17 January, 2025


The Politics Of History: Mahindapala’s Version

By R S Perinbanayagam –

Prof. R S Perinbanayagam

History is written by scholars as well as others claiming to be scholars, by selecting events from the past and subjecting them to interpretations and then composing a narrative. The selecting process and the interpretation of the events selected depends on the philosophy as well as the prejudices and commitments of the writer. This is true of academic histories as well as those written by journeyman commentators. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that such writings are often objective enough and while others are tendentious and even filled with malice and misrepresentations.

Recently one H.L.D. Mahindapala has come to write the history of Sri Lankan politics in the early part of the last century. In an article published in an internet journal he has written about the way the political leadership of Jaffna evolved and changed the course of both the politics of Jaffna and corrupted the politics of Sri Lanka itself. In the course of his essay, he makes the following points:

a) in the early 20s 30s of the last century a very progressive nationalistic politics emerged in the peninsula as the Youth Congress.

b) this movement was led by the young men, and they were heavily influenced by the movement for independence that was firing up India.

c) the leaders in this movement, which had begun to attract great deal of attention both in the peninsula as well as among some the Sinhalese political and intellectual leadership in the South.

d) long before anyone in the South did so, they demanded full independence from Britain

e) finally, in a truly revolutionary move, they also agitated against the caste system.

All of this was sabotaged by G. G. Ponnambalam, who put forth a radically communalist program demanding special privileges for the Tamils and making hostile and demeaning remarks about the Sinhalese. In short, Mahindapala argues, that GGP and his followers are responsible for the deterioration of the relationship between the Sinhalese and Tamils that has characterized Sri Lankan politics ever since.

There is no doubt these claims are valid except the last claim. Mahindapala, I suppose as a true historian, systematically overlooks certain other events that occurred during this time period. To begin with, GGP did run a rankly communalist election campaign and his party swept the northern electoral seats in the 1947 elections. However, soon after Sri Lanka obtained independence in 1948, GGP and his political party, the Tamil Congress, abandoned its communalist stand, offered “responsive co-operation” and joined the UNP government of D. S. Senanayake and even became a minister. Some members of his party led by S. J. V. Chelvanayakam broke away and formed the Federal Party.

In the elections that ensued in 1952 GGP’s party fielded its own candidates as well as supported the candidates that the UNP put forth on its own. The Federal Party had its own candidates in opposition to both the reformed Tamil Congress candidates as well as the UNP candidates. In that particular election the Congress and the UNP won nearly all the seats in the north except for one which was won by the Federal Party by a very small margin. Even Chelvanayakam lost his seat to the UNP candidate S. Natesan. It could safely be claimed that the more nationalist program put forth by the new Tamil Congress and its new ally the UNP essentially wiped out the communalist rump that was the Federal Party.

Indeed, it seemed that Sri Lanka was well on its path to becoming multinational modern nation without any ethnic or communal confrontations. However, sadly enough, this changed radically in a few years when some segments of the Sinhalese political leadership as well as members of the intelligentsia – to use the word loosely – began to agitate for special considerations and priorities for the Sinhalese community in the demand to make “Sinhala Only” the official language of the island. This was a radical repudiation of a policy that all political parties of the country had accepted until then of making Tamil also as the official language of the country. This move to make Sinhalese the only language of administration of the country was canvassed with a vigor, if not with venom, by increasing members of not only the political leadership but also the sections of the intelligentsia.

The “Sinhala Only” movement was seen by the Tamil community not only as language policy but as the thin edge of a larger scenario to undermine the legitimate interests of the Tamils as a whole. The political discourse was in fact conducted by the likes of F.R Jayasuriya, L.H. Mettananda K.M.P. Rajaratne, and of course Solomon West Banadaranaike and his followers and many others. Even Phillip Gunewardena, the father of the Marxist movement in Sri Lanka and champion of the international working class joined this cause! Jayasuriya even started a movement in Colombo asking landowners to refuse to rent houses to Tamils! Little did he realize that by excluding and expelling the Tamils from the Western Province he was in fact laying the foundations of a separate state!! These moves by Jayasuriya and his allies make them the primary separatists!

These moves eventually led to the election of a rankly communalist party to government in Colombo in 1956.Suddenly, all the good will and nationalist sentiments that was created by the UNP/Tamil Congress government was dissipated and the Tamils began to feal that they were about be victimized. Suddenly again, the Federal Party with its communalist programs won nearly all the seats in the Northern province and emerged as the voice of the Tamils. Discredited only a few years earlier they were now being treated as heroic defenders of the Tamils. That is how Sri Lanka came to its present pass: The claim to Sinhala exceptionalism in terms of rights and privileges in the middle of the 1950’s led to the emergence of Tamil separatism and undermined the emergence of a multi-ethnic and multi-religious modern state insofar it is the case that many ethnicities and religions live in the country. Indeed, Sinhala communalism and Tamil communalism fed on each other. Among the Tamils the separatist ideology became stronger and stronger and ended up with Prabhakaran. The Prabhaharan phenomenon is as much a creation of the Sinhala chauvinists as that of Tamil panic.

In conclusion, I want to quote one of Mahindapala’s lines from another of his Damila-phobic diatribes in the Sunday Observer:

…the great Handy Perinbanayagam – the outstanding liberal and enlightened Tamil leader who pioneered the path to peaceful co-existence, the path to the future. At a time when Jaffna was wallowing in the two evils of communalism and casteism he led the very first movement to abolish both evils. …What Jaffna, and the nation needs now is a Handy Perinbanayagam.

Not a chance in hell of such a leader emerging as long Mahindapala and his ilk keep writing the stuff that they keep producing with such energy. Need I mention the names of these Damilaphobes? The way to stop a Prabhakaran, or for that matter other separatist leaders, emerging again is to stop putting into practice the policies presented by these unabashed neo-nazis. What Jews were to Hitler, the Tamils are to these writers and politicians.

Some actions in socio-political systems have an equal and opposite reaction…

Latest comments

  • 5

    History is being written today as never before! Today Sri Lanka is a US-Backed military dictatorship.
    The military are on the streets and the Washington Con-circus is in town with IMF-WB and US special “advisors” to deepen the economic crisis, asset strip, and turn Sri Lanka into a QUAD military base while people are distracted queuing and protesting Aragala style at petrol sheds.
    Ever since RW came to power in a regime change operation on May 12, the military has been on the streets. The Araglaya if it was real should be outside the US embassy and the PM’s office at Flower road against the IMF which is in Lanka to bailout US ISB Bond holders. But Aragalaya NGOs and leaders are funded by USAID and Japanese NGOs and silent about this, so the protests are at petrol sheds- kids having fun?!!
    Better stay home and watch TV! Dont waste time at Aragala shows.
    Is this conspiracy theory? No, the CIA plays all sides – its called Disinformation and Chaos strategy, now a hybrid economic, trade and cyber op for Full Spectrum Dominance (FSD) – and Over the Horizon Operation (OTH), in Intell speak!

  • 10

    “………..History is written by scholars………….”

    H.L.D. Mahindapala NEVER been a SCHOLAR on this earth professor!! He was an obedient stooge of Ranasingha Premadasa doing his dirty laundry cleaner job quite well at the Lake House in 1988-1992 period. He was also a good street fighter defending his master…………. far …far away from any academia.

    Then he vanished……into thin air!!…. along with the Maradana bomb….dunno where??? Some say he escaped to Australia. Some say he is EE in CT…ha..haaa, I have no idea. Better ask Dayan Jayatilleke, he may have a clue – for, HLD was his old master when he wrote columns under the pseudonym Anuruddha Thilakasiri in the late 80s to early 90s…………….;)

    • 4

      then Dayan Jayathilaka and HLD should have the same or close genetics right ? However Jayathilaka would not talk much about his own background TODAY. I think he finally understanood, the grave mistake he himself made being a turn-lapdog of the Medamulana dogs.
      HLDM or Eagle Eye are the like born and raised in bad environments. It will dawn on these creatures, it will be too late.
      HLDM and EE, both have revealed that both are products of ALMA MATER Peradeniya.

      As repeated by me x times until now, what is being practised by BUDDHGAMA followers in SL is not anything near to ” true buddhism”.
      I happened to travel to Bali island a few years ago, there I observed it myself that the people – how their lives are controlled by hinduistic gods and myths- which I thought is smiliar to that of our PEOPLE…. our people are seen to be wearing ” lanu kerali size” (the size of fibre rope curls ) of pirith nooles, also committing all high crimes. Mahinda Rajaakshe is the best example. No doubt, various talishments are also around his hidden body parts. But his behaviour became clearer to the very nation on the 9th May- beyond all ethics and morals. The bugger thought that people across the country would stay worshiping him forever.

      • 0

        LM and Mahila, ‘Historians’ or not………. I dont know! But all I can clearly say is none of these fellas are historians!! A true historian should be very objective, true to the historical events, but HLDM or DJ alias Anuruddha Thilakasiri (AT) are certainly NOT!!! They both are light years away from being independent academics. Honestly I am at a lost to make 2+2 with HLDM / EE but definitely know DJ wrote under AT in that era when HLDM was the Editor of Ceylon Observer 88-92. HLDM does not have a so called PhD but DJ has. I wouldn’t write any further about DJ – his history, political allegiances to ANYBODY for the simplest, petty, crude personal advantage are so despicable that you want to throw out if I go on detailing them so I stop here……………….!!!!!

    • 3

      Historians by nature are very truthful?!
      We need to ask the question directly, whether EE is HLDM, vice versa (he may prefer one title to the other) or not??
      He may turn out to be a very good Historian with revelations? Who knows??
      Based on facts and supported by facts and not myths!!
      If that is the case he will admit and if not NO and say so?!
      Better than speculating get it from the ‘Horses Mouth’ itself?
      Make sure, one does not view his teeth, in the process which is reserved as you know traditionally, to “gauge the Horses age”, and in this instance, we are not interested on that aspect except ability of HISTORY!!??

  • 13

    This is not a time for sectarian politics. This is a time for all citizens to lend their full support to topple the dictatorial oppressive regime that defies public will. The sooner the better before thousands more lives are sacrificed daily to keep these scumbags in power.

    • 6

      It is easy for you to say and state all this but even now, despite all the hardships and starvation the anti-Thamizh agenda is going on relentless. To marginalize them, steal their lands and destroy their ancient symbols and historic sites and places of worship and convert them all to Chingkalla Buddhist, using fake history. We all know about what happened in Kuroonthoor Malai, where an ancient Hindu temple was destroyed against court orders and a Buddhist Vihara was built and a Budda statue was to be installed there, with the blessings of the armed forces, the archaeological department and many other important politicians. No petrol or gas but outside Chingkallams were transported in luxury buses in their hundreds. This was stopped due to the efforts of the local Thamizh people.

      • 6

        Now there is a concerted effort and new move in the Vaharai area in the Batticaloa district to transfer a 100% Thamizh area, which has many archaeological artefacts, with regards to the continuing occupation of Thamizh in this region. To the neighbouring Chingkalla Polonnaruwa district. Many times this attempt had been made and failed and now it has intensified during this so-called Aragalaya. There is no sense in this and what is the reason behind this move, other than to deliberately create ethnic tension, further encroach and Chingkalize border Thamizh areas and villages and ultimately destroy the Thamizh and their lands. May since the village or area has ancient historic artefacts regarding continuing Thamizh Hindu occupation of the area, they need to be destroyed or claimed by the Chingkalla Buddhists. Who knows. Most probably most Chingkallams are not even aware of these activities. No money no fuel, no medicine but a lot of money and fuel and other things are provided to destroy Thamizh and take over their land.

    • 3

      Right on! Divide and Rule was a Colonial policy then and now with the new Cold War in Sri Lanka. But ALL Lankan historians, in cournt and overseas, have failed to study how the Cold War was played by external actors to divide and rule and loot independent Sri Lanka by the Purchase of corrupt politicians by external actors. That’s because their research grants and funding comes from the West.
      All the historians and those in the memorialization NGO industry keep fanning Divide and Rule narratives while pretending they are doing “reconciliation” and promoting AUKUS colonialism again. They write as if Sri Lanka is an island unto itself, rather than played by external forces and geopolitical historical currents. Majority are frogs in the well historians- even those who pretend to do regional or Indian Ocean sub-ltern history– all trapped in the post/colonial identity politics narratives that bring in the EU and US research grants!
      The current US-backed military dictatorship with erstwhile US citizen Goat and Central Bank Bondscamer Ranil Wickramasinghe is a good example of how external actors contour nationalist politics in Sri Lanka… SWRD was killed for nationalizing the Ports and Airports of Sri Lanka by the MI-6 like Aung San was in Burma on the eve of independence..

  • 2

    “These moves eventually led to the election of a rankly communalist party to government in Colombo in 1956.”
    Tamils formed a communalist party, Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (toned down as Federal Party in English but the real meaning was Tamil State Party) in 1949, soon after Sinhalayo gained independence.
    Sri Lanka Freedom Party was formed to fulfil the aspirations of indigenous Sinhala Buddhists who were oppressed and discriminated by European colonial rulers for about 450 years because ‘Kalu Suddas’, mostly Christians who took over the country from British were not interested in fulfilling the aspirations of indigenous Sinhala Buddhists as a sovereign nation.

    • 5

      “Christians who took over the country from British were not interested in fulfilling the aspirations of indigenous Sinhala Buddhists as a sovereign nation”
      Indented Labour was resorted to, because the “Indigenous Sri Lankans predominantly domiciled“ in the Tea cultivation areas or elsewhere in then Ceylon, didn’t want work under such conditions!! ??
      Primarily getting up early for 5 am Muster, in the ‘cool misty climes’!!?? Anathema and incompatible to the locals!! Answer, indented Labour!
      So, why did DSS, the first PM of Independent Ceylon (SL), NEO COLONISTS’ SUPPORTER and “KALU SUDDHA”, working against the aspirations of the Sinhala Buddhists do by disenfranchising overnight 1 million of the Ethnic Indian Tamil population, who were toiling to prop the primary export crop, under ‘Harsh’ conditions!!??
      This contradiction, or convoluted reasoning supports the claim of a ‘Joker, needing relaxation time’?
      This cannot be serious debate!!???
      Indented “Indian labour”, happened to be Tamils from South India, than Hindi or Urdu speaking!? Then perhaps the outcome would have been different!!!
      No Indian aid, no food grant or even loans, with our fate hanging entirely on “Chinese Mercy” – all weather friend – so called by enlightened Lankans, NOT FORTHCOMING, AS YET EVEN FOR LOAN RESCHEDULING??!!

  • 2

    “The “Sinhala Only” movement was seen by the Tamil community not only as language policy but as the thin edge of a larger scenario to undermine the legitimate interests of the Tamils as a whole.”
    GG Ponnambalam started the anti-Sinhala Buddhist campaign in 1939 by delivering a racially charged speech at Nawalapitiya ridiculing Mahawansha and denigrating the Sinhala-Buddhist culture, its history and the people. There was no ‘Sinhala Only’ policy in 1939.
    SJV Chelvanayakam started the separatist campaign officially in 1949 by forming Illankai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (toned down as Federal Party in English but the real meaning was Tamil State Party) which had as its hidden agenda the establishment of a separate state. There was no ‘Sinhala Only’ policy in 1949.
    Tamils in Yapanaya have smuggled arms from India in 1930s and 1940s. For what, fight against British to gain independence?. No, Tamils in Yapanaya were a part of British rule and helped British to oppress and discriminate Sinhala Buddhists. They brought arms to fight against indigenous Sinhalayo. There was no ‘Sinhala Only’ policy in 1930s and 1940s.

    • 5

      So, it’s clear you are no Mahindapala.

  • 17

    No one takes H.L.D Mahindapala seriously, other than the critically mentally handicapped. He is good for a lazy day and a hearty laugh. The man’s obsessions, laboured prose, repetitions, and perambulations says he is long due for residence in certain institutions. He will get his food and medications there.

    • 3

      “He is good for a lazy day and a hearty laugh.”
      CT Forum is there to have a debate on issues and not to level personal attacks. You can challenge the views expressed by Mahindapala. If cannot, just keep quiet.

      • 4

        “CT Forum is there to have a debate”???!!
        Repeating Ad Nauseum, the same unfounded “narrations”, DEVOID OF FACTS is tantamount to a debate??!!
        No better joke has been expressed until today, for the current year 2022!! Well done??
        Then one doesn’t need such escapades??!!

        • 1

          “Repeating Ad Nauseum,…”
          Yes, I have to repeat because Tamils keep on repeating the same lies.

  • 16

    What Jews were to Hitler, the Tamils are to these writers and politicians.
    SL Tamils can also be compared to the Palestinians were to Israelis. We are at the mercy of Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalists. The sins they have committed against the Tamil speaking Citizens had made all of us to struggle to survive in SL.

  • 3

    “What Jews were to Hitler, the Tamils are to these writers and politicians.”
    The reality is:
    Jews = Sinhala Buddhists
    Hitler = Prabhakaran
    In the same way Hitler massacred Jews, Prabhakaran massacred Sinhala Buddhists. The difference is Hitler used gas chambers, Prabhakaran used suicide bombers, claymore bombs, chemical weapons, AK 47s, swords and machetes.

  • 12

    ‘The “Sinhala Only” movement was seen by the Tamil community not only as language policy but as the thin edge of a larger scenario to undermine the legitimate interests of the Tamils as a whole’
    Not so. In fact, S.J.V. Chelva and his colleagues had foreseen the larger scenario even much earlier- when the initial legislative assaults by the post-independence Sinhala-majoritarian parliament led by D.S.Senanayake (with Tamil collaborators) targeted our Tamil fraternity in the upcountry & deprived them of citizenship & franchise (1948-49) . They were rendered ‘stateless’ because of their Tamil ethnicity.

    • 3

      This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.

      For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2

    • 1

      To continue, your contribution, decided to separate from the Tamil Congress, Ponnambalam, who backed DSS, which government made the Indian Tamils the back-bone of the single major export Industry TEA, as STATELESS and disenfranchised them??!!

  • 3

    “Sinhala Only policy”
    Tamils keep on using ‘Sinhala Only’ policy as something that had a devastating impact on Tamil community. Sinhala was the National Language in Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo for thousands of years until British discarded Sinhala and introduced English as the official language. Tamils had no problem when British introduced ‘English Only’ but when Sinhalayo reversed the decision taken by British and introduced Sinhala as the official language it became a life threatening issue for Tamils. If Tamils could live with ‘English Only’, why they could not live with ‘Sinhala Only’?

    • 2


      Without even realising cognitive dissonance, the ‘Sinhalayo’ has the ending of Tamil Aiyo (ஐயோ), which is not even Sinhalised.

      The fact is you people cannot give up Tamil even in naming you; never mind the meaning of it.

      Aiyo (ஐயோ) has contextual meaning; pain of simple loss to destitution, to complete destruction.

      You people touched the raw nerve of Kurunthoor Sivan, destined for Kula naasam in Sivan ooli you yet to see.

      You wanted to find Sivan’s depth, and let’s see where you end up.

      Superstition, yes, but not fanaticism like yours.

  • 3

    “Sinhala Only policy”, ‘Billa’ created by Tamil politicians in Yapanaya.
    Tamil politicians make a desperate attempt to tell the International Community that introducing ‘Sinhala Only’ policy by Sinhala Buddhist politicians was an attempt to discriminate against Tamil community as a whole. The author of this article also say “The “Sinhala Only” movement was seen by the Tamil community not only as language policy but as the thin edge of a larger scenario to undermine the legitimate interests of the Tamils as a whole.”
    Sinhala was made the official language to do justice to indigenous Sinhalayo who were oppressed and discriminated by colonial rulers for about 450 years and not as an attempt to undermine the legitimate interests of the Tamils as a whole. The truth is, introducing Sinhala as the official language had a negative impact on only English educated Vellala Tamils who dominated the Public Service and managed to get disproportionately high number of places (more than 60%) in Medical College and Engineering and Science Faculties in the university. My guess is these people are less than 2% of the total Tamil population in Sinhale. These Vellala Tamils who lost their privileged status that they enjoyed during British rule highlighted this as discrimination against Tamil community and promoted the idea of creating a separate State and urged Tamils to take up arms and fight until they achieve the objective of establishing Eelam.

  • 13

    “The “Sinhala Only” movement was seen by the Tamil community not only as language policy but as the thin edge of a larger scenario to undermine the legitimate interests of the Tamils as a whole. The political discourse was in fact conducted by the likes of F.R Jayasuriya, L.H. Mettananda K.M.P. Rajaratne, and of course Solomon West Banadaranaike and his followers and many others. Even Phillip Gunewardena, the father of the Marxist movement in Sri Lanka and champion of the international working class joined this cause! Jayasuriya even started a movement in Colombo asking landowners to refuse to rent houses to Tamils! Little did he realize that by excluding and expelling the Tamils from the Western Province he was in fact laying the foundations of a separate state!! These moves by Jayasuriya and his allies make them the primary separatists!” This is absolutely true. I remember the above named individuals very well. They were self orientated opportunists who were eager to secure a means to plunder the humanity for their own personal sake, only.

    • 1

      Your understanding of the world seems to be spinning around the language issue.
      It was not the language issue that won the election for the MEP alliance in 1956.
      Look at the record: getting rid of foreign military bases; take over of the port from foreigners; the Paddy Lands Act: establishment of relations with socialist countries— to name a few.
      Even under Sinhala Only Tamil flourished better here than in Chennai– now Tamilnadu)
      Between 1957 and mid 1960s mote technical terms were created in Tamil by the Official language department here than in India.

  • 2

    Ponnambalam wanted 50-50 “equal” representation in the Parliament. That is an outrageous demand. In which country of the world does a 10% minority command 50% in the Parliament? Regarding Sinhala-Only, just going by the numbers, it is logical. If 90% of the population speaks one language, there is no harm in making it the one and only official language. It is not a ban on Tamil. In fact, it actually helps Tamils, considering they have more business and other opportunities. Tamils tried the same thing in India, opposing Hindi as the official language. They threw shoes and rioted. The issue is clearly not with Sinhalese.

    • 5

      Jester, at that time the Chingkallams were 66% of the population, and the Thamizh were around 26-28% of the population, not 10%, as you would like it to be. GG Ponnambalam wanted 50 % not just for the Tamils but for all minorities who were around 34%. It would have been fair for him to have asked for 40% for all minorities and 60% for the Chingkallams. In all democratic countries, the minorities are given slightly more representation than their actual population to safeguard them and the majority take a slightly less percentage.

      • 6

        Unlike in Sri Lanka where the Chingkallams are now 75%, due to deliberately reducing the island’s Thamizh population. Have more than 85% of parliamentary seats and 99.99% of the public service. police and armed forces. If this 40/60% were granted to the Tamil-speaking minorities, ( Eelam Thamizh, Indian origin and Muslim Thamizh) the Burghers and Malays and all others would have had adequate protection and the Chingkallam and their Chingkalla Buddhist racism would have been kept in check. Chigkalla extremists love misinterpret what he requested to justify their racism and to make the Thamizh look bad.

      • 0

        “GG Ponnambalam wanted 50 % not just for the Tamils but for all minorities who were around 34%.”

        GG Ponnambalam was a Jaffna elitist who didn’t want the Indian Tamils to be given voting rights or citizenship.

        Yes, the Tamil population is 10% now as a result of declaring war on the State. It will be 5% in the future when Muslims become the dominant minority. Muslims will have a 26% or 28% representation, at which time GOSL may have to give them some kind of federal structure to keep the country stable. But that is a long time away, 30 or 40 years out.

        • 4

          Lester the lying Jester

          “GG Ponnambalam was a Jaffna elitist who didn’t want the Indian Tamils to be given voting rights or citizenship.”

          So was he working for Sinhala/Buddhist racists like you?
          We would like to see your evidence to support your blatant lies.

          • 0

            Fake Vedda (The Tamil Speaker),

            The evidence is there. Just because your small brain can’t find it does not invalidate the argument.

        • 3

          The Thamizh population is 16% and not 10% and the Muslim population went up from around 7% to 10% largely because in the past 30 years almost 1-1.30 million Sri Lankan Thamizh fled the island to the war and the deliberate racist policies of the Sri Lankan state. The percentage of Muslims will never jump from around
          9.5% to 26% or 28% .by 40 or even 100 years. It is humanly impossible. Keep on dreaming. It may increase to 12-13% and then stabilize and the percentage of Thamizh will never decrease to 5%, unless you and the Sri Lankan state, have a master plan to further kill large amounts of them or ethnically cleanse them or forcibly assimilate them.

          • 2

            Strange the Thamizh have an ancient history on the island and a valid claim to their homeland in the north and east where they had continuously lived and ruled from ancient times, were and still are denied a federal form of government, even when their percentage was around 25% in the 60 and 70s but the South Indian origin ethnic Thamzh Muslims, now calling themselves ” Moors” most of whom have only recently migrated to the island from South India, and have no valid claim for any sort of homeland, will be accommodated and given a Federal state on largely Thamizh lands that they are supposed to take over. Why butter up the Arab nations and other Muslim nations who really do not care about them or as a reward for their part in the destruction of their fellow non-Muslim Thamizh that gave to the Chingkalla state? Keep on hallucinating from London. Run away to Britain and from there hallucinate, dream and plan on how to destroy the island’s Thamizh. What a despicable racist. Most probably used the war and the Thamizh predicament, to his advantage and ran there and got asylum.

            • 2

              The Chingkalla Sri Lankan state created the war against the Thamizh by their racist policies from the time of independence and is still continuing to do so, even when the country is bankrupt and starving. The Thamizh did not start it, they were forced to take up arms. Your heroes the Rajapakses lied to the world stating if you help us to defeat the LTTE we will grant just Thamizh rights and a federal form of government to the north and east and was even seen on many western TV news channels promising this soon after the defeat of the LTTE. Now more than 12 years after the war no just solution, Chingkalla racism and Islamic extremism have increased. Proving it was not the Thamizh or LTTE who were the impediment but the Chingkallams themselves, with their racism and constantly electing racists. Want to deny the Thamizh an ancient historic nation on the island with a valid homeland any form of a federal solution but further destroy them, reduce their population and are willing to give a federal solution and Thamizh lands, to a recently migrated South Indian origin ethnic Thamizh Muslim population, who have no historic claim to anything. What sort of rubbish thinking and behaviour is this? Shows the horrible racist mindset of most Chingkallams. The international community should, especially India should take note of this statement.

  • 0

    “Sarva Loka Poottu””, or “Sarva Loka Poottuwa”
    Sensational Transformation!!!

  • 2

    Funny thing is elite V Tamils who got affected from ‘Sinhala Only’ policy declared war against the Government of Sri Lanka and Sinhala Nation and urged Tamils to take up arms and fight until they achieve the objective of establishing Eelam but they did not fight. They outsourced fighting to low caste Tamils in NE who were not affected by ‘Sinhala Only’ policy and lived in Colombo with their families amongst Sinhalayo who are perceived by them as their enemy.

    • 7

      Why did the so-called low caste Thamizh from the northeast personally come and tell you they were not affected and ordered the Thamizh elite in Colombo to fight for Eezham? The so-called low caste is not so docile. ignorant or kept down. Most of them are very educated and will do what they want and not listen to anyone. As for the Colombo Thamizh, most of them have been there for generations and had largely with the Muslims built up Colombo with their hard work and trade and have suffered many times under various anti-Thamizh pogroms and other forms of discrimination organised by the Chingkalla state. Did you also take a census as to the caste of all the fighters? Looks like you are not only a racist but a casteist too.

    • 6

      Eagle Thaatha what do you say to the two Kandy Mahanayakes objecting to a low caste low country Karawa being a governor of Kandyan Central Province the Kandyan heartland. During the Sirisena era and demanded an upper-caste Kandyan Chingkallam, preferably a Buddhist failing that a Christian. Your thoughts on this. Lord Buddha preached about caste discrimination. However various Buddhist chapters on the island are on caste lines and the two major ones, refuse to ordain low castes as monks or nuns.

    • 2

      “They outsourced fighting to low caste Tamils in NE”

      Karuna said Eastern Tamils were the ones doing most of the heavy fighting. Once Karuna folded and the East was lost, LTTE could not put up any fight. That is why they used the human shield to delay the advance of the SLA during the final phase. The war could have been won much sooner, even within 6 months of MaRa presidency, had LTTE admitted the reality.

      • 2

        Most probably you have been outsourced by the Rajapussies, as a propaganda tool. This is why you constantly come here deliberately lie, misinform and post anti-Thamizh comments. Very easy for you as you are one.

        • 0

          Raja buried your heroes in the mud at Nanthikadal. They came crying with white flags. Do you remember when LTTE sent suicide bombers disguised as Muslims to blow up Gota?


  • 0

    What Jews were to Hitler,
    1) The people who call themselves, are impostors and not the real jews (who are spread out world wide and suffering in poverty under the curses of deuteronomy)

    2) Hitler and the fake jews come from the same blood line of tares (serpent seeds of cain).
    Hitler was a freemason. He was also from the Rothschild bloodline (who are among the ruling families of the tares and freemasons).

    3) WW2 was nothing but a mass satanic sacrifice ritual, to mass murder millions of real humans (descendants of Adam), and to form the illegitimate state of Israel (it is illegitimate because a bunch of impostors who are not the real bloodline descendants of King David took it).

  • 0

    The whole communal hatred saga in Sri Lanka is totally stage managed drama by the freemasons and tares on the island. Divide and rule is a very important tactic for them.
    Keep the real humans on the island distracted, hating and killing each other, while the satanists in the ruling positions, steal everything from under their feet.
    Sinhalese politicians allowed Prabhakaran and his top officers leave the island quietly during the war.
    Then you have other top ranked LTTE officers who openly embraced the government (Devananda, Karuna, Pillayan, KP etc), and are often seen socialising with them, while the SL government even provides Sinhalese soldiers and police officers as body guards for them.
    This is because they are all freemasons and tares.
    This is their way of mocking the general public (‘you fell for it suckers’ kind of thing), but God also hopes people will see this and start figuring out the deception.

  • 4

    Very Good to read Prof Perinbanayagams’ opinion and article giving a brief history of the language issue in Sri Lanka. However, my view is that Sinhala communal politics arose due to the communal politics of the North. My view is communal politics in the South was a reaction to the communal politics of GG who asked for 50/50 from as early as the 1930s, as well as those of Chelva, who did so from the 1940s.

    Prof P rightly points out that the TC wiped out Chelvanayagam’s FP in 1948. However, FP remained active. So were the communal politicos of the South. It is easy to put the blame on politicians on the south, but the

  • 3

    [I got cut off before I finished my previous comment] As I said it is easy to blame the politicians in the South, on the rise of communalism, but we must not forget that there were a large number of politicians including MPs hailing from the south, who were for parity of both Sinhalaese and Tamil. The same cannot be said of the Tamil politicians in parliament.

    I must also point out that Mahindapala’s writings are also directed at the hegenomy Vellala caste and the oppressive caste system that still prevails in the North. Northeners cannot blame the

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      {Again I got cut off). Northerners cannot blame the South for the still prevailing oppressive caste system in the North.

    • 5

      The caste system is prevalent both in the Chingkalla south and the Tamizh North East. Just read the marriage advertisement, where Chingkalla parents want partners for their children only from their caste or higher not lower. If they do, you know there is some scandal or some other disadvantage monetary or medical. However, the caste system in both areas is far less harsh and less discriminatory than in neighbouring India. Caste here is mainly an issue when it comes to marriage but not an issue when it comes to education, employment and socialising. People do not care and this is also soon breaking down. Thamizh however will elect a leader from a lower caste and a Christian Thmaizh, however, Chingkallams elect their MPS and leader on caste lines and only want Buddhists to lead them. Chingkalla Christians have to convert to Buddhism in order to be a leader. This is a fact.

      • 5

        SJV Chelvanayagam was a Christian who defeated Sunderalingham who was preaching about caste and religious intolerance in a predominantly upper-caste Hindu electorate. Prapakaran belonged to the lower Karaiyar caste but still was able to lead a Sri Lankan Thamizh population that was 50% Vellalar, due to his qualities and charisma. Caste was not an issue. GG asked for 50/50 not just for Thamizh but for all non-Chingkallams and at that time Chingkallams were only 66.66% of the population. /60 would have been fine and what is wrong with this. Please inform me which Southern Chingkalla politicians were for parity, they all betrayed this, when they were in power, including the JVP, the leftist and Marxist parties and were preaching Chingkalla Buddhist Fascism to retain power. We are not idiots. No caste system down south that is why the Mahanayakes did not want a low caste low country Chingkalam to be the governor of Kandyan Central province and the government meekly complied with their request. However, the Thamizh in the north did not object to his caste. I rest my case.

        • 6

          Sorry 40/60 instead of 50/50 would have been fine and more acceptable.

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        Pandi Kutti,
        “The caste system is prevalent both in the Chingkalla south and the Tamizh North East.”
        Sinhalayo have a ‘Guild System’ which is division of labor to different professions and not a ‘Cast System’ found among Hindus where human beings came from different parts of the body of ‘Maha Brahma’.
        Sinhala Buddhists never had a system where a group of people not allowed to walk in streets during day time because they belong to a low caste.

        • 2

          Please read this about the Caste system and Buddhism, especially the Chingkalla Buddhists. This is from Colombo Telegraph itself


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          Eagle Eye, You surely cant be blind to the fact that Buddhists are ruled by a caste system called nikayas. Asgiri and Malwattu in Kandy as well as Siyam nikaya down here which does not accept as members those castes included in the Amarapura nikaya. Why was Prez. Premadasa obstructed by Ranil’s family heritage for so long, their vices being more deadly.

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        Pandi Kutti,
        “…but not an issue when it comes to education,…”

        Then why number of ‘Vellala Only’ schools have increased in Yapanaya after LTTE Tamil terrorists were defeated.

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        Edward T. Upali
        The fact that caste system prevails in the south is no excuse for it to exist in the north. In any case as a Sinhala, I can say the that the caste system is now almost non existent in Sinhalese areas. My understanding is that when low caste Tamils came to predominantly Sinhala areas, they felt liberated, and that was why the LTTE, lead by a low caste guy, wanted to annex Sinhalese areas. LTTE leaders were surprised that the Sinhalese were treating them as equals, while Jaffna guys were not. My experience at Peradeniya was the same. Those who ignored the lower caste Tamils were only those who came from the so called Vellala castes in Jaffna. .

  • 4

    H.L.D.Mahindapala is the son of an Ambulance driver. Ambulance drivers are quite reckless when it comes to driving. Mahindapala has inherited that recklessness when it comes to writing. His writings are all about washing dirty linen in Public……

    His diatribes against the Jaffna Tamils,particularly the Vellala types could be due to his non-vellala wife who hails from Batticaloa!

    I have typed such personal things about the man,with some distaste, simply because the famous Historian E.H.Carr famously remarked, examine the Historian before his version of the History.

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