By Vishwamithra –
“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining” ~ Anne Lamott
The lighthouse has lost its glimmer. It’s not guiding ships anymore. The green, though dust-laden, seems swept by a million feet, nevertheless is missing its green. A great many number of protesters have gone home; they are more preoccupied with their homely chores. Stalls have been torn down paving the way for pedestrians who find a fresh yet battered green to walk on. The total landscape has changed and its transformation is visible and ominous on another front. While all on land seems to be undergoing a sweeping change, the waves and foam of the mighty Indian Ocean have remained unchanged; roaring ashore many items of debris and hugging the coast with the same old ferocity and aggression. The friendly squeaking of the seagulls is still continuing their melodious singing, sometimes calming and sometimes irritating to the ears.
All may not be lost, after all. Not because Ranil Wickremesinghe and his Pohottuwa collaborators are capable or equipped to navigate the oncoming stormy weather, but because the people of the land may decide that they also have a decisive role to play to save the nation and land that they claim theirs. Our people might still be determined and defiant to tread a different path when everything seems to have gone astray, when everything seems to have reached a dreaded stagnancy and when everything is rotting and nauseating to the skies. They will seek to move forward, not in search of a paradise but a place that promises room and space for just a little improvement and progress.
Such is the story of human progress; such is the complexion of the complexity of civilization. No man has progressed by himself. But if and when he makes up his mind that human development is not one man’s sad tale but a glorious march of the many, they shall remain bonded together, keeping faith in that indomitable spirit of man.
All talk about support from the International Monitory Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, every discussion about bilateral assistance and multilateral aid will bear fruit, but at a cost, at a cost to the spot where it hurts most- the belly. When that materializes, then only shall that spirit need to be awakened and stand up as real men and women. The weak may still choose to stay still and go back to slumber. The wicked and cruel may yet pick up their threads and recommence their habitual enterprise of maddening exploitation. The apathetic will carry on with their usual chores as if nothing has changed and nothing could be changed.
But a select few, a resolute and unwavering few would resort to some measured action; that measured activity would not constitute in protests or demonstration. It shall constitute in planning, it shall be made up of strategizing and being tactical and certainly not doing nothing. Such strategic action might not manifest itself on the streets nor in classrooms in a few mnths. But the people will see it when it does come about, when it appears, not on the horizon, but in front of their faces, in their front and backyards.
Forget about the Wickremesinghes and Rajapaksas. Forget about the Sajiths and Champikas and Fonsekas and AKDs. They are all men of straw. A long-term endurance of hardships, withstanding insurmountable adversities is not alien to man, wherever he is born, whether in Russia, Cuba, Vietnam, Chile, Panama, Venezuela, Sri Lanka or Timbuktu. The oppressed by the state machinery, downtrodden by a few who govern, elected of selected, must rise one day against all odds and against all misfortunes.
Sri Lanka must get ready for that day when the call is recognized by a scarce few and the expectations are for a massive disapproval of the status quo. Is it a dream? Yes it is yet a dream; but not a hallucination. The humiliating fleeing of Gotabaya Rajapaksa who was voted in by six point nine (6.9) million votes was no accident and nor was it a hallucination of the masses. Nor did it occur in a vacuum. But opposition to his successor, Ranil Wickremesinghe should not be founded on personal or subjective reasons. Ranil Wickremesinghe may not be our legitimate President but his ascension to the throne is legal and constitutional. He must be tested at every turn and every corner with no compromise but totally and absolutely without resort to arms or violence. In all sense of the current context, absolute non-violence and peacefulness is a must, if the purpose and objectives of the mass of people are to be realized.
Even if such a long-drawn-out struggle is being or to be launched, out in the open or inside dark and ill-lit shack-houses or on rural culverts, those who are fully or partially engaged in such a movement must realize that endurance of hardships and embracing sufferance of scarcities and lack of comforts are integral parts of mass movements. Sacrifice of time, energy and inner self are indispensible ingredients of such ventures and if you’re not ready for such discomforts, get the heck out, don’t stand in the way.
That may be why the Colombo-elite protesters have now decided to give Ranil and his Pohottuwa collaborators a chance to right the wrongs they have imposed upon an unsuspecting citizenry. Even that could be forgiven and even forgotten. But accommodation of known convicts and known merchants of corruption cannot be stomached. Nor should it be. That, in fact, is the terrible dilemma we all face. That is precisely why Ranil Wickremesinghe and his Pohottuwa-Mafia cannot be trusted; that is why, given the massive majority they enjoy inside Parliament, a carefully strategized action-plan needs to be engineered and executed.
In most mass movements, the greatest enemy is found to be impatience on the part of the participants and planners and its leaders. The tragic character of the current movement, Aragalaya, is the absence of a clear-cut leadership or leader. The government led by Ranil Wickremesinghe cannot go on arresting one recognizable leader after another. They can imprison ten, twenty or even fifty, but certainly not hundreds or thousands.
Unlike in 1971 or ’87-’89 era, there is no declared violence; the Aragalakaruwos are not armed; they did not attack police stations and they did not kill their own brothers and sisters. Those who attacked MPs’ houses have not been identified as yet. In the absence of such civilized law enforcement, Ranil or his Pohottuwa simply cannot choose to finger-point and engage in selective arrests. That is illegal, illegitimate, undemocratic and plain wrong.
Clairvoyance at a stage like this is utterly futile and childish. When people ask as to when we would come out of this mess, my frank answer is ‘I don’t know’. Predicting that it’ll be two months or six months or three years is an utter lie.
“The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings”, Kate Chopin wrote in ‘The Awakening’ which shocked readers with its honest treatment of female marital infidelity. An honest leader would do the same: let his followers soar above tradition and convention. We might not see that leader today; even if such a leader exists, he’s invisible as at present. In the meantime what is left for us to do? Receding into a comfort zone and regretting about what could’ve, should’ve or would’ve been is futile and such desolate corners are not the retreats we should be looking for. One cannot build strength when cornered in a suffocating cocoon.
Therefore, allow Ranil and his collaborators to ride a few more miles, surely we should be able recognize the point of no return whet it starts appearing, even in a haze, even in the distance. There is a limit to all suffering; there is a limit to all deception and cruel exploitation. That limit, in some cases, may be greater than others, but there shall be a limit and there shall be an end. But when that end comes, our wings must be stronger and they should not remain clipped.
While Ranil and his cohorts are basking in the (non)glory of deception and impotence and decadence, those who are keen and conscious of what follows must be ready and willing to strike, not in a physical way, but in a very tangible psychological and mental fashion with all our strength and vigor, unmercifully and ruthlessly.
The lighthouse may be losing its glimmer and the singing of the seagulls may yet be annoying and cantankerous. The sea is signaling an unusual calm and serenity which soon might end and turn everything and everyone upside down and inside out. Beholding a glimmer of hope in despair is no sin; man’s struggle will not end, never, yet he must move forward, step by step, stride by stride. A cascade of events will form itself into an uncontrollable sociopolitical tide that might eventually provide an answer to our economic misfortune.
*The writer can be contacted at vishwamithra1984@gmail.com
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / August 9, 2022
After fifty years in politics and being a betrayer of the highest order, this scumbag parasite will not now turn over a new leaf and work for the upliftment of the people. To believe so is not just naive but enabling the rascals to further destroy whatever that is left of a once resplendent isle. Apathy must be defeated. People must awaken and fight for their country.!
Native Vedda / August 12, 2022
Lasantha Pethiyagoda
Here is one more reason as to why Aragalaya must stay put and continue their struggle:
Massive child abuse racket uncovered
By Keerthi Mendis -August 12, 2022
Ceylon Today Daily
With his arrest, several powerful politicians in Galle and senior Police officers have allegedly tried to intervene to secure his release, the CID said.
Native Vedda / August 9, 2022
“Clairvoyance at a stage like this is utterly futile and childish. “
Maybe true.
However is SJ disappointed or very very unhappy with Ranil’s handling of Yuan Wang 5 port of call at Chinese owned Hambantota harbour under pressure from Hindians.
For SJ it was particularly hurtful because it was not the Americans who prevented Chinese ship’s visiting a Chinese owned harbour but it was the Hindians.
When did poor Hindians acquire the taste (b**ls) for daring to stop peacefully rising China?
SJ couldn’t fix it, what a shame.
He couldn’t see it on his Mao’s … b***s either.
old codger / August 11, 2022
For those naive souls on this forum who think that the majority of “young people ” have suddenly become democratically conscious as opposed to being feudal slaves, I would recommend that that they take a look at 18 year old Nethmi worshipping Namal Rajapaksa after winning a medal at the Commonwealth Games.
The more things change, the more they are the same.
You figure the Pohottuwa will get less than 50 seats next time?
Native Vedda / August 12, 2022
old codger
In case if you need legal advise on emergency powers vested in armed forces, police , thugs, and likely white van operators ….. you better listen to Swastika Arulingam. She gives good advice:
Swastika Arulingam: The Space for Dissent Under Emergency Law. Sinhala summary after interview.
Why men don’t articulate like this girl?
old codger / August 9, 2022
“Therefore, allow Ranil and his collaborators to ride a few more miles, surely we should be able recognize the point of no return whet it starts appearing, even in a haze, even in the distance. “
Even the redoubtable Vishwamitra seems to have given up. What else can he do? Opposition to Ranil must be based on facts, not vague innuendos or deliberate distortions. There may be crooks in the government, but if they aren’t allowed to carry on their trade, why worry?
The facts on the ground are much better than 4 months ago. Queues have almost disappeared. Public transport is almost normal. The stupid edicts on fertiliser and agrochemicals have been reversed. Power cuts, for the moment, are reduced (this will be helped along by increased tariffs). So what reason is there to camp on Galle Face? At the time the Aragalaya started, there was a total collapse of all functions, made worse by incompetent and arrogant leadership (which we mustn’t forget had an overwhelming mandate, unlike Ranil).
Just an aside: Gota got a huge mandate because he “won the war”. But he had more than a 10 to 1 advantage over the enemy. If the people were stupid enough to see this as a great victory, they fully deserved what they got. Sorry.
Ajith / August 11, 2022
“The facts on the ground are much better than 4 months ago.”
Yes, it is not the same as four months before. Does any one knows where did the money come from to get the fuel supply? What contributed to the increased foregin exchange reserve? Is that the end of the bangruptcy? The whole sale price of fuel in the world is decreased recently. With the decrease in price of fuel we saw subtantial incresess in the electricity and water. So over all the cost of living is not going to go down.
The fact is that economic crisis has not changed. The foreign and internal debt must have climbed faster. The Corana threat is increasing. Foreign direct Investment has not improved. Still nobody know what is the position of IMF? No one talks about system change and it is impossible to make changes in this parliament. If we don’t make changes now , the impact on the people should be three folded than now.
old codger / August 12, 2022
“Does any one knows where did the money come from to get the fuel supply? What contributed to the increased foregin exchange reserve? “
There is no mystery about that. Last month there was an effective budget surplus after 20 years, because of reduced imports and increased exports.
The difference is in the management of resources. The Rajapaksa regime was a bunch of clueless idiots.
Ajith / August 13, 2022
old codger,
Have you got the detail figures with you? I am still confused with the figures and your explanation. If I am correct, you are talking about July 2022 and Gota was in power until 9th of July. Do you mean that Gotabaya was not aware that there will be a surplus in the budget? Are you saying that it is a political coup by Ranil?
old codger / August 14, 2022
Ranil was PM before he became President. Still, I must admit to a mistake. It wasn’t a budget surplus but a trade surplus. So we are exporting more than we are importing.
Perhaps Gota too had some responsibility.
Native Vedda / August 12, 2022
old codger
“Gota got a huge mandate because he “won the war”. But he had more than a 10 to 1 advantage over the enemy. “
Main reason was Prabaharan was fighting for Sri Lankan armed forces and the clan.
Actually he won the war for the clan.
“What else can he do?”
Call for a parliamentary elections, allow the crooks in the parliament and in his cabinet to be kicked out, and bring charges against all those criminals who are under the patronage of state, Sangha, and patriots (Sinhala/Buddhists), … Why does he appoints the same failed politicians (Crooks) to his cabinet?
Like Prabaharan is Ranil on his path to self destruction? In the process has he decided to take the country with him?
During 2015 – 2019 he could have thrown almost all in prison.
He seems to be working hard to protect the war criminals, Alibabas, thugs, … habitual thieves .. and bring back clan and provide them with safe haven, and within the country and parliament.
Why he seems obliged to the crooks and and clan, any observation?
By the way where is our Surgeon General?
old codger / August 12, 2022
“Call for a parliamentary elections, allow the crooks in the parliament and in his cabinet to be kicked out,”
You really think that the voters have suddenly been cured of stupidity? You must have seen young Nethmi (one of the new generation of voters) worshipping Namal Rajapaksa. How many people were at the Aragalaya? Certainly not 6.9 million. Don’t get your hopes up.
old codger / August 12, 2022
“Call for a parliamentary elections, allow the crooks in the parliament and in his cabinet to be kicked out,”
You really think that the voters have suddenly been cured of stupidity? You must have seen young Nethmi (one of the new generation of voters) worshipping Namal Rajapaksa. How many people were at the Aragalaya? Certainly not 6.9 million. Don’t get your hopes up. BTW, if you check out Pathum Kerner, he’s quite as proud of his military service as Sarath Weerasekara. So, what’s new?
Fakeculturebug / August 12, 2022
Observations…. oh yes
…..the things our leaders say confuse me !
“I fought Indias war”
“I used to spend my holidays in Tamil Nadu. I have Tamil relatives, and my niece is married to a Maharashtrian. I do not need invitations to visit India. I am connected to India through family ties.”
For me I think the world nations rightly decided to defeat VP for his stance and the clan took the credit and fooled the Plebs again and again as they celebrated “victory”.
I wonder if NP, and the cobra killing bigot types could check and ask their heros who should not trust whom…….before voting!
a14455 / August 9, 2022
Now that reads like a poem. but poems do not fill stomachs and nor can they produce crude oil or gasoline.
since as you say none of the straw men are worthy of our admiration I suppose we should appoint the all-powerful god Vishamitra? our lord and savior?
Instead of struggling in this cesspit, you call the aragalaya shouldn’t these people do an honest day’s work for whatever organization they work for. I suppose if you work for an NGO this would indeed be a honest days work.
chiv / August 9, 2022
I believe for now Aragalaya has come to an end. Credit to them for reviving otherwise a comatose nation.
chiv / August 11, 2022
Karma is a real boomerang, isn’t it. A sociopath who murdered, white vanned and tortured innocent people, journalist, politicians, made his own citizens homeless, refugees, missing, displaced, is now a fugitive on the run , countries refusing to provide refuge, Thailand says they may allow on HUMANITARIAN grounds and Singapore is about to kick him out. Ranil says it’s unsafe to return to his own country. Where ever he hides , legal issues will continue to follow him. Thanks to Aragalaya, faith that I lost years ago, seems to be gradually returning. Same with A. Hole Trump who’s mansion was raided, called to dispose on tax evasion case, court of appeals finally rejecting his attempts to not release his tax returns (to Congress oversight committee) and the Jan 6th inquiry proceeding in full steam, revealing his role in staging post election coupe. All of this this happened in a week time, while he is contemplating to get re-elected.
malkanthie / August 10, 2022
great analysis. The aragalaya must go underground now and take the time to develop its policies and leadership from the grassroots. it will take patience and suffering from the masses, but the day will come when Ranil and his cohorts will meet their waterloo and we must be ready when it happens. The lighthouse will shine again, and the mighty ocean will be our righteous guide. If we are committed and true to the principle of equality Sri-Lanka could be the first country to bring about a peaceful radical change.
nimal fernando / August 10, 2022
He always is/was a lighthouse for all the corrupt ……. dealmakers ….. racketeers.
His Minister of the Interior, Tiran Alles, is the man who helped bribe Prabakaran to divert the result of an election: a man who should be in gaol ……. now he is putting others in prison!
Ranil is always good at making black, white ……… and white, black ……….
Corrupt are the good: good are the corrupt.
It’s simple …….. ask yourself the question ……. which Lankan would you ask your children to follow as an example? …….. In my case not even Buddha.
We are not trained to think the way we should.
Just look at all the damage Buddha has unwittingly done to Lanka. …….. If ye good people can stomach it, Buddha has done more damage than even Prabakaran. ……. Strange but true!
Prabakaran was a saviour ……. Buddha is a destroyer. ……. If ye can face it, that’s the truth. ……… Or are ye trained to go around daily manufacturing ye own truth for ye mental wellbeing? …..Self-deception, anyone?
Hard question are hard: hard to face.
nimal fernando / August 10, 2022
One has to be crazy or Lankan …… to think ……. something good will come out of something bad!
Another couple of years wasted with Ranil’s antics …….. time down the drain ……. like all the times before.
But gotta admit Ranil has good (impeccable, English_Man?) taste in clothes/attire …….. very unusual for a Lankan. ……… Most Lankans have a penchant for no-white shirts: to put it mildly. ……. Purple shirt, Native?
nimal fernando / August 10, 2022
Correction ……. before English_Man starts scorns/scones all over again!
no-white —> non-white
old codger / August 12, 2022
Nimal F,
Let sleeping dogs lie.
nimal fernando / August 12, 2022
Native Vedda / August 12, 2022
nimal fernando
“Purple shirt, Native?”
I have no particular loyalty to any colour, unlike red shirt brigade.
By the way did you have any role in sending Single handed Singala/Buddist leader on a world tour, perhaps around the world in eighty days?
Can you not find a way to get Kamala Gunaratne to accompany Gota, so that he could continue to write the second part of his Road to Nandikadal, “Flight to Maltive, Singapore, Thailand, …. oblivion”?
nimal fernando / August 12, 2022
Don’t you wish Gota never left …….. now that someone worse has taken over?
Hope I don’t offend Old Codger ……… he has only 2 true loves ……. Ramona and Ranil!
R&R. :)))
Native Vedda / August 13, 2022
nimal fernando
“R&R. :)))”
What did you mean by R&R. :)))?
Is it Repairs and Renewals or Ramona and Ranil?
Ragu / August 10, 2022
Ranil was pushed to be PM by Aragalaya. He hung on despite criticism and humiliation because he knew the path is open for Presidency. He won and Dullus lost not only by Pohottuwa votes, but at least few from SJB, TNL and SLFP. Amazing how the destiny of a country change. Now Aragalaya seems to take another crucial step by withdrawing at least temporarily to a back seat. I hope and prey for the return of political and economical stability.
Nandi Jasen / August 10, 2022
“Sri Lanka must get ready for that day when the call is recognized by a scarce few, and the expectations are for massive disapproval of the status quo …. The humiliating fleeing of Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who was voted in by six point nine (6.9) million votes was no accident …. (n)or did it occur in a vacuum. But opposition to his successor, Ranil Wickremesinghe should not be founded on personal or subjective reasons. Ranil Wickremesinghe may not be our legitimate President, but his ascension to the throne is legal and constitutional. He must be tested at every turn and every corner with no compromise but totally and absolutely without resort to arms or violence. In all sense of the current context, absolute non-violence and peacefulness is a must if the purpose and objectives of the mass of people are to be realized.”
Nandi Jasen / August 10, 2022
“Sri Lanka must get ready for that day when the call is recognized by a scarce few and the expectations are for a massive disapproval of the status quo …. The humiliating fleeing of Gotabaya Rajapaksa who was voted in by six point nine (6.9) million votes was no accident …. (n)or did it occur in a vacuum. But opposition to his successor, Ranil Wickremesinghe should not be founded on personal or subjective reasons. Ranil Wickremesinghe may not be our legitimate President but his ascension to the throne is legal and constitutional. He must be tested at every turn and every corner with no compromise but totally and absolutely without resort to arms or violence. In all sense of the current context, absolute non-violence and peacefulness is a must, if the purpose and objectives of the mass of people are to be realized.”
Sinhala_Man / August 10, 2022
This Araglaya leader is sombre in this nine minute Sinhala video which has come on about 3.00 pm yesterday.
These young people have done their best. I want them to succeed in replacing the current corrupt politicians.
Yesterday about five hundred of us protested in Bandarawela against the most recent events which have seen the politicians by and large letting us down. However, it is not enough to put all the blame on them. The people ought to have developed their own reasoning; people are dissatisfied, but they don’t know what to do next.
Panini Edirisinhe
Sinhala_Man / August 10, 2022
Sorry, it’s just come on at 3.00 pm today.
VanguardII / August 10, 2022
There is a limit to all suffering – there is a limit to how many rebellions this country can stand as well. Hopefully there are more people on the side of the constitution than wicked rebels.
Naman / August 10, 2022
“a place that promises room and space for just a little improvement and progress.”
It is not possible to achieve ANY ROOM & SPACE as long as the SLPP Parliamentarians are running the GoSL.
The SL citizens have no confidence with M.Sirisena. We do need URGENTLY a Parliamentary election following a New constitution that has been approved by referendum.
Is the author in SL to guide the Protesters for SYSTEM CHANGE[ complete overhaul of governance in SL].
Nathan / August 11, 2022
The Aragalayites have only been pushed back. It remains a work-in-progress.
Austerity will be demanded from the general public, as per IMF stipulations; not from the politicians! The same thieves will take turns to come in circles as our Ministers and saviours. The tea parties will continue.
Ranil will soon learn that it’s always calm before the storm. The storming of his castle will be history rerun!
Sisira Weragoda / August 11, 2022
Apolitical Intellectuals
Before the Scales, Tomorrow:
Manel Fonseka / August 11, 2022
Wonderful that you quote Otto Rene C, but hearing, reading his poetry never fails to bring up that terrible way he perished.
Someone close to me wrote some lines (in the late 60s, early 70s), heading them,
“an echo for Otto Rene Castillo”.
I wonder if I can post them on your blog. I presume it IS your blog.
Manel Fonseka / August 11, 2022
I just had a look at your (?) blog. Not sure if one can post on it. But I, too, love “The Battle of Algiers” . Have watched it a number of times. Queimada, too, tho somewhat inferior.
nimal fernando / August 12, 2022
“The Battle of Algiers”
I like it too! ….. would say one of my favourites …… along with Werner Herzog’s “Aguirre, the Wrath of God” ……. and ……. Wim Wenders’ “Paris, Texas.”
Aguirre (Klaus Kinski) I always think of Prabakaran ……… now Ranil :))
“Paris, Texas” ……. about loss and breakup of families ……. sorta a metaphor for Lankans living all over the world away from families/relatives
“Queimada” …… with Brando; not bad.
If you haven’t, watch Pier Paolo Pasolini’s “Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom” ……. It’s his take on Mussolini’s Fascism and Adolf’s Nazism …….. now Ranil’s sick and twisted mix of Fascism/Nazism with the help of his ” libertines.”
“The film explores themes of political corruption, consumerism, authoritarianism, nihilism, morality, capitalism, totalitarianism, sadism, sexuality, and fascism.” —- Wikipedia
One can think of the 18 kidnapped teenagers …….. as the young Aragalakaruwas …….. what Ranil is trying to do to them …… :))
Ranil, you shameless bastard, you may have not read any of the books you collected but I read your book: read you like a book! …….. Took out the ” Magnificent.” :))
Patton: “Rommel, You Magnificent Bastard. I Read Your Book!”
Manel Fonseka / August 12, 2022
Alas, Nimal, I dont think I cd stomach Salo, tho I have a copy of it, as well as 5 or 6 other Pasolinis.
Life is too sad & shocking here these days to be watching cruelty & sadism.
nimal fernando / August 12, 2022
“Life is too sad & shocking here these days to be watching cruelty & sadism.”
“Life imitates Art ……….. far more than Art imitates Life”.
Have to admit …… I dont know how bad things are back home ……. but can we live without art?
If things are bleak ……. watch one of Woody Allen’s. …… “Irrational Man” or “Midnight in Paris.”
One that always cheers me up “Under the Tuscan Sun.”
Manel Fonseka / August 13, 2022
Goodness, Nimal, how is rejecting Salo, living without art!
Thanks for the offer of Woody Allen, but I’m not a great fan. Which is not to say I havent enjoyed a couple of his.
What I’m really impatient to see right now is “Hit the Road” — I think is the title — by the son of Jafar Panahi (the Iranian director who has been banned from making films).
nimal fernando / August 13, 2022
Salo is highest form of art …… I think it’s brilliant interpretation of human nature ……. but true, one has to have the stomach for it …… :))
“Hit the Road” …….. Strangely enough I have the film but haven’t watched it yet.
Have you got a copy of the film?
I have a few films by Iranian directors …… Abbas Kiarostami, Asghar Farhadi et al …….. but haven’t got around to watching most of them yet ………
A guy I like, Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan …….. have you watched “Winter Sleep?”
Manel Fonseka / August 14, 2022
How did you get “Hit the Road” so soon? Copies were not available until very recently, surely.
nimal fernando / August 13, 2022
Have you watched Andrei Tarkovsky’s “Stalker?” …….. For the life of me I can’t figure out what it’s about …….. but feel it’s brilliant ……… cause it could mean so many things: whatever you want it to mean.
Manel Fonseka / August 14, 2022
“Hit the Road” “Have you got a copy of the film?”
Alas, no.
I have a huge colln of films (incl Tarkovsky — yet to watch) but havent been able to buy any for over 2 years now. Unfortunately, many of my yet unseen but v. old purchases either have no STs…vital for me…or no longer work.
I stopped watching films in 2015 & have only started again recently. But my tv broke down last year & I dont enjoy screening on the computer. Tho I watch there occasionally. I have 6 or 7 by Nuri tho not “Winter Sleep” but it’s online & will watch soon. Tho I’d prefer to watch it on the tv.
I am fan of the Iranian directors. Sad that Kiarostami has left.
I think thats enough film chat for here.
Btw if u r in the UK do try to see “Counting & Cracking,” a marvellous tri-lingual play by SL-Aussie Shakthidharan. Unless, of course you r in Aus. & have aready seen it. It is being staged in Birmingham & at the Edinburgh festival — to rave reviews. And buy the book with the script, too. Look it up online. No Sri Lankan should miss the chance of seeing it. Friends of mine cried during the performance.
Sisira Weragoda / August 11, 2022
Even Beneath this Bitterness
Otto Rene Castillo
At the bottom of the night
The footsteps descend and retreat.
Shadows surround them.
Streets, drunks, Buildings.
Someone running away from himself.
A broken bottle, bleeding.
A widowed paper sailing around a corner.
A freethinker pissing on the grass,
where tomorrow the well-dressed children
will play
beneath the dew.
Far away something screams, dark metal, genital.
Asphalt and blind stones, sleeping air,
darkness, cold, police, cold, more police.
Streets, whores, drunks, buildings.
Police again, soldiers, again police.
The statistics say: for every 80,000 officers of the law
there is one doctor in Guatemala.
Then understand the misery of my country,
and my pain and everyone’s pain.
If when I say: Bread!
They say
shut up!
and when I say: Liberty!
they say
But I don’t shut up and I don’t die.
I live
and fight, maddening
those who rule my country.
For if I live
I fight,
and if I fight
I contribute to the dawn.
and so victory is born
even in the bitterest hours.
SJ / August 14, 2022
Naman / August 11, 2022
Gota got a huge mandate because he “won the war”.
So says L P
But he won the election as a result of well organised ‘Easter Bombings of 2019’ which deceived the Sinhala voters to vote for the Hitler who demolished the economy of Mother Lanka. Find the culprits of well executed Easter Crimes
roger / August 11, 2022
Aragalaya is not defined by geographical space itis the state of mind of the people. It will be re – ignited again soon than later
Manel Fonseka / August 11, 2022
An interview I read recently seems to me a kind of companion piece to Vishwamithra’s article, though not poetic as his is surely. It is realistic but not defeatist, & holds expectation of positive future developments. Prof. Shamala Kumar is interviewed in “The Sunday Morning” of 31 July.
She is asked: “These same demands have been made for years. How is this different and what will change now? Can we really expect solutions?”
And replies:
“Yes, these demands have been around for decades, but there’s a difference.
The Aragalaya is not a particular place, such as GGG, but a movement and a set of ideas that developed through that movement; a set of aspirations that emerged from spaces of dissent.”
“I am certain there will be change, there must be change – we have no alternative.
Although successive regimes have used the same tools of suppression,
I do not think that those far from the movement, such as Ranil Wickremesinghe and even those in Parliament, quite understand that this moment is different.
This is no movement of a few individuals, or a particular place, or even a single idea.”