By Jehan Perera –
The government comfortably overcame a vote of no confidence in one of its key ministers over the rise in the price of fuel. Those who expected to have greater numbers supporting the no confidence motion miscalculated that the apparent differences and rivalries within the government would be uppermost. Any government, or institution for that matter, would have its internal differences. The current government is better secured against these differences that might otherwise split it into different competing parts on account of the familial bonds that bind the leadership together. The President, Prime Minister, newly appointed Finance Minister, as well as the former Speaker who is now Irrigation and Internal Security Minister, are closely knit brothers who have gone through trials and tribulations together.
An iconic photograph of recent times would be the joy on (then) President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s face when he embraced his brother (then) Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa shortly after the latter survived a suicide bomb attack at the height of the war. The brothers, however, have different strengths and constituencies. They have different groups who follow and advise them, and each of these groups would prefer if their leader was the first among equals. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s comment that he has another eight years in which to achieve his goals has been widely discussed. It would send a signal to others in the polity that it would be premature to gather around another member of the family at this time in anticipation that the baton would be passed on at the conclusion of the president’s current term in 2024.
On his part, the president has been promoting the institution he once served and to which most of his confidantes belonged or continue to belong. The institution of the military is one where the closest of human bonds can be forged, because on the battlefield each depends on the other for their lives. In his early period in office the president has been promoting the military, both serving and retired, wherever he can, as ambassadors to foreign nations, as Covid health guideline monitors and as a supra grade of administrators in government departments. It is often the case that those appointed to these positions are not the best suited to the tasks they have been set to do. But the president evidently trusts them and they are his support base. Unlike any other president in the past, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is not a member of a political party. Civil society organisations have periodically called for a non-party presidency who is non-partisan in decision making.
Challenge Excesses
However, there is a need to challenge the excesses. The president’s pardoning of a soldier who was held by several courts including the Supreme Court to have deliberately killed children and adults, eight in all, outside of the battlefield may be due to his conviction that loyalty to the military counts most. However, the president is expected to uphold the system of checks and balances, and if he favours one institution at the expense of the others, it leads to a weakening of the entire structure of governance. Another looming challenge is that posed to the autonomy of institutions of higher education and specifically the universities. The government decision to vest the Kotelawala Defence University with powers to authorize other institutions of higher education is a threat to the freedom of thought and expression. The military hierarchy who will head the KNDU can be expected to have values that are important to the military, but not to democracy which is based on human rights.
The KNDU law cannot be supported for the reasons shown by the Federation of University Teachers Associations (FUTA) which has urged the government to withdraw the legislation and to limit it to the military. At the same time there are other issues on which civil society can consider giving constructive support to governmental initiatives. For instance they do not engage with NGOs who provide a variety of services complementing the work of the government. The most important of these is the national reconciliation process. There are indications that the government is shifting its stance on the issues of post-war reconciliation. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s election victory on a highly nationalist platform won him a big majority of votes of the Sinhalese ethnic majority. The government felt empowered to publicly declare its intention to withdraw from the post-war reconciliation process initiated by its predecessor government with support from the international community. This was followed by withdrawal from UNHRC resolution 30/1 of 2015 co-sponsored by the previous government.
However, the four subsequent internationally driven resolutions against Sri Lanka emanating from Geneva (UNHRC), Ottawa (Ontario Parliament), Washington DC (US Congress) and Brussels (EU Parliament) seem to have led to a serious rethink within the government about its policy towards post-war reconciliation. All four make human rights and the ethnic conflict their centerpiece. Though not yet publicly commented upon, the signs of change are two-fold. The first is the increased visibility of the US embassy in meeting with the leaders of the Tamil and Muslim parties. The media has reported that US Embassy officials discussed issues of post-war reconciliation efforts, devolution of power, rule of law and the Prevention of Terrorism Act with SLMC leader Rauff Hakeem. Recently, a US embassy delegation led by Ambassador Alaina B. Teplitz held similar discussions with TNA leader R. Sampanthan where the focus was on the proposed new Constitution.
Changing Winds
The second sign of a change is the statement from the Presidential Secretariat announcing a recommendation emanating from the President Commission of Inquiry for Appraisal of the Findings of Previous Commissions and Committees on Human Rights and the Way Forward headed by Justice AHMD Nawaz. This is with regard to the EU call for the abolishing of the Prevention of Terrorism Act long seen by those promoting national security as part of the country’s first line of defence. The Commission said that it cannot agree with calls for repealing the PTA but Sri Lanka’s anti-terrorism law should be reformed in line with similar laws in other countries, including the UK. This would be aimed at affirming Sri Lankan sovereignty and national security interests, which are important to the government’s voter base, while complying with the requirements of the EU parliament which has called for the repeal of the PTA on the grounds that it violated human rights.
The Presidential Secretariat statement also contains a significant section taken from a tweet by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in which he mentioned that “It is the policy of the Government to work with the United Nations and its agencies to ensure accountability and human resource development in order to achieve lasting peace and reconciliation. The Government is committed to providing solutions for the issues to be resolved within the democratic and legal process and to ensure justice and reconciliation by implementing necessary institutional reforms.” This is the first official indication that the government is reconsidering its earlier position that it would blaze its own path with an indigenously generated reconciliation model which would not require international collaboration. In this context it would be useful if the government focused closer attention to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Goals, especially Goal No 16 which calls for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Veteran Tamil political leader V Anandasangaree who has championed Tamil rights for a long time, and whose son is a Canadian parliamentarian, has referred to these recent developments and said that the President who holds the defence portfolio, Prime Minister and Finance Minister being members of Rajapaksa family could ensure genuine post-war reconciliation. He also urged President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s government not to leave the problem for a future administration to resolve, but address it now. If the president is to successfully address the problem that has eluded a solution since independence, and been the biggest disaster to Sri Lanka’s development, he will need to broaden his support at multiple levels. He will need the support of the ruling party led by his brothers as well as civil society, but also that of the ethnic minority parties and the opposition political parties. This will require patience, dialogue and self-sacrifice, and the need to break from the past and chart a statesmanlike course of action.
Captain Morgan / July 27, 2021
I am not commenting on this article but wish to raise another question, possibly off-topic! I want to know why Colombo Telegraph does not publish any articles written by Kishali Pinto Jayawardena. Her articles are real gems and so pertinent with respect to our political scene. I wonder if there are any personal issues behind this omission!
SJ / July 27, 2021
The omission is on your part.
You seem to have missed a few recently.
Sinhala_Man / July 27, 2021
You’re right, Captain Morgan.
She still writes:
And writes well. Incisive and independent.
Isn’t she still on one of those “Independent Commissions” or is her term over, as in the case of Jeevan Hoole?
I have never met Kishali, but I have met her father a few times, and even been to their home in Kandy, near Mulgampola. Isn’t there a road called Primrose?
I know her more laid back sister, Sureni, (elder? younger?) very well indeed. In Peradeniya University – my batch; had English as one subject. I can’t promise results, but shall make inquiries.
Bernard / July 27, 2021
I second this query. KPJ is spot on always.
Ajith / July 27, 2021
Jegan Perera try to convince the readers that Gota and Rajapaksa family is going to change from worse to bright. Rajapaksas are experts in cheating as a family for many decades. Of course they are good at giving promises until they get things done to their purposes and they never talk about the promises after that? Now they are ready to sell part of Trincomalee to USA for billions. Finance Brother came with that money and the talk of reconciliation restart for another two years and after his second term bye to reconciliation.
ramona therese fernando / July 29, 2021
Sell to USA, and the 1/3-1/3-1/3 split will be immediate. After the US doles out a $1-billion to the Rajapaksas, another billion will go to the Hindu part of the separate state and maybe another billion to the Muslim state.
Kiss goodbye to Ancient tear-drop shaped Sri Lanka, folks. Rajapaksa’s will be Kings of Sinhala-land forever. Nowadays, it is all about recourses for major powers, and US will not want any dissention and terrorism – hence the 1/3-1/3-1/3 split. Ancient history and things are non-entities. It’s all about cold hard-cash efficiency.
justice / July 27, 2021
So, this is the way the “legitimacy wind” is blowing !
Murder of five by a former army soldier is “excusable” because of “military bonds” forged during combat !
Just because the motion against increase of fuel prices was defeated?
And, because an unsuccessful attempt long ago to assassinate Gota for his illegal PTA incarceration of hundreds of Tamils, he can now be “whitewashed”? – even though he was enforcer of the illegitimate/unjust PTA?
Videos of captured naked LTTErs being executed by shooting on backs of their heads – filmed by the army itself – widely seen internationally – is conveniantly forgotten!
In the newly proposed military university, Jehan should lecture on “military bonds forged under combat” – he will get an honorary degree!
paragon / July 27, 2021
Eagle Eye / July 27, 2021
In 1976, separatist Tamil politicians adopted Vaddukkodei Resolution to create a separate State for Tamils in Yapanaya who are the descendants of Dravidians came to Sinhale to work for colonial rulers using a bogus claim ‘Traditional Homeland’ and declared war against Sinhalayo. Adhering to the request made by Tamil politicians to take arms and fight until their objective is achieved, Tamils fought against the Sri Lanka Armed Forces and resorted to terrorism to massacre Native Sinhalayo using suicide bombers, claymore bombs, AK47s, multi barrel guns and chemical weapons. The Governments made several attempts to arrive at a negotiated settlement but Tamils refused to cooperate with the Government and continued with the war. Finally, the Government decided to eliminate Tamil terrorists and did that in 2009.
If Tamils who lost the war want reconciliation, they should apologize to Native Sinhalayo for atrocities, war crimes and human rights violations committed against them for three decades and pay war reparations. Ironically, some dumbos expect Sinhalayo who were the victims of the war to apologize to Tamils who started the war to promote reconciliation.
Nathan / July 27, 2021
Eagle Eye,
You are absolutely correct. ‘Tamil politicians adopted Vaddukkodei Resolution to create a separate State for Tamils’. In the same vein, you are absolutely wrong to say that Tamils came to Sinhale to work for colonial rulers’.
Just because you are saying it, it doesn’t become history, does it?
Your version, ‘The Governments made several attempts to arrive at a negotiated settlement’, is a rotten lie. What was the settlement’ that Tamils spurned?
Eagle Eye / July 28, 2021
I should have said Demalu came as invaders before Europeans colonized Sinhale and after Europeans colonized Sinhale they came to work for colonial rulers.
“In the same vein, you are absolutely wrong to say that Tamils came to Sinhale to work for colonial rulers’.”
Anpu / July 28, 2021
Blind Eye
Son of the Lion – Vijya
What is the term to describe his landing in the island?
Eagle Eye / July 28, 2021
Because Tamils rejected devolution and power sharing and continued with terrorism against Sinhalayo to grab their land to create a separate State, hundreds of Sinhala men, women, children and even unborn babies lost their lives and got wounded. Some lost their eye sight, some lost their hands and legs. Tamils who do not care for the lives of Sinhalayo might start talking about devolution and power sharing again but if Sinhala politicians agree to talk about them, they are insulting those Sinhalayo who lost their lives and wounded because of the selfish decision taken by Tamils.
Native Vedda / July 27, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
The new Sri Lankan Ambassador to Germany Manori Unambuwe “floated the idea that an anti terrorism task force on cyber security should established to monitor social media platforms of youth in Europe, especially Sri Lankan Tamils living in the area. – Colombo Telegraph JULY 31, 2020.
I am told Tamils who live abroad (Diaspora) in many countries continue to remember, protest, organise many Zoominars in respect of JULY 1983.
Now tell me Dumbo, what is Manori Unambuwe doing about it?
Did she know what she was talking about?
Where do your dumbo leaders pick these dumbo diplomats, just like you dumbo Eagle?
Siva Sankaran Sharma / July 28, 2021
Eagle Blind with the selective amnesia, there is no such place called Sinhale, a name recently coined by Sinhalese Buddhists Fascists to falesely lay claim to the entire island, using concocted history. However, there many ancient historical references to island being called Chingkallam ( meaning red or copper coloured land in Tamil) and the island being referred as Chingkalla Theevu and its ancient inhabitants as Chingkallavar. Nothing to do with modern day Sinhalese but the ancient Dravidian Naga/Yakka Tamil or semi Tamil speakers of the island, most of whom evolved into modern day Sinhalese. after converting to Buddhism. The ones who remained Hindu or converted to Buddhism and reconverted back to Hinduism, still retained their ancient Dravidian Tamil identity. Sinhala is the Prakritized version of Chingkallam. Sinhale does not have any meaning but Chingkallam does. The lion story was later concocted to justify the name Sinhala. Using ancient Places names like ancient Greek Macedonia or Egypt to describe a new people who later evolved there or migrated there is common. Ancient Macedonia was Greek and ancient Egypt not Islamic or Arabic but now used for a different people, former to a Slavic speaking people and later to largely Muslim Arabic speaking people. This what happened ancient Tamil Chingkallam became Sinhala when a new people evolved there.
Siva Sankaran Sharma / July 28, 2021
Yes European colonials did bring hundreds of thousands of largely low caste Tamils from South India and 99% of them were settled in the Sinhalese South and not in Tamil areas. Other than the estate Tamil population, who still maintained their Tamil identity, the rest of these South Indian Tamil immigrant have now become Sinhalese and make up half the present day Sinhalese population. The ancestors of the so called Sinhalese Karawa,Salagama, Durawa, Hunu, Berewa and many other low and high born Sinhalese are these recent South Indian Tamil immigrants. They hardly assimilated into the Eelam or Sri Lankan Tamil identity. From the 11Th century onwards immigration from South India to the Tamil parts of the island was just a trickle but became a huge sea in the southern Sinhalese parts and most of the present day Sinhalese are the descendants of these post 11th Century South Indian migration waves. 90% or more of this came from the then Tamil lands( Kerala and Tamil Nadu). Repeating a lie always does not make it a truth Blind Eagle.
Anpu / July 28, 2021
Dravidian Blind Eye
Have you done your DNA test?
Siva Sankaran Sharma / July 28, 2021
This person does not realize Lanka is derived from the old Tamil word Ilangu . Meaning bright/radiant or resplendent . Ilangu : To Make it visible/know well, Express well, Bright, Radiate. An important word that has cognates in many other languages and related to words like Ilakkanam(grammer), Ilakkiyam(literature), Ilakkam(Target). This why the in Tamil Lanka is properly spelt as Ilankai. When it is Sanskritized or Prakritied they drop the I and it becomes Lanka.
Anpu / July 28, 2021
Thank you.
Reference material would be useful.
SJ / August 1, 2021
Semantics is a serious subject. But it also allows much room for frivolity.
If you think that people who claim that almost everything worth a mention came from Tamil or was from the Tamils know much, good luck to you.
Old Tamil did not permit eight (டணரலழளறன) of its consonants in initial position in words and an அ or an இ or an உ preceded them when words borrowed from elsewhere are Tamilized.
Indo Aryan languages (Sanskrit and various Prakrits up to modern languages) have no inhibition about a vowel in the beginning and thus no compulsion to drop any.
Draw your own conclusions logically or join the fun of adding to the glory of our ancestry.
Who other than a few Tamils cares?
GATAM / July 28, 2021
Does it matter?
Tamils were beaten to surrender in 2009.
What happened and did not happen since the victory in 2009?
SL failed to de-fang separatists.
That is what matters.
Pandi Kutti / July 29, 2021
Yes Pathima should have also defanged fake Arab low caste, converted immigrant IndianThamizh Thullukans and Thullkachchis like you. Instead Chingkallams and the racist Chingkalla state led by the Rajahpussies and then by Sillysena, who was backed by Hindia and West, encouraged Thullkans and Thullakachhis to lie and become more extremist. Arabize themselves, as a tool to marginalize and steal thousands of acres of lands from the Eezham Thamizh and even claim large parts of their land, as theirs. The result large parts of the Wilpattu wildlife sanctuary was destroyed by the Saitan from Mannar, whose wife has been running a house of horror for poor estate Thamizh girls, by settling fake displaced Thulluka refugees from the south and even from Porukistan. Another Gonibillah or HicchuBallah was made the chief minister of Thamizh majority east . He was busy getting millions of dollars from the Arabian Gulf to radicalize the Thullukans in the east, Arabize them, plant date palms, change all name boards from Thamizh to Arabic, destroy ancient Hindu temples to convert them to shopping malls so that Thullukans can shop, build an Islamic university to produce Thulluka Wahhabi/Salafist radicals for the future, again with money donated from the Gulf and on land donated to them by the Rajapussies in a Thamizh Hindu area.
Pandi Kutti / July 29, 2021
Chingkallams and their Hindian, western and all other backers were thrilled at this result, until the Easter bombing when lots Thamizh Christians were killed. A tool that they created to marginalize and deny the Eezham Thamizh their rights and lands, had become so radicalized, it was moving to the Chingkalla areas too. The result we now see lots of black sack cloth covered Gonni Billahs walking around the streets of Colombo and other big cities down south. Lots of wailing and crying from loud speakers six time a day from newly constructed, housed of wailing. Thulloukans strutting around arrogantly and you now constantly whining and demanding for a separate state for your fake Arab low caste converted immigrant Indian Thamizh refugee people, most of whom only migrated to the island from South India, during the British era.Eagle Kilavan, Ranil did not hand over 1/3 of the country to the Eezham Thamizh. It was theirs from ancient times and it does not matter is they are 11% or 1% of the population, it was their land where they had lived and ruled until European colonization. There were more than 90% of the population in these lands and still the majority population in the north and east, despite all the ethnic cleansing land grabbing and settlement of outside Chingkallams and Thullkans by the state.
Eagle Eye / July 27, 2021
Ranil handed over about one third of the country to Tamils who were only about 11% of the population to stop terrorism against Sinhalayo and waging war against Sri Lanka Armed Forces. Prabhakaran who operated a de facto Government in NE rejected the offer and continued to massacre members of the Armed Forces and Sinhalayo to grab a part of their country to create a separate State. After the Government defeated Tamil terrorists, shameless Tamils once again talking about devolution, merger of North and East and power sharing that they rejected.
Nathan / July 27, 2021
Eagle Eye, I am confused by your final sentence:
‘Tamils once again talking about devolution, merger of North and East and power sharing that they rejected’.
Kindly help me here. When did Tamils reject Devolution, Merger of NE, and/or Power sharing.
We’ll talk later.
Native Vedda / July 27, 2021
Eagle blind Eye suffers from selective amnesia.
Please bear with him.
The only solution is we must stop Mahindapala sitting on Eagle blind Eye’s head.
Eagle Eye / July 28, 2021
“When did Tamils reject Devolution, Merger of NE, and/or Power sharing.”
When Tamils rejected Ranil’s offer and continued to massacre Sinhalayo to grab land belong to Sinhalayo in NE to create a separate State.
Nathan / July 29, 2021
Eagle Eye,
Not so smart buddy!
What happened to the Dudley-Chelva pact Tamils accepted?
What happened to the Banda-Chelva pact we accepted?
Would the outcome have been any different had we had accepted Ranil’s offer!
What happened to 13A?
Did it see the light of day?
Mahila / August 1, 2021
1952 to 2002 is 50 years after first sod was turned, to deprive citizenship to the Tamils of “recent origin” and 45 years after 1956.
Probably it is a bad case of Insomnia and/or conveniently forgetting facts to suit once pleadings from time to time.
Probably the feeding bottle was in the mouth all those years and blocking all other functions of the human being to receive the facts. Hearing, sight etc. failed due to the milk bottle in the mouth for so long.
This failure is totally due to extreme hysterical stress and therefore excused.
Infantile exercise. I would not call it any other.
Pandi Kutti / July 30, 2021
Eagle Kilavan, Ranil did not hand over 1/3 of the country to the Eezham Thamizh. It was theirs from ancient times and it does not matter is they are 11% or 1% of the population, it was their land where they had lived and ruled until European colonization. There were more than 90% of the population in these lands and still the majority population in the north and east, despite all the ethnic cleansing land grabbing and settlement of outside Chingkallams and Thullkans by the state.
Pandi Kutti / July 29, 2021
They were hardly any Chingkallams living there and Chingkallams had no peep in these ancient Eezham Thamizh lands, until the British handed over their lands and the hapless Thamizh to the Chingkallams in 1948, when they had no right to have done this. Now the Chingkallams like you are using fake history and power of the state and the armed forces to steal this land from them. Hindia and West who aided and abetted the cunning Chingkallams , who made lots of false promises are now blinking, as the Chingkllams as usual had taken them for a ride. With China, now on South India’s door step. Damn good for them. They aided and abetted war crimes and genocide and now are reaping the results. However they are still protecting the racist Chingkalla state, despite toothless resolution being passed in the UN and shedding crocodile tears on the plight of the island’s Thamizh. On the ground they are still overtly By the way, how is the Aged Care Home in Melbourne? Heard the lockdown has been lifted, presume you now will be taken in your wheel chair to the local park.
Pandi Kutti / July 29, 2021
On the ground they are still overtly and covertly providing aid the Chingkalla state to complete their structural genocide on the Eezham Thamizh, thinking that these gestures will please the racist Chingkalla majority to throw some crumbs to them, like the Trincomallee harbour. The aid given for so called development of the north and east does not help the local Thamizh but only helps the occupying racist Chingkalla armed forces and establishment and provides employment for outside Chingkallams and schemes for them to settle in Thamizh areas. By the way, how is the Aged Care Home in Melbourne? Heard the lockdown has been lifted, presume you now will be taken in your wheel chair to the local park.
Pandi Kutti / July 30, 2021
Eagle Kilavan, Ranil did not hand over 1/3 of the country to the Eezham Thamizh. It was theirs from ancient times and it does not matter is they are 11% or 1% of the population, it was their land where they had lived and ruled until European colonization. There were more than 90% of the population in these lands and still the majority population in the north and east, despite all the ethnic cleansing land grabbing and settlement of outside Chingkallams and Thullkans by the state.
Eagle Eye / July 27, 2021
“The media has reported that US Embassy officials discussed issues of post-war reconciliation efforts, devolution of power, rule of law and the Prevention of Terrorism Act with SLMC leader Rauff Hakeem. Recently, a US embassy delegation led by Ambassador Alaina B. Teplitz held similar discussions with TNA leader R. Sampanthan where the focus was on the proposed new Constitution.”
Uncle Sam Saranam Gachchami.
Is the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) thrown into the dustbin?
Native Vedda / July 27, 2021
Eagle Blind Eye
“Uncle Sam Saranam Gachchami.”
Actually Xi Jinping Saranam Gachchami
Sheikh Hasina Saranam Gachchami
Narendra Modi Saranam Gachchami
Listen to Buddan Saranan Gachchami – Mohideen Beg
Simon / July 28, 2021
The cardinal rule and the strong foundation for any type of “RECONCILIATION” is “TRUSTWORTHINESS” of the “Leader” who proposes and fosters the proposition. In this particular instance, the “Leader” and the “Proposer” is President Nandasena Gotabaya Rajapakse. Now, how and what measurements are available to us to judge the “Trustworthiness” of this President. I propose the readers make a judgement of his “Trustworthiness” on the following.
(1) Behave predictably and consistently. (2) Communicate clearly. (3) Treat promises seriously (4) Be forthright and candid.
In considering the above four factors, evaluate the “Performances” of this President during the past two years and decide: Can we TRUST this President to make any type of “Reconciliation? To me, “HE” is not measuring up to my standards of “Trust” to make any “Reconciliation”. He has FAILED.
Good Sense / July 28, 2021
Two hundred words are not enough to comment on the contents of the entire article. Therefore, let me restrict myself to the last paragraph. The critical part of the paragraph in my opinion is the part of the sentence “If the president is to successfully address the problem that has eluded a solution since independence,…”. I am keen to know what the problems in specific terms that persisted for so long and what specific solutions are expected for each of the problems. There should also be a narrative as to how the set of problem was not there before 1948 and in that year what happened for the creation of the set of problems.
davidthegood / July 28, 2021
Good Sense, what you write is valid but there are different problems. All see immediate need to get out of debt due to foolish national borrowing for things not generating income. Working with UN, accountability with justice and reconciliation are mere words as there is no trust when it involves mass robbery. The need to get deeper into debt, for financial commissions and money grabbing will lead to apparent selling of national treasure which the sellers have no right to own. Democracy is individual rights and not statism and communism. This could easily lead to an uprising of a civil movement as of now, with disastrous results for generations, even though some leaders have places to vanish into.
Good Sense / July 29, 2021
The reality is that so many thoughtless actions detrimental to the country and its people may have taken place over a long period of time. Wisdom, from a country’s perspective demand amity amongst its people. Since the focus of the paragraph was about reconciliation and about problems that persisted since independence, I am interested to know the specifics. If they can be articulated, and its evolution can be traced then finding a solution cannot be that mind-boggling. Hence list the set of problems that persisted since independence what magic in independence that caused all this and not before.
Humble / July 28, 2021
All this talk about ‘reconciliation’ merely to hoodwink the world.
Look at the ground reality of what is going on in the NE since colonial independence.
Every single sinhala government has played some role in changing the ethnic demographics in that region with help from some treacherous muslims.
Eagle Eye / July 28, 2021
Before Europeans colonized Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo, it was predominantly a Sinhala country. There were few Dravidians in this country who were the remnants of invaders who invaded this country from 3rd Century BC. They were mostly confined to Yapanaya peninsula. During colonial rule, they brought hundreds and thousands of Dravidians to Yapanaya and Central highlands as coolies to work in their plantations and changed the demographic composition of the country. Dravidians (Demala) in the North and East are occupying Sinhala land. Sinhalayo have every right to return to North East where they had their first Kingdoms. No one can stop that.
“Look at the ground reality of what is going on in the NE since colonial independence.
Every single sinhala government has played some role in changing the ethnic demographics in that region with help from some treacherous muslims.”
Pandi Kutti / July 29, 2021
The first Chingkalla kingdom was in Anuradhapuram that was founded long before Chingkallams evolved, by Saiva Thamizh Naga like Kings Mutta Sivan, Ellalan, Thevanai Nambiya Theesan, and later at Pula Nari now renamed as Polonarruwa in Chingkallam, which again was founded by the Thamizh Cholas. All these areas are in the north central part of the island and not in the north and east. Get your history and geography correct instead of rambling nonsense and repeating the same lie again and again, senile old fool. The North and East has always been Thamizh and even your Mahavamsa fairy tale refers to the lands to the north and east of the island as Thamizh lands. Other than the estate Thamizh, who migrated to the island during British times, 90% of all other Dravidian invaders and immigrants to the island from ancient, medieval to very recent time, especially during the Portuguese and Dutch era, when hundreds of thousands of Indian Thamizh low castes from Kerala and Thamizh Nadu were imported and settled in the south to do menial and service work, have all become Chingkallms. Their descendants now make up the majority of the Chingkallams. Have a strong feeling you are one of them, this is why you are so obsessed with Dravidian immigrants, as they are your ancestors.
V.Jegan / July 29, 2021
Eagle should take history lessons. When Portugese came in 15th century , there were 3 kingdoms. Jaffna,kotte and kandy. Tamils didn’t come from anywhere as migrants. Original name for your Sinhale,Srilanka or whatever is EElam. You cannot change the history as some pandits like Paranavithne did.
SJ / August 1, 2021
No lesson can help EE.
He has the great knack of picking out any juicy falsehood out of any lesson.
Meanwhile, should we not pay some attention to racist lies uttered by some Tamils here as well?
You need not go too far to find some.
davidthegood / July 30, 2021
Author JP, Good to affirm sovereignty and security of nation without selling it off to pay loans taken outside our ability to pay as well as releasing jail occupants. Hitler’s occult Thule society deceived the masses to establish aryan alien god men killing jews but stole the so called spear which jabbed Jesus from the Vienna museum believing in luciferian powers. Whether nazi, masons, illuminati or all other secret societies planning to rule the world, our leaders need not follow those who will surely fail like Hitler’s suicide, Saddam Hussein, Napoleon, Gaddafi and the likes not forgetting Rohana, VP, Zahran nearer home. Why travel the obvious path of destruction when there is an assured path of reconciliation, restoration, and revival which has elected leaders with a great hope of expectation, whose rewards are more satisfying than money mania.