19 January, 2025


The Elpitiya Election Victory

By Mahinda Rajapaksa

The opposition alliance formed by the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party and the political parties of the Joint Opposition have scored a resounding victory at the Elpitiya Pradesheeya Sabha elections. This election was held on the basis of nominations submitted at the beginning of 2018. Hence the Sri Lanka Freedom Party had fielded a separate list. But today, we have formed an alliance to ensure the victory of one candidate at the presidential elections. The opposition alliance has won all the wards in the Elpitiya Pradesheeya Sabha. As a whole the opposition alliance has won 69% of the valid votes cast. The UNP won only 24%. The JVP has not obtained anything more than their usual percentage of votes.

The people of Elpitiya have with great foresight and integrity, conclusively defeated the attempt made by the government to retain power by deceiving the people through the distribution of land, jobs and all manner of material inducements.  I need not dwell on the disasters that have befallen this country after January 2015. The economy is in a state of collapse. In the run up to the Elpitiya election, the Department of Census and Statistics released the latest data indicating that unemployment had increased further. The economic growth rate is now about a third of what it was under my government. Businesses are struggling. The indebtedness of the country is at an all-time high.

There is no external, global reason for this economic downturn. The downturn that has taken place in this country after 2015 is due entirely to political reasons. This situation can be remedied only through politics. That is the process that has now been set in motion by the people of Elpitiya. It was not only the economy that the yahapalana government destroyed. They have destroyed the democratic system as well.  The local government elections were delayed by nearly three years. They have brought about a situation where Provincial Council elections cannot be held at all. They went to courts and got a declared Parliamentary election halted. They tried their best to get the presidential elections put off.

Indeed they even tried to prevent the Elpitiya Pradesheeya Sabha election from taking place. They made every attempt possible to get the candidate of the opposition alliance knocked out of the race even before the presidential election was held.  This era should be brought to an end. The people of Elpitiya have fired the first salvo. I request all supporters of the opposition alliance to savour this victory peacefully and without inconveniencing anyone.

*Mahinda Rajapaksa – Leader of the Opposition

Latest comments

  • 25

    Not sure why the writer can’t put down his/her own name without mis-leading the public? Afterall, we all know MR is incapable of writing such an essay.

    Herein lies the basic problem with this Rajapake clan. They cannot be trusted and at every opportunity attempt to do anything (deceive the public) to feather their own nest. They do not care of laws, rules and regulations. They seem to think they are above the law. A classic example is how NGR has been included in the household list in 2005 to vote at that election when he was not even a SL citizen. at that time. And then NGR has the gall to tell the EC to ignore the matter! They appear to have no qualms about breaking the laws of the land. How can a person with such a mentality be trusted to be the Leader of the country?

    Result of a PS election is irrelevant when it comes to a National Pebiscite.

    • 11

      This is unfortunate that Gamini is not willing or unwilling to use his brain to understand simple mathematics. The electoral kindergarten mathematics will reveal this fool that GR is in front and will have a resounding victory in the forthcoming election. It is his pathetic unwillingness to accept the realities and quite obvious and fathomable elements revealed through the outcome of this election. You should understand that the country yearns for GR after all that damage both economically and otherwise caused by the fraud that we have seen in this generation in the person of Ranil Wick.. Him or his party does not deserve to be even standing for this election. This itself makes the mockery of the process that UNP along with its own goons are allowed to stand to destroy further this country. They do not deserve to come back to power and even outside our own power we should stop UNP and defeat them to shameful electoral result. That will do good for our motherland.

      • 2

        GR in front for War Crimes not Presidency you fool

    • 17

      Mahinda is back to his usual tricks …….. trying to mislead once again. …….. Trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

      In Elpitiya ………. it seems Mahinda got over 59% in the presidential election, 2015. There was a guy called Luxman Yapa Abeywardena on YouTube saying if they don’t get over 55% he would not come on to talk again (or something like that.) So 44% (or 52.5% with SLFP vote) looks like a disappointment for them. It showed in Mahinda’s face when talking to media after the result: wasn’t a happy camper. He knows the numbers dont look too good and didnt turn up as expected: he is a seasoned campaigner.

      As you say, it has not much bearing on many other parts of the island. But perhaps SLPP would have to score over 60% in their strongholds to compensate for other electorates where their support is not so strong.

      From what I can see …….. the Lankan electorate is so polarized …….. whatever the outcome …….. the outcome won’t be based on logic or reason. Nothing new: there we go again!

      Interesting times ahead.

      • 15

        Perfectly true, Nimal. Look up the Elpitiya results from 2011 onwards. The UNP was always getting half the votes the others got. So what’s new? Even some professor called Gamini Lakshman Pieris can’t resist trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.

      • 3

        Thanks for the research, nimal.
        It sure has cheered me up. But wait, I’ve just totted up: 56.7% to SLPP alone, and 69.5% with SLFP is what I get. These are the figures I’m going on:
        However, the rest of what you say is true. I’ll let what I initially said stand. And I don’t think that we are happy to see all these “near misses” engineered by these guys.. The Courts appear to be playing hell. Not once, over and over again.
        That this “by-election” should ever have been held at this time is itself shocking. This sure is disappointing, but I don’t think that this reflects the mood throughout the country.

        • 0

          “but I don’t think that this reflects the mood throughout the country.”
          Yes, quite correct. And….. Let’s keep our hats on,. Sajith’s crowd doesn’t mean much either.

    • 2

      The misspelling Mahinda Rajapake is a Freudian-slip.
      By the way, who is this NGR?
      Is it the same person lovingly referred to as Gotler by the Govigama?
      Nanda R sounds good. The name GR has gone rancid.
      MR is getting agitated with the GR trips to Singapore for Panadol.
      MR knows with whom GR is negotiating!

    • 2

      “Afterall, we all know MR is incapable of writing such an essay.”

      don’t talk BS.If a man can hang upside down holding a sandbag too,what is a simple essay like this for him.Don’t underestimate hambantota and overestimate colombo.


      • 0

        It is time to say goodbye to all these parties and their leaders who were produced after 1950s. If not, Sinhalese Buddhist eventually will lose Sri lanka and disappear from Sri lanka.

    • 0

      I agree with people who says Sri lanka need “super dictator.” First, people who want the dictator have to get together and discuss “the features” needed to add to it. Second, find about 100 people who would qualify to be dictators. This task can be achieved in maximum time of two weeks. Third, creating an intelligent agency. Ask people first to joint in on combination of volunteer bases and paid system. Fourth, bring in temporary foreign technician to build fighter jets, tanks, missile system and submarines and warships until Sri lankan learn skills .
      Technicians can be hired from company to share profit by selling sophisticated weapons to the countries who cannot defends themselves plus train their intelligent agencies.
      Last. give or supply all information to Western public, clarify to them what problem Sri lanka is facing. Provide detail information of more than four hundred years of covert operation then and now: how and why Tamil brought into Western countries. Who were partners of war. How Western countries murdered thousand of government people. Attack temples. and killed monks. various type of espionage such as converting people into Christianity, promoting pills through Islamists to low birth rate of Sinhalese Buddhists and carrying out daily espionage to subjugate Sinhalese Buddhists locally and internationally by bribing international agencies like UN.
      This supply if information to Western public is to prepare Sri lanka to make militarily strong and potentially equip other countries with deadly conventional weapons as well as nuclear weapons.
      (economic system can be created to supply or produce plenty of organic food within Sri lanka alone with clean water and housing)
      I came to this conclusion after studying of 400 years of repeated espionage. One of the last barbaric covert operation is killing of former president Pramadasa and getting his children to convert to Christianity.

    • 1

      Mahinda Rajapaksa/Ghost Writer,

      RE: The Elpitiya Election Victory

      A victory for those whose IQ is below 79, where the mean IQ of the populace is 79.

      The Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) won all 17 wards of the Elpitiya Pradeshiya Saba securing the election victory. The party garnered 23,372 votes and won 17 seats.

      The United National Party (UNP) has secured 10,113 votes with seven seats while the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) has secured 5,273 votes with three seats.

      The JVP has secured 2,435 votes with two seats.

      A total of 53,384 voters in Elpitiya used their franchise to elect 28 members to the Elpitiya Pradeshiya Saba at 47 polling stations today from 7.00 am to 4.00 pm.

      23,732/53,384 = 44.45 percent. If All the voters blow IQ 79 voted for SLPP, then they would have got 26,692 votes. However, they got only 44.45 percent of the votes. Therefor, as a first approximation, almost all those with a mean IQ of 72 and below voted for the SLPP., with a sprinkling of those who were disgusted with the Yahapalanaya.. Don’t assume that they will vote for Gotanabaya Nandasena Rajapaksa, to keep the Rajapaksa in business and loot the country.

      National IQ Scores – Country Rankings


      Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score

      Can the voters be ranked too from highest to lowest IQ?

      Perhaps , you can try to decrease the mean IQ of the populace by feeding them grass, get to a mean IQ of 72, and you can get over 50%.

  • 2

    Erratum. – sorry it should read ‘ Rajapaksa clan’ and not ‘Rajapake clan’. The typo is regretted,

    • 7

      Hmm it was funnier with the typo. Probably more accurate too.

    • 2

      shoudn’t it be rajapuke clan?

    • 1


      Rajapake is more appropriate, but the low IQ imbeciles cannot get it.

      They want Rajapake, and grass.

  • 18

    The picture of two proven crooks, making a comeback should make any rational citizen, shudder. Unsolved murders, white vans, citizens missing, threats, journalists afraid for their lives, vindictiveness, nepotism, and racist monks being used as tools, to inflict fear on the minority…..be careful what you wish for Sri Lanka. We have gone through hell with this lot, and you want it back again? For what? For the streets to be clean?

    • 1

      Hello Tara,
      Your comments are valid!
      What the hell did Ranil do?
      Squandered a golden opportunity to make a real contribution. He will return to the dustbin of history.
      Sri Lanka has no future if you go by Elpitya elections. It is pathetic.

  • 13

    You can still win the elections by cheating ordinary Sinhala masses creating fear of minorities, bribing few minority MPs and creating violence, murder, white van abductions etc. But you or your family cannot escape from truth and time will come when Sinhala masses will realise your true monster face.

  • 12

    The sinhala-buddhist-govi have very short lived memory. They believe the clan can do miracle with regard to economy, security, and law and order. This short lived memory group is love the corrupt and murderous clan. Even Lord-Buddha can not help this land. I believe he has given up the hope of redeeming this country after seeing the saffron robed thugs running the law and order in this country.

  • 6

    This “Mini Election” of Elpitiya has proven , well beyond one factor, and that is: The “MAJORITY” wants Sri Lanka to be WHAT IT IS and NOT, WHAT IT SHOULD BE. So the “WINNERS” are celebrating the “OPPORTUNITY” they have got, to continue with what they did and to carry on regardless further with the “BLESSINGS” of the majority.

  • 9

    I can understand if a lackey who bumsucks the flower bud leadership wrote this crap. Look! If in the heart of Southern Province you got only 69% are you asking us to believe that this reflects the entire country? No doubt there are serious weaknesses of this Government. Let the voters decide and evaluate who should be the best person for the job. As far as I am concerned none do match the basic standard of respecting the dignity of life. I challenge the candidates of major political parties to name an aide of theirs who have pointed a fault of theirs. Oh! No! If you want to survive you have to say “Yes Sir! Yes Sir! (three bags full)”. I challenge all the candidates of this race to make a public pledge that on election to the exalted position that they would appoint advisors who would call a spade a spade and advise the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  • 14

    Picture shows the duo who created hell on earth in Sri Lanka during 2010 to 2014 and destroyed every fabric of society. We certainly do not wish to go back to that era again. MR was given the marching orders in Jan 2015 and he does not seem to understand that message. President for 10 years and still wishes to hang onto power as PM under his brother’s Presidency! For what? Sheer greed to line one’s pocket and save the family from litigation and nothing else (ask Udayanga to come back!)!

    Voters please send the same message again in 2019 as he appears to be obtuse, stubborn and obstinate. This man (MR) is 73+ years old and in his dotage with one foot in the grave! We want a young and efficient new Leader and not these two barbarian, criminal grandfathers!

  • 1

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  • 8

    UNP voters probably couldn’t get back in time to Elpitiya ,after too much Booze in Marine Drive before and after the Galle Face. Party……

    • 2

      …and if wishes and curses of CT writers and commentators translate into votes they will be up leaps and bounds in November.


    • 1

      Some did; but they too voted Pohottuwa so that they can get rid of Sajit and/or Ranil or Both. I’m pretty sure many UNPers would vote for Gotabhaya at the upcoming presidential election to teach their UNP bigwigs an unforgettable lesson. There is no other way to cleanse the dirty UNP’s top brass.
      Look at the bunch Sajit still keeps on his side of the stage. Every moment people see Ravi K (Monarch $$$$$ condo guy) with Sajit, the UNP looses thousands and thousands of votes instantly. The same happens whenever you see Rajitha, Champika, Richard Badiuddeen, and the current inefficient cabinet. Those who try to safeguard Sajit should realize this fact and let him know about it. Otherwise the result of the upcoming presidential election will be worse than that of Elpitiya for UNP.

  • 6

    M.R. & G.R. or M.G.R.
    You will soon forget Elpitiya when the Presidential election results are announced. RIP – SLPP.

  • 0

    Oh well…if not ADK who will unite all races and keep sovereignty, the next best thing is Gota. Actually Mahinda and the China deal would have been the best, if not for the foreign interference in our elections and the gilmarting of our votes.
    One worries if it is Gota, his ultra right-wing capitalistic tendencies will be the same as the UNP’s, where country is sold off all over the place to the minority demands to balance budgets. Minority money viz. TN+conglomerate + ETCA+ Saudi, and there is no way they are not going to demand slices of the island.
    I mean, money doesn’t grow on trees without Lankan polity fertilizer (and our polity-fertilizer cannot grow foreign money, only our own…….foreign money is speculatory….might come to fruition in some distant future). In the meantime, whipping up to polity to remain unitary and sovereign will have bombs raining down on our heads.

    • 1

      “polity to remain unitary and sovereign will have bombs raining down on our heads.”
      Really, Ramona? In Pittsburgh ? Now that would be serious, very unlike you.

      • 0

        Old codger,
        One can empathise with the suffering masses……mirror touch synaesthesia?…….well, some of it.

  • 6

    One cannot judge the Presidential election by the Elpitiya result. Only a moron would do that, and a moron has.

  • 1

    You can still win by creating fear in the hearts of minorities that Rajapaksas are anti minority.
    Tamils may be as they have always been, but Muslims are going to do a Hara Kiri by antagonizing the majority of the majority. After the Wahabi attack they need the goodwill of ALL the Sinhalese to move forward. Technical 50%+1 is confined to the Parliament they will understand I hope.


  • 1

    Elpitiya results should bring some certainty to Tamil people’s choice. My comments are appended here.
    a. Boycott the elections,
    b.vote for the only Tamil candidate.
    c. ignore the Tamil candidate and vote for one of the two candidates who is likely to win. They can follow the news and select the one who is less harmful to them.
    It is hard to determine how to vote because the numerical strength of Northeast Tamils is not high enough to influence the Sinhalese leaders to adjust their position.
    The current president has fully aligned himself with GR and therefore armed forced and police will help GR.
    The numerical strength to determine election outcome is predominantly with the majority ethnic community. More than 70% of the population are Sinhala Buddhist.
    GR and SP will receive most of the Sinhala Buddhist votes. There are no public opinion polls available. But the educated guess will be about 60-65% of the Sinhala Buddhist votes will go to GR and the rest to SP
    Based on the above GR will need only about 20-25% of the minority votes to win. If any ethnic minority group decide to boycott the election GR will win.
    SP has a difficult task ahead unless he gets most of the minority votes without losing existing vote bank.
    The new president to be elected will have much less power than the current president and after the parliamentary elections probably MR will become the PM
    One option is conscience vote coupled with political leaders and media providing regular accurate information to the public.
    Any recommendations must consider the limits in achieving a fair deal, negative and positive consequences, attitude of the candidates and their parties, promises made by them, and any other information available.
    Boycotting the election is harmful.

  • 1

    the elpitiya elections will have no bearing on the presidential one,where sajit premedasa is the candidate.The elpitiya one is more reflective of the forthcoming parliamentary elections next year.

  • 4

    Elpitiya vote was not for Rajapaksa, even before Rajapaksa the result was like this.

  • 2

    The correct Sinhala Pradesheeya Sabha name is “Alpitiya”. Did you forget your Sinhala MahindaR or did his ghost writer and criminal poll BOORUWA forget Sinhala? If the name is “Elpitiya”, then right Lpitiya and save the ink for an extra “E” and the time and effort of the “E”. The “E” is not needed, just like you worthless politicians who are a waste of space. We don’t need the same old set of thieves in a new pot of toddy. I said pot because the bottle of wine is too good for these rustic bumpkins, Kassippu and Kuddu merchants.

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