27 April, 2024


Tamil Theology Upgraded Prabhakaran & Downgraded Jesus

By H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

H. L. D. Mahindapala

At the height of the 33-year-old war – i.e., from the Vadukoddai declaration of war on May 14, 1976 to Nandikadal on May 18, 2009 — two Tamil clerics decided to give a face-lift to Tamil politics by dressing it up in new clothes of Christian theology. Under the cover of waging “a war of liberation” even the so-called moderates had accepted “Tamil fascism” (Dr. Rajan Hoole) as a necessary means to achieve their political end. Any one who questioned “Tamil fascism” was condemned and, wherever possible, eliminated as a traitor. The Tamil terror unleashed by Velupillai Prabhakaran to maintain his supremacy as “the sole representative of the Tamils” tolerated no dissent. Any threat to his reign of terror was snuffed out swiftly. The New York Times labelled Prabhakaran as “the latest Pol Pot of Asia”. The University Teachers for Human Rights, Jaffna, the only courageous voice of the dissenting Tamil intellectuals, was documenting in detail the horrors coming out of the womb of Jaffna. Eventually, the LTTE headed by Velupillai Prabhakaran was banned as a terrorist organisation by the international community.

The Churchmen who were witnesses to the rise of the Pol Potist cult in the North went along with it, religiously blessing the fascist horrors unfolding before their eyes. They decided to embrace the Tamil Pol Potist cult in preference to the elected government of the day which they branded as “the Sinhala government”. In short, they hailed Tamil fascism under one-man rule as the better alternative to the multi-cultural democratic norms that ruled the nation, with all its imperfections, in the post-independent era. The Vadukoddai violence incrementally morphed into the North-South war which was waged exclusively by the intransigent and implacable Velupillai Prabhakaran. He dragged it on for 33 years. The peninsula became the battleground for the three main combatants – Sri Lankan Force, Indian Forces and Prabhakaran’s Forces. It was the Tamils of the North who suffered most. More than any other force, the Tamils who were expecting “liberation” became the victims of the dreaded cult of Tamil Pol Potism.

In contrast, the Sri Lankan Government continued to conduct its war against the Tamil terrorists within a democratic framework, however fragile and defective it may have been. Tamil politics, on the other hand, had descended into the depraved depths of fascist politics. It was desperately in need of moral justifications. The Christian Churches of the North, dominated by Tamils, were already in the thick of Tamil separatist politics, lending a helping hand to Prabhakaran. Through the global network of Christian Churches, they were in the forefront either justifying or manufacturing excuses for Tamil violence. Their modus operandi was to paint the Tamils as the victims of the oppressive Sri Lankan government without mentioning that the Tamils penned inside Prabhakaran’s Pol Potist regime were never invited to the grand birthday parties of his children, or to swim in the pool built for him to cool off in the heat of the dry zone. While Prabhakaran even siphoned off the food and medicine sent by the Government of Sri Lanka to fatten his family and his cadres protecting him, the Churchmen accused of the Government of Sri Lanka of using food as a weapon of war to deprive the Tamils of essentials for their survival.

The Tamil Churchmen were doing their utmost best in propagandising from the pulpit, through parish letters and lobbying from Rome to every possible Tamil home. But the Churchmen were desperately in need of a Christianised justification for their role in aiding and abetting Tamil separatism – a movement that turned Tamil against Tamils, and took the lives of more Tamils than all the other forces put together, as stated by S.C. Chandrahasan, the son of S. J. V. Chelvanayakam, the father of Tamil separatism. The putative Tamil theologians stepped in to undertake a rescue mission that would sanitize Tamil violence and make it a respectable and acceptable force in the eyes of the world. Prabhakaran too depended heavily on the Churchmen to whitewash his crimes against humanity, particularly his crimes against his own Tamil people. And the Churchmen fanned out into various corners of Christendom to present Prabhakaran as a latter day saint who had risen to rescue the oppressed Tamils.

What was missing in the pro-separatist campaign of the Churches was a theology to justify and / or cover up the horrors of the Tamil violence that erupted in the post-Vadukoddai Resolution period. It was easy for the the Churchmen to twist the ground realities and project the Government of Sri Lanka as demonic force. But the theoretical difficulty was in elevating the crimes of Prabhakaran to the dizzy heights of a divine force.

Of course, any attempt to rationalise and justify the “Pol Potist” violence of Prabhakaran was an uphill task. But to construct a theology to sanitise it was impossible. But that is precisely what Rev. S. J. Emmanuel, former Vicar-General of Jaffna, and the head of Global Tamil Forum (GTF) , and Rt. Rev. Dr. Bishop S. Jebanesan promised to do for Tamil separatism. Rev. Emmanuel was the first to announce his decision to construct a Tamil theology. He played a prominent role when the LTTE forced the Tamils to move out of Jaffna into Vanni, hoping to leave a vacant city for the Security Forces advancing into the heart of Jaffna. The Diasporic propaganda machine was also intent on impressing the world that the Tamils were leaving voluntarily in support of their LTTE “liberators”.

Rev. Emmanuel was the chief propagandist marketing this myth. But the following snippet from the University Teachers Human Rights, Jaffna, report tells the hidden story of the forcible eviction of Tamils by the LTTE: “On October 30th, 1995, it (the LTTE) forced almost the entire population to move our of Jaffna City and Valikamam. It had already sent out agents to the West, including a member of the Christian clergy, to spread the word that a humanitarian crisis had resulted from 500,000 people spontaneously fleeing their homes to escape the Sri Lankan Army and to be with the Tigers.” (P. 384 — The Arrogance of Power, Myths, Decadence and Murder, University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna), (July 2001). It was, as stated by Prof. Hoole, a “crisis engineered by the LTTE” (ibid) and the clergyman who went to the West to be the messenger boy of Prabhakaran was Rev. Emmanuel. He wrote a pamphlet titled Let my People Go, claiming to be the Tamil Moses who virtually led the Tamil exodus that was herded out of Jaffna by the LTTE to Vanni. As the dedicated acolyte of Prabhakaran, he continues to “theologise” even now to boost his myth of projecting Prabhakaran as the “liberator” virtually on par with Jesus. (A sample of his latest “theology” was published in Colombo Telegraph – November 25, 2015). His “theological” defence will be dealt with later.

Dr. Bishop S. Jebanesan, is the second Tamil cleric to announced his decision to construct a theology for the Tamils only. He is the co-author of The Bible Trembled, a scholarly study of the early Christian influences and confrontations in Hindu Jaffna society. He declared later in an interview with Prof. S. Ratnajeevan Hoole published in the Daily Mirror that he too was engaged in writing a theology for the Tamils. In response, I questioned (also in the Daily Mirror) the validity of manufacturing a Christian theology for the Tamils ONLY which meant excluding the Sinhala Christians. It was obvious that any attempt to construct a theology exclusively for a single tribe would run counter to the universal humanism of Christianity. Any theology written exclusively for the Tamils would have been a racist exercise excluding the Christians in the majority Sinhala community. In their blind eagerness to boost the bloody politics the Tamil theologians were, either wittingly or unwittingly, trying to create two Christianities – one for the Tamils and one for the Sinhalese. But Jesus belongs to all Christians, irrespective of race, and to hijack his universal principles to promote partisan politics of any one community is an exercise in futility, if not stupidity.

The greatness and the universality of Christianity is in the historical fact that Jesus took God out of the hands of his own Semitic tribe — the Hebrews who claimed the sole ownership of God by proclaiming that they were the chosen people of God — and made Him the saviour of all mankind. He made Christianity an inclusive means for all believers to access God without handing the ownership to any chosen tribe dwelling in an exclusive enclave . Any attempt by the two Tamil clerics to write a theology exclusively for the Tamils would have meant tribalizing God as if a single tribe had been given the unique privilege of monopolising God for their benefit alone. Writing an exclusive theology for the Tamils alone is a contradiction which cannot be reconciled with the basic principles of Christian universalism. An exclusive theology for a chosen tribe is the most un-Christian doctrine imaginable.

But for the Tamil Churchmen the pull of Tamil separatist politics was stronger than the fundamental principles of non-violent Christianity. The magnetic idea of Tamil separatism had dragged the Churchmen deep into Tamil politics. In the predominantly Hindu society of Jaffna it was the Tamil Churchmen who took the lead, both internationally and nationally, to politicize religion with the sole aim of dividing Sri Lanka on ethnic lines. Their objective was to elevate Tamil politics to a higher moral/spiritual plane, if that was possible, with a newly constructed Christian theology exclusively for the Tamils. Their thinking was that a separate theology was necessary to go along with a separate state. Apart from this the Churchmen had a hidden agenda : a separate Tamil theology in the separate Tamil state would pave the way to establish an exclusive Tamil clerical hierarchy without kow-towing to the higher-ups in the national ecclesiastical bureaucracy who would naturally be Sinhalese.

Though in the eyes of God all creatures, big and small, are equal the Tamil clerics felt that their superior Tamilness can be maintained only under Tamil hierarchy in the Church bureaucracy. In fact, S. J. V. Chelvanayakam, the father of separatism, left the Anglican Church and joined the South Indian Church to pray for the same God. He was comfortable in his Tamil ambience, praying in a Tamil church for a God to whom Tamils can relate without going through Sinhala channels. The only difficulty they faced was making God into an ethnic Vellahla Tamil. Short of that they were planning to Tamilise everything else.

Christian theology, like all Abrahamic theisms, claims its origins from divine sources. But the Tamil clerics decided to produce a man-made theology exclusively for the Tamil tribe. It was bound to be a partisan political exercise for the creation of an exclusive ethnic enclave rather than a pure spiritual exploration pointing the way to the promised Biblical realms of eternal salvation. Eelam, like the Mosesian Promised Land, was on terra firma. It was diametrically opposed to the Promised Land of Jesus which was not of this earth. As it turned out, the politicised “theologies” of the Churches ended in offering political candles / pandans to worship the Satanic “Sooriya Devan” rather than the loving God, the Father of all humanity.

Part of the cult to concoct a theology exclusively for the Tamils came from the desperate need of the Tamil Churchmen to prove that God was on their side. This exclusive Tamil theology was going to be the ultimate argument that would silence the critics, sceptics and dissidents. It was going to be a divine justification for Tamil separatism and subhuman violence generated by Tamil politics which has been detailed graphically by Prof. Rajan Hoole, in his collection of incisive and candid essays, titled The Arrogance of Power, Myths, Decadence and Murder, University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna), (July 2001). But no theology – Tamil or otherwise – could justify or sanctify the unspeakable brutalities that came out of the subhuman womb of Jaffna. It baffled even a perceptive analyst like Prof Rajan Hoole who consistently refused to pussy-foot around the crimes committed by the Tamils against the Tamils and, of course, the NGOs. What he witnessed and reported exposed the hidden layers of the fascist culture of Jaffna. Jaffna was bleeding to death. In one of his article he grieved and wondered how the abominable cruelties could have come out of the womb of Jaffna.

The Bible, of course, has been used down the ages to justify diverse political regimes and extremist dogmas boosting the superiority of a chosen race / nation. The political aim of these manufactured theologies has been to claim that God is on their side and not on the side of their opponents / enemies — a distinct advantage in an argument or in battle. In the 20th century, for instance, the Bible had been used by the White supremacists to justify racism in the Bible Belt of America in the southern states and by the Afrikaans in S. Africa to justify apartheid. These theological dogmas are constructed to separate people into the superior and inferior categories. Such dogmas are inherently divisive and oppressive and lead to confrontations and aggression.

The attempt to write an exclusive theology for the Tamils could be traced back to inherent Tamil arrogance, which again is rooted in the false sense of Tamil superiority. There is no secular, spiritual or rational basis for the Tamil to deserve a theology that would exclude the rest of mankind. To believe that the Tamils are chosen exclusively by God for special favours has no rational or evidentiary basis. Of course, beneath the veneer of being humble and gentle there lurks a hidden strain of arrogance which places the presumptuous Tamils, in their own minds, way above the rest. Prof. Hoole refers to the “………dangerous inherent assumption of the superiority of Tamils over the Sinhalese and a certain uneasiness about the Muslims who were also largely Tamil-speaking.”( p.xiii – Ibid) This sense of superiority also extends to the Batticoloa Tamils, the Indian “coolies” and, most of all, their own low-castes whom they treat as pariahs. A theology which seeks to establish that the Tamils are the favourites of God is the ultimate extension of this absurd sense of superiority. It is the divine equivalent of sharing power with the Sinhalese.

In the end, neither produced the theology they promised. Bishop Jebanesan, as far as I know, withdrew into a wise silence on this issue. Rev. Emmanuel, however, keeps on dragging God into his brand of politics. He uses the Christian collar in the corridors of Western power to gain respectability, acceptability and credibility to propagate his fabricated “theology” even after his thesis that God was on their side was disproved on the banks of Nandikadal.

The main thrust of his “Tamil theology” was to deify Tamil politics and to demonize the the Sinhalese as the Satanic force acting against the will of God. But if history is the expressed will of God then it is clear beyond any doubt that He has rejected Velupillai Prabhakaran – the most evil monster that came out of the womb of Jaffna. This message has not sunk into the Tamil psyche yet because pseudo-theologians are still engaged in keeping the fires of Prabhakaranism burning. For instance, Rev. Emmanuel’s Christian mission is devoted to elevate and embrace Prabhakaran as his “Sooriya Devan”. Jesus is kept at a comfortable distance to be used at his convenience.

There was no salvation for peninsular politics after the Tamils crowned Prabhakaran as their “Sooriya Devan”. With that Tamil politics took the final leap from absurdity to sheer lunacy. The Tamils who depend solely on their mythicised history to pursue arrogant politics, are severely handicapped by the absence of a credible and noble hero who could be hailed, with some honour and dignity, as the shining symbol of their achievements in their historical past. Their lack of a great icon from their ancestral times leads them to a false sense of superiority. Coming from a bankrupt past with no grand monuments or noble heroes to glorify their brief history, the Jaffna Tamils run down everyone else with venomous envy.

Of all the figures in their history they have embraced Prabhakaran as their sole hero. Only the diseased Tamil minds, sick with sado-masochism, would embrace a Tamil villain who has tortured, persecuted, exiled and killed more Tamils than anyone else as their hero. Only blood-thirsty vampires would rally round a flag which has no redeeming features to uplift the sensibilities of a humane and urbane being. The hideous images of a snarling tiger, putting his head out of a ring of thirty-three bullets — it looks more like a wreath placed for a corpse — with two bayoneted guns crisscrossing in the background are not the kind of worthy symbols accepted by any civilised community gifted with even an ounce of intelligence and decency.

All these monstrous obscenities have their origins in the bogus sense of Tamil superiority. The Germans and the Italians have virtually erased from their memories the evil fascist monsters – Hitler and Mussolini — who led them to defeat and humiliation. They have, of course, other historical giants, who have made unique contributors to the welfare of humanity, to revere. The Tamils of Jaffna, of course, must be excused because if they drop Prabhakaran, the Tamil Pol Pot, whom else do they have to look upon as their great hero?

Does this choice reflect a sense of superiority or mediocrity?

*To be continued

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Latest comments

  • 21

    Whats wrong with that.Mahavamsa downgraded the Budha and replaced it eith Racist ideilogy that poisons the brains of pala babbas who are still unable get over it

    • 6

      where has mahavamsa downgraded buddha? How does it even do that?

      • 12

        In Sri Lanka; with people like you as living example! You class Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country and Mahavamsa is the foundation of that disastrous chapter! The majority with their whim and fancy bastardised the history and constitution. Sri Lanka is one country because of the Brits amalgamated three kingdoms. It was Kandy that first to demand federalism. By SL adopting the Kandian flag that desire was extinguished!

        • 5

          Burning Issue

          Are you talking to yourself or responding to a thick brick wall?

          • 2

            you are right on target to handle the [Edited out] mahindapala.

            • 3

              the picture:

              One is standing in a refrigerator and the other in a washing machine!!.

              The commercial article is dishonest, imposing, deceitful, and over-boiled,

              Who will stop Dalit Sinhala/Muslim, Tamilphobia??

              • 0

                Take it easy folks.

                SunnethPala is a aged hack who now writes for entertainment. This gives him licence to twist and turn history to suit his purposes. Every now and then he breaks off to cross swords with his nemesis, once-upon-a-time one of the 5 greatest diplomats in the world, the urbane Izeth-Kaka. That is high entertainment with bells and whistles.

                There are many other balanced and impartial sources if we wish to freshen-up on our history.

                Right now, I am refrsehing my own grey matter, re-reading ‘Ceylon and Portugal – Part 1’ by P E Peiris and M A H Fitzler. Great reading! Recommended.

                • 0

                  ‘Ceylon and Portugal

                  Lanka was always ruled from India as it still is.
                  Arrival of the Portuguese- History of Kozhikode- It was dubbed the “City of Spices” for its role as the major trading point of eastern spices[1] during the Middle ages and probably as early as Classical antiquity. Kozhikode was once the capital of an independent kingdom by the same name and later of the erstwhile Malabar District.
                  This single event marked an epoch in the history of Kerala and India, not because Vasco da Gama ‘discovered the sea route to India’ as is in the common parlance (since the Chinese, the Middle eastern and the African kingdoms already traded directly with India) but unlike the others, the Portuguese yearned for political power and for imperial domination. Vasco da Gama’s fame is more often argued as due to historical reasons for which he was hardly responsible[9] in that he was accompanied by a Portuguese-speaking Arab merchant provided by the Sultan of Melinda in East Africa. Vasco da Gama was sent by the King of Portugal Dom Manuel I and landed in Calicut at Kappad in May 1498.
                  England was linked to Portugal by Bombay dowry-
                  The trade route of Portugese was drawn by secretary to Archbishop of Goa;
                  Jan Huyghen van Linschoten- the Dutch and English sailed 1600.

      • 9

        “where has mahavamsa downgraded buddha?”


        You should know better.

        The Mahavamsa has downgraded the non-violent compassionate Buddha into a violent Barbaric Buddha who can terrorize.

        In the first visit of the Buddha to Mahiyangane where Yakkhas lived, the Buddha did not try to win them over by his compassion as the original (mentioned in the scriptures) Buddha did in similar circumstances. The Buddha (as per Mahavamsa) TERRORIZED the Yakkhas by MANIPULATING natural phenomena. The Yakkhas appealed to the Buddha NOT TO TERRORIZE them if they were not harmed, they would vacate the land for the Buddha. The Buddha seems to have taken the innate evil/barbaric character. “he struck terror to their hearts by rain, storm, darkness and so forth.” The yakkhas, overwhelmed by fear, besought the fearless Van quisher to release them from terrors.”

        Poor Buddha is downgraded to the state of a Terrorist.

        • 8

          ““where has mahavamsa downgraded buddha?””

          buddha means wisdom.

          “How does it even do that? “

          minus a dream its back to animal state of being.

          bestality breed is such’s idea of living.

          • 1

            No No No, it was the ‘Buddhists’ who downgraded the noble Prince when they demoted him to the House of Lords.

            • 0

              The Thai kingdom (never conquered)always refer to him as `Gautama` but never as the Buddha.

      • 1


        “where has mahavamsa downgraded buddha? How does it even do that?”

        Interesting question and a very good question. That question has been answered in various versions by many people. One Version is given below for your edification. It is long, but very informative. It is about religion, belief and facts. See what brainwashing can do for one’s beliefs. Can make them believe that the Sun goes around the earth (Joshua in the Bible) or man came from Adam and Eve, and Buddha visited the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, three times, and flew to Mount Samanala Kanda, (the so called Adam’s Peak).

        Mahavamsa- An Insult To The Buddha!
        December 21, 2013 |
        By Sharmini Serasinghe –

        Caution- The following is more suitable for the broad-minded and the wise. Others are kindly advised to pass!


    • 7


      Would you like Kanthiaya Annaei’s donkey to speak to this H. L. D. Mahindapala (who?)?

      • 3

        He is a mule not donkey like Thiru and there is no way he is going to get pregnant.

        • 2


          ” He is a mule not donkey like Thiru and there is no way he is going to get pregnant.”

          Interesting observation. It is rather unfortunate that the paras, Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils were able to breed in the land of Native Veddah Aethho. Imagine how pristine the Land of Native Veddah Aethho would have been?

          Given below are few more details about a mule and a hinny.

          Q. Why can’t mules breed? I understand that a horse and a donkey make a mule but why can’t 2 mules have a baby mule?
          -A middle school student from Michigan

          June 20, 2007

          You’re right, a horse and a donkey can have kids. A male horse and a female donkey have a hinny. A female horse and a male donkey have a mule.

          But hinnies and mules can’t have babies of their own. They are sterile because they can’t make sperm or eggs.

          They have trouble making sperm or eggs because their chromosomes don’t match up well. And, to a lesser extent, because of their chromosome number.

          A mule gets 32 horse chromosomes from mom and 31 donkey chromosomes from dad for a total of 63 chromosomes. (A horse has 64 chromosomes and a donkey has 62).

          To understand why this is a problem, we need to understand how sperm and eggs are made. And to understand that, we need to go into a bit more detail about chromosomes.

          Remember, we have two copies of each of our chromosomes — one from mom and one from dad. This means we have two copies of chromosome 1, two copies of chromosome 2, etc. However, this isn’t entirely true for the mules.

          The mule has a set of horse chromosomes from its mom. And a set of donkey ones from its dad.

          These chromosomes aren’t really matched sets like in a horse, a donkey, or a person. In these cases, a chromosome 1 is very similar to another chromosome 1. It looks pretty much the same and has nearly the same set of A’s, G’s, T’s and C’s. For example, two human chromosome 1’s differ only every 1000 letters or so.

          But a donkey chromosome doesn’t necessarily look like a horse one. And the poor mule even has an unmatched horse chromosome just sitting there.

          To make a sperm or an egg, cells need to do something called meiosis. The idea behind meiosis is to get one copy of each chromosome into the sperm or egg.

          For example, let’s focus on chromosome 1. Like I said, we have one from mom and one from dad. At the end of meiosis, the sperm or egg has either mom’s or dad’s chromosome 1. Not both.

          This process requires two things. First, the chromosomes have to look pretty similar, meaning they are about the same size and have the same information. This will have to do with how well they match up during meiosis.

          And second, at a later critical stage, there has to be four of each kind of chromosome. Neither of these can happen completely with a mule.

          Let’s take a closer look at meiosis to see why this is. The first step in meiosis is that all of the chromosomes make copies of themselves. No problem here…a mule cell can pull this off just fine.

          So now we have a cell with 63 doubled chromosomes. It is the next step that causes the real problem.

          In the next step, all the same chromosomes need to match up in a very particular way. So, the four chromosome 1’s all need to line up together. But this can’t happen in a mule very well.

          Like I said, a donkey and a horse chromosome aren’t necessarily similar enough to match up. Add to this the unmatched chromosome and you have a real problem. The chromosomes can’t find their partners and this causes the sperm and eggs not to get made.

          So this is a big reason for a mule being sterile. But how is the silly thing alive at all?

          Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, having an odd number of chromosomes doesn’t matter for every day life. A mule’s cells can divide and make new cells just fine. Which is important considering a mule went from 1 cell to trillions of them!

          Chromosomes sort differently in regular cells than they do in sperm and eggs. Regular cells (called somatic cells) use a process called mitosis.

          Mitosis is like the first step of meiosis. The chromosomes all make copies of themselves. But instead of matching up, they just sort into two new cells. So for the mule, each cell ends up with 63 chromosomes. No matching needs to happen. And our lone horse chromosome is fine.

          The other reason a mule is alive is that nothing on the extra or missing chromosome causes it any harm. This seems obvious at first except that usually having extra DNA causes severe problems. In people, extra chromosomes usually result in miscarriages. Sometimes though, a child can survive with an extra chromosome.

          For example, people with an extra chromosome 21 have Down syndrome. Having all of the extra genes on that extra copy of chromosome 21 cause the symptoms associated with Down syndrome.

          So having extra chromosomes often leads to real problems. But the mule is by and large OK.

          The extra genes must not be that big a deal for the mule. In other words, the extra genes on the horse chromosome do not cause problems for the every day life of a mule.

          So mules are sterile because horse and donkey chromosomes are just too different. But they are alive because horse and donkey chromosomes are similar enough to mate.

      • 2

        Unlike Vedhas I not not talk to animals.Due to your repeayed request I did and the donkey said ” Mahindapala is one of us, so we do not want to down grade him further”

        • 2


          “Due to your repeayed request I did and the donkey said ” Mahindapala is one of us, so we do not want to down grade him further””

          Please stop insulting animals, especially donkeys are known friends of human being and beast of burden, which means donkeys carry man’s burden.

    • 3

      SunnethPala has pleasured himself silly cobbling this diatrible.

      I was particularly taken by his “””The Tamils who depend solely on their mythicised history to pursue arrogant politics, are severely handicapped by the absence of a credible and noble hero who could be hailed, with some honour and dignity, as the shining symbol of their achievements in their historical past…” A bit rich given that the SINHAlese line acknowledges to an act of bestiality with a priapic lion out of which came Vijaya (one of the earliest, if not, first colonisers of this fair land).

      Our SunnethPala is, as ever, selective with his cock-eyed take on history

      • 3

        Spring Koha

        “SunnethPala has pleasured himself silly cobbling this diatrible.”

        Are you sure?

        Does it mean his willy works faster than his brain?

        I doubt both are in good condition.

        It is up to the readership to judge.

  • 11

    This ghost is still roaming around the globe

    • 0

      No the desparado is stuck in suuburban austral where white racust dint ake any notice of him.

  • 15

    The paper reflects the confusion in the writer’s mind. Bensen

  • 10

    H. L. D. Mahindapala

    RE: Tamil Theology Upgraded Prabhakaran & Downgraded Jesus

    1.) “At the height of the 33-year-old war – i.e., from the Vadukoddai declaration of war on May 14, 1976 to Nandikadal on May 18, 2009 — two Tamil clerics decided to give a face-lift to Tamil politics by dressing it up in new clothes of Christian theology. Under the cover of waging “a war of liberation” even the so-called moderates had accepted “Tamil fascism” (Dr. Rajan Hoole) as a necessary means to achieve their political end. Any one who questioned “Tamil fascism” was condemned and, wherever possible, eliminated as a traitor. The Tamil terror unleashed by Velupillai Prabhakaran to maintain his supremacy as “the sole representative of the Tamils” tolerated no dissent. Any threat to his reign of terror was snuffed out swiftly. The New York Times labelled Prabhakaran as “the latest Pol Pot of Asia”. The University Teachers for Human Rights, Jaffna, the only courageous voice of the dissenting Tamil intellectuals, was documenting in detail the horrors coming out of the womb of Jaffna. Eventually, the LTTE headed by Velupillai Prabhakaran was banned as a terrorist organisation by the international community.”

    2.) “All these monstrous obscenities have their origins in the bogus sense of Tamil superiority. The Germans and the Italians have virtually erased from their memories the evil fascist monsters – Hitler and Mussolini — who led them to defeat and humiliation. They have, of course, other historical giants, who have made unique contributors to the welfare of humanity, to revere. The Tamils of Jaffna, of course, must be excused because if they drop Prabhakaran, the Tamil Pol Pot, whom else do they have to look upon as their great hero?”

    3, “Does this choice reflect a sense of superiority or mediocrity?” – Idi

    Idiocracy. Vepupillai Prabakaran, is the Tamil Version.

    Idiocracy is a 2006 American satirical science fiction comedy film directed by Mike Judge and starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, and Terry Crews. The film tells the story of two people who take part in a top-secret military hibernation experiment, only to awaken 500 years later in a dystopian society where advertising, commercialism, and cultural anti-intellectualism have run rampant and that is devoid of intellectual curiosity, social responsibility, and coherent notions of justice and human rights.

    Thank you for the Succinct Summary of Tamil Racism as envisaged by the “Deity” Velupillai Prabakaran, and the “Salvation” of Tamil Peoples’ Souls by the “God” Velupillai Prabakaran based on “Revelations” received.

    Jesus is no longer needed for salvation of Tamil People. (Jesus died for the Jews for the salvation of Jews from the Devil Romans.}

    “God” Velupillai Prabakan died for the Sins of the Tamils by the Devil, Mara following Sinhala “Buddhists” as per the scripture Mahawansa.

    The difference with Jesus is that he dragged another 100,000 souls with him, ad ethnically cleansed another 100,000 Tamil speaking Souls.

  • 16

    “….better alternative to the multi-cultural democratic norms that ruled the nation”

    a multi cultural democratic norm would not have given birth to I quote “Tamil fascism” unquote.

    It was Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist Racism and state terrorism that led the Tamils to take up arms.

    • 13

      Rajesh. Here here here , that’s the truth . The country went to dogs because of the politicians who needed to get rich quick , so they manipulated the masses left right and centre and fed them day and night with racial hatredness.
      The result the stupid country SL was condemned by the civilised countries internationally.

      So here we are to beg and borrow from the more prosperous countries.
      Shamelessly twice a year our selfish politicians on the state money travel to the UN to grovel grovel and grovel begging for leniency and beg them not to throw the culprits in the Haig to be charged for genocide.
      Racist like HDL Modapala does not realise it but goes on harping his same old hate trumpet creating disharmony in SL while he enjoys the comfort in an Alien land .
      Selfish idiots like him will never let SL Prosper or the people to live in Harmony.

      • 6


        “Racist like HDL Modapala does not realise it but goes on harping his same old hate trumpet creating disharmony in SL while he enjoys the comfort in an Alien land.”

        Unfortunately he is matched by a loud section of the Tamil diaspora.

        • 2

          Inspector Dirty Hari,

          You are absolutely right. The negative votes that have been cast are those from this loud Tamil Diaspora.


    • 3


      ‘It was Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist Racism and state terrorism that led the Tamils to take up arms’- I am tired of reading this comment all over the place by every tom, dick and harry. We all know it is not egg or chicken situation or even who gave birth to Adam and Evil.

      Did you hear Gin hit the historic record this year of over 1 million bottles being sold in the UK. Last year it was 800,000 bottles (not miniatures). If gin is one million, tonic bottles must be one million x ????. We have succumbed to the popular drink, the right drink, and we must produce results.

      Let us help Mahinda to refine his Mahinda Chinthana. We are Lion Kings (Rajas) and must put our efforts together to make Mahinda Chinthana better than Karl Marx’s Das Capital. We can do it and we may jointly win Nobel Peace price for our effort or even the least reaching the Guinness Book of Records.

      So look for the positive future without always sinking into the past.

      Our ethos must be ‘POSITIVE’ and you must get it right. Our engagements have not sullied.

      I love you my darling.

      • 7

        “”Let us help Mahinda to refine his Mahinda Chinthana.”Did you consult your Harley Street Dr? If not why didn’t you consult?
        Are you short of money? I can help you.””

        Nirmala N just like your Passa Doug De, you too are a used-Elastoplast.

        keep on barking, your love has gone wild.

      • 2

        Nirmala N,

        Thank you for the entertainment.

  • 12

    perhaps the author’s house is haunted by VP’s ghost.

    • 0


      Don’t upset H. L. D. Mahindapala. He is our man. We have to reach him to get advise and assistance to expand on the Mahinda Chinthanaya.

      It appears you are going berserk at times. Did you consult your Harley Street Dr? If not why didn’t you consult? Are you short of money? I can help you. But you must tell me where you have put away your millions of Surrey IT valley earnings.

      Have you done your will yet. You must discuss who are the beneficiaries with me. I can give you some sound Taxation advise that will turn your millions into trillions.

      All this because…. I love you so much darling.

  • 4

    Excellent article.

    “The Tamils who depend solely on their mythicised history to pursue arrogant politics, are severely handicapped by the absence of a credible and noble hero who could be hailed, with some honour and dignity, as the shining symbol of their achievements in their historical past. Their lack of a great icon from their ancestral times leads them to a false sense of superiority. Coming from a bankrupt past with no grand monuments or noble heroes to glorify their brief history, the Jaffna Tamils run down everyone else with venomous envy.”

    How true. Maybe Tamilnet can come up with a story about a mythical We Thamizh hero and We Thamizh can tell ourselves that along with the We Thamizh homeland myths :D Hopefully one that doesn’t fall apart like a house of cards under the slightest inspection (unlike the We Thamizh Eelam myths) :D

    • 11

      The one calling himself with the god’s name , “Siva Sankaran ” gives an impression that he’s so stupid as he endlessly shouts down his racist comments. Does he not realise that he is doing more harm to the country and its people with his pseudonym ? Does he not know that taking god’s name for fun is not a joke but it might turn against him and his ideologies? He too sitting comfortably in an alien land and trying to screw up our country.
      These are the pathetic cases still dreaming about the white Xmas they spent with the Master Racist who’s been discarded by the majority.

      • 0

        Cool story, bro :D I see the truth is more painful than these cool stories We Thamizh come up with :D

  • 7

    “..elected government of the day which they branded as “the Sinhala government”. In short, they hailed Tamil fascism under one-man rule as the better alternative to the multi-cultural democratic norms that ruled the nation,..”

    Until 1948 we had colonialism and thereafter Sinhala Rule elected democratically by Sinha-Buddhists for Sinhalese. So called “democratic governments” enacted “Sinhala Only” as the official language and made Buddhism as the Supreme religion. Even a clause that intended to safeguard ethnic minorities was removed and a constitution that legitimiszed linguistic and religious discrimination was introduced in 1972.

    What is granted in multi-ethnic civilised countries as a federal system was violently denied to Tamil speaking ethnic group and it is obvious that such a dominated system created armed rebellion . In the south, too, armed rebellion waged war against the governments. Any country that opts to follow a distorted version of history with the most obvious disbelief being that the race was a hybrid of a human and a beast cannot live in peace with any other ethnic groups. In 1915 there was a communal riot against peace loving Muslims and in 1956, 1958, 1971, 1977, 1983 the governments of the country organised anti-Tamil pogroms against a linguistic people who wanted a regional council to exercise their right to their language and traditional lands.

    • 0

      “”thereafter Sinhala Rule elected democratically by Sinha-Buddhists for Sinhalese.””

      plus the muslims in every government so it threaded the middle east pan_arab not pan_islam (kings) line of governance.

      Why are all the sinhalese and tamils hiding this aspect which is obivious??

      Surely you have a purpose!

    • 1

      “”thereafter Sinhala Rule elected democratically by Sinha-Buddhists for Sinhalese.””

      plus the muslims in every government so it threaded the middle east pan_arab not pan_islam (kings) line of governance.

      Why are all the sinhalese and tamils hiding this aspect which is obvious??

      Surely you have a purpose!

  • 10

    Mr Mahindapala

    Do you know :

    1. Jaffna University teachers for human rights is nothing to do with the Jaffna University.

    2. It stopped functioning since end of war in May 2009.

    3. It was financed by Mahinda Rajapakse and assisted by the Srilankan governments and its armed forces.

    4. Its aim was to help the government to defeat the LTTE and Tamils’ liberation struggle. Once LTTE was defeated funds from the govt stopped and Hoole associates are now desperate for funds.

    5. Christian Hoole brothers and their English educated Christian friends whose articles you might have read, are virulent anti Hindus.

    6. Hoole brothers are respected or quoted by people like you only.

    • 3


      “Do you know :

      1. Jaffna University teachers for human rights is nothing to do with the Jaffna University.

      In the very beginning many lecturers were active but due to threats and at least one murder only a few of them continued active. Even they had to escape Jaffna to stay alive. I hope that I have explained the name. There is a home page where you can find more information.

      2. It stopped functioning since end of war in May 2009.

      I believe that you might be correct. I admit that I have not followed what they do.

      3. It was financed by Mahinda Rajapakse and assisted by the Srilankan governments and its armed forces.

      Since the very beginning? Until when? Why did they then take up the atrocities committed by the SL security forces? The very fact that they in my opinion took up human rights violations of all the parties in the conflict proves that they tried to be objective.

      Maybe you are correct but provide evidence.

      4. Its aim was to help the government to defeat the LTTE and Tamils’ liberation struggle. Once LTTE was defeated funds from the govt stopped and Hoole associates are now desperate for funds.

      From the very beginning the different governments supported it? Why did the security forces then not protect the members in Jaffna? Again I would like to see evidence while I am not saying that you are wrong.

      5. Christian Hoole brothers and their English educated Christian friends whose articles you might have read, are virulent anti Hindus.

      For the second time in less than one week I find somebody using religion to explain why these Christians behave in the way they do and did. Please name them and provide evidence of them being anti Hindus.

      6. Hoole brothers are respected or quoted by people like you only.

      This is your opinion and I strongly disagree.

      To my best knowledge only Dr Rajan Hoole has been active in the Jaffna University Teachers for Human Rights.

      I very much doubt your facts while I at the same time respect your right to express them.

      I never manage to understand what Mahindapala tries to say and very rarely agree with him.

  • 7

    The writer forgot the 1972 insurgency in which many thousands of Sinhalese youth were murdered and dumped in rivers and burnt with tyres. Who was the Pol Pot ? In the riots in 1983 Tamils were killed in scores and driven out of their houses to the refugee camps.
    How many times the security forces massacred the Tamils in the villages by indiscriminate spraying of bullets.
    Churches, temples, schools and hospitals were targeted by shelling and aerial bombardment.
    Surrenders were killed in cold blood to end the 30 years of civil war (writer should understand)
    The great Pirabaharan remains in our mind ” A Tamil King” who built a regime to protect us from the Gemunu regime but had to fight the other external fire power that silenced the arm struggle. The writer should review the post war situation to reveal to the readers of what had been done politically to cure the wound caused by the Pol Pot action by the Gemunu regime.
    My conclusion is that “More talking no gaining”.

    • 6


      “The great Pirabaharan remains in our mind ” A Tamil King” who built a regime to protect us from the Gemunu regime but had to fight the other external fire power that silenced the arm struggle.”

      Please stop tickling us.

      We have had lots of fun with MR’s b***s carriers.

      It lasted several years.

      You come along with more extraordinary stories. I can’t go on being tickled forever.

      Please please plaese

  • 1

    “The great Pirabaharan remains in our mind ” A Tamil King” who built a regime to protect us from the Gemunu regime but had to fight the other external fire power that silenced the arm struggle.”

    Who is protecting the Tamils today? Today the Tamils are weaker than they were in 1983; why? Pirabaharan did not understand the tangible limitations of the Tamils; he exploited the perilous situation under which the Tamils were subjected to by the Sinhala regime at that time for his own ego and set about on a path that rendered the Tamils in disastrous situation. Only thing that is protecting the Tamils now is the international involvement and the realisation among some elite Sinhala that they need to change course!

    • 7

      “”Who is protecting the Tamils today? Today the Tamils are weaker than they were in 1983; why?””

      Just like Merkel of Germany who opened the doors for Syrians of Homs etc.
      Even 50k Pakistanis have gone as refugees and Pakistan is refusing to accept.
      This influx of refugees to EU is now in the region of 1.2 million.

      July 1983 and Maggie Thatcher opened the doors of UK to the Tamils of Colombo.
      90% of the villagers took the opportunity and bluffed their way through.
      Now swollen headed with cash earn’t in the west via various means by some which I wont go into they are upgrading a school drop out hoodlum to the status of king- its the mentality of village class. Free education is the bane of their suffering.

  • 1

    Mahindas Xmass special. Just wait and see what more he can say. You will be dumbfounded

  • 5

    “But no theology – Tamil or otherwise – could justify or sanctify the unspeakable brutalities that came …out of the subhuman womb of Jaffna.”

    “wondered how the abominable cruelties could have come out of the womb of Jaffna”

    ” Velupillai Prabhakaran – the most evil monster that came …out of the womb of Jaffna

    He goes on referring to the womb that is Jaffna and carefully avoids to say who the mother is, only relating to the womb!

    Because he knows the painful truth.

    The mother is the Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist Racist Political Class!.

    • 0


      ‘The mother is the Sri Lanka Sinhala Buddhist Racist Political Class!’.

      Ade Rajash! Come out of this standardised statements. You must tune your brain not to talk about the past. You are always sinking and not positive enough to place yourself as somebody.

      You are born to a Lion King and must be seen and conduct yourself as a ear scratching lion king. Don’t be a mourner all the time. I can understand your deep down hurt. Hurt alone will not solve problems.

      I have told you enough about the potential of refining the Mahinda Chinthanaya. Chinthanaya is thought. We must help develop this Chinthanaya a modern guide to change Sri Lanka and the world.

      Daring! I love you and you must listen to me and also do what I tell you. There can’t be monkey business between us.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 2

    I have never seen such a racially biased human being(Or is he one?). These are the characters which drags Strilanka down into the gutters. Eventually he will bring untold harm to his own race and religion by antagonizing the world.

  • 3

    Inspector Dirty Hari

    In the very same home page you could read 1. Letter from teaching staff of Jaffna university 2. Reply by UTHR J 3. UTHR credibility under attack 4. Mugs than on UTHR — all under Tamilnation. Org
    I believe these will give you a wider picture, hence I refrain from answering para by para.

    With regard to anti Hindu stand there were articles, particularly on Arumuka Navalar, written by Prof Ratnajeevan Hoole that appeared in srilanka guardian Colombo Telegraph Sunday Leader and some Christian journals. Sorry I did not keep a record to give you the exact detail. His book “Exiled Returned ” is another one you should read. There were responses from Sachi Srikantha and Saturday Review Sivanayakam Aiya to this book which you could read in Sangam web page.

    Prof Hoole was saying in an article appeared in CT that ” Tamil saivaites were mainly Buddhists and Jain before saivism took root after seventh century AD”. What a load of rubbish. Don’t you think this is the worst insult on Saivaites.

    Dr Charles Hoole is the Principal of Baldaeus Theological College in Trincomalee and it has branches in Mannar Vavuniya Hatton & Nuwara Eliya. I have been told that with foreign funds – Church Urban Fund UK. – this college spreads Christianity and converted many poor Hindu youths into Christianity. I do not have hard facts so I may be wrong.

    Please do not think I am a Hindu fanatic or a fundamentalist. I am only interested in knowing how religious extremists work in each and every religion in this world. May be I am an atheist I do not know.

    Finally if anyone wants to become rich quickly my advice is open a temple or a church or a devala.

    Sorry if I have hurt your feelings.

    • 0


      Thank you for your reply.

      Please note that I don’t find any concrete evidence in your reply except maybe regarding Dr Ratnajeevan being anti- Hindu. Are all the others you fail to name anti-Hindu if Dr Ratnajeevan is anti-Hindu?

      “I believe these will give you a wider picture, hence I refrain from answering para by para.”

      They don’t.

      “His book “Exiled Returned ” is another one you should read.”

      I have read it and do not consider it anti-Hindu.

      Please read what Dr Rajan and the others have published to see their attempt of objectivity.

      “Dr Charles Hoole is the Principal of Baldaeus Theological College in Trincomalee and it has branches in Mannar Vavuniya Hatton & Nuwara Eliya.”

      Did he not die a long time ago?

      “Sorry if I have hurt your feelings.”

      No you have not. I have no reason to be emotional.

    • 0

      Dear MR,
      As far as I know, UTHR was formed by University teachers and there was a time many professors & lecturers were part of it. But when LTTE took control of Jaffna in 1990, the key members went on hiding and rest became either silent or starting liking the boots of LTTE. But I never seen anyone supporting the government.
      I don’t see anything published in the name of UTHR after December 2009. I also hear that Dr. K Sritharan is now not active in politics. (Not sure of the reasons.) But I still see few members of UTHR(J) speaking for people and even under MR government, they were denied access to Jaffna University. Some who were silent also started speaking after 2009. One example is Prof Somasundaram (Professor in psychiatry)
      As far as I know, it is only Dr. Rajan Hoole who is part of UTHR(J). Obviously, other brothers too are involved in politics in their own way. If you know the involvement of other brothers in UTHR(J), you need to share them.
      Next thing about Arumuga Navalar. People can have different opinion about any person. It is not an insult to Hinduism.
      Additionally, if someone believes that Buddhism was practiced by Jaffna Tamils before 7th century but due to some reason they moved to Hinduism why are you taking it as an offense? Religion is an individuals choice. People move from religion to religion from time to time. It is nothing against Hinduism.
      Finally about the reports of money is used to convert the people. Do you think this is going to last? After converting, how long they can pump money, to keep them in Christianity? During British rule too, many moved to Christianity to get jobs/education. But I know many just took it for sake of getting jobs only. They were not serious about their new religion, never practiced their new religion and lived as Hindus in practice.

      There are people who use religion to earn money. But there are people left their possessions and high income jobs to became clergy.
      The biggest mistake people make is generalization. Find one or two people and find a common characteristics of them and blame on all people.
      This is what H.L.D. also has done in this article. He found two people who allegedly spoke about Tamil Christian Theology and put it on all Tamils. He found one Catholic priest whom he believes as LTTE agent, and blames all Tamil Christians
      Generalization is a weapon used by communal minded people. D’ont get caught to it.

      • 0

        a voter,

        “As far as I know, UTHR was formed by University teachers and there was a time many professors & lecturers were part of it. But when LTTE took control of Jaffna in 1990, the key members went on hiding and rest became either silent or starting liking the boots of LTTE. But I never seen anyone supporting the government.”

        Let us not forget that Dr Rajani Thiranagama was shot dead by the LTTE on 21/09/1989. She was a lecturer, a member of the UTHR and one of the writers behind the Broken Palmyra that was banned by the LTTE.

  • 1

    We remember the “Christian” ‘Church of the The Tamil God’, where the unabashedly racist priests were extolling the virtues of Prabhakaran, just as Wigneswaran does today in Jaffna. Fortunately, the ‘churches’ were rather short lived.

  • 2

    In a way I love this Tamil King called Pirabaharan. He killed so many Tamils. It is said that he killed more Tamils than what the SLA killed in battle.

    Now what we need is an international version of King Praba (e.g.) someone on the lines of the ISIS leader Abu Backer Al Baghdadi, to finish what Praba started.

    As the Sinhala saying goes you need a tree from the forest to destroy the forest.

    • 3

      “It is said that he killed more Tamils than what the SLA killed in battle.”
      Is this an admission of war crime? So how many Tamils did SLA killed in the entire WAR.

      • 3

        Rajash, your attempt is similar to the act of a drowning man to even a grab of hay in a vain attempt to save himself. But it does not work.

        It is known that not all Tamils are terrorists. But all terrorists were Tamils at that time.

        It is also known that Tamil combatants underwent a strange transformation on their death and became innocent civilians.

        So it is difficult for me to categorize the Tamil deaths and that is why I said “killed in battle”. Civilians do not fight with armies.

        Herbert Hoover said that “Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die”.

        Rajash your hero fared much worse. He declared war, killed a lot of non Tamil people, killed a lot of his own people, got a lot of his own fighters killed and then died loosing even part of his brain, which of course was not a big loss, because he never had a lot of it in the first place.

        • 4

          EDWIN RODRIGO ,
          “”It is known that not all Tamils are terrorists. But all terrorists were Tamils at that time.”

          Aren’t all JVP members also terrorist?? In our eyes yes and they are still at large even representing the public at parliament.

          do you have a problem with that??

          • 1

            They certainly were. They killed many innocent people including a cousin of mine who was an expert in martial arts. Being strong headed he refused to bow to JVP pressure to do many things and was gunned down like a dog on the road.

            Another man living close to our house, a young CEB bus driver, was killed because he did not loin a strike ordered by JVP.

            It is strange how the JVP, who did not kill any Indians or SL politicians, despite declaring war against Indian business interests, killed only people belonging to the proletariat class. The class they were trying to bring to power.

            I said, ”It is known that not all Tamils are terrorists. But all terrorists were Tamils at that time”. By ‘at that time’ I meant the time of 3rd Elam war.

            • 2

              “” It is strange how the JVP, who did not kill any Indians”

              nothing strange there.
              The safe route used by all the freedom fighters, JR’s Colvin et al to hit and hide was Tamil Nadu where the British mounted Police was. Just like Bin Larden.

              ” killed only people belonging to the proletariat class.”

              Both Mao and Stalin went about their business in the same style- enemy within first.

              There are different Tamils in that island and they are many.
              Its where they come from that differentiates them.
              All Irish were never considered terrorist. Most of the powerful Anglo Saxon names at London are married to Irish.
              But the folk close to the border were suspect just like the Basque. Most of Franco’s men are married to Basque.
              Same at Lanka with the traditional rich even before 1948.

        • 2

          You failed to answer my question.
          You say VP killed more Tamils than the Sri Lankan army did in a battle, you fail to specify which battle, battle for Elephant Pass? Or battle for Jaffna?
          And if so how many did they kill in the entire war.
          And does it amount to war crime?

          Now don’t try bullshit your way out.

          • 2

            Who cares how many Tamils he killed? I don’t. He did us a great favor. The only good tiger is a dead tiger.

            Someone else was asking why it took 16 million Sinhalese so long to win a war fought by 3 million Tamils. The reason is that we allowed them to destroy themselves. we could have put it to an end quickly but then you cannot ensure some escaping and breeding again.

            But now, there is no chance of that happening. The last nail has been driven in to the coffin of Tamil terrorism.

            Your leader Praba walked in to the trap. He was a coward hiding behind his women fighters skirts. No guts at all. Even the end was like a pus wedilla.

            The guy begged for mercy and was shot like a pig. The first thing the army did was to do an autopsy to examine his brains. They opened up the skull with a mammoty blow and found that the space was empty just as we suspected.

            No brains and no guts. That is what Praba was.

            • 1

              “Someone else was asking why it took 16 million Sinhalese so long to win a war fought by 3 million Tamils.”

              Because the collective brain power of 3 million Tamils is more than the sum of 13miliion Sinhala brains.
              The dead Sinhala brain in the end went running to China, Pakistan, India , USA and scores of other countries tweeting help. So it’s not the Sinhalease who defeated the Tamils but the international Community.

              As long as the Sri Lanaka Sinhala Budhhist State Sponsored terrorism lives on the genie
              may come out of the bottle.

              • 3


                “Because the collective brain power of 3 million Tamils is more than the sum of 13miliion Sinhala brains.”

                The head of the collective brain finally died after being chopped in his head and submerged in bay of Bengal.

                What does this prove? Both are very stupid self destructive people who believe in self-importance,have never used their brain to contribute to their own community leave alone world at large.

                Is it because both share their gene with their brethren in South India?

              • 0


                “the genie may come out of the bottle.”

                Bottle of gin perhaps?

                • 0

                  You mean a drunken Gin..ie?

                • 0

                  Inspector Dirty Hari

                  Pitched it very well.

                  Rajah like Gordon’s Gin. But occasionally he go for ‘Monkey 47’ Gin. He likes Anchovy stir fry and salt and vinegar crisps to go with it.

                  Man! Monkey 47 is a thriller drink for him. You can have a good intellectual discourse with him about Bombay slums to the failures of the United Nations. He will be the lion king controlling the contribution.

                  I am trying very hard to correct him to be a true Lion King to work on the refining of the Mahinda Chindanaya. With the Monkey 47 he is always with my. But he goes silent when he is off his heavy head next day.

                  He is my darling don’t upset him.

                  • 0

                    Nirmala N,

                    “He is my darling don’t upset him.”

                    I will try to be nice to your darling the ‘ginius’. If he is lucky he will find the message in the bottle.

              • 1

                If you guys are so smart, how come you worship cattle, monkeys, elephants etc. You guys do not have enough brains to choose respectable Gods and you go and choose animals. No wonder you chose Praba as your leader! I am sure even the cattle you worship have better brains than Praba, who only had enough neurons to hide like a cockroach.

                We gave you a sound beating 2500 years ago. That was the 1st round. You were given a terrible knockout in the 2nd round in 2009.

                You can be sure that there will be 3rd round. Accept defeat and keep quiet.

                • 0

                  At least worship living things not like you guys worship trees and tree trunks.

                  • 1

                    Yes Edwin, We Thamizh are clearly superior to you tree worshippers as we worship living things like livestock and the smooth black, rock hard lingam of Shiva :D

                    • 2

                      Wow right off the camels back- better half Phew!!

                  • 2

                    Yes we worship the Bo tree and look what we got! Victory 2500 years ago. Victory again in 2009.

                    We are less than 20 million. A drop in the ocean as far as population numbers are concerned. But we have our own country. Our own version of Buddhism. Our yahapalanaya. Minorities to harass and play with. what More can you ask for?

                    Look at what you got with your zoo of Gods! You are nearly 100 million including those brethren of yours in TN. Neither you nor them have your own Tamil Kingdom. You had one a few centuries ago but lost it because of the lack of brain neurons.

                    You have a religion with a mind boggling 330 million cows, monkeys, half elephants etc. masquerading as Gods and using other cows, birds and a paraphernalia of animals as vehicles. No modern Leaves or hybrids. Not even a broken down Dandu Monara Yantra.

                    Your problem is the overheads. The overhead of Gods out numbering 3 to 1 or so of you.

                    Try to use your brains and at least come and worship our Bo tree. You will find your life improving.

                  • 0

                    Excuse me Senor!

                    Is a tree not a living thing?

                    Are lingams and a Yoni’s not throbbing living things?

                    Everybody is into worshipping something. It’s a’human’ thing.

                    • 0

                      Excuse me Senor!,,

                      The maximum Gautama statutes are at China. Gautama era was at the same time as Tao/Dao. They see both as philosophers and do not worship either.

                      Today,the vast majority of Chinese do not worship anybody but fear the “Party Man”.

                      So the majority of Lanka fear the party man and are tree hugger’s like we see at Lumbini (excavations proved there is no Gautama mum there)

                • 1

                  EDWIN RODRIGO

                  “We gave you a sound beating 2500 years ago. That was the 1st round. You were given a terrible knockout in the 2nd round in 2009.”

                  Of course even the monkey army of Rama was able to invade this island according to Sinhalese traditions.

                  When this island was last invaded it was VP who kicked the invaders out this country and back to Hindia. The Sinhala/Buddhists army was mostly hiding behind VP’s bum and rest of the time behind their women folks.

            • 0

              RODRIGO, another Sinhala Buddhist convert. Rodrigos were originally Parawas from Thoothukudi/Tuticorin.

              Leaving Rodrigo’s pedigree aside, let’s talk about VP.
              He singlehandedly built an armed force comprising of Army, Navy and Air Force and was able to withstand a country’s (Sri Lanka’s) armed forces for 30 long years. Most of the military operations were personally planned by VP and were very successfully. He developed a powerful Diaspora to finance all his operations. If not for the support that the SL govt. received from US, India, China, Pakistan, and several other countries as a global need to irradiate terrorism, VP would have been still be very active.

              • 0

                Ravi, Napolean Bonaparte said that an army marches on its stomach. VP also had an army and it too marched on its stomach.

                Q: Who maintained the stomach of VP’s army?
                A: The SL Govt government. Throughout the war years our govt sent food to the Tamil civilians living in the areas controlled by LTTE.
                Q: Really? That is great. What is the connection between that and VP’s stomach?
                A: That food firstly went straight in to the stomach of VP.
                Q: Quite understandable my dear chap. What about the rest.
                A: Then it went to the bellies of the LTTE combatants.
                Q: OK. What about the civilians?
                A: They got the bones falling from VP’s table.
                Q: Who paid for it? Diaspora?
                A: No. It was given free of charge.
                Q: Egad! So it came from the money taxed from the Sinhalese?
                A: Ye…..s (sigh!)
                Q: What a stupid thing to do. Feeding the enemy instead of starving them. Then they went and blew up the Sinhalese in their hundreds!
                A: Y…es. Even those who were nourished on that food say that the Sinhalese are stupid.
                Q: I certainly would think so. But it must have won some gratitude from the enemy.
                A: I don’t know. It is possible. For instance, before blowing themselves up, the suicide bombers may have whispered to those around them, “Thanks for the soru parcel Aiya. Nice sooduru samba. I feel sorry but I have a job to do, Vanakkam.” But the problem is that there are no eye (or should I say ear?) witnesses to confirm that.
                Q: Your Govt must be the first in the world to have fed its enemy for 30 long years.
                A: I don’t know. The only thing I know is that the Sinhalese have a saying ‘Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”. They certainly had a go at the biting, but may be, out of gratitude, they did not apply full force when doing that.

                • 2

                  EDWIN RODRIGO

                  “Q: Who maintained the stomach of VP’s army?”

                  Premadasa and MR for altogether different reasons.

                  MR bribed VP in order to win the elections.

                  Premadasa was keen to get rid of IPKF which the armed forces refused to fight and hiding behind VP’s fat bum.

              • 0

                Yo Ravi……
                Most of the military operations were personally planned by VP and were very successfully.

                This is a common truth shared by all failed Generals. They are all ‘successful’ until they get to a bridge too far.

                So, what would be the master tactician Sun God’s excuse be for not seeing the trap laid for him, and for leading family and friends into a undignified and inevitable end?

                ps: answer not required.

        • 0


          ‘Rajash your hero fared much worse’.

          What to do, our hero would not listen to me either despite doing lots of favours to him. That is history.

          I am loyal to him even now. He was a stubborn leader, mislead by the Jonny Walker Balasingam.

          It is like Mahinda Rajapakse relying on Wimal Boruwanse and the astrologer.

          • 1

            Raghavan, you seem to be an intelligent and fair minded guy among the likes of Rajash and Veddah who insist on flogging a horse that has been dead since 2009.

            We can excuse Veddah because he is not a Homo Sapien but something in between an Orang Utang and human, equpped with a few hundred neurones -just sufficient to swing from branch to branch. But there is no excuse for Rajash. He is a Tzamil or Demala or whatever they call themselves but he is also a homo sapien with a full set of 46 chromosomes complete with Y and the mtDNA.

            We all make mistakes Raghavan. Don’t worry. We Sinhalese are good people and we are famous for forgiving our enemies. We are going to treat you well. But please dont misbehave again. We are nice to nice people but awfully bad to bad people. Moreover, we do not want carry that stupid UN Charter in our hands again. Let us be freinds and live in peace.

            One day we hope to liberate TN for you and then you can live happily ever after there, your own country. Until then you are our guests in good old Lanka.

            Perhaps we may even allow the Veddah to have his own tract of forest to live and breed – and I nearly forgot the most important thing – to swing from tree to tree. Who knows? Anything is possible with the Sinhalese.

            • 0

              I am not VP worshipped nor do I endorse the Tamil Diaspora organisations.
              However you need to know the difference between Battle and War :)

              • 2

                Rajash, if you want to worship any thing, then better VP the domestic pig than any one of the 330 million zoo animals. Anyway, I am not interested in what you worship. It is a private matter.

                Battle, war, with a pig? Your God VP started a stupid conflict with a legitimate government and ended up squealing and begging like a pig for his life, was mercilessly shot like a pig and then got the skull opened unceremoniously like a pig.

                He lived like a pig and died like a pig. The only improvement he achieved was to become a become a fat pig by feeding on the food he stole from the food stocks provided by the SL Govt free of charge for the Tamil civilians, using the tax money that was mainly paid from the taxes we Sinhalese were paying.

                While the innocent Tamil men, women and children were starving he kept on eating and eating and eating. Had he not been shot and killed he would have ended up exploding like super nova.

                No I change my mind. Don’t take him as a God. Any one of those 330 million animals would be a 330 million times better than this monster though I am not sure how monsters would feel about that.

                • 0

                  Edwin you guys used to tun a mile when ever you hear the word Kotya and hide among pigs.
                  Thanks to China,Pakistan, USA , India, UK now your head is slowly emerging out of the pigs arse.six years on .

                  • 2


                    Don’t forget to thank VP who won the war and two elections for MR.

                  • 1

                    Yes we ran. Who can stand the stinking smell of pigs who wallow in human excrement, eat it and then apply thala thel on their skin for good measure? That is why we ran. There are things worse than death and this big stink was certainly one of them.

                    Your God begged for mercy like this: ” Aiya, andawane aiya. Andawane, Boo Hoo” and then was shot in the belly. It is said that the last meal he ate came out of the bullet holes. You know the food that we sent for your people but confiscated by this super pig. Even in the heat of the battle or war as you call it or the Sunday school walk as I call it, the pig had tucked in to his usual sumptuous and voluminous meal That he consumes every hour or two 24/7.

                    Instead of saying China, Pakistan, USA , India, UK, why not say All Countries? He was an international stink. No one except other pigs liked him.

    • 4


      “It is said that he killed more Tamils than what the SLA killed in battle.”

      Could you let us have cite of the comparative study.

      “As the Sinhala saying goes you need a tree from the forest to destroy the forest.”

      Wise word from a wise man/woman.

      So MR didn’t destroy LTTE after all.

      Therefore Sinhalese and Buddhists do not need VP, they have a few of their own Sinhala/Buddhists to destroy this island.

      • 2

        Veddah, do you think I am stupid enough not to know what you are up to? You want me to give my hard collected statistics so that you may go to UNHRC with them? Ok here they are anyway, just for the famous Nandikdal Lagoon walk. You call it a battle but I call it a walk because that is what it was for our guys. A simple Sunday school walk.

        1) No. of civilians intentionally killed by LTTE for the crime of trying to cross over to SLA side = 21,354

        2) No. of civilians killed accidentally due to LTTE friendly fire = 11,001

        3) No. of civilians killed intentionally killed by SLA = 0

        4) No. of civilians of killed accidentally killed due to SLA fire = 0

        Total no. of civilians killed 32,355 and not 40,000 as you say. That difference was due to the tiger combatants who were killed in battle and then transformed immediately to civilian format thanks to the power of your monkey God Hanuman.

        • 3


          “Veddah, do you think I am stupid enough not to know what you are up to?”

          Of course you are stupid enough to believe that Veddah is up to something. I didn’t even know that I was up something until you mentioned it.

          “You want me to give my hard collected statistics so that you may go to UNHRC with them?”

          No keep your statistics to yourself. UNHRC has better credible information than you ever be able to collect, even if you genuinely want to.

          By looking at your pointless points from 1 to 4, first thing which came to my mind is why this lying b*****d lying to us, then I changed my mind and thought what a creative writer you are.

          Keep trying you may one day be able to rewrite Mahawamsa, Harry Potter stories, Oliver Twist, War and Peace, Mahabarada, ……….

          I envy you.

          • 3

            I pity you Veddha. You seem to be short on neurons just like VP.

            Beleieve me, these are correct figures painstakingly collected by me personally. This space is too small to reveal my methodology. Perhaps your point of contention is the zero civilian casualty figure.

            But I have proof. Our guys went in with a gun in one hand and the original untranslated version of the UN Charter in the other. Ask Mahinda Rajapaksa if you do not believe me.

  • 1

    ‘I have never seen such a racially biased human being”

    Go for an eye check Mr Raymond.

    Every Tamil is a racist dreaming for Ealam.
    Every Muslim is a fundamentalist wanting to increase their numbers.
    Every Sinhalese is a majoratarian living in fear of Ealam and Islam.


    • 5


      “Every Tamil is a racist dreaming for Ealam. Every Muslim is a fundamentalist wanting to increase their numbers. Every Sinhalese is a majoratarian living in fear of Ealam and Islam.”

      Severe paranoia can cause significant fear and anxiety and can have a pronounced effect on social functioning. – Medicinenet

  • 2

    This article insists that there is no repentance but recrimination of starving babies and children under false claims of deflated 70,000 when in fact more than 300,000 were herded into a narrow strip so called safe no fire zone and the past destruction and killing 100s of thousands of innocent civilians by aerial bombardment and artillery shelling of hospitals and worshiping places. A government of familial rule that, too, was elected democratically encouraged abductions, destruction of businesses and mosques of Muslims and churches while law enforcing officers were mere spectators but shot down peaceful demonstrators while neibouring countries advance ahead after settling ethnic differences. We do not want to learn lessons from our past dominance of minorities but to insist on irrelevance of fictional Mahavamsa.

  • 3

    I just read izeth Hussain’s part iii on understanding Islamic terrorism.
    I may not necessarily agree with him , but he is much more accomplished and intellectual writer than this [Edited out] Mahindapala who writes load of crap…

    • 2

      Rajash ,
      That’s because he was not a journalist and was grilled by de la salle brothers at St Josephs.during that period the Opinion page of daily mirror and editorial of Hindu had the class punch.
      Lankan journalist of today are nowhere and that includes Lasantha simply mediocre.
      They have never read enough outside their curriculum to entice the reader Its just an addiction to social web that keeps us on this stupid web.

  • 3

    The christian god I know is a judgmental one, just like the muslim one. So all these mortals who abused their faiths to justify violence, will face their FINAL judgement at god’s hands.

    Hope he or she is as merciful as I have been led to believe.

    As for us buddhists, we can look forward to rebirth in some awful life form if we were responsible for senseless death.

    So in the end, our final fate is not in our hands. Better behave in this life, and learn to compromise and live in peace with each other.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

  • 2

    The ‘Tamil Theology of Liberation’ which S.J.Emmanuel (the ‘Rev’ is purposely omitted because no right thinking Catholic can consider this man to be a Catholic priest…of course the Catholic hierarchy thinks differently!)and Jebanesan wanted to write but could not (for the simple reason that they were not up to the task) was written for them by someone else.

    I refer to the book: THE BEAST – a liberation theology for Tamils by Mario Perera, published by Godage Brothers, Maradana. The back page of the book contains the following declaration:
    The Jews denied God for an object in gold they called called BAAL. Judas denied Jesus for a hand full of Silver. S.J.Emmanuel denied both for a piece of land called ‘Tamil Ealam’.

    Mario Perera

  • 3

    ¬¬The Jews denied God for an object in gold they called called BAAL. ¬!

    The Portuguese were finally driven away by India in 1970.
    The Portuguese along with the Spanish took 800 years to drive away the Arab rulers.

    Then Portugal sent the first ship to Cochin to pick up its currency `pepper corn`

    At every turn the king sent `órfão` children of age to live as partners with the Portuguese of Goa so that terrority would not be lost to the natives.

    They were not allowed to leave their DNA unless they were drunkards.

    My point is whom are you hoodwinking with your name??

    Jesus with his tears at Gethsemane and his doubts of the cross……passion
    The world has always been ruled by passion.

    Rationality of conduct is probably the last thing to be recalled from their lives of the great men of history.

  • 4

    Dear H. L. D. Mahindapala!

    You talk about “Tamil fascism,” “bogus sense of Tamil superiority” and say:

    “The main thrust of his “Tamil theology” was to deify Tamil politics and to demonize the the Sinhalese as the Satanic force acting against the will of God. …… “

    Dear H. L. D. Mahindapala! First of all what is ‘the Root Cause’ of ethnic conflict in the country?

    ‘The ROOT CAUSE’ of all the problems that we have been facing in our country is the imaginary and false doctrine of the Siňhala nation, the ‘ĀRYAN’ – SIŇHALA – SIŇHALESE – ‘THĒRAVĀDA’ BUDDHISM – LAŇKĀ Doctrine with one – to – one correspondence and the successive governments of Srī Laňkā dominated by the Siňhala Buddhists formulating their policies based on this imaginary
    and false doctrine and unilaterally implementing them.”

    “Thus, formulation and implementation of major policies, enactment of laws and all the direct and indirect ‘actions’ of the Governments before the war and during and after the war would have been actually based on the ‘ĀRYAN’ – SIŇHALA – SIŇHALESE – ‘THĒRAVĀDA’ BUDDHISM – LAŇKĀ Doctrine with one – to – one correspondence.” http://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n2010-209100/

    This was confirmed by the Recent Report of the UN Human Rights Commissioner {Please go through his Report)!

    How many thousands of innocent Tamils were killed.looted and raped since 1956 by the Sinhalese civilians and the Sri Lankan armed forces before the final stage of the war?


    The UN Expert Committee Report. Para – 28 of the Report says:

    “After independence, political elites tended to prioritize short-term political gains, appealing to communal and ethnic sentiments, over long-term policies, which could have built an inclusive state that adequately represented the multicultural nature of the citizenry. Because of these dynamics and divisions, the formation of a unifying national identity has been greatly hampered. Meanwhile, SINHALA-BUDDHIST NATIONALISM GAINED TRACTION, ASSERTING A PRIVILEGED PLACE FOR THE SINHALESE AS THE PROTECTORS OF SRI LANKA, AS THE SACRED HOME OF BUDDHISM. THESE FACTORS RESULTED IN DEVASTATING AND ENDURING CONSEQUENCES FOR THE NATURE OF THE STATE, GOVERNANCE AND INTER-ETHNIC RELATIONS IN SRI LANKA.”

    Dear H. L. D. Mahindapala!

    The LLRC appointed by Rajapakse in its Report (Para – 8.150) says:

    “The Commission takes the view that the root cause of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka lies in the failure of successive Governments to address the genuine grievances of the Tamil people.

    The country may not have been confronted with a violent separatist agenda, if the political consensus at the time of independence had been sustained and if policies had been implemented to build up and strengthen the confidence of the minorities around the system which had gained a reasonable measure of acceptance.”

    You say: “The Tamils of Jaffna, of course, must be excused because if they drop Prabhakaran, the Tamil Pol Pot, whom else do they have to look upon as their great hero?”

    Yes Mr. Mahindapala!

    12 – 15 millions of the Sinhalese with all sorts of direct and indirect assistance from the International community took over 25 years to fight and win about 10,000 – 20,000 LTTE of the 3 million Tamils!

    Please tell who are the real Heroes!! Does it mean “the bogus sense of Tamil superiority”?

    You have spoken much about “Tamil Christian Theology.”

    Will you please let us know a single Tamil Protestant Christian who joined the LTTE and carried arm?

    NOT A SINGLE PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN Dear Mahindapala! Here only Geopolitics come!!

    Only Tamil Catholics carried arms to fight along with the LTTE.

    You are talking rubbish Dear Mahindapala!!

    What false impression you want to create about the struggle of the Tamils?

    • 4

      I note your statement that ‘not a single Protestant Christian’ Tamil joined the LTTE and it was only ‘Tamil Catholics (who) carried arms fighting along with the LTTE’. It is an interesting statement that you make. But what is the reason that non-Catholic Christian Tamils did not join the Tigers? You have not told us why.

      BTW, was not Anton Balasinghma a Protestant Christian? I recall reading that although he was born a Catholic, when he married the daughter of the Principal of a leading Christian founded Jaffna school (was it Hartley College?) he gave up being a Catholic and became a member of his wife’s Christian denomination.

      Also it has been my experience that the many Tamil Christian ministers who are being the most vocal advocates for the Tigers in countries abroad are not from the Roman Catholic but from the other Christian churches.

      • 4

        Know All!!

        You have said:

        “I note your statement that ‘not a single Protestant Christian’ Tamil joined the LTTE and it was only ‘Tamil Catholics (who) carried arms fighting along with the LTTE’. It is an interesting statement that you make. But what is the reason that non-Catholic Christian Tamils did not join the Tigers? You have not told us why.”

        Know All! Please note that I said:

        “Will you please let us know a single Tamil Protestant Christian who joined the LTTE and carried arm? NOT A SINGLE PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN Dear Mahindapala! Here only Geopolitics come!!

        Only Tamil Catholics carried arms to fight along with the LTTE. “

        know all!! You say that:

        “I recall reading that although he was born a Catholic, …..”

        know all!! To my knowledge, Anton Balasingham was not a born Catholic.

        You say that:

        “Also it has been my experience that the many Tamil Christian ministers who are being the most vocal advocates for the Tigers in countries abroad are not from the Roman Catholic but from the other Christian churches.”

        Will you give us the names please?

        • 2

          What I have read is that Balasingham’s mother was a Roman Catholic and he was brought up in her faith and was then known as AB Stanislaus. As for the Clerics pushing the Tiger propaganda abroad,there are several of them; just ask someone who lives in the UK, Canada or Australia.

      • 0

        Know All

        “But what is the reason that non-Catholic Christian Tamils did not join the Tigers? You have not told us why.”

        Non-Catholic Christian Tamils, to begin with let’s consider SJV Chelvanayagam’s family (his son Chandrahasan). Then comes many others including the Hoole family. Abimanasigham (I hope he belongs to the Amarasingham family). Then there are Mills, Niles, Lawrences, Ambalavanars, Mathers(Lakshman Kadir relatives),Arnolds (cricketer relatives) and many others.

        LTTE also killed many Non-Catholic Christian Tamils including St. John’s principal. One of the reasons was the caste. The Vellalars, specially the Non-Catholic Christian Vellalars did not join Prabakaran.

        • 1

          Thanks for the clarification. So, caste was very much a factor!

          • 0

            Caste very much and it was Christians by Conviction who had nothing to do with separation or J.T. ideology that stayed away.
            Not just there but at London too where the planning and plotting went on.

        • 0


          “The Vellalars, specially the Non-Catholic Christian Vellalars did not join Prabakaran.”

          In the beginning the Vellala founded and joined the other militant groups not the LTTE. Later many had no choice.

          I have never heard of a Catholic Vellalah.

          There are many protestant but not Anglican churches in the low caste enclaves. I don’t understand how all of the members of these churches would have avoided joining or being forced to join the LTTE.

          • 0

            Most of the Non-Catholic Christian Vellalar (Protestant Christian Tamils) of Jaffna belong to the American mission (CSI) church. Some of the well known Protestant Christian Vellalar of Jaffna were Lakshman Kadirgamar and Russel Arnold. At the beginning, some of them supported PLOTE and TELO but they never supported LTTE. It was the Catholic Christian Tamils who joined and supported the LTTE. The main reason was caste.

            • 0

              James ,
              Catholic Christian Tamils???

              Do you know what you are saying??
              Have you heard of the `troubles` Irish vs Anglo Saxons= Catholic vs Christian
              During Henry 8 period the Dutch troubles= Catholic vs Christian therefore it was not possible to have a republic. The Dutch came to Asia in 1600 with the intention of driving away the Catholic Portuguese which they did because of their powerful ships.
              At London today there are `All Souls Church` which is Catholic & Christian where both attend but stay what they are ie Catholic or Christian.

              Do you know who Pages are?? The are `Christians by Conviction` and Vellalar I am aware of so many at Colombo and they are Vellalar.
              Americans have many things like Jesus born in USA to anything and they are linked to defense of USA.Europe is still the mother. Free mason is baptist.
              sorry I cant tell you more because its not fair.

              • 0


                I am saying the facts. All what you are saying is not relevant here. Are you alright?

  • 12

    Tamil Theology Upgraded Prabhakaran & Downgraded Jesus

    H. L. D. Mahindapala::

    *** What you have written is frankly CRAP. I havent even bothered to to read the Garbage but let me comment on the Title.

    First of all the Picture of the Maestro is wonderful.

    Definition of FACISM is an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

    First of all for your tiny non existant Brian LTTE was a not a Government. It was a Freedom Force.

    Prabakaran was a Means to an End. He was not the End and that was to live in PEACE SECURITY and above all with DIGNITY from Sinhalese Tryrrany.

    MR the CRIMINAL was for you lot a Means to a FORTUNE and by that I mean Bounty Hunters in other words THIEVES.

    Our fight was never about Religion. Our Religious Leaders never indulged in Politics unlike your Clergy who preached Hatred.
    We are proud to have Hindus, Christians and also Mulims who we proudly call ” THAMBI”.Sadly not SINKALAMS.

    Mahintha played with fire (Indian and American Interest in the Indian Ocean by inviting China) and look where Sri Lanka has ended up.

    A COLONY with no Freedom to maneuver and as SLAVES.

    So my advice to you is

    PUT up or SHUT up.

  • 2

    The Tamil churchmen opted for Barabbas–who by the way, was a terrorist fighting for national liberation!

    • 0

      Dr Dayan Jayatilleka,

      “Dr. Bishop S. Jebanesan, is the second Tamil cleric to announced his decision to construct a theology for the Tamils only.”

      I would like to have more information on this. Maybe the LTTE forced him to make this decision? Apparently he achieved nothing.

      The Catholic church supported the LTTE.

      There are small Protestant independent churches everywhere in Jaffna and only God knows who they supported and support.

      • 0

        The Catholic Church did no such thing. Some Catholic priests, devoid of the Christian ethic however did so. The latter cannot be equated to the Catholic Church.

    • 6

      Tamil Churchmen: I take it people like Rev Rayappu

      Barabbas i.e., son of Abba or of a father, a notorious robber whom Pilate proposed to condemn to death instead of Jesus, whom he wished to release, in accordance with the Roman custom. But the Jews were so bent on the death of Jesus that they demanded that Barabbas should be pardoned.

      *** I leave the above to the Imagination of the No Believers.

    • 3

      Dr Dayan Jayatilleka ,
      “who by the way, was a terrorist fighting for national liberation! “

      A professor who hasn’t read anything for 3 days must be feeling that

      `his talk has no flower` (becomes insipid), and

      `his own face become hateful to look at`(in the mirror).

    • 2

      Dr No,

      Majority of the Theros opted for murdering the Tamils. At least they could have stopped it. They did NOT.

      A history lesson for you.
      JAYADEVA UYANGODA http://www.india-seminar.com/2007/576/576_jayadeva_uyangoda.htm
      “ACCOMPANYING Sri Lanka’s elusive quest for a political solution to the ethnic conflict is an equally elusive goal: consensus among political parties about a broad framework of a constitutional settlement to offer regional autonomy to the Tamil minority. The two main parties, the United National Party (UNP) and Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), that have alternately ruled Sri Lanka for the past six decades, despite a number of attempts to reach such a consensus, have at crucial moments backtracked to return to what has been described as ‘acrimonious competition’.

      Let me illustrate this point by three concrete examples. In 1995, President Chandrika Kumaratunga began a constitutional reform initiative to offer an autonomy package to the Tamil minority. The package envisaged an amendment of the existing constitution, which is unitary in nature and permits only a limited devolution framework. However, Sri Lanka’s Constitution has some ‘entrenched’ clauses, like the unitary state clause, which require a two-thirds support of Parliament plus the people’s approval in a referendum. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka’s electoral system of proportional representation has made it near impossible for any single ruling party, even with the support of small parties, to secure a two-thirds majority in parliament. The only way to ensure such a majority necessary for a constitutional amendment is for the main ruling party – the SLFP or UNP – to enter into a consensus agreement with the main opposition party, which could be either of the two.

      In 1996, a British minister came to Colombo to negotiate an agreement between President Chandrika Kumaratunga and the Leader of the Opposition, Ranil Wickramasinghe, to work together on the basis of a ‘bi-partisan’ consensus so that a devolution package could be brought into the constitution. It was named after Liam Fox, its mentor. The two leaders signed the Liam Fox agreement, and then had a meeting at the president’s office as a symbolic public gesture of their new politics of cooperation.

      The next day, when a journalist asked the president about this highly publicized meeting with her great adversary, she responded by choosing an evocatively dismissive colloquial Sinhalese expression: ‘Yes, the leader of the opposition came. There was no dialogue, only a monologue. I only spoke. He did not even wag his tongue, because his mouth was full of pittu.’ Pittu is a dish made of rice flour and grated coconut. When one eats pittu, one’s tongue movement is restricted and that explains this statement of agrarian wisdom which the president used to contemptuously dismiss the meeting that others thought symbolised an unprecedented political breakthrough! Thus ended a serious British initiative to bring together the two main Sinhalese political parties into a bi-partisan framework of consensus to work towards a political solution to the ethic conflict.

      It is ironic that Sri Lanka’s quest for bi-partisan consensus has an enduring life of its own despite, or rather because of, it not having materialized. In 2002-2003 the peace process initiated by Ranil Wickramasinghe who had then become the prime minister, also required a UNP-SLFP ‘cohabitation’ for its success, under new circumstances brought about by the peculiarity of Sri Lanka’s Constitution. When the opposition UNP won a parliamentary majority in the December 2001 election, it resulted in a situation of dual power in which the president and the prime minister came from two opposing political parties. This created a constitutional compulsion for them to work together to ensure proper functioning of the government as also to take the new peace process with the LTTE forward.

      But from day one the leaders and their parties, instead of finding a framework of cohabitation, chose the path of confrontation. President Kumaratunga gave Prime Minister Wickramasinghe only two years in power. In October 2003, when the PM was on an official visit to the US, Kumaratunga took over three major ministries of the Wickramasinghe administration including defence and foreign affairs, effectively crippling the ability of the UNP regime to continue the engagement with the LTTE. Two months later, the president dissolved Parliament, effectively dismissing her opponent’s government.

      A third, and more recent, example is illustrative of Sri Lanka’s continuing cycle of consensus-seeking and consensus-failing. At the presidential election of November 2005, Mahinda Rajapakse of SLFP heading a new coalition won narrowly, defeating Ranil Wickramasinghe, the main opposition candidate. Towards the end of 2006, Rajapakse had doubts about the parliamentary majority of his government, because of the shaky nature of his coalition in Parliament. By this time Rajapakse had also initiated talks with the LTTE. Once again there was a public clamour for the two parties to work together in order to effectively address key national challenges, the ethnic conflict being a major and immediate issue.

      In October that year, Rajapakse and Wickramasinghe began a dialogue to work together. They exchanged letters and even met a few times to discuss the modalities of collaboration. Wickramasinghe pledged that his party, the UNP, would vote in Parliament for Rajapakse’s annual budget in November. When Rajapakse solicited his support in passing the budget at a time when he was not sure about the loyalty of his own coalition partners, Wickramasinghe is reported to have told Rajapakse: ‘Don’t even tell me what you will have in your budget. I will ensure that it will be passed in Parliament.’

      Rajapakse got his budget passed in Parliament with UNP support. This was an unprecedented show of cooperation between a ruling party and the opposition. Yet, just a few weeks later Rajapakse engineered the defection of 19 UNP MPs to his government, offering them lucrative, though relatively powerless, cabinet positions. Thus ended in comic disaster yet another bitter story of consensus politics in Sri Lanka.”

  • 3


    What was your position when you joined Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front ( EPRLF ) and became a Minister in their Council. A terrorist or a national liberation fighter? Or both?

    Furthermore what did you teach to EPRLF cadres when you took classes?

    • 2


      The EPRLF killed hundreds of Tamil civilians who supported the LTTE. Will not this be sufficient to know what Dr. Dayan Jayatileke taught?

  • 0


    Two wrongs don’t make a right.

  • 1

    “It is much easier to believe lies than the truth, because lies are manufactured to satisfy the emotions” – Hilda Van Stochum –

    The author is a great strategist in this manufacturing trade with the inherent racism within him.

    “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true” – Soren Kierkgaard –

    • 1

      That is okay for the text book.
      In real life we all like foolish folk.
      Have you asked yourself as to why?

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