14 October, 2024


The Paranoia Of Extinction; The Reality!

By Chanaka Gajanayake –

The Paranoia of Extinction; do we need a more Sensible Professional and a realistic approach without Fanaticism, Power Politics and Hysteria?

Our ancestor/s Vijaya and his entourage of 700 were not ‘Sinhalese’ but Bengali. It is more a myth to romanticize on rather than a legend that says he is a product of Bestiality between his grandfather Sinha and a woman. Mythology indicates his father was guilty of Patricide by killing the Grandfather. I sincerely hope as a Sinhalese that is a myth rather than a legend since it reflects badly on our roots! It is scientifically and genetically clear that such unions will not produce viable progeny. Vijaya was expelled from Sinhapura because of his evil deeds. Again a heritage not to be proud of! They were Indians from Bengal. There were no ‘Sinhalese’ in existence at the time! Those indigenous people who “owned'” Lanka were Yakshas and Nagas aborigines and possible Davidians. Vijaya’s marriage’ to Yaksha Kuveni did not entitle him to be a King. He then brought 100 Pandyan Princesses from the ancient Tamil dynasty of South India in order to make himself King. Of course, he did not have children from ‘them’, but his officers and ministers most likely produced children 50% Bengali and 50% Tamil. At the same time soldiers and Ministers would have partnered offspring with the indigenous Yakshas’ and Nagas’, thus a New race ‘Sinhalese’ was born and thus eliminating the indigenous population to become the presumed ‘rightful owners’ of Lanka! a Hotchpotch of multiple genetic mixes but of course Homo sapiens or so-called human beings!

This animal Homo sapiens is capable of violence for survival whether it be physical, social or economic which revolves around POWER. The human mind is so sophisticated that it can devise ways and means to manipulate, direct or indirect violence through coercion or using proxies. Today we find technological sophistication of Media, Internet, modern arms that could be controlled and manipulated remotely, specifically by less sophisticated minds of the masses (of Homo sapiens), who may not think beyond the primitive thought processes, that facilitates this violence. In the mind and action of an average person boils down to insecurity, threats, past experience of violence, emotion, anger and vengeance controlled by the the hippocampus in the brain. We have had this reptilian portion of the brain” for 100,000 years, Which is important FOR SURVIVAL: OR FIGHT OR FLIGHT INSTINCT activated through chemical mediators Dopamine, Serotonin and Adrenaline. It is also known to be the area that stores attitudes including, to ETHNICITY or RELIGION, and VIOLENCE and POWER . The reptilian brain and addiction to power go hand in hand. These are personalities who are ruled by emotions that are primitive, aggressive, and have a lack of empathy. The only thing that exists is the pleasure of domination and concern for self. In their minds self-control does not exist and have much less concern for anyone else. The Principles of Buddhism promotes the opposite of this using mind control and mindfulness. Although some profess to be Buddhists and show that they are knowledgeable, in practice are the opposite. Therefore, manipulators whether it be Local or International ‘populist’ power seekers use the elements people react to i.e. threat to the survival of a race or religion. What we are seeing today in Sri Lanka is exactly the same with power seekers counting the days to the next election! The International players have their own agendas including arms sales, proxy wars and economic destabilization etc. Some International players may be more interested in simpler things such as wooing our tourists!

Now getting back to simpler things an average person understands: let’s look at Australia a land which was ‘owned’ by the aboriginal people genetically similar to the Veddas in Sri Lanka who were gradually eliminated and craftily manipulated to near extinction by a new group of white invaders. This is quite similar to what the Bengali/Tamil invaders of Lanka did. Today we have forgotten history, and are clinging on to a ‘race’ that is hypothetical and hardly pure. The Australian Mass killer in New Zealand was harping on the ‘Muslim Invaders’ taking over their land! Of course, he used a soft proxy target since he could not do it in Australia the very reason why ISIS chose Sri Lanka!  How can Australia or New Zealand be white countries? and in the same context is Sri Lanka a Sinhala country or an Aborigine (Vedda) country? Vijaya the invader was neither a Sinhalese nor a Buddhist! The same arguments stand for USA a land belonging to ‘Red’ Indians invaded by British and now according to Trump and others it is a White Supremist country. South America was invaded by Spanish and Portuguese, replaced the Incas, (black slaves introduced later)!!

Muslims are not really a race! Again, a hotchpotch of multiple genetic material like the Sinhalese. The Southern Muslims may have originated from Arab trader fathers marrying Sinhala women. Therefore, they too are 50% Sinhala by race. There are also more recent Sinhala coverts who still hold on to fragments of their earlier names. The Eastern Province Muslims may have originated from migrant South Indian Muslims who are probably mainly Dravidian!

Some of our ‘Sinhala Supremists’ may start to believe that Maldives Belong to the Sinhala Race, since Genetic and other historical evidence show a link with Sinhalese, while another legend describes one of the ships that came with Vijaya landed in Maldives. Traders and fishermen also landed not only from Lanka (but also India and Africa). Other legends describe emissaries By King Ashoka landing in Maldives while a Princess from Lanka was sent to Marry a Prince. Buddhist temples existed and spoke a modified language ‘Divehi‘ akin to the Sinhala Language!! Of course, when the rulers converted to Islam, with influence from Arab traders, the population too converted similar to Devanampiyatiisa who converted the Lankan population to Buddhists. Please don’t get ideas of invading the Maldives.

Some of our great patriots from the Southern coast may be originally from South India?? Towns like Panadura is said to have originated from Panna-thurai or the famous Pallimulla or SarikkaMulla are likely Palli-Mullai and Sarikka-Mullai. Anevilundawa North of Chillaw when translated from Tamil to Sinhala is (Aliaya-wetuna-thena – Where the elephant fell). Some of the LTTE terrorists were Appuhamy by name. Some of the population From Negombo to Puttalam Many speak in Tamil although claiming to be Sinhalese! There is still a Portuguese speaking African Colony in that area that is getting integrated into society. What ‘Purity’ can we talk about? What happened to the Portuguese soldiers who were left behind the ‘Kalu Lansi’ (‘Black’ Burghers)? Although small segments are still exists, others have integrated with the ‘Sinhalese’! Of course, the Portuguese did not bring their women and they mixed with the ‘Kalu’ Sinhalese to become ‘Kalu Lansi’!

I am not arguing that the ‘Sinhala race’ should be eliminated by any means! They should survive and so should everyone including minorities who have a right to survival! 

If we the Sinhalese, maintain a fertility rate of more than 2.1 children per woman we could stabilize our population. We started our population control campaign long ago maybe 50 years ago with ‘Preethi’ and ‘Mithuri’ and Interval LRTs and ‘Loops’ with incentives paid to doctors mostly Sinhalese, for LRT. One also has to realize that the fertility rate comes down with literacy and increased standards of living. In all countries there has been a progressive reduction and a fertility rate of 2.06 is below the 2.1 threshold. Therefore, the population decline among Sinhalese started long ago and no one forced contraception. Remember some of our couples married or living together often decide not to have children, while with a higher age of marriage some cannot find partners and with age the fertility rates go down (Fig. 1), while the number of children a woman can safely have before menopause will be reduced. Others may be homosexual. It is important to realize that smaller the family, the higher the economic and social attainments! Ironically; mostly those who are paranoid of extinction are either not married, not have children or have 2 or less children! Women when they get an education, marry late. Our age of marriage for women is almost 30 years at a time the fertility rate naturally falls drastically (Fig 1). They also want economic stability before having children. When they go for work, who will look after the kids? Most want one or 2 kids the most! They are also the same people screaming out about extinction! These people are so selfish trying to keep their own family small for social and economic reasons but want the other Sinhala women to reproduce! In addition, they want the other ethnic Every Sinhala woman then must produce more than 2.1 per woman to alleviate this fear! Remember Catholics too are against family planning! Don’t blame others! In addition paradoxically more the a million Sri Lankans, Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim work in the Middle East away from the wife and husband or sometimes not married. How can a woman conceive when they are not with the husbands, while some don’t want to conceive since they will lose their job? The men come on holiday for a few weeks during the Holy month and expect their wives to get pregnant with the grace of god! Some women are on contraceptives for long period, with or without the knowledge of husbands and or are over 30 years and the chance of conception is not too high.

Figure 1. Decline in Fertility with age. Note the sharp decline after 30 years.
(Ref. Fertility information and awareness flyer, 9. September 2012 von fertequality)


When you look at global statistics, Ironically,  Muslim Countries like Islamic Republic of Iran (1.6), UAE (1.7), Lebanon (1.7) Bahrain (2) have lower fertility rates than Sri Lanka, while in Bangladesh it is 2.1, and in China it is 1.6, Hong Kong 1.1. US and UK is at 1.8. The higher fertility rates can be seen in African countries both Muslim and Christian with high Morbidity and Mortality rates and or in the Midst of conflict again with higher death rates and lower life expectancy. Of course, there are some Middle Eastern countries with high fertility where some are in the middle of conflicts (eg. Iraq 4.3) while it is interesting to note that a highly developed country like Israel has a fertility rate of 3.1, probably in the context of a threat to the population, they want a higher population to settle in the new territories!

The solution would be for Health Policy Makers to keep fertility above 2.1 percent but not astronomical, but at some social and economic costs. This strategy has to be planned out by non-fanatical demographers, fertility experts, economists and other relevant persons without involvement of clergy of any religion. Genocide is not the answer!

In fact, the fertility rate was only 1.9 in 1998, but has risen since then settling to 2.06 recently.

Source: Roar Media


Source: Roar Media

There certainly is a higher fertility rate amongst minorities due to many reasons. Their own fear of being threatened of extinction, Non-working women, younger age of marriage, feeling of economic possibility of having larger families etc.

Abortion in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has some of the strictest abortion laws in the world, where abortion is only permitted if the mother’s life is at risk, as per Section 303 of the Penal Code of 1883. The punishment for causing an abortion is a fine and/or up to 3 years imprisonment.

Despite these laws, the number of abortions carried out in Sri Lanka remain high, with the Ministry of Health reporting in 2016 that 658 abortions are carried out daily. This works out to approximately 240,170 abortions take place annually. A majority of women seeking abortions in Sri Lanka are married. The reasons given by married women for needing an abortion were that their pregnancy was too soon after the last delivery, poverty and foreign employment. Women as well as men who leave for foreign employment are in effect ‘celibate’ leading to lower fertility rate!

These alarming figures from not so long ago are probably similar today! Who are these women, undoubtably, a majority are Sinhala Buddhist Women!! Approximately 250,000 children are removed every year! No wonder why the population is dwindling! Who is doing this? Is it done against the consent of these women? NO! I won’t be surprised if some of those Sinhala extremists’ obstetricians, screaming their heads off on ‘Sinhala extinction’ are guilty of these illegal abortions for a quick buck! 

Another reason why our population is disappearing is due to deaths of prime child bearing women: 12.5% of all maternal deaths are attributed to illegal abortions due to sepsis or bleeding, making it the third most common reason for such deaths in Sri Lanka. With a high rate of illegal abortions, many done under septic conditions result in infection of the fallopian tubes or salpingitis which is an important cause of infertility (and ectopic pregnancy). 

A large population of ours migrate to other countries for personal selfish reasons. Of course, they would have less than 2.1 fertility rates. At the same time their progeny would move away and be alienated from Race and Religion! They will be in a different environment in diverse social settings. They will also marry from other races and religions thus diluting ‘our Sinhala race’! Unfortunately, some of the vociferous activists are actually people who migrated with children married to varying races and religions! Aren’t they guilty of a crime they are accusing others of??

Our ancestor Neanderthal became extinct within 10,000 years. The effects of decreased survival on the extinction probability and time to extinction are considerable as expected for long-living organisms: a decline of less than 1.5% in survival for the youngest children leads to rapid extinction (less than 2,000 yrs), while a reduction of survival rate as small as 0.4% provokes an extinction time of 10,000 years. Leave alone Sinhalese, but the whole human race would be extinct in less than that time EVEN IF NO natural calamity strikes!

(Degioanni A, Bonenfant C, Cabut S, Condemi S (2019) Living on the edge: Was demographic weakness the cause of Neanderthal demise? PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216742. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0216742)

The United Nations Population Division recently released updates to its projections of the future world population.

In short, we should be more rational as a population, with leaders not trying to gain power based on fear of extinction leading to racism. Unfortunately, many power-hungry leaders don’t use their Left prefrontal cortex to think rationally but use only their primitive brain for short term quest for power, often backed by pseudo-professionals who are equally power hungry. Our leadership lacks trust in independent intellectuals with neutral thinking or think tanks, but depend on people with partiality. They know that the base of the population pyramid can be mobilized through a cry of ‘extinction’, fear of ‘territory’ being lost again aiming at the primitive brain of the vote bearing majority! The leadership has unfortunately gone in the direction of personal power in contrast to the strength of the state, illustrating the difference between a politician and statesman! My belief is that the on the eve of elections, Fanatic Racism and Extremism would be the main tool used by leadership through proxies such as minor parties in order to get votes from the wider Sinhala and Buddhists and the wheels are already in motion. Unfortunately, some So called intellectuals and religious leaders are also being used or they have their own private agendas! It is the people, society and the country that would suffer at the end of the day!

Latest comments

  • 6

    Nazeem, proof of the pudding in the eating. It is mainly the Muslims who believed and believe that they are different, Allah the only god, those who dont believe Allah have to be killed and so on. You want different food, clothing, way of life to the inconvenience of others and then how can you say born to one father. It is Islam and Muslims created this division and got isolated. Despite some thuggish Buddhist mad monks, vast majority of Buddhists and Hindus respect each other and value each other. Sadly dirty politics originating especially from the south dividing people on religious and racial lines employing some evil yellow robed monsters that could be bought for a pittance or providing women to satisfy their eternal carnal desires. But I am confident one day Sinhala Buddhists will realise the reality and come to live with Hindus. The sooner it happens the better for Lanka. This is the only way they can also protect the concept of “Sinhala Buddhism”. It is not in the hands of these dirty Monks but in the hands of Good Sinhala Buddhists.

  • 4

    Do not talk bullshit Dear friends. Sinhalese have nothing to do with Indians as far as their Origin is concern.Their ancestors were from south east Africa more than 250 thousand years ago. Sinhalese HP F positive same as Makkuva tribes in south east African coast. In addition HP H positive in varying degrees.That may be due to Toba Vulcanic Disaster that occurred around seventy five thousand years ago. Nobody compare Sinhalese genetic affinities with south east African coastal populations as all most all Lankens have been Indian back lickers. But few Japanese together with Australians did genetic affinities test on Sinhalese and south east African coastal population. That gave complete different story. That is very true story. We have nothing to do with fucking Indians. We are not Indians.We are African like Australian Aborigines, West coast people of malaya & Sumathra. We respect Indian as our religion Buddhism came from there & Given us shelter at the time of TOBA vulvanic Disaster. That is All. otherwise All Indians specially Tamils have been traditional historical Enemies.of ours. . Mahabaratha was not a real story. It was an Epic as per north Indian political situation at that time. Just like our present day political analysts reports on tabloids.Puranas gives its truthfulness & faultiness after the events. Like our Atuwa Tikaas. .

    • 7

      Ranjith (Sparrow),

      You said you are a Karava/Karayar. The Sri Lankan Karavas (including the Surya clan) trace their journey (migration) to Sri Lanka through the Coromandal (Kuru Mandalam) region of south-east India (border between Kerala & Tamil Nadu). Go to Google and look at the African Makkuva people of Mozambique. Then, have a look at your mother and sisters, do they look like Negros (black skin, thick lips, curly hair, big Ass and boobs). Now go to Kochi or Thoothukudy (South India) and look at the Mukkuva people (physical features), do they look exactly like your relatives? Your main ancestry is South Indian Kochi or Thoothukudy Karava. You seems to be confused between Mukkuva of South India and Makkuva of Africa. If you like to be a Negroid, go and marry a Makkuva woman from Africa, at least your kids will look like them, and someday your future generation will proudly say we are Makkuva Negros from Mozambique. BTW, did you graduate from the makkuva tribal school in the jungles of Mozambique?

      • 1


        In Africa Almost all are Negroids but genetic distance from village to village , tribes to tribes, sub tribes to sub tribes are much wider. Same historical professions does not mean all are in same groups. As per data available Genetic distances between south Indian Darvadians very wider than north Indian races. Further in old days any dealing with south Indian races completely prohibited as it was believed that south Indians were carriers of deadly dangerous sickness like Cholora & Vasoori. As such No south Indian Races or Individuals were accepted into our society or villages at all.

    • 5

      Good entertainment!
      I like your comments, absolutely hilarious. You seem to be extremely good at writing fiction, much better than Ven. Mahanama Thero who wrote the Mahavamsa. Keep going, but be careful, the Sinhalayas will beat you if you tell them that the African Makkuva people of Mozambique was their origin.

  • 9

    Ranjith, so you morons from Africa, then a Para African sinhalaya. Yeah, there is lion in Africa. So, after all you accept you guys are not natives but Para Africans. Who said Buddhism came from India. Some of the Para Africans tell me that Buddha was a Para African and Buddhism went to India from Matara. Your main enemy is not indians but your stupidity, ignorance, phobia, paranoia and uncertainty of your origin. It is a natural manifestation of insecurity. So Pali is spoken in Africa. Aney mage Katta. By the way where do you live now machang, is it Timbuktu. Moda Ranjith who said mahabaradha is true. Only Mahavamsa aka mahavambu and Para Ravana abducting someone’s wife is true. Then who is that bugger Vijayan who was chased away by his appachie for screwing lions in Orissa. So that para Vijayan has nothing to do with para sinhalayas. So this Mahanama thero as usual telling lies or hallucinating under Ganja. But Ranjia I agree this African origin but you guys stopped evolving and to date remain the same. Look at our army commander just an original kaapily. On the other hand your king and queen from down south, they ought to be Para porthukesu Karaya. Look at their complexion and the moona, just can’t be Singalaya. Look at your hero Gnanasara another classic kaapily just like Idi Amin. By the way where did you pick this toba volcanic disaster. That too mentioned in Mahavamsa. Then what happened to you, your brain got vaporised. We are never short of story tellers who keep cooking up stories and live on eternal phobia, insecurity, complex and uncertainty. Hightime you guys go back to Ethiopia and let the native Dravidians to live in peace.

    • 1

      Dear Friend Nathan

      Sakkiliyar were or are not Darvidians but helpers of darvidians to conquer south part of india from native people like Vamana, Bimana & others.tribes. Yes we were from south east Africa. Your vamana, bimana & other tribes too were from east coast of Africa. Vijaya was sea pirate. Unfortunately our yakka tribal lady called Kuvani got involved with him. Got him to come here with lion coat to scare her clan. Orissa man went to Gujarat to find lion coat and came here from Gujarat. Kuveni’s Love affair with foreigner who came here as cotten treads buyer opposed her cousin brother’s parent who was rightful hair to chieftain post marrying her. Machan Do you know that story ? It is written in our old sorcery books. Coming back to Sakkiliyar They fought war against darvidians under naga royalist command to have seperate land in west coast. do you know that ? lost the war & self exiled to Andra. Because of that Paraiyar & few more Darvidians who came first to Godavary still discriminated by Tamils putting them in dalit parcel saying that they are sakkiliyar. Do you know that ?? This is our new found land well before over 250 thousand years ago. This is our Land. you can go to your land south India . Thank you very much comrade Nathan. .

    • 3

      Nathan this man is racist and a liar and spreads lies at various sites regarding Sri Lankan Tamils and Sinhalese. Does not know anything and like Eagle Blind AKA Kundi Palan is a racist to the core. Has a website trying to impress and make people believe in his racist lies and garage, that is full of lies and distorted truth with link to various not recognised so called historians. Most probably other Sinhalese racists like him

    • 0


  • 4

    What is this the latest performance of a Lion king pantomime, for little gullible children , where the lion pays homage to wicked with the evil wicked witch looking on? Where is this going to be staged? At the Lionel Wendt theatre? Or is latest Vesak pantomime? What is the theme song
    ” Simba simba , who is the king of evil Sinhale “

  • 1

    May I therefore be helpful and state that where you referred to the conquest of the Americas; it would be correct to say North,Central and South America were conquered by Spain. However Spanish influence was most limited in the northern states of USA.
    Ceylon (known as Ceilan) was a Spanish sovereign territory according to Spanish history and the history of Britain by Somerset Maugham. Portugal was under Spanish domain and Portuguese were mercenary soldiers and sailors.
    One finds many Spanish names in the hierarchy of the earliest invaders.
    These are my humblest comments.

  • 1

    People do enjoy and revel speaking on the past, and Myths and heresy. For the sake of all Sri Lankans LEARN TO live in the present! Who cares about the blood we have when they are of the same colour and with the same constituents! Live in the present! We were not born stamped to religions nor a language or dress! We had no clothes & our colour & our different features were the results of the environment. All that we claim to have been, inherited from parents! Let’s start at the cradle! Let’s teach our children what a great future they could have if their only religion would be EQUALITY, LIBERTY & FRATERNITY! Please stop insulting the other and opening old wounds! Have the people of Sri Lanka not suffered enough! Leave the Lions & the Ravanas where they belong and join hands to make this island retrieve its past glory! Let’s all be proud to be Sri Lankans!

  • 3

    It looks like MR is being blessed by his HALF BROTHER. What a timely intervention and I would love to see GOTHA being blessed before his trial in US courts whch is fast approaching.

  • 0

    Sharma, don’t get upset with Ranjith. We need people like him to ward off boredom. He is harmless and just telling something for fun. The bottom line, I could sense, he is having great fun out of poor, innocent sinhalas. He may even turn out to be Ranjithan. He is very sarcastic towards sinhalas. Incidentally Blind, HLd Nd Ranjith May be one. But I know a Para dhemalu friend of HLD who writes that Jaffna dhemalus are all low castes. Who cares and what does it matter. They rule the world now. Interestingly this para dhemalu is also a relation of VP. Interesting.

  • 0

    Yet another dumb article.
    Nayake — >> Telugu speaking community.
    They are the ones in Kandy Buddhist temple , built by Kannusamy aka ( Rajasimhan ) from Velore , Tamil Nadu .
    The list goes on
    Dissanayake ‘s
    Tamil and Telugu origin names .
    Bandara Nayake , acutally Pandara Nayake .
    Srimavavo Mother or Grand Mother is a Malayalee .
    Lakshman Kadirgamar is ONLY a registered Tamil.
    Kadirgamar is not a real Tamil.
    That’s why it was EASY for him to BETRAY his (registered ) community.
    Yep deport this Nayake Lot for a START or SHUT UP and try to find a way to LIVE TOGETHER .

    • 3

      The last king of the Kandyan kingdom Kannasamy Nayakar aka Sri Vikrama Rajasinha did not have any children to his official Dravidian wife (Queen) Rajammal Venkatamma. However he (King) had hundreds of children to his upcountry Sinhalese Anthapura wives (as a king, it was his privilege to have any woman he found attractive as his Anthapura wife). The children of the king born to the Anthapura wives were called Pandaram (males) and Manikam (females) who later became Banda and Menika. Today there are an awful lot of Bandas and Menikas in the upcountry. They all have Kannasamy Nayakar’s royal blood running in their veins.

    • 5

      Correction, the Nayake/Naicke who arrived and ruled the Kandyan kingdom, were not Telugu speaking but a Tamil speaking community from what is now modern Tamil Nadu in India but were of Telugu origin. They had been in the Tamil country for centuries and hardly spoke Telugu and were a Tamil speaking lot , who considered themselves Tamils. This is why the court language of the Kandy court was Tamil and Sinhalese and not Telugu. They fostered Tamil and not Telugu, as they hailed from Tamil Nadu and considered themselves Tamils , with a distant Telugu origin. Only the low caste Telugu immigrants like the Sakkilis and gypsies spoke Telugu and not Tamil. The Naicker/Naidu/ Kappus in Telengana and Andhra speak Telugu. In Karnataka they speak Kannada. The father of the Dravidian movement Periyar belonged to a Kannada speaking Naicker community. His full name was Ramaswamy Naicker. Vaiko the Tamil nationalist is from a Tamil speaking Naicker community. Variations of the Tamil Naicker names are Nayakan/Naicker/Naidu/ Nayagam. Further north in Maharashtra and Goa the Naickers are known as Naik/Naick and they speak Konkani or Marathi as their mother tongue , depending on whether they are from Goa or Maharashtra. All these Kandyan Nayakes are descended from these Tamil speaking Naickers. Bandara/Banda are all descended from the Tamil non Brahmin temple worker/priest Pandaram caste. Pandara Naickan or Nayakan ( meaning the head of the local Pandaram caste or clan ) became Bandaranayake . SWRD Bandaranaicker’s ancestor Neelaperumal was a Tamil Pandaram immigrant who migrated to the island in the 1700s , as a non Brahmin Hindu temple priest. JRs ancestor was a Tamil Mudaliar or Chetty who migrated to the island around the same time. Kathirgamar is a Tamil. He comes from a Tamil Vellalar Christian family from the Vatukottai or Araly in Jaffna.

      • 0

        Stop spreading rumours Siva Sankaran Sarma. The court language of Kandy was Sinhalese, as in all other Sinhalese kingdoms. Even if the king could speak Tamil, that wouldn’t make Tamil the court language of the Sinhalese kingdom. Prior to 1815, Kanda Uda pas rata (Kandy) was more or less an homogenous Sinhalese area. There were hardly any Tamils in Kandyan districts.
        As said many times earlier, the Nayaka kings were Telugus and not Tamil. Nayakas have always been considered foreigners in Tamilnadu. The 4 Nayaka kings who ruled here were brought up as Sinhalese princes. The first Nayaka king (Sri Vijaya Rajasinghe) was the brother of the queen of the Sinhalese king Narendrasinghe. He was brought up in Kandy in the Sinhalese court as a Sinhalese prince and when Narendrasinghe got seriously ill a few years before he died, he adopted the brother of his queen as his own son, and named him heir to the throne. The last months before Narendrasinghe died, Sri Vijaya Rajasinghe served as Prince Regent and when Narendrasinghe died in 1739 he became king (Ref. Gnanath Obeyasekara). Nayaka kings NEVER identified themselves as Tamil, and they didn’t rule as Nayakas but as Sinhalese kings. When they became kings, they abandoned their Nayaka names and titles and took up Sinhalese names. They all signed and did their duties in Sinhalese. Rajadi Rajasinghe has written many Sinhalese literary works and was an accomplished poet. Asadisa Da Kava is among his works. BTW Bandara is a name and a title which comes from Baandagarika, as they were entrusted with the royal treasuries and stores. Your pandaram theory doesn’t make sense at all as pandarams are just low caste Hindu priests who go begging from place to place. Hardly royal or nobility.

    • 1

      At the time British left Ceylon, citizens were divided into two categories; Citizen by Descent and Citizen by Registration.
      Sinhalayo were Citizens by Descent and Demala people were Citizens by Registration. Later this distinction was abandoned. This distinction is a good indication to identify who is ‘Native’ and who is ‘Para’.

      • 6

        The British never had citizen by descent or registration for any of their colonies . We were all citizens of the British empire. Stop lying you old senile part Malay racist fool , who is married to a Tamil and thanks to her relatives is now living in Australia . If the British had citizens by registration and descent , more than half the present day Sinhalese population will be citizens by registration , as per your criteria , as they are all descended from recently migrated South Indians. This nonsense was only started after independence by racist Sinhalese leaders like DS Senanayake, Bandaranaike etc ironically all of recent South Indian origin, to deliberately make the Indian origin estate labour stateless. No other country has this nonsense . You are a citizen. Australia has naturalised citizens like me and you and citizens by birth but all are treated the same and there are no different criteria. If the British had this criteria , the Indian origin Tamils would have been citizens and not stateless. In all other former British colonies, eg. Malaysia. Kenya , India , anyone who was residing at the time of independence automatically became a citizen of the newly independent land, Irrespective of race, religion or ethnicity. Only in racist lying Ceylon the Sinhalese leaders , who lied before independence about a multi racial/multi ethnic/ multi religious land , where all were equal , to gain Tamil support for independence , as it would not have happened if the Tamils objected to it ( as they were around 28-30% of the population then. Muslims then were only a mere 5.5% and no one bothered about them and the British considered them part of the Tamils despite calling them Moors).

        • 2

          However they had already hatched up their racist plans to make the Tamil speakers second class , marginalise them , steal their lands and the first step was to reduce their numbers , by passing the citizenship law , which made the 1 million Indian origin estate Tamils who had been living in the island for over eight generations , earning most of the wealth , stateless. Then came the Sinhalese only, denial of language education, and employment to Tamils. Large scale ethnic cleansing and colonisation of Tamil lands with out of area Sinhalese by the state, standardisation to deny higher education to Tamils , using the Muslims as a tool to marginalise the Tamils , especially in the east. The list goes on and is still going on . Like building Budda statues and temples in the north and east with the help of the armed forces, using the racist archeological/forestry department that is full of Sinhalese racists who were forced to admit that there are no ancient Sinhalese or Buddhist artifacts anywhere in the sites that claimed to be Sinhalese, to steal and confiscate Tamil lands and destroy ancient Hindu temples and Tamil peoples ancient history. This is all you racists can do other than develop

      • 4

        Are you a Sri Lankan in the first place? You do not have even a basic knowledge about your own country. Being a total ignorant is not always an excuse.
        There is a group of people in Sri Lanka known as upcountry/Estate Tamils brought by the British to grow/pluck Tea and rubber. These people were the Citizens by Registration. Sinhala, Demala and Muslim were Citizens by Descent and upcountry/Estate Demala were Citizens by Registration.

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        Eagle Eye,
        The Tamils of North & East were always Native (Citizens by Descent).
        However, they call the Sinhalese as Paradesi Chingalam (who came from outsiders/immigrants).). Just like you call them Para Demulu, they call you Paradesi Chingalam (Indian Vijayan’s people). The Pali chronicles are the main evidence to prove what the North & East Tamils believe/say, ‘Paradesi Chingalam who came from India’.

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        Eagle Eye,
        You seem to be confused. Citizen by Registration is not abandoned, it is still existing and valid. Irrespective of your ethnicity or religion, if you or your children were born in a foreign country, then you are a citizen by registration. For example, if you are a Sri Lankan citizen but live abroad and your child was born in the country where you live, then your child becomes a Sri Lankan citizen by registration. Most of those tea estate workers brought by the British were born in India and therefore they became Sri Lankan citizen by Registration. This has nothing to do with Sinhala or Tamil.

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        EE a.k. HLDM

        That smart, forward looking, senior Trade Union leader and Minister
        put it best when he called h is people “People of recent Indian
        Origin” Got what he was trying to convey. Everyone in the island
        is of Indian origin.” – save a few like you. Am I right in the suggestion you are of Batavian origin? Mixed – a little bit here and there. Colvin R.de.S, a much respected Sinhalese no doubt, went further and noted “we all came from there. The difference is when and from where”


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          Correction – Trade Union and Minister the late S. Thondaman


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    This is a very distressing programme from the Australian ABC four corners . Showing what China is doing to the Turkic Uighur Muslims . Hope this does not happen to the minorities here because of fake racial origin myths and religious fanaticism


    moderator please allow this as people must see this and learn what happens when they give free hand to racists and fascists.

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    no one disputes what you say and all are well aware of that. But just for politics and for their clout these so-called sinhala guys, have cooked up and manipulated the history. Well, one could call it a survival instinct. You just speak to them in private and then they will agree. It is also true that fellows like mahanama and Anagarika have smartly misled them up the gum tree. Now shame on them, how they destroy Hindu places of worship and senselessly building viharas over the same place. Only the Moguls did this in Hindu India. What they do is utterly shameful but once you look at it on a psychological point of view, it is too apparent that it is nothing but fear, phobia, uncertainty, inferiority complex and insecurity. A mere animal survival instinct of denial. Denial…denial..denial….and no more, and more one denies and they have to just go on denying and hiding for ever. When one speaks the truth then it is over. But if one tells a lie then he has to go on lying for ever covering up one after other. This is our blood brothers predicament. It has gone too far and redemption is very difficult. Many even believe that it is all true. They may soon even go about wearing a lion dress as a national dress as shown in the above picture. If there is no root then anything is possible.

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    According to Prof. Kamani Thennakoon, University of Colombo, the latest DNA studies prove a common ancestry of Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils.
    “There is no clear genetic separation based on the PCA map between Sinhalese and Tamils of Sri Lanka.”
    All DNA studies comparing both the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils show no large genetic difference, suggesting that both populations have a common ancestry native to the island.

    This can only be explained historically by the large scale assimilation of Sinhalese into Tamils following centuries of South Indian rule (i.e. the Cholas ruled Jaffna for over 100 years leading to gradual language replacement and admixture) and the vice versa assimilation of Tamils into Sinhalese.

    Indeed, it is likely that Dravidian speakers who spread megalithic culture to Sri Lanka circa 1000 BC were Prakritised centuries later, along with the Vedda population.

    The following studies all support this conclusion, with some even suggesting closer genetic relationships between up country Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils, than with low country Sinhalese.

    Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people: their relations within the island and within the Indian subcontinental populations. Lanka Ranaweera at al.

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    How interesting……. According to Gajanayake, the Sinhalese are Bengali and Tamil invaders with reptilian brains, who had invaded this island and robbed it from indigenous tribes, like the English, Spanish, Portuguese and French had done in the Americas, New Zealand and Australia. Interestingly he had come to this conclusion by using the Mahavamsa myth about a lion.
    Gajanayaka states that we need a “Sensible Professional and a realistic approach without Fanaticism, Power Politics and Hysteria” but his whole article is a continuous nonsensical babble, full of false assumptions, contradictions and fallacies, even demonstrating a bit of megalomania, since he thinks that the Sinhalese can get the idea of invading Maldives!! I wonder where the reptilian brained, Bengali Tamils whose ancestors are supposed to be Neanderthals, who by the way, are a completely different species than homo sapiens, come in, in this so-called sensible professional approach?

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