16 January, 2025


The Arrest Of Tharindu Uduwaragedara – Larger Questions

By Basil Fernando

Basil Fernando

On the larger questions raised by the arrest of Tharindu Uduwaragedara, a young journalist of very wide reputation. Tharindu Uduwaragedara who was attending a meeting on Friday (28 July) for the purpose of reporting on the meeting was forcibly dragged out of a three-wheeler, grabbed by his hair and roughly manhandled by a group of Police officers despite the journalist loudly explaining that he was merely present to report on the protest meeting that was taking place. In fact, he was seated in a three-wheeler, from where he was dragged out in a mean and ugly manner, most unbecoming of members of any law enforcement agency. 

Thanks to the available photos and videos, this whole incident was vividly and widely circulated in the country. Accidentally, the nature of the Police behaviour in Sri Lanka found itself vividly expressed by these photographs and videos. The arrest itself and the manner in which it was done and the manner in which the Police behaved will remain a spectacle for anyone who has any doubt about the utter degeneration to which the Police has been exposed to and the kind of behaviour that the people throughout the country are experiencing at the hands of a law enforcement agency which has gone out of control and shamelessly behaves against the law. 

Tharindu Uduwaragedara

While the conduct of the particular officers who carried out the arrest and whoever that directed them is most reprehensible, which should concern anyone worried for the kind of societal collapse to which the law enforcement agency itself is contributing, this episode will provide lot of reasons for shock and worry about the nature of the country that Sri Lanka has become.

An overwhelming economic crisis has already bewildered the population. Forty per cent of the population lives under the poverty line and a large portion of that population is suffering from serious forms of malnutrition. Malnutrition and the expressions of acute poverty are the most visible aspects of the life and conditions of the country today. Also, this situation is many times aggravated by the reports of alleged deaths due to the medical negligence of many sorts and these deaths are being reported daily. The unbelievable tales of sheer neglect either on the part of medical staff or much more on the part of the bureaucracies that are handling these departments are the stuff through which the people are living through.

The manner in which conditions of life is becoming ever more unbearable and difficult need not be described in great detail as every Sri Lankan, including the ones living abroad and receive the daily dose of news, are fully aware of the bewildering reality that is unfolding throughout the country. 

The larger question that affects all these issues is a total lack of concern by anyone who bears responsibility, legally or morally, being almost totally absent in the present situation. The kind of spectacle that was shown in the arrest of Tharindu would have caused severe reactions in any decent society both from its Parliament, its other political authority and in also those who hold positions of responsibility in the running of the country’s law enforcement and security systems. 

Had there been any such concern, such arrests would not have happened at all. There is an underlying encouragement for barbaric behaviour within the law enforcement agencies themselves, encouraged by the top most persons who are responsible for the running of these institutions. It is sad to see that those who are thus in charge think that running the system badly is the way to maintain social control. Thus, there is a deliberately encouraged behaviour that is quite manifest in this and many other incidents in the country. If we contrast this behaviour of what occurred in relation to the incident to drunken driving by Minister of Justice in New Zealand, we see the contrast between civilisation and barbarism. In New Zealand, after a few drinks, when the Minister was driving his vehicle, he knocked into another vehicle and by the next day morning, he had resigned from his Ministerial post and his position as a Member of Parliament, and also withdrew from holding any public office in the future. He apologised to the whole nation. Contrast that with what happened in terms of this arrest in Sri Lanka and many barbaric treatments in the areas of food distribution, public health, education and every other field.

It is not even a matter of shame any longer to be pointed out that this is the sheer barbaric way of ruling a country. You may repeat such condemnations many times but no one hears these protests. When even the protest against such behaviour is not heard, then, what could and how could anything positive happen within those circumstances. This is where the Sri Lankan society, particularly the more educated, has completely failed the nation. 

It is true that except for a brief period of early British colonialism, the kind of society that prevailed in Sri Lanka at least from approximately 8th Century Anno Domini (AD) – 19th Century AD, was a barbaric system based on draconian caste based organisational principles. There were those who proudly proclaimed in the 20th Century and thereafter, that we have arrived in times different from the ones where the principles of caste organisation which were provisions of social mobility and disproportionate and unequal society, were the basis of running the society. Barbarism was then the unavoidable fate of the larger section of the population in both the Sinhala and Tamil communities, the majority of whom were considered ‘lesser’ humans. They did not deserve the protection or to be treated as human beings. 

If we were deluded with the idea that reforms have come to this society, democracy has been established and the rule of law exists in this country, then all that is happening belies this belief.

Unless the people themselves intervene immediately to bring about a radical Police reform, Sri Lanka as a rule of law society and democracy have no future at all. The centerpiece for any change is radical Police reform.

The first step is that the present Minister of law enforcement should apologise to the nation for what happened and accept responsibility for this incident and others perpetrated by the Police and others connected with illegal actors, as his own responsibility. There should be someone to accept responsibility, without which no State can survive.

Lawlessness is no solution to the worst economic crisis that the country is faced with. If the type of reforms needed for the country to recover, then it is important that the rule of law is restored and stability is created. While it is easy to talk of solutions to problems, such as improved discipline of the economy by various means including privatisation, reforms cannot be achieved so long as there is a violence prone law enforcement agency in the country. 

Latest comments

  • 10

    The Arrest Of Tharindu Uduwaragedara – Larger Questions

    Law without justice is a wound without a cure. Journalism is what we need to make democracy work.
    Since the President is not from the people ( Democratic ) a wound without cure,
    Sri Lanka as a rule of law society and democracy have no future at all.

    • 12

      “Sri Lanka as a rule of law society and democracy have no future at all.”

      RW says that he will develop this island in 2048 not now or 2030 or 2040 or 2047.

      • 6

        These are the tactics/methods/means ……. by which unelected leaders remain in power ………..

        Give ol’ Ranil some credit ……… at least ……. Tharindu didn’t suffer the fate of Lasantha !

        Is it that, his great collection of Buddhist books has had a civilizing effect on Ranil …….. or is his government too bankrupt to import a sheep-gun from Oz?

        Who’s waiting for 2048, eh?

        And Native thinks …… he has to pay for comedy: buy a ticket!

        Where else can you find better entertainment?

      • 4

        ‘RW says that he will develop this island in 2048 not now or 2030 or 2040 or 2047.”
        You see RW is a Far-reaching, Futuristic Thinker with Intellect unmatched by any other in this ‘Thrice Blessed, Resplendent Isle’!!!???
        That noble thought springs out of the fact that it should happen 100 years after his birth in SL!!!
        So the people of Sri Lanka, would remember him when the resurgence occurs in 2048, that RW and his ability to turn this land prosperous land “flowing with Milk and Honey”!!!???
        Almost 100 years, specifically 1 year short of the spectacular century!!!???
        Nevertheless, good attempt that he will be remembered as the Saviour and remembered to that effect, a year before HE President achieves becoming a CENTURION!!!???

      • 2

        Mr. Ajith

        Most will not be living even now visiting for treatment the mind is disturbed, Aiming 2048 stating with ill-treatment

    • 11

      Nimal , there is a similar article on DM .Apparently when Tharindu was beaten up inside the police jeep, Ranil was watching a play at the prestigious LW theater, which was critical of undemocratic events in Lanka. After conclusion Ranil , even walked up the stage to congratulate the director and cast. Isn’t it funny. I guess that is what reading does to a man , if it was Rajapaksas, they might have white vaned the whole cast.

      • 3

        Native and OC, I really admire your persistence, tolerance and patience. Even doctors can revive some from Delirious state, but not the ones pretending to be in Delirium. I’m sure, you’ll know what I mean.

  • 21

    I keep reminding all Sri Lankans that the Sri Lankan Police, Army, and all other arms of the government are still running in the mode they were trained by the colonial masters.
    The British trained them to serve and protect the British and throughout the British rule the role of the police and the military was to protect the white masters.
    Since they left and our people stepped into power, our leaders have done nothing to change the status quo, our down trodden forces think the citizens are worthless and are expendable.
    It is a shame that even after 75 years of independence, we have refused to evolve.
    The Buddha gave the world human rights, but in a country that calls its self a buddhist country, the people have no human rights or do they know the concept of human rights.
    So sad.
    Tharindu is a rare gem. He tells the truth.
    He should be protected from these monsters who want to silence him.

  • 19

    There is no equity, equality or justice in SL. We have never had.
    You can imagine what the minorities must be facing on a daily basis.
    Impunity, oppression, discrimination and corruption are the order of the day.
    Anyone who finds himself in a position of advantage will go the distance in extracting maximum milage out of the position, at the expense of everyone who is less fortunate.
    There is not a shred of Buddhism in us. Why we bother to call ourselves Buddhists will remain a paradox.

    • 1

      Human touch,
      Hypocrisy ruled our motherland for ages. It still rules today. There is absolutely no respect and honesty in their behavior. It’s all about pretending to be someone else. They continue to deceive themselves. Whether they are police, doctors, engineers, teachers, you don’t see the genuineness in them. Now patients are treated like inhuman by doctors, however they became doctors thanks to taxpayer s funding.
      In fact it is their culture and tradition. I notice them clearly since I di dnot live in that country for ages.
      People criticize others 24 hours a day, but when they go to vote, they react against their own conscience. why ?. What brought elections to this country?
      Right and wrong cannot be separated and they get confused. Free education has not made people knowledgeable and wise. People simply don’t care.
      So there is no big difference between real animals and Sinhalese beasts.
      They just imitate the other.
      It is their nature to say something and do the opposite or feign complete ignorance. But the people do not fulfill the responsibility of punishing the erring politicians. Miraculously, you won’t believe the number of YouTubers are increasing to promote RAJAPAKSHES again. … can you imagine? Both the people and those crooks should be held accountable for this mess.

  • 12

    Regrettably, what happened to Tharindu Uduwaragedara was horrible, abominable.
    I wish to draw your attention to an aspect of our life that has become so normal. I speak of irreverence to the Law. We have let Law suffer even in the hands its protectors.
    How do these happen? Where did these all begin?
    Your answer need not be the same as mine. But, I am certain that you’d see a parallel in the way we Tamils have been treated since 1956.

    • 4

      There is another racial/religious phenomenon raising its ugly head, that of enforced conformity as dictated by the monks. Sepal, Natasha, and Jerome were victims. Now the singer Umaria is being targeted by a media outlet for pronouncing the ” namo namo maatha” in the national anthem as “namo namo mahatha “. Considering that the singer is a Malay, not a Sinhalese, why is Dilith Jayaweera trying to get her arrested? Perhaps he needs rehabilitation in Angoda.

      • 8

        Dilith Jayaweera needs to be stoned at galle face green for running Derana in a fox news like campaign in Sri Lanka for Mara and gang.
        He systematically brainwashed majority of the sinhala buddhist population into being mindless bigots.
        He is responsible for much of the damage done to our society using advanced advertising techniques. Dilith Jayaweers is a traitor. He needs to be treated as such.

        • 3

          HT@ and OC

          I agree with your fully regarding punishing RAJAPAKSHES and DILITH JAYAWEERA OR the like media-prostitutes in public, in order to balance the hidden a frustrations of this nation as of today.

          If these hypocrites and high criminals of that nature were not existent in that country, no doubt, things would have turned out to be much much better for the benefit of masses.

          Btw, Rumors are spreading that Dilith Jayaweera will contest the next election. His Siamese twin brother, Nishshanka Senathipathi was the ” Pimpy leader” until Gota was driven out of the country. Known as the protagonist of the avant-garde movement; N.S. Now abroad, not a single journalist seems to have the balls to reveal anything about him today. It proves the low standards of srilanken journalism, be it in the main stream media or social media.
          I don’t believe the idiots dominated Sri Lanka will ever take it seriously. The kind of traitors should be hang in public, then only the angered people could see it beyond.

          The biggest but yet hidden issue is that Sinhala Buddhists have not been trained to open their mouths in that culture, even if the young monks working in the temple have raped and molested their loved ones.


          • 5

            They will never raise the question “why” . That is the mental level of our common people who are appointing criminals to parliament in recent times than in the past.
            And it should not be forgotten that even today there is a big difference between the vernacular and the Anglo society in Sri Lanka. This is becoming clear in social media than main stream media today. THat national anthem, Umara to have pronounced wrong has become a big issue because those youtubers have made it as such. However, whether she pronounce it ” mahatha” instead ” matha” is not clear at all. THat is called audio illusions that make every individual feel something unique to own hearing potential.

            It stands out in Sri Lankan society after the internet becomes their convenient tool.
            I personally wonder how a TV channel like this (DERANA TV) can continue to run without public protest in a country where school literacy is said to be 95% or more.
            Those Vanda Kottu (roti soaked in male and female sterilizing drugs) and any other fiction like “false relics are brought to a historically recognized temple (Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihara)”.
            A schozophant controlled by Kaliamma gave top priority to that COVID Paniya (syrup), not forgetting that all the profits from the COVID vaccine business were deliberately made at the expense of dead bodies during that epidemic period.

      • 2

        old codger

        ” …… why is Dilith Jayaweera trying to get her arrested? “

        He must have done some grave mistakes recently hence he has to be whiter than white patriotic nationalist.

        Please watch this clip, very interesting debate:
        J Sai Deepak Vs Shashi Tharoor, Decolonisation & Secular State.

        This debate is relevant to Sri Lanka too.

  • 11

    “Thus, there is a deliberately encouraged behaviour that is quite manifest in this and many other incidents in the country. If we contrast this behaviour of what occurred in relation to the incident to drunken driving by Minister of Justice in New Zealand”
    Yes, true. But the difference is in the culture of the people involved. New Zealand is mostly populated by people of European descent, whose ancestors might be guilty of exterminating the natives. But they do have a code of conduct among themselves (otherwise known as Western culture) which doesn’t tolerate public misconduct. We, on the other hand, have a 2500 year old civilization which, while claiming to be peaceful and compassionate, rarely practices such virtues. Western culture is considered as a foreign imposition.
    Tharindu the journalist is hardly an unbiased commentator. He does make a lot of sensational and provocative statements. But even he has a right to

    • 15

      But even he has a right to report without being manhandled. This sort of behaviour is quite normal for the Police. People don’t expect anything different from them. After all, we aren’t tie-coat wearing westerners. Our citizens have their own notions of what is right. For example, when a monk is caught with nude women, the women get beaten up. Nobody protested when dozens of alleged criminals were shot while “showing hidden weapons to the police”. Did anyone protest when our own citizens of a particular ethnicity were treated as enemy aliens ?
      In the final analysis, the Police are only a reflection of the people themselves.

      • 5

        Absolutely True and right on the Money!!!
        “Did anyone protest when our own citizens of a particular ethnicity were treated as enemy aliens?”
        They had visualised that as the greatest any human could achieve in his lifetime, Lit Fire-Crackers and partook in Kiribath Meals enjoying the moment to the FULL!!!
        They alienated in true style that, most of that ‘ethnicity’ alongwith other minorities migrated overseas/foreign climes, even disregarding even the HARSHER weather cycles for jobs or permanent domicile unable to bear the continued disgusting treatment!!
        It’s very true too that, “the Police are only a REFLECTION of the PEOPLE THEMSELVES.”
        What these “people of the country” didn’t ever envision, is that disgusting tyranny and brutal behaviour being turned on these ‘CHEER LEADERS & KIRIBATH EATING MONSTERS’!!!???
        Verily, the cycle has gone through 360 degrees, now the spotlight is focussed on them, which is sad!
        But evidently, the reality after almost 50+ years (1970 to 2023)!!!???
        Definitely not rejoicing at the despicable manner, it has turned around!! Never to anyone!! STOP!!!
        Unless CONTROLLED FORTHWITH, whole country would TURN to ANARCHY with disgusted victims, “Citizens taking the Law into their hands” which should BE AVOIDED – DESTRUCTION of Sri Lanka!?

      • 10

        OC ,finally you have arrived. May be we can be friends, but strictly long distance.

        The problem is not with one race or the other in South Asia, they are all obviously inferior. They can see the world only through their family , clan, race or religion, in all these things they take the side of their own, never objective.

        If we take the Tamils, supposing they were the vast majority in any country, how will the minorities, say Sinhalese or Muslims be treated ? I think worse than now.

        Also they tend to be dishonest and corrupt. Every system will be exploited, human rights, the dole, social welfare, public forums- all used in a dishonest way.

        Although in population there are many times all of Europe in South Asia, in solid intellectual and human advancement contribution their share of work is negligible. Per Capita their productivity is very low. Even to do that work they need trousers, English, , telephones, computers all of which came from the West. All their banks, businesses systems are Western in origin.

        They love to get into European countries. This perhaps is the beginning of a plague in those countries !

        • 12

          As long as you keep making statements like “All South Asians are obviously inferior”, I am afraid we won’t have much in common.
          “If we take the Tamils, supposing they were the vast majority …………they tend to be dishonest and corrupt. Every system will be exploited, human rights, the dole, social welfare, public forums- all used in a dishonest way.”
          Why don’t you go check out Tamilnadu, where Tamil Hindus are in fact the vast majority. How do you explain the fact that they have more than 20 car factories apart from other industries, are not bankrupt, and though they don’t have a 2500 year old agricultural system, and less rain than here, their farmers export to the whole world including Sri Lanka?

          • 7

            OC I like to express my opinions in this provocative way just to hit these old cads who write to these forums.I know the truth is more complex.

            However, have you grasped the whole truth ? We must stop making self -serving statements and just observe the facts.

            Very few Sri Lankans want to live in this wonderful Tamil Nadu , almost all will give their arm and leg to creep into a Western country.

            Even the LTTE types found their basic rights and other things were violated in India in a gross way.

            The people are full of superstition and there is a underlying corruption in everything, including religion

            • 6

              Also OC remember my first premise, south Indians interpret every thing to suit themselves, presenting themselves as pure victims, rating themselves very high in brain power, high culture etc.

              However in the rest of the world they are unknown ( unlike Jews etc who have contributed so much intellectually) , another unremarkable black race of potential immigrants looking desperately for a better life in a foreign country, including even Sri Lanka .

              • 6

                South Indian movies are so hilarious, cannot imagine the actors, producers and even the audience are adults-shows a retarded mentality

                • 9

                  deepthi desperate silva

                  “South Indian movies are so hilarious, cannot imagine the actors, producers and even the audience are adults-shows a retarded mentality”

                  How do you know they are retarded if you don’t sit tight for more than 3 hours and enjoy the entire show? Aren’t you one of the retards (mentally arrested development), and deranged.

                  By the way could you name the latest film you most enjoyed?

              • 12

                “However in the rest of the world they ( S. Indians) are unknown” . Either you can’t read English, or you don’t know that the CEO’s of Google, Coca Cola, and Microsoft are all South Indians, just to name a few.
                “We must stop making self -serving statements and just observe the facts.” Yes.
                Why do you insist on painting yourself into corners? You are such a poor advertisement for Sinhala intellectual ability.

                • 3

                  Your arguments are all so clichéd. If these are taken as achievements how great must be the founders of these companies who made them billion dollar companies producing such fine and advanced things. These companies became global entities under their leadership.

                  It only tells me that USA is very fair and have given these new johnnies an opportunity to live a life which will be a fairy tale in India. They are like a mascot for equal opportunity platform. We cannot really say long term and historically how these Indian CEOs will perform.

                  Meanwhile India where millions of such potential CEOS presumably breed, remains a ethnically, religiously , caste wise and economically a massively conflicted society with an extremely low per capita income.

            • 13

              “Very few Sri Lankans want to live in this wonderful Tamil Nadu , almost all will give their arm and leg to creep into a Western country.”
              Perhaps you don’t know that 75,000 Sri Lankans prefer to live in camps there than return?
              “The people are full of superstition and there is a underlying corruption in everything, including religion”
              Are you telling me that Sri Lankans aren’t corrupt and superstitious? Are you saying Buddhist monks are less corrupt than Hindus in TN?
              Have you ever been to TN, to make these pontifications? Why don’t you listen to the TN Finance Minister :
              Is he better or worse than our Finance ministers? Does he talk about going begging for loans?
              “We must stop making self -serving statements and just observe the facts.”
              Yes, you would do well to follow that rule.

              • 4

                OC your comment about me being a bad advertiser for Sinhala intellectual power only high lights our main difference.

                You are in the job of advertising or in other words are a propagandist for Tamils, Ranil and whoever else you are bound emotionally or in blood.

                I am not bound in any way or try my best to say things as I see , as honestly as possible. I am not promoting a Sinhala cause or any other cause. Only thing is that when I see such devious side taking and one- sided criticism on this forum I want to throw mud at these people.

                The Sinhalese like most South Indians are mediocre and perhaps inclined to corruption but in this field they are less corrupt than the Tamils ,.that is my observation, especially in intellectual corruption like yours

                • 11

                  “I am not bound in any way or try my best to say things as I see , as honestly as possible.”
                  An honest comment is based on provable facts. If you sling around popular inanities like “Tamils are corrupt” or “TN is poor””, you are insulting the intelligence of others who know better. Grow up. This is not a kindergarten.
                  BTW, did you listen to what you might describe as “Thiagarajan’s pompous English”?

          • 11

            old codger

            ” ….. their farmers export to the whole world including Sri Lanka?”

            Not only do they export food, but sometimes free of charges as well.
            South Indians are supposed to be generous.
            Hence they maybe willing to accommodate at least 20 millions of Tamil/Sinhala speaking Kallathonie converts from this island, if and when we deport them back to their ancestral homeland.

            deepthi silva types:
            “May be we can be friends, but strictly long distance.”

            I am sorry whats going on?
            nimal fernando is going to be very upset.

        • 15

          I have the feeling all what you said above are the atributes of your own nature. You have been living in QUEEN s country for such a long time, but you act as if you are living next to medamulana culprits.

          Your hatreds and sinhala-buddhism promotion is no second to that of our joker-woman Champa.

          Btw how come you get close to OC today , not long ago, you (botox baby) called him man with oiled hair etc, as if you belong to the english aristrocracy. The kind of word abuses make you even more interesting, funnier, to us the CT readers, because EAGLE EYE is no longer in live.

          One thing is clear and agree with you with the primitive mentality of south asians, there you sound to be somewhat right.

          • 11

            old codger

            deepthi desperate silva desperately needs you.

            Please help her, educating her in many things including origin of banking system, Early Chinese banking system including issuance of first paper currency, Indian trade guilds, Tamil/South Indian Trading Guild, Five Hundred Lords of Ayyavolu:, Ainnurruvar, Vira Balanju, vira banajigaru, vira balanjya, vira Valanjiyar, vira balija, Nanadesi guild, .Nagarattar, Chettiars role in Ceylon and Singapore, …. .. … Tamil Merchants and trading agreement found in Quseir-al-Qadim Egypt “1st or 2nd century CE”, ………………

            • 10

              I don’t think that Deepthi knows who loaned money to Sinhalese merchants when European banks refused.

        • 11

          deepthi desperate silva

          “Also they tend to be dishonest and corrupt.”

          Could you provide us with evidence of any comparative studies that supports your accusation.

          Isn’t it bit rich for you to make such unsubstantiated claim, where as the evidence show that those who ruled, robed, ruined and bankrupted this island for more than 75 years are from the majority community.

          “Every system will be exploited, human rights, the dole, social welfare, public forums- all used in a dishonest way.”

          I am not surprised by your ignorance. Does this island have, systems such as human rights, the dole, social welfare, public forums, …… ?
          By the way do you live in planet Seth?

          “All their banks, businesses systems are Western in origin.”

          Well “Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt” – Mark Twain.

      • 8

        You are correct on your analysis for the most part, the peoples mindset has a lot to do with the way our governments have been able to have their way.
        Yes, as you are saying, we have misplaced priorities, the fabric of society is in shreds.
        That is why we are unable to come together and fight the corrupt system.
        The way the police behave has other reasons as I have tried to explain above.
        You and I both know that Sri Lanka police force was set up by our white colonial masters, its primary purpose was to act in their interest. It was not setup to protect the interest of the citizens.
        When the whites left we should have retrained the police and other forces to be focused on the protection and wellbeing of the citizens, as it is in other countries.
        That was never done, instead our leaders continue to milk a system that was set up for the wrong reasons.
        What do you think?

        • 4

          Dear Rational Thinkers,
          The same people who misused their votes without thinking twice come to criticize the candidates who were elected by their votes.

          They seem to be not taking anything serious.

          Like for exmaple, self-proclaimedCT- pundit Panini dares to provide us with AKD s speechs via links, however, he has paid his blind eye to the crucial questions we raised on JVP’s specialities. SM or the like stupid men would be happier to stay exchanging about ” GOSSIPs about his family” and ” Hero-worshiping of his relatives and aquaintance”:

          • 4

            Otherwise, many of those stupid voters make every effort to show that they did not elect parliamentarians.

            The truth that cannot be ignored is that the mirror image of society is the parliamentary composition. People are even worst and stupidier than parliamentarians.

            Even today some say Rajapaksa – boasters: If I were there, I would turn out to be sick forever not being able to bear my fury. They dont want to stand against Rajapakshes even today ???????
            . However, the sad reality is that is the culture of the majority of our people in hell. Whole lot of Temples waste electricity without thinking twice, but knowing that Vavurukannala or other grand temples will go dark. Caste and creed and other segregations are promoted by sinhala buddhist monks on broad day light. Those were the days that exemplary buddhist monks were existent in that hell.
            Even though Buddhism taught the exact opposite, the so-called present-day monks behave as if their brains are completely frozen to support their devotees only for the advanced material values of their temples (total selfishness).

    • 3

      “We, on the other hand, have a 2500 year old civilization which, while claiming to be peaceful and compassionate, RARELY PRACTICES SUCH VIRTUES. Western culture is considered as a foreign imposition.”
      Perhaps you would remember, NMP presenting, believe 1963 or 1964 budget of UF government, new Tax Proposition, ‘TODDY be TAXED at SOURCE!!!???
      In his speech, alluding as example to ‘PALMYRAH VARIETY’, (‘Thal Ra’) claiming that North doesn’t have many well patronised PUBLIC TAVERNS & BARS, which made TAX collection near impossible!!! According to NMP, the ‘JAFFNA MAN’s attempt, at avoiding ‘public GAZE of alcohol CONSUMPTION’ is the CAUSE, being Hindus and “Saivite”, as consumption of Alcohol is abhorred and SINFUL!!??
      Nothing but natural, to safeguard 2600+ civilisation, avoid Public Gaze and/or admonition, ‘Bedroom Privacy is being resorted!!??
      “NORTHERNERS & SOUTHERNERS” with their divisions, are atleast ‘well SYNCHRONISED ON FAITH’!
      BTW, our present State Finance Minister, amiable as he is, seems going after the same policy!!??

  • 20

    Basil Fernando

    1) The primary cause for the breakdown of the ‘rule of law’ in Sri Lanka is the APATHY of our people. The case of Tharindu Uduwaragedara will soon be BURIED like the Panama/Pandora Papers and other issues.

    2) This is exacerbated by corruption within sections of the professional community particularly lawyers and chartered accountants/auditors. This in turn encourages corruption within sections of the private sector and political establishment.

    3) Into this mix must be added the MISCHIEF of the businessmen controlled mainstream media. A glaring example is how the dominant newspaper company (WNL) owned by the uncle of Ranil Wickremesinghe (mother’s brother) is promoting not only Ranil’s political future but also that of the owner’s laid-back son Ruwan Wijewardene.

    (continued below)

    • 17

      Basil Fernando (continued from above)

      4) ) For example, while it is common knowledge that some deeds are being forged/manipulated by some unscrupulous lawyers to UNLAWFULLY transfer valuable property, no action is taken by the BASL regulating the legal profession.

      5) Where on earth other than in Sri Lanka would a Managing Partner of an Audit firm be the Chairman of a Business Chamber? No one questions how an auditor could be INDEPENDENT when COALESCING with businessmen. Duminda Hulangamuwa – Managing Partner of Ernst & Young is the Chairman of Sri Lanka’s leading business chamber – Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.

      6) We have to bear in mind that chartered accountants/auditors are the first and last line of defense against any form of EGREGIOUS CORRUPTION involving finance which for the most part requires a deed/attestation of a lawyer.

      Amrit Muttukumaru

      • 6

        Dear Mr muttucumara,
        “For example, while it is common knowledge that some deeds are being forged/manipulated by some unscrupulous lawyers to UNLAWFULLY transfer valuable property, no action is taken by the BASL regulating the legal profession.”
        really, you must be honest and reveal that you are talking about a family matter in which you are a relative of the pages. Correct me if I am wrog?

        • 10

          The point made is of a general nature, and one may agree or disagree.
          But what is the need for bringing in personal issues?

  • 5

    “State Terrorism” is thriving in Sri Lanka. If this continues, soon there is going to be a situation when police officers are going to be attacked by civilians either in their homes or outside when they are not in large numbers. There is a way how the police should behave, they are today behaving worst than the gangsters. People will only tolerate this nonsense to an extent as those officers who violate the rules and laws are not punished either by the senior police officers or by the courts. This issue is fast becoming a major issue. There have been police killings when suspects are in their custody, police attacking women inside police stations, police assaulting suspects inside police stations and there have been numerous deaths inside the police station of those in custody. Citizens will only tolerate it to an extent. It’s time senior police officers take this to notice and take appropriate action. Unfortunately, courts are listening to the politicians and not acting according to the laws of the land to punish these police officers. Classic example – Deshabandu facilitating and not protecting the participants of the aragalaya from Rajapaksa thugs.

    It is also important for civil rights activists to document the names and details of these events and when a new government is formed they can take action against these police officers who are violating the civil rights of the citizens and also violating the rights afforded to the citizens by the constitution.

  • 2

    Dear Basil,
    You have said: “this episode will provide lot of reasons for shock and worry about the nature of the country that Sri Lanka has become”.
    I was shocked when I first saw this, and said so:
    How was my publicising it greeted? Ad hominems get directed at those who even talk about it.
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

  • 1

    If one is insincere to one’s talks and deeds and lives a life to save the Sinhala Buddhist Royals,
    but provide only lib service to laymen, is there anything wrong to say that fact? This Viyathmaga is one of those who insisted on installing the Evil Empire’s administration to suppress the Protest. He advocated that Anarchy was going to spread if Evil was not elevated to Emperor position. Only reason why he does this is he is one who is dedicated to saving the Old Rowdy King and thus the Sinhala Buddhism. We wrote here many times “You cannot have the cake and eat it too”. It must be a man or a woman with stature to understand that a democratic ruler must have ears to heed people. Of course, Evil is not going to drive the country to 2014, when it was 175 out of 179 countries in media personal safety. There were 45 Tamil media men murdered on the roads, in their houses, in their offices……by Sinhalese Rapist Army & its Paramilitary counterparts. The Yahapalanaya never wanted to take any actions on that because suing the Royal for having injustice done to Tamils is absolute blasphemy of Sinhala Buddhism and complete disrespect to the Sinhala Radala caste. So, Basil lives as an Radala Sinhala Buddhism activist and insincere for his talks and deeds for the country.

  • 2

    Some got impatient and quick to direct an “Assault” on the Police Force. I see differently.

    This ASSAULT on the journalist Tharindu is a well SCRIPTED and very well EXECUTED plan of the EXECUTIVE (President, Minister, and Police Hierarchy). The Executive is well aware and conscious of the “Changes” that are taking place among the “New Generation” that poses the biggest THREAT to the survival of the “OLD GUARDS”. If you have observed the recent events of such AWAKENINGS spreading across the country starting from the Farming Community to the Urban Population leading to the ARAGALAYA of that “New Generation”, the “Old Guards” have realized that the TIDINGS are all too bad for all of them. The “Assault” was started by “Rajapakses” on July 9th last year. That “Regime” has entrusted that task to their next BEST CHOICE – Ranil W who is not “NEW” to this “Game” but even better Equipped with “Batalanda” know-how and expertise. He also has received a “Blank Cheque” (in terms of the Constitution) signed by “134” elected MPs to do as HE PLEASES. He also receives an “OK” from the Judiciary in prohibiting “Prosts”.

    So in brief what we witness is an “ELECTED (Parliament Majority) ARISTOCRACY” in the guise of “DEMOCRACY”.

  • 2

    The arrest seems to be a targeted revenge by the WP Deshabandu Dig as carried out by the Borella OIC. The pleas by the IGP Wickremaratne were unheeded by the OIC who did not allow the arrested journalist to be medically treated for the injuries sustained by the brutalizing of this unarmed journalist who was merely covering the event, and not even being involved. The charges against him include attending an unlawful assembly! All those others who were assembled were not arrested, the organizers of the meeting were not arrested, and the man was denied basic entitlements enshrined in the law of the land. If the people just tolerate rank autocracy, oppression of dissent, and targeting people who speak the truth against criminal policemen in high places, what use are the courts, the lawyers and the legal system? Why was he only released on bail of half a million rupees? The policemen had claimed he was being paid dollars for his Youtube work. These rabidly jealous morons don’t seem to know what is legal and what isn’t.

  • 0

    Conduct of Sri Lankan police has been barbaric for long period. even amongst them superior officers address junior policemen in condescending manner. even the older junior is at best call son or otherwise call in filth.
    The was senior officer manhandled Tharidu Udawaragedara (Journalist) shows that he has power of hangman.

  • 1

    This police has the backing of highest executive of the country and his name is Ranil Wickramasinghe.

    • 2

      Dear Readers,
      The Jack’s kind of thinking is just common in srilanken culture today. Even a policeman would do any wrong doing that goes direct to the account of President, no matter everyone knows that police is highly abusive on overall. Truth be heard, president himself is in his own custody surrouned by POHOTTUWA criminals that were elected by 6.9 millions of the hell.

      If a young girl found dead by ” allergies”; it is immediately labelled as a premedidated murder. Sometimes, the kind of allergy related deaths are written in respective medical journals for some medicine. Like for example, COVID 19 vaccinations could make 1/100 000 muscularly sick for the rest of life. In such cases, we should not put the entire blame on the pharma industry. .. or what do you think ?

      If a tourist is physically attacked, immediately attacks go to tourism minister and his mother.
      That is the nature of culture in the country which is now in turning to a TAHITI or SOMALIA….. who to be blamed if not the very same people ????????

      . If a child would takes drugs, mother is attacked directly… according to them , mother should be a prostitute. Almost any smart phone owner is an expert about many things in our hell designed by Rajapakshe-kalliya.

      • 3

        Ranil did not became a president by chance , luck or passively. It was given to him by thieves of pohottuwa and Rajapakse family in order to safeguard themselves from going to jail and also keep the old system going. Ranil annihilated people’s struggle (Aragalaya)
        In Sri Lanka Police does not go and brutally attack people with impunity if they don’t have political backing.
        One advantage that Ranil has is he has no mandate from the people at least Gotabaya did not unleash state sponsored violence like Ranil as he has some responsibility for people who vote for him.
        Under the Ranil’s influence all the dissenting journalists were either questioned by CID or arrested on false charges and released after a threat.
        It is hilarious to think that Ranil is trying his best and Police is deliberately trying tarnish the good done by this poor guy.
        Cripple minds can only think within a certain frame and unable think laterally.
        Tortoise told fish that it went for a walk in the ground and fish replied that you mean swimming.

        • 2


          “It is hilarious to think that Ranil is trying his best and Police is deliberately trying tarnish the good done by this poor guy.”

          Whose police is anyway?
          Those goons act as they want, other times they also act under specific instruction by politicians, …. A public institution has the responsibility to act in the interest of people, protect them, serve them, … without any fear or favour. Those Mahinda’s goons were protected by police at Galle face green, assisted the arsonists when Jaffna Library was set on fire, when Muslims and their business premises were attacked and set fire policemen were seen rejoicing, laughing and giggling while idly standing by.

          The police has the responsibility of safe guarding public asset. So far no politician has been charged nor sent to prison for large scale theft of public assets. Why??
          While Ranil is needing b***s the top Police officers are in need of backbone. They are keen on protecting the robber barons than doing what they are supposed to do. The top cops are too busy making the entire police force look like Robocops, (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1234721/mediaviewer/rm3853767168/?ref_=tt_ov_i).

          Ultimately public is responsible for the behaviour of politicians, policemen/women, ….. because we elect the politicians, and police candidates are selected from public, not recruited from planet Seth.

    • 0

      Did the police not have such backing in earlier years?

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