5 December, 2024


The Dog’s Case of Professor Ashu & Hirunika’s Indiscretion 

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

“…if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them”- Karl Popper

Ashu Resigns: Professor Ashu did what’s best he could do by resigning from his position as one of the President’s advisors. 

‘Soft Logic’ – Presidents all over the world appoint persons whom they believe, from time to time, can add valuable input to the process of governance. Such appointments are standard. This does not at all imply that the appointer should be held responsible for any subsequent misdemeanours on the part of the appointee. Hirunika Premachandra who is Sajith Premadasa’s media advisor had been instructed to pick up some investigation by SJB men with a view to transform an alleged criminal incident associated with the individual Professor Anshu into a pot of fatal poison actually aimed at President Ranil Wickremasinghe and his government.

As stated in the previous paragraph, this approach has no logic at all. However, in the ball game of politics these are commonplace tactics although one would have expected the critic to be a little discrete and sparing in such a very personal, unestablished case.

Central Bank Case

The Central Bank fraud allegations, although dismissed in court, had similarly been initiated by a JVP guy-just in order to bring down Ranil on the mere fact that the then Prime Minister had appointed the governor, Mahendran. There, again, Rajendra had been excellent as far as his CV document went- a proven international banker. The appointment had been good prima facie. But how could Ranil be found fault for any misdemeanour that the governor may have indulged in? Proceedings in that case fizzled out and all accused were released. Ranil wasn’t an accused. The so-called “loss” had been a notional loss” and money obtained had been returned and frozen in the Treasury.

Hirunika Personifies Indiscretion

The reader should not make a mistake: This paper is not to attempt to justify any allegations levelled against Professor Anshu. He will suffer pain of mind as he must, since the whole episode does smell like spoilt -fish from St John’s Fish Market in the Pettah. 

On the other hand, as I will show as we go on, Professor Ashu can fight Hirunika for libel and damages.

I am one who had been impressed with Hirunika-the young woman- when she fist appeared on the political platform. I thought she was leadership material for the future and I wrote to Colombo Telegraph about that. But her performance since that promise has been revoltingly crude and full of indiscretion. Her recent drama  was when she tried to climb a security wire -fence, well attired in a yellow saree and looking young, attractive and angry. Hirunika was more rowdy unlike a resillient Afghan female leader fighting for the right to university education. 

Someone had advised Hirunika to address President Ranil Wickremasinghe as “Ranil Rajapaksa.” That was in bad taste, and not decent. It jarrs! And the implied allegation does not correspond with the reality that her leader Sajith, himself in a surreal and febrile frenzy to grab power, had willingly supported Dulles-the Mahinda loyal- for Presidency against Ranil. Once again, Sajith wanted to go it alone but got cold feet-and off he went to Dulles who is still trying to oust Ranil.

Hirunika hit below the belt of decency when she referred to “Ranil’s balls.” That was like a flash! I saw the video and in it Sajith’s wife, seated next to her, appeared enjoying the quip with Sajith pretending to control her.

That was bad show! The basic position in poltical life is that the head of government should be respected. Criticise him by all means but know your limit. If you don’t know that, politics is not for you.

The Ashu Allegation

Hirunika blurts out in media (was it Sirasa?) that the professor is guilty of bestiality and sex acts with his puppy. She suggested that Ashu has been doing all kinds of non-specified sexual abuse. Although she cannot logically transfer the allegation to Ranil the fact is that Hirunika has caught a good catch. On the other hand, if the professor wants he has a good case for libel and probably huge damages. 

As evidence, Hirunika brings one Aadarsha Karadena who claims to have been “living in” for two years with the Professor. No other witnesses. It is a valid presumption that Karadena represents a women bitten and in rage. Also, Hirunika produces for all to see what is alleged to be a photographic image of the professor doing something bad with a dog. To me, the image isn’t clear.

 Admissibility as Evidence in Court

Herein lies the danger of Hirunika’s accusation. Can photographs like this be admissible evidence in court? This is not a film footage but a digital product and we all know digtal products can be manipulated in a multitude of ways in order to distort the reality. Digital Art is a new frontline art in contemporary times. The power of AI can be used to create anything you like. Digital art is sophisticated and it involves digital photography, digital installations ,algorithmic art, data moshing, digital collage and so on.

While it is possible for such a photography to be accepted in court the law genrally demands some independent documentation or other verification.

There is an interesting and authoritative article on this subject written by a famed forensic digital expert called Steven Staggs. The title is “The Admissibility of Digital Photography in court.”

I give just four excerpts from that article as follows:

1. “A photography by itself is not a reliable form of evidence unless it is attached with some form of government-issued documents.”

2. “A photograph is admissible in court provided a witness ( not necessarily but preferably the photograph- maker gives  evidence of its accuracy”

3. “Photographs are admissible in court only if the photograph has been properly verified on oath by a person  able to speak  to its accuracy.”

4. “No photograph image can be accurately portray what the viewer would, could, or should have seen at the time of thr original”

Hirunika on Dangerous Ground

Thus, you see, Hirunika isn’t on safe ground. Nor is the SJB. It may be a historical battle to come.

The SJB has typically been involved in stunts. The problem is that that party or its leader has no policy plan framework to inspire the broad mass of people. Hence, the emphisis on stunts. Sajith is seen travelling in buses, driving buses, marching with market women and “shouting populist slogans.” Lacking in political vision the SJB must think of stunts. The problem is that the positive political impact of political stunts can transfer to other competing opposition bodies.

Democratic Societies and Tolerance

Democratic societies must necessarily tolerate stunts, attacks and counter attacks. Players in government, like Professor Ashu, should know to keep margins and appear to be good.

Governments must allow opposition outbursts and they must exercise tolerance and rectify themselves of any errors pointed out. A tolerant environment is very necessary.

On the other hand, the vilifying opposition elements must also know margins and not outstep the whole game. This is why democratic tolerance cannot mean unlimited tolerance. “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.” Karl Popper (The Logic of Scientific Discovery)

This means that attacks on individuals must be made with due regard to the individuals rights to defend and government’s right to sustain itself legitimately. 

Defending such rights is the purpose of the laws of a land.

Latest comments

  • 20

    Don’t they say that Caesars wife must be better than lily white????? A professor and a Presidential Adviser.

    • 33

      Oh C’mon Shymon! …….. go get some treatment for your insane bias towards Ranil ! ……… Why is that, for some Lankans, their favourite pols cant do no wrong?

      In Lanka, not only the ordinary people but poor dogs, cats and other animals have no protection from pols!

      Shymon, for once, how about putting your great knowledge of Buddhism into practice and writing a piece to protect dogs and other animals? It’s them who needs protection here; not your beloved incurable corrupt to the core Ranil. Buddhist my foot!

      “Buddhist” is not a utility label: it’s something one gotta practice ……. even now and then.

      Ranil did not appoint this deadbeat sex-maniac to serve the people in their greatest hour of need ……. he is just one of Ranil’s hangers-on/sidekicks who lost his seat and now appointed to do nothing and enjoy all the perks and privileges.

      • 13

        Unlike OC and Native, the sculptured-chest guys ……. he shouldn’t be taking his shirt off in public!

        • 26

          After 50 years of searching high and low ………….. Ranil has finally found his true home …….among murderers, crooks, robbers, bribers, swindlers, deceivers, ……… women, child and above all dog molesters!

          And last but not least …….. among Michelangelo’s David …….. chiselled chest types who aren’t afraid to take their shirts off in public. :)))

          He has finally found his true home/essence/calling.

          Ranil must be the happiest guy in Lanka ……. along with Shymon!

          Shymon …… are you dancing the ol’ Baila? Jumping for joy …….. whoopee-ing ?

          • 19

            nimal fernando

            Happy Holidays.

            “child and above all dog molesters!”

            Mahawamsa glorifies bestiality.
            Many learned professors believe in Mahawamsa.

            • 5


              Merry X’mas and Happy Holidays to you too! ……. and to Mahila who had wished me in Rusiripala’s piece.

              We are all having Sri Lankan feast …….. what more can I wish for? :))

        • 10

          nimal fernando

          Happy Holidays.
          Did you receive any gift from Father Christmas?
          Mahinda, Gota, Dinesh, Wimal, Udaya, …….. believe the Sinhala/Buddhist Father X Mas is going to bring some goodies in the new year before 75th Independence day.

          Thought for the day for the day:

          “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
          Albert Einstein.

          Do you think Einstein was right when he said the above?

          • 4

            The thag here is ………. not personalities ……. but ……. right and wrong, truth and untruth, reality and delusion, principles and no-principles.

            Things can’t be wrong when one person does them ……. and be right when another person does them.

            Things can’t be wrong when the Rajapakses do them …….. and the same things can’t be right when Ranil does them.

            People have to have principles that are sacrosanct – above all leaders, writers, society-shapers who claim to be Buddhists! …….. Or of other faiths.

            Principles ….. either you have them or you don’t. There is no middle ground. (Native, take note)

            Principles are not expendable! ……..They are expendable only to people – like me – who make no pretence or claim to have them ……. and upfront about it.

            When you read most of the posts here …… all one reads is people’s biases towards one personality or another …….. repeated ad nauseam mostly to convince themselves (and perhaps a few like-minded) …….. than anyone else out here/there.

            • 5


              The importance of having principles and sticking to them,

              This guy went and made a big show of holding the hand of Rathana who was on a never-dying “hunger strike” against the falsely-accused Muslims. The guy, as a Catholic, knows very well, the difference between bogus “hunger strikes” and the story of people/Catholics who starved to death in real hunger strikes – Bobby Sands et al.

              He did it for some cheap passing momentary popularity …….. and now he is preaching Bana (most of it true) no one listens to …….. cause he has lost all credibility ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oij4exySPDc

              For or against, agree or not, right or wrong, whatever their shortcomings/faults ……. gotta acknowledge there were 2 who showed a few principles: Prabakaran and Eagle Eye (whoever he is/was)

              Most of the Tamils of yore – my grandparents and parents knew – from the Jaffna Peninsula, although insanely biased towards their own clan/ethnicity (nothing wrong “Sinhala-Buddhists” are insanely biased towards their own clan) were mainly people of principles …….. you could depend on their word to some extent: they were not treacherous. I would rather believe the word of a “old school” Jaffna-Tamil than the word of a Deep-South Sinhalese. Even among the Sinhalese, the Deep-South Sinhalese are renowned for treachery.

              • 4


                Prabakaran was a man of some “old school” principles; he wasn’t treacherous ……… that was one reason – among many – he lost.

                Like many here, who now, have changed their tune, ………. Eagle Eye didn’t change his tune or opinion about/of Ranil when Ranil came forward to protect his beloved Rajapakses.

                Don’t complain about your chances, boy
                It’s the only game in town
                And the meaning doesn’t matter
                Nor the way you play the game
                To the winner or the loser
                For the moral doesn’t matter
                Broken rules are all the same
                To the broken or the breaker
                Who’s to bless and who’s to blame?

                • 3

                  In the vacuum ……. created by Buddhist and Catholic priests’ dereliction of their duties ……… hope I don’t end up taking to preaching!

                  I wanna go on being happy sinner I am.

                • 3

                  What are you blabbering about.
                  If this is a confession, let me confess, just to show you what Confession really means.
                  “I have read only your comment. Not the Article”.
                  You sound oldish (like me) at half my age.
                  Archimedes’ Principle, I know of.
                  ‘You discover new things when you float naked’!
                  ‘A body immersed in a fluid experiences an upthrust equal to the weight of the fluid displaced’.
                  He was also instrumental to other findings. They are not principles. Just discoveries.
                  * The volume of a solid sphere is two- thirds the volume of the smallest cylinder that surrounds it.
                  * The surface area of the sphere is two-thirds the total surface area of the same cylinder.
                  Now tell me. Is Principles a big thing? No. Just a big word!
                  People have beliefs; People have faith. Who has principles.
                  Stop being a show-off!

                  • 2

                    “Stop being a show-off!”

                    Oh! C’mon Nathan don’t be childish! ………… We are all show-offs here. …… What else are we doing?

                    As I’ve said repeatedly, I make no pretence/bones about it. :)) ……… What others do is their business: if you/I don’t like it; don’t read it.

                    As I’ve always done, I intend to go on showing-off.

                    As for the rest of your comment ……… in the spirit of Christmas ……. taking your own advise, I’ll let it pass. :))

                    “I know for a fact that kindness more often than not is betrayed. But, my formative days have taught me to cling on to it, against adversity.
                    In that spirit, I ask you to choose kindness in times all the time.
                    When unable to do so, simply walk away.
                    (You are wise enough to know why I am being fatherly.)”

                    Just relax, take it easy
                    You’re still young, that’s your fault
                    There’s so much you have to know (Father and Son) :)))

                    Marry X’mas!

                  • 0

                    a fundamental truth or proposition, serves as the foundation for a belief or behaviour or for chain of reasoning!!
                    Behaving according to Principle, behavioural pattern found morally correct!!

        • 6

          “Unlike OC and Native, the sculptured-chest guys”
          Compared to Deepthi’s “chest”, of course……

          • 3

            Merry X’mas and Happy Holidays to you OC ……. and to everyone including Sinhala_Man!

            After all, it’s a time of peace and friendship and merriment.

            Peace, Happiness and Love to All!

            • 2


          • 5

            Codger I dont comment about your physical deformities, but as you have commented about my chest which is a normal chest I will say you must be a self-satisfied ugly mug whose face is repulsive

            • 2

              “Codger I dont comment about your physical deformities”.
              Wasn’t it you that called us “ugly old men” ? Time your learnt to practice your own “principles”.

    • 13

      How do we know all these pictures are the original ones ? Is it not too early to judge. As if our people have nothing better to discuss with???? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    • 14

      When Hirunika Premachandra burst onto the political stage I was overjoyed. Here was a young, attractive, possibly-educated and political-aware woman who would help to change community affairs and governmental direction. But her recent displays have made me have a rethink. Instead of being sensible and rational as a mature politician should be, she is being belligerent, disorderly and troublesome. Added to that, Premachandra has now shown herself to be gross and immature. She has exposed herself to the possibility of being sued for libel by joining with a woman spurned by her suitor. Together they have made public allegations of bestiality against the man. The photo they provide of a man in under-shorts with a dog seems a desperate attempt at proof. Media that gave broad and eager coverage to the press conference in which the allegations were made may also be in line to be sued.

      • 3

        My dear Sarath,
        Your ‘possibly-educated’ about Hirunika Premachandra is a travesty.
        She is truly educated! She is a real – properly qualified – lawyer unlike ‘the someone’ who ogled her as a teen!

        • 4

          Dear Nathan,
          Dear Nathan,
          “Educated” has several meanings. I don’t know that Sri Lankans respect that. I thnk other European languages clearly distinguish it.
          If someone is educated it means the way s/he was brought up….Educated person does not use dirty words in public.
          Example 1 – Mahinda Rajapaksa doesn’t care much about anything but he and his Wimal Weerawansa will use “Sinhala dirty words” on the political stage. Even if it’s viral. …because the common people love it…they are like favourite song texts fo rthem… .that’s how Vimal gets more votes in Basnahira (the most literate state in the country).
          Example 2 – Ms. B (Former Prime Minister) Former President CBK, Current President RW, Eran, Dr.Harsha Silva, Bakir makar, Sumanthiran etc. would never use such vulgar words to attack opponents in public.
          An educated person in Sri Lanka may be someone who has not studied a subject.

          • 0

            Dear leelagemalli.
            ‘Educated’ symbolises many things. Primary, ‘schooled’.
            You are speaking of ‘cultured’. Cultured is again broad.

            • 0

              If so, can you please compare Hirunika’s behavior today and correct your thoughts? Or do you need more time?

              Thank you.

              • 0

                Hirunika is a lawyer by qualification. In that sense, she is fit to be called educated.
                Behaviour, particularly of politicians, is always circumstantial. Yes, she is a politician to the core.
                Make use of her actions that suits you.
                You are not specific. I am avoiding being specific myself.

        • 5


          Gosh, Hirunika a lawyer? Wonder if she got her law degree from SL law school, the same law school where Namal got the highest marks. If I am not mistaken, a few years ago, with her privileges as a MP, she tried to dish out her own justice on someone who had been cheating on his wife that happened to be an employer of her’s. What kind of a lawyer is she if can’t understand even vigilantism is breaking the law? Just like several SL female politicians, she is just another Fish market vendor (apologies to fish vendors who make a honest living) who we can do without in Parliament.

          • 1

            Dear Raj,
            You may be right.
            This is a country that repeatedly awarded doctorates to Marvin Silva, the protector of nature. This happens again and again with UNIVERSITY dons like haunting. Like Latin American slackers, they don’t seem to act on time. The behavior of those high chapter monks is also the same.
            There are many famous figures who misused their academic titles and evolved under the conditions of the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime.
            You won’t be surprised if media hounds don’t think twice to call Juliyampitiya Amaraya (a serial killer and sitting in a cell) as “doctor” “lawyer” etc. on TV and in print media.

          • 1

            Hey Raj-UK,
            Hirunika is nobody to me.
            The ‘possibly-educated’ remark was mischievous; She is a ‘properly qualified’ lawyer.

            • 3

              Raj, LM, Nathan,
              You may be surprised, but Hirunickers apparently prefers to project herself as a virago type.
              Here she is in a TV appearance, in perfectly “educated” English:

              And Hirunika the model:

              Who is the real Hirunika?

              • 0

                In Germany we have the term ” Domina” ( I have no idea, but Hirunika may have all the qualifications being brought up in that millieu)- her sinhala expressions are similar to that of Wimal Weerwanse (so you dont need more to realize what she is capable for)

                : a woman of rank
                specifically : a woman holding a barony in her own right


              • 0

                old codger,
                Hirunika was a teenager when her father was murdered. She has chosen the defensive mechanism that suits her circumstances.

          • 0

            I am sure that there will be plenty of equally gifted UK–qualified lawyers to find where you are.

      • 3

        Dear Sarath,
        You bring up exactly the point that I immediately had to see when I read this planting news based on the sex life of the particles.

        Any wife can become the worst, if she tries to take revenge on her ex-husband. However later they become smart….that’s usually the nature of any woman. They are very emotional, more sensitive before the press conference, and can be captured by stunning pictures. That is the problem in this case too.

        Like you did, I respected Hirunika a few months ago for several good reasons. She was also one of the few people who appreciated her brave protest in front of former President Gotabaya’s Mirihana residence. After that only all the wealthy classes of Colombo took to the streets and organized it as a “struggle”.
        However, her sinhala filthy words these days, on the political talks and discussions are very similar to that of WIMAL BURUWANSE, who is the most abusive of all in Mahinda’s political propaganda.


        of Mahinda, the eternal man of Sri Lankan politics, are not different from the words of Wimal Buruwan, I feel that the immature Hirunika has fallen so deep today.

        • 4

          Just because someone has a degree is not enough to say that he or she is “educated.” Best example is being displayed by oxford educated GLP… professor GLP….. he sat with dogs all along, irrespective of his own dignified nature and education.
          They should also be able to lead by example. She, an educated young politician, should have thought twice before attacking the “rubbish Sinhalese RW below the belt” because she forced me to see how she can be a decent mother and daughter. Someone at that level? I dont have any respect to this woman today… nor would I respect Diana Gamange.

          Besides, Today’s digital crimes can easily cost anyone’s life. It is an abuse of the freedom given to them, as there are still no proper laws in that line within the boundaries of the island. In Europe, you cannot make such videos available publicly unless verified before doing so. No simple simon is allowed to take videos of anyone like they do in Sri Lanka today.

    • 6

      When Hirunika Premachandra burst onto the political stage I was overjoyed. Here was a young, attractive, possibly-educated and political-aware woman who would help to change community affairs and governmental direction. But her recent displays have made me have a rethink. Instead of being sensible and rational as a mature politician should be, she is being belligerent, disorderly and troublesome. Added to that, Premachandra has now shown herself to be gross and immature. She has exposed herself to the possibility of being sued for libel by joining with a woman spurned by her suitor. Together they have made public allegations of bestiality against the man. The photo they provide of a man in under-shorts with a dog is a desperate attempt at proof. Media that gave broad and eager coverage to the press conference in which the allegations were made may also be in line to be sued.

    • 4

      A professor and a Presidential Adviser.
      Does it man very much?

    • 4

      Sri Lankans generally enjoy “filthy news based on anyone” regardless of education level. PACHAWAHINIS (Derana TV, Swarnavahini TV, Hiru TV and social media channels based on myths and gossips) live in their fantasy earning millions if not billions.
      It is their genetic makeup.

      Muslims in general will not join them, all other communities enjoy it without thinking twice.
      However, it is reported from children’s hospitals lately that monks (child monks) were molested by looking at the anus- related haematoms, and social media and mainstream media remain dead silent on the alarming issue


      . Nor do those doctors react fearlessly. The so-called Ministry of Buddhist Affairs is also silent about it yet today. The monks of the higher chapters still do not say a single word. Open discussions are still off topic as they are considered social taboos in Sri Lankan society.
      -Solong you wear SANGA constume, you can commit any high crimes in the hell made by RAJAPAKSHES.


      • 4

        This double standard of media, fraudulent campaigns and various other factors keep this vicious cycle rolling.
        If anyone stands up against Bhikkhu crimes (sangha crimes), they are targeted by heavily supported criminals (Rajapakshe supporters, criminals in business community) in society.

        Almost everything is twisted and made in their favor.

        It was not 30 years of war that made this country hell, but the Rajapaksas in the last 15 years using their superb propaganda campaign using drugs and drug traffickers, SPA organizers and various illegal crooks in every corner of this country.

        MaRa’s. Salum DORA (door open to all) was introduced to this nation by DA Rajapaksa’s illegitimate sons.
        So-called movie stars, journalists (even that harvad educated Malin seneviratne), astrologers (royal astrologer) became rich thanks to medamulana- criminal friendly politics.If my elders were there, they would have rebelled, are these their own properties ?

  • 23

    SJ had been supporting Ranil W and hence he is a biased writer. Ranil . W is again trying to get the Tamil votes for the next Presidential election by restarting the’ discussions’ on ethnic resolution. It’s hard to trust him or Sinhala Politicians to solve the ethnic issue. We need the QUAD to mediate and agreement achieved on this very important issue ie ETHNIC
    Without this there will be no real economic progress. Without dumping the current Parliamentarians also there will be no progress!

  • 17

    Isn’t he wearing short pants?
    Can HP produce something less demanding on imagination?

    • 8

      Thanks SJ, I also see him wearing pants in that picture.
      It’s a pity that bedroom fantasy is becoming hot news in my homeland today.

      I wish you a merry Christmas and a healthy new year!

  • 21

    Me thinks that bestiality is common in sinhala land. In a short sojourn in sinhala land I saw an old man fingering a female dog.

    Reports say that sinhala land has the highest in the world for the search word “sex” .

    Note that during 1983 July a saffron robed rogue was involved with a mob who were sexually molesting and murdering a tamil teenage girl in Havelock Colombo!!!!!

    I would say this sinhala peoples characteristic is consistent with HP’s claims

    • 13

      “The basic position in poltical life is that the head of government should be respected.”
      This statement applies if the head of government behaves appropriately but unfortunately Ranil’s behaviour is appalling. All his close buddies (eg. SAGALA R, MALIK S) have common sexual interests. Hirunika made some serious accusations against Malik S in relation to young ruggerites at leading boys schools. The interesting point is that Ranil’s so-called wife is a lesbian. How can such a biased leader run a country.

      • 14


        “The interesting point is that Ranil’s so-called wife is a lesbian. How can such a biased leader run a country.”

        Please explain.
        If the leader is heterosexual what is the likelihood that he is not biased towards heterosexuals?

        Even if you are right that is Ranil’s so-called wife is a lesbian why should it bother you or be an issue? Perhaps their open marriage allows them to be free of any parochial attitudes.

        How can we find out your true sexual orientation?
        It is always the case that when one makes an issue of other person’s sexual orientation generally people suspect something is odd about that particular person.

        Will you stop your public scrutiny of other people’s private parts?

        • 6

          “Ranil’s so-called wife”
          Is there doubt on her being the wife?
          Take a break, and relax. Everything will be OK son.

      • 2

        Get your facts right. Gay men and women are the leaders of the world today. I don’t think it’s right to attack anyone’s sexuality. I don’t know if they are gay, bi or bisexual. However, we should only focus on the issues in complex-politics left behind by medamulana-rascals. And not forgetting the constitutional lock prevailing upto March.
        The current president of France is famous for having a wife 40 years older than him. She was his school teacher. Some criticize him as a sexually abusive man. Isn’t that their personal life? Did you check your parents, wife or your boy friend or the like if they are lebian or gay?

        If you want to attack someone, you don’t care about the limit. In the coming days, Hirunika’s low life will also be revealed on those TV channels.
        . I have known Professor Wickramasinghe from UOK for a long time. I know she is a decent person. They have no idea that they are lesbians. How do we know that Mahinda Rajapaksa, the founder of CURRENT crisis, may be suffering from ZOOPHILA or any other diseases? His wife is also alleged to be a lesbian btw.

    • 0

      G saw “an old man fingering a female dog.”
      So that makes bestiality common in Sinhala land.
      What amazing logic!

  • 18

    After all, mostly lies, a fairy tale that 90% of Chingkallams believe as true, glorifies bestiality and says that all Chingkallams are descendants of a lion that mated some female in Lala land somewhere in present east Bengal or in the tribal Odisha belt. Chingkallams believe in this bestiality story and they are indeed descended from this lion/human mating, even when DNA has proven that the vast majority of the present-day Chingkallams are largely descended from low caste Thamizh. So what is new? Either way poor dog or puppy and if the abuse is correct, also poor woman. Verbal, emotional and physical abuse of any living creature, especially, when they/it cannot fight back should not be tolerated. In another civilised country, this will be thoroughly investigated. If the poor woman had complained to the President’s wife and secretary why did not start the investigation, to find out if there is some truth in this serious accusation of bestiality and abusing a woman? Stating why she could not leave does not wash or excuse the abuse. Many times abused women are reliant, powerless and economically and emotionally reliant on the abuser and cannot escape, but she had cried out for help. As for the poor dog, yuk.

    • 13

      Like a child, you bring up a pet that is completely reliant on you for its love well being and protection and give the animal a good life, in return get unconditional love, especially from a dog. This rewards both the owner and the pet. Not purchasing helpless animals, that have no say, and could have gone to a better home or place, with the intention of being cruel.to abuse mistreatment and sexual assault, to fulfil your perverted lust on a helpless animal. where it cannot fight or answer back. Looks like cunningly choose a small breed too. What a despicable creature, and all those who kept silent knowing this abuse and did not do anything, back home or from overseas, writing articles subtly defending, this person, as they share the same political views or agenda. No wonder this nation is not improving. People who live in the west and have been exposed to human and animal rights and how to defend verbally, emotionally, and physically abused humans and animals should know better.

    • 0

      Don’t worry, next time he will use a piglet.

      • 7

        Why do you or a reindeer? We all know why you were imported into Vikingland by your Sukkar Pappa. Are you also crying out for help in this forum?

      • 9


        “Don’t worry, next time he will use a piglet.”

        Why not Sinha (Lion) , as Mahawamsa has precisely stated?

  • 25

    Ah Professor Jayasinghe ! Your impressive knowledge on every subject puts you in the same category as Ranil/Maythri ! Maybe the next presidential adviser ?

    What do you think of the morality of Ranil Presidency ? A man who was rejected by the people at the general elections !

    This Ranil is a mercantile class guy, his father and family are all in business, for ever looking for financial opportunities. Esmon was a businessman ,DR was a businessman. Dont forget this. Even their Buddhist work was to keep a corrupt system going, to keep the people in a stupid state of mind

    But these mercantile class like Ranil are now try to wear the clothes of scholarship ! pretending to know everything about everything ! Has Ranil ever written anything on any subject ? If he wrote on any subject we will all know how limited he is !

    Now people like Dudley Senanayake, SWRD, even JR spent their own money on politics.

    Have you ever heard of A Ranil contribution for the UNP ?It is all about getting others to spend for him !

    • 12

      deepthi silva

      “Now people like Dudley Senanayake, SWRD, even JR spent their own money on politics.”

      Could you supply us with evidence that people like Dudley Senanayake, SWRD, and JR spent their own money on politics.
      Spending money is not a problem unless they are unable to provide evidence to support their legitimate income.

      • 2

        N V ,

        I think you know that I love your write ups . We never had to raise
        our voices over anything , thank goodness ! Now , about anyone in
        our culture , meaning Srilankan politics , I personally know about
        a half a dozen guys who spent their money on politics and never
        made it to the top and went broke ! One such guy was a friend of my
        father , visited my father first in his Mercedes and then his 203 and
        finally by bus ! And another guy from Kurunegala District , lost many
        lands funding for his politics whose son was a friend of mine who
        refused to take it over from his father because of loss of properties !
        Mercedes experience about 30 yrs old while the other one 20 years !
        There are still mad guys who are in politics just for Social Status than
        for anything else ! Dogs in the manger (Now in bedroom) !


        • 0

          I thought of adding something to yours.
          The saddest reality is that today the direction is the opposite.

          In a country where people are indifferent by nature, myth reigns above all else, what can not go wrong?
          Mahinda Rajapaksa started his prime ministership with nothing. Marvin Silva made it very clear that shortly before 2005, MR did not have his own vehicle and MR hired Marvin’s father’s vehicle to come to Colombo. There are plenty of pictures to prove how ordinary MR and his murderous wife Shiranti lived in the slums of Colombo back then.

          Please compare the weather of Galatenna Kapua so far and compare it with that of Mahinda Rajapakshe/Mara from 2005 to 2022.

          This sorcerery man had nothing to eat 20 years ago.

          • 0


            In 2009 and to present, MaRa became the richest head of state in the South Asian region. How did he get so rich? Eveh if the people in the island became poorer as of today ?

            And Does he have properties in Seychelles and Uganda, Dubai, Australia and anywhere else ? – it is just simple if any AUDITOR could count a and b together, to prove this within a day I would say…. but srilanken people would dont touch it yet today… becuase SINHALA BUDDHISM have paralized them forever
            All the mud thrown at CBK is a big lie for the existence of Rajapaksa crime politics.
            But nothing can be proved about her today. However, the wealth of MR and his bastard family is the reality. And today they are behaving like royals to Sri Lanka by manipulating srilanka’s judiciary for their today’s life.

            To me this is similar to a blood sucking mosquito, how they look like with a big belly when we see around our bed room….. with a bellyful of blood in that insect’s belly.


      • 1

        NV, I thought that you were intelligent enough know that it is harder to prove that one did not do something than to prove that one did.
        No amount of evidence will do to convince a mind already made up.
        Calm down avoid getting worked up over nothing.
        Have you found the doctor you need and a good prescription.
        Do not leave it for too long. Take care. I care for you and wish you good health

    • 7

      you of all people ?
      a man who was painting to stand for the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (POHOTTUWA rascals) come with a question of morality?
      Oh my god, Deepti, are you born again?
      Are you wearing something to cover up your nudity or has it already been stolen by a MEDAMULANA beast?

      I strongly believed, UK government social funding would help you get some education. I’ve heard of people being blindsided, but to the point you’re facing?

      alas, how can we imagine a better future? Knowing that even the Sri Lankan expats behave like the majority of ordinary leaders who eat grass?

      • 7

        LEEGAMALI Dont criticize the Pohottuwa in front of Ranil your all knowing leader !

        He will not like it.

        Ranil became President because of Pohottuwa !

        • 5

          deepthi desperate silva

          “Ranil became President because of Pohottuwa !”

          The 6.9 elected a single handed dumb ass Sinhala/Buddhist racist, a fascist who was expected by Assgiria Mahanayake to deliver, …………. who was chased out by people, ….
          It is precisely because of Pohottuwa, Gota was chased out the island, Ranil was expected to play a saviour’s role and ……..

          Latest news:
          Ranil has some or other managed to sent Gota to his homeland, USA.

        • 0

          LM., is all hot air. His Hero Ranil is the chief protector of the MR and his brothers. At the very early dawn of the defeat of MR, Ranil was at Temple Trees to console the fallen President MR. LM’s mind is pretty warped. May be that they are a minority but there certainly are some who truly command the respect of sincere followers of Bhuddism.

        • 2

          Prof. Deepthi Silva@
          Today the POHOTTUWA’s destiny is caught by a catch-22 situation (a paradoxial situation in which the solution to a problem is also the problem. The problem is therefore impossible to resolve) – I can predict that in time they will be handed over to prisons. fulfiling it one at a time is the motto of current interior govt.
          They SLPPrs behave or remain silent like crabs in hot water. If he comes out quietly, the President can do the work of catching everything together. My wish is the latter, because my fight is against the MEDAMULANA thugs who have ravaged the country beyond the rhythm of the Tiger leaders.

    • 8

      Deepthi dear,
      Have you ever read the Mahavamsa? I have, and there is a little story there about a lion and a woman…..
      Stop throwing stones from glass houses, and keep your tail well hidden.

  • 6

    that picture is not very conclusive.The angle should have been a side angle.Now we will not know whther he is just looking down at the dog.In africa a guy had to marry and live with a goat because he was caught molesting it,but it was conclusive as he was mounting her.This is not conclusive.

    • 6

      Before the great Aswamwdha Yakgna, was not the the Queen supposed to sleep with the sacrificial horse.

  • 13

    To imagine that anyone in the corrupt and parasitic political framework is not to be held in utter contempt and deserves some respect is the lowest one can descend, in their sycophancy. These rascals have been playing politics for many decades, all the while fooling the people with hopes and promises that they never ever deliver on. The cattle-like voters live in eternal hope that a saviour will dawn on them, and if daily life seems to be “better” now than before the national crisis where some of the parasites were literally chased away, they would be willing to accept poverty as an inevitable karma of their past lives, without getting rid of their oppressors, lock, stock and barrel, along the lines of what the educated and intelligent youth attempted, demonstrating their commitment to a national cause, braving the elements at Galle Face for months until they were hijacked by fifth columns operating within. Some idiots keep bleating that this fellow is better than the other fellow, or such and such was bad but my favourite is good etc. These idiots are the ones who basically prop up these vermin without assigning them to the dustbin of history.

  • 6

    How do we know what hirunicker is doing with her dog.Lord jesus said “those who have not sinned cast the first stone”.I always remember that as i am a sinner and would never judge other sinners.

    • 5

      Shh! What Hirunickers does with her dog (or the guy she abducted a while ago) is her personal business. But what other people do with their dogs is not.

      • 8

        She hoped to hit RW, but the professor-advisor spoiled the fun by resigning.

    • 6

      Hirunika is said to be a powerful voice anyone can hire today. As with Germany’s DOLLY BUSTER, is comparably a cheap woman in europe, so the potential of HIRUNIKA is growing in this direction today.

      she is in demand in the opposition SJB. Her father is said to be a drug dealer and was killed by a drug dealer posing as Gotabaya’s (Duminda Silva) bodyguard. Cheap people will do anything to be popular.. I mean anything in coming days..
      . I don’t know about her status today, today SJB has fallen politically and hires this young woman unnecessarily.


      • 5

        The same was seen in Mahinda Rajapaksa’s political campaign in the last 1.5 decades. He used Wimal Buruwan’s foul mouth to attack his political opponents. Once it was said on a public stage by MaRa himself ” look,pointing at his 3-bastard sons, how I have made it, but RW could not do it …. ” this went viral and gallery people, welcomed that and attacked RW again and again.

        Ironically, RW , ended up being their saviour today, ….. if not for him, nothing would have achieved with the country destroyed by MEDAMULANA thirisannu (melchcha men) today.

        It is the evil politicians of today who use any cheap trick to mislead the nation by ignoring the facts.


        • 6

          Sri Lankan media is not weighed by ethics – mixing unconfirmed and confirmed news and their broadcasts, printed material …beyond all moral and ethical levels. as. a curry cannot be tasted if it is not made properly, the same is the case with news materials becoming beyond all decent levels today. In such moments, people tend to easy street food (string hoppers, hoppers, KOTTHU be taken from outside) seems to please many today.. Similarly, whatever media house it is, their depraved behavior rules the media in OUR HOME COUNTRY today… May Shameless culprits be cursed with all evil.
          , The fact is that only requirement to be the king of media houses in the our Hell is to do any menial work to earn their VIEW numbers. That is being well mastered by Reno Silva, Killie Maharaja and Delete Jayweera…. they also earn millions by abusing web spaces by selling them to the ordinary.

          -> 4

          • 5

            The strict rule governing Europe means that factors other than VIEW numbers are highly considered when rating a TV channel. My biggest question is why can’t ours be upgraded to that level? Dallas Alahaperuma was once a media minister but as a former journalist he could have done more but why not?
            There were also times when strict laws were imposed on the media that saved the nation. That was long long ago.
            That is why Derana TV is called ” snake TV channel” today because Rajapakshes raped them in order to grab more votes from uneducated masses by spreading blatant lies in favor of Gota in November 2019, today they have been faked and branded as snake-TV.


            • 5

              However, Rajapaksa has eroded all levels of MEDIA decency in Sri Lanka today and morals and ethics have no place.
              Sangha and fake monks will no doubt appear next to SPAs in SL in the coming days by selling condoms and other family planning materials.
              Those young monks from pali university become EASY job doers for commercial purposes, for sure.
              Why I am saying this,because they openly talk about drug consumptions and masturbations in their hostels.
              That will become a lucrative business for sure. sinhala-buddhist-hypocrites like MAHINDA RAJAPAKSHE and his UNDERWORLD men will hire those cheap monks next days more…
              Today, fake monks ( they odained monks because their destitute parents were not capable of raising them by their own – and abusing that MYTH) are becoming the cheap force to elevate anything in that country. Some monks appear to wear “hair styles” today. I was devasted not being able to bear it.
              Anyone with any sense would agree that anyone’s bedroom fantasy should be reserved for them, regardless of status.
              This country has fallen to the point where the majority of people are behaving like “lower primates”. It’s not a good sign.
              It is indeed a tragedy.

        • 4

          Dear LM: You say: ” Ironically, RW ended up being their saviour today….if not for him, nothing would have achieved………..”

          How do you rate a person who comes to “SAVE” a “ROUGE”, a “MAFIA BOSS” like the “MADAMULANA thirisannu”?

          What has your RW “ACHIEVED” other than to “Save” a CLAN of ROUGES and CRIMINALS?

          Please don’t be a “SLAVE” to a person who has PROVED beyond any doubt to be a “TRAITOR” by protecting “Rouges” and “Criminals”.

          • 2

            Simon. Sorry, LM is not to be taken seriously. He has got no consistency nor principles. His mind is warped.

          • 6

            Dear Simon,
            Considering there is a constitutional deadlock, who re-arranged all the mess left by Gotabaya? have we had better options ? if yes, tell me what they were ?

            Knowing that people would not change easily, what have the JVP crying babies been doing ?

            People wanted the non-partisan candidate to make real change, however ” self-adulated candidate” (post turtle) elected by 6.9 million failed to even address the kitchen gas cyclinder issues, let alone how he would make real “systemic change”:

            Assuming Dallas Alahaperuma was elected, how would things be today? For sure, it would be worst than that of Polonnaruwa’s donkey and his post 52-coup rule aka last part of the presidency…. because Dallas and his nosal rope is connected to tighter than to anyone else.
            Are there blue colored gas cans carrying serpentine queues today?
            Are there petrol and diesel queues today ? if all the looted to the core, what are the other options before us ?

            If law and order was not restored to some extent, would tourist arrivals be possible anymore ?

          • 4

            Are you a slave or me? my foot !
            That’s what you are made to see, try to see beyond the mentality of kadamandiya people, … … Then you will understand…. If not now, watch later.. .Wait and see..
            I’d love to see, if the JVPs prove to be only option..- in order to make SINHALA MAN happier, I can lie, it is obvious and .unfortunately, we’ll have to wait a few more decades to see that happen….

            And If JVPrs had enough money to give a contract to the company “Monsanto” to genetically modify.our FOOLS DOMINATED nation, ..our common dreams would benefit. Otherwise JVPs will not have a chance in the foreseeable future. Let s discuss it in 2024,…. PIGS MIGHT FLY.- I wanted NPP to be more in parlament – that was in 2020 election.. … people are not that grown enough to relinquish RAJAPKSHE dogs.

  • 9

    Even otherwise, both the learned professor and the pet dog are consenting adults, and they perfomed whatever sexual activity they like, in private. So it is up to them. Did the dog make a complaint to the police. The Learned Professor, could be charged for cheating, had he applied some butter or jam or minsed meat to his dick and then made the dog to indulge in the activity. But had the dog insisted on butter, etc then both are innocent. It is their private matter and has nothing to do with his advice to Ranil Uncle. But what concerns me is, why did Ranil got down a double bed to the Parliament? I can understand a single bed for old uncle to stretch his back in between sessions. But why double bed. But I agree that Uncle never involved in any usual sex that we are used to. But no one knows, based on his advisor, the learned Porfessor, as to he too have some form of deviant sex. But even diviant sex in private is ok , provided that does not cause any accident, heart attack or even death. Uncle Ranil has been waiting ever since he took to politics to become the head of state. Instead in the last election he even lost his very seat, leave aside his entire UNP. Yet, his prayers answered after performing “thula param” at Thirupathy.

    • 4

      “Did the dog make a complaint to the police.?”
      I am told that the offence is assault with a blunt weapon.

      • 7

        As far as I see as, only the bitches have made a complaint.
        Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you !

        • 2

          Come on LM. Surely they would not like to see their place of Worship desecrated???

  • 3

    maybe professor doing some research whether man can live without a woman in the house.I find some men in sri lanka whining away about how they can’t live with a woman and also not live without a woman.Professor doing some research with butter to find the answer to the problem.

  • 4

    “Someone had advised Hirunika to address President Ranil Wickremasinghe as “Ranil Rajapaksa.”
    She isn’t aware of the real situation, which is closer to “Basil Wickremesinghe “

    • 2

      Old Codger,

      HIRINIKA seems to be the cheapest device to save the bums of SJB these days. SF is criticising SJB leader in public
      with all other powerful men in SJB stay as if they are caught by SHOCK THERAPY. ….. no doubt, SJB will have to kneel down before RW in the days to come….
      Mahinda Wickramasinghe (Mahinda mlechcha Rajapakshe)
      Namal Wickramasinghe
      Gotabaya Wickramasigne
      Killer woman (SHiranthi) Wickramasinghe
      Yoshitha Wickramasinghe
      Rohitha Wickramsinge……

  • 10

    In the past it was enough to accuse a politician of having sex with someone other than his spouse to shame and derail his career. But today you have to bring in bestiality to whip up public censure. Sadly this degenerate ‘political discourse’ is a commentary on the moral decline in society as a whole. The country has gone to dogs.

    • 1

      The morality of today’s Sri Lanka has reached a deathly state where robbers occupy all the space rather than intellectuals. That’s why SJB’s DOLLY-BUSTER-style woman (blue film star in europe) helps to attack using “below-the-waist statements” in public:

      Mlechcha media creates it in favor of their clients and puts it in the air like a stinking burden. It will rain dirt on the country.What more devastating levels our society would fall into ?

  • 8

    Dear Dr. Jayasinghe. I had put you on a much higher pedestal than you to be a blindfolded follower of Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe, a sly character who consistently been a spanner in the works of the Srilankan politics.

  • 6

    Mr Jaysinghe,
    Thank you for your thoughtful article. It will undoubtedly be an eye opener for many. The gallery is the majority of this nation because they love “dirty taste” and attack anyone today using under the belt statements that spread like wildfire.

    Even the country’s highly literate state is the bedrock of today’s society, which has become an easy prey for the dirty Sinhala demagogues full of vile remarks made by mafia boss (Mara) and his condom supporter Wimal Buruwanse.
    Shame, MaRA being the god-father of all these high crimes, but is still welcomed on the red carpet today by the same people……..what a crazy world.?
    The quality of public speech in Sri Lanka has been destroyed completely, but popularity is in demand in today’s moderate dominated society.

    Sinhalese Buddhist monks who are taught to be hairless (described as Ummagga Jataka, Buddhist monks must shave their heads) after odaining to be a monk,

    Look at the monk designed hair cut at the 25.12 minute out of this video below.


    • 7

      When Hirunika Premachandra burst onto the political stage I was overjoyed. Here was a young, attractive, possibly-educated and political-aware woman who would help to change community affairs and governmental direction. But her recent displays have made me have a rethink. Instead of being sensible and rational as a mature politician should be, she is being belligerent, disorderly and troublesome. Added to that, Premachandra has now shown herself to be gross and immature. She has exposed herself to the possibility of being sued for libel by joining with a woman spurned by her suitor. Together they have made public allegations of bestiality against the man. The photo they provide of a man in under-shorts with a dog is a desperate attempt at proof. Media that gave broad and eager coverage to the press conference in which the allegations were made may also be in line to be sued.

  • 12

    I just cant understand why so much fuss? According to Mahavamsa, sinhala race originated by bestiality, animal and human sex. Then Sinhabahu the lion had sex with human prince and produced a son and a daughter. Then as usual Son murdered the father like what king Kashyappa did, patricide. Then, brother married sister , incest. Then they produced a vagrant and being so intolerable son Vijaya, Vijaya and his cronies were put into a boat to drift in the sea. To our bad luck these vagabonds ended up in lanka and enticed the yaksa queen Kuveni. They did not stop there. They betrayed Keveni, murdered her and then went to Pandiya nadu dot around Tamil women, came back to lanka and took over slowly a land owned by naga and yaksha dravidina race. This is the sad story of Lanka Sinhalese, not an auspicious start for a race at all. What we see today confrims that what mahanama Thero said in Mahavamsa is very true.

    • 2

      black lankan.

      kuveni was killed by her own people when she went back to them.Yes,you are right bestiality is in our ancestry so why is hirunika making such a fuss about it?

  • 11

    Continued from my earlier post:

    Not only became an MP but soon after the people of the country revolted to become a PM and worst after the great war hero, modern day Duttu Gemunu, ran away even leaving behind his underwear at the President’s palace, Uncle became the President. And who made him so? It is none other than the Father of the Nation, Sinhala Hero, Mahintha. And by the blessing of Lord Buddha, Ranil Uncle, became the saviour of the Rajapakshe Kingdom. What is worse even Mahintha and Gota mama, why even Ratharang malli calling him as the best president mother Lanka ever invented. But as always, we are a unique and a privileged nation as ever, and have the first President who is not elected and rejected by people to become a President. It is unique. If Gnanasara becomes the leader to create one country one nation, or the Nurses ge President Murutetuwa becomes the chancellor of Colombo University or when the Snake charmer Kelaniya sadhu becomes Kelaniya university Chancellor then why not Uncle Ranil who was kicked out by the people. So, after all sex is vital for all living things.

  • 2

    “Defending such rights is the purpose of the laws of a land. “ So all your preached tolerance weaponizing a law against a woman? Preacher, Father Shaymon, you are too old! Listen friend, do not mess up with her. Ashu pulled his pants down in front of a mouthless dog, most probably. If it were to issue a debilitating blow to a watching girlfriend with a camera. By now, probably, Ashu might be thinking that he should start from nursery school to learn what life is. Still Hiruni was one step ahead of this guy so when a minister post was offered for her under Evil Emperor, she did not accept it. While Ashu goes to the nursery, Shayman should hang around with his mom before he could start his nursery life It is so simple, if one had accused another or had defamed another one, yes, there are intolerance laws that can be weaponized and plugged some money from the accuser (Especially if it is woman). Sadly, Shayman believing it is not Ashu’s friend accused him of bestiality. Shayman says the photo is not enough for him to shame Ashu. Here the witness is only the girlfriend, so she and Ashu are the only people who know what really happened.

  • 3

    But if the photos are doctored, the court will give a verdict on that too. Our Old Papa is jumping his gun at Hiruni, underrating her as “the young (“foolish” Is what Shayman implied?) woman.” who did it all.
    I sound my alarm bell for our old papa not to jump his gun too quickly at Hiruni because, if he misfired, Hiruni is such a fearless black widow, so certainly will hurt the defenseless old papa. Still, I do not think Ashu is such an imbecile like grand old papa, so he would drag his girlfriend to court foolishly, thinking he is revenging Hiruni and thus have his past and gone private life at home replayed daily in the news deprived Colombo Media. If Ashu drags Hiruni to court, she will certainly submit the photo there, then Ashu might get an abundant 20 years. Ashu, I believe, had to resign because Evil’s wife is accused of having been promptly informed, but no actions had been initiated by Dr. Mythri. She is not legally obligated to get into this case. But would be expected to act on that as the EP’s wife. When Hiruni got involved in family matters, Yahapalanaya initiated actions, so why not now? I do not think that unlike Thilini’s case, this can disappear anywhere within the UN office’s thin air.

  • 4

    Anyway, the Impunity King, the Evil, should take his hands off so the case can be dealt with the court and Ashu pays any due damages to his girlfriend. Everything started with a foolish action of our Evil Emperor. He, the mother of all misdeeds, is not new to those things. That is why our Communist Pakaya called the Evil Emperor in the parliament as “Pakaya”. One time, Evil, when he met Anura in the hallway of the parliament, insulted him to return the guns stolen from the Rapist Police, so that Anura would not have any trouble with the law. Then Evil Pikku, insulting and discouraging Hiruni standing in the front lines of those who are confronting the Rapist Police, preached to Hiruni how to protect motherhood based on the Sinhala Buddhism he is practicing. She sharply replied to Evil that she knows motherhood better than Evil because she had fed milk to three kids with breasts. In that issue Evil Pikku might have gotten hurt more times than he hoped to insult Hiruni. I am sure, unlike Ashu in the photo, even Shayman would be able to wear his pants at his waist, but sadly Evil does not.

  • 4

    So, somebody in the parliament told Evil to go back and learn how to wear pants on his waist and come back to the chair of EP. But sadly, Sinhala Buddhist politicians dictionary does not have any words like “shame.” (Did you read what the South Korean Evoy who came to help Langkang get out of the economic debacle ended up advising state minister on basic – fundamental things like ethics, morality, punctuality, decency… the matter Sinhala Buddhist lacks or opposes) So, Evil probably was not hurt on any occasion but always look for others to feel, being roasted by the venom he spews. Because of these matters only Hiruni told in, if there is anything to hide, it is the Evil’ balls, (not her chest).

    (This is not a topic that our contribution is worth anything. But outspoken Misogynist, Sinhala Buddhist advocate, Evil’s ardent supporter, our Shaymon Jayasinghe discouraging women – especially Hirunika Premachandra – should be fought out. We should support whatever is possible in she fights against Evil’s aristocracy activities)

  • 6

    A cheap and amateur attempt to white wash the allegations against Marasinghe and attack Hirunika. We do not know yet if the allegations are true or not. But why did Marasinghe resign so fast, just before the Hirunika Press conference?
    Hirunika is a brave politician. Her protests in front of Gotabaya Mirihana house, Anuradhapura Gnanakka, Presidents house and in front of Ranil house, made the aragalaya to deliver results. Gota ran away and resigned, MR resigned and went to Trinco. The real catalyst was Hirunika.

    Hirunika has all the right to call Ranil- Ranil Rajapaksa . Ranil’s UNP was wiped out and he could not win even his seat. Ranil became President purely with the Rajapaksa Pohuttuwa MP votes

  • 7

    Did you see the Dramatic Production of “SINGHABAHU” by Prof. Sarathchandra? If not see it today. It is available on Youtube.

    Symon Jayasinghe: You say: “Whole episode does smell like spoilt fish from St. John’s Fish Market in Pettah”.

    Why single out this “One Episode”? Don’t you see the entire Government of Ranil W (Including him) not smell but “Rotten and Stinking” from the “Cesspit” of the Parliamentary complex at Diyawannawa?

  • 4

    This professor must be hanged.
    I wish our people would have the same or better pursuit when small boys are found sodomised and abused by those bastard yellow pets.
    Small children are victims of molestation very often by all manner of grown ups, but we chose to keep mum. Where are their rights? Who fights on their behalf with such vigor and determination.
    This is what I have been trying to illustrate, our south Asian tradition is to undermine the rights of fellow humans and pretend to be holier than thou by focusing on animals.
    Misplaced priorities!…
    The root cause of a failed society.
    This is what we should fix.

    • 3

      “This is what I have been trying to illustrate, our south Asian tradition is to undermine the rights of fellow humans “
      Our South Asian tradition is double standards.

    • 1

      HT..Agree with that hanging. Root cause of a failed society are misplaced priorities. The creator’s specific warning is not to mix DNA of humans and animals as these hybrids well beyond the creator’s plan, cannot be forgiven and redeemed and have a nasty eternal destiny after death. Humans were created in his image. Animals were not given his breath of life. Armies from the east, enhanced with mixed DNA will kill and destroy all humans in their enhanced wickedness.

      • 2

        Is that why some people choose to worship cows whilst discriminating against fellow humans?
        Please don’t mix everything up, and out of context.
        Anyone on this forum has to think logically and rationally.

        • 0

          HT, Creator knows how to rescue karmic humans given free will through the pledge of exchange promised through their belief in resurrection after the cross. But there has never been any promise in worship of cows or animals to be exchanged in a pledge to restore cows to perfection as promised to man. So creator restores humans who carry his breath and who choose to worship him. Animals do not have his breath and do not worship the creator.

      • 2

        “The creator’s specific warning is not to mix DNA of humans and animals”
        It seems you haven’t read the Bible. According to Genesis, God created Adam out of clay. Clay has no DNA. Animals have DNA since they weren’t made out of clay.

        • 0

          old codger, Adam created out of clay is only part of the truth. Then God breathed into him, God’s own breath of life, his image. Animals do not have that breath and cannot resurrect. So we are forbidden by creator to mix the DNA of animals and humans forming hybrids.

  • 5

    Mr. Jayasinghe, you cut a very sorry figure in trying repeatedly to defend the indefensible. Sad.

  • 6

    Whatever happened to the good old-fashioned values among Sinhalese and Tamils of not cohabiting before marriage? It seems to me that many people in South Asia are adopting aspects of Western culture that are not healthy while discarding the healthier aspects of Western culture such as work ethic, secularism, and a commitment to innovation. Individual accomplishments without character amount to nothing. Secularism should be rooted in cultural morality.

    South Koreans celebrating Halloween and retailers in Sri Lanka and India promoting American Thanksgiving and the ‘Black Friday Sale’ are examples of mindless imitation of the West.

    • 1

      Agnos, There is nothing new under the sun. So what we do has always been done before, may be under a different context. If our actions are relevant for the now moment, they will bare fruit. Ashu resigning shows that he is aware of what he is misdoing with animals. Lack of good religious training through childhood by those religious leaders highlight their responsibility to society they need to serve. They should not simply accept pirikara, but also return right living.

  • 1

    Pls don’t walk on the streets with the dog ,keep your personality in doors regardless

  • 0

    Now seems to prove with the lion/dog

  • 2

    In this entire episode of alleged bestiality four characters have surfaced in the political arena, namely, His Axcellency Ranil and Prof Ashu of the UNP, and, Sajith and Hirunika of the SJB. Ashu was the Parliamentary Advisor to HE, Hirunika the loud speaker of Sajith. Let the investigators unravel whether: (1) The videos are a complete fabrication OR (2a) It is genuine but partly edited with full consent of Ashu for the act(2b) It is genuine with no editing with full consent of Ashu for the Act. (3) With or Without any editing where Ashu was compelled to appear for the graphics either through threats or blackmail. We drag politics here but the center happens to be some commercial transactions. None of us should take sides and be partial towards any party here. This demonstrates that politics of Sri Lanka has indeed gone to the DOGS.

  • 1

    Please at least the dog was NOT eaten as what happens in the CHINK’s land where eating dog meat is a favourite cuisine!

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