9 September, 2024


Thalatha Exposes Sajith; JVP Enhances AKD

By Vishwamithra

“Music is the arithmetic of sounds as optics is the geometry of light.” ~ Claude Debussy

Last week Thalatha Athukorale exposed Sajith Premadasa‘s lack of ability to lead a political party that is almost on the cusp of capturing power at the forthcoming elections. What Thalatha’s motive is, one may not know, but the very fact that one of the leading woman members of parliament of the SJB making such allegations, vicarious as well as direct, would not sound all that palatable for the SJB leader. At a time when each party which is represented by a Presidential candidate needs to portray itself as a united and cohesive group that is loyal to its leader, such exposure as was done by Thalatha would not hold well for Sajith’s chances at the coming elections. Meaningless pontification on the public platform will be seen as just that- meaningless. It reduces the stature of the leader to a puny size and it is not a very cozy corner to be in.

On the other hand, Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) is on totally different wicket. He is being attacked, left, right and center that he hails from the old JVP, an ultra-left-wing political party representing outdated economic theories and practices. AKD’s rivals have gone to enormous lengths to establishing that. But AKD, having transformed the old JVP ideology into a political party, National People’s Power (NPP) that believes in the just and fair performance of the positive aspects of modern capitalism believing in a governance philosophy bordering more on the modern liberal democracies in northern Europe than that was established as a Marxist/Leninist state-controlled apparatus of the Communist Party. That transformation is remarkable while the meandering along traditional political lines as assumed by the other parties in Sri Lanka today is boring and mind-deadening. In another stubborn sense, AKD’s past JVP-affiliation and its transformation into a legitimate and acceptable political entity, NPP, has enhanced his astute character.         

In such a profound context, what is at stake on September 21 is not the fate of those candidates who have submitted their nominations for the contest. It is much larger than that. Every election results in some, players or spectators, ending up winners or losers; in the case of Presidential Elections, losers and one winner. Voters may have done their duty by their country; by opting to cast their ballot but whether they end up winners or losers would be seen after at least five years of the election. It is such an unkind exercise from the point of view of the voter. The last President, Gotabaya Rajapaksa did not last more than two and half years. Such a comical and melodramatic finale in the entire episode may well be the first time but surely  not the last.

The stakes are much larger than life. Those candidates whose egos have been exaggeratedly pumped up may choose to listen to their own voices; they may react to their mass rallies with vigor and false authenticity with waving hands or with traditional Lankan way of saying Ayubowan with closely clasped hands. A keen observer will always tell an authentic one from the superfluous.

Although the options available for the voter seem to be more than three or even four, the eventual contest may end up between two candidates: Sajith Premadasa representing the Samagi Jana Balavegaya (SJB) and Anura Kumara Dissanayake of the National People’s Power (NPP). Yet one could perceive the fight as one between protecting the old, existing system, status quo and introduction of a new system. If the playing field is defined in such binary terms, the voter’s choice and his vacillation between the two becomes exaggerated. In such a scenario, those who have engaged bright and talented Ad and Public Relations (PR) firms (of course, at a steep price), would be competing amongst themselves. Television industry is bound to make extra profits, thanks to this fierce competition. But will the candidates too gain some extra miles as it is they who ultimately be tested by the voter.

Modern day electioneering, as in the rich playing fields in the West, has evolved as a robust exercise of the forces of the market economy. The candidates at the elections would be portrayed by the said Ad and PR firms as heroes and patriots beyond comparison. But the average voter living in the countryside might not be aware of the crafty ways and means employed by the candidates’ respective parties. The projected strengths and durability of the candidates as per the presentations and demonstrations crafted by their Ad and PR firms would eventually matter. In politics as in almost everything else, optics and image matter and they do very decisively.

Nevertheless, despite the extraordinary lengths and breadths these Ad and PR firms choose to go, authenticity of the candidate cannot be overestimated. The very authenticity in itself is foolproof optics. It oozes out of a genuine and sincere individual, unless he or she is a quintessential actor. The optics of the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa disembarking from the plane and kissing the ground was fantastic optics in the context of the euphoria of all countrymen after the war-victory against the dreaded forces of Prabhakaran and his Tigers. Mahinda Rajapaksa as President created such priceless images and the Pohottuwa machinery went to extraordinary extents to project a fake image of the Rajapaksas and their kin. Fortunately or unfortunately for the Rajapaksas, the PR team that created such an admirable smorgasbord of imagery was the one owned and operated by one of the thirty nine candidates who have submitted his nomination papers for the Presidential Elections, Dilith Jayaweera. I am sure the same team and talent would be applied to push Jayaweera’s candidacy this time. Optics and its exclusive significance in politics cannot be exaggerated and nor could it be foreclosed.

However, when one speaks about the two leading candidates, namely Sajith and AKD, the dynamic balance that needs to be maintained by the protagonists, image against the real, neither can afford to make a slip. The people are no fools; they are not only observant, they are keen judges of character too. Sajith’s father used to portray himself as a poor man’s hero. But unlike the father, Sajith, the son, tends to do his acting too much especially in the era of the social media. The watchers and listeners are keen and discriminating to the extent of being irksome when they realize that they are being taken for granted.

Sajith’s failure in projecting an image of an eternal care-giver in an unmitigated authentic sense and the very artificial tone of his voice, the unbelievably exorbitant amounts of money he spends to hand ‘goodies’ to schoolchildren make his efforts utterly cosmetic and fake. It is being alleged that a well-known casino owner in Colombo is financing his program and thereby corrupting the value on both shades of the giving: genuineness and ulterior motive. Whatever President Premadasa has tried to impart into his only son as to how to deceive the electorate, Sajith has not learnt. One cannot say: like father, like son, except in the case of the sheer transparency of the falseness of the character.

However, we do not know much about Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s private life; in order to review  the  plusses and minuses of his public life one must, therefore necessarily delve into the stories and tales told by his close associates such as his school or university friends, his teachers at the Thambuththegama Gamini Maha Vidyalaya, Thambuththegama Central and Peradeniya and Kelaniya University. Whomever you speak to, the picture that comes out is one of humility, candor, hardworking and extremely ambitious. There are no scandalous tales; no skeletons in the proverbial cupboard and nothing extraordinary either.

Born to poverty and being a product of rustic fabric in the dry zone, AKD has never made any attempt, direct of vicarious, to hide his humble beginnings and lack of so-called elite pedigree. Authenticity seems to be the only badge he wears without any hesitation but with extraordinary disposition.

Yet the optics in politics do matter and the extent to which Sajith is willing to travel in order to shade his original colors may have had an effect at the very outset of his campaign and he seems to have fallen in love with such a delusional extravaganza of personality cult. As his father President Premadasa, Sajith too is displaying his narcissistic tendencies. Those who are close to him now have  books and chapters of tales to tell in that regard. Yet the people at large are totally oblivious of such hackneyed obscenities. In fact Sajith’s love for his own persona has assumed Donald Trump-like proportions. Yet the people at large may not be aware of such excesses.

Over dependence on optics can kill a well crafted PR campaign. Sajith’s has not yet reached that nadir, but the pace at which he is traveling, that destination may not be too far. Sajith’s primary failure is not being able to read the character of his friends and foes. It happens when one’s self-love becomes overwhelming and out of control. Sajith is fast approaching that point. His failure to read the mind of the electorate was shown on the day he chose to visit the grounds of the Aragalaya-22. Being chased away so unceremoniously has not taught him a lesson. He seems to be living in a different universe and in that universe, he does not see any any enemies and rivals, only servants and disciples. It is a forlorn and barren neighborhood. Growing up and reaching adulthood consists of being thrown down to the ground and even being trampled by the electorate. When that happens, one must find resilience and raw guts to stand on your own and say, ‘I shall rise again’. Sajith does not seem to possess that rare quality of boldness and bravery and humility. He thinks he is larger than life. Unfortunately for him, he has to realize that there is something in life from which one can learn more than one can impart into.

Thalatha Athukorale’s exposure of Sajith’s worthlessness in leadership in parliament was not shocking, neither surprising. Sajith could have easily compromised with Thalatha because her friends in the SJB are quite close friends of Sajith’s too. Kabir Hashim and Imitiaz Bakeer Marker could have easily intervened and arrived at a settlement if Sajith

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  • 11

    Sajith demanded leadership within UNP. Ranil let Sajith walk away.
    Thalatha saw no leadership qualities in Sajith. Thalatha walked away.

    • 1


      ” Intha thinnaip pechchu veeraridam oru kanna irukkanum Annachi
      Naama onna irukkanum Annachi

      Pozu nalam pesum punyavangalin poakkinil anega vidyasam
      Puzuppuzu vagayil pulambuvazellam puviyai mayakkum veli vesam

      Pattuk Kottai penned it over sixty five years ago . Beautiful lines ..

    • 20

      In a vast sea of politicians with zero credibility ……. one can only look for a tiny flicker of credibility. ………. At this point in time only AKD has a tiny speck of credibility ……… that’s a straw for a tired and drowning nation to cling to …….

      • 0

        nimal fernando, how do you detect the tiny flicker of credibility that you are talking about. You too being human can make a mistake and lead others astray. If you say AKD is your preference, then people will understand that better.

    • 16

      Thalatha Athukorala’s Outburst

      1) Does the sudden outburst against Sajith/SJB by Thalatha Athukorala just a month before the Presidential Election have anything to do with Premadasa PROBABLY giving Heshan Withanage who had the HIGHEST Preference vote in the Ratnapura District at the 2020 General Election the position of District Leader? Athukorala was No. 3 in terms of Preference votes.

      2) If Ranil Wickremesinghe is so wonderful as she now maintains, why did she leave the UNP with Sajith Premadasa and remain with Sajith/SJB all these years?

      3) Why is the SJB silent?

      4) Please note, I am not holding a brief for any politician – I am merely noting the ROT in Sri Lanka politics.

      Amrit Muttukumaru

      • 1

        Thalatha’s Outburst

        1) If Sajith were to lose the presidency, a key reason would be his indecisiveness and weak leadership.

        2) The SJB/Sajith is yet to give a response let alone a STRONG response to Thalatha’s verbal attack on its leader.

    • 15

      Her eyesight must be awful to take several years to be able to see things that were clear to the rest of us pretty fast.

      • 0

        SJ, Caustic

        • 5

          Will not bother the likes of her.

  • 12

    The one and only reason for SP & NR to be contenders at this Presidential election is because their fathers happened to be Presidents of Srilanka. They do not have any other credentials nor qualifications. Their ability to face the rigors of that high and mighty office is greatly in doubt. On the other hand what propel AKD is his oratory. He and his party do not have any track record to show that they have the ability to take on the mammoth task. The JVP has a terrible past. What we know for sure is that all our politicians are corrupt from inside to outside and outside to inside. It is imperative that the voters must look for someone with very little baggage.

    • 12

      “The one and only reason for SP & NR to be contenders at this Presidential election is because their fathers happened to be Presidents of Srilanka.”
      It also applies to RW. RW came because of his uncle JRJ. Unfortunately, Sri Lanka had only a family based politics similar to India’s Nehru family. But the change of power from Nehru family by Modi made India to a developed Nation. Once Modi was not allowed to go to USA. Why cannot AKD do that?

      • 4

        “But the change of power from Nehru family by Modi made India to a developed Nation.”
        Now a fascist Modi fan!?

        • 10

          I am not bother about Modi or a fan of Modi but I am in favour of a change. Change is a necessity rather than with a rotten corrupted system as you prefer.

          • 4

            Ajith ,

            India started to change long ago and not under Modi . All Modi
            did was , to sustain the changes , he incited Racism . If not for
            his Racism , he’s not in that seat today . Where was Modi when
            India became Nuclear powered ?

          • 1

            You do not have to feel shy about it.
            Vociferous Tamil nationalists are mostly Modi fans.

            • 4

              “Vociferous Tamil nationalists are mostly Modi fans.”
              Like the expert Srimavo advisor and fan of the mother of Buddhist fundamentalism and Sinhala racism.

    • 4


      AKD also carries baggage, that of the JVP past & its old guard. Why is he the leader of a party that still venerates its murderous leader & hammer & sickle ideology?

  • 7

    I really do not care two hoots about Premadasa if its Senior or Junior, but ots time someone expose the kimd of BIATCH thalatha is along with the other A$$ Hole G L Peiris, before it’s too late.

    • 7

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 5


      Please be careful with your language. Dont become an idiot with a medical degree at the expense of the poor tax payers. I really don t know how long we could tolerate your wording at anyone here.
      Besides, We are not in Mulleriya or your father’s shanty. Understand?
      We have warned you enough. If you cannot behave well, this place is not for you. That’s it.
      All others who pamper you should be idiots (Lester, Sinhala_Man, Ajith) as well.

      • 13

        I am sure your threat is not the kind of threat enforced by the White van?
        Why are you afraid of Truth. Do you know who is an idiot?

        • 4

          “Why are you afraid of Truth. Do you know who is an idiot?”

          Do you need to prove it further? Just look at yourself in the mirror.

          None other than the incumbent President Ranil Wickramasinghe saved your soul. We were on the verge of becoming a Somalia before he risked his life for the nation. That is the truth.

          We should not allow JVP barbarians (who are not to be underestimated compared to the LTTERrs) to be our leaders in this country. Their cannibalistic tactics were well known to many in the late 80s.

          • 7

            What a joke from a lier? What a risk? If he is a really a risk why can’t he stand with Elephant?

        • 3

          Ajith – they are worse. White van guy was just a military strong man who was just full of himself. This mob represented by leela and Hanuman Tush and others here are backed by Italian Mafia and international crime networks that engages in human trafficking, sex trafficking, child labour abd sex trafficking, money laundering, terrorism, with links to the LTTE and other terror outfits. They are not to be taken lightly and are a far more sinister force than the WV guy who is just a glorified local thug st the time of committing those crimes.

      • 5

        Allow Ruchira express his views regardless of the language he may choose to use.
        As long as he doesn’t write those explicit sadistic perverted deranged sexual brutalities in gory detail. That is very ugly and repulsive.
        That exposes his psychotic mentality to the core.
        I think CT have tamed him now.
        Ruchira is a thinker whatever said and done. Let him continue to write.

        • 3

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

          For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

        • 2

          Colombo Telegraph Editors and Moderators,
          Whu are you allowing this person who calls himself Human Touch and the other person who calls himself leelagemalli continue to insult and harass other members of your forum? How many times do I have to mention that you will be held liable for the damages they are causing in addition to other thinga you are guilty of like divulging personal details of your members that are not in the public domain to third parties? I suggest you get your act together and monitor these comments for personal attacks and insults on other members or else completely ban these two individuals from your site along with their IP addresses.

      • 5

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

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    • 1

      She appears to be all game for raping young innocent virgin girls in her greedy game of acquisition of political power. Shame on her.

      • 2

        This time the targetted victim was a young Sri Lankan girl who is associated with the ono8ne retailer Celeste Daily and the local Natutal Mineral Water prpducer Olu. Her crime supporting me and sending me good vibes and deliveries on time when ordered them through Uber Eats from their Ethul Kotte Celeste outlet. Then she, Thalatha Athukorale also seem to advocate young men to video record their sexual encounters with their respective girl friends, and threaten to release them and post them on internet if the victimised girls do not give in to their demands – the ultimate being marrying them, which they appear to want to do for personal gains rather than any love for affection they have for the respective girl.

        • 6

          Disgusting comment! This is a serious defamatory statement!
          The Online Safety Act can be used against these vulgar comments and such people will learn a good lesson in the near future!

    • 0

      Ruchira, it will be good if you will mind the language you use here.

  • 13

    “Last week Thalatha Athukorale exposed Sajith Premadasa‘s lack of ability to lead a political party that is almost on the cusp of capturing power at the forthcoming elections.”

    I don’t see that Thalatha Atukorale decision at the last minute of the election campaign is a genuine one because of the time when several opportunistic MPs moving their support in all directions. The first place she should explain why she left UNP and join SJB? Does she accept RW’s stand of supporting SLPP/Rajapaksa’s as an independent candidate instead of UNP? Of course she resigned instead of moving directly to UNP but if she joins RW now it should be considered as opportunism.

  • 14

    “Born to poverty and being a product of rustic fabric in the dry zone, AKD has never made any attempt, direct of vicarious, to hide his humble beginnings and lack of so-called elite pedigree. Authenticity seems to be the only badge he wears without any hesitation but with extraordinary disposition.”
    So far, the people of Sri Lanka was influenced by the rich landlord families to govern this country. Finally after 75 years they brought the country into bankrupt, they destroyed the image of the country day by day and now there is no rule of law, no justice, institutionalised racism and fundamentalism and the collapse of all democratic functions and still want to do the same again and again.
    The people realised the need for change in 2022 when the country was brought to bankruptcy but unfortunately political opportunism and international interference blocked the move towards the change but the country remains worse than 2022. People should not give up on the need for the change which can only save the country and people from poverty.

  • 13

    Thalatha is a respected politician. All those who were led away by Sajith would be thinking by now whether it is worth to hang on to Sajith. AKD is all “talk” and the more he talks, the weaknesses in JVP/NPP is exposed. So all in all, the going is good for Ranil. Right now, there is no one else to match him, as regards political acumen, governance and international relations. As we get closer to the date of the election, more will favor Ranil. God Save Sri Lanka!

    • 13

      “Thalatha is a respected politician. “
      What does a respected politician do? Move from here to there and there to here?
      Politician is Politician. Sri Lankan Politician is sri lankan politician. A 50 years experience who failed for past 50 years suddenly become now become political acumen, governance and international relations?

    • 4

      Thanks Ratanavali,
      I totally agree with you. That is my hope. May our good people rest in peace.

      “Ranil will gain more popularity as election days approach. Save Sri Lanka!”

      Ranil speaks sensitively. Mlechcha MEDIA controlled by Rajapaksa supporters dont let his truths be passed to the nation.
      He is the strongest candidate of all, no doubt about it. He proved in the last 2 years what the Greeks failed in the last 12 years.

      . However, he did not refuse the challenge, when his own house was burnt down by mobs, who on earth would have such courage?
      “Sajith Rajapaksa” did not want to face the music.
      Hareen Fernando was the first to study the shaky leadership qualities of Sajith who could not bear it furhter and broke away from SJB.Young cabinet ministers did their best during the last 2 years.
      As you rightly said, many people are coming after MP Talatha Athukorala.
      Kabir, a senior member of SJB, was seated next and looked as if he too would soon join Thalatha.
      Dr. Harsha de Silva also does not praises his head enough. Overall, the waters will clear as election day approaches.

    • 3

      Rathnavali you are correct. Only God can save Sri Lanka if your prophesy comes good and RW and his team of excellent men with such great track records win the election.

  • 7

    AKD’s AUTHENTICITY – what he spoke 5 years ago about his objection to visiting the prelates with camera crews and his stand today placating the bhikkus interfering with politics and many other related issues – are eloquently discussed here:


    • 9

      Srilankan Boy,
      Very good observation about AKD’s alleged authenticity. His photo opps at various religious places (especially non-Sinhala Buddhist ones) show what kind of act he is putting on to increase his votes.
      It is rather tiring to hear the same old song from Vishwamithra. AKD is not more or less authentic than any other candidate,. In social terms, nobody is authentic, everyone is playing a part, everyone is wearing a mask. Just because the author of this article likes the mask, that doesn’t mean the player is authentic. AKD is using his humble beginnings as his badge to gain people’s empathy so that he can come to power. He plays the ‘I am the poorest of them all card’ any chance he gets – look at his assets declaration, where it is stated that his wife owns one gold chain, two bangles, two rings and two pairs of earrings. An asset declaration asks not how many jewellery pieces one owns but how much the total is worth. Even this is being used for the image he wants to project. Where is the human face of this man? How can a party apparatchik be considered authentic?

    • 5

      The JVP visited the prelates with flower baskets twenty years ago to get their manifesto blessed by them.

      • 1

        Are you implying that JVP was showing two faces: Marxists and anti-Marxists even twenty years back?

        • 2

          I never accused them of having a Marxist face. Their Marxism has been confined the the famous five lectures.
          They never confronted the Sangha, although they did not go behind the prelates like the others. There were many Buddhist priests in the JVP all along.
          The visit to the Mahanayakes was an election ploy which did not pay the expected dividends. In fairness, they never upheld Sinhala Buddhist hegemony as part of their ideology. But they seem to feel obliged to pander to a SB electorate ever since they took to electoral ways.

          • 2

            Thanks, SJ
            Fair or unfair my vote is for AKD as he is the only one in the field projecting at least a semblance of authenticity (ignoring the pandering of monks).
            Let’s wait and see the final tally on 21 September, or most likely on the 22nd morning after the recount between No 1 and No 2.

            • 2

              I have never canvassed for anyone in this space.
              A professor once told a student wondering where he should start to solve a particular problem, “this is still a free country and you cane start wherever you want.”
              Likewise, I would say that “this is still a free country and you cane vote for whomever you want.”

      • 2

        Gota said he has two faces. Ranil proved he has two faces. Srimavo kept in the constitution.What can JVP to do? You can’t stay in power without visiting Prelates because Srimavo put it in the Constitution.

  • 9

    Comparing Sajith with Ranil, at least Sajith is for the common working class.

    Ranil is for the monied elite from the hallowed halls of the colonial schools (amazing that this kind of mindset still exists).

    They are both yet for the India merge and land-bridge, both of which is a vast and risky monetary experiment and that will kill the autonomy and uniqueness of our nation.

    AKD is for the common man, country unity and autonomy, and knows that this is the only way the country can build up to prosperity. With him, the Masses will feel empowered, and dignity and prosperity will emerge within the next 4 years.

    • 4

      You seem to be seeing a Trump in AKD.

    • 9

      ramona therese fernando

      “Comparing Sajith with Ranil, at least Sajith is for the common working class.”

      If Sajith is for the common working class why did he refuse to be appointed as the president of Sri Lanka during the critical time? That was the time working class needed most.

      “They are both yet for the India merge and land-bridge, “

      Please explain.

    • 9

      “They are both yet for the India merge and land-bridge, both of which is a vast and risky monetary experiment and that will kill the autonomy and uniqueness of our nation.”
      Ramona, learn to think properly.
      The last time we went bankrupt and didn’t have money for food, we had to wait until it was sent in ships by India. The next time we go bankrupt, we can drive to the supermarket in Rameswaram and buy whatever we want. Is that good or bad?
      Amazing that your kind of mindset exists….

      • 7

        old codger

        “The next time we go bankrupt, we can drive to the supermarket in Rameswaram and buy whatever we want.”

        Well Saffron Mahanayakes and the Cross dresser fear
        1. kallthonies will swarm this tiny island of good people.
        2. we do not want to rekindle our painful memories of Pandias, Cholas, …… invading, looting, killing, raping … Hanuman torching, ….. the entire ….
        3. it could remove all reasons for maintaining an army, navy and air force.


        • 7

          The Mahanayakas are probably more worried that their captive alms-suppliers will use the bridge to run away to Tamilnadu, and the Cardinal may fear that some real Catholics might arrive and unseat him.

      • 2

        OC….name a rich country who will build a bride to a poor country. India, and only India! In US, they build a wall between rich countries and poor countries.

        You see, India wants extra Dalit workers to fuel their billionaires. With Ranil, India has another incentive: Lankan Billionaires to comrade with Indian Billionaires.

        Now compare this scenario with AKD : Lankan US$Billionaires to pay their fair share of taxation and become semi-billionaires. We won’t have to go to Rameswaram to buy our groceries then.

        • 3

          ….name a rich country who will build a bridge* to a poor country

        • 7

          “OC….name a rich country who will build a bride to a poor country. India, and only India!”
          Again, you have your facts wrong.
          India on average is a poorer country than Sri Lanka. Its per capita income is still lower than Sri Lanka’s.
          “Lankan Billionaires to comrade with Indian Billionaires.”
          Why are you obsessed with billionaires? You are the one who voted for Trump the billionaire crook.

    • 13

      You maybe living in USA, but you have the mindset of a typical villager, narrow minded and petty.
      That is the sad thing with most Sri Lankans who live abroad, they usually don’t get to interact with other nationalities one on one, so you all do survival jobs and stay cocooned despite living in a foreign land with advanced ideas.
      Building bridges is considered a good thing in this world, I wonder why it is different when it comes to Sri Lanka?
      Why are you such a narrow-minded [edited out].

    • 5

      RTF – You are absolutely right. This joke of a bridge will lead to Indoanization of Sri Lanka, and will be the begining of the downfall of this country. We must build a big wall across the Palk strait and get all the Hanumans to pay for it.

      • 5

        Ruchira,….wall it should be, Amen! 🙋‍♂️🙏

        • 6

          This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.

          For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

          • 5


            • 0

              OC, I hate U.S Lottery Visa system. I hear, soon they will get rid of it, instead, increase H 1 yearly visa intake , to absorb more professionals, skilled workers and other deserving people…….. AMEN………………. As long I’m concerned no one attends Trump’s meeting out of curiosity or to hear anything different from his own “truth social BS “, even worse, will be to get shot by a random freak. It’s common among Asians , who feel embarrassed and not disclose their Trumpian allegiance in public. When voting for Kaputa family, are our SB, still thinking of development or bringing back the looted money ?? LOL.

      • 5

        I hear there are lots of maids in India. Good looking ones.

      • 1

        RTF – Building acwall alone is not enuff to keep this Indoanization at bay. It looks like we need to put an end to this perverted Indian hegemony that is spreading across the globe like a plague. India needs to be broken down to smaller manageable entities of independent nation states giving self determination to various sub groups; some caste based, some ethno religious, that form its large 1.4 billion plus population, so these people too enjoy the fruits of democracy, human rights, and freedom from being oppressed and being marginalized, and could lead dignified lives, nit just gandhis, adanis, ambanis, and tatas. Earlier the proposal was to break it into 51 parts but I guess that may not be effective perverted groups taking again a foot hold in these smaller nation states like that has happened in our country, Sri Lanka. Therefore the division, the criteria, and sizes of each divided entity needs to be carefully worked our in such a way that no such toxic developments take place again in the labd mass currently referred to as India. Will keep you informed further developments when they are being worked out and finalized. Its time we put full stop for this nonesense ince and for all.

  • 2

    Rules can be bent and laws can be broken and it is a reality that Big Mouths
    with Small Heads don’t understand But Mahinda and Ranil . NPP does not
    understand such things exist and we live with it .

  • 4

    ”AKD, having transformed the old JVP ideology into a political party, National People’s Power (NPP) that believes in the just and fair performance of the positive aspects of modern capitalism believing in a governance philosophy bordering more on the modern liberal democracies in northern Europe than that was established as a Marxist/Leninist state-controlled apparatus of the Communist Party”

    The last time I visited the JVP website, the portrait of its murderous leader & the hammer & sickle symbol were prominent in their home page. So, what’s this bullshit about AKD’s ‘transformation’ of the destructive JVP we know so well & the ”…more than the modern liberal democracies in northern Europe….” Vishvermitra is talking about?

    I respect AKD as a person but I would have more faith in him if he distanced himself from the JVP, which doesn’t seem to have changed with the old guard still active. Let’s face it, nobody would have given a monkey’s about AKD or the NPP if there is a credible alternative. So now the new kid in town is seen as the knight in shining armour & his rebellious bunch as the saviours of the nation.

    What is to say the NPP can do a better job with a bunch of trade unionists, a bhikku front, a women’s’ lib group & a smattering of ‘professionals’, ‘academics’ & retired military bum suckers? Lets have facts, not the rhetoric

    • 3

      Why do I not hear of the UNP’s murderous leaders from you?

  • 3

    RTF, you say AKD is for the common man, but he needs helper leaders. All MPs can’t be presidents, and if AKD scraps executive presidency and governs with parliament, he can have a special cabinet of committed MPs working with him without rivalry, but having the citizens also in mind and not just greedy robbers for themselves only.

    • 0


  • 5

    Thalatha and Rajith Senaratne are the most dishonest persons who left SJB. GROBR!
    Thalatha and Rajitha are two who were actively involved in splitting UNP and forming SJB, now for them, at the last moment to split from SJB show that they have taken bribes from Ranil. Its time to kick these two out of politics for good.

  • 3

    Nobody that waits till a crucial moment to open his / her mouth to go against
    someone to be trusted or accepted . This is another epidemic . This behaviour
    is not ” Exposure ” , this is simply Backstabbing . What she wants is Jump The
    Ship . The country is engulfed with Dirty Laundry of Washer men and Women .

  • 2

    Did I say that Patali Champika Ranawaka too belongs to this sexually perverted psychopathic group of individuals that organise abd design gang raping of you virgin girls? Yes, needkess to say he is one of them too.

  • 2

    I repeat:
    Did I say that Patali Champika Ranawaka too belongs to this sexually perverted psychopathic group of individuals that organise and design gang raping of young virgin girls? Yes, needless to say he is one of them too.

    • 4

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      • 0

        Et tu, old codger!

        • 2

          Nothing pornographic there, just inquiring if he is a “garbhavati”.
          You use Latin, I will reply in Sanskrit.

          • 1

            Impregnated with ?????!

        • 1

          Hello Nathan,
          I haven’t seen OC have a comment removed since I can remember.
          Best regards

  • 5

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