. It should be ‘Fortunately’ because if as you say, Buddha was born 1000 years earlier, you would have had no leg to stand on in your argument. Now at least you have one, although that is supported by a crutch so weak that you may soon have a big crash. So, it is fortunate that you do not have Buddha to deal with as per your timing and logic.

      Then you say, “First thing, there is no religion as Hinduism”. Thanks for that. It removes one of the puzzles that was facing me, because, in which religion do you have people worshiping monkeys riding donkeys? Recently they have added a Kalaveddah to their band of Gods, which number around 330 million already and increasing rapidly. You are right though. Hinduism is not a religion. It is a complete joke. Some may even say it is out and out pornography.

      Then you have the cowherd God Krishna frolicking and sexually molesting the maids who come to milk the cows. It is a good setting for a dance in a movie. and they exploit it to the full in the 1960 movie Janak Janak Payal Bhaji. But what I cannot understand is how a decent family can stand together and sing those Bhajans that are the bluest of blue porn.

      I am sure you have a logical explanation for that.

      • 1

        Dear Mr. Edwin,
        “t removes one of the puzzles that was facing me, because, in which religion do you have people worshiping monkeys riding donkeys? Recently they have added a Kalaveddah to their band of Gods,”
        There are religions which worship dead people nailed to pieces of wood.
        There are religions which worship trees and give them clothes.
        There are religions which kidnap 6 year old boys.
        There are religions which mutilate your private parts.
        There are religions which kill people but not cows.
        It is pointless promoting any religion, Mr. Edwin. They are all BS.

        • 1

          Tamil Victims

          Yeah, but, Worshipping Monkeys riding Donkeys! Kalaveddahs! Hard Pornography being uttered as religious hymns! Just to name a few. I think they take the cake above those disgusting things you have mentioned.

          My housekeeper Silvestra says that their President says, I believe in God not Religion.

      • 2

        I know asking this type of big favor going to be hard on you, still, my still-born child, if I sometimes miss the proper form of “be”, for example, if I address you as “still-born”, then instead of interpreting it as “the still has been bearing a big load”, you can input the missed word and read as “a noisy Kuwa Kuwa baby is still being born” in CT.

        Dear still-(being)-born baby, unfortunately, that “unfortunate” was for Izeth only; not for you as you are being a still-born and your frozen head has not woke up yet and you have no idea of who Buddha is and what Buddhism is. (Be careful with the still frozen head not to bang too much on the door way and don’t be a puritan to watch out the path you are now taking, because, at your age of still-being-born, watching the path or sucking (the thumb – don’t try to read too much) is not porn. As your PhD can only be in that Hard Core Hinduism (the porn) at this age, please keep specializing on that instead of getting into Buddhism as that Philosophy is too hard for. As long as you don’t ask from Mahanama the adults only questions like how your great, great ..grandma conceived her son, you great, great.. Grandpa, nothing is really porn or bestiality.)

        Izeth had made a statement as “Buddha Said”. But his “Buddha said” part is not valid because Buddha had not seen the real Dravidian Brahmins in his life. He saw only Aryan Brahmins and that was the prime reason he set out to revive the Dravidian Hinduism. Valluvar had mentioned similar statements a few couple of times. They are powerful statements because when Valluvar was saying them he had seen real Brahmins and the Aryan Hinduism had not spread in Tamil Nadu.

        • 0

          Dead Sea Scrolls

          Please man, spare me from this torture. You are driveling. Learn to write simple, short, clear and unambiguous sentences. OK, here is a free lesson in English.

          You say, “I know asking this type of big favor going to be hard on you.” No verb.

          OK, forget that. You don’t have so many things (e.g.) a brain. So, not having a verb is no big deal. Next—

          Meaning is ambiguous. Do you mean that I will be doing a big favor if I have a ‘hard on’? Not with you buddy. And don’t be impertinent. CT is a clean place. Do not try to dirty it up.

          The rest is harder than the Dead Sea Scrolls to decipher. Run along, you dirty little child, release the urine in your Malla and come back clean. May be we can do something about your English.

          • 2

            You have been playing games with your names and coming and going. Your foolish mind letting you to believe if you get into talks and start to scream Porn… Porn, others have got to shiver as lion had come and back off as you had described somewhere else. Peak of Idiocy!

            You keep studying your Purana period Hard Core Hinduism. But UN and UNHRC should not dodge to interfere and stop your last 6 decades of Purana which is more intensive porn than Vātsyāyana’s erotica. Tamils cannot take it any longer. Yasmin Sooka has repeatedly released proof of last two years of Yahapalanaya Police and army torturing, raping and murdering Tamil victims. Yahapalanaya crooks are not ready to investigate even Vidya’s Rape-Murder case.
            Under Old royals’ Industrial development, by 2014 Lankawe’s biggest growing industry was sex trade. Lankawe’s Rapist Army is rated by UN as one in 22 in the world uses rape as weapon. Still the notorious army is stopped from taking part in Mali peacekeeping force. It raped the women where it was deployed. The barbaric New King, who claims him to be the new Parakramabahu, repeatedly insisting to have saved these entire rapists. Premawati’s case tells what kind of beauty queen, not average, porn seeking army Lankawe is. It rapes even the dead bodies. It is a shame for mankind these animals who call them lion blooded, but walk with two legs have been video graphed in that type of circumstances. Is there any country in the world would have sent its entourage with their Cinema supporting actress to defend their rape and murder war crimes? These criminal could not go to defend their rape crime without prostitutes? Come on Man! Absolute criminals! Suffering not being able to sleep even a second not dreaming raping a woman.

          • 2

            When your Vamsa Purana is such a glorified MahaPornwamsa, how can you miss, without spending time shelling Hinduism to fish porn? You rent your women to Middle East for foreign exchange and you keep digging on the web for Hard Core Hinduism.

            If it cannot be kept out and if it takes to sleep with it to disinfect a dog, well, then let’s do that to remove its ticks. Wear the shoes of exterminators and carry their spray pumps! We cannot take the step back. Our responses to those who inject them into debates and cry “porn” to divert the talks have to be “PPooooorrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnn”.

            ” May be we can do something about your English.” Thank you, Prophet Edwin. Keep it with your imbecile disciple. But he seems to have taken my advice Great! Not just with dogs, even with pigs, he is the only one ready to sleep with those, if can get low class faltering from people like.

          • 2

            Your imbecile disciple: ” I cannot expect my readers to delve into past archival material for evidence of Tamil racism. But they may read my responses to attacks on my last two or three articles. That is why I am responding ………I believe that the karma theory has led to a peculiarly virulent form of racism in South Asia. That has been most powerful among a segment of the Tamils…… I have now come to a new stage..”
            You: I know that you are a reasonable person and do not have any racist inclinations………. But I am not a saint. I want to do anything and everything in my power to stop them destroying the country again

            Hello, Prophet Edwin and disciple Izeth, let me tell you something. If the disciple had planted the seed as he is claiming, the prophet will not be able to escape watering and nursing it. It’s the disciple wanted to bring out his past Old proofs of Tamils’ racism. Well keep watering it until Hanuman reappear in the sky to burn Lankawe before flying Buddha’s return.

      • 2

        Izeth has steadied those in Tamil. But his hate toward Tamil had pushed him to pretend that he knows Buddhism better than Tamil. So “Ellarum Erina Kuthirayil (Preaching of Buddhism) Sakkadathaarum (Izeth also) Eeri vizhunthaar”.

        Edwin Dorrigo, earlier you have been monkeying around with your Lion Brand Morarji juice. After making a name change to “D”, now you are trying to donkeying around for a comeback with you newly found 330 Million Gods of Hinduism. First put it in your still frozen head that, as I said earlier, there is nothing as Hinduism. Then don’t confuse anything that is non-existing with porn, which is real and existing as you have seen with your naked eyes. Please come to know something; all 330 million are not gods, they are angels. It is again an Aryan idea. Those days, while Aryans were creating their religion, which was eventually mixed up with Dravidian Brahminical practices and called by invaded European as Hinduism, the Aryans thought their relatives that are with the white skin, blond hair, shoe wearing and not walking on earth barefooted, angels of about 330 million were living in the north and west- mainly Persia and Afghanistan. Irrelevant of whether that census was accurate or not, whether the Aryans deserve a credit for having attempted to count their relatives or not, Tamils have nothing to do with that and Saiva Siththaaantham is not talking about that.

        It was the blind white of Europeans, who touched something, thought it was an elephant (Hinduism). But, in fact, they were different, different objects like tree trunk or rice grinding motor or Winnowing pan… …. Saiva Siththaantham does not accept duality. For them, there is no and all are (anything is) god.

      • 2

        Buddhism is a result of nihilistic delusion suffered by a man called Siddharta, who claimed that by he had learnt everything.
        Islam is a result of auditory hallucination suffered by a man called Mohamed, who said that he was sent by an unknown entity.

  • 4

    Brahmin, as the exactly the Tamil word “Periyavan” means, a man who had achieved that status by acquiring knowledge from Books of virtues and using it for work for humanity.

    Unfortunately, Buddha had born about 1000 years after Aryan invasion, so he had no real grip on how the Brahmins of Indus Valley acquired their status or how his days’ Brahmanism was infused into the society. But, he did an excellent job of reviving the original Davidian Brahminical Religion. It is from him and very few others todays we realize how the original Dravidian Brahminical religion was constructed.
    The White Aryans who concord the Dravidians acquired the label of Brahmin to them, but not with the achievements of Brahmin. So the Indian Aryan system, with the outer world Aryan system of Kings, Lords and Commons, have the newly added Brahmins too. Brahmins are unique to India, but not other Aryan Hierarchical and inequality divisions. Indian Aryan kept with them the “Brahmins, Kings and Lords”, who are the three classes allowed to learn the books of virtue and allocated “Commons” to Dravidian. Sathi is starting from “Modern Vellala (it is not Dravidian – because it seems no ruler class existed that time)”. Vellala came from Velir. Velir does harvesting and ruling. Their main job Veelaanamai had the both meanings included that are being ruled by Velir and harvesting.

    Under Dravidian Sathi system, no Brahmin title was assigned to any Sathi. All Sathi people could become Brahmins, though there was high chance of “Potters” were most of the Brahmins at time due their ability to transcribe the complex Indus Valley codes on slaps.

    Western inequality is the mixture of Varna – The Black White and the hierarchy of King, Lord, and Common. Imbecile Izeth doesn’t get it.

    • 5

      COme on Malliyuran,

      Count your blessings.

      At least his ignorance about the caste system saves us from the pain of reading his attempted ‘erudite’ series (of one) on the arts.

      After giving us the Wikipedia summary on Alfred Hitchcock, he has reverted back to Tamil bashing.

      Thank God for the lesser pain.

      As to the truth, he will never realise that due to [Edited out].

  • 5

    Caste system is despicable. Fortunately it is on an exponential decay. No one talks about it in schools or social gathering. It still lingers in arranged marriages. Hindu temple priests are from a certain caste and the unwritten rule is the top echelons of Buddhist clergy come from a certain caste.

    Many attempt to eradicate the caste system. Izeth is NOT one of them. Izeth exploits the caste system to make a living. Here he somehow weaves a connection between UNHRC resolutions and “Tamil Casteist Racism – Implications”. He implies “We Sinhalese (Buddhists, Muslims) do not have this. Pathetic.

    To be fair Izeth never pretended to be a reformer. He must try. Hindu/Buddhist/Christian religious classes never encourage caste.
    Islamic sermons include propagating the myth that women are inferior and underage sex is permissible. The talag is a way out of difficulties – the obvious ones. this is a hot topic in Colombo Telegraph right now. Izeth never commented.

    By the way Izeth ,have you heard of the Myanmmar genocide of Rohingyas going on right now? Rohingyas are humans and it so happens they are Islamists.

    • 3

      Pillai- Practically impossible to make sense of your drivel, which however is typical of the Tamil casteist racists. You write “Izeth exploits the caste system to make a living”. How on earth am I doing that maaan IH

  • 1

    Mr.Hussain is a glutton for punishment. I was hoping he’d stick to the arts .

  • 4

    The Ring

    Izeth, it does not look right that you make so many comments on your own article. Just throw it in to the ring and sit back and enjoy how the dogs fight. That is what the other authors do. Don’t become a dog yourself unless you really are one.

    • 6

      Muslims do not like to associated with dogs or pigs, as they consider them unclean animals and you have asked him not to be a dog. This is hilarious.

      • 1

        Bark is worse than the Bite

        But he seems to have taken my advice. We do not want authors, especially opinionated ones like IH to pop in at every corner. They have this superiority complex that authors are at a higher level than us Putujjana (Proletariat).

        See how Prof Kumar David behaves. He is my Guru, but he rarely joins in the fray unless someone mentions Reactive Power.

        • 2

          Please dont use Prof Kumar DAVID signatur to promote you. You sound be an another bonelicking type not knowing what your lips drop. Please see a psychologist, if your open prison would not set your out of the cages.

          • 0

            Go and rub the first part of your name on a stone. Preferably a brimstone.

        • 2

          We thought Edda and IH are virtually at Kissing Cousins level.
          Has the short-tempered Edda fallen out with the Mad Muslim?


          • 0

            Hi Koti Karan, break your post in to two parts and repost. I eagerly await reading it. I cannot sleep until I bash up a Kotiya or two.

            • 2

              Edwin Rodrigo,

              Are you aware Koti Karan – that you deliberately confuse my name with – is Billionaire in most Indian languages. Koti-pathi would be the nearest in Sinhala.

              You surely couldn’t possibly wish me well in those terms!!!


    • 3

      Edwin Rodrigo – glad you raise the question. Initially I followed the convention: as the writer of the article I did not respond to attacks.I did so after some time because I noticed that the attacks against me were unique. They were predominantly from Tamils and they were boiling with hatred and rage. The attacks were very clearly racist. That did not apply to the attacks against Dayan J or anyone else.
      It became apparent to me that it was wrong to analyze the ethnic problem only in terms of Sinhalese racism, as the West has been doing. There has also been the factor of Tamil racism, which has been much much worse.The attacks and my counter-attacks built up solid evidence to show that.I therefore stopped my responses some time ago.
      I have now come to a new stage. I believe that the karma theory has led to a peculiarly virulent form of racism in South Asia. That has been most powerful among a segment of the Tamils.I cannot expect my readers to delve into past archival material for evidence of Tamil racism.But they may read my responses to attacks on my last two or three articles. That is why I am responding to the attacks – IH

      • 3

        An Apology

        Sorry IH. I know that you are a reasonable person and do not have any racist inclinations. But if Tamils are unreasonably attacking you, one has to react and defend oneself.

        On the other hand, I consider Tamils as the enemies of everything, even themselves. See the way RPG killed more Tamils than even the SL security forces. Therefore, by attacking Tamils one helps Tamils more than anyone else.

        I will not go so far as to say, the enemy of my enemy is my enemy, because I know that in your heart you are the enemy of none. But I am not a saint. I want to do anything and everything in my power to stop them destroying the country again.

        • 1


          Enough of your nonsense. Spare us your garbage. For God’s sake,
          it is the enemy of my enemy is my friend and not the drivel you
          have come out here with.


          • 1

            I see that the notorious Kettikaran has entered the fray. He cannot bear it that Edwin Rodrigo has responded positively to my reply. He cannot bear it that the Island, the CT and the SL Guardian take a positive view of my articles, which is why they continue to publish me despite all the Tamil racist attacks. Why do I call Ketty “notorious”? Some time ago he wrote that the SL Muslims are breeding “like piglets”. What is more he sees nothing wrong in that. All Muslims and most Tamils will agree that he ought to be severely punished for that – IH

            • 1

              Koti Karan

              IH, Let me handle this disgusting animal. I think he is trying to be a budding Prabhakaran and assumed the name Koti Karan. Just leave him to me. I will skin him alive, give his dirty meat to my dogs (they alone can stand the smell) and use the skin for my shoes. Leave him to me.

              • 0

                Thanks Edwin Rodrigo. I leave the Koti Karan to your tender mercies. Anyone who can compare children, of any ethnic group, to “piglets” has been so dehumanized and bestialised by racist hatred that he deserves anything and everything that’s coming to him. Let him have it. – IH

                • 0

                  Koti Karan -2

                  Thanks IH. I am really going to enjoy this. I am going to ‘Kutti Karan’ ‘Koti Karan’ and throw the ‘Kutti’ to the dogs. But before that i want to play with him a little, like a cat playing with a mouse, to prolong my pleasure.

          • 4

            Dead Sea Scrolls

            Koti Karan, you say, “Rodrigo, Enough of your nonsense. Spare us your garbage. For God’s sake, (Which, God? the Monkey Riding the Donkey)? Ha! Ha! it is the enemy of my enemy is my friend and not the drivel you have come out here with”

            Oh, Prabha Karan, what a fool you are. That was a bait that I put out to catch Kotiyas. And you swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

            It was purposely meant to be “enemy of my enemy is my enemy.” Edwin is never wrong! You must be new here. Otherwise you would have known that. You also would have known that I don’t have friends among Kotiyas. I don’t even use the word, (what is that, f….d) in the presence of Kotiyas.

            Let me explain in simple terms that your lowly koti brain can understand. A good Enemy is an adversary who is trying to kill you. So an Enemy of my Enemy has to be someone who is trying to kill my Enemy. So far it is simple.

            Where you accidentally stepped on your own tiger tail (Valge paga Gaththe – වල්ගෙ පාගා ගත්ත) was at this point. You must have thought, “how can some one who is trying to kill my enemy be my enemy”? it has to be a friend.

            The answer is, Edwin wants to kill the enemy himself and allow others to do his job for him. Anyone violating that is my enemy. I am sure your “Panthera pardusic” brain can understand that. So keep away.

            I want to kill Kotiyas with my bare hands and the merits of that will take me to Paranimmitha Vasavarthi De4va Loka, where Koti Hunetrs go after death.

            • 0

              [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

              • 2


                If we are to take your pretension as a well brought up educated man seriously, you will have to use polite and decent language. Equally, you will have to accept your mistakes gracefully. Crude abuse is no substitute for your mistakes. What is this boastful claim of “Edwin is never wrong” Do you insanely consider yourself to be equipped with infallible divine powers? You seem more disturbed than that confirmed Psycho Izeth H – whom you finally seem to have deserted in a jiffy.

                If you indeed knew the respectful Kumar David, even, at a distance there would have been some semblance of politeness – even if you had 5% of Kumar’s decent demeanour. I am sorry you show neither the hall mark of learning or good breeding. Your hatred of Tamils is obvious but that race will survive this. The language you use, however, will make even that scum of the earth Kudu Mervin envious with embarrassment.

                As to Lions and Tigers venom you carry in abundance, the “War” was over 8 years ago. What a War. Over 300,000 fully armed men in the most modern of offensive equipment attacking from land, sea and air a motley group of unemployed Tamil youth. Finally, the war ended because of the help from Pakistan, India, Israel, the USA and others. Why did it take 30 years? Was it because, under the guise of the War, key officials of the armed forces, in collusion with political leaders, bankrupted the country. Some related Court cases in this regard are still being argued with.


              • 2


                Are you aware the value of the American Dollar shot up from about Rs.60 then to today’s Rs.150. This created massive inflation in the country rendering poor many millions already bearing huge burdens caused by bad governance and the war. Don’t you think Sinhala heroes like you suffer the most today – with little hope for the future.

                If you think it was only the Tamils that were destroyed how wrong you are. True Tamil civilians, by the hundreds of thousands, have been robbed of their homes, agricultural land, fishing potential from their ancient land in the disputed name of the war. They live in the open today with little signs of hope. Several Govts in the past 8 years have, in effect, ignored them. We are a religious people. We believe Right always wins over Wrong. We believe eventually the Devas will save those suffering from their long ordeal. If it satisfies you, VP, by his sheer lack of vision, did as much to the Tamil Nation as the Sinhala Govt.

                Feed your dogs!!! What disgusting language. The world remembers the hoary claim at Welikade in July ’83. This is reminiscent of the words of the marginalised in the coastal areas of the South “Mama thoge malu pethi pethi kapala kanawa” (I will eat your flesh in slices)quoted by others in these pages. Is that your superior Sinhala Buddhist culture.

                Tired of 30 years of war Sinhala political leaders in the South, with influential Buddhist priests in the forefront, are trying to arrive at some form of settlement with the Tamils in the North-East. They realise it is only peace and reconciliation that can save the future and the country. But the otherwise misled Sinhala heroes like you, I am sorry, will be against. This sarong-raised Chandi outlook that comes naturally to many Sinhalese will bring you little comfort. Those of you who are convinced Tamils can be kept forever as a subject race by force will be proven wrong.


                • 0

                  Making Peace

                  Koti Karan, Just when I am warming up, you want peace. Do you know what I am? I am a pig. And do you know what Oscar Wilde said about pigs? Here it is:

                  “Do not ever try to wrestle with a pig. You are going wallow in mud. Besides the pig loves it.”

                  But I respect CT too much to turn it in to a Wrestling ring for pigs and other animals. Because of that, I am reluctantly prepared to accept your offer of a decent and polite debate – provided you apologize to Izzeth Hussain first and he accepts it. If you are polite to him, you will find him to be a very nice, wise and respectful person. You will also learn a lot from his life experience.

                  In other words, like your other friends do not start insulting the moment someone expresses an opinion different from yours. Let us be civilized and debate like decent human beings- not like wild animals.

                  • 2


                    I can gauge your mentality and mindset from the intemperate language I have seen so far. I am sure we will meet regularly in these pages – from the aggressive enthusiasm you show to appear in CT. I note you take pride in describing yourself as a Pig and, as suggested by you, shall remember that. I also notice Pigs are getting together here – in the old adage Birds of a feather flock together.

                    I notice that the other established liar swine has just commented in his usual abusive and visceral nature. Once again, I ignore him learning from the teaching of the Buddha “I return your abuse. It does not belong to me” The words may not be the same as the Buddha but I am sure you get the idea. To use his own words, let him wallow in his natural mad rage style – frothing from all his openings.


                    • 0

                      Edwin Rodrigo – I refer to poor Ketty’s hysterical outburst of April 5 at 6.51 pm.It really is rich that he calls for decorum in these exchanges. He refers to me as a pig and also as “the other established liar swine”. After all that he actually writes – believe you me or not – “I ignore him” !!! It seems that I and ER have reduced him to a state of advanced ethnolunacy. He is now practically certifiable.
                      I shaaay Ketty, why don’t you acknowledge that you have have been a swine in referring to Muslim children as “piglets”. I am sure that the great majority of the Tamils are disgusted at the thought that you are a Tamil. Why don’t you acknowledge and repent? Otherwise I will continue to punish you.Here’s further punishment for you.At the height of the Tamil campaign to stop me being published Dr. Devanesan Nesiah declared in a newspaper article that he agreed with 95% or more of what I wrote. What are you compared to him maaan? You are an envious nonentity who spews forth your hatred from behind a cowardly anonymity – IH

                    • 0

                      Pira Paharan and Koti Karan

                      Koti Karan, You say, “I note you take pride in describing yourself as a Pig and, as suggested by you, shall remember that”.

                      I am proud to be a pig and not a Tamil Kotiya like you. We pigs have principles and one of them is not to bite the hand that feeds you.

                      The Sihala Government was sending free food convoys to the Tamil civilians right through the war and your Pirapaharan confiscated all that to feed him and his family, releasing only what was left over. If you know Pirapaharan and his eating habits, you will know that not much was left over. After feeding on all that + the last dinner chicken curry (Ha!Ha!), he went on massacring innocent Sinhala and Muslim civilians.

                      We pigs love those who feed us and show our gratitude by squealing. Your Pirapaharan also squealed like a pig. But that was when he was finally shot by Pvt Nimal.

                      Biting the hand that feeds you is known as “Ka Pathe Paharan” defecating in the plate you eat from. No wonder he was called Pira Paharan – The one who used to defecate on the plate that he ate from.

                    • 0

                      IH, salvo returned.

                • 0

                  Koti..you say “Are you aware the value of the American Dollar shot up from about Rs.60 then to today’s Rs.150”. Yeah I know. How can I forget it? My salary went up by Rs. 450,000 (nearly half Koty (crore)) without my employer knowing anything about it.

                  MS and RW are real Kotikarans.

      • 3

        Edwin and Izeth are good match, like Bride and groom flattering each other with true love. “Irappanai Pidichuthaam Parai Piraanthu”.Birds of a feather. Next step is, Edwin should get job at Mangala’s camp to match with Izeth CT PhD degree.

        • 1

          Hunting Grounds

          IH, do you see how these para kotoyas are trembling in their leopard skin shoes, because the Lion has joined forces with the Jaguar to eradicate this menace?

          • 0

            Edwin Rodrigo – they are certainly trembling.It’s rich that he is asking for the highest standards of decorum from you – to which he is not entitled – when he has never addressed me without being gratuitously insulting. Why the difference? The explanation is that the Sinhalese, not the Muslims, whacked their globular God Prabha to death.So he sues for peace from you. He respects only power.Such is his disgusting caste mentality. – IH

            • 0

              A Sudae-Sus (Pig) heart for a Koti Karan – Is medical history being made?

              I feel that there can be no peace with this animal. I can see his tone and words mellowing down a little bit. But there is no apology to you as I demanded. No Apology – No peace. The mellowing down may be due to ammunition running low. But no change of heart.

              I think the oly way to change his heart is to make a full tranplant. I am going for a Sudae-Sus heart, which can smoothly replace a human heart according to medical experts. The probem is to get the consent of the next of kin of the donor. No pig likes a nice pig heart beating inside a dirty kotiya like this. As you know, he is not held in very high esteem even by us pigs.

              • 1

                I think the oly way to change his heart is to make a full tranplant. I am going for a Sudae-Sus heart, which can smoothly replace a human heart according to medical experts. The probem is to get the consent of the next of kin of the donor.

                Great English Master, with a big heart, can you explain me the meanings of the words you used here so that I can understand what you wanted tell. I am trembling because I am not able to get the meaning of these words from any dictionary.


                • 0

                  Do some work on your own, you lazy man. You think yo are a Brahmin to sit there and order us?

                  • 0

                    “Do some work on your own, you lazy man. “

                    Are you a sari wearing bald head or an Ayatullah to be dictator like that?

              • 1


                You need urgent psychiatric help – if you are not already in it.
                Your recent posts reminds one of those unfortunates at Angoda-Mulleriyawa who jobber non-stop, as you do. They hallucinate like super-chandiyas imagining great victories. Remember Don Quixote? But, for all intents and purposes, they are mentally gone.

                In fairness to that other liar-swine, the low language he sometimes uses in anger is nothing compared to the incredible filth that seems so natural to you.

                Relax and take it easy, dear chap. BTW, are you in control of your faculties? Why then did you write yesterday “especially opinionated ones like IH” That isn’t the language one uses on a new found friend!!!!


                • 0

                  Why? Had enough? Cannot take anymore? All you have to do is to make that apology to IH and I will stop.

                  Otherwise, consider this as only the opening barrage. What is coming next will make the carpet bombing you got from our security forces look like a string of New year firecrackers.

                  You can apologize or run. If you choose to run, remember what Geaorge Bush said: “You can run. But you cannot hide.”

            • 0

              Koti Karan and Piglets

              Sorry, IH I nearly forgot the reference to piglets concerning Muslim children. He needs to be reported to the authorities. And Koti Karan, if you are ever transiting on your way to cooler climes like Norway, make sure that it is not a GCC country. Or else I will personally ensure that you are arrested and released after circumcision + vrushana kosha removal as a bonus.

              I know, Iknow, Kotiyas are big, but have small Vrushana Koshas. Don’t worry. We have surgical microscopes here. Once he passes through our experts, he will look and feel like a Koti Dena. (Female Kotiya).

            • 1

              to which he is not entitled I know I am not entitled to go to UNHRC with Sinhala supporting actresses or being beaten in New York at Idiyappam Parties for woman fights. Foreign Services of Lankawe is where all war criminal, army commanders serve. Biggest money rolling industry of Lankawe is its foreign services.

              Unless your Guru Prophet Edwin is not certified from that sacred place you got certified, Prophet Edwin’s spiritual call of “porn… porn” in every thread will not be honored. He too needs that highest standards of decorum.

            • 0


              It is empirical, with age one become wiser. In your case it is sometimes the opposite. Your becoming more venomous and hateful is to be expected given your established reputation as a Tamil-hater. But you are becoming crazier. Have you lost faith to hold on to your own – that you so far did reasonably well. Now you lean heavily on this new creature that calls himself Edwin Rodrigo. His forte appears to be a filthy tongue and irrational behaviour. His language is so bad he has to use soap and disinfectant to wash his key-board. We have not seen such gutter language in CT’s pages. Edda seems to believe threats, intimidation and uncontrollable anger will win him the day with his detractors.

              An examination of his comments in the last two days will confirm
              the man is an incurable mental wreck. Let me admit, you are far saner though sometimes weird.


  • 3

    Mr. Edwin Rodrigo in his element.Congratulations old boy!Now Sir don’t get tickled by the fact that a girl in her teens is complimenting you!

    • 3

      Melby Girl, how can I be sure that you are in your teens or perhaps 60+?

      • 2

        Let me help you Edwin, can you please ask her to send her DNA so that I can confirm you that she is still in her teens. I am a DNA expert by profession, if I may reveal you. You are so naive Edwin to fall on the tricks fo some commentators on this platform. I thought you are over 60 or so, with a dozen of kid a dear wife as you narrated to you shortly before your trip to home country I guess few months ago. You were also the one, who may have boasted of having a get-together with former MR allies who ate the country not leaving the least to anyone.

        • 2

          DNA Testing

          Let me help you Edwin, can you please ask her to send her DNA so that I can confirm you that she is still in her teens. I am a DNA expert by profession, if I may reveal you.

          Thanks Bunjappu, for your kind offer. Please answer the following:

          1) Can you tell the age from one’s DNA? If so how accurately? Please give me some reliable references.

          2) Even if this can be done reliably, how can we ensure that it is MG’s DNA? She/he can very well send some younger person’s sample can’t she/he? As an expert, I ask you how can we avoid it?

          You are so naive Edwin to fall on the tricks of some commentators on this platform.

          I am aware of the tricks. I was not born yesterday. In fact, I was born more than 60 years ago. But if it is a game, I like to play it. If not, still I like to play along.

          You were also the one, who may have boasted of having a get-together with former MR allies who ate the country not leaving the least to anyone.

          Yes I was. But it was not a boast. If you know Prof AKD, you can ask him how it was. This time too, I will be taking some there. I am no fan of MR. Nor anyone in mu whole family. We all voted against him. I just wanted to show AKD why some voted for him.

          • 2

            Edwin – the lanken Shakespeare :
            Can you tell the age from one’s DNA? If so how accurately? Please give me some reliable references.
            What you may intend to ask should be- if only DNA tests can confirm the age of a person ?
            When performing DNA tests, you need to have some various kind of information about the suspect. Like for example, some information about the person. Today, data banks are very useful, However, DNA offers about the surest way to confirm the success of your genealogy research, as there is no room for human error in DNA results.
            References: Please google yourself, you may choose one of the easy articles, there are enough articles in the web, also for those who have the least knowledge on general views on human genetics.
            Even if this can be done reliably, how can we ensure that it is MG’s DNA? She/he can very well send some younger person’s sample can’t she/he?
            Of course she could send you a sample of some one else, but DNA tests are connected to a set of other information as said above can help you further.
            If you woul dnot find sufficient info on th etop, please drop a line so that I can get back to you accordingly. I will be back to CT in a couple weeks or so… ve veen on a trip across Europe for this and next week.

            • 0

              Thanks. Enjoy and take care.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 2

    That Sir is for me to say and you to visualize ! Never mind that,but let me congratulate you again ,Mr ER ,for your very good English and excellent comments.There are only a few around with such abilities .”Grow old along with me,the best is yet to be”,as Browning said! Best wishes.

    • 1

      Murder of Queen’s English and Kattankudy

      Melby Girl, I think we are going to have a nice and cordial relationship like between a grandpa and a grand daughter. It is so nice to be complemented for my English. But I cannot help being good. I have a gift for languages. But I am not so good as Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Browning et al – yet. But they are all dead and, Inshallah, I have a few years to catch up with them.

      But this gift I have is a curse sometimes, because, as you can see, I have to deal with people like Malle Urine, Jarash et al. Now a new apparition called Koti karan has manifested himself in the horizon. They are murdering the good old Queen’s English the way they murdered the 147 Muslims in Kattankudy. It is horrible to watch.

      Sorry, MG, I should not have asked a lady about her age. Not chivalrous. The promise ”Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be” hits my heart like a bullet from the Browning pistol of the Tiger Pistol gang. But in a very pleasant way.

      Best Wishes!

  • 4

    I suspect a growing tendency among a sizable section of the ethnic minorities to attack each other in the vain hope that each could thus warm up to SB racists of the class of BBS.

    Hatred towards minorities runs deep among chauvinists and there are no favourites. Stories are constantly spread in cunning ways, accusing each minority community of some form of villainy.

    Reckless anti-Tamil, anti-Muslim and even anti-Sinhala/anti-Buddhist comments anywhere enlighten none. They only add to the communal venom that is destroying the country.

  • 5

    The ancient Hindu tradition of polyandry (woman marrying many husbands) was once widely practiced, and still in practice in India having direct links to Mahabharatha where Draupadi was married to five brothers of the same family.

    Difference is, in polygamy child knows the father. In polyandry, DNA test is the only solution.

    I don’t want to hurt the sentiments of Hindus, but Hindu fanatics enjoy a lot mocking others’ religions with fake references and the only solution to this seems to be showing some facts about their gods and sages from their own books

    If a religion can be blamed for terrorism only because of its few followers then why Hinduism where vulgar sexism being core of it, and from Gods to present day swamis insulting women talking and taking of them as sex slaves, acceptance of Niyoga (can compared to present day cuckoldry), Bestiality (sex with animals), open group sex in the wild and the list goes on with their own scriptures in the Kovils being one of the supporting evidence shouldn’t be bring to limelight?

    Gautama Dharma Shastra
    Srimad Bhagavatam
    Manu Smriti
    Atharva Veda

    And many more of legal texts related to Hinduism can stand the supporting evidence for above.

    How on earth Hindu parents can explain when their kids point at a vulgar sculpture and ask what it is inside a Kovil?

    A religion with such a lot of vulgarities and lots of Gods (including many animals as their Gods), dividing human being into castes based on which family there were born in, is unquestionable. In my next comment let me go through casteism in Hinduism

    • 1

      Kindly tell me what is wrong with polyandry.
      Vulgar and obscene are not the same; and not all nudity and coital imagery are obscene.

      Humanity has progressed through diverse forms of sexual relations. That will continue for a long time.
      South and East Asian societies have been until not long ago commendably tolerant (or even accommodating) towards trans-sexuality and homosexuality.
      Some of the greatest historical figures and contributors to civilization were homosexuals and eunuchs.
      It will be healthy to understand human behaviour before denouncing anything that does not conform to one’s prejudices.

      • 1

        If you think that paternity of a child is central to a society, that was not how mother-centred family systems viewed things.

        We cannot take a blinkered view of good and bad, and right and wrong: much depends on how a society is structured.
        Polyandry still exists in South Asian communities which are healthier than most male dominated societies.

        What is most important is to be human and humane and avoid sitting in judgment on others.

    • 2

      Your problem is that you are not able grasp the difference between a religion and a culture. Hinduism is perceived as a culture and Buddhism is told as a philosophy. They both don’t fall into the western definition of “Religions”. But in both of their, lately added, religious portion is saying seeking other women is one of the five Maha Sins. But remember, I did not come to know that restriction was placed on women. They both have been evolving, never stopping, until the Muslim invasion in India. From that onward, more and more of their philosophies are facing stagnation and being crystallized little by little. In Tamil Nadu the Dravidian Parties posed a challenge to this. But as they are only political parties, not religious or cultural movement s, and their heavy dependency on sided philosophy, that is atheism, they failed to restart the stagnated religious developments. But by infusing thoughtfulness, they have successfully differentiated Tamils from all other Language based Indian cultures.

      Sangam literatures reveal that in their time man and woman were equal. It was few centuries ago before Prophet had separated women for low caste treatment in Middle East. Srimad Bhagavatam’s time is disputed. Some think it was written somewhere in Tamil Nadu after Sankaracharya released his Advaita Philosophy. Others claim it is as old as other Puranas. In the first scenario, anything in it is pure stories and worthless to analyze, beyond its philosophical content. On the second one, it might relate to that time living or the living of from legends of few centuries ago. The description there is, Krishna and friends had unimpeded friendship with women. Apparently it was not a concern for husbands, families and society. The current situation to evolve that kind of equality, I would guess we might need a millennium.

      • 0


        Just saw your comment and could not read it. Can you please write what you intended to say in max 3 or 4 lines, please?

        Then I will reply.

    • 1

      Do you know that many of the attitudes you have are ones introduced by the Victorian British? For example:
      Female nudity or partial nudity
      Depiction of sex.
      The Brits gave these up long ago, but we cling onto them. The Sigiriya frescoes show what the Sinhalese were really like. Even the pre-Christian Greeks and Romans had their “vices”.

      • 2

        An aberration that crept into Hinduism from the outside, via the evil British = Another wicked lie.

        You know, Hindus will go to the extent that Brits were the ones to write their historical legal texts I gave samples above to hide the facts – We buy that?

    • 0


      Where have you heard or seen polyandry among Tamil women now or in recent centuries – other than a single instance in ancient mythology. Please try discover other ways for you to show your anti-Hindu prejudice.


      • 0

        You know where Nilgiris is? It is in TN.

        Additionally, see modern polyandry, which is cuckoldry. No need hardcore adult sites. Just FB, look for ‘Chennai cuckold’, you get more encounters.

        • 0

          You can impose your own fancy baby names to the statues you make and keep looking at them and fearing of the cat you made as tiger. But there are people bringing up cats at their home as pets, not tigers.

          Pakistan or Iran or Saudi has to bring in democracy into their land and set example of how to make a Singapore or a Korea or a Japan or even one Hong Kong in their land. They are wasting the abundant resources, losing the precious time, freedom to act on their own- the sovereignty and the influence they enjoy in the world arena only to impose Sharia to flog lovers on public stages for having walked along on public roads, hand in hand. Instead of that Sate madness , they should make sure the past of Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Syria Palestine, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Chechnya, Pakistan of East-West, …… not happening or repeating in their land. In Xinjiang, China is forcefully ordering to keep open the closing Hue liquor shops to cool the fanatic Islam had become out of control. They are trying to avoid the need for another Tiananmen Square’s downfall in Xinjiang.

          Adult men’s and women’s affairs are to them. A state’s die hard temptation to tackle it is fruitless. The Western democracies waste less time on this are prospering on the world market as economic power houses. Further, when, money rich countries waste that on Wahhabism like Saudi, and when Iran’s shah or Iraq Saddam’s time comes to them, they will come down without resistance on their water slide. Because they don’t tackle the tiger, the religious extremism that is roaming around in their neighborhood, but keep fearing of the 9 year old girl let alone not married are going to bring down their Caliphates.

          • 0


            Sorry mate, can you brief in 2 lines, please (no time)?

            • 0

              I like your Christian mind of “Ask for to get it”.

              Adult men’s and women’s affairs are to them. A state’s die hard temptation to tackle it is fruitless.
              I know you ability of comprehending, so I had included those two lines too.

              The sad part of Prophet Mohamed is, if it is true he wrote the Sharia laws, he lacked foresightedness though bragged by some tale tellers he as an enlightened and did know everything. It was not in his wildest dream that the world will start to civilize. He lacked empathy, sympathy and has missed to sense that humans have feeling and would like do their private things in their way. He lacked common sense to realize or deduce his theories to reflect an understanding of that if a devotee pray a stature then still his deep heart intention was to pray him and to accept it. Why would a graceful mother beat up her child if it asks for pudding for breakfast instead of cake? A covering, all-inclusive mother bird heart only can guess a 9 years of female child’s weakness and tenderness to react to the cruel environment and to spread its wings to cover it. No child is born knowing Sharia and man to man comprehension ability varies as earlier you could not understand my above comment. If you go to a more humanized Western styled court, the Judges’ prime question is what the intention of the accused was. Here your intention was to pretend like you are innocent and have not read it when though you had memorized it. These behaviors of accused are revealed by lawyers questioning the plaintiff and accused, instead of one sided implementation, in that all accused are blasphemous of Islam.

              Please read this and comment on this: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-39480846

          • 0


            Just saw your comment and could not read it. Can you please write what you intended to say in max 3 or 4 lines, please?


  • 4

    Real Siva Sankaran Sarma, Mallaiyuran, Rajash

    Poor you out of topics – why always on “Muslims descendants are low caste Tamils”

    And funny enough it doesn’t seem to create any impact on them too. Perhaps if you throw the same at Tamils, you can see some angry reactions :)

    That is the fundamental difference between Islamic ideology and Hinduism where casteism is part and parcel – Got to live with, or consider embracing Islam

    • 2

      RSS and Malle Urine suffer from verbal diarrhea. They also write in Yiddish not English.

      Rajash is more reasonable and of a better class.

      The other two seem to be from the Vasala caste.

      • 1

        The other two seem to be from the Vasala caste.

        What the heck is that my stillborn child? Aandu Bhashawe?

        • 1

          Look up Vasala Sutta you imbecile.

          Najatta Vasalo Hoti,
          Najatta Hoti Brahmano…

          I am sure you belong to the first type by birth as well as by what you do.

          • 0

            Edwin Rodrigo

            Can you tell Prophet EDWIN RODRIGO that Tamils don’t come into Anduwa Caste System. That is only for Sinhalese and Muslims.

            • 0

              Drop the Yiddish.

        • 0

          I know why you cannot understand. My post is not in Yiddish.

          CT has Tabs for English and Sinhala. Time they had one for Yiddish from the looks of the posts coming in.

          CT Please ……

  • 3

    You Thurumbars can say what you like but you cannot simply match Hussein and Rodrigo when it comes to a rational dignified argument.You people are no match for the occasional acidic double entendres they use to such brilliant effect.You guys fail miserably when it comes to using English ( guess Queen’s language is a complicated term).

    Why don’t Siva Sankaran Sarma,Maillyuran Rajash etc beg for some on line tution from these two masters of debate and English for starters?Maha Vidiyalam thinking or disgraceful English would not simply do on CT , though it would be fine for a debate under a Palmyra tree up North!You half educated guys are the reason for Sinhalese ,Tamils and Muslims unnecessarily dying by the thousands in nearly 30 years of civil war.Develop a conscience please,as you obviously lack one.

    • 4

      Pray what are you? Like most of the present day Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Muslims/Moors, descended from Tamil Thurumbars Pallans, Paraiyans and other low castes but now pretending to be Aryans and Arabs, in order to hide their real low/humble immigrant origin from South India and also to look good in the eyes of the world. Then have the audacity to preach to the Tamils about caste. Hypocrite.

      Your hero Edwin Rodrigo is a very good example, has a typical low caste Catholic Paravan surname but calls himself an upper caste Sinhalese Govigamma and goes around beating the anti Tamil drum.

      As for this nasty Izzath the least said the better. This man is part of the Southern Sinhalese Muslims elite, who for their own selfish economic and political power,brain washed the island’s Tamil Muslim masses, to think that they are descended from Arabs and to worship everything remotely connected with Arabs. Hate/despise their fellow non Muslim Tamils and their actual rich and ancient Dravidian Tamil origin and heritage.

      He still continues to do this, thinking that his immigrant community from South India, will still be able to get a few more crumbs from the Sinhalese table by fawning to them. It is nasty self serving southern Muslims elite like him, who made the Sinhalese racists and establishment, this powerful by joining with them in their anti Tamil genocidal dance from the onset.

      • 2

        Real Sama- You have kept on bellowing like a mad bull “low caste, low caste, low caste” for months on end. I want to be brief because I don’t want to waste my time on a mad bull. In traditional Sri Lanka the Sinhalese were infinitely more caste conscious than they are today.How come that Muslims were given high positions by the Sinhalese over the centuries as recorded by Lorna Deveraj and others?Obviously the Muslims were not regarded as low cast. Answer to the point. Don’t keep on bellowing – IH

        • 3

          How come Muslims were given high positions by Sinhalese? Yes come . Yes one or wo Muslim Arab emissaries were given high positions in the kings court, nothing to do with the largely low caste Tamil Hindu converts from South India, which is your community. You just want to latch on to these few Arabs and claim all sorts of fame for your largely low caste converted immigrant community from South India. Pathetic.
          I would have never mentioned caste if you and the rest of your community did not give your self airs claiming superiority over the Tamils on the basis of an Imagined Arab origin and heritage, that only a small number of you partially have. The vast overwhelming majority of the Sri Lankan Muslims have no Arab or Moorish blood but descended from largely low caste Dravidian Tamil immigrants from South India. This is a fact. Trying to hide this humble origin and then claiming all sorts of bogus origins to look good and to escape Sinhalese racism, smacks of racism casteism and hypocrisy. Yet you have the gall to come here and write caste issue amongst the Tamils. Why don’t you write articles about caste issue amongst Sinhalese or even South Asian Muslims. In Tamil Nadu from where your ancestors came from. Tamil Muslim castes like the Marrikars, Rawthers, Lebbai, ETC do not intermarry into each other on the basis of caste and are largely endogamous. Same with the Mappila Muslims of Kerala , they are divided by castes. Muslim Pakistan and Bangladesh practise caste.
          Every time you and the rest of the fake Arab Sri Lankan Muslims try to act superior over the Tamils claiming this fake Arab origin. I will keep on posting your actual largely low caste Tamil Hindu origin from India

    • 0

      “though it would be fine for a debate under a Palmyra tree up North!”

      Tamils studied under the Palmyra tree up North and were entering the e medical faculty and engineering faculty in record numbers.!

      That is why the Muslim minister of the education of the day brought in standardisation to shut out the Tamils

      so don’t lecture Tamils on education or command of English Language

      • 1


        Tamils entering University due to their brilliance is a myth .Actually they were given more than a leg up by having marks added at the AL exam.Dont forget Tamils dominated the teaching profession in the 2 decades after independence as they did in just about every other job category., thanks to the British policy of divide and rule.So the Palmyrah connection did work wonders!

      • 0

        Yes. They were thanks to Professors like ‘Hair Growth’ who was also known as ‘Sinhalayage Parama Hathura’

        The Science faculty song went like this: Sihalayage Parama Hathurs Hair Growth Nayagam.

        There was a lot favoritism in selections when entering University, Passes, Classes, even giving exam papers.

        “Tamils studied under the Palmyra tree”. Of course they did. Only monkeys would study while sitting at the top of trees.

  • 1

    How long is CT going to put its readers through such bigotry?

  • 1

    Surely, is CT not going too far by allowing posts like those of Edwin? These are unbelievably vicious and against a great freedom fighter of the Tamils defending them against a genocidal government. Please refrain from publishing such posts that serve the purpose of widening the ethnic divisions.

    • 0

      Thiru Lakshminarayan

      In Sinhala Sri Lanka, in the past few centuries, there is a character
      called “Chandiya” almost in every village and various parts of towns.
      He is usually a youngish thug with a prison record – often for violence, robbery and other felonies. Usually, he has a gang of no-good rowdies loitering with him. In today’s Sri Lanka, many of them are successfully entrenched in politics.

      Looks to me like this bizarre character called Edwin Rodrigo is laying claim to this title – in the pages of CT. His forte seems to be insulting and attacking Tamils, Tamil Writers and so forth in what he imagines in his disturbed mind to be a continuing Sinhala-Tamil War.

      We have this variety appearing and disappearing in the land at various times. Rodrigo is the latest Avatar. If you read some of his postings here you might form your own opinion of the qualities of a man trying to be a Champion of the Sinhalese. LoL.

      Unsurprisingly, some discredited Muslims – known for their inherent deception and opportunism – offer allegiance to this character now. This is known in Sinhala as “Vaasi paththeta hoi” (Leaning with the winning side) If you recall, up to about the 1960s our Muslims identified themselves with the Turks, who were a force in the Middle East and certain parts of Europe immediately prior to WW1. But since the Arabs found oil wealth in the 1970s, our Muslims have en masse have deserted the Turks and are now with the Arabs. In the process they have given up the Turukki – their identification sign till then. Now they don the Arabic/Jewish skull-cap. That’s classic opportunism, if you like.


      • 1

        I am horrified by the type of posting this character Edwin does. This is certainly not freedom of expression.

        Let us all get together and demand from CT not to publish such material as posts.

        • 2

          Sources prove that the guy has been suffering from isolenism in the Middle east. Even if the lost nation have now been fully dependent on the labour forces being airlifted to middle east, most of them are reported to be not doing well.
          So we NEED to consider them as psycho patients. Most that spread hatreds have pathological reasons to do so. That is what will come out if they would be subjected to clinical trials. This I am telling you – by my own exp having me the kind of patients in our analyses.

      • 1

        So long Edwins and the like minded men are notthe majority in the country, you dont need to be worried about what a sexagenarian of his kind adds to CT posts.

        I have the feeling, Edwin may more likely be killing times being caught to an office environment in a Middle east country. His copy and paste posts bring only angers to the tamils. I really dont know why the man is that hateful with tamils. If we hate some folks, we should have reasonable grounds. To the manner, JVPers killed innocient masses in the country towards the end of 80ties, we should all stand against today’s JVP.

  • 4

    Caste and Hinduism:

    Caste has been present from the very beginning of Hinduism, denying this is a horrific lie, but nothing.

    How Quran is important in Islam, the ‘karma’ is important in Hinduism, and this is highly interlinked with casteism. Why?

    One’s karma is derived from your caste, and your caste is derived directly from your karma in your past lives.

    It is right there in the Vedas. The Brahmins were derived from the mouth and the Shudras from the feet. The Untouchables were added later by Brahmins overlords to punish Hindus who engaged in wrong-doings in their past lives.

    Whether they accept it or not, the caste oppression is everywhere in Hindu society and it is a part of his identity – Even in this modern days:

    Even today, in some of the factories where drinking fountains are segregated, in schools low caste children are bullied and in shops cashiers refuse to serve them while in jobs promotions are denied due to the caste system.

    What more, when UK Govt tried to incorporate Anti- Caste Discrimination into its equality law recently, it was sabotaged by Hindu right in the UK is a good example modern stance of Hindus on their casteism.

    Discriminating group of innocent people on their caste just because that is linked to karma, which is a concept of Hinduism is accepted?

    I know now, many will as usual, try to sugar-coat it, but the FACT is FACT.

    • 1

      Wiseman Isharath

      “One’s karma is derived from your caste…” Wrong. Caste is part of the Hindu tradition and is real – although, due to education, it is now fastly on the wane in India and elsewhere Hindus live. In Hinduism everyone is subject to the Karmic Force. I agree there are still today some features in the Hindu caste system in conflict with the modern secular world. Hinduism is overcoming this – fast.

      Don’t waste trying to understand it. You will never learn it. What you call Islam is copied from the Jewish/Hebrew tradition – right from The Book, the Mountain, Fasting etc., The Quran is a derivation from the Torah and Jewish traditions. Quran can only survive by force i.e. medieval Sharia and so forth. There is no room for debate, discussion and consensus in Islam. It is the sword for those who do not agree and disobey. See what is happening here in Kattankudy.

      Very soon the Islamic world will explode. The enlightened and secular scholars of Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Jordan will rise and demand greater religious freedom and the due rights of women. This will also have the support of modern Muslims in India, Pakistan and the Islamic diaspora in the West. The Knowledge Revolution kindled by I/T is on the way in the mostly medieval Islamic world.


      • 3

        Hello angry Dravidian,

        “One’s karma is derived from your caste…” Let me rephrase it: “your caste is derived from your karma”.

        So in Hinduism, caste is having effects of hell/heaven in other religions?
        Brahmins at the top of heaven on earth and untouchable in the hell on earth?

        The rest of your mutterings I ignored since everyone has the right to get angry.

        • 0

          …I am a BRAHMIN when I read and teach my children
          …I am a KSATRIYA when I shield and protect my family
          …I am a VAISHYA when I manage my home running to provide
          for my family
          …I am a SHUDRA when I clean home and do menial jobs within

          In one I am all and remain a HINDU

          (To my detractors – Stop trying to divide us on the basis of Caste and spreading misinformation on the Varna system)


  • 2

    An Eulogy for Pira Paharan – The Great Freedom Fighter

    TL is right. CT, You don’t have to do anything. I will stop insulting Prabha. He was a great freedom fighter – For the Sinhalese, not the Tamils, on the same level as Puran Appu, Gongalegoda Banda and Keppetipola.

    He killed more Tamils than any other person in recent history including SL security forces. Of course, he killed Sinhalese and Muslims too. But don’t you see? It was just for show. A few dozens here, a few dozens there for the sake of appearance. Those were sacrificed by the Sinhala government for the larger good of the country.

    The main idea was to solve the Tamil problem. They had to be eliminated as an ethnic group. And what better person to do that than a chicken curry loving Tamil?

    Prabha was the main agent of the Sinhala Government in this conspiracy. Unfortunately, Army Private Nimal Maharage, carrying the HR charter in one hand and a pdf copy of the Karaneeya Metta Sutta in the other, spoilt everything by shooting and killing VP in the Nanthikadal on that fateful day. How he shot this hero with both hands holding books, we have no idea. but it was done.

    Prabha did not beg as some like to say. He squealed like a pig. We do not know why. but he did squeal – like a pig.

  • 1

    Who is This Kettikaran (KK)?

    Last night I was thinking about this enigmatic person Kettikaran and decided to apply the 5 W method for to identify him.

    What, Who, Where, When, Why.

    What is this name Kettikaran? It is such a stupid name that it cannot be real. He says it is really Koti Karan. (Koty meaning Crore). But why does he write it as Koti and not Koty?

    Tigers used name changes for security reasons. for example, Velupillai Pare Paharan (Road defecator) became Pirapaharan which then evolved in to V Prabhakaran (VP).

    Such name changes are a sure sign of a top rung terrorist. If he is a Tiger surely he must have been involved in the conspiracy between MR, Gota and Prabha to destroy the Tamils. MR was known for giving and taking Kuttis (Big Bribes).

    Aloko Udapadi!

    Aha! So, Kettikaran was the go between, between MR and VP taking the Kuttis to him together with loads and loads of Frozen Chicken, especially imported form Brazil. In other words, Kettikaran is NOT Kettikaran. Kettikaran is Kuttikaran, the elusive double agent, who used to transport the Kutti from MR to VP.

    The stupidity of VP was only rivaled by the size of his stomach. There was a deal between MR and KK to finally eliminate VP once he completes his side of the contract. VP went in to high gear in the last few days killing thousands of Tamil civilians to complete the contract.

    But the stupid Army PVT Nimal Maharage threw a spanner in to the works by killing VP.

    That was not the only time SL Army acted stupidly against national interests. While VP was going at full throttle killing Tamil civilians, the Army was going at full throttle trying to save them. Can you beat that?

  • 0

    Another Apology

    Rajash, Kettikaran, Sinchoappu, Thiruvathavoorar, Real Siva Sankaran Sarma, Mallaiyuran et al.

    I feel sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling names, insulting your Gods, Religion, ethnicity, language, caste, origins. I am trying to reform. This Wesak, I am planning to give a Dana (1000 packets of a very good lunch) to the Sri Lankan and other poor workers here and the transfer that good Karma to all those who died in the war. My wish is going to be that Tamil freedom fighters who died violently in the Eelam wars be born in a better existence where they will live in peace, especially Prabhakaran who led them.

    The Security Forces personnel who died defending their motherland, in a war that they did not start, as well as the civilians on both sides will be mentioned in the Pinkama.

    On your side I want only one thing from you. Please do not complain collectively to CT and block me. I need this outlet.

    • 2

      thanks for your repeated apologies. I really appreciate. We the human beings make mistakes.Some have the ablitiy to appologize while others not. Wording can hurt more than the weapons do. Anyways, it is advisable you guys to think twice the manner you, exchange the views on this platform. You yourself boast of your English, but contents of the comments keep the same on a repeated mode. Having spent almost 3 decades in Europe, I have learnt to respect each and everyone respectfully. I got to know tamils after I moved out of the country. Even if I also had got to know some fellow mates in Peradeniya. I just overead your posts only.. some have felt really sad after reading them. That is why I thought to add mine that way not to put you down.

      I now have the feeling you Edwin seems to have nothing better to do these days than add your evasive thoughts. Besides, your texts are really lenghty and I really dont have time to read them.

      Further to this, it is good to hear that youa re going to give an alms giving to 1000- Please focus on the aged and the children. I would not repeat it to Sangayas anymore. I decided not to give them this time as had been earlier. But I love arranging a Bana evening.
      So my yidish made you upset.

      • 1

        Who are you Sinchoappu to preach to me? You must be one of the first Tamil refugees to flee to Europe seeking asylum, lying and destroying the repuation of beloved Lanka.

        What were you doing in Europe for 30 years. Picking pockets? Keep your respect and advice for your stupid Europeans whom you are very good at hoodwinking and get lost!

        • 1

          Why you behave so arrogant man ? since your comment in which you begged putting me also in your list, I responded to that in my previous comment. Else, I would not have wasted my valuble time for a ill-fated person of your nature. We have been reading your posts over the last few days and they are really insulting comments. Why you think you have rights to hurt others feelings that way ? what do you have got what we other srilankens dont ? Just a hatred filled head only ? Shame on your Guru .. Prof. David, he would not be happy to see your ill behaviours on CT posts… please learn to respect.. at least at your early 60ties.- you need to learn good manners. Arabs may have abused to turn out to be what youare.

          I have no idea asto why you attacked me for my last comment, even if I have just admired your appologies. In fact, I did appreciate your comment. But to tell you, not many LIKE me, those who bear a neutral views about lanken problems would ever respect you and the like creatures, just because of your on and on- low levels remarks on minority folks.

          I am no means a tamil refugee; nor would I call myself a sinhalese of your nature, but an another srilanken moved to europe after JVPrs killed over 50 k in 89 insurgency. Not only just nothern rebells, also southern rebells destroyed our mates at Peradeniya in late 80ties.

          I identify myself as a srilanken with southern genetics, if you want to see it that way. What I have been doing in Europe – do I really need to share it with you or the like people ? and why ?

          Just because you work for american being caught in Saudi or anywhere you are, should I attacked you that you would be servile to them ? What kind of arguments man ? Get a life.

          If you would continue your posts the way have been sofar, unfortunately, we have to ask CT authorties to due actions against you ASAP.

        • 1

          Having said, all that, I have in fact learnt to respect anyone not hurting their emotions – that should have added to me since I lived in Europe. But you the like inborn hatred creatures – being caged in SAUDI- have been worsening our problems. I got to know you are now in your 60ties, but you to behave like a boy in teens is what we see here. Why ? What went with your missionary eltern house- proving you cant be orginal sinhala either. I am not into attack your caste and creed, but a person of your nature, deserves to get it from us – since your wording is absolutely no go to any civilized folks. Get a life man – leave us all srilankens in peace.
          Dont widen the gap between the majority and minorities in this country, we the real peace lovers in this country have rights to ask you rabble rousers to behave well.
          In Japan, elderly people start going to do their degree courses at the Uni.. specially females, since they believe what they lost in their early years, they can still achieve – that is education.
          Just because a BSc Eng is completed, to have a cesspit of your kind is no means acceptable. You fit well to SAUDI or the LIKE countries where not even the basic democratic rights are safeguarded. Please grow up. Then future generations would stop cursing you guys. Basta

    • 2

      Dont worry Mr. They would not block you. Besides you have appologized for your poisonous tongue. And CT is no that narrowminded.

      It was you and the men like Dayan Jayathilaka AND that MAHINDA pala all have always been against minorities.
      I really dont think that Mahinda pala would ever stop adding his two cts worth on castes of tamils or any devious thoughts, even if he would have been spending his last day in a palliative ward.

      • 1

        From where did you appear?

        Mahindapala happens to be my favorite author. So get lost!

        • 2

          Please study WELL the CT archives of Mahinda burupala, he is an another idiot that promote hatreds. He has the same genetics as that Dayan Jayathilaka who is known as self proclaimed political analyst and spinn doctor of the Rajapakshe regime. Both should be put in a rehabilitation cetre if the nation to allow work for reconciliation. Theese men will have to be rotten in the hell- if what religions say are truths, for all the rabblerousing activities the buggers have made sofar.

          We finally want to achieve our goal – which is permanent peace for all in the beautiful country. Not just for our sinhalayas-. I hate to see anyone who bears the mind set even after 30 years of the civil war. Enough is enough.

          • 0

            Putujjana Tamils

            All those Kotiyas who are growling here, and I am not sure you are not one, belong to the Tamil International Something (or the other). They do not care two hoots for the Putujjana Tamils living in Sri Lanka, minding their own business. The Putujjana Tamils just want to get along with life. Not another war. I am fighting for them too. They are our brothers and sisters – not Rajash, Kettikaran, Thiruvathavoorar, Real Siva Sankaran Sarma, Mallaiyuran et al. (Hey, you saw the way Kettikaran was trying to cuddle up to me calling me brother? He must be thinking I am a Konde Bandapu Cheena).

            Every single one of these Overseas resident Kotiyas are contributing to the funds of Tamil International Something. They are also extorting money from Tamils here. This is a Billion Dollar big business for those koti Leaders. If you think they want peace, you got another think coming.

            P.S.: I see you have used the word ‘bugger’ to descibe Mahndapala & Dayan. And you are speaking of respectful language. I say HA! HA! You must be a Kotiya in disguise – very poor disguise, I must say.

        • 1

          Mahindapala is proved to be the most abusive rabblerouser. If you hve not read his archives, study them today, you seem to have plenty of times left while killing time being in Saudi.
          You as a newcomer to CT, should learn the basics – which is to respect all of us. As some commentators pointed out, this has now become a kindergarten. We ve been regular visitors on CT platform from the day it was formed. We must not brand us as sinhalaya, demala, thambia or lanzi the like , we are all srilankens. Each of us sinhalaya knows well, how racial our folks have been. Be it at Universities or anywhere the tamils have been, they have been disicriminated by the majority folks. If any sinhalaya would see it objective, they are branded as ” tamil refugee” – are u at all sane ?
          Discriminations of the kind are not unique exclusively to lanken society. But we need to iron out our mistakes… not just us, but also tamils too. Extremists of all varied nature are there – that is why we fought a war that went on over 30 long years. Let alone, today, we have to see it back as to why we the folks had a war. If we the sinhaalaya cant see that they the minorities have been discriminated in this country, that alone is a problem as I see it, they have to have their brains checked properly.
          Rodrigo, you sound to have a problem not being able getting it well.
          Give it a try man – if not today when ?
          Dont betray us Sinahalya just because you failed to learn it yet..
          Not even in few more years, you will become a retired man. what have you been doing all the past decades ? Men of your nature, only pave ways to new kind of hatreds. So we can see, what you guys may have been passed to your offsprings…. Buddha teachings never contained to behave the way you have been. Calling you ve been a buddhist, also going to give 1000 rice packets in the wesak season, but to behave like Ajasatta would not help right ? If you just enjoy only your writing, please choose an another place for that …that can restore peace in this forum.

          • 0

            The Modern Way of Circumcising Brahmins

            The old way was to use a hand axe and cutoff half. Now they hold it against a grind stone and grind it off. Takes more time but more precise.

            All Brahmins who are circumcised this way change their name to Payyagala.. Something of the Other.

    • 0

      My dear Brother Edwin Rodrigo,

      That you were in the wrong path and delusional was beyond doubt. But in all decency you now seek a more peaceful, friendly and different route. The undeniable fact, as confirmed by our two great Anthropologist-Historians – the beloved Professors Sudarshan Seneviratne and Shiran Deraniyagala both Sinhalese and Tamils come from the same gene pool.
      That is to say, we are but one. As that great man of peace Bishop Desmond Tutu said “we were once divided but let us now be reconciled” Tutu was one of those who prevented a massive racial blood-bath in South Africa.

      Let us move towards that beautiful rainbow of love, peace and reconciliation Tutu dreamed of. Both the Sinhalese and Tamils are great, ancient and cultured civilisations whose combined talents can bring both unity and economic future for both peoples.

      As to those Lankan Muslims, who wish to be identified by religion, the fact is until the arrival of divisive Islamic Fundamentalism in the world in the 1980s, they were a religious and peaceful people who contributed much to the good of the country – largely through their social cohesion and commercial enterprise. They now also excel in the Arts, Sciences and education. Though late comers to the Sri Lankan family, they can contribute immensely to our common good too.

      Let us forget those minor features that divide us and build on the larger ones that unite us in peace and goodwill.


      • 0

        More Apologies are Due

        Rajash, Kettikaran, Thiruvathavoorar, Real Siva Sankaran Sarma, Mallaiyuran et al.

        This is not real. What about apologies from each one you to Izzeth? You have been insulting him very badly, one of you even dictating on him how many pages you should write.

        I agree with him 100% about the caste differences among Tamils. You want to have equality with the Sinhalese but you want second class citizens in your own society.

        I am not going to abandon my friend. That is not my style nor the style of the Sinhalese.

        Either all of you apologize to him or we can fight again.

        • 0

          I am not going to abandon my friend. That is not my style nor the style of the Sinhalese.

          Prophet, it sounds like a co-signed resolution (deal) of UNHRC.
          How long it will last? 2 seconds? I mean the medicine you took. (Not the resolution, that will last for minimum 20 years.)

          That is not my style nor the style of the Sinhalese.
          In 1915 Ramanathan brought out the Edwin Rodrigues from the Grip of the Izeths, by travelling to UK through the First World War’s flying cannonballs. Rodrigoes deported Ramanathan’s relatives to India, signing MMDA for Izeths.

          I am not going to abandon my friend.
          We repeatedly advised the West when they were singing the resolution 30/1 that they will have no way but to sign 34/1 as they were taking the Sinhala Intellectuals’ words. Don Stephen’s pact of Naval base to UK, SWRD-Chelva, Dudley-Chela, India-Lanka, Promise to IIGEP for fair investigation, Old King Promises to Ambassador Blake, Old King’s joint statement with UNSG in Colombo, GL and Indian FM Krishna’s joint statement, GLP + for PM Manmohan Singh, Hakeem promises to Hillary Clinton on National Action Plan, Promises on resolution 2012, Promises on Resolution 2013……. Does any of these are deviating from Sinhala Style by which the Animal Birth Vijeya did to Kuveni?

          Now the prophet has promised to his disciple not to abandon him? Is that a prostitute’s “I am not that of Girl”

          Apology ? For what? When you and your disciple spew venom, others didn’t put up?

          Your disciple Izeth also is struggling back & forth for long time. We are waiting in front of the keyboard to reply to the part two of his invention. When is it coming?

          Shame on you to try to plug an apology with low grade technique”

        • 0

          “I am not going to abandon my friend. That is not my style nor the style of the Sinhalese.”

          Are u a joker ?

          Why you betray us all ? You can NO means be an educated Sinhalese …

          Please dont disgrace your Guru, Prof. David.

          You style has been to abusing your tongue not knowing the harm being done.

          Please meet your nearest psychologist and get your brain checked as to why you behave so… what should have gone wrong in your personal growth.
          We can understand your psychological being caught in ME.
          But believe, you the kind of Engineers in extrementa /toiletting canals, cant earn better position if remained in god punished srilanka.

          • 0

            A Pleasure Park near a Sewer

            Oh My! My! Another Yiddish writer! Sama you are a lady. Please do not murder Queen’s English. She a good old lady like you. English is so dear to her. Drop the English and stick to Yiddish exclusively. The Queen will be happy and I will be happy.

            “But believe, you the kind of Engineers in extrementa /toiletting canals, cant earn better position if remained in god punished srilanka.”

            extrementa – Yiddish for Excreta?. toiletting canals – You mean like the open sewers near your slum house in Wanathamulla, where women like you defecate in broad daylight?

            God may have punished Sri Lanka. But he has blessed you with two sewer lines. One close to your over used pleasure park and the other through your mouth.


  • 1

    A Real S..T Story About a Brahmin

    Name: Iyer
    Ethnicity: Tamil
    Country of Origin: Tamil Nadu, India
    Caste: High Class Brahmin
    Position: Iyer joined our organization as a new Engineer in 2008.

    Problem: It was found that someone was using the toilet for the big job and not flushing it. Everyone found this disgusting and told the Indian cleaner to check more carefully whenever the toilet was used, to catch the culprit.

    Finding: One day Iyer went to the toilet and left after doing his job. The cleaner went in and found 2 huge yellow piglets floating in the commode, like scaled down models of VP floating in the Nanthikadal after Pvt. Nimal shot him. The cleaner told Iyer respectfully, “Sir, you forgot to flush the toilet”.

    Iyer shouted at him saying, “You flush it. I am a Brahmin. I will not flush toilets.

    What can we learn from this:

    (1) Tamil Brahmins leave their s..t for others to clean.
    (2) The higher the caste, the bigger will be his s..t.

    • 1

      Apparently, you may have started your saudi life with cleaning toilets or categorizing extrements according the sizes of heaps you found..- that may have enriched your knowledge of the size of heaps of the extrements as no other would describe it better.

      “What can we learn from this:

      (1) Tamil Brahmins leave their s..t for others to clean.
      (2) The higher the caste, the bigger will be his s..t. “

      simply disgusting Edwin.. We the sinhalayas, should be ashamed to see sinhalayas of your BRAND.

      Hope not your offsprings would behave the way you have been sofar….You have a real problem Mr Edwin Rodrigo… real s .. t expert I have ever read on this forum.

      • 0

        Pigs love shit.

        • 1

          I thought Pigs are not welcome in Islam dominated world – which is middle east. May be I am wrong with my info.

          • 0

            A Cleaner’s Life

            All public places in Saudi Arabia have a board saying ‘Tamils and Pigs not allowed. Dogs Welcome’.

            But right now I am on assignment to the US base of Bahrain. I cannot speak about my work – confidential. But it is very close to what the Real part of Siva Sankaran Sarma has described below as “Position: Cleaning Brahmin and other upper caste Tamil shit”. Bahrain is being given a nice cleanup for the Formula 1. My job is to clean up Bahrain by sweeping out Brahmin and other upper caste Tamil shits and dumping them in the sea.

            We go around in our Humvees looking for Indians with half a penis (a sure sign of high caste) dash them on the ground like (you know dhobies do with Vettis) go out to the seas and feed the sharks. The Americans call them just the way that ‘Sarma’ does: High Class Tamil Shit.

            Bahrain is a great country for all except Tamil Shits. There is freedom to do anything you want as long as you are faithful to the government and do not bother others. Everything from Wine to Women and Song is available here. There is a pork section in all High class supermarkets like Al Jazira, Al Osra. You name it they have it here.

            We even have pig farms run by Western companies. This is because, there are many Westerners living here. Some live here and work in Saudi and commute through the causeway daily.

            Housekeeper Silvestra looks after my Villa here. I invite all (except Brahmins) to come to Bahrain for the Formula 1 and stay with me. Final race is on 16/04. Bring your dogs if you like.

      • 0

        You have not seen anything yet, Madam. The best dances are just before dawn.

    • 2

      Real story of Edwin Rodrigo

      Name: Rodrigo
      Ethnicity; Sinhalese but or very recent Tamil origin
      Country of Origin: Thootukudi Tamil Nadu India
      Caste: Low caste Paravan/Baratha but now pretending to be a Sinhalese Govigamma
      Position: Cleaning Brahmin and other upper caste Tamil shit. Fishing for trouble, as he is unable to catch any fish and beating the anti Tamil Drum like most recently Sinhalised South Indian immigrants.

      • 1


        In 1980’s, when I was in 4th grade, we used to do these types of childish plays. Don’t think even 2nd-grade students do this.

        Grow up man! Have some respects for CT

      • 0

        Not Govigama – Rodrigos in general belong to halagama or the like lower castes as my elders discussed in 80ties.

        Actually, this guy would be the best candidate to appoint as the incharge of all overflowing toilet pits/controller of former Prez s Medamulana bunker. His st related knowledge sound to be enormous.

        And not to forget, this man Rodrigo is not a teenager though his behaviours proving so.

      • 0

        Introducing Real Siva Sankaran Sarama

        Imaginary Name: Real Sarama
        Real Name: Imaginary Sarama
        Imaginary father: Arailingam
        Actual father: Mululingam
        Caste: Brahmin-Sakkili Hybrid
        Religion: Monkey Worship
        Country of Origin: Kaḻutaitaun, Tamil Nadu India
        Sex: Half Male
        Job: Blow
        Hobby: Long distance swimming

  • 1

    My goodness what a transformation in Kettikaran’s English and his thinking!I like to as a proud Sri Lankan take the credit for it!See my suggestion above for Kettikaran Rajash et al to take some online tution in English and learn how to write a comment in easily digestible form from the great Masters Hussein and Rodrigo.It seems to have worked.Wow!

    A word of thanks from the reformed guys would certainly create a healthy atmosphere in the comments column.Sadly my Indian neighbour tells me Thirumbar people never apologize though they are prepared to silently learn.As an agronomist he also had a complicated explanation of the deadly effects of Palmyra toddy for this curious situation but for a man of Mathematics it was too much for me to understand.So IH and ER please join me in thanking the deities for little mercies!

    So dear Tamil readers please raise your glasses(sorry no toddy please and no raising the verties too – remember we are in the 21st century) as I propose a toast (yum yum my glass is full of good old Gal)to the incredible ,unforgettable IH&ER.

  • 0

    My sweet little bonny babies are upset

    My babies, Rajash, Kettikaran, Thiruvathavoorar, Real Siva Sankaran Sarma, Mallaiyuran et al. Good Morning! Have you flushed your toilets? Sure you have. You are not Brahmins like Iyer.

    I feel sorry for you. You are like spoilt kids. You come to play with us and do all sorts of ‘naughty’ things to us. But when we return that, you run to Mummy crying Boo Hoo – Edwin hit me, Boo Hoo.

    CT is not a forum for those who have observed Sil. It is a forum where controversial subjects such as the SL Ethic conflict, Tamil Casteism etc are discussed. One has to expect some furring of feathers if one ventures in to the melee. According Palitha “Thirumbar people never apologize though they are prepared to silently learn”. No one expects anything but insults and complaints from Thirumbars.

    Herafter, if you are insulting me, remind me not to insult back. OK Babies?

  • 0

    Etymology of the Name Kettikaran

    Several meanings can be adduced to the Kutti Karan version I gave before.

    Kutti Karan: One who cuts up cylindrical things like in logging. As applied to Tamils, this involves the cutting up of the penis, where approximately half of the penis is ‘logged off’ leaving the victim completely impotent.

    It is secretly practiced, mainly by the Tamil Brahmins. This is why many Tamil women seek the help of the Holy Sivalinga to have babies. Yeah, the Sivalingam is hard and great. But obviously, it cannot replace a penis in such tasks. The women know this, but they go through the ritual just to fool the husbands. They finally turn on the first available Thurumbar, or other low caste man, to do the job. The Thrumbars may be low in caste, but if you want to play the Thrumpuva and have a baby, keep Thurumbars high in your options.

    When the Kutti Karan (really should be Kutti Karapu) husband asks how she got pregnant, the wife answers, “Om! Namo Sivayam! Namo Sivalingam!”. You get my idea? The idea of the Sivalingam is probably the holy idea of a very clever Brahmin woman. Without that the Brahmins would have been an extinct species by now.

    If you want proof, just look at a Thrumbar when he is passing the Brahmin lady of the house. Eyes meet. Then the Thurumba eyes go to the baby in her lap. Faint smiles light up both faces. (Amaradeva’s song ‘Peradinayaka…Ma Pem kala Yuvathiya Mage Puthu Nalavanava comes to the observer’s mind).

    Very Romantic indded!

  • 0

    My sweet little bonny babies,

    I have to go out. Have to see a Pig about a Brahmin.

    Bye! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do while I am away.

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