20 April, 2024


Tamil Ideologues Twisting History To Suit Their Political Agenda – Reply To C. V. Wigneswaran

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

The Vadukoddai Resolution was written by the best of Tamil political theorists/activists who encapsulated their version of the history to justify their political claim for Eelam, a separate state.  In it the history of an imagined past was tailored to fit into the politics of the present. Overnight it became the Bible of the Tamil separatists. Their main objective was to demonise the Sinhala-Buddhists. Turning  the Sinhala-Buddhist into a bogeyman is the best argument they could manufacture to press their claim for a separate state. So it listed a litany of complaints to project the Tamils as the victims of the Sinhala-Buddhist majority in the post-independent age.

Victimology happens to be the primary base on which they lay their claim for a separate state. Predictably, being a politicised document, the narrative in the Vadukoddai Resolution contains a quota of inaccuracies, distortions and exaggerations. At one point the Resolution claims that the Tamils have been reduced to “slaves of the majority”. Now this is a deliberate departure from the truth to distort history for political ends. No Sinhala society or state engaged in slavery the way the Tamils of the North have done throughout the main part of their existence.  The legalised slavery and oppression of Tamils by Tamils had been the dominant political culture of Jaffna, enforced mainly under the laws of Tesawalamai – a legal code endorsed by the Vellala mudliyars in 1707, the Dutch period. No other community in Sri Lanka has endured and suffered the indignities of legalised and institutionalised slavery and oppression as the low-caste Tamils of Jaffna under the ruling Saivite Jaffna Vellala (SJV) elite.

Though Jaffna was ruled by Tamil kings in feudal times and Christian rulers in colonial times it was the SJV elite, acting as sub agents of kings and colonial masters, which had a firm grip on the political culture of the peninsula. As power- brokers and managers of the commanding heights of the peninsular political culture the Vellalars deprived the low caste of their liberty, dignity, security and individuality. To eke out a living, escaping cruel punishment, the low-castes had to submit to the oppressive laws and customs of SJV elite.  The non-Vellalar slaves of Jaffna, though Tamil, were never treated as human beings equal to that of the high-caste Vellalars.  The low-castes were kept under the heel of the Vellalars as an inferior species though they were Tamils.  The subhuman fascist culture of the Vellalars deprived the basic human rights to their fellow-Tamils in the low-castes.

It can be argued convincingly that the Tamils – meaning the Tamils of all castes and just not the SJVs – had their first and enduring taste of freedom and dignity only in the last 72 years of independence. Throughout their history, which began in the 11th and 12th centuries, the dignity and the liberty the Tamils had can be compared to the freedoms and dignity they had under Velupillai Prabhakaran.  Those who had the freedoms were those who cooperated with the fascist regimes, from Sankilli to Prabhakaran. Those who did not conform had to either flee from Jaffna (Prof. Rajan Hoole) or were killed (Rajini Thiranagama).

Prior to independence, all Tamils, particularly the low-castes, had to live under iron fist of the Vellalar rule. Though there was a greater measure freedom for the low-castes in the post-independent age, particularly to question and rebel against Vellalar fascism, Vellalar fascism fought back with all their fury (Maviddipural Temple entry case) to keep the low-castes in their subhuman status.

Fascist Vellalaism took root as a ruling ideology in the pre-colonial period when the Tamil kings gave their daughters in marriage to the Vellalars. The Vellalars were always in cahoots with the ruling powers of the day. They never failed to sidle up to the powers-that-be to retain their supremacy, powers and perks in Jaffna. They were the most dominant, numerous (52%) and powerful caste in Jaffna. No colonial master had dared to take on the powerful Vellalars since casteism, slavery and Vellalar fascism were codified by Claas Isaacks, the Dissawe of Jaffnapatam, on January 30, 1707. In the final stages of the codification the Dutch Governor asked twelve Vellalar Mudliyars to scrutinise it. It was officially codified only after the endorsement of the Vellalar Mudliyars. (p.27, Chapter II — The Laws and Customs of the Tamils of Jaffna, H. W. Tambiah).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Tesawalamai virtually capped the power of the Vellalas to rule Jaffna as subagents of the colonial masters with an iron fist. Tambiah wrote: “Though slavery was abolished legally many of the depressed classes remained as de facto slaves of their masters for economic reasons. In spite of the fact that slavery was abolished in 1844 it is surprising to find that arguments have been advanced in case on the footing that it existed long after 1844.” (Ibid – p.85). Tambiah cites the instance of Ponnamabalam Ramanathan arguing in court that slavery was still valid in a case where the higher caste objected to the beating of tom-toms at a low-caste burial. (Ibid – p.85). The Vellalars determined the inviolable rituals from the womb to the tomb. Tesawalamai endorsed and enshrined the status quo of the hierarchical caste system with the Vellalars at the top, empowered with the legal cover to own and employ slaves. The combined force of the legal, religious, ideological, traditional and feudal powers made the Vellalars the most formidable force in the peninsular.

The Vellalars owned most of the land, all the Hindu temples which were religio-cultural centers of power, owned or managed some  of the non-governmental schools,  generated ideologies through SJV leaders like Arumuga Navalar, to maintain the  casteist grip of the Vellalars to oppress the non-Vellalar low-castes,  produced the political and intellectual leaders who were committed to Vellalar casteism ( e.g. Arumuga Navalar and his disciple  Sir. Ponnamabalam Ramanathan), occupied practically all the key positions in the colonial and post-independent governments and, most of all controlled and managed the political ideology that incrementally drove Jaffna to mono-ethnic extremism, preventing peaceful co-existence among  other ethnic  entities.

In short, what were projected as the interests / grievances of the Tamils were essentially the vested interests / grievances of the Vellalars. The Vellalars have consistently disguised their interests / grievances as that of the Tamils. But neither the interests of the Tamil-speaking communities, nor all the castes in the North have a place in the overwhelming Vellalar political agenda or net work. The Vadukoddai Resolution is a classic example. It is the one and only overarching, comprehensive and historic manifesto to come out of the peninsula expressing the totality of the SJV political agenda. It begins by narrating their version of history and ends with a declaration of war against the rest of the nation, urging the Tamil youth to take up arms and never rest until they achieve Eelam.

Though it was meant to express the collective goals of the Tamils in essence it represents only the political interests / grievances of the Vellalars. Eelam, for instance, was never a part of the Muslims or the Indian Tamils. Like the Tesawalamai it was also approved by Vellalars because it was written for the Vellalars. The SJV- led Thamil makkal Iyakkam, the pan-Tamil movement, never took off as a common front of the Tamil-speaking people, because the Vadukoddai Resolution and all other political movements initiated by the North represented essentially the political agenda of the Vellalars only. This put off the other Tamil-speaking communities who had their own interests to pursue.

Any threat to Vellalars hegemony was resisted fiercely by the Vellalars. Vellalar leaders like Sir. Ponnambalam Ramanathan went to London to argue that casteism – with Vellalars at the top – should be retained for the good of the Empire. He opposed universal franchise as “mob rule”. The first politico- legal challenge to Vellala hegemony was initiated in 1957 when Prime Minister S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike passed the Prevention of Social disabilities Act. At no time in the history of Jaffna, from the feudal age to the colonial period, were any attempts made by any regime to challenge the oppressive fascism of the Vellalars who treated their own people with subhuman contempt. The Tamils of Jaffna (meaning Tamils of all castes) never had the freedom and the opportunity to walk in the God-given sun, or drink a sip of water as under the post-independent regimes.

The Vadukoddai Resolution represents, by and large, the interests / grievances of the Vellalars transiting from their feudal caste system into a modern middle class. The fundamental interests of Indian Tamils and the Tamil-speaking Muslims drifted away from the Vellalar agenda because their interests were different, if not antithetical, to that of the Vellalar-led politics. They had no direct interests in the divisive, white-collar job-oriented, middle class agenda of the SJVs.

Many anthropological and sociological scholars have documented the horrors of SJVs oppression of the low-caste Tamils. They are freely available for any researcher. It is the existential experiences of the average Tamil, down the ages, that have a greater significance and relevance than the scholarly abstracts drawn from a distance. An eye-witness account from a Tamil who lived in the British colonial times can be more vivid and telling than academic reviews. Here is an account taken from the Tamil historian, Dr. Muruga Gunasingam. He says:

“A letter addressed to the editor of the Morning Star by a Hindu from Batticoloa on 17 April, 1845 is very instructive, giving us an insight in the caste system and how it worked:

“……Mr. Editor, there is a cruelty manifested in Ceylon, particularly among the Tamils, which may be regarded as worse than that of slavery. I mean the distinction of caste, by which more evil results to a large portion of inhabitants of the above-mentioned places than would be the case if they were under the yoke of slavery.  Suppose a man of low-caste meets with an accident, will persons of high caste assist him? When he falls will they lift him up? When his house is on fire will they attempt  to extinguish the  flame? Or to save his person or property? If  he is thirsty will they permit him to draw water fromtheir wells? When he is sick will the doctor attend him? Will the washerman \wash his clothes? Or the barber shave him. No, when  a low-caste man visits a high caste man’s house  he must  go and sit very far from the house  and whenever he is met by one  of them he must  inform that person that he is of unclean caste and cannot therefore be  touched, and if  he acts contrary to his case he must therefore submit  to punishment.” ( p.87 – Sri Lankan Tamil Nationalism, A Study of  its Origins, Murugar Guanasingam, MV Publication, Sydney, 1999). )

The Vellalar domination of Jaffna society is clearly demonstrated in the following table:

The Sinhalese too had slavery and a caste system. But as Dr. H. W. Tambiah, a leading authority on the caste system, says: “Slavery among the Sinhalese appears to stand on a different footing.” Quoting Dr. Hayley, an authority on Kandyan Law, he says slavery among the Sinhalese “was of the mildest form. Absolute in law, it was in practice tempered by a large amount of liberty and kindness…” IIbid- p. 75).

So when the Vadukoddai Resolution talks of Tamils  being slaves of the Sinhalese they were talking through their hat.  As stated by Dr. Hayley, the Sinhala-Buddhist culture was “tempered by a large amount of liberty and kindness.” The South was an open society. The north was a closed society. The South was inclusive. The North was exclusive. The South was multicultural. The North was monocultural. The South opened its doors and  embraced all the major ideologies – from Buddhism to Marxism – that blew in from abroad. The North put up cadjan fences to prevent the Saivite Jaffna Vellalarism from being polluted by alien forces. The South was democratic. It even fought a deadly war within a democratic framework. The North was authoritarian. It fought the war under Tamil fascism which was justified by the Tamil theoreticians. Jaffna was dominated by the Sankilli culture of killing Tamils and ethnic cleansing. Prabhakaran gave the Tamils a good dose of the Sankilli culture during his stewardship. With all its infirmities common to all nations the South has maintained a liberal welfare state that has given equal opportunities to all communities. In the South a Tamil leader with only 16 MPs was given the honoured place of the Leader Opposition in a House of 225 MPs. In the North the Chief Minister passes resolution condemning all Sinhala leaders as genociders.  In Tamil Nadu, for instance, the only true homeland of the Tamils, it costs (in round figures) Rs. 170,000.00 to be a doctor in a government university.  Tamil students in Sri Lanka do not have to pay a cent to become a doctor or a lawyer.  This is what the Tamils call discrimination!

The list is long.

More of it in the next article….

Part -I – Tamil Politics Sinking In A History Of Tamil Lies – Reply To C. V. Wigneswaran

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  • 8


    “Reply To C. V. Wigneswaran” This is not a reply to CVW. Read CVW article again and then see if you can write a reply.

    • 2

      HLF Mahindapala.

      The Sri Lankan Constitution in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho affords equal right to all Para-citizens, where no person shall, on the grounds of race, religion, language, caste, sex, or any such grounds, be subjected to any disability, liability, restriction, or condition concerning access to shops, public restaurants, hotels, places of public entertainment, and places of worship.

      Looks like the Vellala missed that. Even the Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhists “, who claim to follow Buddhism, by prostrating to imbecile monks seem to have missed that.

      This should be reminded, to the Para-imbeciles, who can’t wait to be reborn as idiots.

      • 2

        Mr Mahindapala ,can you please reflect on the historical fact, that the Tamil community in 1956 overwhelmingly rejected an independent Tamil state as advocated by the prominent Tamil leader Sundaralingam; who lost his deposit .But by late 70’s the support for Vadukoddai resolution was overwhelming. Why?
        Let me jolt your memory on some the tragic events that have led to us to the current impasse.
        Sinhala only bill and Gal Oya riots in1956;
        Anti-Tamil pogroms of 1958 and 1977;
        Burning of Jaffna library;
        Revising engineering faculty admission list after publishing the results to reduce Tamil students;
        The marching of Buddhist monks and Sinhala politicians to oppose reasonable use of Tamil language; and
        The Black July pogrom against the Tamil community in 1983 resulting in around 3,000 deaths and the large scale looting and the resultant burning of Tamil homes and businesses. Lest we forget the mobs we’re armed with documentation obtained from government departments to identify Tamil homes – etc etc;
        Mr Mahindapala’s arguments are eerily similar to the white supremacists in western societies who blame the marginalised and minority elements in their societies and view themselves (the majority) as victims Yes it is true Jaffna society was and still is caste bound and burdened with a unfair dowry system and many other feudal social norms. These practices can only be overcome when Tamils do not feel under they and their culture and language is not under siege. This of course could be greatly helped with economic development of the region and a broad based political agenda based on the rule of law, social equity, inclusion and reconciliation.

    • 1

      Liar “Reply to C.V. Wigneshwaran”

      Reply to Devanambiya Tissan & Motta Sivan or Ashokan Edicts or there is no Sinhala language prior to 7AD & Sinhalese spoke Pali before that?

      Nobody can answer to these questions I think because Tamil’s IQ is above 100 ( as they self proclaim) so they can’t understand simple things. They don’t have common sense also.

  • 7

    Please CT,
    name of god, let this comment be read in 3 languages. This is for good for all. This writer ‘s has proved well that he is no better to any poisonous racists when it goes with lanken tamils and muslims. He is sick, but we should help him well.

    This ultra sinhala racist though spending his later day life being cornered to DOWNUNDER, no doubt, the last breath of him would be ” hate to wellala”: How abusive the kind of human beings all together should be, even if they are in their early 80ties, not to have made their mind up for the benefit of the masses?

    There are buddhist slogans in Sinhala vernacular- “.weirayen weiraya nosansindhe. වෛරයෙන් වෛය්රය නොසන් සින්ද්හේ- வெறுப்பு நம்மை எங்கும் நல்லதல்ல” hate will lead us nowhere good, but when looking at the kind of Mahinda Pala the writer of this article, I have the feeling these men have touched the buddhism from the wrong hand.

    If all the hatreds of these men together could BRING srilanka decades backwards. I think these men should be kept away from Human association to the very same manner, the high criminal – the main actor of the movie SILENT LAMB, anthony hopkins was kept in a cage since he was a living canibalist.

    May this ultra hateful old man be healed before he sheds the last breath. අන්තිම හුස්ම හෙළීමට පෙර මෙම අතිශය වෛරී මහලු මිනිසා සුවපත් වේවා.இந்த தீவிர வெறுக்கத்தக்க வயதான மனிதர் தனது கடைசி மூச்சைக் கொட்டுவதற்கு முன்பு குணமடையட்டும்.

    • 2

      Sam Fernando ,

      “May this ultra hateful old man be healed before he sheds the last breath. අන්තිම හුස්ම හෙළීමට පෙර මෙම අතිශය වෛරී මහලු මිනිසා සුවපත් වේවා.இந்த தீவிர வெறுக்கத்தக்க வயதான மனிதர் தனது கடைசி மூச்சைக் கொட்டுவதற்கு முன்பு குணமடையட்டும்.”

      Would turning him into a Sinhala “Buddhist” monk, who claims to follow the Four ‘Noble” Truths of Buddhism, cure him? Or will it make it worse, as Sinhala Buddhism is a distortion of Buddhism and an insult to the Buddha.

      1. The Truth of Suffering (Kutai)- Racism
      2, The Truth of the Cause of Suffering (Jutai)- Ignorance and desire
      3. The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering (Mettai) -Extinguishing ignorance
      4. The Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering (Dotai)- The Eight Fold path .

      Certainly , Mahindapala”s suffering will soon end in natural ways, irrespective of Right or Wrong views, thoughts ,speech, conduct, livelihood, effort Mindfulness and Meditation.We all need to thank evolution for that.

    • 1

      @Sam Fernando, Wow that’s a lot of Tamil for a so-called Sinhalese don’t you think? You forgot to change your fake name Sir. State your Tamil name and re-submit your response to make more sense. Don’t try to hide behind a fake Sinhalese identity.

      • 0

        If you do not understand, you must keep quiet, and listen or read.

        The phrase வெறுப்பு நம்மை எங்கும் நல்லதல்ல does confirm that he is not that conversant in Tamil.

  • 5

    ‘Para’ Dravidians in Sinhale consist of three groups:
    1. Invaders who were allowed to stay in Sinhale by Sinhala Kings;
    2. Descendants of slaves brought from Hindusthan by Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial parasites to exploit this country and dumped them here.
    3. Those who entered Sinhale illegally (Kallathonis)

    These ‘Para’ Dravidians should be eternally grateful to Native Sinhalayo for giving them the opportunity to live in Sinhale by granting citizenship. But instead of ‘Being Grateful’ these BPs:
    • Tried to carve out a part of the country to establish a Separate State using a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’,
    • Demand a Federal system when failed to establish the separate State by using terrorism,
    • Slaughtered thousands of Sinhala men, women, children and even unborn babies,
    • Tell Sinhalayo are not Welcomed in the North,
    • Ask Sinhalayo to leave North,
    • Destroy Sinhala Buddhist heritage in the North and East,
    • Charge Sri Lankan Armed Forces who wiped out LTTE terrorist barbarians that they committed War Crimes,
    • Request foreign countries to intervene in domestic affairs of the country.
    • Say Sinhale is not a Sinhala Buddhist country.

  • 7

    “More of it in the next article….”??

    You cheap racist! Go to hell!

  • 5

    H. L. D. Mahindapala

    RE: Tamil Ideologues Twisting History To Suit Their Political Agenda – Reply To C. V. Wigneswaran

    You need to say Para-Tamil Ideologues Twisting History To Suit Their Political Agenda – Reply To C. V. Wigneswaran.

    Now remember, the Tamils and Sinhala are Paradeshis, Paras, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho,

    This is based on science, molecular biology and modern genetics. All you have to do, is sample their DNA for mt-DNA Haplo Groups.

    Original Article
    Published: 07 November 2013
    Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people:


    Now you Paras, can make a request to the Indian Prime Minister, to get back to your Para-Homeland, Bharat/Damba Diva/ India.

    Vellala-Paras want hegemony. They are running into Sinhala -“Buddhist” Paras, their monks and their hegemony.

    “At one point the Resolution claims that the Tamils have been reduced to “slaves of the majority”. Now this is a deliberate departure from the truth to distort history for political ends. No Sinhala society or state engaged in slavery the way the Tamils of the North have done throughout the main part of their existence. The legalised slavery and oppression of Tamils by Tamils had been the dominant political culture of Jaffna, enforced mainly under the laws of Tesawalamai – a legal code endorsed by the Vellala mudliyars in 1707, the Dutch period.”

    Vellalar slavery! Ask the ‘low-castes’!

    Don’t forget the the Sinhala are the Slaves oh the Monks, the so-called Triple Gem, the “Sangha”, and that is why , the imbeciles keep prostrating to the cunning monks, who hijacked Buddhism, and replaced the monks as third 3rd Gem of the Triple Gem, with the passing away of Buddha and the Bhodisattvas.

    Limit it to Double Gem. The monks can fend on their own, like the laymen with Buddha and Dhamma only.

    • 0

      Has Mangalam and Gonja given you a contract to support what they have been telling before the Presidential election about Buddhist monks, Sinhala Buddhists and the Triple Gems?
      They probably thought Sinhala Buddhist voters will buy their humbug but that backfired because Sinhala Buddhists are not imbeciles as you portray. Sinhala Buddhists who are a smart lot gave the right reply to these vermin politicians of Unpatriotic National Party.

    • 0

      According to researcher in orgins of names SARATH WEERASEKARA, even this H. L. D. Mahindapala’s generation came from South India, they lived in Upcountry.

      Either Mahindapala is Kerala or Telungu or even Tamil Nadu.

      His name was actually Mahindapalan

  • 9

    Muck-in-the-parlour, your discourse will only be applauded by a bigoted Sinhala audience and not by an international intellectual forum who will straightaway label you as a mad man. If there is conflict in claims made by two parties, rational thing is to put it to an independent panel for decision. Tamils are making claims not on fancy ideas, but according to scientific research findings in archaeology, geology and genetics. If a comprehensive archaeological survey is done in Sri Lanka truth about the past will come to light. This is why Sri Lanka government which is racist is not embarking on it, as it will blow to pieces all previous Sinhala propaganda. Recently a site of ancient civilization was found in Akkarayan Kulam having resemblance to that found in Keeladi in Tamil Nadu, but the government has brought it under archaeological department and is preventing further excavation and research. There is an attempt to build a Buddhist vihare at that site and close the matter destroying all evidence. One stupid fellow called Raj Somadeva had been going around telling Sinhala people in Sri Lanka and middle east that Sinhalese are descendants of Balangoda man, but even after five years he is unable to substantiate his proposition, because genetic composition of skeletal remains of Balangoda man does not match with any Sinhalese. When technology has advanced, you cannot continue to fool around with age old fabrications. Unfortunately Sinhalese are fed falsehoods from their young days such as those in Mahavamsa, which entrenches hatred in their minds.

    • 0

      Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam,
      While archeological research conducted by renowned archeologists P.E.P. Deraniyagala, S.U. Deraniyagala and Raj Somadeva have produced enough scientific evidences to prove that Sinhalayo evolved in this island and Dravidians did not have roots in this country, you want Native Sinhalayo to waste their money to conduct special surveys on behalf of Dravidians.
      Artifacts brought from Hindusthan and buried in Sinhale are not accepted as authentic evidences.

      Dravida Demalu in Sinhale consist of three groups:
      1. Invaders who were allowed to stay in Sinhale by Sinhala Kings without chasing them back to Hindusthan.
      2. Descendants of slaves brought from Hindusthan by Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial parasites to exploit this country and dumped them here. A large majority fall into this category.
      3. Those who entered Sinhale illegally (Kallathonis).

      Kind-hearted Native Sinhalayo gave citizenship to all these ‘Para’ Dravidians to live in this Paradise Island. Be grateful to that kind gesture!

  • 2

    Tesawalamai it was approved by all Vellalars because it was written for the Christian Vellalars.
    Tamil Christians from SJV to Mr. A M Sumathiran are an evangelist need separate state build their churches can not build on other provinces. Do you know their Catholic king waiting in Dutch visit https://www.jaffnaroyalfamily.org

  • 9

    What a bullshit!?
    Do you understand the meaning of discrimination? I don’t know what is your background. You speak the same language as Mahinda speaks. Since 1948, Srilanka is ruled by few Nayake families (High caste, converted Christians) except Premadasa. We know the high caste Sinhala celebrated when Premadasa was murdered by High caste High caste Nayake’s. Sinhalese are now slaves under Nayake’s.

    • 0

      “Do you understand the meaning of discrimination?”

      Do Wellala elite Demalu from Malabar who oppress and discriminate Daliths on the basis of caste understand the meaning of discrimination?
      While not respecting the Human Rights of Daliths, these ‘Para’ Wellala Demalu talk about discrimination by Sinhalayo. If Native Sinhalayo discriminated against ‘Para’ Dravidians who came from Hindusthan, they would not have had the privilege to live in this country as ‘Citizens of Sinhale’. Be grateful to the kind gesture of Native Sinhalayo who gave citizenship in this country to Stateless Dravidians.

  • 5

    Doesn’t matter what you say to the tamils to show that they have their head up their rear end they will just keep on believing the propaganda their tiger leader pukabharan has told them.

    • 2


      “….. they will just keep on believing the propaganda their tiger leader pukabharan has told them.”

      Sorry I missed it.
      What was the propaganda their tiger leader pukabharan has told them?
      Is it the same person who hid Sri Lankan Armed forces behind his p***a during the the occupation of IPKF, between 1987 and 1990 who also won two elections for Mahinda and a war against LTTE?

  • 7


    Would you like to read HLD M’s rant?
    Please let me have a summary of his typing

    • 0

      Native Vedda in his twilight years he seems to be full of frustration and masturbating here on CT

      • 2


        “he seems to be full of frustration and masturbating here on CT”

        Not really, he is faking m******ation.

        • 0

          yes and perhaps getting a fake orgasm after every Tamil mashing masturxxxbation

    • 1

      In summary what he is saying is that the way you treat some of your own people is downright inhuman.
      ( In a federal set up +50% Tamils who presently live outside NE will still prefer to be second class citizens in Sinhala majority federal units than living under Vellar rule. I bet my last rupee that NOT A SINGLE FAMILY will move out of Sinhala Buddhist areas. Remember how estate Tamils behaved in 1948 when arrangements were made to move back to their motherland?)


      • 1


        “In summary what he is saying is that the way you treat some of your own people is downright inhuman.”

        Who are these “your own people”?
        Has he looked into how he was treated by “his own people”?
        Does he still believe he did a favour to a woman when he got married? Or does the woman believe she did a favour to HLD M?

        ” I bet my last rupee that NOT A SINGLE FAMILY will move out of Sinhala Buddhist areas.”

        So you recognise there is a non Sinhala/Buddhist area.
        Well I don’t.

        “Remember how estate Tamils behaved in 1948 when arrangements were made to move back to their motherland?”

        You mean when the first Sinhala/Buddhist colonising Prime Minister D S S Nayaka disenfranchised those hard working workers in 1948, making them stateless overnight? You should thank Nehru who was willing to give them citizenship. Tell me how “estate Tamils” behaved in 1948?

        The only thing I remember is every time the lazy jobless Sinhala/Buddhists get murderous rage (due to lack of sex drive) they set about hurting the very people who have the backbone of this country’s economy. You are one of them. Don’t you consider yourself an ass(….)?

        • 0

          “You should thank Nehru who was willing to give them citizenship.”

          The honest man only acknowledged the status quo- they never lost the Indian citizenship.
          ” Tell me how p“estate Tamils” behaved in 1948?”
          They refused the opportunity to live in their motherland, with their own kith and kin, in an environment of their own religion and culture, but preferred to live amlong the Sinhalese. This must serve as a lesson to propagandists like you who are trying their utmost to establish that Sinhalese are genocidal fascists.


  • 8

    The author is a relic. frozen pathetically in the long past decades. the country has moved on. at least the Tamils.

    • 1


      It’s like Pavlov’s dog under Pavlovian Conditioning.
      Or country dog lifts its rear leg when it sees lamp posts, trees, ….

    • 1

      Yes Rajjeeva. Though Sri Lanka has moved on, this author HLDM reminds me of the past tribalism and violence in Sri Lanka. I only hope the future generations looking back at the History will do something to stop tribalism from politics motivating people like HLDM writing and encouraging tribalism again.

  • 4

    H L D Mahindapala,

    “Tesawalamai endorsed and enshrined the status quo of the hierarchical caste system with the Vellalars at the top, empowered with the legal cover to own and employ slaves. The combined force of the legal, religious, ideological, traditional and feudal powers made the Vellalars the most formidable force in the peninsular.“

    This is another version of slavery. Law. This is is to maintain the hegemony of the SJ Vellala.

    Did the Vellala require the so-called “low-caste” Tamils, yo prostrate as well?

    This sounds like Tibet before the Chinese took over. The Vellala there were the monks. There at least the people had a chance to become a Monk, but with Vellala castism, no chance, as it was decided at conception,

  • 5

    HLD Mahindapalan, “always remember… Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.”

  • 6

    you do have some imagination, but that won’t help anyone. Your claim of “Vadukoddai Resolution and all other political movements initiated by the North represented essentially the political agenda of the Vellalars only.” reflects your imagination or lack of understanding of the Tamils’ political drive. You entertain further by saying: “Tamil students in Sri Lanka do not have to pay a cent to become a doctor or a lawyer. This is what the Tamils call discrimination!”

    You exposed yourself with your total ignorance on the situation why the Tamil people wanting their political rights and solution, and as long as people like you are around, it will be difficult for the island to go beyond your limitations.

  • 8

    Oh give it a rest , racist piece of shyte , constantly posting anti Tamil lies and garbage and is in Australia thanks to his Tamil wife’s relatives. What is this grudge against upper caste Tamils ? Why are you low caste so hate upper castes? Especially upper caste Tamils since you hate all Tamils( so called low born and high) . The Vellalar ( Hindu and Christian ) consist 52% of the Sri Lankan Tamils and the Karaiyar/Mukkuva another 30% .Together these peoples are around 82% of the Sri Lankan Tamils. The so called really low castes are only around 18% of the Sri Lankan Tamil population. Unlike in India and even Tamil Nadu , the caste system amongst Sri Lankan Tamils , is very top heavy the upper and middle castes predominate and the lower castes , especially the untouchable variety are very little. In fact the night soil cleaners and other scavenging jobs in Sri Lankan Tamil areas were done by South Indian imported Sakkilis and not by native Sri Lankan Tamils. The Karaiyar and Mukkuva in Sri Lanka unlike in South India are politically powerful and are largely considered middle castes , who never came under the Vellalar rule. Their Hindu temples are run by their own priests and do not come under the Vellalar or Brahmins. The Karaiyar were very powerful during the Jaffna Kingdom. They were the soldiers and generals. The Tamil Mukkuva in the east are more numerous that the Vellalar and own most of the land and are engaged in agriculture and again ,unlike their cousins in Kerala and Tamil Nadu are not down trodden and have hardly converted to Christianity or Islam but have remained Saivite. They are the core and back bone of the eastern Tamil population not the Vellalars. Especially in the Batticaloa and Amparai disctricts.

  • 5

    The Vellalar are and were no better than the Sinhalese Govigamma in treating the lower castes , in fact they are much better than the Kandyan Govigamma and other upper castes in the way treated their lower castes. Nowadays there is hardly any discrimination . Unlike the Sinhalese who will only elect a upper caste Buddhist( Christian upper castes like the Bandaranaickes , Kotellawellas, Jayawardenes and WIckremesinghes had to convert to Buddhism to become leaders) . Tamils will elect and accept non Hindu Chelvanayagam or even ritually lower non Vellara like Pirapakaran as their leader. The Sinhalese will never. Just look at the Sinhalese marriage columns to see how caste conscious most Sinhalese are. Parent only want partner for their offspring who belong to their caste or higher. Even Sinhalese Buddhism is caste driven the the Govigamma have their own temples and many of their orders do not accept low castes. The Salagama, Karawa Durawa have their own temples and orders. GO and take a hike racist. Class and caste discrimination is everywhere and do not use it as an excuse to justify your state sponsored Sinhalese genocide on the island’s Tamils
    Unlike the Sinhalese who will only elect a upper caste Buddhist( Christian upper castes like the Bandaranaickes , Kotellawellas, Jayawardenes and WIckremesinghes had to convert to Buddhism to become leaders) . Tamils will elect and accept non Hindu Chelvanayagam or even ritually lower non Vellara like Pirapakaran as their leader. The Sinhalese will never. Just look at the Sinhalese marriage columns to see how caste conscious most Sinhalese are. Parent only want partner for their offspring who belong to their caste or higher. Even Sinhalese Buddhism is caste driven the the Govigamma have their own temples and many of their orders do not accept low castes. The Salagama, Karawa Durawa have their own temples and orders. GO and take a hike racist. Class and caste discrimination is everywhere and do not use it as an excuse to justify your state sponsored Sinhalese genocide on the island’s Tamils

  • 6

    If Tamils had any history they must have their own country with a Tamil PM. But there is none in the world. That gives the lie to Tamil claims. There never was, isn’t and never will be a Tamil nation. Tamils will live under others always falsely claiming homelands here and there. High fun!

    • 1

      This is because of the British with their fake Aryan superiority merged the Tamil people who had a rich civilisation and ruling their lands and the lands of many other people in in the Indian subcontinent with a Hindi speaking majority who had not history of ruling themselves but being ruled by others. Similarly in the island the British merged the Tamil land , which until then were separate with the Sinhalese lands down south and created a new colony called Ceylon and then handed the entire island to a racist Sinhalese majority , who again like the Hindi speaking population in Indian had never ruled or governed themselves but were largely ruled by Tamil kings and aristocrats. This was like giving a garland to a monkey . The British gave the Tamil garland to the Sinhalese racist monkey. European powers when they had to leave or even prior to this were arbitrarily drawing borders , in Asia , Africa with no consideration to history , ethnicity . They just did this to suit their own selfish needs and objects. This has resulted in many people loosing out whilst other less civilised people like the Sinhalese who had no history of ruling gained . This is all. Many of the problems in Asia ( including Western Asia) Africa( including North Africa )) is due to this arrogant European colonial attitude of arbitrarily drawing borders to suit their need. Sinhalese racist savages like you gained by this and this has nothing to with your cleverness or history , as until the European colonials arrived, you Sinhalese have always been ruled by Tamil dynasties and aristocrats. This is why you want to take revenge on the Tamils with your fake history and savage majority. Remember a very high percentage of the present day Sinhalese are descendants of low caste South Indian immigrants who only arrived in the island , during the Portuguese and Dutch rule to do menial sevice jobs and then got Sinhalised.

  • 4

    We now invite an erudite Tamil writer to present his/ her counter narrative in justification of the the Hmdu caste system and treatment of low caste people in Jaffna.


    • 2


      “We now invite an erudite Tamil writer to present his/ her counter narrative in justification of the the Hmdu caste system and treatment of low caste people in Jaffna.”

      Who in his/her right mind prepared to justify Hindu Caste system? If you are really interested in justification why don’t you visit “World of Modi”?
      I don’t need any justification for Sinhala/Buddhists caste system, isn’t it obvious the from Classified columns of Sinhala/English news papers advertising for the buying and selling of Brides and Bridegrooms of a particular caste.

      The next best thing you could do is just pop into one of these newspaper offices and demand their explanation.

      • 0

        “Who in his/her right mind prepared to justify Hindu Caste system? 
        Correct me if I am wrong I hear even Mahathma Gandhi approved of the Hindu caste system.


  • 8

    Half Malay half Malyali Mahindapalan from Melbourne Australia., I heard that there is a terrible smoke haze in Melbourne and Sydney due to the bushfires . With very high temperatures , some days reaching 48-50 degrees in Sydney and even in parts of Melbourne or Victoria too. Most probably you cannot breathe and have started to hallucinate with your pet anti Thamizh themes , especially about upper caste Jaffna Thamizh. Please do not cry crocodile tears about the low caste Sri Lankan Thamizh . Indian origin Thamizh and Thamizh Muslim Thullukans , as you hate all of them and want them all destroyed. A very large proportion of your hated Vellalar Thamizh have fled to the west and the vast majority of the remaining Vellalar are now not in the north and east but in Colombo. Most of the Thamizh now suffering under the occupying Chingkalla armed forces , police , rabid Chingkalla politicians, like the Goat and mad rabid Chingkalla Poutha monks are the lower castes , for whom you shed crocodile tears . In the Chingkalla areas most of the Thamiz who suffer under Chingkall racism again are the Indian origin Thamizh and the poor Thamizh Muslim Thullkans, whose homes business and lives are now under threat. You are just a hypocrite. Lots of Chingkalla upper castes also discriminate, Ask the Rodiya and Berewa women who were made to walk topless by the Govigamma. We all know that so called Chingkalla Poutha sects are caste based and the Malwatte and Asgiriya sects are racist and caste based to the core. They do not ordain low caste Chingkallams like you . They recently protested against a low caste low country Karawa Catholic being appointed as the governor of the Central Province , the heartland of the Kandyan Chingkallams. The demanded only an upper caste Kandyan Chingkallam Poutham to be appointed as a governor , failing that an upper caste Kandyan Chingkalla Christian but no low castes or low country Chingkallams to be given any top appointment in the Kandyan heartland.

  • 7

    As I have said before, Prabhakaran (low-caste) rebelled more against the Vellalars than Sinhalese discrimination. Sinhalese “discrimination” did not affect him in any way, since Vellalars were the ones from Jaffna who chased after university admissions and civil service positions. Prabhakaran’s inspiration was the Dravidian movement in India, begun in India in 1916 to oppose the Brahmins and later on North Indian influence in TN. Let us not fool ourselves about the Vellalars; they were low-caste farming imports from Tamil Nadu brought by the Dutch and British to Sri Lanka. They have nothing to do with the highly accomplished Tamil Brahmins, several of whom won Nobel Prizes. This coolie class of Vellalars did anything to please the colonial masters, including learning English and converting to Christianity. For their loyalty, they were given disproportionate positions in the civil service. After 1948, they made ludicrous demands such as 50-50 equal representation to try and maintain the status quo. When their demands were rejected, they invented stories of “discrimination” and framed themselves as victims.

    • 2

      Oh yes you will say lots of things and we all know this . You are another Mahindapala. He lives the good life in Melbourne Australia , and constantly rants against the Tamils, despite having a Tamil wife and living in Australia due to her. You live the good life in London UK and again enjoy all the opportunities that Britain offers even to recent non white immigrants like you , but endorse the discrimination , marginalisation and the structural genocide of the Tamils in the island. You rant and he rants.

      • 2

        Many Tamil “refugees” also live in UK. They got into the UK by abusing asylum laws. Some of these refugees are now UK citizens. They march in front of Westminister protesting against “discrimination” and “genocide” but every year they fly first-class to Sri Lanka for holidays. The UK government should fine them for body odor and then deport them to TN, their real homeland.

  • 1

    First episode brought convulsions reading second some will succumb.

    • 1

      It is HLDM who is suffering multiple episodes of convulsions in response to a single knock out punch by CVW.

    • 1


      “First episode brought convulsions reading second some will succumb”

      I understand your dilemma. You don’t have to die reading his recycled trash. You don’t have to die to prove your loyalty. We can vouch for your credentials. You are no lesser racist than soma, Hela, ………… sach, Nuisance, …….

      Whatever happens please don’t die.
      We need you.

      • 0

        Mr Mahindapala ,can you please reflect on the historical fact, that the Tamil community in 1956 overwhelmingly rejected an independent Tamil state as advocated by the prominent Tamil leader Sundaralingam; who lost his deposit .But by late 70’s the support for Vadukoddai resolution was overwhelming. Why?
        Let me jolt your memory on some the tragic events that have led to us to the current impasse.
        Sinhala only bill and Gal Oya riots in1956;
        Anti-Tamil pogroms of 1958 and 1977;
        Burning of Jaffna library;
        Revising engineering faculty admission list after publishing the results to reduce Tamil students;
        The marching of Buddhist monks and Sinhala politicians to oppose reasonable use of Tamil language; and
        The Black July pogrom against the Tamil community in 1983 resulting in around 3,000 deaths and the large scale looting and the resultant burning of Tamil homes and businesses. Lest we forget the mobs we’re armed with documentation obtained from government departments to identify Tamil homes – etc etc;
        Mr Mahindapala’s arguments are eerily similar to the white supremacists in western societies who blame the marginalised and minority elements in their societies and view themselves (the majority) as victims Yes it is true Jaffna society was and still is caste bound and burdened with a unfair dowry system and many other feudal social norms. These practices can only be overcome when Tamils do not feel under they and their culture and language is not under siege. This of course could be greatly helped with economic development of the region and a broad based political agenda based on the rule of law, social equity, inclusion and reconciliation.

  • 7

    Not worth reading this guy’s response since i know what he has to say and what he only knows. This Parangiya will say that tamils were brought to Illankai by Parangis to cultivate tobacco and that is all his SL history and sinhala history.

  • 0

    MLDM learned lot of real history in his last Essay. We made sure in the comments that he will have to return, no hiding. We did know too he can convulse any way, but he cannot contest he facts presented in those comments. MLDM, after his last essay, now struggling not being able to swallow or spit.
    The proven history of Ceylon is Tamil Nagars (Nakam + Arr= Nakar; a Tamil base and Tamil conjugation), the civilized people have been ruling the country. Manipallavam and Kalyani were their capitals. Kaimugan’s father from Kathirkamam had fallen in love with Kalyani Princess. It appears from the legends, as Kalyani was a very strong kingdom, he had kidnapped her. Divuvamsa was written by Tamil Nuns, from the Tamil legends existed with Nagars and others. These nuns are not one. A few of them. This paved a way for the texts easy to be modified and edited repeatedly, by Nuns and eventual ill will racists. The racism (Religious bigotry) was started mainly by the Tamil Jains in TN. This spread as an all-out war within Tamil Jains-Hindus- and Buddhists in TN. Remember, it was all within Tamils of TN. Matters spilled to Ceylon by the Buddhist Monks like Mahanama sought refuge in Ceylon. Mahanama who is a disciple of HLDM completely rewrote Divuwamsa as Mahavamsa. This is why there was no big dispute in the North India between Hindus and Buddhist. There it was mainly voluntary conversion and reconversion. In Ceylon too, until 3rd-4th CE no real physical violence raged within communities, unlike Tamil Nadu. When time passed and the Pali and & Sanskrit learned Monks corrupted the Tamil, Sinhala was born. This gave a birth to different communities; Sinhala Buddhist and those who remained as Tamil Hindus. TN influence encouraged some reconversion in the North; Isolation from TN caused in the South to more Buddhist conversions in the new language speakers.

  • 1

    One of my upcountry Tamil friends told me at a recent get-together, that Northern Tamils were against giving the Sri Lankan citizenship to Estate Tamils. The reason is that N/Tamils think the estate Tamils are a bunch of low cast coolies!
    That’s why India doesn’t support the racist and discriminatory TNA. And the TNA has nowhere to go but to the West!
    Then they have the problem between northern Tamils and the Eastern Tamils; the interesting case in point is the case of Karuna Amman. This discriminatory treatment cost the LTTE dearly during the war, yet, the remaining bunch talks still like king-makers?
    That’s why many Sri Lankans think the northern Tamil leaders are suffering from some mental disorder. Now they want to meet the president GR. We wish them good luck!
    Anyways, they will learn their second lesson at the upcoming general election!

    • 2

      Your identity should be Tamil hater as it is obvious you are another Sinhalese racist. One of your upcountry Tamil , friends! Another Mahavamsa fable . Did this upcountry friend also tell you how Kandyans , especially the your so called up country variety , are very caste conscious , including your two Mahanayakes , who should no better but recently ranted against the appointment of a low country low caste Catholic , as a governor of your so called up country Kandyan land , didn’t he also tell you that the so called up country Kandyans consider all you low country Sinhalese as below them as most of you are just descended from recently migrated low caste South Indians , who have now taken a Sinhalese identity. Even now most Kandyans will never consider marrying into low country Sinhalese , unless they belong to some low country upper Govigamma family with lots of wealth. Lastly did you up country Tamil friend also advise you that it was the Sinhalese and not Sri Lankan Tamils who made them stateless ?

  • 1

    He has distorted the history of Thesavalamai. The 12 mudaliars were not all Vellala. There is a Malayali among them. And also probably Madapallis.

  • 0

    A very good account of Tamil society and the false narrative that has been foisted upon them (and the rest of the nation) by SJV elite.

    The challenge is to break through this “iron curtain” imposed in the minds of ordinary Tamils.

    • 2


      “A very good account of Tamil society and the false narrative that has been foisted upon them (and the rest of the nation) by SJV elite.”

      Is this part of his Self-criticism?
      Does the hat fit you?

      If HLD M believes he could hide and/or deflect all those atrocities committed by the MAJORITY Sinhala/Buddhists he has miserably failed. This man does not have a clue about the real social condition throughout the country.

      I suppose he lost his marbles long ago, say at the time of his birth.
      Why are you carrying his b***s?
      Instead, if you carry Gota’s you may get some crumbs.

  • 1

    You always write & twitting fictions to please the governments in power in Sri Lanka.

    Before you write fictions, tell the readers why you ran away from Sri Lanka during President Premadasa’s period. You never accepted President Premadasa because of his CASTE.

    Now you shamelessly talking about castes among the Tamils.

    Today’s Lankan patriots were yesterday’s traitors of Lanka.

    Shame on you guys

  • 0

    Now I know from their loud noise Tamils are not at all cast conscious. They are only conscious about Sinhalese Buddhist’s casts. That’s why they call Sinhalese as low cast Tamils. One lie contradicts other.

  • 0

    Dear Sir

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Kindly ensure it is clear to the public who may benefit from your analysis that what is being disputed is not the ‘Sri Lankan Tamilness” but the FP/TULF/TNA versions used to run the country into the ground just as the racists elements within Sinhala media/politics did in our Nation. Two wrongs can never make anything right is been proven beyond doubt at the expense ion our children?

    I am a very proud Sri Lankan/Tamil/Culture/Not so into religions (turned atheist after my Father was killed in 1981).

    We should not fall into these 2 groupings (North and South) who have taken over our land since Independence dictated all ills first through misinformation(Suthenthiran party news paper and the Sinhala sister versions equally vile) and then through the violence initiated by the same since 70’s.

    Thank you for the analysis/knowledge sharing please remove any generalisation of the word Tamil and kindly give them a specific name FP/TULF/TNA folly/killers etc and we can do the same to the Sinhala speaking racists groupings too (not Sinhala Buddhists etc).

    These Mafias do not have place in our society nor do they speak for our Nation of people does not matter what each and every one of us holds as an identity/dignity as Sri Lankan.

  • 1

    I wouldn’t dignify this racist rabble-rouser, HLDM, with with a comment, but it seems none has pointed out glaring distortions and contradictions in his writing.

    For instance, he says,
    “Though it was meant to express the collective goals of the Tamils in essence it represents only the political interests / grievances of the Vellalars. Eelam, for instance, was never a part of the Muslims or the Indian Tamils.”

    The demand for Eelam was for the North-East only. So the Muslims and Upcountry Tamils didn’t feel they needed to be a part of it. Those who made the Eelam demand always included Muslims and any Upcountry Tamils who had settled down within the North-East.

    HLDM’s argument would have been valid only if the so-called non-Vellala people in the North-East had risen against the Eelam demand. But in reality, they were the ones who spearheaded the armed struggle for Eelam, by giving their blood, their lives and treasure; they were overwhelmingly Tamil nationalists. A few people might have felt caste discrimination in extreme forms and thought caste emancipation should take precedence over Tamil rights as a whole (e.g., a person writing as Sebastian Rasalingam and another in the comment sections as ‘Nadesan’), but they were the odd exceptions.

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