By Dayan Jayatilleka –
Mr Akashi was absolutely right when he urged flexibility and reform on the Sri Lankan government and sounded the alarm of serious consequences in Geneva March 2014 (that’s 75 days away, folks) if it failed to shift in the right direction. He did get one thing wrong though. There is neither a “Central government” nor a “Northern provincial government” in Sri Lanka. Those categories and that terminology pertain to a federal system such as that of India. Constitutionally what we have is a unitary state form in which there is one government and power has been shifted outwards and downward, in specific respects, to provincial councils or administrations. That is the crucial distinction between federalism and devolution. Of course Mr Akashi’s political Freudian slip indicates the view of Sri Lanka and attitude towards it in a large segment of the international community. The treatment of Sri Lanka as already containing two power centres, two capitals, does not help the battle for devolution and only reinforces the propaganda of the Sinhala hawks within and outside the State.
What looks like a sideshow, namely the growing confrontation between Chief Minister Wigneswaran and Governor Chandrasiri, is much more than that. It is the thin end of the wedge of a clash of two projects: that of the strategy of escalating globalisation by Tamil nationalism and narrowing of space by the defence establishment which seems to drive much of state policy at a subterranean level.
With the recent election and the end of the stage of war as well as a post war political vacuum, Governor Chandrasiri should logically have been eased out as the gesture would have marked a new beginning. However, the security establishment seems to wish to emphasise continuity rather than signal discontinuity, perhaps to assuage the apprehensions of the soldiery. This is quite understandable given the invocation of Prabhakaran and the LTTE by ‘moderate’ TNA members during the election campaign and after.
The answer would have been to appoint a Sinhalese able to balance between the armed forces and the Provincial council, as well as between the state and the diplomatic/donor community. The former head of the government’s Peace Secretariat, Prof Rajiva Wijesinha comes readily to mind. If the requirement were for someone with a military background, there are at least two former army commanders with liberal credentials and ambassadorial experience, Generals Gerry de Silva and Srilal Weerasooriya. So far the government has chosen not to exercise these options and may not even be aware they exist.
That said the Northern Provincial Council should not have passed resolutions calling for the removal of the governor and the retrenchment of the armed forces, so soon after taking office. These could demands have been urged at negotiations –perhaps backchannel ones—rather than publicly demanded. Furthermore the TNA leader should not have announced to Mr Akashi that the government has three months to act on Tamil grievances and should it fail to do so the TNA would initiate a non-violent campaign of agitation. Mr Akashi, who has very considerable international experience how these things go, rightly counselled patience.
It is against this backdrop that the inaugural Budget speech of Chief Minister Wigneswaran delivered on December 10th 2013 is especially worrying, but it would have given cause for serious concern in any context.
Justice Wigneswaran complains that the system of provincial councils applies to the entire island. That was not only a decision of President Jayewardene who did not wish to be seen to confer special status on the North and East which would then become the target of majoritarian resentment, and wanted instead to give devolution greater acceptability and strategic anchorage by creating a constituency for it among the Sinhalese, it is even more importantly, the consistent stand taken by progressive opinion in the south for decades, ranging from the Marxist Left in the 1940s to the populist social democratic Vijaya Kumaratunga in the mid 1980s. In the face of a savage JVP insurgency, the provincial council election was held in late 1988 only because the path had been prepared by the holding of such elections throughout that year in the midst of a bloody Southern civil war between pro-and anti-devolution political forces, in the island’s other provinces. Many more died in that Sinhala-on-Sinhala civil war than did in the famous final days of the war against the LTTE.
Justice Wigneswaran protests that “…But the then Government made the Provincial Council System applicable to the whole Island and thus stultified the whole concept of power sharing essential for the Tamil speaking Northern and Eastern Provinces. Thereby nothing was given specially for the Northern or Eastern Provinces when power sharing was urgently needed by them rather than the other Provinces. In fact the political need to devolve power for the North and East was effectively scuttled. The political needs, aspirations and the special interests of the people of the Northern and Eastern Provinces were thus overlooked.”
One fails to understand how the conferment of provincial councils on the other provinces “stultifies” the sharing of power with the Tamil people of the North and East. How can the “political needs, aspirations and special interests” of the people of the North and East have been “overlooked” by conferring a similar measure of autonomy on the other provinces? His logic seems to be that justice for the Tamils is possible only when it is exclusive and unique. In a democracy, the special interests of the people of a province, be it ethnic, religious, linguistic, cultural or economic, can and usually will find expression in the specific policy mix of that Council. It is not necessary that it should be the only such autonomous entity in the entire country!
The answer of Tamil nationalist ideologues may be that Kashmir has special status as does Quebec. However, had Quebec been separated from France a few miles and the danger of irredentism been real, the degree of autonomy may have been significantly different. That this is not mere counterfactual speculation is best evidenced by the sharp reaction of Canada to Gen Charles De Gaulle’s strident reference to Quebec. As for Kashmir, the history of the accession and the pledge of a referendum made in the UN by Shri Nehru give a unique dimension to the problem.
The complaint registered by Justice Wigneswaran is important for two reasons. Firstly it reveals that he is questioning and re-opening the fundamental coordinates of the Indo-Lanka accord of 1987 and the progressive Southern consensus, clearly indicating that the Tamil project goes well beyond that agreement and that consensus. Secondly it betrays the long standing Tamil sense of being unique and deserving of special privileges not enjoyed by the rest of the country’s citizenry or areas.
He says “The Provincial Council System, it must be noted has been identified by all as a means to devolve power to the periphery. But the Thirteenth Amendment in fact has strengthened the hands of the Executive President and widened his powers.”
This is significant in that the target of the criticism is not the Southern hardliners on the charge of seeking to sabotage or abolish the Thirteenth amendment. It is not the government of the day for the crimes of non-implementation, tardy implementation or partial implementation of the Thirteenth amendment. No! The target is precisely the Thirteenth amendment itself. This indicates that the Chief Minister seeks not the full implementation of the amendment but its supersession.
He goes on to criticise the office, role and function of the Governor, rather than the attitude and ideology of the present occupant of that post. He says “The Governor is the representative of the Executive President. No appointment is possible within the Province without the approval of the Governor. From the Secretary to the Minor Employees, it is the Governor who holds the whip hand.” It is only subsequent to this that he specifically criticizes the present governor.
Justice Wigneswaran then goes on to disclose the real reason behind contesting the Northern Provincial Council election. It was certainly not to make the 13th amendment work; still less to work constructively in the interstices of the present structure and situation so as to consolidate and proceed at a measured pace.
He poses and answers the question as to the TNA’s motivation.
“At this stage someone might pose the question as to why we decided to contest the Provincial Council Election if the Thirteenth Amendment lacked teeth and was insufficient. There were two important reasons. Only if we stood for election could we bring out to the notice of the world the feelings and aspirations of the people of the Northern Province and show that the Government was portraying a false picture. In fact at the last Election the people were able to loudly proclaim their disapproval to the Government in power and the presence of the military in the Northern Province. Secondly without power, without authority in our hands to proclaim insufficiencies in the Thirteenth Amendment at Colloquiums and Seminars made no impact on the Government nor the International Community. But we felt it was better to get ourselves established in authority, experience the short comings in reality and thereafter tell the world what was happening. That exactly is what we are doing now. Rather than to merely say that Thirteenth Amendment is insufficient we feel exposing its shortcomings while established in office would be beneficial for future changes.”
Thus the objective of the TNA has not been to secure the full implementation of the 13th amendment and to expose the government for non-implementation, but rather to expose the insufficiency of the 13th amendment as such!
Justice Wigneswaran then moves seamlessly from the problems of devolution to the UN Human Rights Council resolutions, referring to “the objective of the 2012 UN Resolution”, thus revealing the nexus between external pressure and their strategy.
The next point is about the military in the North. The grievance is not the overly large footprint of the military. No, it is the very presence of the military in this most strategically sensitive of border areas for the Sri Lankan state that is seen as incompatible with reconciliation. He says “You cannot continue to keep the Military in the North and expect reconciliation and regeneration. The Joint Declaration by the President and the UN Secretary General in May 2009 has not been honored to say the least.” Thus he does not want the military kept in the North, in any configuration. His reference to the joint declaration between UN Secretary-General and the Sri Lankan President is irrelevant and misleading because there is absolutely no commitment to the non-retention of the military in the North.
The Chief Minister’s speech then escalates to its maximalist political climax. He says “It should be understood by all clearly that the present Provincial Council cannot be a vehicle of change for the betterment of the Tamil speaking people of the North and East.” This must be understood clearly by the diplomatic community for what it is: a structural rejection of the system of Provincial Councils itself. This rejection goes far beyond a criticism of the present government for its immobility. It is a rejection of the Indo-Lanka accord and its product the 13th amendment.
He follows it up with a programmatic political proposal of dangerous dimensions saying “It could be converted into a transitional Administration.” What exactly such a transitional administration would be transitional to, the Chief Minister fails to indicate. Therefore the goal remains open-ended. It would seem that the Chief Minister is picking up the infamous ISGA model of the LTTE.
The Chief Minister alleges that “for 65 years since Independence the problem of the Tamil speaking people of this country have not been solved”, which ignores the role of the LTTE and ‘great hero’ Prabhakaran in wrecking such efforts. Mr Wigneswaran alleges in all seriousness that “consecutive Governments of whichever hue were only interested in foisting more and more hardships and calumny on our people.” He thus dismisses every single Sri Lankan administration—all democratically elected, one might add—including, obviously, that of President Kumaratunga who proposed three political packages which went well beyond the 13th amendment, all of which were rejected by the Tigers as well as the precursor of the TNA, the TULF and its leader Mr Sambandan, at the time. One cannot help but wonder what he was doing while these consecutive governments were intent on “foisting more and more calumny and hardship” on the Tamil people.
Most incredibly yet utterly significantly, Justice Wigneswaran, the newly elected Chief Minister actually uses the ‘G’ word: “…activities of successive Governments in this Country have bordered on genocide if not genocide…” All this in his first Budget speech!
He then unveils the strategic conclusion: “It is essential that an International strategy is innovated to quickly ascertain the views of the Tamil speaking people presently still occupying their traditional home lands.” Plainly the Chief Minister is calling for a plebiscite, a referendum of the Tamil people in the North and East, by means of “an international strategy”. This is an exit strategy; a roadmap for secession.
The game-plan designed by the Diaspora hawks is clear: (a) launch mass agitation either in the run up to or the immediate aftermath of Geneva March 2014 (b) goad the army into a crackdown and Colombo into dissolution of the Provincial council (c) use Jayalalitha and Tamil Nadu to leverage the incoming BJP, which unlike the Congress is not emotionally invested in the 13th amendment and deeply affected by the LTTE’s assassination of Rajiv, to push qualitatively beyond it. The model is the creation of Kosovo through an “international strategy”. The secessionist strategists in the Tamil Diaspora are going for the grand-slam. They seem to have politically and ideologically infiltrated or influenced the TNA/NPC. It is a pity that the Northern PC and the new Chief Minister is exhausting southern goodwill and laying the foundations for an anti-provincial autonomy multi-partisan Southern consensus, by playing according to the Diaspora/Tamil Nadu script.
JimSofty / December 15, 2013
Was akashi in the same camp as Dayan Jayathilake who said that LTTE cannot be defeated.
There is a point in what Akashi is saying to go with the west’s needs. West is just the fox looking after the Tamil chicken. What the west want is something different. What west want and what India wants and what Dayan Jayathilake want are all compatible. That is why Dayan jayathilake woke up from the slumber.
West can not take the side of GOSL because India wants Tamil vote. India is far more important to the west than Sri Lanka.
Ajith / December 16, 2013
you have not defeated LTTE. LTTE is still the key in Sri Lankan politics. President Rajapakse government cannot move a step further without refering to LTTE. Stii the subject of discussion in all media including this web is around LTTE. You cannot defeat LTTE until you recognise the rights of the Tamils.
John / December 16, 2013
Dayan finds 13A faulty now, after gone half way with LTTE reps…..Just abolish 13A altogether.No any damn devolution for LTTE proxies.
Sinhalaya M / December 16, 2013
Let us petition MR to appoint DJ as Governor of the Northern Province!
DJ would do and excellent job for reconciliation.. rather than that moron Chandrasisisi, who is Gota the White Van Goon’s man to further his DEEP STATE MILITARIZATION AND MILITARY BUSINESS COMPLEX for his de facto Military Dictatorship with a facade of MR’s Car racing CHOGM circus democracy – to entertain and distract the Sinhalaya Modayas, who are indeed Kevum Kanna Yodayas!
Native Vedda / December 16, 2013
Sinhalaya M
“DJ would do and excellent job for reconciliation.. rather than that moron Chandrasisisi,”
Of course Dayan would do a splendid job for reconciliation as he did when he was briefly a minister in the North East Provincial Council working closely with EPRLF red comrades, some of them are now in TNA.
Most people expect Dayan to have established good rapport with Suresh Premachandran both of them were opposed to LTTE and worked closely with IPKF in the late 1980s.
Vasu / December 16, 2013
Oh no Native Vedda,
For reconciliation we don´t need a Goebbels. We could stop this genocide of civilian casualities without his and his “sister`s”, the mourning Tamil Woman from Geneva, Tamara, lobbying during the final days, don´t know whether she is still alive
Is Hitler responsible for the genocide of 6 million Jews,Eastern Europeans, Sintis and Romas?
Definitely not, there was a Goering, Speer, Himmler etc.,
The most corrupted part was played by Goebbels, justifying all the Nazi actions, in local and international media, amoung the peasants and intellectuals
Be sure, SL is not a country full of idiots.
There is a interest of solving the conflict beyond LTTE´s, beyond all other perpetrator´s interest
Hundreds of reports, photos and films arrive what happens in Vanni everyday, even today
Dayan is a strong supporter of the sinhalese dominancy and supremacy, don´t know, why some of us have failed to identify him in those days and proposed him to the eastern council, SHAME
Ravi / December 17, 2013
These are the same people who took the country where it is, creamed the system while they could and now blame everyone else.
Dayan Jayathilake was a minister in the Indian installed EPRLF (Varatharaja Perumal) government in the conjoined NE province. He was vehemently opposed to the JVP.
Then he became a mercenary for MR doing his dirty work in Paris and Geneva. He has made some racist statements and is known for his hardline Sinhalese views. He has no credibility. Once someone loses their integrity I will not trust a single word they say.
Dayan is an intellectually dishonest spin doctor (a good opportunist and a manipulator) and very famous for blowing his own trumpet while taking refuge behind his academic credentials.
Katmai / December 16, 2013
Bell Pottinger (aka Squealer) led propaganda machine of Rajapaksa (Napoleon) puts out slogans that “The Sheep” like JimSoft have to repeat at every media outlet (Four legs good, two legs bad). How normal is it that in the eyes of JimSoft Tamils are a bunch of chicken; what a world we live in…
I bet most people, bar the dump sheep, realize that the predicament Rajapaksas are facing today is a direct results of him not keeping his word. Not being in the habit of keeping his word may have served him well in Hambantota but international arena is no the place for a common criminal from the rural south. And that is where Sri Lankans are paying the price for sending a conman to do a gentleman’s job.
When GOSL accepted assistance from India and The West to defeat LTTE the explicit agreement was that the Tamils would be granted the rights they were denied; which caused the rise of the LTTE in the first place. But after the victory, Rajapaksas forgot about their responsibility amid the celebrations and kiri-bath. Magnanimity comes with ones upbringing which clearly the Rajapaksas lack.
Now the IC is holding MR’s feet to the fire (in the form of War Crimes investigations), and his strategy is to get out of the fix by buying UNHCR votes from the likes of Kenya. Look at the countries he has been visiting lately and UNHCR membership. The “agreements” he signs are just buying of votes at the next session; but with whose money? Do people even remember the roads in Maldives, “gifts” to Swaziland king and power-stations to Uganda anymore?
At the end Sri Lankans will have paid for the propaganda agents, UNHCR votes and after the defeat, probably imposed sanctions too. And some still think the CHOGM expenses were excessive. The end result would be granting of the rights for the Tamils which they should have been given in the first place; if not for Rajapaksas being blinded by the popularity they suddenly received because of an unimaginable victory that fell on their lap. And Tamils will not feel an iota of gratefulness towards the Sinhalese. FOOLS!!!
sach / December 16, 2013
Of course you cannot talk about terrorism without talking about LTTE. there is nothing to get surprised here
Prasad / December 17, 2013
LTTE and terrorism is a thing of the past in Sri Lanka, it died 4 years ago but the SL regime is still keeping it alive to fool the SL masses because most of the SL masses are stupid asses.
sach / December 17, 2013
LTTE and terrorism is a thing of past but our future is over shadowed by that history. And between who made LTTE and terrorism a thing of past? Any one here did contribute to that? wasn’t it the gover itself?
SL gov cant keep it alive without help from seperatist forces. Even by reading comments here itself shows how relevant it is to today!
sach / December 17, 2013
Also many here talk about 1983 nd even 58,65 arent these things of past too? So are the tamil politicians keeping tamil nationalism alive by pointing at 83 or 56 language laws to stupid tamil masses
Prasad / December 19, 2013
When there are absolute morons of your ilk who cannot see beyond their nose (believe me there are many), Sri Lanka will continue to be a pariah state where the foreign powers can have a field day for ever. The regime can fool the masses (stupid asses) but they cannot fool the foreign powers. Wait till March 2014 and see how you fools get kicked left, right, and center.
sach / December 20, 2013
Just because you cant reply to what i said it doesnt make me a moron but if you have to depend on insults it actually shows who the real moron is.
SL is not a pariah state though many of you want to make it look like that. And yes foreign powers influence SL, that is a drawback of being a small country with internal problems.
It is a shame you people need foreign powersto anatogonize SL to feel satisfied and that too against ones’ own country! what a pathetic life!
And in March 2014, we are ready for any eventuality
Anpu / December 21, 2013
“It is a shame you people need foreign powersto anatogonize SL to feel satisfied and that too against ones’ “
It is a shame for Rajapakse and his friends to say one thing to get the support from foreign powers to win the war and murder thousands of civilians and to do something else after winning the war.
sach / December 21, 2013
why did MR promise the rest of the world that he would NOT have 13 A and elections in north? did he tell the rest of the world that he will never rehabilitate and released LTTE cadres? Did MR promised to the rest of the world he will NEVER improve and develop north?
M.Sivananthan / December 17, 2013
What are the rights of the Tamils you talk about? Tell us some of them!
Burning_Issue / December 17, 2013
If you are a Tamil you would know what rights they want! Since you are not one you do not know!
M.Sivananthan / December 18, 2013
So, you dont know exactly because you are a Tamil. hahaha
Upasiri de Silva / December 19, 2013
You are absolutely correct.They use LTTE as a cover for all ills.
SIRIMAL / December 16, 2013
Jim stupidity,
Your stupid, irresponsible behaviours could become the fatality of the nation.
Be careful when addressing these issues. As DJ has made it clear… we are not even 75 days away from the Execution sessions. SLGO^s credibility is diminishing rapidly. Vignaswaran^s and all lanken folks will rally round to them will have more than adequate evidence to prove them in UNHRC, that the SLGO run by MR is moving to totally different direction, neglecting all resolutions made to them.
Max Silva / December 16, 2013
A bloody long dreary article by Dayan.I just don’t have the time to go through the whole saga.[Edited out]
Burt / December 16, 2013
Same here and seeing who the author is I was not sure whether the time was worth it.
shankar / December 16, 2013
max,you are a fool.This is one of the best articles i have read.Dayan seems to be a skill full debater who is tearing apart vigneswaran inch by inch and analysing him perfectly and exposing him.The fact that you can’t see that shows the wide gulf between the two of and why he is Dr.Dayan jayatilleka and why you are max silva.I have read the article once but i need time when i’am free to read it again leisurely because it is a important one and will comment on it.I urge you to also do that without throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
mechanic / December 16, 2013
This man DJ writes as if BJP has forgotten long running separatits demands by Tamil Nadu political parties and Modi is blind to Jaya’s true intensions. I think Modi and all the hindians know Jaya is using Eelam Tamils to create a situation to push for her own separatist goal.
ruwan / December 16, 2013
OBVIUOSLY ! You, got anything in between your thick skull, buddy ?
Ravi / December 16, 2013
The occupied genocidal army should be removed from the North and the military governor should be removed from the NPC. This is the best opportunity for the TNA to act. If the occupied army and the military governor are not removed by the end of February 2014, TNA should get ready for a non-violent mass agitation in the North and it should be done just before the Geneva March 2014. All what Mr. Vigneswaran has to do is to invoke the ‘Land’ & ‘Police’ Powers as given in the 13th amendment of the constitution which is not yet repealed only to be ‘Confronted’ by the Military Governor, which will prepare the grounds of him of not honoring constitution which then will be the basis of the ‘Impeachment’ of him with support of more than 2/3rd of Majority in Northern province by a ‘Resolution’ which can be ‘Entertained’ by the Chairman of Northern province due to the ‘Signature’ support from more than one half of the total members. This in turn will make the President of Sri Lanka to declare the NPC as null and void paving the way for the Tamils of Northern province, Tamil Nadu and the Tamil Diaspora to agitate pressurizing India, UN and the International community to take action. The final outcome should be a Kosovo, South Sudan, East Timor and Montenegro type solution. The TNA should take advantage of every opportunity that comes in their favour.
TNA should get ready for a non-violent campaign involving large masses of Tamil people. It will also influence Tamil Nadu and the Tamil Diaspora to follow suit. It will enable the Tamils and the parties to appeal with confidence to the conscience of the international community. It will realistically facilitate an UN-sponsored armistice and UN-supervised referendum that will hand back the traditional Tamil lands to the Tamil people. It is for the Tamil people in the North and East to decide how they wish to settle the Tamil question, let the people have their say. It is time that Tamil people everywhere, whether in the Tamil speaking areas, or in the rest of the country, or abroad, demand their right to an open forum in which to have their say. Create the conditions for the Tamil people to exercise their right to enter the debate and negotiate the final answer to the Tamil question that concerns them most?
M.Sivananthan / December 17, 2013
Sri lankan army is in Sri lanka. Army is not occupying another country!
Now smuggling is a very hard subject. Your Tamil liberators AKA VVT smugglers are suffering.
Ravi / December 17, 2013
Madayan Sivananthan
The Biggest and one and only smuggler, drug trafficker/dealer, child abuser/trafficker, rouge/thief, thug and Tamil traitor in Jaffna is the one whom you worship day and night, the one whose feet you lick day and night, the one who throws bones at you for your living, the one who sent you to Canada as a refugee, the one and only Doglus Devananda the MP who won by stuffing ballots illegally and won the election. Very soon he will have no address in Sri Lanka, take him to Canada so that your whole family can lay on the floor and lick his feet day and night.
S. Niran / December 18, 2013
Ignore him he Pottus Ahampadiyan caste, pottu fucked up everything. His blood mokkan sivananthan going to ruin mahinda…
M.Sivananthan / December 18, 2013
Why are you angry? VVT smugglers are your liberators. DD is not a smuggler like Prabhakaran or his guru Kuttimani!
I know well you are angry because of your smuggling business is over.
Further I am not a refugee you fool!
JimSofty / December 15, 2013
Anyway, world is fat changing. GOSL is in the right path.
Now, Iran is pushing for Chinese style Capitalism and China also soft landed a robot – vehicle on the moon and Iran circled it’s own satellite around the earth. West is thinking about that – proliferation of long range missiles with non-nuclear heads.
jansee / December 16, 2013
Looks like your wisdom on Iran and China would save the SL regime from being slapped with another resolution. How do you think these acts are related to what is going on in China? You mean SL is also going to launch one and because of that would be spared of further trials??? A deep and insight analysis though.
Silva / December 16, 2013
[Edited out] , it seems your rod has stood on its two wheels seeing the Iranian monkey magic and Chinese moon frolics. A monkey like you and MARA hiding behind others’ nukes is the joke of the century. You all, the herd of monkeys will end up splintering this country very soon.
Vasu / December 16, 2013
This man, DJ, does not learn anything from history and he took an active role to isolate this country
We should ask him how Tamils can fight against repression, unjustice and for equal rights in Sri Lanka.
Is there any article in CT or in other channels in which he critised GoSL?
Andre / December 16, 2013
Why should he have learnt it from the history, he himself worked once as CM to Nothern and Eastern Province. There is no other candidates that could know it better, as Kiriyakka made it very clear in his comments below.
This writer has now fallen to the level of Malinda S in beating about the bush.
Dev / December 16, 2013
Still craving for that call to Geneva 2014 ! There is no level to which you will not stoop to I guess to land that job :)
Woes of Weliweriya water war have long been forgotten by the likes of you with the carrot Geneva dangling in front I guess !!!!
By the way, how is that NGO you were said to be working for by none other than MR????
Ampalam / December 16, 2013
From 1948 onwards you terrorized the Tamils and allowed the diaspora hawks to grow in strength. Even at this situation you micro-analyze the TNA leaders words and turn it as a conspiracy. Will the military and the rule of tyranny like in the days of the old Kingdoms create you a Sinhala Buddhist country in the North and East?. Are you serious? Stop playing games anymore and try and keep North and East by showing you care. At least build the war destroyed symbols of religion, education and health that concerns the Tamil people as a symbol of good relationship. Do good to them. Make room for their use of Tamil language just as you made room for Sinhalese language in Sri Lanka. Don’t split atoms to give excuses. they will in turn stay with you. Please don’t help a division.
sach / December 16, 2013
From 1948 there was no terrorization of tamils. In fequent riots are a common feature in any 3rd world multi cultural society.
Military would be there in North as long as gov thinks it should be there. Because it is the SLn territory.
GOv has already built symbols of religion, education and health in tamil areas. Not only that gov was the one that sponsored religion, education and health in North and East for 30 years while there was a war. That is the same even in LTTE held areas. People lived in LTTE areas would NOT have anything to eat, no healthcare and no education if not for SL gov. Learn to show some gratitude.
Native Vedda / December 16, 2013
Are you secretly working for LTTE rump?
Prolonged military presence through out the island would cost each person two arms and two legs. ……. Spending more on unnecessary, unproductive and unwise military occupation will bankrupt the country which would speed up instability and disintegration.
Is it LTTE’s cunning plan that you have bought?
sach / December 17, 2013
If it was all about cost, SL would not have defended its territory for 30 years fighting a war with terrorists. B’cos that too is costly. Just because you dont have an argument dont just type some words that doesnt have any meaning. And if you think once military presence is removed that every thing will fall in order, you are a fool.
Native Vedda / December 17, 2013
Hindians were subsidising the war, to the tune of $500 million per year at least over 5 years.
“Just because you dont have an argument dont just type some words that doesnt have any meaning.”
My arguments are for the intelligent wise people not for you hence it would take another 25 years to sink in.
“And if you think once military presence is removed that every thing will fall in order, you are a fool.”
Did I say everything is going to be hunky dory?
I may a fool, but I am my own fool not yours, does it bother you? Back off.
sach / December 17, 2013
what hindians were subsidizing a war idiot? you know nothing about SL history or its war, just picking up stuff here and there! I know you are making statements in your replies that are totally irrelevant to what others say or what is in articles. They are so irrelevant and too point less that you think normal people here would think they have a meaning others do not understand. but in reality it is totally pointless.
It doesnt bother me how much of an idiot you are, it is just that we have to skip whenever see a comment by you. And why should i back off, it was you who replied to my comment. idiot!
Palmsquirrell / December 17, 2013
Common feature or not does not change the fact that GOSL and Sinhalese instigated the conflict. –The race riots were conducted under the patronage of the GOSL . GOSL also instituted discrimination as official policy. –The last thing Tamils need to show GOSL is gratitude because GOSL only works to advance Sinhala supremacy.
truth / December 18, 2013
If a government wants to control an area and keep saying that Sri Lanka is a UNITARY STATE, (naming every street corner as Mahinda, this or Namal that) it has an obligation to look after its citizens!!! The Tamils did not want the sinhalese to rule them in the first place!!! If you guys are griping about sending food and medicine etc. you SHOULD have left the Tamils ALONE and they would have lived HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! Instead of being raped, robbed, abducted, tortured, killed by your Government!!! So many people need not have died. Tamils would have PROSPERED without the help of the MODAYAS!!
What about your government feeding, paying a salary, pension etc. and looking after the rapist, robbers, abductors, smugglers, murderers, who are in the parliament itself!! Ha Ha Ha!!!
A. Sellathurai / December 16, 2013
Dr. DJ,
You again prove you have all the credentials to represent Sri Lanka at Geneva in March 2014. Wish you good luck.
Kumar R / December 16, 2013
Would you at least now agree that had you not blocked impartial investigation in 2009 the country will not be in this current soup! If your action at Geneva was a genuine success as you unendingly chest-thumped, and not merely a temporary “hood winking,” how come the issue is so alive and kicking even after almost five years?
Can you explain why you blocked the initiatives for impartial investigation given that you claimed absolute confidence that no civilians were targeted? Have you not taken the regime and the country down the garden path, playing to their whims and fancies despite your better instincts, only so that you would get sent to Paris at tax payer’s expense (hood-winking MR!)?
When the civil society promoted seeking the truth, you shut them up with an all-knowing “we don’t care a damn” paraphrasing.
You proclaimed “we have demonstrably met just means” – so how come you can’t provide that evidence to answer the Internationals and the Diaspora now?
Didn’t you yourself open up the Pandora’s-box after the Weliveraya (only because it suited our immediate needs) condemning the President as emasculated and loudly wondering how this Regime (particularly Gotabaya) must have treated the Tamils at the end of the war?
MR was right in one assessment that he implied on global media – that you would readily prostitute your talents. More so than any other so called diplomat, intellect or academic.
JimSofty / December 16, 2013
first an impartial investigation is BS. It was not a war. It was eliminating the Terrorist. the terrorist was the most ruthless and used every dirty tactic in the book.
Dayan Jayathilake is coughing for [Edited out] Other wise, Sri Lanka needed to be appreciated what they did.
Dayan Jayathilake simply [Edited out]
Kumar R / December 16, 2013
Jim – go ahead,keep you “soft” head buried deep in the sand as Dayan wanted you to, believing the world will not be exposed to the travesty of the regime. Can you even not see what your kind of servile loyalty to the regime has done to the whole country in the last five years. Has any of the Law college fiasco, cricket comedy or the Mihin Lanka tragedy taught you anything?
PS: I gurantee Dayan will not have the guts to refute any of my claims above – he has to depend on guys/gals like you to cover his back – that alone tells a whole story, don’t you think?
jansee / December 16, 2013
The dispute is not on the elimination of the terrorists you dumbhead. The impartial independent investigation is sought on the bloody and brutal way the regime bombed hospitals and murdered thousands of civilians.
Palmsquirrell / December 17, 2013
GOSL engaged in state sancitoned terrorism long before LTTE.
Ponkoh Sivakumaran / December 16, 2013
As usual a simplistic and self centered analysis. Clearly, the Indo-Sri Lanka Pact on which devolution is based attempted to solve the Tamil problem, the devolution to other provinces hiding the fact and making the arrangement palatable to the Sinhalese. That devolution has failed as powers that were promised were not devolved to the NorthEast. The NorthEast was unscrambled by a pliant Chief Justice at the behest of the government. There is an obvious problem that arises. The presence of the military administration after the civil war has ended is also unpalatable. Vigneswaran is quite right in his demand that the military governor and his administration must be replaced. What is obvious is that the international community and India will accept his view rather than the view of the Rajapakse government which this writer mouths in the hope of worming his way back into favor. Why not the ISGA? It is an agreement that is less than what the LTTE asked for. It keeps the unitary state alive. It was never discussed. But, if not the ISGA, then other solutions have to be thought of to this problem which has brought benefits only to the Sinhala chauvinists who profit from keeping the problem alive. This simplistic ramble of the writer offers no solutions. Instead of writing in a sycophantic fashion, even suggesting his cronies as new governors, the writer should use his limited talents towards suggesting constructive solutions.
Nalin Godahewa / December 16, 2013
Dr. Dayan Jayathilleka’s articles have become ever increasingly sensationalists and far less academic, it is a real pity. It is sad to see someone of his age, educational and background to resort to having to type in bold, use an unnecessary amount of exclamation marks and quotes from other interviews and articles in true Daily Mail fashion. Perhaps DJ is under the impression that he needs to be ‘down with the kids’ now that his reader base are predominantly e-news & blog readers. Maybe it’s time DJ took a lesson or two in professional journalism from the very youth he tries to appease.
With regards to the actual substance in his article; both DJ’s thoughts and his language come off as being one-sided (nationalist), extremely paranoid of India and down-right insensitive of the crucial difference between the direct and indirect support of many Tamil bothers and sisters for what the LTTE was striving for, despite the very huge cost in human life and societal destruction to them more than anyone else.
The thirteenth amendment certainly is fundamentally flawed as it does indeed allow the the Executive to continue to hold on to the control of power in the provinces via their provincial Governors. This cannot be denied. Therefore it is Obvious that Minister Wigneswaran, who is an extremely capable and sensible man, require more decision making power be provided to the actual Chief ministry. It is precisely this foolishness of centralisation via Government Agents like Governors which has led to utter chaos and corruption in the provinces as the people who voted their ministers in are not even capable of holding them, or anyone, accountable for the wrong-doings done to them, whether that is in Weliweriya, Batticoloa, Matara or Jaffna.
The world is indeed becoming evermore interconnected and this interconnectedness will create an overall newer, stronger and better relations between the diaspora populations and their countries of origin. Besides this phenomenon, through this increasing globalisation has also risen an ever increasing demand for more and more autonomy and devolution for peoples ranging from Scotland to Libya, Switzerland, Latin America, India, with the Asian tigers and so on. Perhaps the old Dayan, once a left-leaning academic, cannot comprehend that this move towards increased autonomy and secessionim is what would actually created a far more peaceful, harmonious and prosperous world which would require far less border policing and racial suppression while holding no space for majoritarian sentiments of one race over another as each would have the legitimacy of being truly equal while having a sense of belonging within this situation. Indeed this would be the next chapter of the next Socialist International.
Ranjith Peiris / December 16, 2013
Nalin Godahewa previously defended Vasudeva Nanayakkara and now defends Wigneswaran. Is there a connection? I have no objection.
His last paragraph is theoretically questionable in terms of political realism. The world appeared moving in the direction of globalization that he describes, but no longer the case after the steady emergence of China and its influence as a force, right or wrong. The sleeping giant is still not really awake. But the future trends might be towards more (Asian) cohesion than disintegration, facing multitude of global challenges, and even the Western countries might ask the Diaspora’s to work within national frameworks. India also will go in that direction of more cohesion after the next election, whatever the grumbles it has with the Southern neighbour. Of course the trends will not be smooth. However, Sri Lanka will be a test case if any move towards secessionism (even non-violent) is again launched. Nalin may caution Wigneswaran.
Andre / December 16, 2013
As you are sane enough, u could feel it why nobody would agree with that Vasua today ? Once upon a time people respect VASU thinking he is a powerful voice, but today even if his partner has been beaten, he has not guts to open his filthy mouth. He has been manipulated by the bunch of ruling thugs, to the very same manner they have been doing it with majority village folks in the southern areas of the island. Who thought that Vasu could be this much of vulnerable ?
srilal / December 17, 2013
Dear Ranjith Peiris (??),
if you want to have some sort of respect ,pl make sure to change your IP address ASAP.
Dr Laksiri Fernando / December 19, 2013
Yes, it was me, I admit Srilal. But my substantive comment stands in the second para. I might elaborate on it in the future. I just wanted to use a ‘penname,’ quite naively in this case, because of my first comment about Nalin Godahewa because of his apparent connection to both Nanayakkara and Wigneswaran on which I might be wrong. By the way, Ranjith Peiris was my previous avathar, editing “Kamkaru Mawatha” newspaper which was banned in 1971, but with no connection to the JVP and in fact quite opposed to it.
Fathima Fukushima / December 19, 2013
Oh! Communists. That explains it.
SL has rejected communists.
srilal / December 20, 2013
Dear Dr Laksiri Fernando ,
I can assure you that i did not mean to expose/embarrass/Humiliate you in any way what so ever , since CT allows its commentators to use pseudonym, any one is free to use any name as one wishes and of course it applies to you as well, my concern was the Emblem which represents, respected Dr laksiri to be intact , that’s why i asked you to change your IP address .
PS : i didn’t expect you to come public on this minor matter.
Javi / December 19, 2013
Srilal, There is the artist in you watching the traffic lights (moo, Mooo) so the thumbs up from me before time- like the leela/patriot icon.
What do they teach? is it like dayan too down under??
srilal / December 20, 2013
Javi ,
there are other (famous hot shots )couple of guys using different pseudonym here , but they are shrewd enough to use a different IP Address to mislead the readers , go through the old comments section and some of the articles , then you ‘ll see what i’m talking about.
I am no muslim / December 16, 2013
OMG, this dude took all this time to realize; “the objective of the TNA has not been to secure the full implementation of the 13th amendment and to expose the government for non-implementation, but rather to expose the insufficiency of the 13th amendment as such!”
Banda / December 16, 2013
Its the Eelam that TNA wants stupid.
Burning_Issue / December 16, 2013
Can you show this forum as to where did exactly TNA say that want Eelam?
sach / December 17, 2013
Undermining territorian intergrity of SL and joining with enemies of the state shows their suport for seperatism
Burning_Issue / December 17, 2013
Come again Such…. “Undermining territorian intergrity” what is this? Where did the TNA undermine the sovereignty of Sri Lanka? Can you point me to any aspect of the NPC or TNA documentations that support you claim? “joining with enemies of the state shows their suport for seperatism” who are your enemies? Can you point me to any of these so called enemies that support separatism? You appear clueless and want to subjugate the Tamils. You involved the IC to defeat the LTTE and now you want them to turn a blind eye about the predicament of the minorities in Sri Lanka. You cannot have your cake and eat at the same time. The Sinhala have to face up to their democratic responsibilities and if you do not you will be taught as to how it should be done!
sach / December 17, 2013
Come again Such…. “Undermining territorian intergrity” what is this? Where did the TNA undermine the sovereignty of Sri Lanka?
Can you point me to any aspect of the NPC or TNA documentations that support you claim?
I don’t know whether you were born yesterday but everything TNA did undermine the territorial integrity of SL. It has been abundantly clear TNA is on a confrontational course with gov and that too against whose whims? This gove of MR how many here disliked is the official government of the Sri Lankan republic. TNA fellows do not treat this gove as the government of their country. Every attempt to pick a fight with this gove is clear for anyone who had been observing the Lankan affairs. The TNA acts according to the whims of the very set of terrorist funders that kept the flames of this country alive.
1. Doesn’t TNA policy making influenced by overseas LTTE operatives?
2. Didn’t Wigneswaran (even upto Sri Dharan) the so called intellectual praise Prabhakaran the murderer of thousands of countrymen and a founder of a separatist movement here? Isn’t that against the territorial integrity of Lankan nation?
Funny thing is when Sri Daran praised prabhakaran in SL parliament; Sumanthiran was very quick to dismiss him while Wigneswaran their CM made the same remarks like Sri Daran did. How does Sumanthiran disagree with Sri Daran while agreeing with Wigneshwaran?
3. Remnant LTTE and so called HR groups in west throw un imaginable insults and accusations against Sri Lanka. TNA knows very well these are false. But they keep mum on that why? Aren’t these accusations against the image of Sri Lanka? How can you expect us to devolve power to TNA when TNA is not ready to identify this very thing? Cooperating with anti state factors, praising and keeping alive a legacy of a separatist terrorist movement (celebrating prabhakaran), being ready to jump and join the bandwagon whenever anti state factors become active (channel 4 and other notorious media), helping foreign governments to undermine the sovereignty and integrity of SL (David Cameron) and its state leader are clear evidence.
4. And don’t think we do not know about the antics of Sri Dharan, Suresh P and Sasidaran and many others. We also know what they say at LTTE gatherings abroad.
5. Since the day TNA brought out an election manifesto TNA was trying to pick a fight with the government. And the very fact LTTEers in this comment become happy at TNA’s every little misadventure prove my point.
sach / December 17, 2013
“joining with enemies of the state shows their suport for seperatism” who are your enemies? Can you point me to any of these so called enemies that support separatism?
Don’t try to act like such a baby Issue!. Anyone that throws accusations like genocide and ethnic cleansing against this country (not MR or gov, country) is an enemy. First, because they are clearly false. And the very factions that throw these insults target one thing, that is separatism.
Those who once championed the cause of separatism, are the new HR champions and those who throw these charges. We may be idiots but not that stupid to believe TNA is not influenced by these anti SL separatist forces. We know LTTE remnants overseas whether it is GTF, WTF or BTF have infiltrated TNA think tank and is influencing TNA policies. That is exactly what we see by the acts of TNA.
sach / December 17, 2013
You appear clueless and want to subjugate the Tamils.
That is the easiest reply that is given by separatists.
Whenever SL state raises legitimate concerns the answer they get back is “Oh you racist, you want to subjugate tamils”.
That is exactly what HR and separatist forces said whenever GOSL tried to corner LTTE and finish it off for 30 years, thus prolonging the war and human suffering. There are things that are more important to SL than tamils like sovereignty and its integrity. The right to fight against its enemies is a right SL and its people are entitled to. Tamils can win their rights within this frame, if you do that I am with you, but if you undermine the state of SL I am against you.
sach / December 17, 2013
You involved the IC to defeat the LTTE and now you want them to turn a blind eye about the predicament of the minorities in Sri Lanka. You cannot have your cake and eat at the same time.
What involvement? If military intel help, access to weapons is what you call as involvement I don’t agree with you. Normally this is an absurd claim passed by LTTEers who can’t stomach LTTE’s defeat. Sri Lanka did get intel from other countries as any other sovereign nation does when faced with a terrorist war. At the same time we bought weapons using our hard earned money. Not only we bought our weapons we also fed and educated a whole population in LTTE area while many here were busy arming the LTTE.
And just because we collaborated with international community and get their support in some aspects it doesn’t mean we have to undermine our territorial integrity.
And what about many of the countries’ support to so called war like Norway? Didn’t Norway help LTTE even militarily? Didn’t Norway help LTTE to establish Eritrea connections and there by access to weapons? What about Israeli training of LTTE? What about the blind eye turned towards LTTE fund networks in Canada, UK, and rest of Europe? These are also a part of IC. And we very well know what they did to us.
Of course you can’t have your cake and eat it at the same time, that is why TNA cannot request power devolution of a great extent and undermine SL territorial integrity and sovereignty at the same time.
sach / December 17, 2013
The Sinhala have to face up to their democratic responsibilities and if you do not you will be taught as to how it should be done!
SL is already a democratic country whatever the limitations that are there. It is absurd to expect a functioning democracy in a country faced with a terrorist war. Why only Sinhala? What about Tamils? And who are going to teach us? Terrorist funding west? Terrorist funding LTTE remnants?
sach / December 17, 2013
Please read DBSJ’s piece on this governer vs CM issue. I think his story highlights what i said here and what is said in this article.
Vibhushana / December 16, 2013
I think even Prabarakn said Mahinda R. was a practical man. Its his feel for insticts that have made breakthrough when over 6 Presidents before him failed. Many liberal types opposed MR candidacy. They kept repeating the same old COIN mantra of singling out the terrorists wih policial and other solutions. Now again these liberal types come in with ideas of reconciallation that worked elsewhere.
Leaving aside political correctness there are certain laws that no one can ever hope to escape. Things like violence does not solve problems although kindergargen level lesson has held true. The Jaffanese on the other hand do not appear to be connected with these realities.
The 13th amendment is like the illegal contruction a council is forced to supply water and electricity. People who live there instead of complaing about the reliablity of water connections should consider getting the illegal construction legalised first. This is elementary isnt it really? Whehter it happens today or tommorow the illegal dwelling must fall inline with the neighbourhood some day. Its an exercise in futility to be living in denial this way. This is what perhaps Mahinda Rajapaske alludes to but others have not yet understood yet.
Kiri Yakka / December 16, 2013
Ah Dayan, it is you again – the former Minster of the North Eastern Provincial Council. The man who knows more than anyone else of the Impotency of the Provincial Council system – that did not even give the Councillors chairs to sit on. Varadaraja Perumal had nothing to loose – because he had nothing to gain in the first place. So he went for the Unilateral Declaration of Independence.
No one knows this better than you do. So this is very familiar ground for you and you clearly know what is going to happen next.
But the dumbos who rely on you do not know what is going to happen to them next. Both Pathmanaba and Premadasas were blown by LTTE – which you advised Permadasa to support – because in your little Sinahala Buddhist brain (sorry you are not Buddhist) you share the paranoia about India – and betrayal of people how trust you is of no concern to you.
Things are different now as you quite correctly sense. The world is watching with interest those with the worst records. All nations want to feel good and civilizing the Sinhalese Yakkos will help erase their own misdeeds and this time around they are all together. China too. In their last major historical record, when the great admiral Cheng Ho brought gifts to Adams peak. The local yakoo king though he should loot it. So they round it him up took him to China and he was exhibited in the local zoo. So that is what they think of Sinhalese Kings.
Sadly, in this context of global agreement on Sri Lanka, tempting indeed it is to Vignessewaran to make best use of it. He is duly elected and has the ears of all the global governments except Cuba and North Korea and tin pot African Dictatorships on whose support Sri Lanka lies on its rescue. As we progress steady into Parayadom – the government will more desperately need your support and of course advise. And you will help bury them as you did with your previous friends.
Fathima Fukushima / December 16, 2013
At last DJ agrees he has created another Frankenstein monster in Vigneswaran.
Anyway at the rate of genociding and raping Tamils by the army, there will not be an ethnic problem in 10 years’ time as there will not be any Tamil left.
Carry on!
Palmsquirrell / December 17, 2013
You must think you are smarter than Singapore Ex Premier Lee Kuan Yew, because Yew stated recently that GOSL is not going to be able to get rid of the 2 million + Tamils still in SL.
Fathima Fukushima / December 16, 2013
So now even TNA agrees 13 amendment is NOT the solution.
Kothapaya said it long time ago. Lalith Weeratunga said it too. MR also said it.
Now there is agreement among everyone that 13 amendment is not the solution.
Why not we SCRAP 13 amendment then?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / December 16, 2013
The 13th amendment is flawed. It is a mirage designed to deceive. The only way out is for the GOSL to make it work despite its serious limitations, constraints and built-in deceit. The APRC proposals of Prof. Tissa Vitharana should be revisited and implemented. I can understand the frustration of Justice Wigneswaran, as the CM of the north. He is expected to dance with both his hands and legs tied by the nature of the 13th amendment and the attitude of a shortsighted , paranoid and ‘ control freak’ government of Sri Lanka on the very concept of devolution. It was Tamils who have been demanding the right to manage their affairs to the greatest extent possible in the north and east, within a United Sri Lanka. This fact should not forgotten or undermined.
The easiest course in the short term would be to stretch the implementation of the 13th amendment in terms of real devolution to its very limits. This is possible within the ambit of the 13th amendment even as it is designed, if the government decides to do so. The concurrent list should be interpreted in favour of the Provincial Councils. The 13th amendment should not be used to emasculate the NPC and the other PCs. The Governor’s role should be to facilitate the functioning of the NPC and not obstruct it. How can the NPC carry out its functions, if it has limited access and no control over the provincial public service? The NPC should be given the longest possible rope to carrying out its functions within the ambit of a united Sri Lanka or hang itself in the event it fails both in terms of delivering solutions to the mundane problems of the people in the north and/or is a provable/believable threat to national security.
The GOSL should take the initiative to consummate the new marriage, gently and in a manner that is mutually pleasurable. It is the muscular partner and cannot make repeated rape the foundation of the marriage!
The government in power has to manifest the wisdom and magnanimity that we have not seen despite the tragedy that ended almost five years back.
It is distressing to see you nit picking CM Wigeswaran’s speech , without trying to understand the frustration and anger that has set in during what should have been a honeymoon. The new bride – especially one who could be called a ‘reluctant one’ should be Mollycoddled instead of being provoked into frustration and anger. I blame the GOSL squarely for this sad situation and the calamity it portends.
Dr. Dayan please use your skills to resolve a long festering problem, instead of stirring the pot further with inane and superficial political analysis.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Anpu / December 16, 2013
Well said DR RN.
Wickramasiri / December 16, 2013
Do agree with you Dr.R.N., but Vignesweran’s remarks cannot be dismissed as due to frustration. Cooperation from the government is obviously lacking, but the job calls for immense patience and back room negotiations. The Chief Minister has to be better than that.
I do not see an end to the ‘conflict’ between Sinhala and Tamil people, if this escalates to open confrontation. Even the prospect of breaking free from the existing tyranny in the South will disappear and this corrupt government will only use the situation to reinforce their hold on the electorate. I cannot see the lot of ordinary Tamil people being served by escalation of the conflict, nor do I see the much hoped for international intervention materializing or benefiting any one even if it did. Nor do I see a future in Eelam.
Dev / December 16, 2013
You have NOT understood the reason for this nit picking !!!!
Dayan was recalled to Colombo from his jaunt in Paris for supporting the 13th amendment.
Now he wants to head back to Geneva for 2014 (even though this president called him a NGO kakka on international television, but then some have no shame).
By criticizing the 13th amendment and the NPC he is simply trying to get back into the good books of MR–all for Geneva 2014.
Being in the wilderness does not suit Dayan, he needs the luxuries of Europe !!!!
sach / December 16, 2013
RN: The 13th amendment is flawed. It is a mirage designed to deceive. The only way out is for the GOSL to make it work despite its serious limitations, constraints and built-in deceit.
The point is not whether 13 A is flawed or not. What we see is even at the slight grasp of power TNA which was the proxy of the LTTE trying to undermine the gov and get what they want by hook or crook. Do you want the gove or the people in the south to trust such a party? And RN tell me as an honest person do you agree with the accusation of genocide of Tamils? Do you think we as Lankans have NO problem when the first tamil CM of north declare there was a genocide and when he try to undermine the gov at his first budgetary speech?
RN: The APRC proposals of Prof. Tissa Vitharana should be revisited and implemented. I can understand the frustration of Justice Wigneswaran, as the CM of the north. He is expected to dance with both his hands and legs tied by the nature of the 13th amendment and the attitude of a shortsighted , paranoid and ‘ control freak’ government of Sri Lanka on the very concept of devolution.
Gov of SL would stay paranoid and CM’s hands would be tied as long as they take a confrontational approach. This talk about military presence is a joke. In Kashmir alone, there was 600,000 indian troops for 10 years. Gov will take back military when it feels it is fit to do so. If TNA is going to get it done they will have to act in a manner it can achive it. But constant threatening and throwing false accusations will not help.
RN: It was Tamils who have been demanding the right to manage their affairs to the greatest extent possible in the north and east, within a United Sri Lanka. This fact should not forgotten or undermined.
Yes and who is trying to undermine it? We can’t take back the authority given to governer by the constitution. From the very first day it was abundantly clear TNA is taking a course to confront the government. If this is the way they act even with little power as they say, what would it be like if there were more power?
RN: The Governor’s role should be to facilitate the functioning of the NPC and not obstruct it. How can the NPC carry out its functions, if it has limited access and no control over the provincial public service?
Tell me a particular case where governer has obstructed the functioning of NPC. I used to think it was due to personality of the person acting as the governer. But now it seems it is more like an attempt to make 13 A non workable.
RN: I blame the GOSL squarely for this sad situation and the calamity it portends. Dr. Dayan please use your skills to resolve a long festering problem, instead of stirring the pot further with inane and superficial political analysis.
So you still don’t see how TNA has been acting wrongly? Answer my question. Do you agree with genocide accusation? Do you say gov has not done anything to make lives of people better in N&E?
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / December 17, 2013
The simplest definition of genocide is , “The act of killing of a whole group of people,especially a whole race”.
In my opinion what has unfolded in Sri Lanka is not a genocide in scale or intent, but incorporated aspects that are part of genocides. What took place in 1983 and before were attempts to teach the Tamils a lesson they will not forget and make them a cowed and marginalized minority. During the last war the Tamils were led by their so-called liberators into a certain death trap. It was a war fought with the intent to defeat the other side at whatever cost, by both sides. The Tamil civilians who died were victims and died not because they were Tamils, but because they were on the LTTE side of the fence in the war. Within this context, war crimes were definitely committed by both sides, much to the shame of the Sinhala and Tamil people, and the Sri Lanka as a civilized nation.
However, the Tamils have paid the supreme price for aspiring to be equal,respected, progressive and prosperous people as citizens and a distinct community within Sri Lanka. This cannot be denied nor ignored. They have been abused by the governments of Sri Lanka, the xenophobic Sinhalese, the thieves, ruffians mobilized by the state and elements that support it; and of course by the Tamil politicians and so-called liberators of various hues.
This has been my position throughout and remains so today.
The only act of reconciliation that would compensate the Tamils for the unimaginable price they have paid, in the long term, would be to grant the Northern and Eastern provinces considerable autonomy to manage their own affairs within a united Sri Lanka and also ensure that they are never abused ever again as citizens any where in Sri Lanka, as before.
Further, the time is opportune now to address real issues and not engage in debates on the basis of what politicians say. Even Justice Wigneswaran is now a politician of sorts and is regrettably responding to the demands of the shortsighted elements elected to the NPC and the small constituency they represent.
This should not be an excuse not to do what is right by the people who live in the north and east. What is right has been overdue for a long time.
I pray that Justice Wigneswaran will steer a steady course despite the chooppy seas and lead the Tamils into a better, less emotive and brighter future, and in the process also help Sri Lanka progress and prosper. The Tamils need quality, sober and wise leadership and Justice Wigneswaran is endowed with qualities to enable this. I hope this opportunity is not missed or scuttled for petty and meaningless reasons.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Anpu / December 17, 2013
“In my opinion what has unfolded in Sri Lanka is not a genocide in scale or intent, but incorporated aspects that are part of genocides.”
Sri Lanka guilty of genocide: PPT verdict – http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36878
“‘None can deny that there was genocide’ – Chidambaram ” – http://www.tamilguardian.com/article.asp?articleid=9384
“Sri Lanka’s history since its independence from 1948 clearly demonstrates that all Sri Lankan governments were driven by the intent to destroy the distinct identity of the Tamils as a nation[1]. As these actions were underpinned by intent, they clearly fall within the definition of genocide as stipulated by the 1948 UN Convention on Genocide.[2]”
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / December 18, 2013
Navi Pillai after her last visited Sri Lanka did not call what had taken place a genocide.
Anpu / December 18, 2013
Dr RN,
When she was asked – she said Genocide is a legal word. You would not expect her to say tamil genocide. Would you?
sach / December 18, 2013
RN: Sach, The simplest definition of genocide is , “The act of killing of a whole group of people,especially a whole race”.In my opinion what has unfolded in Sri Lanka is not a genocide in scale or intent, but incorporated aspects that are part of genocides.
Your definition is inadequate; it is the “deliberate” killing. Even war excesses don’t amount to that. And thank you for accepting the simple truth that there was no genocide in SL. In every race riot a particular group of a particular race is targeted. That is the same in every race riot throughout asia and the whole world. But that is not genocide.
RN: What took place in 1983 and before were attempts to teach the Tamils a lesson they will not forget and make them a cowed and marginalized minority.
There is no doubt that what happened in 1983 was bad and the culprits of it are beneath every other human being and they are a shameless bunch. But that doesn’t justify what LTTE did later and Tamils supporting such a terrorist org.
RN: During the last war the Tamils were led by their so-called liberators into a certain death trap. It was a war fought with the intent to defeat the other side at whatever cost, by both sides. The Tamil civilians who died were victims and died not because they were Tamils, but because they were on the LTTE side of the fence in the war.
How tamils suffered due to LTTE is clear and anyone would say the biggest loser in this war was the Tamils who lived in SL. At the end of the war there was a great sympathy for the tamils even from Sinhala people. But isn’t that sympathy eroding after what we see as an attack against SL state by separatist forces? And the very fact this TNA being a proxy of a greater plan undermine the sympathy and support that rest of SLns should have towards Tamils in SL? How can Sinhalese sympathies and support SL when tamil politicians act like this?
RN: Within this context, war crimes were definitely committed by both sides, much to the shame of the Sinhala and Tamil people, and the Sri Lanka as a civilized nation.
Crimes could have been committed, it is a war. But war crimes and crimes against humanity that are spread by separatist forces and bogus HR org are far from the truth. And I don’t think SL can be singularly highlighted for any crime. If you look at the world, many other countries had done far heinous crimes than SL has ever done. Ironically these very countries are the ones questioning SL.
RN: However, the Tamils have paid the supreme price for aspiring to be equal, respected, progressive and prosperous people as citizens and a distinct community within Sri Lanka.
I don’t think Tamils ever aspire to be equal and respected citizens, may be at the beginning like in 1960s and early 70s. After that being equals was not their objective, it was separate state. It was for a separate state Tamils were sacrificed. Now even after LTTE is gone it has been shown that tamil political parties can go astray even at the drop of a hat whether it is in TN or in Canada.
RN: This cannot be denied nor ignored. They have been abused by the governments of Sri Lanka, the xenophobic Sinhalese, the thieves, ruffians mobilized by the state and elements that support it; and of course by the Tamil politicians and so-called liberators of various hues. This has been my position throughout and remains so today.
The only act of reconciliation that would compensate the Tamils for the unimaginable price they have paid, in the long term, would be to grant the Northern and Eastern provinces considerable autonomy to manage their own affairs within a united Sri Lanka and also ensure that they are never abused ever again as citizens any where in Sri Lanka, as before.
The problems tamils faced were never questioned by many here including me. We want a proper power devolution and equality but with the current political circus TNA plays at the advices of LTTE remnants it is hard for us to join your cause.
RN: Further, the time is opportune now to address real issues and not engage in debates on the basis of what politicians say. Even Justice Wigneswaran is now a politician of sorts and is regrettably responding to the demands of the shortsighted elements elected to the NPC and the small constituency they represent.
This should not be an excuse not to do what is right by the people who live in the north and east.
What is right has been overdue for a long time.
Yes we should address political power devolution, but the practicality of it is changing. Just think for a minute and tell me can any sane government give more powers to a council that is hell bent on going against SL and its gover? That is hell bent on dancing to the tunes of separatist forces?
RN: I pray that Justice Wigneswaran will steer a steady course despite the chooppy seas and lead the Tamils into a better, less emotive and brighter future, and in the process also help Sri Lanka progress and prosper. The Tamils need quality, sober and wise leadership and Justice Wigneswaran is endowed with qualities to enable this. I hope this opportunity is not missed or scuttled for petty and meaningless reasons.
I also thought Wigneswaran would be the best option. But he is failing me. I am one of the Sinhalese who hoped for a TNA victory whatever the shortcoming it had partly because I wanted this gov to be defeated at least in one province.
Native Vedda / December 18, 2013
“I am one of the Sinhalese who hoped for a TNA victory”
And we believe you!!!
“whatever the shortcoming it had partly because I wanted this gov to be defeated at least in one province”
So you have an agenda.
You wanted to use Wiggy to defeat the government. This is all about you and not about ordinary people and their lives.
manisekaran / December 18, 2013
Dr. RN, long back when i used the word, genocide, I remeber you said that is an inappropriate word, now the PPT ruled that what is happening in srilanka is systematic genocide. Hope you come to light atleast after this verdict, and all these years what you have been observing a mirage called devolopment aimed at demographic change of North.
sach / December 18, 2013
Who are you a man living in a different country and who has never set foot here to tell a man who has been living here that there is a genocide? do u think you are more knowledgable than RN on what happens in SL. Even indian politicians except TN jokers dont use the word genocide.
And what PPT? what authority do they have. There have been only a few cases in the entire world understood as a genocide. Calling Tamils in SL victims of a genocide is an insult to real victims of genocide like peopel in Ruwanda and Germany.
manisekaran / December 18, 2013
Indian politicans are complicit in this genocide hence they dont speak as much as you, that does not mean what happened is not a genocide, moreover what is PPT, to your brain immersed in brackish water, enlighten yourself
It is a body comprise of former UN officials;
A 11-member high-profile judges, consisting of experts in genocide studies, former UN officials, experts in international law and renowned peace and human rights activists, gave this ruling after a two-day tribunal hearing between December 7 and10 in Bremen, Germany.
It is not a body comprise of Mohan peiris, dont call it fun crook.
sach / December 18, 2013
“Indian politicans are complicit in this genocide hence they dont speak as much as you,” :D what logic is that? when one is complicit in genocide they keep silence? In that logic SL according to you is NO doubt not complicit in a genocide.
Listen this, how can a two day trial decide a genocide? I can understand you may be ignorant on the world affairs in the world over, but no where in the world a genocide is proved within two days. If it was proven within two days that itself speak of the laughable nature of the verdict. Proving a genocide is a very big task. And there is nothing in SL that can even remotely suggests a genocide.
And you point an article by JDS lanka, a famous mouth piece of LTTE propaganda.
manisekaran / December 19, 2013
Do you think that they took only two days to decide? oops, information widely available in internet, i just picked it for reference.
If you want, read again
Dont say now lankanews is also LTTE mouthpiece,
between you know the meaning of complicit? what logic are you speaking??
sach / December 19, 2013
So are you saying they investigated it first came to a conclusion and court hearings were for just two days? what sort of a court is that?
And yes lankaenews is also an anti Lankan website
Senguttuvan / December 19, 2013
The term Genocide is fraught with legal and other complexities.
There is also the argument Genocide means the removal of a society by pre-designed means in their entirety. In the circumstances, I believe, the usage of the term Genocidal is a less controversial term.
sach / December 20, 2013
“There is also the argument Genocide means the removal of a society by pre-designed means in their entir”
Now are you saying LTTE is our design?
Anpu / December 21, 2013
“…The LTTE did not come into being or grow into a world-class terror outfit in a vacuum. Without the Sinhala Only, the Tiger may have remained unborn. Without the Black July, the Tiger may not have grown exponentially. If the B-C Pact and the D-C Pact did not miscarry (thanks to the midwifery of Sinhala extremism), the LTTE, even if it was born, would have remained a fringe group.”
sach / December 21, 2013
yeah but still it has to be removed by force for a better future of everyone
Jeyam / December 17, 2013
Dr. RN,
“I blame the GOSL squarely for this sad situation and the calamity it portends.” It took so long for you to realize this. If my memory serves right it was you who said that we Tamils should stand behind and support MR who is genuine and honest and is going to bring peace to North and East. What happened? You so eloquently blamed the Tamils for all the problem. I hope you haven’t forgotten, you were at one time a strong supporter of LTTE and you went to Vanni to meet VP and then suddenly you turned against LTTE and VP. Why? What happened? Then you were buddy- buddy with Minister Douglas Devananda and now you hate him. What happened? You, who blamed the Tamils, the Tamil politicians, LTTE and everyone else except MR regime are now backing CM Wigneswaran and NPC. Why? Is it because you are looking for personal gains or you don’t have the capacity to to analyze the political situation (which I doubt). Pretty soon I won’t be surprised to see you turn against CM Wigneswaran and the NPC.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / December 17, 2013
Please get your facts straight before making such remarks. Further, yes, I had hoped MR and his government will deliver on the basis of what he and his government promised . They shamelessly reneged . I am yet hoping a new page will be turned with the advent of Justice Wigneswaran as CM of the NP. I yet also hope that good sense will come to the fore for the sake of the Tamils and Sri Lanka.
Burning_Issue / December 17, 2013
Dr. RN,
I do understand your sincerity. Not only you but also many Tamils hoped that MR would live up to his words. Instead he has hit the Tamils with double whammy: no solution and adding to injury, the N&E is being systematically colonised! I am now confident that MR is a racist himself; he has placed him among a cocktail of chauvinists in government. They do not understand good governance and giving anything to the Tamils is a taboo to them. Only way is to push for war crimes and crimes against humanity. This will eventually tighten the screw on them.
sach / December 18, 2013
Before putting the whole blame on MR, lets check what happened.
1. Even before the end of war, war crime charges were brought.
2. War crimes by LTTE like human shield, shooting fleeing civilians were never given publicity but alleged crimes by gov were given wings with addition of other stories.
3. 2009 resolution against SL by UK. This is after UK’s David Miliband tried to stop the final offensive against LTTE and preventing SL getting IMF loan.(why? to make its voting blocks happy)
4. SL for obvious reasons had to heep refugee camps. (1. To feed and take care of people, 2. To screen our LTTE cadres)How much disatateful it is maintianing these camps were a must. but what did LTTE remanants and western media did? Brought a whole new thoery of concentration camps and some even claimed they may be gassed.Some said close 1500 die per day.
5. SL had to close these camps even prematurely due to this criticism. So tamils who came from the camps had nothing to eat even some went to Aus in boat. After gov closed camps media didnt even correct its wrong media reports. Instead they went to another round of accusations this time war crimes, genocides and whate ever word they got to know.
In other words SL gov didnt get a space or a freedom to act on its promises. It was always bound to answer whatever illogical made by these goons. thus time went by.
Native Vedda / December 18, 2013
“In other words SL gov didnt get a space or a freedom to act on its promises.”
How about another 65 years for the state to put everything right?
sach / December 18, 2013
For a beginning go and read what is written by Rajan Hoole in this site itself. It will help you to learn a little bit. Veddhaa fellow what is being discussed is a post war situation.
Javi / December 19, 2013
“|” is a post war situation.”|”
That is no cap but your tainted pedo sinhala buddhist bigoted condom.
4th February wasn’t that independence??? WhoooHooo!!
sach / December 20, 2013
“That is no cap but your tainted pedo sinhala buddhist bigoted condom. “
wow an awesome example of Tamil literature and heritage
Kumar R / December 17, 2013
The fact is that you speak double-tongued for your convenience.
After four years of great comradeship (and shared luxuries) with the regime, just a couple of months ago you were still singing hossanas for MR saying you had complete faith in his intentions and declared your worst dissapointment was that the Diaspora was not doling put generously for MR (possibly influened by an ample cut promised to collectors). Within a week or so you whined that “even the stupidest of fools” know that MR cannot be trusted. And, you did both while claiming you had earned super-human instincts because of your “Balu dostora” training.
You were mouth agape with wonderment at all the development work the regime has done for the Tamils: did you hear Vigneswarn’s or even Akashi’s enlightened observations on this.
You have proved yourself to be nothing more than a grossly myopic dostara duped by the proverbial “gadayata magic” by the regime.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / December 17, 2013
Absolute BS as excreted often in public fora!
Dr. RN
Kumar R / December 17, 2013
Anything specific in what I said you want to refute instead of hiding in shame behind a nonsencical blabber that you seem think is adeqaute counter, worthy of an educated one.
For instance didn’t you claim that diaspora not doling out money to MR was your worst of dissapointments? Didin’t you say you had full faith in MR, and then within a week or two declare that “the worst of fools can see MR cannot be trusted”? Didn’t you say you have personally witnessed Tamils in the North appreciating all what MR has done and are walking with smiles as can see new hope – did the election result show you how the Tamils feel about MR and your pal Devanada? Did Akashi, Vigneswaran, Camaroon or Navi Pillay enlighten you to any ground realities. Did you see the Tamils protests during the CHOGM circus?
Every one makes mistakes – but only the courageous will concede and apologize. It is the spineless whimps who try to weasel away with the slightest of irrational excuses. You show your true colours very well!
Kumar R / December 18, 2013
We all recognize your affinity and preoccupation with fecal matter given that is indeed a major part of how you earn your bread & butter as a balu dostora. Nevertheless, you do need to get your head out of the rectal-focus once in a way and get some fresh air.
While you were twiddling with the rectal area to base your confidence on MR’s regime, the Diaspora obviously did a more objective due-diligence based on conventional methods – communications.
A simple question – having come to finally realize (along with the last of the stupidest) MR’s proclivity to renege, do you still feel the Diaspora should have doled out the money as you had stridently advocated in the last five years. Did you expect MR to renege? Obviously the Diaspora anticipated that. Who do you think turned out the wiser?
You made such horrible mistakes, because MR was shrewd enough and you were gullible enough to be taken on a true joy-ride, both literally and figuratively. If only the God had blessed you with even half of the gonads one is generally entitled to, you would have some courage to apologize for your failed advocacies and presumptuous posturing.
sach / December 18, 2013
Dont listen to him. That is a common tactic by LTTEers. If any tamil or a sinhalese give a view criticising LTTE or diaspora they will condemn him and insult him. Throw insults that he/she is anti tamil and pro mahinda. That is the exact reason why many insult Dayan here too without counter arguing.
As the person who subject to such insults are known persons (unlike anonymous ones who insult)and doesnt like to brand themselves as extremists they quickly react to such insults. The desired result by them is the moderate ones would stop making claims criticising their heros.
Fathima Fukushima / December 17, 2013
He did it as the head of the Point Pedro Institution. Now all that is falling apart. MR has many avatars. You can’t trust some of them.
vishvajith / December 16, 2013
The coming confrontation, Dayan also egged on. Rajiva Wijeysingha headed the War Secretariat. He has no credibility with our Tamil Brothers and Sisters.
I recommend Austin Fernando, our former Defense Secretary.
As for Sinhala Goodwill, too bad we lost it as we unloaded language laws, continuous ethnic riots, resulting in ’83 for the armed uprising and the LTTE etc.
Sinhala Goodwill ? APRC, LLRC on n on.
Prabha dead, far more dangerous than Prabha alive.
We won the war, we lost the peace and who knows perhaps the country too.
Well done Dayan.
sach / December 16, 2013
[I]As for Sinhala Goodwill, too bad we lost it as we unloaded language laws, continuous ethnic riots, resulting in ’83 for the armed uprising and the LTTE etc. [/I]
But these were followed by un imaginable blood shed and terrorism by the Tamils that tamils can claim a moral high ground. Actually the tamils are not even in a equal ground when it comes to morality
Palmsquirrell / December 17, 2013
No Tamil group ever carried out genocide like GOSL did in 2009. Tamils don’t demand SL be Tamil only, unlike the Sinhalese , who in general believe the island soley belongs to them only.
Burning_Issue / December 17, 2013
“Actually the tamils are not even in a equal ground when it comes to morality”
You are certainly blind! The Tamils have successfully re-gained their moral high-ground leaving the MR regime at a peril! Every foreign representative that visit SL, wanting to meet with the TNA including the newly elected CM of NPC! One only needs to have a conversation with either party to know in terms of who has class! You and your ilk lack responsibility, courage, wisdom and fairness. Your fear of inherent insecurity amply personified in you every time you write on these forums. One thing is clear that is you cannot subjugate the minorities; times have changed!
sach / December 18, 2013
At the eyes of the IC and HR organisations yes. BUt that doesnt mean it is the right thing. what you say is Tamils have achieved a higher acceptability as the tamil terrorist was remoevd by LTTE. So you can at least try to look like victims alone. That is the picture shown but not necessarily the truth.
Understand what i say before replying. what i said was after supporting and funding a barbaric terrorist outfit tamils cant claim a moral highground.
“One only needs to have a conversation with either party to know in terms of who has class!”
Of course class was quite evident by the way Wigneswaran started to act after getting to know president is gonna change the governer.
“You and your ilk lack responsibility, courage, wisdom and fairness. “
Is bowing down to terrorists, separatists, and acting in a total irresponsible manner at this juncture a mark of responsibility? mark of courage? mark of wisdom? where was this courage when LTTE was hiding behind Tamils women? where was this courage when LTTE blow up women and gave weapons at the hands of kids?
Dont you think it is shameful to boast after the less classy and stupid sinhala leaders had to clean the mess you people created and funded so that you can look like victims?
“Your fear of inherent insecurity amply personified in you every time you write on these forums.”
I challenge you, show me a single instance!
“One thing is clear that is you cannot subjugate the minorities; times have changed! “
who is talking about subjugating minorities? but if it is fighting seperatism in my country we are fully ready.
vishvajith / December 19, 2013
Good luck Sach.
sach / December 19, 2013
Thank you.
Thiru / December 16, 2013
DJ or CJ, they are all Sinhalese chauvinists: Who concocted the constitution?; a similar bunch of Sinhala chauvinists without the consent of the Tamil nation.
Stuff the unitary shit made up by the Sinhala extremists up their ass holes. Lee Kuan Yew, the sage of Asia said time and again that SWRD Banaranayake to Mahinda Rajapakse are Sinhalese extremists. He also said again and again that someone should tell the Sinhalese and Tamils to go their separate ways in the island.
Sinhalese governments elected by majority Sinhalese (with Mahavamsa mind set) have always been anti-Tamil with regular pogroms culminating in the recent ferocious genocide of Tamils.
DJ don’t you remember that the North-East was not part of this artificial entity called Ceylon or Sri Lanka before 1832? Tamils want to break free from the constricting, suffocating Sinhala yoke.
Polish people say that their country disappeared from the map for more than 100 years, but reappeared after the world war: Same thing needs to happen for Tamil Eelam.
Freedom to Tamils, and freedom to Sinhalese from the MaRa demons: Geneva 2014 and war crimes tribunal are the way to justice for 66 years of misery for Tamils.
Thiru / December 16, 2013
DJ, can you dispute my arguments?
R. Varathan / December 16, 2013
Dayan J goes gloves-off 3 months before Geneva – probably laying his claim to be part of the action then. In this nakedly provocative piece
he even surpasses established and unabashed extreme Sinhala hawk cabals – Nalin de S, Gunadasa A, Champika R, Udaya Gammanpilla and that thug in robes Elle Gunawansa – just to mention a few names.
Look at what he has to say “It is a pity that the Northern PC and the new Chief Minister is exhausting southern goodwill and laying the foundations for an anti-provincial autonomy multi-partisan Southern consensus, by playing according to the Diaspora/Tamil Nadu script”
Tamil Nadu and the Tamil diaspora – two birds with one stone.
He further goes on a voyage of misleading when he claims “he (Vignewswaren) does not want the military kept in the North, in any configuration” The TNA position here is clearly stated in the House by its leader Mr. Sampanthan who categorically stated they are not calling for the ouster of the army from the North. He (Sampanthan) added all they ask is their presence should be in reasonable numbers to be deployed in the event of possible law and order issues that the Police cannot handle within their numbers. This is the same in the rest of the country.
In discovering the term “plebiscite” what Jayatilake endeavours is to alienate existing sympathy for the Tamils in the South by bringing in the dreaded “P” word (his expression) Hardly becoming of someone who likes his academic credentials for neutrality in the National Question to be recognised by initiated students of the issue.
There is little point in blaming the Tamil diaspora for all the regime’s faults. The diaspora appears to be only interested in seeing the Tamil Nation regaining their HR Rights, safety, normalcy and their land – crudely misappropriated by the army and State interests on false pretexts. Appeals to Courts have fallen on deaf ears for years
and will probably be set right by the international community – as in the case of the NPC elections.
One cannot but note and smile as Dayan J, for good measure, faithfully recommends his ideological twin Rajiv W for the post of Governor. The latter, whenever the occasion arises, also does not fail to defend his friend DJ when faced with controversy is something readers may not miss to observe.
R. Varathan
Dev / December 16, 2013
Well said, glad to note that there are others like me who have noticed Dayan licking the masters boot for Geneva
Palmsquirrell / December 17, 2013
Dayan is just another Sinhala Supremacist but he thinks by not being soo rabid like BBS he can pull the wool over peoples’ eyes and appear to be a moderate.
Fathima Fukushima / December 17, 2013
Dayan is a Rajafucksa booty licker. Nothing more.
SanVaa / December 16, 2013
I remember having read an article in Dayan’s father’s Lanka Guardian, twenty five years ago, that India was not a Federal Govt; A unitary Govt.
But the model looks like a Federal set-up.
That is why now many Indian papers have started to write the NPC as a government.
Journalists and Politicians are playing words and Terms.
manisekaran / December 16, 2013
India since 1935 is a federal state, there is no limit for you people stupidity! It became “union of India, not unitary India” When draft committe was formulated in 1946 during the them interim-government, constitution drafted the preamable on the lines of 1935 constitution, which is federal, with articles articulating centre-state relationship, and yes, it will act as an unitary state only in an emergency situation where the country is under “war with enemy country or under an extreme economy collapse” and that too only for a period of maximum six months.
sach / December 16, 2013
As far as i know india is a quasi federal set up not a federal country
SanVaa / December 17, 2013
Yes may be Quasi Federal.
I understand there is no word “Federal” in the Indian constitution.
Now anyone can say that Srilanka has a Federal set-up in the Constitution. Because, same in India, there are Chief Ministers.
manisekaran / December 18, 2013
SanVaa, Sach,
The defintion of federal is “having or relating to a system of government in which several states form a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.” and government of India says,in its website,
Read there,
“The Republic is governed in terms of the Constitution of India which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November, 1949 and came into force on 26th January, 1950. The Constitution provides for a Parliamentary form of government which is federal in structure with certain unitary features”. There are only certain unitary features only in emergency situations, otherwise it is federal.
sach / December 18, 2013
Exactly what i said quasi federal idiot! next time you google what political structure india has wait and google the meaning of the word “quasi”. I think that will help you.
manisekaran / December 21, 2013
I know the meaning of quasi-federal, quasi-federal is only an interpretation, not a structure in constitution you moron! When will you learn to contextualise the things the way it is told!
sach / December 22, 2013
I didnt stay it is a structure in consitution but quasi federal means that it is not fully a federal country. So claiming such a country a federal country is wrong.
manisekaran / December 17, 2013
I mean federal in structure, not unitary
sach / December 18, 2013
And i said not federal but quasi federal.
Thiru / December 16, 2013
Dayan, why are you skittish about the “G-word”? Is the truth not operational, if I were to use Nixon’s terminology?
Genocide of Tamils is being openly talked about today, just as the F-word is in vogue in respectable journals.
It does hurt the Sinhala psyche, doesn’t it? What to do, as the Buddha said Karma (actions) catches up! It’s time for judgement and penance.
sach / December 16, 2013
what invisible genocide?
Palmsquirrell / December 17, 2013
One does not expect a Sinhala supremacist to acknowledge the genocide they carried out and still are trying to fullfill.
sach / December 18, 2013
If it is so evident, tell me? Is it so difficult to point out?
Candidly / December 16, 2013
The government should actively promote the settlement of more Sri Lankan loyalists in the north. This is, in the long run, the only solution to the Northern Tamils’ delusions of exceptionalism.
Safa / December 16, 2013
On one hand we have a full fledged PC elected by the people and on the other we have a Governor appointed by the President of the country. For meaningful devolution of power the Governor must facilitate development of the Province through the PC instead of becoming a barrier and instrument of the security apparatus. Recently the Chief Minister was obstructed by security forces from even visiting the High Security Zones where houses and kovils were being demolished. What says the Governor?
hela / December 16, 2013
This is a vindication of our position through out.
Sinhalese continue to face an existential threat and the congruence of anti Sinhala forces are plain for all to see.
We are approaching towards another bloody confrontation. We need to meke the cost of such a confrontation as high as possible to the enemy.
Native Vedda / December 16, 2013
“Sinhalese continue to face an existential threat and the congruence of anti Sinhala forces are plain for all to see.”
This is your own fear psychosis, a existential threat only found in most of Aryan Sinhala/Buddhist majoritarian racists.
You ought to meditate regularly if you want to get rid of such perceived threat. Give it a try, it might work. When you go take Dyan with you.
Palmsquirrell / December 17, 2013
These Sinhala Buddhists think they are fighting for something worthwhile but their small mindedness and ignorance of their own history prevents them from realising they are just carrying out the agenda of those Aryans who raped or otherwise subjugated their ancestors. Truly Stockholm Syndrome on a massive scale .
Fathima Fukushima / December 16, 2013
“We are approaching towards another bloody confrontation. We need to meke the cost of such a confrontation as high as possible to the enemy.”
89,000 Tamil Mahaveer war widows is not enough as they still have the gall to talk about Tamil homelands.
Large scale wipe out of Tamils by vigilante groups especially in Colombo is what should happen.
Above all Singhala modayas should STOP attacking fellow Muslims.
Palmsquirrell / December 16, 2013
How cam Muslims be fellow Sinhalese? Your comment makes no sense, but then none of your comments mean anything other than pathetic trolling.—- Also save us the schtick about supporting Muslims because you are a Sinhala Fascist trying to ass kiss Muslims or mislead others by projecting a Muslim or Pro Muslim image.
Fathima Fukushima / December 17, 2013
So you spilt the beans!
Tamils behind BBS attacks on Muslims.
I think you are a Tamil fascist ass kissing and pimping for Chingalam genocidal army to rape Tamil women.
jansee / December 16, 2013
That the Sinhalese should be pleased and nod the head appears to be the yardstick for Dayan to measure what the Tamils can and cannot ask. Such a racist and pathetic view has been the root cause of the failure in resolving the Tamils’ issues. For a race that did not even bat an eye for the atrocities the regime inflicted on its own citizens it is laughable that Dayan would expect the whole world to believe that the Sinhalese are one fair and generous people. From Jayawardana to MR, their elation, personally and politically, the suffering inflicted on the Tamils had meant increasing their vote banks among the Sinhalese.
Here is a man who had thumped his chest for hoodwinking the world to believe in a bloody regime that basked in the triumphalism of the Sinhalese and had made it clear that it is not just the defeat of the LTTE that mattered but the subjugation of the Tamils. This man had even the gall to press that any civilian casualties are merely warranted collateral damage. That, to him, is a non issue but the mention of the LTTE by some politicians out of frustration is pegged as an impediment. He seems to believe that he can get away with this kind of logic and reasoning but as much as the subsequent resolutions in the UNHRC had repudiated this bluff, and that his grandmasters had spurned him, there is no need for any pretense that all he stands for is the triumphalism and superiority of the Sinhalese.
Certainly CM Wigneswaran is not Douglas Devananda. The charade skillfully displayed by a regime that only knows of deceit and is smart in pulling a wool over your eyes, the CM is right in his assessment that there is reason to believe that a pattern of genocide is existent, including even after the war. As if MR himself had sensed the deficient nature of the 13A, he had been promising the 13A plus. The way the governor and the regime had acted even after the NPC has been installed and the way they frustrate the smooth functioning of the CM and his Council leaves no doubt that this piece of legislation should be dumped. It is a non-starter. Even the required concurrence on important matters has been ignored. Sumanthiran is right in pointing out that this governor may be an expert on extra judicial killings but not on the constitution. This talk of office and the person is bemusing. A crude and bloody military man who had tarnished and brought disrepute to the office seems to have eluded the good sense of Dayan. While the CM had insisted that a civilian should hold that position, the events of late does show that the office itself is used as a guise by the regime to squeal its way through. A regime that doesn’t give a hoot on a severely traumatised people and the behaviour of the military under this army governor in poking its nose even in the ordinary daily lives of the people with a heinous regime spurning it on, it would be a surprise only if the CM had not demanded the resignation of this governor and clearly categorised a state of genocide happening to the Tamils.
Prabhakaran did not appear out of thin air and looking at the events after the war, he is right-the Sinhalese will always cheat the Tamils. With moderate Tamils being cheated ALL the times the Sinhala regime forced the Tamils to look for other alternatives. This Chandrika’s “good sense” story is another in a long line of treachery. The then UNP and later the JVP with whom Chandrika made a holy alliance by and large scuttled her plans and when Ranil was in office, Chandrika scuttled his plans. This charade, politically driven and always played out at the expense of the Tamils interests, had not helped the Tamils in any way, much as the PSC MR is advocating, and not forgetting the likes of the APRC unceremoniously dumped, leaving no doubt that Prabhakaran was right after all-even the little that the Sinhalese were willing to concede was because of the gun Prabhakaran pointed and after he blew up a few of those who stood in the way of what the Tamils had been asking as a genuine settlement. The Tamils know that SL did not win the war on its own, it couldn’t have, that other countries were led to believe something else. Just like the way the Tamils still stood up for their rights against a formidable regime in their midst and voted for the TNA, it would be foolish of you and the regime to think that the Tamils will settle for anything of this cheap talk of unitary joke, etc, not after what had happened these four years after the war. And in this equation, the Sinhalese sentiments should not and doesn’t feature at all. The way this matter has been internationalised and the way the Tamils have asserted in even taking on the Delhi govt through Tamilnadu should leave no room for doubt that the Tamils mean business. Instead of you writing these “masterpieces” it would save you and the regime a lot of pain and headache to move in the “right” direction to offer the Tamils what they have been rightly asking for since independence.
Anpu / December 16, 2013
Thanks Jansee.
“From Jayawardana to MR” – should have started from Senanayake.
AVB / December 16, 2013
“That said the Northern Provincial Council should not have passed resolutions calling for the removal of the governor and the retrenchment of the armed forces, so soon after taking office. These could demands have been urged at negotiations –perhaps backchannel ones—rather than publicly demanded.”
To me above comment shows Dayan’s unfortunate genetic inheritances. Pushing rather critical issue to back channel!! Putting a leading military man as governor after 30 or 70 year old ethnic conflict is utter foolishness, but Dayan like to push it to back channels…
This clearly show difference of caliber between Sumintharan and Dayan. Perhaps, age made Dayan go through back channels even to resolve any ugly surfacing issues like this.
Vibhushana / December 16, 2013
Hello DJ.
Allow me to explain this “genocide” phenominon . The TNA and indeed its predecessors the TULF and FP were Vellalar controlled and run. Vellalar caste discrimination is a custom – a lifestyle. They say the caste system is no longer strong after LTTE. This is not true. Only 2 low castes allowed in each PS in the north.
The only reason they can keep this system going is to dupe the ignorant low caste masses here and in Tamil Nadu into thinking they are being descrimnated. This ‘genocide’ is an extention of race card they play.
The language act came in 1956. The FP created the conditions for a riot a year later when caste discrimination was abolished. The connection between lanugage and riots is a foofy. Another example is alleged colonisation. There was no colonisation when FP launched their communal campaign in 1952.
Now try explaing this to the world. You will win a price if you do.
C. Wijeyawickrema / December 16, 2013
Dayan who said that Wignes was a brilliant choice by TNA for NPCM job knew all along that 13-A was the path to separation. Dayan is now worried that the time table for that was accelerated by Wignes.
So soon Dayan became a proverbial cat and Dayan made his one time master (MahindaR) a Siri Sangabo.
MahindaR with these black-white yes men lost not only his Maha Raja status but the votes of the Sinhala Buddhists and poor Catholics.
Fathima Fukushima / December 16, 2013
Well said!
TNA voters are the real enemies of the nation.
We must look for creative ways to DESTROY them.
Use drugs, forced abortions, poisoning water supply (controlled by the government), sending them in boats that are sunk mid sea, cutting education funding to north, vigilante killings, etc. should be used to REDUCE their numbers.
IF we can reduce potential TNA voters to less than 250,000 we have won peace.
R. Varathan / December 16, 2013
Mr. C. Wijeywickrema occasionally intervenes and makes valuable comments. I believe he lives overseas but carries a welcome interest
in matters home. If he will allow me, he carries a clear anti-Tamil bias in his flow of thought – as he does here. Note “Wignes was a brilliant choice by TNA for NPCM job knew all along that 13-A was the path to separation” I beg to disagree. Many academics in the South, keenly following the National Question, are satisfied CVW is a voice of moderation who seeks to bring the Sinhala and Tamil people together.
Many Tamil nationlists unfairly accuse him of being a Rajapakse/Sinhala plant.
The Tamil Nation that wanted reconciliation has much to ponder with now. Look at education, higher education and so on – so dear to the Tamil heart. The quality of education in the South in the pre-University levels, except in a few international schools, is exceptionally poor even by official Govt reports. Universities are mostly closed than open with gangs of sadist senior students terrorising newcomers – in the guise of ragging. Some of the new students have been driven to suicide and many have left in fear. According to published expert reports the quality of University education in the South is very low compared to global standards – even in developing countries who were below our averages earlier. The law and order situation has declined to the point where the citizen has to be protected from the Police. The Police has lost its once proud image of being a fair referee of ordinary dispute settlement. The Courts are a joke – with few exceptions. This must be the only country in the world with two CJs. The highest in the land are accused of drug-trafficking. The Govt Health system has collapsed with VIPs accused in the supply of sub-standards drugs. Space prevents me from continuing in that list of areas where we have earned a reputation as a Failed Society. Contract-killers are in a rampage and will kill even at a cost as low as Rs.5,000 as the story goes. Cost of Living has made even the middle class to cut down on nourishing food. A visiting journalist notes a simple Dinner for 2 in a Restaurant in the Fort serving Crabs cost Rs.10,000 – just last week. A friend took an Indian visitor to one of our leading cricket clubs and was shocked his bill for beer and a mutton fried side dish came to Rs.4,400.
It is better to allow the Tamil Nation to peacefully secede restoring the pre-Colebrook Commission Status – carefully avoiding a blood bath
and with due respect to property and asset rights.
R. Varathan
JC / December 17, 2013
what Tamil nation Mr Varathan? Tamils in the East, Indian Tamils in the Kandy estates? Diaspora Tamils?
Secede?? Who are you to speak for us? Go back to sleep where ever you are.
jansee / December 17, 2013
And who is this “us” JC?
R. Varathan / December 18, 2013
Thank you Jansee for asking the question I wanted to – from this JC, whoever or whatever he/she is. Since he/she appears to be ignorant of the basics, let me reiterate what the Tamil leadership
from the time of the Ponnambalam-Arunachalam Brothers and SJVC to the militants of the 1980/2000’s have. It refers to all those who legitimately call themselves Lankan Tamils in the NEP, the hills and the South. It also includes the nearly million in the diaspora. That is the Tamil Nation, dear JC.
The Tamil Nation, post-1948, wanted to work hand in hand with the Sinhala Nation to reach that, to quote the eloquent Bishop Desmond
Tutu – “that rainbow” of a united (and reconciled) country.
But the Sinhala leadership, educated lawyers and professionals,
sabotaged it then. The opportunity to form a single Nation – that Singapore succeeded so splendidly – was missed due to Sinhala
perfidy. Even the little space that was available to the Tamils in the country was taken away, subtly and by design,
from 1956. Why do you think the Language of the Courts was brought in? And in 1977 and 1983 Tamils were massacred in the thousands while the Sinhala Police and armed forces not only looked the other way; some of them even became the attackers and looters. How many cases were filed by the State to bring
justice to the Tamils in both major pre-planned pogroms? Yes, CBK encouraged the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. But do you know for Tamil millionaires who lost over Rs.50 million in 7/83 the highest award made under Sharvananda’s Commission was Rs.750,000 and that too after 25 years where galloping inflation made this sum worthless. REPIA has the facts. Who is sleeping now, my friend.
R. Varathan
Savitri / December 18, 2013
I agree with JC. Varathan makes a selective read of history. The Tamils were never united except for the Sinhalese extremists having forced them to unite. When the likes of Alfred Duriappah was killed in 1975, the Varathans of the world cheered or kept silent! Ditto with Rajini Thiranagama, Neelan Tiruchelvam, Yogeswaran, Amirthalingam, Pon Sivapalan, Sarojini Yogeswaran, Thangathurai, Sam Thambimuttu. When the LTTE forced the unwilling Tamils of Jaffna in December 1995 to retreat alongside them to Chavakacheri, the Varathan’s cheered or kept silent. When the LTTE used unwilling civilians in Vakarai as a human shield in 2006, the Varathan’s looked the other way. It was the LTTE which used the exploited Tamils as a civilian shield in 2009 in Mullivaikal. They killed Tamil youth who refused to join them in 2008. Varathan obviously lives abroad. He has no right to speak for the Sri Lankan Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Wigneswaran is our leader – but he did not claim secession! Thats the key difference! I do not like Mahinda Rajapakse. But let me still echo JC as a Sri Lankan Tamil that its time to lull Varathan to sleep. We do not want disingenuity in the name of a so called Tamil nation.
R. Varathan / December 19, 2013
I avoid getting into confrontational situations with those of the fairerer sex. I have a great deal of respect for them. But Savitri compels me to set her erroneous presumptions in perspective. If she thinks I am a radical card-carrying LTTE’er – her first mistake – she might start relaxing. Because I am not and I wonder if they know even if I exist. I have, in fact, been very critical of many of their obstinate positions – while, like millions of Lankan Tamils, certainly agree with some of them. No Tamil can claim to be one if he/she fails to bow his/her down to the tremendous sacrifices the militant youth gave their lives to keep the Lankan Tamil race alive today. They died so that those even like you can live and enjoy your comforts.
I have been critical of the savage slaying of most of those she names. Neelan was a friend I interacted with for years. Removing him from our society is to destroy an entire institution of peace, reconciliation and higher learning of global acceptance.
I agree CM Wigneswaren has not openly called for seccession. But the Army and the Rajapakses are forcing him to. You appear to be oblivious to the political movements and actors in Tamil soil today and on the wider Sinhala side. The State refuses to respect CVW’s mandate for nearly 4 months – that’s a third of an year. What have you to say to this clear provocation? Faint-hearted attitudes such as the one Savitri appears to prefer is the very response the ubiquitous jackboot expects Tamils in their areas to bow to. But the proud Tamil Nation, that took so much of suffering for so long, refuses to bow down to force. Has Savitri heard of the Vananga-mudi approach – a much respected term and attitude in the Tamil culture that has characterised ancient Tamil history. That is the attitude of the Tamil Nation that brought them that tremendous victory in September when they finally chose to speak in one voice – and, one that is likely to regain for us our collective national integrity, respect and due rights as a people. The world has agreed with this although it is our misfortune we have those like Savitri – probably concerned more of her creature comforts and care little for the race under serious challenge and its survival. What the Tamil Nation needs today are the likes of the bold Usha Sri Skandarajah who has the backbone to stand up and be counted when her race is threatened with gradual liquidation. I must add that Tamils here, by nature and historical evidence, abhor violence and are not combative. But, if faced with continuous attack and violence as was out lot from 1958 – natural and constitution law everywhere recognises the right of self-defence.
R. Varathan
Kopikade dayawathie / December 16, 2013
This is the reason why many feel that DJ ^s views have not been consistent over the months.
Either he s been suffering from some sorta of amnesia or he s been prioritising something else.
Sirimal / December 17, 2013
He is simply trying to fish on muddy waters … that is it. Anyone who has closely studied his behaviours, should be clear, that the guy is very selfish.
It is said that the guy remains unemployed longing to join the regime again.
Native Vedda / December 17, 2013
C. Wijeyawickrema
“13-A was the path to separation”
Could you show us the road map or path way to Separation. How does 13A works towards separating the country as you constantly warn the paranoid.
In the past 27 years of 13A’s existence no part of the island had become a separate state, recognised by international community.
Do you worry that given the opportunity individual Southern provinces might be tempted to carve out from centralised Colombo?
manisekaran / December 16, 2013
Stupid DJ,
This is what I had written in my previous comments simply from the experience of India, British tried cheating india with similar constitutional arranagment called provinciaa administration in 1919 which led to the loss of many lives upto 1935. In 1935, it was realised by British that PC system was politically flawed and replaced with quasi federal arrangement. I expected this to happen from newly elected CM as he is mere political authority with no real administrattive power. If someone envisaged this in so called lanka, Federalism by your own will would have been a real starting point for the reconcillation. Instead you people started boasting and now on splitting the hair to start another July 83. Cruel animals.
sach / December 16, 2013
start on a another july 83? what gives you such an idea? and how should we call you animals who gave refuge and sanctuary to barbarians who killed my people.
manisekaran / December 17, 2013
I fear sooner or later when CM of north wants more meaningful devolution, sinha racist elements will start another planned pogram.
sach / December 18, 2013
Dont think just because 84 was followed with a 92 and again a 2001 in India it would be the same in SL.
Northern province election was smothly done with no hiccups. many tamils overseas expected violence in SL. People in SL grow up much faster than what you have there.
manisekaran / December 17, 2013
you are robbing the Tamil people’s land, and what then to name you? “wild animal”, and why did you stop going to gossipping site and come here? bored with gossips?
sach / December 18, 2013
No one is robbing any one’s land. Even if they did it is totally an SL issue. we dont have tamil land just Lankan land. And you must be so shameless to come here and talk after funding and arming terrorists in SL.
manisekaran / December 18, 2013
when you shameless creature ran from orissa and settled in island why should I be shameful ?
When your secretary of MOD has no guts to publicly to come to India and hiding under wraps, when he has no shame in doing so while gloating to goats like you, why i should be shameful?
M.Sivananthan / December 18, 2013
Vanniyans burn, rape and rob parayans.
Kallans kill Sakkilis.
Simon alias Seeman rob SL Tamils who go to Velang Kanni!
Tamil refugee women are raped in the refugee camps on regular basis.
That is Tamil nadu.
Go and repair your Tamil nadu before bark on SL issues!
manisekaran / December 18, 2013
Good I will bark on Tamiladu once you take all refugees from TN and settle in their original home, you have some self-respect left before questioning me, and you have not cited reference for vanniyar’s pig flag liar, have you?
sach / December 18, 2013
Those refugees came to your shores because you harboured terrorists in SL and funded and supported a war in SL. So refugees returning to you is poetic justice. Between we have already given homes, food and even education for most of the war refugees in SL. The tamil heartland cant even handle 100000 giving them a humane treatment.
And before talking about SL tamils here, go and stop robbing their fish!
sach / December 18, 2013
you should be shameful because you harboured and supported barbaric LTTE and still keep on supporting LTTE. You have blood of all the Lankans in your hands. J’lalitha that shameless fat fuk is venting her frustration after shashikala left her on lankan ppl. Uncultured goons who dont even knw how to treat foreign religious people who come to visit religious places in TN. After all how can we expect such culture from ones who havent learnt to sh*t inside a toilet instead of sh*tting in streets.
what is to be shameful for being from orissa? Isnt orissa a part of your country? what hatred and ill will towards a part of your country? Arent u an indian? between who are you to say we are from orissa? what archeological evidence you have? What do you know? ever even seen a sinhalese in your real life? just come out of your village compound and learn abt the world.
And who is our MOD? if you re referring to Gotabhaya please be informed he is not our MOD. why should he come to india publicly? he is not a leader but a gov official. Even if he comes what can you do? tell me a single reason a man battle hardened like Gota need to be wrapped in sheets? Dont insult men higher than you.
manisekaran / December 18, 2013
I am not supporting LTTE, and dont equate me as usual like an ostrich if we question your intention of robbing Tamil people land, what a cultured goon that you are who shoot your civilian with military, when yourself did not care your people, why are you expecting from us?
Please reach out to Modaya Kariawasam who claimed in India that sinhlaese are descendants of Bengal and Orissa. semes like he has some evidence after all he is your brother who can help quicker than me.
I said secretary of MOD, who is defence secretary? Goat right? Read the article in CT how under wraps Gota visited newdelhi, why is n’t this battle hardened ( may be bottle hardening store keeper in US) has no guts to visit openly?
Between no time for you to visit gossiping site?
sach / December 18, 2013
We very well know whether you people supported LTTE or not. And why should we be ashamed of LTTE shooting at fleeing civilians and hiding behind women and children? The ones who should be ashamed is the LTTE supporters in TN and around the world. If SLA killed people how come 300000 are alive and why did they flee from LTTE and came to SLA defence line seeking safety? :D do not depend on propaganda that much because your arguments fails quickly.
Who is modaya kariyawasam? Unge appa? If he says tell that to him! Between even if he is true what is to be ashamed of it? Tell me why coming from Bengal or Orissa a source of embarrassment? Is it an Indian thing? Please enlighten us.
Did you see gota coming with wraps? Were you the boy who carried the umbrella? I am visiting gossip sites regularly mostly Colombo telegraph these days, so missed others , so tell me hasn’t shashikala returned to Jlolita? So how is she now? Must be depressed ?
And between we rob land and you rob fish! So ?
manisekaran / December 19, 2013
“We very well know whether you people supported LTTE or not. And why should we be ashamed of LTTE shooting at fleeing civilians and hiding behind women and children” – yes LTTE shooted at fleeing civilians, and your army bombshelled the remaining once they recahed the NFZ, so both are guilty that’s my stand, UN stand, it is only you like an ostrich defending your regime from punishment.
“The ones who should be ashamed is the LTTE supporters in TN and around the world” – We never killed our own people in lakhs like in 1989, 1971, 2009 to feel shameful,
“Who is modaya kariyawasam? Unge appa? If he says tell that to him! Between even if he is true what is to be ashamed of it? Tell me why coming from Bengal or Orissa a source of embarrassment? Is it an Indian thing? Please enlighten us.”
the most probabilty is “he is unga appa” because he is sinhlese and your government representative
Tell me why coming from Bengal or Orissa a source of embarrassment?
I did not say as embarassment but to your statement that ” i am from another country that i should not interfere” hence I reminded you, you also came from the same country.
sach / December 21, 2013
yes LTTE shooted at fleeing civilians, and your army bombshelled the remaining once they recahed the NFZ, so both are guilty that’s my stand, UN stand, it is only you like an ostrich defending your regime from punishment.
Army didnt bombed civlians. when army created NFZ, LTTE hid in the NFZ among people and targetted army. So Army was in a position that it has to use fire power. There are evidence for LTTE stationing their weapons amidst civilians. Even according to UN laws army can attack anything when it is targetted.
We never killed our own people in lakhs like in 1989, 1971, 2009 to feel shameful
1989 and 1971 are very much comparable to oppression of Sikh kalistani movement in brutality and violence. Capt Gill in indian police is called as a criminal by Sikh people for his brutality and extra judicial killings. indian gov instead awarded him with Padma Sri.
And Lakhs did nt die in 1989, 71 or even in 2009.
1989 – 60000 (believed to be inflated), 71 again 10,000 which is believed to be inflated and 2009 – 8000-10000. That too considering casualty LTTE cadres.
the most probabilty is “he is unga appa” because he is sinhlese and your government representative
There is no sinhalese called Modaya Karoyawasam. I think u’ve made a mistake as usual.
I did not say as embarassment but to your statement that ” i am from another country that i should not interfere” hence I reminded you, you also came from the same country.
This is what you said. “when you shameless creature ran from orissa and settled in island why should I be shameful ?”. That is as if coming from orissa is shameful. I didnt say you should not interfere, (though it is true that you should not interfere)what i stated was after funding and helping terrorists in ma country it should be shameful for you to come and talk here.
sach / December 21, 2013
hence I reminded you, you also came from the same country.
what sort of a logic is that? just because my ancestors come from india does it make an indian today same as a Lankan with respect to Lankan. How would it be an african telling you he can involve in indian matters because u indians came from africa :)
stupid logic ne ban!
manisekaran / December 18, 2013
Before apprising me how our people sh*t in streets, apprise yourself objectively how your mothers, sisters and your wife are cleaning loads of sh*t in Arab land?
sach / December 18, 2013
My mothers stay at home. if working in middle east is what you mean, how is it wrong? It is a job. There is nothing caled low jobs and high jobs. What you do as a job doesnt make anyone lower. What matters is doing any job honestly.Contrary to what you learn or get indoctrinated a person cannot be categorised by his job.
These women are much higher than those who in west supporting terrorism.
Prasad / December 19, 2013
When you fellows criticize others you pretend to have (conveniently) forgotten from where you come from, a syndrome known as selective amnesia.
Even the one and only one metropolitan city in Sri Lanka known as Colombo was full of dirty stinking places, polluted canals, shanties, pickpockets, prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, and , and full of beggars (there is hardly any public toilet in the city).
When you fellows criticize India, you pretend to have forgotten that your women wear Indian Saris, most of the vehicles running in Sri Lanka are from India, most of the drugs sold in pharmacies in Sri Lanka are from India, and most of all the man you worship (Buddha, you find a stature at every nook and corner) is also from India.
The only flourishing business/trade in Sri Lanka is slave trade, exporting women (90% Sinhalese) to Mid-East, Singapore, Maldives, etc for a monthly salary of U$ 100 only, as house maids and cleaners. The Sinhalese women are known as the best toilet cleaners in the Mid-East. The Arabs have employed them in Airports and Hospitals to clean toilets used by multi-nationals from the entire world.
The way India and specially Tamil Nadu is developing and turning into an economic boom, I am sure very soon India/Tamil Nadu will start recruiting Sinhala women as cleaners (to clean their shit) and pay a better salary than U$ 100. Don’t you think it is better for your women to work in Buddha’s land for a better wage than in Arab land?
manisekaran / December 20, 2013
what only $100 real cheap man, i am trying to find toilet clener for cheap money in India, damn coolies here tehy ask minimu Rs 10,000 which is close to $160
F-Word / December 20, 2013
Will Prasad and Manisekeram agree with me Tamilnadu toilets are a thing of their own and far different to those in airports in
Arab capitals. It will take Tamilnadu another 50 years – that is the main cities – to reach the levels of toilets we have here in
Sri Lanka. We remember that celebrated movie “Slumdog millionaire” where one chap bathed in faeces. And you celebrate that movie that established you as a nation of abject slums and you call the man who did that horrible music in that film as the Mozart of Madras?
But I agree with you it will not be long before our own “slaves” do the reverse trip that way to work as coolies there – thanks to
our terrible system of education culminating in Mahinda Chinthana. India is on the way up and we on the way down is not in dispute.
manisekaran / December 21, 2013
F-word, TN is fast growing,people even has money to buy land in crores. and in the next 5 years, every family in TN will have their own minimum 600 feet pasumai illam, you still have not updated a decade of devolopment of TN, by the time you catch with it, we would have moved another mile.
And dont mitsake me, my retalian is only to people like stupid such as sach who arguing brings poverty into discussion. And I have means to belittle or abuse the hard working maids plight.Aplogies!
sach / December 21, 2013
why dont you have an urban council to clean your toilets? I thought cleaning roads are part of procedure for urban councils. Do they ask for 10,000 may be the sh*t is too smelly even by TN standards
sach / December 21, 2013
When you fellows criticize others you pretend to have (conveniently) forgotten from where you come from, a syndrome known as selective amnesia.
why should i need to remind where we come from when i criticise others? what is the relationship between the two? Before talking about others’ syndrome go and take medication for the syndrome of koheda yanne, malle pol answers. Then you can engage in a debate hopefully!
Even the one and only one metropolitan city in Sri Lanka known as Colombo was full of dirty stinking places, polluted canals, shanties, pickpockets, prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, and , and full of beggars (there is hardly any public toilet in the city).
These are marks of any metropolitan city. And again it is still “was”. You might have relieved your self under trees but public toilets are around in Colombo.
When you fellows criticize India, you pretend to have forgotten that your women wear Indian Saris, most of the vehicles running in Sri Lanka are from India, most of the drugs sold in pharmacies in Sri Lanka are from India
So? what is your point here? we import stuff from india actually india is receiving monetary benefits from us. Not only from india we can import from any part of the world. How is importing from a particular country make it any special? Are you that dumb to bring out such arguments?
Buddha, you find a stature at every nook and corner) is also from India.
If not for SL, india wouldnt have a Buddha. Buddha’s dharma was written in SL. when white man pointed at buddha statue and asked indian who it is indians did know nothing. It was SL that protected Buddha’s heritage.
The only flourishing business/trade in Sri Lanka is slave trade, exporting women (90% Sinhalese) to Mid-East, Singapore, Maldives, etc for a monthly salary of U$ 100 only, as house maids and cleaners. The Sinhalese women are known as the best toilet cleaners in the Mid-East. The Arabs have employed them in Airports and Hospitals to clean toilets used by multi-nationals from the entire world.
This is why i say very often you need to come out of your caste ridden religious scriptures and culture. People are not categorised based on a what they do to earn a living. And even if women here go middle east how is it wrong? Any job is a decent job if it is legal. Between it was the sinhala slaves who fed the tamils in LTTE areas while you did sh*t.
The way India and specially Tamil Nadu is developing and turning into an economic boom, I am sure very soon India/Tamil Nadu will start recruiting Sinhala women as cleaners (to clean their shit) and pay a better salary than U$ 100. Don’t you think it is better for your women to work in Buddha’s land for a better wage than in Arab land?
First TN is not Buddha’s land.
Are you saying even after any economic booms TNs would still sh*t in streets?
manisekaran / December 21, 2013
If it is mark of every city why F@@K to you belittle the poor slum livings in chennai? Racist mind?
sach / December 21, 2013
people sh*ttin in streets is not a mark of every city, I replied it to a comment of another one that dirty areas, well developed areas, slum areas are a reality in all cities.
i dont belittle the poor slum livings in chennai. It is the arrogant fuks that peak in to SL matters after making our country a bloodbath and a place of war. I didnt belittle a single slum dweller but u.
You have no right to point at MY country after shelturing terrorists that killed my people.
manisekaran / December 22, 2013
go back and look at the comments , it you who started this sh**ty thing, between you are 1000 % confident that people dont sh*t in street or beaches in colombo??
F-Word / December 22, 2013
It is time Puratchi Thalaivi thinks of erecting hundreds of public toilets in Chennai City. I notice one at the St. Thome
end of Marina Beach. But it stinks to miles and is poorly maintained. Ideally, it should be relocated below surface. I have seen some in Main Bus Stations, Rail Stations in Chennai and all of them belong to the 17th century in terms of hygiene. Why even the maintenance at the more modern Anna Airport is still shocking. At one end of the building are a set of toilets where there is no water in the sinks and taps. Colombo airport, if you have been here, is light-years ahead.
Colombo and urban Sri Lanka is no better where public conveniences are concerned. Mayor Muzzamil is far too busy getting himself a large luxury car and buying political patronage from the Rajapakses on an IOU of Rs.800 million this matter is not one of the priorities. Why should he, the washrooms in his home are fine. So why worry about Somapala, Ramasamy and Fakim.
Someone suggested, where India and Sri Lanka are concerned, this service should be privatised with use being nominally charged.
The provider to maintain the place hygienically, clean and free of offensive odour. This is a service where Govt should consider reasonable subsidy. Whatever happened to our Keep Colombo Clean campaign?