17 January, 2025


The ‘Compass’

By Vishwamithra

“There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke

North, South, East and West – the directions of the compass. When you are lost in the woods, without knowing where you’re going and with no possibility of retracing your steps, the compass helps you to find in which direction you’re headed, whether it’s North, South, East or West. The compass is a magnetometer used for navigation and orientation that shows direction in regards to the geographic cardinal points. The structure of a compass consists of the compass rose, which displays the four main directions on it: East (E), South (S), West (W) and North (N). The history of the compass started more than 2000 years ago during the Han dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD) in China.

That 2000 plus year history tells us the story of man and his adventurous journey through centuries of fear and pain; his curiosity and joy; his success and failure, the scope of his advancement, both materially and spiritually. Each time he failed, he gathered strength which none knew where it came from and rose again and again to continue his passage without complaining, without a murmur in order to arrive at his destination. Those who chose to stop for lack of energy and motivation were led by some inspirational leaders who sacrificed their time and energy, prodding along with their disciples. It has been a marvelous adventure, this story of man from one discovery to the other, from one invention to another. But the measure of the compass has never been underrated, its worth and indispensability were never foreclosed. A lost soul would have found his way back home thanks mainly to the compass.

When a country’s compass is broken, when she does not seem to know whence she came and whither she goes, an entire nation’s journey through crisis-laden episodes is being questioned and thrown into a totally different array of confusion and brewing conflicts. Failure of successive leaderships, ignorance and apparent lack of wisdom of her subjects and distressing apathy of her intelligentsia contribute greatly to the heart-wrenching stagnation of her development. Societal progress comes to a halt and her cultural advance withers away.

Such is the case for Sri Lanka today. After being exploited by her colonial powers, the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British, Ceylon became independent and she owes that ‘independence to the selfless sacrifices made by her closest neighbor’s leaders like Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Abdul Kalam. The political and administrative leadership of of Ceylon in the first half of the twentieth century was dominated by those who enjoyed ‘accommodation’ by the British Raj. A landowning class for whom the ready and willing recognition of its ‘superior’ education and access to the country’s resources like renting and mining industries continued to reign the corridors of power. The common man for whom education was through the rural schools which were hardly adequate to impart even some rudimentary education, was throttled by the same idealistic shackles even after independence.

The cumulative effects of this malignant system were being felt soon after independence. Election after election made way substitution of one set of rulers with another and the irony was the original and substitute drew their strength, birth and methodology from the same source. The UNP and the SLFP were two sides of the same coin. With minor policy-differences, both segments of the political spectrum continued to safeguard and protect their age-old class and tribal inheritances with no heed paid to the suffering masses.

The country’s compass lay unmoving; its spiritual and material value was never measured in terms of service to the masses. A system that continued to produce a generation of corrupt leaders after another became an integral part of the whole and the common man became accustomed to an uneven or an irreparably broken moral compass. It was not only the leaders who became victims of this stifling corruption, the masses whose needs were never met unless and until they reciprocated the politician by enabling the original sinner with timely ‘santosams’ too became unwilling victims. An utterly despicable way of life and living set in and the prevalent mindset was all too happy to keep the system going as long as there was no looming abyss.

But the near-collapse of the country’s economic life in March/April in 2022 threatened to change that  convoluted system. One and half generations born after 1990 could not tolerate the country’s self-destruction any more. Having been caught up in a tribal cum ethnic warfare for thirty long years, the peace, for these generations looked more devastating than the unspeakable aspects of the war. Divisions and subdivisions that ethnic battles entail were not to be endured by these generations and they eagerly wanted to educate their predecessors by treating their Northern and Eastern brethren by embracing them in a fight for an all-inclusive war against economic and political injustice. That is the cruel yet unmistakable lesson the Aragalaya-22 taught our people.

The true consequences of the Aragalaya-22 may not have been felt as yet. But its compelling reasoning in exposing the gross inadequacies and serious failings of the existing system eventually gave rise to an extraordinary sense of high expectations and immediacy of attainment of freedom from the old. The glaring lessons of the Aragalaya-22 are still to be learnt. However, in that respect, Sri Lankan masses seem to be ahead of our punditry and political leaders, except perhaps, the National People’s Power.

In other words, the compass of all our political leaders and their political parties who have enjoyed not only power to the hilt during the last seven to eight decades, but have been enmeshed in the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of governance seems to have broken down beyond repair. When the direction given by the country’s compass to one way, our leaders had been taking us to the opposite direction. More often than not, that misdirection was not owing to a mistaken reading or sheer neglect on the part of them, it was one hundred percent due to their deliberate planning and plotting so as to lead the country in a direction wherein reside the financial and other material resources which could be exploited to their vigorous liking.

On the other hand, whether it’s AKD, Sajith, Ranil, Gotabaya or Mahinda, all politicians do not seek power with a puritanical objective of serving the masses. They are not ‘Bodhisthwas’ Yet, one cannot  look the other way when brazen violation of fundamental rights is committed by these charlatans. No politician should be spared of punishment if it is proven that they had engaged in politics and enriched themselves at the expense of the common man. It is not a Utopian dream to expect that our politicians are to be held accountable for everything that they do and not do in face of grave issues that confront all of us as one single nation.

Only AKD and the NPP remain spared by the voter today. Yet their adherence to the old Marxian theories and governance methodologies might not serve them right at this juncture. In Gulag Archipelago, Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes thus: ‘Ideology – that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others’ eyes so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. That was how the agents of the Inquisition fortified their wills: by invoking Christianity; the conquerors of foreign lands, by extolling the grandeur of their Motherland; the colonizers, by civilization; the Nazi’s, by race; and the Jacobins, (early and late), by equality, brotherhood and the happiness of further generations. One cannot disregard Solzhenitsyn’s sayings and writings. He has lived through hell and come out wounded but cleansed and enlightened.

One revealing factor about NPP’s much-enunciated puritanical approach to politics is their translucent and transparent honesty and education. All other political parties cannot brag about honesty and education. Education, albeit its dominance in the first few Cabinets, especially DS’s first, Dudley’s and JR’s last Cabinet were crowned with men who were considered well-educated and occupying top notch echelons of that sphere, their ultimate performance had been found drastically lacking in empathy and inability to relate to the local rustic conditions of the country. Even today’s Cabinet is totally comprised of downright fraudsters and avaricious men and women whose primary aim had been, when entering politics, enriching themselves and their families and henchmen. Their political and moral compass was an assemblage of disjointed set of coils and wires and it was so even before they entered politics.                                            

The National People’s Power (NPP) has chosen the compass as its symbol. When one votes for the policies and principles of the National People’s Power, he has to mark his little cross for the ‘Compass’. How ironic, how symbolic and how befitting would it be? How the Compass happened to be the NPP’s symbol, I do not know and, in fact, I do not want to know. What matters is, when all dust settles down, whether AKD and NPP’s leadership would be worthy of their own symbol.

*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com 

Latest comments

  • 14

    I have a confession to make. I don’t like or read what Vishwamithra writes.
    He is so boringly predictable!
    Yet, off and on, I glance at his work, when I have nothing else to do. Today is one of those days.
    I am proud. Yes, he proved that I am right.
    Look at:
    What matters is, when all dust settles down, whether AKD and NPP’s leadership would be worthy of their own symbol.
    I call upon the language teacher on site.
    Mr. Panini Edirisinhe, Why does this sentence structure leave a bad taste in my mouth!

    • 17

      Sinhala_Man only dream about AKD ……. and nightmares of …….. Pharisees …….


      I know you don’t like women ……. and only listen to Jim Reeves. ….. Man, that’s even more ancient than Ranil! ……. You have to move with the times. …….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Itk4wnhuvQ

      OC, don’t get into trouble with Ramona; couch to night.

      • 20

        I have nightmares about R in a Pharisee outfit….

      • 3

        NF and all,
        The Sinhala Man and the Nature of His Mind:
        HIs little world is full of anecdotal information about the AKD led group (Katin bathala Sitaweema, planting sweet potatoes restrict to lip services).
        Another ride is in making to handle the hardships of the sinking nation. They think that there are varied other means to come out of the economic collapse, but they dont reveal what it is ???????…. can you imagine ?

        This time it will be an endless journy making it a Tahiti for sure.

        I see the dark clouds darkening further above the sky of our motherland today.

        Hopes are disspaearing for the people like me. I revealed a lot about MEDAMULANA beasts for the last 15years, but it was like playing a violine to the deaf..
        I have been focusing african states today where real helpless people seek more support in their day today life, so that we can make our minds for good whenver we do some good work for the poor.


        • 4

          He complimented me yesterday only because I dded a link about the Maldives-Indo crisis and what the former president of Maldives added to the press yesterday.
          No matter, if I added something good about his knowledge of English literature, the same person would praise me for hours
          . However, what matters to us neutral lanken expats is nothing more than being blessed with factual information about the many things that make people eternal fools. Is that ONLY because of SB led relgious foolishness ? No, it is connected with varied other factors (colonical mentality, caste and creed, subjugated mindset and sinhala-supremacism….. they dont know who they are…. )
          Sinhala man worked for Maldives in the begining of 90ties at the time JVP barbaries sucked the last blood drop of my fellow friends.

          My dear sand-castle friends Janaka Senviratne (Angulugaha, Galle) and Kulatunga (Imaduwa Galle) were brutally murdered in that JVP insurgency period. and their parents became patacharas forever (mothers that lost their all valuables in this life) for the rest of their lives.

          Look at the team of AKD led groups. Is there anyone who has proved any practical abilities in terms of turning ciritcal moments of politics into a some peaceful moments ?

          • 8

            No. They are world champions in terms of stage presentaions, but the theory and practice in the line of MLECHCHA politics in south asia are not comparable to that of CIVLIZED europe. These are two different worlds.
            There is a huge COLD war between India and China.

            SRILANKA and Maldives are suffering more today. Muizi or the like can become the ones that add fuel to the flaming fire. The kind of idiots would not see the danger of their own people. Anyways, they just 0, 5 million nation. The world should be well alert on the happenings in Maldives today.

            • 12

              Dear Rational Thinkers over to you@

              Rajapakshe public masturbation was read as sinhala- patriotism to many sinhala-supremacists. It was fed abusing sinhala-buddhist monks that have no knowledgea about true teachings of buddha based on true dharama. They are covered by buddhist monk constumes, but many dont know what they really are. Some are paedophiles and others are just cheaters in sanga-costumes.
              Even today books are publish to tie the very stupid people into their rascal- led therories.
              People are so blind as they cant be reversed. It is like an effect of an opium.
              . Consequences are befor our eyes today. ONLY man fearlessly jumped into the fire for the sake of srilanken folk is/was Ranil. Whoever whatever being said and done, his predictions succeed in the end.


              His is unpopular in a country where criminals and malicious people are the majority for some varied reasons. Island nations have this sickness according historians and society analysts.

          • 10

            Let’s be clear about this. Yesterday out of nowhere, in a comment that is currently at # 16 among 194 on this article by Dr Ameer Ali,
            you linked us to a video by Mohamed Nasheed that I demonstrated was meant to mislead us.
            I resisted any temptation to play gotcha, and used this as an example of how the media is increasingly being used to manipulate our thinking. I found it all sad. You sneer at Dr Mohamed Muizzu’s credentials; he’s a first rate engineer, unfortunately not a politician, and yes, he’s messing up, although I don’t pretend to personally know him or the current position. But I have known my Maldivian friend for 6 years.
            Let me hope that you stop spouting rubbish.
            Panini Edirisinhe

            • 9

              I’m sure that I need to slow down, and be more careful when writing.
              For interpreting what’s happening in the Maldives, I’ve been relying on my extremely well-informed friend, who is not himself a politician.
              I have known him well for more than 62 years; when I see that I have stated that it is only six years, I realise that I mustn’t take on too much. Especially when I have a foe like “leelagemalli” who talks about what he doesn’t know, but has no compunction about hitting below the belt.
              I’m sorry that serious mistakes of that sort are creeping in.
              Panini Edirisinhe

              • 23

                “The guy who’s totally out of control is “leelagemalli” – and I see him as getting to be a danger to us all.”

                The way you two guys go at each other, do you have time for sex? ……. Or are you past it and this is your thrill?

                When do you have time to enjoy life? …….. What do you do to enjoy life: attack each other? ……. Anything else?

                Start listening to Jim Reeves, like Native ……… he’s the happiest and the hippest man in CT ……… even though he doesn’t much like women ……… he can be happy by himself ……

                You two guys decouple …….. learn to be happy without each other …….

                Try it ……. it my work.

                Eternal bliss.

                Well, until the Pharisees appear.

                • 0

                  Thank you. I take it seriously. I only hit if he abused LM for anything. His lies are big lies from the beginning. How can a man who fought against his brother like a cobra be peaceful to others?
                  I try to Ignore his post focusing LM for anything. Good MF warned me long ago, but I cant let a stupid person continue his style of hatreds. Now enough is enough

                  . No point in wasting my time on such a fool. Unfortunately, the majority of those “boomers” are asses: I have too many of them in my family circles. My friends say the same about their families.

            • 3

              Dear Readers,
              Who doesn’t fit in here? 24 hours ago, “sinhala_man” himself thanked me for the link that he could be a little proud of.

              Today, the same alien is attacking me for revealing the truth about the Maldives and the atrocities of 89-92.

              This estranged guy will follow and hero worship after the names and titles. What matters Muizi is a engineer, if he causes a real big problem to their peoples ?. Have lofty titles but how many of us don’t want to be called that? Who is not even a basic graduate in CT?

              This lowlife will attack anyone who stands against murderous JVP/ NPP at this critical juncture in this country. But those who know know that such stupid people cannot silence the voice of the trutth seeking Sri Lankans.

              Sinhala man should learn how to write comments from these commenters in CT
              OC, SJ, Raj-UK, Why Why, NV, Chiv and a few others. He should stay away from “Ruchira” and “Lester”. My grandmother always reminded us that bad association is the only path to the precipice of destruction.

        • 21

          “One revealing factor about NPP’s much-enunciated puritanical approach to politics is their translucent and transparent honesty and education. “
          I don’t know about that, but here is Chaturanga Abeysinghe the JVP economics expert, advertising private tuition classes. It seems the JVP isn’t against private education as long as they are the ones doing the selling.🤣🤣🤣.


          • 14

            Dear Rational Thinkers,
            JVPrs have no consistency. Earlier they respected 5 th principle in their famous classes. Now for some reasons. they have stopped criticising indianization. Why ?

            I had good old classmates that ran after “JVP classes” in mid 80ties. Most of them after becoming medical doctors, Engineers or science researchers, have forgotten almost everything as of today. That is the human nature. Each human being tends to materials. However, in the guise of AKDISM, if they make every efffort to spread lies, that should be rejected by people.

            Some among my former classmates dont even say hello to me today, since I stood against them also those days. It is all about enviousness towards those who could afford something, JVPrs emerged in that part of srilanka

            . Can anybody tell me that JVPrs would say know if they are offered “luxury items”. Likewise, they each got elected to the parlament, never said ” no” to VEHICLE permit. Further to this, none of them rejected ” pension funds” after serving 5 years as a parliamentary politicians. So, where is the consistency ? what examples they made to the nation ?

        • 14

          Dear LM: “Hopes are disappearing for t the people like me”. Your thirst for bringing the Medamulana Beasts disappeared as and when Madamulana Beasts chose Ranil W to ascend the throne left by Gota – another beast of Madamulana.

          Do you need to renew your hopes? The one and the only left, even to try, is NPP. No other option my friend. How about exploring that possibility?

          • 13

            I am not affiliated to any party. But if we are asked to support the NPP, they should remove our ambiguities.
            Ruchira-virus affects us all badly today on CT. He might have been a good guard and pampori shifter for the Sinhalese_Man, but not for me or for those who predicts it better.
            1) How will they eliminate the country’s “economic woes”? Who will take up the challenges ? Sunil Handuneththi was an active MP in recent parliament, however, he has no whatsoever years long experience in ECONOMICs. Just obtained degrees would not do much. Best example is provided by GLP and several others that were loyal to Medamulana Beasts for such a long time.
            2) JVP babies keep saying that we have other options than depending on IMF. They should inform us. How can Nalin Jayathissa or the like do the job of a MINISTER OF A HEALTH ? He has not even worked as a medical doctor, nor has he any kind of ministerial positions before ?
            3) How JVP led NPP would do it what all others failed ? Have they got ” aladin’s wonder making lamps” ? why should we risk it again ? Gotabaya was made
            .a gladiator, but ended up being a rat…. however, their shame genes are out of control….. unedcuated bastards would never think twice.
            4). Why do JVP-NPP dodge our crucial questions about the future ?

      • 16

        nimal fernando

        ” and only listen to Jim Reeves.”

        True, I like his song “But You Love me Daddy”

        And “To Sir, with Love” by Lulu

        And Eda Rae – by Milton Mallawarachchi

        And The Kudaya Pite Badan – by Freddy Silva


        And Mehbooba Mehbooba from ‘Sholay


        • 11


          Thanks …….. I’ve never heard any of them. ……. You come across as a very sentimental guy: hard to imagine! :))))

          “But You Love me Daddy” ……. I guess you have a daughter. ……. Just a guess, from your love of the song: I don’t want to pry into your or anyone’s personal lives. ……… Except OC’s and ladies on the 154 bus.

          One of my favourites ……. the lyrics are hilarious ……….. 1:43 …….. 154 bus ………. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQWbjhg3-hQ

          Do you find any similarities between these 2 songs? ……….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peIdAAOVo2E and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO6k4JRafrU

          • 5

            nimal fernando

            Thanks for the link.

        • 3

          We plan to post enough punnaku from Hamburg to LESTER and Ruchira. I believe food intake could change their nature in favour of the people.
          Do you have any idea what else to put in those boxes? I see that Ruchira Baba needs a lot more support. Some toys to keep busy?

    • 29

      Nathan ,
      “Why does this sentence structure leave a bad taste in my mouth!”
      That seems to be in the same class as ” Putting one’s foot down with a firm hand”. Nowadays I wonder if Vishwa is Ruchira in drag…..

      • 31

        On the other hand,
        “Ceylon became independent and she owes that ‘independence to the selfless sacrifices made by her closest neighbor’s leaders like Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Abdul Kalam.”
        I don’t think Ruchira would have written that, unless he’s schizophrenic.

    • 19

      I have immense respect for you, but please spare me the the task of analysing “Vishwamithra”, whose identity I do not know. I have written to him on a few occasions, pointing out some factual errors, but he writes back from an address that’s clearly dedicated to his efforts on Colombo Telegraph.
      I don’t want to set myself up as an arbiter on style of writing on CT. I find that “Vishwamithra’s” political line accords with mine. That’s sufficient for me. The guy who’s totally out of control is “leelagemalli” – and I see him as getting to be a danger to us all. I’m waiting apprehensively to see what new hogwash he showers on us.
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 3


        The above comment was meant for Nathan.

      • 7

        Panini –
        Leelagemalli’s conduct is symbolic and representative of a certain group of people that frequent the comments section. Though it is Leelagemalli that stands out you could see that quite a few has the same values like him though they do not express them in the same crass language all the time. But you could see the common values surface when the push comes to shove.
        What is interesting to note is that all of them subscribe to the same ethno-political narrative and support the same politicians and parties.
        You could see that those who do not subscribe to this narrative and/or parties are subjected to ad-hominem attacks in various ways. This is a pretty interesting reflection of the Sri Lankan polity. It’s culture. That may have been and still is at the core of its woes, economic and otherwise. Ironically none of them belong to the Mahawamsa loving Chauvunist Sinhala Buddhist Racist cult that has been dubbed as the perpertrators of all the country’s problems.

        • 3

          That’s why more than anything else we need an overall change – a change that is often referred to as the ‘System Change’. A phrase that is much used and abused with many definitions offered by many parties while at the same time ill defined as to what exactly it means. We need people with a different set of values in charge of running things not the ones who suggest we maintain the status quo and keep on doing business as usual.
          I have previously written about the ‘rise of the right wing’ in many nations around the world, I think in response to the essays by one Rajan Philips. This group I tried to lossely defined above probably represent the local ‘right wing’ in a very broad sense.

        • 36

          “those who do not subscribe to this narrative and/or parties are subjected to ad-hominem attacks” Like this one?

          “Ruchira / February 23, 2024
          But you still didn’t tell us from where you got the scholarship?”
          Or this “crass language?
          “It is about Tamils being a superior race and wanting priviledged treatment, when infact they are nothing but a bunch of crooks, sick bastards – organized criminals – Terrorists.”
          Is Thoththa Baba playing innocent?

          • 45

            Ruchira once I read you saying ” lets F … those Tamils and teach a lesson “. Now playing innocent. Haven’t we seen and heard enough of HYPOCRITES. I believe , SM has long stopped playing naive / innocent. But it’s for him to figure out who you’re and true intentions. People like Jester, Tony, Liger . . . . . . . subscribe to same racism as yours. You came here looking for a group / gang, for minority bashing. You tried befriending OC …..SJ….. Raj-uk….. Lanka Scot . . . but they were much smarter for your liking and then, you ended up with like minded Jester.

            • 2

              (1) Show me what I have said and where?. (2) You may want to refer the meaning of ad hominem attacks and ask someone to explain it to you, since you and the like seem to have trouble comprehending simple english – for example the difference between concealing identity and being an imposter. The meaning of a crime. I could provide numerous examples but really can’t bothered to. Any attacks on Sinhala Buddhists as Racists, Chauvinists and a genocidal community would attract an equal response. Yes Tamils here, who comment, most of them and some others too harbour racism disguised as some pseudo freedom struggle and I’ve been clear that the so called struggle for liberation of Tamils has been funded by moneys earnes from engaging in criminal activities that has never been properly investigated because their criminal networks span across many jurisdictions. They need to be taught a lesson by bringing them under the long arm of the law. I am of the belief that some of them frequent this comments section. Some even go further and calls for an invasion by India, which in itself is a war crime.

              • 9

                “Show me what I have said and where?. “
                1.“It is about Tamils being a superior race and wanting priviledged treatment, when infact they are nothing but a bunch of crooks, sick bastards – organized criminals – Terrorists.””
                2″But you still didn’t tell us from where you got the scholarship?”
                3″Lester – Slavery is a mind a set. But OC is a little naive to the ways of the world. And often his naivety precedes any better judgement. But he isn’t atleast vicious like some others.”
                4″I thought my efforts to blend in (and fit in) to the culture that prevails here would be appreciated. I guess that’s too much to expect, even from an old codger. ;)”
                5″– I think he gave a quote from a journal article that described them (Estate Tamils) as low – IQ and low caste
                6″agree with Lester when he states estate Tamil’s contribution was in supplying cheap labour and it was the British that established the planation sector. “
                7.”Oh Lester – That explains it – a Prince of Wales product. A wannabe of sort that suffers from incurable jelousy for not being able to rub shoulders with certain factions in the society. Hence always looking for something to look down upon others. The name, the school, the caste, the class, the creed….”
                Thank you so much for shedding your sheep-skin.

                • 7

                  “It will be a matter of time before I expose some of them for the crooks and criminals they are, and I can’t wait to see some of them behind bars.”
                  I respect people who can argue coherently, even racists, but I have nothing but contempt for bullies who think empty threats are anything but an indication of their gutter origins.
                  Some experts in English cannot get it round their heads that a Sinhalese Buddhist and a Sinhala-Buddhist are not the same. Nor can they believe that a Non-Tamil can support Tamils on their genuine issues.
                  “Some even go further and calls for an invasion by India, which in itself is a war crime.” 🤣🤣🤣
                  What are you afraid of? Are you an onion seller ?

                  • 7

                    “and getting sodamized by some of his fellow crooks who are not cry babies”
                    Is that something to do with a soda bottle? I must ask a real English expert, not a YouTube fake pundit.

            • 2

              …and don’t bother speculating why I came here but just for the record it looks like I accomplished much more than I initially intended. I can’t say the same about some of you Tamils and your supporters, while some others seem to be better informed and making slightly strategic moves while some of you may have very enthusiastically jeopardized the so called Tamil struggle without ever knowing. As for Sinhala Man he is old enough to decide for himself about others. Befriending anyone was the last thing on my mind when I came here, if you have any doubts you could ask Panini himself. Running into Lester was accidental. I started paying attention to what he says after seeing that some people branded him a fascist and I was curious to know why. It looked like just as I suspected if he is anything, he is a capitalist. Not a crony capitalist like some others. That said I am not interested in engaging in petty personal attacks, so don’t expect any responses from me in the future. And don’t worry about me and those who ‘befriend’ me rather be concerned about the company YOU find comfort in…. the ones who justify murder and other crimes… if I were you, I’d think twice about them… but if you are in the same boat I guess it is not surprising that you would rally round the common enemy! Have a good day.

              • 4

                I wanted to move on leaving all the Sinhala Buddhist haters to their own devices but it seems like some people demand attention to their rather juvenile interests . So here I am commenting further.
                Re: Panini aka as Sinhala Man
                It was not so long ago some of you tried hard to convince me without much success that Panini is a toxic character and that’s why most of his comments get axed by the CT moderators. Because he posts rather abusive and toxic comments. And it was me who defended Panini. But today you rally round Panini as if he is the greatest creation of god that some of you are infatuated with and try to portray me as the bad guy.
                If you stuck to some solid principle in hating people other than them being Sinhalese or Buddhists you could have earn some credit to your cause. But that kind of integrity is not to be found among your Sinhala Buddhist hating lot!
                You have been exposed. Left, right and center. There’s nowhere for you to run. Even if you run there’s nowhere for you to hide. Because there aren’t enough toilets in ToiletNadu to hide your sorry Sinhala hating Tamil terrorists.

                • 3

                  Now that I started my rhetorical rant in which I make reference to Sinhala Man, it will not be complete without a reference to Jaffna Man, the good old compatriot of the former.
                  It was pathetic to have seen him slide an advertisement of sorts of his book Heritage whatever…in the guise of being concerned of ’empowerment of womem’ a topic Dr. Lional Bopage has been rather passionately writing about.
                  But in retrospect it is not a suprise and only to be expected from a group of people that used pregnant women as suiced bombers to kill innocent civillian sinhala buddhists.
                  So there goes the credibility of Jaffana Man while Sinhala Man still stands undefeated in the middle of the ring.
                  Finally I sincerely hope the sorry Tamil lot that has been active on Colombo Telegraph is not representative of the Tamil community for their own sake, as they, the Tamil commenters on CT, and their sympathizers, like leelagemalli and native veddha to name a couple, turn out to be a bunch of pathetic losers.
                  It will be a matter of time before I expose some of them for the crooks and criminals they are, and I can’t wait to see some of them behind bars.

                  • 0

                    …and getting sodamized by some of his fellow crooks who are not cry babies that run to their mommys with the slightest issue they face with. A place where they could meet ‘real men’ according to their own values.

                    • 0

                      I’m sure they could then find some Ivy league trained Proctologist to look into and treat their anal and carnal wounds – both physical and psychological in nature.
                      Yes we can talk Truth and Reconciliation afterwards. Self determination included.

                    • 9

                      “who are not cry babies that run to their mommys with the slightest issue they face “
                      Which Thoththa baba wrote an “open letter” to CT? The same Sinhala Buddhist hero that mercilessly hounded another contributor, accusing him of being a fake?
                      Seems these experts in English can’t even come up with an original line🤣🤣
                      “It will be a matter of time before I expose some of them for the crooks and criminals they are”
                      Really? In your two-bit youtube channel?
                      What happened to all the “lightening” promised last week.?

                  • 9

                    Paw Ruchirababa@ Sinhala Man over to you why cant you help him.

                    Tamil Sri Lankans know that I am no means Sinhala_racist and not a racist at all. I am anti-Rajapakshe eternally because they destroyed this nation.Nobody else. No sane person should attack Ranil or CBK or any other leader for that matter.
                    . Latter were decent and did their best to this poisonous human reptiles filled country.
                    . However, I am patient that the future government under Ranil will have to take them by the horns. That he does is sure to me. I am dreaming of seeing MARA being put in a jail cell.


                    • 8


                      . No matter what they say or do, AKD-led Gotabaya number 2 should be avoided by hook or by crook.
                      Opinion Polls suggest that, although people are sentimental, the current public is more likely to understand the good job of RW over the past 18 months. People will consider it more in the coming days.
                      Poor Ruchira Baba drove his vehicle against the wall. Now hanging on the rock. Racists like this never have it easy. I am Sinhala but will never spread Sinhala racism as promoted by kind of shanty dwellers. I don’t even want to call them “minorities”: the term minority should be erased from Sri Lankan politics.
                      Btw, now Ruchira baba has to seek salvation through SM. I wonder if SM will protect him. SM’s mental problems are apparently incurable. He is making every effort to solve his mental problems under the guise of Sri Lankan politics.
                      Instead of real responses to the CT articles, he talks more about his pomposity and gossip.How many times he goes to little boy room etc.. that is how poor man reacts to our posts.

                    • 7


                      He became a clown to us all the past few years. He has been like that for the last 7 years. Grandma told me that leopards don’t change skin spots.

                      He is a man with all hypocritical agendas. I thought keepers would have been always protected by their guards. …. wait and see ??????????

                      I read once, the intelligent OC kindly asked RUCHIRA BABA to read his comments before posting to CT.
                      Isn’t it time to take his advice seriously?
                      Among the few people we have in CT, OC is the smartest. Hat off.
                      All the others, including Lester, are born grass eaters. No wonder the country ended up as FOOLER#S PARADISE… alah… good luck to our people !

                • 9

                  “Sinhala Buddhist haters”?
                  What sort of Sinhala Buddhist doesn’t even know who Shenali Waduge is?

          • 11

            He may be Thoththa Baba?? Seems so Ignorant, he wouldn’t even know, meaning of being “innocent”!!?? Such is the perilous calamity of the situation!!!???

            • 8

              remember Lester attacked you lately saying that you are govt school idiot. Just becasue the bugger et al was forced to go to a pvt school, should he risk the kind of rants ? but the bugger et al continues….

              Yes Ruchira needs more practice. I think the kind of pundits should start it again with kindergarten.

              We are in a country that has fought a brutal war. Irrespective of our brutal past, idiots like Ruchira abuse their pen calling minorities as “Tamil racists, toiletnadu, etc”….. all these tell something big which is this guy and his pimp – Lester are real racists.
              Our reviewers have already analyzed it. He can do the “keeper” job, but beyond that?

  • 34

    “ both segments of the political spectrum continued to safeguard and protect their age-old class and tribal inheritances with no heed paid to the suffering masses.”
    Those who have accumulated wealth & still in the process of making it bigger and bigger CAN NOT see the really hard working SL citizens. They want them to still work harder without
    Really achieving a comfortable living. The GAP between well to do and the poor is increasing. The Fraudulent Business people + Politicians + all their stooges will like to continue with the current state. The current system can not and should not last & the END should come soon hopefully in the form of AKD on the throne.
    Hope he upholds the LAW and Order ASAP.

  • 35


    The compass is an appropriate symbol for firm direction at a time when SL is lost in political wilderness but can you explain in simple terms the direction of the NPP? A party consisting of 23 or more groups with, obviously, opposing objectives (ie. academics, professionals, retired military men, trade unionists, Bhikku & women’s fronts, etc etc) marching in the same direction is hard to imagine, at least to me. Obviously, with AKD being the head honcho of JVP as well, I would assume a leftist ‘socialist’ direction but it has been said that the NPP is ‘business friendly’, which is rather vague. So, there seems to be a lot of assumptions by everybody, from sceptics like me to ardent followers like you, who think a social revolution is the solution to all the problems.

    Whatever the political party, I am interested specifically on the economy as a priority & I would like to know what direction the NPP will take on funding economic recovery.

    • 10

      “A party consisting of 23 or more groups with, obviously, opposing objectives (ie. academics, professionals, retired military men, trade unionists, Bhikku & women’s fronts, etc etc) marching in the same direction is hard to imagine, at least to me.”

      It sounds a bit like the UN. A lot of talk, but very little action. In the end, the biggest donors (they are called “lobbies” in politics) will have their way.

      • 34

        That’s not much different from APPACHE”s AMALGAM of 2004!!!??? Percival’s “Mahinda Chinthanaya” – Confluence of No meaningful consensus attainable in their Governance at all!!!???

    • 1

      Raj UK – the groups mentioned are all part of the society and all the other parties too have similar groups. Not sure how it’s going to be a hindrance to anything.
      Do the other parties know how to fund the economy? Have they declared their economic plans with the costs and funding for the same that you keep on requesting NPP does?
      Recovery will be slow. There won’t be any magic bullets. Whoever comes to power, funding would come from the same sources. Borrowings in the short run, investment in the intermediate, and export earnings in the long. Only the finer details would differ and they in the most immediate term consist of – the negotiations, the conditions agreed with the IMF and the lenders and how much to borrow from whom for what?
      What seems to matter in my view is that the will of the public has aligned with the NPP since of late and therefore it would be the party to lead the country if a victory is secured at the elections.
      It seems to be obvious why this sudden change of heart (of the public)?

      • 34


        I would ask the same question from every political party but it is the NPP that is being venerated in CT, even by academics, with a lot of assumptions, therefore, my question is to these writers. According to your assumptions, how long will NPP need ‘funding from the same sources’ & when would we be ‘earning from exports’? What is the infrastructure needed & the costs? Without the answers, how does the NPP defer from Ranil’s plans? At least, Ranil has brought some stability after a mega disaster.

        The SLFP. PPP. UNP are no longer in the running, which leaves the SJB as the only other contender but I have no faith in Premadasa jnr. Premadasa jnr carries baggage & I have heard some unsavory comments about his & his family’s involvement in a property matter but we all know what to expect from him (temples & Buddha statues in every street corner) & the dependance on IMF bailouts with possible further hikes in taxation for the shortfall. As before, the rich can expect to get richer while the poor get poorer, there will no change in that but if there is a write up, I will be asking the same questions.

        • 33

          NPP boasts of intellectuals & academics but they seem to lag behind those in developed country like UK where the opposition has a clear plan of achieving their objectives & how it will all be funded. Of course, there will be adjustments on the way but the fundamental strategy is open to public scrutiny. NPP don’t even seem to have a clue how much state enterprises can generate in revenue, public expenditure & how much is needed in corporate tax & income tax to cover the deficit. WIth this basic information, they can disclose to the public how they intend to improve the performance of state enterprises, invest in new avenues of income & trim public expenditure. This is not rocket science but it would indicate to the public they mean business, so why not get these intellectuals to pull up their socks & come out with serious stuff instead of playing to the gallery with irrelevant issues like ’empowering women’ ?

          • 1

            Raj UK
            Thank you for your comments and also the response you have given elsewhere to a querry I raised on nuclear power, its sutitability to Sri Lanka. Sorry I couldn’t acknowledge the latter as I lost track of that thread and the comments were closed when I finally had a chance to trace and read it.
            WRT, NPP I do agree with some of your criticisms and concerns except your views on gender empowerment. But it is futile to compare the local context with the political milieu that exist in a country like the UK.
            Your answer to some extent is acceptable – that your querries raised are in response to articles published on CT in favour of NPP.
            But I think you need to look at the overall context, what’s happening in the country, not just what is posted on CT, and then assess NPP in comparison to other options available.
            Ranil hasn’t done much – the macroeconomic stability is brought largely by the debt moratorium and few other measures that has taken which will only work in the short run.

            • 31

              Why can’t we learn from developed countries?
              People have voted for all the mainstream parties & have lost faith in their leaders. The only untried party is the NPP, therefore, the only party left to be tried. Aren’t we changing pillows to cure the headache? There is much hype about the educational levels & honesty among the NPP membership, based on which, a lot of assumptions are made. Aren’t these educated people able to emulate developed countries? Afterall, we need a better caliber of politicians, so, let them prove their integrity & capability.

              • 31

                Maybe Ranil has done nothing much &, certainly, should do more. His capability & vision is subject to question but what is the NPP as a political party offering that is different from Ranil’s?
                Ranil is arrogant & not charismatic like AKD but when it comes to substance, there is nothing to say the NPP led by AKD is any different. You have said about borrowings in the short term & earning from exports in the long term, so, will the borrowing be less & bring more prosperity in a shorter period? What are the medium term investments & the costs that will be better than Ranil’s? Aren’t you making assumptions on behalf of the NPP?

                • 2

                  Raj UK – Perhaps you didn’t understand what I’ve said. I meant no matter who comes to power there are some basic truths. Like what are the source of funds – borrowings, an example. I wasn’t making any assumptions On behalf of the NPP. It’s a fact regardless of who comes to power. If you don’t have money – you borrow.

                  • 9


                    We are going in circles. Of course, we need to beg but, if I am not mistaken, NPP was strongly against IMF involvement but they seem to change their tune now. NPP can only say they will negotiate better terms, so aren’t we taking it for granted? WIll China & all the other lenders accept debt restructuring just because AKD has a honest face & the rest are intellectuals with integrity? SL is established as a corrupt nation to do business with, so will the perception change with a new bunch of socialists? We all know about corruption, which is now in our DNA, so can the NPP with its perceived honest politicians, change our way of life overnight by example only? How can we convince donor agencies & foreign investors without any specific objectives & plans for the changes? If the NPP have it all planned out, lets hear it.

                    In a nutshell, what are the NPP plans for progress? Apart from honesty & integrity, the NPP is not offering anything different from others but is that enough?

                    • 0

                      Yes – honesty and intergrity is enough.

                    • 0

                      The rest can be learnt in no time.

  • 27

    Abdul Kalam was a teenager at the time of the Indian Independence.
    How come he was fighting side by side with Gandhi,Nehru,Patel et al?

    • 31

      Indian Independence movement had many Teenagers!!! No Surprises there??

    • 28

      “Abdul Kalam was a teenager “
      I was about to mention that myself, but it seems there was another of the same name, aka Maulana Azad.

  • 7

    “All other political parties cannot brag about honesty and education.”

    What about the people who elect the politicians? If the people themselves are educated and honest, they will generally elect good politicians. Then again, you have to remember that Sri Lanka had a monarchy for most of its history. The idea of “free elections” is part of the Westminister System of government imposed on the country by the British. The “coolie class” did not emanate from the common class of people – it was carefully manicured at private schools and then Oxbridge or some place. Therein lies the gap, glaringly evident even today.

    • 38

      “it was carefully manicured at private schools and then Oxbridge or some place. “
      I thought you and Ruchira were fans of private schools?
      Anyway, I must commend you for a logical comment.

      • 8

        I don’t know why you are blaming me or Ruchira for your education. That is entirely on your parents. What about your hero Ranil? I have seen him at MIT and Oxford U, he wouldn’t be caught alive at “ape anduwe ischole.”


        Joker is giving history lessons after losing elections.

        • 36

          You are the one who claimed to be privately educated, not me.
          “Ranil? I have seen him at MIT and Oxford U, he wouldn’t be caught alive at “ape anduwe ischole.”
          So, you’re saying Ranil studied abroad? Prove it, then.

          • 6

            “So, you’re saying Ranil studied abroad?”

            No, that’s not what I said. He gave speeches at MIT and Oxford Union. Even Harvard. I don’t know why he does that. It’s not like he’s a good speaker. I’m trying to imagine this guy running a Batalanda operation, probably made the detainees die of laughter.

          • 9

            Uneducated and Unwise Statement, who has no Maturity of thought, even after attending a Private School – Must be a Punnakku eating School, although Private School!!??? Stunted Thoughts!!!???

  • 1

    I do agree with the author. We as a nation need a ‘compass’ in many ways than one.
    In terms of the direction we should take in economic development to many other domestic and foreign policies; as well as in terms of morals, values and ethics, we should cultivate as a society.
    Only hope at the moment for such a paradigmatic shift is the party that uses compass as its symbol.
    Symbolism is a powerful communicator hence I believe the author’s attempt to highlight it.
    On a diffent matter author has mentioned that “Ceylon became independent and she owes that ‘independence to the selfless sacrifices made by her closest neighbor’s leaders like Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Abdul Kalam.”
    Not necessarily.
    I think running a large empire was beginning to take a toll on itself as it was a costly affair and the British were ready to withdraw their occupation from the colonies in any case.
    Struggles whatever their nature I am sure may have exacerbated the withdrawal. There I believe were economics involved that many would happily ignore in their efforts to praise local heroes for the freedoms granted or won – depending on how you look at it.

    • 0

      * Accelerated not exacerbated…

  • 34

    How do the voting Public know which way is the COMPASS is pointing?
    Which direction is it going to take?
    Have the NPP published it’s Election Manifesto? What good acts are they planning to do?
    I wonder whether the Election Commission be neutral and FAIR?

  • 32

    In the end, Compass will not be able to get 50+1 in a general election. The best option is for SJB and Compass to sign an agreement which ever party that gets more votes will be the leader of the group and for 5 years none of them will leave the coalition.

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