24 January, 2025


Tamil Nadu – Redemption Sighted With Rajinikanth’s Advent

By S. Sivathasan

S. Sivathasan

A New Era

Patriotic elements of Tamil Nadu, steadfast on the same cause – a renascent state – rallying round a sole leader – Rajini – and marching together in formidable numbers, have a land of their making to win. What is that pearl of great attraction? A Tamil Nadu, christened anew with toil and tears, unity and vision. A million   strong devoted to righteous governance can be a force even to treble and to quintuple in no time. Rajini may provide an inimitable leadership and draw many sections into his fold. An attractive corpus of ideas and values would then become a monolith to the voting multitude. The tip of the iceberg is no longer hidden. A two-year frame can reveal it in full.

Within two days of Rajini’s announcement, the air is rife with positive responses, winning signals and alarmist reactions. They vary with each of the concerned group’s perception of their fortunes for well or for ill. At the best end of the spectrum are the altruistic who have yearned for a dramatic change from the Dravidian tangle, for no less than half a century. At the unseemly end are the self-serving, money-seeking who are alarmed at losing their fortunes if the Dravidian parties are defeated by Rajini.


In the forefront with mortal fear, shrouded in words of bravado are two political formations professing Dravidian credentials. They were never ever supported by the Dravidian states: Andhra, Karnataka and Kerala. They had the support of only one Tamil State ie Tamil Nadu. DMK and AIADMK, obverse and reverse of the same coin were Tamil parties. I will treat them as one. The name Dravidian was a misnomer. It was used to camouflage the Dravidian delusion. If ever the party expected to evolve into Dravidian acceptance it never happened. The time is now for it to embrace Tamilian credentials and to pride over such a name.

In a full sixty years Dravidianism has run its course and lost steam and traction. It shared its propensity for misrule and pillage, till the people repulsed at the very mention of the party names, which signified only cheat. The names had become a synonym for limitless corruption. No need to mention the areas of corruption or to list out the incredible amounts swindled in multiple ways.. All the degenerate Tamils contributing to the destruction of the state know it. Two millenia back Cato the Roman Senator used to conclude his speech in the Senate with the words “carthago delenda est” – “Carthage must be destroyed”-. For decades now, “Dravidian delenda est – Dravidian must be destroyed” had become the watchword of patriotic Tamils.

Enter Rajini

Before you practice virtue make wealth”, so said Plato. Not by precept but by chance, this has happened to Rajini. In the true spirit of Karnan in Mahabharatha, he has set out to repay his debt to Tamil Nadu and the Tamils. At a moment when Tamil Nadu was getting asphyxiated, Rajini has appeared as a life saver. He is not a minute late. Why did he meditate on his decision for so long? many have asked. Thiruvalluvar said “Those who await the appropriate moment, have a world to win”. Hence the massive welcome and blessings being showered on him. The mis-appropriators fear loss of power and in consequence expropriation of their ill-gotten hoard. Hence their shiver manifesting in incoherent remarks at Rajini.  Groups of little consequence have perceived their inevitable demise with loss of their vested base. Their reaction is therefore adverse and can be understood as such.

The entry speech of Rajini, delivered with no oratorical flourishes but straight from the heart and spoken with patent honesty, has gone well with the people. In the last three days he has set about his tasks with circumspection. In a state saturated with electronic facilities and overloaded with youth vote, he has opted for all the modern means of communication. On day one itself a web was created and address conveyed. Day 2 said 3 lakh registrations on the first day. Fair weather friends from waning parties sent soundings. They were rejected without meditation. Piggy backers found no back to perch on. A good beginning!

Tamil Nadu credited with several firsts and possessed of every attribute for growth and success, needs only honest leadership. Tamil Nadu is getting it now. In the nineteenth century, India got Annie Besant for political leadership. Tamils were privileged to have Dr. GU Pope, Fr. Beschi and Bishop Caldwell for Tamil studies and research. The great personal contribution of British Engineer Pennycuick to building Mullaiperiyar Dam, no Tamil has forgotten.  For spirituality Tamils had the privilege of hosting Swami Aurobindo and Mother in Puthuchcheri. For social work there came Mother Theresa from Albania. Such has been the rich tradition of Tamil Nadu and of India. It cannot be broken because some choose obscurity for themselves. Let  continuity be the hallmark of Tamil culture.


In the forties and fifties, Tamil Nadu was poor. The next two decades saw the people with viable incomes. The following twenty years saw the citizens as well to do. The current century has seen shades of affluence. This is the trajectory of growth and nothing wrong or bad about it. But the so-called elites had lost their moorings. The political leadership having power to wield with ladle in hand served itself. Generational income growth and requisite education to mellow the upstarts failed to grow apace. The lack of an ethical ballast upset the social balance. Wealth accumulated and society decayed.

Craving for a new order with a fresh equilibrium is now a dire essential. Greed cannot be curbed by laws and policing alone. Hence a sharper approach at spiritualizing politics. Set about with honesty and purpose the attempt can succeed if power can be in right hands. To channel the march of power in the correct direction, Rajini seems to have set his hand to the plough. Helping him not to turn back is the obligation of all Tamils. 

Related posts:

Likely Entry Of Rajinikanth Into Tamil Nadu Politics

Latest comments

  • 4

    Tamilnadu politics is completely a bollywood type movies. Tamils lived in Sinhale since the times unkown are discussing their true homeland politics. Why we sinhala people do not have a similar area some where in the world where people speak sinhala.

    • 2

      why should we need one? We need to safeguard our home from invaders and aliens

      • 0

        Jimmy, sach, Percy, Rajash, …………………….

        Note:Your brethren, scholar, no nonsense honest intellectual, well respected by all people who knew him, …………….. has passed away

        A. Sivanandan (1923-2018): A ‘Black intellectual’ from Sri Lanka

        A writer who focussed on ‘racism that kills’ as opposed to ‘racism that discriminates’
        Sri Lanka-born British writer Ambalavaner Sivanandan, theorist of state racism and Black liberation politics and founding editor of Race & Class journal, passed away in London on Wednesday. He was 94.

        The Hindu
        JANUARY 05, 2018

    • 5

      Jim softy

      “Why we sinhala people do not have a similar area some where in the world where people speak sinhala.”

      You have several settlements in South India. Please contact Prof Champakalakshmi for further details. You also have areas in East of India. For further details please contact former
      High Commissioner to India Prasad Kariyawasam.According to K M D Silva some of your ancestors came from Orissa.

      However genetic studies confirm Sinhala/Buddhists shared their DNA with Tamilnadu Tamils. Therefore I am sure they will let you share their homeland provided if you politely and patiently explained to them,

      Good luck.
      By the way try avoid Seeman.

    • 5

      Another place Tamil is spoken and respected.

      “How the “Ceylon” Tamils From Sri Lanka Contributed to Singapore Over The Years”

    • 1

      Actors of all other cinemas are handsome. Well, there are exceptions with everything!

      • 0


        Could you define handsome in your own words. Do you consider yourself as handsome?

      • 0

        Well, exceptions are the ones outstay among regulars!!!

    • 0

      True. Like SL is the homeland of Singhala and Muslim people, Tamil Nadu is the homeland of Tamil people. What’s the problem?

  • 9

    Rajini becoming CM is to maintain the 70 odd years of continuity of tight grip on Tamils, held by RAW+North Indian Ruling Elite(NIRE) through manipulated Tamil and non-Tamil figures. In past great Tamil leaders were manipulated by RAW to mold into its design eventually. There is no natural democratic flow in Tamil Nadu. Its all manipulated to be chaotic forever thus enabling NIRE to maintain the tightest grip. Bangalore with 90% Tamils was given to Karnataka, Trivendrum, Kochin and many cities were unfairly snatched from Tamils. Same goes for unjust water share arrangement reg. all the rivers, around Tamil Nadu thus choking Tamils dry. It is well planned and intentional, using all avenues, including the courts.
    One Kerala fisherman’s death by G7 Italy, made all India bleed but 10 of thousands of Tamil fishermen perishing in the hands of brutal, terrorist SL forces got ignored till this day. Almost all the Nuclear Power Plants built in TN, with a said lame reason, but it is another cruel reason those are being built in TN.
    It is the curse on Tamils nearly last 250 years, systematically took them, not any other Coastal Indians, all over the world as Coolies, suffering till this day in some respective countries. Its all well designed. Japan forcefully took 300 000 Burmese Tamils to build the Death Railway during war, 1/3 of them got killed brutally (Pls Google or Youtube). No questions asked until this day. Tamils have 1000s of International Lawyers, Leaders, UN Staff, Media person, movie cheaters like Rajani, but no one, not a single soul bothered to raise the issue. Same goes with the SL Tamil Genocide of 140 000 by brutal terror SL forces. All by well planned design. Tamils shine as best Techies, Accountants, Engineers, Medical specialists etc all over the world, mainly in US and Europe, but kept ineffective ref to Tamil welfare by design. RAW and NIRE plays a major role in this.
    TN has not developed as implied in the article. If so TN should be way ahead of Dubai, Qatar, Japan, Korea, China, Eastern Europe, Malaysia, Singapore etc by now. TN is held back by design. TN sees manipulated student or political protests under controlled simulation by RAW. Rajani episode is continuity fo the same manipulation. Rajani’s politics is well oiled by BJP for the long term needs of RAW+NIRE, to maintain the grip. God Save TN and 70 TN Tamils and 5 million world Tamils.

  • 7

    The grip on TN is very clear ref to Eelam Tamil fleeing to many non Tamil lands and flourishing within 30 years and going to TN with 70 million Tamils and languishing in prison code named “Mandapam Camp” By design RAW+NIRE. I have met Elderly Tamils in tears from Reunion, Fuji, South Africa, Guyana, Jamaica, all Caribbean, and many more lands across the globe, weeping to see some religious shrines in TN or India but unable to get travel document due to lack of paper work. These were child hood migrants decades ago, without any paper works by design. No modern Tamil professionals or organisations bothered to help these folks or any Tamils scattered around and suffering, all by mysterious design. TN politics is a puppet show run by RAW+NIRE, to show case democracy.
    Rajini’s wealth, friends, family and everything else is based out side TN. He is not extra ordinarily handsome either. Just got some puppet like hand movements, which Tamils seems to find so amusingly entertaining. And millions Tamils flock around him, making them a laughing stock of the world and specially neighbors. Tamils excel in every professional spectrum of Indian structures, but not in RAW, CBI, Security Forces (except soldiers) and main security decision making bodies. Why? Keralites out represent in those bodies and has a manipulated hatred towards Tamils. Why?
    We all know how SL Tamil Genocide is the only world event India, Pakistan, China and rest of the world stood same side and actively took part. Why? Isn’t part of 250 years design, how to manage Tamils in the world. Its well known that LTTE was trained, funded and surplanted by RAW and by design they stop fighting in simulated “Swith-Off” fashion. Net result total annihilation of generations of Tamils.
    Rajini’s entrance is very well planned, designed and oiled by RAW+NIRE, with next 100 years of control over TN in mind.

    • 4

      You are entirely correct.The LTTE was a mafia set up. In 1987 the LTTE leader Prabakaran insisted on flying the tiger flag on his Jeep when he was invited by India’ s then PM for talks about surrendering guns to initiate reconciliation talks with JRJ who was the SL President.
      Prabakaran must have had dreams about being the CM of the NE of SL when he was invited.
      That did not happen and four years later the Indian PM met his nemesis for taking him to confidence.
      What you say about the BJP’s very well planned designed and oiled strategy with the assistance of RAW +NIRE to bring Rajini Kanth a Maharashtrin to politics in TN is well founded.
      The idiotic hoi polli who whistle and clap in Tamil Nadu at every turn of his ridiculous film antics pour milk and adorn his posters of his likeness with flowers and smash coconuts erected in street junction in Chennai city.
      The DMK and it’s founding father the so called Aringar Anna, and his side kick Muthuvel Karunanithi who was a clever film script writer survived in Tamil Nadu politics for more than half a century with hollow verbosity sheer rhetoric and nothing else.
      Maharastra is now in the vicious grip of the Hindutuwa BJP which is supported by the fascistic Shiva Sena. The BBS in SL is a carbon copy of it.

      • 8

        “Prabakaran must have had dreams of being the CM of the NE of Srilanka when he was invited” – This is not true. If Prabakaran was satisfied with the post of CM of NE he would have had it on a platter. He was swollen headed and thought of himself as the king of NE. When Rajiv Gandhi told him that under the agreement he could be the CM of NE, he arrogantly told, I am already the president of Tamil Eelam and why should I be a mere CM. This imprudent behaviour brought misery to Tamils.

        • 0

          He aim was to achieve Tamil Eelam rightly or wrongly and not to be Chief Minister or for that matter even a Prime minister or a leader of the opposition. He was not swollen headed Like Rajive who was living in the laurels of Indra Ghandi. Even Mahatma Gandhi was considered arrogant till he achieved freedom. Subas and Nehru was arrogant in their own way.
          When Prabhakaran was reluctant to accept the offer made by Rajive. Rajive had gone out stamped his foot, and supposed to have told his advisers arrogantly “Who is Prabhakaran- I will teach him a lesson” . Finally he was put in HOTEL ARREST to make him comply with Rajives arrogance. Any body fighting for freedom rightly has to possess a certain amount of arrogance, which The LTTE in general and Prabha in particular had. Now after consistent cheating by all governments we can hear Tamil people saying that Prabha’s goal was right but not the method adopted to achieve.. It is easy to sit in the arm chair and analyse the wrongs and rights but no one appears to have a remedy or rather a path to solve the Sinhala Tamil Problem amicably.
          We find in our Government Smooth Criminals who will not hesitate to pocket billions and billions with the help of the Tamils but will not like to help the Tamils to sort out problems.
          If you have to write about Rajive/India/IPKF and Prabaharan you can write pages and pages, but ,where does that lead you to at this stage.

      • 0


        While we are discussing the merits of film industry in Tamil Nadu I was informed that the Film Mersel by Atlee, a budding young Tamil director has a song “Aalaporan Thamizhan Ulagam Ellame”- Tamils are going to rule the world. Will you please find out the date from which Tamils have decided to rule the world?

        All these years Hinduttwa found it very difficult to infiltrate into the south. Is Rajanikanth facilitating it through back door by his fame/people’s stupidity?

        Are the transnationals from outside India using Rajanikanth to serve their interest. Recently I am told one former Indian business agent of a UK company has become full time campaign manager to Rajani.

        Let me enjoy bit of conspiracy theories.

        • 0

          Indian Tamil films are noted for’ hollow’ words to put up the Tamils without action. Incidentally Rajani is Knnadite and his interest in Tamils ends with Films. Did he raise a finger to When Karnadaka refused to release water to Tamil Nadu. Not to my knowledge. Tamil Nadu is said to “Vandarai Vala Vaikum Tamil Nadu” meaning- ‘any one who comes to Tamil Nadu is welcomed to live well’ without discrimination. That is exactly what is happening in the film world and the so called fans are taken for a ride with ‘graphics”. It appears Rajani has retired into politics where there is no requirement of age limit nor mental/ physical fitness. Only “Anmikam”?

  • 5

    I wish well for Tamil Nadu. Our Tamil brothers and sisters should get involved with the development of their motherland. and the wellspring of culture, language and religion. So far majority of Tamils had shown an inclination to live outside Tamil Nadu. Even majority of Tamils in Sri Lanka still prefer to live among the Sinhalese. When arrangements were made for our Estate Tamils to move into Tamil Nadu they declined. I hope this attitude will eventually change and like this writer all Tamils will gravitate towards Tamil Nadu. On the positive side for Sri Lanka this will help lessen the strangulation on the Sinhalese.

    • 5


      “I wish well for Tamil Nadu.”

      You don’t mean it do you?

      “Our Tamil brothers and sisters should get involved with the development of their motherland. “

      So should the Sinhala/Buddhist descendants of Kallathonies from South India.

      “So far majority of Tamils had shown an inclination to live outside Tamil Nadu.”

      So are the Sinhala/Buddhist decendants of Kallathonie South Indians.

      When are you officially inaugurating your forthcoming planned pogrom? Which saffron clad thug agreed to lead your comrade with petrol bombs?

    • 4


      I bet that you suffer from sleep apnea over this issue. The Tamils are a major headache for you!

      Be rest assured that the Sri Lankan Tamils will go no where; we will remain in Sri Lanka and will perpetuate your sleep apnea forever!

      • 2

        well you are in south africa ryt? So you accept you are living in others’ place univited? It is ugly to stay in some one’s home by force. Did not Thiruvalluwar tell u?

        • 3


          Who said so? We feel at home twice over. I cannot help with your sleep apnea though!

          • 3

            none can have two homes

        • 2


          Wish you a happy new year. Hope remain stupid forever.

          “Did not Thiruvalluwar tell u”

          Who is this Thiruvalluwar? Was he your paternal grand father?

          • 1

            why should i care to get a name correct? If you got what i meant, that is all.

            • 0


              “why should i care to get a name correct? If you got what i meant, that is all.”

              For simple reason you typed “It is ugly to stay in some one’s home by force. Did not Thiruvalluwar tell u?” as if Thiruvalluwar was your paternal Grandpa. You have a responsibility to explain who this man was and what exactly he told you?

              Aren’t you trying to drop names like the public racists Dayan and HLD M?
              Or is it because stupid is as stupid does?

              • 1

                I think it is understood by the relevant ppl.

                • 0

                  sach the smarty-pants

                  “I think it is understood by the relevant ppl.”

                  Does it mean you didn’t know about the person whose name you have dropped haphazardly?

                  You are tired. Why don’t you send in Shenali, Nuisance and others, in fact Shenali Waduge mother of all unhappy persons the island has ever produced?

      • 0

        I am more convinced than you that Tamils will go where for at the back of their mind they sense the relative superiority of Sinhala Buddhist society.

        • 0


          I am sorry; you tried to say something but it did not come out right. Can you have a go again please!

    • 5

      Of course. The tamils opted to stay in SL because of free education, free healthcare and free food. They were soo poor. They wanted to stay among Sinhalese due to extreme poverty in TN. I hope TN can be rich and finally these Tamils who felt TN as it was too poor can migrate there one day

      • 4


        Hope you remain stupid in the new year as well.

        “They wanted to stay among Sinhalese due to extreme poverty in TN.”

        True and they stayed in this island for more than necessary and founded Sinhala/Buddhism and became Sinhala/Buddhists.
        You are one of the hardcore.

  • 4

    Who is this Cardboard Hero? Dear writer …. Do you think that We are like Tioletnadu people? Ask Tamilnadu folks to direct their children and young generation to be like that Virat Koli. never can. because this kind of jokers.

    • 9


      “Ask Tamilnadu folks to direct their children and young generation to be like that Virat Koli.”

      How about directing them to follow
      Abdul Kalam a local fisherman,
      Indra Nooyi cool drink sales person,
      Sundar Pichai Internet cafe employee,
      Ramanujam died early who could not complete mathematical theorems,
      Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar was dreaming about black hole,
      Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman wondered looking at the sky, a day dreamer,
      Venkataraman Ramakrishnan a born idler around temple town.

      • 4

        Do not belittle Ramanujam. Had he lived long he would have surpassed Einstein. The science of Psychology has yet to explain their brains.

        • 2


          “Do not belittle Ramanujam. Had he lived long he would have surpassed Einstein. The science of Psychology has yet to explain their brains.”

          Was Ramanujam your grand parent’s relative?
          Is that why Champika Ranawake believes Sinhala/Buddhists discovered Zero?

          By the way I learn Ramanujam was born in your toilet Nadu. Please do ask Ravi who has full of praise for people of Toilet Nadu.

          • 1

            Toilet Nadu or Toiletless Nadu?

            • 1


              “Toilet Nadu or Toiletless Nadu?”

              You should ask the 90,000 Sri Lankans who do not use toilets, do not want to use one, ………….. in this island. Are you the official Tamil Nadu toilet watcher?

      • 3

        Native Veddha,

        I think we have to give due respect for Tamil people here. They are hardworking and progressive people except for course for their blind faith in movie stars and politicians.

        I think that most of the progressiveness of Tamil people have come from their adherence to the rationality and atheism. I could be wrong but that’s what I think is the reason.

        • 4


          ” They are hardworking and progressive people except for course for their blind faith in movie stars and politicians.”

          Have you forgotten Vijaya Kumaratunga.
          I agree, on the other hand here the people are stupid and elect crooks, rapists, war criminals …… blindly.

          • 1


            What kind of rubbish is this? Vijaya couldn’t even contest on a national level election. How can we judge that people would have vouch for him in the national level.

        • 2

          If one is to ignore rationality and athiesm one can agree with you. They are very intelligent. Look how they stole our country with the Dutch? And even creating a history. They indeed are smart

          • 4


            You conveniently play ignorant to the fact that the majority of Dutch imports became Sinhala converts. Incidentally, you may be one of the descendants!

            • 3

              Who says that? Dutch brought slaves to Jaffna to grow tobacco. Still today you grow tobacco in Jaffna just like Dutch taught u

              • 2


                Portuguese had recruited 12,000 Lascarins to invade the North along with their own soldiers amounting to 700.

                Do you have any evidence to suggest these Lascarins returned to their original habitat after capturing North? According to Prof Nira Wickramasinghe, Sri Lanka in the Modern Age: A History (page 14), Lascarins were recruited either among Nayars from Kerala or among Karavas or Karayars.

                Since your ancestors were brought from South India you should at least know some history of their migration and conversion. Let us hear from you.

                • 1

                  If Lascarins did not return to south, then they stayed in North. So probably the current day jaffna man are descendants of those Lascarins. That makes the jaffna man Sinhala

                  Then Nira has got completely wrong. Lascarins were mostly low country sinhalese. Why should I care about South India? Sinhalese just need their homeland that is it

                  • 2

                    Sach the brainless , it is the present day Sinhalese who share a 70% DNA with Indian Tamils and not the indigenous Tamils from the north and east, who only share a 17% DNA with Indian Tamils. Proving most South Indian migrants to the island from ancient to modern times became Sinhalese and very few intermarried or assimilated into the Sri Lankan Tamils. 95% of the low caste South Indians imported by the Dutch were settled in the south and western parts of the island, where the huge Cinnamon and other spice estates were . Only around 5-10% were settled in the north as indentured labour ( Kothadimai) to cultivate tobacco for the Vellalar landlords. They eventually got assimilated into the lower Nalavar and Pariar castes. From around the 12Th century onwards there was a huge migration from South India both low and high castes , however very few of them settled in the Tamil north or east but in the Sinhalese areas and became Sinhalese. Most of the so called Sinhalese aristocracy and upper Govigamma both low country and Kandyan , as well as many other present day Sinhalese castes that previously never existed are a result of this South Indian migration. It is this fairly recent South Indian migration , especially during the Portuguese and Dutch era and their gradual assimilation as Sinhalese that doubled the island’s Sinhalese population and made them a huge majority within a few centuries. The Sinhalese can be only called natives to the south of the island. Tamils and the Tamilised Veddah are the natives of north and east. Sinhalese are not in these areas . They are immigrants who have only been recently settled by Sinhalese led Sri Lankan governments in the past 60 years on ethnically cleansed Tamil lands, to deliberately change the demography of these Tamil areas. Now they are creating false history and planting Buddha statues and other Buddhist artefact , to claim these ancient Tamil Hindu lands as Sinhalese Buddhist lands.

              • 3

                It is the same way that Portuguese brought slaves to south to grow cinnamon. Still you grow cinnamon in the south just like Portuguese taught you.

                • 1

                  we have been exporting Cinnamon even before the Portugese left Portugal. Learn history Dr.
                  It is high time you stop robbing others homeland

                  • 1


                    You need to learn history objectively! When the Portuguese arrived the Colombo and South were being dominated by the Muslim traders! You need to thank the Portuguese for pushing the Muslims out of Colombo and towards East!

                    You really need to learn about the Sinhala. Just pay attention to the modern Sinhala surnames and things will start to unravel!

                    In the book, Understanding the Sinhalese, authored by SB Disanyake, a chapter is dedicated to the authentic Sinhala names. Just workout as to what proportion of the modern Sinhala espouses such surnames!

                    • 1

                      I have a great knowledge about history and sinhala. If any South indian came and sinhalised that is the NATURAL PROCESS. They joined the native civilisation, that is how it should be. Those who cannot should stay in their original place without bringing prbs. We would have handled Muslims better and present day Muslims would have been speaking sinhala too

                  • 0


                    “we have been exporting Cinnamon even before the Portugese left Portugal.”

                    Whom did you export Cinnamon to? How did you export?

                    “It is high time you stop robbing others homeland”

                    Aren’t you standing in front of mirror?

                  • 0


                    Before the Portuguese arrived, the SL Moors were trading Cinnamon at a small scale. The Portuguese expanded the Cinnamon trade and started cinnamon estates in the Southern SL in a very large scale by bringing tens of thousands of slaves from South India. Today all those slaves have become Sinhala Buddhists. This is how the Sinhala population in SL became a majority. Almost 90% of the low country Sinhalese are South Indians (mainly Tamils and Malabar).

              • 0


                Dutch may have brought a few slaves to Jaffna and sold to the Vellala tobacco farmers but according to the Dutch records and historical articles written by the then Dutch writers, Tens and Thousands of slaves were settled in the South from Colombo to Matara to grow Cinnamon and coconuts. Their main trade was Cinnamon. If you need proof, I can give you proof. What proof do you have?

      • 0

        Hey Gal Wedda. Only 1,2,3,4,5 out of tens of thousand. I think Sri Lankan Weddas better than ToiletNadu folks.

        • 0


          Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt

          Abraham Lincoln or
          Mark Twain or
          Maurice Switzer or ???

  • 4

    To pin one’s faith on Rajinikanth is, at best, folly.
    MGR had a standing as a leader in the DMK and was very much a political animal.
    Jayalalitha succeeded based partly on the flaws of the DMK and the MGR wave to which she successfully claimed a right. (It was not her success as a movie star that led to her political success.)
    It is suggested by many observers that Rajinikanth is a BJP proxy and that sounds feasible.
    Does his campaigner here have the foggiest idea of what he stands for?

  • 1

    I am rather taken aback by this essay from Mr. Sivathasan,even quoting Plato to boot.

    Rajinikanth will go down in History as a man who made his money in Films by simply moving his hands and legs and other parts of his anatomy like in a Muppet show!
    For the crowds to be captivated with such a man, cheering him all the way, is a reflection of their collective stupidity and hollowness. Is South India being manipulated as per reader Sri Rajan?

    Srilanka in that sense is streets ahead!

    • 3


      “Srilanka in that sense is streets ahead!”

      What about Kovilage Anton Vijaya Kumaranatunga?
      I couldn’t resist mentioning Dr Mahinda Rajapaksa (LLD) the actor in few acting roles.

      • 2

        what is Vijaya and what is rajni?

        Rajni moves his hands this way and that way. Then a sound comes….and people in TN get captivated saying see style style…

        • 2


          “Rajni moves his hands this way and that way. Then a sound comes….and people in TN get captivated saying see style style”

          It is not Rajani but a Scarecrow.
          You need to visit your local optician.

        • 2

          Rajani has following in Japan and his movies are popular there. I once watched a French movie and part of the movie a scene where the actors were watching a Rajani movie on TV

      • 2

        If his ge name is Kovilage ( Kovil meaning temple in Tamil) he must be from the Salagma community whose ancestors were imported by the Dutch from Tamil Nadu , to work in the cinnamon estates down south. Vijaya Kumaranatunge is from the Jaela/Ragama area and this is a stronghold of the Salagama. Kuaranatunge is a typical Salagama name. Chandrika later changed it to Kumaratunge as it is a Govigama name

    • 1


      I am sorry I missed N M Perera (played leading role in the first ever Sinhala film produced in Bangalore, if I am not mistaken), V P Ganesan (Mano Ganesan’s father) Eelam MGR, …….

  • 3

    Rajinikanth has only launched a party. This is only a baby first step. Some expect the baby to walk forth and fight corruption. Will Rajinikanth live up to expectations – after all he is investing a lot!
    We, the Lankan silent majority expected this on 08 January 2015 but are disappointed.
    Please remind me. What is the name of the Rajinikanth party?

  • 4

    Apparently, the South Indian State compared to the other more than 30 other odd States in India is more advanced economically. In spite of this why are those people still dependent on Actors to lead them?
    When Jayalalitha became CM she had made her money in Films; After she became CM SHE MADE MORE MONEY!
    She too followed Plato by making Money before practicing Virtue!
    So, Super Star Rajini will stylishly stylu stylu thaan……
    Mr. Sivathasan! I admire you on your knowledge of the Greek Classics. But alas you have applied it quite unwisely !

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      Rajini was silent on many issues such as Tamilnadu Fishermen murdered by SL Navy, Cauvery River dispute with Karnataka, Farmers suicide in Tamilnadu, Innocent civilian death caused by SL armed forces in Sri Lanka and so on. He admits the fact that he is the follower of Bal Thackeray who is the founder of Shiv Sena (Army of Shiva). In 2002 Bal Thackeray called on suicide squads to carry on attacks against muslims in Maharashtira.
      Poor people of Tamilnadu ignorant of his motives hail him as Super Star. He spoilt the younger generation by showing them how to smoke and drink liquor in style and use some words to inspire the Tamil youth in movies.
      Rajini born in Maharashtira, grown up in Karnataka, made his fortunes in Tamilnadu and show the ignorant masses that he is a genuine Tamil.
      DMK and AIADMK are not capable of govern the state. So the solution! People of Tamilnadu have to decide.

      Yes, I admire Mr Sivathanan’s writing skills. He failed to closely research Rajini.

  • 2

    Rajini works for the big money, tobacco industry.
    Watch this and decide. All his films are full of these well choreographed scenes to popularise tobacco and alcohol. He is a paid agent.
    The writer is mislead by his presence in the cinema as the hero.
    Tamils and all youth in surrounding states and countries would be worse off when Rajini takes over the reins of TN.
    Good Luck!

  • 1

    In SL case both Tamils and Sinhalese are both gullible victims of NIRE. VP’s some 2nd, 3,4…7th, rung circles were totally and unknowingly under RAW. VP’s commitment and dedication for cause of deprived Tamils, is unblemished but not his chosen mode and diplomacy which were infantile and lacking far sight due to manipulations. VP and family could have resided overseas but he chose otherwise and paid the ultimate price which is a first in SL leaderships. SL army should have spared his child at least, as a goodwill for saving Trincomale from IPKF, without a single casualty for SL. Army proved its brutality.
    Tamils had a perfect storm to fall through the cracks. Nearly 60 years of racist, brutal Sinhala politics, very committed and focused VP, unjust Caste system, abject poverty and deprivation in NE, invisible RAW+NIRE and some extra $ to spare overseas. Thus fell the entire generations.
    Sinhalese conveniently forgot all good things about Tamil cousins; 1915 riot intervention and saving them, Trincomale IPKF episode, most peaceful ancient people on the planet, peace loving Hindus and Christian. Instead brutal images of LTTE violence was equated with Tamils. Rest is history.

    When JR shook hands with Ronald Reagan, NIRE planned 3 birds in one stone. Use and destroy NE Tamil boys to punish JR and SL economy and maintain chaos in TN. All went as planned. In NE boys case, use and nourish as long as obeyed, otherwise destroy. SL easily swallowed the dead rope and created 2009 upon itself. A strong TN and NE Tamils are very much needed for the long run safety and security of Sinhalese, due to multiple dark clouds around SL. Tamils are the least dangerous than all the dangers facing SL today. Not to mean Tamils are weak now, instead they are stronger now minus VP shackles. Tamils have the capacity to cause more damage to SL than VP times, without a single boot on the ground.

  • 3

    But Tamils have many other priorities as a peaceful ancient People, whom so far got misled and floated away from core values. Even though 1983/2009 is very much unforgettable to any Tamil, wishing destruction to Sinhala cousins, is not their priorities. Definitely violent struggle is not on the cards anytime soon.
    Rajini, Kamal or any other genuine young players are the dire need of TN politics today but that does not mean RAW+NIRE manipulation should continue. TN does not deserve the 70 year chaos, poverty, under development and useless planted distractions. TN needs a sea change to happen but Rajini is not capable of delivering it. What happened to all those Tamils who excel in various fields all over the world. Why not a learned talented professional? Why this self destruction of Tamils? Or is it by design? Rajini already asked candidates to bring Rs 10 million, virtually selling seats. How can this be democracy? TN needs a different direction than this.

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      Sri Rajan

      “But Tamils have many other priorities as a peaceful ancient People, whom so far got misled and floated away from core values. “

      Tamils are the only “peace loving people in this universe”.
      Do you seriously believe your own manufactured myth?
      If they were so peaceful how did they expand their empires at various times and so often?

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    Let’s hope that Rajini has the wisdom to stay out of Sri Lankan politics.

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      sinhalese buddhist

      “Let’s hope that Rajini has the wisdom to stay out of Sri Lankan politics.”

      Only if you have the wisdom to treat your own people well. Else neighbours and strangers are pleased to grope your women whenever they want to.

      Get it in your head.

  • 4

    Mr. Sivathasan has a history of going overboard in his enthusiasm. For instance, when Narendra Modi was elected he raved and raved about how Modi would help SL Tamils.

    But, other than giving some speeches during his visit to Sri Lanka, what has Modi done to alleviate the plight of the war affected people in the North-East, or the broader grievances of Tamils in Sri Lanka.? Indeed, Modi’s rise in India may have simply emboldened certain religious fanatics among Hindu Tamils in Sri Lanka as well, and nothing more.

    Likewise, Rajinikanth cannot resolve the many problems that the people of Tamil Nadu face. At best, he can bring a sense of change, after a long period of corruption and the listlessness of DMK and ADMK, in the same way Maithiripala Sirisena’s election brought change in Sri Lanka. But any euphoria will be short-lived, and lasting and dramatic change will continue to elude the people of TN. That will require a transformational leader, with the right temperament and knowledge, which Rajinikanth doesn’t possess.

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      Also note that his enthusiasm is for the Hindu right wing.
      Rajinikanth is suspected to be in tow with the BJP.

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  • 3

    What ever the Dravidian parties are now, it was during their rule in era that Tamil Nadu prospered and became one of India’s advanced industrialised states. The life of the Tamil masses , especially the lower casted vastly improved and many of them got educated and became part of the middle class . Due to the this unlike neighbouring Kerala , there was no large scale conversion to Islam and Christianity in Tamil Nadu. In a way it is these Dravidian parties, despite their anti Brahmin rhetoric, saved Hinduism in Tamil Nadu and Tamil Nadu still remains a stronghold of the Hindus, where the ancient Hindu way of life goes undisturbed. It also became a very secular state, where the Tamil identity ( other than the Tamil Brahmins ) takes precedence over everything else caste or religion( Hindu, Christian or Muslim) . Despite the anti Brahmin rhetoric , the state was ruled by a Tamil Brahmin( Jayalalitha ) and many Tamil Brahmins still thrive there and are popular( like Kamala Hassan he has a far better chance than Rajanikanth , as he is more secular and is a Tamil by ethnicity). RajaniKant will only bring chaos in Tamil Nadu as he will introduce the BJP’s Hinduvata policies , which will only divide the state on religious and caste lines. He has never fought or voiced any opinion regarding Tamil rights or matters that are important to Tamils. MGR may not have been a Tamil ( Kerala Nair of Sri Lankan origin) but his hometown Pallakaddu now in Kerala was part of Tamil Nadu, when he entered politics and he closely associated himself with Tamils and their problems. In many ways he was more Tamil than many Tamils. Jayalalitha may have been a Brahmin in a largely Brahmin hating Tamil Nadu but she again had an advantage, she was still ethnically a Tamil and again fought fiercely for Tamil rights

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      Remarkably, the DMK (after CNA) made Tamilnadu government a den of corruption.
      Caste reigns supreme in TN politics today. Ask PMK boss Ramadas who wanted to carve out a state which his Vanniar group will dominate.

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    It was Karunanidhi who said Jesus spoke Tamil in the cross. Tamils believe him. The Dravidian parties in TN have been manufacturing mythical tamil history in TN as a political tool. The normal diet for an avg TN fellow is extreme Tamil nationalism. Tamil this and that, Tamil that and this. As we are unlucky to live next to these buffoons we had to face the result of it.

    I hope Rajni will be successful in bringing smthing other than Tamil nationalism, the MAIN diet for TN baffaloes

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      No he spoke Sinhala. Lord Jesus spoke Aramaic and Karunanidhi is not stupid to state such nonsense. Some nut case stated this because one of the Hebrew/Aramaic word for God Elohim , the Arabic word Allah and one of the ancient Tamil words for god El ( From which the name Ellalan ( for males) or Ellamma( the female version is derived) are all from the same eastern Mediterranean root word, as the original Dravidians are from the eastern Mediterranean. Another ancient Tamil word for god Eesan ( Lord Siva) meaning the one who gives or provides is similar to Hebrew Eesa. Yeshua , Joshua from which Jesus is derived. These words may have an ancient eastern Mediterranean common root/ origin , describing god , before all these people migrated and diverged into different people and languages.

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        Tamils always say NONSENSE when it comes to history.

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          sach the stupid

          “Tamils always say NONSENSE when it comes to history.”

          Do you roughly know the years in which your great grand parents landed on our shores and converted first to Christianity and then to Buddhism and later became card carrying members of Sinhala/Buddhist racists/fascists?

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    The writer is exhibiting his private ignorance in public. He has no clue about TN politics and history. He likes Rajani because of his claim to embrace /install political spiritualism into TN politics. Water and oil don’t mix. So is politics and spiritualism. They are totally different. The writer is belittling the solid achievements of the Dravidian Movement founded by Periyar and nurtured by Annadurai during the last 8 decades. The Dravidian Movement broke the back of the caste ridden Tamil society in which the Brahmins were at the top. At the time of independence all the posts from the ordinary constable to High Court judges were held by Brahmins. Suffice to say while the percentage of literacy among Brahmins was as high as 90% that of the indigenous Tamils was under 5%. The women folk were virtually illiterate. It was the Dravidian Movement which brought the quota system in education and jobs to uplift the backward Tamils. Today, Tamils are ruling the state. There is not a single Brahmin Minister in TN after 1967. It is the Dravidian Movement which gave pride of place to Tamil language ignored and relegated by the British. Today Tamil is the language of education in most schools and the Thanjai University is Tamil only. Rajani is no MGR. MGR was a philanthropist while Rajani is a miser. There are 7.5 million Tamils in TN while his fans form a fraction of the population. His party cannot poll more than 2% of the votes in an election. It was Poet Poet Bharathythasan who wanted a Tamil well versed in Tamil language as the Chief Minister of TN. Rivers don’t flow backwards to the mountain. The writer comes from an Orthodox Hindu family and I can understand his animosity towards the Dravidian Movement.

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