By Jehan Perera –
The US government has decided to include Sri Lanka as one of the countries to which it will donate the excess stock of Covid vaccines it has purchased. The US announced its framework for sharing at least 80 million vaccine doses globally by the end of June and the plan for the first 25 million doses which will include 7 million to specified Asian countries, including Sri Lanka. This is a welcome action that will have a tangible impact on the lives of millions of people in the beneficiary countries. The explosion in the numbers of Covid victims, particularly in poorer countries that have less access to vaccines, has driven up the demand which outstrips supply and to an increase in prices. Sri Lanka which originally was paying only USD 5.50 for a single dose is now paying USD 15 which it can ill afford.
The beneficial action of the US government led by President Joe Biden is an indication of the complex nature of democratic countries. The Biden administration’s decision to give Sri Lanka the benefit of free Covid vaccines comes at a time when the US has been open about its dissatisfaction with the direction of the Sri Lankan government in terms of both its internal policies especially those relating to national reconciliation, and also foreign policy in relation to China. This has led to verbal sparring between Sri Lankan leaders and US government representatives on issues such as the human rights resolution on Sri Lanka at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the scuttling of the MCC grant of approximately USD 500 million and Sri Lanka’s growing geopolitical linkage with China.
The US government’s decision to include Sri Lanka in its Covid vaccination package may be considered as an opportunity for Sri Lanka to step forward with appreciation and accept the goodwill of the United States and transcend the recent past. The value of the US system of government, as indeed any democratic system, is that there is no one source of power in them as is the case of one party states. There are multiple sources of power in democratic countries. If the relationship with one power centre is not positive, it may be possible to approach another power centre. In the US, there is not only the presidency, there is also the Congress, the judiciary, the civil society including human rights organisations, and there is the media. These are each of them powerful and can act as counter balances and an appeal can be made to them in case of injustice.
President Biden’s administration has currently reached out to Sri Lanka and to its people in our time of need, with around half a million people vulnerable to the Covid infection due to their inability to get the second dose of Astrazaneca vaccine. It is unfortunate, however, that also at this time Sri Lanka is gearing up for an angry exchange of words at the very least with the US on the issue of Sri Lanka’s national reconciliation process. This is on account of a resolution that been presented to the US Congress by some of its representatives that calls for a political solution to Sri Lanka’s ethnic conflict. Unless wiser counsel prevails, government leaders will soon be seeking to demonstrate their patriotism by denouncing the US for its interference in our internal affairs and depicting worst case scenarios to mobilise popular opinion behind them.
US Resolution
Some analysts may look upon the move of a bipartisan group of US legislators to take up the issue of Sri Lanka’s post-war reconciliation process in Congress as due to unhappiness with Sri Lanka’s growing geopolitical links with China. Other analysts see the power of Diaspora lobbying and bringing to the consciousness of the US government that it too bears a measure of responsibility as one of the four co-chairs of the Norwegian-led peace process, which unfortunately did not go through. The resolution “acknowledges the 12th anniversary of the end of the war in Sri Lanka and offers its deepest condolences to all those affected by the conflict.” It then goes on to “urge the international community to advocate for and protect the political rights and representation of the historically oppressed northeastern region of Sri Lanka and work towards a permanent political solution to address the underlying issues that led to ethnic conflict.”
There are many assertions in the resolution that the government will find unacceptable. The resolution has background information that “the northeastern region of the country, the traditional Tamil homeland, remains heavily militarized with up to one soldier for every two civilians in the most war affected regions” which can be contested. While the assertion about the military presence might be true if an army camp is next to a village, it will not be true of the Northern and Eastern provinces taken as a whole, whose combined population is in about three million. Another contestable feature will be the description of the Northern and Eastern provinces as being the traditional Tamil Homeland. The Indo-Lanka Peace Accord of 1987 which was signed by both the governments of India and Sri Lanka stated “that the Northern and the Eastern Provinces have been areas of historical habitation of Sri Lankan Tamil speaking peoples, who have at all times hitherto lived together in this territory with other ethnic groups.”
The Indo-Lanka agreement which led to the 13th Amendment, to the provincial council system and to the temporary merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces, which was subsequently undone by judicial decision, was one that was developed for peace in a situation of war. From a Sri Lankan perspective, giving special status to any part of the country to any particular community would be unacceptable as Sri Lanka is the country of all Sri Lankans regardless of ethnicity or religion. It is a pointer to the need for the government leadership to desist from describing Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country with the implication that the ethnic and religious majority has a special place in it. The use by anyone of the concept of ownership and primacy will invariably lead to its counter with similar racist imagery and eloquence.
The appropriate stance for the Sri Lankan government to take would be to repeat the words of Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena when he addressed the UN Human Rights Council in January 2021. The minister stated that “No one has the well-being of the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multicultural people of Sri Lanka, closer to their heart, than the Government of Sri Lanka. It is this motivation that guides our commitment and resolve to move towards comprehensive reconciliation and an era of stable peace and prosperity for our people.”
PTA Reform
On the other hand, there are sections of the resolution in the US Congress that need to be taken seriously not to satisfy the US but also for the sake of the people of Sri Lanka. The resolution states that “arbitrary arrests and threats by the state, and impunity prevails in the country with the outdated and the excessively harsh Prevention of Terrorism Act, which does not comply with international standards and has still not been repealed despite repeated promises by the government.” One of the promises made by the previous government was to replace the PTA with a national security law that is more in conformity with international standards. Even if this draconian law was justified during the war, it is now 12 years since the end of the war and there is no need for it to remain in force and to tie the hands of the judiciary.
On May 18, Tamil people in the North and East prepared to commemorate the loss of their loved ones in the final battles at the end of the war. However, the government has regularly the position that these commemorations to mark loss of life at the end of the war are really to valorize the LTTE and to pave the way for their return. Accordingly public commemorations were prohibited or restricted on May 18 for reasons of public safety and Covid related health regulations. On the other hand, the position of the Tamil people and their political and religious representatives has been that large numbers of Tamil civilians died in the last stages of the war and they need to publicly remember their loved ones.
In Batticaloa, as reported in the Tamil language media and told to me by a lawyer who was present at the case, a group of about ten members of a family who had lost their loved ones in the war met privately on the sea beach and held a memorial ceremony at which only they were present. One of them posted this event on social media. Shortly thereafter they were all arrested under the PTA and have been in remand custody for over two weeks with the magistrate before whom the case was heard unable to release them on bail as it is under the PTA. One of them is a mother of a two year old child. The inequity of the punishment is compounded by the fact that there were commemorations held in other parts of the country without similar harsh action taken against those who engaged in those commemorations.
The government may feel the need to ensure that its orders are followed and those who violate them are punished. At the same time it should not create a system where even the courts of law, which are part of the Sri Lankan state, cannot demonstrate mercy because a harsh law ties their hands. These words of Shakepeare have a special meaning for Sri Lanka in the context of the Biden administration’s decision to grant Sri Lanka a share of its Covid vaccines, and the resolution before the US Congress: “The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. ‘Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes The thronèd monarch better than his crown.”
chiv / June 8, 2021
Over to conspiracy theorist to find hidden reasons as usual , behind goodwill.
old codger / June 9, 2021
Over to the resident Medical Anthropologist, you mean, last spotted in Kanatte?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 9, 2021
She went there to dig her own grave, and it is better that she remains in it.
Native Vedda / June 10, 2021
old codger
Where is soman, and his fellow self respecting Sinhala/Buddhists Ravi Perera the Sinhala Speaking Demela, EE’ ….. ?
Their leader Gota and their followers the Trade Unions, Karaka Sangha, Saffron gangs, told UK, Canada, USA, rest of the west to hands off from Sri Lankan affairs as if they have plenty of experts, technical ability, …. to deal with any circumstances.
Now Gota has begged UK to help him out from cleaning Oil Spill/Acid spill following the Ship Wreak.
Where is HLD M
Is he sitting on Gota’s head as well?
Ajith / June 8, 2021
There is no word to describe or compare with the cruelty of Rajapaksa regime which include Rajapaksa family and military establishment. They don’t work for the country and Buddhist Sinhala people are not worried about humanity even to a use PTA to a mother of child of two. This is not only by Rajapaksa regime but by any other Buddhist Sinhala regime. It did not happen only to Tamil mothers, it happened to Sinhala mothers as well as well as Muslim mothers. None of the regimes want to remove PTA because it is also necessary for the regimes to continue with their terror.
Rajapaksa regime will buy the free vaccine by USA but will not stop terrorising innocents.
justice / June 8, 2021
The Minister lied at the UNHRC meeting.
It was his duty to do so at an international forum.
The President continues to be the enforcer of the PTA, as he was, during and after the war.
Buddhist1 / June 8, 2021
One of the most important point that has not been found in any discussion is the impact of the Prevention of Terrorism Act on Chinese Port City operations. PTA which is called a Temporary Bill has been in the law books for 49 years and even after Mahinda and Gota calling that victory have been achieved over terrorism in SL, this temporary law is in the books for almost five decades.
Since the Port City Bill states that Sri Lankan laws apply in the Port City area, if the government wants to take any foreign individual who is an investor or an employee into custody for writing a poem (like the Muslim lad) or post a comment in the social media, he or she can be taken into custody under PTA and held in custody indefinitely.
This topic has to be discussed at the ongoing investment conference now.
cugan / June 8, 2021
Thanks for the US and the other countries for the kindness and helping hand.looks like we don’t have proper strategy I think ,1St priority should have given to hospital staffs from doctors to cleaners,then more vulnerable,then over 90s then 80s etc true that army personal police PHI all dealing with public still they maintain distancing covering etc,closed down the factories if it’s flooded,sadly even the nature is against us ,even the present def sec big muscles man said we finished oof the LTTE,this china virus nothing for us ,all these 225 had their jabs don’t know why priority,even ordinary can’t even go near by,they all surrendered by security personnel,even when they travel the tinted windows all ways up.
Hope we all united as Sri lankans and work for the betterment for our generation to come,better solution would be make English as medium and learn as subject of their of own choice like Animals,Tamil,Mandarin ,French,Latin etc until then we won’t prosper,uncle Sam won’t leave his chair though,he may be a senior in parliament I think.
We all pray and hope we all over come of this tragedy.
Mallaiyuran / June 10, 2021
Cugan President Biden is buying 500 M to donate world over. Japan too offering some donation Lankawe. But Labajwe buying at$15.5 from China.
Sinhala_Man / June 10, 2021
Dear cugan,
Personally, I would have little objection to switching over entirely to English, because even as it is, I’m so deracinated that although I’m a villager most of my culture is a pale imitation of what has been brought here by European invaders.
No, that shouldn’t have happened!
Our people have a right to hold on to their /b>distinctive culture.
However, how do we give English to everyone? I’ve been teaching the language all my life. Up to this morning, I was putting some thoughts here:
Now I’d better continue with the same author’s next article:
Some other things that you say also have to be worked out. Some people in their nineties are refusing the vaccines, knowing that, in any case, it’s time for them to go, although they’re being careful about their movements.
Why do we need French? As for Latin, that’s crazy! I hope that you have a sense of humour and don’t get mad at me for saying these things!
Sugandh / June 11, 2021
Dear S_M and cugan:
From the perspective of developing an advanced science & technology and international trade driven country, English as the language of instructions at schools will serve us very well.
Perhaps more importantly, English proficiency will open the gateway to the vast thought bank that exists globally. I think this is what will get the country moving from the long stagnant state of social progress. Of course, we will need to encourage our English proficient children to tap into it.
At the same time, our native languages should always be taught to full proficiency and will serve to retain our cultural identities (hopefully for the good).
Sinhala/Tamil bilingualism in SriLanka will be a healthy thing to foster. The mother tongue may take precedence but secondary proficiency in the other native language should be offered. The communication fluidity is bound to dull the divisions.
As for French, German, Mandarin, etc., there is value in being a polyglot… It further opens up the world of arts/entertainment and literature as well as science and technology.
Apparently children can handle learning up to 4 or 5 languages simultaneously. We have to seize that capacity as much as our resources permit.
cugan / June 11, 2021
Prime example is India they all got easy access to job market globally from medicine to IT ,even the CEO of Google,etc we have to reform our educational system 1st we have to.learn our language and religion on our own mother tongue,comparison to India we are far below,we are good labourers to ME sadly,we are not creating skill workers sadly
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
In mid 60ties to 80 our graduate teachers were exported to Nigeria and few other countries in Africa. I met myself enough Nigerian s that spoke proudly about srilanken teachers.
As of today it has changed to the lowest as our millions of people work as unskilled housemaids and labourers to Middle east, Italy, Korea, and anywhere labourers are in demand. As no times in the past under Rajapakshes, country’s main revenue for foreign exchange became ” export of unskilled workers to Middle east. This is ultra selfishness and total ignorance of own people. Arabs treat our poor house maids as their sex objects. These poor women are filled with numerous kind of untold stories, being caught by mlechcha politicians in their home country and their house owners. Media fraudsters dont bring the truth s about the ground reality of those innocent people, they are caught by devil s☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
cugan / June 8, 2021
Apologize I typed as Sinhala I.didn’t check it ,don’t be offended.
Sinhala_Man / June 9, 2021
Apology accepted, although I don’t see “Sinhala” anywhere in your comment.
4.00 am in Bandarawela – got to sleep.
Where are the teachers to turn Medium into English, dear cugan? Btw, parents also are teachers. Got lots of things lined up to saying relation to article on Grade One admissions, but must sleep.
I hope that CT manages to get the site under control and working smoothly. My motivation disappears when there’s no feedback.
cugan / June 10, 2021
Man it may be your personal but going to sleep at 4am ?make sense gives me a differentiate of learning and studying,
Sinhala_Man / June 10, 2021
Cugan, I’ll try to answer that question in relation to the articles by the man whom Kumar David refers to as “Jumpy”!
Ashan / June 8, 2021
Sri Lankans should be thankful that Donald Trump is not the present President of the US. Apart from failing his own country, he politicized the pandemic, and he would have used the vaccines as a tool to get personal favors done in return.
We may rave and rant at the US, because they show their displeasure in how the minority are being treated, there is no accountability for war crimes, and the cozy relationship with China, but unlike China who SELLS the vaccine, it appears the US is giving it FREE to Sri Lankans. China is like a parasite that takes all it can from us, and what they give us always has strings attached to it, each string makes us more vulnerable, and gives it more power over our country.
Next time we hear our leaders criticize and accuse the US of “interfering” in our country, keep in mind the US with all its endlesss faults have helped us through the years, and now willing to overlook its issues with the government to help the Sri Lankan people.
“U.S. Assistance to Sri Lanka
U.S. assistance to Sri Lanka has totaled more than $2 billion since Sri Lanka’s independence in 1948
Ashan / June 9, 2021
“The United States has made substantial investments in agriculture, enterprise development, education, healthcare, energy and natural resources, and humanitarian activities. Following the April 2019 Easter attacks, the United States sent FBI experts to support the investigation. The United States looks forward to continued counterterrorism cooperation. The United States and Sri Lanka are also discussing a $480 million Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) compact supporting Sri Lanka’s economic development. The United States also provided $39 million in Foreign Military Financing to enhance Sri Lanka’s maritime domain awareness. During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, the United States has provided over $5 million in assistance to Sri Lanka to date.” US Department of State
If we do not want criticism or be held accountable, we should not have taken all the help we have received for years.
SJ / June 11, 2021
Look at the record of the US as a whole.
How many wars has it waged since WWII?
How may regime changes has it enforced? How many are on its current list?
How many people has it killed by bombing?
Have you any count of its atrocities in Iraq?
Have you any idea of its violations in Afghanistan?
Have you the faintest idea of its meddling in the internal affairs of countries? (It may be easier to list those that did not have any US meddling.)
Just search for the name William Blum.
For a start try
Or ask a Palestinian child.
Ashan / June 11, 2021
The US has been guilty of many wars and atrocities for sure.
That has nothing to do with Sri Lanka being given vaccines to save their lives.
“President Joe Biden will announce Thursday at the G-7 meeting in Britain a plan to purchase 500 million doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine to donate to other countries struggling with a limited supply, according to three people familiar with the plans.
Of the doses, 200 million will be donated this year and 300 million will be donated across the first half of next year. The doses will be distributed through COVAX — a humanitarian program run in part by the World Health Organization that aims to distribute vaccines fairly — to 92 low-income countries, as well as the African Union.
COVAX’s goal is to make 2 billion doses available to countries in need by the end of the year. So far, about 81 million vaccine doses have been shipped to over 129 participants.”
Native Vedda / June 12, 2021
Aiyoooooooooooooo SJ has serious problem with his Comparative Ethics.
He only remembers American wars and atrocities while conveniently ignoring Chinese ones.
He is growing into a teenager.
Therefore please forgive him.
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
This is why I repeat that we should also beware of chinese agent s.
They dont care the little about the high harm that the inhuman chinese are up to through their so called investment injection s.
If chinese development projects are to bring prosper how come srilanka s economy hovers over to fall to the level of Greece today ?
This is not only to us but also to Pakistan, Maldives , Angola, Nigeria and several other countries where the chinese are toda.😎😎😎😎😎
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
We attacked DJ then but only wayout would be ” middle path of life in terms of external politics”.
Tomorrow ll be too late
Burt / June 9, 2021
“U.S. Assistance to Sri Lanka
Japanese PM Yoshihide Suga has responded positively to a request made by Prez Rajapaksa to supply 600,000 doses
Switzerland said it expresses solidarity with Sri Lanka in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and yesterday delivered over half a million antigen tests, 50 ventilators, 150 oxygen concentrators as well as other medical examination materials worth of Rs. 800 million.Switzerland said it expresses solidarity with Sri Lanka in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and yesterday delivered over half a million antigen tests, 50 ventilators, 150 oxygen concentrators as well as other medical examination materials worth of Rs. 800 million.”
All of the above and more is great but happened to the Corona virus fund the government collected and the private sector gave in millions ???
davidthegood / June 9, 2021
Burt, What happened to the Covid fund is what happened to the tsunami fund and all other funds. Wise people no longer donate to the nation and avoid selendiva transactions which will be fruitful for the 3rd generation. But justice will prevail.
Mahila / June 11, 2021
Hi Burt,
Lanakawata Pinsidhavewa!
Always look at the positive side.
what a blessed and beutiful country but very unlucky.
The problem or issue is that as a country, Lanka has been unlucky, in that rulers are selfish,(hardly magnanimous – you do not get any more the likes of Dtugemunu and Elara Caliber!) killing and overthrowing rulers (due mainly to bad Governance of the ruler) by kinsman more than that occasioned by outsiders or invasions, which has been quite a few.
Why is it like that? And what could be done to alleviate this sorry state of affairs?
Humble / June 11, 2021
China is like a parasite that takes all it can from us, and what they give us always has strings attached to it
What did you expect? China would come and develop sri lanka for free?
SJ / June 11, 2021
What exactly are we?
Captain Morgan / June 8, 2021
“No one has the well-being of the multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, multi-religious and multicultural people of Sri Lanka, closer to their heart than the Government of Sri Lanka. It is this motivation that guides our commitment and resolve to move towards comprehensive reconciliation and an era of stable peace and prosperity for our people.”
Foreign Minister Dinesh Gunawardena voiced those platitudes for the consumption of the UNHRC in January 2021, believing its concerned members to be idiots. Now Jehan Perera seriously suggests that the government keep on repeating this lie! This is an outrageous joke! What type of peace messiah is he?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 8, 2021
“US Government to donate excess stock of covid vaccines it has purchased to Sri Lanka” – Looks familiar similar to that happening in our daily life. We give excess stock of meat we had purchased to our dogs.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 8, 2021
Jehan Perera, you are pretending to be moderate, while in fact you are harbouring Sinhala extremist views. When you say that concept of northern and eastern provinces as being the traditional Tamil land is contestable, you must give reasons backed by scientific evidence. Archaeologically it is evident that original inhabitants of Sri Lanka are Veddhas to east (south of Mahaveli), central and south-eastern (east of Walave) parts of the land and Dravidians in rest of the country. Veddahs in eastern province have become Tamils and are the rightful owners of the province. Stone inscriptions in Tamil found at Mahiladitivu and Kathiraveli in Batticaloa and Weber stadium in Trincomalee carbon dated to be of 2000 years old prove that Tamils lived there such long. Caves in Kumana and Medagama discovered recently had inscriptions in Brahmi similar to those in Tamil Nadu proves that Veddhas who lived in those caves came under Tamil influence. In contrast no stone inscriptions in Sinhala of that antiquity have been found any where in eastern province. Presence of Buddhist temples in eastern province constructed much later cannot be accepted as to presence of Sinhalese.
davidthegood / June 9, 2021
Dr. Gnana, Original inhabitants are not relevant in a country of slaves and forced labor. Not only selling buildings to china, but hidden tsunami and other frauds will find expression in valuable selendiva buildings too. Notice sangha not sought but discarded in this game.
Humble / June 11, 2021
In contrast no stone inscriptions in Sinhala of that antiquity have been found any where in eastern province.
That is precisely why the archaeology task force has been going around the NE planting fake evidence, then using it as an excuse for sinhala land grabbing.
leelagemalli / June 9, 2021
Be careful, we should criticise any wrong doings, but are we that powerful nation to do do? Current so called leaders have us naked also before far poor folks. At thos critical moment we should welcome even if it comes from Ethiopia or not? It is to face our nation. Are we powerful enough reject it? If billion s looted state funds by Rajapakse would be used for the purchase of jabs, we could reject any donations.😎😎😎😎😎we the lankens should be well aware of that we are another poor country. 😎😎😎😎😎
leelagemalli / June 9, 2021
We always overestimate our nation. That seems to have in our Genes. Expatriates know it very well how IC identifies srilanka as another hunger nation now putting behind Bangladesh and today s Ethiopia ☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹☹
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
Dont forget that we today even behind Bangladesh which is yet known as one of the far poor countries in the world.
If our foreign relationship was better with EU,Canada, things would have much better for us today. Rajapakshe pompous politics has kept or people dying like cats and dogs. Time has come Ranil and Cbk to save this nation from Covid they are thousand time humane than weeraketiya pal horu high criminal s😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Kuviyam / June 9, 2021
Sri Lanka never follows the Give and Take policy: It always follows take what you get from different countries:s. Sri Lankan government has no culture in saying Thank you KARMA is working on different forms on Sri Lanka for its disrespect for HR, Yes we Have Toxic oil spill affecting fishing industries and throwing fishermen unemployed, The Bad weather and Floods making many hone less The worst is the 3rd COVID wave is killing without showing discrimination between ethnic groups. The flourishing industry is the coffin-making industry Are any Lous Bud politician have a share in it. China will be very happy to see that bad effects are happening because they can give loans and acquire more lands in Sri Lanka
Ashan / June 9, 2021
We are a nation of takers and give back plenty of criticism, show dissatisfaction, and complain that it is never good enough.
SJ / June 11, 2021
“China will be very happy to see that bad effects are happening”
I can assure you that there are plenty others around here that are happier.
As for the coffin industry, are you sure? It is only cremation for COVID-19 deaths.
Black Lankan / June 9, 2021
Gnana, you must understand that Jehan has to please the sinhala extremism for his survival. If he says the truth that N&E are traditional lands of the Tamils then he will become unpopular in the south and even the GOSL may call his NGO a western ploy. So he has to survive, and please the sinhala masters and the misguided masses. All for a living and survival.
Pandi Kutti / June 10, 2021
Mallaiyuran / June 9, 2021
I do not know with what hand Jehan PhD wrote this, because it is his hand wrote New King should thank Lord Nesby and Lankawe should use him to defeat the UNHRC resolution. Jehan PhD went with Tilak to UNHRC in an effort to withdraw Lanka from UN, instead unlike Communist Dinesh who withdraw only from the Resolution. The Pariah Demulu Dr. Jaishankar personally negotiated for 5L free vials and 3M at $5.50. Lankawe had to sign it and had got the guarantee from PM Modi that he would keep that promise. But His excellence Hitler Modaya, mediated to pay bribes to WHO officials, had China’s experimental drug approved immaturely and buying it at $15.50.
Let us be honest, if President Biden has said he will donate 80M., he cannot easily go back on that. All INGO will keep going after him to give out the promised amount. Haiti, a neighboring country to US, jet to start to jet a jab to one of their junkies. Please let the pride Lankan to allow the really suffering countries to get this donated medicine. Lankawe is pride country just kicked off the $500M of MCC with their left leg.
Sugandh / June 10, 2021
Firstly, doing the right thing isn’t a good will gesture. It’s a moral obligation. Doing the right thing shouldn’t be subject to bartering between states.
One needn’t donations to be motivated to do the right thing. Just as well, one shouldn’t cave into demands of reparation in appreciation of the freebies and with the expectations of more donations in the future or that we receive less reprimand for our future indiscretions.
We do the right thing because we should always do the right thing, including righting the past wrongs.
U.S. is doing the right thing by donating a portion of its vaccine inventory to the underdeveloped states, period. It’s the right thing to help the needy instead of hoarding the excess.
U.S. is doing the right thing having passed a resolution for a political solution to the plight of the Tamil minority in SriLanka, period.
SriLanka should do the right thing, period.
The idea that the double-Paksa government should hold its stupendous tongue responding to the particular U.S. resolution because U.S. is giving free vaccines is ludicrous.
Reality: we have an amoral government. It won’t do the right thing for the right reasons.
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
“Reality: we have an amoral government. It won’t do the right thing for the right reasons.”
Senior diplomats should intervene and help comprehending the danger before us
Fake eggo ruling should be kicked if they let alone today see it right. .
It is like talking to walls Gotlers capabilities are not all its cramped up to be. ☹☹☹☹☹☹
Sugandh / June 10, 2021
Is Jehan Perera suggesting that Federalism is racist!?
Is Jehan Perera equating Federalism to the supremacy given to Buddhism in SriLanka’s constitution (and hence the reference to SL as a Sinhalese Buddhist state)?
JP wove “From a Sri Lankan perspective, giving special status to any part of the country to any particular community would be unacceptable as Sri Lanka is the country of all Sri Lankans regardless of ethnicity or religion. It is a pointer to the need for the government leadership to desist from describing Sri Lanka as a Sinhala Buddhist country with the implication that the ethnic and religious majority has a special place in it. The use by anyone of the concept of ownership and primacy will invariably lead to its counter with similar racist imagery and eloquence.”
This is nauseating!
Humble / June 11, 2021
Jehan perera
If the relationship with one power centre is not positive, it may be possible to approach another power centre.
Translation: If any outsider puts pressure on us to treat tamils with respect, we will go to another power who will give us support in our anti-tamil mission.
SJ / June 11, 2021
There is another mission which has priority, and you know it.
Many Tamils here seem happy about it.
Rohan25 / June 11, 2021
From carefully reading the author’s column, my conclusion is that whilst pretending to be moderate, is only endorsing the prevailing Sri Lankan Government and the view of the vast majority of the Sinhalese, that the island only belongs to them and they do not want to acknowledge the historical fact that, there is an ancient far older Saivite Tamil history in the island, that preceded the Sinhalese Buddhist history and the north and east of the island is the ancient homeland of the native/indigenous Sri Lankan or Eelam Tamils , where they had lived here continuously from ancient times and ruled themselves. Everything ancient and historical in the north and east is Tamil, even the ancient Buddhist monuments. Other than a few border villages, the Sinhalese only arrived here after independence, on a large scale, deliberately planted by the state to change the demography. The Muslims who are ethnic Tamil converts to Islam, from South India, only arrived here a few centuries ago, largely as refugees. For genuine reconciliation this historical truth and recognition, that the north and east is indeed the homeland of the Eelam Tamils is a must and all attempts by others to steal it must stop. What has LTTE , TNA or TULF or any other organization and their agenda got to do with this historical truth.
Rohan25 / June 11, 2021
Deliberately equating Federalism with separation and stalling time under the guise of reconciliation and not granting justice to the Tamils, whilst the settling thousands of Sinhalese in the north and east , to destroy the concept of a Tamil homeland will not work. Various Sinhalese extremist organizations backed by powerful groups now trying plant fake archeological evidence and claim ancient Hindu temples and Tamil Buddhist ruins in the North and East as Sinhalese Buddhist will also not work. The world has now woken up to your lies and fake propaganda.
ramona therese fernando / June 11, 2021
Yes, Americans are generally good-hearted. Hope Sri Lanka accepts these vaccines in good spirit and with the suffering the masses in mind.